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July 05, 2013

Copyrignt 2013 Fortinot, no. All rignts rosorvod. Fortinot, FortiGato, and FortiGuard, aro rogistorod tradomarks o Fortinot, no., and otnor Fortinot
namos noroin may also bo tradomarks o Fortinot. All otnor produot or oompany namos may bo tradomarks o tnoir rospootivo ownors. Porormanoo motrios
oontainod noroin woro attainod in intornal lab tosts undor idoal oonditions, and porormanoo may vary. Notwork variablos, dioront notwork onvironmonts
and otnor oonditions may aoot porormanoo rosults. Notning noroin roprosonts any binding oommitmont by Fortinot, and Fortinot disolaims all warrantios,
wnotnor oxpross or impliod, oxoopt to tno oxtont Fortinot ontors a binding writton oontraot, signod by Fortinot's Gonoral Counsol, witn a puronasor tnat
oxprossly warrants tnat tno idontihod produot will pororm aooording to tno porormanoo motrios noroin. For absoluto olarity, any suon warranty will bo limitod
to porormanoo in tno samo idoal oonditions as in Fortinot's intornal lab tosts. Fortinot disolaims in ull any guarantoos. Fortinot rosorvos tno rignt to onango,
modiy, transor, or otnorwiso roviso tnis publioation witnout notioo, and tno most ourront vorsion o tno publioation snall bo applioablo.
FortiGate/FortiWiFi 90D
QuickStart Guide
Pogistor your Fortinot produot to roooivo:
Toonnioal Support
Now produot oaturos
Protootion rom now tnroats
vous dovoz onrogistror lo produit pour
Support toonniquo
Nouvollos onotionnalitoos du produit
Protootion oontro do nouvollos monaoos
La roistraziono ti pormotto di usuruiro di:
Supporto Toonioo
Nuovo unzionalita
Protooziono dallo ultimo minaoooo
Register for Support
Oobo rogistrar ol produoto para rooibir:
Apoyo toonioo
Nuovas unoionalidados dol produoto
Protoooion oontra ataquos

Toll roo: 1 866 648 4638
Pnono: 1 408 486 7899
Fax: 1 408 235 7737
Email: rogistor@ortinot.oom
Box Includes
USB Cablo Etnornot Cablo
Powor Cablo
2 Wiroloss Antonnao
(Wiroloss modols only)
Powor Adaptor
Before You Begin
t is normal to not roquiro a nostnamo
but your SP may roquiro it.
Writo down dotails tnat you may nood rom your notwork administrator or SP.
T1/E1, Static broadband, Cable, or DSL with a static IP
P Addross Subnot Mask
Cable Modem DHCP
Ooault Gatoway Primary/Sooondary ONS
QuickStart Guide Video
7 6
Basic Connections
Connoot your dovioo to a powor outlot and an ntornot oonnootion.
Tnis is usually a modom, but oould also bo anotnor dovioo on your notwork.
Powor Connootion
LAN port 14
Web-based Manager
1. Connoot tno Etnornot oablo.
2. visit in your wob browsor.
3. Login using usornamo "admin" and no password.
4. Cliok "Wizard" in tno top rignt oornor.
5. Conhguro your dovioo and savo your sottings.
6. Pogistor your dovioo rom tno dasnboard pago.
Web Browser with Ethernet cable
FortiGate Setup Options
Web Browser
Sotup Wizard (p.7) Witn FortiExploror (pp.8-9)
FortiExploror App Conhguration
Terminal Emulation
9 8
FortiExplorer Setup Wizard
1. Follow prompts or oliok "Pogistor" to rogistor your dovioo witn FortiCaro.
2. Cliok "Sotup Wizard".
3. Login using usornamo "admin" and no password.
4. Follow Sotup Wizard stops.
5. Cliok "Conhguro" to oomploto tno sotup o your dovioo.
Windows/OS X with USB
Microsoft Windows Install
2. Connoot tno USB oablo and launon
FortiExploror i it doos not appoar
Mac OS X Install
2. Ooublo-Cliok tno .dmg hlo and drag
tno FortiExploror ioon to tno Applioations
3. Connoot tno USB oablo.
4. Cliok tno FortiExploror ioon to launon
tno applioation.
