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A Litany of Lies, part 1 by Kevin Alfred Strom This article is intended as a kind of vaccine, an inoculation if you will, against

the lies that permeate the airwaves these days, and against the mindset which has allowed these lies to flourish and infect Americans. To a very large extent these lies are Jewish lies, though the mouth that utters them may belong to a Hannity or a Limbaugh instead of a Jew. But the lies of the Jewish establishment, the international Jewish nation-within-nations, all possess a certain formula or pattern, and it is that pattern that I will teach you to recognize so that these Jewish lies will no longer have any effect on you. In fact, after learning the techniques for identifying these lies, you will find yourself laughing at the absurdity and preposterousness of most of them, and your reason and common sense, which the liars suppress by their insidious techniques, will come to the fore and you will no longer be able to take seriously the fictions that hypnotize so many Americans now. You will smile with wry amusement as the victims genuflect and open their wallets and tear ducts, and you will smile with joy as you spread the cure among your family members and countrymen. It's true that during wartime or times of active hostility that all nations -- all governments -will lie. They will lie to the enemy in order to deceive him. They will lie to the enemy in order to better destroy or to kill him. But there is one nation, one people, which behaves as though a state of war perpetually exists between itself and all other nations of the Earth. There is a nation that regards as its eternal enemies all other peoples of this planet, and whose attitude toward even its nominal allies and greatest benefactors is one of total mistrust to the extent that it continually deceives them. It is a nation which even has a special name for all outsiders, for all Gentiles, for all goyim, for all non-Jews. In their own religious writings, Jews even boast of their superiority over the goyim, which they compare to cattle. Cattle, of course, must be herded, and one of the best ways to herd them is to convince them that they ought to go in the direction that their owners desire. Force can be used as a last resort, of course, but if one can convince the dumb brutes that the slaughterhouse is really paradise, then they'll gallop over there with much less trouble. Jewish humor seems universal in this decadent age. It is Jewish humor that dominates our mass media, and perhaps almost all popular humor these days is Jewish humor in the sense that if it not actually written by Jews then it is based on Jewish examples and shares in the Jewish spirit. But there is another Jewish humor, a Jewish humor not intended for gentile eyes, which is found in sources intended to be read only by Jews. In these private jokes, recurrent themes are the intellectual superiority of the Jew, the gullibility of White people and how easily we can be fooled by Jewish deception. As such, Jewish humor is very revealing. One such joke runs as follows: On a train in czarist Russia, a Jew is eating a whitefish, wrapped in paper. A Gentile, sitting across the aisle, begins to taunt him with various anti-Semitic epithets. Finally, he asks the Jew, "What makes you Jews so smart?" "All right," replies the Jew, "I guess I'll have to tell you. It's because we eat the head of the whitefish." "Well, if that's the secret," says the Gentile, "then I can be as smart as you are." "That's right," says the Jew, "And in fact, I happen to have an extra whitefish head with me. You can have it for five kopecks." The Gentile pays for the fish head and begins to eat. An hour later the train stops at a station for a few minutes. The Gentile leaves the train and comes back. 'Listen, Jew," he says, "You sold me that whitefish head for five kopecks. But I just saw a whole whitefish at the market for three kopecks." "See," replies the Jew, "You're getting smarter already." Jewish psychoanalyst Theodore Reik, in his book Jewish Wit which deals with subliminal psychological meanings of Jewish humor, admits the existence of this Jewish contempt for the easily-fooled non-Jew when he notes:

All kinds of deception and cunning, of fraud and trickery, devised and committed by Jews, either to get money or to avoid paying money, are exposed and candidly revealed by Jewish jokes.1 Of course, Reik and the Jewish joke-tellers are wrong if they limit the extent of Jewish lies to tricks that get them money. Far more important than a few kopecks or a few million dollars are the Jewish lies which garner them sympathy and reverence. Yes, I said reverence. For the key to understanding the most dangerous Jewish lies is this: Jews lie to gain sympathy and reverence -- the ideas that they want to plant in our minds are that Jews are terribly persecuted and that Jews are especially holy. To someone whose eyes are open, the constantly-repeated mantra that the Jews are a persecuted people, a tiny powerless minority deserving of our help and deepest sympathy, is an insanely absurd idea. In reality, the Jews are undoubtedly the most powerful race on this planet. As I showed last week on this program, they are probably the fourth largest nuclear power on Earth via their "home base," Israel, and through their extremely influential positions in the media and financial institutions of the West, they have effective control of our political system and the armed might of the most powerful nations in the world, particularly via their control of the one remaining superpower, the United States. In the West, virtually no news is broadcast, virtually no feature film is made, virtually no newspaper article is printed which has not first passed the gauntlet of Jewish approval. Despite this massive power, the Jews paradoxically portray themselves as "persecuted," and a large amount of their deception and lying efforts are concentrated on maintaining that impression among their subjects. In the last half-century, the Jews have concentrated on telling lies about how much they were oppressed and how many of them died in the Second World War, and stories of their sufferings at the hands of the Germans in that war are omnipresent in their periodicals and on their television networks. Ask a schoolchild or your neighbor how many Americans or Frenchmen died in the Second World War, and your answer will be a blank stare or a shrug of the shoulders. But ask about how many Jews died, and the magical number "six million" will spring to the lips of even the dullest. The media bosses have done their job very well. The Jews' catch phrase about what they refer to as the "Holocaust" is "never forgive -- never forget" and of course it is they who will never forgive Europeans for the unspeakable crime of wanting nations without Jewish supervisors; and it is we who must never forget the lesson that to question the Jews' right to own our television networks and control our financial and political system is morally equivalent to -- and literally leads to -- throwing innocent Jewish grandmothers into gas chambers. Do you see how the idea that the richest and most powerful clan on Earth is somehow poor and oppressed checkmates any opposition and gives the Jews even more power? But one weakness that the Jews have is that very contempt for our intelligence, their faith in our infinite gullibility. This weakness leads the Jews to be careless in their lies at times. And that carelessness opens the door to doubt and to reason. This Jewish carelessness causes them to lie in hilariously absurd and contradictory ways. Let's look at one such lie, one of their "Holocaust" lies which they told during the Second World War. As you will see, they can't keep their story straight. In Zurich in 1944, a Jew named Stefan Szende published a book entitled Der letzte Jude aus Polen which was translated into English under the title The Promise Hitler Kept, published by Roy Publishers in New York. I quote Szende's claims regarding Jewish deaths at the Belzec concentration camp:

The trains coming into Belzec loaded with Jews were driven into a tunnel in the underground premises of the execution building.... Everything was taken away from them. The goods seized in this way were carefully sorted out, listed and ticketed and subsequently used for the benefit of the master race. It was to spare the staff at Belzec this tremendous task, which, of course, hindered them in their real job, that later on all Jews were sent to Belzec naked. When trainloads of naked Jews arrived they were herded into a great hall capable of holding several thousand people. This hall had no windows and its floor was of metal. Once the Jews were all inside, the floor of this hall sank like a lift into a great tank of water which lay below it until the Jews were up to their waists in water. Then a powerful electrical current was sent into the metal flooring and within a few seconds all the Jews, thousands at a time, were dead. The metal flooring then rose again and the water drained away. The corpses of the slaughtered Jews were now heaped all over the floor. A different current was then switched on and the metal flooring rapidly became red hot, so that the corpses were incinerated as in a crematorium and only ash was left. The floor was then tipped up and the ashes slid out into prepared receptacles. The smoke of the process was carried away by great factory chimneys. That was the whole procedure. As soon as it was completed, it could start up again. New batches of Jews were constantly being driven into the tunnels. The individual trains brought between 3,000 and 5,000 Jews at a time, and there were days on which the Belzec line saw between twenty and thirty such trains arrive." Now, electrical engineers will be amazed at a "powerful electrical current" that does not obey the normal laws of physics, but then, since Jews don't lie, we must believe that the evil Germans did develop it and use their amazing discovery only at Belzec in a gigantic facility which was never found or seen by anyone. Funeral directors will be intrigued by the other magical "electrical current" created by the Germans which can incinerate not just one body (which can take over two hours in the most modern crematoria) but thousands of bodies in a few moments. And students of demography must also note with amazement the numbers cited by the honorable and inerrant Jews -- if there were 4,000 Jews per train, and only fifteen trains per day arriving at Belzec during the years claimed, 1942 to 1945, then that is 60,000 Jews per day or 21,900,000 Jews per year, a total of 65,700,000 Jews killed. That means that at the Belzec concentration camp alone, four times the number of Jews were killed than existed in the entire Earth at that time. Even if you assume that only a third as many trains arrived as claimed, and that the Germans took holidays off, that still leaves you with the fact that the Germans at Belzec killed more Jews than existed in the world, leaving, apparently, no one to be persecuted at Auschwitz or anywhere else. Now I have no desire to lampoon anyone who has lost a loved one, or to claim that there weren't innocent dead of all races in that slaughter called Word War II, but you have to admit, after reading Stefan Szende with a mind not clogged with superstitions about the Jews' veracity and holiness, that the Jews' claims of special persecution begin to ring a little hollow. By the way, may I remind you that in some nations of the West, it is actually illegal to doubt Jewish lies like these and one can be fined and imprisoned for doing so. That brings to mind the maxim that I stated on this program several years ago: If you want to know the identity of the real rulers of your society, merely ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?

There is historical precedent for these kinds of Jewish lies as well. The Jews always have their "enemy of the moment." For a time this enemy was the Germans, and they lied and agitated the other nations of the West to hate and attack Germany, and they were successful. More recently, they have resorted to similar lies to induce Americans to attack Libya, Iraq, Serbia, and Afghanistan. Now the war drums are sounding, and the Jewish lies are proliferating to get us to hate and attack Iraq again, and the Jews are even floating the idea of making Saudi Arabia the next victim of the cynical American politicians who follow the Jews' lead and the ignorant yahoos who think they are being "patriotic" by killing anyone who the Jews tell them to kill. This pattern repeats again and again throughout history, and at one time it was our racial cousins and cultural forebears, the Romans, who were the focus of Jewish hatred. During the time of the Roman Empire, the Jews wanted to foment hatred against the Romans, and they concocted "Holocaust" stories every bit as absurd and lurid as the ones they concocted more recently about the Germans and Iraqis. One such tale can be found in their holy book, the Talmud, in the Midrash Rabbah, though I think it likely that the story had a wide circulation at the time. According to the Talmud, in the year 132 AD the Romans slaughtered the Jews in the town of Bethar. Bethar was a small town about ten miles southwest of Jerusalem, and it had an area of approximately five city blocks. Professor Arthur Butz of Northwestern University gives its area as about 600 meters by 200 meters. Not only did the Romans kill every Jew in Bethar, but according to the named and "authoritative" rabbis writing in the Talmud, the number of Jews killed there was 800,000,000! Just in case such a number might seem a tad exaggerated to the dirty Gentiles who have forgotten that Jews never lie, the Talmud makes it all clear by informing us that the blood of the holocausted Jews ran to the sea in a huge tidal wave that swept boulders in its path and was so deep that it reached the nostrils of the Romans' horses. The crimson tide of Jewish blood, we are told, roared over 35 miles to the sea, where it stained the waters red four miles from the shore. Not only did 800,000,000 Jews live in Bethar, but they lived in luxurious ease, and within those 600 by 200 meters were 64,000,000 Jewish schoolchildren who attended schools operated by the 400 synagogues. We are additionally informed that the evil Romans wrapped each of the schoolchildren in his scroll and burned all of them, and that the bodies of the Jews were then used to build a wall enclosing Hadrian's vineyard, which was 18 miles square and the Jewish blood that was salvaged from the tidal wave was used as fertilizer for seven years. Wicked persons who doubt that Jews always tell the truth will claim that these figures are impossible, but they forget that Jewish truthfulness is a constant, like the "c" in E=mc2. So, the 800,000,000 Jews of Bethar, if arranged in a square with no space between them, must have numbered 28,284 on a side. And since the area of Bethar is equal to a square 346 meters or 13,638 inches on a side, we can easily reason that each Jew must have been, at the most, one half inch in width. It could be argued that all of Bethar might have consisted of three-storey buildings, which would allow us Jews an inch and a half in width, but if we posit two Jews' width between each Jew to permit some movement, we are back where we started, with Jews that could not possibly have been larger than horseflies. Since Jews always tell the truth, this poses a challenge to the evolutionary biologists to show us how the Jews rapidly evolved from insect-size creatures in only 2,000 years. And historians will be hard-pressed to account for the fact that the diminutive size of the Jews was not noted by any contemporary writer. As you analyze the stories in the controlled media over the next week, to be aware of three things:

