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The Christ-Problem

A selection of Revelations from God received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde

The Christ-Problem

This boo let contains a selection of Divine Revelations! received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde as "romised by #ohn 1$%&1' (Whoever has )y commands and obeys them! he is the one *ho loves )e% +e *ho loves )e *ill be loved by )y ,ather! and I too *ill love him and sho* )yself to him%


The revelations are non.denominational! they do not intend to attract members of any /hristian religious affiliation nor to recruit members into any /hristian religious affiliation% The only "ur"ose of these revelations is to ma e Gods Word accessible to all "eo"le! as it is Gods Will%

0nly com"lete and unaltered messages *ith references may be co"ied and translated%

We invite everyone *ishing to e1"ress their gratitude for the recei"t of the Word of God to "ray! "articularly for the most needy souls%

2ublished by friends of the 3e* Revelation Ingo 4chneuing! ,l5re e*eg 6! &1776 89neburg htt"'::***%bertha.dudde%info htt"'::***%de%grou"s%yahoo%com:grou":dudde htt"'::***%de%grou"s%yahoo%com:grou":GottesWort


Table of contents
2age $ < Who *as Bertha Dudde;

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0riginal sin and significance of the act of 4alvation Gods human manifestation And the Word *as made flesh #esus suffered immeasurably Good ,riday )y God! )y God! *hy have Aou forsa en me; The blood of /hrist Descent into hell 4uffering and dying Resurrection of #esus The sacrifice on the cross *as offered for time and eternity 4alvation only through #esus /hrist DonBt let the sacrifice on the cross be in vain The Ascension of #esus /hrist 3o one comes to the ,ather 3o liberation *ithout #esus /hrist #esus came as 4aviour All "o*er is given unto )e in heaven and on earth #esus s"iritual mission Cvidence of #esus e1istence on earth God and #esus are one The human beings right attitude concerning #esus act of 4alvation Redeeming strength of #esus name The right "ath *ill be sho*n to "eo"le Do not forfeit your eternal life 4"reading the Gos"el throughout the *hole *orld The faith in #esus /hrist is in danger

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Who was Bertha Dudde? Bertha Dudde *as born on 1% A"ril 1?61! as the second oldest daughter of a "ainter! in 8iegnitD! 4ilesia% 4he became a dressma er and began to receive "ronouncements from God through the Inner Word on 1<% #une 167=% EIn a clear dream I *as moved to *rite do*n my thoughts after devout "rayer% Fnderstandably this often gave *ay to doubt and inner conflicts until I *as convinced that I *as! myself! by no means the initiator of these e1Guisitely gracious *ordsH but instead it *as the s"irit *ithin me! in other *ords! the love of the +eavenly ,ather *as obviously res"onsible for them and introduced me to the truthI% EI *as given no*ledge of the s"iritual *orld *hich far e1ceeded my elementary school education% I received and receive this no*ledge as a dictation in a state of com"lete consciousnessH I *rite do*n everything I am told in shorthand! in order to then transfer it *ord for *ord to clean co"y% The "rocedure does not ta e "lace in a state of com"ulsion! for e1am"le in a state of trance or ecstasy! but in an absolutely level.headed frame of mind% +o*ever! I have to *ant it to ha""en and then I can receive these dictations voluntarilyH they are neither bound by time nor "lace%I E3o* I only have one *ish! *hich is to be able to ma e these gifts of grace accessible to many more "eo"le and in accordance *ith the *ill of God +imself to be allo*ed to do much more *or in +is vineyard%I JKuotations from an autobiogra"hy from 16<6L% Bertha Dudde died on 1?% 4e"tember 16>< in 8ever usen! Germany%

B%D% =17> 1%>%16<? Original sin and significance of the act of Salvation... And thus you *ill be constantly reminded that I died for you on the crossM I *ill al*ays remind you humans on earth and all souls in the beyond *ho are still unredeemed! or I *ill bring the no*ledge to you if you are not yet a*are of it! because you should not be *ithout no*ledge if ever you *ant to achieve beatitude% 0f *hat use is it to humanity to no* about #esus the man! Who ended +is earthly life by being crucified! if you do not no* about the s"iritual significance of +is crucifi1ion! about the mission the human being #esus had accom"lished for the sa e of humanitys sins; Cven if you are told +e redeemed humanity from sin%%% you *ill not be able to find any connection! and thus they remain mere *ords *hose meaning you do not understand% As long as you do not no* the reason for your human e1istence on this earth you *ill not be able to understand *hy humanity is called sinful! eitherM albeit none of you are *ithout sin% But #esus /hrists act of 4alvation only becomes significant *hen you no* of the original sin! *hich is the cause of your earthly e1istence "er seM The magnitude of this sin cannot be com"ared to the sinfulness of human beings! even if the latter is only the conseGuence of the former% But all sins a "erson commits on earth could eventually be com"ensated by him on earth or in the ingdom of the beyond! no matter ho* much time it might ta e to do soM +o*ever! it is not "ossible for you humans to ma e amends for the original sin! neither during your earthly e1istence nor in the ingdom of the beyond! because this original sin did not consist of an offence by an already im"erfect being% It *as committed by su"erlatively "erfect beings *ho suffered no lac of enlightenment! *ho merely allo*ed themselves to be controlled by the sensation that they could sur"ass )eM *ho became arrogant! due to their abundance of light and strengthM A being cannot ma e amends for this sin because its magnitude is beyond measure and eternity *ould not suffice to be released from this guiltM Due to this sin the beings fell into the dee"est abyss! i%e% they lost light and strength and changed into the o""osite! so to s"ea ' they lost all divine Gualities and! instead! acce"ted all evil Gualities and instincts! they became )y o""onents M until their s"iritual substance hardened com"letely and they lost a*areness of themselvesM And no* I banished this hardened s"iritual substance into the form! i%e% I dissolved it into countless s"iritual "articles and "laced these into countless *or s of creation! *hich )y love! "o*er and *isdom had created "urely for the "ur"ose of guiding this fallen s"iritual substance bac to )e again! since it had been destined to become blissfully ha""y and can only find bliss *ith )e% Although this "assing through the creation is also an act of atonement of this immense guilt! it ta es "lace in a com"ulsory state! in a constrained *ill! and can therefore not be considered as com"ensation for this guiltM +ence the being eventually has to get into a "osition once again *here it has the desire to liberate itself from its guilt voluntarily! *hen it can be given sufficient no*ledge that it had offended and that there is nevertheless a *ay to be liberated from this tremendous guiltM It needs to no* that this is the "ath to the cross! that liberation from the original sin is only "ossible by ac no*ledging the Divine 4aviour and +is act of 4alvation and that this has to be done during earthly life in order to be readmitted after the death of the body in the ingdom of light! *hich is the true home of every "erson on earth% But even in the beyond )y merciful love still cares for the souls *ho languish in the abyss% They are informed of )y act of 4alvation even in the beyond and there! too! they can follo* the "ath to )e in #esus /hrist% +o*ever! they are no longer able to achieve the elevated degree of "erfection! *hich they could have achieved on earth by ac no*ledging #esus as the 4on of God and 4aviour the *orld! in Whom I had embodied )yself in order to receive the recognition they had "reviously denied )e% Aou humans have to no* about the great significance of the act of 4alvation! you should not merely mention the name of #esus as the name of a human being! Who had once lived on earth *ith e1alted ethical aimsM +e lived on earth for the "ur"ose of an im"ortant mission and you should try to understand this as long as you are still confounded by it! because it de"ends on your understanding and good *ill *hether your earthly "rogress *ill be successful! *hether the ingdom! *hich is your true home! *ill admit you againM Amen


B%D% ?$$< &&%7%16>7 od!s human manifestation... The greatest mystery! )y human manifestation in #esus for the "ur"ose of redeeming all once fallen s"irits! for the "ur"ose of redeeming the beings immense original sin of a"ostasy! *ill remain a secret to "eo"le as long as they are not truthfully instructed and desire to no* the truth about it M Aou humans do not *ant to believe that you live in utmost dar nessM% e1actly because of this original sin *hich first of all has to be redeemed before you can become enlightened! but then you *ill understand everything once and for all and have no more doubts% +o*ever! you can only receive the "ure truth from the Cternal Truth Itself Which also *ants to educate you because It is the 8ight of eternity Itself and *ants Its living creations to live in the light tooM% Aet it is u" to your free *ill to acce"t the truthH and you are certainly able to decide *hether you are instructed truthfully M There is only one condition' that you live *ithin loveM% Because love is the fire *hich is emanated by the light of *isdom%%%% A s"ar of love has been "laced into you! as a divine element! *hich is connected to )e! the eternal love% As soon as you voluntarily ignite this s"ar *ithin you it *ill strive to*ards the fundamental fire and this! in turn! *ill return its light in the form of most "rofound *isdomM Aou *ill become no*ledgeable! the light of understanding *ill illuminate you and your thin ing *ill be correct! it *ill be true M And it is this truth *hich I *ant to convey to you so that you may recognise your tas on earth and fulfil itM +ence! you shall no* about your original sin and )y "lan of 4alvation since eternity%%%% )ost im"ortantly! you shall learn about the salvation through #esus /hrist! about )y human manifestation in +im and! above all! you shall be taught that you should not sideste" #esus /hrist if you ever *ant to achieve eternal lifeM +e came to earth to "reach the Gos"el of love to "eo"le! to e1em"lify the right *ay of living! to sho* them the right "ath *hich leads to eternal lifeM But "eo"le! encumbered by the original sin! could still not have reached their goal as long as they *ere not released from this original sin%%% And this *as achieved by #esus act of 4alvation! by +is death on the cross! because +e accom"lished the act of atonement for this immense guilt and could only do so as a human being because I )yself *as in +im! since love is )y fundamental substanceM 8ove is not merely a Guality of )y Being but I Am love Itself%%%% Aou *ill be unable to gras" this as long as you live on earth but only this clarification can ma e you better understand )y human manifestation in #esus so that the unification JFnificationL is no longer Guestionable to you eitherM )y essence cannot be "ersonified! but in #esus )y all.encom"assing s"irit sha"ed Itself into something conceivable to youMBut #esus com"lete unification *ith )e did not occur until after the act of 4alvation *as achieved! *hich e1"lains *hy #esus! during +is earthly life! also occasionally s"o e of the ,ather as being e1ternal to +imselfM but at the same time +e al*ays referred to the unification tooM At the time of +is life on earth "eo"le *ere in a state of dar ness! and lightM i%e% clear a*areness about the act of 4alvationM could only shine for those fe* *ho deliberately "laced themselves belo* the cross! *ho *anted to be redeemed and thus voluntarily gave themselves to #esus and "leaded for forgiveness of their sins and guiltM% /onseGuently! humanity continued in a state of s"iritual dar ness! and this act of 4alvation%%% Divine 8oves greatest act of mercyM *ill continue to be ignored! #esus *ill merely be no*n as a human being and any divine mission by +im *ill be denied M ,or this reason humanity also remains burdened by the original sin! it continues in s"iritual dar ness and does not "erceive the light eitherM *hen it is occasionally emanated! for they close their eyes to avoid seeing itM But the light from above cannot be e1tinguished anymore because! time and again! there *ill be "eo"le *ho ignite the s"iritual s"ar *ithin themselves and are then able to receive direct instructions from their eternal ,ather.4"irit% And one day this light *ill shine brightly! it *ill entirely dis"el the dar ness *hen )y *ill deems the time to be right for itM Because you humans are a""roaching the end of a salvation "eriod! and a ne* one *ill begin! but this *ill be of bright light because he! *ho has brought dar ness into the *orld! *ill be banished for a long time! and because during this a""roaching time "eo"le *ill let Jhave let;L themselves be redeemed by #esus /hrist! thus they are released from their original sinM The no*ledge of #esus /hrist and +is act of 4alvation! of )y human manifestation in +im! is of such incredible significance that I *ill! indeed! do everything to convey it to "eo"le! but it has to be left to their free *ill as to *hether they acce"t it and then follo* the "ath to the crossM *hether they surrender the guilt of their sins to the only 0ne Who! *hen +e is im"lored to do so! can and *ill liberate them% Because +e died on the cross for humanitys guilt of sin! +e made amends for the immense guilt! and Gods Nustice *as served by thisM Because the love of God had mercy on those *ho had formerly deserted +im%%% 8ove Itself made the sacrifice%%% God in #esus delivered humanity from sin and o"ened the "ath into the ingdom of light and bliss again%%% Amen


