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326259 Asthenia 12 Asthenia 12 Pain 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting

336349 Haematoch 11.1
336350 Choking 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Underdose 11.1
336352 Alpha 1 foe 11.1 Caesarean 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Failed trial 11.1 Pre-eclamp
336352 Threatened 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
336359 Arthralgia 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Carpal tun 11.1 Joint swell
336359 Red blood c 11.1 Rubella ant 11.1
336373 Intussusce 11.1
336376 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336377 Febrile con 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
336378 Hypersensit 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pruritus ge 11.1
336379 Inappropria 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336380 Inappropria 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336381 Inappropria 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336382 Dry skin 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Fall 11.1 Immediate p
336382 Muscle twit 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
336383 Incorrect d 11.1
336384 Inappropria 11.1
336385 Diarrhoea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
336386 Pyrexia 11.1
336387 Inappropria 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336388 Body tempe 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336389 Chills 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336390 Abasia 11.1 Amenorrho 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Chills
336390 Computeri 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Ear pain 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electroenc
336390 Headache 11.1 Headache 11.1 Immobile 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Loss of co
336390 Malaise 11.1 Menstruatio 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Nuclear ma
336390 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Photophobi 11.1 Presyncop 11.1 Syncope
336390 Tremor 11.1 Tremor 11.1
336391 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Vulvovagina 11.1
336392 Varicella 11.1
336393 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tendernes
336394 Wrong drug 11.1
336395 Body tempe 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain
336395 Skin warm 11.1
336396 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336397 Herpes zos 11.1
336398 Burning se 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Pruritus
336398 Swelling 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
336399 Erythema 11.1 Swelling 11.1
336400 Chills 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336401 Dysphagia 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
336402 Anaphylacti 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood pota
336402 Blood press 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Cardiac en 11.1 Chills 11.1 Chills
336402 Culture uri 11.1 Echocardio 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Erythema
336402 Erythema 11.1 Haemoglob 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Rash eryth
336402 Shock 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Throat tigh 11.1 Troponin 11.1 White blood
336403 Cardiovers 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest disc 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Death
336403 Dyspnoea 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Lung infiltr 11.1 Pulmonary 11.1 Ventricular
336404 Blood cultu 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Febrile con
336404 Gaze palsy 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336405 Asthenia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Cold sweat 11.1 Confusional 11.1 Dizziness
336405 Ear conges 11.1 Ear pain 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hearing im 11.1 Nasal cong
336405 Otitis medi 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vaccination 11.1 Visual imp 11.1
336406 Injection s 11.1
336407 Fatigue 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
336408 Rash eryth 11.1
336409 Body tempe 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
336410 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336411 Acne 11.1 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Nausea
336411 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
336412 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336413 Musculoske 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336414 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Red blood c
336414 Rheumatoid 11.1 White blood 11.1
336415 Asthenia 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1
336416 Condition 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Febrile con 11.1 Otitis medi 11.1 Pyrexia
336416 Tympanic m 11.1
336417 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336419 Oedema per 11.1
336420 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
336421 Confusional 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
336422 Lymph nod 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1
336423 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336424 Asthenia 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336425 Injection si 11.1
336426 Computeri 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Musculoske
336426 X-ray 11.1
336427 Grip stren 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Joint rang 11.1 Pain
336427 Pain in ext 11.1
336428 Injection si 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
336429 Pain in ext 11.1
336430 Musculoskel 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336431 Arthralgia 11.1 Musculoske 11.1
336432 Muscular 11.1 Pain 11.1
336433 Blister 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
336434 Musculoske 11.1
336435 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336436 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext
336437 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336438 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336439 Herpes zos 11.1
336440 Chest disc 11.1 Tonsillar h 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
336441 Dyspnoea 11.1 Mental sta 11.1
336442 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash papul 11.1
336443 Rash macu 11.1
336444 Vaccination 11.1
336445 Injection s 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336446 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336447 Erythema 11.1 Nodule 11.1
336448 Rash 11.1
336449 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336450 Pruritus 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
336451 Injection 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336452 Injection si 11.1
336453 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336454 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336455 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336456 Arthralgia 11.1 Fibromyalg 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext
336456 Rheumatoid 11.1
336457 Discomfort 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
336458 Asthenia 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Chills 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache
336458 Metabolic f 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
336459 Formicatio 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes
336460 Pyrexia 11.1 Varicella p 11.1
336461 Dizziness 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
336462 Anorexia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Fall 11.1 Irritability
336462 Lethargy 11.1 Motor dysf 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1
336463 Dyskinesia 11.1 Muscle twit 11.1
336466 Activities o 11.1 Angiotensi 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Autoimmune 11.1 Blepharos
336466 Blister 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Cognitive d
336466 Costochondr 11.1 Cough 11.1 Echocardio 11.1 Episcleritis 11.1 Fatigue
336466 Gastrooeso 11.1 HLA marker 11.1 Immunology 11.1 Immunology 11.1 Immunology
336466 Leukocytos 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Nuclear ma
336466 Ocular hyp 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes
336466 Rhinitis all 11.1 Sarcoidosi 11.1 Stress ech 11.1 Synovitis 11.1 Temperatur
336466 Tinnitus 11.1 Upper respi 11.1 Viral infect 11.1 X-ray limb 11.1
336471 Abdominal 11.1 Barium en 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Enema admi 11.1 Full blood
336471 Intussusce 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 X-ray norm
336472 Joint rang 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Pain
336472 Pain in ext 11.1
336473 Activities o 11.1 Ataxia 11.1 Biopsy mus 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 Budd-Chiar
336473 Dermatomyo 11.1 Dysphagia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Muscle atr
336473 Muscular 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Neuropathy 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Osteomalac
336473 Paraesthes 11.1 Pernicious 11.1 Polymyosit 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Vaccination
336473 Weight dec 11.1
336474 Anorexia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Depression 11.1 Dizziness
336474 Dizziness 11.1 Dry skin 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Irritability
336474 Menstrual d 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Rash 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Vision blur
336474 Vomiting 11.1
336475 Headache 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Visual imp 11.1
336476 Aspartate 11.1 Back pain 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Chills 11.1 Headache
336476 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Liver funct 11.1 Pain
336476 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 White blood 11.1
336477 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain
336477 Pain in ext 11.1
336478 Erythema 11.1 Inflammati 11.1
336479 Chills 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain in ext
336479 Rash macu 11.1
336480 Culture sto 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1
336482 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336483 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1
336484 Dyspnoea 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Urticaria
336485 Abdominal 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Lacrimatio
336485 Ocular hyp 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
336486 Erythema 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Local swell 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Urticaria
336487 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash 11.1
336488 Rash macul 11.1
336489 Irritability 11.1 Rash 11.1
336490 No adverse 11.1
336491 Asthenia 11.1 Nervousne 11.1 Pallor 11.1
336492 Erythema 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
336493 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1
336494 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
336495 Erythema 11.1
336496 Drooling 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Posture ab 11.1
336497 Wrong tech 11.1
336498 Erythema 11.1 Paraesthesi 11.1 Swelling 11.1
336499 Urticaria 11.1
336500 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Nausea
336500 Pallor 11.1
336501 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1
336503 Rash 11.1
336504 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
336505 Tendernes 11.1
336506 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336507 Acaroderma 11.1 Alopecia 11.1 Biopsy skin 11.1 Cyst 11.1 Dermatitis
336507 Dermatitis 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash pustu 11.1 Skin disord 11.1 Skin lesion
336507 Wound dra 11.1
336508 Erythema 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash macu 11.1 Rash pustu 11.1 Skin lesion
336508 Tendernes 11.1
336509 Insomnia 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336510 Injection si 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Pain 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1
336511 Chest disc 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Muscle tig 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1
336512 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336513 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia
336513 Scab 11.1 Scar 11.1
336514 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
336515 Erythema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336518 Abdominal 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336520 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Staphylococ 11.1
336521 Injection si 11.1
336522 Erythema 11.1 Restlessne 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1
336550 Allergy to 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Hypokinesi 11.1 Rheumatoid 11.1 Systemic l
336551 Body tempe 11.1 Ear discomf 11.1 Sinus disor 11.1 Streptococc 11.1 X-ray
336552 Erythema 11.1 Headache 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus
336553 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336554 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
336555 Angioedem 11.1 Blister 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Pain
336555 Pain in ext 11.1 Tendon pai 11.1
336556 Blood pres 11.1 Loss of co 11.1
336557 Headache 11.1 Menstruatio 11.1
336558 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336559 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336560 Dyspnoea 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
336561 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1
336562 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Swelling 11.1
336564 Blood pres 11.1 Syncope 11.1
336565 Erythema 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
336578 Abortion i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1
336580 Abortion s 11.1 Drug expos 11.1
336581 Abortion i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1
336582 Abnormal b 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Cellulitis 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Diarrhoea
336582 Excessive e 11.1 Headache 11.1 Immunisati 11.1 Induration 11.1 Lethargy
336582 Leukocytos 11.1 Myositis 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 White blood
336583 Blood test 11.1 Chills 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection s
336583 Injection si 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting
336586 Back pain 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Neck pain
336603 Full blood 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Influenza 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Lumbar pun
336603 Muscle sp 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Neurologic
336603 Neuropathy 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Weight bear 11.1 X-ray norm
336604 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336605 Convulsion 11.1
336606 Asthenia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain in ext
336606 Vaccination 11.1
336607 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336608 Atelectasis 11.1 Blood thyr 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 Chest X-ra
336608 Full blood 11.1 Hypokinesi 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Hypoventila
336608 Laboratory 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Red blood c
336609 Injection si 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
336610 Erythema 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
336611 Fatigue 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336612 Asthma 11.1 Condition 11.1 Nasopharyn 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
336613 Abdominal 11.1 Bacteria ur 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood urine 11.1 Candidiasi
336613 Chills 11.1 Crystal uri 11.1 Culture sto 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Decreased a
336613 Dehydratio 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Eyes sunk 11.1 Gastroenter
336613 Hypophagi 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Lip dry 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Pyrexia
336613 Rash 11.1 Rash macu 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Respiratory
336613 Rotavirus t 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Urine anal 11.1 Urine keto 11.1 Vomiting
336614 ABO incompa 11.1 Acoustic st 11.1 Amino acid 11.1 Anaemia 11.1 Apnoea
336614 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood lacti 11.1 CSF glucos 11.1 CSF lactat 11.1 CSF protei
336614 Computeri 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Coombs dire 11.1 Cytogeneti 11.1 Electroenc
336614 Encephalo 11.1 Eye moveme 11.1 Feeding di 11.1 Feeding di 11.1 Feeling jitt
336614 Full blood 11.1 Gastrointes 11.1 Gastrostomy 11.1 Gene mutat 11.1 Glycogen s
336614 Head circu 11.1 Hyperbilir 11.1 Hypoglyca 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Laboratory
336614 Myoclonus 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Ovarian cy 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Oxygen sup
336614 Parenteral 11.1 Peritonitis 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Reflex test 11.1 Retinal ha
336614 Surgery 11.1 Tardive dys 11.1 Tongue dis 11.1 Tonic clon 11.1 Ultrasound
336614 Ultrasound 11.1
336615 Injection si 11.1
336616 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Mass 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia
336616 Sinusitis 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
336617 Asthenia 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Chills 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Exposure t
336617 Nausea 11.1
336618 Chills 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Tendernes
336620 Activities o 11.1 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthritis
336620 Autoimmune 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Borrelia bu
336620 Borrelia bu 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Cognitive d 11.1 Condition 11.1 Crohn's di
336620 Eating diso 11.1 Epicondylit 11.1 Fall 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Fibromyalg
336620 Full blood 11.1 Gastrointes 11.1 HLA marker 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Immunology
336620 Immunology 11.1 Joint sprai 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Lyme dise 11.1 Muscle stra
336620 Musculoske 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Neurologic
336620 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Osteoarthri
336620 Pain 11.1 Post vacci 11.1 Rash 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Rheumatoid
336620 Rheumatoid 11.1 Rheumatoid 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 X-ray abno
336620 X-ray limb 11.1
336625 Facial pals 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
336626 Bacteraemi 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 CSF glucos 11.1 CSF pressu 11.1 CSF protei
336626 CSF white b 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Fontanelle 11.1 Gram stain
336626 Intracrania 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Meningitis 11.1 Pyrexia
336626 White blood 11.1
336627 Adjustment 11.1 Amnesia 11.1 Anorexia 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Apraxia
336627 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Asterixis 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood magn
336627 Blood sodi 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Condition 11.1 Confusional 11.1 Deafness
336627 Depression 11.1 Disturbance 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Headache
336627 Hypersomn 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Intention t 11.1 Laboratory
336627 Major depr 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext
336627 Positive R 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood 11.1 Tooth infec 11.1 Tremor
336627 Vomiting 11.1 Weight dec 11.1 White blood 11.1
336628 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain 11.1
336629 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Skin burnin 11.1
336630 Chest X-ra 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Inflammati 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336631 Arthralgia 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336632 Facial pals 11.1 Facial pals 11.1 Facial pare 11.1
336633 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dry mouth 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Injection si
336633 Rash 11.1
336634 Arthralgia 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336635 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Pyrexia
336636 Erythema 11.1 Local react 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash gener
336636 Skin warm 11.1 Throat irrit 11.1
336637 Injection si 11.1
336638 Asthenia 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Headache
336638 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Tendernes
336638 Tinnitus 11.1
336654 Asthenia 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Congestive 11.1 Death 11.1 Decreased a
336654 Dehydratio 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dilatation v 11.1 Frequent 11.1 Grunting
336654 Heart rate 11.1 Hepatic ste 11.1 Hydrocele 11.1 Hypertroph 11.1 Hypophagi
336654 Hypotherm 11.1 Left ventri 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Mucous sto 11.1 Pallor
336654 Shock 11.1
336655 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Autoimmune 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia
336655 Vaccination 11.1
336656 Inappropria 11.1
336657 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1
336664 Antibody te 11.1 Biopsy chor 11.1 Cholelithia 11.1 Condition 11.1 Drug expos
336664 HIV test ne 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Rubella ant 11.1 Streptococca 11.1 Syphilis te
336664 Thrombophle 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
336665 Alpha 1 foe 11.1 Antibody te 11.1 Chlamydia i 11.1 Chorioamni 11.1 Complicatio
336665 Drug expos 11.1 Foetal diso 11.1 HIV test ne 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Postpartu
336665 Prolonged 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rubella ant 11.1 Surgery 11.1 Syphilis te
336665 Transfusio 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
336666 Alpha 1 foe 11.1 Amniotic fl 11.1 Antibody te 11.1 Chlamydia i 11.1 Drug expos
336666 HIV test ne 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Labour ind 11.1 Oligohydra 11.1 Rubella ant
336666 Serology te 11.1 Syphilis te 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
336667 Alpha 1 foe 11.1 Amniotic fl 11.1 Antibody te 11.1 Chlamydia i 11.1 Complicatio
336667 Complicati 11.1 Foetal diso 11.1 HIV test ne 11.1 Labour com 11.1 Oligohydra
336667 Rubella im 11.1 Syphilis te 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
336668 Chlamydia i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Foetal diso 11.1 Gestational 11.1 HIV test ne
336668 Hepatitis B 11.1 Labour com 11.1 Rubella im 11.1 Syphilis te 11.1 Ultrasound
336669 Antibody te 11.1 Chlamydia i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Foetal diso 11.1 HIV test ne
336669 Hepatitis B 11.1 Premature 11.1 Rubella im 11.1 Syphilis te 11.1 Ultrasound
336670 Abortion t 11.1 Antepartu 11.1 Antibody te 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Foetal diso
336670 HIV test ne 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Oligohydra 11.1 Parvovirus 11.1 Rubella im
336670 Streptococca 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
336671 Antepartu 11.1 Antibody te 11.1 Bed rest 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Body mass
336671 Chlamydia i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Induced la 11.1 Serology n
336671 Syphilis te 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
336672 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Foetal non- 11.1 HIV antibo 11.1 Hydrocele
336672 Neuroblas 11.1 Oligohydra 11.1 Rubella an 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
336673 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
336675 Condition 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s
336698 Diagnostic 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1
336699 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
336700 Diarrhoea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
336701 Headache 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336702 Anaemia 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Cough 11.1 Diet refusa
336702 Irritability 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Respiratory
336702 Streptococc 11.1 Wheezing 11.1 White blood 11.1
336703 Dizziness 11.1
336704 Blister 11.1 Rash 11.1 Reaction to 11.1
336705 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1
336706 Urticaria 11.1
336707 Pain in ext 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
336708 Immediate p 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Muscular 11.1
336709 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336710 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
336711 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
336712 Chills 11.1 Differential 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Injection sit 11.1 Injection s
336712 Injection si 11.1 Monocyte c 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia
336713 Injection si 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1
336714 Muscle sp 11.1 Pain 11.1 Vaginal di 11.1
336715 Urticaria 11.1
336716 Alopecia 11.1 Altered vis 11.1 Angina pect 11.1 Arrhythmia 11.1 Arrhythmia
336716 Arteriospa 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthropod b 11.1 Autoimmune
336716 Balance di 11.1 Balance di 11.1 Biopsy per 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu
336716 Blood produ 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Catheterisa 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Choking
336716 Clonus 11.1 Confusional 11.1 Demyelinat 11.1 Disorientat 11.1 Disturbance
336716 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dry mouth 11.1 Dysgeusia 11.1 Dyskinesia
336716 Dysphagia 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electromyo 11.1 Fall 11.1 Fatigue
336716 Fatigue 11.1 Fibromyalg 11.1 Foot opera 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Gait distur
336716 Grip stren 11.1 HLA marker 11.1 Head injury 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Hemiparesi
336716 Human herpe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hyporeflex 11.1 Hyporeflex
336716 Immunology 11.1 Immunology 11.1 Intermitten 11.1 Lyme dise 11.1 Memory im
336716 Muscle cont 11.1 Muscle inju 11.1 Muscle twit 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Musculoskel
336716 Myoclonus 11.1 Nervous sy 11.1 Neuralgia 11.1 Neuropathy 11.1 Nuclear ma
336716 Osteotomy 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Palpitation
336716 Polymerase 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Radiculopa 11.1 Rash 11.1 Relapsing-r
336716 Scan myoca 11.1 Speech dis 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1 Traumatic li 11.1 Tremor
336716 Urine anal 11.1 Ventricular 11.1 Vertigo pos 11.1
336722 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
336723 Burning se 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336724 Injection si 11.1
336725 Cellulitis 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
336726 Antinuclear 12 Asthenia 12 Axillary pai 11.1 Back pain 12 Blood urine
336726 Burning se 12 Chest pain 11.1 Computeris 12 Erythema 11.1 Myalgia
336726 Neck pain 11.1 Oral pain 11.1 Oropharyng 12 Pain 11.1 Pain
336726 Pain in ext 12 Pain in jaw 11.1 Photophobi 12 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia
336726 Rash prurit 12 Scan brain 12 Streptococca 12 Swelling 11.1 Urticaria
336726 Urticaria 12 Viral infect 12 Virus serol 12 Vision blur 12 Visual imp
336726 White blood 12
336727 Blister 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1 Scab
336727 Upper respi 11.1
336728 Erythema 11.1 Local react 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Swelling 11.1
336729 Dizziness 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336730 Abortion i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
336731 Syncope 11.1
336732 Tremor 11.1
336733 Back pain 11.1 Headache 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Pain in ext
336733 Pyrexia 11.1
336773 Crying 11.1 Opisthoton 11.1 Restlessne 11.1
336777 Brain injury 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Death 11.1
336778 Condition 11.1 Convulsion 11.1
336783 Asthenia 12 Insomnia 12 Joint rang 12 Muscle sp 12 Musculoske
336783 Neck pain 12 Periarthriti 12 Rotator cu 12 Wrong tech 11.1
336784 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood gase 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF glucos 11.1 CSF test n
336784 Chest X-ra 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Endotrachea 11.1 Full blood
336784 Grand mal 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Status epil 11.1 Urine anal
336784 Urine keto 11.1 White blood 11.1
336785 Bacterial s 11.1 Death 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336786 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Polyuria 11.1 Thirst 11.1 Type 1 diab
336788 Hypertensi 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
336789 Chills 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pain 11.1 Postnasal d
336789 Pyrexia 11.1 Sinus cong 11.1 Sinusitis 11.1 Viral infect 11.1
336790 Syncope 11.1 Syncope va 11.1
336791 Erythema 11.1 Local react 11.1 Swelling 11.1
336792 Dyspnoea 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
336793 Pain in ext 11.1
336794 Oedema per 11.1 Pain 11.1
336795 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
336796 Herpes zos 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
336797 Chest pain 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
336798 Blister 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Herpes sim 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash papul
336799 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
336801 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash papul 11.1
336802 Dysphagia 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Nervousne 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Sleep disor
336802 Swelling fa 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
336803 Anxiety 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dysphagia 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypersensit
336803 Insomnia 11.1 Nervousne 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Stress 11.1 Swelling fa
336803 Urticaria 11.1
336810 Human papil 11.1 Papilloma v 11.1
336819 Injection si 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336820 Contusion 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain
336821 Erythema 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Limb immob 11.1 Oedema per
336822 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Headache 11.1 Oedema per
336822 Pain in ext 11.1
336823 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Tremor
336823 Vomiting 11.1
336824 Arthralgia 11.1
336825 Blood pres 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Pallor
336826 Cough 11.1 Headache 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rhinorrhoe
336827 Urticaria 11.1
336828 Fatigue 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Neck pain
336829 Body tempe 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s
336829 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Sleep disor
336830 Areflexia 12 Asthenia 12 Asthenia 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Fatigue
336830 Gait distur 12 Guillain-B 11.1 Mononucleos 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Thyroid fun
336831 Dyspnoea 11.1 Throat irrit 11.1 Throat tigh 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
336832 Pain in ext 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
336833 Chills 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia
336834 Balance di 11.1 Cervicobra 11.1 Facet join 11.1 Grip stren 11.1 Headache
336834 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Interverteb 11.1 Muscular
336834 Musculoske 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Neuropathy 11.1 Nuclear ma
336834 Osteoarthri 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Spinal col 11.1 Tremor 11.1 Vision blur
336835 Oedema per 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
336836 Confusional 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Pain 11.1 Tinnitus
336836 Vomiting 11.1
336837 Dermatolog 11.1 Ear, nose 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Ophthalmol 11.1
336838 Antinuclear 11.1 Areflexia 11.1 Ataxia 11.1 Autonomic 11.1 Back pain
336838 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 CSF glucos 11.1 CSF oligoc 11.1 CSF protei
336838 Cerebellar 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Endotrachea
336838 Facial pals 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Guillain-B 11.1 Hypertensiv 11.1 Intensive c
336838 Ischaemic 11.1 Liver funct 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Mechanical
336838 Mental sta 11.1 Miller Fish 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma
336838 Pain 11.1 Pneumonia 11.1 Polymerase 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Rheumatoid
336838 Staphylococ 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Tracheost 11.1 Troponin i 11.1 Vasculitis
336838 Vomiting 11.1 White blood 11.1
336839 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336840 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Chest X-ra
336840 Condition 11.1 Cough 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Eosinophil
336840 Grunting 11.1 Nasopharyn 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Platelet co
336840 Pleural eff 11.1 Pneumonia 11.1 Reaction to 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Streptococca
336840 Tachypnoe 11.1
336841 Autopsy 11.1 Death 11.1 Inflammati 11.1 Intussusce 11.1 Nasopharyn
336841 Pneumonia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
336842 Abdominal 11.1 Culture neg 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Infantile sp 11.1 Irritability
336842 Laboratory 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Metabolic a 11.1 Pain
336842 Retching 11.1 Shock 11.1 Urinary sy 11.1 Urine analy 11.1 Vomiting
336842 X-ray norm 11.1 X-ray with 11.1
336843 Eyelid oed 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash
336843 Sinus disor 11.1
336844 Blister 11.1 Erythema 11.1
336845 Injection sit 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
336846 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336847 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336848 Loss of co 11.1
336850 Abdominal 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Occult bloo 11.1 Screaming 11.1
336851 Abasia 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Aphasia 11.1 Blood lead 11.1 Blood merc
336851 Convulsion 11.1 Nervous sy 11.1
336852 Caesarean 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Failed indu 11.1 Gestational 11.1 Nausea
336852 Pregnancy t 11.1
336853 Acne 11.1 Aphthous st 11.1 Behcet's s 11.1 Biopsy skin 11.1 Blindness t
336853 C-reactive 11.1 Catheter p 11.1 Cellulitis 11.1 Depression 11.1 Dysuria
336853 Flushing 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Herpes sim 11.1 Hirsutism 11.1 Hypoaesthe
336853 Inflammati 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Liver funct 11.1 Lymphaden
336853 Oropharyng 11.1 Pain 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Polymerase 11.1 Pyrexia
336853 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Suicidal id 11.1 Vulval ulce
336853 West Nile vi 11.1
336854 Abdominal 12 Abdominal r 12 Activities o 12 Blood amyl 12 C-reactive
336854 Computeri 12 Cough 12 Diarrhoea 12 Endoscopic 12 Enzyme abn
336854 Gait distur 12 Gastrointe 12 Lipase inc 12 Muscle stra 12 Nasopharyn
336854 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oesophago 12 Pallor 12 Pancreatic
336854 Pancreatic 12 Pancreatic 12 Pancreatiti 12 Pancreatiti 12 Pancreatoli
336854 Red blood c 12 Sick relativ 12 Stent plac 12 Ultrasound 12 Upper respi
336854 Vomiting 11.1
336861 Blood grou 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 HIV antibo 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Pre-eclamp
336861 Pregnancy t 11.1 Syphilis te 11.1
336865 Injection si 11.1
336866 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Paraesthesi 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
336867 Asthenia 11.1 Cleft lip an 11.1 Eye disord 11.1 Head lag 11.1
336868 Fall 11.1 Syncope 11.1
336870 No adverse 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
336871 Erythema 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336872 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336873 Loss of co 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Urinary inc 11.1
336875 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Rash 11.1
336876 Crying 11.1
336877 Erythema 11.1 Local react 11.1 Oedema 11.1 Pain 11.1
336878 Arthralgia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336879 Pruritus ge 11.1 Rash 11.1
336880 Otitis medi 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
336881 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Listless 11.1
336882 Headache 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Nausea 11.1
336888 Cervical dy 11.1 Cervicitis 11.1 Colposcopy 11.1 Papilloma v 11.1 Pregnancy t
336888 Smear cerv 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1 Urinary trac 11.1
336913 Incorrect r 11.1
336914 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336915 Ageusia 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Ear pain 11.1 Eye swelli 11.1 Facial pals
336915 Headache 11.1 Paraesthesi 11.1
336916 Incorrect r 11.1
336917 Incorrect r 11.1
336918 Incorrect r 11.1
336919 Incorrect r 11.1
336920 Incorrect r 11.1
336921 Incorrect r 11.1
336922 Incorrect r 11.1
336923 Incorrect r 11.1
336924 Incorrect r 11.1
336925 Incorrect r 11.1
336926 Incorrect r 11.1
336927 Incorrect r 11.1
336928 Arthralgia 11.1 Injection 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Musculoske
336928 Nausea 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
336929 Back pain 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Mechanical 11.1 Myelitis tr 11.1 Neurologic
336929 Respiratory 11.1
336930 Chills 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting
336931 Abdominal 11.1 Anaphylacti 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Blood crea
336931 Blood gase 11.1 Blood lacti 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Deep vein
336931 Dyspnoea 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Hypertensi
336931 Immediate p 11.1 Immunisati 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Metabolic a
336931 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Throat tigh
336931 Urticaria 11.1
336932 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection sit 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Soft tissue 11.1
336933 Antinuclear 11.1 Aphthous st 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Blood test 11.1 C-reactive
336933 Complement 11.1 Exostosis 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Oral herpe
336933 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Polyarthriti 11.1 Rheumatoid 11.1 Synovitis
336933 Urine anal 11.1 X-ray 11.1 X-ray abno 11.1
336934 Blood cultu 11.1 Flatulence 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Otitis medi 11.1 Pyrexia
336934 Pyrexia 11.1 Tympanic m 11.1
336935 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336936 Local react 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
336937 Chest disc 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Deep vein 11.1 Dilatation a 11.1 Dilatation v
336937 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea e 11.1 Echocardio
336937 Electrocar 11.1 Familial ris 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypercoagu 11.1 Intensive c
336937 Orthostatic 11.1 Pulmonary 11.1 Pulmonary 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Tachycardi
336937 Tachypnoe 11.1 Tricuspid 11.1 Troponin i 11.1
336938 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336939 Activities o 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Emotional d 11.1 Fear of dea 11.1 Injection si
336939 Injection si 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
336940 Burning se 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash
336941 Rash macu 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
336942 Allodynia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain 11.1 Tendernes
336943 Cellulitis 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
336943 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
336944 Body tempe 11.1 Chills 11.1 Headache 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Lymphangi
336944 Pyrexia 11.1
336945 Asthenia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Feeling col 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Headache
336945 Hypersomn 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Sensation 11.1
336946 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336947 Fatigue 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pyrexia
336947 Rhinorrhoe 11.1
336948 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336949 Fibrous his 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336950 Abdominal 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
336951 Inappropria 11.1
336952 Cough 11.1 Nasopharyn 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
336953 Limb injury 11.1 Pain 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
336954 Body tempe 11.1 Ear pain 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Oropharyng
336954 Pyrexia 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Viral upper 11.1
336955 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336956 Abnormal b 11.1 Aphasia 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Staring 11.1 Unresponsiv
336961 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Muscle atr 11.1
336962 Abdominal 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
336963 Abdominal 11.1 Intensive c 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 Vomiting
336964 Facial pals 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1
336968 Electrocar 11.1 Facial pals 11.1 Facial pals 11.1 Facial pare 11.1 Hypoaesthe
336968 Swollen to 11.1
336969 Body tempe 11.1 Crying 11.1
336970 Inappropria 11.1
336971 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336972 Chest disc 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1
336973 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
336974 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
336975 Headache 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1
336977 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Mood swin 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Smear cerv
336977 Tachycardi 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1
336978 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1
336979 Angiogram 11.1 Aphasia 11.1 Cerebrovas 11.1 Dysarthria 11.1 Dysphasia
336979 Feeling ab 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Nuclear ma
336979 Paraesthes 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Scan brain 11.1 Vertigo 11.1 Visual field
336979 Vomiting 11.1
336980 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection 11.1
336981 Herpes zos 11.1
336982 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
336983 Screaming 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1
336984 Vomiting 11.1
336985 Pyrexia 11.1
336986 Pyrexia 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 Vomiting pr 11.1
337031 Blood huma 11.1 Blood pres 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Hypotensio
337031 Laboratory 11.1 Syncope va 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1 Vaccination 11.1
337032 Activities o 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Nerve injur 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in ext
337033 Body tempe 11.1 Death 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337035 Dehydratio 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337036 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Local react 11.1
337037 Drug expos 11.1 Injection sit 11.1
337038 Fatigue 11.1 Hot flush 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pharyngitis 11.1 Vomiting
337039 Breath sou 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Muscle rigi 11.1 Muscle twit
337040 Urticaria 11.1
337041 Rash gener 11.1
337042 Rash 11.1
337043 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337045 Crying 11.1 Screaming 11.1
337046 Fatigue 11.1 Measles an 11.1 Rash 11.1 Varicella z 11.1
337047 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Local react 11.1
337048 Body tempe 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1 Screaming 11.1 Urticaria
337049 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1
337050 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash 11.1
337051 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337052 Dyspnoea 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
337053 Injected li 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
337054 Injection si 11.1
337055 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1
337056 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337057 Rash 11.1 Varicella 11.1
337058 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
337059 Cellulitis 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Incisional 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
337060 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Skin warm
337061 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Constipati 11.1 Crying
337061 Enema admi 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Intussusce 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Metabolic f
337061 Occult bloo 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 X-ray abno 11.1
337062 Cold sweat 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Paraesthes
337062 Respiratory 11.1
337063 Injection s 11.1
337064 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337065 Cardiac en 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Feeling ab 11.1 Full blood
337065 Head injury 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pain
337065 Urine analy 11.1
337067 Body tempe 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
337067 Injection s 11.1 Monocyte c 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 No reaction 11.1 Pyrexia
337067 White blood 11.1
337068 Blood sodi 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Platelet co 11.1 Rash
337068 Rash papul 11.1 White blood 11.1
337069 Cough 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
337069 Pyrexia 11.1 Swelling 11.1
337070 Erythema 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
337071 Muscular 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
337072 Joint swell 11.1 Pain in jaw 11.1
337073 Incorrect r 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
337074 Medication 11.1
337075 Erythema 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia
337076 Diarrhoea 11.1
337077 Cough 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Vomiting
337078 Chills 11.1 Headache 11.1 Malaise 11.1
337079 Auricular s 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337080 No adverse 11.1
337081 Injected li 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
337082 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
337083 Insomnia 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1
337084 Dyspnoea 11.1 Epistaxis 11.1 Haemateme 11.1 Oxygen sup 11.1 Pain
337084 Pyrexia 11.1 Swollen to 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337086 Burning se 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Mass 11.1
337087 Anaemia 11.1 Psoriasis 11.1 Rash 11.1
337088 Diplopia 11.1 Eye disord 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
337088 Injection sit 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Optic nerve
337089 Blood test 11.1 Bronchitis 11.1 Rash 11.1 Scar 11.1
337094 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337095 Dyspnoea 11.1 Pain 11.1
337096 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co 11.1
337097 Chills 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain 11.1 Tremor 11.1
337098 Head injury 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Skin discol
337099 Rash papul 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337100 Chest X-ra 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Cough 11.1 Crying 11.1 Decreased
337100 Febrile con 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337101 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
337102 Body tempe 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Hypotonia
337102 Listless 11.1 Pneumonia 11.1
337103 Back pain 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Culture pos 11.1 Neck pain
337103 Pruritus 11.1
337104 Back pain 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Culture pos 11.1 Epistaxis 11.1 Infection
337104 Neck pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
337105 Dysphonia 11.1 Headache 11.1
337113 Herpes zos 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337115 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Urticaria
337130 Autopsy 11.1 Death 11.1 Dry skin 11.1 Eye moveme 11.1 Nasopharyn
337130 Sudden de 11.1
337132 Alanine am 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Computeri
337132 Cough 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Echocardio 11.1 Endotrachea 11.1 Full blood
337132 Grunting 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Haemoglob 11.1 Intercostal 11.1 Lipase inc
337132 Mean cell 11.1 Mucosal dr 11.1 Nasal flari 11.1 Nasopharyn 11.1 Nuclear ma
337132 Oxygen sat 11.1 Oxygen sup 11.1 Pneumonia 11.1 Pseudomona 11.1 Pyrexia
337132 Red blood 11.1 Red cell di 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Reticulocyt 11.1 Sputum cult
337132 Vomiting 11.1 pH body flu 11.1
337133 Dizziness 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Visual imp
337134 Headache 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Yellow feve
337135 Eczema 11.1
337136 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337137 Immediate p 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
337138 Cellulitis 11.1 Rash pustu 11.1
337139 Agitation 11.1 Burning se 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Insomnia
337139 Lymphaden 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
337141 Cellulitis 11.1
337142 Electromy 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
337143 Abdominal 11.1 Dizziness 11.1
337144 Syncope 11.1
337145 Erythema 11.1
337146 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Visual imp 11.1
337147 Blister 11.1 Headache 11.1
337148 Erythema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
337149 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337150 Oedema 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337151 Electrocar 11.1 Nerve injur 11.1 Neuropathy 11.1 Osteomyelit 11.1 Thrombosi
337151 Vein disord 11.1 X-ray 11.1
337152 Diarrhoea 11.1 Gastroenter 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337153 Diagnostic 11.1 Vertigo 11.1
337155 Abortion i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
337157 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337158 Blood crea 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia
337159 Varicella 11.1
337160 Dizziness 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Hypoxia 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co
337160 Pallor 11.1 Syncope va 11.1 Urinary inc 11.1
337161 Convulsion 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Tremor 11.1
337162 Cough 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Streptococca 11.1 Streptococc
337163 Headache 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Myalgia 11.1
337165 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
337166 Arthralgia 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Headache 11.1
337167 Depressed 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1
337168 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Back pain
337168 Blood insul 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dermatitis 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Eczema
337168 Headache 11.1 Immunisati 11.1 Insulin C-p 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Myalgia
337168 Neck pain 11.1 Otitis medi 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash
337168 Rash macul 11.1 Sinusitis 11.1 Upper respi 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1 Viral infect
337169 Convulsion 11.1 Electroenc 12 Gaze palsy 12 Laboratory 12 Muscle rigi
337169 Toxicologic 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vaccination 12
337170 Flushing 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1
337171 Computeri 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Effusion 11.1 Electroenc
337171 Electrolyte 11.1 Fall 11.1 Feeding di 11.1 Gastrooeso 11.1 Head injury
337171 Mastoid di 11.1 Middle ear 11.1 Opisthoton 11.1 Sinus disor 11.1 Tremor
337171 X-ray norm 11.1
337172 Alanine am 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood bilir 11.1 CSF cultur
337172 CSF glucos 11.1 CSF lympho 11.1 CSF polymo 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 CSF white b
337172 Culture pos 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electromyo 11.1 Gamma-glut 11.1 Gram stain
337172 Herpes sim 11.1 Hyperbilir 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hyponatra 11.1 Klebsiella i
337172 Meningitis 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyelonephri 11.1 Rash eryth
337172 Urinary trac 11.1
337173 Body tempe 11.1 Bronchosp 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue
337173 Headache 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1 Malaise 11.1
337174 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337175 Chills 11.1 Myalgia 11.1
337176 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337177 Crying 11.1 Staring 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
337178 Arthralgia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Mass 11.1 Muscle tig
337178 Musculoske 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus
337178 Pyrexia 11.1 Skin discol 11.1
337179 Chest disc 11.1 Face oede 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Lacrimatio 11.1 Nasal cong
337179 Pallor 11.1 Sneezing 11.1 Throat tigh 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
337180 Headache 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
337181 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337182 Genital he 11.1 Herpes simp 11.1
337183 Abdominal 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Brain scan 11.1 Cervical dy 11.1 Dizziness
337183 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Human papil 11.1 Scan brain
337183 Smear cerv 11.1 Suprapubic 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1 Ultrasound
337184 Abdominal 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Atrioventri 11.1 Blood calc 11.1 Blood gluc
337184 Blood thyr 11.1 Cervical dy 11.1 Colposcop 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Dizziness
337184 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Full blood
337184 Human papil 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Scan brain 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1 Smear cerv
337184 Suprapubic 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
337185 Abdominal 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Atrioventri 11.1 Cervical dy 11.1 Colposcop
337185 Computeris 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Electrocar
337185 Human papil 11.1 Scan brain 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1 Suprapubic
337185 Tachycardi 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1
337186 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337187 Injection s 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
337188 Pyrexia 11.1
337189 Injection si 11.1
337190 Inflammati 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337191 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337192 Abdominal 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Nausea
337192 Smear cerv 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
337193 Pyrexia 11.1
337194 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337195 Cough 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1
337196 Bursitis 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
337197 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337199 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337204 Bursitis 11.1 Pain 11.1
337205 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
337206 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337207 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337208 Wrong drug 11.1
337209 Cellulitis 11.1 Chills 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Infection 11.1 Pyrexia
337209 Tendernes 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 White blood 11.1
337210 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Local react 11.1 Pyrexia
337211 Chest pain 11.1 Dyspepsia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Eructation 11.1 Urticaria
337227 Headache 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337242 Autopsy 11.1 Contracept 12 Death 11.1 Smear cerv 12
337243 Alanine am 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Blood chlor 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood fibr
337243 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood lacti 11.1 Blood pota 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF glucos
337243 CSF protei 11.1 Carbon dio 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Coagulatio 11.1 Computeri
337243 Convulsion 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Death 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Electroenc
337243 Electrolyte 11.1 Encephalo 11.1 Endotrachea 11.1 Eye rolling 11.1 Fibrin D di
337243 Full blood 11.1 Haemoglob 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Hypoglyca 11.1 Internation
337243 Livedo retic 11.1 Liver funct 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Metabolic a 11.1 Multi-organ
337243 Peripheral 11.1 Platelet co 11.1 Prothrombi 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Rotavirus t
337243 Scan brain 11.1 Shock haem 11.1 Status epil 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1 White blood
337245 No adverse 11.1
337246 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
337246 Injection s 11.1
337247 Malaise 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext
337248 Urticaria 11.1
337249 Arthralgia 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Rheumatoid 11.1
337250 Inflammati 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Local react 11.1 Musculoske 11.1
337251 Diarrhoea 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash
337251 Vomiting 11.1
337252 Chills 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Erythema m 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia
337252 Vomiting 11.1
337301 Convulsion 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1
337302 Convulsion 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Laboratory
337302 Nuclear ma 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1 Tremor 11.1 Ultrasound
337303 Abasia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Wheelchair 11.1 White blood 11.1 X-ray norm
337304 Blood creat 11.1 Blood pota 11.1 Blood urea 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Cellulitis
337304 Computeris 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Liver funct
337304 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Tendernes
337304 White blood 11.1
337309 Body tempe 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337310 Pain in ext 11.1 X-ray 11.1
337321 Asthenia 11.1 Ataxia 11.1 Balance di 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 Bronchosp
337321 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chronic ob 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Cough 11.1 Demyelinat
337321 Electromyo 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Guillain-B
337321 Hypertensi 11.1 Ileus 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Neuropathy 11.1 Nuclear ma
337321 Pain 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Toxicologic
337321 Tremor 11.1 Urinary ret 11.1 Urine analy 11.1 White blood 11.1
337322 Body tempe 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Nausea 11.1
337323 Blood crea 11.1 Brain oed 11.1 CSF culture 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 Computeri
337323 Culture uri 11.1 Death 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Endotrachea 11.1 Headache
337323 Hypertensi 11.1 Intracrania 11.1 Klebsiella i 11.1 Mechanical 11.1 Meningitis
337323 Meningitis 11.1 Meningitis 11.1 Mental sta 11.1 Mydriasis 11.1 Myoglobin
337323 Neutrophil 11.1 Pupil fixed 11.1 White blood 11.1
337324 Herpes zos 11.1 Oral herpe 11.1 Rash 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337325 Injection si 11.1 Rash 11.1
337326 Dermatitis 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Swelling 11.1
337327 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
337328 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337330 Erythema 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337331 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337332 Chills 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dysphagia 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Pharyngea
337332 Pyrexia 11.1 Throat irrit 11.1
337333 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337334 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Back pain
337334 C-reactive 11.1 Complement 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Loss of co
337334 Lymphocyte 11.1 Monocyte p 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 Pain in ext
337334 Pain in ext 11.1 Urine analy 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
337335 Cough 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Eyelid oed 11.1 Sneezing 11.1
337336 Cellulitis 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Incorrect r 11.1 Pain 11.1 Vaccination
337337 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Anaphylacti 11.1 Chest pain
337337 Dyspnoea 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Nausea
337337 Paraesthes 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Pruritus ge 11.1 Throat irrit 11.1 Wheezing
337338 Blister 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Swelling 11.1
337340 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337341 Chest disc 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Palpitation 11.1 Upper respi
337342 Dizziness 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Swelling 11.1
337343 Eating diso 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
337343 Injection s 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pain
337343 Paraesthes 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337344 Myalgia 11.1 Pharyngitis 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337345 Coordinati 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Fall 11.1 Headache 11.1 Palpitation
337346 Arthralgia 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
337347 Aphonia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Barium swa 11.1 Blood albu
337347 Blood crea 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 Choking 11.1 Facial pals
337347 Fall 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Guillain-B 11.1 Liver funct
337347 Metabolic f 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma
337347 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Polyneurop 11.1 Protein tot
337347 Pyrexia 11.1 Sensorimot 11.1
337348 Anorexia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Pyrexia
337348 Vomiting 11.1
337353 Chest pain 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Epstein-Bar 11.1 Full blood
337353 Influenza li 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Odynophag 11.1 Pyrexia
337354 Cough 11.1 Lacrimatio 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Pain 11.1 Postnasal d
337354 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
337355 Facial pain 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Rash macu 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337356 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337357 Rash gener 11.1
337358 Rash 11.1
337359 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
337361 Arthralgia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Headache 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Pain
337361 Pyrexia 11.1
337362 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337363 Eye swelli 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
337364 Injection s 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1
337365 Abdominal 11.1 Nausea 11.1
337417 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Amnesia 11.1 Amnesia 11.1 Anal fissur
337417 Anxiety 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood pres 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Blood testo
337417 Constipati 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Depression 11.1 Diarrhoea
337417 Diet refusa 11.1 Disorientat 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Gastric em
337417 Gastroenteri 11.1 Gastrooeso 11.1 Haemorrho 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Impaired ga
337417 Impaired ga 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Muscle cont
337417 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Nephrolithi 11.1 Non-cardia 11.1 Paraesthes
337417 Paraesthes 11.1 Presyncop 11.1 Rectal hae 11.1 Testicular 11.1 Testicular
337417 Tremor 11.1 Weight dec 11.1
337419 Ageusia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF glucos
337419 CSF mononu 11.1 CSF polymo 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 CSF white b 11.1 Central ne
337419 Computeris 11.1 Coordinati 11.1 Cytomegalo 11.1 Demyelinat 11.1 Epstein-Bar
337419 Gait distur 11.1 Headache 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Multiple sc 11.1 Muscular
337419 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Prothrombi 11.1 Red blood c
337419 Scan brain 11.1 Vision blur 11.1 Visual acui 11.1
337420 Asthenia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Heart rate
337420 Malaise 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337421 Injection sit 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337422 Drooling 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Tonic clon 11.1
337423 Discomfort 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337424 Asthenia 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1
337425 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Weight bear 11.1
337426 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Weight bear 11.1
337427 Fungal infe 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1
337428 Activities o 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dysstasia 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Headache
337428 Pyrexia 11.1
337429 Chills 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Malaise
337429 Myalgia 11.1 Myalgia 11.1
337430 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash pustu 11.1
337431 Chest pain 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Immediate p 11.1
337432 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pain 11.1 Swelling 11.1
337433 Erythema 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash
337433 Tendernes 11.1
337434 Condition 11.1 Eczema 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
337435 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tendernes
337436 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Local react 11.1 Pain 11.1
337437 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337438 Erythema 11.1 Local react 11.1 Pain 11.1 Swelling 11.1
337439 Diarrhoea 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Malaise
337439 Pain 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337440 Autism 11.1
337442 Drug expos 11.1 Premature 11.1
337444 Abdominal 11.1 Barium en 11.1 Constipati 11.1 Enema admi 11.1 Explorativ
337444 Intussusce 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Large intes 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Nausea
337444 Surgery 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Urine outp 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337452 Hypotensio 11.1 Pruritus ge 11.1 Psoriasis 11.1
337453 Barium dou 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Enema admi 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Intussusce
337453 Mucous sto 11.1 Rotavirus i 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
337454 Burning se 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain 11.1 Rash prurit
337455 Body tempe 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Irritability 11.1
337456 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337457 Dizziness 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1 Vision blur
337458 Joint swell 11.1
337459 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337460 Full blood 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Irritability 11.1
337461 Irritability 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Screaming 11.1
337462 Inappropria 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337463 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337464 Body tempe 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1 Swollen to 11.1
337465 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Alanine am 11.1 Anorexia 11.1 Asthenia
337465 Autonomic 11.1 Blood alka 11.1 Blood lact 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Condition
337465 Electromyo 11.1 Fall 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Fibromyalg 11.1 Full blood
337465 Gait distur 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Gastrointes 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Haemoglobi
337465 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Muscle sp
337465 Myalgia 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain
337465 Pallor 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Serum ferri
337465 Syncope 11.1 Urine anal 11.1 Vaccination 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1 Weight bear
337465 White blood 11.1 White blood 11.1
337466 Wrong drug 11.1
337467 Asthenia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Nausea
337467 Pyrexia 11.1
337468 Injection s 11.1
337469 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus
337470 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1
337471 Dehydratio 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337472 Erythema 11.1 Oedema 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337473 Abnormal b 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Affect labili 11.1 Angiogram 11.1 Arterioven
337473 Asthenia 11.1 Basilar art 11.1 Blood alka 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Cerebellar
337473 Computeri 11.1 Coordinati 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dysarthria
337473 Echocardio 11.1 Eye pain 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Headache
337473 Hemiparesi 11.1 Hypoacusi 11.1 Intensive c 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Ischaemic
337473 Leukocytos 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Mental sta 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Neutrophil
337473 Otitis medi 11.1 Pain 11.1 Protein C d 11.1 Protein S d 11.1 Psychomoto
337473 Reading di 11.1 Scan brain 11.1 Sensory lo 11.1 Speech dis 11.1 Thrombect
337473 Viral upper 11.1 Vision blur 11.1 Visual field 11.1 Visual field 11.1 Vomiting
337473 White blood 11.1
337474 Hyperhidro 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Syncope 11.1
337475 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337476 Alopecia 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Blood thyro 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Thyroid ne
337476 Thyroxine 11.1
337477 Anger 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Screaming 11.1 Staring 11.1
337478 Lymphaden 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
337479 Body tempe 11.1 Febrile con 11.1
337480 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Respiratory
337481 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337482 High-pitche 11.1
337483 Wrong drug 11.1
337484 Irritability 11.1
337485 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337486 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337487 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash 11.1
337488 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Vision blur 11.1 Vital capac 11.1
337489 Wrong drug 11.1
337490 Grip stren 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
337491 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337492 Dermatitis 11.1 Erythema m 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
337493 Pain 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1
337494 Injection si 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash macu 11.1
337495 Crying 11.1 Crying 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337496 Bacteria ur 11.1 Blood creat 11.1 Blood creat 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Convulsion
337496 Feeling hot 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Haemoglob 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c
337496 Urine anal 11.1 White blood 11.1
337499 No adverse 11.1
337502 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus
337503 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337506 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Tremor 11.1
337507 Abnormal f 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Hyperaesth 11.1 Irritability
337507 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash gener
337541 Headache 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash macu 11.1
337542 Cellulitis 11.1
337544 Headache 11.1 Influenza 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337545 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Abscess 11.1 Alopecia 11.1 Anal fissur
337545 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood corti
337545 Blood gluc 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Colonosco 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Computeris
337545 Constipati 11.1 Contracept 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Depression
337545 Diabetes me 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Disorientat 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dysarthria
337545 Dysuria 11.1 Ear pain 11.1 Educationa 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Fatigue
337545 Folate defi 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Head injury 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hyperinsul
337545 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Infectious 11.1 Joint effus 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Laboratory
337545 Lipohypert 11.1 Mononucleos 11.1 Multiple all 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Neuropathy
337545 Nuclear ma 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Pharyngitis 11.1 Polycystic
337545 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Rash pustu
337545 Rectal hae 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Rocky moun 11.1 Sinusitis
337545 Skin striae 11.1 Snoring 11.1 Tonsillar d 11.1 Tremor 11.1 Urinary trac
337545 Vision blur 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 Weight dec 11.1 Weight inc 11.1 X-ray abno
337546 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
337547 Heart rate 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pruritus
337548 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337549 Culture sto 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Mucous sto 11.1
337550 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337551 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Swelling 11.1
337552 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
337553 Injection s 11.1
337584 Injection s 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1 Stomach di 11.1 Urticaria
337585 Autism 11.1
337586 Burning se 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash eryth
337586 Rash gener 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Skin infect 11.1
337590 Bronchosp 11.1 Ocular hyp 11.1 Rash 11.1
337591 Activities o 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Electromyo 11.1 Fibromyalg 11.1 Insomnia
337591 Myalgia 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain
337591 Pain 11.1
337592 Convulsion 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Loss of co
337592 No therape 11.1
337595 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Balance di 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 CSF white b
337595 Chills 11.1 Confusional 11.1 Echocardi 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Encephalitis
337595 Lumbar pun 11.1 Mental sta 11.1 Mitral val 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pyrexia
337595 Viral DNA t 11.1
337596 Abortion i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1
337600 Hemiparesi 11.1 Muscular 11.1
337601 Body tempe 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext
337601 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1
337602 Cellulitis 11.1 Chills 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia
337603 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain 11.1
337605 Inappropria 11.1 Rash 11.1
337606 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1
337607 Disorientat 11.1 Thinking a 11.1
337608 Expired dr 11.1 No adverse 11.1
337609 Allergy tes 11.1 Eye swelli 11.1 Rash 11.1
337610 Burning se 11.1 Pain 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
337611 Local react 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
337612 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337613 Decreased 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Irritability 11.1
337614 Body tempe 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
337614 Injection si 11.1 Local react 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337615 Chest disc 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Eye pruritu 11.1 Eye swelli
337616 Abortion s 11.1 Drug expos 11.1
337617 Acidosis 11.1 Blood bica 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Crying
337617 Fall 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Head injury 11.1 Nuclear ma
337617 Respiratory 11.1 Tonic clon 11.1 Toxicologic 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
337618 Chills 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia
337619 Injection s 11.1 Injection 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
337619 Injection si 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash macu 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Rhinorrhoe
337619 Sneezing 11.1
337620 Condition 11.1 Convulsion 11.1
337621 Blister 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Skin discol
337622 Abasia 11.1 Antinuclear 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Back pain
337622 Balance di 11.1 Bladder dis 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 Breast can
337622 CSF cell c 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF glucos 11.1 CSF myelin 11.1 CSF oligoc
337622 Computeris 11.1 Depression 11.1 Diabetes me 11.1 Dysstasia 11.1 Electromyo
337622 Extensor p 11.1 Herpes simp 11.1 Hyporeflex 11.1 Intestinal f 11.1 Motor dysf
337622 Myelitis tr 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Paralysis
337622 Red blood c 11.1 Sensory lo 11.1
337623 Back pain 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Oedema per
337623 Oedema per 11.1 Pain 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337624 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Aggression 12 Alopecia 11.1 Arthralgia
337624 Arthralgia 12 Blood alka 12 Blood crea 12 Chest pain 11.1 Conversion
337624 Dehydratio 12 Disturbance 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 12 Dysmenorr
337624 Dysphonia 12 Dyspnoea 11.1 Ear pain 12 Electroenc 12 Fatigue
337624 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 11.1 Hypotensio 11.1 Joint swell 12 Menstruatio
337624 Muscular 11.1 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Neurologic
337624 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Oxygen co 11.1 Pain
337624 Pallor 11.1 Patellofem 12 Personalit 11.1 Polycystic 11.1 Polydipsia
337624 Smear cerv 12 Syncope 12 Syncope 12 Syncope 12 Tremor
337624 Viral infect 12 Viral upper 12 Vision blur 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 Weight dec
337625 Back pain 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Headache 11.1 Immediate p
337625 Muscular 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Nodule 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pruritus
337625 Rash 11.1
337626 Crying 11.1 Irritability 11.1
337627 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
337628 Syncope 11.1
337629 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Palpitation 11.1
337630 Rash 11.1
337633 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Balance di 11.1 Bone pain
337633 Condition 11.1 Confusional 11.1 Cough 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Depression
337633 Disturbance 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dysgeusia 11.1 Ear discomf
337633 Erythema 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Injection si
337633 Joint rang 11.1 Lacrimatio 11.1 Memory im 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Myalgia
337633 Nausea 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext
337633 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Skin discol
337633 Skin warm 11.1 Sneezing 11.1 Tremor 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Weight dec
337634 Urticaria 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
337635 Blood pres 11.1 Chills 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Paraesthes
337636 Body tempe 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Rash macu 11.1
337637 Angiogram 12 Brain oed 12 Convulsion 12 Facial pals 12 Gaze palsy
337637 Hemiparesi 12 Hypertensi 12 Hyporeflex 12 Hypotonia 12 Hypoxia
337637 Ischaemic 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 12 Otitis medi 12 Partial sei
337637 Pyrexia 12 Sick relativ 12
337638 Catheterisa 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Coronary ar 11.1 Coronary ar 11.1 Echocardi
337638 Hypokinesi 11.1 Myocardial 11.1
337639 Autism 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood lead 11.1 Childhood d
337639 Dehydratio 11.1 Developmen 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Disturbance 11.1 Food allerg
337639 Lethargy 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Regurgitati 11.1 Social avoi 11.1 Speech dis
337639 Staring 11.1 Vomiting pr 11.1
337640 Chills 11.1 Cough 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Pyrexia
337640 Rash eryth 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
337645 Autism 11.1
337649 Autism 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337650 Bacterial in 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1
337651 Convulsion 11.1 Kidney infe 11.1
337652 Developmen 11.1
337663 Asthenia 11.1 Impaired wo 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Night swea
337663 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Temperatur 11.1
337664 Activities o 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Autoimmune 11.1 Cognitive d 11.1 Deep vein
337664 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Influenza li
337664 Loss of co 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Musculoskel
337664 Nervous sy 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Poor qualit 11.1 Rash 11.1 Retinal vei
337664 Vision blur 11.1 Visual imp 11.1
337665 Activities o 11.1 Amnesia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Autoimmune
337665 Borrelia bu 11.1 Bruxism 11.1 Cognitive d 11.1 Dysgraphia 11.1 Dysphemia
337665 Fatigue 11.1 Gingival di 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Insomnia
337665 Joint swell 11.1 Limb disco 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nervous sy
337665 Paraesthes 11.1 Visual imp 11.1
337666 Activities o 11.1 Amnesia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthritis 11.1 Autoimmune
337666 Borrelia bu 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Bursitis 11.1 Cognitive d
337666 Condition 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Immunology
337666 Influenza li 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Musculoskel
337666 Nervous sy 11.1
337667 Activities o 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Autoimmune 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Cognitive d
337667 Headache 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Nervous sy
337667 Paraesthes 11.1
337668 Activities o 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypoaesthe
337668 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Neuropathy
337668 Paraesthes 11.1
337669 Brain oed 12 Cardiac arr 12 Chest X-ra 12 Corneal re 12 Croup infec
337669 Death 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Endotrachea 12 Heart rate 12 Hyperhidro
337669 Hypotonia 11.1 Lethargy 12 Livedo retic 12 Lymphaden 12 Oxygen sat
337669 Pallor 12 Peritoneal 12 Pleural eff 12 Pneumonia 12 Posturing
337669 Pulmonary 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Rhonchi
337669 Staring 12 Stridor 12 Unresponsiv 12 Unresponsiv 11.1 Unresponsiv
337670 Autopsy 11.1 Respiratory 11.1
337671 Death 11.1
337672 Pruritus 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337673 Abdominal 11.1 Appendice 11.1 Barium dou 11.1 Bowel move 11.1 Intussusce
337673 Irritability 11.1 Occult bloo 11.1 Screaming 11.1 Surgery 11.1 Ultrasound
337673 Ultrasound 11.1 Vitello-int 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337674 Blister 11.1 Erythema 11.1
337675 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
337676 Erythema 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
337677 No adverse 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
337678 Abdominal 11.1 Eyelid oed 11.1
337679 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1
337680 Febrile con 11.1 Tremor 11.1
337681 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia
337681 Vomiting 11.1
337682 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Sleep disor
337683 Muscular 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
337684 Lymphaden 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 Red blood c 11.1
337685 Erythema 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337686 Erythema 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337687 Ocular hyp 11.1
337688 Rash vesic 11.1 Viral DNA t 11.1
337689 Chills 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Nightmare
337689 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337690 Musculoske 11.1
337691 Immediate p 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext
337691 Vomiting 11.1
337692 Alanine am 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Basophil c 11.1 Basophil p 11.1 Blood albu
337692 Blood alka 11.1 Blood bilir 11.1 Blood calc 11.1 Blood chlor 11.1 Blood crea
337692 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood pota 11.1 Blood sodi 11.1 Blood urea 11.1 Carbon dio
337692 Culture wou 11.1 Eosinophil 11.1 Eosinophil 11.1 Gram stain 11.1 Haematocri
337692 Haemoglob 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
337692 Lymphocyte 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Mean cell 11.1 Mean cell 11.1 Mean cell
337692 Mean plate 11.1 Monocyte c 11.1 Monocyte p 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 Neutrophil
337692 Platelet co 11.1 Protein tot 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Red cell di
337692 Vaccine pos 11.1 White blood 11.1
337693 Syncope 11.1
337694 Dysgeusia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Similar rea 11.1 Skin warm
337695 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337696 Crying 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1
337697 Confusional 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Urine analy
337697 Vision blur 11.1
337698 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337699 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337700 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337701 Injection si 11.1
337702 Lip swellin 11.1 Swollen to 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
337703 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1
337704 Computeris 11.1 Hyperaesth 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
337705 Headache 11.1 Nausea 11.1
337706 Dizziness 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection sit 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337707 Activities o 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
337707 Injection s 11.1
337708 Drug expos 11.1
337709 Cough 11.1 Dysphagia 11.1 Swelling 11.1
337710 Abnormal b 11.1 Autism spe 12 Convulsion 12 Disturbance 11.1 Electroenc
337710 Encephalo 11.1 Regressive 11.1 Social avoi 11.1 Speech dis 11.1 Staring
337711 Balance di 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Dizziness
337711 Electrocar 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Visual imp
337712 Abdominal 12.1 Activated p 12.1 Acute respi 12.1 Alanine am 12.1 Anaemia
337712 Anaphylact 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Blood calc
337712 Blood creat 12.1 Blood gase 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood mag 12.1 Blood pres
337712 Blood thyro 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Blood urine 12.1 Cardiomeg 12.1 Chest X-ra
337712 Computeri 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea
337712 Echocardio 12.1 Electrolyte 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob
337712 Haemoglob 12.1 Hyperaesth 11.1 Hypokalae 12.1 Hypomagne 12.1 Hypotensio
337712 Injection si 11.1 Internation 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Malnutritio 12.1 Metabolic a
337712 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Platelet co
337712 Protein tot 12.1 Prothrombi 12.1 Rash 11.1 Red blood c 12.1 Red cell di
337712 Renal failu 12.1 Sedation 12.1 Somnolenc 12.1 Tendernes 11.1 Thrombocy
337712 Transfusio 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine outp 12.1 Urine prote 12.1 White blood
337712 White blood 12.1
337713 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337714 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337715 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337716 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337717 Pyrexia 11.1
337718 Pruritus 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
337719 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337720 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1
337721 Urticaria 11.1
337722 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash prurit
337722 Urticaria 11.1
337723 Abdominal 11.1 Asthma 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Condition 11.1 Cough
337723 Dysphonia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Foster care 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hyporeflex
337723 Respiratory 11.1 Sinusitis 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
337724 Activities o 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Influenza li
337724 Nausea 11.1 No reaction 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Restlessne 11.1
337725 Vaccination 11.1 Varicella z 11.1 Varicella z 11.1
337726 Pain 11.1 Swelling 11.1
337727 Arthralgia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hemiparesi
337727 Hyperaesth 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Monoplegi
337727 Muscular 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Reflex test 11.1 Weight bear 11.1
337735 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Contusion 11.1 Leukocytos
337735 Metabolic f 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Petechiae 11.1 Purpura 11.1 Rash macul
337735 Red blood c 11.1 Rheumatoid 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337736 Brain injury 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Lumbar pun
337736 Nuclear ma 11.1
337737 Apnoea 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Blood mag 11.1 Chest X-ra
337737 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Grand mal
337737 Liver funct 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Paraesthes
337737 Postictal st 11.1 Scan brain 11.1 Sinus disor 11.1 Trismus 11.1
337738 Antinuclear 11.1 Burning se 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache
337738 Induration 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Mass 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext
337738 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 X-ray 11.1
337739 Pain in ext 11.1 Rash 11.1 Respiratory 11.1
337740 Rash 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
337741 Back pain 11.1 Foreign tra 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Inflammati 11.1 Muscle sp
337741 Muscular 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
337742 Injected li 11.1
337743 Dizziness 11.1 Syncope 11.1
337744 Rash papul 11.1
337745 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
337746 Fall 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co 11.1
337747 Vomiting 11.1
337748 Hypotensio 11.1 Syncope va 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
337749 Herpes zos 11.1
337751 Anorexia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Pain 11.1 Skin warm
337751 Tendernes 11.1
337752 Abdominal 12 Angiogram 12 Borrelia bu 12 Cardiac mo 11.1 Chest pain
337752 Chest pain 12 Computeris 12 Cytomegalo 12 Cytomegalov 12 Dizziness
337752 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc
337752 Epstein-Bar 12 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Gaze palsy 12 Glucose tol
337752 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Memory im 12 Mycoplasma 12 Neck pain
337752 Neurologic 11.1 Nuclear ma 12 Pallor 12 Palpitation 12 Panic attac
337752 Paraesthes 12 Parvovirus 12 Photophobi 12 Swelling 12 Syncope
337752 Syncope 11.1 Syncope 12 Tonic clon 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vision blur
337753 Inappropria 11.1 No adverse 11.1
337754 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1
337755 Urticaria 11.1
337756 Eyelid oed 11.1 Lacrimatio 11.1 Ocular hyp 11.1 Throat tigh 11.1
337758 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1
337759 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash macul 11.1 Viral skin i 11.1
337760 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337761 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthritis re 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Computeri
337761 Cough 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Dysstasia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Full blood
337761 Gait distur 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Joint rang 11.1 Joint stiffn
337761 Joint swell 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Mouth ulce 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pain
337761 Pain in ext 11.1 Petechiae 11.1 Polyarthriti 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c
337761 Rheumatoid 11.1 Spina bifid 11.1 Spondyloly 11.1 Streptococca 11.1 Streptococc
337761 Urine analy 11.1 X-ray abno 11.1
337762 Inappropria 11.1 No adverse 11.1
337763 No adverse 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
337764 Computeri 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 X-ray
337765 Lyme dise 11.1
337766 Erythema 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Rash 11.1
337767 No adverse 11.1
337768 Erythema 11.1 Ocular hyp 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash
337769 Abdominal 11.1 Chills 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337770 Wrong drug 11.1
337771 No adverse 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
337772 Wrong drug 11.1
337773 Irritability 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
337774 Expired dr 11.1 No adverse 11.1
337775 Expired dr 11.1
337776 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337777 Contraindic 11.1 Eczema 11.1
337778 Nodule 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
337779 Blister 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337780 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Pain in ext
337780 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1
337781 Varicella 11.1
337782 Blister 11.1 Burning se 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus
337783 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Local react 11.1
337784 Pruritus ge 11.1
337785 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Swelling 11.1
337786 Body tempe 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain 11.1
337787 Expired dr 11.1
337788 Electroenc 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1
337789 Anxiety 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Confusional 11.1 Disorientat
337789 Dyskinesia 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Full blood
337789 Muscle twit 11.1 Myoclonic 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Urine leuko
337789 X-ray 11.1
337790 Dyspnoea 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
337791 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Chills 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Headache
337791 Nausea 11.1 Pain 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337792 Anxiety 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Dizziness
337792 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hyperaesth 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Mood alter
337792 Nervousne 11.1 Pain 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c
337792 Reflex test 11.1 Rhinitis 11.1 Sensation 11.1 White blood 11.1
337793 Injection si 11.1
337794 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337795 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
337795 Yellow skin 11.1
337796 Dizziness 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain
337797 Abnormal b 11.1 Autopsy 11.1 Cell death 12 Clostridium 12 Death
337797 Dermatitis 12 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypersomn 11.1 Menorrhagi
337797 Menstrual d 11.1 Metrorrhag 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Nasal cong 12 Oropharyng
337798 Movement d 11.1
337799 Injection sit 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337800 Erythema 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Skin warm
337800 White blood 11.1
337801 Hypokinesi 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
337802 Loss of co 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1
337803 Diarrhoea 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337804 Induration 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling
337805 Induration 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain
337806 Incorrect d 11.1
337808 No adverse 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
337809 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337810 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
337812 Abortion i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
337815 Abortion s 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1
337817 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Alanine am 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Asthenia
337817 Basophil c 11.1 Beta globul 11.1 Blood albu 11.1 Blood alka 11.1 Blood bilir
337817 Blood calc 11.1 Blood chlor 11.1 Blood creat 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood pota
337817 Blood sodi 11.1 Blood urea 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Chills 11.1 Cough
337817 Culture sto 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Eosinophil 11.1 Epigastric
337817 Epstein-Bar 11.1 Epstein-Bar 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Haematocri
337817 Haemoglob 11.1 Headache 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Malaise
337817 Mean cell 11.1 Mean cell 11.1 Mean plate 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Monocyte c
337817 Myalgia 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Neutrophil
337817 Neutrophil 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Platelet co 11.1 Protein tot
337817 Red blood c 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Red cell di 11.1 Stool analy 11.1 Vomiting
337817 Vomiting 11.1 White blood 11.1
337819 Frequent 11.1 Haematoch 11.1
337820 Autism 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1
337821 Abnormal b 11.1 Autism 11.1 Inappropria 11.1
337822 Rash eryth 11.1
337823 Lip swellin 11.1
337824 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337825 Blister 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
337826 Feeling ab 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Grip stren 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Muscular
337826 Pyrexia 11.1 Thrombosi 11.1
337827 Antinuclear 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 DNA antibo 11.1 Differentia 11.1 Full blood
337827 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Pain
337827 Pain in ext 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Weight inc 11.1
337828 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337829 Convulsion 11.1 Febrile con 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rhinorrhoe
337829 Tonic conv 11.1
337830 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337831 Diarrhoea 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1
337832 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337833 Injected li 11.1
337834 Discomfort 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1
337835 Axillary pai 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Hypokinesi 11.1 Oedema 11.1 Pain in ext
337835 Pruritus 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
337837 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337838 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Pain in ext
337838 X-ray norm 11.1
337840 Abortion i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1
337845 Dizziness 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoventila 11.1 Mydriasis 11.1 Paraesthes
337845 Vision blur 11.1
337848 Bronchioliti 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Otitis medi 11.1 Pyrexia
337849 Axillary pai 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lymphadeni 11.1 Rash 11.1
337850 Blood cultu 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Cough 11.1 Crying 11.1 Full blood
337850 Influenza s 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Metabolic f
337850 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1
337851 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Blood coun 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Dehydratio
337851 Depressed 11.1 Enema admi 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Hypotherm 11.1 Intussusce
337851 Lethargy 11.1
337853 Apnoea 11.1 Apparent li 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Bradycardi 11.1 CSF cell c
337853 CSF cultur 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Cyanosis 11.1 Cyanosis
337853 Electroenc 11.1 Eye disord 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Nuclear ma
337853 Pallor 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1 White blood 11.1
337950 Haemoglob 11.1 Transfusio 11.1
337951 Convulsion 11.1
337952 Abdominal 11.1 Anaphylacti 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Throat tigh 11.1 Vomiting
337953 Facial pals 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
337958 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash 11.1
337959 Drug expos 11.1 Induced la 11.1 Oligohydra 11.1
337962 Acidosis 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood pH d 11.1 Blood pota 11.1 Carbon dio
337962 Computeris 11.1 Diabetic ke 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Hyperglyca
337962 Intensive c 11.1 Mental sta 11.1 Polydipsia 11.1 Polyuria 11.1 Type 1 diab
337962 Urine keto 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
337963 Activated p 12 Acute diss 11.1 Angiogram 12 Angiogram 12 Antinuclear
337963 Asthenia 12 Blood cultu 12 C-reactive 12 CSF test n 11.1 Chest X-ra
337963 Confusional 11.1 DNA antibo 12 Echocardio 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue
337963 Fibrin D di 11.1 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Hyperglyca 12 Hypoaesthe
337963 Hyponatra 12 Laboratory 12 Leukocytos 12 Malaise 11.1 Mental sta
337963 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c
337963 Red blood c 12 Russell's 12 Vasculitis 11.1 White blood 12
337965 Fall 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Immediate p 11.1
337966 Dry skin 11.1 Erythema 11.1
337967 Abdominal 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Fungus stoo
337967 Gastroenteri 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Occult bloo 11.1 Otitis medi 11.1 Rotavirus t
337967 Vomiting 11.1 X-ray norm 11.1
337968 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus ge 11.1
337969 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337970 Erythema 11.1 Flank pain 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
337970 Rash 11.1
337971 Angioedem 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Catheter p 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dermatitis