1. Jews always have an enemy du jour and that enemy is demonized constantly in preparation for another slaughter directed by the Jews 2. Jews lie when they tell us they are a poor, oppressed, and persecuted minority, and 3. Jews lie when they or their mouthpieces tell us that they are an especially holy people, "chosen" by God or otherwise sacred and virtuous. They depend on this false impression of sanctity and godliness to turn off the critical reasoning faculties of their victims so the victims will easily accept the most absurd lies as true -- lies just as ridiculous as their tales of Belzec and Bethar. More and more people are waking up from these Jew-induced hallucinations. In Europe, reluctance to participate in Boy George Bush's latest war moves has galvanized both the Left and the Right to question the wisdom of fighting the Jews' wars and to question the "moral superiority" of Israel, which routinely massacres children and innocent civilians and openly proclaims a racialist Jewish state while White Europeans are denied the right to stem the tide of Black and Arab invaders of their own nations. In America, we are a little behind Europe in our awakening, due to heavier Jewish media ownership and Jewish corruption and control of some major Christian churches here, but more and more of us are awakening. More and more people are listening to this radio program. More and more people are joining the National Alliance. More and more people are supporting alternative media not under Jewish control. More and more people are buying their books from independent outlets like National Vanguard Books. More and more people are taking to the streets to protest the outrageous lies and outrageous acts of the Jewish establishment. One such demonstration is scheduled for the U.S. Capitol next week, August 24th, 2002. It's expected that up to 1,000 patriots, united under the banner of Taxpayers Against Terrorism will exercise their freedom of speech to say what must be said. We are not going to believe Jewish lies any more. FOOTNOTES 1. Reik, T., 1962, p. 67 The broadcast on which this article was based was aired on August 24th, 2002. On that date, hundreds of patriots from all over North America gathered in Washington, DC for the Taxpayers Against Terrorism rally at the United States Capitol. Even though explicitly threatened with violence by those who oppose free speech for White Americans, members of the National Alliance and other patriots spoke out for freedom and self-determination for our people. We protested against the use of Americans as cannon fodder in Israel's endless wars in the Middle East. We demanded that we stop being taxed to fund Israeli state terrorism and that we stop endangering our own people by being proxies for the Israeli killing machine, which brings the rage of the oppressed upon our shoulders and results in horrors like the September 11th attacks. We demanded that Jews be held to account for their overt murder and aggression in the Middle East and for their even more egregious crimes of genocide by immigration and racial mixing in the nations of the White West. We called for an end to Jewish and finance-capitalist rule of the world -- an end to their genocidal "New World Order." We called for the establishment of a world system in which every people that considers itself to be a people can live under its own government, and preserve its own racial and cultural heritage. And we showed by example that we don't have to be afraid anymore -- that we are standing up in ever-increasing numbers, that the Jewish media's smear words like "nazi," "hater," et cetera simply have no effect anymore when every

person with a heart and a brain can see who the real haters are in this world. And we showed by example that we can do what we must do to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. Let us thank them -- these members and supporters of the National Alliance and other White men and women who have answered the call in their hearts on August 24th, and will answer the call in the future, because they know the justice of our cause. They stand before the cameras, before the violent mobs, and before the eyes of the world. May the honorable people still remaining in the press corps of the world fairly report our vigil for our people. In the previous article, I illustrated the repeating patterns in Jewish lying that allow you to recognize Jewish lies when you hear them, even if the talking head you are listening to is not a Jew. I told you to watch for three major characteristics in Jewish lies: 1. Attacks on the latest enemy who is being demonized and dehumanized, these days usually a pro-Palestinian or a pro-White person or institution, 2. The claim that Jews are an oppressed people, and 3. The claim that the Jews are an especially holy or sacred people. I cited the Jewish holy book, the Talmud, and its utterly impossible atrocity stories as a prototype for the later atrocity stories used against Germans and other Europeans during the Second World War in an effort to get the British and Americans to slaughter them. I showed how absurd were some of the fake atrocity stories used as an excuse for the mass killings incited by Jews during that war, and I warned you to be prepared for similar heartrending tales to be vended to us as the Jewish establishment pulls the strings to get the masses primed for another slaughter in Iraq. The Jewish lies I cited were ridiculous and absurd -- the claim that 800,000,000 Jews were killed in one small town, for example. But not all Jewish lies are so laughably preposterous. The unifying characteristic of these lies is that they are crafted to make us believe that Jews are powerless and oppressed victims in need of our help and our sympathy, despite the fact that they constitute the vast majority of the billionaire media elite and have most of the criminal politicians in their pockets. Why do so many of our people believe such nonsense? What makes us accept the most absurd lies of the Jews is that we are programmed from our earliest childhood to accept the premise that Jews are "chosen by God" and are the holy "people of the book," and are a source of great morality and righteousness. Those of us who have most fully assimilated this brainwashing feel at an almost instinctual level that it would somehow be "going against God" or against morality to doubt what the Jews tell us. Any creature so programmed is totally at the mercy of the programmer. Let's look at some of the practical aspects of this programming. Today it is generally believed that the Jews were the originators of monotheism and that their religion has always been monotheistic. Both of these claims are lies. The earliest known monotheist was the Egyptian king, Ikhnaton, who ruled Egypt from 1379 BC, preceding the Jews' assumption of monotheism by more than one thousand years. The Greek philosopher Xenophanes, born around 570 BC, was the first European to profess monotheism -- and, may I add, a monotheism far more logical, more rational, more elegant, and more in harmony with Nature and science than that of the Jews -- and in this he antedated the Jews by centuries. The Jews of Elephantine left behind a number of papyri dating from the fifth century BC, and from them we learn that the god they referred to as Yahweh was merely the chief of their several gods and, in fact, they provided him with a female god to be his consort. It should be noted that the Jews at Elephantine considered themselves to be absolutely orthodox and

were apparently considered to be so by the rabbis of the recently established Jewish temple in Jerusalem. There are traces remaining in the "Old Testament" showing the original Jewish polytheism, such as numerous references to Elohim, which literally means "the gods," and exhortations not to worship other gods than the Jews' tribal deity, Yahweh, implicitly affirming that those other gods did exist. Most of those writings were amended after exposure to Persian ideas and Graeco-Roman Stoicism convinced the Jews to make the Jewish tribal deity appear to be a universal one. The Semitic peoples of the Middle East, including the partly-Semitic Jews, typically believed that many gods existed, but each tribe worshipped a particular god that was attached to that locality or that tribe. These Semitic tribes often referred to their tribal god by the name "Lord," which was pronounced "Baal" or "Bel" in their native tongues. (The famous contest between "Baal" and "the Lord" was therefore just a story about a contest between two "lords" of two different tribes, and the language as used today is purposely deceptive.) These tribal gods typically had a covenant or agreement with the tribe (or, more exactly, with the tribe's priesthood) to especially favor the tribe if the dictates of the priests were followed by the people. This was a common arrangement among the teeming populations of the Middle East, and the Jews were no exception. According to their own mythology, the Jews were Yahweh's "chosen people." Quite opposed to this tradition at that time was the near-monotheism of Persian Zoroastrianism, which posited an eternal struggle between the one universal god of good and the forces of evil; and the philosophy of Stoicism developing in the West, which affirmed a life force called Providence or animus mundi, meaning mind of the universe, to account for the workings of fate. The Jews' brilliant coup was in hijacking the Stoic's animus mundi and saying that the force behind the universe was really Yahweh all along. This is the Jewish lie that has befuddled our people for millennia and still deludes millions of our race today. It is the lie that facilitates our acceptance of so many others. It is a lie that must be exposed. The real Jewish genius was in taking their old idea of a tribal god, which especially favored Jews, and making him into a universal god, the creator of the universe, the only god, and yet still retaining the god's special favoritism for the Jews, which made the Jews, to anyone who accepted this myth, into an especially righteous "god-people," virtual gods on earth whose statements and very beings must be regarded with a kind of awe; who are listened to in a kind of religious trance in which the most absurd lies must not be questioned because they come from a "holy" source. You can imagine the power that such a myth gave the Jews over any one or any nation that accepted their claim to special holiness. Sadly, many White people today do accept that myth and act accordingly. A creature named Malcolm Hedding, evidently -- I am sorry to say -- a White man, operates an evangelical outfit called the "International Christian Embassy" the entire focus of which is supporting Jews and Israel as the primary religious imperative. I'll quote from some of Mr. Hedding's ravings: As we all know the Word of God calls upon us to pray for Israel and stand with her, as this process of restoration in her national life will culminate with her spiritual recovery and the coming of their Messiah. This in turn will usher in the Messianic Age of peace and glory on the earth. A time when the world will finally have rest from its wars, turmoil and violence. This is the age that we all long for since we will reign with Jesus from Jerusalem.... One does wonder just who "we" are, according to Reverend Hedding. He continues:

Christians owe Israel a debt of gratitude, for ... we received the Word of the Living God from her ... salvation is of the Jews! Repeatedly quoting from Jewish writings that promise "blessings" to those that "bless" the Jews, the program of the "Christian Embassy" is to offer physical support through sending volunteers from Western nations to work for free in Israel; to urge Christians, many of them quite poor I am sure, to send money to Israel; providing Jews with free dental care, free computer equipment, free hospital care, free playground equipment, and even free heaters and air conditioners. All this sent by mostly working-class Christians to the richest people on Earth, who are already receiving over 10 million dollars per day from the American taxpayers and huge amounts from Germany and other nations! They also sponsor a "Churches for Israel" program, from which I quote: Your church can be a "Church for Israel" Your church can: Pray for Israel Host a "Bless Israel" day or event Financially bless Israel Any church or ministry which commits to any of the above choices is a "Church for Israel", and will receive: Regular newsletter especially for churches Regular audiocassette messages to pastors Monthly prayer requests for Israel A Church for Israel certificate Assistance in setting up meetings, tours to Israel and more..... And the "Christian Embassy" behind all these projects is just a small-time operation, a tiny fraction of the overall Christian support for the Jews and their murderous state given by the likes of Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and their ilk! Another organization typifying this mental deformation of our people calls itself "Christian Friends for Israeli Communities," which was founded in 1995 by Ted Beckett of Colorado Springs. This outfit was set up specifically to send money and assistance to Jewish occupiers of conquered Arab and Palestinian land, and it does so by "linking" Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories with specific congregations in the United States. Beckett states that his dream is to provide an evangelical "partner" for every Jewish settlement that wants one, over 100 at last count. The nice church folks "link" with their assigned settlement through faxes, email, pen pals, helping with fundraising (!), and sending free supplies to the occupiers. Each church is also expected to "promote awareness of Israel" in its community, spreading the disease further. Even if you ignore the brutalities of the occupying Jews -- who launch missile attacks on apartment buildings, bulldoze the homes of non-Jews, and kill innocent children with impunity -- even if you ignore all that, it's still against our own best interest to use our money and energy to help Jews when there are White children in this country who will never reach their potential due to lack of funds, and honorable White grandmothers who eat out of dumpsters or go hungry. This insane belief system that makes Jews out to be virtual gods on Earth has sprouted some very poisonous mushrooms, one of them a group of evangelical Christians calling itself "Voices United for Israel" which is supported by Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition, Kay Arthur of Precept Ministries, Jane Hanson of Women's Aglow Fellowship, Brandt Gustavson of the National Religious Broadcasters Association, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and a huge number of White people who have followed the pied piper that tells them that Jews are wonderfully holy folks and that blessing them is the key to salvation.