B%D% ?1$1 1%$%16>& "#nd the Word was made flesh ...! And the Word *as made flesh and lived among usM I )yself! the eternal Word! came to earth and became fleshM It *as an act of over*helming love and mercy that had moved )e to ma e contact *ith the human beings *ho had distanced themselves from )e to a "oint that they *ere no longer able to hear )y voice! that they could no longer hear )y Word *ithin themselves and *ho did not have a relationshi" *ith the Word of eternity any more%M They themselves had caused this vast distance from )e! and they *ould never have been able to bridge this distance by themselves! they *ould never have been able to hear )y Word again such as it *as in the beginning *hen I could communicate *ith all )y living creations through the WordM ,or this reason! )y love has bridged the vast distance Itself%%%% I )yself came to earth and became flesh and then tried to get in touch *ith )y living creations in order to s"ea to them again and to build a bridge for them *hich *ould lead them bac to )e into the ingdom of light and blissM I Am the eternal Word )yself but I could not have s"o en directly to any human being from above *ithout "lacing those *ho had once originated from )e as free living creations into a state of com"ulsion% They had to cross the bridge to )e voluntarily and I could only achieve that by means of )y Word *hich! ho*ever! should not sound e1traordinary but li e the s"o en *ord bet*een human beings% And for this reason I became flesh%%% I too abode in the human cover of #esus and then s"o e to "eo"le through +imM But it *as )y Word *hich no* *as s"o en to them! and through this Word I could sho* "eo"le the *ay% I *as able to instruct them and tell them )y *ill! I *as able to reveal the Gos"el to them! the divine teaching of love! *hich should once again return their souls to the condition such that every "erson *ould be able to hear )y Word *ithin himself if this *as his sincere *illM But first humanity had to be released from sin and death% The former guilt of sin! caused by the a"ostasy from )e! first had to be redeemed! so that the subseGuent bond *ith )e could be cro*ned by the "ouring out of )y s"iritM so that the human being himself could hear )y voice *ithin himself again as it *as in the beginningM And the Word *as made flesh and lived amongst usM% 0nly fe* "eo"le understand the meaning of these *ordsH the eternal Word came to earth Itself because humanity *as in greatest difficulty! it *as not a*are of its *retched condition! of its lac of light! of the s"iritual dar ness in *hich it lived M It *as com"letely se"arate from )e and did nothing to reduce its vast distance from )e% The only *ay to hel" "eo"le *as by means of instructions *hich corres"onded to the truthM They had to be informed of their God and /reators *ill! and this *ill had to be conveyed to them by )yselfM I had to s"ea to them )yself and could only do so through a human being%%%% Thus I embodied )yself in this human being! and only in this manner *as it "ossible to instruct "eo"le truthfully! to dra* their attention to their *rong *ay of life! to inform them of )y *ill and e1em"lify the ind of life they should lead themselves in order to esca"e their s"iritual dar ness! in order to *al the "ath I sho*ed them first so that they could attain eternal life again% Because they *ere influenced by )y adversary *ho continuously "rovo ed them into leading a life *ithout love *hich subseGuently made and e"t them *ea and they *ere not able to contribute anything to*ards their ascent% I )yself "rovided them *ith the evidence that love results in strength% I healed the sic and carried out other miracles *hich only the strength of love could accom"lishM% I also informed them about the conseGuences of a heartless *ay of lifeM Because I first had to e1"lain to "eo"le *hy they *ere e1"eriencing "hysical and s"iritual hardshi"M I had to inform them that their state as human beings could not be considered a ha""y one and *hat they therefore should do to attain beatitude%%% And they had to hear all of this from the mouth of God%%% They had to be able to hear )y Word! and thus the Word Itself came do*n to earth and became fleshM In the original state the Word sounded *ithin every being and *as the cause of inconceivable blissM And the beings abandoned this blissfulness themselves by voluntarily distancing themselves from )e and thus could not hear )y Word any longer! because this Word *as a direct emanation of love on )y "art *hich they then reNected% +umanitys e1cessive hardshi" on earth "rom"ted )y love and mercy to dra* nearer to them and to confront them *ith )y Word in s"ite of their resistance M And anyone *ho had ignited Nust a tiny s"ar of love *ithin himself recognised )e and acce"ted )y WordM +e also recognised the Deity in )e and follo*ed )e%%% But by and large "eo"le Nust sa* the human being in )e and therefore valued )y Word sim"ly as that of a human beingM% I *as amongst them and they did not recognise )eM 3evertheless! I *as able to "roclaim the Gos"el of love! to re"eatedly im"art the divine teaching of love to "eo"le and to educate )y a"ostles )yself and then send them into the *orld *ith the tas of "roclaiming )y Gos"el and bearing *itness to )eM The Word Itself had come to earth! and It *as made flesh for the benefit of humanity%%% And every time )y Word is s"o en! )y infinite love and mercy bo*s do*n to*ards humanity and emits Its love into those human hearts *ho *illingly acce"t )y Word! *ho listen to it and recognise it as their ,athers voice and *ho are grateful for this great gift of graceM ,or I )yself Am the eternal Word! and anyone *ho listens to )e enters into closest contact *ith )e! and he *ill indeed achieve his last goal on this earth! he *ill find com"lete unification *ith )e! his God and ,ather! to Whom he has finally returned to be eternally blessedM% Amen

B%D% ?$>7 6%$%16>7 $esus suffered immeasurabl%& Aou should al*ays remember ho* much the man #esus has suffered on your behalf because +is love *anted to hel" you free yourselves from 4atans bondage% +e has ta en u"on +imself all your guilt and suffered enormous "ain as atonement for this guilt and ultimately "aid for this guilt *ith the most e1cruciating death on the cross% And although you are re"eatedly confronted *ith the magnitude of +is sacrifice and the e1tent of +is suffering it is emotionally im"ossible for you to em"athise *ith this "ain% And yet you should remember it often in order to understand +is immense love for you *hich *as the reason for +is act of 4alvation% +is soul *as "ure and immaculate! it came from the highest realms of light into the dar ! sinful *orld! it came to a human race *hich *as sinful because of its former a"ostasy from God and *hich continued to sin during its earthly life because it *as influenced by Gods adversary! *ho constantly "rovo ed it into committing acts of un indness and *hom it could not resist because it *as com"letely *ea ened by the burden of the original sinM The "eo"le themselves lived in dense dar ness and therefore could not no* their souls enemy! and thus they *ere in a state of acute s"iritual distress and *ithout hel" *ould never have been able to free themselves from it either% And #esus too mercy on this human race! they *ere +is fallen brothers *ho *ould have remained eternally se"arated from the ,ather and thus +e *anted to hel" them! +e *anted to sho* them the *ay of return to the ,athers house again% #esus voluntarily offered +imself for an act of atonement! the magnitude of *hich cannot be understood by you humansM +e suffered "hysically and "sychologically because *hatever could be done to torment +im! *hatever could be done to cause +im suffering and "ain! *as done by "eo"le *ho *ere follo*ers of the adversary *ho sought to "revent the act of 4alvation *ith all his mightM But *hat the soul had to endure in the region of the lord of dar ness at the hands of his servants and accom"lices is inconceivable to you humans% Because it came from a divine! bright realm and descended into hell! into the dar region of Gods adversary! *here the soul no* had to suffer intense torment since all sinfulness and dar ness affected it "ainfully! because everything uns"iritual clung to it and attem"ted to "ull it into the bottomless abyssM But it resisted! it used the strength out of GodM Because #esus soul *as filled *ith love and this love *as its strength *hich enabled it to accom"lish the act of 4alvationM #esus sa* "eo"les *retched condition on earth! +e sa* their *ea ness and their blindness! and *ith +is love +e began to fight +is adversary *ho controlled humanity! *ho had "ushed them into disaster and sought to "revent them from brea ing a*ay Jfrom itL% +e J#esusL o""osed his hate and evil actions *ith +is love%%% And this love *as stronger than hate! it defeated the o""onentM 8ove sacrificed itself for other "eo"le! and *ith +is death on the cross love had "urchased humanitys freedom from bondage% The "rice had been very high! +e had "aid the ultimate for "eo"les guilt of sin! +e had sacrificed +imselfM +e had "roven to the adversary that love is stronger than hate! that love can accom"lish everything! that it does not even fear death if it *anted to give freedom to the enslaved by this means! if it *anted to lead the dead bac to life again! if it could snatch the ca"tivated from its dungeon masterM 3o "ain and torture *as too much for the man #esus to abandon the act of 4alvation because +is mercy for the sinful humanity *as so "rofound that +e did not fear anything any longer and obediently and *illingly acce"ted death! that "rior to this +e suffered e1cruciating "ains for the sa e of humanitys sinsM% And *hen you humans remember this then you must rush to +im *ith intense love! you must hasten under the cross in order to belong to those for *hom the human being #esus has shed +is bloodM% Aou have to be so imbued *ith the strength of +is love that you res"ond to it from the bottom of your hearts and com"letely give yourselves to +im! to eternally become and remain +is 0*n M Aou cannot contem"late +is suffering and death often enough! and then you *ill constantly dra* closer to +im *hen you consider that every "ain +e had ta en u"on +imself should have been suffered by you in order to ma e amends for the immense guilt M and that +e has redeemed you from itM This *as only "ossible due to the love *ithin +im%%%% And this love *as God +imself! Which totally "ermeated the man #esus and gave +im the strength to com"lete the act of mercy and defeat the adversary! because love is the strength to *hich even Gods adversary had to succumbM so that he has to let go of those souls *ho are *al ing the "ath to the cross! *ho ac no*ledge #esus /hrist as the Divine 4aviour and *ho "ray to +im for forgiveness of the guiltM Amen

B%D% =@?7 $%$%16<? ood 'rida%& Aou should al*ays remember )y infinite love *hich motivated )e to accom"lish the act of 4alvation for you%%% Whatever the man #esus had e1"erienced and endured on earth +e had acce"ted because of +is love for +is fello* human beings *hom +e ne* to suffer grave s"iritual "overty% Cven as a man +e already ne* of humanitys immense guilt of sin and the ho"elessness of releasing itself *ithout hel"% This no*ledge *as the result of +is life of love! and thus +e too "ity on humanity and *anted to hel"% +o*ever! as a result of +is love +e also realised that +e had to fulfil a missionM that I )yself had sent +im to earth to serve )e as a vessel! and thus I )yself could accom"lish the act of 4alvation in +im for the redem"tion of the said immense guilt of sinM And in accordance *ith this mission +is life on earth "rogressed M a life of untold difficulties and "ain *hich first had to mature +im and *hich +is soul e1"erienced sim"ly because of +is association *ith sinful "eo"le% Because +is soul had descended from the ingdom of light into dar ness% But first the earthly shell *hich enclosed the soul had to be "urged by these "ains and difficulties! by al*ays resisting the lusts and "assions *hich adhered to it in order to become a *orthy rece"tacle for )e )yself! but Who then com"letely and utterly "ermeated +im and thus became as one *ith +imM And no* +is real mission began' to bring light to the "eo"le! to "roclaim the truth to them! to "reach the Gos"el of love and thus to sho* and e1em"lify the *ay *hich they had to ta e as *ell if they *anted to enter the ingdom of light and bliss after their deathM in order to finally conclude +is earthly "ath *ith an incom"arable act of mercyM *ith +is most bitter suffering and the e1cruciating death on the cross as sacrifice for humanitys guilt of sinM And this mission *as indeed accom"lished by a human being but I )yself *as in this human being! I )yself! the eternal love! accom"lished the act of 4alvation! because only love *as able to ma e such a sacrifice! only love could suffer the torments on the *ay of the cross! and only love could find the strength to "atiently endure in com"lete consciousness until +is deathM And although the man #esus e1claimed on the cross the *ords )y God! )y God! *hy have Aou forsa en )e%%% it *as! after all! only a declaration that the Deity *ithin +im did not com"el +im to +is action but that the human being #esus voluntarily offered the sacrifice on behalf of +is fello* human beings! that the love *ithin +im motivated +im to continue but that It did not inhibit +is freedom of thought and action% The man #esus too humanitys entire burden of sin on +is shoulders and *al ed *ith it to the crossM 3ot one of you can understand the full meaning of these Words M% Although I )yself accom"lished the act of mercy! because *ithout love the man #esus *ould not have been able to ta e the e1tent of "ain and suffering u"on +imselfM yet at the same time the Deity could not suffer and thus the level of "ain and suffering had to be endured by a soul ca"able of suffering! a human being Whose body *as sensitive to "ain and Who thus made amends in this *ay for *hat had caused the *hole of humanity become guilty before God% And +is soul also suffered beyond *ords since it came from the ingdom of light and e1"erienced the dar ness on earth as indescribable tortureM The man #esus *as )y 4on! in Whom I *as *ell "leased%%% +e *as devoted to )e in every sense! *ith all +is love! +e lived amongst sinful "eo"le and +is soul ceaselessly searched for )e! +is God and ,ather of eternity! +is love forced )e to flo* into +im incessantly! and thus the unification bet*een human and God could ta e "lace! i%e% Gods human manifestation could "roceed in absolute la*ful order% Because I could never have chosen to ta e abode in a human shell *hich *as not "ure love because I )yself cannot unite *ith something im"ure%%% And every immature substance became s"iritualised through the suffering of the man #esus M and at the same time the *hole of humanity *as released from the guilt of sin because one human being had sacrificed +imself for love on behalf of +is fello* human beings% The man #esus glorified )e )yself through +is death! and I glorified +im by choosing +im as the eternally visible out*ard a""earance for )yselfM by becoming a visible Deity in +im for all )y created beings *ho ma e themselves *orthy of 4eeing God% As long as you live on earth you can forever visualise )y infinite love *hich had hel"ed you to become liberated through the act of 4alvationM but you *ill only understand the com"lete "rofoundness of this act of mercy *hen you have entered the ingdom of light yourselves! *hen the light of a*areness "ermeates you once again as it did in the beginningM Then you yourselves can "artici"ate too! you *ill e1"erience it as reality and only then understand )y infinite love *hich did *hatever needed to be done to regain its children *ho once *ent astray due to the immense guilt of a"ostasy from )eM Amen

