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Uche Gab Emeasoba A story was once told about two young friends Paul and James. These two shared virtually everything together. They were like mirrors through which they viewed and evaluated each other. They jollied together to school, hatched and discovered the secrets of life as a unit; they also faced life challenges together. They went to school together and played soccer together. Sometimes, they would become careless with life, driving like mad and taking out turns to woo women of varied fancies. Life was for them an interesting jungle where one tries whatever he/she could. They would often drink, crack jokes and discover new means of making money. They had time to enjoy parties of many sorts during weekend holidays. They discussed virtually everything and hid nothing from each other. They were just a perfect match. Paul was a Christian but James belonged to nowhere in particular. But this was one aspect of their lives which they never bothered to discuss their faith. Perhaps, this was because Paul himself was not even too serious with his religious life. However, because he had a good Christian background, he had learnt from childhood how to go to mass on Sundays. His mother was really devout, so he had no option. On Sundays, Paul would always tell James that they would meet after he had gone for mass. That would be the best hint James would have of anything religious from Paul. Sincerely Paul did not consider it worthwhile bothering his friend since it wouldnt add or remove anything from their friendship. They respected their differences and private beliefs. To them, it really did not matter. Moreover, talking about religion will even contradict their sensational lifestyle and expose Pauls irresponsibility to a life of Christian virtues. One day, the unthinkable happened one summer afternoon. James had stolen his fathers car keys intent on using it to hoodwink their new found girl friends. You know, girls like good things. Everything worked according to plan, except one: the cruise control, the jolly night party, the heavy buffet, the alcohol bathe, the foul talks, the crazy dance steps, the empty promises, the sweet talks, the loud sound tracks and the expectant home drive. So sadly, they never made it like they thought. There was a terrible accident, and James, with his girl friend lost their lives. Such a painful night to remember! Suddenly, everything turned sour for Paul. How could he live all alone? His life crumbled like a pack of cards. There was pain and emptiness, and he appeared inconsolable. His life lost a centre. Every morning, he would walk to the grave of James and there pray that his spirit appears. It never happened. But one morning, he

was at the graveyard as he normally did sitting down and staring at the marble on which the name of his friend was engraved. Tears ran down his cheeks. He stared so deeply but yet saw nothing. It was a painful moment. Suddenly, he noticed a red envelop by the head side of the marble plate. He reached out for it and behold, it was his letter. Written just on the back side of the envelope was TO PAUL FROM ME, JAMES. His heartbeat ran faster. He could hardly breathe. An ominous fear ran down his spine and only then did he feel the confusion and silence of the graveyard. As he tried to open the envelope, he made no meaning from his actions. He scarcely understood, even himself. He thought of many things. He asked himself do dead people write letters? it didnt take him time to uncover the silver sheet on which inscriptions were written in red. You can also read: A LETTER FROM HELL Dear Paul, I died four days ago. Its a lot different than I expected. You see, I always thought that dying would bring me to a world that is foggy and hazy. But this place is crystal clear, even more real than my life on earth. I can think. I can talk. I can even feel. Right after the accident, I felt my sprit leaving my body. I went through a long path. And suddenly, I met an angel who took me to a beautiful gate. Another angel was standing before the gate holding a very big book. As I approached, he asked me for my name. And then, he opened the book. I asked the other angel what the book was for. He said the book was called the book of life. But something happened. The angel looked up at me and his face changed. Immediately, a huge angel appeared by my side and grabbed my hands. I was so terrified. He said that my name was not in the book of life. I asked him where he was taking me to but he did not answer. I asked him again and he told me that those whose names are not written in the book of life would not enter the beautiful gate of heaven and the rest would be condemned to hell forever. He threw me into something like a worldwide hole. At that moment, I was lost in thoughts. Do you know what I was thinking of? I was thinking about you. Paul, you are a Christian, you told me so yourself. I asked you once about the mass but you changed the subject. The question I want to ask you Paul is this why havent you ever told me about how to become a Christian? You said you were my friend, but if you really were, you would have told about this Jesus; you would have told me how to escape this terrible place that I am heading for. I can feel terror, Paul. I can feel my heart jumping out of my chest. I can see the angels that have been sent to catch me. I can feel this hell from here; they call it the lake of fire. I cant stand it Paul, I am terrified. Oh no, they have opened the door. They are pointing at me. Oh no! I can already smell the burning sulphur and brimstone. I am without hope. Oh no! We are coming closerclosercloser. My heart is filled with fear. They are holding me over the flames. I am damned forever Fire, Pain, Hell; Paul, why didnt you tell me about Jesus? I wish you were here.

-James What if you received this kind of letter from a friend in hell? The story above is meant to guide you as you reflect through the last days of this penitential season. I have always wondered whether Christians still remember the reality of hell. I feel that one of the highest successes the devil records over Christians today is to make them forget the reality of hell. It can be a tragedy in Christian life. The bible is unequivocal about the fact that hell is where God punishes those who refused to believe and be converted, where both soul and body can be lost (Mt 5: 22,29; 10:28; 13:42, 50: Mk 9:43-48). Even though the full details of the punishment of the damned are hidden in the divine justice, the Bible itself mentions the unquenchable fire. And, the Churchs teaching talks about two types of pain in hell: the pain of loss and the pain of sense. Imagine meeting with the prince of wickedness and all the wicked angels whose being is realized when they become wicked. Imagine bearing forever the loss of the beatific vision. Imagine bearing the loss of eternal reunification with the saints and the host of good angels and creatures. Imagine bearing the loss of that divine glory which Peter saw at the transfiguration and chose to live on a mountain. Imagine living forever with regrets about thoughts, actions and omissions you had contrived irresponsibly. You dont deserve it. Take the opportunity now and change your life. Please, never fail to tell your friend about Jesus. God bless you.

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