337971 Hypersensit 11.1 Infection 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Oedema per
337971 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
337972 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain in ext
337972 Paraesthes 11.1
337973 Drug expos 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
337974 Breast pain 11.1 Discomfort 11.1 Insomnia 11.1
337975 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1
337976 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337977 Dizziness 11.1 Fall 11.1 Hot flush 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Vision blur
337978 Wrong drug 11.1
337979 Anxiety 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Pharyngea 11.1 Throat tigh
337980 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Varicella 11.1
337981 Dizziness 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Syncope
337982 Erythema 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
337983 Bronchitis 11.1 Cough 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Nasal cong
337983 Oropharyng 11.1 Pain 11.1
337984 Asthenia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
337985 Musculoske 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
337986 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
337988 Rash morbil 11.1 Viral skin i 11.1
337989 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Varicella 11.1
337990 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
337991 Rash 11.1 Varicella 11.1
337992 Decreased 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Fall 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pyrexia
337992 Rash gener 11.1 Vaccination 11.1
337993 Injection si 11.1
337994 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
337995 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
337996 Body tempe 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
337997 Irritability 11.1
337998 Mobility d 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Nerve injur 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
337999 Arthralgia 11.1 Leukocytocl 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Palpable p 11.1 Pyrexia
337999 Rash 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
338000 Chest X-ra 11.1 Culture 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338002 Joint swell 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338003 Erythema 11.1 Oedema 11.1 Pain 11.1
338004 Crying 11.1 Pallor 11.1
338005 Abnormal 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pallor
338005 Pallor 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
338006 Irritability 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338007 Blood cultu 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Full blood
338007 Urine analy 11.1
338008 Dermatitis 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash macul 11.1 Skin discol 11.1
338009 Injection si 11.1
338010 Haematocri 11.1 Haemoglob 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Monocyte p 11.1 Neutrophil
338010 Platelet co 11.1 Unevaluabl 11.1 White blood 11.1
338011 Inappropria 11.1
338012 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Nodule 11.1
338013 Loss of co 11.1 Pallor 11.1
338014 No adverse 11.1
338015 No adverse 11.1
338016 Ear pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
338017 Inflammati 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338020 Convulsion 11.1
338021 Blister 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Rash 11.1 Varicella 11.1
338022 Febrile con 11.1
338023 Diarrhoea 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
338024 Expired dr 11.1 No adverse 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
338026 No therape 11.1
338027 Hepatitis B 11.1 Therapeuti 11.1
338028 Urticaria 11.1
338029 Blister 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 No therape 11.1 Skin disord
338034 Hypoacusi 11.1 No therape 11.1
338035 No therape 11.1 Obesity 11.1
338036 Malaise 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338037 Local react 11.1 Muscle fati 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Sensory di 11.1
338038 No therape 11.1
338039 Headache 11.1 Incorrect r 11.1
338040 Pain in ext 11.1
338041 Hepatitis B 11.1 No therape 11.1
338042 Hepatitis B 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Polymerase 11.1
338043 Hepatitis A 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 No therape 11.1
338044 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1
338045 Facial pain 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
338046 Injection si 11.1
338047 Hepatitis A 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Hepatitis C 11.1
338048 Hepatitis B 11.1
338049 Blood prola 11.1 Complex par 11.1 Conversion 11.1 Dysgeusia 11.1 Electroenc
338049 Electroenc 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Haemoglob
338049 Headache 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Partial sei 11.1 Status epil 11.1 Tremor
338049 Vaccine pos 11.1
338050 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Headache 11.1 Influenza s
338050 Mononucleos 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
338052 Pancreatiti 11.1 Parenteral 11.1 Pelvic pain 11.1
338057 Culture sto 11.1 Diet refusa 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1 Vomiting
338058 Crying 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Faeces dis 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Mucous sto
338058 Occult bloo 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1
338061 Injection s 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Measles an 11.1 Multiple sc 11.1 Mumps anti
338061 Oral herpe 11.1 Rubella an 11.1 Visual acui 11.1
338064 Angioedem 11.1 Drooling 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338065 Erythema 11.1
338066 Gait distur 11.1 Joint swell 11.1
338067 Urticaria 11.1
338068 Chest pain 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Migraine 11.1
338069 Chest pain 11.1 Headache 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Sleep disor
338069 Tendernes 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
338070 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Type III i 11.1
338071 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Condition 12 Depression 12 Diarrhoea
338071 Dysmenorr 12 Gastroenteri 12 Nausea 12 Vaccine pos 11.1 Vomiting
338072 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338073 Chills 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338074 Contusion 11.1 Crying 11.1 Epistaxis 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Injection s
338074 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338075 Joint swell 11.1 Monarthriti 11.1 Pain 11.1
338076 Alanine am 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Hepatic en 11.1 Liver funct 11.1
338077 Urticaria 11.1
338078 Anaphylacti 11.1 Body tempe 11.1
338079 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Wrong drug
338080 Hepatitis B 11.1 Inappropria 11.1
338081 Hepatitis B 11.1
338082 Blood test 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1
338083 Burning se 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338084 Pain 11.1 Skin burnin 11.1
338085 Burning se 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338086 Urticaria 11.1
338087 Body tempe 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Muscle sp
338087 Pyrexia 11.1
338088 Joint swell 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
338089 Hepatitis B 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1
338090 Hepatitis B 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1
338091 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthritis 11.1 Myalgia
338091 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338092 Vaccine pos 11.1
338093 Nausea 11.1
338094 Nausea 11.1
338095 False posit 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Immunology 11.1
338096 Therapeuti 11.1
338097 Hepatitis B 11.1 No therape 11.1
338098 No therape 11.1
338099 Screaming 11.1 Staring 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
338100 Erythema 11.1 Incorrect r 11.1 Oedema 11.1 Rash 11.1
338101 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Sluggishne 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
338102 Unevaluabl 11.1
338103 Dizziness 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Syncope 11.1
338104 Cough 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Gastrointes 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe
338104 Malaise 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash
338105 Immunisati 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338106 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
338107 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338109 Rash gener 11.1
338110 Condition 11.1 Febrile con 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Otitis medi
338110 Oxygen sat 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338111 Appendice 11.1 Barium en 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Diet refusa
338111 Enema admi 11.1 Explorativ 11.1 Faeces dis 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Intestinal
338111 Intestinal r 11.1 Intussusce 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Pallor
338111 Surgery 11.1 Viral infect 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 Weight dec
338112 Induration 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain 11.1 Sleep disor
338113 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338114 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
338115 Eczema 11.1 Rash 11.1
338116 Pain 11.1 Periarthriti 11.1
338117 Blood test 11.1 Blood urine 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Crying 11.1 Culture uri
338117 Dehydratio 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Fall 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Head injury
338117 Hypophagi 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Insomnia
338117 Irritability 11.1 Listless 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Mucosal dr 11.1 Muscle sp
338117 Pallor 11.1 Protein uri 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Screaming
338117 Snoring 11.1 Staring 11.1 Streptococc 11.1 Urinary trac 11.1 Urine anal
338117 Urine bilir 11.1 Vomiting pr 11.1 White blood 11.1 White blood 11.1
338118 Anaphylacti 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood alka 11.1 Blood crea
338118 Blood gluc 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Immediate p
338118 Immunisati 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 Palpitation 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria
338118 White blood 11.1
338119 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338120 Rash 11.1
338121 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Productive 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Upper respi
338121 Vaccination 11.1
338122 Acidosis 11.1 Angiogram 11.1 Angiogram 11.1 Blood creat 11.1 Blood gase
338122 Blood pH d 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 Blood sodi 11.1 Blood urea 11.1 Carbon dio
338122 Cerebral in 11.1 Cerebrovas 11.1 Coagulopa 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Convulsion
338122 Dehydratio 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Disseminate 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Electroenc
338122 Endotrachea 11.1 Fontanelle 11.1 Haemorrhag 11.1 Hypertensi 11.1 Hypotherm
338122 Internation 11.1 Intraventri 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Prothrombi 11.1 Pseudomona
338122 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Scan brain 11.1 Shock 11.1 Tracheitis
338122 Venous thr 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338123 No reaction 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338124 Erythema 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
338125 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338126 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338127 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1
338128 Neck pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338129 Adverse ev 11.1
338130 Rash gener 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
338131 Condition 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338136 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain 11.1
338137 Measles 11.1 Rash 11.1
338138 No therape 11.1
338147 Malaise 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338148 Hepatitis B 11.1
338150 Medication 11.1 No therape 11.1
338151 Blood chole 11.1 Blood pres 11.1 Blood trigl 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness
338151 Nausea 11.1 Protein tot 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
338152 Hepatitis B 11.1
338154 Injection si 11.1 Medication 11.1 Medication 11.1
338155 Dysgeusia 11.1
338156 Hepatitis B 11.1
338157 No therape 11.1
338158 Hepatitis B 11.1
338159 Hepatitis B 11.1
338160 No therape 11.1
338161 Rash 11.1
338162 Urticaria 11.1
338163 No therape 11.1
338164 Diarrhoea 11.1 Expired dr 11.1 Incorrect d 11.1
338165 Unresponsiv 11.1
338166 Hepatitis B 11.1
338167 Hepatitis B 11.1
338168 Hepatitis B 11.1
338169 Hepatitis B 11.1
338170 Hepatitis B 11.1
338171 Immunology 11.1 Inappropria 11.1
338172 Dysgeusia 11.1
338173 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338174 Arthralgia 11.1 Incorrect d 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338175 No therape 11.1
338176 Hepatitis B 11.1
338177 Hepatitis B 11.1
338178 Hepatitis B 11.1
338179 Hepatitis B 11.1
338180 Incorrect r 11.1 Injection 11.1
338181 No therape 11.1
338182 Hepatitis B 11.1
338183 Injection si 11.1
338184 Hepatitis B 11.1
338185 Hepatitis B 11.1 Vaccination 11.1
338186 Abdominal 11.1 Headache 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Lethargy 11.1
338187 Hepatitis B 11.1 No therape 11.1
338188 Hepatitis B 11.1 Therapeuti 11.1
338189 Hepatitis B 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1
338190 Alopecia 11.1
338191 Laboratory 11.1 No therape 11.1
338192 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Mobility d
338192 Thermal bu 11.1
338193 Abdominal 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypersomn 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Nausea
338194 Vaccine pos 11.1
338195 No therape 11.1
338196 Alopecia 11.1
338197 Hepatitis B 11.1 No therape 11.1
338198 Hypersensit 11.1
338199 Accidental 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1
338200 Hepatitis B 11.1
338201 Hepatitis B 11.1
338202 Hepatitis B 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Incorrect d 11.1
338209 Auricular s 11.1 Periorbita 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338210 Bronchitis 11.1 Chromaturi 11.1 Depression 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Erythema
338210 Fatigue 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Injection si
338210 Injection si 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Myalgia
338210 Neuralgia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1 Varicella p 11.1 Wheezing
338212 Cough 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1
338213 Pain of ski 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 White blood 11.1
338214 Rash vesic 11.1
338215 No adverse 11.1
338216 Convulsion 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338217 Arthralgia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Joint warm 11.1
338218 Injection si 11.1
338219 Axillary pai 11.1 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Herpes sim 11.1 Lymphaden
338219 Myalgia 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash papul
338219 Red blood c 11.1 Rhinitis 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
338220 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1
338221 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tendernes
338222 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338223 Induration 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash pustu 11.1
338224 Urticaria 11.1
338225 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338226 Arthralgia 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Immunisati
338226 Inflammati 11.1 Joint stiffn 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext
338226 Paraesthes 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1
338229 Cellulitis 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Hypotensio 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
338229 Malaise 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338240 Rash prurit 11.1
338241 Cold sweat 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Hearing im 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Oxygen sat
338241 Pallor 11.1 Tremor 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
338242 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
338243 Chills 11.1 Cough 11.1 Pain 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
338244 Convulsion 11.1 Loss of co 11.1
338245 Oedema per 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
338246 Blood test 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Electroenc
338246 Febrile con 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Hemiparesi 11.1 Hypotonia
338246 Injection si 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Lacrimatio 11.1 Postictal p 11.1 Postictal st
338246 Rash 11.1 Respirator 11.1 Roseola 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Urine analy
338246 Vomiting 11.1
338247 Alopecia 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Condition 11.1 Contusion
338247 Cough 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Ear infecti
338247 Full blood 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Lobar pne 11.1 Nasopharyn 11.1 Pyrexia
338247 Sinusitis 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338248 Dysaesthes 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Musculoskel
338249 Arthralgia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Hyperhidro
338249 Pruritus 11.1
338250 Arthralgia 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
338250 Monoplegi 11.1
338251 Herpes zos 11.1
338252 Axonal neu 12 Back pain 12 Blood produ 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos
338252 CSF protei 12 CSF white b 12 Cerebral in 12 Cerebrovas 12 Chest X-ra
338252 Computeri 12 Culture sto 12 Culture uri 12 Echocardio 12 Electromyo
338252 Guillain-B 12 Hypertensi 12 Intensive c 12 Interverteb 12 Lumbar pun
338252 Lymphocyte 12 Muscular 11.1 Musculoske 12 Nausea 12 Nerve cond
338252 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Plasmapher 12 Quadripare
338252 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting 12
338253 Allergy tes 11.1 Condition 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Electromyo 11.1 Gait distur
338253 Muscle sp 11.1 Muscle twit 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nerve cond
338253 Rash 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Tendernes 11.1 Urine anal 11.1
338254 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338255 Erythema 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext
338256 Myalgia 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Vulvovagina 11.1
338257 Erythema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
338258 Diarrhoea 11.1 Headache 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pain
338259 Anorexia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pain
338259 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Skin discol 11.1
338260 Anxiety 11.1 Atrial fibril 11.1 Bradycardi 11.1 Bundle bra 11.1 Cardiac abl
338260 Cardiac en 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest disc 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Echocardio
338260 Electrocar 11.1 Gastrooeso 11.1 Myoglobin 11.1 Palpitation 11.1 Palpitation
338260 Supraventri 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Troponin I 11.1 Wolff-Park 11.1
338261 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus ge 11.1
338265 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338266 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
338266 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338267 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
338268 Injection s 11.1 Injection 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338269 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338270 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338271 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1
338272 Pyrexia 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338273 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
338274 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338275 Computeris 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Vomiting
338276 Pruritus 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
338277 Injection si 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
338280 Febrile con 11.1
338281 Rash macul 11.1
338282 Chills 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia
338282 Skin striae 11.1
338283 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Musculoske 11.1
338284 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338285 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338286 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338287 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Oropharyng
338287 Pyrexia 11.1
338288 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338289 Dizziness 11.1 Fear 11.1 Head lag 11.1 Hyperventil 11.1 Pallor
338289 Unresponsiv 11.1
338290 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338291 Arthralgia 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Myalgia 11.1
338292 Body tempe 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
338292 Nausea 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338293 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1
338294 Gaze palsy 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Oxygen sup 11.1 Pallor
338294 Unresponsiv 11.1
338295 Local swell 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338296 Asthenia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Disturbance 11.1 Dysgraphia 11.1 Eye pain
338296 Headache 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea
338296 Pyrexia 11.1
338297 Dyspnoea 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
338298 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338299 Wrong drug 11.1
338300 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338301 Body tempe 11.1
338302 Dizziness 11.1
338303 Inappropria 11.1
338304 Gait distur 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
338305 Body tempe 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Cough 11.1 Eye discha 11.1 Respiratory
338305 Rhinorrhoe 11.1
338306 Lip swellin 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338307 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
338308 Rash 11.1
338309 Chest pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
338310 Back pain 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Ocular hyp
338310 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
338311 Erythema 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338312 Incorrect d 11.1
338313 Medication 11.1 No adverse 11.1
338314 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338315 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338316 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
338317 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1
338318 Erythema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Rash 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling
338353 Rash gener 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338354 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Medication 11.1 Pharmaceut 11.1
338355 Injection si 11.1
338356 Accidental 11.1 Medication 11.1 Palpitation 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vaccine pos
338357 Adverse re 11.1 Lethargy 11.1
338358 Injection si 11.1
338359 Apnoea 11.1
338360 Adverse ev 11.1
338361 Crying 11.1 Immediate p 11.1
338362 Abnormal f 11.1 Dyspepsia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 Weight gai
338363 Body tempe 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 White blood 11.1
338364 Body tempe 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 White blood 11.1
338365 Crying 11.1 Immediate p 11.1
338366 Chest X-ra 11.1 Crying 11.1 Diet refusa 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electroenc
338366 Hypotonia 11.1 Pallor 11.1
338367 Contusion 11.1 Incorrect r 11.1
338368 Gait distur 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338369 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 No reaction 11.1
338370 Inappropria 11.1 Pain 11.1
338371 Incorrect d 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
338372 Lipoatroph 11.1 Pain 11.1 Skin atrop 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Skin disord
338374 Anxiety dis 11.1 Blood pres 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Diagnostic 11.1 Eye swelli
338374 Facial pain 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Laboratory
338374 Myodesops 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Optic isch 11.1 Swelling fa
338374 Visual acui 11.1 Visual field 11.1
338376 Dyspnoea 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1
338379 Abdominal 12 Activated p 12 Acute diss 12 Angiogram 12 Blood crea
338379 Blood creat 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood lacti 12 Blood urea 12 Brain natri
338379 Brain oed 12 C-reactive 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei
338379 CSF white b 12 Chills 12 Cognitive d 12 Coma 11.1 Computeri
338379 Confusional 12 Culture uri 12 Diarrhoea 12 Disseminate 12 Electroenc
338379 Encephaliti 12 Endotrachea 12 Extubation 12 Fibrin D di 12 Gait distur
338379 Glossitis 12 Headache 12 Hemiplegia 12 Intensive c 12 Internation
338379 Lethargy 12 Loss of co 12 Miosis 12 Multi-organ 12 No reaction
338379 Nuclear ma 12 Ocular hyp 12 Oral herpe 12 Photophobi 12 Posturing
338379 Prothrombi 12 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 12 Red blood c 12 Renal failu
338379 Respiratory 12 Scan brain 12 Septic sho 11.1 Sick relativ 12 Strabismus
338379 Toxic shoc 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine anal 12 Urine leuko 12 Urosepsis
338379 Vision blur 12 Visual evok 12 Visual imp 12 Vomiting 12
338381 Injection s 11.1
338383 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Screaming 11.1
338385 Screaming 11.1
338386 LE cells 11.1 Systemic l 11.1
338388 Screaming 11.1
338389 Petechiae 11.1 Platelet co 11.1
338390 Dyspnoea 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338391 Inappropria 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Screaming 11.1
338392 Body tempe 11.1 Incorrect d 11.1 Poor qualit 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338393 Inappropria 11.1 No reaction 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia
338394 Body tempe 11.1 Fontanelle 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338395 Adverse re 11.1 Fontanelle 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Lumbar pun
338396 Crying 11.1 Inappropria 11.1
338397 Crying 11.1 No reaction 11.1
338398 Pyrexia 11.1
338399 Hepatitis B 11.1
338406 Blood pota 11.1 Bronchioliti 11.1 Clostridium 11.1 Culture sto 11.1 Feeding dis
338406 Gastrooeso 12 Haematoch 12 Irritability 12 Laboratory 11.1 Occult bloo
338406 Oesophago 12 Rectal hae 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Viral test p 11.1 Vomiting
338407 B-lymphocy 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 Cerebral h
338407 Condition 11.1 Cough 11.1 Death 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Lymphocyte
338407 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 T-lymphocy 11.1 Varicella
338419 Computeri 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Eye oedem 11.1 Metamorph 11.1 Slit-lamp e
338420 Dizziness 11.1 Fall 11.1 Headache 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Syncope
338420 Visual imp 11.1
338421 Alanine am 11.1 Anaphylacti 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dyspnoea
338421 Dyspnoea 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Haemoglob 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Stridor
338421 Swelling 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Wheezing 11.1 White blood
338422 Rash 11.1
338423 Dry skin 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Pallor
338423 Skin warm 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
338424 Anti-thyroi 12 Anti-thyroi 12 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Autoimmune
338424 Back pain 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Dysuria 12 Fatigue 11.1 Kidney infe
338424 Menstrual d 11.1 Menstruatio 12 Oral contra 12 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext
338424 Sleep disor 11.1 Urinary trac 11.1
338425 Arthralgia 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Stomach di 11.1
338426 Hypotonia 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Syncope
338427 Injection si 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
338428 Injection sit 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338429 Convulsion 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Mydriasis 11.1 Neck pain
338429 Pain in ext 11.1 Staring 11.1
338430 Anorexia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Crying 11.1 Cyanosis 11.1 Diarrhoea
338430 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache
338430 Nausea 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Stomach di 11.1
338431 Influenza 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1
338432 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1
338433 Headache 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
338433 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338434 Blood immu 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
338434 Laboratory 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1 Vomiting
338435 Injection sit 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338436 Local react 11.1
338437 Culture sto 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Faeces dis 11.1 Flatulence
338437 Irritability 11.1 Occult bloo 11.1
338438 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338439 Herpes zos 11.1
338440 Rash 11.1
338441 Herpes zos 11.1
338443 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Joint rang 11.1 Musculoske
338443 Neck pain 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1
338444 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
338444 Musculoske 11.1 Neck pain 11.1
338445 Blood pres 11.1 Rash 11.1
338448 Caesarean 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1
338454 Papilloma v 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1
338457 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Borrelia bu
338457 Condition 11.1 Coordinati 11.1 Deafness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness
338457 Fatigue 11.1 Gastrooeso 11.1 Headache 11.1 Immunology 11.1 Influenza li
338457 Joint swell 11.1 Nerve injur 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain
338457 Paraesthes 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Vertigo 11.1
338458 Activities o 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Bone scan 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Cardiac str
338458 Electromyo 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Haemoglob
338458 Headache 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Immunology 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Laboratory
338458 Muscular 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Neuropathy 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Paraesthes
338458 Red blood 11.1 Tendonitis 11.1
338459 Activities o 11.1 Amnesia 11.1 Aneurysm 11.1 Anger 11.1 Aphasia
338459 Arthralgia 11.1 Autoimmune 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Cognitive d
338459 Computeris 11.1 Condition 11.1 Depression 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Fatigue
338459 Feeling ab 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Gastrointes 11.1 Headache 11.1 Immunology
338459 Immunology 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Musculoske
338459 Musculoske 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in ext
338459 Polymerase 11.1 Sleep apn 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1 Weight dec 11.1 Weight inc
338466 Alanine am 11.1 Anion gap 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Asthenia
338466 Blood albu 11.1 Blood alka 11.1 Blood bilir 11.1 Blood calc 11.1 Blood chlo
338466 Blood crea 11.1 Blood creat 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood pota 11.1 Blood sodi
338466 Blood urea 11.1 Carbon dio 11.1 Echocardio 11.1 Hypokalae 11.1 Lethargy
338466 Liver funct 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Myoglobin 11.1 Oedema
338466 Protein tot 11.1 Rhabdomyo 11.1 Transamina 11.1 Urine outp 11.1
338467 Blindness t 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Eyelid diso 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Loss of co
338467 Muscle cont 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Ophthalmol 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Swelling fa
338467 Syncope va 11.1 Visual imp 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338468 Anaphylacti 11.1 Chest disc 11.1 Dysphagia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Pharyngea
338469 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338470 Body tempe 11.1 Crying 11.1 Eye swelli 11.1 Screaming 11.1 Swelling fa
338471 Burning se 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria
338472 Myalgia 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338473 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338474 Cellulitis 11.1
338475 Antinuclear 11.1 Blood folat 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF glucos 11.1 CSF immuno
338475 CSF lympho 11.1 CSF oligoc 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 CSF white b 11.1 Demyelinat
338475 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Multiple sc 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Nuclear ma
338475 Nuclear ma 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Post lumba 11.1 Protein tot 11.1 Viral infect
338476 Cellulitis 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
338476 White blood 11.1
338477 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338478 Induration 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1
338479 Rash 11.1 Varicella 11.1
338480 Unevaluabl 11.1
338481 Chills 11.1 Cough 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia
338481 Rash pustu 11.1
338483 Rash eryth 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
338484 Inappropria 11.1 Inappropria 11.1
338485 Pain 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338486 Pityriasis 11.1 Rash 11.1
338487 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
338487 Injection s 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338488 Muscle inju 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain 11.1 Rotator cu 11.1 X-ray
338489 Abnormal b 11.1 Acoustic st 11.1 Asthma 11.1 Attention de 11.1 Autism spe
338489 Blood test 11.1 Clumsines 11.1 Developmen 11.1 Diagnostic 11.1 Immune sys
338489 Lymphaden 11.1 Motor dysf 11.1 Speech dis 11.1 Speech dis 11.1 Urine analy
338491 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338492 Unevaluabl 11.1
338493 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
338494 Injection s 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338495 Contusion 11.1 Injection 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338496 Body tempe 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Vaginal inf 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338497 Rash 12
338498 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338499 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain 11.1
338500 Vaginal di 11.1 Vaginitis ba 11.1
338501 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia
338501 Rash 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338502 Musculoskel 11.1
338503 Abasia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Screaming
338503 Vomiting 11.1 White blood 11.1
338504 Body tempe 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
338504 Injection s 11.1 Streptococc 11.1
338505 Erythema 11.1
338506 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338508 Injection si 11.1 Pain 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
338509 Erythema 11.1 Hyperaemi 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Oral disord 11.1
338510 Unevaluabl 11.1
338511 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338512 Herpes zos 11.1
338522 Angiogram 11.1 Angiogram 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Balance di 11.1 Blood test
338522 Chest pain 11.1 Cold sweat 11.1 Dysgeusia 11.1 Dysphagia 11.1 Eyelid oed
338522 Feeling ab 11.1 Feeling jitt 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hearing im 11.1 Hypoaesthe
338522 Hypotensio 11.1 Impaired wo 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Malaise
338522 Mastication 11.1 Nervousne 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in ext
338522 Pain in jaw 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Parosmia 11.1 Scan 11.1 Sleep apn
338522 Sleep disor 11.1 Speech dis 11.1 Stomach di 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 Swollen to
338522 Tinnitus 11.1 Visual imp 11.1
338523 Anxiety 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Cardiac en
338523 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest disc 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Cough 11.1 Drug hypers
338523 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Echocardio 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electrocar
338523 Electrocar 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Myalgia
338523 Nausea 11.1 Non-cardia 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Paraesthes
338523 Red blood c 11.1
338524 Inappropria 11.1
338525 Expired dr 11.1
338526 Accidental 11.1 Cough 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Nasal muco 11.1 Pyrexia
338527 Inappropria 11.1
338528 Inappropria 11.1
338529 Expired dr 11.1
338530 Inappropria 11.1
338531 Expired dr 11.1
338532 Abdominal 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Influenza 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Oropharyng
338532 Pyrexia 11.1 Streptococc 11.1 Urine anal 11.1 Urine keto 11.1
338533 Inappropria 11.1
338534 Expired dr 11.1
338535 Expired dr 11.1
338536 Expired dr 11.1
338537 Expired dr 11.1
338538 Expired dr 11.1
338539 Discomfort 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
338540 Cardiac str 12 Chest disc 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 11.1 Hypersomn
338540 Oxygen sat 12 Sleep disor 12
338542 Human papil 11.1 Papilloma v 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1
338543 Nausea 11.1 Skin discol 11.1
338544 Injection si 11.1
338545 Blood thyro 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1
338546 Arthralgia 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Vision blur
338547 Drug expos 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Ultrasound
338548 Alpha 1 foe 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Fungal infe 11.1 Herpes sim 11.1 Herpes sim
338548 Herpes simp 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Urine human 11.1
338550 Drug expos 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Urinary trac 11.1
338551 Arrested la 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
338552 No adverse 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
338553 Drug expos 11.1 Oedema 11.1 Pregnancy 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Urinary trac
338553 Urine human 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338554 Alpha 1 foe 11.1 Amniocente 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Foetal diso 11.1 Fungal infe
338554 Laboratory 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
338556 Influenza 11.1 Influenza s 11.1
338557 Dyspnoea 11.1 Movement d 11.1
338558 Anion gap 11.1 Apnoea 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood elect 11.1 Body tempe
338558 Electrocar 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Influenza s
338558 Nasal aspir 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Respiratory
338558 Urine keto 11.1 Virus cultu 11.1
338559 Convulsion 11.1
338560 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Blood amyl 11.1 Blood creat
338560 Blood urea 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Deep vein 11.1 Electrocar
338560 Fallopian t 11.1 Gastrointes 11.1 Immunisati 11.1 Lipase nor 11.1 Malaise
338560 Migraine 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pancreatiti 11.1 Phonophob
338560 Photophobi 11.1 Salpingitis 11.1 Sinus brad 11.1 Thrombosi 11.1 Ultrasound
338560 Visual imp 11.1
338563 Abdominal 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Pain 11.1 Tremor
338563 Vomiting 11.1
338567 Genital pai 11.1 Genital ulc 11.1
338568 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338569 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338570 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Musculoske
338570 Myalgia 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 X-ray
338571 Erythema 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338572 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Hyperventil 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338573 Axillary pai 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338576 Abdominal 11.1 Facial pain 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Pain in ext
338577 Pain in ext 11.1
338578 Injection s 11.1
338579 Injection sit 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pruritus
338580 Body tempe 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338581 Dizziness 11.1
338582 Human papil 11.1 Papilloma v 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1
338583 Paraesthes 11.1 Syncope 11.1
338584 Drug expos 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1
338585 Areflexia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Blood gluc
338585 C-reactive 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 Carbon dio 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Electromyo
338585 Epstein-Bar 11.1 Epstein-Bar 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache
338585 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypokinesi 11.1 Hyporeflex 11.1 Local react 11.1 Lumbar pun
338585 Malaise 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Nuclear ma
338585 Nuclear ma 11.1 Peripheral 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Sensation 11.1 Sensory di
338585 Sensory lo 11.1
338586 Facial pals 11.1
338587 Injection si 11.1 Rash 11.1
338588 Arthralgia 11.1 Pain 11.1
338589 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338590 Injection si 11.1 Underdose 11.1
338591 No adverse 11.1 Off label u 11.1
338592 Arthralgia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338593 Muscle sp 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
338594 Borrelia bu 11.1 Facial pals 11.1
338595 Ear pain 11.1 Facial pals 11.1 Facial pals 11.1
338596 Inappropria 11.1
338597 Injection si 11.1
338598 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood thyr 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Confusional 11.1 Confusional
338598 Depressed 11.1 Disorientat 11.1 Eye pain 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Granulocyt
338598 Headache 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Metabolic f
338598 Nausea 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338599 Culture sto 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1
338600 Burning se 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Urticaria
338601 Asthenia 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest pain
338601 Chills 11.1 Cough 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Pleuritic pa
338601 Troponin 11.1 Urinary trac 11.1 White blood 11.1
338602 Adverse re 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Headache
338602 Pallor 11.1 Photophobi 11.1 Vertigo 11.1 Vertigo 11.1
338604 Dysphagia 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1 Swollen to 11.1
338605 Facial pals 11.1
338606 Chills 11.1 Cough 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Oropharyng
338606 Pyrexia 11.1
338607 Cyanosis 11.1 Depressed 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Laboratory
338607 Opisthoton 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Pulse abno 11.1 Respirator 11.1 Syncope va
338607 Tremor 11.1
338608 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Local react 11.1
338609 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338610 Blister 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Soft tissue
338610 Tendernes 11.1
338611 Chest X-ra 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Pallor
338611 Respiratory 11.1 Vomiting pr 11.1 White blood 11.1
338612 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338614 Headache 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Neck pain 11.1
338615 Diarrhoea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338616 Dyspnoea 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus ge 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Wheezing
338617 Feeling hot 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338618 Injection s 11.1 Local react 11.1
338619 Back pain 11.1 Blister 11.1 Burning se 11.1 Pain 11.1 Rash eryth
338619 Rash papul 11.1
338620 Injection si 11.1 Pain 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
338621 Rash 11.1
338622 Erythema 11.1 Mass 11.1 Pain 11.1
338623 Incorrect r 11.1
338624 Incorrect r 11.1
338638 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Chills
338638 Electromy 11.1 Facial pain 11.1 Grip stren 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hot flush
338638 Immediate p 11.1 Joint stiffn 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma
338638 Oedema per 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain 11.1 Paralysis 11.1 Pyrexia
338638 Skin lesion 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1 X-ray 11.1
338639 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Barium en 11.1 Enema admi
338639 Haematoch 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Intussusce 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Mucous sto
338639 Nausea 11.1 Surgery 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 X-ray abno
338640 Abasia 12 Acute diss 11.1 Anion gap 12 Antibody te 11.1 Aphasia
338640 Bacterial c 11.1 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos
338640 CSF lympho 12 CSF monocy 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b 12 Convulsion
338640 Cough 12 Culture uri 12 Dizziness 12 Encephaliti 12 Fall
338640 Gait distur 12 Gastrointes 12 Gaze palsy 12 Headache 12 Intensive c
338640 Lymphocyte 12 Movement d 12 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng
338640 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Unresponsiv 12 Upper respi
338640 Viral infect 12 Viral test n 11.1 Vomiting 12
338641 Varicella 11.1
338642 Dermatitis 11.1 Dermatosis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
338642 Injection si 11.1 Scab 11.1 Vaccination 11.1
338643 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Endoscopy 11.1 Headache 11.1 Influenza li
338643 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 Weight dec
338644 Dysmenorr 11.1 Menorrhagi 11.1
338645 Colposcopy 11.1 Human papil 11.1 Papilloma v 11.1
338646 Abdominal 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Fatigue
338646 Headache 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Neck pain 11.1
338648 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338649 Menstruati 11.1 Urine huma 11.1 Vaginitis ba 11.1
338650 Chest pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338651 Loss of co 11.1
338652 Injection si 11.1
338653 Blister 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338654 Musculoskel 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338655 Amenorrho 11.1
338656 Behcet's s 11.1
338657 Paraesthes 11.1
338658 Hypersensit 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Local swell 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Swelling fa
338659 Full blood 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
338660 Burning se 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338661 Blood test 11.1 CSF test 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Hallucinati 11.1 Hallucinati
338661 Laboratory 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Syncope 11.1
338662 Chest pain 11.1 General s 11.1
338663 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Nodule 11.1
338664 Fall 11.1 Hypotensio 11.1 Skin lacera 11.1 Syncope 11.1
338665 Arthralgia 11.1
338666 Fungal infe 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash eryth
338666 Rash papul 11.1
338667 Autopsy 11.1 Culture neg 12 Death 12 Sudden inf 12 Toxicologic
338671 Feeling ab 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1
338672 Unevaluabl 11.1
338673 Depressed 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338674 Headache 11.1
338675 Wrong drug 11.1
338676 Abdominal 11.1 Alopecia 11.1 Blood corti 11.1 Blood corti 11.1 Blood thyr
338676 Borrelia bu 11.1 Bradycardi 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache 11.1 Laboratory
338676 Mass 11.1 Menstruatio 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pharyngeal 11.1 Pharyngitis
338676 Streptococc 11.1 Weight dec 11.1
338677 Injection si 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338678 Lymphaden 11.1 Rash 11.1
338680 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1 Rash 11.1
338681 Computeris 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1
338682 Asthenia 11.1 Disturbance 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Malaise
338682 Tremor 11.1
338683 Injection sit 11.1
338684 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1
338685 Sexually tr 11.1
338686 Oedema per 11.1
338687 Breast cyst 12 Breast mas 12 Breast ten 12 Dysmenorr 12 Fibrocystic
338687 Hemicephal 11.1 Melanocyti 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Ultrasound
338688 Drug expos 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1
338689 Hallucinati 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Muscle twit 11.1
338690 Gaze palsy 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Tremor 11.1
338691 Wrong drug 11.1
338692 Blister 11.1 Culture 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus
338692 Rash 11.1
338693 Body tempe 11.1 Febrile con 11.1
338694 Dizziness 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Unresponsiv
338695 Rash 11.1 Varicella 11.1 Varicella z 11.1
338696 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338697 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338698 Erythema 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338699 Local swell 11.1
338700 Anogenital 11.1
338701 Injection s 11.1
338702 Immediate p 11.1 Muscle twit 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Tonic clon 11.1
338703 Consciousn 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Syncope 11.1
338704 Asthenia 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Pallor
338705 Wrong drug 11.1
338706 Chest disc 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
338707 Cough 11.1 Eye pain 11.1 Sneezing 11.1
338708 Rash 11.1 Rash macu 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338709 Joint rang 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
338710 Back pain 11.1 Burning se 11.1 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache
338710 Impaired wo 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Nausea
338710 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338711 Blood produ 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Confusional 11.1 Epistaxis 11.1 Idiopathic
338711 Nausea 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Petechiae 11.1 Platelet co 11.1 Thrombocy
338712 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
338713 Antinuclear 12 Blood test 11.1 Bronchitis 11.1 Complement 12 Complement
338713 Contusion 12 Double str 12 Influenza li 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Joint swell
338713 Pain in ext 12 Purpura 11.1 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12 Rash prurit
338713 Rheumatoid 11.1 Rheumatoid 12
338714 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood sodi 11.1 Culture neg 11.1 Dyspnoea
338714 Febrile con 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Mean cell 11.1 Mean cell 11.1 Metabolic f
338714 Otitis medi 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Retching 11.1 Skin warm
338714 Tremor 11.1
338715 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338716 Pyrexia 11.1
338717 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338718 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain 11.1
338719 Cellulitis 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
338720 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
338720 Local react 11.1
338721 Blood cultu 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Cellulitis 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Full blood
338721 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 White blood
338722 Movement d 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
338723 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338724 Drug expos 11.1
338725 Rash 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
338726 Blood cultu 11.1 CSF test n 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Differentia
338726 Febrile con 11.1 Febrile infe 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Laboratory
338726 Lumbar pun 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Monocyte c 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 No reaction
338726 Pyrexia 11.1 Scan brain 11.1 Sick relativ 11.1 Viral infect 11.1 Vomiting
338726 White blood 11.1
338727 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Injected li
338727 Injection si 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
338728 Cough 11.1 Influenza 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338729 Bed rest 11.1 Headache 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pain
338729 Photophobi 11.1
338730 Confusional 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Crying 11.1 Partial sei
338730 Somnolenc 11.1 Tremor 11.1
338731 Diarrhoea 11.1 Hypersomn 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Vomiting
338732 Herpes zos 11.1
338733 Abnormal b 12 Aggression 12 Agitation 12 Akinesia 12 Anti-thyroi
338733 Antinuclear 12 Antiphospho 12 Anxiety 12 Asthenia 12 Asthenia
338733 Back pain 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Blood thyr 12 CSF protei 11.1 Computeris
338733 Confusional 11.1 Decreased 12 Dizziness 11.1 Educationa 12 Electroenc
338733 Electroenc 12 Encephaliti 12 Endotrachea 11.1 Fatigue 12 Grand mal
338733 Headache 11.1 Hyperreflex 12 Injection si 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Lipase inc
338733 Lumbar pun 11.1 Malaise 12 Mood swin 11.1 Muscle twit 12 Nausea
338733 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain 12 Personalit 11.1 Postictal st 12 Posturing
338733 Retching 11.1 Skin papil 11.1 Status epil 12 Thyroxine 12 Tremor
338733 Vomiting 11.1 Weight dec 12
338738 Body tempe 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Eating diso 11.1 Feeding dis 11.1 Pyrexia
338738 Vomiting 11.1
338740 Arthralgia 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Limb disco 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Rash
338741 Headache 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting
338742 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338743 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338744 Arthralgia 11.1 Joint stiffn 11.1 Joint swell 11.1
338745 Erythema 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338746 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Varicella 11.1
338747 Diarrhoea 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain 11.1
338748 Inappropria 11.1 Medication 11.1
338749 Inappropria 11.1
338750 Inappropria 11.1
338751 Clostridium 11.1 Culture sto 11.1 Gastroenter 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Laboratory
338751 Rotavirus t 11.1
338752 Inappropria 11.1
338753 Inappropria 11.1
338754 Immediate p 11.1 Regurgitati 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338755 Vomiting 11.1
338756 Diarrhoea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338757 Rotavirus i 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1
338758 Inappropria 11.1
338759 Diarrhoea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338760 Convulsion 11.1 Cyanosis 11.1 Cyanosis 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Musculoskel
338760 Nasal cong 11.1 Posture ab 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1 Vomiting
338761 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338762 Activities o 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Bruxism 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF glucos
338762 CSF pressu 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Constipati 11.1 Electrocar
338762 Headache 11.1 Headache 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Nausea
338762 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain 11.1 Post lumba 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c
338762 Temporoman 11.1 Urinary cas 11.1 Urinary trac 11.1 Urine keto 11.1 Vomiting
338762 White blood 11.1 White blood 11.1
338763 Varicella 11.1
338764 Wrong drug 11.1
338765 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338766 Abdominal 11.1 Hallucinati 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
338766 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338767 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1
338768 Allergy to 11.1 Latex aller 11.1 Ocular hyp 11.1 Rash macu 11.1 Stomatitis
338770 Chills 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338771 Injection si 11.1
338772 Chills 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Post proce 11.1 Pyrexia
338778 Bursitis 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Nuclear ma
338778 Tendonitis 11.1 X-ray norm 11.1
338782 Caesarean 11.1 Drug expos 11.1
338785 Haematoch 11.1
338786 Dehydratio 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1
338788 Haematoch 11.1 Intussusce 11.1 Surgery 11.1 X-ray abno 11.1
338789 Anorexia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Headache 11.1 Night swea 11.1 White blood
338790 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Oedema per
338791 Erythema 11.1 Lymph nod 11.1 Muscle swe 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338792 Cold sweat 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia
338792 Vomiting 11.1
338793 Allergy to 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia
338793 Rash gener 11.1
338794 Body tempe 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Tremor 11.1
338795 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain
338795 Pyrexia 11.1
338797 Lip swellin 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Throat irrit 11.1
338798 Headache 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
338799 Retching 11.1 Stomach di 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338800 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
338801 Chills 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia
338801 Vomiting 11.1
338802 Blister 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Rash prurit
338802 Scar 11.1
338803 Pain 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash macul 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
338804 Hypokinesi 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338805 Eyelid diso 11.1 Ocular hyp 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338806 Amnesia 11.1 Hypokinesi 11.1 Induration 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain
338807 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
338808 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338809 Immediate p 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338811 Erythema 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
338812 Pyrexia 11.1
338813 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338814 Arthralgia 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
338814 Pain in ext 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338815 Injection si 11.1
338817 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash pustu 11.1
338818 Injection s 11.1 Injection sit 11.1
338820 Facial pals 11.1 Laboratory 11.1
338821 Blood cultu 11.1 Culture pos 11.1 Death 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Pulse abse
338821 Respiratory 11.1 Streptococca 11.1 Toxicologic 11.1
338822 Computeri 12 Decreased 12 Dizziness 11.1 Fatigue 12 Headache
338822 Headache 12 Muscular 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Physical e 11.1 Vaccination
338822 Vertigo 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338823 Bronchioliti 11.1 Capillary nai 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Diarrhoea
338823 Faeces dis 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Laboratory
338823 Lip dry 11.1 Livedo retic 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rotavirus i 11.1 Rotavirus t
338823 Sick relativ 11.1 Urine analy 11.1 Urine outp 11.1
338824 Convulsion 11.1
338825 Headache 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
338826 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
338827 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338828 Injection s 11.1 Injection 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338829 Wheezing 11.1
338830 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
338837 Muscular 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338839 Drug expos 11.1 Premature 11.1
338840 Abortion i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Foetal diso 11.1
338841 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Colonosco 11.1 Computeris
338841 Decreased 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Endometrio 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Laparosco
338841 Muscle sp 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pelvic pain 11.1 Tendernes 11.1 Ultrasound
338841 Vaccine pos 11.1
338844 Rotavirus i 11.1
338845 Rotavirus i 11.1
338846 Deep vein 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Phlebitis 11.1 Thrombosi 11.1
338847 Haemophilu 11.1 Hypogamma 11.1 Meningitis 11.1
338849 Diarrhoea 11.1 Oliguria 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338851 Diarrhoea 11.1 Enema admi 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Intussusce 11.1 Vomiting
338856 Caesarean 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Foetal diso 11.1
338867 Abortion s 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1
338868 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Back pain 12 Computeri
338868 Constipati 12 Culture thr 12 Dyspepsia 12 Endoscopy 12 Fatigue
338868 Headache 12 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext
338868 Pneumonia 11.1 Sleep disor 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary sy 12 Vomiting
338868 Weight inc 12 X-ray abno 12
338869 Computeris 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Headache
338869 Nausea 11.1 Occult bloo 11.1 Syncope 11.1
338870 Dyspnoea 11.1 Familial ris 11.1
338873 Blood pres 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tachycardi
338886 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338887 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection sit 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338888 Cough 11.1 Ear pain 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
338888 Myalgia 11.1 Pharyngitis 11.1 Rash macu 11.1
338889 Influenza li 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338890 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Diplopia 11.1 Diplopia 11.1 Dissociativ
338890 Effusion 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Night swea
338890 Nuclear ma 11.1 Osteoarthri 11.1 Osteoarthri 11.1 Pain in jaw 11.1 Pelvic pain
338890 Ultrasound 11.1
338891 Inflammati 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338892 Blood press 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Feeling ab
338892 Feeling col 11.1 Head disco 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Pain in ext
338892 Paraesthes 11.1 Tremor 11.1
338893 Injection si 11.1 Local react 11.1
338894 Rash 11.1
338895 Alanine am 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Chapped li
338895 Chest X-ra 11.1 Cough 11.1 Crying 11.1 Echocardio 11.1 Haematocri
338895 Haemoglob 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Kawasaki's 11.1 Lethargy
338895 Lymphaden 11.1 Otitis medi 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash macul
338895 Red blood c 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 White blood 11.1
338896 Bursitis 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Rotator cu 11.1
338897 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
338898 Crying 11.1
338899 Communicat 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Listless 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Screaming
338899 Vomiting 11.1
338900 Herpes zos 11.1
338901 Asthenia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Injection si
338901 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Weight dec 11.1
338902 No adverse 11.1
338903 Anxiety 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Urinary inc 11.1
338904 Injection s 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
338905 Injection si 11.1
338906 Anxiety 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood alka 11.1 Blood bilir 11.1 Blood crea
338906 Blood urea 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness
338906 Fall 11.1 Feeling of 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Lymphocyte
338906 Malaise 11.1 Muscle twit 11.1 Muscle twit 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 Tachycardi
338906 Tremor 11.1 White blood 11.1
338907 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood amyl
338907 Blood urea 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Constipati 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dyspnoea
338907 Dysuria 11.1 Eye discha 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Gastritis 11.1 Gastroenter
338907 Heart rate 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Lipase nor 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Nausea
338907 Neutrophil 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Pollakiuria 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Similar rea
338907 Urine analy 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338909 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1
338910 Ear infecti 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Rash 11.1
338911 Activities o 12 Angiogram 12 Blood test 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Diarrhoea
338911 Diplopia 12 Disturbance 11.1 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Electrocar
338911 Fatigue 12 Headache 11.1 Memory im 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma
338911 Nuclear ma 12 Ophthalmol 11.1 Photophobi 12 Tension h 12 Weight dec
338912 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Urticaria
338913 Albumin ur 11.1 Antineutrop 11.1 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia
338913 Atrial septa 11.1 Atrial septa 11.1 Biopsy kid 11.1 Biopsy ski 11.1 Blood creat
338913 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 C-reactive
338913 Cardiolipin 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Coagulation 11.1 Complement 11.1 Complement
338913 Computeris 11.1 Creatinine 11.1 Cryoglobul 11.1 Echocardio 11.1 Haematuri
338913 Headache 11.1 IgA nephro 11.1 Leukocytocl 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Myalgia
338913 Myoglobin 11.1 Nephropat 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Occult bloo 11.1 Oedema per
338913 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Platelet co 11.1 Protein C
338913 Protein S 11.1 Proteinuria 11.1 Rash macu 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Rheumatoid
338913 Skin lesion 11.1 Streptococca 11.1 Vasculitic 11.1
338914 Burning se 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
338915 Erythema 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
338916 Drug hypers 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
338917 Pain 11.1 Rash 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
338918 Inappropria 11.1
338919 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
338920 Screaming 11.1
338921 Electroenc 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Posture ab 11.1
338922 Injection si 11.1
338923 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
338924 Chills 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338925 Discomfort 11.1 Rash 11.1
338926 Cellulitis 11.1
338927 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
338928 Cellulitis 11.1 Chills 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia
338929 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338930 Chills 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
338930 Myalgia 11.1
338931 Chills 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain 11.1
338932 Activities o 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s
338932 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Myalgia
338932 Tuberculin 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1 X-ray norm 11.1
338933 Syncope 11.1
338934 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338935 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338936 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338937 Injection sit 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338938 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
338938 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338939 Eye swelli 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1
338940 Incorrect r 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Malaise 11.1
338941 Headache 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Wrong tech 11.1
338942 Pityriasis r 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
338943 Heart rate 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Paraesthes
338943 Pyrexia 11.1
338944 Incorrect r 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338945 Incorrect r 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338946 Body tempe 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
338947 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Bedridden 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Hypokinesi
338947 Injection si 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338948 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Swelling 11.1
338949 Conjunctivi 11.1 Eye swelli 11.1
338950 Heat rash 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
338951 Heat rash 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
338952 Heat rash 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
338953 Heat rash 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
338954 Heat rash 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
338955 Heat rash 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
338956 Arthritis 11.1 Bursitis 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Musculoske 11.1
338957 Rash gener 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
338958 Arthralgia 11.1
338959 Pyrexia 11.1
338960 Meningitis 11.1
338961 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338962 Hypersensit 11.1 Local react 11.1
338963 Pharmaceut 11.1
338964 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
338965 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
338966 Allergy test 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
338966 Pruritus 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
338967 Biopsy 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria
338968 Pruritus 11.1
338969 Rash gener 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
338970 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338971 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338972 Dry mouth 11.1 Ear discomf 11.1 Laryngitis 11.1
338973 Body tempe 11.1 Chills 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pruritus
338973 Rash 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
338974 Medication 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
338975 Adverse re 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pharmaceut 11.1
338978 Convulsion 11.1
338982 Induration 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
338982 Local react 11.1
338983 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
338983 Injection s 11.1 Local react 11.1 Muscle tig 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia
338983 Swelling 11.1
338984 Diarrhoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Nervous sy 11.1
338985 Erythema 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Injection s 11.1
338986 Hypersensit 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338987 Contusion 11.1 Ecchymosi 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm
338988 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
338989 Chills 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lymph nod 11.1 Lymphadeni
338989 Lymphaden 11.1
338990 Inappropria 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338991 Inappropria 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338992 Inappropria 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338993 Rash gener 11.1
338994 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Incorrect d 11.1
338995 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
338996 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339004 Abnormal b 11.1 Childhood d 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Fine motor 11.1 Occupation
339004 Speech dis 11.1 Speech reha 11.1 Staring 11.1
339014 Body tempe 11.1
339015 Full blood 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash
339015 Vomiting 11.1
339016 Pruritus 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
339017 Febrile con 11.1 Influenza s 11.1
339018 Body tempe 11.1
339019 Palpitation 11.1
339020 Headache 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
339021 Fatigue 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
339022 Inappropria 11.1
339023 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
339024 Screaming 11.1
339025 Culture sto 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1
339026 Incorrect r 11.1 No adverse 11.1
339027 Autopsy 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Death 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Unresponsiv
339028 Hyperhidro 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339029 Crying 11.1 Irritability 11.1
339030 Body tempe 11.1 Rash 11.1
339031 Headache 11.1 Myalgia 11.1
339032 Blood cultu 11.1 Culture wo 11.1 Debrideme 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Necrotising
339032 White blood 11.1
339033 Diarrhoea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339034 Amyotrophic 12 Antinuclear 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Axonal neu 11.1 Balance di
339034 Blood arse 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood produ
339034 CSF protei 11.1 Demyelinat 11.1 Electromyo 11.1 Extensor p 11.1 Gait distur
339034 Gait distur 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Hepatitis A 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Hepatitis B
339034 Hepatitis B 11.1 Hepatitis C 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hyporeflex
339034 Muscle atr 11.1 Muscle atr 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Neuropathy 11.1 Nuclear ma
339034 Paraesthes 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Peroneal n 11.1 Polyneurop
339034 Sensory lo 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Tachycardi 12
339035 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339036 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339037 Erythema 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Varicella 11.1
339038 Convulsion 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope va 11.1
339039 Chronic ob 11.1 Condition 11.1
339040 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash 11.1
339041 Syncope 11.1
339042 Wrong drug 11.1
339043 Cough 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1
339044 Lip blister 11.1
339045 Blood pres 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339046 Incorrect r 11.1
339047 Hypersensit 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
339048 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
339049 Depressed 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1
339050 Local react 11.1
339051 Burning se 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339052 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339053 Injection s 11.1 Pallor 11.1
339054 Immediate p 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Neck pain 11.1
339055 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339056 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339057 Incorrect r 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339058 Injection sit 11.1 Rash 11.1
339059 Injection sit 11.1
339060 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339061 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pharmaceut 11.1
339062 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pharmaceut 11.1
339063 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pharmaceut 11.1
339064 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pharmaceut 11.1
339065 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pharmaceut 11.1 Vomiting
339066 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pharmaceut 11.1 Vomiting
339067 Injection si 11.1
339068 Injection si 11.1
339069 Hearing im 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Visual imp
339070 Chills 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339071 Injection si 11.1 Neuralgia 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339072 Condition 11.1 Contusion 11.1 Injection 11.1 Migraine 11.1
339073 Diarrhoea 11.1 Nausea 11.1
339074 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1
339075 Rash 11.1
339076 Rash 11.1
339077 Rash 11.1
339078 Rash 11.1
339079 Rash 11.1
339080 Incorrect r 11.1 Infection 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
339081 Incorrect r 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339085 Body tempe 11.1 Bronchial h 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Condition 11.1 Dyspnoea
339085 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Seasonal a 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 Wheezing
339088 Condition 11.1 General phy 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Paralysis 11.1
339092 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1
339093 Activities o 11.1 Allergy to 11.1 Alopecia 11.1 Antiphospho 11.1 Antiphosph
339093 Arthritis 11.1 Asthma 11.1 Cell death 11.1 Cerebrovas 11.1 Chest disc
339093 Chronic ob 11.1 Coagulopa 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Deafness 11.1 Deep vein
339093 Dyspnoea 11.1 Ear infecti 11.1 Epilepsy 11.1 Hepatitis C 11.1 Hyperhidro
339093 Hypersomn 11.1 Immune sys 11.1 Impaired dri 11.1 Impaired wo 11.1 Infertility
339093 Loss of co 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Obsessive- 11.1 Pneumonia 11.1 Post-trauma
339093 Pulmonary 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Rheumatoid 11.1 Sinusitis 11.1 Sleep apn
339093 Sleep terro 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1 Tooth loss 11.1 Transient i 11.1 Vertigo
339093 Visual imp 11.1
339095 Blood produ 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 Demyelinat 11.1 Electromyo
339095 Guillain-B 11.1 Hypertensi 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Paraesthes
339095 Red blood c 11.1 Sensory lo 11.1 Venogram 11.1
339096 Condition 11.1
339097 Chest pain 11.1 Dysphonia 11.1 Electrocar 11.1
339098 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339099 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339100 Body tempe 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
339101 Abdominal 11.1 Allergy to 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypersensit
339101 Vomiting 11.1
339102 Rash macul 11.1
339103 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339104 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal r 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Body tempe
339104 Chest X-ra 11.1 Diet refusa 11.1 Emotional d 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Influenza s
339104 Irritability 11.1 Leukocytos 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c
339104 Respiratory 11.1 Streptococc 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
339105 Dermatitis a 11.1 Local react 11.1
339106 Apathy 11.1 Ascites 11.1 Barium dou 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Cardiac mu
339106 Culture uri 11.1 Enema admi 11.1 Intussusce 11.1 Intussusce 11.1 Lethargy
339106 Petechiae 11.1 Small intes 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Vomiting
339107 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339108 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339109 Erythema 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339110 Rash 11.1
339111 Pain in ext 11.1
339112 Rash eryth 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
339113 Erythema 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash macu 11.1 Rash papul
339114 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339115 Abdominal 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea
339115 Grunting 11.1 HIV antibo 11.1 Intercostal 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Wheezing
339116 Blood cultu 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Metabolic f
339116 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
339117 Chest pain 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Musculoske
339117 Neck pain 11.1
339118 Diagnostic 11.1 Facial pals 11.1 Hypokalae 11.1 Laboratory 11.1
339119 Anorexia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Lethargy 11.1
339120 Crying 11.1
339122 Rash gener 11.1
339124 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339127 Urticaria 11.1
339131 Syncope va 11.1
339132 Rash 11.1 Varicella 11.1
339133 Injection si 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
339139 Blood cultu 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF press 11.1 CSF protei
339139 Computeris 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Neutrophil
339139 Somnolenc 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1 White blood 11.1 X-ray norm 11.1
339140 Inappropria 11.1 No adverse 11.1
339141 Blister 11.1 Conjunctivit 11.1 Eye discha 11.1 Eye pain 11.1 Eye pruritu
339141 Eyelid oed 11.1 Ocular hyp 11.1 Photophobi 11.1 Post vaccin 12 Rash pustu
339141 Scab 11.1 Vaccination 11.1 Vaccinia 11.1 Virus cultu 11.1
339142 Pruritus 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
339143 Arthralgia 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Body tinea 11.1 Chills 11.1 Constipati
339143 Deafness 11.1 Depression 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Drug abus 11.1 Dyspepsia
339143 Eye pruritu 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hernia
339143 Hiatus hern 11.1 Interverteb 11.1 Lacrimatio 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Myalgia
339143 Nasal cong 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Nervous sy 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia
339143 Rhinitis 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1 Visual imp 11.1 Vomiting
339143 X-ray with 11.1
339144 Arthralgia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Constipati 11.1 Deafness 11.1 Diarrhoea
339144 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Headache
339144 Hyperhidro 11.1 Hypertensi 11.1 Hypertensi 11.1 Interverteb 11.1 Muscle sp
339144 Myalgia 11.1 Nightmare 11.1 Post-trauma 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rhinitis
339144 Scoliosis 11.1 Sinus disor 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1 Tinnitus
339144 Visual imp 11.1
339148 C-reactive 11.1 Condition 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Metabolic f
339148 Neurologic 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Restless l 11.1 Upper respi
339148 Urine analy 11.1 Viral infect 11.1
339149 Drug expos 11.1 Foetal diso 11.1
339152 Death 12
339153 Swelling 11.1
339154 Activities o 11.1 Burning se 11.1 Immunisati 11.1 Infection 11.1 Musculoske
339154 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339155 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
339156 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1 Viral infect 11.1 Vomiting
339157 Tremor 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339158 Arthralgia 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Pain 11.1
339159 Injection si 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339160 Rash 11.1
339161 Blood cultu 12 C-reactive 12 Drug erupt 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
339161 Injection sit 11.1 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Lymphaden
339161 Oral disord 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12 Rash morbil 12 Red blood c
339161 Sick relativ 12 Ultrasound 12 Upper respi 12 Viral rash 12 White blood
339161 X-ray limb 12
339162 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339163 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash macu 11.1
339164 Blood cultu 11.1 CSF cultur 12 CSF test n 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion
339164 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc 11.1 Full blood 12 Irritability 12 Lumbar pun
339164 Metabolic f 12 Muscle twit 12 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Staring
339164 Urine analy 12
339165 Abnormal f 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Crying
339165 Decreased 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Musculoskel
339165 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain 11.1 Urine analy 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339166 Erythema 11.1 Lymph nod 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pruritus
339166 Skin warm 11.1
339167 Urticaria 11.1
339168 Immobile 11.1 Pain 11.1
339169 Head lag 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Respiratory
339170 Abdominal 12 Amnesia 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Computeris
339170 Confusional 12 Convulsion 11.1 Depressed 12 Disturbance 11.1 Dizziness
339170 Dry mouth 12 Educationa 12 Electroenc 12 Epigastric 12 Fatigue
339170 Flushing 12 Goitre 12 Grand mal 12 Headache 12 Immediate p
339170 Joint crepit 12 Laceration 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
339170 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Postictal st 12 Scan abno 12 Sensory di
339170 Syncope 11.1 Syncope 12 Tendernes 12 Thyroid fun 11.1 Tremor
339170 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12
339171 Acne 12 Band neutr 12 Chills 12 Dysmenorr 12 Ear pain
339171 Lymphocyte 12 Menstruatio 12 Mononucleos 12 Oral herpe 12 Oropharyng
339171 Pharyngitis 12 Pyrexia 12 White blood 12
339172 Faeces dis 11.1
339173 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Steroid the 11.1
339174 Urticaria 11.1
339175 Convulsion 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Fall 11.1 Posturing 11.1 Staring
339175 Unresponsiv 11.1
339176 Full blood 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection sit 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
339176 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1
339177 Abnormal b 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Salivary hy 11.1 Wheezing
339178 Alopecia 11.1 Antinuclear 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Asthma 11.1 Blindness t
339178 Blood test 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Condition 11.1 Conjunctivi 11.1 Contracept
339178 Cough 11.1 Dysphagia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Feeling col 11.1 Headache
339178 Immune sys 11.1 Localised i 11.1 Pain 11.1 Panic attac 11.1 Presyncop
339178 Pyrexia 11.1 Sinus hea 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 Tension 11.1 Tremor
339178 Upper respi 11.1 Weight dec 11.1
339185 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Cardiac sep 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion
339185 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 11.1 Gaze palsy 12 Hypotonia
339185 Intensive c 12 Liver funct 12 Muscle twit 12 Nuclear ma 12 Partial sei
339185 Staring 12 Tuberous s 12 Ultrasound 12 Ventricular 12
339186 Blister 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Rash macu
339187 Wrong drug 11.1
339188 Abdominal 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339189 Local react 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
339190 Urticaria 11.1
339192 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339193 Dizziness 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Nausea
339196 Influenza li 12 Injection s 12 Malaise 12 Pain in ext 12 Vaccination
339198 Chest X-ra 11.1 Cough 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Fatigue
339198 Feeling hot 11.1 Hypersomn 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Pain
339198 Pneumonia 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
339199 Alanine am 11.1 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Ascites 11.1 Aspartate
339199 Asthenia 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood lact 11.1 Chills 11.1 Computeri
339199 Cytomegalov 11.1 Cytomegalov 11.1 Cytomegalov 11.1 Diet refusa 11.1 Dyspnoea
339199 Echocardio 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Generalis 11.1 Lymphaden
339199 Malaise 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Mycoplasma 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pallor
339199 Pericardial 11.1 Pericarditis 11.1 Pleural eff 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rheumatoid
339199 Splenomeg 11.1
339200 Tuberculin 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339201 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339202 Culture sto 11.1 Faeces dis 11.1 Haemoglob 11.1 Melaena 11.1 Mucous sto
339202 Occult bloo 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
339203 Cyanosis 11.1 Pulmonary 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339204 Feeling hot 11.1 Immunisati 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
339205 Crying 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia
339206 Asthenia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Injection s
339206 Injection si 11.1 No reaction 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339207 Varicella p 11.1
339208 Body tempe 11.1 Febrile con 11.1
339209 Electromy 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Weight bear
339210 Dyskinesia 11.1 Eye rolling 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Tremor 11.1
339211 Inappropria 11.1
339212 Erythema 11.1 Hyperaesth 11.1 Induration 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339213 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339214 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339215 Cellulitis 11.1 Chills 11.1 Local react 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia
339215 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339216 Eye rolling 11.1 Hypersomn 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
339217 Measles an 11.1
339218 Measles an 11.1
339219 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash morbil 11.1
339220 Body tempe 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vaccination 11.1
339221 Measles an 11.1
339222 Swelling 11.1
339223 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339224 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339225 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339226 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339232 Guillain-B 11.1
339234 Swelling fa 11.1
339237 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Tendernes
339238 Photophobi 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
339239 Discomfort 11.1 Hypertensi 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
339241 Abnormal b 11.1 CSF test a 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Gastrooeso 11.1 Hydroceph
339241 Lumbar pun 11.1 Porencepha 11.1 Quadripare 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Visual imp
339244 Abnormal b 11.1 Autism 11.1 Emotional 11.1
339245 Autism 11.1 Social avoi 11.1
339246 Convulsion 11.1 Learning di 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339247 Convulsion 11.1 Epilepsy 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Speech dis 11.1
339248 Autism 11.1
339249 Facial bone 11.1 Syncope 11.1
339250 Injected li 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
339253 Alpha 1 fo 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Intra-uteri 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Urine human
339255 Arrhythmia 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Confusional 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Disorientat
339255 Dyskinesia 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Headache 11.1 Migraine
339255 Nuclear ma 11.1 Postictal st 11.1 Radioallerg 11.1 Staring 11.1
339256 Vaginal di 11.1 Vaginitis ba 11.1
339257 Abdominal 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Depression 11.1 Headache 11.1 Menstruatio
339257 Nausea 11.1 Night swea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339258 Chills 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339259 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Oedema per
339260 Rash 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
339261 Urticaria 11.1
339262 Bone pain 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Induration 11.1 Pain in ext
339262 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash macu
339263 Condition 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1
339264 Musculoske 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339265 Pain in ext 11.1
339266 Wrong tech 11.1
339268 Pyrexia 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339269 Erythema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339270 Varicella 11.1
339271 Diarrhoea 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Limb disco 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Nausea
339271 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339272 Erythema 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339273 Blood gluc 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Pain 11.1
339274 Varicella 11.1
339275 Arthropod b 12 No adverse 12
339276 Balance di 12 Blood huma 12 Confusional 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness
339276 Electrocar 11.1 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Nausea 11.1 Neurologic
339276 Syncope 12 Vaccination 12 Vision blur 11.1
339278 Varicella 11.1
339279 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
339280 Asthenia 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Paralysis 11.1 Similar rea 11.1
339281 Antinuclear 11.1 Areflexia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Blood produ
339281 Borrelia bu 11.1 Burning se 11.1 CSF cell c 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 CSF white b
339281 Cerebral m 11.1 Cervical sp 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Cough 11.1 Diarrhoea
339281 Electromyo 11.1 Electrophor 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Gait distur
339281 Guillain-B 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Influenza 11.1 Intensive c 11.1 Interverteb
339281 Lumbar pun 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma
339281 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Protein uri 11.1 Sensory lo
339281 Spinal osteo 11.1 Syphilis te 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339282 Cyanosis 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Swelling fa
339283 Pruritus ge 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339284 Cellulitis 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Infection 11.1 Inflammati 11.1 Injection si
339284 Mass 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339285 Activities o 11.1 Blood 25-hy 11.1 Blood thyro 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest pain
339285 Computeris 11.1 Electrocar 12 Full blood 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypersomn
339285 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Laboratory 12 Metabolic f 11.1 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext
339285 Paraesthes 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1
339286 Abnormal f 11.1 Constipati 11.1 Faeces dis 11.1 Infrequent 11.1 Irritability
339286 Melaena 11.1
339287 Anorexia 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Listless 11.1 Pyrexia
339287 Rash 11.1
339288 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339289 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339292 Inappropria 11.1
339293 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339294 Rash papul 11.1
339295 Pneumonia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
339296 Rash 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1
339297 Febrile con 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Pyrexia
339297 Scan brain 11.1
339298 Urticaria 11.1
339299 Erythema 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Oedema 11.1 Tendernes
339300 Chills 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Streptococc 11.1
339301 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1
339302 Chills 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Lethargy 11.1
339303 Urticaria 11.1
339304 Syncope va 11.1
339305 Arthralgia 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Pain
339305 Pain in ext 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1
339306 Dizziness 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339307 Body tempe 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Injection s
339307 Pyrexia 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339308 Chest X-ra 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
339309 Erythema 11.1 Oedema 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339310 Injection si 11.1
339312 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Aggression 11.1 Anorexia
339312 Aphasia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Asthma 11.1 Asthma
339312 Cough 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Disturbance 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea
339312 Ear pain 11.1 Eczema 11.1 Enteritis 11.1 Gastrointes 11.1 Headache
339312 Hypoacusi 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Impaired dri 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Listless
339312 Lymphaden 11.1 Memory im 11.1 Metrorrhag 11.1 Mood alter 11.1 Oropharyng
339312 Oropharyng 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Presyncop 11.1 Presyncop
339312 Pruritus ge 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Weight dec 11.1
339313 Abscess 12 Accident 12 Alcohol ab 12 Amnesia 11.1 Anxiety
339313 Anxiety 11.1 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Asthenia
339313 Audiogram 12 Back pain 11.1 Bipolar dis 12 Blood chole 11.1 Cerumen im
339313 Condition 11.1 Conductive 12 Constipati 11.1 Depression 11.1 Disturbance
339313 Disturbance 11.1 Drug depe 12 Drug depe 12 Drug depe 12 Dry mouth
339313 Dyspepsia 11.1 Echocardio 12 Erectile dy 11.1 Eye discha 12 HIV test po
339313 Haematuri 12 Hallucinati 12 Head injury 12 Headache 11.1 Hepatitis B
339313 Hepatitis C 12 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Laceration 12 Mood disord
339313 Multiple ch 11.1 Muscle fati 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nervousne
339313 Nicotine d 12 Ocular hyp 12 Pain 11.1 Pain 11.1 Paraesthes
339313 Persecutor 12 Pyrexia 11.1 Sinusitis 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Sleep disor
339313 Substance 12 Suicide att 11.1 Visual imp 11.1
339314 Anaemia 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood crea 12 Blood lact
339314 Blood magn 12 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio
339314 Culture sto 11.1 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea 11.1 Diarrhoea 12 Gamma-glut
339314 Gastroenter 12 Haematocri 12 Intensive c 12 Irritability 12 Metabolic a
339314 Nausea 12 Protein uri 12 Pyrexia 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1 Urine keto
339314 Urobilin ur 12 Vomiting 11.1
339315 Incorrect r 11.1
339316 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339318 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339319 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339320 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339325 Migraine 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Visual imp 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339326 Blood cultu 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Metabolic f
339334 Chest X-ra 12 Chest X-ra 12.1 Computeris 11.1 Congenital 12.1 Convulsion
339334 Distractibili 12.1 Educationa 12.1 Electroenc 11.1 Epilepsy 12.1 Feeling ab
339334 Grand mal 12.1 Headache 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Neurologic
339334 No reaction 11.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Vertigo 12.1
339335 Circulatory 11.1 Headache 11.1 Migraine 11.1
339336 Meningism 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339340 Autism spe 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
339343 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Post herpet 11.1 Rash 11.1
339344 Asthenia 11.1
339345 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
339346 Decreased 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Mumps 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1
339347 Barium en 11.1 Crying 11.1 Culture sto 12 Dehydratio 11.1 Diarrhoea
339347 Gastroenter 12 Gastrooeso 12 Immunology 11.1 Immunology 11.1 Inguinal he
339347 Pyrexia 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting 11.1 Vomiting pr
339347 X-ray gastr 12
339348 Dizziness 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext
339349 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339350 Feeding di 11.1 Lethargy 11.1
339351 Anxiety 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Depression 11.1 Headache 11.1 Headache
339351 Lymphaden 11.1 Major depr 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Occipital n
339351 Pain 11.1 Photophobi 11.1 Sinusitis 11.1 Vision blur 11.1 Visual imp
339352 Chills 11.1 Headache 11.1 Sinus cong 11.1
339353 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339355 Accidental 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus
339355 Skin discol 11.1
339356 Chills 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia
339356 Sick relativ 11.1
339357 Erythema 11.1
339359 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339360 Rash 11.1
339361 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339362 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339363 Burning se 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339364 Injection si 11.1
339365 Syncope 11.1
339366 Biopsy 11.1 Flow cytom 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Lymph nod 11.1 Lymphaden
339366 Lymphaden 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Mammogra 11.1 Pathology t 11.1 Ultrasound
339367 Abdominal 12 Asthma 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chlamydia i 12 Condition
339367 Culture uri 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 11.1 Escherichia 12 Fungal infe
339367 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Pelvic pain 11.1 Rash 12 Rash
339367 Streptococca 12 Upper respi 12 Urinary trac 11.1 Urine anal 12
339368 Anxiety 11.1 Areflexia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 CSF cultur
339368 CSF glucos 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Confusional 11.1 Gait distur
339368 Grip stren 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Reflex test 11.1 Sensation
339368 Sensory lo 11.1
339370 Acute respi 11.1 Anaphylact 11.1 Blood calc 11.1 Blood lacti 11.1 Blood phos
339370 Chest X-ra 11.1 Endotrachea 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Haemoglob 11.1 Headache
339370 Intensive c 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 Pulmonary 11.1 Respiratory
339370 Skin test 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 White blood 11.1
339371 Disorientat 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Vision blur
339371 Visual imp 11.1
339372 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1
339373 Body tempe 11.1 Eye rolling 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Moaning 11.1 Piloerectio
339373 Screaming 11.1 Staring 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
339374 Abdominal 11.1 Balance di 11.1 Culture thr 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Headache
339374 Malaise 11.1 Mononucleos 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339375 Areflexia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Ataxia 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 Dizziness
339375 Guillain-B 11.1 Headache 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma
339375 Scan brain 11.1 Vertigo 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339376 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Autoimmune 11.1 Back pain
339376 Balance di 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Cardiac dis
339376 Chest X-ra 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Dysuria 11.1 Electromyo 11.1 Ganglione
339376 Immunology 11.1 Immunology 11.1 Interverteb 11.1 Interverteb 11.1 Joint effus
