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24.500 29.999 Mhz 50W All Mode Moble T!"#$%e&e!
Copyright 2011 by YeticomNZ. All rights reserved.
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Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4
imited !"rr"nty ................................................................................................. #
$ode In%orm"tion.................................................................................................&
Inst"ll"tion ...................................................................................................... & ' (
)ront *"nel Controls .................................................................................... + ' 10
,ther )e"tures .................................................................................................. 10
-peci%ic"tions .....................................................................................................11
Cont"ct In%orm"tion ........................................................................................... 12
Congr"tul"tions on your purch"se o% Yeticom.s ,*/I$A 10012 meter )$0--10A$ tr"nsceiver. /he ,*/I$A
is designed to provide ye"rs o% en2oyment "nd trouble'%ree service. /here "re m"ny %e"tures "nd %unctions
designed into this tr"nsceiver. /o ensure th"t your investment is en2oyed to its %ullest e3tent4 ple"se t"5e "
%e6 moments "nd thoroughly re"d this m"nu"l.
/he ,*/I$A is " #06 "ll mode microprocessor controlled4 user progr"mm"ble r"dio combining high 7)
per%orm"nce6ith " user'%riendly environment. /he ,*/I$A is " 12 volt 8C4 9) tr"nsceiver designed %or
mobile use. /he tr"nsceiver utili:es the l"test in sur%"ce mount production techni;ues. /his 5eeps the si:e o%
the unit to " minimum 6ithout s"cri%icing "ny o% the "dv"nced circuits re;uired %or tod"y<s high per%orm"nce
r"dios4 "nd "s c"bin sp"ce diminishes in modern vehicles4 this concept helps cre"te " 6ider v"riety o%
inst"ll"tion options. Although engineered 6ith mobile use in mind the ,*/I$A4 6ith the "ddition o% " high
;u"lity 10'"mp po6er supply4 m"y be e"sily "d"pted %or %i3ed st"tion oper"tion.
-ome o% the %e"tures o% the ,*/I$A "re= "n "dv"nced design li;uid cryst"l displ"y th"t provides the oper"tor
6ith " %ull visu"l "ccount o% the tr"nsceivers oper"ting st"tus4 "utom"tic %re;uency or memory sc"nning %rom
either the %ront p"nel or microphone4 memory stor"ge o% your %"vorite %re;uencies "nd modes4 progr"mm"ble
%re;uency resolution o% either 1 59:4 10 59: or 100 59:4 "nd split %re;uency oper"tion %or repe"ter use. /he
de%"ult %re;uency step is #5h: "nd the r"dio includes %ull cover"ge the ne6 12m Am"teur b"nd. A sm"ll %"n
h"s been "dded to the he"t sin5 to ensure cool oper"tion in 6"rmer clim"tes. A second %ilter h"s been "dded
to the I) ch"in "nd this c"n be s6itched in or out %rom the %ront p"nel "s re;uired. /he + pin microphone plug
is comp"tible 6ith cert"in icom microphones "nd most b"se microphones c"n be e"sily re6ired to suit the
,*/I$A. /hese "re 2ust " %e6 o% the %e"tures th"t m"5e the ,*/I$A " ple"sure to o6n "nd oper"te.
IMPORTANT> /he ,*/I$A is designed %or "m"teur r"dio use. In m"ny countries " licensed "m"teur r"dio
oper"tor must be present "t the st"tion. *le"se m"5e sure you comply 6ith the licencing regul"tions in pl"ce
%or the country you "re oper"ting in.
YeticomNZ 6"rr"nts this product to be %ree o% de%ects %or " period o% one ?1@ ye"r %rom the origin"l
d"te o% purch"se.
/his 6"rr"nty is non'tr"ns%er"ble. /his limited 6"rr"nty is sub2ect to rep"ir or repl"cement
o% de%ective components only. /his 6"rr"nty is void i% the r"dio h"s been t"mpered 6ith or misused.