B%D% ?&@1 &=%>%16>& ()% od* )% od* wh% have +ou forsa,en )e?(

)y "ain and death on the cross *as indescribably e1cruciating and every descri"tion of the suffering is Nust a faint com"arison *ith )y real suffering because I foresa* every "hase of )y act of 4alvation! I ne* *hat )y last tas *ould be and I did not have the reassurance to reduce the "ain for )yself since I had to suffer the last hours as a mere human being% I certainly had all the strength because Gods! )y eternal ,athers! strength of love "ermeated )e until the end! but by using )y *ill I )yself made no use of the strength of love! I did not acce"t its effect to reduce or alleviate the "ain *ith its hel"! other*ise the act of 4alvation! *hich called for the utmost amount of suffering in order to redeem humanitys original sin! *ould not have been com"letely validM And the Deity *ithin )e ne* )y *ill and allo*ed )e to continue! It *ithdre* Itself because it *as )y *ill to achieve )y highest degree of love for humanity! *hich again *as only for )y ,ather! for Whom I yearned during the greatest distress! during the most severe suffering and "articularly during the final minutes of )y "hysical lifeM And this yearning increased because I no longer used +is effect! +is strength of loveM And in this longing for +im! for )y eternal ,ather! I e1claimed the *ords )y God! )y God! *hy have Aou forsa en )e;%%% I )yself had *anted to com"lete the act of mercy for the sinful humanity as a human being! because the greatest love I could offer )y ,ather *as to allo* )yself to be nailed to the cross on +is behalf! because +e +imself had come to earth and ta en abode *ithin )e after all! because +e had *anted to carry out the act of 4alvation for +is children +imself! but being God +e *as unable to suffer M And hence I acce"ted all torments and "ain on +is behalf and endured them to the end%%% 3o matter ho* often and intelligible I try to e1"lain this to you%%% you *ill never Guite understand it until the s"iritual ingdom has received you! the ingdom of light and blissfulnessM And the sim"lest e1"lanation are al*ays the *ords The ,ather and I are 0ne%%% It *as already the com"lete unification and therefore I *as able to say' It is finished M The human being #esus had sacrificed +is life! +e had suffered as a human being and e1"erienced an uns"ea ably "ainful deathM But +e also had united *ith the Cternal Deity! because the love *as in the man #esus until the end or +e could not have said' ,ather! forgive them for they no* not *hat they do% And if love Itself stayed silent then only because it *as necessary to finaliDe the act of 4alvation! so that the death could no* be ascertained by all "eo"le in +is vicinityM% so that +is body could be "laced into the grave from *hich +e has risen again on the third dayM Cvery e1"ression of Gods s"irit in the end could still have caused "eo"le to doubt #esus death on the cross! because they *ould have recognised +is bond *ith )e and faith in the act of 4alvation *ould have been the com"elling result! but it had to be a free decision of *illM Aou *ill not be able to understand this Guite yet either! but as soon as you yourselves unite your s"irit *ith the s"irit of the eternal ,ather you *ill become enlightened! and then you *ill also understand )y Word! *hich al*ays aims to offer you an e1"lanation that you can understand in accordance *ith your souls degree of maturity or love% Cs"ecially in regards to the act of 4alvation you should receive the "ure truth and be given com"lete understanding! so that you can com"rehend the magnitude of )y love! Which came to earth for you humans! for your guilt of sin! Which has accom"lished the act of 4alvation to re.o"en the "ath to the ,ather! to redeem your immense guilt of sin! for this had closed your "ath to the ,athers house forever M Amen


B%D% <$=? &%6%16<& The blood of Christ&. uilt of sin&

,or you! )y children on earth! I shed )y bloodH for you I too the most difficult "ath because I *anted to hel" you ascend from the abyss *hich you could never have left by yourselvesM for you I died on the crossM The sacrifice I had *anted to offer God.,ather *as acce"ted! it *as offered for you%%% Thus you humans on earth shall gain from itH *hat I had begged from God and for *hich I made the sacrifice should benefit you earthly children! because in the state you *ere at the time I descended to earth you urgently needed hel"% But I also ne* that not Nust the "eo"le during )y life time on earth *ere in needH I ne* that! as long as the earth e1ists! human beings could not fulfil their earthly tas because they *ere too *ea and I too "ity on the *hole of humanity! even those of the "ast and in the future! and I included all human beings in )y act of 4alvation! I gained unlimited blessings for all "eo"le! *hich they no* can use in order to reach their goal on earth% 4acrificing )y life *as an act of utmost com"assion! I had acce"ted a state of suffering entirely consciously and voluntarily! *hich I *ould have been unable to bear *ithout the divine strength of love! but I too "ity on humanitys a*ful distress and *as *illing to endure anything in order to hel"% Although I ne* that this act of 4alvation *ould culminate in )y Beings com"lete deification it *as not the reason for )y action% I *as "urely moved by )y love for the suffering s"irit *hich had deserted God! *hich *as so very distant from God and therefore unha""y% 8ove filled )e *ith such might that I *as able to find the strength therein for the act of mercy! that I suffered and died for humanity in e1cruciating "hysical "ain% I sacrificed )y life on the cross for )y unha""y brothers *ho! li e )e! had formerly come forth from God but *ho had left the "ath of their destiny% I ne* the bliss of Gods nearness and had mercy *ith the fallen *retched s"iritM But I also ne* of Gods love for all +is living creations and *anted to bring bac to +im *hat had voluntarily distanced itself from +im M )y love for God! as *ell as the love for everything *hich had emerged from +im! *as over*helming% 0nly because of this love had God acce"ted )y sacrificeM And )y love as ed God for forgiveness of the guilt *hich clung to the fallen and could not be redeemed in any other *ay! since it consisted of heartlessness% +ence only love could ma e this sacrifice! and therefore it *as not the death on the cross as such but the love for humanity *hich *as "roven by this death *hich *as acce"ted by God as atonementM I shed )y blood for you humans and thus made amends for your actions! I too your sin u"on )yself and suffered for itM But you also have to do your "art! you have to be *illing to become redeemed by )y crucifi1ion% Aou have to *ant that this act of grace *as also achieved for you! you have to ma e use of the blessings by ac no*ledging )e and )y act of 4alvation and *illingly Noin those for *hom I have died on the cross% Without this ac no*ledgment and your *ill! you are and remain blemished by this guilt of sin and chained to him *ho has caused your fall% I have indeed accom"lished the act of 4alvation for all of you but only your o*n *ill can bring it into effect for you because you cannot be redeemed against your *ill from a sin *hich you voluntarily committed% Aou have to ste" beneath the cross of /hrist! you have to ac no*ledge )e and call to )e! you have to confess your guilt to )e and reGuest that I carry it on your behalf and remove it *ith )y bloodM And all your guilt *ill be forgiven for the sa e of )y loveM Amen


B%D% ><71 &<%$%16<> Descent into hell&. -ucifer!s o..osition& It is true that I descended into hell after )y death on the cross and that I also brought redem"tion to those *ho had not yet entered the gate to eternal bliss! because this gate first had to be o"ened by )y death on the crossM% /ountless souls had a*aited the hour of their salvation and I a""eared to them as the human being #esus! and I described to them )y suffering and death because they too had to voluntarily ac no*ledge )e as 4on of God and 4aviour of the *orld% But I *as also acce"ted by those *ho had lived a good life on earthH I *as not reNected by all! nevertheless! countless souls resisted )e and reNected the gift of grace! )y 4alvationM )y adversarys influence on these souls *as so strong that they only sa* )e as the human being *ho had revolted against earthly rulers and hence *as sentenced to deathM The freedom of *ill had to be u"held for all these souls% Therefore I could not a""ear in "o*er and glory%%% I had to come amongst them Nust as I had *al ed amongst the "eo"le on earthM as a human being Who only by means of the Word tried to convince them of +is mission and the accom"lished act of 4alvation% But )y adversary did not *ant to let go of the souls! nevertheless! for the first time he realised the conseGuence of )y act of 4alvation%%% he could not hold on to the souls *ho ac no*ledged )e! *ho voluntarily *anted to follo* )e through the gate *hich had been o"ened by )e for themM They *ere released from his "o*er! they burst the chains *ith the strength they received from )e! because I )yself had loosened their chainsM +ence )y adversary raged even more amongst his follo*ers! and no* the battle of light against dar ness Jthe battle of dar ness against lightL began in earnest and has never ceased! and thus rages on earth and in the s"iritual ingdomM I had descended into hell to bring salvation to all those *hose earthly life had ended before I came to earthM to all those *ho! in s"ite of a right *ay of life! *ere still subNect to )y adversary *ho even fought against )e )yself and against *hom I fought on earth for every soul he *as ee"ing in chainsM And he lost a large "ro"ortion of his follo*ers%%% I had died for all those souls and all could have liberated themselves from him% But his fury *as never.ending *hen he sa* himself de"rived of his follo*ers%%% *hen he had to realise that I had gained a victory! but *hich *as entirely achieved by love% +e too could have submitted himself to love! yet his "o*er! his o*nershi"! *as still too large and he resisted the strength of )y love! and hence it could not ta e effect on him either% But the moment had come *hen he had to realise that his "o*er *as defeated%%% +e had to acce"t that he had found his master in the human being #esus! Whose love had achieved the unification *ith )e%%% And thus his hate gre* ever stronger because the divine 4aviour #esus /hrist had no* become a serious o""onent Who could ta e his follo*ers a*ay by virtue of +is love% But )y adversary still found a hel"ful solution in the fact that this de"ends on every beings free *ill and constantly tries to influence his victims *ill! be it on earth or even in the s"iritual ingdom% But I descended into hell after )y death on the cross! and I continue to descend into hell to bring salvation to all those *ho *ant to liberate themselves from him! and he *ill not be able to sto" )e! he *ill never be able to forcibly retain the souls *ho *ant to follo* )y callM +is "o*er has been defeated by )y death on the cross! but even this crucifi1ion could not brea his resistance! his hatred and his *ill are unyielding! his actions are evil! and his essence is entirely *ithout loveM ,or this reason he lac s the strength to give life to the dead% +is remaining strength *ill only ever be used for negative actions! and thus "ositive strength has to *ea en his activity ever moreM love has to attract and dra* to itself everything *hich is lifeless and then revive it againM With )y descent into hell the return of the once fallen beings to )e had started! the a*a ening of the dead into life had commenced! for love has "roven that it is stronger than hate! love has made amends on the cross for the guilt *hich had resulted in the death of the beings% And thus life has been bought for them! he *ho had "ut the beings into the state of death had been defeatedM Amen


B%D% >&77 6%$%16<< Suffering and d%ing& )y suffering and death on the cross could not be avoided! I had to em"ty the cu" com"letely! I had to ta e everything u"on )yself if the act of 4alvation for you humans! to redeem you from all guilt! *as to be accom"lishedM 0nly the no*ledge of your "itiful state "ersuaded )e to ma e this self.sacrifice because )y heart *as filled *ith love for youM and this love *anted to "revent the a""alling fate *hich a*aited you after the death of your bodyM Because I ne* of this a""alling fate! since )y eyes could *itness the blissfulness of the ingdom of light as *ell as the suffering and torment in the realm of dar ness! and since )y love *as for you as )y fallen brothers I searched for a solution to avert your dreadful fateM I acce"ted all the guilt )yself and carried it on the "ath to the cross%%% Whatever had been done to )e on earth *as more than less Nust a symbol of *hat the entire burden of sin meant to )e! an immensely arduous! "ainful and su""ressing burden! *hich made )e fall time and again and *hich I nevertheless carried *ith utmost loveM I too u"on )yself all the "ain )y body could endure! for I carried the burden of sin on your behalf! I *anted to accom"lish the atonement *hich you irrevocably *ould have had to ma eM *hich you *ould have been eternally unable to do M I suffered and fought! I truly s*eated blood! I loo ed into all "its of hell! and fear and horror tore )y soul a"artM I endured everything you *ould have had to endure yourselvesM And )y love for you gave )e the strength to endure until the hour of death% There is no com"arison for )y torment! no human being could have suffered to this e1tentM But I had offered )yself voluntarily because I ne* that only in this *ay could you be released from 4atans chainsM I ne* beforehand *hat to e1"ect and carried this burden around *ith )e too! I consciously too the "ath *hich *ould finally lead to the cross! but I suffered terribly because of )y no*ledge and therefore could never be Noyful amongst )y 0*nM I sa* the tragedy im"osed on the souls! I sa* the futility of their earthly life if I had failed and not brought them salvation from sin and death M And this no*ledge strengthened )y *ill so that I acce"ted )y fate *ithout resistance! *hich has *as the "ur"ose and obNective of )y life on earthM% But right u" to the end I had to ma e a great effort! right u" to the end the burden on )e had increased so tremendously that I could feel )y strength diminishing and thus I called as a human being to God! to let the cu" "ass )e byM But the strength of )y love *as stronger than )y human *ea ness%%%% And the day of )y indescribable suffering and )y death on the cross became the day of 4alvation from all guilt for you humans%%% And the no*ledge of this enabled )e to "atiently acce"t everything so that I could finally call out It is finishedM And )y soul could return from *hence it had come! since through )y death the com"lete unification *ith )y ,ather! from Whom I too had once emerged! too "laceM% Amen