The Prime Minister of Israel stated before the conference of "Voices United for Israel" in 1998 that "we have no greater friends and allies than the people sitting in this room." Why do these people care so much about Israel? According to the magazine Christianity Today, it is exactly as I told you earlier in this program: Many evangelicals have vivid memories of sitting in Sunday school rooms, staring at maps of Bible Lands and listening to Bible stories week after week. Through such experiences, evangelicals came to view the Bible's story as their own and the land of the Bible as a kind of home away from home. They may not know where their own people were 2,000 years ago, what they lived and died for, what they believed, how their ancestors struggled so that they might live and have the blessings of civilization -- but they sure know, or think they know, all about the Jews; they view Jewish history as their own and call the Middle East the "Holy Land"; and identify with the Jews as a kind of superior and more godly version of themselves. How bizarre, this is and how infinitely tragic. No doubt these "Christian Zionists," as they sometimes call themselves, sincerely believe the Jewish verse they constantly quote again and again: "To the Jew first!" To the Jew first, indeed! Can't you see how insane this is? The Jews support their own institutions, their own state, their own people, as any rational nation would do. But millions of the men and women of the West, White men and women, heirs of the greatest civilization the world has ever known, do not support their own people. With the words written by an alien race -- "to the Jew first!" -- upon their lips, they ignore the basic needs for the survival of their own race, their own nation, and ignore even the cries and suffering of their own poor and destitute, and give their all for the Jews. They justify and support genocide and brutal occupation (if done by Jews), and gladly tax themselves and sacrifice the lives of their children to make it possible. All based on a preposterous hoax that Jews are somehow holy and sacred and intimately connected to God. What fantastic power to control the minds of their hosts the Jews attained when they hit upon the brilliant idea of taking over monotheism and remaking it in the image of their tribal, ethnocentric god Yahweh. Not only will this misplaced loyalty and religious perversion be fatal to us and lead to our extinction in the long run if it is allowed to continue, but it is extremely dangerous in the short term as well. These "Christian Zionists" profess a belief that history is following a divinely preordained pattern, centered on Israel, which can be discerned if one reads ancient Jewish texts with the proper reverence. They believe that Israel's aggression against her neighbors and the driving out of the Palestinians are in accord with a "divine plan" that will culminate in a great battle called Armageddon that will usher in the events of the "end times" and a literal kingdom of God on Earth. Let me emphasize this -- the Christian Zionists want these events to take place to fulfill their interpretation of Jewish scriptures. They want Israel to conquer its Middle Eastern neighbors; they want American treasure and American blood to be used to the maximum extent possible to make that happen; and they want the new world war that this will bring in order for the Jewish "prophecies" to come true. The Jews, of course, must have a hard time preventing themselves from snickering at the Christian Zionists' beliefs, which they certainly do not share. But they exploit their foolish allies to the hilt. When the Israeli Prime Minister came to the U.S. in search of money and political favors, Jerry Falwell mobilized his millions of followers and their churches, stating:

There are about 200,000 evangelical pastors in America, and we're asking them all through e-mail, faxes, letters, telephone, to go into their pulpits and use their influence in support of the state of Israel and the prime minister. Pat Robertson likewise asks his flock, almost every night, to support Israel with money and through local and national pressure. And they do exactly that. From their tenderest years they are programmed to accept Jewish lies as "ultimate truth," and to excoriate as totally evil anyone who would question the righteousness of the self-chosen people. And these "Christian Zionist" fanatics can mobilize, they claim, some 40 million voters. So the politicians sit up, wag their tails, and bark when the faxes and phone calls come in. Recently, House Majority Whip Tom Delay of Texas, speaking to a Jewish group, made the amazing statement that the West Bank and Golan Heights weren't occupied territories at all, but an integral part of Israel. On the television program Hardball with Chris Matthews, House Republican leader Dick Armey actually called for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their own land to make way for Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories. Can you imagine the furor that would ensue if Armey had instead called for the American South and Midwest to be ethnically cleansed of illegal Mexicans?

Such is the power and fanaticism of these zealots who have accepted without reservation or ratiocination one of the most deadly Jewish lies of all -- the lie that Jews are holy, Jews are "chosen," Jews are uniquely "righteous." We must break free of this lie if we are to survive. And we must make sure that our children are not tricked by this lie into surrendering their birthright and their lives on the altar of Jewish supremacism.
Am I asking you to change your religion? Hardly. I couldn't do that in a half-hour radio program even if I wanted to. But I am asking all of you, whatever your tradition or faith,

To use your reason and see these special Jewish claims for what they are: a means to enslave, exploit and use you and your loved ones; a means to divert your love and your energies away from your own people, your own posterity, and your own children and toward supporting the Jews; a means of parasitizing our society that will ultimately be fatal if we allow it to continue.
Post note: The third, and final, part of "A Litany of Lies" will appear in the October issue of Free Speech. It will look at the hypocritical lies Jews tell about race

The Big Lie by Dr. William Pierce

In the eight months since the September 11 attack, I've had probably 50 interviews with people from the mass media. A standard question they nearly always ask me is how have I responded to the attack.

Part of my answer to that question is that I have tried to use the reaction of the government and the mass media to the attack to show that the politicians and the media lie shamelessly and outrageously to the American people about matters of vital importance.
That is, everyone who pays attention to what is happening in the world -- which is to say, everyone except the lemmings -- understands that the attack was a retaliation for the U.S. government's arming and financing Israel's aggression in the Middle East. That is crystal clear. And yet everyone in the government and everyone in the mass media has denied it since September 11. Their standard response to the question, why were we attacked, is that there is no good reason for it. We were attacked only because Osama bin Laden "hates our freedom." The attack certainly had nothing at all to do with American policy in the Middle East or with Israel. We would have been attacked even if we never had supported Israel, they say. Not only did Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney and Mr. Ashcroft and everyone else in the government -- and every media spokesman -- repeat this lie over and over again, but they tried hard to avoid the question. It became Politically Incorrect even to ask why we were attacked. And it was all very obvious -- at least, to the perceptive portion of the population. Usually the politicians and the media bosses have time to prepare their lies more carefully and to rehearse them, but September 11 caught them by surprise, and their lies and their attempts at misdirection were clumsy and transparent: good enough for the lemmings, but certainly not good enough to fool anyone able to observe and think for himself. Usually a clever liar will leave enough ambiguity in his lies so that it's difficult for anyone to say with absolute certainty that he's lying. One can be pretty sure that he's lying, but there's usually a little doubt: maybe it's not really a deliberate lie; maybe it's just a difference of opinion, a difference in interpretation. But in the case of September 11, with the government and the media both claiming that the attack had nothing to do with the government's support for Jewish policy in the Middle East, there's no room for ambiguity: they're lying. And the things they're lying about are not trivial: not the sort of inconsequential lies that politicians always tell to get reelected. The lies about American foreign policy and its consequences are important lies, big lies, lies that impact heavily on America's security and survival. And so nearly every time a reporter asks me about September 11, I use the opportunity to point out that George Bush is a liar: a conscious, deliberate, bald-faced, shameless liar. Of course, he's much worse than merely a liar: he's also a traitor. He has cynically and deliberately violated his oath of office and betrayed America, betrayed our people, and I use the September 11 attack to illustrate that, too. If George Bush claimed that the September 11 attack was not a response to the government's pro-Israel policy simply because he didn't want to be blamed for having a bad policy that got more than 3,000 Americans killed, then he could have set about changing that policy after September 11. He could at least have opened the policy up for discussion. He could have blamed the policy on Bill Clinton. He could have said that it was just one of many bad policies left over from the Clinton era that he hadn't gotten around to changing yet. But there was no discussion, and there were no changes. Discussion of whether the United States should pursue America's interests in the Middle East, or Israel's interests instead, simply is not permitted. It is a taboo subject. And it is clear enough why it is a taboo subject. When Osama bin Laden attacked the United States on September 11, he did much more than send us a message that Muslims are not happy about what the Jews, with the aid and

support of the U.S. government, are doing to the Palestinians. He forced the American people -- at least, the two or three per cent of the American people able to think for themselves -- to pay attention to what their government is doing. He forced the whole subject of U.S. policy in the Middle East into the open: the subject of American interests versus Jewish interests, of Jewish media control and its influence on governmental policy. He broke the taboo. He exposed the treason. In the long run that may more than compensate for the 3,000 American lives that were lost. And of course, the fact that his attack opened up for debate the subject of American interests versus Jewish interests, the fact that he exposed the treason, is the real reason that George Bush hates him enough to start a war to punish him. To be sure, Bush is more popular than ever with the lemmings. They have accepted without question his explanation that we were attacked only because Osama bin Laden "hates our freedom." It is only the thinking minority who have seen his nakedness, and they don't have enough votes to make a difference. Nevertheless, it is the thinking minority, not the lemmings, that will one day judge him and condemn him and hang him. And behind that smirk of his, he knows it. Let's get back again to the subject of lying to the American people. It's something that is continuous and massive. But as I said earlier, there's usually a certain degree of ambiguity to it, so that it's difficult to prove that any particular lie is a conscious and deliberate lie. And so when I encounter a lie that's easy to prove is a lie, I like to use it as an example. There's a Jewish outfit that calls itself "FLAME." That's an acronym for "Facts and Logic about the Middle East." FLAME buys full-page ads in various print media and instead of facts and logic publishes pretty outrageous lies about the Middle East that are proved fairly easily to be lies. I have one of FLAME's full-page ads in front of me now. It's titled "Arabian Fables," and the copy I have appeared in the February 11 issue of U.S. News & World Report. According to the FLAME ad, "the fundamental myth" about the Middle East, is that there are any such people as "Palestinians." Before 1948, according to FLAME, the Palestinians were Jews, and now they are Israelis. But in 1948 Arabs who wanted to take the Jews' land away from them began calling themselves "Palestinians." The clear implication of the FLAME ad is that the people of Palestine always were Jews, and that the people calling themselves "Palestinians" today are Arab interlopers. That is the opposite of the truth. Actually, there are hundreds of books available that were written before the current conflict between Jews and Palestinians began that provide demographic data on Palestine. Just before the First World War, in 1914, Palestine was a part of the Ottoman Empire. In that year the Turkish government took an official census. Of a total population of 689,000, just 84,660, or 12.3 per cent, were Jews, and many of those were recent immigrants who had come to Palestine as part of the Zionist movement. During the First World War, Britain took Palestine away from Turkey and after the war permitted large numbers of additional Jews to immigrate. According to the official British census of 1931, the Jewish population of Palestine had risen to 16.9 per cent: that's 174,606 Jews in a total population of 1,033,314. The influx of Jews into Palestine during the 1920s and 1930s was a source of continual provocation to the native Palestinians, and there were a number of riots and other disorders. Jewish pressure on the British government, however, prevented the British from making any permanent or effective halt to the immigration of Jews into Palestine. After the Second World War, shortly before the United Nations partition of Palestine into separate Jewish and non-Jewish areas, Jews still made up less than one-third of the population of Palestine. The 1946 British census counted 608,000 Jews out of a total