339376 Joint swell 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Lumbar spi 11.1 Musculoske
339376 Myocardial 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext
339376 Rheumatoid 11.1 Surgery 11.1 Tendon dis 11.1 X-ray abno 11.1
339383 Hypoaesthe 11.1
339385 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Local react 11.1
339387 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1
339388 Blood cultu 11.1 Breath sou 11.1 Cough 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Globulins
339388 Hypophagi 11.1 Interstitial 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Otitis medi
339388 Protein tot 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Rhinorrhoe
339388 Rhonchi 11.1 Tachypnoe 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
339389 Abdominal 11.1 Adenovirus 11.1 Appendiciti 11.1 Barium en 11.1 Blood cultu
339389 CSF cultur 11.1 Constipati 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Enema admi 11.1 Gastrointes
339389 Haematoch 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Intestinal 11.1 Intestinal p 11.1 Intestinal r
339389 Intussusce 11.1 Laparosco 11.1 Laparotom 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Malaise
339389 Pyrexia 11.1 Serositis 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Urine outp
339389 Virus serol 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339390 Abdominal 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Laboratory
339390 Tension h 11.1
339391 Diarrhoea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339392 Erythema 11.1
339393 Rash eryth 11.1
339394 No adverse 11.1
339395 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
339395 Injection si 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
339396 Febrile con 11.1 Immediate p 11.1
339397 Rash 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
339398 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339399 Wrong drug 11.1
339400 Asthenia 11.1 Dry mouth 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Nausea
339400 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339401 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339402 Diarrhoea 11.1 Gastroenter 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
339403 Cellulitis 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection s
339403 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pain in ext
339403 Tendernes 11.1
339404 Blister 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339405 Convulsion 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
339410 Body tempe 11.1 Chills 11.1 Cough 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Injection sit
339410 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Somnolenc
339410 Vomiting 11.1
339411 Diagnostic 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Learning di 11.1 Speech dis 11.1
339414 Affective d 11.1 Blood alum 11.1 Mental diso 11.1
339415 Pulmonary 11.1
339417 Angiogram 12 Angiogram 12 Blood gluc 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei
339417 CSF white b 12 Cerebellar 12 Cerebral h 12 Cerebrovas 11.1 Chills
339417 Computeri 12 Cranial ner 12 Diabetes me 12 Diplopia 12 Dysphagia
339417 Glycosylat 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Headache 12 Hemiplegia
339417 Hyperglyca 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Inappropria 11.1 Intracrania
339417 Lumbar pun 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Neuralgia 12 Nuchal rigid
339417 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Platelet co 12 Pyelonephri 12 Pyrexia
339417 Red blood c 12 Thrombocy 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
339418 Convulsion 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339420 Caesarean 11.1 Complicatio 11.1 Condition 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Failed trial
339420 Foetal diso 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Premature 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Urinary trac
339421 Alpha 1 foe 11.1 Amniocente 11.1 Anaemia 11.1 Caesarean 11.1 Drug expos
339421 Face prese 11.1 Failed trial 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
339425 Blood pres 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Peripheral
339426 Blister 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
339427 Blood cultu 11.1 Cellulitis 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext
339427 White blood 11.1
339428 Full blood 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Vomiting
339429 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339430 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339431 Bradycardi 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Syncope 11.1
339432 Dizziness 11.1
339433 Crying 11.1 Irritability 11.1
339434 Inappropria 11.1 No adverse 11.1
339435 Pyrexia 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
339436 Feeling ab 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1
339437 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339438 Pruritus 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339439 Erythema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339440 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339441 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339442 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339443 Blood pres 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Injection s
339443 Injection sit 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339444 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339445 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339446 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339447 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Laboratory
339447 Pyrexia 11.1
339448 Oedema per 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
339449 Dizziness 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Pallor 11.1
339450 Constipati 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dysphagia 11.1 Injection si
339450 Nasal cong 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext
339450 Pyrexia 11.1
339451 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Urticaria
339452 Injection s 11.1
339453 Erythema 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash
339453 Rash vesic 11.1
339454 Anaemia 11.1 Blood gase 12 Cardiac mu 12 Culture sto 11.1 Dehydratio
339454 Diarrhoea 11.1 Diarrhoea 12 Echocardi 12 Mean cell 11.1 Metabolic a
339454 Occult bloo 12 Rotavirus t 11.1 Weight dec 11.1 White blood 11.1
339455 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339456 Asthenia 11.1
339457 Acute diss 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Confusional 11.1 Diplopia 11.1 Disorientat
339457 Dizziness 11.1 Encephaliti 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypersomn
339457 Mental diso 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Post lumba 11.1 Visual imp 11.1 Vomiting
339458 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339459 Bronchioliti 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Cough 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Dyspnoea
339459 Hypoxia 11.1 Influenza 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pneumonia
339459 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1 Wheezing
339460 Hypoaesthe 11.1
339462 Fall 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Pallor 11.1
339463 Injection s 11.1
339464 Diarrhoea 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339465 Ear pain 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash macu
339466 Axillary pai 11.1 Chills 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Joint rang
339466 Lymphaden 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia
339466 Swelling 11.1
339467 Breath sou 11.1 Cyanosis 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Muscle con
339467 Muscle rigi 11.1 Mydriasis 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Retching
339467 Unresponsiv 11.1
339468 Dysgeusia 11.1 Headache 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1 Nausea
339468 Pain 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
339469 Aspartate 11.1 Blood test 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 Condition 11.1 Convulsion
339469 Echocardi 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Gene mutati
339469 Immediate p 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Neutrophil
339469 Nuclear ma 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 X-ray with 11.1
339470 Wrong drug 11.1
339471 Acne 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Hypophagi
339471 Ocular icte 11.1 Orthostatic 11.1 Rash 11.1 Road traffi 11.1 Syncope
339472 Blood gluc 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Febrile con 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Gaze palsy
339472 Influenza s 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Tonic conv
339472 Upper respi 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
339473 Asthenia 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Oedema per
339473 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339474 Antibody t 11.1 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Diarrhoea
339474 Haemoptys 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Nausea
339474 Paraesthes 11.1 Systemic l 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339482 CSF test a 11.1 Culture neg 11.1 Headache 11.1 Meningitis 11.1 Visual imp
339482 White blood 11.1
339483 Abnormal f 11.1 Aphasia 11.1 Asperger's 11.1 Autism 11.1 Childhood d
339483 Developmen 11.1 Developmen 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Encephalo 11.1 Psychomotor
339483 Pyrexia 11.1 Speech dis 11.1
339484 Crying 11.1
339485 Burning se 11.1
339486 Rash macul 11.1
339488 Diarrhoea 11.1 Enema admi 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rotavirus i 11.1 Rotavirus t
339488 Vomiting 11.1
339490 Systemic l 11.1
339495 Aspartate 12 Blood gase 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood phos 12 Chest X-ra
339495 Chronic ob 11.1 Condition 11.1 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar
339495 Endotrachea 12 Full blood 12 Hypercapni 12 Hypotensio 12 Pain
339495 White blood 12
339496 Cough 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria
339497 Paraesthes 11.1 Pruritus ge 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Skin discol 11.1
339498 Lethargy 11.1 Screaming 11.1
339499 Choking 11.1 Condition 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 Swollen to
339500 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339501 Blood test 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash 11.1
339502 Body tempe 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lymph nod 11.1 Urticaria
339503 Erythema 11.1 Hyperaesth 11.1 Induration 11.1 Mass 11.1 Skin warm
339504 Anxiety 12 Chest pain 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Electrocar 12 Electrocar
339504 Heart rate 12 Hyperhidro 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Palpitation 12 Palpitation
339504 Palpitation 12 Unresponsiv 11.1
339505 Muscle sp 11.1
339506 Culture sto 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
339507 Injection s 11.1 Injection 11.1
339508 Rash gener 11.1
339509 Urticaria 11.1
339510 Cardiac fai 11.1 Echocardi 11.1
339511 Urticaria 11.1
339512 Anxiety 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Brain scan 11.1 Cardiac flut
339512 Dehydratio 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Echocardio 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Heart rate
339512 Insomnia 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Palpitation
339512 Presyncop 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Urine analy 11.1 Viral infect 11.1
339513 Flushing 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
339514 Erythema 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia
339514 Vomiting 11.1
339515 Body tempe 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Pain 11.1 Skin warm
339515 Tendernes 11.1
339516 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF test n 11.1 Computeris
339516 Depressed 12 Drug screen 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache 12 Hypokalae
339516 Insomnia 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Presyncop 12 Scan brain 12 Urine analy
339516 Vomiting 12
339517 Discomfort 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339519 Debrideme 11.1 Gram stain 11.1 Necrotising 11.1
339525 Abdominal 12 Acute myel 11.1 Anaemia 12 Bacteraemi 12.1 Blood creat
339525 Blood pota 12 Blood produ 12 Blood uric 12 Bone pain 12 Chemother
339525 Chest X-ra 12 Conjunctiv 12 Continuous 12 Contusion 12 Culture uri
339525 Dehydratio 12 Dyspnoea 11.1 Encephalo 12 Endotrachea 12 Enterococca
339525 Fatigue 12 Haemoglob 12 Infection 12.1 Influenza li 12 Intensive c
339525 Mechanical 12 Metabolic f 12 Muscle con 12.1 Nausea 11.1 Neutropeni
339525 Pallor 12 Pancytopen 12 Parenteral 12.1 Peritoneal 12 Petechiae
339525 Physiother 12.1 Platelet co 12 Pneumonia 12 Pulmonary f 12.1 Pyrexia
339525 Renal failu 12 Renal failu 12.1 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Thrombocy
339525 Tracheost 12 Transfusio 12 Tumour lys 12 Vomiting 11.1 White blood
339526 Syncope 11.1
339527 Injection s 11.1 Local react 11.1
339528 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
339529 Blood pres 11.1 Bronchosp 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1
339530 Pyrexia 11.1
339531 Full blood 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
339532 Immediate p 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339533 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339534 Erythema 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Rash 11.1
339535 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339536 Herpes zos 11.1
339537 Expired dr 11.1
339538 Expired dr 11.1
339539 Herpes zos 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339540 Inappropria 11.1
339541 Rash gener 11.1
339542 Abdominal 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Eye swelli 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1 Malaise
339542 Oedema 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339543 Erythema 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Urticaria
339543 Vaccine pos 11.1
339544 Abdominal 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339545 Dyspnoea 11.1 Lacrimatio 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash
339545 Rash 11.1
339553 Biopsy cer 11.1 Carcinoma i 11.1 Cervical dy 11.1 Cervical dy 11.1 Cervical dy
339553 Colposcopy 11.1 Human papil 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1 Uterine dil
339559 Allergy test 11.1 Antibody t 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu
339559 Condition 11.1 Drug ineffe 11.1 Ear infecti 11.1 Seroconver 11.1
339566 Bacterial c 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Globulins 11.1 Haematocri
339566 Haematolog 11.1 Haemoglob 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Lip swellin
339566 Metabolic f 11.1 Pain of ski 11.1 Periorbita 11.1 Platelet co 11.1 Pruritus
339566 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Rash macu 11.1 Serum sick
339566 Skin discol 11.1 Skin tightn 11.1 Urine analy 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Virus cultu
339566 White blood 11.1
339567 Asthenia 11.1 Asthma 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Injection s
339567 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Peak expira
339567 Pyrexia 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
339568 Burning se 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1
339569 Condition 11.1 Cough 11.1 Croup infec 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Respiratory
339569 Sick relativ 11.1 Stridor 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
339570 Abdominal 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blindness 11.1 Deafness 11.1 Diarrhoea
339570 Dysgeusia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Feeling col 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
339570 Nausea 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1 Visual imp
339571 Anorexia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Urine analy
339572 Crying 11.1 High-pitche 11.1
339573 Blister 11.1 Blister 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Malaise
339573 Oedema 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Varicella
339574 Drug hypers 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Oedema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Tendernes
339575 Apnoea 12 Body tempe 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF test n 12 Cyanosis
339575 Dyskinesia 12 Febrile con 12 Full blood 12 Grand mal 11.1 Heart rate
339575 Pharyngeal 12 Pharyngitis 12 Respiratory 12
339576 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339577 Injected li 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339578 Injection s 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339579 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vaccination 11.1
339580 Hypotonic- 11.1 Pallor 11.1
339581 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood test
339581 Bone scan 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Complement 11.1 Echocardi 11.1 Electromyo
339581 Fibromyalg 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Juvenile art 11.1 Mobility d
339581 Musculoskel 11.1 Myofascial 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma
339581 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in jaw 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Rheumatoid
339581 Stiff-man 11.1 Tendonitis 11.1 X-ray 11.1
339582 Abdominal 11.1 Axillary pai 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Injection s
339582 Injection 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Nausea
339582 Pain in ext 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
339583 Diarrhoea 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1 Vomiting n
339584 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Electrocar 11.1
339585 Cough 11.1 Measles ant 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash
339585 Rhinorrhoe 11.1
339586 Chills 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Tremor
339587 Abnormal b 11.1 Autopsy 11.1 Depressed 11.1 Microbiolog 12 Nasopharyn
339587 Pulmonary 11.1 Sudden inf 12 Toxicologic 12
339589 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 12 Activities o 11.1 Alanine am
339589 Aspartate 12 Biopsy inte 12 Biopsy oes 12 Biopsy sto 12 Blood amyl
339589 Condition 12 Convulsion 11.1 Decreased 12 Depression 12 Diarrhoea
339589 Disability 11.1 Endoscopy 12 Gastritis 12 Gastroenteri 12 Headache
339589 Helicobacter 12 Hepatobilia 12 Hypophagi 12 Laboratory 11.1 Mental imp
339589 Migraine 12 Nausea 11.1 Pain 11.1 Panic react 12 Pharyngitis
339589 Pyrexia 12 Urinary sy 12 Vaccine pos 11.1 Viral infect 12 Weight inc
339590 Blood test 11.1 Feeling ab 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
339590 Lethargy 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339591 Decreased 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339592 Back pain 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection si
339592 Lymph nod 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Paraesthes
339592 Pyrexia 11.1
339593 Areflexia 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 CSF test n 11.1 Dysstasia
339593 Electromyo 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Guillain-B 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Nerve cond
339593 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
339594 Asthenia 11.1 Cold sweat 11.1 Cold sweat 11.1
339613 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
339614 Erythema 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339615 Dizziness 11.1 Immediate p 11.1
339616 Rash prurit 11.1 Varicella 11.1
339617 Drug expos 11.1
339618 Asthenia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339619 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339620 Culture thr 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339621 Rash 11.1
339622 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1
339623 Convulsion 11.1 Syncope 11.1
339624 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Condition 11.1 Facial pals 11.1 No reaction
339624 Tinnitus 11.1 Virus serol 11.1 West Nile vi 11.1
339625 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339626 Body tempe 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Malaise
339626 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339627 Swelling 11.1
339628 Body tempe 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339629 Erythema 11.1 Headache 11.1 Nausea 11.1
339630 Rash papul 11.1
339631 Body tempe 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339632 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain 11.1 Reiter's s 11.1
339633 Body tempe 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Ear infecti 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339634 Croup infec 11.1 Otitis medi 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
339637 Dyspnoea 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Muscle rigi 11.1 Palpitation
339637 Vision blur 11.1
339642 Nausea 11.1 Oral herpe 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339643 Blister 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339644 Blister 11.1
339645 Blister 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Varicella
339646 Blister 11.1 Varicella 11.1
339647 Pruritus 11.1
339649 Erythema 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Rash papul 11.1
339650 Cellulitis 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Pyrexia
339651 Erythema 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Oedema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
339652 Abdominal 12.1 Activities o 12.1 Anxiety 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Blood pota
339652 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Depressed 12.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Dyskinesia
339652 Dyspnoea 12.1 Dystonia 12.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Eosinophil
339652 Eosinophil 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Granulocyt 12.1 Headache 11.1 Influenza li
339652 Laboratory 11.1 Muscle cont 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Nuclear ma
339652 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pain 11.1 Posture ab 12.1 Posture ab 12.1 Screaming
339652 Speech dis 12.1 Temperatur 12.1 Tremor 12.1 White blood 12.1 X-ray
339653 Influenza 11.1 Influenza s 11.1
339654 Alanine am 11.1 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Cardiac mu
339654 Chest pain 11.1 Chills 11.1 Decreased 12 Dysphonia 12 Echocardio
339654 Encephaliti 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Glycosylat 12 Headache
339654 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 12 Insomnia 11.1 Joint effus 12 Metabolic f
339654 Myalgia 12 Nasal cong 12 Night swea 12 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma
339654 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes
339654 Postnasal d 12 Red blood c 12 Sensory di 12 Vaccination 12 Weight dec
339655 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339656 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 11.1 Bronchitis 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chills
339656 Chronic fa 11.1 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Ear pain 11.1 Full blood
339656 Headache 11.1 Hypersensit 12 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Laboratory
339656 Lip swellin 12 Lymphaden 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Otitis medi 12 Pharyngitis
339656 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 12 Sinusitis 12 Thyroxine 12 Upper respi
339656 Wheezing 12
339657 Burning se 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
339658 Dizziness 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339659 Fall 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Syncope 11.1
339660 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 12 Allergy tes 12 Back pain
339660 Clonus 12 Constipati 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 11.1 Enema admi
339660 Gastroenter 12 Headache 12 Hot flush 12 Mechanical 12 Musculoske
339660 Musculoske 12 Nausea 11.1 Nuclear ma 12 Orthostatic 12 Posturing
339660 Rash 12 Syncope 12 Tachycardi 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine analy
339660 X-ray abno 12
339661 Abdominal 11.1 Bowel move 11.1 Constipati 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
339662 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Dysphagia
339662 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Nausea
339662 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 Urine analy
339662 Vaccination 11.1 Viral infect 11.1
339663 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
339672 Blood immu 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1
339673 Grand mal 11.1
339674 Electromy 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339675 Fatigue 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1
339676 Abdominal 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Muscle sp
339676 Palpitation 11.1
339677 Wrong drug 11.1
339678 Alanine am 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Atrial fibril 11.1 Atrial fibril
339678 Band neutr 11.1 Blood albu 11.1 Blood bica 11.1 Blood chlo 11.1 Blood lacti
339678 Blood pota 11.1 Blood sodi 11.1 Blood urea 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chills
339678 Computeri 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Diverticuliti
339678 Echocardio 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electrolyte 11.1 Fluid reten 11.1 Full blood
339678 Haemoglob 11.1 Hypocalca 11.1 Hypokalae 11.1 Hypomagne 11.1 Hypophosp
339678 Hypotensio 11.1 Hypovolaem 11.1 Immunisati 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Pain
339678 Platelet co 11.1 Protein tot 11.1 Protein uri 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Renal failu
339678 Tendernes 11.1 Urine anal 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 White blood 11.1
339679 Induration 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Skin discol 11.1
339680 Cough 11.1 Pneumonia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Sinus cong 11.1
339681 Body tempe 11.1 Consciousn 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Oxygen sat
339682 Inappropria 11.1 Oedema 11.1
339683 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339686 Convulsion 11.1 Electroenc 11.1
339687 Carbon dio 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache
339687 Loss of co 11.1 Muscle twit 11.1 Myoclonic 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Nuclear ma
339687 Photophobi 11.1 Platelet co 11.1 Protein tot 11.1 Tremor 11.1
339691 Asthma 11.1 Developmen 11.1 Familial ris 11.1
339692 Cellulitis 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Fasciitis 11.1 Muscle swe 11.1
339694 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Blood pres
339694 Colitis 12 Convulsion 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Gastroenter 12 Headache
339694 Loss of co 11.1 Nausea 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 11.1 Vaccination
339694 Vomiting 12 Weight dec 11.1
339695 Caesarean 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1
339697 Abdomen s 11.1 Abdominal 12 Balance di 12 Blood iron 12 Blood thyr
339697 Convulsion 11.1 Depersonal 12 Dizziness 11.1 Electroenc 12 Electromyo
339697 Electronys 12 Fall 12 Fatigue 11.1 Hypoaesthe 12 Muscular
339697 Nausea 12 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Restless l
339697 Serum ferri 12 Syncope 11.1 Urinary inc 12 Vestibular 12
339698 Convulsion 11.1
339706 Activities o 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood iron 11.1 Blood pres 11.1 Chelation
339706 Convulsion 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Eating diso 11.1 Fluid repl 11.1 Gastric dis
339706 Headache 11.1 Hyperbaric 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Oxygen sup
339706 Sinus disor 11.1 Tremor 11.1 Weight dec 11.1
339708 Alanine am 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Blood chlor 11.1 Blood creat 11.1 Blood pota
339708 Blood sodi 11.1 Blood urea 11.1 Carbon dio 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Fatigue
339708 Gastroenter 11.1 Gastrointe 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Haemoglob 11.1 Liver funct
339708 Lymphocyte 11.1 Monocyte p 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 Pallanaest 11.1 Platelet co
339708 Rotavirus i 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1 Virus cultu 11.1 Vomiting pr 11.1 White blood
339710 Headache 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339711 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext
339711 Pain in jaw 11.1 Sensory di 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339712 Inappropria 11.1 No adverse 11.1
339713 Dizziness 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co 11.1
339714 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339715 Convulsion 11.1
339716 Erythema 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
339717 Pruritus ge 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339718 Abasia 11.1 Acute respi 12 Aphasia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood produ
339718 CSF lympho 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b 12 Chronic res 12 Computeri
339718 Computeris 12 Convulsion 11.1 Disseminate 12 Echocardi 11.1 Electrocar
339718 Electroenc 11.1 Electroenc 12 Encephaliti 11.1 Encephaliti 12 Encephalitis
339718 Full blood 12 Gait distur 11.1 Gastrointes 11.1 Hypophagi 12 Hyporeflex
339718 Hypotensio 12 Hypotonia 12 Intensive c 12 Lumbar pun 11.1 Mechanical
339718 Mental sta 12 Metabolic f 12 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 12 Partial sei
339718 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Renal failu 12 Septic sho
339718 Somnolenc 12 Staphylococ 12 Tracheost 12 Transfusio 12 Unresponsiv
339719 Abortion i 11.1 Drug expos 11.1
339720 Chills 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339721 Disturbance 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Insomnia 11.1
339722 Herpes zos 11.1
339723 Chest disc 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1
339724 Asphyxia 12 Cough 11.1 Death 11.1 Depressed 11.1 Diarrhoea
339724 Dyspnoea 11.1 Poor suckin 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Swelling
339724 Wheezing 11.1
339725 Oedema per 11.1
339726 Injection si 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1
339727 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339736 Erythema m 11.1
339737 Pain 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
339738 Dyspnoea 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Insomnia
339738 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339739 Rash 11.1
339740 Pain in ext 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339741 Cyanosis 11.1 Depressed 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Mental sta 11.1 Somnolenc
339741 Ultrasound 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
339742 Gastroenter 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339743 Pain 11.1
339744 Contusion 11.1 Fall 11.1 Loss of co 11.1
339745 Chills 11.1 Headache 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia
339745 Vomiting 11.1
339747 Activities o 12 Alanine am 12 Albumin glo 12 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia
339747 Aspartate 12 Autoimmune 11.1 Bacterial c 12 Blood albu 12 Blood calc
339747 Bone scan 12 C-reactive 12 Endocrine 12 Fatigue 12 Fibula frac
339747 Globulins 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Joint swell 12 Kyphosis
339747 Lymphocyte 12 Oedema per 12 Osteoarthri 12 Pain 12 Postnasal d
339747 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Rhinitis all 12 Rhinorrhoe
339747 Sciatica 12 Sneezing 12 Stress frac 12 Swelling 11.1 Viral test n
339747 X-ray abno 12
339748 Cellulitis 11.1 Chills 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
339748 Injection si 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Ultrasound
339748 Vomiting 11.1
339749 Crying 11.1 Culture sto 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Dermatitis 11.1 Diarrhoea
339749 Diarrhoea 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Pyrexia
339749 Rotavirus t 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339750 Blood cultu 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF test n 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion
339750 Culture uri 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Neurologic
339750 Pallor 11.1 Sick relativ 11.1 Tremor 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339751 Autism 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Tremor 11.1
339752 Blood gluc 11.1 Type 1 diab 11.1
339753 Abdominal 12 Appendice 12 Barium en 12 Dehydratio 12 Enema admi
339753 Fluid intak 11.1 Haematoch 12 Hypersomn 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Intussusce
339753 Laparosco 12 Laparotom 12 Lethargy 12 Listless 11.1 Surgery
339753 X-ray abno 12
339754 Arthralgia 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Pain 11.1
339755 Oedema per 11.1
339756 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Asthenia 12 Asthenia 12 Blood produ
339756 Chest X-ra 11.1 Computeris 12 Cough dec 12 Dysphagia 11.1 Dysphonia
339756 Electromyo 11.1 Endotrachea 12 Gastrointes 12 Guillain-B 11.1 Haematocri
339756 Haemoglob 12 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe
339756 Insomnia 11.1 Intensive c 11.1 Lumbar pun 12 Mechanical 11.1 Muscular
339756 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Paralysis 11.1 Pneumonia 12 Pneumonia
339756 Post-trauma 11.1 Red blood 12 Respiratory 11.1 Sputum cult 12 Tracheost
339756 White blood 12
339757 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 11.1 Balance di 11.1 Condition 12 Confusional
339757 Depressed 12 Disturbance 12 Dizziness 12 Dysthymic 12 Fatigue
339757 Hyperreflex 12 Nausea 11.1 Nuclear ma 12 Personality 12 Psychomotor
339757 Red blood c 12 Tachyphren 11.1 X-ray abno 12 X-ray limb 12
339758 Activities o 11.1 Areflexia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Balance di
339758 Blood produ 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Electromyo
339758 Fatigue 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Gram stain 11.1 Guillain-B
339758 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hyporeflex 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Nerve cond
339758 Neuropathy 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Paraesthes
339758 Pneumonia 11.1 Productive 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Sensory lo 11.1 Urine abnor
339758 Walking ai 11.1 White blood 11.1
339759 Cardiac en 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Echocardio
339759 Electrocar 11.1 Palpitation 11.1 Pericarditis 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Tachycardi
339759 Troponin 11.1 Upper respi 11.1 Vaccination 11.1
339760 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pallor 11.1
339761 Sensory lo 11.1
339762 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
339763 CSF test n 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Failure to t 11.1 Gastrooeso 11.1 Hypotonia
339763 Lacrimatio 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Mucosal dr 11.1 Pallor
339763 Platelet co 11.1 Pylorospa 11.1 Staring 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Vomiting
339763 White blood 11.1 X-ray gastr 11.1 X-ray with 11.1
339764 Cough 11.1 Headache 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Pyrexia
339765 Allergy to 11.1 Blood creat 11.1 Blood urea 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Haemodialy
339765 Haemoglob 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Local react 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Renal failu
339765 Renal failu 11.1 Urinary ret 11.1
339766 Blood produ 11.1 Contusion 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Idiopathic 11.1 Petechiae
339766 Platelet co 11.1
339767 Musculoske 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339768 Anaemia 11.1 Deep vein 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Liver funct 11.1 Pain in ext
339768 Ultrasound 11.1 Viral infect 11.1
339769 Pain in ext 11.1 X-ray 11.1
339770 Amnesia 12 Computeris 11.1 Confusional 12 Electroenc 12 Fall
339770 Full blood 12 Head injury 12 Laboratory 12 Syncope 12 Syncope va
339770 Tunnel visi 12
339771 Cardiac arr 11.1 Cardiac arr 11.1 Cardiomeg 11.1 Cough 11.1 Pulmonary
339771 Upper respi 11.1 White blood 11.1
339772 Cardio-resp 11.1 Lethargy 12 Sleep disor 12 Sudden de 12 Sudden inf
339773 Abdominal 12 Acoustic st 12 Autism spe 12 Childhood d 11.1 Constipati
339773 Cough 12 Diarrhoea 12 Ear infecti 12 Ear pain 12 Food avers
339773 Otitis medi 12 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Respiratory 12 Rhinorrhoe
339773 Speech dis 11.1 Sweat test 12 Underweigh 12 Upper respi 12 Upper respi
339773 Varicella 12
339774 Blood crea 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Chest X-ra
339774 Chronic in 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Demyelinat 11.1 Electromyo 11.1 Foreign tra
339774 Full blood 11.1 Hyperglyca 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Metabolic f
339774 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Radiculopa
339775 Abdominal 11.1 Barium en 12 Constipati 11.1 Faeces dis 12 Intussusce
339775 Laparotom 12 Pyrexia 11.1 Surgery 11.1 Vomiting 12 Vomiting
339776 Atelectasis 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Colectomy 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Enema admi
339776 Intussusce 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Laparosco 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Ultrasoun
339776 Urinary sy 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339777 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext
339778 Dizziness 11.1 Palpitation 11.1
339779 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Local react 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339780 Arthralgia 11.1 Electromyo 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Pain in ext
339780 Swelling 11.1
339781 Rash 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
339782 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1
339783 Cold sweat 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Skin warm
339783 Unresponsiv 11.1
339784 Axillary pai 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Nausea
339784 Pyrexia 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339785 Chills 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pain 11.1 Urticaria
339786 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339787 Crying 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339788 Flushing 11.1 Rash macu 11.1
339789 Allergy to 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339790 Injection si 11.1
339792 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339795 Abdominal 11.1 Irritability 11.1
339796 Respiratory 11.1
339797 Diarrhoea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339800 Chest disc 11.1 Cough 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
339801 Crying 11.1
339802 Computeris 12 Confusional 12 Dizziness 12 Full blood 12 Gaze palsy
339802 Grand mal 12 Loss of co 12 Metabolic f 12 Moaning 12 Nausea
339802 No reaction 12 Syncope 12 Tinnitus 12
339804 Abdominal 11.1 Blood pota 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Fatigue
339804 Fluid repl 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339805 Autism 11.1
339806 Wrong drug 11.1
339807 Autism 11.1
339808 Dizziness 11.1 Heart rate 11.1
339809 Blepharos 11.1 Condition 11.1 Facial pals 11.1 Facial pals 11.1 Nuclear ma
339810 Injected li 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 X-ray 11.1
339812 Erythema 11.1 Mass 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
339813 Varicella 11.1
339816 Fall 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Myoclonus 11.1
339818 Facial pals 11.1
339821 Nausea 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339823 Body tempe 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339824 Injection si 11.1
339825 Rash macu 11.1
339826 Inappropria 11.1
339827 Musculoske 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 X-ray limb 11.1
339828 Injected li 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
339829 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339830 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339831 Culture sto 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1
339832 Hypophagi 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash macu 11.1
339833 Pyrexia 11.1
339834 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
339835 Pyrexia 11.1
339836 Back pain 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Headache 11.1 Immediate p
339836 Loss of co 11.1 Orthostatic 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Syncope va 11.1 Tilt table te
339836 Vision blur 11.1 Visual imp 11.1 Visual imp 11.1
339837 Rash gener 11.1
339838 Eye oedem 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Type 2 diab 11.1
339839 Blood thyro 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Hyperaesth 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Myalgia
339839 Neuropathy 11.1
339840 Arthralgia 11.1 Blister 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Headache 11.1 Nausea
339840 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash pustu 11.1
339841 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339842 Erythema 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Myalgia
339842 Oedema per 11.1
339843 Activities o 11.1 Brain scan 11.1 Memory im 11.1
339844 No adverse 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
339845 Rash eryth 11.1
339846 Burning se 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Hot flush 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia
339846 Urticaria 11.1
339847 Burning se 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Mass 11.1 Oedema per
339847 Pruritus 11.1 Skin irritat 11.1
339848 Dizziness 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339849 Fluctuance 12 Incisional 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s
339849 Injection si 12 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 12 Ultrasound 12 White blood
339850 Pyrexia 11.1
339851 Dizziness 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
339851 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Muscle tig 11.1 Nausea
339852 Abscess 11.1 Mass 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339853 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
339854 Abdominal 11.1 Angioedem 12 Anxiety 12 Blood test 11.1 Choking
339854 Dehydratio 11.1 Dermatitis a 12 Dyskinesia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea
339854 Eyelid oed 12 Hypersensit 11.1 Idiopathic u 12 Nasal cong 12 Oedema per
339854 Oedema per 11.1 Pain 12 Rash 11.1 Skin test po 12 Throat tigh
339854 Tremor 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Urticaria 12
339855 Rash 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339856 Asthenia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Dysphonia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Gait distur
339856 Somnolenc 11.1 Vision blur 11.1 Walking ai 11.1
339857 Diarrhoea 11.1 Frequent 11.1 Occult bloo 11.1
339858 Injection s 11.1
339859 Erythema m 11.1 Inflammati 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
339860 Rash 11.1 Rash papul 11.1
339862 Headache 11.1 Local swell 11.1 Measles ant 11.1 Mumps anti 11.1 Musculoske
339862 Neck pain 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Rubella ant 11.1
339864 Urticaria 11.1
339865 Depressed 11.1 Pallor 11.1
339866 Cyanosis 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Irritability
339866 Lethargy 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339867 Febrile con 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Platelet co 11.1
339868 Rash eryth 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339869 Febrile con 11.1
339870 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
339871 Pyrexia 11.1
339876 Asthma 11.1 Caesarean 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Gestational 11.1 Injection si
339876 Pregnancy t 11.1 Serology n 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Urinary trac 11.1
339878 Fatigue 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Malaise 11.1
339879 Dyspnoea 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339880 Blood gluc 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Hallucinatio 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Toxicologic
339881 Anti-thyroi 11.1 Antibody te 11.1 Blood thyr 11.1 Goitre 11.1 Neck mass
339881 Thyroxine 11.1 Tri-iodothy 11.1
339882 Areflexia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Axonal neu 11.1 Blood immu
339882 Blood produ 11.1 Bone densi 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF pressu 11.1 CSF protei
339882 Chronic in 11.1 Electromyo 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Headache
339882 Muscle atr 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Osteopeni
339882 Osteoporos 11.1 Peroneal n 11.1 Tremor 11.1
339883 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Irritability 11.1
339884 Electroenc 11.1 Staring 11.1
339885 Dizziness 11.1 Rash 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339886 Crying 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Staring 11.1
339887 Arthralgia 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339888 Oedema per 11.1
339889 Epstein-Bar 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Human herp 11.1 Measles an 11.1 Pyrexia
339889 Rash 11.1 Rash morbil 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Rhinitis 11.1
339890 Headache 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Rash 11.1
339891 Blister 11.1 Pruritus ge 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339892 Crying 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339893 Erythema 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339894 Epistaxis 11.1 Haemoptys 11.1 Mass 11.1 Thrombosi 11.1
339895 Epistaxis 11.1 Haemoptys 11.1 Haemorrha 11.1
339896 Body tempe 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339897 Skin lesion 11.1
339898 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1
339899 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339900 Body tempe 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Crying 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext
339900 Screaming 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339901 Syncope 11.1
339902 Dyskinesia 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1
339903 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339904 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash macul 11.1
339905 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain 11.1 Rash 11.1 Skin warm
339906 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
339907 Varicella p 11.1
339908 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection sit 11.1
339909 Lip swellin 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
339910 Local swell 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
339911 Lymph nod 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339912 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
339912 Skin lesion 11.1
339913 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339914 Injection si 11.1
339915 Pain 11.1
339916 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
339917 Culture sto 11.1 Diarrhoea 12 Eczema 12 Enterocoliti 12 Faeces dis
339917 Flatulence 12 Full blood 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Haematoch 11.1 Haematoch
339917 Irritability 12 Muscle sp 11.1 Parasite bl 11.1 Rash 12 Seborrhoe
339918 Blister 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Torticollis 11.1
339919 Headache 11.1 Nausea 11.1
339920 Asthenia 11.1 Fall 11.1 Stomach di 11.1
339921 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339922 Hypotonia 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
339923 Abdominal 11.1 Colitis ulce 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Malaise
339923 Narcolepsy 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1 Weight dec 11.1
339924 Abdominal 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
339924 Malaise 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
339925 Induration 11.1 Pain 11.1
339926 Erythema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling
339926 Urticaria 11.1
339927 Injection si 11.1
339928 Chest disc 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia
339928 Rash 11.1
339929 Erythema 11.1 Skin swelli 11.1
339930 Rash gener 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339931 Headache 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1
339932 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339933 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339934 Wrong drug 11.1
339935 Injected li 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339936 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
339936 Injection s 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339937 Injection si 11.1
339938 Cough 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 Wheezing
339939 Erythema 11.1 Local swell 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
339940 Medication 11.1
339941 Abasia 11.1 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthritis 11.1 Aspiration j
339941 C-reactive 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Differential 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Genital he
339941 Herpes sim 11.1 Impetigo 11.1 Joint effus 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Musculoskel
339941 Nuclear ma 11.1 Oral herpe 11.1 Polyarthriti 11.1 Rheumatoid 11.1 Rheumatoid
339941 Serum ferri 11.1 Synovitis 11.1 Tendon pai 11.1 Tendonitis 11.1 White blood
339942 Headache 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1
339943 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339944 Body tempe 11.1 Chills 11.1 Headache 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Pain
339944 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Sneezing 11.1 Syncope 11.1
339945 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339946 Migraine 11.1
339947 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
339948 Erythema 11.1 Swelling 11.1
339949 Erythema 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Pain 11.1 Radiculitis 11.1
339950 Abnormal b 11.1 Disturbance 11.1 Oppositiona 11.1
339951 Erythema 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Rash macu 11.1
339952 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1
339953 Facial pals 11.1
339954 Urticaria 11.1
339955 Antibody te 11.1 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Borrelia bu
339955 C-reactive 11.1 Culture thr 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Herpes sim 11.1 Joint effus
339955 Metabolic f 11.1 Mononucleos 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Rheumatoid
339955 Streptococca 11.1
339956 Inappropria 11.1 Rash 11.1
339957 Back pain 11.1 Blister 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Paraesthes
339958 Inappropria 11.1 No adverse 11.1
339959 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339960 Back pain 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Myalgia
339960 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Sluggishne 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1
339961 Asthenia 11.1 Cough 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Increased u 11.1 Influenza
339961 Nasopharyn 11.1 Pain 11.1
339962 Gait distur 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339963 Allergy to 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
339964 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339965 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339966 Syncope 11.1
339967 Syncope 11.1
339968 Rash prurit 11.1
339969 CSF cultur 11.1 Crying 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Laboratory
339969 Polymerase 11.1 Posture ab 11.1 Screaming 11.1 Urine analy 11.1 Viral test n
339970 Herpes zos 11.1
339971 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Influenza li 11.1
339972 Decreased 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
339973 Body tempe 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Streptococca 11.1 Streptococc
339973 Tonsillitis 11.1
339974 Injection sit 11.1
339975 Rotavirus i 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1
339976 Crying 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339977 Cellulitis 11.1
339978 Body tempe 11.1 Crying 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
339979 Erythema 11.1 Limb disco 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
339980 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339981 Herpes zos 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain
339981 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
339982 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
339984 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
339985 Arthralgia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain
339986 Photophobi 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
339987 Rash gener 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
339988 Fatigue 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
339989 Arthralgia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Myalgia
339989 Nasal cong 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Sinus cong 11.1 Sinus hea 11.1
339990 Inappropria 11.1 No adverse 11.1
339991 Condition 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Tinnitus
339992 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
339993 Blister 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
339994 Injected li 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339995 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
339996 Choking 11.1 Dry skin 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Muscle sp
339996 Pain in ext 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Skin exfoli
339996 Urticaria 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
339997 Anxiety 11.1 Blood pres 11.1 Bronchosp 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea
339997 Heart rate 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Speech dis 11.1
339998 Fall 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Skin lacera 11.1
339999 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Refusal of 11.1
340000 Electromyo 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain in ext
340000 Paraesthes 11.1
340002 Apnoea 11.1 Eye rolling 11.1 Tremor 11.1
340003 Dyspnoea 11.1 Rash 11.1
340004 Ear pain 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Oral herpe 11.1
340005 Varicella 11.1
340006 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Radiculitis 11.1 Urticaria
340007 Chills 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340008 Head tituba 11.1
340009 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Skin plaqu
340010 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Irritability 11.1
340011 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Speech dis 11.1 Throat tigh
340012 Immunisati 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Mass 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Ultrasound
340013 Hypotonia 11.1 Staring 11.1
340014 Chills 11.1 Feeling col 11.1 Muscle spas 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1
340015 Urticaria 11.1
340016 Dyspnoea 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
340016 Pyrexia 11.1
340017 Wrong drug 11.1
340019 Convulsion 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340020 Fall 11.1 Nervousne 11.1 Pallor 11.1
340021 Varicella 11.1
340022 Measles 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
340023 Contusion 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
340024 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340025 Body tempe 11.1 Streptococca 11.1 Streptococc 11.1
340026 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340027 Inflammati 11.1
340028 Immediate p 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Intercostal 11.1 Rash 11.1
340029 Computeri 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Urine analy
340030 Musculoske 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340031 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Skin warm
340032 Nuclear ma 11.1 Ophthalmol 11.1 Optic neurit 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
340033 Erythema 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Induration 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
340033 Oedema per 11.1
340034 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1
340035 Herpes zos 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
340036 Inappropria 11.1
340037 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
340038 Body tempe 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340039 Pyrexia 11.1
340041 Anorexia 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340042 Angiogram 11.1 Antinuclear 11.1 Electromy 11.1 Glossodyni 11.1 Hypoaesthe
340042 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Paraesthes
340042 Pregnancy 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Vitamin B1 11.1
340043 Presyncop 11.1
340044 Asthenia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia
340044 Vision blur 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340045 Erythema 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1
340046 Inappropria 11.1
340047 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Skin plaqu 11.1
340048 Varicella 11.1
340049 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Nausea
340049 Pain 11.1
340050 Cellulitis 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
340051 Arthralgia 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain in ext
340052 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340053 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Local react 11.1 Musculoske
340053 Neck pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340054 Culture 11.1 Dermatitis 11.1 Pain 11.1 Rash macu 11.1 Skin lesion
340054 Swelling 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
340055 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340056 Erythema 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340057 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340058 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Malaise 11.1
340059 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1
340060 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Screaming 11.1
340061 Erythema 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
340062 Dizziness 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340063 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340064 Varicella 11.1
340065 Dizziness 11.1 Palpitation 11.1
340066 Arthralgia 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood uric 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Hand defor
340066 Red blood c 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
340067 Anorexia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Feeling col 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Headache
340067 Heart rate 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340068 Blood alka 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Glycosylat 11.1 Influenza s
340068 Metabolic f 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
340069 Auricular s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340070 Dizziness 11.1 Hypotensio 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340071 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Swelling 11.1
340072 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chills 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain
340072 Pyrexia 11.1 Weight dec 11.1
340073 Diarrhoea 11.1
340074 Dizziness 11.1 Stomach di 11.1
340075 Oedema per 11.1 Pain of ski 11.1 Rash macu 11.1
340076 Pain in ext 11.1
340077 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
340078 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340079 Fall 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Head injury 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Scan brain
340079 Syncope 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
340080 Injection s 11.1
340081 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340082 Blood lead 11.1 Unevaluabl 11.1
340083 Injection si 11.1 Muscle tig 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340084 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340085 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1
340091 Autism 11.1
340092 Haematoch 11.1
340098 Dysphagia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes
340098 Paraesthesi 11.1 Tendernes 11.1 Tongue dis 11.1
340099 Facial pain 11.1 Herpes viru 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340100 Ataxia 11.1 Balance di 12 Cerebellar 12 Clumsines 12 Encephaliti
340100 Fall 12 Gait distur 12 Hypertonia 12 Nuclear ma 12 Tremor
340100 Vanillyl ma 12
340101 Injected li 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340102 Erythema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Rash prurit
340103 Urticaria 11.1
340104 Crying 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1
340105 Asthenia 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340106 Cold sweat 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
340106 Irritability 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Rash 11.1
340108 Dermograp 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
340110 Full blood 11.1 Headache 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Rash eryth
340110 Rash papul 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Vaccinia 11.1
340111 Asthenia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Cough 11.1 Culture
340111 Dizziness 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Headache 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia
340111 Tremor 11.1 X-ray norm 11.1
340112 CSF glucos 11.1 CSF monocy 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 CSF white b 11.1 Depression
340112 Dysarthria 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Gastrointes 11.1 Headache 11.1 Herpes sim
340112 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Lumbar pun 11.1 Meningitis 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Nausea
340112 Neck pain 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Obsessive- 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Paraesthes
340112 Paraesthes 11.1 Phonophob 11.1 Photophobi 11.1 Polymerase 11.1 Speech dis
340112 Visual imp 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340113 Headache 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340114 Pruritus 11.1 Rash papul 11.1
340115 Flushing 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Pain 11.1
340117 Crying 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Screaming 11.1
340118 Arthralgia 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Chills 11.1 Nausea
340118 Pain in ext 11.1 Stomach di 11.1
340119 Angiogram 11.1 Angiogram 11.1 Asthma 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Chest X-ra
340119 Chest pain 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Haematoch
340119 Headache 11.1 Intensive c 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pulmonary
340120 Ear pain 11.1 Headache 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Vomiting
340121 Alopecia 11.1 Blood thyr 11.1
340122 Musculoskel 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340123 Incorrect d 11.1
340124 Wrong drug 11.1
340125 Incorrect d 11.1
340126 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340127 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
340128 Electroenc 11.1 Epilepsy 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Partial sei 11.1 Tremor
340130 Eye disord 11.1 Hypersomn 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Lethargy 11.1
340133 Bone pain 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pneumonia
340135 Arthralgia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Gastrointes 11.1 Gastrointe 11.1 Gastrointes
340135 Joint swell 11.1 Memory im 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain in ext
340136 Drug expos 11.1 Hyperbilir 11.1 Immature r 11.1 Premature 11.1
340137 Back pain 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Induced la 11.1 Premature 11.1
340138 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash
340139 Wrong drug 11.1
340140 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340141 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
340142 Injection s 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340143 Varicella p 11.1
340144 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340145 Bite 12 Diarrhoea 12 Irritability 12 Measles ant 12 Parvovirus
340145 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macul 12 Red cell di 12 Unevaluabl
340145 Vomiting 12
340146 Rash 11.1
340147 Differentia 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Platelet co 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340148 Biopsy ski 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Immunology 11.1 Pain 11.1 Polymerase
340148 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Scab 11.1 Viral DNA t
340149 Expired dr 11.1
340150 Blood cultu 11.1 Blood gase 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Complement
340150 Complement 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Disseminate 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Endotrachea
340150 Full blood 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Hypotensio 11.1 Hypoxia 11.1 Influenza s
340150 Intensive c 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Mechanical 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Packed red
340150 Parenteral 11.1 Poor qualit 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Respiratory
340150 Tachypnoe 11.1
340151 Eye infecti 11.1 Eye pain 11.1 Eye pruritu 11.1 Ocular hyp 11.1
340152 Arrhythmia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Aspartate 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Blood crea
340152 Blood pota 11.1 Blood thyro 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Brain natri 11.1 Chest X-ra
340152 Cough 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Fatigue
340152 Fibrin D di 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Mean cell 11.1 Memory im
340152 Monocyte c 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Troponin I
340152 Troponin i 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
340155 Antibody te 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Pneumonia 11.1
340156 Body tempe 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1
340164 Convulsion 11.1
340167 Death 11.1
340168 Arthralgia 11.1 Bacteria uri 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Drug screen 11.1 Dysphagia
340168 Haemoglob 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Pain 11.1 Paralysis
340168 Red blood c 11.1 Urine anal 11.1 White blood 11.1
340169 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Aspartate 12 Blood albu 12 Blood crea
340169 Enema admi 12 Globulins 12 Haematoch 12 Intussusce 11.1 Irritability
340169 Neutrophil 12 Platelet co 12 Somnolenc 12 Urinary sy 12 Vomiting
340169 X-ray abno 12
340170 Anorexia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Dermatitis 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Ocular hyp
340170 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340171 Erythema 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
340172 Chills 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340173 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340174 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340175 Chest disc 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340176 Chills 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Feeling col 11.1 Nausea 11.1
340177 Blood gluc 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dysphagia 11.1 Dyspnoea
340177 Erythema 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Hypertensi
340177 Hyperventil 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Paraesthesi 11.1 Rash macu
340177 Sensation 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340178 Influenza 11.1 Influenza s 11.1
340179 Influenza 11.1 Influenza s 11.1
340180 Influenza 11.1 Influenza s 11.1
340181 Influenza 11.1 Influenza s 11.1
340182 Chapped li 11.1 Lip dry 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1
340183 Crying 11.1 Decreased 11.1
340184 Induration 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Nausea 11.1 No reaction
340184 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340185 High-pitche 11.1
340186 Pruritus 11.1
340187 Headache 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340188 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340189 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
340190 Chest pain 11.1
340191 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
340192 Allergy to 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340193 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
340194 Convulsion 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
340195 Body tempe 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Lymph nod 11.1 Malaise
340196 Fatigue 11.1 Night swea 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340197 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340198 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340200 Expired dr 11.1
340201 Expired dr 11.1
340202 Expired dr 11.1
340203 Expired dr 11.1
340204 Urticaria 11.1
340205 Expired dr 11.1
340206 Expired dr 11.1
340207 Expired dr 11.1
340208 Expired dr 11.1
340209 Expired dr 11.1
340210 Expired dr 11.1
340211 Expired dr 11.1
340212 Expired dr 11.1
340213 Diarrhoea 11.1 Expired dr 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340214 Dehydratio 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Expired dr 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Vomiting
340214 White blood 11.1
340215 Expired dr 11.1
340216 Expired dr 11.1
340217 Expired dr 11.1
340218 Expired dr 11.1
340219 Expired dr 11.1
340220 Expired dr 11.1
340221 Expired dr 11.1
340222 Muscle twit 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Urine analy 11.1 Urine odou 11.1 Vomiting
340223 Diarrhoea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340224 Inappropria 11.1
340225 Rotavirus i 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1 Stool anal 11.1
340226 Urticaria 11.1
340227 Inappropria 11.1
340228 Decreased 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Faeces dis 11.1
340229 Colitis 11.1
340230 Vomiting 11.1
340231 Vomiting 11.1
340232 Inappropria 11.1
340233 Colitis 11.1
340234 Regurgitati 11.1
340235 Gastroenter 11.1
340236 Underdose 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340237 Chills 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340238 Asthenia 11.1 Dysgeusia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Parosmia 11.1 Pyrexia
340238 Respiratory 11.1
340239 Arthralgia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per
340239 Pain in ext 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340240 Headache 11.1 Pain 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340241 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340242 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340243 Chills 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Local swell
340243 Local swell 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340244 Allergy to 12 Anxiety 12 Chills 12 Dysarthria 11.1 Feeling hot
340244 Grip stren 12 Headache 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Injection s 12 Injection si
340244 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Joint rang 12 Musculoske
340244 Myalgia 12 Oropharyng 12 Paraesthes 12 Swollen to 12
340245 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1
340246 Convulsion 11.1 Electroenc 11.1
340247 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340248 Apnoea 12 Arrhythmia 12 Body tempe 11.1 Cardiac en 12 Cardiac mo
340248 Chest X-ra 12 Convulsion 12 Crying 11.1 Echocardio 12 Electrocar
340248 Electrocar 12 Extrasystol 12 Gastrooeso 12 Gaze palsy 11.1 Irritability
340248 Musculoskel 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Ventricular
340249 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340250 Dyspnoea 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340251 Arterial ins 12 Ataxia 12 Balance di 11.1 Blindness u 12 Borrelia bu
340251 Brain stem 12 Cardiolipin 12 Chromosome 12 Computeris 12 Condition
340251 Diplopia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 12 Fluorescent 11.1 Headache
340251 Hypoaesthe 12 IVth nerve 12 Injection s 12 Metabolic f 12 Migraine
340251 Nausea 11.1 Nuclear ma 12 Platelet co 12 Scan brain 11.1 Smear cerv
340251 Somatosens 12 Thrombin-a 12 Thrombocy 12 Thrombosi 12 Tinnitus
340251 Transient i 12 Vision blur 12 Visual evok 12
340252 Body tempe 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1 Varicella
340253 Pallor 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
340254 Abdominal 11.1 Aggression 11.1 Anaphylacti 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Hyperhidro
340254 Hypoventila 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Respiratory
340254 Vaccination 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
340255 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340256 Erythema 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia
340256 Rash macu 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
340257 Wrong drug 11.1
340258 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340259 Headache 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Rash 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1
340260 Cold sweat 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Pallor 11.1
340261 Balance di 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Feeling ab 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Hypotonia
340261 Paraesthesi 11.1
340262 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340263 Abdominal 11.1 Headache 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia
340263 Vomiting 11.1
340264 Injection si 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
340265 Syncope 11.1
340266 Disturbance 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Hypersomn 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Muscle twit
340266 Screaming 11.1
340267 Body tempe 11.1 Chills 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Hyperhidro
340267 Induration 11.1 Infection 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain
340268 Abnormal b 11.1 Autism spe 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Discomfort 11.1 Disturbance
340268 Encephaliti 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Muscle rigi 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash
340268 Screaming 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1 Speech dis 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
340269 Decreased 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Urine outp 11.1
340270 Asthenia 11.1 Chest disc 11.1 Chills 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea
340270 Erythema 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Pruritus
340270 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Swelling 11.1
340271 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection sit 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
340272 Dyskinesia 11.1 Tremor 11.1
340273 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Rash 11.1
340274 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia
340275 Anorexia 11.1 Aphasia 11.1 Audiogram 12 Blood crea 11.1 Blood heav
340275 Conductive 12 Decreased 11.1 Exposure to 12 Immediate p 11.1 Laboratory
340275 Memory im 11.1 Otitis medi 12 Otitis medi 12 Pyrexia 11.1 Regressive
340275 Sick relativ 12 Speech dis 11.1 Upper respi 12 Viral infect 12
340276 Secondary 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
340277 Body tempe 11.1 Cardiac flut 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340278 Agitation 11.1 Anorexia 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Cyanosis 11.1 Dyskinesia
340278 Full blood 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Listless
340278 Nail discol 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Restlessne 11.1 Rhinorrhoe
340278 Skin discol 11.1 Streptococca 11.1
340279 Herpes zos 11.1
340285 Acute respi 12 Autopsy 12 Bronchopn 12 Cardiomeg 12 Collapse of
340285 Death 11.1 Hepatospl 12 Marrow hyp 12 Pericardial 12 Peritoneal
340285 Pleural eff 12 Pneumotho 12 Pulmonary 12 Pyothorax 12 Respiratory
340285 Respiratory 11.1 Resuscitat 11.1 Sepsis 12 Thymus dis 12 Tricuspid v
340285 Urinary bl 12
340286 Acute respi 12 Biopsy bon 12 Blood produ 12 Bronchiect 12 Bronchopleu
340286 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest tube 12 Coagulopa 12 Computeris
340286 Cough 11.1 Death 12 Diffuse al 12 Drug scree 12 Dyspnoea
340286 Extubation 12 Gastrointes 12 Haemoptys 12 Hyponatra 12 Hypotensio
340286 Infection 12 Influenza 12 Influenza s 11.1 Intensive c 12 Leukopeni
340286 Mechanical 12 Oropharyng 12 Platelet co 12 Pleural ad 12 Pneumonia
340286 Pneumonia 12 Pneumonia 12 Pneumotho 12 Post-tussiv 12 Pyrexia
340286 Respiratory 12 Rheumatoid 12 Staphylococ 11.1 Thrombocy 12 Tracheost
340286 Transfusio 12 White blood 12
340287 Blood produ 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b
340287 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri 11.1 Dysphagia 12 Electromyo 12 Eyelid diso
340287 Facial pare 12 Guillain-B 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Interstitial 12 Lumbar pun
340287 Muscular 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma
340287 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 11.1 Plasmapher 12 Red blood c 12 Speech dis
340287 Spinal osteo 12 Viral infect 12 Walking ai 12
340288 Feeling hot 11.1 Hiccups 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340289 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340290 Rash 11.1
340291 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1
340292 Arthralgia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Oedema per
340292 Oedema per 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria
340293 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340294 Biopsy ski 11.1 Squamous c 11.1
340295 Blood test 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1
340296 Rash eryth 11.1
340297 Local swell 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
340298 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Skin warm
340299 Erythema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
340300 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340301 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340302 Injection s 11.1
340303 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
340304 Allergy test 11.1 Decreased a 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340305 Injection s 11.1
340306 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340307 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
340308 Asthenia 11.1
340309 Loss of co 11.1
340310 Asthenia 11.1
340311 Vaccination 11.1
340312 Inappropria 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340313 Loss of co 11.1
340314 Dizziness 11.1
340315 Acrochord 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340316 Paraesthesi 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Similar rea 11.1
340317 Syncope 11.1
340318 Erythema 11.1
340319 Alopecia 11.1
340320 Adverse ev 11.1
340321 Asthenia 12 Chills 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue
340321 Full blood 12 Guillain-B 12 Influenza li 11.1 Pain 11.1 Paraesthes
340321 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 11.1
340322 Hypersensit 11.1
340323 Burning se 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340324 Pain 11.1
340325 Injected li 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340326 Syncope 11.1
340327 Headache 11.1
340329 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Antibody te 11.1 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia
340329 Arthralgia 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Bronchitis 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest pain
340329 Computeris 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Epstein-Bar
340329 Fall 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache 11.1 Influenza li
340329 Metabolic f 11.1 Middle ear 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea
340329 Oropharyng 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Streptococc 11.1 Tendonitis
340330 Convulsion 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Eclampsia 11.1 Hypertensi 11.1
340331 Drug expos 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340332 Hypersensit 11.1
340333 Abdominal 11.1 Alopecia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Convulsion
340333 Cyanosis 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Gingival bl 11.1 Headache 11.1 Immediate p
340333 Respiratory 11.1 Visual imp 11.1
340334 Chest pain 11.1 Cough 11.1 Deep vein 11.1 Hypercoagu 11.1 Laboratory
340336 Facial pals 11.1
340337 Activities o 11.1 Alopecia 11.1 Autonomic 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Immune sys
340337 Loss of co 11.1 Migraine 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Orthostatic 11.1 Panic attac
340337 Staphylococ 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
340341 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340342 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Injection s
340342 Injection si 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340343 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340345 Deafness 11.1 Ear pain 11.1 Hyperacusi 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pyrexia
340347 Rash gener 11.1
340353 Rash 11.1
340354 Injection si 11.1 Similar rea 11.1
340355 Furuncle 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Purulence 11.1
340356 Abasia 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Anorexia 11.1 Depression 11.1 Dyskinesia
340356 Headache 11.1 Muscle twit 11.1 Restless l 11.1 Rheumatic 11.1 Streptococc
340357 Asthenia 11.1 Blood gluc 12 Bronchitis 11.1 Chest X-ra 12 Dizziness
340357 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 11.1 Haemoglobi 12 Influenza li 11.1 Loss of co
340357 Loss of co 11.1 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 11.1 Mouth injur 12 Mydriasis
340357 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Pain 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Pyrexia
340357 Suture inse 12 Syncope 12 Tooth injur 11.1 White blood 12
340359 Hypersensit 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
340360 Activated p 12 Arthropod b 12 Blood cultu 12 C-reactive 12 Chest pain
340360 Contusion 11.1 Dysgeusia 12 Erythema 12 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Lymphaden
340360 Pharyngitis 12 Prothrombi 12 Pruritus 12 Purpura 12 Tendernes
340360 Upper respi 12 Urticaria 12
340361 Rash 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash papul 11.1
340362 Asthenia 11.1 Feeling ab 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Mydriasis 11.1
340363 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340364 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340365 Body tempe 11.1 Crying 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340366 Headache 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain
340367 Contusion 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
340367 Pain in ext 11.1
340368 Allergy tes 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Sinusitis
340369 Blood thyro 11.1 Cellulitis 11.1 Chills 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Erythema
340369 Full blood 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340370 Dyspnoea 12 Electromyo 11.1 Eye pain 11.1 Eye pain 11.1 Headache
340370 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Muscular
340370 Musculoske 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Neuropathy 11.1 Pain
340370 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 12 Physical e 12 Snoring 12 Somnolenc
340370 Visual imp 12 Weight inc 12 X-ray norm 12
340371 Pyrexia 11.1
340372 Cyanosis 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1
340373 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Chills 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Nausea
340373 Pyrexia 11.1 Weight dec 11.1
340374 Urticaria 11.1
340376 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340377 Abortion s 11.1 Drug expos 11.1
340378 Wrong drug 11.1
340379 Dizziness 11.1 Fall 11.1 Head injury 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co
340379 Muscle twit 11.1
340380 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
340381 Injection s 11.1 Palpitation 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Tendernes 11.1 Type III i
340382 Retching 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 Vomiting pr 11.1
340383 Vomiting 11.1 Vomiting pr 11.1
340384 Headache 11.1
340385 Erythema 11.1 Local react 11.1 Pain 11.1
340386 Deafness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dry mouth 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 No reaction
340386 Tinnitus 11.1
340387 Wrong drug 11.1
340388 Crying 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1
340389 Chest pain 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Nausea
340389 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340390 Pharmaceut 11.1
340391 Erythema 11.1 Local swell 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Weight bear
340392 Dizziness 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tendernes
340393 Contusion 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Swelling 11.1
340394 Abdominal 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340395 Arthralgia 11.1 Depressed 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypotonia
340395 Pruritus 11.1
340396 Rash 11.1
340397 Headache 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1 Varicella z
340398 Discomfort 11.1 Induration 11.1 Swelling 11.1
340400 Drug admini 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vaccine pos
340401 Diarrhoea 11.1 Influenza li 11.1
340402 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1
340403 Body tempe 11.1 Hepatitis 11.1 Infectious 11.1 Malaise 11.1
340405 Confusional 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Nausea
340405 Syncope 11.1
340406 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Tremor 11.1
340407 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340408 Feeling col 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Syncope
340409 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
340409 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340410 Blister 11.1 Rash 11.1
340411 Body tempe 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Irritability 11.1
340412 Convulsion 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Postictal st 11.1 Pyrexia
340412 Somnolenc 11.1
340413 Injection si 11.1 Rash scarla 11.1
340414 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340416 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash macul 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
340417 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340418 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340419 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
340420 Full blood 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Urine analy 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340421 Dizziness 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pallor 11.1
340422 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lymphaden
340422 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
340423 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340424 Condition 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Pyrexia
340425 Arthralgia 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340426 Asthenia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dysstasia 11.1 Headache
340426 Nausea 11.1 Orthostatic 11.1
340427 Anxiety 11.1 Condition 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Nausea
340427 Stomach di 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Vaccination 11.1
340428 Acute diss 12 Asthenia 11.1 Ataxia 12 Blood cultu 12 C-reactive
340428 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho 12 CSF neutro 12 CSF protei
340428 CSF white b 12 Culture uri 12 Gait distur 11.1 Headache 11.1 Irritability
340428 Lethargy 12 Lymphocyte 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pyrexia
340428 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Visual imp 12
340429 Injection si 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340430 Adverse re 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c
340430 Syncope 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 White blood 11.1 White blood 11.1
340432 Pruritus 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
340433 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthritis
340433 Autoimmune 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Cognitive d 11.1 Deafness
340433 Disturbance 11.1 Dysuria 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Glossitis 11.1 Glossodyni
340433 Headache 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Hypertensi 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe
340433 Inflammati 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Memory im 11.1 Musculoske
340433 Musculoske 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Nephrolithi 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Nodule
340433 Osteopeni 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in jaw
340433 Paraesthes 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Peptic ulce 11.1 Periarthriti 11.1 Raynaud's
340433 Tendon pai 11.1 Tremor 11.1 Vertigo 11.1
340440 Drug expos 11.1
340441 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340442 Asthenia 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1
340443 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
340444 Accidental 11.1 Eye irritati 11.1 Lacrimatio 11.1
340445 Joint swell 11.1
340446 Headache 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340447 Amenorrho 11.1 No reaction 11.1
340448 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 No reaction 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash eryth
340449 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
340450 No reaction 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340451 Abdominal 12 Acute sinus 12 Anxiety 12 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia
340451 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Blood thyro 12 Cough 12 Depression
340451 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 12 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Headache
340451 Injury 12 Insomnia 12 Learning di 11.1 Oropharyng 12 Otitis exte
340451 Pallor 12 Post-trauma 12 Postnasal d 12 Psychomoto 12 Similar rea
340451 Spirometry 12 Syncope 11.1 Vision blur 12 Weight dec 12
340452 Blood HIV 11.1 HIV test 11.1 HIV test po 11.1
340453 Cardiac dis 11.1
340454 Lymphaden 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340455 Injected li 11.1
340456 Erythema 11.1 Joint swell 11.1
340457 Lethargy 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340458 No reaction 11.1 Pain 11.1 Tremor 11.1
340459 Asthenia 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Mass 11.1 Myalgia
340459 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340460 Herpes sim 11.1 Human papil 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1
340461 Paraesthes 11.1
340462 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co 11.1
340464 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 No reaction 11.1
340465 Smear cerv 11.1
340466 Insomnia 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340467 Inappropria 11.1 Metrorrhag 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340468 Headache 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Stomach di 11.1
340469 Syncope 11.1 Tuberculin 11.1
340470 Alopecia 11.1 Laboratory 11.1
340471 Dizziness 11.1
340473 Syncope 11.1
340475 Contusion 11.1 Drug admini 11.1
340476 Dyskinesia 11.1 Incorrect d 11.1 No adverse 11.1
340477 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340478 Menstruatio 11.1
340479 Urticaria 11.1
340480 Hypersensit 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Psoriasis 11.1
340481 Asthenia 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340482 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340483 No reaction 11.1 Rash 11.1
340484 Syncope 11.1
340485 Nausea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340486 Skin papil 11.1
340487 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Nausea
340487 Pain 11.1
340488 Inappropria 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
340489 Alopecia 11.1 No reaction 11.1
340490 Incorrect r 11.1 Injection 11.1
340491 Breast cyst 11.1
340492 Asthenia 11.1 Bradycardi 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Syncope
340492 Syncope va 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340493 Rash 11.1
340494 Asthenia 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dizziness 11.1
340495 Anaemia 12 Blood albu 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood produ 11.1 Blood urine
340495 Body tempe 11.1 Bone scan 12 C-reactive 12 CSF cultur 12 Cardiac mo
340495 Cardiac mu 11.1 Conjunctivi 12 Culture uri 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Diarrhoea
340495 Disorientat 11.1 Echocardio 12 Erythema of 12 Eye swelli 11.1 Fatigue
340495 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Intercostal 12 Kawasaki's 11.1 Lethargy
340495 Listless 12 Lumbar pun 11.1 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte p
340495 Nuclear ma 11.1 Ocular hyp 11.1 Ocular vasc 11.1 Pallor 12 Platelet co
340495 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash eryth 12 Respiratory 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Respiratory
340495 Rhinorrhoe 12 Skin lesion 12 Somnolenc 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Tachypnoe
340495 Thermomet 11.1 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1 Urinary trac
340495 Urinary trac 12 Urine anal 12 Urine leuko 12 White blood 12 White blood
340497 Culture 11.1 Disorientat 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain
340497 Rash 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
340498 Deafness un 11.1
340499 Autism 11.1
340500 Back pain 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Induced la 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Nausea
340500 Uterine con 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340501 Facial pals 11.1 Headache 11.1
340502 Borrelia bu 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Laboratory 11.1
340503 Activities o 11.1 Eating diso 11.1 Gastrointes 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Pain
340508 Antinuclear 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 CD4 lympho
340508 Full blood 11.1 Impaired wo 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Leukopeni 11.1 Liver funct
340508 Mononucleos 11.1 Parvovirus 11.1 Polyarthriti 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Rheumatoid
340508 Streptococca 11.1 T-lymphocy 11.1
340509 Asthenia 12 Blood produ 11.1 CSF cell c 12 CSF protei 12 Chest X-ra
340509 Chronic in 11.1 Computeris 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Electromyo
340509 Gait distur 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Lumbar pun 12 Micturition 12 Muscular
340509 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraparesi 12 Pollakiuria 12 Sensory lo
340510 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340511 Unevaluabl 11.1
340512 Agitation 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting
340513 Dizziness 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Stomach di 11.1
340514 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pain
340514 Swelling 11.1
340515 Facial pals 11.1
340516 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
340517 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash 11.1
340518 Facial pals 11.1 Facial pals 11.1
340519 Cough 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory
340520 Eyelid oed 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340521 Crying 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Pallor 11.1
340522 Body tempe 11.1 Cough 11.1 Measles ant 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Rhinorrhoe
340523 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 11.1 Anxiety 12 Asthenia 11.1 Chills
340523 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Gait distur 11.1 Headache
340523 Heart rate 11.1 Helicobacter 12 Mobility d 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Palpitation
340523 Peptic ulce 12 Sinus tach 12 Visual imp 11.1
340524 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
340525 Crying 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lymphaden
340526 Cough 11.1 Pertussis id 11.1
340527 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340528 Cold sweat 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electrocar
340528 Flushing 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Sinus rhyt 11.1
340529 Eye irritati 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Headache 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Rash
340530 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340531 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Irritability
340531 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash papul 11.1
340532 Ataxia 11.1 Eyelid diso 11.1 Facial pals 11.1 Facial pals 11.1 Gingivitis
340532 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Ocular hyp 11.1 Oral herpe
340532 Oral herpe 11.1 Oropharynge 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1
340533 Facial pals 11.1
340534 No adverse 11.1
340535 Erythema 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
340536 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1
340537 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Mass 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Pain 11.1
340538 Neuralgia 11.1 Rash 11.1
340539 Muscle sp 11.1 Skin hyper 11.1
340540 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
340540 Injection si 11.1
340541 Malaise 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Oedema 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash
340542 Headache 11.1
340543 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
340544 Chills 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Nausea
340544 Pain 11.1 Vertigo 11.1
340545 Dyspnoea 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Eye swelli 11.1 Feeling jitt 11.1 Irritability
340545 Oedema mo 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 Unresponsiv
340545 Wheezing 11.1
340546 Injection si 11.1
340547 Pyrexia 11.1
340548 Rash vesic 11.1
340549 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Flatulence 11.1
340550 Headache 11.1
340551 Body tempe 11.1
340552 Axillary pai 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Myalgia 11.1
340553 Dermatitis 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
340554 Urticaria 11.1
340555 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340556 Limb immob 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
340557 Adverse ev 11.1 Bacterial c 11.1 Blood alka 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 C-reactive
340557 Computeris 11.1 Condition 11.1 Cyanosis 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Hypotonia
340557 Oxygen sat 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Staring
340557 Unresponsiv 11.1 Vaccination 11.1 Virus cultu 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 White blood
340558 Autopsy 11.1 Cyanosis 11.1 Death 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Lymphocyte
340558 Neutrophil 12 Pallor 11.1 Pulse abse 12 Respiratory 12 Skin discol
340558 Unresponsiv 11.1 White blood 12
340559 Injection s 11.1
340560 Body tempe 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340561 Urticaria 11.1
340562 Contusion 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Palpitation 11.1
340563 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340564 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340565 Abasia 11.1 Agitation 12 Autism 12 Cerebral pa 12 Convulsion
340565 Developmen 12 Dizziness 12 Eating diso 12 Electroenc 12 Epilepsy
340565 Gene mutati 12 Hypotonia 12 Lethargy 12 Mental reta 12 Muscle spas
340565 Nuclear ma 12 Nystagmus 12 Otitis medi 12 Postictal st 12 Posture ab
340565 Pyrexia 12 Sleep disor 12 Speech dis 11.1 Spinal X-r 12 Staring
340565 Strabismus 12 Unresponsiv 12
340566 Wrong drug 11.1
340567 Erythema 11.1 Immediate p 11.1
340568 Contusion 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Mass 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Musculoske
340568 Skin disord 11.1
340577 Bacterial in 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Cough 11.1 Culture sto
340577 Influenza s 11.1 Leukocytos 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Streptococc
340577 Tachycardi 11.1 White blood 11.1
340578 Injection sit 11.1
340579 Complement 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pruritus
340579 Rash follicu 11.1 Rash pustu 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
340580 Culture sto 11.1 Melaena 11.1
340581 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340582 Body tempe 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
340583 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
340584 Anxiety 11.1 Blood thyro 11.1 Chills 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Diarrhoea
340584 Fatigue 11.1 Feeling ab 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hyperacusi
340584 Lymphaden 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Nausea
340584 Pain 11.1 Photophobi 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
340585 Injection s 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340586 Swelling fa 11.1
340587 Stomatitis 11.1
340588 Full blood 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1 Skin lesion
340589 Rash 11.1
340590 Asthenia 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Musculoskel
340590 Tendernes 11.1
340591 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340592 Myoclonus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340593 Oedema 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1
340594 Syncope 11.1
340595 Incorrect r 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1
340596 Injection si 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
340597 Alopecia 11.1 Anaemia 11.1 Borrelia bu 11.1 Haematolog 11.1 Laboratory
340598 Allergy test 11.1 Allergy to 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340599 Abdominal 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Vomiting i 11.1
340600 Rash 11.1 Rash 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
340601 Burning se 11.1 Incorrect r 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340602 Oligomeno 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340603 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340604 Contusion 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Ultrasound
340605 Human papil 11.1 Papilloma v 11.1
340606 Amenorrho 11.1
340607 Dizziness 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Nausea 11.1
340608 Dyspnoea 11.1
340609 Muscle sp 11.1 Pain 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
340610 Papilloma v 11.1
340611 Pelvic pain 11.1
340612 Alopecia 11.1
340613 Drug expos 11.1 HIV antibod 11.1 Hepatitis B 11.1 Immunology 11.1 Laboratory
340613 Syphilis te 11.1
340614 Alopecia 11.1 Amenorrho 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Weight inc 11.1
340615 Dizziness 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Paraesthes
340615 Throat tigh 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
340616 Papilloma v 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1 Viral DNA t 11.1
340617 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340618 Erythema 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
340619 Inappropria 11.1 No reaction 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340620 Injection si 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340621 Injection 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 No reaction 11.1
340622 Syncope 11.1
340623 Injection si 11.1
340624 Syncope 11.1
340625 Sensation 11.1
340626 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
340627 Headache 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340628 Syncope 11.1
340629 Headache 11.1
340630 Vomiting 11.1
340631 Inappropria 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340632 Tachycardi 11.1
340633 Culture uri 12 Discomfort 11.1 Dysuria 12 Dysuria 11.1 Escherichia
340633 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Pregnancy t 12 Smear cerv 12 Urinary hes
340633 Urinary trac 12
340634 Biopsy 11.1 No reaction 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1
340635 Injection si 11.1
340636 Injection si 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340637 Headache 11.1 No reaction 11.1
340638 Neuropathy 11.1
340639 No reaction 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340640 Chest pain 11.1 Panic attac 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340641 No reaction 11.1 Skin haemo 11.1