.. )o#/e#/$
Anp"c5 "nd inspect your ,*/I$A %or missing or
d"m"ged components. Your ,*/I$A includes the
%ollo6ing items>
Bu"ntity 8escription
1 YeticomNZ OPTIMA /r"nsceiver
1 $icrophone 6ith Ap08o6n Controls
1 $ounting 1r"c5et 6ith 9"rd6"re
1 $icrophone 9"nger 6ith 9"rd6"re -et
1 ,per"ting $"nu"l "nd 8C po6er cord
2. M%!o0ho#e 1"#2e!
/he microphone h"nger m"y be "tt"ched to the
side o% the tr"nsceiver4 or "ny other convenient
loc"tion. Ase the provided scre6s to "tt"ch the
microphone h"nger either vertic"lly or hori:ont"lly to
the side o% the tr"nsceiver.
*. Mo3#/#2
!hen "tt"ching the ,*/I$A mounting br"c5et to
the vehicle4 choose " loc"tion th"t 6ill provide e"sy
"ccess to "ll %ront p"nel controls "nd "ir circul"tion to
the re"r p"nel. !hen selecting " mounting loc"tion4
m"5e sure th"t there is "mple sp"ce behind the control
dec5 %or the c"bles. 8o not pinch4 or bend sh"rply4 the
po6er or "ntenn" c"bles. 8o not inst"ll the ,*/I$A in
"ny comp"rtment th"t restricts "ir%lo6 "nd do not inst"ll
in " loc"tion th"t inter%eres 6ith the s"%e oper"tion o%
the vehicle.
Att"ch the mounting br"c5et to the vehicle %irst then
mount the ,*/I$A to the br"c5et. I% the re"r p"nel is
not "ccessible you m"y 6"nt to "tt"ch the po6er "nd
"ntenn" c"ble prior to mounting.
4. Ele%/!%"l )o##e%/o#$
/he ,*/I$A is designed to 6or5 on "ny 1C.+ volt
8C4 neg"tive ground4 source. /he condition o% "
vehicle<s electric"l system c"n "%%ect oper"tion. A lo6
b"ttery4 6orn gener"tor0"ltern"tor4 or poor volt"ge
regul"tor 6ill seriously imp"ir the per%orm"nce o% the
tr"nsceiver. Any o% the "bove conditions could result in
" high level o% receiver noise gener"tion or "
subst"nti"l loss o% the tr"nsmitter<s 7) output. $"5e
sure th"t "ll o% these components o% your vehicle<s
electric"l system "re in good condition prior to inst"lling
the tr"nsceiver.
1e%ore m"5ing "ny electric"l connections m"5e sure
the A) g"in ?volume@ control on the control dec5 is in
the D,))E position.
Connect the positive ?F@ red 6ire o% the 8C po6er cord to "
positive 1C.+ volt source "t the vehicle %use bloc5. I%
connecting to the %use bloc54 it is recommended th"t "
s6itched po6er source is used so th"t the po6er to the
tr"nsceiver is disconnected 6hen the vehicle is o%%. /his 6ill
elimin"te the possibility o% the tr"nsceiver dr"ining the
vehicle<s b"ttery.
Connect the neg"tive ?'@ bl"c5 6ire to " met"l p"rt o%
the vehicle<s %r"me4 or ch"ssis ground. $"5e sure th"t
this is " good ground connection.
/he ,*/I$A po6er cord m"y "lso be connected directly to
the b"ttery. Connecting directly to the b"ttery h"s sever"l
bene%its4 the %irst o% 6hich is to m"3imi:e 7) output.
-econdly4 the b"ttery is " very l"rge c"p"citor "nd
6ill help elimin"te cert"in types o% "mbient "nd vehicle
noise. I% connecting directly to the vehicle<s b"ttery4
"ddition"l po6er c"ble m"y be re;uired. ,n runs o% +
%eet or less use 12'g"uge str"nded 6ire. Ase 10'g"uge
6ire on longer runs.
5. A#/e##" )o##e%/o#
/he tr"nsceiver 6ill oper"te using "ny st"nd"rd #0'
ohm ground'pl"ne4 vertic"l4 mobile 6hip4 long 6ire or
simil"r "ntenn". /he "ntenn" should be r"ted "t #0
6"tts *G* minimum. A st"nd"rd -,'2CH type "ntenn"
connector is loc"ted on the re"r p"nel o% the ,*/I$A.