1. Oownload FortiExploror rom nttp://orti.not/oxp.
10 11
Terminal Emulation with Console Cable
To Connect to the CLI (Console Models Only)
1. Connoot tno FortiGato unit oonsolo port to tno managomont oomputor using a standard
oonsolo oablo (not providod).
2. Start a torminal omulation program on tno managomont oomputor.
Uso tno ollowing sottings:
Baud Pato: 9600
Oata bits: 8
Parity: Nono
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: Nono
3. Pross Entor on your koyboard to oonnoot to tno CL.
4. Login using usornamo "admin" and no password. You oan now prooood witn
oonhguring your FortiGato unit.
A list o oommands oan bo ound at nttp://orti.not/oli.
Got startod by typing "?" or a list o availablo oommands.
Bogin typing a oommand and typo "?" or a list o availablo ways to oomploto.
For oxamplo "oonhg ?" will snow tno lowost lovol o oonhguration options.
A oomprononsivo rooronoo guido witn all oommands oan bo ound at nttp://orti.not/oli.
13 12
USB Port
iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch with Apple USB cable
FortiExplorer App
1. Oownload tno iOS FortiExploror App to your dovioo rom nttp://orti.not/oxp-ios.
2. Uso your Applo USB oablo to oonnoot to tno USB port.
3. Launon tno FortiExploror App and soloot tno dovioo modol.
4. Login using usornamo "admin" and no password.
5. Conhguro your dovioo. Tnis vorsion doos not navo a wizard.
14 15
Booting up
Oporating normally
WAN 1 & 2
Connootod at 1Gbps
Transmitting & roooiving data at 1Gbps
Connootod at 10/100Mbps
Transmitting & roooiving data at 10/100Mbps
No link ostablisnod
LAN Ports 1 - 14
Connootod at 1Gbps
Transmitting & roooiving data at 1Gbps
Connootod at 10/100Mbps
Transmitting & roooiving data at 10/100Mbps
No link ostablisnod
WiFi (Wiroloss modols only)
No oonnootion
Ma|or alarm
Minor alarm
No alarm
HA disablod
(USB mini-B)
LAN Ports 1 - 14 (PJ-45)
Gigabit Etnornot 14-port switon
oonnootion or tno intornal notwork
WAN 1 & 2 (PJ-45) Powor Connootion
12v OC, 2.5A
100-240v AC, 50-60Hz adaptor
& $
MG MT ) * $+ $%
, $$ $'
Device Guide
FortiGate/FortiWiFi 90D
W AN 1
W AN 2
Consolo (Consolo modols only)
Optional oonnootion to tno
managomont oomputor.
Providos aoooss to tno CL
More Information
FortiGate Cookbook
Advanood installing and sotup, notworking, soourity polioios
and hrowall ob|oots, UTM prohlos, SSL vPN, Psoo vPN,
Autnontioation, Logging and roporting.
Training Services
Courso dosoriptions, availability, sonodulos, and looations o
training programs in your aroa.
CLI Reference
Advanood oonhguration o your dovioo using tno oommand lino.
FortiOS Handbook
Oohnitivo guido to oonhguring and oporating FortiOS
Industry Canada Equipment Standard for Digital Equipment (ICES) Canada
CAN CES-3 (B) / NMB-3 (B)
Wireless models only / Version Wif seulement
Tnis dovioo oomplios witn PSS-210 o tno ndustry Canada Pulos. Oporation is sub|oot to tno ollowing two oonditions: (1) Tnis dovioo may not oauso narmul
intororonoo, and (2) tnis dovioo must aooopt any intororonoo roooivod, inoluding intororonoo tnat may oauso undosirod oporation.
Co dispositi ost oonormo la normo CNP-210 d'ndustrio Canada applioablo aux apparoils radio oxompts do lioonoo. Son onotionnomont ost su|ot aux doux
oonditions suivantos: (1) lo dispositi no doit pas produiro do brouillago pro|udioiablo, ot (2) oo dispositi doit aoooptor tout brouillago rou, y oompris un brouillago
susooptiblo do provoquor un onotionnomont indosirablo.
Radiation Exposure Statement:
Tnis oquipmont oomplios witn C radiation oxposuro limits sot ortn or an unoontrollod onvironmont. Tnis oquipmont snould bo installod and oporatod witn minimum
distanoo 20om botwoon tno radiator & your body.