340642 Dizziness 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340643 No reaction 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340644 Joint swell 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Urticaria
340645 Syncope 11.1
340646 Asthenia 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Depressed 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Electrocar
340646 Hypoventila 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
340647 Inappropria 11.1 Papilloma v 11.1
340648 Immediate p 11.1 No reaction 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340649 Rectal dis 11.1
340650 Echocardi 11.1 Pericardial 11.1
340652 Loss of co 11.1 Sinusitis 11.1
340653 Human papil 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1
340654 Erythema 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Urticaria
340659 Neck pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 X-ray norm 11.1
340663 Cerebrovas 11.1
340667 Hepatitis B 11.1
340668 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Crohn's di 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dysmenorr
340668 Gastrointe 11.1 Malaise 11.1
340669 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
340670 Dyspnoea 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340671 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Oedema per
340671 Pain in ext 11.1
340672 Injection s 11.1 Injection 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340673 Convulsion 11.1 Electroenc 11.1
340674 Computeri 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection sit 11.1 Local react 11.1 Nuclear ma
340674 Venous thr 11.1
340675 Acute diss 12 Antiphospho 12 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF test n 11.1 Hemiparesi
340675 Nuclear ma 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340676 Dizziness 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340677 Immediate p 11.1 Nausea 11.1
340678 Dizziness 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340679 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340680 Arthralgia 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pelvic pain
340681 Allergy test 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Lip swellin
340681 Pain in ext 11.1 Rash 11.1 Skin test 11.1 Swollen to 11.1 X-ray
340682 Atelectasis 11.1 Blood cultu 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Condition
340682 Convulsion 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Endotrachea 11.1 Influenza
340682 Influenza s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Scan brain 11.1 Streptococca
340682 Tardive dys 11.1
340683 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340684 Abdominal 11.1 Chills 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia
340685 Pain in ext 11.1
340686 Anorexia 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Somnolenc
340687 Paraesthes 11.1
340688 Body tempe 11.1 Pneumonia 11.1
340689 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340690 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340691 Feeling ab 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1
340696 Computeris 11.1 Condition 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 No reaction
340696 Nuclear ma 11.1
340698 Computeri 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Endotrachea 11.1 Feeding di
340698 Haemoglob 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Injury 11.1 Rib fractur 11.1 Skull fractu
340698 Subdural 11.1 Traumatic b 11.1 Tremor 11.1 Visual field 11.1 Vomiting
340700 Abdominal 11.1 Asthma 11.1 Blood pres 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Costochondr
340700 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Echocardi
340700 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Headache 11.1 Heart rate 12 Loss of co
340700 Nausea 11.1 Obstructive 12 Pain 11.1 Pulmonary 12 Syncope
340700 Syncope 12 Tilt table te 12 Tricuspid 12
340701 Cold sweat 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340702 Bed rest 11.1 Chills 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection s
340702 Lymphaden 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340703 Rash 11.1
340704 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340705 Hyperaemi 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340706 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340707 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
340708 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340709 Gaze palsy 11.1 Staring 11.1
340710 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340711 Chills 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340712 Gait distur 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340713 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340714 Inappropria 11.1
340715 Dizziness 11.1
340716 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340717 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Anion gap 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Asthenia
340717 Blindness 11.1 Blood pota 11.1 Bone pain 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Computeris
340717 Dizziness 11.1 Drug scree 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Fall 11.1 Flank pain
340717 Haematocri 11.1 Haemoglobi 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hyperaesth 11.1 Hyperventil
340717 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Incoherent 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pain
340717 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Panic attac 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Syncope
340717 Thyroid fun 11.1 Urine analy 11.1 White blood 11.1
340718 Blood thyr 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting
340719 No reaction 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340720 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340721 Rash gener 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
340722 Activities o 11.1 Drug admini 11.1 Pain 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340723 Drug expos 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1
340724 Dizziness 11.1
340725 Cervical dy 11.1
340726 Headache 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340727 Vaginal di 11.1
340728 Computeri 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Screaming
340729 Arthralgia 11.1
340730 Adverse re 11.1 Inappropria 11.1
340731 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 No reaction 11.1
340732 Back pain 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
340733 Basilar mig 12 Blood test 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Condition
340733 Dizziness 12 Dysarthria 12 Echocardio 12 Electroenc 12 Headache
340733 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Loss of co 12 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pallor 12 Paraesthes
340733 Vision blur 12 Visual imp 12
340734 Rash 11.1
340735 Culture pos 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus
340735 Vaccine pos 11.1
340736 Smear cerv 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1
340737 Drug expos 11.1 Headache 11.1 Nausea 11.1
340740 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash macu
340741 Syncope 11.1
340742 Immediate p 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340743 Drug expos 11.1 Vomiting i 11.1
340744 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Rash 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340745 Drug expos 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Protein uri 11.1 Urine human 11.1
340746 Loss of co 11.1
340747 Cellulitis 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340748 Chills 11.1 Hot flush 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
340749 Pain 11.1
340750 Presyncop 11.1
340751 Syncope 11.1
340752 Urticaria 11.1
340753 Headache 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340758 Abdominal 12 Aggression 12 Amnesia 11.1 Anxiety 12 Arthralgia
340758 Arthritis 12 Back pain 11.1 Blood test 12 Body tempe 11.1 Chest disc
340758 Chest pain 12 Depression 11.1 Dyspepsia 12 Dyspepsia 12 Dyspnoea
340758 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Heart rate
340758 Hyperhidro 12 Hypersomn 12 Malaise 12 Mood swin 11.1 Myalgia
340758 Pain 12 Palpitation 12 Pyrexia 11.1 Social avoi 12 Tachycardi
340758 Troponin I 12 Vaccine pos 11.1
340759 Pain in ext 11.1
340760 Nausea 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340761 Cervical dy 11.1 Fungal infe 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1
340762 Cervical dy 11.1 Colposcop 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Human papil 11.1 Smear cerv
340762 Urine huma 11.1
340763 Arthralgia 11.1 Infectious 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Mononucleos 11.1
340764 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
340765 Depression 11.1 Drug expos 11.1
340766 Cyst ruptur 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Pelvic pain 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
340767 Anaemia of 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Polyhydram 11.1 Pregnancy
340767 Pregnancy t 11.1 Retained p 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
340768 Alpha 1 foe 11.1 Anaemia 11.1 Apgar scor 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Drug expos
340768 Haematocri 11.1 Haemoglob 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Streptococc 11.1 Ultrasound
340769 Drug expos 11.1 Gestational 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
340770 Alpha 1 foe 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Glucose to 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Nasopharyn
340770 Pregnancy t 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Urinary trac 11.1
340771 Anxiety 11.1 Apgar scor 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Haemorrha 11.1 Muscle sp
340771 Ultrasound 11.1
340772 Drug expos 11.1 Haematolog 11.1 Labour ind 11.1 Prolonged 11.1
340773 Dizziness 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340775 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340776 Injection si 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
340777 Local swell 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
340778 Syncope 11.1
340779 Arthralgia 11.1
340780 Pruritus ge 11.1 Rash 11.1
340781 Blood gluc 11.1 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive 12 Confusional 12 Disorientat
340781 Dyskinesia 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Electroenc 12 Feeling ab 12 Full blood
340781 Immunology 12 Immunology 12 Laboratory 12 Loss of co 11.1 Movement d
340781 Muscle twit 12 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pyrexia
340781 Red blood c 12 Sleep disor 12 Thyroid fun 11.1 Tic 11.1
340782 Malaise 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340783 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340784 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
340785 Migraine 11.1
340786 Decreased 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340787 Irritability 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
340788 Nausea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340789 Pain 11.1 Swelling 11.1
340790 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
340792 Anorexia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chills 11.1 Cough
340792 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Pain
340792 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1
340793 Rash papul 11.1 Scab 11.1 Varicella p 11.1
340794 Chills 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Paraesthes
340794 Pyrexia 11.1
340795 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340796 Dyskinesia 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Epilepsy 11.1 Eye rolling 11.1 Staring
340797 Condition 11.1
340798 Adrenergic 12 Allodynia 12 Anhidrosis 12 Antinuclear 12 Anxiety
340798 Aspiration 12 Asthenia 12 Autonomic 12 Barium swa 12 Brain stem
340798 C-reactive 12 CSF protei 12 Candidiasi 12 Central ne 12 Chills
340798 Choking se 12 Computeris 11.1 Culture neg 12 Diplopia 11.1 Dysphagia
340798 Dysphagia 11.1 Dysphonia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Ear conges 12 Electrocar
340798 Electromyo 12 Encephaliti 11.1 Endoscopy u 12 Erythema 12 Eye pruritu
340798 Full blood 12 Gastrointes 12 HIV antibo 11.1 Headache 12 Hyperreflex
340798 Increased u 12 Insomnia 12 Lumbar pun 11.1 Malaise 12 Malnutritio
340798 Metabolic f 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Neurologic 12 No reaction
340798 Nuclear ma 11.1 Ophthalmol 12 Oropharyng 12 Paraesthes 11.1 Plasmapher
340798 Pruritus 12 Pseudobulb 12 Pulmonary f 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
340798 Salivary hy 11.1 Sweat test 12 Trigeminal 12 Vomiting 12 Weight dec
340799 Body tempe 11.1
340800 Areflexia 12 Blood produ 11.1 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei
340800 CSF white b 12 Dysaesthes 12 Gait distur 12 Guillain-B 11.1 Intensive c
340800 Neurologic 11.1 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Red blood c 12
340801 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340802 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF test n 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Febrile con
340802 Full blood 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Herpes sim 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Laboratory
340802 Polymerase 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1 Tremor
340802 Tremor 11.1
340803 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia
340803 Skin warm 11.1
340804 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dysuria 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340805 Cellulitis 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
340806 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340807 Abdominal 11.1 Activities o 11.1 Alopecia 11.1 Amnesia 11.1 Antinuclear
340807 Apathy 12 Back pain 11.1 Blood thyro 11.1 Cardiac en 12 Chest X-ra
340807 Chronic fa 12 Computeris 12 Cough 12 Culture sto 11.1 Culture sto
340807 Culture uri 11.1 DNA antibo 12 Decreased 12 Depression 12 Diarrhoea
340807 Disturbance 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 12 Dysstasia 11.1 Electrocar
340807 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue 11.1 Free thyrox
340807 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Headache 11.1 Hypoaesthe
340807 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Increased u 12 Insomnia 12 Irritability 12 Lip swellin
340807 Metabolic f 12 Mood swin 12 Nausea 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Neurologic
340807 Non-cardia 12 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Presyncop
340807 Red blood c 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sensation 12 Staring 11.1 Streptococca
340807 Streptococca 12 Vomiting 11.1
340808 Erythema 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
340809 Chills 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Nausea
340809 Pyrexia 11.1
340810 Crying 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Screaming 11.1 Staring 11.1
340815 Anxiety 12 Asthenia 12 Convulsion 11.1 Decreased a 12 Developmen
340815 Differential 11.1 Dyskinesia 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc 12 Faecal inc
340815 Fatigue 12 Full blood 11.1 Hypotonia 12 Laboratory 11.1 Loss of co
340815 Neurologic 12 Nuclear ma 12 Staring 12 Tic 12 Tremor
340815 Unresponsiv 12 Urinary inc 12 Urine analy 11.1 Vomiting 12
340816 Dyspnoea 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Lip oedem 11.1 Swollen to
340816 Unresponsiv 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340817 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Joint rang 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Pyrexia
340818 Dyspnoea 11.1 Throat irrit 11.1
340819 Rash papul 11.1
340820 No adverse 11.1
340821 High-pitche 11.1 Screaming 11.1
340822 Heart rate 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340823 Pruritus ge 11.1 Swelling fa 11.1
340824 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
340825 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340826 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340827 Cyanosis 11.1 Eczema 12 Gaze palsy 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Rash
340827 Respiratory 11.1
340829 Erythema 11.1 No reaction 11.1 Nodule 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener
340829 Rhinorrhoe 11.1
340830 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hyporeflex 11.1 Vision blur
340831 Anaemia 11.1 Anogenital 11.1 Caesarean 11.1 Cervical dy 11.1 Drug expos
340831 Failed trial 11.1 Human papil 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1 Ultrasound
340832 Convulsion 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Tremor 11.1
340833 Activities o 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Headache 11.1
340834 Activities o 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Vaccine pos
340834 Vomiting 11.1
340835 Blood pota 11.1 Blood prola 11.1 Brain natri 11.1 Chronic sin 11.1 Computeri
340835 Disturbance 11.1 Drug scree 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Eye disord
340835 Fall 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Grand mal 11.1 Head injury 11.1 Headache
340835 Hypokalae 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Nervousne 11.1 Neurologic
340835 Partial sei 11.1 Petit mal e 11.1 Postictal st 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Tonic clon
340835 Tremor 11.1 Urine analy 11.1
340839 Convulsion 11.1
340840 Myelitis tr 11.1
340841 Autism 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1
340848 Body tempe 11.1 Chills 11.1 Dry skin 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Nasopharyn
340848 Nightmare 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1 Tendernes
340849 Discomfort 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co 11.1
340850 No adverse 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1 Wrong tech 11.1
340851 Injection s 11.1
340852 Wrong drug 11.1
340853 Antibiotic 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia
340853 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling 11.1
340854 Immediate p 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340855 Rash 11.1
340856 Arthralgia 11.1 Chest disc 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Influenza li
340856 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340857 Blindness 11.1 Migraine 11.1
340858 Urticaria 11.1
340859 Chills 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Tremor 11.1
340860 Asthenia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Tremor 11.1
340861 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Nasal cong
340861 Oropharyng 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340862 Injection si 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340863 Erythema 11.1 Swelling 11.1
340867 Asthenia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340868 Body tempe 11.1 Eye swelli 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340869 Dizziness 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes
340869 Vomiting 11.1
340870 Dizziness 11.1 Flank pain 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Vomiting
340871 Angioedem 11.1 Hypotensio 11.1 Lip swellin 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Swelling
340871 Syncope 11.1 Tendernes 11.1 Thirst 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Urticaria
340871 Weight bear 11.1
340872 Erythema 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340873 Abnormal b 11.1 Autism 12 Hypotonia 12
340874 Blood press 11.1 Blood thyro 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Tremor 11.1
340875 Rash gener 11.1
340876 Alopecia 11.1 Cardiac abl 11.1 Chest disc 12 Chest pain 11.1 Dizziness
340876 Echocardio 12 Heart rate 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Oral contra
340876 Palpitation 12 Supraventri 11.1
340877 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Pain
340877 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340878 Headache 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340879 Electromyo 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Tenosynovi 11.1
340880 Blood elect 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Computeris 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Febrile con
340880 Foaming at 12 Full blood 11.1 Gaze palsy 12 Grand mal 12 Hypotonia
340880 Unresponsiv 12 Urine analy 11.1
340881 Loss of co 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340882 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Agitation 11.1 Alopecia 11.1 Amenorrho
340882 Amenorrho 11.1 Anaemia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Asthenia 11.1 Asthma exe
340882 Autoimmune 11.1 Cardiovascu 11.1 Computeris 12 Constipati 11.1 Constipati
340882 Cyanosis 12 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspepsia 11.1 Echocardi
340882 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Feeling col 11.1 Gait distur
340882 Gastrointes 11.1 Gout 11.1 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Headache
340882 Heart rate 11.1 Hepatitis C 12 Hormone le 11.1 Hypotensio 11.1 Hypothyroi
340882 Irritability 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Nausea
340882 Organ failu 11.1 Orthopnoe 11.1 Oxygen sat 12 Pain in ext 11.1 Pallor
340882 Pancreatiti 11.1 Pancytopen 11.1 Platelet co 12 Reticulocyt 12 Skin discol
340882 Splenomeg 12 Swelling fa 11.1 Thrombocy 11.1 Tinnitus 11.1 Urinary trac
340882 White blood 12
340883 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Type III i 11.1
340884 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340885 Chills 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
340885 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Retching 11.1
340886 Myalgia 11.1 Pain 11.1 Syncope 11.1
340887 Blindness 11.1 Blood 1,25- 11.1 CSF cultur 11.1 CSF glucos 11.1 CSF protei
340887 CSF white b 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Optic neurit 11.1 Vision blur 11.1
340888 Headache 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
340888 Malaise 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Stomach di 11.1
340889 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340890 Blister 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
340891 Pyrexia 11.1 Varicella 11.1
340892 Body tempe 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
340892 Skin exfoli 11.1
340893 Crying 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Irritability 11.1
340894 Acute myel 11.1 Biopsy bon 12 Cardiac fai 12 Cardiomyo 12 Cellulitis
340894 Chemother 12 Clostridial 12 Ejection fr 12 Endotrachea 12 Extubation
340894 Faecal inc 12 Gangrene 12 Headache 12 Hepatic fai 12 Injection si
340894 Injection si 11.1 Intensive c 12 Leg amputa 12 Multi-organ 12 Neutropeni
340894 Neutrophil 12 Pancytopen 12 Peripheral 12 Platelet tr 12 Pseudomon
340894 Pyrexia 11.1 Renal failu 12 Transfusio 12 Vaccinia 12
340895 Injection s 11.1 Rash 11.1
340896 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Candidiasi 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest X-ra
340896 Clostridium 11.1 Colitis 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Cough 11.1 Diarrhoea
340896 Diarrhoea 11.1 Diet refusa 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Feeling jitt
340896 Flatulence 11.1 Gastroenter 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypophagi 11.1 Influenza
340896 Influenza s 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Mental sta 11.1 Oropharyng
340896 Pneumonia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Respiratory
340896 Respiratory 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Rotavirus t 11.1 Streptococc
340896 Unresponsiv 11.1 Upper respi 11.1 Viral infect 11.1 Viral skin i 11.1 Vomiting
340896 Wheezing 11.1 X-ray abno 11.1
340897 Arthralgia 11.1 Bacteraemi 11.1 Blood creat 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 C-reactive
340897 Dizziness 11.1 Gait distur 11.1 Headache 11.1 Incisional 11.1 Joint swell
340897 Lumbar pun 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Osteomyelit 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c
340897 Skin warm 11.1 Staphylococ 11.1 Tendernes 11.1 Weight bear 11.1
340899 Abnormal b 11.1 Affective d 11.1 Aggression 11.1 Anxiety dis 11.1 Educationa
340900 Abasia 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Bone pain 11.1 Cardiac mo 11.1 Confusional
340900 Cystitis 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Gastrooeso 11.1 General phy
340900 Hallucinati 11.1 Headache 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Hypoaesthe
340900 Pain 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Screaming 11.1 Sleep disor
340900 Syncope 11.1 Thrombosi 11.1 Vomiting 11.1 Wheelchair 11.1
340901 Abasia 11.1 Back pain 11.1 Bone pain 11.1 Cystitis 11.1 Dehydratio
340901 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Gastrooeso 11.1 Hallucinati 11.1 Headache
340901 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Immunisati 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia
340901 Sleep disor 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Thrombosi 11.1 Urinary trac 11.1 Vomiting
340907 Autism 11.1
340911 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Cardiac str
340911 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest disc 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Eczema 11.1 Eructation
340911 Fatigue 11.1 Fibromyalg 11.1 Formicatio 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Immunology
340911 Insomnia 11.1 Interverteb 11.1 Mental imp 11.1 Muscle sp 11.1 Myalgia
340911 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Oesophagit 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pain in ext
340911 Paraesthes 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Peripheral 11.1 Radiculitis 11.1 Rash
340911 Sensory di 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1 Visual acui 11.1
340920 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340921 Headache 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340922 Erythema m 11.1
340923 Erythema 11.1 Local react 11.1 Localised 11.1
340924 Costochondr 11.1
340925 Adrenal ha 12 Bronchopn 12 Coagulopa 12 Death 11.1 Influenza
340925 Pulmonary 12 Septic sho 12 Splenomeg 12 Staphylococ 12 Visceral co
340925 Waterhouse 12
340926 Blood pres 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Headache 11.1 Loss of co 11.1
340927 Cellulitis 11.1 Computeri 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Myalgia
340928 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
340929 Herpes zos 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340930 Headache 11.1
340931 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 11.1 Abdominal 12 Acne 12 Activities o
340931 Allergy to 12 Arthralgia 12 Balance di 12 Barium en 12 Biopsy site
340931 Blood alka 12 Blood amyl 12 Chills 12 Computeris 11.1 Culture thr
340931 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Ear pain 12 Endoscopy 12 Fatigue
340931 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Helicobacter 12 Hepatobilia
340931 Joint stiffn 12 Laboratory 12 Lipase inc 12 Loss of co 12 Malaise
340931 Mononucleos 11.1 Mononucle 12 Nausea 12 Night swea 12 Nuclear ma
340931 Oropharyng 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Sinus cong 12 Splenomeg
340931 Ultrasound 12 Upper respi 12 Viral pharyn 12 Weight dec 11.1 X-ray with
340932 Secondary 11.1 Varicella p 11.1
340933 Dizziness 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340934 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340935 Crying 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Dysphonia 11.1
340936 Erythema 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Incorrect r 11.1 Local react 11.1 Oedema per
340936 Pruritus 11.1
340937 Culture thr 11.1 Pharyngitis 11.1 Rash 11.1
340938 Blister 11.1
340939 Erythema 11.1 Feeling col 11.1 Night swea 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia
340939 Swelling 11.1
340940 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
340940 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash macu 11.1
340941 Rash 11.1
340942 Injection s 11.1
340943 Mass 11.1 Muscular 11.1
340944 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
340945 Inappropria 11.1
340946 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340947 Immediate p 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Muscular 11.1
340948 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
340949 Dyspnoea 11.1
340950 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
340951 Dizziness 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Tendernes
340952 Dizziness 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Scan brain
340952 Vision blur 11.1
340954 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pain 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Stomach di
340955 Electroenc 11.1 Staring 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
340956 Mobility d 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Tremor 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
340957 Erythema m 11.1
340958 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340965 Autoimmune 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Headache 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Nervous sy
340967 Asthenia 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Infectious
340967 Malaise 11.1
340968 Confusional 11.1 Dehydratio 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Pyrexia
340969 Abortion s 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy 11.1
340970 Abortion s 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy 11.1
340971 Death 11.1 Influenza 11.1
340976 Chest pain 11.1 Condition 11.1 Nasal disc 11.1 Sneezing 11.1
340977 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Computeris 12 Decreased 12 Dizziness
340977 Feeling of 12 Laboratory 12 Lymphadeni 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext
340977 Syncope 12 Vestibular 12
340978 Grip stren 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Pain
340979 Allergy to 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Food allerg 11.1 Food intol 11.1 Hypersensit
340979 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Weight dec
340980 Blood cultu 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 11.1 Electroenc 12 Endotrachea
340980 Extubation 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 11.1 Neutropeni 12 Neutrophil
340980 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 11.1 Skin test n 11.1 Status epil
340980 Urticaria 11.1
340981 Gram stain 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
340981 Myalgia 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Staphyloco 11.1
340982 Cardiac en 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc 12 Chest pain 11.1 Chills
340982 Computeri 12 Dyspnoea 11.1 Echocardio 12 Ejection fr 12 Electrocar
340982 Fatigue 11.1 Fibrin D di 12 Jugular vei 12 Myalgia 11.1 Mycoplasma
340982 Nasal cong 12 Night swea 11.1 Pericardial 11.1 Pericardial 12 Pericarditis
340982 Prothrombi 12 Pulse pres 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c 12 Viral test n
340982 White blood 12
340983 Drug expos 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
340984 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Scab 11.1
340985 Rash 11.1
340986 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340987 Biopsy skin 11.1 Blood test 11.1 Burning se 11.1 Discomfort 11.1 Laboratory
340987 Paraesthes 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash gener 11.1
340988 Influenza s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340989 Diarrhoea 11.1
340990 Cough 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Upper respi 11.1
340991 Erythema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Swelling 11.1 Tendernes 11.1 Urticaria
340992 Erythema 11.1
340993 Erythema 11.1
340994 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
340995 Bronchitis 11.1 Cough 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Varicella
340996 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
340997 Urticaria 11.1
340998 Rash prurit 11.1
340999 Chest disc 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Eye pain 11.1 Nausea 11.1
341000 Rash gener 11.1 Rash pustu 11.1
341001 Rash pustu 11.1
341003 Inappropria 11.1
341004 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Skin warm
341004 Swelling 11.1
341005 Immediate p 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Rash
341006 Stomatitis 11.1
341007 Chest X-ra 11.1 Cough 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Dysstasia
341007 Headache 11.1 Lethargy 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341008 Pyrexia 11.1
341009 Pyrexia 11.1
341010 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341011 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341012 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341013 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Feeling hot
341013 Headache 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Presyncop
341013 Syncope 11.1 Syncope 12 Tilt table te 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1 Vision blur
341014 Immediate p 11.1 Syncope 11.1
341015 Anxiety 11.1 Incontinen 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Micturition 11.1 Mood alter
341015 Sensory di 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
341016 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341017 Aphasia 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Cyanosis 11.1 Echoencep 11.1 Electrocar
341017 Electroenc 11.1 Hemiparesi 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Laboratory 11.1 Nuclear ma
341017 Prothrombi 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Tonic clon 11.1
341018 Herpes zos 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1
341019 Urticaria 11.1
341020 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341021 Herpes zos 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1
341022 Injection si 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
341023 Anxiety 12 Aphasia 12 Blepharos 12 Brain scan 12 Depressed
341023 Eye rolling 12 Granulocyt 12 Laboratory 11.1 Lymphocyte 12 Syncope
341023 Unresponsiv 12
341024 Immediate p 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
341025 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
341026 Injection si 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Neck pain 11.1
341027 Local react 11.1
341028 Erythema 11.1
341029 Body tempe 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Swelling 11.1
341031 Autism 11.1 Unresponsiv 11.1
341032 Convulsion 11.1 Headache 11.1
341034 Haematolog 11.1 Hypersensit 12 Lip swellin 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Oedema per
341034 Urticaria 11.1 Urticaria 12
341035 Anxiety 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Chest pain 12 Cognitive d
341035 Convulsion 11.1 Depressed 12 Dizziness 12 Dysmenorr 12 Dysphasia
341035 Dysphemia 12 Echocardio 12 Electroenc 12 Expressive 12 Fall
341035 Fear 12 Feeling ab 12 Headache 11.1 Hyperreflex 12 Hyporeflex
341035 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mental sta 12 Migraine 12 Myalgia
341035 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Somnolenc
341035 Speech dis 12 Tachycardi 12 Thyroxine 12
341049 Bradycardi 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Respirator 11.1 Syncope
341049 Unresponsiv 11.1
341050 Syncope 11.1
341051 Anaphylacto 11.1
341052 5-hydroxyin 12 Asthma exe 11.1 Chills 11.1 Computeris 12 Condition
341052 Cyanosis 11.1 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 11.1 Full blood 12 Hyperhidro
341052 Laboratory 12 Pallor 11.1 Syncope 11.1 Tachycardi 11.1
341053 Erythema 11.1 Rash papul 11.1
341054 Diarrhoea 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
341055 Dysgeusia 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext
341056 Cardiac en 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc 12 Chills 12 Chronic ob
341056 Condition 11.1 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Neutrophil 12 Sputum cul
341056 White blood 12
341057 Cardiac str 12 Electrocar 12 Laboratory 12 Musculoskel 12 Non-cardia
341058 Computeris 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Fall 12 Hip fractur
341058 Hip surger 12 Periorbita 12 Periorbita 12
341059 Arthralgia 12 Fall 12 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 11.1 Hypoaesthe
341059 Joint sprai 12 Muscular 11.1 Paraesthes 12 Patellofem 12 Physical e
341060 Angioplast 12 Electrocar 12 Femoral art 11.1 Intermitten 12 Reocclusio
341062 Dysphonia 11.1 Increased u 11.1 Lacrimatio 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Oropharyng
341062 Rhinorrhoe 11.1
341063 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341064 Amnesia 11.1 Computeris 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc 11.1 Fall
341064 Grunting 11.1 Head injury 12 Immediate p 11.1 Injury 11.1 Loss of co
341064 Loss of co 11.1 Muscle rigi 11.1 Muscle tig 11.1 Muscle tig 11.1 Musculoske
341064 Presyncop 12 Staring 11.1 Urinary inc 11.1 X-ray limb 12
341065 Burning se 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
341066 Pain in ext 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
341067 Inappropria 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
341068 Crying 11.1
341069 Inappropria 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
341070 Inappropria 11.1 Oropharyng 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
341071 Inappropria 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
341072 Inappropria 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
341073 Antineutrop 12 Antinuclear 12 Antinuclear 12 Antiphospho 12 CSF cell c
341073 DNA antibo 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Headache 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma
341073 Nuclear ma 12 Optic neurit 11.1 Papilloede 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid
341073 Sinusitis 12 Swelling fa 12 Vision blur 12 White blood 12
341074 Inappropria 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
341075 Inappropria 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
341076 Inappropria 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
341077 Cyanosis 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 12 Hyperacusi 12 Immediate p
341077 Migraine 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Photophobi 12 Somnolenc 12 Syncope
341078 Abdominal 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Measles ant 11.1 Mumps anti
341078 Pruritus ge 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rubella ant 11.1 Throat irrit 11.1 Throat tigh
341079 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341080 Arthropath 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
341092 Gamma-glut 11.1 Gamma-glut 11.1 Hepatitis vi 11.1 Liver funct 11.1
341093 Blister 11.1 Blood produ 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Burning se 11.1 Culture pos
341093 Growth of 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Injury 11.1 Intensive c 11.1 Mental diso
341093 Pyrexia 11.1 Resorption 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Skin exfoli 11.1 Skin irritat
341093 Visual acui 11.1 White blood 11.1
341097 Cellulitis 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
341098 Abdominal 12 Crying 12 Culture sto 11.1 Enema admi 11.1 Haematoch
341098 Intussusce 11.1 Irritability 12 Ultrasound 11.1 Urinary sy 12 Vomiting
341098 X-ray abno 12
341101 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Scab
341102 Headache 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain
341102 Pyrexia 11.1 Ventricular 11.1
341103 Injection si 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
341104 Erythema 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Rash
341105 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341106 Back pain 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341107 Dyspnoea 11.1 Swollen to 11.1
341108 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341109 Inappropria 11.1 No adverse 11.1
341110 Dizziness 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache 11.1 Mononucleos 11.1 Pyrexia
341111 Pruritus 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341112 Inappropria 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341113 Chest X-ra 11.1 Culture uri 11.1 Decreased a 11.1 Injection sit 11.1
341114 Blood test 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection 11.1 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain
341114 X-ray limb 11.1
341115 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341116 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
341117 Injection si 11.1
341118 Abnormal b 11.1 Hypotonic- 11.1 Weight bear 11.1
341119 Bruxism 11.1 Gaze palsy 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Pallor
341120 Crying 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341121 Chest disc 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash
341122 Herpes zos 11.1 Pain 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
341124 Abasia 11.1 Anxiety 12 Asthma 12 Conversion 12 Convulsion
341124 Dysuria 12 Gastritis 12 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Incorrect d 11.1 Insomnia
341124 Muscular 12 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext
341124 Sensory lo 12 Stress 12 Urinary inc 12 Viral infect 12
341134 Infantile sp 11.1
341135 Abnormal f 11.1
341136 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Appendice 12 Barium en 12 Enema admi
341136 Explorativ 12 Haematoch 12 Intussusce 11.1 Irritability 12 Large intes
341136 Lethargy 12 Occult bloo 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray abno
341138 Injection si 11.1
341139 Injection si 11.1
341140 Injection si 11.1
341141 Injection si 11.1
341142 Injection si 11.1
341143 Pyrexia 11.1
341144 Balance di 12 Blood produ 11.1 CSF protei 11.1 Dyspnoea 12 Electromyo
341144 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Grip stren
341144 Guillain-B 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hyporeflex 12 Lumbar pun 12 Motor dysf
341144 Muscular 11.1 Nerve cond 11.1 Paraesthes 12 Plasmapher 12 Radicular p
341144 Sensorimot 12 Sensory lo 11.1 Sensory lo 11.1
341145 Apparent li 12 Blood calc 11.1 Blood chlor 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Blood pota
341145 Crying 12 Full blood 11.1 Hypotonia 11.1 Liver funct 11.1 Resuscitat
341145 Unresponsiv 11.1
341146 Asthenia 12 Biopsy lun 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest tube 12 Chills
341146 Computeri 12 Cough 11.1 Culture neg 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea
341146 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Fungus spu 12 Gastroenter
341146 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypoxia 12 Interstitial 12 Interstitial
341146 Legionella 12 Mediastino 12 Mycoplasma 12 Nausea 11.1 Oxygen sat
341146 Pleuritic pa 12 Pneumonia 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rales 12 Rhonchi
341146 Serology te 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
341147 Dysarthria 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Injection s
341147 Pallor 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341148 Herpes zos 11.1
341149 Pyrexia 11.1
341150 Fall 11.1 Muscular 11.1 Neurologic 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Urticaria
341150 Viral infect 11.1
341151 Syncope 11.1
341152 Eye swelli 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Lacrimatio 11.1 Nasal cong 11.1 Postnasal d
341152 Pyrexia 11.1 Sneezing 11.1
341153 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
341154 Chest X-ra 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
341155 Full blood 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting
341156 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341157 Blister 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash 11.1 Sleep disor 11.1
341158 Blister 11.1 Rash prurit 11.1
341159 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341160 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341161 Cellulitis 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1 Swelling 11.1
341162 Cellulitis 11.1
341163 Antineutrop 11.1 Antineutrop 11.1 Blood immu 11.1 Complement 11.1 Epistaxis
341163 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Purpura 11.1 Red blood c
341163 Ultrasound 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
341164 Lymphadeni 11.1
341165 Chest pain 12 Contracept 12 Dysmenorr 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardi
341165 Loop electr 11.1 Palpitation 12 Papilloma v 11.1 Smear cerv 11.1 Tachycardi
341166 Blister 11.1 Culture pos 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Herpes zos 11.1 Rash papul
341167 Disorientat 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dysarthria 11.1 Fall 11.1 Fatigue
341167 Heart rate 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Paraesthesi
341167 Sensation 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1
341168 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia
341169 Erythema 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
341170 Pruritus 11.1 Rash macul 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341171 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341172 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341173 Immediate p 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
341174 Erythema 11.1 Eye swelli 11.1 Rash 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341175 Injection s 11.1
341176 Drug expos 11.1
341177 Injection si 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341178 Convulsion 11.1 Crying 11.1 Emotional d 11.1 Hyperventil 11.1 Immediate p
341178 Loss of co 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Unresponsiv
341179 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341180 Dizziness 11.1
341181 Crying 11.1
341182 Feeling hot 11.1 Urticaria 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341195 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
341196 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
341197 Agitation 12 Amnesia 12 Bronchitis 12 Cognitive d 12 Computeri
341197 Confusional 12 Convulsion 11.1 Educationa 12 Electrocar 11.1 Electroenc
341197 Fall 11.1 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Postictal st 12 Posture ab
341197 Sleep disor 12 Tonic conv 12
341198 Convulsion 11.1 Fatigue 11.1
341199 Pruritus 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1
341200 Injection s 11.1
341201 Antinuclear 12 Areflexia 12 Arthritis 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu
341201 Blood immu 12 Blood produ 12 Blood test 11.1 Blood urea 12 Borrelia bu
341201 CSF mononu 12 CSF protei 11.1 Dysaesthes 12 Electromyo 12 Facial pare
341201 Full blood 12 Guillain-B 11.1 Guillain-B 12 Hyperreflex 12 Hypoaesthe
341201 Lumbar pun 11.1 Muscle tig 12 Muscular 11.1 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma
341201 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Pruritus 12 Rash
341201 Sensory di 12 Sensory lo 12 Sleep disor 12 Ultrasound 11.1 Vision blur
341202 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1
341203 Unevaluabl 11.1
341204 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341208 Abortion s 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy 11.1 Vaginal ha 11.1
341209 Abdominal 11.1 Abortion s 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Pregnancy 11.1 Urine huma
341212 Blood test 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Feeling ab 11.1 Infectious 11.1 Laboratory
341212 Platelet co 11.1 White blood 11.1
341213 Condition 11.1 Epilepsy 11.1
341216 Aggression 12 Agitation 12 Antibody t 12 Antiphospho 12 Aphasia
341216 Blood produ 12 C-reactive 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho
341216 CSF protei 12 CSF white b 12 Chemother 12 Confusional 12 Delirium
341216 Depressed 12 Drug scree 12 Electroenc 12 Encephaliti 11.1 Encephalo
341216 Epstein-Bar 12 Full blood 12 Gastrointes 12 Intensive c 12 Lumbar pun
341216 Mental sta 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oxygen sat 12 Perseverat 12 Plasmapher
341216 Red blood c 12 Speech dis 12 Thrombosi 12
341225 Abdominal 12 Barium dou 12 Chromaturi 12 Enema admi 12 Explorativ
341225 Gastritis 12 Hydrocele 12 Intussusce 11.1 Irritability 12 Large intes
341225 Surgery 11.1 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12 X-ray abno
341233 Arteriogra 12 Chest pain 12 Chills 11.1 Coronary ar 12 Cough
341233 Dizziness 11.1 Headache 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Percutaneo 12
341234 Blood thyro 11.1 Chest disc 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Full blood
341234 Headache 11.1 Metabolic f 11.1 Nausea 11.1
341235 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341236 Herpes zos 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
341237 Injection sit 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
341238 Influenza 11.1 Influenza s 11.1
341239 Erythema 11.1 Rash vesic 11.1 Skin lesion 11.1
341240 Inappropria 11.1
341241 Inappropria 11.1
341242 Antinuclear 11.1 Blood crea 11.1 Complement 11.1 Complement 11.1 Epstein-Bar
341242 Full blood 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Red blood c 11.1 Rheumatoid 11.1 X-ray norm
341243 Back pain 11.1 Chest disc 11.1 Headache 11.1 Neck pain 11.1
341244 Blood gase 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Headache 11.1 Hypoaesthe
341244 Muscle sp 11.1 Palpitation 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
341245 Body tempe 11.1 Rash gener 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341247 Abdominal 12 Abscess 12 Activities o 12 Anger 12 Antimicrobia
341247 Anxiety 11.1 Arthropod b 12 Autonomic 11.1 Blood pota 11.1 Cellulitis
341247 Chest pain 12 Condition 11.1 Culture wou 12 Depression 12 Dizziness
341247 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache 12 Meniere's
341247 Metabolic f 11.1 Migraine 12 Oropharyng 12 Orthostatic 12 Pharyngitis
341247 Presyncop 12 Red man s 12 Staphylococ 11.1 Streptococc 12 Thyroxine
341247 Tilt table te 11.1 Tinnitus 12 Upper respi 12 Vertigo 12 Vestibular
341247 Viral infect 12
341248 Delirium 11.1 Local react 11.1 Neck pain 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pyrexia
341248 Rash gener 11.1
341249 Urticaria 11.1
341250 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
341251 Erythema 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
341252 Immediate p 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Nervousne 11.1 Pallor 11.1
341253 Febrile con 11.1 Otitis medi 11.1
341254 Asthenia 11.1 Fall 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Loss of co 11.1 Malaise
341254 Musculoskel 11.1 Posture ab 11.1
341255 Headache 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
341255 Injection si 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
341256 Herpes zos 11.1
341257 Rubella ant 11.1 Unevaluabl 11.1
341258 Unevaluabl 11.1
341259 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Productive 11.1 Rhinorrhoe 11.1 Skin warm
341260 Body tempe 11.1 Cough 11.1 Decreased 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Nasal cong
341260 Otitis medi 11.1
341261 Injection s 11.1 Injection 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341262 Injection si 11.1
341263 Irritability 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Streptococc 11.1
341264 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341265 Erythema 11.1 Induration 11.1
341266 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341267 Erythema 11.1 Inflammati 11.1 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
341268 Injection si 11.1
341269 Blood pres 11.1 Chills 11.1 Cold sweat 11.1 Tremor 11.1
341270 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341271 Feeling hot 11.1 Flushing 11.1
341272 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Similar rea 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341273 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Lymphaden 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Muscular
341273 Pyrexia 11.1
341274 Chills 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Headache 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Pain
341275 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash
341276 Feeling hot 11.1 Headache 11.1 Malaise 11.1
341277 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341278 Erythema 11.1 Measles 11.1 Rash papul 11.1
341279 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341280 Inflammati 11.1 Injection sit 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si
341280 Injection s 11.1
341281 Herpes zos 11.1 Inflammati 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
341282 Amnesia 11.1 Blood chole 11.1 Blood gluc 11.1 Unevaluabl 11.1
341283 Anaphylacti 12 Blood gluc 11.1 Chest X-ra 11.1 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea
341283 Electrocar 11.1 Eosinophil 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Lymphocyte
341283 Metabolic f 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 Neutrophil 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pruritus
341283 Rash gener 11.1 Respiratory 12 Stridor 12 Tachypnoe 12 Urticaria
341283 Vaccination 12 White blood 11.1
341284 Pain in jaw 11.1
341285 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Swelling 11.1
341286 Headache 11.1 Photophobi 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341287 Epstein-Bar 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Pyrexia
341288 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash gener
341288 Varicella 11.1
341289 Full blood 11.1 Haematocri 11.1 Lymphocyte 11.1 Platelet co 11.1 Rash
341289 Stool analy 11.1 White blood 11.1
341290 Blood test 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Oedema per
341290 Pain in ext 11.1
341298 Anxiety 11.1 Dyspnoea 11.1 Hypoaesthe 11.1 Mobility d 11.1 Paraesthesi
341299 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Local react 11.1
341300 Erythema 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Rash 11.1
341301 Heart rate 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1
341302 Inappropria 11.1
341303 Injection si 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341304 Pruritus ge 11.1
341305 Vomiting 11.1
341306 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
341307 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Livedo retic 11.1 Rash macu 11.1 Skin discol
341308 Injection sit 11.1
341309 Arthralgia 11.1 Chills 11.1 Diarrhoea 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Fatigue
341309 Headache 11.1 Induration 11.1 Malaise 11.1 Pain 11.1 Swelling
341310 Headache 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341311 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
341315 Drug expos 11.1 Foetal diso 11.1 Pregnancy t 11.1 Ultrasound 11.1
341318 Abortion s 11.1 Drug expos 11.1 Foetal diso 11.1 Laboratory 11.1
341322 Cellulitis 11.1 Dry skin 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si
341322 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341326 Breast pain 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1
341329 Guillain-B 11.1
341333 Anxiety 12 Blood crea 12 Cellulitis 11.1 Crying 12 Erythema
341333 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Metabolic f 12 Muscle sp 12 Pain in ext
341333 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 11.1 Sleep disor 12 Tendernes 11.1 Tremor
341333 Urine analy 12
341334 Body tempe 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Neck pain
341335 Body tempe 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
341336 Axillary pai 11.1 Condition 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Rash eryth
341336 Rash papul 11.1
341337 Influenza 11.1 Influenza s 11.1
341338 Influenza 11.1 Influenza s 11.1
341339 Musculoske 11.1 Neck pain 11.1
341340 Adverse re 11.1 C-reactive 11.1 Full blood 11.1 Headache 11.1 Metabolic f
341340 Neck pain 11.1 Pain 11.1 Viral infect 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
341341 Arthralgia 11.1 Pain in ext 11.1
341342 Nausea 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Somnolenc 11.1 Syncope 11.1
341343 Immediate p 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Pallor 11.1 Pulse pres 11.1 Staring
341343 Syncope 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
341344 Blood gluc 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Febrile con 11.1 Heart rate
341344 Irritability 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
341345 Chest disc 11.1 Chest pain 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pain in ext
341345 Vomiting 11.1
341346 Chest disc 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Rash 11.1 Sinus cong 11.1 Urticaria
341347 Rash gener 11.1
341348 Band neutr 11.1 Blood cultu 12 Body tempe 11.1 Cellulitis 11.1 Chills
341348 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 12 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Leukocytos
341348 Neutrophil 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Sepsis 11.1 White blood 11.1 X-ray limb
341349 Allergy to 11.1 Body tempe 11.1 Cough 11.1 Hypersensit 11.1 Injection s
341349 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Respiratory 11.1
341350 Feeling hot 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Hot flush 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Infection
341350 Nausea 11.1
341351 Drug expos 11.1 Urine human 11.1
341352 Blister 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Rash 11.1 Rash gener
341352 Scab 11.1 Varicella 11.1 Varicella p 11.1
341353 Body tempe 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341354 Convulsion 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341355 Diarrhoea 11.1 Epistaxis 11.1 Irritability 11.1
341356 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341357 Headache 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
341358 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
341358 Sinusitis 11.1
341359 Cellulitis 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341360 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s
341361 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341362 Condition 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Myalgia 11.1
341363 Hypokinesi 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Palpitation 11.1 Pyrexia
341363 Skin warm 11.1 Tendernes 11.1
341365 Activities o 12 Agitation 12 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Aspartate
341365 Autonomic 12 Autonomic 12 Bacteraemi 12 Blister 11.1 Blood cultu
341365 Blood gluc 12 Brain injury 11.1 Brain oed 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF white b
341365 Childhood d 11.1 Chills 12 Computeri 12 Constipati 12 Convulsion
341365 Culture uri 12 Dysphagia 12 Electroenc 12 Encephaliti 11.1 Endotrachea
341365 Extubation 12 Gastrostomy 12 Grand mal 12 Hepatitis 12 Hypoxia
341365 Lethargy 12 Liver funct 12 Lumbar pun 11.1 Mechanical 11.1 Nuclear ma
341365 Oral disord 12 Oral pain 12 Oropharynge 11.1 Pneumonia 12 Postictal st
341365 Posturing 12 Pyrexia 11.1 Red blood c 12 Respiratory 12 Serology n
341365 Status epil 12 Tardive dys 12 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12 Urinary sy
341365 Wheezing 12 Wound deh 12 X-ray norm 12
341368 Vascular in 11.1
341369 Dysphemia 11.1
341370 Discomfort 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Urticaria
341371 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341372 Injection sit 11.1
341373 Blood test 11.1 Cough 11.1 Electrocar 11.1 Headache 11.1 Injection s
341373 Injection si 11.1 Vision blur 11.1 Visual imp 11.1
341374 Cold sweat 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Rash macu
341376 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341377 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341378 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341379 Angioedem 11.1 Eyelid oed 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1 Radioallerg 11.1 Rash
341379 Urticaria 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341382 Cough 11.1 Oxygen sat 11.1 Oxygen sup 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Tachycardi
341382 Tachypnoe 11.1
341383 Arthralgia 11.1 Inappropria 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341384 Erythema 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
341385 Cellulitis 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Flushing 11.1 Oedema per 11.1 Vaccination
341386 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341387 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341388 Injection si 11.1
341389 Ear infecti 11.1 Rash papul 11.1 Skin discol 11.1
341390 Excoriation 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341391 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341392 Body tempe 11.1 Headache 11.1 Wheezing 11.1
341393 Rash 11.1
341394 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection s 11.1
341395 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341396 Inappropria 11.1 Rash 11.1
341397 Arthralgia 11.1 Influenza s 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nausea 11.1 Pyrexia
341397 Vomiting 11.1
341400 Convulsion 11.1 Syncope 11.1
341404 Coma 11.1
341406 Activities o 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Ear discomf 11.1 Feeling dr 11.1 Hypersomn
341406 Vomiting 11.1
341418 Asthenia 12 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Blood crea 12 Blood magn
341418 Blood phos 12 C-reactive 12 Culture uri 12 Dysuria 11.1 Full blood
341418 Guillain-B 12 Lymph node 12 Muscular 11.1 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext
341418 Pain in ext 12 Protein tot 12 Red blood c 11.1 Tendernes 12 Urine analy
341418 White blood 12 X-ray norm 12
341419 Abasia 11.1 Abdominal 12 Acne 12 Asthenia 12 Bacteriuria
341419 Blood test 11.1 Blood thyro 12 Cardiac mo 11.1 Chest disc 12 Cough
341419 Disturbance 11.1 Dizziness 12 Dysphonia 12 Electroenc 12 Fall
341419 Full blood 12 Headache 11.1 Insomnia 11.1 Metabolic f 12 Migraine
341419 Muscle rigi 12 Muscular 12 Musculoskel 12 Nasal cong 12 Nuclear ma
341419 Oropharyng 12 Protein uri 12 Red blood c 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sensory di
341419 Stress 12 Syncope 11.1 Tunnel visi 12 Upper respi 12 Urinary se
341419 Urinary trac 12 Urine abnor 12 Urine leuko 12 Urine transi 12 Vaccine pos
341419 Visual acui 12 Visual imp 12 Weight dec 12 White blood 12
341420 Asthenia 12 Blood calc 12 Blood pota 12 Blood thyro 12 Blood urea
341420 Cardiac en 12 Dizziness 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Full blood 12 Headache
341420 Heart rate 11.1 Hypokalae 12 Lethargy 12 Palpitation 11.1 Paraesthesi
341420 Presyncop 12
341422 Blood pres 11.1 Dyskinesia 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Loss of co 11.1
341423 No adverse 11.1 Wrong drug 11.1
341424 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Condition 11.1 Dizziness 12 Drug scree
341424 Dyskinesia 12 Full blood 12 Hyperreflex 12 Laboratory 12 Tic
341425 Dizziness 11.1 Vaccine pos 11.1
341426 Body tempe 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341427 Gait distur 11.1 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Lethargy
341427 Lymphaden 11.1 Muscle rigi 11.1 Pyrexia 11.1
341428 Nausea 11.1 Pruritus 11.1
341429 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341430 No adverse 11.1
341431 Erythema 11.1 Pain 11.1 Pruritus 11.1 Swelling 11.1
341432 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Mass 12 Pruritus
341432 Swelling 12
341433 Pityriasis 11.1 Tinea infec 11.1
341434 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
341434 Injection s 12
341435 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthma 12 Connective 12 Dyspnoea
341435 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Lip swellin 12 No adverse 12 Pain
341435 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthesi 12 Pneumonia 12
341436 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Nausea
341436 Vomiting 12
341437 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Vomiting 12
341438 Lip swellin 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
341439 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Rash 12
341440 Dizziness 12
341441 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
341442 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
341443 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
341444 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
341445 Urticaria 11.1
341446 Activities o 11.1 Amnesia 11.1 Anxiety 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Autoimmune
341446 Cardiac dis 11.1 Carpal tun 11.1 Cognitive d 11.1 Depression 11.1 Exostosis
341446 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Heart rate 11.1 Influenza li 11.1 Insomnia
341446 Loss of libi 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Myalgia 11.1 Nervous sy 11.1 Nightmare
341446 Rash 11.1 Scrotal swe 11.1 Social avoi 11.1 Staphylococ 11.1 Suicidal id
341446 Surgery 11.1 Thrombosi 11.1 Visual imp 11.1
341447 Activities o 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Arthralgia 11.1 Depressed 11.1 Exostosis
341447 Fatigue 11.1 Joint stiffn 11.1 Joint swell 11.1 Memory im 11.1 Pain
341455 Acute diss 11.1 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Blindness t 11.1 Blood urea
341455 C-reactive 12 Central ne 11.1 Electroenc 11.1 Eosinophil 12 Hypersensit
341455 Lymphocyte 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 11.1 Optic neurit 11.1 Red blood c
341455 Vaccination 11.1 Visual fiel 11.1 White blood 12
341456 Asthenia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Hyperacusi 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Nausea
341456 Pallor 11.1 Vomiting 11.1
341457 Inappropria 11.1
341458 Dizziness 11.1 Hyperhidro 11.1 Pallor 11.1
341459 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341460 Dyspnoea 11.1 Pruritus ge 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341461 Dyskinesia 11.1 Erythema 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Pallor
341462 Back pain 11.1 Diet refusa 12 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Lip swellin
341462 Muscle stra 12 Myalgia 11.1 Oedema mo 11.1 Pruritus 12 Urticaria
341463 Injection s 11.1 Injection si 11.1
341464 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Decreased a 12 Dyskinesia 11.1 Electroenc
341464 Irritability 12 Posture ab 12
341465 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341466 Colon canc 11.1 Metastasis 11.1
341467 Death 11.1 Drug toxici 11.1
341468 Confusional 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
341469 Alanine am 11.1 Anion gap 12 Antinuclear 11.1 Areflexia 12 Aspartate
341469 Asthenia 12 Blood alka 11.1 Blood bica 12 Blood crea 11.1 Blood crea
341469 Blood crea 11.1 Blood gase 12 Blood gluc 12 Brachial pl 12 CSF cultur
341469 CSF glucos 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri 12 Decreased 12 Dyspnoea
341469 Electromyo 12 Exercise t 12 Fibrin D di 11.1 Granulocyt 11.1 Hypoaesthe
341469 Hypokinesi 12 Hyporeflex 12 Lymphocyte 11.1 Monocyte c 11.1 Muscular
341469 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Neck pain 12 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma
341469 Nuclear ma 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pain in ext 12 Pulmonary 12 Rheumatoid
341469 Sensory lo 12 Weight dec 12 White blood 11.1
341470 Body tempe 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Feeling hot 11.1 Loss of co 11.1
341471 Injection s 12
341472 Rash papul 11.1
341473 Back pain 11.1 Injected li 11.1 Injection si 11.1 Musculoske 11.1 Neck pain
341473 Tendernes 11.1
341474 Pain in ext 11.1 Skin warm 11.1
341475 Rash eryth 11.1 Rash macu 11.1
341476 Anorexia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Skin discol 11.1 Vertigo 11.1
341477 Erythema 11.1 Irritability 11.1 Musculoskel 11.1 Respiratory 11.1 Salivary hy
341478 Foetal diso 11.1 Pregnancy 11.1
341479 Crying 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Rash eryth 11.1 Urticaria 11.1
341480 Anorexia 11.1 Dizziness 11.1 Fatigue 11.1 Headache 11.1 Pyrexia
341480 Tendernes 11.1
341481 Injection si 11.1
341482 Erythema 12 Lymphaden 12
341483 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Tendernes 12
341484 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12
341486 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
341487 Arthralgia 12 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext 12 Tendernes 12 Ultrasound
341488 No adverse 12
341489 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341490 Herpes zos 11.1
341491 Rotavirus i 11.1 Serology te 11.1
341492 Autism 11.1 Frustration 11.1
341494 Epilepsy 11.1
341496 Amenorrho 12 Computeris 11.1 Convulsion 11.1 Dizziness 12 Drooling
341496 Dysarthria 12 Electrocar 11.1 Fatigue 12 Laboratory 11.1 Malaise
341496 Myoclonic 12 Neurologic 12 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pallor 12 Postictal st
341496 Respiratory 12 Tonic clon 12 Vaginal di 12
341499 Cellulitis 11.1 Pharmaceut 11.1
341510 Autism 11.1
341514 Cervicobra 11.1 Electromyo 11.1 Immediate p 11.1 Joint rang 11.1 Nerve cond
341514 Nuclear ma 11.1 Pain 11.1 Paraesthes 11.1 Sensory di 11.1 Spinal osteo
341516 Nuclear ma 11.1 Unevaluabl 11.1
341517 Injection si 12
341518 Chills 12 Headache 12 Influenza li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
341518 Injection s 12 Lymphaden 12 Neck pain 12
341519 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
341520 Carbuncle 12 Full blood 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Leukopeni
341520 Lymphocyte 12 Neutrophil 12 Platelet co 12 Skin papil 12 Tendonitis
341520 White blood 12
341521 Cough 12 Drooling 12 Flushing 12 Rash 12 Retching
341521 Rhinorrhoe 12
341522 Cough 12 Influenza s 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash pustu
341522 Rhinorrhoe 12 Streptococc 12 Urticaria 12 Varicella 12
341523 Abdominal 12 Erythema 12 Full blood 12 Laboratory 12 Mononucleos
341523 Oropharyng 12 Streptococc 12 Urticaria 12
341524 Decreased 12 Lethargy 12
341525 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
341526 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341527 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
341528 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341529 Cellulitis 12 Rash 12
341530 Crying 12 Pyrexia 12
341531 Presyncop 12
341532 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Paraesthesi 12
341533 Cold sweat 12 Feeling hot 12 Flushing 12 Hyperhidro 12 Throat tigh
341534 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
341535 Body tempe 12 Rash 12
341536 Emotional d 12 Screaming 12
341537 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
341538 Back pain 12 Blood test 12 Computeri 12 Dizziness 12 Headache
341538 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy
341539 Varicella 12
341540 Rash 12 Varicella 12
341541 Rash 12 Rash papul 12
341542 Pain 12 Rash 12
341543 Vomiting 12
341544 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
341545 Inappropria 12
341546 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341547 Injection si 12
341548 Unevaluabl 12
341549 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm
341550 Dizziness 12
341551 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
341552 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Myalgia 12 Oral disord 12 Oropharyng
341552 Post vaccin 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash papul 12 Secondary
341552 Skin lesion 12 Throat lesi 12
341553 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
341554 Alopecia 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
341554 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Blood calc 12 Blood crea 12 Blood mag
341554 Blood phos 12 Blood pota 12 Blood thyro 12 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive
341554 Calcium io 12 Differential 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Epicondylit
341554 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 HLA marker 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
341554 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Iliotibial 12 Immunoglob 12 Mean cell
341554 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Muscle sp 12 Musculoske 12 Nuclear ma
341554 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Red cell di
341554 Thyroxine f 12 Vision blur 12 Vitamin D 12 Weight dec 12 White blood
341555 Exposure t 12 Milia 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
341556 Concussio 12 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Mobility d 12 Pain
341556 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
341557 Blood press 12 Computeris 12 Loss of co 12 Presyncop 12 Syncope
341558 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
341559 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12
341560 Muscle twit 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12
341561 Herpes zos 12 Musculoskel 12
341562 Ascites 12 Death 11.1 Pericardial 12
341563 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
341564 Abdominal 12 Barium en 12 Haematoch 12 Irritability 12 Mucous sto
341564 Occult bloo 12
341565 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Hyperhidro
341565 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
341566 Inappropria 12
341567 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341568 Burning se 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Infection 12 Inflammati 12 Pain
341568 Swelling 12
341569 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Barium en 12 Constipati 12 Gastroenter
341569 Haematoch 12 Haemoglob 12 Intussusce 11.1 Irritability 12 Metabolic f
341569 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12 X-ray abno 12
341570 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
341571 Acidosis 12 Anaphylacti 12 Blood bica 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood phos
341571 Body tempe 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Full blood
341571 Heart rate 12 Immunisati 12 Pharyngea 12 Rash gener 12 Red blood c
341571 Respiratory 12 Tachycardi 12 Urticaria 12 Wheezing 12 White blood
341572 Arthralgia 12 Chest disc 12 Chills 12 Feeling col 12 Hyperhidro
341572 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm
341573 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341574 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
341575 Unevaluabl 12
341576 Anti-thyroi 12 Balance di 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF lympho 12 Cerebellar
341576 Choking 12 Computeri 12 Confusional 12 Cough 12 Dizziness
341576 Dizziness 12 Dysarthria 12 Encephalitis 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Gait distur
341576 Gait distur 12 Gram stain 12 Headache 12 Lumbar pun 12 Neurologic
341576 Nuclear ma 12 Tremor 12 Urinary trac 12
341577 Electroenc 11.1 Head tituba 11.1 Nuclear ma 12
341578 Blood gluc 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 12 Full blood
341578 Loss of co 12 Malaise 12 Pallor 12 Respiratory 12 Snoring
341578 Sudden ons 12 Syncope 12
341579 No adverse 12
341580 Adverse dr 12 Blister 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
341581 Acne 12 Irritability 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul
341582 Rash morbil 12
341584 Computeri 12 Electrocar 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection s
341584 Nuclear ma 12 Transient i 12 Ultrasound 12
341587 Aphasia 12
341588 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Heart rate 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Rash
341588 Respiratory 12 Throat tigh 12
341589 Acoustic st 12 Aggression 12 Aphasia 12 Bowel move 12 Brain injury
341589 Diarrhoea 12 Eye disord 12 Irritability 12 Laboratory 12 Neurologic
341589 Night swea 12 Personalit 12 Pyrexia 12 Staring 12 Unresponsiv
341589 Visual acui 12
341593 Autopsy 12 Death 12 Petechiae 12 Pulmonary 12 Sudden inf
341593 Sudden inf 12 Visceral co 12
341599 Antinuclear 12 Blood thyro 12 Blood thyro 12 Burning se 12 Cerebral i
341599 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Computeris 12 Dizziness p 12 Drug hypers
341599 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Endocrine 12 Facial pain 12 Full blood
341599 Hypoaesthe 12 Inflammati 12 Injection si 12 Left atrial d 12 Liver funct
341599 Malaise 12 Metabolic f 12 Migraine 12 Myalgia 12 Neck pain
341599 Neuralgia 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Palpitation 12 Paraesthes
341599 Red blood c 12 Renal diso 12 Rheumatoid 12 Troponin 12 Urinary trac
341599 Vitamin B1 12 Vitamin D 12
341600 Erythema 12
341601 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
341602 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Pruritus 12
341603 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
341604 Anorexia 12 Arrhythmia 12 Asthenia 12 Dyspnoea e 12 Malaise
341605 Wrong drug 12
341606 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash prurit 12
341607 Abdominal 12 Chest pain 12 Pallor 12 Radioallerg 12 Urticaria
341608 Anorexia 12 Body tempe 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
341608 Injection s 12 Lacrimatio 12
341609 Pyrexia 12
341610 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
341611 Rash gener 12
341612 Urticaria 12
341613 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341614 Urticaria 12
341615 Blister 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Palpitation
341615 Rash eryth 12
341616 Vomiting 12
341617 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Tendernes 12
341618 Agitation 12 Computeris 12 Confusional 12 Convulsion 12 Depressed
341618 Disorientat 12 Disturbance 12 Drug scree 12 Electroenc 12 Loss of co
341618 Lumbar pun 12 Mental sta 12 Nuclear ma 12 Speech dis 12 Staring
341618 Tremor 12 Urinary inc 12 Viral test n 12 White blood 12
341619 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12 Wheezing 12
341620 Vaccination 12
341621 Chest X-ra 12 Dyspnoea 12 No reaction 12 Throat irrit 12 Urticaria
341622 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Rash eryth
341623 Feeling hot 12 Rash 12 Sensation o 12
341624 Discomfort 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341625 Areflexia 12 Blood lact 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF test n 12 Conversion
341625 Dyspnoea 12 Electromyo 12 Exercise t 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood
341625 Hypoaesthe 12 Muscular 12 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma
341625 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Sensory lo 12
341626 Facial pals 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Loss of co 12 Visual imp 12
341627 Bronchitis 12 Influenza 12 Oropharyng 12
341628 Skin papil 12 Visual field 12
341629 Bronchitis 12 Influenza li 12
341630 Abdominal 12 Appendice 12 Barium en 12 Cough 12 Diarrhoea
341630 Enema admi 12 Enterocoliti 12 Explorativ 12 Gastrointe 12 Inguinal he
341630 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Laparoscop 12 Lymphaden 12 Occult bloo
341630 Surgery 12 Ultrasound 12
341631 Vaccination 12
341632 Activated p 12 Blood produ 12 Decreased 12 Epistaxis 12 Full blood
341632 Idiopathic 12 Injection 12 Irritability 12 Mouth hae 12 Petechiae
341632 Platelet co 12 Prothrombi 12 Rash gener 12 Red blood c 12 Rhinorrhoe
341633 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
341634 Herpes zos 12
341635 Abasia 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Blood urea 12 Bronchitis
341635 Inappropria 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext 12 Sensation 12
341636 Injection si 12 Musculoske 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext
341637 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener
341638 Blood gluc 12 Glucose ur 12 Glycosylat 12 Polyuria 12 Thirst
341638 Type 1 diab 12 Urine anal 12 Urine keto 12 Vision blur 12 Visual acui
341638 Weight dec 12
341639 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Blood crea 12 CSF white b 12 Chest pain
341639 Chills 12 Choking 12 Computeris 12 Drug screen 12 Dysarthria
341639 Dyspnoea 12 Flat affect 12 Granulocyt 12 Headache 12 Influenza s
341639 Intracrania 12 Kernig's si 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mononucleos 12 Muscle sp
341639 Myalgia 12 Nasal cong 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Photophobi
341639 Protein uri 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Urobilin ur 12
341640 C-reactive 12 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s
341640 Injection si 12 Local react 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Red blood c
341640 Vomiting 12
341641 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
341642 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Headache
341642 Oedema per 12
341643 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash morbil 12
341644 Chest disc 12 Dyspnoea 12 Urticaria 12
341645 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin mass 12 Swelling 12
341646 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341647 Febrile con 12 Heart disea 12 Musculoskel 12 Tonic clon 12
341648 Injection s 12
341649 Injected li 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12
341650 Axillary pai 12 Electrocar 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Myalgia
341650 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Syncope 12 Tachycardi 12 Vertigo
341651 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
341652 Activities o 12 Chills 12 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
341653 Oedema per 12
341654 Oedema per 12
341655 Erythema 12 Oedema 12 Pyrexia 12
341656 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota
341656 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
341656 Paraesthes 12
341657 Hypoaesthe 12 Nervousne 12 Paraesthes 12
341658 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Muscular 12 Nausea 12 Pallor
341658 Vomiting 12
341659 Blood immu 12 C-reactive 12 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
341661 Dry mouth 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341662 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
341663 Arthralgia 12 Erythema 12 Joint stiffn 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
341664 Cellulitis 12 Rash eryth 12
341665 Inappropria 12
341666 Full blood 12 Pyelonephri 12 Urine anal 12
341667 Hypersensit 12
341668 Nasal cong 12 Rash gener 12
341669 Influenza li 12
341670 Pyrexia 12
341671 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Immediate p 12 Injected li 12 Pyrexia
341671 Swelling 12
341672 Constipati 12 Headache 12 Pruritus 12
341673 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Migraine 12 Vision blur
341674 Disturbance 12 Headache 12 Insomnia 12 Laboratory 12 Nausea
341674 Wrong drug 12
341675 Tremor 12
341676 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Autoimmune 12 C-reactive
341676 Condition 12 Connective 12 Double str 12 Electrophor 12 Fibromyalg
341676 Injection si 12 Interverteb 12 Musculoskel 12 Musculoskel 12 Neck pain
341676 Pain in ext 12 Polyarthriti 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Swelling
341676 Synovitis 12
341677 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Muscle rigi 12
341678 Hepatitis B 12 Joint swell 12 Rash 12
341679 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Paraesthesi 12
341680 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
341681 Erythema 12 Induration 12
341687 Anaemia 12 Haemateme 12 Herpes zos 12
341688 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Failed indu 12 Haematolog 12
341689 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Failed indu 12 Urine human 12
341691 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12
341693 Cough 12 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Nasopharyn
341693 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12 Viral infect 12
341694 Abasia 12 Crying 12 Injection si 12 Limb injury 12 Pyrexia
341694 Wrong tech 12
341695 Blood test 12 Chest X-ra 12 Laboratory 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy
341696 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Joint effus 12 Muscular 12 Red blood c
341696 Swelling 12 White blood 12
341698 Antibody te 12 Incorrect d 12
341699 Pharyngitis 12
341700 Diarrhoea 12
341701 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
341702 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
341703 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12
341704 Injection si 12
341705 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Pyrexia 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary trac
341705 X-ray 12
341706 Diarrhoea 12 Vomiting 12
341707 Convulsion 12 Kawasaki's 12
341708 Decreased 12 Ear infecti 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Sinusitis
341709 Dyspnoea 12 Pyrexia 12
341710 Nervous sy 12 Tremor 12
341711 Body tempe 12 Cough 12 Influenza 12 Monocyte c 12 Nasal cong
341711 Nasal muco 12 Pyrexia 12 White blood 12
341712 Incorrect r 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
341713 Body tempe 12 Bronchial h 12 Cough 12 Dacryosten 12 Eye discha
341713 Hypophagi 12 Nasopharyn 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinitis 12 Sinusitis
341713 Toxic skin 12 Upper respi 12
341714 Cough 12 Diarrhoea 12 Infantile sp 12 Respiratory 12 Respiratory
341714 Respiratory 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Ultrasound 12 Wheezing 12
341715 Constipati 12 Eczema 12 Positional 12
341716 Candidiasi 12 Dermatitis 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12
341717 Hypersensit 12
341718 Rhinorrhoe 12 Upper respi 12
341719 Abnormal b 12 Asthenia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Irritability 12 Lethargy
341719 Somnolenc 12 Staring 12 Unresponsiv 12
341720 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea 12 Gastroenter 12 Insomnia 12 Nasal cong
341720 Otitis medi 12
341727 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
341728 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341729 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling
341730 Allergy to 12 Chills 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12
341731 Axillary pai 12 Chills 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
341732 Urticaria 12
341733 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash prurit 12 Rash vesic 12 Virus cultu
341734 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
341735 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
341736 Dermatolog 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
341737 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Blood test 12 Disorientat 12 Disturbance
341737 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain
341737 White blood 12
341738 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
341739 Inflammati 12 Rash eryth 12
341740 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341741 Injection si 12
341742 Balance di 12 Decreased 12 Muscle twit 12 Pyrexia 12 Somnolenc
341743 Urticaria 12
341744 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
341745 Abdominal 12 Arthralgia 12 Computeri 12 Contusion 12 Convulsion
341745 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Fatigue 12 Headache
341745 Hypoglyca 12 Malaise 12 Muscle tig 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
341745 Pain in ext 12 Phonophob 12 Photophobi 12 Presyncop 12 Respiratory
341745 Sensation 12 Sinusitis 12 Syncope 12 Syncope 12 Vertigo
341745 Vision blur 12 Visual imp 12
341746 Activities o 12 Asthenia 12 Computeris 12 Constipati 12 Convulsion
341746 Decreased 12 Dizziness 12 Ear pain 12 Encephaliti 12 Eye pain
341746 Hallucinati 12 Headache 12 Herpes sim 12 Herpes viru 12 Meningitis v
341746 Migraine 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Night swea 12 Nuclear ma
341746 Pain 12 Phonophob 12 Photophobi 12 Photopsia 12 Polymerase
341746 Pyrexia 12 Rhinitis 12 Tinnitus 12 Tongue bit 12 Toothache
341746 Vision blur 12 Vomiting 12
341747 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Antinuclear 12 Back pain 12 Blood thyr
341747 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho 12 CSF monocy 12 CSF oligoc 12 CSF protei
341747 CSF white b 12 Computeris 12 Gait distur 12 HIV test ne 12 Headache
341747 Headache 12 Hepatitis B 12 Hepatitis C 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection s
341747 Injection si 12 Lumbar pun 12 Metabolic f 12 Muscular 12 Myelitis
341747 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Pleocytosis
341747 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Sensory lo 12 Syphilis te 12 Viral test n
341747 Vomiting 12
341748 Bruxism 12 Convulsion 12 Cyanosis 12 Erythema 12 Foaming at
341748 Gastrooeso 12 Immediate p 12 Musculoskel 12 Respiratory 12 Somnolenc
341749 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Erythema 12 Muscle sp 12 Nausea
341749 Pityriasis 12 Rash macu 12
341750 Arthralgia 12 Burning se 12 Chest pain 12 Cold sweat 12 Erythema
341750 Rash 12
341751 Crying 12 Diet refusa 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Irritability
341751 Metabolic f 12 Platelet co 12 Respiratory 12 Urine analy 12 Vaccination
341751 White blood 12
341752 Injection si 12
341753 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Skin infect
341754 Hypersensit 12 Inflammati 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Tendernes
341755 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341756 Injection si 12
341757 Rash 12 Varicella 12
341758 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341759 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341760 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Discomfort 12 Joint effus 12 Joint stiffn
341760 Joint swell 12 Joint swell 12 Joint swell 12 Pain 12
341761 Injection s 12
341762 Body tempe 12 Lethargy 12 Malaise 12
341763 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
341764 Rash eryth 12
341765 Feeling hot 12 Peak expira 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
341766 Injection sit 12 Lymphaden 12 Rash vesic 12
341767 Rash gener 12 Urticaria 12
341768 Urticaria 12
341769 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12 Urticaria
341770 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
341771 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12
341772 Abdominal 12
341773 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
341775 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
341776 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
341777 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
341778 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
341778 Swelling 12
341779 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth
341779 Urticaria 12
341780 Blepharos 12 Muscle twit 12 Pyrexia 12
341781 Injection 12 Injection s 12
341782 Malaise 12 Pneumonia 12
341783 Headache 12 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
341783 Tendernes 12
341788 Angioedem 12 Neuropathy 12
341793 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Bilirubin ur 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood cultu
341793 Blood urin 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Chills 12 Decreased
341793 Haematocri 12 High densit 12 Hyperhidro 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte
341793 Musculoske 12 Neutrophil 12 Protein uri 12 Prothrombi 12 Pyrexia
341793 Red cell di 12 Tissue poly 12 Urine analy 12 Urine keto 12 White blood
341796 Pruritus 12 Respiratory 12 Wheezing 12
341797 Asperger's 12
341802 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Appendice 12 Barium dou
341802 Diarrhoea 12 Diet refusa 12 Enema admi 12 Explorativ 12 Gastroenter
341802 Haematoch 12 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting
341802 X-ray norm 12
341803 Inappropria 12
341804 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
341805 Wrong drug 12
341806 Burning se 12 Local swell 12 Mass 12 Swelling fa 12
341807 Skin lesion 12 Urticaria 12
341808 Crying 12
341809 Blood gluc 12 Convulsion 12 Fall 12 Musculoskel 12 Oxygen sat
341809 Syncope 12 Vomiting 12
341810 Anorexia 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash
341810 Screaming 12
341811 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
341812 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341813 Injected li 12 Pain in ext 12 Sensation 12
341814 Blood crea 12 C-reactive 12 Cerebellar 12 Full blood 12 Red blood c
341815 Herpes zos 12
341816 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
341817 Therapeuti 12
341818 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Malaise 12 Pallor 12
341819 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12
341820 Flushing 12 Oropharyng 12 Urticaria 12 Vomiting 12
341821 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12
341822 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341823 Arthralgia 12 Chest disc 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Injection si
341823 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Insomnia 12 Mobility d 12 Pyrexia
341824 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
341824 Metabolic f 12
341825 Unevaluabl 12
341826 Abdominal 12 Barium en 12 Enema admi 12 Full blood 12 Haematoch
341826 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Occult bloo 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary sy
341826 Vomiting pr 12 White blood 12 X-ray abno 12
341827 Conversion 12 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Speech dis
341828 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
341829 Lymphaden 12 Rash 12 Vaccination 12
341830 Rash 12 Varicella 12
341831 Hypoaesthe 12 Pharyngeal 12
341832 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
341833 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341834 Injection sit 12
341835 Injection sit 12
341836 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341837 Axillary pai 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
341837 Muscle sp 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Tendernes
341838 Activities o 12 Headache 12 Injected li 12 Nausea 12 Oedema per
341838 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
341839 Hypoaesthe 12 Injected li 12 Pain in ext 12
341840 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Rash gener 12 Varicella 12
341841 Herpes viru 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu 12
341842 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling col 12 Headache
341842 Hyperhidro 12 Hypersensit 12 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
341842 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria
341843 Decreased 12 Diet refusa 12 Fontanelle 12 Hypersomn 12 Injection s
341843 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia
341843 Screaming 12 Vomiting 12
341844 Axillary pai 12 Oedema per 12
341845 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
341845 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
341846 Culture thr 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Metabolic f 12 Myalgia
341846 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12
341847 Abnormal b 12 Lethargy 12 Listless 12
341848 Injection si 12
341849 Balance di 12 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Lethargy 12 Pallor
341849 Urticaria 12
341850 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Skin mass 12
341851 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
341852 Full blood 12 Metabolic f 12 Syncope 12 Urine analy 12
341853 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341854 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
341855 Skin lesion 12 Varicella 12
341856 Chest disc 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain
341857 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12
341858 Injection si 12
341859 Anxiety 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Wheezing 12
341860 Computeris 12 Facial pals 12 Facial pals 12 Facial pare 12 Hypoaesthe
341860 Nuclear ma 12
341861 Erythema m 12 Rash 12
341862 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341863 Axillary pai 12 Livedo retic 12 Lymphaden 12 Oedema per 12 Rash
341864 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Fatigue 12
341865 Injection 12 Injection si 12
341874 Death 12 Measles 12
341875 Death 12 Measles 12
341877 Death 12 Haemophilu 12
341878 Anti-cyclic 12 Arthralgia 12 Injected li 12 Joint rang 12 Pain
341878 Pain in ext 12 Red blood c 12 Respiratory 12 Rheumatoid 12 Swelling
341879 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Purulent d 12 Skin exfoli 12
341880 Injection si 12 Necrotising 12 Surgery 12
341882 Autism 12
341883 Abnormal b 12 Aggression 12 Autism 12 Crying 12 Gastrointes
341883 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Speech dis 12
341884 Abnormal b 12 Autism 12 Condition 12 Constipati 12 Gastritis
341884 Gastrooeso 12 Laboratory 12 Unresponsiv 12
341888 Apnoea 12 Blood cultu 12 CSF cell c 12 CSF cultur 12 Chest X-ra
341888 Computeri 12 Culture uri 12 Electroenc 12 Endotrachea 12 Full blood
341888 Influenza s 12 Respiratory 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Upper respi 12 Upper respi
341889 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Arthralgia 12 Blood pres 12 C-reactive
341889 Complement 12 Complement 12 Constipati 12 Dizziness 12 Drug hypers
341889 Gait distur 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
341889 Injection s 12 Joint swell 12 Joint swell 12 Lip swellin 12 Lymphocyte
341889 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Oedema per 12 Orthostatic 12 Pain
341889 Paraesthesi 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener
341889 Rash macul 12 Red blood c 12 Serum sick 12 Skin warm 12 Somnolenc
341889 Swelling 12 Urine anal 12 Urine keto 12 Urine prote 12 Urticaria
341889 Urticaria 12 Vomiting 12 Wheezing 12 White blood 12
341890 Blood cultu 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF test n 12 Computeris 12 Crying
341890 Culture uri 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc 12 Excessive e 12 Gaze palsy
341890 Haematocri 12 Lumbar pun 12 Metabolic f 12 Neurologic 12 Neutrophil
341890 Platelet co 12 Sleep terro 12 Vision blur 12 White blood 12
341891 Cough 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12
341892 Condition 12 Neuropathy 12 Trigeminal 12
341893 Inappropria 12
341894 Pain in ext 12
341895 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341896 Rash macu 12
341897 Unevaluabl 12
341898 Injection s 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12
341899 Erythema 12 Pruritus ge 12 Rash gener 12 Urticaria 12
341900 Anxiety 12 Dyspnoea 12 Flushing 12 Headache 12 Panic attac
341900 Throat tigh 12
341901 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
341901 Vomiting 12
341902 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Throat tigh 12
341903 Chills 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
341904 Arthralgia 12 Decreased 12 Dizziness 12 Eye pain 12 Headache
341904 Hypophagi 12 Immediate p 12 Influenza s 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
341904 Streptococc 12
341905 Asthenia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Lethargy 12 Nausea 12 Pallor
341905 Vomiting 12
341906 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Scratch 12
341907 Injection si 12
341908 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12 Palpitation 12
341909 Injection sit 12
341910 Cervical dy 12
341911 Chest disc 12 Chest pain 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Flushing
341911 Hypersensit 12 Lacrimatio 12 Pharyngeal 12 Tonsillar i 12 Wheezing
341912 Wrong drug 12
341913 Rash macul 12
341914 Inappropria 12
341915 Abdominal 12 Condition 12 Diarrhoea 12
341917 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Musculoskel 12 Pain 12
341918 Injected li 12
341920 Abasia 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain
341920 Blood alka 12 Borrelia bu 12 Dandruff 12 Dry skin 12 Excoriation
341920 Gait distur 12 HLA marker 12 Menstruatio 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per
341920 Pain in ext 12 Rheumatoid 12 Rheumatoid 12 Seborrhoe 12
341921 Blood crea 12 Blood pota 12 Blood test 12 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive
341921 CSF pressu 12 Cardiac mu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chromosome 12 Computeris
341921 Conjunctivi 12 Dysmorphi 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Eye moveme
341921 Gastroenteri 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Intracrania 12 Karyotype
341921 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte 12 Middle ear 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paralysis
341921 Red blood c 12 Strabismus 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
341922 Discomfort 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Swelling 12 Vaccination
341923 Inappropria 12 Vaccination 12
341924 Erythema 12 Rash papul 12
341925 Optic neurit 12 Vision blur 12
341926 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12
341927 Asthenia 12 Muscular 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12 Nerve cond
341927 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia 12
341928 Erythema 12 Eyelid oed 12 Rash 12
341929 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Local swell 12 Pruritus 12 Throat irrit
341930 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain
341931 Dermatitis 12 Dermatosis 12 Diarrhoea 12 Hypersensit 12 Induration
341931 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
341931 Pregnancy 12 Pruritus gen 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macul
341931 Rash prurit 12
341932 Cardiac mu 12 Computeri 12 Computeris 12 Conductive 12 Contusion
341932 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Fall 12 Haematot
341932 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12 Neck pain 12 Scan brain 12 Skull fractu
341932 Subarachn 12 Syncope 12 Syncope 12 Syncope 12 Vomiting
341932 White blood 12
341933 Autopsy 12 Chest disc 12 Death 12 Dyspnoea 12 Eosinophili
341933 Hyperhidro 12 Hypersensit 12 Myocarditis 12
341934 Alpha 2 glo 12 Ataxia 12 Beta globul 12 Blood albu 12 Blood crea
341934 C-reactive 12 CSF lympho 12 CSF monocy 12 CSF myelin 12 CSF oligoc
341934 CSF white b 12 Electrophor 12 Full blood 12 Immunoglob 12 Laboratory
341934 Lumbar pun 12 Muscular 12 Myelitis tr 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma
341934 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Spinal X-ra 12 Urinary ret 12 Vitamin B1
341946 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12
341947 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
341948 Abscess 12
341949 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Acute respi 12 Blood elect 12 Blood gase
341949 Blood lacti 12 Colectomy 12 Colitis isc 12 Computeri 12 Death
341949 Disseminate 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Endotrachea 12 Haematoch
341949 Ileocolost 12 Intensive c 12 Intestinal r 12 Intussusce 12 Laparotom
341949 Leukocytos 12 Mechanical 12 Multi-organ 12 Rectal hae 12 Respiratory
341949 Septic sho 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary sy 12 X-ray abno
341950 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
341951 Auricular s 12 Dysphagia 12 Lip swellin 12 Pruritus 12 Pruritus
341951 Swelling fa 12
341952 No adverse 12
341953 Cellulitis 12 Infection 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
341953 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Transfusio 12
341954 Arthralgia 12 Axillary ma 12 Axillary pai 12 Fatigue 12 Mass
341954 Rash prurit 12 Swelling 12
341955 Bronchitis 12 Chest X-ra 12 Febrile con 12
341956 Fatigue 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12
341957 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12 Streptococc 12
341958 Varicella 12
341970 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12
341971 Abdominal 12 Drug expos 12 Nausea 12 Pregnancy t 12 Pyrexia
341971 Vomiting 12
341973 Arthralgia 12 Pain in ext 12
341974 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12
341983 Hypersensit 12 Myocarditis 12 Troponin i 12
341986 Antisocial 12 Autism 12 Childhood d 12 Disturbance 12 Haematolog
341986 Speech dis 12
341987 Autism 12 Autoimmune 12 Diarrhoea 12 Enterocoliti 12 Irritability
341987 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
341988 Autism 12
341989 Autism 12 Gastrointes 12 Immune sys 12
341993 Headache 12 Migraine 12 Nausea 12 No reaction 12
341994 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Asthma 12 Bacteria sto
341994 Biopsy 12 C-reactive 12 Candidiasi 12 Chest pain 12 Colitis
341994 Colonosco 12 Colonoscop 12 Computeri 12 Crohn's di 12 Diarrhoea
341994 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Eosinophili 12 Gastrointes 12 Gastrointes
341994 Ileitis 12 Impaired ga 12 Laboratory 12 Malaise 12 Nausea
341994 Oesophagit 12 Oesophago 12 Red blood c 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting
341994 Weight dec 12
341995 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Amnesia 12 Apnoea 12 Cough
341995 Dyspnoea 12 Gaze palsy 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
341995 Loss of co 12 Malaise 12 Migraine 12 Posture ab 12 Syncope
341998 Brain deat 12 Tracheost 12
342001 Herpes zos 12
342002 Rash 12
342003 Dyskinesia 12 Dysphagia 12 Face oede 12
342004 Allergy to 12 Dysphagia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Malaise 12 Neck pain
342004 Pain in ext 12 Swollen to 12
342005 Computeri 12 Confusional 12 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 12 Laboratory
342005 Loss of co 12
342009 Brain scan 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho 12 CSF neutro 12 CSF protei
342009 CSF white b 12 Convulsion 12 Encephalitis 12 Gaze palsy 12 Gram stain
342009 Grand mal 12 Nervous sy 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Tuberculin
342010 Incorrect s 12
342012 Body tempe 12 Eosinophil 12 Eosinophilic 12 Eosinophilic 12 Erythema
342012 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash prurit
342012 Urticaria 12 White blood 12
342016 Wrong drug 12
342017 Flushing 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Urinary ret 12
342018 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342019 Pain 12 Rash papul 12 Serum sick 12 Type II hyp 12