B%D% ?1<? &&%$%16>& /esurrection of $esus&. )y body *as resurrected on the third dayM% And even if this event seems unbelievable to "eo"le because they cannot find any evidence for it! humanity should nevertheless be told through )y s"irit that I have truly risen from the dead% Because through )y act of 4alvation I overcame death *hich )y adversary had brought into the *orld *ith his descent into the abyss% And *ith )y resurrection I "roved to you humans at the same time that death does not e1ist for the s"iritualised being% +ence the re.transformation into the original beingM *hich is achieved by a life of love as I e1em"lified to humanityM also e1cludes every condition of death! every hel"lessness and *ea ness! and as soon as this transformation has ta en "lace during the earthly life the soul can enter eternal life M Death has been conGuered by )y sacrifice on the cross because the original sin *as redeemed by it and the being has been given the o""ortunity again to transform into its original essence *hich then also guarantees its eternal life% I *anted to "rove to you that the "hysical body can be s"iritualised too and thus *ould not have to fear death either if the human being *ould succeed in s"iritualising his body *hile still on earthM I )yself! as the human being #esus! s"iritualised all of )y bodys still immature substances through )y life of love! I matured themH love calmed everything that *as uns"iritual in )e and "ersuaded it to unite *ith )y soul! so that body and soul could Noin the eternal s"irit God *ithin )e and thus the com"lete fusion *ith +im too "lace% And an entirely s"iritualised being cannot be subNect to death anymore! because death is a condition of hel"lessness! but a s"iritualised being is light and strength in abundance and liberated from every restraint% The event of )y resurrection *as therefore also visible to "eo"le because they found )y tomb em"tyM It *as understandable that the disbelievers tried to convince their fello* human beings that )y body had been abducted but they could not substantiate thisM And )y resurrection *ill only ever be acce"ted as truth by believers! by "eo"le *ho are already intimately connected to )e through love or their good *ill to live in the right *ay before )y eyesM But it is true that it ha""ened because *ith it the "romises! *hich *ere transmitted to the "eo"le by seers and "ro"hets! *ere also fulfilled% )y resurrection *as a huge defeat for )y adversary to *hom I "roved that love is stronger than hate%%% that he *ould not ee" his follo*ers in the state of death forever! because I )yself had overcome death and therefore could give life to anyone *ho ac no*ledges )y act of 4alvation and acce"ts the blessings I had acGuired for him on the cross% +ence )y resurrection *as a defeat for )y adversary! and for this reason he tried to mislead "eo"le and cast doubt into them about )y resurrectionM 3evertheless he *ill not be able to "revent the resurrection of those *ho follo* )e! *ho believe in )e and to *hom I can no* give eternal life! as I "romised% And he *ill constantly have fe*er follo*ers! since time and again "eo"le *ill rise to eternal life because I overcame death! because he cannot eternally burden a being *ho has the *ill to return to )e! and *ho thus *ill see refuge beneath )y cross in order to esca"e )y adversarys forceM Death has been conGuered for them and their resurrection to life is guaranteedM J&7%$%16>&L Cven )y disci"les did not *ant to believe that I had risen from the dead! although I made this "romise to them beforehand%%% But I strengthened their faith! and they recognised )e *hen I came to them%%% +ence they had "roof that I had overcome death! because they should "roclaim )e *ith com"lete conviction% They should s"ea of )y death on the cross and also of )y resurrection! since this no*ledge had to be given to "eo"le *ho *ere meant to believe in )e and start on the "ath to the cross M since they could only be redeemed if they too *ould carry their guilt to )e under the cross% But )y most im"ortant act of mercy *ould soon have been forgotten again had )y s"irit not been active time and again in those human beings *ho had entirely given themselves to )e! and *homM being redeemedM I could fill *ith )y s"irit in abundance! *ho educated them from *ithin! *ho made the no*ledge of #esus /hrists act of 4alvation com"rehensible to themM Because the *ritten records "assed on to "eo"le did not remain truthful for longM Where human intellect *as used on its o*n misguided o"inions cre"t in! *hich *ere also "assed on as *ritten records and conseGuently there *as no further guarantee for the "ure truthM But *here )y s"irit could *or in a "erson! the "ure truth *as revealed time and again! and the no*ledge of )y suffering and death on the cross as *ell as )y resurrection *as given to "eo"le! because this no*ledge is absolutely essential if "eo"le should also have com"lete faith in it% And )y s"irit *ill al*ays *or in the "erson *ho gives himself to )e in order to receive the "ure truthM Time and again "eo"le *ill hear the message and be given the right e1"lanation! so that you humans can indeed believe in )y resurrection and )y trium"h over death! that death need not e1ist for you anymore if you ee" by )y side! if you yourselves *ant that I have died on your behalfM *hen you have a living faith in )e and )y act of 4alvation! *hich I )yself accom"lished in the man #esus% I Am resurrected from the dead! and after the death of your body you *ill be resurrected in this *ay to eternal life too M And you need not fear death anymore once you are freed from the enemy of your souls! from )y adversaryM once you allo* yourselves to be redeemed by )eM Because then there *ill be no more death for you! then you *ill live in and *ith )e and eternally not lose this life againM Amen


B%D% =@16 1=%1%16<? The sacrifice on the cross was offered for time and eternit%.& I accom"lished the act of 4alvation for all timesM As long as the return of the fallen s"irit is not yet com"lete! the time *ill come one day *hen this s"irit *ill live as a human being on earth! and during this time it *ill need )y hel"! *hich *ill be guaranteed by #esus /hrists act of 4alvation% The blessings gained on the cross have to be claimed during this time if the human being finally *ants to be liberated from his shac le *hich had caused his fall into the abyss! and *hich )y adversary had "ut on him and *as able to "ut on him because the beings had follo*ed him voluntarily% +ence time and again a brief "eriod of time *ill come for the once fallen s"irit *hen it merely has to turn to the divine 4aviour #esus /hrist! and thereby also ac no*ledge )e )yself again in #esus /hristM% And this brief "eriod of time is the life of a human being on earth! *hen the being receives its free *ill bac and has to ma e a decision yet again%M Without hel" he could never ma e this decision because )y adversary still ee"s him in ca"tivity% But due to )y act of 4alvation it is "ossible for the human being to ma e this decision! he only needs to ma e use of the blessings acGuired for him to enable him to resist and to liberate himself from the o""osing control% And for as long as the earth serves as a "lace for the s"irit to mature! for as long as "eo"le live on this earth! #esus /hrists sacrifice on the cross *ill be humanitys only guarantee of releasing itself from all bondage% Because it *as offered for time and eternity! it *ill never solely belong to the "ast! and it *ill never solely be effective at the "resent time%M All future "eriods of redem"tion on this earth *ill only be successful in the sign of the cross for the souls *ho are embodied as human beings on earth% And even in the ingdom of the beyond #esus redeeming strength can still be used! the Divine Redeemer has to be called u"on in the beyond too! because then )y sacrifice on the cross! and thus I )yself! *ill still be ac no*ledged and only this *ill lead to the se"aration from )y adversary! *hich has to ha""en sooner or later if the being *ants to attain blissfulness%M I accom"lished the act of 4alvation as a human being on this earth%%% and this *as a "articularly blessed earthly "eriod during *hich man% of the once fallen s"irits could have started on the "ath of return to )e% But their *ill *as not and can never be com"elledH conseGuently! countless more creations *ill still have to emerge! or infinitely many "eriods of creation *ill still have to follo*% But they *ill all be governed by the act of 4alvation! because there cannot be redem"tion *ithout #esus /hrist! although )y merciful love *ill consistently convey the no*ledge of the sacrifice on the cross and the acGuired treasure of blessings to humanity% Time and again )y s"irit *ill be able to teach enlightened "eo"le! and time and again they *ill be able to understand all correlations and thus *ill also be able to truthfully e1"lain the meaning of #esus act of 4alvation to others! the act of )y human manifestation on earth! and the deification of the man #esus% And this no*ledge *ill be ta en along from one earthly "eriod into the ne1t and *ill never ever be lost%M since the act of mercy *as accom"lished for all human beings! for all "eo"le "ast! "resent and future%M And no once fallen being can return to )e if it does not voluntarily allo* itself to be redeemed by #esus /hrist%M Amen


B%D% =@7$ <%&%16<? Salvation onl% through $esus Christ& Aou *ould never be free *ithout #esus /hrists act of 4alvation%%%% These *ords have to be said to you time and again! and you must no* that you are not free! that )y adversary is still holding you in bondage% Being human you are not fully a*are of his bondage because you dont no* any other e1istence! because an e1istence in freedom! light and strength is com"letely alien to you% But such an e1istence *as yours in the beginning! you once had been free and *ere able to *or in light and strength! and you *ere in a state of unlimited bliss% +o*ever! as a human being you cannot remember this state and may or may not believe it *hen you are informed of it% If you do not believe it! you do not try to esca"e from this lac of freedom either! because it is necessary to believe in the divine 4aviour #esus /hrist so that you can call on +is hel"% Aet all human beings should desire this state of freedom in light and strength! because everyone can surely see that he is not ha""y in his earthly e1istence as a human being! that he lac s the strength to accom"lish *hatever he *ants! and that he is also lac ing enlightenment! su"reme *isdom! and limitless no*ledgeM The human being is an im"erfect living being as long as he is se"arated on earth from his divine ,ather.4"irit% This se"aration *as once caused by the being itself through its attachment to )y adversary! *ho *as the first to se"arate himself from )e *ith rebellious intent% And no* )y adversary ee"s the being in ca"tivity! it cannot free itself anymore% The being has to be hel"ed because by itself it is too *ea to se"arate itself from him% And this hel" solely rests in #esus /hristMIf you humans *ant to become free! *hich you are able to achieve in earthly life! then you have to call on #esus /hrist for hel"% Aou have to ac no*ledge +im as the victor over the adversary! you have to ac no*ledge +im as the earthly vessel *hich *as used by )e in order to fight against )y adversary% This *as only "ossible in an earthly robe! in the form of a human being! Who *as as *ea as you and *ho reGuired divine strength to enable +is victory over the o""onent% And this strength *as love%%% )y fundamental substanceM hence the act of 4alvation *as accom"lished by love! by )yselfM And Nust as the human being had received the strength from )e! Who had "ermeated +im! you too have to as )e for the gift of strength! *hich the man #esus had acGuired for you through +is crucifi1ion% Aou can only attain this strength through #esus /hrist! *ith other *ords! you have to as )e in #esus to give you the strength again *hich you had reNected in the "ast% But you cannot receive this gift *ithout ac no*ledging the act of 4alvation! because only in doing so can you find forgiveness for the "ast a""alling sin of a"ostasy from )e% ,or the sacrifice on the cross *as the redem"tion of this immense guiltM This is not difficult to understand for anyone of good *ill! but the un*illing "erson cannot gras" and understand the correlationsM And yet he should not be entirely dismissive of this "roblem! instead he should humbly confess his lac of no*ledge and his inability to understand it correctlyM +e should *ant to receive truthful clarification and understandingM he should ta e the constant reminders to heart that no one can become blessed *ithout #esus /hrist% And he should *holeheartedly desire to be freed from his constrained state *hile he is still on earth% ,or every human being becomes a*are of the fact that he is not free! no human being feels absolutely ha""y on earth and every human being is subNect to states of *ea nessM because every "erson is burdened *ith the original sin *hich can only be redeemed by the divine 4aviour #esus /hristM% Amen


B%D% >67? =%1@%16<= Don0t let the sacrifice on the cross be in vain.... )y suffering and dying on the cross can also have been unsuccessful for you humans! the sacrifice on the cross can have been in vain for you *ho do not allo* yourselves to be im"ressed by it! *ho do not ac no*ledge the divine Redeemer #esus /hrist! *ho merely ta e notice of the human being #esus but do not ac no*ledge +is divinely s"iritual mission! and hence you e1clude yourselves from those for *hom the act of 4alvation has been accom"lished% Aou have to consciously turn to +im if you *ant to "artici"ate in the blessings of the act of 4alvation% The salvation de"ends on you yourselves! even though I have died for all "eo"le on the cross% But you humans do not no* that you are constrained! that you can never enNoy freedom in light and strength *ithout deliverance through #esus /hrist but remain in ca"tivity even if an infinitely long time *ill "ass by%MAou do not no* that the state of bondage! the lac of strength and light! can never be changed other than by *ay of the /alvary cross%M And even if you reNect the divine 4aviour #esus /hrist! even if you ignore +is accom"lishment! it de"ends entirely on +im ho* long you *ill be in an unha""y stateM Aou do not regard your human e1istence as very unha""y and therefore do not loo for the 0ne! Who can "rovide you *ith a blissful fate% But your earthly e1istence as a human being does not last long! and only then *ill you become a*are of the torments of your inhibited state! then the energy of life! *hich *as yours as a human being! is ta en from you%M "roviding you are not bound in hard matter and have to e1"erience the agonies of confinement therein% +o*ever! as long as you ee" your self.a*areness you still have the o""ortunity to call u"on #esus /hrist! your 4aviour%%% be it on this earth or even in the ingdom of the beyond! if you are not absorbed by utter dar ness% And for this reason )y love constantly endeavours to direct your thoughts to +im! in Whom I had embodied )yself in order to redeem you% Time and again I *ill try to bring #esus achievement home to you% Time and again I *ill ta e care that +is act of 4alvation *ill be mentioned and that you! *ho are still com"letely distant from the cross! *ho attach little or no significance to anything in relation to #esus /hrist! *ill be given the information% Cvery one of you *ill be a""roached and referred to +im sooner or later! every one of you can deliberate on the information about #esus /hrist and +is act of 4alvation! and everyone can no* res"ond to +im in accordance *ith his *ill% But his attitude is decisive for an endless long time or even for eternity%M Because he can indeed have to stay in torment and constraint for an infinitely long time! but he can also be eternally free! and in light! strength and blissfulness than his divine 4aviour for the act of merciful love *hich had bought him his freedom and resulted in his blissful "revious state again% 3o human being is e1em"t from this decision! and every human being "re"ares his o*n future fate%M but )y love constantly hel"s him to ma e the right choice! )y love constantly advises him! so that no human being *ill be able to say that he *as left uninformed of the means for his redem"tion% But even )y love does not determine your *ill%%%% ,or you have chosen this *retched state of your o*n free *ill! and of your o*n free *ill you shall also ma e an effort to be saved from it again% And for this reason the salvation through #esus /hrist reGuires your free *ill! other*ise the *hole *orld *ould have been redeemed already! other*ise *ould be in bondage and *ea ness any longer! because the act of 4alvation has been accom"lished for all human ind% But only your *ill ma es use of the blessings of the act of 4alvation! *hen you freely "rofess your faith in +im! Who has died on your behalf on the cross%M *hen you ac no*ledge )e )yself in #esus /hrist and thus *ant that I *ould have died for you% Then you *ill be truly liberated from the state of constraint! you *ill "ass from this earth redeemed and enter the ingdom *here you can be infinitely active and ha""y in light and strength%M Amen