population of 1,845,000. The great majority of these Jews were recent immigrants, whereas nearly all of the Arabs were natives who had roots in Palestine going back many generations. What the Jews had that the Palestinians didn't have, however, was a very substantial degree of control of the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom, and these two countries exerted a decisive influence on the policies of the United Nations. The result of this influence was the partition of Palestine in 1948 into separate Jewish and non-Jewish areas, with the one-third of the population that was Jewish being awarded two-thirds of the land, including the most valuable areas. The Jews immediately set about ethnically cleansing their areas, carrying out a number of horrifying massacres of non-Jewish Palestinians and terrorizing tens of thousands of others into fleeing from their homes, which immediately were seized and occupied by the Jews. In a series of wars since 1948, the Jews, backed by the United States, seized even more Palestinian land. The Palestinians who were driven from their land -- the real Palestinians, whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents had owned the land -- were forced into crowded and dirty refugee camps, where they still live. And whenever one of these dispossessed Palestinians strikes back at the Jews who stole his country from him, everyone in the Bush government, from the chief liar on down, and everyone in the controlled media here denounces the Palestinian as a "terrorist" -- and all of the Sally Soccermoms and Joe Sixpacks nod in agreement. I'll tell you about one of these Palestinian "terrorists" you've certainly heard mentioned by the media if you pay any attention at all to what's happening in the world. He's called Abu Nidal: the most feared Palestinian "terrorist" of them all. The name the man called Abu Nidal was born with is Sabri al-Banna. He was born in 1937 in the Palestinian coastal city of Jaffa. His family was one of the wealthiest and most distinguished families in Palestine and owned, among other things, more than 6,000 acres of orange orchards, which were the major source of income for the family. When Sabri al-Banna was an 11-year-old schoolboy, the Jews seized all of his family's orchards and other lands, all of their houses, and everything else his family owned, and he and his family ended up living in a tent in a refugee camp in the Gaza strip. Quite a shock for a quiet, introverted little boy. The shock led him to dedicate his life to evening the score, to gaining justice for his people, to striking back at the Jews who had stolen all of his family's property and driven them into a refugee camp. He built what was probably the most highly disciplined and ruthless fighting organization on the Palestinian side. He struck not only at Jews but also at Palestinians who collaborated or compromised with the Jews. Whenever Abu Nidal's troops would strike, machine-gunning Israeli tourists at an airport or bombing some Jewish facility in another country, the politicians and the media here always would go into hysterics about Arab "terrorism." I always cheered. Abu Nidal is not some crazed murderer who likes to kill people. He is a Palestinian patriot fighting for his people and for his country in the only way he can fight under the circumstances. He does not "hate America's freedom" as George Bush and the media would have you believe. There is no reason for him to be an enemy of America, except that we have made him an enemy by arming and financing the Jews who stole his family's orange groves and forced him into a refugee camp. Remember that whenever you buy an orange that came into America from Israel: one of those sweet Jaffa oranges that are so favored by New York Jews. That orange is stolen property. It belongs to Abu Nidal. It was stolen from him by the Jew who sold it to you. By the way, a good source of information on Abu Nidal is a report published for the U.S. government in September 1999 by the Library of Congress. It's titled "The Sociology and

Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes a Terrorist and Why?" It's available on the Internet now. Nearly everything that the average American thinks he knows about the Middle East -everything told to him by the government or the media about current events or history in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Israel, or about American involvement in that part of the world - is part of a tissue of lies spun by the Jews to serve their interests at the expense of ours. The lie told by FLAME and published by U.S. News & World Report -- and that magazine, incidentally, is owned by Jewish real-estate speculator Mortimer Zuckerman -- the lie that the real Palestinians are Jews, and the Arabs claiming to be Palestinians are interlopers, is typical. The lies told to the American people by the controlled media and the government and the schools certainly are not limited to lies about the Middle East, however. The same FLAME ad in U.S. News & World Report that we've just discussed begins with a lie that has nothing to do with the Middle East. It's a lie that Americans have been told so often that most of them accept it unquestioningly as the truth: even university-educated Americans who believe that they are sophisticated enough to distinguish Jewish propaganda lies from the truth. This is the way the FLAME ad begins: Josef [sic] Goebbels, the infamous propaganda minister of the Nazis, had it right. Just tell people big lies often enough and they will believe them. The message there is clear: the Nazis advocated fooling the people by telling them big lies and repeating those big lies frequently. Right? We've all been told that a thousand times, haven't we? We learned it in school. We heard it on television. Half the politicians in Mr. Bush's government undoubtedly have warned us at one time or another about the Nazi "big lie" propaganda technique. Usually, however, the principal Nazi advocate of the "big lie" is named as Adolf Hitler rather than Joseph Goebbels. We've all heard about Hitler's "big lie" technique. And so we all should be grateful to the Jews for warning us about it. Right? I mean, no matter what we think about Jews otherwise, we at least owe them for warning us about Nazi lies, don't we? You know, I used to believe that myself. But I was fortunate enough to know someone who told me that it wasn't so. This person told me that neither Hitler nor Goebbels had advocated the "big lie" technique for deceiving the public. He told me that the opposite was true: that in fact Hitler, far from advocating the use of the "big lie," had warned his people that the Jews use this "big lie" technique, and that the German people should be wary of it. Well, when I hear something like that, my tendency is to check it out for myself. I don't accept many things on faith. And when my friend told me that Hitler had neither invented nor advocated the "big lie" after I had heard so many times in school and on TV that Hitler had done those things, at first I didn't believe him. I checked it out for myself, and that's what you should do. I got a copy of Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, from the library, and I read what Hitler wrote back in 1925 about propaganda and lying and about the Jews. You know, Mein Kampf, is still in print today. If you can't find an English translation of the book in your local library you can buy a copy from or from Barnes & Noble. Or, better, you can buy a copy from the sponsors of this program, National Vanguard Books. They stock and sell both the original German edition and two different English translations. Anyway, I'll read to you exactly what Hitler wrote about the "big lie." I'll read from the Ralph Manheim translation that is currently published in this country by the Houghton Mifflin Company. In Chapter 10 of the first volume of Mein Kampf

Hitler writes about the role of Jewish-Marxist propaganda in bringing about the collapse of the German war effort during the First World

War and then blaming that collapse on German General Erich Ludendorff:
It required the whole bottomless falsehood of the Jews and their Marxist fighting organization to lay the blame for the collapse on that very man who alone, with superhuman energy and will power, tried to prevent the catastrophe he foresaw and save the nation from its time of deepest humiliation and disgrace.

By branding Ludendorff as guilty for the loss of the World War, they took the weapon of moral right from the one dangerous accuser who could have risen against the traitors to the fatherland.
In this they proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds, they more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others; yes, even when enlightened on the subject, they will long doubt and waver and continue to accept at least one of these causes as true. Therefore, something of even the most insolent lie will always remain and stick -- a fact which all the great lie-virtuosi and lying-clubs in the world know only too well and also make the most treacherous use of. The foremost connoisseurs of this truth regarding the possibilities in the use of falsehood and slander have always been the Jews; for after all, their whole existence is based on one single great lie, to wit, that they are a religious community while actually they are a race -and what a race!

One of the greatest minds of humanity has nailed them forever as such in an eternally correct phrase of fundamental truth: he called them 'the great masters of the lie.'
And anyone who does not recognize this or does not want to believe it will never in this world be able to help the truth to victory. Now, I ask you: does that sound as if Hitler invented the "big lie" or was advocating its use -or does it sound as if he were condemning this as a Jewish technique and warning his fellow Germans about it? What do you think? It's too bad he didn't warn us Americans too, because over here the Jews have used the very technique of which Hitler warned in 1925 to put the blame on Hitler himself! I guess that all it takes is enough chutzpah, as they proudly call it. And it certainly took chutzpah on the part of the Jews who wrote that FLAME ad accusing the Palestinians of being interlopers in Palestine and furthermore accuses them of using the "big lie" technique when the Palestinians charge that it is the Jews, not they, who are the interlopers.

The brazenness of the Jews really takes one's breath away.

Anyway, I apologize for reading such a long excerpt from Mein Kampf, but it does give us just one more really clear-cut and unambiguous example of the way in which the Jews in the media and their collaborators in the government lie to us with the utmost brazenness and arrogance.

Free Speech
Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write. John Adams 1765


Feature Articles by

Kevin Alfred Strom


FREE SPEECH is published monthly for supporters of American Dissident Voices, Americas only uncensored patriotic radio program. Single copy price $4; 10 copies (of the same issue) for $10. Basic subscriptions are $40 per year. Defenders of the First Amendment, who donate $300 per year or more, will also receive audio cassettes of each weekly broadcast. For $400 per year, instead of audio cassettes, you will receive audio CDs.

A Litany of Lies, Part 3 ~ Real Homeland Security ~ White Men in Suits ~ The Killing of Whites Has Begun: Zimbabwe ~ The Killing of Whites Continues: South Africa

A Litany of Lies, Part 3

The greatest and most dangerous lie that the Jewish establishment injects into our minds is the lie of human racial equality. This equality lie is dangerous because it leads, ultimately, to racial mixture and racial mixture leads to the extinction of our people (and indeed of any people who practice it). The idea of racial equality has been made by the Jewish media into a kind of religion, a dogma that is only questioned by the evil and the immoral, and in many countries it is actually a crime to question it. The Jewish-sponsored hate crime laws are a step toward such thought crime laws here in America. It is tragic that, to many White people today, the idea of racial equality has been drummed into their heads almost from birth to the point where it is accepted as an axiom, an assumed part of the nature of reality. Racial equality is thought of as being so obvious that only the most
Box 330 Hillsboro WV 24946 $40/Year

One of the most moronic assertions made by equality believers is that the only difference between the races is skin color. Study the profile photograph of the greatest American Black, Martin Luther King, Jr., and compare it to that of Whites and Jews.

ignorant uncivilized yahoos would ever question it. White people who believe in this lie of racial equality dont realize that they have been conditioned to believe in it unquestioningly, religiously, specifically so that they will not reason about itbecause the lie of racial equality cannot stand the light of day, and a few minutes reflection will suffice to show how utterly absurd a lie it is, just as absurd as the other Jewish lies Ive exposed in earlier programs in this series. Racial equality is a fantastic delusion, belief in which is equivalent to belief in leprechauns. There is not a whit of evidence for it. It is essentially a religion. Not only are races and individuals manifestly not equal, but equality of any kind is quite rare in the real world when we get above the molecular level. Race is omnipresent. Equality is non-existent.
FREE SPEECH for October 2002

The equality faith can take several forms, though its worshipers, realizing that exact definitions are abhorrent to what they know in their hearts, usually gloss over the differences: Variation 1. The belief that all human beings, and all races, are actually equal, and that only the naughty environment and wicked racism make it seem not to be so. If only we could make everyones environment precisely equal, and enslave or kill all evil racists and other noticers of facts, everyones blessed equality would finally shine through. (One would think that the mammalian brain could do better than thisbut apparently not.) Variation 2. A slightly less nutty variant is the belief that, while it is admitted that races and individuals are not equal, there is some moral good in attempting to make them so, and in pretending that they are in fact so, and in punishing those who refuse to pretend. Variation 3. If type one is the stupidest variation on the equality faith, then this is the craziest: the belief that although we see evidence of individual and racial inequality all around us every dayin some unseen, higher, or spiritual sense we are all equal. This seems to posit some undiscoverable, unmeasurable, and possibly magical something which exists in some other dimension or plane of existence, and which is believed, oddly enough, to inhabit all humans, even the most degraded or defective, yet is possessed not at all by other animals. Though no one has ever seen this magical something, the believers know in their hearts or just feel that it must be true.

probably decades hence, when the consequences of multiracialism will cause the Jewish billionaire media elite to lose much of its current power to indoctrinate and persecute. Personally, I dont think the equality nuttiness has enough staying power to survive even a generation of hard reality away from the daily indoctrination of the emotion-box called television. One of the most moronic assertions made by equality believers is that the only difference between the races is skin color. How utterly absurd. Imagine Whoopi Goldberg painted white. Would she look like a White woman? Hardly. Imagine Apollo painted Black. Would he look like a Negro? Ridiculous. Skin color has very little to do with it.

An anthropologist specializing in human bone structure would identify the Jew Alan Greenspan as being of central Asian origins. Note that the forehead slopes sharply back immediately above the eyebrows. Silhouettes of the major races, in which skin color cannot be distinguished, are easily identifiable. Negroes and Bushmen and Australian Aborigines are different racially, but their skin colors are essentially the same. The lightest Japanese and some Europeans have similar skin colors, but are quite different racially. The American Indians and modern Egyptians have similar skin colors, but belong to totally different races. Many Hindus and Latinos are indistinguishable as far as skin color is concerned, but they certainly dont belong to the same race.