342020 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12
342021 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
342022 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342023 Injection si 12
342025 Erythema 12 Inflammati 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Similar rea
342025 Swelling 12
342026 Pharyngea 12 Throat irrit 12 Throat tigh 12 Urticaria 12
342027 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
342028 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
342028 Vomiting 12
342029 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
342030 Pain 12 Rash prurit 12
342031 Chills 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
342032 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
342033 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12
342034 Induration 12 Rash prurit 12 Rash vesic 12 Scab 12
342035 Amenorrho 12 Blood folli 12 Blood lutei 12 Chromosome 12 Oestradiol
342035 Premature 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 Weight inc 12
342036 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash vesic 12
342037 Pyrexia 12
342038 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12 Skin warm 12
342039 Arthralgia 12 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia
342039 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in jaw 12 Pyrexia
342040 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342041 Diarrhoea 12 Diet refusa 12 Eye swelli 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
342041 Rash morbil 12
342042 Syncope 12
342043 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342044 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342045 Abdominal 12 Asthma 12 Biopsy skin 12 Computeri 12 Lethargy
342045 Myalgia 12 Ovarian cys 12 Pyrexia 12 Scar 12 Skin disord
342045 Ultrasoun 12 Vertigo 12
342046 Death 12 Pyrexia 12
342047 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
342048 Dehydratio 12 Endotrachea 12 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12 Pyrexia
342048 Status epil 12
342049 Chest disc 12 Dizziness 12 Dysphonia 12 Fatigue 12 Hypersensit
342049 Paraesthes 12 Pharyngea 12 Pruritus ge 12 Rash 12
342050 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
342051 Body tempe 12 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
342052 Asthenia 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Dizziness 12 Full blood
342052 Headache 12 Metabolic f 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng
342052 Pyrexia 12 Tachycardi 12 Wheezing 12
342053 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Nausea 12
342054 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342055 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342056 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342057 Antinuclear 12 Biopsy end 12 Blood fibri 12 Blood thyr 12 Coagulation
342057 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fibrin D di 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
342057 Mammogram 12 Menorrhagi 12 Metabolic f 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound
342058 Dizziness 12 Loss of co 12
342059 Wrong drug 12
342060 Asthenia 12 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12 Paraesthes
342060 Pulse pres 12 Tinnitus 12 Vision blur 12
342061 Inappropria 12
342062 Autism 12 Diarrhoea 12
342063 Accidental 12 Vision blur 12
342064 Inappropria 12 No adverse 12
342065 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abnormal f 12 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea
342065 Diarrhoea 12 Ear discomf 12 Feeling hot 12 Gastroenter 12 Rotavirus t
342065 Vomiting 12
342066 Inappropria 12
342067 Inappropria 12 Rotavirus i 12 Rotavirus t 12
342068 Inappropria 12
342069 Rotavirus i 12 Rotavirus t 12
342070 Inappropria 12
342071 Urticaria 12
342072 Inappropria 12 Nasal cong 12
342073 Accidental 12 Eye irritati 12
342074 Cyanosis 12 Regurgitati 12
342075 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12
342076 Infantile sp 12 Overdose 12
342077 Inappropria 12
342078 Inappropria 12
342079 Death 12
342080 Haemophilu 12 Intensive c 12 Meningitis 12 Underdose 12
342083 Blood cultu 12 Body tempe 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc 12 Fall
342083 Head injury 12 Lethargy 12 Lumbar pun 12 Staring 12 Unresponsiv
342083 White blood 12
342086 Autism spe 12 Blood test 12 Immune sys 12 Mental diso 12 Mobility d
342086 Tremor 12
342088 Burning se 12 Cellulitis 12 Chills 12 Cough 12 Cough
342088 Echocardio 12 Erythema 12 Feeling of 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
342088 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm
342088 Vomiting 12
342090 Autism 12 Condition 12
342091 Autism 12 Laboratory 12
342092 Autism 12
342093 Autism 12
342094 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Pregnancy t 12 Premature 12
342096 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
342102 Anaphylacti 12 Angioedem 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Glossodyni
342102 Oral pain 12 Periorbita 12 Sneezing 12 Stridor 12 Urticaria
342103 Injection s 12
342104 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342105 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Borrelia bu 12 Computeris 12 Dizziness
342105 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Lumbar pun 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma
342105 Paraesthes 12 Photophobi 12 Thyroid fun 12
342106 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
342108 Agitation 12 Blood test 12 Dyspnoea 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Malaise
342108 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12
342109 Headache 12 Somnolenc 12
342110 Rash macul 12
342111 Abdominal 12 Cardiac str 12 Dizziness 12 Echocardi 12 Feeling hot
342111 Flushing 12 Laboratory 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12 Urine analy
342112 Crying 12 Inappropria 12
342113 Dyskinesia 12
342115 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342117 No adverse 12
342118 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342119 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria
342120 Erythema 12 Injection sit 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes
342121 Body tempe 12
342122 Nausea 12
342123 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12
342124 Injection si 12 Palpitation 12 Pelvic pain 12
342125 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Myalgia 12
342126 Human papil 12 Smear cerv 12
342127 Syncope 12
342128 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
342129 Arthralgia 12 Flushing 12 Headache 12 Rosacea 12
342130 Papilloma v 12
342131 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Loss of co 12 Nausea 12
342132 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
342133 Fatigue 12
342134 Syncope 12
342135 Headache 12 Rash 12
342137 Body tempe 12 Migraine 12 Nausea 12 Photophobi 12 Presyncop
342137 Pyrexia 12
342138 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Lip swellin 12 Paraesthesi
342138 Pruritus 12 Swelling fa 12
342139 Syncope 12
342141 Papilloma v 12
342142 Syncope 12
342143 Laboratory 12 Muscular 12 Neurologic 12
342144 Dyspnoea 12 Palpitation 12
342145 Drug expos 12 Inappropria 12 Meconium in 12
342146 Headache 12 Infectious 12
342147 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Cough 12 Fatigue
342147 Gastroenteri 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Nasal cong
342147 Nasopharyn 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng 12 Pelvic pain 12 Premenstru
342147 Pyrexia 12 Sick relativ 12 Smear cerv 12 Vomiting 12 Wheezing
342148 Off label u 12
342149 Injection 12 Injection si 12
342150 Palpitation 12
342151 Malaise 12
342152 Malaise 12
342153 Headache 12 Vaccine pos 12
342154 Nausea 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Vomiting
342155 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Neurologic 12
342156 Drug expos 12 Induced abo 12 Ultrasound 12
342157 Abdominal 12 Headache 12 No reaction 12 Vomiting 12
342158 Coeliac di 12
342159 Abdominal 12.1 Antinuclear 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Contracept 12.1 Dyspepsia
342159 Endometrio 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Gastritis 12.1 Influenza li 12 Lymphaden
342159 Malaise 12 Menorrhagi 12.1 Nausea 12 Oesophago 12.1 Pelvic pain
342159 Red blood c 12.1 Retching 12 Rheumatoid 12.1 Sleep disor 12.1
342161 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Musculoske
342161 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Pyrexia 12
342162 Body tempe 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
342163 Culture sto 12 Gastroenter 12 Rotavirus t 12 White blood 12
342164 Body tempe 12 Crying 12 Hypokinesi 12 Pain 12 Pain
342165 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
342166 Wrong drug 12
342167 Blood cultu 12 Caesarean 12 Chest X-ra 12 Drug expos 12 Echocardio
342167 Electrocar 12 Foetal diso 12
342168 Inappropria 12
342169 Urticaria 12
342170 Pertussis 12 Pertussis id 12 Vaccination 12
342171 Urticaria 12
342172 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
342173 Injection 12
342174 Body tempe 12 Grand mal 12
342175 Injection 12
342176 Alanine am 12 Anion gap 12 Aspartate 12 Axillary pai 12 Basophil c
342176 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood crea
342176 Blood crea 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood osmo 12 Blood pota
342176 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc
342176 Chest pain 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Eosinophil 12 Haematocri
342176 Haemoglob 12 Injection si 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell
342176 Mean cell 12 Mean plate 12 Monocyte c 12 Myopericard 12 Neutrophil
342176 Platelet co 12 Protein tot 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Red cell di
342176 Toxicologic 12 Troponin i 12 Urine analy 12 White blood 12
342177 Lymphaden 12
342178 Anxiety 12 Blood test 12 Computeris 12 Depression 12 Diarrhoea
342178 Dysuria 12 Fungal infe 12 Headache 12 Micturition 12 Nuclear ma
342178 Panic attac 12 Pollakiuria 12 Smear cerv 12 Urinary trac 12 Urine analy
342178 Vaccine pos 12 Vertigo 12 Vision blur 12 Vomiting 12
342182 Agoraphob 12 Anxiety dis 12 Condition 12 Cough 12 Culture uri
342182 Depression 12 Drug scree 12 Educationa 12 Headache 12 Laboratory
342182 Major depr 12 Nasal cong 12 Obsessive- 12 Panic attac 12 Pyrexia
342182 Rhinitis 12 Sleep disor 12 Social pro 12 Suicidal id 12 Vaccine pos
342182 Viral upper 12 Weight inc 12
342183 Auricular s 12 Erythema 12 Rash papul 12 Rash vesic 12
342184 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342185 Pyrexia 12 Rash rubell 12
342186 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342187 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
342188 Dizziness 12 Loss of co 12
342189 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
342190 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
342191 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12
342192 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342193 Burning se 12 Condition 12 Herpes zos 12
342194 Urticaria 12
342195 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu 12 Rash papul 12 Rhinorrhoe
342195 Skin discol 12 Swelling fa 12
342196 Injection s 12
342197 Varicella 12
342198 Diarrhoea 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
342199 Headache 12 Influenza li 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
342200 Guillain-B 12
342201 Hypoaesthe 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12 Vaccine pos 12
342203 Headache 12 Vaccine pos 12
342204 Back pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12
342205 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342206 Pain 12
342207 Incorrect s 12 Pain 12
342208 Migraine 12
342209 Rash 12 Vaccine pos 12
342210 Malaise 12
342212 Anogenital 12 Vaginal les 12
342213 Amenorrho 12 Hypomenor 12
342214 Alopecia 12
342216 Erythema 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per
342216 Skin warm 12
342225 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 High risk 12 Pre-eclamp
342225 Sinusitis 12 Ultrasound 12 Uterine inf 12
342226 Abnormal b 12 Autism 12 Repetitive 12 Social avoi 12
342227 Mobility d 12 Pain 12
342228 Abortion i 12 Alpha 1 foe 12 Drug expos 12 Nausea 12 Pregnancy t
342228 Ultrasound 12
342229 Bacterial c 12 Blood thyro 12 Decreased 12 Full blood 12 Gianotti-Cr
342229 Metabolic f 12 Mononucleos 12 Nausea 12 No reaction 12 Occult bloo
342229 Pregnancy 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit
342229 Red blood c 12 Streptococc 12 Urine analy 12
342230 Autism 12
342231 Autism 12 Ear haemo 12 Encephalo 12 Opisthoton 12 Screaming
342232 Aphasia 12
342233 Anogenital 12 Herpes sim 12 Inappropria 12 Inappropria 12
342234 Autism 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12
342235 Autism 12
342236 Headache 12
342237 Autism 12 Vaccine pos 12
342238 Nausea 12 Pallor 12
342239 Autism 12
342240 Drug admini 12 Loss of co 12 Loss of co 12
342241 Autism 12
342242 Aggression 12 Autism 12
342243 Autism 12
342246 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
342247 Pyrexia 12
342248 Asthenia 12 Blister 12 Headache 12 Influenza li 12 Rash
342249 Headache 12 Off label u 12
342250 Dyspnoea 12 Local swell 12 Oropharyng 12 Swelling fa 12
342251 Body tempe 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Myalgia 12 Pain
342251 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12
342252 Hypoaesthe 12 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
342253 Urticaria 12
342254 Erythema 12 Injection s 12
342256 Tremor 12
342272 Abdominal 12 Apparent li 12 Cyanosis 12 Dehydratio 12 Full blood
342272 Haemateme 12 Hypotonia 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Unresponsiv
342272 Vomiting 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray norm 12
342273 Body tempe 12
342274 Injection s 12
342275 Blood cultu 12 Culture uri 12 Full blood 12 Pyrexia 12
342276 Dry mouth 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
342276 Urticaria 12 Wheezing 12
342277 Erythema 12 Eye swelli 12 Lip swellin 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
342277 Rash macu 12
342278 Injection s 12
342279 Crying 12
342280 Unevaluabl 12
342281 Lymphaden 12
342282 Headache 12 Rash 12
342283 Eye irritati 12 Herpes zos 12 Ocular hyp 12 Rash 12
342284 Abdominal 12 Dyspnoea 12 Respiratory 12 Urticaria 12 Vomiting
342285 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Urticaria 12
342286 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
342287 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
342288 Anorexia 12 Induration 12 Mobility d 12 Pyrexia 12
342289 Dehydratio 12 Full blood 12 Metabolic f 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
342291 Induration 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Tendernes 12
342292 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342293 Blood test 12 Cold sweat 12 Culture uri 12 Dizziness 12 Pallor
342293 Streptococca 12 Unresponsiv 12
342294 Injection sit 12 Oedema per 12 Tendernes 12
342295 Injection s 12
342296 Abscess 12 Cellulitis 12 Inflammati 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth
342296 Skin warm 12
342297 Pruritus 12 Rash gener 12 Urticaria 12
342298 Varicella p 12
342299 Varicella 12
342300 Discomfort 12 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling
342301 Hypokinesi 12 Pain 12
342302 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
342303 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
342304 Rash 12 Virus cultu 12
342305 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Skin discol 12
342306 Crying 12
342307 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12
342308 Hepatitis B 12 No adverse 12
342309 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12
342310 Hepatitis B 12 No adverse 12
342311 Inappropria 12 Muscle sp 12 Pyrexia 12
342312 Rash prurit 12
342313 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342314 Immediate p 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin warm 12 Urticaria 12 Urticaria
342315 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Rash 12
342316 Injection si 12
342317 Dizziness 12 Mobility d 12
342318 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting
342319 Burning se 12 Erythema 12
342320 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
342321 Diarrhoea 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Oropharyng 12
342322 Injection si 12
342323 Blood test 12 Oliguria 12 Pyrexia 12
342324 Anogenital 12 Asthenia 12 Blood test 12 Computeris 12 Dizziness
342324 Migraine wi 12 Muscular 12 Nausea 12 Oral contra 12 Paraesthes
342324 Photophobi 12 Rheumatic 12 Streptococca 12 Streptococca 12
342325 Blood cultu 12 Blood urea 12 Chest X-ra 12 Culture thr 12 Febrile con
342325 Gaze palsy 12 Inflammati 12 Influenza s 12 Middle ear 12 Neutrophil
342325 Otitis medi 12 Specific gr 12 Tremor 12
342326 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
342327 Amyotrophic 12 Areflexia 12 Asthenia 12 Asthenia 12 Dizziness
342327 Dyspnoea e 12 Electromyo 12 Headache 12 Muscle atr 12 Muscle sp
342327 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma 12 Progressiv 12 Weight dec 12
342328 Neuralgia 12
342329 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Pyrexia 12
342330 Ammonia d 12 Anaemia 12 Aspartate 12 Ataxia 12 Blood albu
342330 Blood alka 12 Blood cultu 12 Computeris 12 Encephaliti 12 Fall
342330 Gait distur 12 Haemoglob 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Muscular
342330 Nuclear ma 12 Platelet co 12 Protein tot 12 Red cell di 12 Toxicologic
342330 Tremor 12 Vaccination 12 White blood 12
342331 Blood calc 12 Blood elect 12 Blood gluc 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris
342331 Diarrhoea 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dysphonia 12 Eye moveme 12 Febrile con
342331 Full blood 12 Gaze palsy 12 Grand mal 12 Influenza s 12 Irritability
342331 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Somnolenc 12 Unresponsiv
342331 Urine analy 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
342333 Areflexia 12 Asthenia 12 Barium swa 12 Blood gase 12 Blood gluc
342333 Blood produ 12 Chest X-ra 12 Choking 12 Computeri 12 Dysphagia
342333 Dysstasia 12 Echocardio 12 Electrolyte 12 Endotrachea 12 Fall
342333 Gastrostomy 12 Guillain-B 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypoxia
342333 Influenza 12 Lobar pne 12 Lumbar pun 12 Lumbar pun 12 Nasopharyn
342333 Platelet co 12 Pulmonary 12 Red blood 12 Respiratory 12 Scan brain
342333 Sputum cult 12 Tracheost 12 Vena cava f 12
342334 Anaphylacti 12 Auricular s 12 Chest disc 12 Depressed 12 Dizziness
342334 Dyspnoea 12 Lip swellin 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng 12 Pallor
342334 Rash 12 Speech dis 12 Swelling fa 12 Swollen to 12 Syncope
342334 Urticaria 12
342335 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12
342336 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Tendernes 12
342337 Rash macu 12 Rash papul 12
342338 Migraine 12 Nausea 12 Vision blur 12 Vomiting 12
342339 Erythema m 12 Upper respi 12
342340 Dyspnoea 12 Hyperhidro 12 Joint swell 12 Joint swell 12 Oedema per
342340 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
342341 Injection si 12
342342 Wrong drug 12
342343 Wrong drug 12
342344 Wrong drug 12
342345 Wrong drug 12
342346 Wrong drug 12
342347 Wrong drug 12
342348 Wrong drug 12
342349 Urticaria 12
342350 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Skin warm 12
342351 Adverse ev 12
342353 Influenza li 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
342354 Diarrhoea 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
342355 Smear cerv 12 Smear cerv 12
342356 Adverse dr 12
342357 Rash 12 Vaccine pos 12
342358 Syncope 12
342359 Loss of co 12
342360 Rash 12 Vaccine pos 12
342361 Abdominal 12 Abdominal r 12 Ageusia 12 Anaemia 12 Computeri
342361 Computeris 12 Contusion 12 Decreased 12 Diplopia 12 Dizziness
342361 Dysmenorr 12 Ear conges 12 Epistaxis 12 Eustachian 12 Feeling col
342361 Full blood 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Loss of co 12 Migraine
342361 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sinusitis 12 Tremor
342361 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 Vision blur 12
342362 Drug expos 12 Foetal non- 12 Pyrexia 12
342363 Off label u 12 Protein uri 12 Urine abnor 12 Urine anal 12
342364 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
342365 Death 12
342366 Death 12 Demyelinat 12 Intraocular 12 Multiple sc 12 Neuromyelit
342366 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Optic neurit 12 Vaccination 12 Visual field
342366 Visual imp 12
342373 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
342374 Angioedem 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
342375 Ophthalmop 12 VIth nerve 12 Vaccine pos 12
342376 Epistaxis 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Oedema 12
342377 Activities o 12 Erythema 12 Injected li 12 Nodule 12 Oedema per
342377 Pain in ext 12 X-ray norm 12
342378 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Biopsy inte
342378 Blood test 12 Chest pain 12 Chills 12 Chills 12 Computeris
342378 Dizziness 12 Eczema 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Gastric em
342378 Headache 12 Helicobacter 12 Hepatobilia 12 Laboratory 12 Malaise
342378 Nausea 12 Oesophago 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12 Ultrasound
342378 Vomiting 12 Weight dec 12 X-ray abno 12 X-ray gastr 12 X-ray with
342379 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
342381 Musculoskel 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
342382 Autism 12
342383 Autism 12
342384 Autism 12
342385 Aphasia 12 Autism 12 Biopsy 12 Blood test 12 Cognitive d
342385 Condition 12 Convulsion 12 DNA test fo 12 Electroenc 12 Endoscopy
342385 Gastrointes 12 Measles 12 Measles ant 12 Nuclear ma 12 Sensory int
342385 Speech dis 12
342386 Autism 12
342387 Autism 12 Eye moveme 12 Gait distur 12 Repetitive 12 Speech dis
342388 Autism 12 Childhood d 12 Diet refusa 12 Incorrect r 12
342389 Autism 12
342390 Autism 12
342393 Atrial flutte 12 Bradycardi 12 Cardio-resp 12 Chest X-ra 12 Death
342393 Dyspnoea 12 Endotrachea 12 Hyperhidro 12 Infection 12 Influenza
342393 Influenza s 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscle sp 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia
342393 Tachycardi 12 Tachypnoe 12 Upper respi 12 Ventricular 12
342394 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12
342395 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
342396 Rash 12
342397 Culture wo 12 Erythema 12 Herpes sim 12 Rash vesic 12
342398 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash macul 12
342400 Febrile con 12
342401 Musculoske 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Rheumatoid
342403 Head injury 12 Syncope 12
342404 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Electroenc 12 Full blood 12 Headache
342404 Muscle tig 12 Myofascial 12 Neuralgia 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext
342404 Retching 12 Streptococca 12 Tremor 12 X-ray limb 12
342405 Dyspnoea 12 Exercise t 12
342406 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Vaccine pos 12 Vomiting
342408 Human papil 12 Inflammati 12 Smear cerv 12
342409 Rash 12
342410 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12
342411 Drug expos 12
342412 Syncope 12
342413 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
342414 Abdominal 12 Back pain 12 Headache 12 Vomiting 12
342415 Asthma 12 Vaccine pos 12
342416 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Basophil c 12 Blood albu 12 Blood alka
342416 Blood bilir 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc
342416 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio 12 Eosinophil
342416 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell
342416 Mean cell 12 Mean plate 12 Monocyte c 12 Neutrophil 12 Petechiae
342416 Platelet co 12 Protein tot 12 Rash 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c
342416 Red cell di 12 Urine analy 12 White blood 12
342417 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342418 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342419 Lethargy 12
342420 Wrong drug 12
342421 Head injury 12 Syncope 12
342422 Herpes zos 12
342423 Erythema 12 Injection si 12
342424 Polymerase 12 Rash papul 12
342425 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Blood thyro 12 CSF cultur 12 Full blood
342425 Gait distur 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Liver functi 12 Metabolic f 12 Nuclear ma
342426 Malaise 12
342427 Migraine 12
342428 Syncope 12
342429 Injection si 12
342430 Insomnia 12
342431 Erythema 12 Syncope 12 Tinnitus 12
342432 Cervical dy 12 Smear cerv 12
342433 Anogenital 12 Smear cerv 12
342434 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Pain in ext 12
342435 Alopecia 12 Alopecia a 12 Antinuclear 12 Blood thyr 12 Full blood
342435 Laboratory 12 Metabolic f 12 Red blood c 12
342436 Muscle twit 12
342437 Headache 12 Immediate p 12 No reaction 12 Vision blur 12
342438 Migraine 12
342439 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 No reaction 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
342440 Adverse ev 12
342441 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12
342442 Amenorrho 12
342443 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342444 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12
342445 Drug expos 12 Fungal infe 12 Headache 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscle sp
342445 Pain 12 Ultrasound 12
342446 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection s 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext
342447 Anaemia 12 Condition 12
342448 Inappropria 12 Migraine 12 Vaccine pos 12
342449 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Myalgia 12
342450 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12
342451 Bladder dis 12 Enuresis 12
342452 Drug expos 12 Haemorrha 12 Pregnancy t 12
342453 Hypotensio 12 Syncope 12
342455 Electrocar 12 Pericardial 12
342456 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342457 Electrocar 12 Myocarditis 12 Troponin I 12
342458 Electrocar 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pericarditis 12 Troponin I 12
342459 Electrocar 12 Pericarditis 12 Troponin I 12
342460 Atrial flutte 12 Atrial tach 12 Bradycardi 12 Cardiac ele 12 Chest pain
342460 Condition 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardi 12 Hyperhidro
342460 Hypotensio 12 Intensive c 12 Nausea 12 Palpitation 12 Postural or
342460 Presyncop 12 Supraventri 12 Syncope 12 Tilt table te 12
342461 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
342461 Injection si 12
342462 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12 Rash pustu
342463 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
342464 Abdominal 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis 12 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea
342464 Headache 12 Joint rang 12 Lethargy 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia
342464 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Night swea 12 Pain 12 Pain
342464 Pyrexia 12 Sleep disor 12 Vomiting 12
342465 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash vesic 12
342466 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342467 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342468 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342469 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
342470 Alanine am 12 Ankylosing 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Basophil c
342470 Basophil p 12 Bilirubin ur 12 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Blood gluc
342470 Blood pota 12 Blood urin 12 C-reactive 12 Carbon dio 12 Circadian r
342470 Eosinophil 12 Eosinophil 12 Full blood 12 Gamma-glut 12 Glucose ur
342470 HLA marker 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Ligament s 12 Lymphocyte
342470 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Monocyte c
342470 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Nitrite uri 12 Nuclear ma
342470 Platelet co 12 Platelet m 12 Protein uri 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c
342470 Red blood c 12 Red cell di 12 Retinal de 12 Sacroiliitis 12 Specific gr
342470 Spinal X-ra 12 Spinal X-r 12 Spinal X-r 12 Urine anal 12 Urine anal
342470 Urine keto 12 Urine leuko 12 Urobilin ur 12 Visual imp 12 White blood
342470 Wound 12 X-ray of pe 12 pH urine n 12
342471 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
342472 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
342473 Discomfort 12 Ear pain 12 Neuralgia 12 Pain of ski 12
342474 Activities o 12 Blood heav 12 Clumsines 12 Immunology 12 Laboratory
342474 Motor dysf 12 Neurologic 12 Neurologic 12 Nuclear ma 12 Tremor
342475 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
342475 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
342476 Headache 12 Liver injury 12 Skin discol 12
342477 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342478 Rash vesic 12
342479 Rash vesic 12
342480 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
342481 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342482 Enuresis 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
342483 Injected li 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12
342484 Injection sit 12
342485 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Rash 12
342486 Inappropria 12 Urticaria 12
342487 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Tympanic 12 Urticaria 12
342488 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342489 Arthralgia 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12
342490 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12 Ectopic pr 12 Laboratory 12 Pregnancy t
342493 Brain oed 12 Convulsion 12
342496 Systemic l 12
342497 Diarrhoea 12 Haematoch 12
342498 Autism spe 12 Blister infe 12 Diarrhoea 12 Metal pois 12 Pyrexia
342498 Speech dis 12
342499 Autism 12 Developmen 12
342500 Autism 12 Varicella 12
342501 Autism 12 Mental reta 12 Social pro 12
342502 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pneumonia 12
342503 Communicat 12 Confusional 12
342506 Barium dou 12 Enema admi 12 Haematoch 12 Intensive c 12 Intussusce
342506 Irritability 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary sy 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray abno
342506 X-ray gastr 12
342508 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342509 Fatigue 12 Flushing 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
342509 Oropharyng 12 Streptococca 12
342510 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
342511 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per
342512 Erythema 12 Injection sit 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
342513 Catheter p 12 Condition 12 Cystitis inte 12 Cystoscop 12 Suprapubic
342514 No adverse 12
342515 Dizziness 12 Laceration 12 Syncope 12
342516 Fatigue 12 Measles 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12
342517 Hyperaesth 12 Pain 12 Periarthriti 12 Swelling 12
342518 Chest X-ra 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Full blood 12 Hypokinesi 12 Lymphaden
342518 Neck pain 12 Tendernes 12 Ultrasound 12
342519 Asthenia 12
342520 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Allergy test 12 Asthenia
342520 Back pain 12 Back pain 12 Biopsy 12 Blood amyl 12 Blood test
342520 Chest pain 12 Cholecyste 12 Colonosco 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion
342520 Convulsion 12 Dehydratio 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electrocar 12 Endoscopic
342520 Endoscopic 12 Gastric em 12 Gastritis 12 Gastrointes 12 Haematoch
342520 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Hepatobilia 12 Hypophagi 12 Hypotensio
342520 Lactose tol 12 Lipase nor 12 Magnetic r 12 Metabolic f 12 Nuclear ma
342520 Oesophago 12 Pain in ext 12 Pancreatic 12 Pancreatiti 12 Paraesthes
342520 Peripheral 12 Respiratory 12 Similar rea 12 Staring 12 Syncope
342520 Ultrasoun 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary trac 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray with
342521 Anorexia 12 Flatulence 12 Irritability 12 Vomiting 12
342522 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12 Varicella 12
342523 Rash vesic 12
342524 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342525 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per
342526 Erythema m 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
342527 Erythema m 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12
342528 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
342529 Crying 12
342530 Anorexia 12 Anxiety 12 Chest disc 12 Chills 12 Fatigue
342530 Insomnia 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12
342531 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Tendernes 12
342532 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342533 Abdominal 12 Pyrexia 12
342536 Asperger's 12 Autism 12 Metal pois 12 Nervous sy 12 Speech dis
342537 Acoustic st 12 Nuclear ma 12 Tinnitus 12
342538 Amnesia 12 Atrial fibril 12 Blood pota 12 Cardiac en 12 Computeris
342538 Concussio 12 Dizziness 12 Echocardio 12 Fall 12 Gaze palsy
342538 Head injury 12 Headache 12 Hypokalae 12 Hypophosp 12 Loss of co
342538 Lymphocyte 12 Musculoskel 12 Neutrophil 12 Syncope 12 Syncope
342538 White blood 12
342539 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342540 Crying 12 Dark circle 12 Immediate p 12 Learning di 12 Nervous sy
342540 Speech dis 12
342541 Lymphaden 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12 Rash papul
342541 Varicella 12
342542 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12
342543 Headache 12 Vomiting 12
342544 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342545 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
342546 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12 Myalgia
342546 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Streptococc 12 Vision blur 12
342547 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling
342548 Injection sit 12 Mass 12 Pyrexia 12
342549 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
342550 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342551 Injection s 12
342552 No adverse 12
342553 Asthenia 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Muscular 12 Myalgia
342554 Injection si 12
342555 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
342556 Unevaluabl 12
342557 Unevaluabl 12
342558 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pain 12
342559 Varicella p 12
342560 Inappropria 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12
342561 Rash 12 Rash 12
342562 Condition 12 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Hypoacusi 12 Pallor
342562 Visual imp 12
342563 Decreased 12 Hypersomn 12 Pyrexia 12
342564 Unevaluabl 12
342565 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342566 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342567 Cellulitis 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342568 Unevaluabl 12
342569 Abdominal 12 Culture uri 12 Dysuria 12 Eye infecti 12 Malaise
342569 Micturition 12 Pallor 12 Pollakiuria 12 Rash eryth 12 Urinary trac
342569 Urine anal 12
342570 Headache 12
342571 Inappropria 12
342572 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342573 Convulsion 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12 Skin lacera
342574 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12
342575 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
342575 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
342576 Urticaria 12
342577 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342578 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342579 Eye swelli 12
342580 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling hot 12 Nausea 12 Oxygen sup
342581 Urticaria 12
342582 Burning se 12 Headache 12 Musculoskel 12 Neck pain 12 Pain
342582 Rash prurit 12
342591 Eyelid oed 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342593 Apnoea 12 Blood test 12 Haemophilu 12 Influenza s 12 Pneumonia
342593 Sepsis 12
342594 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Laboratory 12 Urine human 12
342596 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Large for d 12
342600 Antibody te 12 Areflexia 12 Asthenia 12 Biopsy bon 12 Blood blist
342600 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood produ 12 Blood urea 12 Borrelia bu
342600 CSF cultur 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chromosome 12 Computeris 12 Contusion
342600 Dizziness 12 Electromyo 12 Flow cytom 12 Grip stren 12 Guillain-B
342600 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Haemorrha 12 Helicobacter 12 Idiopathic
342600 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharynge 12 Platelet co 12 Platelet co 12 Presyncop
342600 Red blood 12 Scan brain 12 Thrombocy 12 Ultrasound 12
342601 Arthralgia 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
342602 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342603 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
342603 Musculoske 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Skin warm
342604 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12
342605 Unevaluabl 12
342606 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342607 Unevaluabl 12
342608 Syncope 12
342609 Blood immu 12 Oedema per 12
342610 Injection si 12
342611 Metrorrhag 12 Vaginal ha 12
342612 Formicatio 12 Smear cerv 12 Vaginal ha 12
342613 Activities o 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
342613 Arthralgia 12 Arthropod b 12 Autoimmune 12 Blister 12 Blood press
342613 Bone scan 12 Borrelia bu 12 Borrelia bu 12 Computeri 12 Condition
342613 Culture neg 12 Erythema 12 Excoriation 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood
342613 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Headache 12 Hypothyroi 12 Insomnia
342613 Joint stiffn 12 Ligament la 12 Mass 12 Meningeal 12 Migraine
342613 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Rash eryth
342613 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Scar
342613 Surgery 12 Tendonitis 12 Thyroid fun 12 X-ray limb 12 X-ray limb
342614 Blood prola 12 Headache 12 Laboratory 12 Thyroid fun 12
342615 Eye pruritu 12 Lacrimatio 12 Photophobi 12
342616 Crying 12 Skin exfoli 12 Swelling 12
342617 Malaise 12
342618 Blood pres 12 Heart rate 12 Syncope 12
342619 Metrorrhag 12 Vaginal ha 12
342620 Headache 12 Pain 12
342621 Human papil 12 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
342622 Human papil 12
342623 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342624 Alopecia 12
342625 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12
342626 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12
342627 Biopsy 12 Cervical dy 12 Colposcop 12 Colposcopy 12 Dysplasia
342627 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12 Uterine ce 12
342628 Injection si 12 No reaction 12
342629 Anaphylacti 12 Dyspnoea 12 No reaction 12 Throat tigh 12
342630 Arthralgia 12
342631 Amenorrho 12
342632 Peroneal n 12
342633 Rash prurit 12 Skin test 12 Urticaria 12
342634 Hair growt 12 Inappropria 12 Smear cerv 12 Vaginal dis 12
342635 Acne 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
342635 Asthenia 12 Bacteria uri 12 Crystal uri 12 Joint rang 12 Juvenile art
342635 Limb disco 12 Monocyte c 12 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Neutrophil
342635 Non-cardia 12 Pain in ext 12 Poikilocyto 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
342635 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Red cell di 12 Sleep disor 12 Urine abnor
342635 White blood 12
342636 Inappropria 12 Pruritus ge 12
342637 Blood alum 12 Gastrointes 12 Pelvic pain 12 Weight dec 12
342638 Arthralgia 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
342639 Hypersensit 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria
342640 Dysmenorr 12 Dysmenorr 12 Menorrhagi 12 Menstruatio 12
342641 Alopecia 12 Alopecia a 12
342642 Feeling ab 12
342643 Back pain 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound 12
342644 Urticaria 12
342645 Lip swellin 12 Urticaria 12
342646 Asthenia 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
342647 Anxiety 12 Dyspnoea 12 Herpes sim 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Insomnia
342647 Irritability 12 Lymphaden 12 Palpitation 12 Paraesthes 12 Tension
342647 Tremor 12
342648 Inflammati 12 Local react 12
342649 Alopecia 12 Biotin defi 12 Contusion 12 Laboratory 12 PCO2 norm
342649 Thyroid fun 12 Urine analy 12
342650 Cervical dy 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342651 Alopecia 12
342652 Syncope 12 Syncope 12
342653 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Immediate p 12 No reaction 12 Presyncop
342654 Injection si 12 Musculoskel 12 Screaming 12
342655 Abdominal 12 Allergy tes 12 Asthenia 12 Blood test 12 CSF pressu
342655 Computeris 12 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Headache
342655 Headache 12 Hypophagi 12 Insomnia 12 Lumbar pun 12 Malaise
342655 Nausea 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Scan brain 12 Sleep disor
342655 Sleep stud 12 Ventricular 12 Weight dec 12
342656 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12
342657 Arthralgia 12 Musculoske 12 Musculoske 12 Musculoskel 12 Pain
342657 Paraesthes 12
342658 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Influenza li 12 Nausea 12 Pain
342659 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Acute abd 12 Alanine am 12 Aspartate
342659 Atelectasis 12 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Blood amyl 12 Blood bilir
342659 Blood calc 12 Blood chlo 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood mag
342659 Blood phos 12 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Body tempe
342659 Carbon dio 12 Chills 12 Chills 12 Colectomy 12 Computeri
342659 Fatigue 12 Gamma-glut 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Intestinal
342659 Lymph nod 12 Lymphaden 12 Mononucleos 12 Oxygen sat 12 Platelet co
342659 Protein tot 12 White blood 12
342660 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
342661 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12 Swelling 12
342662 Abasia 12 Amnesia 12 Asthenia 12 Asthenia 12 Clostridium
342662 Confusional 12 Culture neg 12 Diarrhoea 12 Encephalo 12 Feeling ab
342662 Lethargy 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash vesic
342662 White blood 12
342663 Anaphylacto 12 Atrial fibril 12 Blood pres 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc
342663 Chest pain 12 Condition 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Eye swelli
342663 Goitre 12 Mediastina 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling fa 12
342664 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
342665 Arthralgia 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood mag 12 Chest disc
342665 Chest pain 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Erythema
342665 Injection s 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte c 12 Neutrophil 12 Troponin I
342665 White blood 12
342666 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
342667 Mass 12 Swelling 12
342668 Burning se 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12
342669 Inappropria 12 No adverse 12
342670 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Injection si
342670 Oedema per 12
342671 Back pain 12 Blood test 12 Borrelia bu 12 Full blood 12 Hyperhidro
342671 Muscle sp 12 Muscle twit 12 Musculoske 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma
342671 Pain in jaw 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
342671 Thyroid fun 12 Vitamin D d 12
342676 Cellulitis 12 Encapsulati 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Pain
342676 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Scar 12 Surgery 12 Vaccine pos
342676 Weight bear 12
342682 Erythema 12 Skin lesion 12 Tendernes 12
342683 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
342684 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12
342685 Asthenia 12 Dysphagia 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pharyngea
342685 Pyrexia 12
342686 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Injected li 12 Lymphaden 12 Pain in ext
342686 Tendernes 12
342687 Head injury 12 Syncope 12
342688 Inappropria 12
342689 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
342690 Body tempe 12 Dizziness 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Red blood c
342690 Vomiting 12
342691 Abdominal 12 Back pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
342692 Chills 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
342693 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12
342694 Abdominal 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12
342697 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash vesic
342697 Tongue dis 12
342698 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Herpes sim 12 Wound deh 12
342700 Abortion s 12 Blighted o 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
342701 Blindness 12 Cyanosis 12 Deafness 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor
342701 Sensation 12 Similar rea 12
342702 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12
342703 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
342704 Cervical dy 12 Prostatic 12 Smear cerv 12
342709 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12
342711 Rotavirus i 12
342712 Rotavirus i 12
342715 Cough 12 Pertussis 12 Post-tussiv 12
342719 Menstruatio 12
342720 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
342721 Condition 12 Headache 12 Migraine 12
342722 Smear cerv 12
342723 Smear cerv 12
342724 Headache 12
342725 Papilloma v 12
342726 Nausea 12 Syncope 12
342727 Culture uri 12 Dysuria 12 Pollakiuria 12 Pyrexia 12 Urinary trac
342727 Urine anal 12
342728 Gaze palsy 12 Loss of co 12
342729 Abdominal 12 Drug expos 12 Weight inc 12
342730 Blood crea 12 Blood urea 12 Computeri 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
342730 Headache 12 Intensive c 12 Intraventri 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma
342730 Nuclear ma 12 Scan brain 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
342731 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis 12 Blood urea 12 Condition
342731 Glycosylat 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscular 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia
342731 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Pain in jaw 12 Wheelchair 12
342732 Blood cultu 12 Body tempe 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc
342732 Eye moveme 12 Full blood 12 Hypotonia 12 Lumbar pun 12 Nuclear ma
342732 Tonic clon 12 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12 Urine analy 12
342733 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Scab 12 Skin lesion
342733 Skin warm 12
342734 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
342735 Arthralgia 12 Drug hypers 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342736 Rash papul 12 Varicella 12
342738 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Reaction to
342739 Dizziness 12 Erythema 12 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Oedema per
342740 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12 Rash prurit
342741 Unevaluabl 12
342742 Fatigue 12 Induration 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12
342743 Injection si 12
342744 Febrile con 12
342745 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Chronic fa 12 Fatigue 12 Headache
342745 Laboratory 12 Myalgia 12
342746 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Upper respi 12
342747 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12
342748 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342749 Injection si 12
342750 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
342751 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342752 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
342753 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
342754 Alpha 1 foe 12 Drug expos 12 Inappropria 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound
342755 Drug expos 12 Gestational 12
342756 Alpha 1 foe 12 Drug expos 12 Oligohydra 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound
342757 Drug expos 12 Premature 12 Ultrasound 12
342758 Blood calc 12 Drug expos 12 Gonorrhoe 12 Laboratory 12 Nausea
342758 Staphylococ 12
342759 Drug expos 12 Dyspepsia 12 Laboratory 12 Nausea 12 Ultrasound
342759 Urinary trac 12 Vaginitis ba 12
342760 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12 Premature 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary trac
342761 Anaemia 12 Chromosome 12 Dehydratio 12 Drug expos 12 Platelet co
342761 Premature 12 Vomiting 12
342762 Alpha 1 foe 12 Beta haemol 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
342763 Drug expos 12 Inappropria 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound 12
342764 Alpha 1 foe 12 Anaemia 12 Drug expos 12 Inappropria 12 Infection
342764 Premature 12 Ultrasound 12
342765 Beta haemol 12 Blood test 12 Chlamydial 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound
342765 Vaginitis ba 12
342766 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
342767 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si 12 Sensation 12 Syncope 12
342768 Drug expos 12 Muscle sp 12 Pregnancy 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting
342770 Hypoaesthe 12 Joint stiffn 12 Paraesthes 12 Swelling 12
342771 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Axillary pai 12 Back pain
342771 Chills 12 Contusion 12 Feeling of 12 Hyperhidro 12 Injection s
342771 Malaise 12 Musculoske 12 Tendernes 12
342772 Convulsion 12 Dyspnoea 12 Hypersensit 12 Lethargy 12 Measles
342772 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Respiratory 12
342773 Headache 12 Hyperhidro 12 Malaise 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
342773 Vomiting 12
342774 Pruritus 12
342775 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Hypotensio 12 Pallor 12 Syncope
342775 Tremor 12
342776 Convulsion 12
342777 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342778 Burning se 12 Induration 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash 12
342779 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Oedema 12 Pain in ext 12
342780 Crying 12
342781 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea
342781 Headache 12
342782 Abdominal 12 Gastroenter 12 Liver funct 12 Nausea 12 Rash
342782 Serum sick 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
342783 Injected li 12
342784 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
342785 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Loss of co 12 Mydriasis 12 Pallor
342785 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting
342786 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
342787 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Blood heav 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness
342787 Eating diso 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
342787 Hypoaesthe 12 Immediate p 12 Lethargy 12 Mental imp 12 Myalgia
342787 Pain in jaw 12 Temporoman 12 Weight dec 12
342788 Wrong drug 12
342789 Arthralgia 12 Pyrexia 12
342790 Activities o 12 Asthenia 12 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Chills
342790 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling col 12 Headache 12 Injection si
342790 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
342791 Abdominal 12 Amnesia 12 Anxiety 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain
342791 Body tempe 12 Borrelia bu 12 Chills 12 Computeri 12 Coordinati
342791 Dysgeusia 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dysphagia 12 Electromyo 12 Facial pals
342791 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Food allerg 12 Foramen m 12 Headache
342791 Hot flush 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Immediate p 12 Immunology
342791 Immunology 12 Influenza li 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
342791 Insomnia 12 Interverteb 12 Interverteb 12 Lyme dise 12 Memory im
342791 Migraine 12 Muscle stra 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Myalgia
342791 Mycoplasma 12 Myodesops 12 Nasopharyn 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain
342791 Nightmare 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Osteoarthri
342791 Paraesthes 12 Phonophob 12 Photophobi 12 Pollakiuria 12 Pyrexia
342791 Rash 12 Road traffi 12 Rotator cu 12 Sleep disor 12 Spinal X-r
342791 Spinal osteo 12 Temperatur 12 Tension h 12 Thirst 12 Tinnitus
342791 Tremor 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting 12 Weight inc 12
342792 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Blood immu
342792 Borrelia bu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Condition 12 Disability 12 Gait distur
342792 Immunology 12 Immunology 12 Interverteb 12 Joint disloc 12 Joint stiffn
342792 Laboratory 12 Musculoskel 12 Musculoskel 12 Nuclear ma 12 Osteoarthri
342792 Prostatic s 12 Thyroxine 12
342795 Abdominal 12 Areflexia 12 Arthralgia 12 Atrial fibril 12 Autonomic
342795 Blood calc 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 Blood produ 12 Blood sodi
342795 Blood urine 12 Borrelia bu 12 Breath sou 12 Constipati 12 Coordinati
342795 Cranial ner 12 Demyelinat 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diplopia 12 Echocardio
342795 Fall 12 Guillain-B 12 Hyperoxalu 12 Hypertensi 12 Hypoaesthe
342795 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypotensio 12 Influenza s 12 Ketonuria 12 Lumbar pun
342795 Muscle dis 12 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Protein uri
342795 Reflexes a 12 Temperatur 12 Urinary ret 12 White blood 12
342796 C-reactive 12 Erythema 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
342796 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Swelling 12 Weight bear 12
342797 Bundle bran 12 Cardiac en 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea
342797 Electrocar 12 Hypersensit 12 Metabolic f 12 Palpitation 12 Pruritus
342797 Throat tigh 12 Urticaria 12 Vaccination 12 White blood 12
342798 Aspartate 12 Blood albu 12 Blood biliru 12 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc
342798 Blood sodi 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho 12 CSF neutro 12 CSF protei
342798 CSF white b 12 Cerebral pa 12 Convulsion 12 Cough 12 Diarrhoea
342798 Eye irritati 12 Hypospadi 12 Lumbar pun 12 Nasal cong 12 Nutritional
342798 Partial sei 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macul 12 Red blood c 12 Somnolenc
342798 Torticollis 12 Upper respi 12 Ventricular 12 Viral infect 12 Vomiting
342798 Weight gai 12
342799 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
342800 Chest X-ra 12 Febrile con 12 Full blood 12 Pyrexia 12
342801 Local react 12
342802 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342803 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
342804 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342805 Rash 12
342806 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
342807 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
342808 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342809 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Swollen to 12
342810 Local swell 12 Pain in ext 12
342811 Medication 12
342812 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342813 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342814 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342815 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Neck pain 12 Swelling 12
342816 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342817 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342818 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12
342819 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12 Human papil 12 Smear cerv 12
342820 Abortion 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
342821 Anaphylacti 12 Food allerg 12 Lip swellin 12 No reaction 12 Oxygen sat
342821 Pruritus 12 Respiratory 12
342822 Ovarian cy 12 Surgery 12
342824 Asperger's 12 Autism 12
342825 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
342825 Pain 12
342827 Autism 12 Condition 12 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea 12 Disbacterio
342827 Faeces pal 12 Feeling ab 12 Fungal infe 12 Gastrointes 12 Measles ant
342827 Speech dis 12
342828 Autism 12 Familial ris 12
342829 Autism 12 Familial ris 12
342832 Accidental 12 Wrong drug 12
342833 Irritability 12 Lymphaden 12 Pyrexia 12
342834 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Pyrexia 12
342835 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12
342836 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
342837 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
342838 Injection s 12 Oedema per 12
342839 Wrong drug 12
342840 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
342841 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
342842 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
342843 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
342845 Arthralgia 12 Body tempe 12 C-reactive 12 Headache 12 Influenza s
342845 Musculoske 12 Myoglobin 12 Red blood c 12 Streptococca 12 White blood
342846 Abasia 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Barium swa 12 Blood chlo
342846 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood produ 12 Blood sodi 12 C-reactive
342846 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF neutro 12 CSF protei 12 Computeris
342846 Decubitus u 12 Dysphagia 12 Eosinophil 12 Facial pals 12 Gastrointes
342846 Guillain-B 12 Haematocri 12 Hyponatra 12 Interverteb 12 Liver funct
342846 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 12 Monocyte p 12 Muscle stra
342846 Muscular 12 Muscular 12 Neurogenic 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma
342846 Pain in ext 12 Red blood c 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary ret
342846 Urinary trac 12 Walking ai 12
342847 Pruritus 12 Varicella 12
342848 Alanine am 12 Back pain 12 Blood test 12 Borrelia bu 12 Cardiac flut
342848 Computeris 12 Concussio 12 Culture thr 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
342848 Electrocar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Exposure t 12 Fatigue
342848 Haematocri 12 Headache 12 Hypotensio 12 Loss of co 12 Lumbar rad
342848 Lymph nod 12 Memory im 12 Menorrhagi 12 Migraine 12 Mononucleos
342848 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Palpitation 12 Palpitation
342848 Pharyngeal 12 Pharyngitis 12 Presyncop 12 Reading di 12 Scoliosis
342848 Sinusitis 12 Syncope 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12 Urine analy
342848 Vomiting 12
342849 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342850 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342851 Asthenia 12 Balance di 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood produ 12 Blood sodi
342851 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b
342851 Culture uri 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Electromyo 12 Fall
342851 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Gastrointes 12 Grip stren 12 Guillain-B
342851 Hypotensio 12 Inappropria 12 Intensive c 12 Lumbar pun 12 Muscular
342851 Nausea 12 Nerve cond 12 Red blood c 12 Urinary trac 12 Vomiting
342851 Wheelchair 12
342852 Musculoske 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
342853 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Vomiting 12
342854 Blister 12 Crying 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
342854 Rash eryth 12 Scab 12
342855 Arthralgia 12 Blood test 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chills 12 Computeri
342855 Cough 12 Eye burns 12 Headache 12 Joint stiffn 12 Neck pain
342855 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12
342856 Abdominal 12 Anion gap 12 Aspartate 12 Blood albu 12 Blood calc
342856 Blood cultu 12 Blood lact 12 Blood trigl 12 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio
342856 Chest X-ra 12 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Erythema 12 Henoch-Sch
342856 High densit 12 Hypophagi 12 Intensive c 12 Irritability 12 Monocyte p
342856 Neutrophil 12 Oedema per 12 Otitis medi 12 Periorbita 12 Petechiae
342856 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macul 12 Somnolenc
342856 Vasculitis 12 Viral infect 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12 X-ray abno
342858 Crying 12 Gaze palsy 12 Muscle rigi 12 Respiratory 12
342859 Abdominal 12 Computeri 12 Dermatitis 12 Diverticuliti 12 Injected li
342859 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Joint rang
342859 Musculoske 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Vaccination 12
342860 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
342861 Urticaria 12
342862 Injection si 12 Pallor 12 Rash gener 12 Rash papul 12
342863 Blood test 12 Bradycardi 12 Cerebral pa 12 Childhood d 12 Computeri
342863 Convulsion 12 Cyanosis 12 Deafness 12 Developmen 12 Disability
342863 Dyskinesia 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Encephalo 12 Epilepsy
342863 Exophthal 12 Failure to t 12 Free fatty 12 Gastrooeso 12 Impaired ga
342863 Impaired ga 12 Infantile s 12 Lumbar pun 12 Muscle twit 12 Myoclonic
342863 Nuclear ma 12 Quadripare 12 X-ray with 12
342864 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12
342865 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12
342866 Abnormal b 12 Agitation 12 Aspiration 12 Aspiration 12 Blister
342866 Blood cate 12 Blood cate 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood pres 12 Blood test
342866 CSF cultur 12 CSF gluco 12 CSF protei 12 Cardiac arr 12 Computeri
342866 Constipati 12 Crying 12 Crying 12 Crying 12 Culture uri
342866 Drooling 12 Dysphagia 12 Dysphagia 12 Ear infecti 12 Electrocar
342866 Electroenc 12 Flushing 12 Fungal infe 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
342866 Head bang 12 Hemiparesi 12 Hepatic en 12 Hepatitis vi 12 Hepatomeg
342866 Hypertensi 12 Hypertensi 12 Hyponatra 12 Hypophagi 12 Impetigo
342866 Inappropria 12 Intensive c 12 Irritability 12 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphaden
342866 Metanephri 12 Motor dysf 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per
342866 Petechiae 12 Pharyngitis 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
342866 Rash macul 12 Rash macul 12 Red blood c 12 Renal diso 12 Restlessne
342866 Rhinitis 12 Scab 12 Skin infect 12 Sleep disor 12 Streptococca
342866 Tachycardi 12 Tonsillitis 12 Trichotillo 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary ret
342866 Varicella p 12
342868 Arthralgia 12 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Haemoglob 12 Injection si
342868 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte c 12 Neutrophil 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c
342868 Synovitis 12 White blood 12
342869 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342870 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
342871 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
342872 Anti-thyroi 12 Autoimmune 12 Blood thyr 12 Chills 12 Headache
342872 Hypertensi 12 Iodine upt 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Palpitation
342872 Pyrexia 12 Thyroxine 12 Tri-iodothy 12 Ultrasound 12
342873 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Headache 12 Injection si
342873 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
342874 Blood calc 12 Blood lacti 12 CSF test n 12 Childhood d 12 Computeri
342874 Convulsion 12 Cyanosis 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dysphagia 12 Dyspnoea
342874 Electroenc 12 Electroenc 12 Fatigue 12 Gaze palsy 12 Hypokinesi
342874 Hypotonia 12 Hypotonia 12 Lethargy 12 Lumbar pun 12 Motor dysf
342874 Nervous sy 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Personalit 12 Postictal st
342874 Scan brain 12 Tremor 12 White blood 12
342875 Crying 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Urticaria
342884 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342888 Eye pain 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
342890 Condition 12 Disturbance 12 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co
342890 Pain 12 Weight dec 12
342891 Inappropria 12
342892 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
342893 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Skin discol 12
342894 Blood cultu 12 Febrile infe 12 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection
342894 Injection si 12 Irritability 12 Metabolic f 12 Pyrexia 12 Sick relativ
342894 Urine analy 12
342895 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342896 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342897 Arthralgia 12 Pyrexia 12
342898 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext 12
342899 Hypokinesi 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342900 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342901 Wrong drug 12
342902 Dyspnoea 12 Respiratory 12
342903 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Nausea 12
342904 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Local react 12
342905 Rash macu 12 Rash macul 12 Skin exfoli 12
342906 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Screaming 12
342907 Injection si 12
342908 Paraesthes 12 Skin warm 12
342909 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12
342910 Unevaluabl 12
342911 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Irritability 12 Oedema 12 Pyrexia
342912 Erythema 12 Oedema 12 Pain 12 Urticaria 12
342913 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
342914 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12
342915 Wrong drug 12
342916 Abnormal b 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
342916 Dysarthria 12 Feeling hot 12 Flushing 12 Full blood 12 Headache
342916 Hyperhidro 12 Metabolic f 12 Nausea 12 Red blood c 12 Syncope
342916 Urine analy 12 Vertigo 12
342917 Allergy test 12 Pruritus 12 Rash prurit 12 Reaction to 12 Throat irrit
342917 Throat tigh 12
342918 Activities o 12 Asthma 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea
342918 Fatigue 12 Nasal cong 12 Respiratory 12 Similar rea 12 Sinus cong
342918 Sinusitis 12 Sleep disor 12
342921 Culture thr 12 Eye pain 12 Flushing 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
342921 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12 Pharyngeal 12 Platelet co 12 Sinus cong
342921 White blood 12
342922 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Respiratio 12
342924 Convulsion 12
342927 Headache 12 Injection sit 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext
342927 Pruritus 12
342928 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Oedema per 12
342929 Rash eryth 12
342930 Blister 12 Pyrexia 12 Scab 12 Varicella 12
342931 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
342932 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
342933 Injection s 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
342934 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
342935 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pruritus
342935 Pyrexia 12
342936 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Throat irrit
342937 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12
342938 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Crying 12 Electroenc 12 Grimacing
342938 Intensive c 12 Musculoskel 12
342939 Autism 12
342940 Abnormal b 12 Autism 12 Disturbance 12 Haematolog 12
342942 Autism 12 Childhood d 12 Disturbance 12 Rubella ant 12 Speech dis
342943 Autism 12
342944 Blood produ 12 Blood test 12 Chapped li 12 Kawasaki's 12 Lip dry
342944 Ocular hyp 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pharyngeal 12 Pyrexia
342944 Strawberry 12 Urinary trac 12
342945 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
342946 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12
342949 Chest pain 12
342952 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12 Roseola 12
342954 Arthralgia 12 Gait distur 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
342955 Crying 12 Irritability 12 Posture ab 12 Pyrexia 12
342956 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
342957 Alopecia 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
342958 Burning se 12 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12
342959 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
342960 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
342961 Blister 12 Urticaria 12
342962 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Urticaria 12
342963 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Autoimmune
342963 Borrelia bu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cognitive d 12 Exercise e 12 Exostosis
342963 Gait distur 12 Groin pain 12 Hip arthrop 12 Hip arthrop 12 Immunology
342963 Joint swell 12 Musculoske 12 Nervous sy 12 Osteoarthri 12 X-ray abno
342972 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
342973 Erythema 12 Injected li 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes
342974 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
342975 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Musculoskel 12 Tongue bit 12
342976 Paraesthesi 12 Pruritus 12 Trismus 12
342977 Hypoaesthe 12 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus 12
342978 Back pain 12 Blood cultu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Influenza s
342978 Lobar pne 12 Neutrophil 12 Pyrexia 12 White blood 12
342979 Expired dr 12
342980 Expired dr 12
342981 Expired dr 12
342982 Expired dr 12
342983 Expired dr 12
342984 Expired dr 12
342985 Expired dr 12
342986 Expired dr 12 No adverse 12
342987 Expired dr 12
342988 Expired dr 12 No adverse 12
342989 Expired dr 12
342990 Drug admini 12
342991 Expired dr 12 No adverse 12
342992 Expired dr 12
342993 Inappropria 12 Pain in ext 12
342994 Convulsion 12
342995 Fatigue 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
342996 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Throat irrit 12 Weight inc 12
342997 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
342997 Skin warm 12
342998 Anxiety 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hyperventil
342998 Laboratory 12 Loss of co 12 Muscle tig 12 Nausea 12 No reaction
342998 Presyncop 12 Presyncop 12 Syncope 12 Tinnitus 12 Tremor
342999 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Periorbita 12
343000 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia
343001 Fatigue 12 Influenza li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
343001 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
343002 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Hypophagi 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
343002 Injection s 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Vision blur
343003 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Myalgia 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia
343003 Tremor 12
343005 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Injection 12
343006 CSF pressu 12 Computeris 12 Diplopia 12 Epidural bl 12 Facial pals
343006 Headache 12 Imaging pr 12 Insomnia 12 Intracrania 12 Local react
343006 Muscle twit 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Photophobi
343006 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12
343007 Oedema per 12 Urticaria 12
343008 Oedema per 12 Rash 12
343009 Crying 12 Fontanelle 12 Hyperaesth 12
343010 Blood crea 12 Dizziness 12 Full blood 12 Gaze palsy 12 Injected li
343010 Injection s 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Red blood c 12 Sleep disor
343010 Troponin 12
343011 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343012 Cyanosis 12 Fall 12 Gaze palsy 12 Unresponsiv 12
343013 Diarrhoea 12 Nausea 12
343014 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343015 Rash 12
343016 Culture pos 12 Rash vesic 12
343017 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
343018 Inappropria 12
343019 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343020 Herpes zos 12
343021 Wrong drug 12
343023 Alpha 1 foe 12 Arrested la 12 Caesarean 12 Cephalo-pel 12 Drug expos
343023 Laboratory 12 Ultrasound 12
343024 Abscess 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Surgery
343026 Paralysis 12
343027 Blood chlor 12 Burning se 12 Cerebrovas 12 Computeris 12 Confusional
343027 Dizziness 12 Drug admini 12 Dysarthria 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electrocar
343027 Electroenc 12 Fibrin D di 12 Full blood 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si
343027 Laboratory 12 Laboratory 12 Local react 12 Loss of co 12 Loss of co
343027 Mean cell 12 Musculoskel 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
343027 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Paralysis 12 Postictal st 12 Rash
343027 Red cell di 12 Retching 12 Speech dis 12 Tendernes 12 White blood
343029 Alcohol us 12 Bacterial te 12 Cervical dy 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc
343029 Fatigue 12 Food allerg 12 Gastrooeso 12 Hepatitis 12 Nuclear ma
343029 Nuclear ma 12 Smear cerv 12 Stomatitis 12 Syphilis tes 12 Vaginal inf
343029 Viral test 12
343031 Inappropria 12 Rotavirus i 12 Rotavirus t 12
343033 Autism 12 Haematolog 12 Rotavirus i 12 Speech dis 12
343034 Autism 12
343035 Autism 12
343036 Autism 12
343037 Autism 12 Pyrexia 12
343038 Asperger's 12
343039 Autism 12 Autism spe 12 Chapped li 12 Erythema 12 Erythema m
343039 Eye swelli 12 Haematoch 12 Measles an 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per
343039 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Speech dis 12 Swelling fa
343039 Urticaria 12
343040 Autism 12 Convulsion 12 Inflammato 12
343041 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Screaming 12
343043 Neurologic 12 Nuclear ma 12 Ophthalmol 12 Ophthalmop 12 Strabismus
343047 Anaphylact 12
343049 Allergy to 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood creat 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc
343049 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Eosinophil 12 Haemoglob
343049 Hypersensit 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
343049 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Lymphocyte 12 Neutrophil 12 Platelet co
343049 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 White blood 12
343050 Autoimmun 12 Contusion 12 Epistaxis 12 Idiopathic 12 Mouth hae
343050 Petechiae 12 Platelet co 12 Purpura 12 Reticulocyt 12 Thrombocy
343051 Blood pres 12 Catheterisa 12 Catheterisa 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea
343051 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Hyperhidro 12 Intensive c 12 Myocarditis
343051 Oxygen sup 12 Pyrexia 12 Troponin i 12 Vaccination 12
343052 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
343053 Influenza s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react
343054 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343055 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343056 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
343057 Dizziness 12 Dysstasia 12 Feeling hot 12 Hypotensio 12 Pallor
343060 Injection si 12 Rash macul 12
343061 Full blood 12 Local swell 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 X-ray limb
343062 Wrong drug 12
343063 Crying 12 Malaise 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
343064 Inappropria 12
343065 Arthralgia 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
343066 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
343067 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Electrocar 12 Gait distur 12 Gaze palsy
343067 Metabolic f 12 Musculoskel 12 Nuclear ma 12 Staring 12 Unresponsiv
343068 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12
343069 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343071 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Mass 12 Oedema per 12
343072 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343073 Conjunctivit 12 Herpes zos 12 Viral DNA t 12
343074 Axillary pai 12 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
343075 Drooling 12 Dyskinesia 12 Febrile con 12 Gaze palsy 12 Screaming
343075 Skin warm 12
343076 Erythema 12 Induration 12
343077 Cellulitis 12 Pyrexia 12
343078 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343079 Varicella 12
343080 Choking 12 Convulsion 12 Cyanosis 12 Tremor 12
343081 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Nausea 12 Pruritus
343081 Tremor 12 Urticaria 12
343083 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
343084 Inappropria 12
343085 Rash macul 12 Rash prurit 12
343086 No adverse 12
343087 Diarrhoea 12
343088 Rash 12 Viral rash 12
343089 Multiple sc 12 Nuclear ma 12 Optic neurit 12 Visual acui 12
343090 Asthenia 12 Multiple sc 12 Nuclear ma 12 Optic atrop 12 Optic neurit
343090 Pain 12 Photopsia 12 Visual imp 12
343091 Burning se 12 Demyelinat 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Multiple sc 12 Muscle cont
343091 Muscular 12 Muscular 12 Myelitis tr 12 Paraesthes 12
343092 Anaphylacti 12
343093 Asthma 12 Hypersensit 12
343094 Anaemia 12 Feeding di 12 Gross moto 12 Head lag 12 Hypertonia
343096 Attention de 12 Impulsive 12
343097 Attention de 12
343098 Infantile sp 12 No reaction 12
343099 Anaphylacti 12 Apparent li 12
343100 Adverse re 12
343101 Biopsy skin 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Rash prurit 12
343102 Wrong drug 12
343103 Constipati 12 Gastrointes 12 Upper respi 12
343104 Chest disc 12 Lip swellin 12 Oedema mo 12 Pharyngea 12 Pruritus ge
343104 Throat tigh 12
343105 Incorrect r 12 Injection si 12
343106 Dermatitis 12 Flatulence 12 Irritability 12
343107 Barium swa 12 Bilirubin c 12 Blood bilir 12 Candidiasi 12 Dermatitis
343107 Diagnostic 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dry skin 12 Gastroenter 12 Gastrooeso
343107 Infantile sp 12 Rash gener 12 Tremor 12
343108 Erythema 12 Pruritus ge 12 Urticaria 12
343109 Bronchitis 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s
343109 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
343110 Axillary pai 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343111 Rash 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12 Urticaria 12
343112 Asthenia 12 Blood pres 12 Nausea 12
343113 Granuloma 12 Injection s 12 Nuclear ma 12 Surgery 12 Ultrasound
343114 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Hemiparesi 12 Pharyngea 12 Swollen to
343115 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Bowel move 12 Constipati 12 Laboratory
343115 Laparosco 12 Local swell 12 Occult bloo 12 Screaming 12 Ultrasound
343115 Vomiting pr 12
343116 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12
343117 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash macu
343118 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343119 Urticaria 12 Urticaria 12
343120 Anxiety 12 Back pain 12 Back pain 12 Blood thyr 12 Burning se
343120 C-reactive 12 CSF test a 12.1 Chills 12 Constipati 12 Decreased a
343120 Dysaesthes 12 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Headache
343120 Hypoaesthe 12 Induration 12 Injection si 12 Injury 12 Insomnia
343120 Muscular 12 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Palpitation 12 Paraesthes
343120 Paraesthes 12 Red blood c 12 Thyroxine 12 Tongue dis 12 Tri-iodoth
343120 Urticaria 12 Virus serol 12.1
343121 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
343122 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12
343123 Pyrexia 12
343124 Abdominal 12 Activated p 12 Apnoea tes 12 Areflexia 12 Band neutr
343124 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota
343124 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Brain deat 12 Brain oed 12 Chest X-ra
343124 Clonus 12 Convulsion 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electroenc 12 Endotrachea
343124 Eyelid diso 12 Fontanelle 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypertensi
343124 Hypotensio 12 Hypotonia 12 Internation 12 Irritability 12 Lymphocyte
343124 Mechanical 12 Mechanical 12 Monocyte p 12 Mydriasis 12 Neutrophil
343124 Oedema 12 Prothrombi 12 Pupil fixed 12 Respiratory 12 Retinal ha
343124 Subarachn 12 Subdural h 12 Ultrasound 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vestibular
343124 White blood 12
343125 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Balance di
343125 Blood trigl 12 Blood urine 12 Chest pain 12 Chills 12 Culture uri
343125 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dysuria 12 Feeling hot
343125 Hypoaesthe 12 Intra-abdo 12 Lymphaden 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain
343125 Pyrexia 12 Swelling 12 Testicular 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary trac
343126 Dizziness 12 Dyskinesia 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Malaise
343127 Axillary pai 12 Back pain 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
343127 Injection s 12 Lymphaden 12 Pain 12 Rash 12
343128 Rash eryth 12
343129 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343130 Blister 12 Haemorrha 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin discol 12
343131 Asthenia 12 Chest pain 12 Discomfort 12 Hypokinesi 12 Pain
343131 Pain in ext 12
343132 Injection s 12
343133 Erythema 12 Mass 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
343134 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
343135 Headache 12 Paraesthesi 12 Swelling fa 12
343136 Hypotonia 12 Pallor 12 Vomiting 12
343137 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 C-reactive 12 Cheilitis 12 Colitis
343137 Conjunctivi 12 Cough 12 Culture uri 12 Culture uri 12 Decreased
343137 Epistaxis 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Eye discha 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood
343137 Genital les 12 Headache 12 Herpes sim 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte p
343137 Neutrophil 12 Oral disord 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Pharyngitis
343137 Pyrexia 12 Rhonchi 12 Streptococc 12 Swelling 12
343138 Nodule 12
343139 Syncope 12
343140 Skin nodul 12
343141 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343142 Autoimmune 12
343143 Autoimmune 12 Laboratory 12 Liver disor 12
343144 Body tempe 12 Bronchitis 12 Candidiasi 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea
343144 Diarrhoea 12 Drug expos 12 Dyspnoea 12 Gastroenteri 12 Gastrooeso
343144 Heart rate 12 Hypophagi 12 Irritability 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia
343144 Rash macu 12 Tympanic m 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine outp 12 Viral rash
343144 Vomiting 12 Vomiting pr 12 Weight 12 X-ray gastr 12
343145 Birth mark 12 Condition 12 Cough 12 Dermatitis 12 Diarrhoea
343145 Faeces dis 12 Haemorrha 12 Inappropria 12 Naevus fl 12 Ocular hyp
343145 Respiratory 12
343146 Cerumen im 12 Ear infecti 12 Ear pain 12 Insomnia 12 Irritability
343146 Rash 12 Rash 12 Upper respi 12
343147 Cough 12 Nasopharyn 12 Pigmentati 12 Rash papul 12 Upper respi
343147 Upper respi 12
343148 Autism spe 12 Pyrexia 12
343149 Autism 12 Gastrointes 12 Hypersensit 12 Immune sys 12 Pyrexia
343150 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
343151 Autism 12
343153 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
343154 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Inappropria 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound
343155 Acoustic st 12 Choking 12 Impaired ga 12 Irritability 12 Jaundice
343155 Retching 12 Vomiting 12
343156 Pyrexia 12
343157 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12 Vaginal ha 12
343158 Basophil c 12 Body tempe 12 Condition 12 Dermatitis 12 Diarrhoea
343158 Diarrhoea 12 Eosinophil 12 Gastroenter 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
343158 Heart rate 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte c 12 Neutrophil 12 Rash eryth
343158 Rash macu 12 Respiratio 12 Skin candi 12 White blood 12
343160 Acoustic st 12 Diarrhoea 12 Erythema 12 Frequent 12 Irritability
343160 Skin lesion 12 Toxic skin 12 Umbilical 12 Weight 12
343162 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12
343163 Convulsion 12
343164 Carcinoma i 12 Colposcopy 12 Dysplasia 12 Human papil 12 Prostatic
343164 Smear cerv 12
343170 Hypersensit 12 Urticaria 12
343174 Hypersensit 12
343175 Erythema 12 Flushing 12 Induration 12 Influenza li 12 Oedema per
343175 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
343176 Adverse re 12 Hypersensit 12
343177 Arthralgia 12 Fibromyalg 12 Interverteb 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext
343177 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus 12
343178 Anaphylacti 12
343181 Electromyo 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si 12 Injury 12 Muscle atr
343181 Muscular 12 Nerve cond 12 Nerve injur 12 Neuropathy 12 Nuclear ma
343181 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Radiculitis 12 Rotator cu
343181 Rotator cu 12 Surgery 12 Tremor 12
343183 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343184 Abdominal 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Throat irrit 12 Weight inc
343185 Culture sto 12 Rotavirus i 12
343186 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
343190 Convulsion 12
343191 Pyrexia 12
343192 Urticaria 12
343193 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
343194 Acne infant 12 Ear infecti 12 Ear pain 12 Laboratory 12 Otitis medi
343194 Postnasal d 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Tonsillar i 12 Ultrasound 12 Venipunctu
343195 Abdominal 12 Eczema 12 Erythema 12 Insomnia 12 Respiratory
343195 Rhinorrhoe 12 Screaming 12 Sneezing 12
343196 Blood bilir 12 Blood bilir 12 Diarrhoea 12 Flatulence 12 Jaundice
343198 Infantile sp 12 Plagioceph 12
343199 Optic neurit 12 Vision blur 12 Visual imp 12
343200 Malaise 12
343201 Arthralgia 12 Laboratory 12 Malaise 12 Swelling 12 Weight fluc
343202 Allergy to 12 Pharyngea 12
343203 Joint stiffn 12 Musculoskel 12 Neck pain 12
343205 Back pain 12 Liver funct 12 Multiple sc 12 Myelitis tr 12 Pain
343206 Convulsion 12
343208 Hypersensit 12
343209 Urticaria 12
343210 Chest disc 12 Pericarditis 12 Pyrexia 12
343211 Hyperventil 12
343212 Hepatitis B 12
343213 Hypersensit 12
343214 Urticaria 12
343215 Adverse ev 12
343216 Abdominal 12 Inappropria 12 Jaundice 12 Overdose 12
343217 Flushing 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Nausea 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthesi
343218 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Computeris 12 Headache 12 Laboratory
343218 Pain 12
343219 Pain 12 Rash 12
343220 Wrong tech 12
343221 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
343222 Injection s 12
343223 Myelitis tr 12 Paraesthes 12
343224 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12
343225 Pyrexia 12
343226 Hepatitis B 12 Surgery 12
343227 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
343227 Laboratory 12 Lymph nod 12 No therape 12
343228 Constipati 12 Developmen 12 Gastrooeso 12 Musculoskel 12 Posture ab
343228 Torticollis 12 Tremor 12 Urinary trac 12
343229 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Blood chole 12 Blood trigl 12 Hepatic en
343229 High densit 12 Laboratory 12 Low density 12 Malaise 12
343230 Hypersensit 12
343231 Inappropria 12 Urticaria 12
343232 Auricular s 12 Candidiasi 12 Constipati 12 Crying 12 Dehydratio
343232 Dry skin 12 Ear pain 12 Eczema 12 Faeces har 12 Flatulence
343232 Gastrooeso 12 Infantile sp 12 Irritability 12 Milk allergy 12 Rash eryth
343232 Respiratory 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Screaming 12 Vomiting pr 12
343233 Coeliac di 12 Oedema per 12
343234 Body temper 12 Body tempe 12 Cough 12 Dehydratio 12 Haematocri
343234 Nasopharyn 12 Pharyngitis 12 Pyrexia 12 Upper respi 12 Viral infect
343234 Vomiting 12 Weight fluc 12
343235 Candidiasi 12 Conjunctivi 12 Rash 12 Upper respi 12
343236 Candidiasi 12 Conjunctivi 12 Cough 12 Dermatitis 12 Dry skin
343236 Upper respi 12
343237 Dizziness 12
343238 Abdominal 12 Acute sinus 12 Asthenia 12 Crying 12 Ear pain
343238 Headache 12 Nasal cong 12 Oropharyng 12 Otitis exte 12 Otitis exte
343238 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Vomiting 12
343239 Blood pres 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
343240 Borrelia bu 12 Computeris 12 Facial pals 12 Facial pals 12
343241 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12
343242 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12
343243 Cyanosis 12 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor
343244 Arthralgia 12 Burning se 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Pain
343244 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
343245 Dyspnoea 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Lip swellin 12
343246 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12
343247 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343248 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Myalgia 12 Oedema 12
343249 Anorexia 12 Body tempe 12 Cough 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
343249 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12
343250 Anxiety 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Palpitation 12
343251 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
343253 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343254 Muscle tig 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12
343255 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
343256 Erythema 12 Formicatio 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus
343257 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Chlamydial 12 Gait distur
343257 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain 12 Oral contra
343257 Pain 12
343264 Computeris 12 Condition 12 Convulsion 12 Influenza 12 Platelet co
343264 Pyrexia 12 Wheezing 12 White blood 12
343265 Blood chlo 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea
343265 Cellulitis 12 Computeri 12 Dental exa 12 Dental oper 12 Endodontic
343265 Erythema 12 Fall 12 Granulocyt 12 Granulocyt 12 Head injury
343265 Hyperglyca 12 Hyponatra 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Loss of co
343265 Lymphocyte 12 Mouth injur 12 Sinusitis 12 Skin lacera 12 Swelling fa
343265 Tooth absc 12 Tooth absc 12 Tooth fract 12
343266 Crying 12 Irritability 12
343267 Rash 12
343268 Injection s 12
343269 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
343270 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12
343271 Local swell 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash
343271 Swelling fa 12
343272 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
343272 White blood 12
343273 Apnoea 12 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Screaming
343273 Vomiting 12
343274 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling col 12 Pain 12 Tremor
343275 Culture pos 12 Varicella 12
343277 Multiple sc 12 Paraesthes 12
343278 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Multiple sc 12
343279 Multiple sc 12
343280 Arthralgia 12 Movement d 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext 12
343281 Abdominal 12 Body tempe 12 Candidiasi 12 Cough 12 Crying
343281 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Enterococca 12 Faeces dis 12 Fatigue
343281 Gastroenter 12 Gastroenteri 12 Heart rate 12 Irritability 12 Oxygen sat
343281 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sinus cong
343281 Staphylococ 12 Vaccination 12 Viral upper 12 Vomiting 12
343282 Adverse dr 12
343283 Malaise 12
343284 Morphoea 12
343285 Condition 12 Hypersensit 12
343286 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Blood uric 12 Gilbert's s 12 Heart rate
343286 Hepatitis B 12 Hypertensi 12 Joint swell 12 Nuclear ma 12 Rash gener
343286 Rash prurit 12 Respirator 12 Transamina 12
343287 Rheumatoid 12
343288 Blister 12 Wrong tech 12
343289 Disturbance 12 Irritability 12 Lethargy 12
343290 Cough 12 Lip swellin 12 Swelling fa 12
343292 Injection si 12
343297 Carcinoma i 12 Cervical co 12 Cervix car 12 Smear cerv 12
343298 Abortion i 12 Culture cer 12 Drug expos 12 Smear cerv 12 Urine huma
343299 Autism 12
343300 Autism spe 12
343306 Asthenia 12 Balance di 12 Chills 12 Dysphagia 12 Hypoaesthe
343306 Palpitation 12 Photopsia 12 Pyrexia 12 Sensation o 12 Vertigo
343307 Eye discha 12 Hypersensit 12 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12
343308 Blood cultu 12 Brain natri 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chills 12 Computeri
343308 Culture uri 12 Fatigue 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Lymphocyte
343308 Metabolic f 12 Muscular 12 Myalgia 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma
343308 Pain 12 Productive 12 Pyrexia 12 Tooth absc 12 Toothache
343308 Troponin 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine analy 12 Viral infect 12
343309 Acute diss 12 Altered sta 12 Aspiration 12 Atelectasis 12 Blood cultu
343309 CSF bacter 12 CSF virus 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri 12 Cytomegalo
343309 Cytomegalov 12 Endotrachea 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Gaze palsy 12 Hypokinesi
343309 Irritability 12 Lumbar pun 12 Musculoskel 12 Mycoplasma 12 Nuclear ma
343309 Nystagmus 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12 Screaming 12 Staphylococ
343309 Stridor 12 Viral test n 12 White blood 12
343311 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash vesic 12
343313 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343314 Lymphaden 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth
343314 Rash papul 12
343315 Headache 12 Mobility d 12 Pyrexia 12
343316 Eye rolling 12 Immediate p 12
343317 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Paraesthes 12 Sensation
343318 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343319 Vaccination 12
343320 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
343320 Tendernes 12 Vomiting 12
343321 Anorexia 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Tendernes
343321 Vomiting 12
343322 Urticaria 12
343323 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
343324 Blood cultu 12 Body tempe 12 C-reactive 12 Full blood 12 Irritability
343324 Muscle twit 12
343326 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Herpes zos 12 Influenza li 12 Injection s
343326 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Rash
343327 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Skin warm 12
343328 No adverse 12
343329 Injection si 12 Rash 12
343330 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling hot 12 Hyperhidro
343330 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12
343331 Blister 12 Varicella p 12
343332 Convulsion 12 Cyanosis 12 Electroenc 12 Gaze palsy 12 Immediate p
343332 Pallor 12 Tremor 12
343333 Conjunctivi 12 Cough 12 Diarrhoea 12 Influenza s 12 Pyrexia
343333 Rhinorrhoe 12 Streptococc 12
343334 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
343335 Throat tigh 12
343336 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
343337 C-reactive 12 Diarrhoea 12 Full blood 12 Pyrexia 12
343338 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Mononeurit 12 Paraesthes 12
343339 Unevaluabl 12
343340 Anion gap 12 Blood test 12 Computeris 12 Dysgeusia 12 Eye moveme
343340 Facial pals 12 Facial pals 12 Headache 12 Hemiparesi 12 Hypoaesthe
343340 Hypoaesthe 12 Lymphocyte 12 Musculoskel 12 Neurologic 12 Nuclear ma
343340 Pain in ext 12 Sensory lo 12 Vision blur 12
343341 Injection si 12
343342 Skin nodul 12
343343 Flushing 12 Laboratory 12 Pruritus ge 12
343344 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343346 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343347 Arthralgia 12 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Joint swell 12
343348 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive 12 C-reactive
343348 Cellulitis 12 Cough 12 Dizziness 12 Eosinophil 12 Erythema
343348 Erythema 12 Gait distur 12 Joint swell 12 Lymphocyte 12 Neutrophil
343348 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macul 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c
343348 Rheumatoid 12 Streptococc 12 Ultrasound 12 Upper respi 12 Viral pharyn
343348 White blood 12 X-ray norm 12
343349 Drug expos 12
343352 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12
343353 Skin discol 12
343354 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Vomiting 12
343355 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12
343357 Pain 12
343358 Expired dr 12 No adverse 12
343359 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
343360 Herpes zos 12
343361 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12
343362 Inappropria 12
343363 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
343364 Urticaria 12
343365 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Oedema 12 Tendernes 12
343366 Blood test 12 Dehydratio 12 Influenza s 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vomiting
343367 Unevaluabl 12
343368 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Biopsy inte 12 Blood alka
343368 Blood amyl 12 Blood test 12 Blood urine 12 C-reactive 12 Colitis
343368 Colonoscop 12 Cough 12 Culture thr 12 Cytomegalov 12 Endoscopy
343368 Epstein-Bar 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglobi 12 Headache 12 Hepatitis A
343368 Hepatitis B 12 Hepatitis C 12 Hepatospl 12 Ketonuria 12 Lymphocyte
343368 Lymphocyte 12 Nasal cong 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Oesophago
343368 Oropharyng 12 Platelet co 12 Polydipsia 12 Polyuria 12 Protein uri
343368 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Streptococc
343368 Ultrasound 12 Wheezing 12 X-ray with 12 pH urine i 12
343374 Hepatitis B 12
343375 Activities o 12 Dizziness 12 Dysstasia 12 Gait distur 12 Headache
343375 Injection si 12 Vertigo 12
343376 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypothyroi
343376 Influenza li 12 Joint stiffn 12 Joint swell 12 Peyronie's 12 Prostatome
343377 Artery diss 12 Cerebrovas 12 Coordinati 12 Discomfort 12 Dysstasia
343377 Headache 12 Influenza li 12 Intensive c 12 Muscle stra 12 Muscular
343377 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pallor 12 Temperature
343378 Erythema 12 Mass 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
343379 Inappropria 12 No adverse 12
343380 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Swelling 12
343381 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343382 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12
343383 Body tempe 12 Febrile con 12
343384 Crying 12
343385 Arthralgia 12 Chest pain 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12
343386 Injection si 12
343387 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343388 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343389 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
343390 Blister 12 Eye burns 12 Eye pruritu 12 Lacrimatio 12 Tendernes
343390 Urticaria 12
343391 Diarrhoea 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Insomnia 12 Malaise
343391 Nausea 12 Photosensit 12
343393 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 12
343394 Blood crea 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris 12 Electrocar 12 Full blood
343394 Heart rate 12 Hypotensio 12 Influenza s 12 Metabolic f 12 Mononucleos
343394 Presyncop 12 Red blood c 12
343395 Injection si 12 Rash 12 Skin test n 12 Urticaria 12 Viral infect
343396 Lethargy 12 Liver disor 12 Lung disor 12 Pyrexia 12
343397 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12 Sleep terro 12 Vaccination 12
343398 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
343399 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Product qua 12
343400 Headache 12 Lymphaden 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
343401 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
343402 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Somnolenc 12
343403 Breath odo 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Inappropria
343403 Inappropria 12 Urine odou 12
343404 HIV test po 12 Laboratory 12
343405 HIV test ne 12 Laboratory 12
343406 Anorexia 12 Incorrect d 12 Pyrexia 12
343409 Hyperhidro 12
343412 Herpes zos 12 Herpes zos 12
343413 Autism 12 Pyrexia 12 Reaction to 12
343414 Injection si 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12
343415 Anal haem 12 Anogenital 12 Anogenital 12 Biopsy rec 12 Papilloma v
343415 Skin lesion 12
343418 Paraesthes 12
343419 Aggression 12 Anxiety dis 12 Myalgia 12 Verbal abu 12
343420 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12
343421 Nonspecific 12
343423 Arthralgia 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
343423 Product qua 12
343426 Injection sit 12 Paraesthes 12
343428 Burning se 12 Paraesthes 12
343429 Vulvovagina 12
343430 Accidental 12 Incorrect d 12 Inflammati 12
343431 Vaginal inf 12
343432 Anaphylacti 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343433 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343434 Injection si 12
343435 Product qua 12 Urticaria 12
343436 Product qua 12 Urticaria 12 Urticaria 12
343437 Heart rate 12 Palpitation 12
343438 Accidental 12 Anorexia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Ear pain 12 Gastroenter
343438 Headache 12 Incorrect d 12 Medication 12 Otitis exte 12 Pyrexia
343439 Adverse ev 12 Product qua 12
343440 Adverse ev 12 Product qua 12
343441 Blood pres 12 Fatigue 12 Hyperhidro 12
343442 Petechiae 12 Purpura 12
343443 Anaphylacti 12
343444 Accidental 12 Irritability 12
343445 Medication 12 Pyrexia 12
343446 Haemorrha 12 Laceration 12
343447 Irritability 12 Wrong drug 12
343448 Erythema 12 Rash 12
343449 Vaccination 12 Wrong tech 12
343450 Inappropria 12 Pyrexia 12 Wrong drug 12
343451 Urticaria 12
343452 Inappropria 12 Pyrexia 12
343453 Abdominal 12 Drug expos 12
343454 Basedow's 12 Blood test 12 Computeri 12 Dizziness 12 Exposure t
343454 Fibromyalg 12 Heart rate 12 Immediate p 12 Lumbar pun 12 Migraine
343454 Multiple sc 12 Nuclear ma 12 Presyncop 12 Rash 12 Rash vesic
343454 Respiratory 12 Viral DNA t 12 X-ray 12
343455 Dehydratio 12 Hypotensio 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
343455 Injection si 12 Leukocytos 12 Metabolic a 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
343455 Tachycardi 12 White blood 12
343456 Blood chole 12 Blood crea 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Blood trigl
343456 Chest X-ra 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Chest pain 12 Computeris
343456 Computeris 12 Coxsackie v 12 Cytomegalo 12 Echocardi 12 Echocardio
343456 Ejection fr 12 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 12 Fibrin D di 12 Herpes sim
343456 High densit 12 Influenza s 12 Injection si 12 Low density 12 Myopericard
343456 Nausea 12 Parvovirus 12 Red blood c 12 Scan myoca 12 Troponin I
343456 Very low de 12 Virus serol 12 Vomiting 12
343457 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash vesic
343457 Secondary 12 Sputum dis 12 Viral DNA t 12 Wheezing 12
343458 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
343459 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Influenza li 12
343460 Injection s 12
343462 Headache 12 Immediate p 12 Pain in ext 12 Syncope 12
343463 Injection si 12
343464 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Delirium 12 Fall 12 Feeling ab
343464 Fracture 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Screaming 12 X-ray
343465 Unevaluabl 12
343466 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Infection 12 Skin warm 12 Urticaria
343467 Oedema per 12 Skin discol 12
343468 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
343469 Dizziness 12
343470 Contusion 12 Diarrhoea 12 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Tendernes
343470 Vomiting 12
343471 Blister 12 Pruritus 12 Scab 12
343472 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343473 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
343474 Inappropria 12
343475 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343476 Local react 12
343477 Injection 12 Injection si 12
343479 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343480 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
343481 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
343482 Pruritus ge 12 Urticaria 12
343483 Inappropria 12
343484 Medication 12
343485 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343486 Herpes zos 12
343487 Crying 12 Pyrexia 12
343488 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
343489 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria
343490 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343491 Wrong drug 12
343492 Glomerular 12 Immune sys 12 Pollakiuria 12 Protein uri 12 Renal pain
343492 Thirst 12
343493 Dysphagia 12 Pharyngeal 12 Pharyngea 12
343494 Computeris 12 Electroenc 12 Generalise 12 Headache 12 Nuclear ma
343494 Speech dis 12 Staring 12 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12
343496 Expired dr 12
343497 Expired dr 12
343498 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
343498 Rash 12 Rash vesic 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
343499 Flushing 12 Headache 12 Musculoskel 12 Staring 12 Vision blur
343500 Feeling ab 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12 Screaming 12 Somnolenc
343507 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Influenza s 12 Malaise 12 Pain
343507 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
343508 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
343509 Chills 12 Diarrhoea 12 Malaise 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
343510 Cough 12 Erythema 12 Immunisati 12 Lip swellin 12 Oropharyng
343510 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
343511 Herpes zos 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Purulence 12 Skin lesion
343512 Arthralgia 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Rash
343515 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Varicella p 12
343516 Erythema 12 Injected li 12 Swelling 12
343517 Hypoaesthe 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12
343518 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Rash 12