Connection is m"de using " *'2#H "nd high gr"de co"3i"l
c"ble ?7I21C4 7I#+A0A or $ini 7I'+ is recommended@.
A ground'pl"ne "ntenn" provides gre"ter cover"ge "nd
is recommended %or %i3ed st"tion'to'mobile oper"tion.
)or point'to'point %i3ed st"tion oper"tion4 " direction"l
be"m "ntenn" oper"tes "t gre"ter dist"nces even under
"dverse conditions. A non'direction"l "ntenn" should be
used in " mobile inst"ll"tion= " vertic"l 6hip is best suited
%or this purpose. /he b"se lo"ded 6hip "ntenn" norm"lly
provides e%%ective communic"tions.
)or gre"ter r"nge "nd more reli"ble oper"tion4 " %ull
;u"rter 6"ve 6hip m"y be used. Gither o% these "ntenn"s
uses the met"l vehicle body "s " ground pl"ne.
,nce the "ntenn" is mounted on the vehicle4 route the
co"3i"l c"ble so th"t it is not ne3t to "ny po6er c"bles
or vehicle c"bles. Connect the *'2#H to the "ntenn"
connector on the re"r p"nel o% the ,*/I$A. $"5e sure th"t
the c"bles does not inter%ere 6ith the s"%e oper"tion o%
the vehicle.
8. 5SWR
1e%ore use4 it is import"nt to determine the "ntenn"
system<s J-!7 ?volt"ge st"nding 6"ve r"tio@. )irst4
m"5e sure the -!7 bridge ?meter@ is in good 6or5ing
order "nd is c"libr"ted.
/o ensure your r"dio is per%orming properly the J-!7
should never e3ceed 1.# to 1. Never tr"nsmit on "ny
"ntenn" system 6here the J-!7 e3ceeds 1.+ to 1.
/his 6ill stress the output st"ge "nd could destroy the
7) tr"nsistors= this type o% misuse "nd %"ilure is not
covered under 6"rr"nty.$e"sure the J-!7 "t the
center o% the oper"ting b"nd.
/une the "ntenn" ?"ccording to the m"nu%"cturer<s
tuning instructions@ so th"t the J-!7 is "s close to
1.1 to 1 "t the center o% the oper"ting b"nd.
Ne3t4 me"sure the J-!7 "t the lo6est "nd highest
%re;uency o% the tr"nsceiver. I% the "ntenn" h"s " 6ide
enough %re;uency r"nge "nd b"nd'p"ss4 the J-!7
re"dings should be belo6 1.# to 1 "cross the entire
oper"ting b"nd. I% "t the lo6er or upper end o% the
tr"nsceiver oper"ting %re;uency4 the J-!7 me"sures
more th"n 1.# to 14 it is recommended th"t the "ntenn"
be re'tuned be%ore oper"ting on those %re;uencies.
I% you "re e3periencing unusu"l J-!7 re"dings chec5
%or the %ollo6ing possible problems>
1@ $"5e sure th"t the "ntenn" is inst"lled properly "nd
2@ Chec5 "ll co"3i"l c"ble "nd connectors %or de%ects
"nd poor routing.
C@ I% testing " vehicle inst"ll"tion4 m"5e sure th"t "ll
vehicle doors "re closed 6hen testing.
4@ 8o not test ne"r or "round l"rge met"l ob2ects or
9. I2#/o# No$e
In cert"in vehicle inst"ll"tions4 electric"l noise or
inter%erence m"y be present in the receive "udio o% the
/ypic"lly the vehicle<s ignition system or more
speci%ic"lly the "ltern"tor gener"tes this noise. /he
,*/I$A is e;uipped 6ith " noise bl"n5er circuit
th"t is designed to improve4 "nd in m"ny inst"nces
elimin"te4 this electric"l noise.
In e3treme c"ses4 the noise bl"n5er m"y not elimin"te
"ll the electric"l noise. In such c"ses4 "n "%ter'm"r5et
"ltern"tor noise or ignition noise %ilter c"n be
purch"sed "nd inst"lled "ccording to the
m"nu%"cturer<s instructions.
I% purch"sing "n "ltern"tor noise %ilter %or the ,*/I$A
m"5e sure the %ilter is r"ted %or "t le"st 1# "mps
continuous current dr"6.