B%D% ?1?6 71%<%16>& The #scension of $esus Christ... )y mission on earth *as accom"lished *hen I ascended to heavenM I had delivered the *orld from sin and death! I had risen again and a""eared to )y disci"les to strengthen them for their Nourney to "roclaim the Gos"el%%% I )yself *as full of light and strength and could no* leave the earth in order to return to )y ingdom from *hence I had comeM to the ingdom of light and blissM Because )y body had been transformed% It *as )y s"iritual garment *hich *as no longer subNect to the la*s of nature! but no* the body could go to *herever it *as moved by )y *ill% Because it *as s"irit Nust li e )y eternal ,ather.4"irit! *hich *as not tied to a form either but *hich "ermeated the entire universe and thus also )yself! #esus the human being! Who had received the eternal Deity *ithin +imself to give It a human form% This *as necessary because It *anted to live amongst "eo"le! but the form *as still subNect to natural la* and had to acGuire a high degree of maturity first in order to receive the eternal DeityM )y mission *as over no*! and testimony of this act of Ascension to heaven should be given as *ell! because it *as the culmination! it *as evidence for humanity that I had achieved a *or of transformation of )yself *hich could be visibly "rovenM for I disregarded all natural la*s *hen I ascended to heaven! and I surrounded )yself *ith all glory and yet *as visible to )y disci"lesM I gave them the strength to behold )e! other*ise they *ould truly have "assed a*ay% But only those disci"les *ho *ere closely connected to )e through their love and *ho thus had the degree of maturity *hich enabled such vision *ere allo*ed to see )e% And many a soul returns from earth into the ingdom of light in the same state! and they too are able to behold )e in all )y s"lendour and magnificence! because their degree of maturity facilitates s"iritual vision% Because they too have no more limitationsM they too *ill be clothed in all glory! they may behold God face to face and no* live in their original state! in love! *hich is both light and strength! and this is their s"iritual garment! *hich may be *orn by every soul as soon as it de"arts from earthly life and enters the ingdom of the beyond fully matured M And this is *hat you should believe! you should not doubt the love and might of your God and ,ather! Who *ill one day endo* you *ith a state of blessedness *hich *ill remain inconceivable to you as long as you still live on earth% +o*ever! I have set you an e1am"le of *hat a human being can achieve by living a life of selfless love and *hat his fate *ill be if he has al*ays lived on earth in accordance *ith )y *ill% If his *ay of life changes his being into love! *hich *ill then be the same as )y fundamental nature! he too *ill shine in all brightness and magnificence and also be visible to all *ho have the same level of maturity and *ho *ill have then united *ith )e! Who is and remains a Being that eternally emanates light and strengthM The event of Ascension really and truly too "lace! the human being #esus gave the last "roof of +is Divinity on earth *hen +e left this earth in a brilliant abundance of light and returned to the ingdom from *hence +is soul had come M Because +e had come from the ingdom of light! +e had been *ith God and +e returned to God again! Whose child +e *as and continued to be! *ith Whom +e com"letely merged% Thus! the Ascension *as the final "roof that I *as not of this earth but that I had descended from the ingdom of light and glory! *hich became )y goal once more and *hich eternally *ill be and remain your goal too! because you also shall return to the light% Aou shall! through unification *ith )e! be allo*ed to receive )y light and )y strength ane* and thus rise again and ascend into heaven! into your true homeM Amen


B%D% ><=6 &1%>%16<> "1o one comes to the 'ather&! 3o one comes to the ,ather e1ce"t through )e%%% The e1treme im"ortance of these *ords also e1"lains the necessity of leading to the faith in #esus /hrist those "eo"le *ho are not yet believers! or to advocate a living faith *here the no*ledge of #esus /hrist is already "resent% ,or no one can come to )e *ho does not recognise )e )yself in #esus /hristM Because there are "eo"le *ho indeed say that they believe in God! since +e gives evidence of +imself in everything *hich surrounds the human being! but *ho do not *ant to acce"t #esus /hrist as 4on of God and 4aviour of the *orld although they do not consider themselves unbelievers% But these "eo"le are still very distant from their God and /reator! they have not yet come into closer contact *ith )e and hence their thoughts cannot become enlightened% They are still burdened *ith the sin of the former a"ostasy from )e! and this sin ties them to )y adversary! they *ill not get a*ay from him *ithout #esus /hrist% But not many "eo"le no* about this sin of the "ast a"ostasy from )e! conseGuently they are not a*are of the significance of #esus and +is act of 4alvation either% 2roviding "eo"le no* the teachings of the Gos"el! "roviding they no* the *ords s"o en by #esus on earth! they could also reflect on the *ords 3o one comes to the ,ather e1ce"t through )eM And if only they *ould seriously *ant more information about this! they *ould certainly receive it! and the thought of these *ords *ould certainly never leave them again%M The only *ay to )e is through #esus /hrist! since the redem"tion of the guilt of sin has to come first in order to be acce"ted by )eM 3o being *ho had voluntarily become sinful can a""roach )e before salvation through #esus /hrist% This is a la* *hich even )y infinite love cannot reverse% And no human being *ill really feel com"letely confident in his heart about God either! Whom he may *ell ac no*ledge *ith *ords or su"erficial thoughts! because on serious reflection he *ould no* that he does not have the right relationshi" *ith his eternal God and /reatorM +e *ill never confide in )e li e a child to his father! he *ill only believe that God e1ists but not establish a close connection *ith )e! *hich reGuires loveM Because love also enlightens his s"irit! love *ould im"rove his s"iritual visionM 8ove *ould ma e him Guestion but not ma e an erroneous statement% Cvery "erson *ill feel slightly uneasy *hen he contem"lates s"iritual thoughts and has not yet made contact *ith #esus /hristM The course of suffering and crucifi1ion *ill not remain un no*n to him! time and again he *ill enter into conversations *ith other "eo"le or be reminded by them of #esus /hrist because I constantly guide his thought to the human being #esus! Who lived on earth and e1"erienced a "ainful endM Cven if he does not yet ac no*ledge +im he does no* of #esus earthly life! and I )yself *ill remind him of )e in #esus /hrist% And corres"onding to the human beings degree of love *ill be his acce"tance or reNectionM Wherever there is love I ta e hold of the "erson )yself! and his resistance *ill steadily lessen! until he finally *ill see the human being #esus in an entirely different light than at the beginning! *hen +e *as still defensively o""osed to +im% +o*ever! if he does not *ant to learn! if his *ill is still hostile at the hour of his death! he cannot e1"ect blissfulness in the s"iritual ingdom! in s"ite of a right *ay of life he can only be acce"ted into the realm *here all deniers of /hrist d*ell! because he refused to be redeemed on earth! and he enters the s"iritual ingdom in a constrained stateM But even there he can still find his divine 4aviour and Redeemer%%% And again! it is a great mercy on )y "art that I *ill meet all those in the s"iritual ingdom *ho so far had reNected )e! that I *ill hear every a""eal sent to )e as the Redeemer! and that I *ill then ta e hold of the callers hand and lead him from that realm into )y divine regionM Because I still retrieve the souls from the abyss "roviding I Am ac no*ledgedM "roviding a soul has found the *ay to #esus /hrist! Whom it had reNected on earth but *ithout Whom it cannot reach its goal% The ingdom of light is closed to every soul as long as #esus /hrist does not o"en the gate for it! but this necessitates that +e is ac no*ledged as 4on of God and Redeemer of the *orld% ,or this reason the human being #esus said the *ords 3o one comes to the ,ather e1ce"t through )e% Because I )yself s"o e through the human being #esus! I )yself *anted to be ac no*ledged in +im! Who merely served as a cover for )e during the earthly lifeM but *hich I e"t even in the s"iritual ingdom so that I could be a visible God to all )y living creations! since I *as an eternal s"irit after allM and as such could not be seen by the created beings% I chose a form for )yself in order to become a visible God for you humans! and in this form I accom"lished the act of 4alvation% /onseGuently! you also have to ac no*ledge the form in *hich I had d*elled! and then you have already ta en the right "ath to )e! your ,ather of eternityM +o*ever! *ithout #esus /hrist you *ill not ever be able to come to )e! because *ithout #esus /hrist )y adversary *ill not release you! since you still belong to him as a result of your *illM Amen


B%D% >?>@ &6%>%16<= 1o liberation without $esus Christ & Aou need )e if you *ant to be liberated from your adversary%%% Aou cannot free yourselves from him on your o*n! you need hel" and only one can "rovide it ' #esus /hrist! Who has overcome the adversary by +is death on the crossM% I )yself *as in +im! and +e and I are one! thus you have to reGuest hel" from )e in #esus /hrist! and you *ill truly receive itM If you ac no*ledge a God yet cannot relate this God to #esus /hrist! the divine 4aviour! then your ac no*ledgment of God is not yet certain% Then you merely s"ea *ith your mouth! *ithout faith in your heart! and then you *al your earthly "ath *ithout )e! and you *ill be unable to become free from the one *ho o""oses )e and still controls you! and *hose "o*er you cannot overcome by yourselves% Believe )e *hen I tell you that you need )e%%% or you *ill not fulfil the "ur"ose of your earthly life' the se"aration from the oneM *hom you once follo*ed voluntarilyM and the return to )e! your God and ,ather since eternity% I Am al*ays *illing to hel" you get a*ay from him but you have to reGuest this hel" from )e because your *ill determines *hether I can liberate you! since the adversary has the same claim on you as long as you share his *ill! *hich amounts to renouncing )e% +o*ever! your *ea ness as a fallen being is ta en into account%%% A human being died for you on the cross for the sa e of love and mercy! Who ne* of your *ea ness and hence also that it *ould be im"ossible for you alone to brea the chains "ut u"on you by )y adversary! although it *as your o*n fault% I embodied )yself in this human #esus because I too "ity on your *ea ! hel"less! tormented state and because I *anted to give you the o""ortunity to return to )e and your original state! *hich is freedom and bliss for youM Thus I made the sacrifice of com"ensation on your behalf! in a manner of s"ea ing I )yself "aid for the guilt of your "ast a"ostasy from )e in the human being #esus! and I offered )y adversary the ransom for you to set you free if you as for it yourselves M But you also have to voice this reGuest! you have to *ant to come to )e! and you have to *ant to belong to those *hose souls I have bought bac from your masterM Aou have to ma e use of #esus /hrists hel"! you have to call to )e again in #esus /hrist! and you can certainly do so if you believe in +im! in +is act of 4alvation! in )y human manifestation in +im%%% 0nly then *ill you have certain faith in )e )yself! then I have become alive in you! and then you *ill no longer *al your earthly "ath *ithout )e! but then you *ill also reach your goal for sure% And thus you only need to seriously Guestion the "ur"ose and obNective of your earthly life and your true tas M And you only should have the sincere *ill not to have failed at the end of your life on this earth%%% And if you have this *ill! then as #esus /hrist for hel"! the only one Who can hel" youM because +e and I are one! and *hen you call to +im you call to )e! and your call *ill not go unheeded% Anyone *ho genuinely *ants to reach the goal of his earthly life *ill soon have his thoughts guided into the right direction and he *ill realiDe that there is no hel" *ithout #esus /hristM But I cannot determine the innermost desire M that is freeM I can only ever *arn and remind you again! I can stimulate your thoughts%%% but you have to act in accordance *ith this inner desire! and your state of maturity *ill be accordingly *hen you leave this earthM Amen


B%D% >6<1 &1%1@%16<= $esus came as Saviour... I descended to earth because of the great s"iritual hardshi"! because I had "ity on the "eo"le *ho *ere held in ca"tivity by )y adversary! *ho could no longer resist him and *ho cried to God for a 4aviour% But only fe* still believed firmly and steadfastly that the )essiah *ould come as it *as *ritten! but these fe* e1"ected +im *ith great longing! they e1"ected +im as their 4aviour from severe difficulties and distressM And I descended for their sa e! because their cry for hel" reached )y ears and I did not *ant to disa""oint their faith% Besides! the time had come for the mission of the man #esus%%% I *anted to release the *hole of humanity from the adversarys ties! and I also *anted to bring redem"tion to those *ho had already "assed a*ay but could not enter )y ingdom until the immense guilt of sin had been redeemed! *hich *as the cause of humanitys e1istence on earthM I )yself came to earth in this human being #esus to bring salvation to all "eo"le! to rescue them from the chains *ith *hich they *ere bound since eternity and to o"en the "ath into )y ingdom for them! into the ingdom of eternal "eace and bliss% 0nly fe* "eo"le *ere *illing to receive )e *hen I descended to earth! that is! only fe* recognised )e! because they *ere living a life of loveM And hence the floc of )y follo*ers *as small! even though I constantly endeavoured to motivate "eo"le to do *or s of love *hich *ould have resulted in their recognition of )e as their God and ,ather of eternity% Because the immense hardshi" *as caused by the fact that there *as little love amongst "eo"le! that they *ere already com"letely controlled by the one *ho! being entirely *ithout love! confronted )e as )y enemy! *hom I *anted to fight and through )y victory rescue the souls *hich he held ca"tive% Thus I )yself e1em"lified a life of unselfish love to "eo"le! because love *as the *ea"on *hich I )yself *anted to use against )y o""onent and *hich also gave the "eo"le themselves the strength to resist him% Without love they *ere his slaves! but he cannot resist love! love is the only *ea"on to *hich he succumbs! but at the time of )y descent to earth it could barely be found amongst "eo"leM 8ove *as the only bond *ith )e! their God and ,ather of eternity% And this bond had to be established if "eo"le *anted to hear )y Word% )y Word could no longer be s"o en to them! because *ithout love they no longer believed in a God Who *anted to s"ea to them% And so I came to earth to s"ea to "eo"le )yself! to reveal to them )y *ill once again! to give them )y commandments of love once again! and to once again "roclaim )y Gos"elM the divine teaching! *hich *as to guide them into bliss% But I had to bring yet another significant hel" to "eo"le M ,irst I *anted to save them from the "o*er *hich e"t them enchained! *hich de"leted their *ill and "revented them from fulfilling )y *ill% I *anted to release them from his controlM And to this end I chose the form of the human being #esus in order to accom"lish a *or of love and mercy *hich *ould deliver humanity from all hardshi"M But all the "eo"le *ho *anted to be released from their tormentor also had to side *ith )e% Those *ho voluntarily stayed *ith him could not be saved by )e! but those *ho turned to )e also received the strength from )e to release themselves from his clutches% +o*ever! this act of 4alvation had to be accom"lished *ithin human means! because "eo"les *ill must not be com"elled% They should be entirely free to ac no*ledge or reNect the act of 4alvation by the human being #esusM in Whom I )yself *as made flesh% ,or this reason I *al ed on earth as the man #esus and "re"ared the "eo"le for the immense sacrifice of com"ensation! *hich *as to ma e amends for the enormous guilt of sin! on account of *hich they lived on earth% But only fe* recognised )e and sa* )e as the 4aviour! the )essiah! Who al*ays and forever had been "roclaimed by seers and "ro"hets% The hardshi" *as over*helming *hen I descended to earth but the act of 4alvation has been accom"lished! because )y love *as over*helming too! and thus love *i"ed out the guilt of sin by sacrificing Itself on the cross% And this love *ill time and again try to hel" "eo"le *ho have not yet found salvation! *ho have not yet made use of the blessings of the act of 4alvation and thus still languish in )y adversarys ca"tivity! *ho *ould never be able to release themselves *ithout hel" and *hom I *ill nevertheless never abandon% Instead I *ill cross their "ath time and again and dra* their attention to the act of 4alvation by the human #esus! Whose love as a human being recognised his fello* human beings s"iritual hardshi" and Who! by virtue of +is love! made the sacrifice to die on the cross in e1treme agony% And time and again I *ill come to "eo"le in )y Word and inform them of #esus act of su"reme love and mercy! Who received )e )yself! Who totally united *ith )e by means of love! and Who became 4aviour and Redeemer from sin and death for all of you M Amen