Race is omnipresent. Equality is non-existent.

The equality religion is truly insane. And its insanity infects other religions and also particularly infects those who falsely believe that they have liberated themselves from religion. The really interesting question is: how long of a run will this particular faith have in the West? The real test will come

Forensic anthropologists are able to make racial identifications based on only a few bone fragments. Skin color has little to do with it. Not too many years ago, the equality worshipers were claiming that not only were the races genetically different, but also they were different enough so that interracial crossings invariably produced what is called hybrid vigor. Hybrid vigor is a concept useful to plant breeders, who noticed that the first generation of crosses between plant subspecies often had longer lives and greater stamina than the parent plants. Despite the fact that this effect has never been noted in humans, the concept was hijacked and used to tell the boobs, in effect: See, race-mixing is good for you! Racially-mixed offspring will be smarter and stronger and longer-lived than racially pure children! Hybrid vigor means that we should mix the races because of the genetic difference between the races! But now the Jewish media claim that the hybrids werent hybrids at all since race does not exist and, in their own words, the genetic differences between individuals are greater than those between races. They claim that race is purely a human mental construct, an idea with no physical reality at all. If race does not exist, as they now claim, where in Hell did the hybrid vigor come from? Of course, both the vigor claim and the there is no such thing as race claim are blatant lies, so why should they be consistent as long as the dupes have short memories? The fact that their successive positions are absolutely contradictory does not even embarrass them. Perhaps, like religious zealots, they do not even notice the paradox and, even if they did, would dismiss it since reason and logic and even truth are irrelevant when one is fighting for moral good, as many of the equality believers sincerely though stupidly believe themselves to be doing. But the Jewish authors of the lie know it is a lie. They are not stupid enough to believe in the equality religion that they created for us, unless, as Revilo Oliver pointed out, they have a mentality in which truth is defined as whatever is good for the Jewish people. Their race is chosen. Their race is holy. Their

FREE SPEECH for October 2002

2003 National Vanguard Books

Forensic anthropologists can determine the race of a long dead human just by studying facial and other bones. The men profiled here are the Reverend Al Sharpton, Senator Carl Levin, and former President Bill Clinton. Is it any wonder that the media avoids showing the profiles of non-Whites? Race is omnipresent. Equality is nonexistent. Every species, plant and animal, that exists or has ever existed on this planet has developed through racial variation, and therefore it is abundantly evident that races exist. Every case of speciation necessarily begins with very small variations, some barely noticeable, which eventually become more numerous and/or pronounced with the passage of many generations, until a new race is produced. Over time, racial differences increase and a new species may be born. Without such racial variation, speciation and therefore the development of life itself could never have happened. This certainly applies to humans who are no more exempt from these natural laws of race-formation than we are from the natural laws which guarantee that a fall from 10,000 feet onto hard rock will occur at a certain velocity and will certainly be fatal. These laws of raceformation and racial inequality would be true even if humans did not exist and no one had ever bothered to ponder where the subspecies boundaries lie (a necessarily arbitrary point on what is really a continuum) or even think of the concepts or the words race and subspecies. Race is omnipresent. Equality is non-existent. Since the existence of races and their inequality predate not only the existence of the human mind but also predate the evolution of animal life on this planet, the Jewish assertion that they are purely human mental constructs is ridiculous. Race is omnipresent. Equality is nonexistent. Without the existence of measurable differences between races in bone structure, many murder investigations would grind to a halt. Listen to the words of a forensic anthropologist:
Physical Anthropology is the study of man as animal, and is mainly concerned with human variation and human evolution. Forensic Anthropology is that branch of Physical Anthropology which, for forensic purposes, deals with the identification of more or less skeletonized remains known to be, or suspected of being, human. The identification process undertakes to provide opinions regarding race, sex, age, stature, and such other characteristics of each individual. But it is quite recent that Forensic Anthropology has developed as an area of specialization. It was not until just after World War II that there was more than an occasional demand for the services of the expert in the field of skeletal identification. With the massive programs for the repatriation of U.S. dead from World War II and the Korean War, anthropologists were employed full time in the identification of human remains. In recent years, human exchanges among nations have become more and more brisk in Japan. Under this situation, some foreigners are involved in murder cases or accidents. Therefore, race identification is a most important subject. In my lectures, the racial characteristics of the caucasoid, mongoloid and negroid and the differentiation between Japanese, Chinese and Koreans observed on the skeleton are presented.

Silhouettes of the major races, in which skin color cannot be distinguished, are easily identifiable.
race needs exclusive living space. Stop being a dupe. Stop believing Jewish lies. Our race needs exclusive living space too. Race is omnipresent. Equality is non-existent. Actually, the words race and subspecies are synonymous. Without the branching of species into races, and the eventual branching of the races into separate species, life as we know it could never have developed on this planet. It is ridiculous to assert that this process has not happened to humans, or that it has somehow magically ceased to happen. Some with an ideological axe to grind, or a stain in their own background, will make much of the fact that the boundaries of the races are not hardedged. This is true, but irrelevant. The boundaries between pre-man and man were also not hard-edged when we were diverging from our pre-human ancestors. That racial division led to a very significant speciation indeed. And I am sure that few would assert, because the Earths atmosphere possesses no hard-edged boundary with the emptiness of interplanetary space, that the atmosphere does not exist or that it is identical to a vacuum.

Box 330 Hillsboro WV 24946 $40/Year

FREE SPEECH for October 2002

Lest you think I am quoting the words of some horrible White racist, may I point out to you that those are the words of Masatsugu Hashimoto, Ph.D, a lecturer on racial identification through skeletal and dental remains at Tokyo Dental College. And Dr. George Gill, a professor of anthropology at the University of Wyoming and a forensic anthropologist at the Wyoming State Crime Laboratory states:
First, I have found that forensic anthropologists attain a high degree of accuracy in determining geographic racial affinities (white, black, American Indian, etc.) by utilizing both new and traditional methods of bone analysis. Many wellconducted studies were reported in the late 1980s and 1990s that test methods objectively for percentage of correct placement. Numerous individual methods involving midfacial measurements, femur traits, and so on are over 80 percent accurate alone, and in combination produce very high levels of accuracy.

Each race has unique characteristics that ought not to be lost in a general chaos of crossbreeding, which is apparently what the Jews want for all non-Jews. The European race produces geniuses at higher rates than even some races which have slightly higher average IQs. It produces highly superior intellects at roughly ten times the rate, and morons at a tenth of the rate, of the lowest races. It has an excellent historical record of creativity and civilization-building. Even the other races would lose immeasurably should the White race be crossbred or outbred out of existence.

What about the Jewish assertion that there is more variation within races than there is between races, and therefore theres no such thing as race? Thats a very good example of a Jewish lie, since it seems plausible on the surface, yet in reality it is a hypocritical trick. Its also true that there is more variation among men in almost every physical characteristic than there is average variation between men and women. So therefore sex is a human mental construct and theres no such thing as sex. Its also true that the average difference in height between corn plants and sequoias is less than the difference between the shortest and tallest sequoias, so therefore its wicked to say that corn plants and sequoias are different in height. And its the same logic that says that the difference in intelligence between the smartest White person and the dumbest White person is far more than the average difference in intelligence between Blacks and Whites. So therefore there is no difference; the races are equal; and race does not exist! Can you see how you have been tricked? Stop believing the Jewish lies that are killing you. Race is omnipresent. Equality is non-existent.

Jerry Springer is a prominent Jewish television personality. Despite his blond hair and light skin tone, his alien facial features reveal his nonEuropean origins. Theres no sin against the environment or against Life worse than that of eradicating this unique and beautiful creation of Nature, which is exactly what our current equality mania and its promoters are doing. Theres also a humanitarian argument against multiracialism. What were doing now with mass immigration and forced association laws is quite similar to forcing grizzlies, polar bears, and black bears to live together in an enclosed area. A lot of the bears are going to kill or eat each other. Some of them are going to mate with the other types and create hybrids which will encourage more mixing. The hybrids will inherit conflicting instincts and inclinations, and even the remaining original bears will suffer stresses from the extremely unnatural situation they are in. (At least

the poor bears probably cant be propagandized into thinking that their predicament is somehow morally good.) The end result, if all the populations of these bears were so treated (essentially how all formerly White nations are being treated these days), would be loss of the unique characteristics of each bear type a tragic extinction. It would be an obscene cruelty to do this to bearsand it is an intolerable crime to do it to our children. Actually, considering that the founding race of Western Civilization has now touched the face of the Moonan act possibly comparable to the first emergence of proto-amphibians from the seathe question of whether the speciation of the human races shall be terminated or allowed to continue may well determine the future of Life in the universe. So what are we left with when dealing with these toxic Jewish lies, lies specifically crafted to kill us? The Jews cries of oppression are usually false: they are powerful and united and have survived as a dictinct people for millennia. The Jews claims of holiness are founded on fraud. Not only are they not especially righteous, but their entire existence is predicated on exploitation of their host peoples, whom they deceive with lies. Their claims to unmixed descent from holy tribes is also highly suspect. (See Kevin Stroms broadcast The Oldest Story available in the Free Speech section of the web site.) And their lies about race are expressly designed to result in the genocide of our race because Jews perceive that that would be of benefit to them. Thus they are themselves guilty of the murderous intent and acts which they falsely attribute to others. Stop believing Jewish lies. From this moment forward, start really living. Start thinking independently. Turn off your television. And join with the men and women of the National Alliance in making the future safe for White children. This article is based on the American Dissident Voices program A Litany of Lies, Part 3, aired on August 31, 2002.

FREE SPEECH for October 2002

2003 National Vanguard Books

Taxpayers Against Terrorism Protest

by Kevin Alfred Strom My wife and I attended the Taxpayers Against Terrorism protest in Washington on August 24th, 2002, and let me tell you something: It was inspiring. It was inspiring to see a column of racially conscious White people marching from Union Station to the Capitol, a line so long that it spanned several large city blocks, a line so long that it was difficult to see the end if you were marching near the front as we were, a line so long that the chants from the rear literally could not be heard at the head of the line. It was inspiring to stand amid the neo-classical monuments to Euro-American greatness the Capitol, the Washington Monument, the magnificent sculptures and raise our banners high to demand freedom and self-determination for our people and for all peoples oppressed by Jewish power. The number of our marchers was at least 500, based on my own count and those of others who were there. That number is conservative: Chief Terrance W. Gainer of the U.S. Capitol Police said there were as many as 1,000. What is certain is that National Alliance members and supporters far outnumbered the opposition, a ragtag collection of about 150 Jewish, communist, and anarchist fanatics who had vowed that we would not pass, but only succeeded in throwing two rocks, one at the police and one that landed at my feet. These filthy and diverse counterprotestors, wearing masks, flaunting their sexual perversions, displaying and shouting communist slogans and the foulest obscenities imaginable, made quite a contrast to the decent and disciplined marchers on our side a difference that I am sure was not lost on the spectators there or on those who read the alternative media, where the march was presented in a fairly balanced fashion. The Jewish-controlled media, of course, twisted the facts to suit their agenda. With very few exceptions, they
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Jewish counterprotestor abuses DC cop failed to show the frenzied rage, hatred, and threats of violence from the antiWhite side. With very few exceptions, they did not report in their articles on the protest, that earlier that morning a band of anti-White thugs viciously attacked a group of Alliance members and supporters at a hotel in Baltimore, assaulting the patriots with hockey sticks, pipes, knives, boards with nails, steel pipes, skate boards, baseball bats, and tire irons. The results of the pro-Jewish thugs criminal attacks were these: the White people defended themselves, all 40 attackers were arrested (many of them hiding in the hotel after being repulsed), the march went on successfully as scheduled, and numerous anti-White thugs now find themselves justly charged with serious felonies. The Jewish media concentrated their photos and coverage of our march almost exclusively on the few protestors who chose Third Reich garb and symbols. Watching the Jewish lie-machines, one could never see the rally the way it really was: A sea of intelligent, attractive White faces from all age groups and social classes, united in demanding an end to Jewish control of our destiny; a field of the bright and beautiful Life Rune flags of the National Alliance interspersed with American flags, flying high and proud; and, above all, the smiles, the handshakes, the embraces, the laughter, the words of love and support, and the camaraderie of the men and women who have pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to the only Cause that really matters. To every reader of the alternative media and every spectator who was there, however, the twisted news reports were obvious lieslies which will become ever more difficult to maintain as increasing numbers of the more intelligent and independent awaken to the reality of Jewish criminality, Jewish oppression of our people, and Jewish lies.