U$#2 W/h " Po:e! S300l;.
8o not pl"ce the ,ptim" r"dio on top o% the po6er supply.
$"int"in " dist"nce o% #0cm bet6een the po6er supply "nd
the r"dio 6here possible. /he ,ptim" is designed to be
used 6ith "n input volt"ge o% 1C.+v.
U$#2 :/h "# A<0l=e!.
/he optim" is not %itted 6ith " *// output to 5ey "n e3tern"l
/he output o% the ,ptim" c"n be used 6ith "ny "mpli%ier
c"p"ble o% "ccepting " #06 *G* input. /he po6er control
m"y be reduced to suit other types o% "mpli%iers.
1e c"re%ul 6hen using 6ith du"l tr"nsistor C1 "mpli%iers "s
the %ull output %rom the ,ptim" c"n c"use these "mpli%iers
to distort due to overdriven condition. Ase " cl"ss A1
"mpli%er on --1 "nd m"5e sure the output is suit"bly
%iltered to reduce h"rmonics.
7emember th"t most distortion "nd "mpli%ier %"ilures "re
c"used by overdriving the "mpli%ier.
9i -!7 "nd overhe"ting "re the ne3t c"uses. Keep your
"mpli%ier cool "nd h"ve "n -!7 meter in line bet6een the
"mpli%ier "nd the "ntenn" to observe the output o% the
"mpli%ier "nd -!7 o% the "ntenn" "t "ll times.
/ry to m"int"in #0cm dist"nce bet6een the "mpli%ier "nd
the r"dio to reduce 7) %eedb"c5.
Iround the "mpli%ier 6here possible4 especi"lly in mobile
MODE I#=o!<"/o#. ?con%igured vi" Intern"l 2umpers@
/he 2umpers ?4@ "re %ound on the m"in bo"rd behind the +
pin microphone soc5et. ,nly one 2umper should be
eng"ged "t " time.
1"< Mode 24.# to 24.HHHmh: L 2+.0 to 2H.HHHmh:
/oggle bet6een 12m "nd 10m by use o% the c"ll button.
N> )' Mode 2&.CC0 to 2&.((0mh:.
Covers the NZ 40ch C1 b"nd in 105h: steps "nd option"l
ch"nnel re"dout.
)unc "nd c"ll to toggle bet6een ch"nnel "nd %re;uency.
-hi%t %unction is not "v"il"ble.
USA-AUS 40%h )' Mode
Covers the A-A 40ch C1 b"nd in 105h: steps "nd option"l
ch"nnel re"dout.
)unc "nd c"ll to toggle bet6een ch"nnel "nd %re;uency.
-hi%t %unction is not "v"il"ble.
(!eeb"#d Mode
7"dios "re usu"lly shipped in this mode. All %unctions "nd
24.# to 2H.Hmh: continuous cover"ge
Jumpers on main board behind microphone socket
An +'pin4 loc5 ring type4 mic connector is used.

? 0# M% So%@e/
Incre"ses or decre"ses the energy developed in the
microphone "mpli%ier circuit. /he g"in incre"ses "s the
control is rot"ted cloc56ise. )or optimum setting4 press
the push'to't"l5 ?*//@ s6itch on the microphone4
"d2ust the mic g"in control until "ll segments o% the
-07) displ"y "re lit. Ne3t4 rot"te the control
countercloc56ise until the l"st segment o% the displ"y
st"rts to %lic5er. /he -07) displ"y is the b"r gr"ph
loc"ted on the lo6er edge o% the C8 screen.