B%D% =@71 &%&%16<? "#ll .ower is given unto )e in heaven and on earth&! All "o*er is given unto )e in heaven and on earthM! I *as certainly entitled to say these *ords *hen I lived on earth! because it *as )y ,ather! Who *as *ithin )e! Who had given this "o*er to )e! *ith Whom I had become as one and Who thus had so com"letely "ermeated )e that +e +imself *or ed *ithin and through )e% And this "o*er stayed *ith )e even after )y life on earth! because only )y earthly cover *as something human before )y ascension! but everything *ithin It *as God! Who had merely made +imself visible in #esus /hrist to all +is beings% +ence it *as indeed the human being #esus *ho said the *ords All "o*er is given unto )eM but it *as the Deity *ithin this human Who +imself had the "o*er at +is dis"osal% /onseGuently I could describe )yself to be +e! Who had all "o*er in heaven and on earthM because there *as no distinction bet*een )e! the eternal creative 4"irit! and the 0ne! Who had received )e *ithin +imselfM And I *ill not surrender this "o*er to any being but )yself! because it is "art of )y fundamental nature *hich is love! *isdom and omni"otence in itselfM Anyone *ho understands this! therefore also no*s that only )y *ill reigns! and thus there can only be re"resentatives of )y *ill or beings *ho o""ose itM that the first govern *ith )e! so to s"ea ! *hile the latter have to be governed% +o*ever! although )y *ill and )y "o*er *ill not ever diminish! I do not al*ays use both but occasionally also allo* the *ill *hich is still o""osing )e to ta e effect! but only *ithin a certain limit! in order to ma e it clear Whose "o*er is unlimited% Because only )y "o*er safeguards the e1istence as *ell as the "rogress and the o""ortunity of achievement! *hile o""osing actionsM *ere they not sto""ed in timeM *ould denote total destruction% Thus the "o*er is given to )e%%% this should be an indication Whom you should turn to! Who alone can grant you everything! Whom you should confide in *hen you need a "o*erful "rotector and hel"erM 3ot the God in the distance *ill besto* this hel" on you but only the divine 4aviour #esus /hrist has total "o*er! because the eternal Deity! the 4"irit of eternity! *as embodied in +im! and because you do not enter into contact *ith God until you have entered into contact *ith #esus /hrist! because you do not ac no*ledge )e )yself until you call u"on )e in #esus /hrist! because there is no God more "o*erful than #esus /hrist% And hence there is only 0ne Who governs the entire universe! Who is in charge of all creations! Who instructs countless beings to ta e care of these creations! and Who arranges everything in accordance *ith +is eternal "lan of 4alvation% They ta e their instructions from )e )yself! they receive the necessary strength for their activity from )e )yself! and I )yself direct everything in ee"ing *ith )y love and *isdom% And no being *ho is res"onsible for the u" ee" and care of the infinitely many *or s of creation *ill ever act contrary to )y *ill% )y *ill "asses through them because they are "erfect beings *ho are consummated by )y love! enlightened by )y *isdom and "ermeated *ith )y strength! and thus they are forever merely the e1ecutives of )y *ill% But *hen )y *ill tem"orarily *ithdra*s! immature beings *ho are still o""osed to )e "ress ahead and indeed *or against )e! but al*ays under )y control so that they *ill be tamed by )y *ill *hen I deem it necessary! because only 0ne reigns in heaven and on earthM 0nly 0ne has all the "o*er at +is dis"osalM All the beings of light and of dar ness have to bo* to +imM Because )y "o*er is limitless and *ill remain so eternallyM Amen


B%D% >6?< <%1&%16<= $esus! s.iritual mission& When you have recognised #esus e1alted s"iritual mission then you *ill also understand *hy the divine 4aviour must constantly be mentioned! because an ascent into the light is only "ossible *hen the human being has been released from his original sin% 2eo"le are not a*are of this original sin! conseGuently they do not no* the meaning of the act of 4alvation eitherM They cannot find the connection bet*een the crucifi1ion of the human being #esus! in Whom they might "erha"s believe! and the beatification of "eo"leM% And many "eo"le reNect +im because they *ere merely told of this act of 4alvation but it *as not truthfully e1"lained to them% And yet! such an e1"lanation can only be given to those *ho sincerely *ant clarification! and there *ill only ever be fe* "eo"le *ho *ant this% Because even the most lucid e1"lanations *ould be incom"rehensible to "eo"le *ho do not glance into the s"iritual ingdom! *ho only ac no*ledge the "hysical *orld and anything that can be seen and "roven to them% But the mission of the human being #esus *as not an entirely earthly issue! although it too "lace in full vie* of "eo"leM It had a "rofound s"iritual reason and as long as "eo"le are not a*are of this they cannot face the divine 4aviour #esus /hrist as guilty brothers *ho burden +im *ith their guilt! *ho as +im for redem"tion% And yet this reGuest has to "recede their salvation! conseGuently they have to no* about their guilt of sin! about the immense offence against God *hich had led them into sin and *hich could not be redeemed e1ce"t through the great sacrifice of com"ensation by the human being #esus% +ence! as long as "eo"le do not feel that they are sinful they *ill not ta e the "ath to +im! to the cross! *ith their guilt% And until then they *ill not ac no*ledge the divine 4aviour #esus /hrist either% 0nly the no*ledge of their original beginning! of their former nature! and of their resistance to God! can give them the understanding for the achievement of 4alvation by #esus! Who had lived in such a *ay as a human being that +e could receive God +imself *ithin +im% Thus the act of 4alvation *as accom"lished by the Cternal 8ove! Who *anted to liberate Its living creations from the constraints of Its o""onent% This descri"tion *ill ma e #esus mission more "lausible to "eo"le than merely tal ing of the sins they have committed during their lifetime and *hich often a""ear too small to Nustify such an achievement of 4alvation in order to redeem these sins% 0f course every sin is an offence against love! thus an offence against God%%% but the original sin of the former a"ostasy from God *as so immense that the beings themselves could not have redeemed it in eternity% It is not "ossible for you humans to understand this%%% But a huge sin li e that also necessitates a huge e1"iation! *hich *as indeed achieved by a human being but only because this human being incor"orated God *ithin +imself! thus the strength of God had enabled +im to do so! but this strength *as only loveM Gods fundamental substance M As originally created beings "eo"le had once reNected Gods strength of love and thus *ere entirely *ithout strengthM +o*ever! the human being #esus consciously acce"ted Gods strength of love and used it to accom"lish an act of mercy for +is fallen brothersM to ma e amends for their guilt% 3or do "eo"le no* that their e1istence as a human being on this earth is the result of this original sin and that they *ill indeed return to their original state again one day! but not *ithout ac no*ledging the 0ne! Whose immense love had redeemed them% Because their a"ostasy from God *as a deliberate turning a*ay from +im *hich necessitates a deliberate turning to*ards +im again in order to establish their original relationshi" *ith God once more% It is a tremendous blessing that this no*ledge is given to "eo"le! *hich everyone should ma e use of sim"ly by considering it and by acce"ting as truth *hat has been im"arted to him% Then he need only turn to the human being #esus and s"ea to +im in thoughtM And +e *ill re"ly to him as God! +e *ill hel" him to recognise his guilt correctly and ta e it from +im! if he admits to it and reGuests +is hel"M And every single human being can become a*are of the fact that he must have done something *rong at some time! if only he considers that he is an im"erfect! *ea and ignorant being and see s to discover its cause% ,or no such inner Guestion remains unans*ered! it merely has to be as ed! but most "eo"le refrain from doing so! yet callously s"urn any mention of the divine 4aviour as *ell as +is great s"iritual mission *hen they are made a*are of it% But time and again God *ill "roclaim the divine 4aviour #esus /hrist to humanity! and all +is servants *or ing for +im on earth *ill constantly "reach +is name and +is Gos"el *ith ever gro*ing enthusiasm! so that all *ill be released from their guilt *ho listen and enter into sincere contact *ith #esus /hrist! in Whom God +imself had become human in order to redeem *hat is constrained by +is adversaryM Amen


B%D% =&<@ ?%1%16<6 2vidence of $esus! e3istence on earth& Cvery human being has the o""ortunity to discover the secret of Gods human manifestation! and every human being *ill then also have "roof of #esus e1istence! Who *ill be revealed to him as Gods 4on and Redeemer of the *orld! *hich *ill render all other evidence su"erfluous% And anyone *ho has finally understood the human manifestation of God also no*s that and *hy faith is reGuired! *hy "roof is not favourable but rather unfavourable for the souls "rocess of develo"ment! *hich is the reason for the "ersons life on earth% The fact that God embodied +imself in #esus /hrist! in the man #esus! is and remains beyond belief for "eo"le *ho have no s"iritual connection at all! to *hom s"iritual as"iration is unfamiliar%M And thus s"iritual as"iration should be understood to mean the souls "rocess of develo"ment! *hich *as not given earthly life as an end in itself but merely as a means to an end% /onseGuently! anyone not s"iritually motivated is not a*a ened either! i%e% his reasoning is more influenced by error than truth! he *ill rather acce"t misconce"tions and regard them as truth! and the "ure truth *ill seem unacce"table to himM "recisely because his s"irit is still dar ! *hich does not refer to his intellect but to the s"iritual s"ar *ithin a "erson! the divine "art% This "erson *ill not acce"t "urely s"iritual causes and thus Gods human manifestation as the result of such a s"iritual cause *ill be beyond his understanding% But it ha""ened! God +imself embodied +imself in a human being! and this human being *as #esus! the son of )ary! Who *as begotten by the s"irit of God% 3othing *as allo*ed to ha""en *hich could force "eo"le to believe! even #esus birth *as subNect to human la*! but not the conce"tionM 2eo"le should not be so arrogant as to doubt this *hen they consider that all living beings as *ell as the *hole *or of creation emerged out of Gods strength! thus it is indeed "ossible for this strength to create a human being out of +is *ill% But this birth *ithout conce"tion also had s"iritual reasons *hich an a*a ened s"irit can Guite easily understand% +o*ever! the human being has to no* that there *ere s"iritual reasons for the entire *or of creation *hich *ere based on the free *ill of the first created s"iritual beings! and that this free *ill also "lays a "art in the e1istence of the human beingM the first created original s"iritM *hich is significant and at the same time also an e1"lanation *hy no or only little evidence can be found for the e1istence of the man #esus! since a human being may not be com"elled by any means to ta e a "ositive or negative attitude to*ards #esus /hrist! the divine 4aviour% +is attitude to*ards +im must be the result of com"lete freedom of *ill because this alone determines the human beings s"iritual rebirth into the first created being! *hich is the "ur"ose for the human beings life on earth% Whatever can be "roven enforces a decision%%% 3o "erson may be forced to ma e a decision if the "revious "erfection of the first created being should be achieved once again! *hich is the "ur"ose and goal of the entire *or of creation% +ence! a "erson first of all has to no* about the origin and goal of everything in e1istence! about the meaning and "ur"ose of creation and all created beings *ithin it% Aet he *ill never be able to gain this no*ledge from boo s! it has to be conveyed to him through the s"irit of God! Who is eternal truth +imself% This! ho*ever! reGuires conditions *hich all "eo"le certainly could but only fe* *ant to meet%%%% 3evertheless! the s"irit of God can only e1"ress itself *here these conditions are met' a living faith in God *hich can only come alive through love! and a conscious reGuest for Gods truth in the very belief to receive the truth from +imM And it *ill be given to the "erson because the s"irit of God no* contacts the s"iritual s"ar ! *hich is a "art of +im! in the human being and the "erson *ill be taught through the s"iritM Anyone *ho cannot or does not *ant to believe this *ill never attain *isdom! the light of no*ledgeM But the most marvellous revelations *ill be unveiled to anyone *ho believes! he *ill see brightly and clearly that *hich is incom"rehensible to other "eo"le! he *ill be able to understand the correlations! and the "roblem of Gods human manifestation in #esus *ill be resolved in such an amaDing *ay so that he *ill not reGuire any further "roof and yet he *ill be able to "erceive everything more clearly than even the eenest intellect could% But then the "eriod of time bet*een #esus life on earth and the "resent is irrelevant to an a*a ened s"irit because #esus life *as not an event intended for a certain grou" of "eo"le but it *as intended for all "eo"le in the "ast! "resent and future M All "eo"le *ill no* of #esus life but they need no evidence of +is e1istence if their s"irit is a*a ened! yet *ithout the a*a ening of s"irit even the most distinct evidence *ould be useless for the attainment of the maturity of the soul! because faith on the basis of "roof is no faith *hich res"ects free *ill! and only free *ill is ta en into account% The intellect is of no or of very little significance to the a*a ening of the s"irit *ithin the human beingM The latter is the result of a life of love! a life of unselfish love for other "eo"le! hence researching the most "rofound secrets is not the "rivilege of een intellectual activity but solely the "rerogative of those *ho ee" Gods commandments! *hich the man #esus taught on earth 8ove God above all else and your neighbour as yourselfM The result of fulfilling these commandments is the most certain and obvious evidence of #esus e1istence because then Gods s"irit *ill lead the "erson to find the truth and also e1"lain to him all correlations *hich the human intellect alone *ould never be able to achieveM Amen