343519 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pyrexia 12
343520 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
343521 Erythema 12
343522 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343523 Arthralgia 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12
343524 Joint rang 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
343525 Arthralgia 12 Bursitis 12 Headache 12 Joint rang 12 Musculoske
343525 Myalgia 12
343526 Varicella p 12
343527 Varicella p 12
343528 Brain injury 12 Death 12 Pneumonia 12
343532 Abdominal 12 Headache 12 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12 Pyrexia
343536 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Urticaria 12
343538 Autism 12 Childhood d 12 Disturbance 12
343540 Autism 12
343541 Autism 12
343542 Autism 12
343544 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Skin test po 12
343545 Herpes zos 12
343546 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343547 Diarrhoea 12 Mucous sto 12
343548 Complement 12
343549 Diarrhoea 12 No reaction 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine outp 12 Vomiting
343550 Body tempe 12 Rash macu 12 Screaming 12 Skin discol 12
343551 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
343552 Antibody t 12
343553 Accidental 12 Eye pruritu 12 Oropharyng 12 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus
343553 Rhinorrhoe 12
343554 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12 Upper respi 12
343555 Facial pals 12
343556 Convulsion 12 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
343557 Blood gluc 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electrocar 12 Full blood 12 Metabolic f
343557 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
343558 Alanine am 12 Allergy tes 12 Angioedem 12 Aspartate 12 Blood immu
343558 Blood lact 12 C-reactive 12 Joint swell 12 Rash eryth 12 Urine analy
343558 Urticaria 12
343559 Tendernes 12 Wrong drug 12
343560 Urticaria 12
343561 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
343562 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343563 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
343563 Injection s 12
343564 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343565 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si 12 Mass 12 Paraesthes 12 Tendernes
343566 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343568 Pain in ext 12
343570 Hypersensit 12 Local react 12
343571 Asthenia 12 Myalgia 12
343572 Expired dr 12
343573 Expired dr 12
343574 Expired dr 12
343575 Expired dr 12
343576 Expired dr 12
343577 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash macu
343578 Pyrexia 12
343579 Burning se 12 Injected li 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Neck pain
343579 Pain in ext 12
343580 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Dysphonia 12 Local swell 12 Similar rea
343580 Speech dis 12
343581 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthma 12 Atopy 12 Back pain
343581 Body tempe 12 Borrelia bu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Ear pain
343581 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Influenza s 12 Joint effus 12 Joint swell
343581 Lymph node 12 Mean cell 12 Nasal cong 12 Oropharyng 12 Pharyngeal
343581 Pharyngitis 12 Presyncop 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Respiratory
343581 Rheumatoid 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sinusitis 12 Streptococc 12 Streptococca
343582 Activities o 12 Chest pain 12 Walking dis 12
343583 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes
343584 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
343585 Rash papul 12
343586 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes
343587 Inappropria 12
343588 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343589 Cellulitis 12 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
343589 Injection si 12 Loss of co 12 Muscle twit 12 Neutrophil 12 Oedema per
343589 Pyrexia 12 Syncope 12 Ultrasound 12 Vaccination 12 White blood
343590 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
343591 Alopecia 12 Blood thyr 12 Cough 12 Ear pain 12 Erythema
343591 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Mononucle 12 Oropharyng
343591 Pharyngitis 12 Upper respi 12
343592 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash macu
343592 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
343593 Hypotonic- 12 Inappropria 12
343594 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain
343594 Skin reacti 12
343596 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
343596 Injection s 12 Neck pain 12
343597 Hypoaesthe 12 Oropharyng 12 Paraesthes 12
343598 Chest disc 12 Muscle sp 12
343601 Bacteria ur 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood test 12 Blood urine 12 CSF cultur
343601 CSF lympho 12 CSF neutro 12 CSF protei 12 CSF test a 12 CSF white b
343601 Computeri 12 Dysarthria 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Headache
343601 Incoherent 12 Intensive c 12 Joint rang 12 Meningitis 12 Meningococ
343601 Mental sta 12 Nuchal rigid 12 Petechiae 12 Platelet co 12 Polymerase
343601 Protein uri 12 Purpura 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu 12 Red blood c
343601 Red blood c 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine anal 12 Urine keto 12 Urine leuko
343601 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
343602 Anaemia 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood sodi 12 Chest X-ra
343602 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Decreased a 12 Depressed 12 Electroenc
343602 Gastroenteri 12 Glucose ur 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypotonia
343602 Irritability 12 Leukocytos 12 Lymphocyte 12 Neutrophil 12 Oxygen sat
343602 Pallor 12 Respiratory 12 Toxicologic 12 Urine keto 12 White blood
343603 Adverse re 12 Back pain 12 Chills 12 Cough 12 Diarrhoea
343603 Discomfort 12 Headache 12 Influenza s 12 Lymphocyte 12 Metabolic f
343603 Monocyte p 12 Musculoske 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Oropharyng
343603 Pain 12 Rhinitis all 12 Streptococc 12 Throat tigh 12 Vomiting
343604 Skin discol 12
343605 Burning se 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12
343606 Back pain 12 Headache 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
343607 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343608 Erythema 12 Nausea 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
343609 Crying 12 Hypophagi 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
343610 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
343620 Drug expos 12 Induced la 12 Pre-eclamp 12 Premature 12 Smear cerv
343621 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Inappropria 12 Pain 12 Rash
343622 Haematoch 12
343626 Asthenia 12 Balance di 12 Blindness 12 Cell marke 12 Computeri
343626 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Irritability
343626 Lethargy 12 Lumbar pun 12 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Optic neurit
343626 Plasmapher 12 Pupillary r 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Red cell di
343626 Visual acui 12 Visual imp 12 White blood 12
343627 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343628 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343629 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per
343629 Pruritus ge 12
343630 Petechiae 12 Platelet co 12
343631 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12
343632 Urticaria 12
343633 Discomfort 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343634 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343635 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12 Pyrexia 12
343636 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12 Viral DNA t 12
343637 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul 12 Rash morbil 12 Urticaria
343638 Syncope 12
343639 Diarrhoea 12 Vomiting 12
343640 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343641 Wrong drug 12
343642 Pallor 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macul 12
343644 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
343645 Activities o 12 Angiogram 12 Antinuclear 12 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive
343645 Condition 12 DNA antibo 12 Dizziness 12 Epstein-Bar 12 False posit
343645 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Headache 12 Mental diso 12 Metabolic f
343645 Migraine 12 Nasopharyn 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Phonophob
343645 Photophobi 12 Sinusitis 12 Weight dec 12
343646 Pallor 12 Pharyngeal 12 Rash macul 12 Tonsillar d 12
343649 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343650 Headache 12 Immunisati 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Urticaria
343651 Blood gluc 12 Cyanosis 12 Disorientat 12 Dyskinesia 12 Gaze palsy
343651 Musculoskel 12 Pallor 12
343652 Throat irrit 12
343653 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
343654 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Vaccination
343655 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343656 Incorrect d 12
343657 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
343658 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Irritability
343658 Screaming 12
343659 Erythema 12 Nausea 12 Pruritus 12
343660 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12 Scan brain 12
343661 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
343662 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Vomiting 12
343663 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343664 Bronchial h 12 Condition 12 Radioallerg 12 Throat irrit 12
343665 Body tempe 12 Cough 12 Diarrhoea 12 Nasal cong 12 Rash
343665 Rash eryth 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
343666 Flushing 12 Lymphaden 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
343667 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343668 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
343669 Erythema 12 Pallor 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes 12
343670 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
343671 Abdominal 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Pain 12
343672 Drug expos 12
343673 Abnormal b 12 Agitation 12 Anger 12
343674 Drug expos 12
343675 Wrong drug 12
343676 Cough 12 Pneumonia 12 Pyrexia 12
343677 Biopsy arte 12 Blindness 12 Blindness u 12 Blood urea 12 Borrelia bu
343677 Bursitis 12 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra 12 Eye pain 12 Fall
343677 Fundoscop 12 Lipids incr 12 Lymphocyte 12 Musculoske 12 Neutrophil
343677 Optic isch 12 Optic neurit 12 Red blood c 12 Rotator cu 12 Visual imp
343677 White blood 12 X-ray limb 12
343678 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
343679 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Pruritus ge 12 Skin lesion
343680 Electrocar 12 Myocarditis 12 Troponin I 12
343681 Drug expos 12
343682 Myocardial 12 Troponin I 12
343683 Body tempe 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
343684 Dry skin 12 Injection s 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
343685 Cardiac en 12 Chest X-ra 12 Drooling 12 Dry eye 12 Dysarthria
343685 Dysphagia 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Facial pals 12 Facial pals
343685 Facial pare 12 Full blood 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma
343685 Prothrombi 12 Supraventri 12 Ultrasound 12
343686 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12
343687 Drug expos 12
343688 Abdominal 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
343693 Diet refusa 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macul 12 Sleep disor 12
343694 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
343695 Unevaluabl 12
343696 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12
343697 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
343699 Alpha 1 foe 12 Cervical dy 12 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Rubella ant
343699 Smear cerv 12 Ultrasound 12
343700 Basedow's 12 Facial pals 12
343701 Albumin CS 12 Areflexia 12 Axonal neu 12 Blood immu 12 Blood produ
343701 Borrelia bu 12.1 CSF immuno 12 CSF protei 12.1 Chronic in 12 Coordinati
343701 Demyelinat 12 Dysarthria 12 Electromyo 12 Flank pain 12 Gait distur
343701 Guillain-B 12 Hyperlipid 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Local react
343701 Loss of co 12 Muscle dis 12 Muscular 12 Nerve cond 12 Pain
343701 Paraesthes 12 Paralysis 12 Positive R 12 Rash 12 Tendernes
343702 Amino acid 12 Analgesic d 12 Antinuclear 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood folat
343702 Blood heav 12 Blood mag 12 Blood phos 12 Blood produ 12 Borrelia bu
343702 C-reactive 12 CSF neutro 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b 12 Cerebellar
343702 Cerebellar 12 Cerebellar 12 Drug scree 12 Dysarthria 12 Dyskinesia
343702 Electroenc 12 Encephaliti 12 Gait distur 12 HIV test ne 12 Immunology
343702 Metabolic f 12 Methicillin 12 Mycoplasma 12 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma
343702 Parasite bl 12 Prothrombi 12 Rheumatoid 12 Rickettsia 12 Single pho
343702 Virus serol 12 Vitamin B1 12
343704 Activities o 12 Convulsion 12
343707 Burning se 12 Joint rang 12 Pain in ext 12
343708 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343710 Angioedem 12 Enlarged u 12 Hypersensit 12
343711 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343712 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per
343712 Pruritus ge 12
343713 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343714 Injection s 12 Pallor 12
343715 Abortion i 12 Blood huma 12 Drug expos 12 Inappropria 12
343716 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Glucose tol 12 Incisional 12 Labour com
343716 Urine human 12 Wound 12
343717 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Injection si 12
343719 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
343719 Syncope 12 Throat irrit 12
343721 Acute diss 12 Autism spe 12 Choking 12 Convulsion 12 Gaze palsy
343721 Nuclear ma 12
343726 Anaphylacti 12
343736 Unevaluabl 12
343737 Dyspnoea 12 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria 12
343739 Headache 12 Palpitation 12 Vomiting 12
343740 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 White blood
343741 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Oedema per 12 Pain
343741 Pruritus 12
343742 Injection si 12
343743 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
343744 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
343745 Drug expos 12
343746 Eye pruritu 12 Pharyngea 12 Pruritus 12 Tongue oe 12
343747 Body tempe 12 Facial pain 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Screaming
343748 Chills 12 Lymphaden 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
343749 Inappropria 12
343750 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Immediate p 12 Nausea 12 Rash
343750 Vomiting 12
343751 Abscess 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis ba 12 Aspiration j 12 Bacteraemi
343751 Blood cultu 12 Culture neg 12 Injected li 12 Joint swell 12 Methicillin
343751 Normochrom 12 Osteomyelit 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Staphyloco
343751 Staphyloco 12 Staphyloco 12 Synovial flu 12 Ultrasound 12 X-ray norm
343752 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pallor 12
343753 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
343754 Lymphaden 12 Nausea 12 Rash macu 12 Vomiting 12
343755 Chills 12 Diarrhoea 12 Vomiting 12
343756 Dysstasia 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Hypersensit
343756 Lymph nod 12 Lymphaden 12 Malaise 12 Pain 12 Pain
343756 Pelvic pain 12 Ultrasound 12
343757 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
343758 Wrong drug 12
343759 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
343759 Oedema per 12 Prostatic s 12 Testicular 12
343760 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343761 Alanine am 12 Blood gluc 12 Dysarthria 12 Echocardi 12 Ejection fr
343761 Facial pals 12 Fall 12 Hemiparesi 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypokalae
343761 Ischaemic 12 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Sensation 12 Sensory lo
343761 Ultrasound 12
343762 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343763 Injection si 12 Lip swellin 12 Rash 12 Throat irrit 12
343764 Abdominal 12 Ammonia i 12 Biopsy bon 12 Biopsy live 12 Biopsy ski
343764 Blood albu 12 Blood bilir 12 Coagulopa 12 Cytomegalo 12 Dermatitis
343764 Diarrhoea 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue 12 Hepatic en 12 Hepatic fai
343764 Hepatitis 12 Hepatitis 12 Hepatitis vi 12 Hepatobilia 12 Hepatomeg
343764 Internation 12 Jaundice 12 Pancytopen 12 Pharyngitis 12 Rash eryth
343764 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12 Splenomeg 12 Transamina 12 Ultrasound
343764 Urine anal 12 Urine bilir 12 Urobilin ur 12 Vomiting 12
343765 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia
343766 Anaphylacti 12 Blood test 12 Cyanosis 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea
343766 Gaze palsy 12 Hypersensit 12 Hypotonia 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co
343766 Loss of co 12 Pruritus ge 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Urticaria
343766 Wheezing 12 White blood 12
343767 Abdominal 12 Computeri 12 Laparosco 12 Nausea 12 Ovarian cys
343767 Thrombosi 12 White blood 12
343768 Alanine am 12 Alpha 1 glo 12 Alpha 2 glo 12 Aspartate 12 Back pain
343768 Balance di 12 Basophil c 12 Basophil p 12 Beta globul 12 Bilirubin c
343768 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea
343768 Blood cultu 12 Blood lact 12 Blood produ 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos
343768 CSF lympho 12 CSF monoc 12 CSF polymo 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b
343768 Computeri 12 Cough 12 Culture thr 12 Dehydratio 12 Demyelinat
343768 Drug scree 12 Electromyo 12 Eosinophil 12 Eosinophil 12 Gait distur
343768 Gram stain 12 Guillain-B 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hepatitis B
343768 Hepatitis B 12 Hepatitis C 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypokinesi 12 Immunoglob
343768 Influenza s 12 Legionella 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell
343768 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mean plate 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p
343768 Muscular 12 Muscular 12 Mycoplasma 12 Nerve cond 12 Neutrophil
343768 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Paronychia 12 Peripheral
343768 Platelet co 12 Productive 12 Protein tot 12 Radiculopa 12 Red blood
343768 Red blood c 12 Red cell di 12 Respiratory 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Spinal X-r
343768 Sputum cult 12 Streptococc 12 Upper respi 12 Virus serol 12 White blood
343769 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343770 Vaccination 12
343771 Body tempe 12 Rash vesic 12
343772 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
343773 Headache 12
343774 Herpes zos 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12
343775 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343776 Condition 12 Syncope 12
343777 Death 12
343784 Epiglottitis 12 Haemophilu 12
343785 Abdominal 12 Incorrect r 12
343786 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12
343788 Guillain-B 12
343790 Arthropath 12 Biopsy bre 12 Breast can 12 Breast canc 12 Chemother
343790 Computeri 12 Pain 12 Radiothera 12 Rib fractur 12 Surgery
343791 Carbon dio 12 Computeris 12 Cyanosis 12 Electrocar 12 Fatigue
343791 Full blood 12 Laboratory 12 Lethargy 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor
343791 Sensation 12 Similar rea 12 Syncope 12 Vaccine pos 12
343792 Diarrhoea 12 Disorientat 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab
343792 Insomnia 12 Muscular 12 Pyrexia 12 Sensory lo 12
343793 Induration 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Tendernes
343794 Dizziness 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
343795 Bacterial D 12 Bronchial o 12 Chest disc 12 Computeri 12 Cough
343795 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea e 12 Echocardio
343795 Factor V L 12 Gene mutati 12 Haemoptys 12 Heart valv 12 Left ventri
343795 Pain in ext 12 Pneumonia 12 Protein C 12 Pulmonary 12 Right ventr
343795 X-ray 12
343796 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
343797 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal
343797 Activities o 12 Back pain 12 Blood test 12 Body tempe 12 C-reactive
343797 Colonoscop 12 Computeris 12 Constipati 12 Culture uri 12 Fatigue
343797 Helicobacter 12 Hepatomeg 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng 12 Otitis medi
343797 Pharyngitis 12 Pneumonia 12 Red blood c 12 Renal pain 12 Respiratory
343797 Retching 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary sy
343797 Urinary trac 12 Wheezing 12 X-ray abno 12
343798 Full blood 12 Insomnia 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12
343799 Cough 12 Urticaria 12 Wheezing 12
343800 Local react 12
343801 Crying 12 Erythema 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Pain
343801 Petechiae 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 White blood 12
343802 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343803 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
343804 Herpes zos 12 Infection 12 Rash 12
343805 Rash 12
343806 Fatigue 12 Oxygen sup 12 Pallor 12 Pallor 12
343807 Blister 12 Rash 12 Scab 12
343808 Cough 12 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12
343809 Feeling ab 12 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Myalgia 12
343810 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Headache 12 Hyperhidro 12 Nausea
343811 Facial pals 12 Physical e 12
343812 Unevaluabl 12
343813 Incorrect d 12
343814 Wrong drug 12
343815 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
343816 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
343817 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
343819 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho
343819 CSF lympho 12 CSF monocy 12 CSF neutro 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b
343819 Decreased a 12 Decreased 12 Glucose ur 12 Herpes sim 12 Insomnia
343819 Lethargy 12 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte 12 Meningitis 12 Meningitis v
343819 Musculoskel 12 Musculoskel 12 Otitis medi 12 Protein uri 12 Pyrexia
343819 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Urine analy 12 Viral infect 12 White blood
343820 Eye swelli 12 Rash 12 Skin irritat 12 Urticaria 12
343821 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
343822 Death 12 Dyspnoea 12 Pain 12 Pneumonia 12 Pneumotho
343823 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
343824 Allergy to 12 Blood pres 12 Burning se 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
343824 Dyspnoea 12 Eye irritati 12 Palpitation 12
343825 Autopsy 12 Cardio-resp 12 Cough 12 Death 12 Dyspnoea
343825 Heart rate 12 Nasopharyn 12 Pharyngitis 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
343825 Viral myoca 12 Vomiting 12
343826 Pain in ext 12
343827 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
343828 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343829 Crying 12 Decreased 12 Injection s 12 Insomnia 12 Irritability
343829 Pyrexia 12
343830 Dyspnoea 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
343831 Abdominal 12 Apnoea 12 Cardiac arr 12 Cardio-resp 12 Death
343831 Endotrachea 12 Haemangi 12 Inflammati 12 Pallor 12 Pulmonary
343831 Pulse abse 12 Pupil fixed 12 Unresponsiv 12
343832 Acute gene 12 Pruritus 12 Rash gener 12 Rash vesic 12
343833 Blood crea 12 Blood test 12 Chest X-ra 12 Convulsion 12 Cyanosis
343833 Drooling 12 Febrile con 12 Hypotonia 12 Inappropria 12 Lymphocyte
343833 Neutrophil 12 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12 Urine anal 12 Urine prote
343833 White blood 12 White blood 12
343834 Crying 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12
343835 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
343836 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343837 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
343839 Asthenia 12 Cardiac arr 12 Chronic ob 12 Coronary a 12 Death
343839 Dyspnoea 12 Respiratory 12 Vomiting 12
343848 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Underdose 12
343849 Abdominal 12 Back pain 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood urine
343849 Computeris 12 Constipati 12 Costoverte 12 Culture uri 12 Dizziness
343849 Flank pain 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean plate 12 Muscle sp
343849 Nasal cong 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil
343849 Nitrite urin 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound
343849 Urinary se 12 Urinary trac 12 Urine abnor 12 Urine keto 12 Urine leuko
343849 White blood 12
343850 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343851 Pharyngea 12 Pruritus 12 Rash gener 12 Throat irrit 12
343852 Angioedem 12 Rash 12 Swelling 12
343853 Dyskinesia 12 Dyskinesia 12 Gaze palsy 12 Musculoskel 12 Opisthoton
343853 Pallor 12
343854 Asthenia 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pres 12 Pallor 12
343855 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12 Muscle twit 12
343856 Wrong drug 12
343857 Arthralgia 12 Body tempe 12 Feeling col 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe
343857 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12 Musculoske
343857 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12
343858 Nasopharyn 12 Oropharyng 12
343859 Fatigue 12 Muscle tig 12
343860 Back pain 12
343861 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343862 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
343863 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Laboratory 12 Rhesus ant 12 Ultrasound
343863 Urine human 12 Wrong drug 12
343864 Complicatio 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
343867 Aplastic a 12 Biopsy bon 12 Blood produ 12 Chest X-ra 12 Epistaxis
343867 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue 12 Gingival bl 12 Haematocri 12 Haematolog
343867 Haemoglob 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil
343867 Oropharyng 12 Pancytopen 12 Petechiae 12 Pharyngitis 12 Platelet co
343867 Purpura 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc 12 Tachycardi 12 Transfusio
343867 Upper respi 12 Vision blur 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
343869 Convulsion 12
343874 Autism 12
343875 Autism 12
343878 Ear pain 12 Herpes zos 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Post herpet 12
343881 Pertussis 12
343883 Fatigue 12 Herpes zos 12 Myalgia 12 Pain 12 Varicella z
343884 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Urticaria
343885 Pruritus 12
343886 Chills 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
343887 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
343888 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343889 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343890 Herpes zos 12 Viral DNA t 12
343891 Herpes zos 12
343892 Full blood 12 Pruritus 12 Rash gener 12 Urticaria 12
343893 Herpes zos 12 Musculoske 12
343894 Genital he 12 Genital ulc 12 Pain 12
343895 Injection si 12
343896 Condition 12 Herpes sim 12
343897 Herpes zos 12
343898 Blood gluc 12 Blood gluc 12
343899 Herpes zos 12
343900 Metabolic f 12 Pain 12
343901 Varicella 12
343902 Wrong drug 12
343903 Hypoaesthe 12
343904 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Skin lesion 12 Tendernes 12
343905 Condition 12 Herpes zos 12
343906 Herpes zos 12
343907 Herpes zos 12
343909 Blister 12 Body tempe 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash
343909 Viral DNA t 12
343910 Influenza li 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343911 Headache 12
343912 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext
343913 Wrong drug 12
343914 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
343915 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si 12 Sleep disor 12
343916 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
343917 Herpes zos 12 Influenza li 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
343918 Lymphaden 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
343919 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Headache 12 Herpes zos 12 Influenza li
343919 Insomnia 12 Pain 12
343920 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12
343921 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343922 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthropath 12 Blood iron
343922 Blood thyro 12 Blood uric 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue 12 Haematocri
343922 Haemoglob 12 Insomnia 12 Joint swell 12 Lethargy 12 Malaise
343922 Metabolic f 12 Musculoskel 12 Pain 12 Polyarthriti 12 Pyrexia
343922 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Thyroxine 12
343923 Blood gase 12 Chest X-ra 12 Choking 12 Computeris 12 Confusional
343923 Convulsion 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electroenc 12 Erythema 12 Feeling ab
343923 Full blood 12 Gaze palsy 12 Metabolic f 12 Metabolic f 12 Neurologic
343923 Nuclear ma 12 Opisthoton 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12 Trismus
343924 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Swelling 12
343925 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
343926 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343927 Anorexia 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pyrexia
343928 Urticaria 12
343929 Injection si 12 Pain 12
343931 Convulsion 12 Loss of co 12 Unresponsiv 12 Urinary inc 12
343932 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
343933 Pyrexia 12 Screaming 12
343934 Dizziness 12 Incoherent 12 Loss of co 12 Nausea 12 Pallor
343934 Syncope 12 Vomiting 12
343937 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu 12 Vaccination 12
343939 Amnesia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Blood test 12 Laboratory
343939 Urinary inc 12
343940 Asthenia 12 Blood gluc 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling hot 12 Hyperhidro
343941 Abnormal b 12
343942 Erythema 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
343943 Skin ulcer 12
343944 Asthenia 12 Bronchosc 12 Computeri 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea
343944 Laboratory 12 Pyrexia 12 X-ray 12
343965 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Blood sodi 12 Computeris 12 Condition
343965 Constipati 12 Dehydratio 12 Enema admi 12 Full blood 12 Lymphocyte
343965 Metabolic f 12 Migraine 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Platelet co
343965 Urine analy 12 Urine keto 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12 X-ray norm
343966 Haemorrha 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pruritus
343966 Scratch 12 Swelling 12
343967 Rash 12
343968 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Screaming
343969 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343970 Anxiety 12 Chest X-ra 12 Incorrect r 12 Respiratory 12
343971 Headache 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Skin lesion 12
343972 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343973 Blepharos 12 Excessive e 12 Grimacing 12
343974 Parotitis 12
343975 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343976 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
343977 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12
343978 Herpes zos 12 Injection si 12
343979 Accidental 12 Herpes zos 12
343980 Herpes zos 12
343981 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
343982 Herpes zos 12
343983 Hyperaesth 12 Rash gener 12
343984 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Joint swell 12 Scab 12
343985 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
343986 Accidental 12 Eye inflam 12 Eye irritati 12
343987 Burning se 12 Erythema 12 Erythema 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain
343987 Rash vesic 12
343988 Cough 12
343989 Dizziness 12 Headache 12
343990 Condition 12 Herpes zos 12
343992 Malaise 12
343993 Maternal dr 12 Pneumonia 12 Pyloric ste 12 Surgery 12
343994 Influenza 12
343995 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Skin exfoli 12 Stevens-J 12
344001 Alpha 1 glo 12 Angioedem 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis
344001 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue
344001 Gait distur 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si 12 Joint stiffn 12 Joint swell
344001 Lip swellin 12 Musculoskel 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pain 12 Pruritus
344001 Rash gener 12 Rash papul 12 Red blood c 12 Serum sick 12 Urticaria
344001 Urticaria 12 Vasculitis 12
344002 Full blood 12 Injected li 12 Musculoske 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext
344002 Similar rea 12 Sleep disor 12 Tendon inj 12 Wrong tech 12 X-ray norm
344006 Cardiac arr 12 Resuscitat 12
344007 Rotavirus i 12
344011 Computeris 12 Condition 12 Convulsion 12 Grand mal 12 Haematocri
344011 Haemoglob 12 Head injury 12 Musculoskel 12 Platelet co 12
344012 Blood crea 12 Blood sodi 12 C-reactive 12 Cough 12 Decreased a
344012 Erythema m 12 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglobi
344012 Heart rate 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mycoplasma 12 Neutrophil 12 Oedema per
344012 Otitis medi 12 Pain in ext 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener
344012 Red blood c 12 Respiratory 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Synovitis 12 Urine analy
344012 Viral upper 12 White blood 12 X-ray of pe 12
344013 Chapped li 12 Culture uri 12 Dehydratio 12 Echocardio 12 Full blood
344013 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Mean cell 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia
344013 Rash 12 Skin exfoli 12 Stevens-J 12 White blood 12
344014 Convulsion 12 Developmen 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc 12 Infantile s
344014 Irritability 12 Musculoskel 12 Nuclear ma 12 Somnolenc 12
344015 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344016 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Vomiting 12
344017 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s
344017 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344018 Dizziness 12 Pain 12 Palpitation 12 Pyrexia 12
344019 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
344020 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344021 Injection s 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
344022 Arthralgia 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12 Musculoske
344022 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12
344023 Chills 12 Dry mouth 12 Feeling ab 12 Pain 12 Pruritus
344023 Pyrexia 12
344024 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
344025 Pruritus 12
344026 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344027 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
344028 Herpes zos 12
344029 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344030 Unevaluabl 12
344032 Fatigue 12 Night swea 12
344033 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344034 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
344035 Restlessne 12 Urticaria 12
344036 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
344037 Wrong drug 12
344038 Blood pres 12 Syncope 12
344039 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344040 Feeling hot 12 Generalise 12 Induration 12 Swelling 12
344041 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12
344042 Injection si 12
344043 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344044 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12 Type III i
344045 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
344046 Injection s 12
344047 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344048 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344049 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344050 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
344051 Blood pres 12 Epistaxis 12 Fatigue 12 Nausea 12 Pain
344051 Pyrexia 12 Serum sick 12 Tachycardi 12
344052 Headache 12 Skin discol 12 Urticaria 12
344053 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
344054 Cough 12 Rash 12
344055 Injection si 12
344056 Vomiting 12
344057 Rash 12
344058 Erythema 12 Induration 12
344059 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344060 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
344061 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
344062 Abnormal b 12 Aspartate 12 Blood alka 12 Blood cultu 12 C-reactive
344062 CSF test n 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris 12 Crying 12 Crying
344062 Culture uri 12 Decreased a 12 Decreased 12 Febrile infe 12 Irritability
344062 Lymphocyte 12 Neutrophil 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c
344062 Respiratory 12 Restlessne 12 Screaming 12 Sick relativ 12 Staring
344062 Urine analy 12 White blood 12
344063 Activities o 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
344063 Autoimmune 12 Back pain 12 Borrelia bu 12 Cognitive d 12 Condition
344063 Decreased a 12 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Gait distur
344063 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Immunology
344063 Inflammati 12 Influenza li 12 Joint fluid 12 Joint swell 12 Joint swell
344063 Malaise 12 Musculoske 12 Musculoske 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia
344063 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Nervous sy 12 Nuclear ma
344063 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia
344063 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Rheumatoid 12 Sleep disor
344063 Synovitis 12 Vomiting 12
344064 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Aortic val 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
344064 Autoimmune 12 Back pain 12 Back pain 12 Borrelia bu 12 Borrelia bu
344064 Borrelia bu 12 Cognitive d 12 Condition 12 Decreased a 12 Decreased
344064 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Eye disord 12 Fatigue 12 Gastrointes
344064 HLA marker 12 Immunology 12 Joint swell 12 Lyme dise 12 Malaise
344064 Musculoskel 12 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Nervous sy 12 Non-cardia
344064 Osteoarthri 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Tricuspid
344064 Vomiting 12 X-ray abno 12
344065 Activities o 12 Allergy to 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
344065 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis re 12 Autoimmune 12 Back pain 12 Borrelia bu
344065 Burning se 12 Condition 12 Decreased a 12 Fatigue 12 Immunology
344065 Influenza li 12 Interverteb 12 Joint stiffn 12 Joint swell 12 Mobility d
344065 Movement d 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Nervous sy 12 Nuclear ma
344065 Osteoarthri 12 Osteoarthri 12 Osteopeni 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
344065 Periarthriti 12 Polymyalgi 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Spinal X-r
344065 Vaccine pos 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray of pe 12
344075 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
344076 Injection si 12
344077 Herpes zos 12
344078 Blister 12
344079 Herpes zos 12
344080 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
344081 Chills 12 Dry skin 12 Eye pain 12 Fatigue 12 Measles an
344081 Oropharyng 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
344081 Rash 12
344082 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Roseola 12 Skin discol 12 Urticaria
344082 Vomiting 12
344084 Headache 12
344085 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Local react 12
344086 Swelling 12
344087 Rash eryth 12
344088 Abnormal b 12 Computeri 12 Febrile con 12
344089 Condition 12 Suicidal id 12
344090 Urticaria 12
344091 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344092 Alanine am 12 Antinuclear 12 Balance di 12 Blood pota 12 Blood produ
344092 Blood sodi 12 CSF test n 12 Catheter p 12 Culture uri 12 Electrocar
344092 Electrocar 12 Electromyo 12 Escherichia 12 Gait distur 12 Grip stren
344092 Guillain-B 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hyporeflex 12 Lumbar pun
344092 Muscular 12 Neuralgia 12 Neurogenic 12 Neurologic 12 Neutrophil
344092 Nuclear ma 12 Peripheral 12 Spinal col 12 Urinary trac 12 Urine anal
344092 White blood 12
344093 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
344094 Benign intr 12 Blood test 12 CSF pressu 12 CSF test n 12 Condition
344094 Dizziness 12 Electroenc 12 Epilepsy 12 Erythema 12 Fall
344094 Headache 12 Lumbar pun 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per
344094 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
344095 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
344096 Inappropria 12
344097 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344098 Angiogram 12 Cellulitis 12 Chest X-ra 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dyspnoea
344098 Hypotensio 12 Immune sys 12 Induration 12 Inflammati 12 Malaise
344098 Mental sta 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
344098 Tachycardi 12 Tendernes 12 Ultrasound 12 White blood 12 X-ray limb
344099 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344100 Injection s 12
344101 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Tremor 12
344102 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344103 Injection si 12
344104 Injection s 12 Injection 12
344105 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
344105 Joint rang 12 Pain 12
344106 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Paraesthes 12
344107 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344108 Acute gene 12
344109 Blood huma 12 Blood thyro 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Nausea
344110 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344111 Febrile con 12
344112 Apnoea 12 Blood test 12 Electroenc 12 Intensive c 12 Nuclear ma
344112 Premature 12
344113 Inappropria 12
344114 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener
344114 Streptococc 12
344115 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344116 Patient isol 12 Rash 12 Rash vesic 12 Respiratory 12
344117 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12
344118 Anxiety 12 Dysgeusia 12 Euphoric 12 Palpitation 12 Parosmia
344118 Vision blur 12 Visual imp 12
344119 Erythema 12 Tendernes 12
344120 Anorexia 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit
344121 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344122 Syncope 12
344123 Rash gener 12
344124 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12 Unintended 12
344125 Urticaria 12
344126 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12
344127 Ocular hyp 12 Rash gener 12
344128 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344129 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Skin discol 12 Vomiting 12
344130 Crying 12
344131 Abasia 12 Areflexia 12 Blood immu 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei
344131 Catheter p 12 Culture uri 12 Dysstasia 12 Electromyo 12 Guillain-B
344131 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hyperreflex 12 Lumbar pun 12 Muscular
344131 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma 12 Plasmapher 12 Platelet co 12 Red blood
344131 Urinary ret 12 White blood 12
344132 Diarrhoea 12
344133 Angiogram 12 Base exces 12 Blood bica 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea
344133 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 Bronchosp 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain
344133 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Eosinophil 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
344133 Hypersensit 12 Oxygen sat 12 PCO2 norm 12 PO2 decre 12 Respiratory
344133 Throat tigh 12 Troponin 12 Wheezing 12 Wheezing 12
344138 Hepatitis A 12 Hepatitis B 12
344140 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344141 No adverse 12
344142 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
344143 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344145 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12
344146 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
344147 Condition 12 Herpes zos 12
344148 Gait distur 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344149 Hypoaesthe 12 Rash 12
344150 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
344151 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Mobility d 12 Pruritus ge
344152 Rash 12 Rash vesic 12
344153 Rash 12
344154 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344155 Abdominal 12 Chest disc 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue
344155 Headache 12 Nausea 12
344156 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Fear 12 Headache 12 Injected li
344156 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
344156 Scar 12 Syncope 12 Vision blur 12 Vomiting 12
344157 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain in ext
344157 Pyrexia 12
344158 Death 12 Meningitis 12
344159 Brain absc 12 Death 12 Haemophilu 12
344160 Abasia 12 Abnormal b 12 Alanine am 12 Aldolase i 12 Anion gap
344160 Arthralgia 12 Aspartate 12 Bacterial in 12 Band neutr 12 Blood albu
344160 Blood chlo 12 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood lact 12 Blood pota
344160 Blood sodi 12 Blood test 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra 12 Culture uri
344160 Death 12 Endotrachea 12 Full blood 12 Globulins 12 Glucose ur
344160 Haematocri 12 Haemodynam 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypotensio 12 Immunisati
344160 Infective m 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Monocyte p
344160 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Necrotising 12 Neutrophil 12 Oedema per
344160 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Red blood c
344160 Resuscitat 12 Septic sho 12 Sleep disor 12 Streptococ 12 Streptococca
344160 Tendernes 12 Urine analy 12 Urobilin ur 12 Viral infect 12 Vomiting
344160 White blood 12
344161 Meningitis 12
344165 Loss of co 12 Respiratory 12
344166 Loss of co 12 Respiratory 12
344167 Anaphylacti 12 Food allerg 12
344170 Asperger's 12 Autism 12 Familial ris 12
344175 Drug expos 12 Vaginal ha 12
344180 Inappropria 12
344181 Asthenia 12 Convulsion 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
344182 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
344183 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344184 Blood test 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Febrile con 12 Influenza s
344184 Pyrexia 12 Streptococca 12 Urine analy 12
344185 Urticaria 12
344186 Injection si 12
344187 Abdominal 12 Audiogram 12 Back pain 12 Biopsy ski 12 Eczema
344187 Foot deform 12 Hypoacusi 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Muscle tig 12 Myalgia
344187 Myopia 12 Neck pain 12 Neck pain 12 Neurologic 12 Nuclear ma
344187 Paraesthes 12 Rash 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Torticollis 12 Urine analy
344187 White blood 12 X-ray 12
344188 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
344189 Pyrexia 12 Sick relativ 12
344190 Antinuclear 12 Blood crea 12 Borrelia bu 12 Electromyo 12 Full blood
344190 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Insomnia 12 Mobility d
344190 Muscle atr 12 Muscle inju 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain
344190 Pain in ext 12 Rheumatoid 12
344191 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344192 Headache 12 Vomiting 12
344193 Unevaluabl 12
344194 Drug hypers 12 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash gener 12
344195 Malaise 12 Pain in ext 12
344196 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Rash 12 Skin nodul 12 Tendernes
344197 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344198 Body tempe 12 Gaze palsy 12 Musculoskel 12 Staring 12 Unresponsiv
344199 Chills 12 Pain in ext 12 Palpitation 12 Pyrexia 12
344200 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344201 Abdominal 12 Culture uri 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc 12 Urine anal
344202 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Pallor 12
344203 Erythema m 12
344204 Wrong drug 12
344205 Drug expos 12
344206 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344207 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
344208 Febrile con 12
344209 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Musculoske 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling
344210 Allergy to 12 Anaphylacti 12 Condition 12 Cough 12 Crying
344210 Dermatitis 12 Dyspnoea 12 Eczema 12 Food allerg 12 Food allerg
344210 Increased u 12 Milk allergy 12 Pharyngea 12 Radioallerg 12 Rash
344210 Screaming 12
344211 Convulsion 12 Skin warm 12
344212 Rash prurit 12
344213 Body tempe 12
344214 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344215 Amenorrho 12 Pregnancy 12
344216 Body tempe 12 Disturbance 12 Headache 12 Impaired wo 12 Myalgia
344216 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
344217 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
344217 Injection si 12
344218 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Myalgia 12 Nasal cong
344218 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
344219 Dry skin 12 Eczema 12 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
344220 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344220 Injection si 12
344221 Crying 12 Injection s 12
344229 Cerebrovas 12
344232 Autoimmun 12 Blood produ 12 Computeris 12 Contusion 12 Gingival bl
344232 Petechiae 12 Platelet co 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macu 12 Rhinorrhoe
344232 Sick relativ 12 Teething 12 Thrombocyt 12
344233 Blood cultu 12 Eosinophil 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Heart rate
344233 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Joint rang
344233 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte c 12 Neutrophil 12 Oedema per
344233 Pain in ext 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 White blood
344233 X-ray limb 12
344234 Arthritis ba 12 Band neutr 12 Blood cultu 12 Bronchioliti 12 C-reactive
344234 Chest X-ra 12 Culture uri 12 Culture wo 12 Decreased 12 Flushing
344234 Hip surger 12 Joint effus 12 Joint fluid 12 Lymphocyte 12 Metabolic f
344234 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Otitis medi 12 Periarticula 12 Pyrexia
344234 Red blood c 12 Tympanic m 12 Urine analy 12 Weight bear 12 White blood
344235 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Anal haem 12 Computeri 12 Enema admi
344235 Exploratory 12 Intussusce 12 Lethargy 12 Surgery 12 Vomiting
344235 X-ray with 12
344236 Anorexia 12 Aphasia 12 Autism spe 12 Dental cari 12 Dermatitis
344236 Developmen 12 Encopresis 12 Eye rolling 12 Fatigue 12 Feeding di
344236 Feeling ab 12 Lobar pne 12 Malaise 12 Mixed rece 12 Otitis medi
344236 Pyrexia 12 Regressive 12 Social avoi 12 Viral pharyn 12 Viral upper
344237 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Appendice 12 Band neutr
344237 Enema admi 12 Gastrointe 12 Intestinal o 12 Intussusce 12 Laparotom
344237 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte p 12 Nausea 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia
344237 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting pr 12 X-ray abno 12
344238 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
344239 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash pustu 12 Urticaria 12
344240 Injection sit 12
344241 Injection sit 12
344242 Urticaria 12
344243 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Urticaria 12
344244 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea 12 Faeces dis 12 Gastrooeso 12
344245 Syncope 12
344246 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash macu 12
344247 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12
344248 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Rash
344249 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
344250 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344251 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
344252 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Immunisati 12 Pain 12 Skin lesion
344252 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes 12
344255 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
344256 Asthenia 12 Chest pain 12 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Dizziness
344256 Dyspnoea 12 Electroenc 12 Fatigue 12 Laboratory 12 Nausea
344256 Nuclear ma 12
344260 Alpha 1 foe 12 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Gestational 12 Glucose to
344260 Ultrasound 12
344262 Computeris 12 Condition 12 Full blood 12 Laboratory 12 Lumbar pun
344262 Mental sta 12 Neurologic 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy 12
344264 Arthralgia 12 Blood gluc 12 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Fatigue
344264 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pain
344264 Pyrexia 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes 12
344265 Blister 12 Ear infecti 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
344265 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
344266 Staring 12 Unresponsiv 12
344268 Anxiety 12 Injected li 12 Irritability 12 Muscle rup 12 Muscle sp
344268 Muscle sp 12 Muscle stra 12 Pain 12 Palpitation 12 Swelling
344269 Blood cultu 12 C-reactive 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho 12 CSF monocy
344269 CSF neutro 12 CSF protei 12 Chest X-ra 12 Complement 12 Epstein-Bar
344269 Erythema 12 Full blood 12 Influenza s 12 Irritability 12 Joint swell
344269 Joint warm 12 Juvenile art 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Respiratory
344269 Rheumatoid 12
344270 Musculoske 12 Tendonitis 12
344271 Breath sou 12 Change in s 12 Crying 12 Depressed 12 Depressed
344271 Dyspnoea 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypochrom 12 Hypophagi
344271 Infection 12 Irritability 12 Laboratory 12 Lymphocyte 12 Microcytosi
344271 Neutrophil 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash gener
344271 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Somnolenc 12 Staring 12
344272 Lymphoed 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Paraesthes 12
344273 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344274 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Musculoskel 12
344275 Laryngosp 12 Musculoskel 12 Pallor 12
344277 Anaemia 12 Aphasia 12 Blood folat 12 Blood gluc 12 CSF test n
344277 Chest X-ra 12 Chromosome 12 Complex par 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion
344277 Culture neg 12 Electroenc 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hemiplegia
344277 Herpes sim 12 Iron bindin 12 Irritability 12 Lethargy 12 Lumbar pun
344277 Mean cell 12 Mental sta 12 Mobility d 12 Neutropeni 12 Neutrophil
344277 Normochrom 12 Nuclear ma 12 Polymerase 12 Red blood 12 Reticulocy
344277 Scan brain 12 Status epil 12 Thrombocy 12 Transfusio 12 Urine analy
344277 Vision blur 12 Vitamin B1 12
344278 Fatigue 12 Hypersomn 12 Lymphaden 12
344279 Inappropria 12
344280 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344281 Injection si 12
344282 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react
344283 Injection si 12 Wrong tech 12
344284 Erythema 12 Oedema 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
344285 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Antinuclear 12 Asthenia 12 Blood crea
344285 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Hyporeflex 12 Immunisati 12 Lymph node
344285 Muscular 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12 Oropharyng
344285 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Pharyngeal 12 Rash prurit 12 Sensation
344285 Upper respi 12 Urticaria 12 White blood 12
344291 Erythema 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin plaqu 12 Swelling 12
344292 Injection s 12 Skin plaqu 12
344293 Abnormal 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12 Somnolenc
344294 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood lact
344294 Blood urine 12 Culture sto 12 Faeces dis 12 Leukocytur 12 Mononucleos
344294 Occult bloo 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12 Urinary trac 12 Urine anal
344294 White blood 12
344295 Fall 12 Gaze palsy 12 Loss of co 12 Tremor 12
344296 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344297 Abscess 12 Culture wo 12
344298 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rhinorrhoe
344298 Varicella 12
344299 Blister 12 Burning se 12 Pruritus 12 Skin lesion 12
344300 Abdominal 12 Abortion s 12 Vaginal ha 12
344301 Abdominal 12 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Headache 12 Musculoske
344301 Neck pain 12
344302 Immunisati 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12
344303 Urticaria 12
344304 Headache 12 Muscular 12 Pyrexia 12
344305 Blister 12
344306 Rash 12
344307 Dyspnoea 12
344308 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
344308 Skin discol 12
344309 Oedema per 12 Tendernes 12
344310 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344311 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344312 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344313 Amnesia 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Influenza li 12 Pain
344313 Presyncop 12
344319 Autism 12 Pyrexia 12
344321 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Pregnancy t 12
344323 Gastroenter 12
344326 Induration 12 Local react 12
344327 Local react 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12
344328 Pyrexia 12
344329 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
344330 Auricular s 12 Erythema 12 Rash gener 12 Swelling fa 12
344332 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Vomiting
344333 Varicella 12
344334 Unevaluabl 12
344335 Blood cultu 12 Body tempe 12 Cellulitis 12 Malaise 12 Oedema per
344335 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12 White blood 12
344336 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12
344337 Oedema per 12
344338 Rash gener 12
344339 Erythema 12 Mass 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
344340 Crying 12 Dyskinesia 12 Gaze palsy 12 Musculoskel 12
344341 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
344341 Rash vesic 12 Vomiting 12
344343 Activated p 12 Aortic sten 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood trigl
344343 Blood trigl 12 Catheterisa 12 Chills 12 Coronary a 12 Echocardi
344343 Glycosylat 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hyperlipid 12 Injection s
344343 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Internation 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte p
344343 Neutrophil 12 Red blood c 12 Skin warm 12 Type 2 diab 12 Vaccination
344343 White blood 12
344344 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344345 Ankylosing 12 Anti-cyclic 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
344345 Back pain 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood thyro 12 Blood urine
344345 C-reactive 12 Depression 12 Disturbance 12 Dizziness 12 Eye pain
344345 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 HLA marker 12 HLA marker 12 Headache
344345 Hyperacusi 12 Hyperaesth 12 Laboratory 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell
344345 Migraine 12 Mobility d 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscle twit
344345 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma
344345 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Parosmia 12 Photophobi 12 Photosensit
344345 Pollakiuria 12 Red blood c 12 Respiratory 12 Rheumatoid 12 Sacroiliitis
344345 Spondyloar 12 Stomatitis 12 Urinary trac 12 Visual imp 12 White blood
344345 X-ray of pe 12
344346 Arthroscop 12 Blister 12 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Facial pain
344346 Herpes sim 12 Herpes zos 12 Inguinal he 12 Neuralgia 12 Swelling fa
344347 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
344348 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344349 Chronic ob 12 Condition 12 Dyspnoea 12 Productive 12 Respiratory
344349 Sputum dis 12 Tobacco us 12 Unresponsiv 12 Wheezing 12
344350 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344351 Flushing 12 Hyperhidro 12 Injection s 12 Lip swellin 12 Urticaria
344352 Injection s 12 Urticaria 12
344353 Granuloma 12 Rash 12 Vaccination 12
344354 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Musculoske 12 Nodule 12
344355 Diarrhoea 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
344356 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Drooling 12 Hyperhidro 12 Injection s
344356 Injection si 12 Joint swell 12 Muscular 12 Oedema per 12 Osteitis
344356 Pyrexia 12 Tendernes 12
344357 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Skin warm 12
344358 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
344359 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344359 Injection s 12
344360 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344361 Enema admi 12 Haematoch 12 Intussusce 12 Vomiting 12
344362 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Vomiting 12
344363 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Antinuclear 12 Anxiety 12 Aspartate
344363 Back pain 12 Blood alka 12 Blood crea 12 Blood pres 12 C-reactive
344363 Confusional 12 Cough 12 Croup infec 12 DNA antibo 12 Dizziness
344363 Dizziness 12 Double str 12 Dysphonia 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue
344363 Flank pain 12 Flatulence 12 Fluid reten 12 Gait distur 12 Haematocri
344363 Headache 12 Hepatic en 12 Hyperpalla 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Joint swell
344363 Laryngitis 12 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 12 Metabolic f 12 Mobility d
344363 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12 Nasal cong 12 Neck pain 12 Neutrophil
344363 Oropharyng 12 Paraesthes 12 Pharyngitis 12 Polymyosit 12 Pyrexia
344363 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Red cell di 12 Swelling fa 12 Tonsillitis
344363 Ultrasound 12 Viral upper 12 Weight inc 12 White blood 12
344364 Atrial fibril 12 Blood alka 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood urea
344364 Chest disc 12 Chest pain 12 Condition 12 Dizziness 12 Electrocar
344364 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12 Palpitation
344364 Red blood c 12 Skin warm 12 Troponin 12 Ultrasound 12
344365 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Flushing 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344365 Injection s 12 Lethargy 12 Pain 12 Pruritus ge 12 Pyrexia
344365 Rash pustu 12
344366 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344367 Condition 12 Erythema 12 Herpes zos 12 Hypersensit 12 Pruritus
344367 Rash 12
344368 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
344369 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344370 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344371 Apparent li 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood urine 12 Chest X-ra 12 Depressed
344371 Dyspnoea 12 Eyes sunk 12 Full blood 12 Hypotonia 12 Lethargy
344371 Listless 12 Lymphocyte 12 Neutrophil 12 Nitrite urin 12 Pallor
344371 Pertussis id 12 Platelet co 12 Red blood c 12 Respiratory 12 Retching
344371 Rhinovirus 12 Tremor 12 Urine anal 12 Vomiting 12 White blood
344371 White blood 12
344372 Injection s 12
344373 Expired dr 12
344374 Abdominal 12 Anxiety 12 Biopsy inte 12 Blood amyl 12 Colonoscop
344374 Condition 12 Confusional 12 Cough 12 Depression 12 Diarrhoea
344374 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Haemorrho 12 Hypersomn
344374 Lipase nor 12 Lipids incr 12 Pain 12 Pharyngitis 12 Pyrexia
344374 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sinusitis 12 Ultrasound 12 Upper respi 12 Weight inc
344375 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344376 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344377 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344378 Nausea 12 Oxygen sup 12
344379 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
344380 Inappropria 12
344381 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344382 Blood cultu 12 CSF cultur 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Culture thr
344382 Endotrachea 12 Pyrexia 12
344383 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344384 Electroenc 12 Full blood 12 Laboratory 12 Petit mal e 12
344385 Death 12
344386 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344389 Autism 12
344390 Autism 12
344392 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound 12
344393 Convulsion 12 Similar rea 12 Syncope 12 Vaccine pos 12
344394 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Herpes sim 12
344395 Immunisati 12
344396 Erythema 12
344397 Immunisati 12
344399 Cerebral in 12 Computeri 12 Death 12 Haemorrhag 12 Internation
344399 Rectal hae 12 Unresponsiv 12
344400 Erythema 12
344401 Induration 12 Oedema 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling 12
344402 Erythema 12 Skin indura 12
344403 Induration 12 Oedema 12 Swelling 12
344404 Erythema 12
344414 Albumin glo 12 Anorexia 12 Antipsychot 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood albu
344414 Blood bilir 12 Blood creat 12 Blood test 12 Blood urea 12 C-reactive
344414 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri 12 Confusional
344414 Delirium 12 Drooling 12 Dysarthria 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc
344414 Electroenc 12 Encephalo 12 Gait distur 12 General phy 12 Gouty arthri
344414 Hallucinati 12 Internation 12 Lumbar pun 12 Mental sta 12 Nuclear ma
344414 Nuclear ma 12 Protein tot 12 Prothrombin 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c
344414 Urinary se 12 Urine abnor 12 Urine bilir 12 Urine colo 12 Urine leuko
344414 Weight dec 12 White blood 12
344415 Burning se 12 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus
344415 Rash papul 12 Upper respi 12
344416 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344417 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344418 Varicella 12
344419 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344420 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
344421 Pain 12 Rash 12
344422 Injection si 12
344423 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Nausea
344424 Rash gener 12 Rash macu 12 Rash papul 12
344425 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344426 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344427 Arthralgia 12 Fatigue 12 Myalgia 12
344428 Eye swelli 12 Swelling fa 12 Urticaria 12
344429 Urticaria 12
344430 Dysstasia 12 Joint stiffn 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
344431 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Cough 12 Diarrhoea 12 Ear infecti
344431 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Lethargy 12 Oropharyng
344431 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
344432 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344433 Injection s 12 Rash 12
344434 Anorexia 12 Blood test 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine anal 12 White blood
344435 Bacteria ur 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood urine 12 Bronchioliti 12 C-reactive
344435 Chest X-ra 12 Convulsion 12 Culture uri 12 Dehydratio 12 Febrile con
344435 Febrile infe 12 Feeling hot 12 Gaze palsy 12 Metabolic a 12 Protein uri
344435 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Tremor 12 Urine anal 12 Urine keto
344436 Diarrhoea 12 Faeces dis 12 Faeces dis 12 Irritability 12 Mucous sto
344436 Pyrexia 12
344437 Erythema 12 Feeling col 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Skin discol 12 Skin warm
344438 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Swelling fa 12
344439 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Pain in ext 12 Swelling 12
344440 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Adhesiolys 12 Blood lact 12 C-reactive
344440 Cholecyste 12 Colectomy 12 Colitis ulce 12 Computeri 12 Cough
344440 Cough 12 Crohn's di 12 Diarrhoea 12 Explorativ 12 Gastroenter
344440 Gastrointe 12 Haematoch 12 Haemoglob 12 Ileostomy 12 Inflammato
344440 Intestinal 12 Intestinal o 12 Lipase inc 12 Oropharyng 12 Pancreatiti
344440 Platelet co 12 Rectal hae 12 Red blood c 12 Transfusio 12 Ultrasound
344440 Urinary sy 12 Urinary trac 12 White blood 12
344442 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344443 Drug expos 12
344444 Dizziness 12 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
344445 Death 12.1
344446 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
344447 Activities o 12 Adenotonsi 12 Alanine am 12 Amenorrho 12 Antinuclear
344447 Aspartate 12 Back pain 12 Blood heavy 12 Blood thyro 12 Blood urine
344447 Burning se 12 Carpal tun 12 Chest pain 12 Cold sweat 12 Computeris
344447 Condition 12 Cough 12 Depression 12 Disturbance 12 Dizziness
344447 Dysarthria 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc
344447 Fall 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Gastritis 12 Gastroenteri
344447 Haematoch 12 Headache 12 Hepatitis vi 12 Hypotensio 12 Immediate p
344447 Insomnia 12 Malaise 12 Metabolic f 12 Migraine 12 Mobility d
344447 Monoplegi 12 Muscular 12 Nasal cong 12 Nasal sept 12 Neuropathy
344447 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Pallor 12 Paraesthes 12 Plantar fasc
344447 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Rhinitis all 12 Similar rea 12 Sinus tach
344447 Sinusitis 12 Sleep apn 12 Sleep disor 12 Sleep stud 12 Stool analy
344447 Syncope 12 Tonsillar h 12 Tonsillitis 12 Upper respi 12 Urine analy
344447 Visual field 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray with 12
344448 Chills 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
344449 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344449 Injection s 12
344450 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
344451 Body tempe 12 Lymph nod 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12
344452 Asthenia 12 Depressed 12 Pallor 12 Physical e 12 Presyncop
344453 Injection si 12
344454 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344455 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344456 Body tempe 12 Rash 12
344457 Inappropria 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling 12
344458 Inappropria 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling 12
344459 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Rash prurit
344460 Application 12 Application 12 Injection si 12
344461 Activities o 12 Anaemia ma 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis 12 Aspiration j
344461 Bone densi 12 Bone densi 12 Bursitis 12 Carpal tun 12 Chills
344461 Condition 12 Fall 12 Femur frac 12 Gait distur 12 Groin pain
344461 Hip arthrop 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Lumbar rad 12 Lumbar spi 12 Muscle sp
344461 Muscular 12 Nerve cond 12 Neuropathy 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma
344461 Osteoarthri 12 Osteoporos 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12 Sciatica
344461 Spinal X-r 12 Spinal lam 12 Surgery 12 Synovitis 12 Tremor
344461 X-ray of pe 12
344463 Pyrexia 12 Wrong drug 12
344464 Pain 12 Urticaria 12
344466 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Pain 12
344467 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Blood elect 12 Blood pres
344467 Chest X-ra 12 Diarrhoea 12 Electrocar 12 Fibrin D di 12 Full blood
344467 Influenza li 12 Pain 12
344468 Antibiotic 12 Anxiety 12 Blood lacti 12 Blood pres 12 Computeri
344468 Culture neg 12 Diarrhoea 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
344468 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12 Surgery 12 Vomiting
344468 X-ray abno 12
344469 No adverse 12
344470 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
344471 Blood cultu 12 CSF test n 12 Chest X-ra 12 Convulsion 12 Culture uri
344471 Electroenc 12 Febrile con 12 Full blood 12 Grand mal 12 Influenza s
344471 Irritability 12 Loss of co 12 Lumbar pun 12 Metabolic f 12 Nuclear ma
344471 Pyrexia 12 Staring 12
344472 Erythema 12 Urticaria 12
344473 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
344477 Cough 12 Crying 12 Dyskinesia 12 Irritability 12 Nasopharyn
344477 Pyrexia 12
344478 Blister 12 Ulcer 12
344479 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Urticaria 12
344480 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344481 Cellulitis 12
344482 Varicella 12
344483 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344484 Convulsion 12
344485 Dizziness 12
344486 Face and m 12 Facial bone 12 Fall 12 Syncope 12
344487 Arthralgia 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
344488 Chills 12 Pyrexia 12
344489 Biopsy 12 Headache 12 Lichen pla 12 Nausea 12 Rash
344490 Loss of co 12
344491 Asthenia 12 Conjunctiv 12 Dysphagia 12 Nausea 12 Sneezing
344492 Dyspnoea 12 Rash 12
344493 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Cardiac str 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc
344493 Chest pain 12 Electrocar 12 Fibrin D di 12 Heart rate 12 Metabolic f
344493 Pain 12 Troponin I 12
344494 Urticaria 12
344495 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344496 Dyspnoea 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pallor 12 Throat irrit 12 Wheezing
344497 Herpes zos 12
344498 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Joint swell 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus
344498 Rash 12
344499 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Oedema per 12
344500 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12
344501 Conjunctiv 12 Eye swelli 12 Hypersensit 12 Lip swellin 12 No reaction
344502 Chest disc 12 Rash 12
344503 Joint stiffn 12 Laboratory 12 Musculoske 12
344504 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
344505 Rash vesic 12
344506 Cough 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash papul
344506 Sleep disor 12 Upper respi 12
344507 Erythema 12 Skin indura 12
344508 Erythema 12
344509 Erythema 12
344510 Immunisati 12
344511 Induration 12 Oedema 12 Swelling 12
344513 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Incorrect r 12
344518 Computeris 12 Dysarthria 12 Electroenc 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per
344518 Thinking a 12
344521 Cyanosis 12 Dyspnoea 12 Urticaria 12
344524 Anoxia 12 Bronchitis 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cyanosis 12 Eye haemo
344524 Febrile con 12 Full blood 12 Influenza s 12 Laboratory 12 Nasal cong
344524 Otitis medi 12 Petit mal e 12 Pharyngitis 12 Postictal st 12 Pyrexia
344524 Rash 12 Rash 12 Respiratory 12 Rhonchi 12 Skin warm
344524 Streptococca 12 Syncope 12 Tachycardi 12 Tympanic 12
344525 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344526 Electroenc 12 Hypotonia 12 Unresponsiv 12
344527 Gaze palsy 12 Musculoskel 12 Respiratory 12 Skin discol 12 Staring
344527 Tremor 12 Urinary inc 12
344528 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12
344529 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
344530 Varicella 12
344531 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Tendernes 12
344532 Erythema 12 Rash macu 12 Swelling 12
344533 Rash gener 12 Swelling 12
344534 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy
344535 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Nausea
344535 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
344536 Herpes zos 12
344537 Blister 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12 Rash 12
344538 Burning se 12 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344538 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pruritus
344538 Somnolenc 12
344539 Erythema 12 Haematom 12 Head injury 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
344540 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344541 Crying 12 Gaze palsy 12 Irritability 12 Musculoskel 12
344542 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344543 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344544 Autism 12 Pyrexia 12
344545 Chest pain 12 Pericarditis 12 Troponin I 12
344546 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344547 Chills 12 Influenza li 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Rhinorrhoe
344547 Vomiting 12
344548 Inappropria 12
344549 Syncope 12 Syncope 12
344550 Dizziness 12 Head injury 12 Laceration 12 Loss of co 12 Pain
344551 Dysphagia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Rash 12
344552 Hypersensit 12 Lip swellin 12
344553 Blister 12 Body tempe 12 Irritability 12 Rash 12 Rash papul
344554 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
344555 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Immediate p 12 Malaise
344555 Nausea 12
344556 Activities o 12 Akathisia 12 Anti-thyroi 12 Anti-thyroi 12 Anxiety
344556 Anxiety dis 12 Asthenia 12 Attention de 12 Bipolar dis 12 Blood merc
344556 Blood test 12 Borrelia bu 12 Condition 12 Depression 12 Discomfort
344556 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Exercise t 12 Fatigue
344556 Full blood 12 Major depr 12 Metabolic f 12 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma
344556 Obsessive- 12 Oesophagea 12 Prealbumin 12 Restless l 12 Restlessne
344556 Self injuri 12 Suicidal id 12 Thyroglobu 12 Tic 12 Tourette's
344556 Urine analy 12
344564 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis 12 Back pain 12 Cervical sp 12 Diabetes me
344564 Diabetic n 12 Exostosis 12 Headache 12 Hyperlipid 12 Hypertensi
344564 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Interverteb 12 Interverteb
344564 Interverteb 12 Lumbar rad 12 Musculoske 12 Musculoske 12 Myalgia
344564 Neck pain 12 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes
344564 Sciatica 12 Spinal osteo 12
344565 Activities o 12 Amnesia 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Autoimmune
344565 Back pain 12 Borrelia bu 12 Borrelia bu 12 Borrelia bu 12 Burning se
344565 Cognitive d 12 Electromyo 12 HLA marker 12 Headache 12 Hyperreflex
344565 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Immunology 12 Influenza li 12 Interverteb
344565 Joint stiffn 12 Microangio 12 Musculoske 12 Musculoskel 12 Musculoskel
344565 Nervous sy 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Osteoarthri 12 Pain in ext
344565 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid
344565 Road traffi 12 Spinal X-r 12 Spinal col 12 Trigger fin 12 X-ray limb
344566 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Bacteria ur 12 Bacterial c 12 Blood calc
344566 Blood cann 12 Blood crea 12 Blood creat 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc
344566 Blood phos 12 Blood produ 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Brain oed
344566 CSF lympho 12 CSF protei 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chills 12 Chills
344566 Computeris 12 Confusional 12 Electroenc 12 Encephaliti 12 Endotrachea
344566 Erythema 12 Gastrointes 12 Granulocyt 12 Headache 12 Hiccups
344566 Intensive c 12 Intracrania 12 Irritability 12 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte
344566 Mean cell 12 Mechanical 12 Mental sta 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng
344566 Posturing 12 Protein uri 12 Pupils une 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c
344566 Reflex test 12 Speech dis 12 Sputum cult 12 Streptococc 12 Tracheost
344566 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12 Urine keto 12 Viral test n 12 White blood
344567 Full blood 12 Pyrexia 12 Screaming 12
344568 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344569 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344570 Culture thr 12 Dysphagia 12 Dysphonia 12 Laryngitis 12 Oropharyng
344570 Streptococc 12
344571 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344572 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344573 Chills 12 Cold sweat 12 Musculoske 12 Musculoskel 12 Pyrexia
344574 Injection s 12 Varicella 12
344575 Biopsy ski 12 Dermatitis 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth
344575 Rash papul 12 Skin plaqu 12 Vaccine pos 12
344576 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Tendernes 12
344577 Arthralgia 12 Depression 12 Fatigue 12 Memory im 12 Mental diso
344577 Rash 12 Skin discol 12
344578 Diarrhoea 12 Injection 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
344579 Injection s 12
344580 Decreased 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting
344581 Anger 12 Blood pres 12 Cyanosis 12 Fall 12 Fear
344581 Heart rate 12 Muscle rigi 12 Tonic clon 12 Unresponsiv 12
344582 Swelling fa 12
344583 Balance di 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Dyskinesia 12 Feeling ab
344583 Gaze palsy 12 Immediate p 12 Laboratory 12 Muscular 12 Musculoskel
344583 Nuclear ma 12 Pallor 12 Tremor 12
344584 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Adnexa ute 12 Antinuclear 12 Back pain
344584 Back pain 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Blood thyro
344584 Complement 12 Complement 12 Cyst 12 DNA antib 12 Fatigue
344584 HLA marker 12 Haemoglob 12 Inflammati 12 Liver funct 12 Migraine
344584 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Rheumatoid 12 Sacroiliitis 12 Streptococca
344584 Streptococca 12 Thyroxine 12 White blood 12 X-ray norm 12
344585 Urticaria 12
344586 Choking 12 Febrile con 12
344587 Eye swelli 12 Fatigue 12 Somnolenc 12 Swelling fa 12
344588 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12
344589 Musculoske 12 Paraesthes 12
344590 Balance di 12 Blood pres 12 Blood test 12 Convulsion 12 Electrocar
344590 Oxygen sat 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
344591 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344592 Erythema 12 Rash papul 12
344593 Rash eryth 12 Urticaria 12
344594 Constipati 12 Haematoch 12 Irritability 12 Occult bloo 12
344595 Abnormal p 12.1 Death 12.1 Petechiae 12.1 Pulmonary 12.1 Sudden inf
344596 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344597 Incorrect 12
344606 Drug admini 12 Haematom 12 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit
344606 Injection si 12 Nuclear ma 12
344609 Anaemia 12 Anti-cyclic 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain
344609 C-reactive 12 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 Gingival di 12 Haematocri
344609 Haemoglob 12 Headache 12 Hepatitis C 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Joint effus
344609 Juvenile art 12 Limb disco 12 Musculoske 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain
344609 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in jaw 12 Parvovirus 12 Pigmentati 12 Polyarthriti
344609 Rash 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Synovial fl
344609 White blood 12
344612 Convulsion 12
344613 Candidiasi 12 Hypothyroi 12 Rheumatoid 12
344616 Headache 12 Hypersensit 12 Lymphaden 12 Malaise 12 Mononucleos
344616 Mumps anti 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Streptococc 12 Viral infect
344617 Discomfort 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin infect 12
344618 Wrong drug 12
344619 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
344620 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Tonic clon 12
344621 Crying 12 Pyrexia 12
344622 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Muscular 12 Pyrexia 12
344623 Inappropria 12
344624 Crying 12 Hyperhidro 12 Immediate p 12 Nervousne 12 Pallor
344624 Presyncop 12
344625 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344626 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin indura
344626 Skin warm 12
344627 Albuminuri 12 Bacteria ur 12 Balance di 12 Blood alka 12 Blood calc
344627 Blood test 12 Carbon dio 12 Convulsion 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc
344627 Eye moveme 12 Irritability 12 Musculoskel 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pallor
344627 Platelet co 12 Posture ab 12 Red blood c 12 Tardive dys 12 Urine anal
344627 White blood 12
344628 Rash 12
344629 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344630 Injection si 12
344631 Amnesia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Autoimmune
344631 Back pain 12 Balance di 12 Borrelia bu 12 Borrelia bu 12 Borrelia bu
344631 Brain scan 12 Burning se 12 Cognitive d 12 Condition 12 Decreased a
344631 Dementia 12 Dementia A 12 Depression 12 Disturbance 12 Dysaesthes
344631 Ehrlichia s 12 Electromyo 12 Fall 12 Fatigue 12 Grip stren
344631 Headache 12 Immunology 12 Influenza li 12 Lyme dise 12 Malaise
344631 Mini menta 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain
344631 Nerve cond 12 Nerve injur 12 Neuropathy 12 Night swea 12 Nuclear ma
344631 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Single pho 12 Speech dis
344631 Vision blur 12
344632 Activities o 12 Amnesia 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Autoimmune
344632 Back pain 12 Benign pros 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Cognitive d
344632 Fatigue 12 Fibromyalg 12 Full blood 12 HLA marker 12 Headache
344632 Immunology 12 Influenza li 12 Laboratory 12 Libido dec 12 Lyme dise
344632 Mood swin 12 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12 Nervous sy
344632 Nocturia 12 Osteoarthri 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Polymerase
344632 Polymyalgi 12 Rash 12 Rheumatoid 12 Rheumatoid 12 Spondyloar
344632 Visual imp 12
344634 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Heart rate 12 Hyperhidro
344634 Lethargy 12 Pallor 12
344635 Dizziness 12 Lymphaden 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling
344636 Chills 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Swelling fa 12
344637 Unevaluabl 12
344638 Chills 12 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
344639 Influenza li 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash
344640 Syncope 12
344641 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344642 Cyanosis 12 Oxygen sat 12 Wrong drug 12.1
344643 Blood chole 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344643 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
344644 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
344646 Urticaria 12
344648 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Soft tissue 12 Swelling 12
344650 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344652 Antibody te 12 Drug ineffe 12 Ear infecti 12 Nasopharyn 12 Tonsillitis
344653 Biopsy skin 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus
344653 Rash 12 Rash prurit 12
344655 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Scab
344657 Crying 12 Emotional d 12 Pyrexia 12
344660 Clumsines 12 Injection si 12 Visual imp 12
344662 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
344665 Body tempe 12 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344667 Body tempe 12 Cough 12 Headache 12 Pain 12
344668 Apnoea 12 Apparent li 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cyanosis 12 Hypophagi
344669 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Tendernes 12
344670 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344671 Body tempe 12 Breath hol 12 Crying 12 Pallor 12 Pallor
344672 Myalgia 12
344673 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling ab 12 Headache
344673 Loss of co 12
344674 Injection si 12
344675 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness p 12 Fatigue
344675 Nausea 12
344676 Injection si 12
344677 Chills 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Pyrexia 12
344678 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12 Nausea
344678 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia 12
344679 Feeling hot 12 Hypotonia 12 Unresponsiv 12
344681 Activities o 12 Diarrhoea 12 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
344681 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 12 Vomiting
344682 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Mass 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
344682 Rash eryth 12 Skin warm 12
344683 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344684 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Ataxia
344684 Autoimmune 12 Balance di 12 Burning se 12 Carpal tun 12 Catheter p
344684 Cerebellar 12 Cognitive d 12 Coordinati 12 Diabetes me 12 Electromyo
344684 Fatigue 12 Hyperaesth 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Influenza li 12 Joint swell
344684 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Nervous sy 12 Neuropathy 12 Pain in ext
344684 Paraesthes 12 Polyneurop 12 Sensory di 12 Spinal X-r 12 Spinal X-r
344684 Stent plac 12 X-ray limb 12
344690 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pres 12 Blood test
344690 Burning se 12 Catheterisa 12 Chest disc 12 Chest pain 12 Computeris
344690 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 12 Gait distur 12 Heart rate
344690 Lumbar pun 12 Musculoske 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext
344690 Pain in ext 12 Pulse abse 12 Thirst 12 Throat irrit 12 Ultrasound
344691 Syncope 12
344692 Body tempe 12 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Nausea
344692 Paraesthes 12 Retching 12 Vomiting 12
344693 Anorexia 12 Body tempe 12 Cough 12 Fatigue 12 Streptococca
344694 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344695 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
344696 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344697 Body tempe 12 Feeling hot 12 Vomiting 12
344698 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Skin warm
344698 Swelling 12
344699 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344700 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344701 Induration 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash papul
344702 Crying 12
344703 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
344704 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Inflammati 12
344705 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344707 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
344708 Full blood 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
344709 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Nausea
344709 Pyrexia 12
344710 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344711 Burning se 12 Fatigue 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling
344712 Eye irritati 12 Eye pruritu 12 Oropharynge 12 Swollen to 12
344713 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Pallor 12 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit
344713 Wheezing 12
344714 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344715 Rash 12
344716 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12
344717 Chills 12 Convulsion 12 Developmen 12 Febrile con 12 Lethargy
344717 Otitis medi 12 Pyrexia 12
344718 Herpes zos 12
344719 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Skin lesion 12
344720 Fatigue 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
344721 Erythema 12 Feeling ab 12 Limb disco 12 Local react 12 Mass
344721 Musculoskel 12 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes
344721 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12 Urticaria 12
344722 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
344723 Dermatitis 12 Herpes zos 12 Pruritus 12 Skin lesion 12 Varicella z
344724 Blister 12 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Flushing 12 Headache
344724 Herpes zos 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
344724 Rash prurit 12 Skin lesion 12 Vision blur 12
344725 Herpes zos 12 Post herpet 12
344726 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12
344727 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344728 Herpes zos 12 Palpitation 12
344729 Feeling ab 12 Rash 12 Secondary 12
344730 Acoustic st 12 Apgar scor 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
344731 Herpes zos 12
344732 Drug expos 12 Herpes sim 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound 12
344733 Drug expos 12 Labour com 12 Pregnancy t 12 Urinary trac 12
344734 Hyperhidro 12 Pyrexia 12
344735 Burning se 12 Herpes zos 12
344736 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Laboratory 12 Pregnancy 12 Ultrasound
344737 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
344738 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12 Urine anal 12
344739 Drug expos 12 Induced la 12
344740 Drug expos 12 Gestational 12
344741 Drug expos 12 Inappropria 12
344742 Culture pos 12 Drug expos 12 Laboratory 12
344743 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
344744 Blood pres 12 Drug expos 12 Headache 12 Muscle sp 12 Pollakiuria
344744 Ultrasound 12
344745 Antinuclear 12 Aspartate 12 Blood albu 12 Blood calc 12 Blood crea
344745 C-reactive 12 Coagulation 12 Laboratory 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
344745 Pain 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12
344746 Inappropria 12
344747 Incorrect r 12 Injection si 12
344748 Herpes zos 12
344749 Abdominal 12 Blister 12 Headache 12 Herpes zos 12 Nausea
344749 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia 12
344750 Abdominal 12
344751 Headache 12 Musculoskel 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
344752 Herpes zos 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Pain 12 Rash 12
344753 Biopsy site 12 Hypersensit 12 Laboratory 12 Pain 12 Pain
344753 Proctalgia 12 Rash pustu 12 Stomatitis 12 Vulvovagin 12
344754 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Lymphaden 12 Mouth ulce 12 Pain
344754 Pyrexia 12 Streptococca 12
344755 Wrong drug 12
344756 Oedema per 12
344757 Herpes zos 12
344758 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12 Varicella z 12
344761 Rash 12 Rash 12
344764 Rotavirus i 12
344765 Rash vesic 12
344766 Rotavirus i 12
344767 Activities o 12 Blood test 12 Convulsion 12 Fatigue 12 Gaze palsy
344767 Myalgia 12 Mydriasis 12 Syncope 12 Unresponsiv 12
344769 Erythema 12 Hypersensit 12 Lip swellin 12 Pruritus 12 Tuberculin
344769 Urticaria 12
344775 Allergy test 12 Asthma 12 Dyspnoea 12 Injection si 12 Rhinorrhoe
344775 Sneezing 12 Wheezing 12
344776 Arthralgia 12 Myalgia 12
344777 Rash 12
344778 Rash 12
344779 Pain 12 Rash vesic 12
344780 Herpes zos 12
344781 Biopsy 12 Lymphaden 12
344782 Rash 12
344783 Herpes zos 12
344784 Herpes zos 12 Secondary 12 Viral DNA t 12
344785 Dermatitis 12 Laboratory 12 Pain in ext 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella z
344786 Chills 12 Headache 12 Hyperhidro 12 Injection si 12 Nausea
344787 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Drug scree 12 Electroenc 12 Encephalo
344787 Lumbar pun 12 Nuclear ma 12
344788 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Throat tigh 12
344789 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Swelling
344790 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344791 Incorrect d 12
344792 Blood cultu 12 Eosinophil 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Injection sit
344792 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344792 Irritability 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia
344792 Red cell di 12 Somnolenc 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12
344793 Alopecia 12 Amnesia 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Base exces
344793 Blood alka 12 Blood bica 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pH i 12 Blood test
344793 Blood urea 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF test n 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri
344793 Convulsion 12 Crying 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Headache
344793 Headache 12 Hyperventil 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Loss of co 12 Lumbar pun
344793 Mean cell 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscle twit 12 Musculoskel 12 Myoclonus
344793 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 PCO2 decr
344793 PO2 increa 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Pharyngitis 12 Red cell di
344793 Scan brain 12 Sinusitis 12 Streptococc 12 Syncope 12 Unresponsiv
344793 Urine analy 12 Vomiting 12
344794 Rash vesic 12
344795 Arthralgia 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext
344796 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Blood alka 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor
344796 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood mag 12 Blood pH
344796 Blood phos 12 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Bronchopul
344796 CSF cultur 12 Caesarean 12 Carbon dio 12 Convulsion 12 Death
344796 Gliosis 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Heart rate 12 Hypophagi
344796 Hypotonia 12 Intensive c 12 Mechanical 12 PCO2 incr 12 PO2 increa
344796 Platelet co 12 Premature 12 Premature 12 Respiratory 12 Unresponsiv
344796 White blood 12
344797 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Intensive c 12 Intercostal 12 Oxygen sat
344797 Peripheral 12 Skin test po 12 Urticaria 12 Wheezing 12
344798 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Syncope
344798 Vomiting 12
344799 Loss of co 12
344800 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344800 Injection s 12 Rash 12 Rash pustu 12
344801 Joint rang 12 Pain in ext 12
344802 Allergy test 12 Auricular s 12 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344802 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
344803 Cold sweat 12 Discomfort 12 Eye pain 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s
344803 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin lesion
344804 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12
344805 Influenza li 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344805 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344806 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash vesic 12
344807 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344807 Injection s 12
344808 Chills 12 Ear pain 12 Hyperhidro 12 Syncope 12
344809 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Urticaria 12
344810 Abnormal b 12 Crying 12 Diarrhoea 12 Eczema 12 Emotional
344810 Hypophagi 12 Pyrexia 12
344811 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per
344811 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
344812 Activities o 12 Alopecia 12 Arthralgia 12 Autoimmune 12 Bronchosc
344812 Burning se 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cognitive d 12 Electromyo 12 Eye pain
344812 Fatigue 12 Gastrointes 12 Headache 12 Herpes zos 12 Hypoaesthe
344812 Influenza li 12 Insomnia 12 Iritis 12 Lymph nod 12 Nervous sy
344812 Neuropathy 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes
344812 Photophobi 12 Salivary gl 12 Sarcoidosi 12 Swelling 12 Uveitis
344812 Visual imp 12 Weight dec 12
344816 Death 12 Sudden inf 12
344817 Abdominal 12 Decreased 12 Enema admi 12 Gastroenter 12 Gastrointe
344817 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Listless 12 Ultrasound 12 Viral pharyn
344817 Vomiting 12 Vomiting pr 12 X-ray abno 12
344818 Allergy to 12 Anaphylacti 12 Asthma 12 Drug hypers 12 Rash
344818 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash macu 12 Serum sick 12 Somnolenc
344818 Vomiting 12
344819 Abdominal 12 Barium en 12 Enema admi 12 Full blood 12 Hypophagi
344819 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Large intes 12 Surgery 12 Ultrasound
344819 Vomiting 12
344820 Apraxia 12 Condition 12 Convulsion 12 Disorientat 12 Dizziness
344820 Drug scree 12 Electroenc 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe
344820 Hypokinesi 12 Malaise 12 Metabolic f 12 Muscle twit 12 Mydriasis
344820 Neurologic 12 Pallor 12 Urine analy 12
344821 Herpes zos 12
344822 Herpes zos 12 Steroid the 12
344823 Herpes viru 12
344824 Influenza li 12 Migraine 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12
344825 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
344826 Herpes zos 12
344827 Inappropria 12
344828 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344829 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Injected li 12 Injection si
344829 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
344830 Herpes zos 12 Viral DNA t 12
344831 Polymyalgi 12
344832 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
344833 Depressed 12 Incontinen 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
344833 Speech dis 12
344834 Herpes zos 12
344835 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344836 Skin lesion 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
344837 Herpes zos 12
344838 Urticaria 12
344839 Diarrhoea 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344840 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
344841 Unevaluabl 12
344842 Herpes zos 12
344843 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Vision blur 12
344844 Blister 12 Body tempe 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Post herpet
344844 Secondary 12 Skin lesion 12
344845 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
344845 Red blood c 12
344846 Chest disc 12 Oxygen sat 12 Throat irrit 12 Vomiting 12
344847 Malaise 12 Nasopharyn 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
344848 Fatigue 12 Muscle cont 12 Muscle rigi 12 Mydriasis 12
344849 Abdominal 12 Oral herpe 12 Pruritus 12 Rash macu 12 Urticaria
344849 Varicella 12
344850 Injection si 12 X-ray norm 12
344851 Herpes zos 12
344852 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
344853 Lip blister 12 Lip swellin 12
344854 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling ab 12 Headache 12 Hyperpalla
344854 Multiple sc 12 Paraesthes 12 Vision blur 12
344855 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
344856 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344857 Blister 12 Pruritus 12
344858 Nausea 12 Rash 12
344859 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344860 Herpes zos 12
344861 Herpes zos 12
344862 Rash vesic 12
344863 Herpes zos 12
344864 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344865 Dizziness 12 Electronys 12 Eyelid ptos 12 Nuclear ma 12 Tinnitus
344866 Facial neur 12
344867 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12
344868 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash 12
344869 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per
344869 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12
344870 Chest pain 12 Urticaria 12 Wheezing 12
344871 Arrhythmia 12 Herpes sim 12
344872 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344873 Injected li 12 Injection si 12
344874 Incorrect r 12 Skin swelli 12
344875 Body tempe 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash vesic 12
344876 Abdominal 12 Back pain 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection si 12 Laboratory
344876 Pain 12
344877 Herpes zos 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344878 Activities o 12 Anaemia 12 Angiotensi 12 Antinuclear 12 Antiphospho
344878 Antiphospho 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Biopsy ski
344878 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive 12 Carbohydra 12 Cardiolipin 12 Chills
344878 Cold sweat 12 Computeri 12 Confusional 12 Coombs tes 12 Cutaneous
344878 Depression 12 Discomfort 12 Dizziness 12 Dry mouth 12 Fatigue
344878 Gait distur 12 Grip stren 12 Haemangiom 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
344878 Hair metal 12 Heart rate 12 Hepatitis c 12 Histone ant 12 Hypotensio
344878 Immobile 12 Infectious 12 Iron defici 12 Joint rang 12 Joint swell
344878 Joint swell 12 Liver funct 12 Malaise 12 Malaria ant 12 Mononucleos
344878 Muscle atr 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Nerve cond
344878 Neuropathy 12 Nightmare 12 Oedema per 12 Oropharyng 12 Osteopeni
344878 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Parasite bl 12 Postmenop
344878 Protein tot 12 Proteinuria 12 Pulmonary 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth
344878 Rash prurit 12 Red blood c 12 Renal cyst 12 Rheumatoid 12 Sensation
344878 Sensory lo 12 Sleep disor 12 Stool analy 12 Synovitis 12 Tremor
344878 Ultrasound 12 Urine anal 12 Vaccination 12 Vomiting 12 Weight dec
344879 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
344880 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
344881 Blister 12 Burning se 12 Injection si 12 Paraesthes 12 Scab
344882 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
344883 Chills 12 Pyrexia 12
344884 Herpes zos 12 Immunology 12 Laboratory 12 Varicella z 12
344885 Eyelids pru 12 Skin lesion 12
344886 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344887 Rash gener 12
344888 Herpes zos 12
344889 Lip blister 12
344890 Herpes simp 12
344891 Allergy tes 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
344892 Anaphylacti 12
344893 Malaise 12
344894 Erythema 12 Herpes zos 12 Skin warm 12
344895 Wrong drug 12
344896 Herpes zos 12 Injection s 12 Neuralgia 12 Rash pustu 12
344897 Expired dr 12 Product qua 12
344898 Expired dr 12 Inappropria 12 Product qua 12
344899 Expired dr 12 Product qua 12
344900 Expired dr 12 Product qua 12
344901 Expired dr 12
344902 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Inappropria 12 Rhinorrhoe
344902 Vomiting 12
344904 Autism 12 Body tempe 12 Condition 12 Developmen 12 Pyrexia
344905 Abnormal b 12 Autism spe 12 Speech dis 12 Staring 12 Unresponsiv
344907 Alpha 1 foe 12 Anaemia 12 Drug expos 12 Dyspepsia 12 Onychomyc
344907 Pre-eclamp 12 Sinusitis 12 Ultrasound 12
344908 Incorrect r 12 Injection si 12
344909 Device lea 12 Underdose 12
344910 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12
344911 Abdominal 12 Nausea 12 Pharyngitis 12 Vomiting 12
344912 Rash 12 Rash macu 12
344913 Hypoaesthe 12 Pain in ext 12
344914 Chest pain 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
344915 Dyspepsia 12 Pain in ext 12 Pregnancy 12
344916 Amenorrho 12 Blood huma 12 Urine huma 12
344917 Arthralgia 12 Mobility d 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext
344918 Lichen niti 12 No reaction 12 Rash gener 12
344919 Fatigue 12 Medical dev 12 Mobility d 12 Pain in ext 12 Underdose
344920 Headache 12
344921 Laboratory 12 Rash gener 12
344922 Oropharyng 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Skin irritat 12
344923 Injection si 12 Sleep disor 12
344924 Activities o 12 Clumsines 12 Headache 12 Laboratory 12 Lumbar pun
344924 Pyrexia 12
344925 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react
344925 Pyrexia 12
344926 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12