Ad2usts the receiver sensitivity to both sign"ls "nd
b"c5ground noise. /his "%%ects the dist"nce "t 6hich "
sign"l c"n be detected. /urning the control
countercloc56ise reduces the receiver sensitivity. /his
is p"rticul"rly use%ul in "re"s 6here l"rge volumes o%
tr"%%ic ?sign"ls@ "re present. /he -07) displ"y indic"tes
the received sign"l<s strength. /he -07) displ"y is the
b"r gr"ph loc"ted on the lo6er edge o% the C8
NOTE: The RF Gain may need to be reduced under
certain conditions The optima has a !ery sensiti!e
recei!er "ith a #$%db increase in sensiti!ity o!er
pre!ious mode&s 'nder certain conditions the acti!e
AG( can cause the recei!ed audio to distort and this
shou&d be corrected by reducin) the RF )ain "hich "i&&
cause the noise to reduce and the si)na& to be
readab&e once more
O0e!"/#2 $o<e o= /he =e"/3!e$ # 4 /h!o32h 9
!eA3!e /he 3$e o= /he (UN)TION %o#/!ol. To
"%/&"/e/he =3#%/o# %o#/!ol7 <o<e#/"!l; 03$h /he
(UN) B.0C %o#/!ol7 /he (UN) 0!o<0/ :ll be
d$0l";ed # 300e! le=/Dh"#d %o!#e! o= L)D. P3$h
/he %o#/!ol "2"# /o de"%/&"/e /he =3#%/o# %o#/!ol.
4. STEP E N' E .
STEP> /uning -tep. /he -/G* control selects %re;uency
resolution in either 1 59:4 10 59: or 100 59: steps. *ress
the -/G* button4 one o% the digits 6ill %l"sh on "nd o%%.
*ress the -/G* button "g"in to ch"nge stepping resolution.
/o tune %re;uencies in either 10 59: or 100 59: increments4
press the -/G* button until the desired digit is
%l"shing. 7ot"te the )7GBAGNCY control in either direction.
/he entire %re;uency r"nge o% the ,*/I$A c"n be stepped
through in 14 #4 10 or 100 59: increments.
/o tune in 1 59: increments4 press the -/G* button
until the 1 59: digit %l"shes on "nd o%%. 7ot"te the
)7GBAGNCY control.
N,/G> *hen steppin) in + k,- increments. you are NOT
&imited to tunin) "ithin a +/ k,- 0re1uency ran)e
The 2e0au&t 3tep 0unction is 4kh- on the OPTIMA
N'> Noise 1l"n5er. Noise bl"n5er on "nd o%% control.
/his circuit elimin"tes pulse type inter%erence usu"lly
"ssoci"ted 6ith "utomotive ignition systems. /o "ctiv"te
the noise bl"n5er4 press the )ANC control "nd then press
the N1 button. N1 6ill "ppe"r on the C8 indic"ting the
noise bl"n5er is turned on. /o turn o%% the noise bl"n5er4
repe"t the s"me process.
.> $emory Ch"nnel 1. A%ter progr"mming this button is
memory ch"nnel 1. -ee $.,A8 M $.-AJG control %or
progr"mming instructions.
5. L)R E RPT E 4
L)R> "st Ch"nnel 7ec"ll. *ress the C7 button to
return to the l"st %re;uency th"t 6"s tr"nsmitted on %or
more th"n C seconds.
Me<o!; S%"# /o "ctiv"te the $emory -c"n4 press the
(UN) control "nd then press the C7 button. /he r"dio 6ill
no6 commence sc"nning 2ust the memory ch"nnels.
Me<o!; )h"##el 4. A%ter progr"mming this button
is memory ch"nnel 4. -ee $.,A8 M $.-AJG control
%or progr"mming instructions.
8. )ALL E 2
)ALL> /he oper"tion o% the CA button is
determined by the intern"l 2umper settings in the r"dio.
?-ee Addition"l )e"tures4 Numper settings= p"ge 10@
C1 $odes> !ith the (UN) "ctve the displ"y 6ill toggle
bet6een ch"nnel re"d out "nd %re;uency re"d out.
In 9"m $ode> /he r"dio 6ill toggle bet6een 10m "nd
12m modes.
In %reeb"nd mode the ,*/I$A 6ill step up in 1mh:
2> $emory Ch"nnel 2. A%ter progr"mming this button
is memory ch"nnel 2. -ee $.,A8 M $.-AJG control
%or progr"mming instructions.
9. MODE E T. LOW E 5
MODE> ,per"ting $ode. *ress the $,8G control to
select the oper"ting mode. /he oper"ting mode is
indic"ted on the li;uid cryst"l displ"y> A$4 )$4 A-14 or
T. LOW> /one o6. *ress the (UN) button4 "nd then
press the /. o6 button to turn on the receive "udio
tone control. ,! 6ill "ppe"r on the C8 6hen the
lo6 tone is "ctiv"ted. /his %e"ture 6ill roll'o%% high
%re;uency noise ?i.e. D6hiteE noise@. Ander m"ny
oper"ting conditions this 6ill improve the cl"rity "nd
underst"nding o% received sign"ls.