The Life Rune is the symbol of the National Alliance.

FREE SPEECH for October 2002

Real Homeland Security

When I went to a major metropolitan airport a few weeks ago, I was impressed by the security measures that had been put in place since the September 11th terror attacks last year. I was impressed not by the increase in security precautions, which were mildly in evidence, but mainly by the fact that very little had changed. The security personnel were as blas as ever, as scruffy, poorly uniformed, and as Third World as ever. The crowd of passengers that was going through security that day was a fairly White crowd, with a few prosperous Blacks and Asian tourists thrown in; but the vast majority having their luggage and shoes electronically scanned looked like White Americans and Europeans, with familiar, friendly faces, hardly the sort that youd expect to brandish box cutters and fly a plane into the side of a skyscraper. You couldnt say the same for the security personnelonly a small minority of them were White Americans or any kind of White anything. Quite a few looked like they could be Mohammed Attas cousins. Youve probably read in the press that the security systems at our airports would be federalized and staffed by highly-trained, highly-paid experts. Perhaps a vision of guys looking like senior Secret Service men or Marine Corps officers flashed into your head. Think again. All those promises meant was that the same people who failed before would take some extra courses and get bigger paychecks signed by someone else. Let me tell you something: training cant turn foreigners into loyal, dedicated White Americans. With people like this guarding the portals to the 747s, its not surprising that airport security is far less effective than the government promised it would be. A recent investigation performed by the government itself showed that our airport security measures are failing miserably. The Inspector General of the U.S. Transportation Department conducted a number of tests in which undercover agents attempted to smuggle knives, weapons, and simulated explosives through security at 32 separate airports. They found that 30 percent of the guns, 70 percent of the knives, and 60 percent of the bombs made it onto the planes without any trouble at all. And if you think that these screeners even know who is getting on your flight, youre wrong about that too. Back in February, a reporter for CBS bought a fake drivers license for $150 and made it through security at every airport she tried. The fake license was looked at over 20 times, she said, and never once questioned. terror attacks before we would ever do anything that smacks of racism. So racial profiling is out and White grandmothers from Iowa, and blondhaired Boy Scouts, and freckle-faced moms flying with their children will be selected for so-called random checks, while Jews, Arabs, and other Middle Easterners flying on the same flight will be spared. If ever there was a sign that the belief in racial equality is insane, this is it. Never mind that all of the terrorists implicated in the September 11th attacks were Middle Easterners, in this case Arabs striking at what they saw as a center of Jewish power in the U.S. Never mind that all of those involved in the 1998 bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were Middle Easterners, too. Never mind that all of those arrested in December for planning the bombings of a Mosque and the office of a U.S. Congressman in California were of Middle Eastern descent, in this case Jews planning to kill other Middle Easterners in this country. Never mind that all of those implicated in the bombing at the World Trade Center in 1993 were Middle Easterners, in this case Moslems who some say may have had contacts with Israeli intelligence. Never mind that Robert Goldstein, the man charged in August with plotting to bomb dozens of schools and houses of worship in Florida was of Middle Eastern descent, in this case a Jew plotting to kill other Middle Easterners: Arabs and other Moslems living in the U.S. Does anyone notice a pattern here? Does anyone notice that theres a war between two groups of aliens, two groups of Middle Easterners, Jews and Arabs, and that theyve brought their war to our shores and thereby caused the deaths of thousands of Americans? Does anyone seriously think that its unreasonable to look with greater scrutiny on Middle Easterners when it comes to security, when it comes to protecting our lives and the lives of American women and children?

Quite a few airport security personnel look like they could be this mans cousins. He is Mohammed Atta, a suspected ringleader of the September 11 attacks. The FBI believes he piloted the first plane that struck the World Trade Center. In fact, the government is so wedded to the idea of racial equality that it even refuses to give additional scrutiny to young Middle Eastern males traveling on our nations airlines. That, you see, would be racial profiling, and we all know that even noticing that someone is of a different race, even if individuals of that race are known to be criminals at a much higher rate than Whitesor to be nationals of countries that for all practical purposes are at war with us, is racism. And we should be willing to cut off all our limbs and let our children and brothers and sisters and parents die in

FREE SPEECH for October 2002

2003 National Vanguard Books

But the ideology of multiracialism is not reasonable. It is the epitome of unreason. So naturally, were all supposed to believe that checking the bags of Middle Eastern Moslems with extra care would be racism and therefore evil, and any extra scrutiny of Israelis or other Jews

Dr. Robert Goldstein, a Seminole Florida podiatrist, was arrested during a routine domestic disturbance call on 22 August 2002. Evidence indicates he planned to bomb Islamic mosques and cultural centers in Florida, and he possessed a list of 50 of them. He had a large arsenal of bombs and guns including: 37 destructive devices and other explosives and components used in making bombs, two .50 caliber machineguns, two light anti-tank rockets, and 38 other firearms. A single one of his bombs could destroy an entire townhouse. A member of Goldsteins gang said Robert Goldstein targeted the Islamic Center in St. Petersburg to retaliate against Arabs and Muslims. Goldstein allegedly described his objective in notes the police seized: OBJECTIVE: Kill all rags at this Islamic Education CenterZERO residual presencemaximum effect. Goldstein, 37, a Jew, is charged with possession of non-registered destructive devices and attempting to use an explosive to damage and destroy the Islamic centers. When taken into court Dr. Goldstein sobbed and gagged into a tissue paper and he, appearing dazed, stared straight ahead.

would be anti-Semitism and therefore morally wrong. Racial profiling is exactly what we need. But far more important than the question of allowing rational racial profiling at our airport security checkpoints is this question: Why are these Middle Easterners allowed to immigrate to our country at all? Why are they allowed to man our security checkpoints and have access to our military and commercial secrets? Why are they allowed to come here and bring their ancient hatreds and wars with them, putting the American people at risk? Why is the most obnoxious tribe from the Middle East, the Jews, allowed to come here and buy out American businesses, own or control almost all of our major media corporations, and use their money and media ownership to control our politicians and guide both the Democrats and the Republicans, the Left and the Right into Israel First policies and programs? Its natural that all of these aliens would work to keep our borders open, so that they have access to American money, American secrets, and, in the case of the most dangerous of these alien groups, the Jews, the ability to control our media and hence keep the flow of American arms, money, and blood flowing to Israel and Israels endless wars. In the case of the Moslems who are the primary victims of these wars, theyd agree with the Jews on keeping our borders open since that makes it easier for them to strike back at the Jews janissaries (their loyal guards thats us) and at the Jewish power structure in America, killing thousands (or perhaps in the future, millions) of Americans in the process. Of these aliens, the Moslems have little influence over American foreign policy. Jewish media control and Jewish money make sure that almost all American politicians fear the Jews and take the Israeli side, even to the point of sacrificing American lives. Its Jews who pushed for war against Iraq in 1991, strikes against Libya and Sudan, war against Afghanistan this year, and war against Iraq or even Saudi Arabia tomorrow. Its Jews who take over $10 million every day from American

taxpayers for their war against the Palestinians. The Jewish establishment does not care that these wars create hatred for America among the endless millions in the Moslem world who have lost a father or a sister or a brother or a child in these wars. They dont care that every new offensive raises up yet another generation of millions dedicated to our death and our destruction. As they prepare the hate Iraq propaganda designed to make the average White working man hate Iraq and think that killing people in a country he couldnt locate on a map a few months ago is a necessity, the Jewish-controlled press are routinely referring to those young men that they intend to use as cannon fodder in the most contemptuous terms. A watchdog group called has documented case after case of these self-chosen elitists referring to rural White Americansthe same young people they plan to ask to sacrifice their lives in Iraqas hillbillies, rednecks, hicks, bubbas, toothless poor white trash, from the hookworm belt, and worse. How much more evidence do you need to prove to you that Jews arent White, that those in this country dont consider themselves to be White Americans, and that their real agenda revolves around putting their race and their state in the Middle East first, and what happens to America be damned? Stepping back from the situation a bit, consider what our policies are regarding the people and issues that put America at risk from terrorism. Domestically, we have an open borders policy, which actually favors the immigration of non-Whites, including non-White Middle Easterners who hate us and hate each other. This policy makes it relatively easy for them to come here and do what they do. Internationally, we have a foreign policy that is virtually dictated to us by Israel under which we fund Israels murder of Palestinians and occupation of Arab lands, and under which we ourselves make war on the Moslems who never did America any harmthe ones who stayed at home and left us alone.

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FREE SPEECH for October 2002

We let millions of Middle Easterners in. And we aggressively bomb and kill their brothers overseas. In other words, we have a government policy which is precisely the reverse of what it should be. We have a policy which encourages and facilitates terrorism against America. To make America safe and secure against terrorism we need to return to a sane immigration policy, similar to the one we had for all of American history prior to 1965, when the Jews opened the floodgates of non-White immigration. We need an immigration policy that would have stopped Mohammed Atta at the border and said America is a White country. You cannot live here. You cannot attend our flight schools. Go back where you came from. And we need an immigration policy that would have stopped the ancestors of the William Kristols and Jacob Schiffs and Michael Eisners and Ari Fleischers and told them America is a White country. You cannot live here. You cannot buy our broadcast networks or film studios or newspapers. Go back where you came from. Without the racial agenda of the Jews bringing America into these wars, and without colonies of the belligerents themselves within our borders, America would be a much safer place. Involving ourselves in the Jews endless wars of conquest and domination in the Middle East is certainly not in the best interests of the United States. Our repeated insane crusades to attack Moslem nations that have never threatened America just increases the hatred of those nations for us, and solidifies the determination of Moslem peoples to avenge the deaths of their brothers and sisters by fighting against America. There is no rational reason for us to be in conflict with the nations of the Middle East, as long as they stay in their corner of the world and dont threaten us or our kindred in Europe. When we couple our bombings and our funding of the Jews bombings of innocent Moslems with our acceptance of millions of them as they colonize large parts of the United States, you have a policy which is almost guaranteed to bring terror and death to America.

Do you put your faith in Bushs socalled War On Terrorism? If you do, youre very foolish. Its just a new name for the same old game of killing when the Jewish lobby says kill. And where has American military intervention on behalf of the Jews, or their internationalist agenda, gotten us? Im sure youve noticed that since we deposed Manuel Noriega in Panama that all those drugs have stopped flowing in from Central America. And since we imposed JeanBertrand Aristide on Haiti, that country is now a paradise, and Haitian immigration to the U.S. has stopped because no one wants to leave there now. Our shelling of the Lebanese and our sending of so-called peace-keeping forces there in the 1980s sure put those nasty Arabs in their places, didnt it? And Bush seniors war on Iraq in 1991 was very successful in bringing peace to the Middle East and preventing terrorism,

wasnt it? If only we could repeat such marvelous successes until the last American dollar is spent and the last American soldier is dead, what a wonderful world it would be! We need an American government again. We need a White government again. We need to remain neutral in the Middle East, we need to stop funding Israeli atrocities and supporting her wars. And we need America to become American again, and stop the influx of potential terrorists and bombers and alien media manipulatorsJewish and Arab alikeat our borders. The National Alliance, the strongest and most active patriotic organization in the United States organized a mass antiterrorism literature distribution during the month of September 2002, one year after the September 11th 2001 attacks Hundreds of thousand of copies of the flyer Terror-Free Zone Resolution

The FBI arrested Irv Rubin, the chairman of the Jewish Defense League on 11 December 2001 for preparing to bomb the King Fahd Mosque in the Los Angeles suburb of Culver City and the office of U.S. Representative Darrell Issa, of Lebanese Christian descent. Rubin and fellow Jew Earl Krugel were arrested with sufficient material to fully construct several powerful bombs and with a machinegun. Rubin often exaggerated: bragging, for example, that he had been arrested 40 times and that the JDL had 13,000 members in the U.S.