344927 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
344928 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
344929 Blood test 12 Chest X-ra 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc 12 White blood
344930 Blood gluc 12 Blood immu 12 Hypersensit 12 Laboratory 12 Liver functi
344930 Peak expira 12 Red blood c 12 Renal funct 12 Respiratory 12 Rheumatoid
344930 Type III i 12
344931 Body tempe 12 Cyanosis 12 Febrile con 12 Musculoskel 12
344932 Acute diss 12 Asthenia 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b 12 Demyelinat
344932 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Electromyo 12 Extremity c 12 Hypoaesthe
344932 Lumbar pun 12 Motor dysf 12 Muscle twit 12 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma
344932 Spine malf 12 Tachycardi 12 Ventricular 12 Visual evok 12
344933 Hypophagi 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
344934 Immediate p 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
344935 Herpes zos 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12
344936 Anorexia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
344936 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Vomiting
344936 White blood 12
344937 Lip swellin 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin striae 12
344938 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Alopecia 12 Amnesia 12 Anti-cyclic
344938 Antinuclear 12 Anxiety 12 Aphthous st 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
344938 Arthritis re 12 Asthenia 12 Autoimmune 12 Balance di 12 Chest X-ra
344938 Cognitive d 12 Cyanosis 12 DNA antibo 12 Disturbance 12 Dizziness
344938 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardio 12 Fatigue 12 Fibromyalg
344938 Flushing 12 Headache 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Insomnia
344938 Musculoskel 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12 Pain
344938 Pain 12 Pain 12 Peripheral 12 Presyncop 12 Raynaud's
344938 Scab 12 Somnolenc 12 Ultrasound 12 Vision blur 12 Vision blur
344938 Visual imp 12
344941 Contusion 12 Epistaxis 12 Hypersensit 12 Idiopathic 12 Mouth hae
344942 Adverse ev 12
344947 Back pain 12 Blood produ 12 CSF cell c 12 Cryptococc 12 Diabetes me
344947 Dysphagia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Facial pare 12 Gait distur 12 Gait distur
344947 Glucose ur 12 Glycosylat 12 Guillain-B 12 Hepatitis B 12 Hypertensi
344947 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypokalae 12 Hyponatra 12 Influenza li
344947 Laboratory 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes
344947 Paralysis 12 Polyuria 12 Protein uri 12 Thirst 12 Urine keto
344948 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344950 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344951 Herpes zos 12
344952 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344953 Body tempe 12 Cold sweat 12 Feeling hot 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting
344954 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
344955 Confusional 12 Convulsion 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Foaming at
344955 Headache 12 Laboratory 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Scan brain
344955 Unresponsiv 12
344956 Burning se 12 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12
344957 Joint rang 12 Pain 12
344958 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth
344958 Varicella 12
344959 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
344960 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12 Vaccination
344961 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Vaccination 12
344962 Chest disc 12 Rash macu 12 Urticaria 12
344963 Axillary pai 12 Lymph nod 12
344964 Rash 12 Rash prurit 12
344965 Diarrhoea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
344966 Biopsy ski 12 Inflammati 12 Lichen pla 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
344967 Alanine am 12 Blood gluc 12 Body tempe 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris
344967 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Drug scree 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electrocar
344967 Gaze palsy 12 Laboratory 12 Mental sta 12 Presyncop 12 Unresponsiv
344968 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Vaccine pos
344969 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy 12 Ultrasoun 12 Wrong drug 12
344970 Infertility 12
344971 Urticaria 12
344972 Oropharyng 12 Wheezing 12
344973 Headache 12
344974 Injection si 12 Varicella 12
344975 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12
344976 Cervical dy 12 Human papil 12 Papilloma v 12
344977 Injection si 12 Rash eryth 12
344978 Anorexia 12 Personalit 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
344979 Dizziness 12
344980 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
344981 Dermatolog 12 Herpes zos 12
344982 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
344983 Abdominal r 12 Blood amyl 12 Full blood 12 Lipase nor 12 Liver funct
344983 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine analy 12 Vomiting
344984 Cellulitis 12 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
344984 Injection s 12 Malaise 12 Pain in ext 12
344985 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12 Rash
344986 Gait distur 12 Weight bear 12 X-ray 12
344987 Fall 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
344987 Irritability 12
344988 Dyspnoea 12
344989 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
344990 Laboratory 12 Syncope 12
344991 Metal pois 12
344992 Hypersensit 12 Skin reacti 12 Urticaria 12
344993 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
344994 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
344995 Erythema 12 No reaction 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
344996 Papilloma v 12
344997 Arthralgia 12 Full blood 12 Lymphaden 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia
344997 Rash 12
344998 Injection si 12
344999 Dysphagia 12 Eye swelli 12 Rash 12 Rash macu 12 Urticaria
345000 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
345001 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Tinnitus 12
345002 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345003 Syncope 12
345004 Asthenia 12 Headache 12 Lethargy 12
345005 Antinuclear 12 Back pain 12 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain
345005 Electrocar 12 Full blood 12 Gastrooeso 12 Metabolic f 12 Muscle sp
345005 Nuclear ma 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Thyroid fun 12
345006 Nausea 12
345007 Papilloma v 12
345008 Abdominal 12 Full blood 12 Gastrooeso 12 Metabolic f 12 Nausea
345008 Pharyngitis 12 Streptococca 12 Ultrasound 12
345009 Immunology 12 Pneumonia 12
345010 Injection si 12
345011 Antibody t 12 Labyrinthiti 12 Pneumonia 12 Sinusitis 12 Vaccination
345012 Pneumonia 12 Surgery 12
345013 Drug ineffe 12 Meningitis 12
345014 Asthma 12 Dyspnoea 12 Ear infecti 12 Febrile con 12 Laboratory
345014 Pneumonia 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12 Wheezing 12
345015 Blood cultu 12 CSF culture 12 Chest X-ra 12 Drug ineffe 12 Gram stain
345015 Gram stain 12 Intensive c 12 Meningitis 12 Streptococca 12
345016 Adenoidec 12 Antimicrobia 12 Blood cultu 12 Bronchosc 12 Chest X-ra
345016 Culture pos 12 Cyanosis 12 Ear infecti 12 Ear tube in 12 Gram stain
345016 Otitis medi 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pneumococc 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe
345016 Sweat test 12 Wheezing 12
345017 Convulsion 12 Cyanosis 12 Staring 12 Unresponsiv 12
345018 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Anorexia 12 Antinuclear
345018 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Biopsy inte 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood test
345018 Body tempe 12 Borrelia bu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc 12 Chest pain
345018 Condition 12 Constipati 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness
345018 Dysmenorr 12 Dyspnoea 12 Ear discomf 12 Endoscopy 12 Eructation
345018 Eustachian 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Gastrooeso 12 Haemorrha
345018 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Hepatobilia 12 Influenza li 12 Initial inso
345018 Malaise 12 Murphy's si 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Ovarian cy
345018 Pathology t 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Respiratory 12 Serology n
345018 Sinusitis 12 Somnolenc 12 Stress 12 Throat tigh 12 Ultrasound
345018 Upper respi 12 Vomiting 12 Weight dec 12
345021 Condition 12 Sensation o 12 Throat tigh 12
345022 Blood cultu 12 Drug ineffe 12 Pneumococ 12
345024 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345025 Culture wo 12 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12
345030 Bacterial c 12 Injection s 12 Purulent d 12 Surgery 12 Vaccine pos
345038 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia
345038 Arthralgia 12 Aspartate 12 Blood alka 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood fibri
345038 Blood gluc 12 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chills 12 Chills
345038 Computeri 12 Cough 12 Culture uri 12 Cytomegalo 12 Cytomegalov
345038 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Facial pain 12 Foreign tra 12 Headache
345038 Headache 12 Hyperhidro 12 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise
345038 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Photophobi
345038 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Respiratory 12 Sinusitis 12 Swelling fa
345038 Tachycardi 12 Transamina 12 Urine analy 12 Vaccination 12 Viral infect
345038 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
345040 Febrile con 12
345041 Inappropria 12
345042 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12 Rash morbil 12
345043 Wrong drug 12
345044 Abnormal b 12 Irritability 12
345045 Inappropria 12
345046 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Hyperhidro 12 Insomnia 12 Oedema per
345047 Disorientat 12 Hyperhidro 12 Syncope 12
345048 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345049 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
345050 Aphasia 12 Complex par 12 Computeri 12 Computeri 12 Convulsion
345050 Crying 12 Drug scree 12 Ear tube in 12 Electroenc 12 Epilepsy
345050 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Laboratory 12 Loss of co 12 Mastoiditis
345050 Middle ear 12 Nuclear ma 12 Postictal st 12 Sinusitis 12 Somnolenc
345050 Tachycardi 12 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12 Unresponsiv 12
345051 Facial pain 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si 12 Neurologic
345051 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12
345052 Dyskinesia 12 Feeling col 12 Gaze palsy 12 Pain in ext 12 Pallor
345052 Skin discol 12 Unresponsiv 12
345053 Arterioscle 12 Autopsy 12 Benign pros 12 Body mass 12 Cardiomeg
345053 Coronary ar 12 Death 12 Hypertensi 12 Myocardial 12 Obesity
345053 Prostate e 12 Pulmonary 12
345054 Arthralgia 12 Eye swelli 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
345054 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12 Vasculitis 12
345055 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
345056 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345057 Pharyngea 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
345058 Urticaria 12
345059 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
345060 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
345061 Body tempe 12 Eye swelli 12 Oedema mo 12 Swelling fa 12
345062 Erythema 12 Pain in ext 12
345063 Inappropria 12 Inappropria 12
345064 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Tremor 12
345065 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea 12 Gastrointes 12 Insomnia 12 Irritability
345065 Somnolenc 12
345066 Feeding dis 12 Neurologic 12 Psychomotor 12
345067 Oedema mo 12
345068 Activities o 12 Amnesia 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis
345068 Asthenia 12 Auricular s 12 Autoimmune 12 Back pain 12 Bone densi
345068 Borrelia bu 12 Borrelia bu 12 Borrelia bu 12 Bursitis 12 Cognitive d
345068 Condition 12 Coordinati 12 Decreased a 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar
345068 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Gait distur 12 Headache
345068 Hypoaesthe 12 Immunology 12 Influenza li 12 Insomnia 12 Joint stiffn
345068 Malaise 12 Musculoske 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Nervous sy
345068 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain
345068 Palpitation 12 Pruritus 12 Red blood c 12 Swelling fa 12 Urinary trac
345069 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Autoimmune 12 Cognitive d
345069 Decreased a 12 Facetecto 12 Foraminot 12 Gastrointes 12 Interverteb
345069 Interverteb 12 Joint swell 12 Laboratory 12 Lumbar spi 12 Musculoskel
345069 Myalgia 12 Nervous sy 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Spinal X-ra
345069 Spinal lam 12 Spinal lam 12 Spinal mye 12 X-ray abno 12
345071 Activities o 12 Anxiety 12 Chronic in 12 Deformity 12 Guillain-B
345071 Pain 12
345072 Abdominal 12 Anisocytos 12 Decreased 12 Enema admi 12 Eyes sunk
345072 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Laboratory 12 Lymphocyte 12 Sleep disor
345072 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting pr 12 White blood 12 X-ray 12
345073 Abasia 12 Activities o 12 Asthenia 12 Chest X-ra 12 Confusional
345073 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Encephaliti 12 Headache 12 Hot flush
345073 Immunisati 12 Incoherent 12 Mental sta 12 Pyrexia 12 Speech dis
345073 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
345074 Autoimmune 12 Biopsy ski 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood crea 12 Chest pain
345074 Chills 12 Costochondr 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardio
345074 Erythema e 12 Fatigue 12 Granulocyt 12 Granuloma 12 Leukocytocl
345074 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 12 Mucosal dr 12 Neutrophil 12 Pain
345074 Pain in ext 12 Pallor 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
345074 Rash vesic 12 Scleral dis 12 White blood 12
345075 Abnormal b 12 Feeding di 12 Hypotonia 12 Insomnia 12 Lethargy
345075 Screaming 12 Unresponsiv 12
345076 Anaphylacti 12 Angiogram 12 Anxiety 12 Cerebrovas 12 Computeris
345076 Diplopia 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Hypersensit
345076 Immunology 12 Lacunar inf 12 Mean cell 12 Metabolic f 12 Migraine
345076 Monocyte p 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Panic attac 12 Paraesthes
345076 Photosensit 12 Pruritus 12 Red blood 12 Rheumatoid 12 Skin lesion
345076 Swelling 12 Urticaria 12 Vision blur 12
345077 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
345078 Erythema 12 No reaction 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus
345078 Rash macu 12 Tendernes 12
345079 Herpes zos 12
345080 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
345081 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
345082 Dyspnoea 12 Hyperhidro 12 Paraesthes 12
345083 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Hyperhidro 12 Oedema per 12 Pain
345083 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin exfoli 12
345084 Unevaluabl 12
345085 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345086 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Mobility d 12 Oedema per 12 Pain
345086 Pyrexia 12
345087 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345088 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345089 Crying 12 Immediate p 12 Petechiae 12
345090 Abdominal 12 Chills 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Influenza s
345090 Mononucleos 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc 12 Tremor
345091 Chest pain 12 Dysphagia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain
345091 Rash 12 Tendernes 12
345092 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Crying 12 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea
345092 Haematoch 12
345093 Breath sou 12 Rash 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
345094 Crying 12 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
345095 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
345096 Urticaria 12
345097 Wrong drug 12
345098 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345099 Diarrhoea 12 Mucous sto 12 Rectal ten 12
345100 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345101 Unevaluabl 12
345102 Back pain 12 Condition 12 Fall 12 Hand fract 12 Hernia
345102 Musculoskel 12 Musculoskel 12 Surgery 12
345103 Blood test 12 Computeris 12 Muscle rigi 12 Ophthalmop 12 Pain in ext
345103 Syncope 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vomiting 12
345104 Unevaluabl 12
345105 Alopecia 12
345106 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Rash gener 12
345107 Rash 12
345108 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Rash eryth 12
345109 Erythema 12 Oedema 12
345110 Coordinati 12 Electroenc 12 Head lag 12 Nuclear ma 12 Tremor
345110 Walking dis 12
345111 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345112 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Pruritus 12 Scab
345112 Wound dra 12
345113 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345114 Neck pain 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
345115 Dysphonia 12 Urticaria 12
345116 Rash 12
345117 Injection si 12
345118 Dysphonia 12 Irritability 12 Urticaria 12 Vomiting 12
345119 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
345120 CSF test n 12 Computeri 12 Fontanelle 12 Lumbar pun 12 Upper respi
345121 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria 12
345122 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345123 Convulsion 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12
345124 Petechiae 12
345125 Incorrect s 12
345126 Accidental 12 Incorrect d 12
345127 Injection s 12 Screaming 12
345128 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Screaming 12
345129 Antibody t 12
345130 Antibody t 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 HLA marker
345131 Incorrect s 12
345132 Dermatitis 12 Rash gener 12
345133 Abdominal 12 Body tempe 12 Decreased 12 Pyrexia 12
345134 Incorrect s 12
345135 Speech dis 12
345136 Body tempe 12 Inappropria 12 Pyrexia 12 White blood 12
345137 Alanine am 12 Albumin glo 12 Alpha 1 glo 12 Alpha 2 glo 12 Anti-SS-A a
345137 Antineutrop 12 Antineutrop 12 Antineutrop 12 Antinuclear 12 Antinuclear
345137 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis 12 Arthritis 12 Aspartate
345137 Autoimmune 12 Biopsy live 12 Biopsy live 12 Biopsy ski 12 Blood albu
345137 Blood alka 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlo 12 Blood chole 12 Blood creat
345137 Blood gluc 12 Blood immu 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood trigl
345137 Blood urea 12 Brain natri 12 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra 12 Colonoscop
345137 Computeri 12 Computeris 12 DNA antibo 12 Double str 12 Electrophor
345137 Eosinophil 12 Gamma-glut 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hepatic cir
345137 High densit 12 Hypertensi 12 Immunoglob 12 Liver funct 12 Low density
345137 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mean plate 12 Myalgia
345137 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Osteoarthri 12 Pain 12 Platelet co
345137 Protein tot 12 Pulmonary 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Red cell di
345137 Rheumatoid 12 Smooth mus 12 Transferrin 12 Urobilin ur 12 White blood
345137 Whole body 12 X-ray abno 12
345143 Osteomyelit 12 Swelling 12
345146 Autism 12
345147 Paralysis 12
345148 Autism 12
345157 Abdominal 12 Appendice 12 Appendiciti 12 Computeri 12 Fat necrosi
345157 Infarction 12 Lymphoid h 12 Nausea 12
345159 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Emphysem 12 Wheezing 12
345163 Joint swell 12 Urticaria 12
345164 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Mood alter 12 Pain in ext 12
345165 Immediate p 12 Musculoskel 12 Pain in ext 12 Pallor 12 Tremor
345166 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
345166 Injection s 12 Myalgia 12
345167 Injection s 12
345168 Hyperaesth 12 Nausea 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit
345168 Vomiting 12
345169 Full blood 12 Pyrexia 12
345170 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
345171 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345172 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12
345173 Areflexia 12 Areflexia 12 Balance di 12 Blood calc 12 Blood crea
345173 Blood heav 12 Blood produ 12 Blood test 12 Borrelia bu 12 CSF protei
345173 Chest X-ra 12 Electromyo 12 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Grip stren
345173 Guillain-B 12 HIV test ne 12 Hypertensi 12 Hypertensi 12 Hypoaesthe
345173 Injected li 12 Lumbar pun 12 Mean cell 12 Mean plate 12 Mononucleos
345173 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Neuropathy 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per
345173 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes
345173 Red blood c 12 Ultrasound 12
345174 Exfoliative 12
345175 Erythema 12 Malaise 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling
345176 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
345177 Headache 12 Swelling fa 12
345178 Blood gase 12 Blood pota 12 Brain deat 12 Cerebral i 12 Chest X-ra
345178 Cyanosis 12 Encephalo 12 Endotrachea 12 Gastrooeso 12 Haematocri
345178 Haemoglob 12 Hypoxic en 12 Mechanical 12 Pulmonary 12 Respiratory
345178 Sudden de 12 Unresponsiv 12 Wheezing 12
345182 Condition 12 Convulsion 12 Mental sta 12 Pyrexia 12
345190 Blood bilir 12 Blood produ 12 Decreased a 12 Dehydratio 12 Discomfort
345190 Dyspepsia 12 Ecchymosi 12 Headache 12 Idiopathic 12 Lymphaden
345190 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 12 Malaise 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil
345190 Petechiae 12 Photophobi 12 Platelet co 12 Platelet di 12 Thrombocy
345190 Vaccination 12 White blood 12
345191 Alanine am 12 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood pota
345191 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio 12 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea
345191 Eczema 12 Gastrooeso 12 Inappropria 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte
345191 Monocyte p 12 Neonatal re 12 Platelet co 12 Protein tot 12 Pyrexia
345191 Rotavirus t 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
345192 Agitation 12 Alanine am 12 Apnoea 12 Blood alka 12 Blood bilir
345192 Blood chlo 12 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea
345192 C-reactive 12 CSF bacter 12 CSF bacteri 12 CSF cultur 12 Crying
345192 Dermatitis 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypotonia 12 Irritability
345192 Mydriasis 12 Nasal cong 12 Neutrophil 12 Protein tot 12 Pyrexia
345192 Red blood 12 Tachycardi 12 Tympanic m 12 Urine analy 12 Vomiting
345192 White blood 12
345193 Cough 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe
345194 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345195 Muscle sp 12 Pain in ext 12
345196 Contusion 12 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
345197 Fall 12
345198 Urticaria 12
345199 Injection sit 12 Skin lesion 12
345200 Rash eryth 12
345201 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
345202 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345202 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Tuberculin 12
345203 Urticaria 12 Wheezing 12
345204 Full blood 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
345204 Streptococc 12 Swelling 12 Urticaria 12 Vomiting 12
345205 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
345206 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
345207 Discomfort 12 Haematoch 12 Painful def 12
345208 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345209 Erythema of 12 Eyelid oed 12
345210 Anaphylacti 12
345211 Injection si 12
345212 Myalgia 12
345213 Asthenia 12 Influenza li 12 Lymphaden 12 Muscular 12
345214 Dizziness 12
345215 Depression 12
345216 Arthralgia 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Wheezing 12
345217 Menstruati 12
345218 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Syncope 12
345219 Anxiety 12
345220 Activities o 12 Dizziness 12
345221 Bedridden 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
345222 Alanine am 12 Albumin glo 12.1 Anaemia 12.1 Antinuclear 12 Anxiety
345222 Areflexia 12 Aspartate 12 Asthenia 12 Autonomic 12 Blood alka
345222 Blood crea 12.1 Blood pres 12 Blood produ 12 CSF test n 12 Chest disc
345222 Constipati 12 Culture uri 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Electromyo 12.1 Electromyo
345222 Facial pare 12.1 Gait distur 12 Gastrointes 12.1 Globulins 12.1 Guillain-B
345222 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Headache 12 Hypertensi 12.1 Hypoaesthe
345222 Hyporeflex 12 Insomnia 12 Mean cell 12.1 Mechanical 12.1 Muscular
345222 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Plasmapher 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Red blood
345222 Respiratory 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Sensory lo 12 Tachycardi 12 Urine abnor
345222 White blood 12.1
345223 Head injury 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Tooth injur 12
345224 Hypersensit 12
345225 Syncope 12
345226 No reaction 12 Syncope 12
345227 Rash eryth 12
345228 Asthenia 12 Drug expos 12 Malaise 12
345229 Drug expos 12 Vaginitis ba 12
345230 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 No reaction 12
345231 Amenorrho 12 Vaginal ha 12
345232 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345233 Tremor 12
345234 Syncope 12
345235 Abdominal 12 Back pain 12 Influenza 12 Urinary trac 12
345236 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
345237 Skin papil 12
345238 Cardiac flut 12 Cardiac mu 12
345239 Chest pain 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Insomnia 12 Laboratory
345239 Nuclear ma 12 Pyrexia 12 Vision blur 12 Vomiting 12
345240 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
345241 Pain 12 Swelling 12 Wrong drug 12
345242 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345243 Congenital 12 Drug expos 12 Ovarian cy 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound
345244 Abdominal 12 Fatigue 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12 Weight dec
345245 Abdominal 12 Drug expos 12 Fatigue 12 Pregnancy t 12 Swelling
345245 Tendernes 12
345246 Syncope 12
345247 Nasopharyn 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
345248 Injection si 12 Vaccine pos 12
345249 Blastomyco 12 Bronchial h 12 Bronchopn 12 Bronchosc 12 Chest X-ra
345249 Chills 12 Computeri 12 Cough 12 Crepitation 12 Decreased
345249 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea e 12 Exercise t 12 Fatigue 12 Hypoxia
345249 Lung infiltr 12 Lung neop 12 Malaise 12 Metaplasia 12 Metaplasia
345249 Oxygen sat 12 Pneumonia 12 Productive 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhonchi
345249 Wheezing 12
345251 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Tremor 12
345252 Apnoea 12
345254 Pruritus 12 Rash gener 12 Vaccine pos 12
345257 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Progestero 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine human
345257 Vaginal ha 12
345260 Autism 12
345261 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Labour com 12 Pregnancy 12 Urine human
345263 Rash 12
345264 Induration 12
345265 Rash gener 12
345266 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
345267 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12
345268 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Mass 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling
345269 Drug admini 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345270 Dizziness 12 Feeling hot 12
345271 Syncope 12
345272 Syncope 12
345273 Headache 12 Muscle sp 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12
345274 Malaise 12
345275 Groin pain 12 Local swell 12
345276 Hypersensit 12
345277 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Basophil p 12 Blood urine 12 Chest pain
345277 Computeri 12 Culture uri 12 Cytomegalo 12 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea
345277 Dizziness 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Laboratory
345277 Lymphaden 12 Mean plate 12 Neutrophil 12 Oropharyng 12 Orthostatic
345277 Urine bilir 12 Urine keto 12 Vomiting 12
345278 Rash 12
345279 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12
345280 Drug expos 12 Pain 12 Pregnancy t 12 Tuberculin 12
345281 Loop electr 12 Smear cerv 12
345282 Groin pain 12 Local swell 12
345283 Activities o 12 Cough 12 Lymphaden 12 Musculoskel 12
345284 Blood test 12 Gastrointes 12 Pyrexia 12
345285 Syncope 12
345286 Drug expos 12 Malaise 12 Urine human 12 Vomiting 12
345287 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardi 12
345288 Computeri 12 Lymphaden 12 Pyrexia 12 Vaccine pos 12
345289 Anxiety 12 Contracept 12 Dyspnoea 12 Restlessne 12
345290 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12 Vomiting 12
345291 Expired dr 12 Pain in ext 12
345292 Herpes zos 12
345293 Feeling ab 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
345294 Dizziness 12 Malaise 12
345295 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12
345296 Adverse ev 12 Inappropria 12
345299 Feeling col 12 Gaze palsy 12 Hyperhidro 12 Presyncop 12 Pulse abse
345299 Syncope 12 Unresponsiv 12
345301 Incorrect r 12 Wrong drug 12
345302 Diarrhoea 12 Ear infecti 12 Erythema m 12 Lymphaden 12 Petechiae
345302 Purpura 12 Rash macul 12 Vomiting 12
345303 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pain
345303 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
345304 Bacterial c 12 Biopsy 12 Culture wo 12 Erythema 12 Full blood
345304 Herpes sim 12 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash pustu 12 Viral test
345305 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345306 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
345307 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Alopecia 12 Arthralgia 12 Biopsy site
345307 Chest disc 12 Condition 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Eating diso
345307 Endoscopy 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Exercise t 12 Fatigue 12 Gastritis
345307 Gastrooeso 12 Headache 12 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12 Lymph nod
345307 Myalgia 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pharyngitis
345307 Pneumonia 12 Streptococc 12 Tonsillar ul 12 Ultrasound 12 Weight dec
345308 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
345309 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
345310 Rash vesic 12
345311 Anorexia 12 Chills 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia
345312 Chills 12 Headache 12 Influenza s 12 Pyrexia 12
345313 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345314 Back pain 12 Dizziness 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Metabolic f
345314 Musculoske 12 Musculoskel 12 Palpitation 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
345315 Crying 12 Decreased 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
345315 Sleep disor 12 Vomiting 12 Weight dec 12
345318 Bed sharin 12.1 Death 12 Lividity 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Petechiae
345318 Pulmonary 12.1 Pulmonary 12.1 Sudden inf 12.1
345319 Blood produ 12 Coagulopa 12 Computeris 12 Contusion 12 Coombs tes
345319 Crying 12 Ear pain 12 Evans syn 12 Haematoch 12 Injection
345319 Irritability 12 Otitis medi 12 Platelet co 12 Rotavirus i 12 Rotavirus t
345319 Steroid the 12 Thrombocy 12 Ultrasound 12 Upper respi 12 Vomiting
345320 Activities o 12 Angiogram 12 Bone scan 12 Complex re 12 Complex re
345320 Depression 12 Disturbance 12 Dysphagia 12 Dysphonia 12 Gastrooeso
345320 Hippocampa 12 Hypothyroi 12 Interverteb 12 Interverteb 12 Interverteb
345320 Interverteb 12 Joint rang 12 Ligament ca 12 Memory im 12 Mobility d
345320 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext
345320 Post-trauma 12 Radicular p 12 Road traffi 12 Spinal X-ra 12 Spinal fusi
345320 Spondylitis 12 Thermogra 12 Vaccine pos 12
345321 Abdominal 12 Autism spe 12 Body tempe 12 Colitis 12 Crying
345321 Diarrhoea 12 Disturbance 12 Encephalo 12 Haemangiom 12 Laboratory
345321 Metal pois 12 Rash 12 Sleep disor 12 Speech dis 12
345322 Abdominal 12 Biopsy inte 12 Cellulitis 12 Colitis 12 Colonoscop
345322 Computeri 12 Crohn's di 12 Culture uri 12 Diarrhoea 12 Endoscopy u
345322 Gastrointe 12 Gynaecolog 12 Inflammato 12 Intestinal 12 Intestinal r
345322 Laparosco 12 Pollakiuria 12 Pseudopol 12 Rash 12 Small intes
345322 Tinea pedi 12 Vomiting 12
345323 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345324 Basophil p 12 Body tempe 12 Decreased a 12 Eosinophil 12 Haematocri
345324 Haemoglob 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil 12 Platelet co
345324 Pruritus 12 Red blood c 12 Somnolenc 12 Urticaria 12 Urticaria
345324 White blood 12
345325 Headache 12 Tinnitus 12 Vision blur 12
345326 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
345326 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345327 Abnormal b 12 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Pain in ext 12
345328 Decreased 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia
345329 Oedema per 12 Tendernes 12
345330 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Hyperacusi 12 Photophobi
345331 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345332 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
345333 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Mass 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm
345334 Urticaria 12
345335 Allergy to 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345336 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
345337 Varicella 12
345338 Bacterial c 12 Dermatitis 12 Injection s 12 Lip swellin 12 Nausea
345338 Viral test n 12
345339 Drooling 12 Gaze palsy 12 Musculoskel 12
345340 Diarrhoea 12 Upper respi 12 Vomiting 12
345341 Activities o 12 Mobility d 12 Muscle inju 12 Muscle tig 12 Nerve injur
345341 Pain 12 X-ray 12
345342 Decreased 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Odynophag 12 Pharyngitis
345342 Vomiting 12
345343 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345344 Chest pain 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12 Pain in ext 12
345345 Papilloma v 12
345346 Arthropod b 12 Condition 12 Urticaria 12
345347 Chest disc 12 Dyspnoea 12 Vaccine pos 12
345348 Abdominal 12 Decreased 12 Headache 12 Influenza li 12 Injection si
345348 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
345349 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
345350 Headache 12
345351 Headache 12
345352 Menstrual d 12
345353 Condition 12 Tension h 12
345354 Incorrect p 12
345355 Drug expos 12
345356 Eye pruritu 12 Rash 12
345357 Menstruati 12 Night swea 12
345358 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Constipati
345358 Diarrhoea 12 Dyspepsia 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil
345358 Neutrophil 12 Pruritus 12
345359 Asthenia 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Pain in ext 12
345360 Arthralgia 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Wheezing 12
345361 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe
345361 Vomiting 12
345362 Inappropria 12 Rash 12
345363 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345364 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345365 Dyspnoea 12
345366 HIV test fal 12 Laboratory 12
345367 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Viral infect 12
345368 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345369 Drug expos 12 Fatigue 12 Pregnancy t 12
345370 Drug expos 12 Gastrooeso 12 Laboratory 12
345371 Chills 12 Pyrexia 12
345372 Drug expos 12 Gastroenteri 12 Ultrasound 12
345373 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Haematolog 12 Vaccine pos 12
345374 Arthralgia 12 Fatigue 12 Inappropria 12
345375 Injection si 12
345376 Asthenia 12 Claustroph 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue
345376 Flushing 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12
345377 Syncope 12
345378 Contusion 12 Eye pain 12 Eye swelli 12
345379 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12
345380 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345381 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
345382 Abnormal b 12 Presyncop 12 Unresponsiv 12
345383 Inappropria 12 Malaise 12
345384 Human papil 12 Smear cerv 12
345385 Arthralgia 12 Fatigue 12 Infectious 12 Pallor 12 Rash
345386 Petechiae 12
345387 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
345388 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345389 Muscle sp 12
345390 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
345391 Injection si 12
345392 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345393 Urticaria 12
345394 Rash gener 12
345395 Urticaria 12
345396 Decreased 12 Rash 12
345397 Injection si 12
345398 Diarrhoea 12
345399 Diarrhoea 12
345400 Diarrhoea 12
345401 Diarrhoea 12
345402 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
345403 Arthralgia 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext
345403 Paraesthes 12
345404 Aphasia 12 Blood alka 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood test 12 Carbon dio
345404 Computeri 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Disorientat 12 Electroenc
345404 Eosinophil 12 Fatigue 12 Foaming at 12 Gaze palsy 12 Grand mal
345404 Haemoglob 12 Head injury 12 Headache 12 Lethargy 12 Lymphocyte
345404 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Obesity 12 Postictal st
345404 Somnolenc 12 Vomiting 12
345405 Furuncle 12 Hypokinesi 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Insomnia
345405 Nodule 12 Pain 12
345406 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain
345406 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
345407 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Biopsy inte 12 Biopsy oes
345407 Biopsy sto 12 Blood immu 12 Blood test 12 Chills 12 Diarrhoea
345407 Dizziness 12 Dyspepsia 12 Endoscopy 12 Flatulence 12 Helicobacter
345407 Influenza li 12 Listless 12 Mean cell 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
345407 Stool analy 12 Stool analy 12 Syncope 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound
345407 Vomiting 12 Weight dec 12
345408 Erythema 12 Lymphaden 12
345409 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
345410 Body tempe 12 Pneumonia 12
345411 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pain 12
345412 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Skin warm 12
345413 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
345413 Nausea 12 Vertigo 12
345414 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Skin warm 12
345415 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
345416 Abdominal 12 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345417 Febrile con 12
345418 Discomfort 12 Erythema m 12 Pruritus 12
345419 Injection si 12
345420 Dizziness 12 Loss of co 12
345421 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
345422 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345422 Injection s 12
345423 Ascites 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood test 12 CSF oligoc 12 Cognitive d
345423 Computeri 12 Demyelinat 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar
345423 Epstein-Bar 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Lumbar pun 12 Mean plate 12 Multiple sc
345423 Musculoske 12 Neurologic 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Rhinitis
345423 Spinal cord 12
345424 Lethargy 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
345425 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Rash 12 Skin swelli 12 Skin warm
345426 Rash morbil 12
345427 Hypoaesthe 12
345428 Ataxia 12 Decreased a 12 Decreased 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue
345428 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Posture ab 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor
345429 Abdominal 12 Conjunctivit 12 Dyspnoea 12 Lethargy 12 Neck pain
345429 Oropharyng 12 Pain in ext 12
345430 Swelling fa 12
345431 Cough 12 Fatigue 12 Infection 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
345431 Nasopharyn 12 Pain in ext 12
345432 Arthralgia 12 Myalgia 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Rash
345433 Full blood 12 HIV test 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash pustu
345434 Abdominal 12 Adjustment 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Blood gluc
345434 Condition 12 Diabetes me 12 Dyslipidae 12 Gastrooeso 12 Headache
345434 Hernia repa 12 Hyperchole 12 Insomnia 12 Oropharyng 12 Overweight
345434 Plantar fasc 12 Psoriasis 12 Rectal hae 12 Rhinitis all 12 Sinusitis
345434 Sleep apn 12 Tinnitus 12 Visual imp 12
345435 Death 12
345438 Loss of co 12 Malaise 12
345439 Rash macul 12
345440 Immediate p 12 No reaction 12 Presyncop 12
345441 Vomiting 12
345442 Erythema 12 Induration 12
345443 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
345444 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Migraine 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
345444 Tunnel visi 12 Vaccine pos 12
345445 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
345446 Pyrexia 12 Rash vesic 12 Rash vesic 12 Sciatica 12 Urticaria
345452 Blood calc 12 Blood corti 12 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc
345452 Blood pH d 12 CSF glucos 12 Chest X-ra 12 Convulsion 12 Corneal les
345452 Culture pos 12 Culture pos 12 Culture uri 12 Echocardi 12 Electroenc
345452 Encephalo 12 Endotrachea 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Gaze palsy
345452 Glucose ur 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Lagophtha 12 Lumbar pun
345452 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma
345452 PCO2 incr 12 PO2 decre 12 Poikilocyto 12 Protein tot 12 Prothrombi
345452 Red blood c 12 Red blood 12 Respiratory 12 Status epil 12 Vomiting
345452 White blood 12
345453 Injection s 12 Skin discol 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
345454 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12 Rash gener 12 Skin warm
345455 Injection s 12 Scab 12
345456 Erythema 12 Gastric dis 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria
345456 Urticaria 12
345457 Oedema per 12
345458 Cellulitis 12
345459 Injection si 12
345460 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Swelling 12
345461 Wrong drug 12
345462 Abscess 12 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Rash
345462 Tendernes 12
345463 Rash 12 Rash 12
345464 Asthenia 12 Malaise 12
345465 Pyrexia 12
345466 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
345467 Dyspnoea 12 Hypersensit 12 Throat irrit 12 Urticaria 12 Wheezing
345468 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Skin lesion
345469 Wrong drug 12
345470 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345471 Crying 12 Dyspnoea 12 Hyperhidro 12 Immediate p 12
345472 Erythema m 12
345473 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345474 Erythema of 12 Eyelid marg 12 Eyelid oed 12 Full blood 12 Metabolic f
345474 Skin exfoli 12
345475 Herpes zos 12 Scab 12 Skin lesion 12
345476 Local react 12 Rash papul 12
345477 Axillary pai 12 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Injection si
345477 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Oedema
345478 Anxiety 12 Hallucinati 12
345479 Axillary ma 12 Axillary pai 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
345480 Genital he 12 Herpes zos 12 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si
345480 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Laboratory 12
345481 Arthralgia 12 Hyperaesth 12 Rash eryth 12
345482 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345483 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345484 Injection si 12
345485 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
345486 Herpes zos 12 Rash vesic 12 Virus cultu 12
345487 Accidental 12 Herpes zos 12
345488 Chest disc 12 Dyspnoea 12 Insomnia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu
345488 Throat irrit 12
345489 Injection s 12 Musculoskel 12
345490 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Skin lesion 12
345491 Injection si 12
345492 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345493 Oral herpe 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain in ext 12 Toothache 12
345494 Herpes zos 12
345495 Abdominal 12 Back pain 12 Chest pain 12 Influenza li 12
345496 Herpes zos 12 Neck pain 12 Skin lesion 12
345497 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345498 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345499 Dermatitis 12 Echocardi 12
345500 Injection si 12 Rash eryth 12
345501 Pain 12 Rash vesic 12
345502 Burning se 12 Insomnia 12 Pain in ext 12
345503 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345504 Anaphylacti 12 Dyspnoea 12 Rash 12
345505 Blood blist 12 Lip blister 12
345506 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345507 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per 12
345508 Oral herpe 12
345509 Back pain 12 Flank pain 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
345510 Abdominal 12 Injection si 12
345511 Accidental 12 Burning se 12
345512 Herpes zos 12
345513 Blister 12 Dental oper 12 Injection s 12
345514 Incorrect r 12 Pain in ext 12
345515 Biopsy 12 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12 Urticaria
345516 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345517 Neck pain 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
345518 Back pain 12 Body tempe 12 Chest pain 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash macu
345518 Rash macul 12
345519 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12
345520 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
345528 Convulsion 12
345530 Autism 12
345533 Convulsion 12 Electrocar 12 Nuclear ma 12 Positron e 12
345534 Anaphylacti 12 Dyspnoea 12 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Vaccine pos
345540 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12 Urine human 12
345541 Chest pain 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Laboratory 12
345542 Cellulitis 12 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
345542 Injection si 12 Lymphocyte 12 Pain in ext 12
345543 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Incorrect r 12 Induration 12 Mass
345543 Wrong drug 12
345545 Anisocytos 12 Band neutr 12 Blood sodi 12 Body tempe 12 Cough
345545 Dyspnoea 12 Haematocri 12 Hypophagi 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
345545 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Irritability 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte p
345545 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Red blood c 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Staphylococ
345545 White blood 12
345546 Pruritus 12
345547 Chills 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
345548 Hypersomn 12 Infantile sp 12 Vomiting 12
345549 Inappropria 12
345550 Chest disc 12 Hypersensit 12 Immediate p 12 Respiratory 12
345551 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Skin discol 12
345552 Convulsion 12 Loss of co 12 Tonic clon 12 Urinary inc 12
345553 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345554 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic 12
345555 Arthralgia 12 Erythema 12 Joint swell 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
345555 Pallor 12
345556 Rash morbil 12
345557 Herpes zos 12
345558 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
345559 Condition 12 Headache 12 Oral herpe 12
345560 Genital he 12
345561 Crying 12 Screaming 12
345562 Condition 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Herpes sim 12
345563 Wrong drug 12
345564 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic 12
345565 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Urticaria 12
345566 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345567 Rash morbil 12 Rash prurit 12
345568 Diagnostic 12 Neuropathy 12
345569 Acne 12 Eye swelli 12 Pruritus 12 Rash macu 12 Swelling fa
345570 Haematom 12
345571 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
345572 Injection si 12
345573 Asthenia 12 Chest disc 12 Cough 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea
345573 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
345574 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345575 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345576 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12
345577 Injected li 12 Myalgia 12 Pain 12
345578 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345579 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Vulvovagina 12
345580 Abnormal f 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 C-reactive 12 Culture uri
345580 Decreased 12 Drug exposu 12 Full blood 12 Hyperhidro 12 Irritability
345580 Lethargy 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Metabolic f 12 Platelet co
345580 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Restlessne 12 Somnolenc 12 Urine analy
345581 Chest pain 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Pyrexia
345581 Rash gener 12 Swelling fa 12 Visual imp 12
345582 Angiogram 12 Blood gluc 12 Computeris 12 Coordinati 12 Dizziness
345582 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 12 Headache
345582 High densit 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Laboratory 12 Muscular 12 Paraesthes
345582 Scan brain 12 Sinus disor 12 Somnolenc 12 Transient i 12 Vertigo
345583 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345584 Irritability 12 Petechiae 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
345585 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345586 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Injected li 12 Laboratory 12 Oedema per
345586 Pain in ext 12 Staphylococ 12
345587 Cyanosis 12 Dehydratio 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory
345587 Vomiting pr 12
345588 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 No reaction
345588 Tendernes 12
345589 Body tempe 12 Fatigue 12 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345589 Muscle sp 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Vertigo 12
345590 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345591 Haemateme 12 Vaccine pos 12
345592 Injected li 12 Muscular 12 Pain in ext 12
345593 Injection sit 12
345594 Rash eryth 12
345595 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345596 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345597 Inappropria 12 No adverse 12
345598 Erythema 12 Rash morbil 12
345599 Inappropria 12 No adverse 12
345600 Cellulitis 12 Injection sit 12
345601 Diarrhoea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
345602 Erythema 12 Lymphaden 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
345607 Dizziness 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Erythema 12 Headache
345607 Infectious 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12 Malaise 12 Oropharyng
345607 Pain 12 Pharyngitis 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12
345608 Blister 12 Rash vesic 12
345609 Rash gener 12
345610 Injection sit 12
345611 Blood pres 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Syncope 12
345612 Herpes zos 12
345613 Body tempe 12 Crying 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12
345615 Drug expos 12
345616 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345617 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345618 Abdominal 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain of ski 12
345619 Incorrect s 12
345620 Erythema 12 Herpes zos 12 Herpes zos 12 Inappropria 12 Pain
345620 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella z 12
345621 Accidental 12 Blister 12
345622 Herpes zos 12
345623 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
345624 Inappropria 12 Pruritus 12
345625 Headache 12 Influenza li 12
345626 Incorrect d 12 Pain 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12
345627 Injection sit 12 Rash 12
345628 Syncope 12
345629 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12
345630 Mechanical 12 Rash macu 12 Urticaria 12 Urticaria 12
345631 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345632 Arthralgia 12 Herpes zos 12
345633 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345634 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
345635 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit 12
345636 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345637 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345638 Blood pres 12 Cyanosis 12 Hypoventila 12 Immediate p 12 Lethargy
345638 Pallor 12 Urticaria 12 Vomiting 12
345639 Erythema 12 Eye swelli 12 Ocular hyp 12 Skin warm 12
345640 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Ocular hyp 12 Rash
345640 Rash 12 Rash 12
345641 Body tempe 12 Cellulitis 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash
345641 Rash 12 Rash macul 12 Rash morbil 12
345642 Blister 12 Excoriation 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
345643 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
345644 Injection s 12 Mass 12 Pain 12
345645 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
345646 Blood urine 12 Erythema 12 Eye swelli 12 Ocular hyp 12 Oropharyng
345646 Protein uri 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sneezing 12 Specific gr
345646 Streptococc 12 Swelling fa 12 Swollen to 12 Urine leuko 12 pH urine n
345647 Contusion 12 Cough 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345647 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pharyngeal 12 Postnasal d 12 Streptococc
345648 Inappropria 12 Oral herpe 12
345649 Injection si 12
345650 Erythema 12 Pain of ski 12
345651 Herpes zos 12 Post herpet 12
345652 Injection si 12
345653 Dysgeusia 12 Hypoaesthe 12
345654 Asthenia 12 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Immediate p
345655 Ear infecti 12 Eye infecti 12 Lower respi 12 Wrong drug 12
345656 Condition 12 Herpes zos 12
345657 Hypoaesthe 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash vesic 12
345658 Adverse ev 12
345659 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345660 Herpes zos 12
345661 Angioedem 12 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12
345662 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345663 Condition 12 Herpes zos 12
345664 Wrong drug 12
345665 Arthralgia 12 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext 12 Red blood c
345666 Back pain 12 Back pain 12 Condition 12 Herpes zos 12 Therapeuti
345667 Blister 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
345668 Herpes zos 12 Iritis 12 Pain 12 Scleritis 12
345669 Anorexia 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus ge 12
345670 Arthralgia 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash macu 12
345671 Urticaria 12
345672 Erythema 12 Haematolog 12 Pruritus 12 Rash macu 12 Rash macu
345673 Herpes zos 12
345674 Erythema 12 Herpes zos 12 Herpes zos 12 Malaise 12 Pain
345674 Pain of ski 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash papul 12
345675 Abdominal 12 Ear haemo 12 Hypertensi 12
345676 Dyspnoea 12 Insomnia 12 Nausea 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting
345677 Disorientat 12 Dizziness 12 Flushing 12 Full blood 12 Headache
345677 Lethargy 12 Muscular 12 Musculoskel 12 Nausea 12 Red blood c
345678 Incorrect d 12
345679 Incorrect d 12
345680 Injection s 12 Local react 12
345681 Crying 12 Crying 12 Vaccine pos 12
345682 Injection si 12
345683 Glomerulon 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345684 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345685 Injection s 12
345686 Cold sweat 12 Cyanosis 12 Depressed 12 Heart rate 12 Nasopharyn
345686 Pallor 12 Paraesthes 12 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Syncope
345687 Urticaria 12 Vaccination 12
345688 Unevaluabl 12
345689 Injection si 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Varicella 12
345690 Rash 12 Rash prurit 12 Scab 12 Varicella 12
345692 Autism spe 12 Laboratory 12 Regressive 12 Sensory di 12 Social avoi
345692 Staring 12
345694 Enterovirus 12 Headache 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Polymerase
345694 Rash 12 Viral DNA t 12 Vision blur 12
345696 Convulsion 12 Fatigue 12 Gaze palsy 12 Immediate p 12 Pallor
345696 Stress 12 Tonic clon 12
345697 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Haemorrha 12 Nausea 12 Ultrasound
345698 Blood pres 12 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Urine human 12
345700 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345700 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Keloid scar 12
345701 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345702 Injection si 12
345703 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345704 Oral prurit 12 Pruritus ge 12
345705 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
345706 Convulsion 12 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
345707 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12 Unresponsiv 12
345708 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Antinuclear 12 Back pain 12 Blood thyr
345708 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Cholecyste 12 Computeris
345708 Electrocar 12 Endoscopy 12 Endoscopy u 12 Full blood 12 Gastric ulc
345708 Headache 12 Interverteb 12 Intestinal u 12 Metabolic f 12 Musculoske
345708 Pain 12 Palpitation 12 Rheumatoid 12 Sinusitis 12
345709 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345710 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345711 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
345712 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
345713 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345714 Rash 12 Rash macu 12 Swelling 12
345715 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
345716 Local react 12
345717 Pyrexia 12 Sick relativ 12
345718 Local react 12
345719 Body tempe 12 Flushing 12 Vomiting 12
345720 Urticaria 12
345721 Blindness 12 Constipati 12
345722 Convulsion 12 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12
345723 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12 Pallor
345724 Grand mal 12 Presyncop 12
345725 Fatigue 12 Glossodyni 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Oropharyng
345726 Blood test 12 Condition 12 Headache 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain in jaw
345726 Pain of ski 12 Precancero 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Vision blur
345727 Emotional d 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12 Local swell 12
345728 Angioedem 12 Induration 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345728 Injection si 12 Oral herpe 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes
345728 Pyrexia 12
345729 Areflexia 12 Areflexia 12 Areflexia 12 Aspartate 12 Blood albu
345729 Blood chole 12 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood immu 12 Blood iron
345729 Blood pota 12 Blood produ 12 CSF protei 12 Chest X-ra 12 Culture uri
345729 Diplopia 12 Dysphagia 12 Dysphonia 12 Electromyo 12 Epstein-Bar
345729 Epstein-Bar 12 Facial pare 12 Gait distur 12 Globulins 12 Guillain-B
345729 Haematocri 12 Haemoglobi 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
345729 Hyporeflex 12 Inappropria 12 Lacrimatio 12 Low density 12 Lyme dise
345729 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Muscular 12 Nasal cong
345729 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Parvovirus 12 Photophobi
345729 Polyneurop 12 Protein tot 12 Prothrombin 12 Red blood c 12 Scan brain
345729 Sensory lo 12 Sputum cult 12 Tachypnoe 12 Urinary trac 12 Urine keto
345729 Urine prote 12 White blood 12
345730 Activated p 12 Back pain 12 Chest pain 12 Coagulatio 12 Computeris
345730 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Internation 12 Pulmonary 12
345731 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
345732 Measles 12 Rash eryth 12
345733 Cough 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345734 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12 Tinnitus 12
345735 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus 12 Vomiting 12
345736 Blood test 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection si 12
345737 Ear discomf 12 Rash eryth 12 Urticaria 12
345738 Anaphylacti 12 Eye swelli 12 Hypoventila 12 Swollen to 12
345740 Asthenia 12 Cold sweat 12 Crying 12 Decreased 12 Disturbance
345740 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling col 12 Feeling hot
345740 Heart rate 12 Irritability 12 Pallor 12 Rhinalgia 12 Sleep disor
345740 Speech dis 12 Wheezing 12
345744 Rectal hae 12
345745 Accidental 12 Rectal hae 12 Vaccine pos 12
345747 Blood cultu 12 CSF cultur 12 Culture sto 12 Culture uri 12 Diarrhoea
345747 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Viral test n 12
345748 Abdominal 12 Albumin CS 12 Albumin glo 12 Areflexia 12 Blood albu
345748 Blood calc 12 Blood chlo 12 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood immu
345748 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Blood produ 12 Blood sodi 12 Borrelia bu
345748 Burning se 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF immuno 12 CSF lympho
345748 CSF lympho 12 CSF monocy 12 CSF protei 12 Computeris 12 Constipati
345748 Cranial ner 12 Cryptococc 12 Dysphagia 12 Ear conges 12 Electrocar
345748 Facial pain 12 Facial pals 12 Facial pare 12 Gait distur 12 Guillain-B
345748 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypertensi 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
345748 Hyponatra 12 Muscular 12 Nerve cond 12 Neuropathy 12 Paraesthes
345748 Paraesthes 12 Polyneurop 12 Red blood c 12 Sinus hea 12 Sinusitis
345748 Sleep disor 12 Speech dis 12 Syphilis te 12 Unevaluabl 12 Urinary ret
345748 Urine osmo 12 Urine sodi 12 Urobilin ur 12 Vibration t 12 Vomiting
345748 White blood 12
345749 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345750 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345750 Rash papul 12
345751 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345752 Pyrexia 12
345753 Drug expos 12
345754 Herpes zos 12
345755 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
345756 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345757 Fall 12 Loss of co 12 Loss of co 12
345758 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12
345759 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
345760 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
345761 Blood lead 12 Haemoglob 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12 Vomiting
345762 Adverse dr 12 Anaemia 12 Angiogram 12 Anion gap 12 Arthralgia
345762 Aspartate 12 Asthenia 12 Autoimmune 12 Back pain 12 Blister
345762 Blood bilir 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood chole 12 Blood creat
345762 Blood fola 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood immu 12 Blood magn 12 Blood phos
345762 Blood pota 12 Blood thyro 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain
345762 Coeliac di 12 Dermatitis 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea
345762 Endoscopy 12 Fatigue 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypertensi
345762 Hypokalae 12 Mean cell 12 Methaemog 12 Muscle sp 12 Musculoske
345762 Musculoske 12 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext
345762 Paraesthes 12 Rash 12 Red blood 12 Tachycardi 12 Transamina
345762 Transferri 12 Vision blur 12
345763 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345764 Biopsy bon 12 Biopsy bon 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood fibri 12 Blood produ
345764 Chest X-ra 12 Coagulatio 12 Colonosco 12 Computeri 12 Contusion
345764 Ecchymosi 12 Electrocar 12 Full blood 12 Hepatic en 12 Hepatitis B
345764 Idiopathic 12 Nausea 12 Pancreatic 12 Pancreatiti 12 Platelet co
345764 Platelet m 12 Polyp 12 Prothrombi 12 Renal impa 12 Vomiting
345765 Injection si 12
345766 Ear pain 12 Facial pain 12 Inappropria 12 Lymphaden 12
345767 Feeling hot 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash 12
345768 Inappropria 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si
345769 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
345770 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
345771 Back pain 12 Gait distur 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12
345772 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345773 Headache 12
345774 Herpes zos 12
345775 Rash prurit 12
345776 Injection si 12 Laboratory 12 Oedema per 12
345777 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345778 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
345779 Injection si 12
345780 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Face oede 12 Urticaria 12
345781 Injection s 12
345782 Hypersomn 12 Insomnia 12
345786 Febrile con 12 Paralysis 12
345787 Deafness 12
345788 Injected li 12 Local react 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
345789 Asthenia 12 Convulsion 12 Dyskinesia 12 Foaming at 12 Gaze palsy
345789 Musculoskel 12 Pallor 12 Tongue par 12
345790 Arthralgia 12 Biopsy mus 12 Myofascitis 12 Pain 12 Skin lesion
345791 Erythema 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes
345792 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12
345793 Chest X-ra 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Influenza s 12 Pyrexia
345793 Respiratory 12
345794 Anion gap 12 Blood test 12 Blood urine 12 Body tempe 12 CSF test a
345794 Chest X-ra 12 Electrolyte 12 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphaden 12 Musculoskel
345794 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Viral infect 12 White blood 12
345795 Dizziness 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Feeling col 12 Hypoacusi
345795 Lethargy 12 Muscle twit 12 Muscle twit 12 Mydriasis 12 Nausea
345795 Obstructive 12 Pupil fixed 12 Tachycardi 12 Unresponsiv 12 Visual imp
345796 Cellulitis 12 Incorrect p 12 Wrong drug 12
345797 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345798 Loss of co 12 Posturing 12 Syncope 12
345799 Activities o 12 Anorexia 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue
345799 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
345799 Throat irrit 12
345800 Dyspnoea 12 Herpes zos 12
345801 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Rash 12 Rash prurit 12
345802 Joint stiffn 12 Oedema per 12
345803 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345804 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345805 Blood gluc 12 Crying 12 Dyskinesia 12 Unresponsiv 12
345806 Fatigue 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash papul 12
345807 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12
345808 Decreased 12 Fatigue 12 Hypersomn 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor
345809 Fatigue 12 Multiple sc 12
345813 Antibody t 12 Chronic sin 12
345818 Agitation 12 Anorexia 12 Appetite di 12 Arthralgia 12 Basedow's
345818 Blindness 12 Chest pain 12 Chills 12 Deafness 12 Dyspnoea
345818 Eating dis 12 Eye operat 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Insomnia
345818 Insomnia 12 Loss of co 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12 Myocardial
345818 Nausea 12 Nervousne 12 Palpitation 12 Photophobi 12 Pyrexia
345818 Sinus disor 12 Thyroxine 12 Tinnitus 12 Tremor 12 Tri-iodothy
345818 Vomiting 12 Weight dec 12
345819 Crying 12 Culture uri 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
345819 Irritability 12 Neutrophil 12
345820 Feeling hot 12 Immediate p 12 Nausea 12 Syncope 12
345821 Biopsy ski 12 Scab 12 Skin lesion 12 Vaccinia 12
345822 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12 Suture inse 12
345823 Unevaluabl 12
345824 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
345825 Injection sit 12
345826 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12
345827 Diarrhoea 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
345828 Antithrombi 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Blood homo 12 Cerebrovas
345828 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Feeling col 12 Hypoaesthe
345828 Hypoaesthe 12 Musculoske 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes
345828 Prothrombi 12 Spinal X-ra 12 Spinal X-r 12
345829 Auricular s 12 Eye swelli 12 Pruritus 12 Skin lesion 12 Swelling
345829 Swelling fa 12
345830 Unevaluabl 12
345831 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345832 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
345833 Injection s 12
345834 Erythema 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
345835 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
345836 Eosinophil 12 Erythema 12 Full blood 12 Local react 12 Red blood c
345836 Swelling 12
345837 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12
345838 Herpes zos 12
345839 Axillary pai 12 Body tempe 12 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Lymphaden
345839 Pruritus 12 Tendernes 12
345840 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345841 Body tempe 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
345842 Arthralgia 12 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
345843 Feeling hot 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Rash papul 12
345844 Blister 12 Erythema 12
345845 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345846 Blood pres 12 Cyanosis 12 Heart rate 12 Lethargy 12 Pallor
345846 Urticaria 12 Vomiting 12
345847 Dry skin 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Vomiting 12
345848 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal
345848 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Blood amyl 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood elect
345848 Burning se 12 C-reactive 12 Chills 12 Computeri 12 Cough
345848 Culture uri 12 Dizziness 12 Duodenitis 12 Endoscopy 12 Epigastric
345848 Feeling hot 12 Full blood 12 Gastritis 12 Headache 12 Hiccups
345848 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypokinesi 12 Immediate p 12 Immunisati 12 Inflammati
345848 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Joint stiffn 12 Lipase nor
345848 Liver funct 12 Local react 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
345848 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes
345848 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Red blood c 12 Renal funct 12 Sensory di
345848 Systemic i 12 Tremor 12 Ultrasound 12
345849 Convulsion 12
345850 Drug expos 12 Ectopic pr 12
345851 Alopecia 12 Pyrexia 12
345855 Blood cultu 12 CSF cultur 12 Crying 12 Hypotonia 12 Respiratory
345857 Dysphonia 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pharyngea 12 Tendernes
345859 Induration 12 Oedema 12 Swelling 12
345861 Haemateme 12
345864 Chills 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
345865 Abdomen s 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Borrelia bu
345865 Disturbance 12 Dizziness 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue
345865 Headache 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Migraine 12 Mononucleos
345865 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Phonophob 12 Scan
345865 Sinusitis 12 Sleep disor 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine analy
345865 Viral infect 12 Weight dec 12
345866 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345867 Dermatolog 12 Rash gener 12 Reaction to 12 Vaccination 12
345868 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12
345869 Diarrhoea 12 Vomiting 12
345870 Rash gener 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
345871 Lymphaden 12 Muscle tig 12 Pyrexia 12
345872 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Blister 12 Gait distur 12 Genital les
345872 Pyrexia 12
345873 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Local react 12
345874 Dry skin 12 Erythema 12 Oedema 12 Tendernes 12
345875 Crying 12 Irritability 12
345876 Blood crea 12 Blood creat 12 Chills 12 Full blood 12 Injection
345876 Injection si 12 Joint swell 12 Nausea 12
345877 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
345878 Fatigue 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext 12
345879 Convulsion 12 Depressed 12 Loss of co 12
345880 Erythema of 12 Eye pruritu 12 Lacrimatio 12 Ocular hyp 12
345881 Full blood 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy 12
345882 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12
345883 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash prurit 12
345884 Blister 12 Palatal oe 12 Urticaria 12
345885 Blister 12 Injection si 12
345886 Inappropria 12
345887 Blood huma 12 Drug expos 12
345888 Body tempe 12 Convulsion 12 Drooling 12 Full blood 12 Irritability
345888 Muscle rigi 12 Muscle tig 12 Neurologic 12 Staring 12 Unresponsiv
345889 Body tempe 12 Full blood 12
345890 Wrong drug 12
345891 Feeling of 12 Hyperhidro 12 Local react 12 Pallor 12 Visual imp
345891 Vomiting 12
345892 Folliculitis 12
345893 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345894 Blood gluc 12 Syncope 12
345895 Wrong drug 12
345896 Cyanosis 12 Fall 12 Pallor 12 Posture ab 12 Staring
345896 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12
345897 Erythema 12 Neck pain 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus
345905 Abnormal b 12 Body tempe 12 Computeris 12 Febrile con 12 Foaming at
345905 Full blood 12 Postictal st 12 Tonic clon 12 White blood 12
345906 Activated p 12 Blood albu 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood urea 12 Brain natri
345906 Cardiac fai 12 Cardiomyo 12 Catheterisa 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain
345906 Computeri 12 Computeri 12 Crepitation 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea e
345906 Dyspnoea p 12 Echocardi 12 Echocardio 12 Egobronch 12 Gallbladder
345906 HIV antibo 12 Haemoptys 12 Intracardia 12 Intracardia 12 Liver funct
345906 Lung conso 12 Lung disor 12 Normochrom 12 Orthopnoe 12 Parvovirus
345906 Pitting oe 12 Productive 12 Prothrombi 12 Pulmonary 12 Rhonchi
345906 Ventricular 12 Wheezing 12
345907 Blood crea 12 Blood test 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri
345907 Computeri 12 Cough 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dry skin
345907 Febrile con 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Inappropria 12 Injection s
345907 Lung infiltr 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Monocyte c 12 Nasal cong
345907 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Skin warm 12 White blood 12
345908 Local swell 12 Rash 12
345909 Body tempe 12 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Febrile con
345909 Grand mal 12 Nuclear ma 12 Upper respi 12
345910 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
345911 Injection sit 12 Pyrexia 12
345912 Abasia 12 Balance di 12 Catecholam 12 Creatinine 12 Dehydratio
345912 Fall 12 Gait distur 12 Malaise 12 Nuclear ma 12 Speech dis
345912 Tremor 12 Vomiting 12
345913 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345914 Diarrhoea 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
345914 Vomiting 12
345915 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12
345916 Immediate p 12 Injected li 12 Musculoske 12
345917 Convulsion 12 Respiratory 12
345918 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Skin lesion 12
345919 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Tendernes 12
345920 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
345922 Chest disc 12 Crying 12 Nausea 12
345925 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash 12 Tendernes 12
345926 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
345927 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
345928 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
345929 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Ultrasound 12
345930 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345931 Head disco 12 Headache 12
345932 Unevaluabl 12
345934 Blood pres 12 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling hot 12 Nausea
345934 Skin warm 12 Tension 12
345935 Blood pres 12 Diarrhoea 12 Flushing 12 Headache 12 Injection s
345935 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
345937 Crohn's di 12 Gastroenteri 12 Laboratory 12 X-ray with 12 X-ray with
345938 Autism 12
345939 Burning se 12 Herpes zos 12 Musculoskel 12 Ocular hyp 12 Pruritus
345941 Autism 12
345944 Erythema 12
345945 Alpha 1 foe 12 Caesarean 12 Condition 12 Drug expos 12 Gene mutati
345945 Gestational 12 Glucose to 12 Iron defici 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound
345948 Chest disc 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12
345949 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12
345950 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Injection 12 Malaise 12 Oedema per
345950 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12
345951 Biopsy 12 Rash papul 12
345953 Body tempe 12 Cellulitis 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 No reaction
345953 Tendernes 12
345954 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
345955 Rash gener 12
345956 Drug expos 12
345958 Inappropria 12 No adverse 12
345959 Cough 12 Dysphonia 12 Wheezing 12
345960 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345961 Headache 12 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12
345962 Febrile con 12 Otitis medi 12
345963 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Depressiv 12 Gait distur
345963 General phy 12 Joint rang 12 Joint stiffn 12 Musculoske 12 Neuralgia
345963 Red blood c 12
345964 Anticonvuls 12 Arthralgia 12 Balance di 12 Diarrhoea 12 Disturbance
345964 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling jitt 12 Grand mal 12 Headache
345964 Lymphaden 12 Muscle twit 12 Nystagmus 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
345964 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
345965 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345966 Influenza li 12 Injected li 12 Malaise 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
345966 Skin warm 12
345968 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
345976 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Appendice 12 Barium dou
345976 Blood alka 12 Blood cultu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Constipati 12 Decreased a
345976 Dehydratio 12 Enema admi 12 Explorativ 12 Hypophagi 12 Hypovolae
345976 Intussusce 12 Lethargy 12 Listless 12 Lymphocyte 12 Metabolic f
345976 Methicillin 12 Nasal cong 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil
345976 Pathology t 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Somnolenc
345976 Urine anal 12 Urine keto 12 Urine outp 12 Urine prote 12 Vomiting pr
345976 White blood 12 X-ray abno 12
345977 C-reactive 12 Cardiac mu 12 Chapped li 12 Dry skin 12 Electrocar
345977 Full blood 12 Full blood 12 Irritability 12 Metabolic f 12 Pyrexia
345977 Rash gener 12 Skin exfoli 12 Streptococca 12 Streptococc 12 Vaccination
345978 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345979 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per 12
345980 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345981 Anorexia 12 Blood test 12 Computeri 12 Dizziness 12 Laboratory
345981 Mobility d 12 Nuclear ma 12 Tremor 12 Tremor 12 Weight dec
345981 X-ray 12
345982 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Nausea 12 Pain
345982 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
345983 Blister 12 Cough 12 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
345983 Rhinorrhoe 12
345984 Crying 12
345985 Varicella p 12
345986 Varicella p 12
345987 Abnormal b 12 Decreased 12 Irritability 12 Somnolenc 12
345988 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
345989 Erythema 12 Rash prurit 12
345990 Depressed 12 Lethargy 12 Moaning 12 Pyrexia 12
345991 Allergy to 12 Dyspnoea 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12 X-ray with
345992 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
345993 Swelling fa 12 Urticaria 12
345994 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
345995 Breath sou 12 Grunting 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
345996 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
345997 Dizziness 12
346000 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Heart rate
346000 Lymphaden 12 Nausea 12 Nervousne 12 Pain 12 Rash
346000 Tremor 12
346001 Irritability 12 Rash gener 12 Upper respi 12 Urticaria 12
346002 Pyrexia 12
346004 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash
346004 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12 Swelling fa 12
346007 Inappropria 12 Varicella p 12
346008 Erythema m 12
346010 Pyrexia 12
346027 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346028 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346029 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346030 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346031 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
346032 Swelling 12
346033 Swelling 12
346034 Swelling 12
346035 Injection si 12
346036 Immediate p 12 Incorrect d 12 Incorrect r 12 Injection s 12 Injection s
346036 Injection si 12
346037 Incorrect d 12 Incorrect r 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
346037 Local react 12
346038 Lacrimatio 12 No reaction 12
346039 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346040 Rash prurit 12
346046 Autism 12 Convulsion 12 Diarrhoea 12 Electroenc 12 Gastrooeso
346052 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Barium swa
346052 Bedridden 12 Blood immu 12 Blood thyro 12 C-reactive 12 Carbon dio
346052 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Chest pain 12 Chronic fa 12 Computeris
346052 Decreased a 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar
346052 Electroenc 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fall 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood
346052 Gastric dis 12 Head injury 12 Headache 12 Injury 12 Loss of co
346052 Metabolic f 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Mycoplasma 12 Mydriasis
346052 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Orthostatic 12 Pain 12 Pain
346052 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Sleep disor 12 Sleep stud 12 Snoring
346052 Syncope 12 Syncope 12 Thyroxine 12 Unresponsiv 12 Urinary sy
346052 Weight inc 12 X-ray norm 12
346053 Abortion i 12 Amniocente 12 Diagnostic 12 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso
346054 Cyanosis 12 Dizziness 12 Haemorrha 12 Headache 12
346055 Cyanosis 12 Dizziness 12 Haemorrha 12 Headache 12
346056 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Ultrasound 12
346058 Abortion t 12 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Placenta p 12 Pregnancy t
346058 Ultrasound 12
346059 Dehydratio 12 Rotavirus t 12
346060 Dehydratio 12 Rotavirus t 12
346062 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
346062 Myalgia 12 Pain 12
346063 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
346063 Injection s 12
346064 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Back pain 12 Depressed
346064 Diarrhoea 12 Dry eye 12 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Hypersomn
346064 Hypoaesthe 12 Local swell 12 Malaise 12 Memory im 12 Ocular hyp
346064 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes
346064 Peripheral 12 Rash prurit 12 Sleep disor 12 Sluggishne 12 Somnolenc
346064 Tendernes 12 Urticaria 12
346065 Influenza li 12 Injection si 12
346066 Full blood 12 Injection si 12 Metabolic f 12 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext
346066 Red blood c 12 Urine analy 12
346067 Arthralgia 12 Oedema per 12
346068 Arthralgia 12 Oedema per 12
346069 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
346070 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Vaccination 12
346071 Blood cultu 12 Culture uri 12 Febrile con 12 Full blood 12 Pyrexia
346071 White blood 12
346072 No reaction 12 Pruritus 12 Rash gener 12
346073 Rash gener 12
346074 Body tempe 12 Crying 12 Irritability 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting
346075 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12
346076 Anxiety 12 Biliary colic 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 Blood urea
346076 Cholelithia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema m 12 Feeling jitt 12 Glomerular f
346076 House dust 12 Hypersensit 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Swelling
346076 Throat tigh 12 Ultrasound 12 Urticaria 12 White blood 12
346077 Arthralgia 12 Burning se 12 Drug hypers 12 Gait distur 12 Injection si
346077 Injection si 12 Musculoske 12 Rash 12
346078 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
346079 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12 Rash macu 12
346080 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
346081 Injection s 12 Local react 12 Rash macu 12
346082 Abdominal 12 Body tempe 12 Nausea 12 Vertigo 12 Vomiting
346083 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Laboratory
346083 Pyrexia 12
346084 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm
346096 Abasia 12 Crying 12 Full blood 12 Groin pain 12 Synovitis
346096 Ultrasound 12 Weight bear 12 X-ray of pe 12
346097 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Syncope
346098 Unevaluabl 12
346099 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Nausea 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash
346100 Neurologic 12 Tremor 12 Tremor 12
346101 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12
346102 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Antinuclear 12 Back pain 12 Bilirubin ur
346102 Blood alka 12 Blood urea 12 Cough 12 Cow's milk 12 Dizziness
346102 Flank pain 12 Gastritis 12 Granulocyt 12 Granulocyt 12 Haematocri
346102 Haemoglobi 12 Headache 12 Helicobacter 12 Infection s 12 Irritable b
346102 Laboratory 12 Lymphocyte 12 Menstrual 12 Mononucleos 12 Nausea
346102 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain
346102 Protein uri 12 Sinusitis 12 Streptococca 12 Streptococca 12 Ultrasound
346102 Ultrasound 12 Urine keto 12 Vision blur 12
346103 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
346104 Wrong drug 12
346105 Urticaria 12
346106 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346107 Blood pres 12 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Oedema per 12 Rash
346107 Sensory lo 12 Skin warm 12
346108 Convulsion 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Nuclear ma 12
346109 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Pallor 12
346110 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
346111 Biopsy ski 12 Dermatitis 12 Hypersensit 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit
346111 Tendernes 12
346112 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346113 Oxygen sup 12 Syncope 12
346114 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Tendernes 12
346115 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul 12
346116 Axillary pai 12 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
346116 Paraesthes 12 Rash macu 12
346117 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12
346118 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
346119 Arthralgia 12 Blood test 12 Chills 12 Feeling hot 12 Headache
346119 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12
346120 Arthralgia 12 Erythema 12 Myalgia 12 Palpitation 12 Pyrexia
346121 Eye pain 12 Headache 12 Rash prurit 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p
346122 Paraesthes 12
346123 Head injury 12 Syncope 12
346124 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling fa 12
346125 Abdominal 12 Feeling hot 12 Head bang 12 Headache 12 Screaming
346127 Arthritis 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
346128 Chills 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
346129 Blood gluc 12 Fatigue 12 Glycosylat 12 Wrong drug 12
346130 Diarrhoea 12
346131 Epistaxis 12 Headache 12 Lymphaden 12 Oropharyng 12 Rash gener
346132 Arthralgia 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
346133 Anger 12 Back pain 12 Confusional 12 Headache 12
346134 Blood press 12 Body tempe 12 Fatigue 12 Gravitatio 12 Pain
346134 Tendernes 12
346135 Alopecia 12 Thyroid fun 12
346136 Headache 12 Insomnia 12 Irritability 12 Swelling fa 12
346137 Death 12
346139 Cellulitis 12 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
346145 Aphasia 12 Asthenia 12 Bacterial c 12 Borrelia bu 12 CSF protei
346145 Complement 12 Cryptococc 12 Culture uri 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardio
346145 Encephaliti 12 Encephalo 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue 12 Fungus cul
346145 Headache 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypersomn 12 Influenza s 12 Lethargy
346145 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 12 Mean plate 12 Meningism
346145 Mental sta 12 Monocyte p 12 Musculoskel 12 Mycoplasma 12 Neck pain
346145 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Papilloede
346145 Photophobi 12 Pleocytosis 12 Protein uri 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c
346145 Scan brain 12 Speech dis 12 Streptococc 12 Unresponsiv 12 Urine keto
346145 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
346146 Autism 12
346147 Abnormal b 12 Autism 12 Staring 12
346148 Angiogram 12 Cerumen im 12 Computeris 12 Conjunctiv 12 Conjunctivit
346148 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Encephaliti 12 Epidural bl 12 Eye discha
346148 Headache 12 Hyperhidro 12 Loss of co 12 Lumbar pun 12 Nuclear ma
346148 Oral disord 12 Presyncop 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sinusitis 12 Speech dis
346148 Staring 12 Tongue bit 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting 12
346151 Abnormal b 12 Aggression 12 Autism spe 12 Childhood d 12 Cognitive d
346151 Encephaliti 12 Head bang 12 Psychomoto 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
346151 Self injuri 12
346153 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal r 12 Barium dou 12 Blood pota
346153 Crying 12 Enema admi 12 Hypophagi 12 Intussusce 12 Intussusce
346153 Pallor 12 Ultrasound 12
346155 Abscess li 12 C-reactive 12 Culture 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s
346155 Injection s 12 Limb disco 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Neutrophil
346155 Oedema per 12 Red blood c 12
346156 Abdominal 12 Body tempe 12 Gait distur 12 Pain 12 Retching
346156 Tremor 12
346157 Unevaluabl 12
346158 Unevaluabl 12
346161 Chills 12 Induration 12 Influenza s 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia
346163 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext 12
346165 Rash 12
346170 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash papul 12 Rash papul 12
346171 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Tendernes 12
346172 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Tendernes 12
346173 Arthralgia 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Injected li 12 Injection si
346173 Muscular 12 Pyrexia 12
346174 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346175 Erythema m 12 Rash 12
346176 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
346177 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12
346178 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Musculoskel 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pharyngea
346178 Urticaria 12
346179 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Muscle tig 12 Pain 12 Skin warm
346180 Blood test 12 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Lumbar pun
346180 Myoclonus 12 Nuclear ma 12
346181 Unevaluabl 12
346182 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Swelling 12 Wound secr 12
346183 Wrong drug 12
346184 Anorexia 12 Blood test 12 Culture thr 12 Flushing 12 Headache
346184 Malaise 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Viral test n
346186 Culture sto 12 Haematoch 12 Occult bloo 12 Rotavirus t 12
346187 Asthenia 12 Balance di 12 Blood pres 12 Eye rolling 12 Heart rate
346187 Pallor 12
346188 Lymphaden 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12
346189 Electroenc 12 Loss of co 12 Nuclear ma 12
346190 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
346191 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
346192 Injection sit 12 Rash 12
346193 Body tempe 12 Fatigue 12 Influenza s 12 Myalgia 12
346194 Unevaluabl 12
346195 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346196 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346197 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
346198 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
346200 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12
346201 Body tempe 12 Dysphagia 12 Musculoskel 12 Oral herpe 12 Oropharyng
346201 Pain in ext 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin warm 12
346202 Urticaria 12
346203 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
346204 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346205 Abdominal 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
346206 Crying 12 Faeces dis 12 Irritability 12
346207 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346208 Fatigue 12 Inappropria 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
346209 Fatigue 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
346210 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346211 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346212 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346213 Cellulitis 12 Immunisati 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per
346214 Diarrhoea 12 Hypophagi 12 Screaming 12 Sleep disor 12 Tremor
346214 Vomiting 12
346215 Rash 12 Varicella p 12
346216 Abdominal 12 Appendice 12 Colectomy 12 Colitis 12 Colostomy
346216 Diarrhoea 12 Necrosis 12 Vomiting 12
346217 Cardiac fai 12 Cardiomyo 12 Catheterisa 12 Condition 12 Condition
346217 Coronary a 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea e 12 Echocardio 12 Ejection fr
346217 Pulmonary 12 Pulmonary 12 Ventricular 12
346218 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Tendernes 12
346219 Apnoea 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electroenc
346219 Intensive c 12 Nuclear ma 12 Respiratory 12
346220 Body tempe 12 Bronchitis 12 Crying 12 Dyspnoea 12 Heart rate
346220 Injected li 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Skin warm
346220 Vomiting pr 12
346221 Herpes zos 12
346222 Decreased 12 Erythema 12 Irritability 12 Lymphadeni 12 Mass
346222 Somnolenc 12
346223 Hypersensit 12 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
346223 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346224 Fatigue 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12
346229 Alanine am 12 Albumin glo 12 Amino acid 12 Anorexia 12 Anticonvuls
346229 Antimicrobia 12 Arterial th 12 Aspartate 12 Atrophy 12 Back pain
346229 Blood alka 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota
346229 Brain absc 12 Cellulitis 12 Chest X-ra 12 Choreoathe 12 Computeri
346229 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Craniotomy 12 Culture thr 12 Culture wo
346229 Cyanosis 12 Dehydratio 12 Developmen 12 Disorientat 12 Drooling
346229 Drug level 12 Dysarthria 12 Electroenc 12 Encephaliti 12 Encephalom
346229 Encephalo 12 Epilepsy 12 Eye moveme 12 Foaming at 12 Gaze palsy
346229 Glucose ur 12 Grand mal 12 Haematocri 12 Head injury 12 Laboratory
346229 Lethargy 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell
346229 Methicillin 12 Monocyte p 12 Motor dysf 12 Muscle twit 12 Musculoskel
346229 Neck pain 12 Nervous sy 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng
346229 Photophobi 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Red cell di
346229 Red cell di 12 Respiratory 12 Skin graft 12 Speech dis 12 Staring
346229 Stereotypy 12 Suicidal id 12 Surgery 12 Tachycardi 12 Ultrasound
346229 Urinary inc 12 Urine keto 12 Viral infect 12 Viral pharyn 12
346230 Abdominal 12 Amnesia 12 Anxiety 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood test
346230 Bradyphren 12 Cardiac str 12 Computeri 12 Depression 12 Dizziness
346230 Dizziness 12 Echocardi 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Fatigue
346230 Feeling ab 12 Head injury 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
346230 Hypoaesthe 12 Loss of co 12 Mouth injur 12 Mouth injur 12 Nausea
346230 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Scan brain 12 Syncope 12 Syncope
346230 Syncope 12 Tendernes 12 Traumatic 12 Urinary se 12 Urine abnor
346230 Urine analy 12 Urine keto 12 White blood 12
346231 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346232 Chest X-ra 12 Herpes zos 12 Musculoske 12
346233 Injection si 12 Local swell 12 Tendernes 12
346234 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346235 Granuloma 12
346237 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
346238 Blood gluc 12 Condition 12 Fall 12 Syncope 12
346239 Blister 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
346239 Injection s 12 Rash 12
346240 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
346241 Cough 12 Erythema 12 Erythema 12 Heart rate 12 Increased u
346241 Limb disco 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12 Wheezing 12
346242 Expired dr 12
346243 Body tempe 12
346245 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pruritus 12
346246 Burning se 12 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12 Urticaria 12
346247 Blindness 12 Laboratory 12 Neuralgia 12 Pain 12 Rash
346248 Rash papul 12 Rash pustu 12
346249 Contusion 12 Fall 12 Fatigue 12 Hand fract 12 Nausea
346249 Presyncop 12
346250 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
346251 Cellulitis 12
346252 Cough 12 Pulmonary 12 Pyrexia 12
346253 Gait distur 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346254 Erythema 12 Oedema 12 Pain 12
346255 Arthralgia 12 Bacterial t 12 Chlamydia i 12 Fatigue 12 Genital les
346255 Herpes sim 12 Malaise 12 Polymerase 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash pustu
346255 Secondary 12 Skin lesion 12 Vaccinia 12 Viral test n 12
346257 Incorrect r 12 No adverse 12
346260 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346262 Injection si 12
346263 Paraesthesi 12 Respiratory 12
346264 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus
346265 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Rash pustu
346265 Rash vesic 12 Vaccination 12 Varicella p 12
346266 Expired dr 12
346267 Immunisati 12 Rash 12
346268 Body tempe 12 Granulocyt 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Injection s
346268 Injection s 12 Lymphocyte 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 White blood
346269 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
346270 Unevaluabl 12
346271 Blindness 12 Constipati 12
346272 Activities o 12 Amnesia 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
346272 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis re 12 Asthenia 12 Autoimmune
346272 Back injury 12 Back pain 12 Balance di 12 Borrelia bu 12 Bursitis
346272 Cardiovascu 12 Computeri 12 Condition 12 Coordinati 12 Diplopia
346272 Dizziness 12 Electromyo 12 Eye disord 12 Fall 12 Fatigue
346272 Gait distur 12 Groin pain 12 Headache 12 Hepatitis C 12 Hip arthrop
346272 Hip surger 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Immunology 12 Inflammati 12 Influenza li
346272 Interverteb 12 Interverteb 12 Interverteb 12 Migraine wi 12 Mobility d
346272 Muscle sp 12 Nerve cond 12 Nerve injur 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma
346272 Oedema per 12 Ophthalmol 12 Osteoarthri 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
346272 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash
346272 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Spinal X-ra 12 Spinal X-r 12 Surgery
346272 Ultrasound 12 Vision blur 12 Walking ai 12 Winged sca 12 X-ray norm
346272 X-ray of pe 12
346276 Arthralgia 12
346277 Wrong drug 12
346278 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Barium dou 12 Bowel move 12 Crying
346278 Gastritis 12 Haematoch 12 Intestinal r 12 Intussusce 12 Irritability
346278 Lethargy 12 Nasal cong 12 Pyrexia 12 Rectal hae 12 Skin turgo
346278 Surgery 12.1 Tachycardi 12 Vomiting 12
346279 Body tempe 12 Facial pain 12 Influenza li 12 Injection si 12 Neck pain
346279 No reaction 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12
346280 Erythema 12 Urticaria 12
346281 Erythema 12 Immediate p 12 Local react 12 Urticaria 12
346282 Cellulitis 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
346282 Injection s 12 Paraesthes 12
346283 Arthralgia 12 Eye swelli 12 Oropharyng 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit
346284 Pain in jaw 12 Swelling fa 12
346285 Erythema 12 Nasal cong 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12
346286 Eye swelli 12 Lip swellin 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling fa 12 Urticaria
346287 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
346288 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346289 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic 12 Urticaria 12
346290 Anogenital 12 Papilloma v 12
346291 Activities o 12 Apnoea 12 Back pain 12 Chills 12 Computeri
346291 Confusional 12 Crying 12 Decreased 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea
346291 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling dr 12 Feeling hot
346291 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Hyperacusi 12 Hyperhidro 12 Incoherent
346291 Laboratory 12 Migraine 12 Musculoskel 12 Musculoskel 12 Nausea
346291 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Panic react 12 Paraesthes
346291 Phonophob 12 Photophobi 12 Pyrexia 12 Somnolenc 12 Urine analy
346292 Cervical po 12 Drug expos 12 Evacuation 12 Haemorrha 12 Muscle sp
346292 Pregnancy t 12 Retained p 12 Ultrasound 12 Uterine dil 12 Vaginal ha
346293 Blood produ 12 Contusion 12 Diarrhoea 12 Monocyte c 12 Neutrophil
346293 Petechiae 12 Platelet co 12 White blood 12
346294 Autism spe 12 Autism spe 12 Bacterial in 12 Cerebral di 12 Clostridial
346294 Clumsines 12 Constipati 12 Diarrhoea 12 Disturbance 12 Encephalo
346294 Fungal infe 12 Gastric dis 12 Haematolog 12 Human bite 12 Impulsive
346294 Insomnia 12 Laboratory 12 Laboratory 12 Malnutritio 12 Medical die
346294 Memory im 12 Metal pois 12 Microbiolog 12 Mydriasis 12 Pyrexia
346294 Rash 12 Rash 12 Social avoi 12 Social pro 12 Speech dis
346295 Blister 12 Herpes sim 12 Hyperkerat 12 Pain 12 Rash eryth
346295 Rash vesic 12 Seborrhoe 12 Virus cultu 12
346296 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346297 Crying 12 Gaze palsy 12 Hypotonia 12 Inflammati 12 Rash eryth
346297 Rash macu 12
346298 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Loss of co 12 Oropharyng 12 Pharyngea
346298 Tinnitus 12
346299 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
346300 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346301 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
346302 Injection si 12
346303 Wrong drug 12
346304 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Inappropria 12 Myalgia
346304 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Tremor 12
346306 Abdominal 12 Abnormal f 12 Acute prere 12.1 Allogenic b 12.1 Alopecia
346306 Bacterial cu 12 Band neutr 12 Biopsy inte 12 Biopsy oes 12 Biopsy pal
346306 Biopsy rec 12 Biopsy sto 12 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood iron 12.1 Blood urea
346306 Breath sou 12.1 Chest X-ra 12 Cholelithia 12.1 Clostridium 12.1 Combined
346306 Culture sto 12 Cytomegalov 12 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dysphagia
346306 Echocardio 12 Epiglottitis 12.1 Feeding dis 12 Gallbladder 12.1 Gastroenter
346306 Gastrointe 12.1 Gastrointes 12 Gene mutati 12 Gingival cy 12.1 Haemateme
346306 Haematocri 12.1 Hepatospl 12.1 Hypotonia 12 Hypotonia 12 Intensive c
346306 Iron defici 12.1 Jaundice 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Lymphocyte 12 Malnutritio
346306 Mean cell 12 Mean plate 12 Megakaryoc 12 Mouth ulce 12.1 Mucous sto
346306 Neutrophil 12 Oesophagea 12.1 Oral pain 12.1 Parenteral 12 Perianal e
346306 Platelet co 12.1 Pneumocysti 12 Pneumotho 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
346306 Rash 12 Rectal hae 12.1 Red cell di 12 Respiratory 12.1 Rhinorrhoe
346306 Rotavirus i 12 Rotavirus t 12 Skin hyper 12 Staphylococ 12.1 Tachycardi
346306 Tachypnoe 12 Transamina 12.1 Transferrin 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Ultrasound
346306 Unrelated 12.1 Upper airwa 12.1 Upper respi 12.1 Vaccination 12 Venoocclusi
346306 Vomiting 12.1 Vomiting 12 X-ray abno 12.1
346307 Erythema 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
346308 Abasia 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Juvenile art 12 Musculoske
346308 Pelvic pain 12
346309 Convulsion 12 Electrocar 12 Epilepsy 12 Gait distur 12 Muscle sp
346309 Pyrexia 12
346310 Aphasia 12 Autism 12 Blood test 12 Gastric dis 12 Psychomoto
346310 Pyrexia 12 Social avoi 12
346311 Aphasia 12 Autism 12 Blood test 12 Gastric dis 12 Psychomoto
346311 Pyrexia 12 Social avoi 12
346312 Blood test 12 Diarrhoea 12 Haematoch 12 Rotavirus t 12
346316 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood pota 12 Cerumen im 12 Diarrhoea
346316 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil 12 Protein uri 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe
346316 Rotavirus i 12 Rotavirus t 12 Rotavirus t 12 Urine keto 12 Vomiting
346317 Abasia 12 Areflexia 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Blood creat
346317 Blood gluc 12 Blood produ 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b
346317 Electromyo 12 Fall 12 Gait distur 12 Guillain-B 12 Haematocri
346317 Haemoglob 12 Hypotonia 12 Musculoske 12 Nerve cond 12 Neurologic
346317 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Peroneal n 12 Polyneurop 12 Red blood c
346317 Respiratory 12 Sensory di 12 Weight dec 12 Wheelchair 12 White blood
346318 Chest pain 12 Chills 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Fatigue