B%D% ?&<@ &$%?%16>& od and $esus are one & 4uman manifestation of od&

That the human s"iritual state is gro*ing increasingly dar er is revealed by fact that "eo"le are no longer able to understand Gods becoming 0ne *ith #esus "ro"erly M and that they therefore also lac the right com"rehension for Gods human manifestationM 0*ing to the misguided teaching of the three."erson Deity they began to thin *rongly% Aet! time and again! it has to be said that the eternal Deity cannot be "ersonified%%% thus It cannot be conceived as anything other than "o*er "ermeating the *hole of eternityM This "o*er cannot be limited nor can it be thought of as a form%%% but it can "ermeate a form com"letely M And this "rocess of com"lete "ermeation by divine strength occurred in the man #esus%%% +e *as full of love and love is the fundamental substance of the eternal Deity%%% ceaselessly emanated into infinity! *hich creates and maintains everything M And this divine strength of love "ermeated the human form of #esus and thus manifested itself in +im% Gods fundamental nature too abode in the man #esus and thus God became humanM and since #esus *as com"letely filled *ith the fundamental substance of God! +e became GodM Because even +is com"letely s"iritualised human form *as able to *holly unify *ith God after +is crucifi1ion so that #esus then became the com"rehensible DeityM that the human being cannot imagine God other than in #esusM but that it cannot ever be a Guestion of t*o "eo"leM The human being #esus had achieved the goal on earth! the com"lete deification! *hich all created beings should achieveM Because God *anted to create images of +imself *hose final "erfection! ho*ever! had to be achieved by the free *ill of the being itself% #esus the man achieved this deification not only on account of a life of love! but *ith the act of 4alvation +e also redeemed humanitys guilt of sinM for +e used Gods strength of love or +e *ould have been unable to bear the terrible suffering and crucifi1ion% This strength of love *as Gods fundamental nature! thus God +imself *as *ithin the man #esus in all fullness and accom"lished the act of 4alvationM +o*ever! it is a misleading conce"t *hen you humans s"ea of a three."erson God because the eternal Deity cannot be "ersonified since It is "ure love! and this love manifested Itself in #esus! and thus the eternal s"irit God *as *or ing in #esus! and to all beings +e can only be com"rehensible in #esusM 4ince Gods former created beings had abandoned +im because they could not see +im! +e became a visible God to them in #esusM But #esus is not a second being that could be thought of as e1isting ne1t to GodM +e is God because God is strength of love! Which "ermeates a fully s"iritualised form! thus it consists entirely of divine fundamental substance and is therefore only visible to those beings *ho have also become s"iritualised in order to see s"iritually% It is certainly correct to describe Gods nature as ,ather! 4on and +oly 4"irit if the ,ather is ac no*ledged as love! the 4on as *isdom and the +oly 4"irit as the *ill or "o*er of GodM Because Gods nature is love! *isdom and "o*er%%% But the goal God had set for +imself *hen +e created the beings! the voluntary deification of these beings! also e1"lainsM *hen it is achievedM Gods manifestation in #esusM the visible Deity in #esus! *hile the three."erson Deity does not allo* for a correct! i%e% truthful e1"lanation% 2eo"le have created their o*n conce"ts *hich obstruct their s"iritual maturing "rocess! because only one God can be called u"onH three different Gods may not be "rayed to but God +imself *ants to be ac no*ledged in #esus! and hence +e can only be *orshi""ed in #esusM And +e demands this ac no*ledgment of all human beings! because this ac no*ledgment had been denied to +im in the "ast! and because the act of 4alvation has to be acce"ted at the same timeM Because no "erson can find forgiveness of his original sin *ithout #esus /hrist! and therefore the human being has to declare his belief in +imM he has to believe that God +imself has sho*n com"assion for humanity and accom"lished the act of 4alvation in #esusM Amen


B%D% =@&$ &$%1%16<? The human being!s right attitude concerning $esus! act of Salvation& The success of your earthly life de"ends on your attitude concerning #esus /hrist and +is act of 4alvation% The blessing of embodiment as a human being *as given to you as a gift but you *ould not and *ill not achieve anything if you end your life *ithout #esus /hrist and +is forgiveness of sins! because if you are not redeemed from your original sin first you *ill be refused entrance into the ingdom of light since only #esus /hrist! the divine 4aviour! can o"en the gate% The "rereGuisite for this is! ho*ever! the forgiveness of sins! and therefore also the ac no*ledgment of +is act of 4alvation% If you humans no* consider that your earthly life can be lived in vain! and that your soul can be in e1actly the same state at the end as it *as at the beginning of your embodiment! if you consider that then the earthly life is utterly "ointless irres"ective of *hether you had e1"erienced Noy or sufferingM then you really have to try to give it the right meaning% Aou have to strive harder to achieve a "leasant e1istence thereafter! "roviding you believe in life after death at all% But those *ho live indifferently! *ho do not believe in #esus /hrist and +is act of 4alvation! *ill have no faith in the souls continuation of life after death either% And yet! the no*ledge of #esus /hrist shall al*ays be made accessible to them again to stimulate their thoughts and to induce them time after time to loo for and discover their attitude regarding +im% And the least amount of *illingness *ill also be encouraged by #esus +imself! +e *ill come to meet the human being and ma e it easy for him to gain faith in +im%%% But his freedom of *ill is left to him! because he has to ma e his o*n choice in favour of #esus /hrist in order to ma e the salvation "ossible% 3evertheless! "eo"le do not no* ho* meaningful it is to have found +im%%% ,or earthly life is only short! and it can release the soul from every constraint so that! in the hour of death! the soul can ascend as a s"irit of lightM And the soul has consciously entered embodiment as human being! because it *as sho*n its life on earth as *ell as the goal in advance! it *as not forcefully embodied as a human being% +o*ever! every soul has the desireM once it has achieved the degree of develo"ment *hich allo*s an embodiment as human beingM to discard the "hysical cover! and thus also no*s that a life on earth as human being is its last o""ortunityM But it *ill be de"rived of this consciousness again as soon as it is engendered into a human form% /onseGuently it is of utmost significance for every soul to ta e notice of #esus /hrist! Whose act of 4alvation *ill enable it to free itself from every constraint! because *ithout the redem"tion of the original sin there is no release from the force of Gods adversary% And this is *hat all "eo"le should be told! all "eo"le should be truthfully informed about the general meaning of #esus /hrist and +is act of 4alvation M All "eo"le should thin more about the "ur"ose of their earthly life and *hether they e1"ress this "ur"ose fully% And anyone *ho s"ends serious thought on this *ill also be mentally taught correctly by the s"iritual *orld! by God! Who has accom"lished the act of 4alvation in the human being #esus to redeem the immense original sin! in order to enable all "eo"le to enter through the gate into the ingdom of lightM But *ithout #esus /hrist this gate remains loc ed! no human being can achieve bliss *ithout #esus /hrist! because *ithout #esus /hrist he remains subNect to the adversarys "o*er! *ho *ill never release him%%% Amen


B%D% =@>> 1$%7%16<? /edeeming strength of $esus! name & Aou humans should see salvation in )y nameM you should no* that you cannot find salvation any*here else but *ith )e! that you definitely have to ac no*ledge )e )yself in #esus /hrist! that you thus have to believe in the divine 4aviour and +is act of mercy% In the human being #esus I came to earth )yself! through +is mouth I )yself instructed the "eo"le! )y strength manifested itself *ithin +im! through +im I "erformed miracles! I raised the dead to life! I healed the sic and hel"ed "eo"le in times of earthly hardshi"M in +im I )yself died on the cross! because the human being #esus had received )e *ithin +imself in all fullness! because +e had sha"ed +imself into love and thus became a suitable vessel for )e in *hich I could achieve the act of 4alvation in order to ma e amends for the *hole of humanitys guilt of sin% +ence the name of #esus is the name of your God and eternal ,ather! hence you have to gather in )y name and let )e )yself d*ell amongst you if you *ant to achieve bliss! *hich once had made you uns"ea ably ha""yM but *hich you still lac as long as you live on earth% It is therefore not enough Nust to believe in God! because such faith is indeed the ac no*ledgment of a /reator Who brought everything into e1istence! including yourselvesH ho*ever! this faith does not lead you bac to +im! but you no* have to ac no*ledge the 4aviour too! Who first had made it "ossible for you to *al the "ath to your God and ,ather% And only in this *ay can you come to your ,ather% Thus you have to believe in #esus /hrist and +is act of 4alvation! only then *ill you have the right faith! and only then *ill your faith lead you to salvation! i%e% your soul can only then be returned to its former state! because it needs the hel" of #esus /hrist for this and *ithout hel" it cannot ever reach the goal M /onseGuently you have to loo for salvation in )y name%%% And no* you *ill also understand *hy it is necessary to tell "eo"le about #esus /hrist! that it is not enough to *ant to e1"lore or "rove the e1istence of God! because this belief can be gained by every human being loo ing around himself *ith o"en eyes and contem"lating the creation and its origin M But the main fact is the redeeming strength of #esus name%%% Aou humans first have no no* the significance of the act of 4alvation so that you then can ste" under the cross of #esus and call u"on the name of #esus as the name of your God and ,ather for the salvation of your souls% Because #esus arrival *as the da*n of a ne* era! the time had come *hen! due to +is crucifi1ion! the gate to the ingdom of light *as o"ened and the first fully redeemed souls could return to the ,atherM% Because many souls stood before the gate to blissfulness *ho first had to be freed from their guilt of the original sin in order to d*ell once again as blessed s"iritual beings *here they had originated from% And this final return into the ,athers house has been made "ossibly by the divine 4aviour #esus /hrist! Who therefore also has to be ac no*ledge by every human being *ho *ants to regain his original state% #esus /hrist +imself is the gate into the ingdom of heaven%%% and +is name is declared throughout the s"heres of light! for I )yself Am *ithin +im! +e and I are oneM And anyone *ho utters the name of #esus *ith "rofound devotion s"ea s to )e directly! and I shall truly bring salvation to himM And therefore you *ill not ma e a *rong reGuest *hen you say the name of #esus *ith com"lete faith and thus submit your reGuest to )e )yselfM Because *hen you believe in +im and +is act of 4alvation you have also become redeemed from your encumbering original sin! and then )y love *ill "rove itself to you again! and your childli e call u"on )y name *ill also ensure that I *ill hear you and grant your reGuest% I Am al*ays and forever your God and /reator%%% but I could only become your ,ather through the act of 4alvation! because only then could you receive the strength to change of your o*n free *ill into "erfect beings! only then could you turn from living creations into )y children! if you use the free *ill to return to )eM and only *ith )y death on the cross could this free *ill be strengthened% Therefore your salvation solely rests in )y name%%% Therefore you are only on the "ath of return to )e *hen you have ta en the "ath to #esus /hrist! because only this "ath leads to )e! bac into the ,athers houseM Amen