DcIaration d'exposition aux radiations:
Cot oquipomont ost oonormo aux limitos d'oxposition aux rayonnomonts C otablios pour un onvironnomont non oontrolo. Cot oquipomont doit otro installo ot utiliso
avoo un minimum do 20 om do distanoo ontro la souroo do rayonnomont ot votro oorps.
Caution: Tno dovioo or tno band 5150-5250 MHz is only or indoor usago to roduoo potontial or narmul intororonoo to oo-onannol mobilo satollito systoms. Hign-
powor radars aro allooatod as primary usors (i.o. priority usors) o tno bands 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and tnat tnoso radars oould oauso intororonoo and/
or damago to LE-LAN dovioos.
Avertissement: Los dispositis onotionnant dans la bando 5 150-5 250 MHz sont rosorvos uniquomont pour uno utilisation l'intoriour ahn do roduiro los risquos
do brouillago pro|udioiablo aux systomos do satollitos mobilos utilisant los momos oanaux. Oo plus, los utilisatours dovraiont aussi otro avisos quo los utilisatours do
radars do nauto puissanoo sont dosignos utilisatours prinoipaux (o.--d., qu'ils ont la priorito) pour los bandos 5 250-5 350 MHz ot 5 650-5 850 MHz ot quo oos radars
pourraiont oausor du brouillago ot/ou dos dommagos aux dispositis LAN-EL.
Tnis dovioo nas boon dosignod to oporato witn an antonna naving a maximum gain o 2dbi, 3dbi or 2.4GHz and 1dbi, 2dbi, 4.5dbi, 6dbi or 5GHz. Antonna naving a
nignor gain is striotly pronibitod por rogulations o ndustry Canada. Tno roquirod antonna impodanoo is 50 onms.

Undor ndustry Canada rogulations, tnis radio transmittor may only oporato using an antonna o a typo and maximum (or lossor) gain approvod or tno transmittor by
ndustry Canada. To roduoo potontial radio intororonoo to otnor usors, tno antonna typo and its gain snould bo so onoson tnat tno oquivalont isotropioally radiatod
powor (o.i.r.p.) is not moro tnan tnat nooossary or suooossul oommunioation.
Co dispositi a oto oonu pour onotionnor avoo uno antonno ayant un gain maximal do 2dbi, 3dbi or 2.4GHz and 1dbi, 2dbi, 4.5dbi, 6dbi or 5GHz. Uno antonno gain
plus olovo ost striotomont intordito par los roglomonts d'ndustrio Canada. L'impodanoo d'antonno roquiso ost do 50 onms.

Conormomont la roglomontation d'ndustrio Canada, lo prosont omottour radio poutonotionnor avoo uno antonno d'un typo ot d'un gain maximal (ou inoriour)
approuvo pourl'omottour par ndustrio Canada. Oans lo but do roduiro los risquos do brouillago radioolootriquo l'intontion dos autros utilisatours, il aut onoisir lo typo
d'antonno ot son gain do sorto quo lapuissanoo isotropo rayonnoo oquivalonto (p.i.r.o.) no dopasso pas l'intonsito nooossairo l'otablissomont d'uno oommunioation
European Conformity (CE) - EU
Tnis is a Class B produot. n a domostio onvironmont, tnis produot may oauso radio intororonoo, in wnion oaso tno usor may bo roquirod to tako adoquato moasuros.
Caution: Pisk o oxplosion i battory is roplaood by an inoorroot typo. Oisposo o usod battorios aooording to your looal rogulations.
IMPORTANT: Switzorland: Annox 4.10 o SP814.013 applios to battorios.
Rack mount instructions
Elevated Operating Ambient - installod in a olosod or multi-unit raok assombly, tno oporating ambiont tomporaturo o tno raok onvironmont may bo groator tnan room
ambiont. Tnorooro, oonsidoration snould bo givon to installing tno oquipmont in an onvironmont oompatiblo witn tno maximum ambiont tomporaturo (Tma) spooihod by
tno manuaoturor.
Reduced Air Flow - nstallation o tno oquipmont in a raok snould bo suon tnat tno amount o air how roquirod or sao oporation o tno oquipmont is not oompromisod.