The Jewish Defense League was originally formed by Meir Kahane and gained notoriety when its members were linked to bombings, most of them aimed at Soviet targets in the U.S. The JDL was considered by the FBI to be a terrorist organization. When Kahane abandoned the JDL and fled to Israel, a power struggle ensued with Rubin gaining control of a radical faction and declaring himself chairman in 1985. The JDL boasted that Dr. Baruch Goldstein was one of its charter members. Goldstein an Israeli army MD murdered 29 Arabs and wounded over 100 who were praying in a Hebron mosque in 1994. Rubin once waved five $100 bills and offered the $500 to anyone who kills, maims or seriously injures a member of the American Nazi Party. For this act he was charged with soliciting murder, but he was never convicted. The FBI investigated the JDL in connection with the 1985 murder of Alex Odeh, an Arab-American. Rubin crowed that Odeh had gotten exactly what he deserved. However, Rubin was not indicted. While awaiting trail on the 2001 mosque bombing charges, Rubins mental condition deteriorated and he was reported to be very despondent. On 4 November 2002 Rubin slashed his throat with a prison-issued razor blade and tumbled 18 feet over a guard rail to his death.

FREE SPEECH for October 2002

2003 National Vanguard Books

were distrubuted across America to individuals and to newspaper editors and civic leaders. They were distributed in honor of the victims of September 11th, and in honor of the founder of the National Alliance, the late Dr. William Pierce The resolution stated that we Americans do not support Israels statesponsored terrorism, nor the insane policies which have made America a target for terrorist acts. The resolution is still available free of charge by downloading it from our or web sites. Just go to or and click on the Print Your Own Leaflets section on the lower left, and then select the Make Your Neighborhood a Terror-Free Zone flyer. Those without Internet access can request this item by sending $3 to National Vanguard Books, PO Box 90, Hillsboro WV 24946 USA and specifically requesting a copy of the Make Your Neighborhood a Terror-Free Zone flyer. The flyer is more than just the resolution itselfit contains much of the explanatory material Ive presented to you today. This article is based on the American Dissident Voices program Real Homeland Security, aired on September 7, 2002. A cassette recording of this broadcast is available from National Vanguard Books for $12.95 postpaid.


WHEREAS the attack on September 11th came in response to our governments diplomatic, economic and military support for Israel in its wars against the Arabs and Moslems; WHEREAS these wars and proposed wars in the Middle East are the result of pressure by the powerful Jewish lobby; and these wars and proposed wars are in direct conflict with Americas best interests; WHEREAS the vast majority of the population does not support these policies and wars; and therefore should not be targeted for reprisals; The huge World Trade Center towers were the foremost symbol of global, Jewish-dominated banking and trading power. The Arab commandos attacked it on 26 February 1993 with an explosives-packed van bomb, specifically because they considered it a Jewish target. The massive publicity generated from that attempt to destroy the towers was so great that the WTC became the target of choice. On 11 September 2001, the Arab terrorists finally accomplished their mission impossible by totally destroying the WTC and several surrounding building. THEREFORE, the citizens of OUR COMMUNITY are requesting that the federal government not use our tax money, troops, or diplomatic pressure to support Israels depredations. WE ASK that this resolution be given the widest possible circulation, and we ask specifically that it be forwarded internationally to all nations of the Middle East, belligerents and neutrals alike, with the request that because of the issuance of this statement, OUR COMMUNITY not be targeted for reprisals and that it be declared a Terror-Free Zone.

Whites Abandoning Cincinnati Since Riots

Whites are abandoning Cincinnati at an accelerating rate since the April 2001 Black riots. The Cincinnati Enquirer gave two examples of collapsing house prices. One $90,000 house is now worth only $43,000, while another fell from $80,000 to $30,000. Police, now under the supervision of the Federal government and judges, have been unable to stop the tidal wave of Black crime in the aftermath of the riots. In 2000 Cincinnati reported 40 murders; in 2001 it rose to 58; and in 2002 it further rose to 63. Almost all the killers in all three years were Black. Whites visiting downtown restaurants are harassed by Black protestors, who claim they are protesting police shootings of Blacks. But when interviewed these Black agitators soon turn the subject to the grants and other payments they demand. Professors, police commanders, and the media blame the crime wave on guns and drugs. However, our readers know: Guns dont kill and drugs dont kill. Only people kill. And in Cincinnati and everyplace where Blacks live, Blacks kill far out of proportion to their numbers.

Black activists invade Cincinnati city council chambers. Police chief (seated) ties to ignore screaming Black.

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FREE SPEECH for October 2002

White Men in Suits

Financial scandals, corporate fraud, the looting of billions in pension funds, and the collapse of the stock market bubble are much in the news these days. And, again and again, the controlled media manage to put a spin on these things to the detriment of White people. The Jewish-controlled mass media cant resist putting another knife in the corpse of White America by portraying the financial criminals as White men in suits, the last vestige of the old White establishment, insufficiently diverse, exploitative, and not in tune with the caring multiracial world the media masters have planned for us. It really takes what the Jews call chutzpah to audaciously lie like that. To characterize the current state of capitalism in America as anything but Jewish in spirit and practice, and increasingly in personnel, is totally off the mark. And the list of financial criminals who also happen to be Jews is a long one, though the Jewish connection is de-emphasized in the media even more than the White men in suits image is stressed. Lets take a look at some of these swindlers: worked tirelessly for the good of others. [Washington Jewish Week, February 22, 2001]

Martin Frankel
Martin Frankel was that paragon of probity who masterminded the largest insurance fraud in American history. He, too, fled the country. When finally captured in Germany he portrayed himself as a victim, saying he had been brought low by his charitable nature and his tendency to trust others too much! From inside a Hamburg jail he said, Probably the main reason that Im here is that I love people too much. [New York Times, May 12, 2000, C1] Love people too much! Now that is chutzpah! When Frankel disappeared in 1999, he left behind his three million dollar Connecticut mansion, ransacked and nearly empty except for piles of documents still smoldering in the fireplaces. Among those smoking documents were a to-do list including the instruction launder money, and a receipt from a Los Angeles diamond broker for $10 million. He left behind his victims, who were really the ones who trusted too much, who had been defrauded of literally hundreds of millions of dollars, and he left behind the body of a 22-year-old woman who was found hanged in an adjacent home, the $15,000 monthly rent for which was paid by Frankel. Frankel used front men in an attempt to make his criminal enterprises look legitimateand also to make them look non-Jewish. His schemes involved the illegal use of insurance companies in the Southern Bible Belt, where Frankel no doubt thought he could find a rich lode of Gentile suckers. He also hired two corrupt priests to front for a con game Frankel called the St. Francis of Assisi Foundation, which few people would initially suspect of being a Jewish swindle. Frankel even used the name of establishment news hack Walter Cronkite without permission in order to lend credibility to one of his charity rip-offs. Mississippis Insurance Commissioner,

Marc Richbillionaire tax evader, arms merchant, commodities trader, Mossad spy, racketeerremains a fugitive despite Bill Clintons pardon and George Bushs unwillingness to try to overturn it. To get Clinton to pardon this paragon of virtue, Jewish officials in the U.S. and Israel lobbied the White House in a mostly underground campaign on Richs behalf. The list of his supporters reads like a whos who in Israels political, cultural, and social hierarchy. None other than then prime minister Ehud Barak requested a Presidential pardon for Rich, as did the former head of the Mossad. No wonder: In keeping with the racial loyalty which most Jews have, Israel seems to have been Richs favorite country. He once said: I am a Jew, and Jews are important to me. I always thought the state of Israel was very important to Jews and to the whole world in general. [Los Angeles Times, Feb. 18, 2001] In America, the head of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, a person actually named Yitz Greenberg, wrote to Clinton on museum stationery imploring him to perform one of the most Godlike actions that anyone ever can dopardon Rich. And of course Abe Foxman, director of the Jewish AntiDefamation League, sent a letter to Clinton in support of clemency, saying that Rich was a profoundly generous man who despite his misfortunes has

Marc Rich
Marc Rich, whom President Clinton pardoned in the last hours of his presidency, was one of the richest and most prominent commodities traders in the world, and was involved in one of the biggest cases of tax fraud in American history. Rich conspired to defraud the U.S. Government of $48 million in taxes. In 1983 he fled the country with his partner and fellow Jew, one Pincus Green. What did our dearest friend Israel do? They granted him citizenship after turning down an extradition request from our government. Once out of the country, Rich then brokered the sale of North Korean arms to Iran and did several deals involving gold, grain, nickel and tin with the Russian Mafia, which is actually largely Jewish and is one of the largest and most notorious criminal enterprises in the world.


FREE SPEECH for October 2002

2003 National Vanguard Books

George Dale, recalls a phone call from a man using one of Frankels many aliases, asking that Mississippi insurance regulations be waived so that large sums could be transferred to Frankels charity to help the poor. Dale, his suspicions aroused, met with two of Frankels front men who, he said, started talking to each other in a language no one recognized. When Dale gave them a week to account for the money, the moving vans started arriving at Frankels mansion within days.

forced thousands of employees and shareholders into financial ruin while he shuttled hundreds of millions of dollars out of the company before it filed for bankruptcy. The New York Observer, while not noting the Jewish connection, states: As an example of callous, coldblooded greed, Gary Winnick is hard to match. He misled employees and shareholders while he stuffed his own pockets, not caring whose lives he destroyed as he enriched himself in a sickening display of gluttony and venal avarice. He ruined the retirement portfolios of 9,000 middle-class mostly White folks who were struggling to keep up the mortgage payments and orthodontics bills. Promised severance payments were never made. Promised insurance benefits were not forthcoming. The investments Winnick had made with their retirement money were worthless. What Winnick did was worse than what burglars and muggers do: After all, the mugger doesnt pretend hes your friend and claim he is actually helping you, nor does he ask you to invest years of your life in his operations. All told, Winnicks crimes are among the worst possibly the worst in corporate history.

Sam Waksal
Another Jewish culprit is Sam Waksal. Sam and his brother dumped $100 million of ImClone stock on unsuspecting investors after receiving insider information that his firms cancer drug would not receive approval from the Food and Drug Administration. Waksal also informed a small circle of friends and urged them to sell before the news broke.

Martin Frankel spent $200 million that he stole from insurance companies for a harem where he kept women who answered ads for kinky sex. One perversion he did not accomplish before the Feds moved in on him was to have sex with a child, according to Alicia Walters, a self-described former sex slave of Frankels who testified in a related January 2003 trial. According to investigators, Frankel would sometimes travel down South to wow an especially wealthy Bible Belt mark by embellishing his tales of being an investment genius with claims that he had a genealogy dating back to King David. [USA Today, June 28, 1999] Wow! He just loved people too much, dont you see?

Jack Grubman
Also in the financial news recently is another Jew, Jack Grubman. Back in the 1990s he was one of the most influential and highest-paid stock analystsbeing paid $20 million dollars a year while hyping the soon-to-beworthless stock of his Jewish friend Gary Winnick, among others. Grubman recommended the overpriced stock of Global Crossing and other telecommunications firms to clueless investors who didnt know that Grubmans firm was also paid to handle thingslike keeping the stock price inflated and investors hyped and in the dark about their real financial standing for those same firms. Always knowing that it pays to have politicians on your side, since the politicians influence regulators and investigators and make the laws they must live by, the day Grubman was summoned to testify before a Congressional committee he wrote a check for $100,000 to the Democratic Party.