B%D% >6<? 71%1@%16<= The right .ath will be shown to .eo.le& I can only ever Nust indle a light for you and illuminate the *ay! but you have to voluntarily *al it yourselves% And I can also offer you )y com"any but at the same time I *ill not im"ose it on you! "recisely because I dont force you! instead you yourselves have to Noin )e and a""eal to )e that I should al*ays *al by your side as your fello* traveller% But then you cannot go astray%%% I! for )y "art! *ill certainly do everything to enable your ascent to )e! nevertheless you have the freedom to *ant and act at your o*n discretion% 4o many "eo"le fail because they misuse their freedom and turn a deaf ear to all )y advice and *ords of caution! yet their rebellious determination *ill not be forcefully bro en% Aou can certainly force "eo"le on earth into obedience! there you can use your "o*er *hen you believe that "eo"le resist you unNustifiably% But )y eternal "lan of 4alvation e1cludes all use of force *here it concerns the retrieval of the s"iritH because the final goal I *ant to accom"lish can only be achieved by the beings free *ill% )y love *ill "ersistently strive for this goal and *ill also find the right means to turn the s"irits *ill in its favour so that it then voluntarily *al s the "ath of return into the ,athers house% 8ove achieves much! and any loving beings influence on the still undecided s"irit can be successfulM but this *ill be difficult if the being still favours )y adversary% But the human beings *ill is res"ected! it is merely constantly "ursuedM or! *ith other *ords! the "ath *ill al*ays be sho*n again to the "erson% That is! a light is indled! time and again )y Word *ill be made accessible to the human being *hich! as a light from above! clearly and "recisely informs him of his earthly goal and sho*s the divine 4aviours cross in its brightness M And once the human being can see this bright "ath! the *ill is also able to decide *hether to follo* this "ath and to aim to*ards the crossM this "ath has to be ta en by every human being himself% It is "ointless Nust to see it and not to follo* itH hence it is "ointless to merely ta e notice of )y Word or of /hrists act of 4alvationH instead it is essential to *al the "ath *hich leads "ast the /alvary /ross' )y Word has to be e1em"lified in the same *ay the man #esus did on earth! and then the "ath! *hich is clearly sho*n to you humans! is being follo*ed% And thus no human being should believe that it is irrelevant *hich "ath he *al s! no human being should believe to reach the same goal on lesser *ays! nor should any human being believe that he may *al *ithout the right guidance! because then his "ath *ill inevitably lead into the abyss! bac to *here he came from! from *hence )y love had already lifted himM +e has to commend himself to )e )yself! he has to a""eal for )y guidance! one day he has to loo at the "ath brightly lit ahead of him and should not be deterred *hen he sees the cross *hich sho*s that he *ill have to go through suffering% +e should al*ays thin of the magnificent goal that can only be reached in this *ay! and he mustM if he *ants to *al this "athM%"etition )e for strength and trust in )y guidanceM And he *ill indeed be able to *al the "ath of ascent because I *ill al*ays guide him such that he *ill by."ass all treacherous cliffs! that he can easily ste" across each obstacle and climb the "ea *ith ease% ,or I *ill al*ays give him the strength not to tire! no matter ho* stee" the "ath a""ears to himM But he *ill not reach the goal alone! for as soon as he *al s alone someone else *ill Noin him *ho Guic ly and easily *ill "ush him a*ay from the right "ath to*ards the abyss% +o*ever! )y love *ill al*ays "ursue you because )y love does not abandon any of )y living creationsM Amen


B%D% =@6> 1?%$%16<? Do not forfeit %our eternal life& Do not forfeit your eternal lifeM Admittedly! one day it *ill be granted to all of you! but eternities of infinite agony and dar ness may still go by *hen you are in a state of death and entirely *ithout strength and light% And you can "rolong this agoniDing time indefinitely so that you can indeed s"ea of eternal damnation%%%% but *hich 5 have not given to you! instead you volitionally cause and continue to cause it yourselves if you fail to use your human e1istence to achieve eternal life for yourselves% I *ill not let you be lost forever! because you are )y living creations *hom I loved from the start and *ill never cease to love either! but I cannot give life to you "rematurely if you yourselves "refer the state of death! if you are un*illing to acce"t life from )e%M +o*ever! you can easily acGuire it by merely entrusting yourselves to )e! Who is eternal life +imselfM And for this "ur"ose earthly life is given you! *here you are in "ossession of intellect and free *ill! *here you can acce"t instructions concerning your tas on earth and thus you need only want to emerge from the state of death% And this time on earth is very short! no great sacrifices are e1"ected of you considering *hat you shall receive if you use your *ill correctly% The lifes"an of a human being is very brief indeed but it suffices to let you reach the goal%%%% Aet your "reliminary develo"ment too an infinitely long time until you *ere able to enter the stage of a human beingM And it *ill ta e an eGually infinitely long time until you *ill receive the grace again to re"eat your test of volition% The length of these infinite times is beyond your human com"rehension since your thin ing is limited in your im"erfect state%M And Nust as you do not no* of this agony! because retros"ection of your "reliminary develo"ment is ta en from you during your earthly life! you do not no* of the indescribable bliss either *hich is integral to the conce"t of eternal lifeM% Aou do not no* of the s"lendours a*aiting you in )y ingdom *hen you decide to finally return to )e%%%% And neither one nor the other information can be "roven to you! since then it *ould be im"ossible to ma e a free decision of *ill% But you should believe it even *ithout "roof and live your earthly life accordingly! you should not forfeit the bliss of a life in )y ingdom! you all should include this "ossibility in your intellectual consideration even if it seems im"lausible to youM and you should live such that you need not re"roach yourselves *hen the hour of your de"arture from this earth has arrived one day% Aou should also listen to those *ho tal about such things *hich are unrelated to the "hysical *orld%%% And you should reflect on it and imagine ho* you *ould fare if they *ere rightM There is too much at sta e for you humans! it is not Nust a Guestion of a fe* years li e your lifetime on earth%%% it concerns eternal life! it concerns the never-ending state of su"reme blissfulness%M a state in light and strength that *as yours in the beginningM And for this eternity in light and strength you only need to renounce utterly *orthless things for a very short time! for a moment of this eternity M But you value these things e1ce"tionally high! and hence *ill forfeit life and continue to remain in a state of death for an endless time again%M And all I can do to hel" you attain life is to constantly send )y messengers to you humans! *ho *arn and remind you on )y behalf! *ho should ins"ire you to try to arrive at the truthM *ho "oint out to you that I! as the only Truth! enlighten your thoughts! *ho advise you to establish the connection *ith )e )yself! so that I can then seiDe and dra* you to )yselfM But you have to ta e the first ste"! since I *ill not force you for the sa e of your beatitude% But I *ill su""ort and strengthen even the *ea est *ill *hich turns to )e% I caused the entire creation to come into being in order to give you life% I do not *ant your death! I *ant you to live and finally esca"e your state of death! *hich has already lasted for an infinite timeM I *ant to im"art )y love on you again and offer you a *onderful fate *hich *ill never end againM But I cannot sto" you from ta ing the "ath into the abyss once more if you volitionally follo* )y adversary again *ho once had ta en your life and delivered you unto death% I can only ever call to you again Do not forfeit your eternal lifeM but you have to follo* )y call voluntarily! you have to endeavour to achieve life *hile you live on earth! and I truly *ill hel" you achieve it because I love youM Amen


B%D% =@<< $%7%16<? S.reading the os.el throughout the whole world &.

When your attention is re"eatedly dra*n to *orld events you should recognise therein the seGuence of *hat has already been revealed to you a long time ago! you should recognise therein the signs of the a""roaching end%%% And if your s"irit is a*a ened you *ill no* the time you are living in% And thus everything *ill come to "ass as I "roclaimed to you through seers and "ro"hets% There *ill be much grief amongst "eo"le! love *ill gro* cold! it *ill be the *ay it *as before the great flood' increased enNoyment of life! sinfulness and unbeliefM everything occurs in such a *ay that "eo"le *ill consider it normal! and they do not consider it unusual because all their thoughts and endeavours are merely of a *orldly nature% But I told you that by the signs you *ill no* *hen the end is nearM And thus you should "ay attention to the signs% Aou humans may *ell raise the obNection that the earth has seen many such times by no*! that the mentioned "roclamations could have been e1"ected at any time as a matter of courseM% Aou *ill also dra* attention to the times of utmost unbelief and accursed human actions M But you forget that I had indicated that )y Gos"el has to be s"read throughout the *hole *orld before the last a""earance on this earth can ta e "laceM and you dont no* *hat the "roclamation of the Gos"el actually entailsM Aou believe that this can only be done by "eo"le *ho ta e the information concerning the act of 4alvation and the divine teaching of love to *herever it is not yet no*nM The s"reading of )y Gos"el in this *ay is indeed a "art of it as *ell! but I )yself also ma e sure that said no*ledge reaches "eo"le *ho have not yet been informed about #esus /hrist and +is act of 4alvation% But I im"art this no*ledge to them directly% I *or through )y s"irit *herever "eo"le endeavour to live a life of love of their o*n accordM And this direct action ta es "lace on a massive scale and often leads to greater success than *ith "eo"le *ho have already no*n of #esus /hrist for a long time and yet cannot be called /hristians% ,irst the Gos"el has to be s"read%%% and it *ill indeed be s"read% It *ill be ta en every*here by )y messengers of light! *ho are e1ce"tionally active es"ecially in the last days! and *ho have embodied themselves all over the *orld for the "ur"ose that they may no* be useful vessels for )e into *hom I can "our )y s"irit! *ho thus establish a lin bet*een )e and those to *hom the Gos"el shall be "roclaimed% In fact! humanity *ould be badly off if it had to de"end entirely on "eo"le as to if! *hen and ho* the "roclamation of )y Gos"el ta es "laceM% And yet their efforts *ould be in vain too if )y s"irit *ould not *or there as *ell! so that s"iritual a*a enings ha""en first *hich subseGuently also "ermit a direct action on )y "artM But I also thin of those *ho *ill not be reached by the "reachers of the Gos"elM And every*here I )yself descend to earth in the Word in order to hel" )y living creationsM +o*ever! this direct influence has never before occurred to this e1tent% And neither has it ever been ac no*ledged *hen I )yself had filled a useful vessel for )e *ith )y s"iritM Because )y adversary had constantly tried to e1tinguish the light! and "eo"le had listened to him% But it *as not yet the time of the end! *hen he rages e1ce"tionally! and therefore I *ill also *or e1traordinarily in order to save the "eo"le% And thus love *ill be "reached every*here! s"iritual a*a enings *ill come about amongst all nations! but not through s"ea ers alone! but through )y messengers of love and light! *ho es"ecially care for those *ho have no no*ledge at all of #esus /hrist and +is act of 4alvation% And those "eo"le *ill al*ays have a teacher amongst them! *hoM filled by )y s"iritM *ill s"ea and give them the information they need for the salvation of their soulsM And the s"irit of /hrist! Who can no* s"ea to them through the teacher! *ill reveal everything and remind them to live a life of loveM And then they too *ill become enlightened%%% But even for this the time first has to come! hence the hour of the end could not be e1"ected sooner in s"ite of the s"iritual hardshi" and dar ness% But you humans should observe *hat is ta ing "lace on earth and then you *ill easily identify the time you live in% Because one day the future *ill become the "! one day it *ill come to "ass *hat I "roclaimed to you a long time ago! one day the harvest *ill ri"en and has to be ta en into the barnsM% And thus one day the cleaning "rocess has to ha""en! the old order has to be restored again! the earth has to be made suitable for its real "ur"ose once more' to mature the souls of "eo"leM Amen


B%D% >6>6 1<%11%16<= The faith in $esus Christ is in danger& The faith in #esus /hrist and +is act of 4alvation is increasingly disa""earing the more the end is a""roachingH the activity of Gods adversary solely intends to ee" "eo"le a*ay from the divine 4aviour to "revent their calling on +im! because then the adversary has lost the entitlement to their souls! because then #esus /hrist +imself ste"s bet*een him and the "erson *ho calls to +im for hel"% And thus in the end time it can be very clearly noticed that the faith in #esus /hrist is re"eatedly counteracted from all directionsM% that everything is done to sto" the no*ledge of +im and +is act of 4alvation% Admittedly! it *ill not be entirely successful because Gods activity is also visibly evident! Who time and again "roclaims #esus /hrist through +is Word% But the adversary *ill cause much harm amongst "eo"le and *ill s"are no means to achieve his obNective% And since human beings hardly ever "ractise love! since their love has gro*n cold! it is easy for Gods adversary to destroy faith in #esus /hrist! because even *here it still faintly e1ists it is nevertheless not sufficiently alive to resist the adversarys tem"tations% 2eo"le *ithout love succumb to him because their s"irit is dar and for this very reason the adversary has an easy time% But he uses dishonest means%%% +e overste"s his "ermitted authorityM% ,or although he does everything to cause "eo"les do*nfall! *ithout being "revented by God due to the human beings test of free *ill! he nevertheless does not have the right to sto" "eo"le from receiving no*ledge of God! Who embodied +imself in #esus /hrist on earth to redeem humanityM Where t*o o""onents fight each other! i%e% *here human beings should freely choose bet*een one "o*er and another! they also have to no* about both "o*ers and their characteristics! activity and goals! other*ise it is im"ossible to ma e a free decision% And hence Gods adversary may not cause disorder on earth for much longer! because +e! Who is mightier than him! Whom all "o*ers of heaven and earth have to obey! *ill "ut a sto" to his activities because he is overste""ing his authority% Therefore it is of "articular im"ortance during the end time to "rovide "eo"le *ith the no*ledge about #esus /hrist! the divine RedeemerM And everyone *ho *ants to serve God should consider this tas a "riority! they should counteract the adversarys activity by it! they should inform "eo"le of the 0ne! to Whom they should turn if they dont *ant to fall into the hands of their enemy and destroyer% Because he does not *ant to get "eo"le in order to ma e them ha""y%%% he only *ants to turn them a*ay from God as not to lose follo*ers *ho! in his vie*! are his *hole "o*er% And the state of affairs in this *orld is sad! only a fe* "eo"le still have living faith in the divine Redeemer because most "eo"le only s"ea dead *ords *ithout s"irit and life *hen they describe themselves as /hristians to their fello* human beingsM but they have no living bond *ith +im! and therefore they are not yet redeemed either and fall "rey to the adversary as soon as a serious decision for or against #esus /hrist has to be made% And this decision *ill be demanded%%% Because the adversary also successfully induces the "eo"le in his bondage to "roceed ruthlessly against everyone *ho has faith% And then they *ill have to confess o"enly and before the *orld their relationshi" *ith their 4aviour and Redeemer% They *ill have no more choice%%% and only those fe* *ill stand firm *ho! *ith living faith! turn to +im for hel"% But the "eo"le *ho fail this last decision are only to blame themselves because they are all given the no*ledge of #esus /hrist! and the divine teaching of love is not un no*n to any human being eitherM And if only they *ould acce"t and e1em"lify the latter their faith *ould also be a*a ened or reinforced! and they *ould not be *ithout strength to resist% Aet every human beings *ill is free! but it also results in a""ro"riate conseGuencesM Amen


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