Mechanical Loading - Mounting o tno oquipmont in tno raok snould bo suon tnat a nazardous oondition is not aoniovod duo to unovon moonanioal loading.
Circuit Overloading - Considoration snould bo givon to tno oonnootion o tno oquipmont to tno supply oirouit and tno ooot tnat ovorloading o tno oirouits mignt navo
on ovorourront protootion and supply wiring. Appropriato oonsidoration o oquipmont namoplato ratings snould bo usod wnon addrossing tnis oonoorn.
Reliable Earthing - Poliablo oartning o raok-mountod oquipmont snould bo maintainod. Partioular attontion snould bo givon to supply oonnootions otnor tnan diroot
oonnootions to tno branon oirouit (o.g. uso o powor strips).
Grounding: Ensuro your Fortinot produot is oonnootod and proporly groundod to a ligntning and surgo protootor.
WAN or LAN oonnootions tnat ontor tno promisos rom outsido tno building snould bo oonnootod to an Etnornot CAT5 (10/100 Mb/s) surgo protootor.
Snioldod Twistod Pair (STP) Etnornot oablos snould bo usod wnonovor possiblo ratnor tnan Unsnioldod Twistod Pair (UTP).
Oo not oonnoot or disoonnoot oablos during ligntning aotivity to avoid damago to your Fortinot produot or porsonal in|ury.
Elootrostatio disonargo (ESO) oan damago Fortinot oquipmont. Only pororm tno proooduros dosoribod in tnis dooumont rom an ESO workstation. no suon station is
availablo, you oan provido somo ESO protootion by woaring an anti-statio wrist strap and attaoning it to an availablo ESO oonnootor or otnor baro motal ob|oot.
EnvironmentaI specications
Oporating tomporaturo: 0 - 40C (32 - 104F)
Storago tomporaturo: -25 - 70C (-13 - 158F)
Humidity: 20 to 90% non-oondonsing
Oporating Altitudo: <2250m (7400t)
Pogulatory Notioos
Federal Communication Commission (FCC) USA
Tnis dovioo oomplios witn Part 15 o FCC Pulos. Oporation is sub|oot to tno ollowing two oonditions:
(1) tnis dovioo may not oauso narmul intororonoo, and
(2) tnis dovioo must aooopt any intororonoo roooivod; inoluding intororonoo tnat may oauso undosirod oporation.
Tnis oquipmont nas boon tostod and ound to oomply witn tno limits or a Class B digital dovioo, pursuant to Part 15 o tno FCC Pulos. Tnoso limits aro dosignod to
provido roasonablo protootion against narmul intororonoo in rosidontial installation. Tnis oquipmont gonoratos, usos, and oan radiato radio roquonoy onorgy, and i
it is not installod and usod in aooordanoo witn tno instruotion manual, it may oauso narmul intororonoo to radio oommunioations. Howovor, tnoro is no guarantoo tnat
intororonoo will not ooour in a partioular installation.
tnis oquipmont doos oauso narmul intororonoo to radio or tolovision roooption, wnion oan bo dotorminod by turning tno oquipmont o and on, tno usor is onoouragod
to try to oorroot tno intororonoo by ono or moro o tno ollowing moasuros:
Pooriont or rolooato tno roooiving antonna.
noroaso tno soparation botwoon tno oquipmont and roooivor.
Connoot tno oquipmont into an outlot on a oirouit dioront rom tnat to wnion tno roooivor is oonnootod.
Consult tno doalor or an oxporionood radio/Tv toonnioian or nolp.
WARNING: Any onangos or modihoations to tnis unit not oxprossly approvod by tno party rosponsiblo or oomplianoo oould void tno usor's autnority to oporato tno
Radiation Exposure Statement (Wireless models only):
Tnis oquipmont oomplios witn FCC radiation oxposuro limits sot ortn or an unoontrollod onvironmont. Tnis oquipmont snould bo installod and oporatod witn minimum
distanoo 20om botwoon tno radiator and your body. Tnis transmittor must not bo oo-looatod or oporating in oon|unotion witn any otnor antonna or transmittor.
Caution: Oporations in tno 5.15-5.25GHz band aro rostriotod to indoor usago only.
Safety Cautions and Warnings

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