Jack Grubman, a former stock market analyst for Salomon Smith Barney, escaped lightly from the authorities. He agreed to pay back only $15 million and to a lifetime ban from the securities industry. WorldCom, whose stock he hyped, filed bankruptcy in July 2002. Its investors lost more than $7.5 billion. When the bubble burst, Waksal was secure with his pile of ill-gotten cash, while investors had lost some $4 billion. Waksal is accused of shredding critical phone records relating to the sale of the stock, as well as bank fraud and forgery. He is accused of forging his attorneys signature to secure a bank loan of $44 million. All of this carries a possible prison sentence of 30 years. Waksal likes to court the friendshipand naturally, secure the assistanceof other influential Jews. At a huge Christmas party that he threw last year, in attendance were Mort Zuckerman, the Daily News owner, Abe Rosenthal, former New York Times executive editor, and others. Of course, influential Gentiles are useful, too: He invited Clinton and Gore to that party, but they couldnt make it. Waksal is friends

Gary Winnick
And then there is Gary Winnick. Winnick was a well-trained protege of fellow Jewish criminal and junk-bond king Michael Milken, and he was the chairman of Global Crossing. Winnick

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FREE SPEECH for October 2002


Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak gladly kisses fellow Jew Madeline Albright. Barak pressured Bill Clinton to pardon Marc Rich after an intimate dinner party hosted by Sam Waksal. with Denise Rich, the ex-wife of Marc Rich, and two years ago managed to get an invitation to the White House with her. He was also friends with the recently deceased Harvard biologist and major player in selling the false idea of racial equality to laymen, Stephen Jay Gould; and is a tennis buddy with another virtuous financier, corporate raider Carl Icahn who is now being sued for conspiracy, violations of federal law and denial of constitutional rights by employees cheated out of the pensions they were promised. [Class Action Lawsuit filed May 15, 2002 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia] Needless to say, Waksal has been sued for fraud and other financial crimes; and, needful to say, he is also a big supporter of Israel. As in the case of Marc Rich, though, any vocal support of the United States or even respect for its laws from him has been notably absent. Waksal and friends even hosted an intimate dinner party for former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Barak then directly interceded with Clinton for Richs pardon, as did a former head of the Mossad, the Israel intelligence and assassination agency. Sam aspires to be a big Jew, said a friend who declined to be identified. [New York Observer, April 22, 2002] Waksal could receive a prison sentence of 65 years. Perhaps he will use the Holocaust Defense, since his parents were, you guessed it, Holocaust survivors. His daughter ran

unsuccessfully for New York City Council, and once mentioned 3 times in a 10-minute interview that she was the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors. By the way, her husbands grandfather was Victor Posner, the corporate raider who was involved in the scams that sent Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky to jail. As a result he and Posners father were barred from ever trading securities again. It does make you wonder if all of these guys are genetically predisposed to commit financial crime. The Holocaust defense has been used often in the past to justify Jewish crimes, both their con-games and hoaxes, and their murderous violence. For example, in 1995 retired Israeli brigadier general Arieh Biro spoke of Egyptian prisoners taken by his unit in 1956. We did not know what to do with them. There was no choice but to kill them. This is not such a big deal if you take into consideration that I slept well after having escaped the crematories of Auschwitz. [New York Times, August 21, 1995, A5] The pattern that emerges from all of this is not the White men in suits image of financial criminals that the controlled media have carefully crafted for us. With a little investigation, one can see quite another picture: the Jewish financier who makes huge quantities of money, more in one hour than the average White man

Michael Milken (pictured) was co-leader of the all-Jewish Boskey-Milken insider trading gang. This gang only recruited Jews. For example, Robert Wilkis recruited Dennis Levine at a party with the line, Whats a nice Jewish boy like you doing in a place like this? Wilkis and Levine had nothing in common except their Jewish heritage and greed. Milken was sentenced to prison in 1990, but served only a short time, as did Boesky, Levine, Reich, Wilkis, Freeman, Siegel and the rest. How many billions these Jews stole can never be computed but their fines alone were over $1 billion dollars. They emerged from prison rich men. would earn in twenty lifetimes, in all kinds of shady business deals, the Jewish financier who tries to circumvent the laws of the land and then attempts desperately to escape the long arm of that law. For eight years Jews such as Rich funded and supported the Clinton Administration, and Jews are if anything even more closely tied to the Bush White House. Jewish officials in the United States, Israel and Europe lobbied the White House relentlessly in a mostly underground campaign on Richs behalfand it wasnt only Rich they were pimping for: 25% of the convicted criminals whose sentences Clinton commuted were Jews! Thats fifty times what one would expect, since Jews constitute just one half of one percent of

Dr. Sam Waskal pleaded guilty to 13 counts in October of 2002. He has evaded sentencing by refusing to turn over documents to the probation department. He could receive a sentence of up to 65 years, but is lobbying for probation.


FREE SPEECH for October 2002

2003 National Vanguard Books

the prison population. [Washington Jewish Week, Feb. 22, 2001, p. 21] For many of these Jews, tax evasion and financial chicanery are scarcely outside the normeven financial fraud and thievery seem to be OK. All of this sheds light on the nature of the moral values of these powerful Jews. What kind of people are the Jews when leading Israelis such as Ehud Barak become lobbyists for a person who grossly sidestepped our laws? And, if you listen to the major media, also under

Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defmanation League presents an award to Ariel Sharon. Sharon is under investigation for taking a $2 million bribe from South African Jewish businessman Cyril Kern. which caused them to be resented, such as money lending and tax collecting. Disliked for millennia, they developed a thick skin and an allegiance to their own personal and racial survival as their highest values, caring little about the survival of the society in which they lived. They pay loud lip service at times to the countries in which they plant their colonies, but their real loyalty is to their own nation within. They have a deceitful, alien mentality. Even when they live in a society that welcomes them with open arms, many Jews hate the majority culture: Witness their endless deconstructions of the socially constructed White race and their endless satires and critiques of the old whitebread America and the evil racism and oppression of the times when the White race, the Washingtons and Jeffersons, ran America instead of the Zuckermans and the Perles. Honestly, I think the Jews hate the Old America even more than they hate Germany, and I think they care less about American laws or American lives than they do their discarded fingernail clippings. Ariel Sharon, that mass murderer whom President Bush recently called a man of peace, not long ago referred to a national instinct in Israel to skirt rules and regulations. He talked of Israelis who smirk at what they see as the American Gentiles obsession with being square and doing things by the book. Sharon said they see these citizens as suckers. [New York Times, May 31, 2001] That seems to be the way the Grubmans and Riches and the Waksals view us. And, you know, they really do have a point. As long as we put up with their depredations and impostures, we are suckers and we will continue to get whats coming to us. White Americans, like our Europeandescended cousins overseas, are nave and trusting. That seems to go with our honesty. It takes a lot of convincing to make us see another people as inherently treacherous and dangerous. But the Jewish establishment, both here and in Israel, is doing all it can to provide us with unmistakable proof of exactly that. And, since the advent of the Internet, the Jews arent able to completely censor the news as they were able to do in the last century. The proof is piling up, and even those who normally avert their eyes are beginning to notice it. Their White men in suits image of the bad guy is wearing thin. And their time is running short.

George Bush is even more the Jewish organgrinders monkey on a string than was Bill Clinton. Jewish control, we are told again and again that Israel is our best friend! We are even asked to die for them, and finance their invasion and oppression of other peoples lands. And Israel seems to be running an open-door asylum for financial criminals. We already mentioned that Israel would not extradite Marc Rich when he was wanted in the United States. An Israeli newspaper said that In Israel, tax evasion is scarcely outside the normeven financial fraud and thievery can be smoothed away, as long as the culprit can get off without going to jail. [Haaretz, Feb. 21, 2001] These people clearly come from a very different culture and have a very different mentality from Europeans who value forthright talk, square dealing, and honesty. As they never tire of telling us, Jews are used to hatred from Gentile society. Throughout their history in the West, they were known for engaging in practices

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FREE SPEECH for October 2002


And White Americans are slow to anger. But when they realize how they have been lied tohow their sons have died for ignoble causeshow their birthright has been stolenand how their hidden enemy has planned their eventual exterminationtheir anger will sweep over the Earth like an unstoppable tidal wave. This article is based on the American Dissident Voices program Men in White Suits, aired on September 14, 2002. A cassette recording of this broadcast is available from National Vanguard Books for $12.95 postpaid.

Conman Mezvinsky pleaded guilty to 31 felonies and was sentenced in January 2003. Many other felonies were dropped in the September plea bargain. Prosecutors had asked for a sentence of 9 to 11 years but Jewish Judge Stewart Dalzell decided to be lenient.

Zimbabwe Intervenes in the Congo: Diamonds, Atrocities, and Cannibalism

Robert Mugabes Zimbabwean army continues to fight its four-year war in the Congo, where the prize is a vast fortune in gold and diamonds. The Congos government is fighting four rebel groups. At least six other Black African countries have forces in the Congo fighting on one side or another. As many as 3.5 million people have died in this essentially intertribal fighting. This total dwarfs the genocidal slaughters in Uganda and Cambodia. The diamonds are said to be flowing from the warring parties to the Jewish diamond monopoly, to al-Quaida, and to other terrorist groups. Mugabe uses his loot to fund the war and to build palaces and buy fleets of limousines. Since 1998 he has spent over $100 billion on the war. He has bought fighter planes, bombs, guns, and rockets from Switzerland, China, and other arms suppliers. Zimbabwe is not a poor country, but Mugabe prefers to spend his riches for war rather than for food for his people. Mugabes forces still control vast riches in the Congo but he has lost several major battles, where his forces panicked and abandoned tanks, vehicles, antiaircraft guns, and rocket launchers on the battlefield. The competing Black armies are committing atrocities almost beyond belief. Although they are armed with the latest automatic rifles, they prefer using machetes and axes when slaughtering unarmed villagers. In some village attacks, they decapitate or hack to death the adults and gang rape girls as young as seven. In others the Black soldiers order captured villagers to go out and hunt game; if the villagers return empty handed, the soldiers may eat the unsuccessful hunters, and force other villagers to eat their own kinsmen.

Edward M. Mezvinsky Mezvinskys crime spree took place over 12 years, and he claims his crooked schemes were necessary to pay Nigerians who defrauded him. He ran a classic pyramiding scam where he borrowed from one party to pay off another party, all the while promising big profits to all his investors. However, he usually would not pay anyone back unless they threatened to take him to court. Mezvinsky stole more than $10 million, and he is required to pay all the money back as restitution. However none of the victims is likely to see a dime as the government cant locate any of his assets. Further, both he and his wife Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, also a former U.S. representative, have filed for bankruptcy Mezvinsky and his wife hobnobbed with Bill and Hillary Clinton. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky had lobbied President Bill Clinton to obtain leniency or pardon for Jewish spy Jon Pollard.

Marilyn Monroe posing with a large diamond. Her singing of Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend from the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes in1953 was a major boost for the diamond industry. This Jewel, the Moon of Baroda, was loaned to Miss Monroe by Meyer Rosenbaum. Her song was just one of hundreds of buy diamonds messages planted in the motion pictures. See stories on pages 22 and 23.

Jewish Ex-Congressman Gets 6-Year Sentence for 12-Year Crime Spree

U.S. District Judge Stewart Dalzell sentenced Edward M. Mezvinsky, once a U.S. congressman from Iowa, to 6 years in prison for defrauding business associates and friends of millions of dollars. For many months prior to his September 2002 guilty plea, he had avoided trial and remained free on bond by feigning mental illness and changing lawyers several times.

Freedom is not free, free men are not equal, and equal men are not free.


FREE SPEECH for October 2002

2003 National Vanguard Books

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