5> $emory Ch"nnel #. A%ter progr"mming this button
is memory ch"nnel #. -ee $.,A8 M $.-AJG control
%or progr"mming instructions.
?. S)AN E S1I(T E *
S)AN> )re;uency -c"n. -c"ns in increments o% #
59:. /here "re t6o 6"ys to sc"n using the %ront p"nel
?1@ 7eceive Audio ,n -c"nning> *ress the -CAN
button. -c"n r"te is one step every # seconds. /o stop
sc"nning press the -CAN button "g"in4 or
press the *// button on the microphone ?sc"nning
6ill stop 6ithout tr"nsmitting@.
?2@ 7eceive Audio $ute -c"nning> C"re%ully rot"te the
s;uelch control " minimum e3cursion ?re%er to 14@ until
the receive "udio is o%%. /he receiver sc"n r"te 6ill no6
be %ive %re;uencies per second. !hen " sign"l is
detected the s;uelch is "utom"tic"lly diseng"ged "nd
the sc"nning is p"used. /he s;uelch circuit 6ill
"utom"tic"lly re'eng"ge "nd the receiver 6ill continue
to sc"n the moment the received sign"l is no longer
/o stop sc"nning4 press the -CAN button4 or
moment"rily press the *// button on the microphone
?sc"nning 6ill stop 6ithout tr"nsmitting@.
?C@ $emory -c"nning> *ress the (UN) button4 "nd
then press the C7 ?button 4@ /he r"dio 6ill then sc"n
those %re;uencies in memory p"using %or C seconds
e"ch time. -c"nning 6ill not stop i% %re;uency is in
use. Asing the s;uelch 6ill c"use the sc"nning only to
p"use on %re;uencies bre"5ing the s;uelch.

S1I(T> -hi%t ,%%set. Ased %or progr"mming o%%sets to
oper"te repe"ter net6or5s. /he ,*/I$A c"n tr"nsmit "nd
receive on di%%erent %re;uencies. /he shi%t de%"ult is 0005h:
so the o%%set re;uired 6ill need to be set by the user %irst.
/o progr"m the o%%set4 press the (UN) button "nd hold
do6n the -9I)/ button %or C or more seconds. /hree
digits 6ill "ppe"r on the C8. /his is the o%%set %re;uency
in 59:. 7ot"te the )7GBAGNCY control until the desired
o%%set %re;uency is displ"yed. /o return to the m"in displ"y
press the (UN) button "nd hold do6n the -9I)/ button %or
C or more seconds4 or moment"rily press the *// button on
the microphone ?the tr"nsmitter 6ill not be eng"ged@.
/o "ctiv"te the progr"mmed o%%set %re;uency4 press the
(UN) button4 "nd then press the -9I)/ button once.
F-9I)/ is displ"yed on the C8. /he r"dio 6ill no6
tr"nsmit on the %re;uency th"t is OOO 59: gre"ter th"n the
displ"yed4 or receive4 %re;uency ?OOO represents the
progr"mmed o%%set %re;uency in 59:@.
/o tr"nsmit on the %re;uency th"t is OOO 59: lo6er th"n the
displ"yed4 or receive4 %re;uency press (UN)4 then the
-9I)/ button. 7epe"t this until '-9I)/ is displ"yed on the
/o diseng"ge the progr"mmed o%%set %re;uency4 press
the (UN) button "nd then press the -9I)/ button.
7epe"t this until the -9I)/ indic"tor is no longer displ"yed
on the C8.
*> $emory Ch"nnel C. A%ter progr"mming this button
is memory ch"nnel C. -ee $.,A8 M $.-AJG control
%or progr"mming instructions.
