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Thesis: Who is to blame?

Team Name Last Name, First Name Fast Food Nation Research Project Ms. Rhude English, Period Date Month Year

!! Context for the project: Dont Blame the Eater? !! Please explain why the issue of obesity is relevant to you and your group !! Include statistics that introduce your position !! DO not simply state the thesis !! Include a graphic (remember to cite!)


!! Major points covered in research (Can be in any order; the following is just an example) !! Point #1: Strategies to Attract (Survey results and Google Map findings) !! Point #2: Ingredients (LAUSD and restaurant nutritional facts) !! Point #3: Choice? Or is it? (Income and how it impacts food selection)

Strategies to Attract (Point #1)

!! Further context for why or why not strategies used by fast food companies add to the epidemic of obesity !! Tie back to whether this causes the blame to be placed on the eater or on the fast food industry !! Cite from Fast Food Nation !! Include graphic with citation

Effectiveness of strategies
(This information can be combined with the previous slide#3)

!! How do the ingredients in the food consumed by teenagers attribute to their health? !! (Include LAUSD and Fast food menu information here) !! Include Fast Food Nation information to further support your thesis !! Graphic with citation

!! How do the proximity of the fast food restaurants and the frequency of the advertisements impact the eaters? Specifically teens? !! Use the survey and Google Map information here to support this !! Provide information from Fast Food Nation to further support your stance



Ingredients (Part II)

!! Two similar menu items !! Comparison (use a table or chart if helpful) !! What is the conclusion after comparing? !! Tie to proving thesis !! Reference from Fast Food Nation to further support your thesis !! Graphic with citation

Income and Choice

!! How does income impact the choices one can make? !! What limitations are there with earning minimum wage (in regards to food selection and eating habits?) !! What solutions are offered to solve some of the problems that may be presented? !! Counter Argument? (Use another slide of necessary) !! Reference from Fast Food Nation to further support your thesis

Next Point (or as many as needed)

!! Rationale for why this point is the most important (in proving your thesis) !! Facts/ Statistics that support this

Controversy/ Additional Findings

!! What did you find your research that was not addressed in the research prompt but essential to proving your overall thesis? !! Counterargument? !! Solutions? !! Additional facts and statistics?



Overall Impact
!! Key points covered in PPT !! Key facts from Fast Food Nation that helps support thesis !! Overall conclusion: Reaffirm your thesis and the answer to your thesis.

Work Cited
!! Remember that direct and indirect quotes must be cited !! All graphics (photos too) must be properly cited !! Use MLA format with hanging indents


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