M.SA5E> $emory -"ve. /o s"ve in memory " speci%ic
%re;uency "nd oper"ting mode4 select the desired mode
"nd rot"te the )7GBAGNCY control to the desired
*ress the (UN) button4 "nd then press the
$.-AJG button. - 6ill "ppe"r on the C8 ne3t to the
%re;uency. !hile - is displ"yed4 immedi"tely press "ny
o% the memory ch"nnel buttons ?1 ' #@. /he mode "nd
%re;uency is no6 s"ved into memory. I% the - indic"tor
dis"ppe"rs be%ore you press the memory ch"nnel button4
the in%orm"tion 6ill not be s"ved "nd the process
must be repe"ted.
M.LOAD> $emory o"d ?7ec"ll@. /o lo"d4 or rec"ll4
"ny o% the s"ved memory ch"nnels press the $.,A8
button. 6ill "ppe"r on the C8 %or sever"l seconds.
!hile the letter is displ"yed press the desired memory
ch"nnel button ?1 ' #@. /he progr"mmed mode "nd
%re;uency 6ill be displ"yed.
.0. )LAR E (UN)
)LAR> Cl"ri%ier. /he cl"ri%ier shi%ts both the /O "nd
7O %re;uency 1.0 59: e"ch side o% the center
/his is necess"ry %or tuning to "n --1 sign"l.
7ot"te the cl"ri%ier control cloc56ise or
countercloc56ise to tune "n --1 sign"l.
(UN)> )unction. /his control is used to oper"te the
si3 control buttons on the %ront p"nel th"t "re printed in
or"nge. *ress slightly "nd rele"se4 ?do not hold@
(UN) 6ill be displ"yed on the C8 indic"ting th"t the
%unction comm"nd is "ctiv"ted. A%ter you h"ve pressed
one o% the buttons the (UN) 6ill dis"ppe"r %rom the
2. !hen pushed "nd held %or 2 seconds the "ddition"l
I) cryst"l %ilter 6ill be eng"ged. /his 6ill help to reduce
noise "nd inter%erence %rom ne"rby st"tions in most
inst"nces. /o diseng"ge repe"t the "bove. A sm"ll led
to the le%t o% the %re;uency selector 6ill illumin"te 6hen
the %ilter is "ctive.
...)1ANNEL> )re;uency. 7ot"te cloc56ise or
countercloc56ise to select the desired %re;uency.
.2. O(( - 5OLUME
O((> /urns the po6er to the r"dio on "nd o%%.
5OLUME> Ad2usts the A) g"in4 or volume o% the
received "udio. /urn cloc56ise to incre"se "nd
countercloc56ise to decre"se.
.4. SF> -;uelch. Ased to elimin"te b"c5ground or
D6hiteE noise 6hen monitoring strong sign"ls. Also
used to "ctiv"te -CAN %e"ture ?re%er to +@. /o properly
"d2ust s;uelch circuit4 st"rt rot"ting the control slo6ly
cloc56ise until the received 6hite noise dis"ppe"rs.
.5. PWR> J"ri"ble 7) ,utput *o6er. 7ot"te cloc56ise
to incre"se 7) output po6er. 7ot"te countercloc56ise
to decre"se 7) output po6er.
J"ri"ble 7) output po6er "llo6s lo6 po6er %or B7*
.8. P3$hDToDT"l@ S:/%h> *ress "nd hold the s6itch
to tr"nsmit. /O 6ill "ppe"r on the C8 screen 6hen
7ele"se the s6itch to receive.
.9. UP - DN> Ap "nd 8o6n )re;uency Controls. *ress
the A* control to incre"se in %re;uency. *ress the 8N
control to decre"se in %re;uency.
.. EG/e!#"l S0e"@e! H"%@
An e3tern"l spe"5er 2"c5 is loc"ted on the re"r p"nel
o% the tr"nsceiver. /he ,*/I$A is designed to "ccept
"ny st"nd"rd + ohm e3tern"l spe"5er %or use 6ith t6o'
6"y tr"nsceivers.
/his tone sounds e"ch time the C*A is being progr"mmed.
It is help%ul4 in the beginning so you c"n be sure the
comm"nd h"s been entered. You m"y elimin"te the tone by
simply pressing the *// s6itch on the microphone "nd
turning on the ,N0,)) *,!G7 s6itch "t the s"me time.
2. Me<o!; '"%@ U0
/he memories in the ,*/I$A "re stored in non Jol"tile
7A$ "nd 6ill rem"in until user ch"nged4 despite the r"dio
being disconnected %rom the po6er source %or long periods
o% time
*. I#/e!#"l H3<0e!$ /o $e/ O0e!"/#2 Mode
/he ,ptim" h"s " sm"ll 2umper bo"rd inside the r"dio to
"llo6 users to set the mode o% oper"tion. Currently these
modes "re>
1. NZ 40 C1 Ch"nnels only. ?,ption"l Ch. 7e"dout@
2. A- 40 C1 Ch"nnels only ?,ption"l Ch 7e"dout@
C. 10 L 12m h"m 1"nds ,nly ?24.#mh:' 24.Hmh: L
2+.0mh: to 2H.HHHmh:@
4. )ree 1"nd ?24.# ' 2H.HHHmh:@
/he Above settings m"y be ch"nged to suit oper"ting
conditions in other countries.
EG/e!#"l ("# G3tern"l )"n on he"tsin5 "llo6s r"dio to run
cooler "t higher po6ers. It is controlled %rom the *// "nd
runs %or C0 seconds "%ter *// is rele"sed.
Add/o#"l I( (l/e!
Re"! ("# o# 1e"/ S#@
)re;uency Cover"ge > /r"nsmit "nd 7eceive .................................. 24.#00 to 2H.HHH $9:
Antenn" Imped"nce > #0 ohm4 unb"l"nced
)re;uency Control > 8igit"l *h"se'oc5 oop ?*@ -ynthesi:er
)re;uency Accur"cy > 1etter th"n F10 ppm %rom 0 ' 40 0C "%ter 1# min. 6"rm up
*o6er 7e;uirement > 12 ' 1C.+ J 8C4 neg"tive ground
Current Consumption > + "mps m"3imum
8imensions > & 3 2 3 H.# in ?! 3 9 3 8@
!eight > 2.H lbs
-hipping 6eight > 2.0#0 Kg
*o6er ,utput > --1 0 )$............................................................................... #0 !"tts *G*
> A$ ..........................................................12 !"tts Aver"ge 0 #0 !"tts *G*
/uning -teps > 1 59: 0 #5h: 0 10 59: 0 100 59: ?#5h: de%"ult@
)in"l /r"nsistors > I7)#20 $,-)G/ ?32@
-purious Gmissions > $ore th"n #0 d1 belo6 pe"5 output po6er
C"rrier -uppression > $ore th"n 40 d1 belo6 pe"5 output po6er
An6"nted -ideb"nd > $ore th"n #0 d1 belo6 pe"5 output ?1 59: tone@
)$ 8evi"tion > F0' 2 59: m"3imum
Audio 7esponse > $ore th"n C0d1 belo6 pe"5 output
)re;uency 7esponse > 400 to 2+00 9:
$icrophone Imped"nce > GC$4 &00 to 1K ohms
Circuit /ype > 8u"l'Conversion -uperheterodyne
Intermedi"te )re;uencies
> 1st I) 0 --1 I) .................................................................. 10.&H# $9:
> 2nd I) ..................................................................................... 4## 59:
-ensitivity > --1............................................................. 0.2# PJ "t 10 d1 - F N0N
> A$ ................................................................ 1.0 PJ "t 10 d1 - F N0N
> )$................................................................... 0.C PJ "t 12 d1 -INA8
-electivity > --1................................................ 4.2 59: ?'& d1@ 0 +.# 59: ?'&0 d1@
> A$ 0 )$ .......................................... &.0 59: ?'& d1@ 0 1+ 59: ?'&0 d1@
Cl"ri%ier 7"nge > F0' C.0 59:
Ad2"cent Ch"nnel 7e2ection > 1etter th"n (0 d1 ?6ith %urther improvement 6hen 2
I) %ilter eng"ged@
I) 7e2ection > 1etter th"n +0 d1 %or "ll %re;uencies
)re;uency 7esponse > 2#0 to C000 9:
Audio ,utput *o6er > 2 6"tts minimum "t 10Q /98 6ith "n + ohm lo"d
Audio ,utput Imped"nce > + ohms
9ong Kong
*roviders o% -peci"li:ed 10012 meter r"dio products

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