346318 Myopericard 12 Red blood c 12 Troponin i 12
346319 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood sodi 12 Bundle bran
346319 C-reactive 12 Catheterisa 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea
346319 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mitral val
346319 Monocyte c 12 Myopericard 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Red blood c
346319 Red blood c 12 Tachycardi 12 Tricuspid 12 Troponin I 12 Troponin i
346319 White blood 12
346321 Asthenia 12 Cardiac en 12 Cardiac fun 12 Cardiac str 12 Chest X-ra
346321 Chest disc 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar
346321 Oral herpe 12 Sleep disor 12
346322 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
346323 Anorexia 12 Full blood 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
346324 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Haematoch 12 Pyrexia 12 Vaccine pos
346324 Vomiting 12
346325 Abdominal 12 Aspiration 12 Atrial septa 12 Blood creat 12 Blood produ
346325 Blood urea 12 Brain deat 12 Brain injury 12 Cardiac arr 12 Cardio-resp
346325 Chest X-ra 12 Coagulatio 12 Convulsion 12 Death 12 Echocardio
346325 Electroenc 12 Epistaxis 12 Haemoglob 12 Ileus 12 Life suppor
346325 Mechanical 12 Mouth hae 12 Mydriasis 12 Pancreatic 12 Peripheral
346325 Poor periph 12 Pupil fixed 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratio 12 Resuscitat
346325 Rib fractur 12 Shock 12 Tachycardi 12 Transfusio 12.1 Unresponsiv
346326 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12
346327 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Lymphaden
346327 Pyrexia 12
346328 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346329 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Hypotensio 12 Joint stiffn 12 Nausea
346329 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
346330 Cough 12 Eye swelli 12 Oedema mo 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling
346330 Urticaria 12
346331 Alanine am 12 Blood chlo 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Blood trigl
346331 Chest pain 12 Electrocar 12 Haemoglobi 12 Hypertensi 12 Mean cell
346331 Obesity 12 Total chole 12 Troponin I 12
346332 Anaphylacti 12 Anaphylact 12 Angioedem 12 Antinuclear 12 Anxiety
346332 Asthma 12 Blood pres 12 Chest disc 12 Chest pain 12 Condition
346332 Drug hypers 12 Dyspnoea 12 Exposure t 12 Flushing 12 Gastrooeso
346332 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Intensive c 12 Oedema per 12 Oral discom
346332 Paraesthesi 12 Paraesthesi 12 Paraesthesi 12 Steroid the 12 Swelling fa
346332 Swollen to 12 Therapeutic 12
346333 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346334 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12
346335 Laboratory 12 Pruritus ge 12 Rash gener 12
346336 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346337 Abortion i 12 Analgesic 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
346337 Arthritis re 12 Autonomic 12 Back pain 12 Blood corti 12 Blood cultu
346337 Blood fibr 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Blood thyr
346337 Borrelia bu 12 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive 12 Cafe au lai 12 Cardiac mo
346337 Cellulitis 12 Cognitive d 12 Computeri 12 Crying 12 Culture sto
346337 Depressed 12 Depression 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Drug abus
346337 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Emotional d 12 Eosinophil 12 Epstein-Bar
346337 Erythema 12 Erythema of 12 Euthyroid 12 Eyelid diso 12 Eyelid oed
346337 Facial pain 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Fibromyalg
346337 Flat affect 12 Gait distur 12 Gastrointes 12 Haemoglob 12 Headache
346337 Herpes sim 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Insomnia 12 Insomnia 12 Interverteb
346337 Interverteb 12 Joint rang 12 Lipoprotein 12 Lyme dise 12 Lymphocyte
346337 Memory im 12 Mental sta 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Myalgia
346337 Mydriasis 12 Myositis 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma
346337 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
346337 Pain in ext 12 Parasite bl 12 Parvovirus 12 Parvovirus 12 Periorbital c
346337 Peripheral 12 Pharyngitis 12 Postural or 12 Rash papul 12 Red blood
346337 Red cell di 12 Rheumatoid 12 Rheumatoid 12 Scab 12 Skin exfoli
346337 Somnolenc 12 Spinal X-r 12 Streptococca 12 Streptococca 12 Streptococca
346337 Suicidal id 12 Swelling fa 12 Thyroxine 12 Tracheitis 12 Upper respi
346337 Urinary trac 12 Urine anal 12 Viral DNA t 12 Vitamin D 12
346338 Headache 12 Somnolenc 12 Vaccine pos 12
346339 Deafness 12 Unresponsiv 12
346340 Drug expos 12
346341 Arthralgia 12 Full blood 12 Metabolic f 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain
346341 Red blood c 12 Ultrasound 12
346344 Anion gap 12 Arthralgia 12 Blood creat 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood elect
346344 Carbon dio 12 Cellulitis 12 Chills 12 Hallucinati 12 Injection
346344 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Musculoske 12 Neutrophil
346344 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Urine keto 12 Vomiting
346344 White blood 12 White blood 12
346345 Acute lymp 12 Aspiration 12 Blast cell 12 Chemother 12 Contusion
346345 Crying 12 Decreased 12 Haemoglob 12 Hordeolum 12 Irritability
346345 Leukaemia 12 Lumbar pun 12 Mediastina 12 Nasopharyn 12 Night swea
346345 Platelet co 12 Radiothera 12 White blood 12
346346 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Blood produ 12 Contusion 12 Contusion
346346 Epistaxis 12 Epistaxis 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Haemorrha
346346 Idiopathic 12 Irritability 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Monocyte p
346346 Mouth hae 12 Petechiae 12 Platelet co 12 Platelet co 12 Red blood
346346 White blood 12
346347 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346348 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12
346349 Injection si 12
346350 Crying 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Eye swelli 12 Heart rate
346350 Respiratory 12
346351 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346352 Immunisati 12 Injection s 12 Pallor 12
346353 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12 Urticaria 12 Urticaria 12
346354 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346355 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Scab 12 Scab
346356 Drug expos 12
346357 Injection si 12
346358 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12
346359 Abdominal 12 Arthralgia 12 Dizziness 12 Full blood 12 Laboratory
346359 Laboratory 12 Nausea 12 Urine analy 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray norm
346360 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346361 Rash 12 Swelling 12
346362 Induration 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash eryth
346363 Facial pals 12 Facial pals 12
346364 Injection si 12
346365 Induration 12 Lip swellin 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12 Urticaria
346366 Lymphaden 12
346367 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Chills 12 Hypersomn
346367 Malaise 12 Musculoskel 12 Nasopharyn 12 Nausea 12 Respiratory
346368 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346369 Asthenia 12 Blood pres 12 Chest disc 12 Dizziness 12
346371 Erythema 12
346372 Erythema 12 Lymph node 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu
346373 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346374 Dermatitis 12 Urticaria 12 Urticaria 12
346375 Inflammati 12 Oedema per 12
346376 Blister 12 Urticaria 12
346377 Urticaria 12
346379 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346380 Diarrhoea 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
346381 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12
346382 Injection si 12
346383 Asthenia 12 Chest pain 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue
346383 Influenza s 12 Pyrexia 12 Somnolenc 12 Urine anal 12 Urine prote
346384 Expired dr 12
346385 Blister 12 Influenza s 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc
346386 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12
346387 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
346388 Body tempe 12 Chills 12
346389 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346390 Allergy to 12 Arthralgia 12 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s
346390 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia
346390 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macul 12 Urticaria
346390 Vaccination 12 Vaccination 12
346391 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346392 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
346392 Pyrexia 12
346393 Cellulitis 12 Injection si 12
346394 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
346395 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
346397 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
346398 Chills 12 Cough 12 Fatigue 12 Increased u 12 Influenza li
346398 Lymphaden 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12 Tonsillar h
346398 Vaccine pos 12
346399 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12
346400 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Culture thr 12 Electrocar 12 Laboratory
346400 Neutrophil 12 Orthostatic 12 Palpitation 12 Supraventri 12
346401 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Skin lesion 12
346402 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346403 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 No reaction 12 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria
346404 Wrong drug 12
346405 Activated p 12 Anxiety 12 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Chest disc
346405 Chest pain 12 Chest pain 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Neutrophil
346405 Pain in jaw 12 Palpitation 12 Scan myoca 12 Single pho 12 Troponin I
346405 White blood 12
346406 Alanine am 12 Albumin glo 12 Arthropath 12 Aspartate 12 Ataxia
346406 Autonomic 12 Benign intr 12 Blood albu 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood crea
346406 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood produ 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea
346406 CSF protei 12 CSF white b 12 Chronic in 12 Decreased 12 Decreased
346406 Dysstasia 12 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Guillain-B 12 Haematocri
346406 Haemoglob 12 Haemolytic 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
346406 Hypophagi 12 Hyporeflex 12 Intracrania 12 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise
346406 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nystagmus 12 Pallor
346406 Paraesthes 12 Parenteral 12 Protein tot 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c
346406 Red blood c 12 Red cell di 12 Reticulocyt 12 Vomiting 12 Walking ai
346406 White blood 12
346407 Erythema 12 Tendernes 12
346408 Urticaria 12
346409 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346410 Erythema 12 Oedema 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm
346410 Swelling 12
346411 Headache 12 Musculoskel 12
346413 Dyskinesia 12 Gaze palsy 12 Loss of co 12 Musculoskel 12 Opisthoton
346413 Unresponsiv 12
346414 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12
346415 Erythema 12 Swelling 12 Urticaria 12
346416 Headache 12 Throat irrit 12 Urticaria 12
346417 Cardiac en 12 Chest X-ra 12 Electrocar 12 Full blood 12 Lymphocyte
346417 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Vaccinia 12
346419 Asthenia 12 Blood iron 12 Blood test 12 Blood urea 12 Chest X-ra
346419 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
346419 Lymphaden 12 Oropharyng 12 Pharyngeal 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc
346419 Tongue dis 12 Urticaria 12
346421 Abnormal b 12 Rash gener 12 Screaming 12 Sick relativ 12 Synovitis
346421 Vomiting 12
346423 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346424 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346425 Eye swelli 12 Rash gener 12 Urticaria 12
346426 Local react 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
346427 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
346433 Erythema 12 Local react 12
346438 Fall 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12
346439 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346440 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346441 Flushing 12 Heart rate 12 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection s
346442 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346443 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12 Vomiting 12
346444 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling
346444 Tendernes 12
346445 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346446 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346447 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346448 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
346449 Abnormal b 12 Autism 12 Convulsion 12 Feeling ab 12 Speech dis
346451 Abnormal b 12 Autism 12 Electroenc 12 Nuclear ma 12 Speech dis
346451 Urine alum 12
346452 Diarrhoea 12 Lethargy 12 Rotavirus i 12
346453 Alpha 1 foe 12 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Labour com 12 Oedema
346453 Ultrasound 12 Weight inc 12
346454 Anaemia of 12 Caesarean 12 Complicati 12 Drug expos 12 Foetal grow
346457 Failure to t 12 Rotavirus i 12
346458 Arthralgia 12 Blood cultu 12 Conjunctiv 12 Conjunctivi 12 Culture neg
346458 Endophthal 12 Eye inflam 12 Eye pain 12 Lacrimatio 12 Nuclear ma
346458 Oedema 12 Ophthalmol 12 Osteomyelit 12 Photophobi 12 Pneumococc
346458 Pyrexia 12 Tendernes 12 Visual acui 12 Visual imp 12 Vitreous op
346458 Vitritis 12
346462 Areflexia 12 Blood produ 12 CSF test n 12 Choking 12 Computeris
346462 Electroenc 12 Erythema 12 Guillain-B 12 Guillain-B 12 Loss of con
346462 Mobility d 12 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Otitis medi
346462 Posture ab 12 Rash pustu 12 Sensory lo 12 Tachypnoe 12
346463 Arthralgia 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
346464 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346465 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346466 Eye swelli 12 Hypoacusi 12 Lip swellin 12
346467 Rash gener 12 Skin lesion 12
346468 Facial pals 12
346469 Arthralgia 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Tendernes
346470 Hypersensit 12 Injection si 12
346471 Rash macul 12
346472 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
346473 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12
346474 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm
346475 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Tendernes 12
346476 Convulsion 12 Gaze palsy 12 Malaise 12
346477 Acne 12 Erythema 12
346478 Feeling hot 12 Influenza li 12 Joint rang 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia
346478 Tendernes 12
346479 Facial pals 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscle twit
346479 Muscular 12 Neck pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Paralysis 12
346480 Injection si 12
346481 Induration 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus ge 12
346482 Apnoea 12 Gaze palsy 12 Heart rate 12 Immediate p 12 Malaise
346482 Muscle rigi 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Pulse pres 12 Tongue bit
346482 Unresponsiv 12
346483 Aspartate 12 Band neutr 12 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Cardio-resp
346483 Chest X-ra 12 Cyanosis 12 Cyanosis 12 Decreased a 12 Electrocar
346483 Electroenc 12 Febrile con 12 Globulins 12 Haematocri 12 Irritability
346483 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Muscle twit 12 Neutrophil 12 Postictal st
346483 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12 Urine keto 12 Vomiting 12 White blood
346484 Band neutr 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Expired dr 12 Fatigue
346484 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 12 Monocyte c 12 Neutrophil 12 Pneumonia
346484 Pyrexia 12 White blood 12
346485 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Computeri 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea
346485 Electroenc 12 Epistaxis 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Gastric ulc
346485 Gastrointes 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Irritability 12 Memory im 12 Migraine
346485 Mood swin 12 Myalgia 12 Pancreatiti 12 Paraesthes 12 Photophobi
346485 Rash 12 Tremor 12 Ultrasound 12
346486 Injected li 12 Injection si 12
346487 Pruritus 12
346488 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346489 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash macu
346490 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Fall
346490 Head injury 12 Hyperhidro 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
346491 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
346492 Asthenia 12 Headache 12 Influenza s 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
346492 Streptococc 12 Vomiting 12
346493 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346494 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin infect
346495 Blood immu 12 Rash 12 Secondary 12 Varicella 12
346496 Syncope 12
346497 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
346498 Chills 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypersensit 12 Pain 12
346499 Dry skin 12 Inappropria 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12
346500 Amnesia 12 Catatonia 12 Communicat 12 Convulsion 12 Dissociatio
346500 Dyspnoea 12 Electroenc 12 Fatigue 12 Globulins 12 Headache
346500 Hyperventil 12 Palpitation 12 Protein tot 12 Pulmonary 12 Respiratory
346500 Social avoi 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vaccine pos 12
346501 Abdominal 12 Cough 12 Culture thr 12 Dehydratio 12 Dizziness
346501 Facial pain 12 Fatigue 12 Gastritis 12 Lethargy 12 Malaise
346501 Nasal oed 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng 12 Pharyngeal 12 Pharyngeal
346501 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12 Rhinitis all 12 Rhinorrhoe
346501 Streptococc 12 Tonsillitis 12 Upper respi 12 Vomiting 12
346502 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Nausea
346502 Pruritus ge 12 Rash 12 Similar rea 12
346503 Injection s 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext 12
346505 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Band neutr 12 Blepharos 12 Blood albu
346505 Blood crea 12 Crying 12 Decreased 12 Eosinophil 12 Haematocri
346505 Immunisati 12 Irritability 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte c 12 Neutrophil
346505 Pyrexia 12 Screaming 12 Ultrasound 12 Unresponsiv 12 White blood
346507 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
346508 Drug admini 12 Intensive c 12 Oxygen sat 12 Wrong drug 12
346509 Pyrexia 12
346510 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346512 Amenorrho 12 Blood huma 12 Chlamydia i 12 Drug expos 12
346515 Chills 12 Nausea 12 Vertigo 12
346516 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346517 Burning se 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Pain
346517 Pyrexia 12
346518 Injection s 12
346519 Rash 12 Rash papul 12
346520 Blood cultu 12 Cellulitis 12 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
346520 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 White blood 12
346521 Unevaluabl 12
346522 Unevaluabl 12
346523 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
346524 Urticaria 12
346525 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346529 Vomiting 12
346532 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346533 Asthenia 12 Induration 12 Somnolenc 12
346535 Hepatic en 12 Hepatitis B 12 Hyperbilir 12
346537 Pain 12 Swelling 12
346539 Erythema 12 Injection si 12
346544 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346545 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
346546 Chest pain 12 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Vomiting 12
346547 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346548 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per
346549 Varicella 12
346550 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346551 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346552 Unevaluabl 12
346554 Urticaria 12
346555 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346557 Hypersomn 12 Pallor 12
346558 Convulsion 12
346559 Bedridden 12 Concussio 12 Cyanosis 12 Full blood 12 Head injury
346559 Headache 12 Loss of co 12 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Protein uri
346559 X-ray 12
346560 Pain 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12 Rash vesic 12
346564 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12 Urine human 12
346569 Accidental 12 Bronchitis 12 Chest X-ra 12 Condition 12 Cough
346569 Dyspnoea 12 Laboratory 12 Sinusitis 12 Wheezing 12
346570 Hypersensit 12 Swelling 12
346571 Back pain 12 Chest disc 12 Dysphagia 12 Erythema 12 Erythema
346571 Flushing 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain 12
346574 Abdominal 12 Barium dou 12 Blood gluc 12 Change of 12 Crying
346574 Granulocyt 12 Hypophagi 12 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Monocyte p
346574 Platelet co 12 Red cell di 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary sy 12 Vomiting
346574 X-ray abno 12
346575 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Barium dou 12 Blood sodi 12 Cough
346575 Decreased a 12 Diarrhoea 12 Enema admi 12 Intussusce 12 Rhinorrhoe
346575 Upper respi 12 Urinary sy 12
346576 Rotavirus i 12 Rotavirus t 12
346577 Anion gap 12 Antibiotic 12 Band neutr 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood urea
346577 Cough 12 Crying 12 Erythema 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
346577 Injection sit 12 Lymphocyte 12 Methicillin 12 Monocyte c 12 Neutrophil
346577 Neutrophil 12 Pain in ext 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood
346577 Steroid the 12 Swelling 12 White blood 12
346579 Burning se 12 Convulsion 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Musculoskel 12 Nuclear ma
346579 Paraesthes 12
346580 Abdominal 12 Cough 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
346580 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Lymphaden 12 Pyrexia
346583 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346584 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Ear discomf 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc
346584 Hypoaesthe 12
346585 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
346586 Full blood 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12
346587 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
346588 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
346589 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Skin warm 12
346590 Injection si 12 Rash eryth 12 Urticaria 12
346591 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346592 Condition 12 Headache 12
346593 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
346594 Incorrect 12
346595 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Skin exfoli
346595 Skin warm 12
346596 Incorrect 12
346597 Abdominal 12 Cranial ner 12 Crying 12 Diarrhoea 12 Discomfort
346597 Insomnia 12 Irritability 12 No reaction 12
346599 Inappropria 12
346600 Incorrect 12
346601 Incorrect 12
346602 Incorrect 12
346603 Erythema 12 Nodule 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling 12
346604 Incorrect 12
346605 Incorrect 12
346606 Expired dr 12
346607 Incorrect 12
346608 Ataxia 12 Computeris 12 Condition 12 Dizziness 12 Drug screen
346608 Ear, nose 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Metabolic f 12 Nausea
346608 Neurologic 12 Urine analy 12 X-ray norm 12
346609 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
346610 Incorrect 12
346611 Incorrect 12
346612 Incorrect 12
346613 Incorrect 12
346614 Arthralgia 12 Blood creat 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood urea 12 Echocardio
346614 Eosinophil 12 Eosinophil 12 Erythema 12 Granulocyt 12 Haemoglobi
346614 Induration 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Joint effus
346614 Lymphocyte 12 Mitral val 12 Monocyte c 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
346614 Protein tot 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12 Ultrasound 12 White blood
346615 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Head injury
346615 Nausea 12 Syncope 12
346616 Vomiting 12
346617 Inappropria 12 Injected li 12 Lymph glan 12 Lymph nod 12 Lymph nod
346617 Lymphaden 12 Musculoskel 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12
346618 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Rash vesic 12
346619 Heart rate 12 Immediate p 12 Lethargy 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pallor
346619 Somnolenc 12
346620 Urticaria 12
346621 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12
346622 No adverse 12
346623 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12
346624 Oedema per 12 Paraesthes 12
346625 Acidosis 12 Blood bica 12 Diarrhoea 12
346626 Acidosis 12 Blood bica 12 Diarrhoea 12 Vaccine pos 12
346629 Arthralgia 12 Blood crea 12 Chest disc 12 Feeling hot 12 Full blood
346629 Influenza s 12 Myalgia 12 Urine analy 12
346630 Pyrexia 12
346631 Back pain 12 Pain 12 Restlessne 12 Sleep disor 12
346632 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Ear pain 12 Eye pain
346632 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Oropharyng 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia
346633 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
346634 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Injection sit 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm
346634 Swelling 12
346636 Cough 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rhinorrhoe
346637 Oral herpe 12
346638 Dry skin 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
346639 Borrelia bu 12 Facial pals 12
346640 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346641 Inappropria 12
346642 Anticonvuls 12 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Electroenc 12 Headache
346642 Lymphaden 12 Malaise 12 Muscle twit 12
346643 Feeling ab 12 Feeling ab 12 Sensation 12 Syncope 12 Tremor
346644 Blood gluc 12 Crying 12 Dyskinesia 12 Hypotonia 12 Unresponsiv
346645 Fatigue 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
346645 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
346646 Back pain 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
346647 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Heart rate 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext
346647 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 12
346648 Fall 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
346649 Crying 12 Irritability 12 Sleep disor 12
346650 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
346651 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12
346652 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
346652 Tremor 12
346653 Unevaluabl 12
346654 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react
346655 Rash eryth 12
346656 Dizziness 12 Dry skin 12 Fall 12 Heart rate 12 Loss of co
346656 Skin warm 12
346657 Decreased 12 Fluid intak 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener
346658 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346659 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Urine huma 12
346660 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy 12
346661 Drug expos 12
346662 Cervical dy 12 Human papil 12 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
346663 Headache 12 Vision blur 12
346664 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 No reaction 12 Nuclear ma
346664 Pain in ext 12 Varicose v 12
346665 Arthralgia 12 Myalgia 12 Pain 12 Vaccine pos 12
346666 Dehydratio 12 Dizziness 12 Hypersensit 12 Nausea 12 Syncope
346666 Vision blur 12 Vomiting 12
346667 Inappropria 12 Ovarian cy 12 Vaginal di 12 Vaginal ha 12
346668 Anogenital 12
346669 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
346670 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
346670 Streptococc 12
346671 Dyspnoea 12 Feeling ab 12 Gait distur 12 Inappropria 12 Injection si
346671 Joint stiffn 12
346672 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12
346673 Alcoholism 12 Animal bite 12 Death 12 Hepatic ste 12 Mallory-We
346673 Vomiting 12 Wound 12
346674 Death 12
346677 Cheilitis 12 Chest disc 12 Chills 12 Chills 12 Dyspnoea
346677 Electrocar 12 Headache 12 Hypertensi 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s
346677 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 12 Monocyte p
346677 Neutrophil 12 Pyrexia 12
346679 Contraindic 12
346684 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
346686 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Heart rate 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypotensio
346686 Pyrexia 12
346687 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Irritability
346689 Amnesia 12 Amnesia 12 Anger 12 Aphasia 12 Computeri
346689 Demyelinat 12 Diarrhoea 12 Disability 12 Disturbance 12 Disturbance
346689 Encephalom 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Head injury 12 Infection
346689 Inflammati 12 Injury 12 Lethargy 12 Mental diso 12 Mental diso
346689 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per 12 Post-trauma 12 Scan brain 12 Somnolenc
346689 Somnolenc 12 Tension h 12
346690 Herpes zos 12 Varicella z 12
346692 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
346694 Lupus-like 12
346695 Blood bilir 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 Convulsion 12 High densit
346695 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Protein uri
346695 Specific gr 12 Urine anal 12 White blood 12
346696 Drug expos 12 Foetal grow 12 Premature 12 Vaginal lac 12
346702 Autism 12
346705 Influenza li 12
346707 Aphthous st 12 Diarrhoea 12 Laboratory 12
346708 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12 Rash 12
346710 Abdominal 12 Headache 12 Heart rate 12
346711 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
346712 Furuncle 12
346713 Inappropria 12
346714 Pruritus 12
346715 Lymphaden 12
346716 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346717 Arthralgia 12 No reaction 12 Pyrexia 12
346718 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
346719 Arthralgia 12 Autoimmune 12
346720 Head injury 12 No reaction 12 Syncope 12
346721 Headache 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
346722 Inappropria 12
346723 Antinuclear 12 C-reactive 12 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Full blood
346723 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Joint injury 12 Laboratory
346723 Metabolic f 12 Mobility d 12 Muscle sp 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext
346723 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Ultrasound
346724 Feeling col 12 Nasal cong 12 Oropharyng 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
346725 Body tempe 12 Chest X-ra 12 Feeling hot 12 Heart rate 12 Hypophagi
346725 Influenza s 12 Laboratory 12 Screaming 12 Streptococc 12 Vomiting
346726 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346727 Antinuclear 12 Antiphospho 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis 12 Complement
346727 Complement 12 Full blood 12 Myalgia 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid
346728 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
346729 Dyspnoea 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12
346730 Areflexia 12 Asthenia 12 Ataxia 12 Electromy 12 Gait distur
346730 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Joint rang
346730 Laboratory 12 Muscle atr 12 Muscle atr 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscle sp
346730 Muscular 12 Musculoskel 12 Nerve cond 12 Neuropathy 12 Nuclear ma
346730 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Peroneal n 12 Positive R 12
346731 Abdominal 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar
346731 Fatigue 12 Gastritis 12 Heart rate 12 Heart rate 12 Hypertensi
346731 Hypoacusi 12 Influenza li 12 Ischaemia 12 Laboratory 12 Malaise
346731 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12 Visual imp 12
346732 Chest pain 12 Echocardi 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Flushing
346733 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
346733 Rash 12
346734 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
346735 Anaphylacti 12 Aspartate 12 Blood biliru 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood immu
346735 Blood urea 12 Chest disc 12 Diphtheria 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar
346735 Hot flush 12 Tachycardi 12 Tetanus ant 12 White blood 12
346736 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346737 Inappropria 12
346738 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Hypoaesthe 12
346739 Incorrect 12
346740 Lip oedem 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling fa 12 Urticaria 12
346741 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Sensation 12
346742 Eye infecti 12 Herpes sim 12
346743 Erythema 12 Inappropria 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus
346743 Vaccination 12
346744 Opisthoton 12 Screaming 12 Staring 12 Tremor 12
346745 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
346757 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12
346758 Gaze palsy 12 Heart rate 12 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Musculoskel
346758 Respiratory 12
346759 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346760 Chills 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12 Sinusitis 12
346761 Unevaluabl 12
346762 Rash gener 12
346763 Abdominal r 12 Anxiety 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling hot 12 Injected li
346763 Muscular 12 Paraesthes 12 Presyncop 12
346764 Hypoaesthe 12 Injected li 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Vomiting
346765 Dizziness 12 Electroenc 12 Gaze palsy 12 Opisthoton 12 Salivary hy
346765 Visual imp 12
346766 Blood gluc 12 Decreased 12 Eyelid oed 12 Heart rate 12 Oxygen sat
346766 Respiratory 12 Somnolenc 12
346767 Polymerase 12 Secondary 12 Skin lesion 12 Vaccinia 12 Vaginal les
346768 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346769 Injection s 12
346770 Cellulitis 12
346771 Febrile infe 12 Otitis medi 12 Rash gener 12 Varicella 12
346772 Arthralgia 12 Urticaria 12
346773 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
346774 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346775 Unevaluabl 12
346776 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12
346777 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346778 Amenorrho 12 Menstrual d 12
346779 Drug expos 12 Pelvic pain 12
346780 Arrhythmia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Cardiac abl 12 Cardiac mu
346780 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 12 Heart rate
346780 Heart rate 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Palpitation 12 Palpitation
346780 Supraventri 12 Syncope 12 Vomiting 12 Wolff-Park 12
346781 Immediate p 12 Vomiting 12
346782 Rash gener 12
346783 Injection si 12
346784 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection s 12 Vomiting 12
346785 Dyspnoea 12 Hypersensit 12 Rash gener 12
346786 Autoimmune 12 Fatigue 12
346787 Arthralgia 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12
346788 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
346789 Activities o 12 Influenza li 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
346790 Injection si 12
346791 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Vaccine pos 12
346792 Anogenital 12 Condition 12
346793 Incorrect s 12 No adverse 12
346794 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Tachycardi 12
346795 Menorrhagi 12
346796 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
346797 Dyspnoea 12 Hypersensit 12 Pharyngea 12 Swollen to 12
346798 Drug admini 12 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Vaccine pos
346799 Myalgia 12
346800 Blood test 12 Bronchitis 12 Influenza li 12 Migraine 12
346801 Inappropria 12
346802 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346803 Alopecia 12 Arthritis 12
346804 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Paraesthes 12
346805 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
346806 Menorrhagi 12
346807 Human papil 12 Smear cerv 12
346812 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
346813 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
346814 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12
346815 Abdominal 12 Back pain 12 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Mononucleos
346815 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Streptococc 12
346816 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Vaccination 12
346817 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
346817 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy 12
346818 Adverse dr 12 Enterococc 12 Enterococca 12 Haematocri 12 Pneumonia
346818 Prostatitis 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macul 12 Urticaria 12
346819 Bacteraemi 12 Urinary trac 12
346820 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
346821 Alanine am 12 Anxiety dis 12 Blood chlo 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea
346821 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc 12 Bradycardi 12 Chest disc 12 Chest disc
346821 Chest pain 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea p 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocard
346821 Electrocar 12 Full blood 12 Gamma-glut 12 Headache 12 Myocarditis
346821 Myoglobin 12 Pain in ext 12 Troponin i 12 Vaccination 12 Vomiting
346822 Convulsion 12 Fall 12 Muscle twit 12 Syncope 12
346823 Herpes zos 12
346824 Arthralgia 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Rash 12
346825 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12
346826 Blister 12 Headache 12 Herpes zos 12
346827 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346828 Hypersensit 12 Immediate p 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Urticaria
346829 Drug expos 12 Neonatal d 12
346830 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346831 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
346832 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346833 Pyrexia 12
346834 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Pain in ext 12
346836 Erythema m 12
346838 Chills 12 Hyperhidro 12 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext
346838 Tendernes 12
346839 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346841 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
346843 Fall 12 Pallor 12
346844 Crying 12 Immediate p 12 Muscle twit 12 Staring 12 Syncope
346845 Abdominal 12 Dizziness 12 Muscle sp 12 Visual imp 12
346846 Mydriasis 12 Pallor 12 Paraesthes 12 Vision blur 12
346847 Erythema 12 Hyperaesth 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Oedema per 12 Pain
346847 Paraesthes 12
346848 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346849 Haematocri 12 Immediate p 12 Internation 12 Laboratory 12 Pain in ext
346849 Prothrombi 12
346850 Fall 12 Glucose tol 12 Skin lacera 12 Suture inse 12 Syncope
346850 Tooth fract 12
346851 Skin warm 12 Urticaria 12
346853 Unevaluabl 12
346854 Asthenia 12 Injected li 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
346855 Staring 12
346856 Herpes zos 12 Injection s 12 Pain in ext 12
346857 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346858 Immediate p 12 Musculoskel 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12
346860 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
346861 Lip swellin 12 Oedema mo 12
346862 Cold sweat 12 Feeling hot 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12 Presyncop
346862 Vision blur 12
346863 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Contusion 12 Influenza li 12 Rash
346863 Similar rea 12
346864 Anorexia 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
346864 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
346865 Syncope 12
346866 Abdominal 12 Chills 12
346867 Herpes sim 12 Mononucleos 12 Vaginal ulc 12
346868 Colposcop 12 Lip disorde 12
346869 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12
346870 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
346871 Drug expos 12 Laboratory 12 Mucous sto 12 Pregnancy t 12
346872 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
346873 DNA antibo 12 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
346874 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
346875 Abdominal 12 Vaginal di 12
346876 Malaise 12
346877 Musculoskel 12
346878 Abdominal 12 Computeri 12 Nephrolithi 12 Ovarian cy 12 Pain
346878 Pregnancy 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine analy 12 Vaccine pos 12
346879 Hypoaesthe 12
346880 Complement 12 Rash gener 12 Syphilis tes 12 Syphilis tes 12 Syphilis tes
346881 Unevaluabl 12
346882 Menstrual d 12 Menstruatio 12
346883 Eye moveme 12 Loss of co 12 No reaction 12
346884 No reaction 12 Syncope 12
346885 Abdominal 12 Acute sinus 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain
346885 Blood amyl 12 Blood thyro 12 Blood uric 12 Borrelia bu 12 Bronchitis
346885 Condition 12 Cough 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dysmenorr 12 Echocardio
346885 Electrocar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Influenza
346885 Influenza s 12 Insomnia 12 Lipase nor 12 Metabolic f 12 Migraine
346885 Migraine 12 Mononucleos 12 Nasal cong 12 Nausea 12 Neurologic
346885 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Photophobi 12 Productive
346885 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Rhinorrhoe
346885 Sinus tach 12 Sinusitis 12 Supraventri 12 Viral infect 12 Vomiting
346885 West Nile v 12 X-ray norm 12
346886 Injection si 12
346887 Inappropria 12
346888 Dizziness 12 Myalgia 12 No reaction 12 Pyrexia 12
346889 Drug expos 12
346890 Nervousne 12 Syncope 12
346891 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Inappropria 12 Motion sic 12 Vision blur
346892 Drug expos 12 Laryngitis 12 Weight inc 12 Weight inc 12
346893 Activities o 12 Malaise 12
346894 Confusional 12 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Immediate p 12 Muscle cont
346894 Myoclonus 12
346895 Fatigue 12 Flushing 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12
346896 No reaction 12 Rash prurit 12 Viral rash 12
346897 Erythema 12 Nausea 12 Rash 12
346898 Back pain 12 Body tempe 12 Heart rate 12 Influenza s 12 Injection si
346898 Neck pain 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory
346898 Skin warm 12 Streptococc 12 Tendernes 12
346899 Biopsy cerv 12 Genital dis 12 Genital he 12 Genital swe 12 Smear cerv
346900 Computeris 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 No reaction 12 Syncope
346901 Corneal sc 12 Visual imp 12
346902 Hypoaesthe 12
346903 Activities o 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Haemoglob 12 Headache
346903 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12
346904 Incorrect s 12
346905 Palpitation 12 Pericarditis 12 Syncope 12
346906 Drug expos 12 Nasopharyn 12 Urine human 12
346907 Pharyngitis 12 Vaccine pos 12
346908 Tachycardi 12
346909 Head injury 12 Headache 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12
346910 Pyrexia 12
346911 Arthralgia 12 Pain in ext 12
346912 Dysplasia 12
346913 Feeling of 12 Hot flush 12 Nausea 12
346914 Drug expos 12 Placenta p 12 Ultrasound 12
346915 Headache 12 Pain 12 Vaccine pos 12 Vomiting 12
346916 Biopsy 12 Cervical dy 12 Colposcop 12 Human papil 12 Laboratory
346917 Human papil 12 Papilloma v 12
346918 Rash eryth 12
346920 Syncope 12 Vision blur 12
346921 Incorrect s 12
346922 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
346923 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12
346924 Pain 12 Pain 12
346925 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Vaccine pos 12
346926 Presyncop 12
346927 Injection si 12
346928 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Inappropria 12 Musculoske 12 Vaccine pos
346929 Neuropathy 12 Winged sca 12
346930 Pharyngitis 12 Vaccine pos 12
346931 Injection s 12
346932 Body tempe 12 Vaccination 12
346933 Inappropria 12 Incorrect r 12 Injection s 12 Pain in ext 12 Underdose
346934 Rash 12
346935 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Neurologic 12
346937 Feeling ab 12 Influenza li 12 Malaise 12 Pain 12
346938 Erythema 12 Rash gener 12
346939 Muscle twit 12 Paraesthes 12
346940 Anorexia 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12
346941 Cervical dy 12
346942 Oral herpe 12
346943 Skin disord 12
346944 Hypersensit 12 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Skin lesion
346945 Unevaluabl 12
346946 Body tempe 12 Rash 12 Rash gener 12
346947 Fall 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
346948 Human papil 12 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
346949 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
346951 Human papil 12 Smear cerv 12
346952 Erythema 12 Injected li 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
346954 Human papil 12 Smear cerv 12
346955 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12
346956 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12
346957 HIV test po 12 Inappropria 12 Smear cerv 12
346959 Diarrhoea 12
346960 Unevaluabl 12
346961 Angiogram 12 Angiogram 12 Bacterial te 12 Blood gluc 12 Computeri
346961 Condition 12 Conversion 12 Deafness 12 Echocardi 12 Electroenc
346961 Endocrine t 12 Epistaxis 12 Gait distur 12 Human papi 12 Lumbar pun
346961 Migraine 12 Muscular 12 Myalgia 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma
346961 Palpitation 12 Regressive 12 Smear cerv 12 Syncope 12 Thyroid fun
346961 Vaginal od 12
346962 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Musculoske 12 Vaccine pos 12
346964 Syncope 12
346965 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12
346966 Herpes zos 12 Skin lesion 12 Vaccination 12
346967 Convulsion 12 No reaction 12
346969 Body tempe 12 Chest X-ra 12 Culture neg 12 Dyspnoea 12 Full blood
346969 Hypoventila 12 Metabolic f 12 Respiratory 12 Urine analy 12
346971 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346973 Abnormal b 12 Attention de 12 Autism 12 Bipolar dis 12 Blood test
346973 Obsessive- 12 Oppositiona 12 Social avoi 12
346974 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash vesic 12 Skin lesion
346974 Virus cultu 12
346975 Asthenia 12 Blood thyro 12 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection
346975 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Metabolic f 12 Pain
346976 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
346977 Back pain 12 Cerebrovas 12 Drooling 12 Facial pals 12 Heart rate
346977 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s
346977 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Insomnia 12 Laboratory 12 Livedo retic
346977 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
346977 Tremor 12 Ultrasound 12 Wheelchair 12 X-ray 12
346978 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
346981 Colposcop 12 Human papil 12 Smear cerv 12 Uterine dil 12
346982 Abdominal 12 Fatigue 12 Pain 12 Pain 12
346983 Abdominal 12
346984 Therapeuti 12
346985 Anxiety 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Chest pain
346985 Chronic fa 12 Computeris 12 Culture uri 12 Electrocar 12 Headache
346985 Hyperventil 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Influenza li 12 Migraine 12 Nausea
346985 Nuclear ma 12 Photophobi 12 Screaming 12 Sinus tach 12 Ultrasound
346985 Urinary trac 12 Urine keto 12 Urine leuko 12
346986 Alopecia 12 Alopecia 12
346987 Dyspnoea 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Pruritus 12
346988 Smear cerv 12
346989 Immunisati 12 Skin papil 12
346990 Nodule 12
346991 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346992 Dizziness 12
346993 Wrong drug 12
346994 Local react 12 Oedema per 12
346995 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pain in ext 12 Rash macu
346996 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
346997 Inappropria 12 Pain in ext 12
346998 Anorexia 12 Chills 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injected li
346998 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
346998 Nausea 12 Photophobi 12 Pyrexia 12
346999 Bradycardi 12 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypotensio
346999 Hypotensio 12 Immediate p 12 Orthostatic 12 Pallor 12 Presyncop
346999 Syncope 12
347000 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347001 Inappropria 12
347002 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Retching 12
347003 Mental sta 12
347004 Headache 12 Myalgia 12
347005 Bundle bran 12 Chest pain 12 Chills 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar
347005 Exercise e 12 Palpitation 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Troponin
347006 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347007 Gaze palsy 12 Influenza s 12 Muscle twit 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
347008 Herpes zos 12
347009 Injection si 12
347010 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12
347011 Blood test 12 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Rash
347011 Skin warm 12
347012 Varicella 12
347013 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Appendice 12 Barium en 12 C-reactive
347013 Cough 12 Crying 12 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea 12 Enema admi
347013 Explorativ 12 Gastrointe 12 Haematoch 12 Haemorrha 12 Intussusce
347013 Irritability 12 Lethargy 12 Opisthoton 12 Pyrexia 12 Rectal hae
347013 Surgery 12 Tympanic m 12 Urinary sy 12 Vomiting 12 Vomiting
347013 X-ray abno 12
347014 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin lesion 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
347015 Blood crea 12 Muscular 12 Myalgia 12 Polymyalgi 12 Red blood c
347017 Crying 12 Depressed 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
347017 Somnolenc 12
347018 Muscle atr 12
347019 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347019 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
347020 Contusion 12 Headache 12 Lethargy 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext
347020 Pyrexia 12 Tachycardi 12
347021 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Headache 12 Pain 12 Upper respi
347021 Vomiting 12
347022 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
347023 Injection si 12
347024 Asthenia 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Wheezing
347025 Lupus-like 12
347026 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Barium dou 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood gluc
347026 Crying 12 Dehydratio 12 Ear discomf 12 Enema admi 12 Haematoch
347026 Intussusce 12 Somnolenc 12 Swelling fa 12 Vomiting 12
347027 Local react 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes 12
347028 Injection s 12
347029 Erythema 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
347030 Erythema 12 Rash macul 12
347031 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
347032 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Heart rate 12 Loss of co
347033 Erythema 12 Inflammati 12 Injection si 12 Neck pain 12
347034 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin warm 12
347035 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347035 Vomiting 12
347036 Body tempe 12 Febrile con 12 Otitis medi 12
347037 Erythema 12 Pallor 12 Rash 12
347038 Inappropria 12 Inappropria 12 Wrong drug 12
347039 Alpha 1 foe 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
347040 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347041 Inappropria 12 Inappropria 12 Wrong drug 12
347042 Death 12
347043 Drug expos 12
347044 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347045 Inflammati 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
347046 Blood immu 12 Drug expos 12 Exposure t 12
347047 Biopsy skin 12 Dermatitis 12 Dermatitis 12 Dermatitis 12 Drug erupt
347047 Erythema 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash macu
347047 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12 Rash prurit 12 Skin irritat 12 Urticaria
347048 Urticaria 12
347049 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
347050 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347051 Drug expos 12 Oligohydra 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine human 12
347052 Alpha 1 foe 12 Drug expos 12 Pharyngitis 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound
347053 Varicella 12
347054 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347055 Unevaluabl 12
347056 Varicella p 12
347057 Arthralgia 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
347058 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
347059 Erythema 12 Pain in ext 12
347060 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
347061 Varicella 12
347062 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
347063 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pitting oe 12
347064 Pyrexia 12
347065 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
347066 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash pustu 12
347067 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347068 Herpes zos 12
347069 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347070 Anaphylacti 12
347071 Herpes zos 12
347072 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347073 Condition 12 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12
347074 Varicella 12
347075 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 No reaction 12
347076 Cellulitis 12
347077 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347078 Herpes zos 12 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Rash pustu 12 Scab
347078 Skin infect 12 Varicella z 12
347079 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Urticaria 12
347080 Blister 12 Laboratory 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
347081 Cellulitis 12 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12
347082 Varicella p 12
347083 Convulsion 12
347084 Varicella p 12
347085 Varicella 12
347086 Accidental 12 Eye irritati 12
347087 Varicella 12
347088 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347089 Varicella 12
347090 Erythema 12 Similar rea 12 Skin lesion 12 Varicella 12
347091 Haemorrha 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347091 Varicella 12
347092 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347093 No adverse 12
347094 Rash eryth 12
347095 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347096 Wrong drug 12
347097 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
347098 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
347099 Blister 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347099 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347100 Rash 12
347101 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347102 Varicella 12
347103 Dermatitis 12 Dry skin 12 Skin discol 12
347104 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pharyngitis 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash vesic
347104 Viral infect 12
347105 Herpes zos 12 Secondary 12
347106 Herpes zos 12 Secondary 12 Varicella 12
347107 Malaise 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
347108 Rash macu 12
347109 Pyrexia 12 Varicella 12
347110 Syncope 12
347111 Drug expos 12 Neonatal d 12 Pregnancy t 12
347112 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
347113 Accidental 12 Eye irritati 12
347114 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
347115 Injection si 12
347116 Blister 12 Varicella p 12
347117 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347118 Varicella 12
347119 Varicella 12
347120 Varicella p 12
347121 Wrong drug 12
347122 Wrong drug 12
347123 Reaction to 12 Vomiting 12
347124 Varicella p 12
347125 Vaccination 12
347126 Exposure t 12 Pyrexia 12 Varicella p 12
347127 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
347127 Rash gener 12 Rash pustu 12 Swelling fa 12
347128 Blood test 12 Drug expos 12 Vaginal ha 12
347129 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347130 Wrong drug 12
347131 Abnormal s 12 Accidental 12
347132 Varicella p 12
347133 Varicella p 12
347134 Antibody te 12
347135 Activities o 12 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash vesic
347135 Respiratory 12 Varicella p 12
347136 Varicella p 12
347137 Corneal op 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Immune sys 12 Keratitis int 12 Ophthalmol
347137 Photophobi 12 Polymerase 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinitis 12 Vaccination
347137 Vision blur 12 Visual acui 12
347138 Injection s 12
347139 Herpes zos 12 Rash vesic 12
347140 Injection s 12
347141 Incorrect s 12
347142 Rash gener 12 Rash macu 12 Rash prurit 12
347143 Mood alter 12 Pyrexia 12
347144 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
347145 Antibody te 12 No therape 12
347146 Rash 12
347147 Varicella p 12
347148 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347149 Varicella p 12
347150 Herpes zos 12 Skin lesion 12
347151 Injection si 12
347152 Varicella p 12
347153 Herpes zos 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic
347153 Varicella z 12
347154 Discomfort 12 Herpes sim 12 Oral herpe 12
347155 Blister 12 Influenza 12 Rash vesic 12
347156 Myositis 12
347157 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347158 Varicella p 12
347159 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash eryth 12
347160 Chest X-ra 12 Herpes zos 12
347161 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12
347162 Blister 12 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Pruritus
347162 Pyrexia 12 Rash papul 12
347163 Herpes zos 12
347164 Rash papul 12 Rash vesic 12
347165 Herpes zos 12
347166 Rash 12
347167 Rash 12
347168 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
347172 Alanine am 12 Blood produ 12 C-reactive 12 Echocardio 12 Erythema
347172 Eye inflam 12 Kawasaki's 12 Lip dry 12 Neutrophil 12 Oedema per
347172 Oedema per 12 Pharyngeal 12 Pyrexia 12 Pyuria 12 Rash eryth
347172 Rash gener 12 Red blood c 12 Skin exfoli 12
347175 Varicella z 12
347176 Abnormal b 12 Aphasia 12 Autism 12 Neurologic 12 Staring
347178 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash vesic 12 Secondary
347179 Autism 12
347181 Wrong drug 12
347185 Inappropria 12
347188 Injection s 12
347190 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347191 Lymphaden 12 Rash vesic 12
347192 Pyrexia 12 Rash macul 12 Rash morbil 12
347193 Anorexia 12 Erythema 12 Irritability 12 Rash macu 12
347194 Sick relativ 12 Vomiting 12
347195 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
347196 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
347198 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash macu
347198 Urticaria 12
347200 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Syncope 12
347204 Blood gluc 12 Decreased 12 Eyelid oed 12 Somnolenc 12
347205 Erythema 12 Pain 12
347206 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Oxygen sat 12
347208 Crying 12 Crying 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Hypertensi
347208 Loss of co 12 Nervousne 12
347213 Rash papul 12 Scab 12 Varicella p 12
347218 Dysphemia 12 Eye pain 12 Head bang 12 Toothache 12
347219 Accidental 12 Eye irritati 12
347222 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347224 Exfoliative 12
347228 Injection si 12
347234 Varicella p 12
347235 Headache 12 Varicella p 12 Vomiting 12
347236 Antibody te 12 Disturbance 12 Malaise 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
347237 Antibody te 12 Varicella z 12
347238 Abdominal 12
347239 Syncope 12
347240 Varicella p 12
347241 Herpes zos 12 Rash papul 12
347242 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Local react 12
347243 Abnormal b 12 Abnormal f 12 Asthenia 12 Clumsines 12 Hypersomn
347243 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12 Scratch 12 Skin discol 12 Skin warm
347243 Urticaria 12 Urticaria 12
347244 Convulsion 12 Full blood 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy 12
347245 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12
347246 Unevaluabl 12
347247 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
347248 Autopsy 12 Cardiac arr 12 Condition 12 Convulsion 12 Death
347248 Epilepsy 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
347249 Crying 12 Irritability 12 Poor qualit 12 Pyrexia 12
347250 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Oedema 12
347251 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347252 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Paraesthesi 12 Pyrexia 12 Throat tigh
347253 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347254 Injection s 12
347255 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347256 Incorrect s 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
347257 Herpes zos 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash vesic 12
347258 Rash 12
347259 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
347260 Incorrect d 12 Injection s 12
347261 Rash 12
347262 Varicella p 12
347263 Varicella p 12
347264 Varicella p 12
347265 Agitation 12 Alanine am 12 Areflexia 12 Aspartate 12 Bacterial cu
347265 Blood pres 12 Blood produ 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei 12 Chest X-ra
347265 Computeris 12 Cranial ner 12 Drug depe 12 Dysphagia 12 Dyspnoea
347265 Endotrachea 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Gastrointes
347265 Guillain-B 12 Haemophilu 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
347265 Inappropria 12 Intensive c 12 Laboratory 12 Liver funct 12 Mechanical
347265 Muscular 12 Nausea 12 Pneumonia 12 Posture ab 12 Pyrexia
347265 Respiratory 12 Speech dis 12 Sputum cult 12 Vomiting 12 Wheelchair
347265 White blood 12
347266 Antibody te 12 Hepatitis B 12 Varicella z 12
347267 Dermatitis 12 Oedema per 12
347268 Varicella p 12
347269 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347269 Injection s 12
347270 Paraesthesi 12 Paraesthesi 12
347271 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
347272 Chills 12 Malaise 12 Syncope 12
347273 Adverse re 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash macul 12
347275 Hypersensit 12 Malaise 12 Pityriasis 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
347275 Rash macu 12 Respiratory 12 Skin discol 12 Swelling 12
347276 Laboratory 12 Pyrexia 12
347277 Abdominal 12 Clostridium 12 Culture sto 12 Culture uri 12 Decreased a
347277 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea 12 Full blood 12 Haematoch 12 Ileus
347277 Metabolic f 12 Necrotising 12 Parenteral 12 Pneumatos 12 Pyrexia
347277 Urine analy 12 Virus cultu 12 X-ray abno 12
347278 Pallor 12 Rash macu 12
347279 Oral papill 12
347280 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood magn 12 Blood sodi
347280 Blood urea 12 C-reactive 12 Crying 12 Dehydratio 12 Eosinophil
347280 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Irritability 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte
347280 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Neutrophil
347280 Platelet ag 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth
347280 Rash macul 12 Ultrasound 12 Urticaria 12 White blood 12
347281 Crying 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12 Rash 12 Rash
347282 Amnesia 12 Arthralgia 12 Chronic fa 12 Fatigue 12 Multiple sc
347282 Myalgia 12
347283 Crying 12 Nervousne 12 Pallor 12 Urinary inc 12
347284 Oedema per 12
347285 Varicella 12
347286 Headache 12 Rash prurit 12
347287 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347288 Rash papul 12 Skin lesion 12
347289 Varicella p 12
347290 Erythema 12 Nodule 12
347291 Cellulitis 12 Culture wo 12 Erythema 12 Injection sit 12 Rash
347291 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
347292 Varicella p 12
347293 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra 12 Coordinati 12 Febrile con 12 Full blood
347293 Laboratory 12 Muscle twit 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Staring
347293 Urine analy 12 Vomiting 12
347294 Guillain-B 12
347295 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347295 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347296 Secondary 12 Varicella 12
347297 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347298 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Swelling 12
347299 Herpes zos 12
347300 Immunology 12 Varicella p 12
347301 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
347302 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12 Varicella p 12
347303 Herpes zos 12 Laboratory 12 Swollen to 12 Varicella p 12
347304 Anaphylacti 12 Blood pres 12 Dyspnoea 12 Face oede 12 Hypotensio
347304 Periorbita 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Skin test po 12 Sneezing 12 Urticaria
347304 Vaccine pos 12 Wheezing 12
347305 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
347306 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
347307 Diarrhoea 12 Pyrexia 12
347308 Wrong drug 12
347309 Decreased 12 Vomiting 12
347310 Decreased 12 Vomiting 12
347311 Local react 12 Rash vesic 12 Scab 12 Swelling 12
347312 Antibody te 12 Varicella z 12
347313 Wrong drug 12
347314 Secondary 12
347315 Herpes zos 12 Varicella p 12
347316 Dyspnoea 12 Pruritus 12 Reaction to 12 Urticaria 12
347317 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347318 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347319 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347320 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 No reaction
347321 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
347322 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347323 Antibody te 12
347324 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347325 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347326 Varicella p 12
347327 Wrong drug 12
347328 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit 12 Varicella p 12 Viral DNA t 12
347329 Injection si 12
347330 Pyrexia 12 Rash vesic 12
347331 Antibody te 12 Varicella z 12
347332 Varicella p 12
347333 Lymphaden 12 Rash macul 12 Rash vesic 12 Scab 12 Viral infect
347334 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347335 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347336 Varicella p 12
347337 Varicella 12
347338 Culture pos 12 Rash pustu 12 Rash pustu 12 Varicella 12
347339 Allergy test 12 Hypersensit 12
347340 Injection si 12
347341 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347342 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
347343 Herpes zos 12 Virus cultu 12
347344 Varicella p 12
347345 Biopsy site 12 Herpes sim 12 Pityriasis l 12 Pregnancy 12 Rash gener
347345 Scab 12 Secondary 12
347346 Antibody te 12 Varicella z 12
347347 Varicella p 12
347348 Urticaria 12 Varicella z 12
347349 Wrong drug 12
347350 Rash vesic 12
347351 Varicella p 12
347352 Cellulitis 12
347353 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347354 Varicella p 12
347355 Herpes zos 12
347356 Dermatitis 12 Rash macul 12 Rash prurit 12 Rash pustu 12
347357 Headache 12 Varicella p 12
347358 Herpes zos 12 Incorrect r 12 Pain 12 Rash 12 Rash vesic
347359 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Nasal cong 12 Rash papul 12 Varicella p
347360 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347361 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347362 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347363 Rash gener 12 Scab 12 Secondary 12
347364 Abnormal b 12 Agitation 12 Blood pres 12 Bowel move 12 Diet refusa
347364 Gastrointes 12 Heart rate 12 Hyperaesth 12 Hypokinesi 12 Neuralgia
347364 Pain 12 Pollakiuria 12 Rash vesic 12 Urinary ret 12 Wheelchair
347365 Varicella z 12
347366 Rash 12
347367 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Urticaria
347368 Rash pustu 12 Secondary 12 Varicella p 12
347369 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella z 12
347370 Underdose 12 Varicella p 12
347371 Pruritus 12 Varicella p 12
347372 Wrong drug 12
347373 Wrong drug 12
347374 Blister 12 Rash 12 Varicella p 12
347375 Rash 12 Varicella p 12
347376 Wrong drug 12
347377 Feeling ab 12
347378 Varicella p 12
347379 Wheezing 12
347380 Similar rea 12 Varicella p 12
347381 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347382 Varicella p 12
347383 Wrong drug 12
347384 Wrong drug 12
347385 Wrong drug 12
347386 Varicella p 12
347387 Rash 12
347388 Varicella p 12
347389 Conjunctivit 12 Ocular hyp 12 Ophthalmol 12
347390 Wrong drug 12
347391 Erythema 12 Nodule 12
347392 Herpes zos 12
347393 Varicella p 12
347394 Body tempe 12 Varicella p 12
347395 Rash vesic 12 Varicella p 12
347396 Varicella p 12
347397 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347398 Varicella p 12
347399 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12
347400 Wrong drug 12
347401 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347402 Secondary 12 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
347403 Diarrhoea 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347404 Pyrexia 12 Rash papul 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella p 12
347405 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347406 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
347407 Wrong drug 12
347408 Blister 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12
347409 Herpes zos 12
347410 Upper respi 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347411 Erythema 12 Induration 12
347412 Antinuclear 12 Blood pres 12 C-reactive 12 Ear pain 12 Full blood
347412 Heart rate 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Laboratory
347412 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12 Palpitation 12 Tachypnoe 12 Varicella z
347413 Herpes zos 12
347414 Herpes zos 12
347415 Antibody te 12 Varicella z 12
347416 Rash papul 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella p 12
347417 Wrong drug 12
347418 Wrong drug 12
347419 Pyrexia 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347420 Antibody te 12 Varicella z 12
347421 Varicella 12
347422 Varicella p 12
347423 Antibody te 12 Varicella z 12
347424 Accidental 12 Eye discha 12 Ocular disc 12
347425 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
347426 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347427 Wrong drug 12
347428 Rash 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12 Varicella z 12
347429 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347430 Blister 12 Ear infecti 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12
347431 Varicella p 12
347432 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347433 Rash vesic 12
347434 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347435 Acne 12 Drug expos 12 Varicella z 12
347436 Injection si 12 Varicella p 12
347437 Malaise 12 Varicella p 12
347438 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
347439 Exposure t 12 Varicella p 12
347440 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347441 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
347442 Medication 12 Wrong drug 12
347443 Rash 12
347444 Medication 12 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347445 Blister 12
347446 Apnoea 12 Death 12 Pulse abse 12 Respiratory 12
347448 Activities o 12.1 Anti-cyclic 12.1 Antinuclear 12.1 Anxiety 12.1 Arthralgia
347448 Arthralgia 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Complement 12.1 Diverticulu
347448 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Helicobacte 12.1 Joint swell
347448 Malaise 12.1 Mobility d 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Nodule
347448 Oedema per 12.1 Oral disord 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Rheumatoid
347448 Synovitis 12.1 Tooth disor 12.1 Tuberculin 12.1 Unevaluabl 12 Visual imp
347448 Vomiting 12.1 Weight dec 12.1
347450 Blood cultu 12 C-reactive 12 Culture uri 12 Diarrhoea 12 Haematocri
347450 Haemoglob 12 Hypophagi 12 Lethargy 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte c
347450 Neutrophil 12 Polychroma 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood
347450 Red cell di 12 Rotavirus t 12
347452 Injection si 12 Muscular 12 Pain in ext 12
347454 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm
347454 Swelling 12
347455 Urticaria 12
347457 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347459 Biopsy mus 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 CSF protei 12 Cholestea
347459 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Drug scree 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar
347459 Electroenc 12 Lumbar pun 12 Myoclonic 12 Nuclear ma 12 Ophthalmol
347459 Soft tissue 12 Status epil 12 Ventricular 12
347460 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
347461 Blood amyl 12 Culture thr 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Eye pain 12 Facial pain
347461 Lymphadeni 12 Neck pain 12 Photophobi 12 Photophobi 12 Salivary gl
347461 Swelling fa 12 X-ray norm 12
347462 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
347463 Antipsychot 12 Blood thyro 12 Drug scree 12 Suicidal id 12
347467 Injected li 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Peripheral 12
347468 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347469 Chest disc 12 Throat tigh 12
347470 Pharyngea 12
347471 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella p 12
347472 Antibody te 12
347473 Blister 12 Pruritus 12 Rash papul 12 Varicella p 12
347474 Varicella p 12
347475 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347476 Herpes zos 12
347477 Rash vesic 12
347479 Unevaluabl 12
347480 Antibody te 12
347481 Blood elect 12 Computeris 12 Electroenc 12 Grand mal 12 Lumbar pun
347482 Drug expos 12
347483 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347484 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347485 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347486 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347487 Serology n 12 Varicella p 12
347488 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347489 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12
347490 Syncope 12
347491 Erythema 12 Scab 12
347492 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
347493 Serology n 12 Varicella p 12
347494 Varicella p 12
347495 Arthralgia 12 Body tempe 12 Fatigue 12 Influenza s 12 Lymphaden
347495 Oropharyng 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Tonsillitis 12
347496 Decreased 12 Headache 12 Hypophagi 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
347496 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
347497 Wrong drug 12
347498 Injection s 12 Rash gener 12 Varicella 12
347499 Pyrexia 12 Varicella 12
347500 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347501 Unevaluabl 12
347502 Infection 12 Inflammati 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347502 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347503 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347504 Antibody te 12 No adverse 12 Serology n 12
347505 Unevaluabl 12
347506 Injection si 12
347507 Wrong drug 12
347508 Unevaluabl 12
347509 Biopsy ski 12 Serology n 12 Varicella p 12
347510 Full blood 12 Myalgia 12
347511 Herpes zos 12
347512 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Tendernes 12
347513 Immediate p 12 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s
347513 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347514 Injection si 12
347515 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12
347516 Body tempe 12 Inappropria 12 Rash macul 12 Scab 12 Scratch
347516 Varicella p 12
347517 Injection si 12 Varicella p 12
347518 Biopsy bon 12 Granulocyt 12 Neutrophil 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c
347518 Tremor 12 White blood 12
347519 Wrong drug 12
347520 Urticaria 12
347521 Fear of ne 12 Incorrect s 12 Pain in ext 12
347522 Dry skin 12 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Skin lesion 12
347523 Varicella p 12
347524 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Rash 12
347525 Unevaluabl 12
347526 Unevaluabl 12
347527 Drug dispen 12 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347528 Medication 12 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347529 Pyrexia 12 Varicella p 12
347530 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347531 Herpes zos 12
347532 Herpes zos 12
347533 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
347534 Varicella p 12
347535 Herpes zos 12
347536 Injection si 12
347537 Varicella p 12
347538 Injection si 12
347539 Varicella p 12
347540 Varicella p 12
347541 Herpes zos 12 Pruritus 12 Rash macul 12
347542 Varicella p 12
347543 Incorrect d 12 No adverse 12
347544 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit
347544 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Oedema 12
347545 Alopecia 12 Blood test 12
347546 Blood cultu 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra 12 Choking 12 Computeris
347546 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Full blood 12 Metabolic f 12 Pyrexia
347547 Heart rate 12 Oral prurit 12 Oxygen sat 12
347548 Anxiety 12 Dyskinesia 12 Infertility 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscle twit
347548 Panic attac 12 Progestero 12 Smear cerv 12
347549 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347550 Dizziness 12 Feeling of 12 Hyperhidro 12 Influenza li 12 Nausea
347550 Pain in ext 12
347551 Urticaria 12
347552 Activities o 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Mobility d 12 Tendernes
347553 Chest pain 12 Chills 12 Dyspnoea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
347554 Arthralgia 12 Chest disc 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Muscle fati
347555 Burning se 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Paraesthes 12
347556 Herpes zos 12
347557 Wrong drug 12
347558 CSF test n 12 Computeris 12 Condition 12 Grand mal 12 Lumbar pun
347558 Pyrexia 12 White blood 12
347559 Body tempe 12 Dyspnoea 12 Hypersensit 12 Pharyngea 12 Throat irrit
347560 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Basophil c 12 Blood cultu 12 Chills
347560 Eosinophil 12 Herpes sim 12 Hyperhidro 12 Injection s 12 Lymphocyte
347560 Monocyte c 12 Necrosis 12 Neutrophil 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia
347560 Rash papul 12 Red blood c 12 Skin discol 12 Urine analy 12 White blood
347561 Chills 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
347562 Joint rang 12 Myalgia 12
347563 Rash vesic 12
347564 Expired dr 12
347565 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12
347566 Blood thyro 12 Chest disc 12 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Joint rang
347566 Laboratory 12 Muscular 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12
347567 Anorexia 12 Body tempe 12 Cough 12 Immune sys 12 Listless
347567 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Unresponsiv 12
347568 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12
347569 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
347571 No reaction 12 Urticaria 12
347573 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347574 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext 12
347575 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347576 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347577 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347578 Inappropria 12
347579 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12
347580 Asthma 12 Cough 12 Injection si 12
347581 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12
347582 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347585 Accidental 12 Dermatitis 12 Diarrhoea 12 Irritability 12 Underdose
347587 Inappropria 12
347589 Arthralgia 12 Blood test 12 Injection s 12
347590 Arthropod b 12 Pyrexia 12 Viral rash 12
347592 Antibody te 12
347593 Antibody te 12 Varicella z 12
347594 Injection s 12
347595 Herpes zos 12
347596 Varicella p 12
347597 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
347598 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12
347599 Cardiac flut 12 Oedema per 12 Rash 12
347600 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347601 Inappropria 12 Pruritus 12 Rash papul 12
347602 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347603 Rash papul 12 Rash pustu 12
347604 Cellulitis 12 Local react 12
347605 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12
347606 Herpes zos 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347607 Erythema 12 Nodule 12 Oedema per 12
347608 Erythema 12 Nodule 12 Oedema per 12
347609 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347610 Erythema 12 Nodule 12 Oedema per 12 Swelling 12
347611 Crying 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
347612 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347613 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347614 Varicella p 12
347615 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347616 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12 Varicella p 12
347617 Varicella p 12
347618 Rash 12
347619 Varicella p 12
347620 Herpes zos 12
347621 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347622 Varicella p 12
347623 Herpes zos 12
347624 Abscess dr 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Laboratory 12 Skin lesion
347625 Blister 12 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin lesion 12
347626 Abdominal 12 Hypersensit 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria
347627 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347627 Injection si 12 No reaction 12 Pyrexia 12
347628 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 No reaction 12
347629 Wrong drug 12
347630 Erythema 12 Immediate p 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347630 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
347631 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12 Ear pain 12 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic
347631 Varicella p 12
347632 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347633 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347634 Varicella p 12
347635 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347636 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347637 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
347639 Pyrexia 12 Varicella p 12
347640 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347641 Skin infect 12 Varicella p 12
347642 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347643 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347644 Expired dr 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
347645 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Full blood 12 Immunology
347645 Protein C 12 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella p 12
347646 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12
347647 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
347648 Varicella p 12
347649 Erythema 12 Lip swellin 12 Rash gener 12
347650 Varicella p 12
347651 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling 12
347652 Incorrect d 12 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347653 Injection si 12
347654 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347655 Varicella p 12
347656 Rash 12
347657 Wrong drug 12
347658 Varicella p 12
347659 Injection si 12
347660 Crying 12 Erythema 12 Heart rate 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain
347660 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic 12 Skin lesion 12 Viral DNA t 12
347661 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Skin lesion
347662 Blood urine 12 Herpes zos 12 Secondary 12
347663 Blister 12 Feeling hot 12 Rash 12
347664 Dyskinesia 12 Underdose 12
347665 Rash 12 Secondary 12 Varicella 12
347666 Rash 12
347667 Rash 12 Varicella p 12
347668 Herpes zos 12 Viral DNA t 12
347669 Varicella p 12
347670 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
347671 Herpes zos 12 Varicella z 12
347672 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
347673 Vaccine pos 12 Varicella p 12
347674 Varicella p 12
347675 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
347676 Rash vesic 12
347677 Antibody te 12 Laboratory 12
347678 No adverse 12 Varicella p 12
347679 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347680 Urticaria 12
347681 Injection si 12
347682 Injection si 12 Rash vesic 12
347683 Incorrect s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347684 Rash eryth 12 Rash vesic 12
347685 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347686 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 No reaction 12
347687 Rash vesic 12
347688 Varicella p 12
347689 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 No reaction 12 Pyrexia
347690 Varicella p 12
347691 No therape 12 Varicella z 12
347692 Herpes zos 12
347693 Rash vesic 12
347694 Herpes zos 12
347695 Agitation 12 Irritability 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria
347695 Vaccine pos 12 Vomiting 12 Wrong drug 12
347696 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12
347697 Injection s 12 Urticaria 12
347698 Varicella p 12
347699 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
347700 Rash vesic 12
347701 Rash gener 12 Rash macu 12 Rash vesic 12 Rash vesic 12
347702 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347703 Inappropria 12 Rash 12
347704 Injection si 12
347705 Incorrect r 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347706 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit 12
347707 Body tempe 12 Herpes zos 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
347708 Varicella p 12
347709 Irritability 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
347710 Herpes zos 12
347711 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347712 Varicella p 12
347713 Herpes zos 12
347714 Pyrexia 12 Varicella p 12
347715 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12
347717 No reaction 12 Pain in ext 12 Paralysis 12 Pyrexia 12
347719 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Nuclear ma 12 Vertigo 12
347720 Carcinoma i 12 Cervical dy 12 Loop electr 12 Smear cerv 12
347721 Dyspnoea 12 Pyrexia 12 Throat tigh 12
347722 Biopsy bre 12 Breast canc 12 Breast mas 12 Breast ten 12 Inappropria
347722 Mammogram 12
347723 Autism 12
347724 Autism 12
347727 Blood huma 12 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Failed indu 12 Foetal diso
347727 Pre-eclamp 12
347728 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347729 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Urine human 12
347731 Rash 12
347732 Erythema m 12
347733 Blister 12 Rash 12 Viral DNA t 12
347734 Loss of co 12
347735 Urticaria 12
347736 Varicella p 12
347737 Varicella p 12
347740 Varicella p 12
347742 Varicella p 12
347743 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Tendernes 12
347745 Wrong drug 12
347746 Inappropria 12
347748 Varicella p 12
347749 Injection si 12 Rash papul 12
347751 Wrong drug 12
347752 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347753 Rash vesic 12
347755 Injection s 12
347758 Injection si 12 Varicella p 12
347759 Condition 12 Immunodefi 12
347760 Seroconver 12
347761 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347763 Blister 12 Varicella p 12
347764 Varicella z 12
347765 Herpes zos 12
347766 Wrong drug 12
347767 Varicella p 12
347768 Varicella p 12
347769 Wrong drug 12
347770 Varicella p 12
347771 Pyrexia 12 Varicella p 12
347772 Injection si 12 Varicella p 12
347773 Blood gluc 12 Drug expos 12 Glucose tol 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound
347774 Blood lead 12 Blood test 12 Full blood 12 Nuclear ma 12 Spinocerebe
347775 Varicella p 12
347776 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Polymerase
347776 Rash 12 Scab 12 Viral DNA t 12
347777 Herpes zos 12 Secondary 12
347778 Wrong drug 12
347779 Malaise 12
347780 Rash 12
347781 Skin lesion 12
347782 Wrong drug 12
347783 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347784 Varicella p 12
347785 Antibody te 12
347786 Varicella p 12
347787 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347788 Herpes zos 12
347789 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
347790 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347791 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347792 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347793 Type III i 12
347794 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347795 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347796 Wrong drug 12
347797 Rash eryth 12 Secondary 12
347798 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash papul 12 Rash pustu 12
347799 Headache 12 Oropharyng 12 Varicella p 12
347800 Cellulitis 12 Incorrect r 12 Injection s 12
347801 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
347802 Abscess 12
347803 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
347804 Varicella p 12
347805 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
347806 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
347807 Drug expos 12 Syncope 12 Urine huma 12
347808 Abdominal 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12
347809 Labyrinthiti 12
347810 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
347811 Varicella p 12
347812 Herpes zos 12
347813 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Varicella p 12
347814 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
347814 White blood 12
347815 Pyrexia 12 Varicella p 12
347816 Pyrexia 12 Sinusitis 12 Wrong drug 12
347817 Rash gener 12 Varicella p 12
347819 Varicella p 12
347820 Injection s 12
347821 Rash 12
347822 Injection si 12
347823 Rash papul 12 Rash pustu 12
347824 Eczema 12 Herpes sim 12 Herpes zos 12
347825 Blister 12 Pruritus 12 Rash pustu 12 Varicella p 12
347826 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella z
347827 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347828 Incorrect r 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
347828 Pyrexia 12
347829 Pyrexia 12 Varicella p 12
347830 Varicella p 12
347831 Wrong drug 12
347832 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
347833 Wrong drug 12
347834 Blister 12
347835 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12
347836 Antibody te 12 No therape 12
347837 No therape 12
347838 Varicella p 12
347839 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12 Varicella p 12
347840 Pyrexia 12 Rash vesic 12
347841 Wrong drug 12
347842 Wrong drug 12
347843 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
347844 Varicella p 12
347845 Wrong drug 12
347846 Arthralgia 12 Biopsy 12 Chapped li 12 Cheilitis 12 Influenza li
347846 Lip haemor 12 Myalgia 12 Nasopharyn 12 Ocular hyp 12 Oedema mo
347846 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu 12 Rash prurit 12 Similar rea 12
347847 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347848 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347849 Varicella p 12
347850 Herpes zos 12
347851 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347852 Wrong drug 12
347853 Laboratory 12 Vaccination 12
347854 Wrong drug 12
347855 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
347856 Polymerase 12 Rash 12 Varicella p 12 Viral DNA t 12
347857 Herpes zos 12 Laboratory 12
347858 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 No reaction 12
347859 Rash 12 Varicella p 12 Viral DNA t 12
347860 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347860 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Sleep disor
347861 Rash 12 Varicella p 12 Viral DNA t 12
347862 Wrong drug 12
347863 Rash 12
347864 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347865 Rash 12 Varicella p 12 Viral DNA t 12
347866 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347867 Anaemia 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
347868 Herpes zos 12
347869 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
347870 Rash 12
347871 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347872 Local react 12
347873 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347874 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347875 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347876 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347877 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347878 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347879 Erythema 12 Rash papul 12
347880 Varicella p 12
347881 Varicella p 12
347882 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347883 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Varicella p 12
347884 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347884 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Reaction to 12
347885 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347885 Injection s 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
347886 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12
347887 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12
347888 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347889 Body tempe 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12 Rash vesic 12 Viral DNA t
347890 Eye disord 12
347891 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347892 Gingivitis 12 Oral herpe 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347893 Wrong drug 12
347894 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347895 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347896 Herpes zos 12
347897 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
347898 Antibody te 12 Eye infecti 12 Urticaria 12 Vaccination 12 Varicella z
347902 Pruritus 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347903 Burning se 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain
347903 Pyrexia 12
347904 Herpes zos 12
347905 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
347906 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
347907 Wrong drug 12
347908 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Musculoskel
347908 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
347909 Convulsion 12
347910 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Induration 12 Rash gener
347910 Rash prurit 12
347911 Wrong drug 12
347912 Body tempe 12 No reaction 12 Pyrexia 12
347913 Vaccination 12
347914 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
347915 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347916 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Lymphaden 12 Pain 12 Rash
347916 Skin reacti 12
347917 Pertussis 12 Polymerase 12 Vaccination 12
347919 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347920 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347921 Rash gener 12
347922 Blood test 12 Ophthalmol 12 Visual imp 12
347923 Asthenia 12 Chest pain 12 Computeri 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electromy
347923 Hypoaesthe 12 Immunology 12 Limb disco 12 Nerve cond 12 Nodule on
347923 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth
347923 Rash macu 12 Sensory lo 12
347924 Vaccine pos 12
347925 Activities o 12 Bursitis 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Inflammati 12 Joint rang
347925 Nerve injur 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12
347926 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
347926 Pain in ext 12 Weight bear 12
347927 Body tempe 12 Rash 12 Streptococca 12
347928 Arthralgia 12 Asthma 12 Chills 12 Chills 12 Dyspnoea
347928 Feeling col 12 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Malaise 12 Pain
347928 Respiratory 12
347929 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Wheezing 12
347930 Herpes zos 12
347931 Injection si 12
347932 Wrong drug 12
347933 Wrong drug 12
347934 Rash 12
347935 Wrong drug 12
347937 Pyrexia 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347940 Wrong drug 12
347942 Induration 12 Rash prurit 12
347943 Varicella p 12
347944 Scar 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347945 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347946 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347947 Injection si 12 Swelling fa 12
347948 Wrong drug 12
347949 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347950 Crying 12 Muscle twit 12 Pyrexia 12
347951 Urticaria 12
347952 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
347953 Hyperhidro 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Insomnia 12 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia
347954 Eye swelli 12 Heart rate 12 Lip swellin 12 Vomiting 12
347955 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
347956 Unevaluabl 12
347957 Angiotensi 12 Astigmatis 12 Computeri 12 Dyspnoea 12 Eye pain
347957 Eye pain 12 Fatigue 12 Foot fractu 12 Myopia 12 Nuclear ma
347957 Ophthalmol 12 Optic atrop 12 Optic isch 12 Optic neurit 12 Patellofem
347957 Photopsia 12 Pulmonary 12 Pulmonary 12 Sinus disor 12 Upper respi
347957 Viral infect 12 Visual acui 12 Visual field 12
347958 Blister 12
347959 Blister 12 Fatigue 12 Rash gener 12
347960 Lymphaden 12 Myalgia 12 Oedema per 12
347961 Laboratory 12 Varicella z 12
347963 Antibody te 12 Inappropria 12 Varicella z 12
347965 Varicella p 12
347966 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
347967 Wrong drug 12
347968 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347969 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
347970 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347971 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash vesic 12
347972 Wrong drug 12
347973 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Blood albu 12 Blood alka
347973 Blood bilir 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc
347973 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio 12 Crying
347973 Discomfort 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Lipase nor 12 Lymphadeni
347973 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Middle ins 12 Platelet co
347973 Protein tot 12 Red blood c 12 Red cell di 12 Ultrasound 12 White blood
347974 Incorrect r 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347975 Insomnia 12 Pain 12 Rash 12 Scab 12
347976 Wrong drug 12
347977 Herpes zos 12
347978 Varicella p 12
347979 Varicella p 12
347980 Varicella p 12
347981 Antibody te 12
347982 Varicella p 12
347983 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
347984 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347985 Injection si 12
347986 Herpes zos 12 Laboratory 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash pustu 12
347987 Injection si 12
347988 Injection si 12 Rash 12
347989 Injection si 12 Rash 12
347990 Lethargy 12 Pruritus 12 Varicella p 12
347991 Varicella p 12
347992 Urticaria 12
347993 Varicella p 12
347994 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
347995 Malaise 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
347996 Rash vesic 12 Stress 12 Urticaria 12
347997 Varicella p 12
347998 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Urticaria 12
347999 Injection si 12
348000 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash
348000 Rash vesic 12 Stomatitis 12
348001 Injection si 12
348002 Blister 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
348003 Hypersensit 12 Urticaria 12
348004 Wrong drug 12
348005 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348006 Mobility d 12 Myalgia 12
348007 C-reactive 12 Incorrect r 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348007 Injection si 12
348008 Skin lesion 12
348009 Pruritus 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
348010 Medication 12 Wrong drug 12
348011 Immediate p 12 Urticaria 12
348012 Wrong drug 12
348013 Varicella p 12
348014 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Varicella p 12
348015 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
348016 Varicella p 12
348017 Pyrexia 12
348018 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Rash vesic 12
348019 Injection s 12 Wrong drug 12
348020 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348021 Varicella p 12
348022 Varicella p 12
348023 Blister 12 Rash 12
348024 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348025 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348026 Otitis medi 12 Rash vesic 12 Scab 12 Tympanic m 12 Varicella p
348027 Diarrhoea 12 Herpes zos 12 Pyrexia 12
348028 Pyrexia 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12 Scab 12 Skin lesion
348029 Varicella p 12
348030 Drug ineffe 12 Immunology 12
348031 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
348032 Rash 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
348033 Wrong drug 12
348034 Injection si 12 Rash 12
348035 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348037 Injection si 12 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12
348038 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
348039 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348040 Rash macul 12 Urticaria 12
348041 Urticaria 12
348042 Dyspnoea 12 Generalise 12 Livedo retic 12
348043 Antibody te 12 Varicella z 12
348044 Antibody te 12
348045 Medication 12 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
348046 Herpes zos 12
348047 Injection s 12
348048 Herpes zos 12 Varicella p 12
348049 Cellulitis 12 Herpes zos 12
348050 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348051 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
348052 Herpes zos 12 Otitis medi 12
348053 Diarrhoea 12 Herpes zos 12 Vomiting 12
348054 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
348055 Herpes zos 12
348056 Wrong drug 12
348057 Herpes zos 12
348058 Rash 12
348059 Body tempe 12 Decreased 12 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Somnolenc
348059 Swelling 12 Varicella p 12
348060 Varicella p 12 Varicella p 12
348061 Varicella p 12
348062 Body tempe 12 Full blood 12 Neutropeni 12
348063 Herpes zos 12
348064 Body tempe 12 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348064 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348065 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
348066 Antibody te 12 Drug expos 12 No adverse 12
348067 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic 12 Scab 12 Varicella p 12
348068 Herpes zos 12
348069 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash
348069 Varicella p 12
348070 Incorrect d 12 Incorrect r 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348071 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella p
348072 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella p 12
348073 Varicella p 12
348075 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Rash vesic 12
348076 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348077 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
348078 Inappropria 12 Inappropria 12 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
348079 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348080 Heart rate 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
348081 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash papul
348081 Varicella p 12
348082 Varicella p 12
348084 Herpes zos 12
348085 Exposure t 12 Pruritus 12 Secondary 12
348086 Allergy to 12 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 No reaction
348086 Oedema 12 Tendernes 12
348087 Ear infecti 12 Rash vesic 12 Respiratory 12
348088 Herpes zos 12 Incorrect r 12
348089 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348090 Genital ras 12 Varicella p 12
348091 Antibody te 12
348092 Varicella p 12
348094 Antibody t 12 Incorrect d 12 Varicella z 12
348095 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348098 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348100 Inappropria 12 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12
348101 Injection si 12 No reaction 12 Urticaria 12
348103 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348104 Acne 12 Rash 12
348105 Chiropracti 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 HIV test 12 Headache
348105 Lymphaden 12 Mononucleos 12 Musculoskel 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain
348105 Vaginal di 12 Vaginal inf 12 Vomiting 12 Vulvovagin 12
348106 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
348107 Culture pos 12 Herpes zos 12 Viral DNA t 12
348109 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
348109 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash papul 12
348112 Inappropria 12 Varicella z 12
348114 Blister 12 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Incorrect r 12 Rash prurit
348114 Vaccination 12 Varicella p 12
348115 Dyspnoea 12 Myocardial 12 Pneumonia 12
348117 Inappropria 12 Varicella p 12
348120 Haematoch 12 Mucous sto 12 Nasopharyn 12
348125 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12
348126 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
348127 Laboratory 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash vesic 12
348128 Grand mal 12 Rash gener 12
348131 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash vesic 12
348132 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
348133 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
348134 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Body tempe 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea
348134 Palpitation 12
348135 Urticaria 12
348136 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348137 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348138 Rash gener 12
348139 Eyelid oed 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per
348139 Oedema per 12 Rash gener 12 Urticaria 12
348140 Head injury 12 Heart rate 12 Syncope 12
348141 Chest pain 12 Folliculitis 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
348142 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
348143 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Rash papul 12 Skin warm 12
348144 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Rash papul 12
348145 Injection si 12
348146 Burning se 12 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Dysstasia 12 Headache
348146 Nausea 12
348147 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
348148 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
348149 Loss of co 12 Vomiting 12
348150 Convulsion 12 Eye moveme 12 Feeling hot 12 Paraesthes 12
348151 Chills 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
348152 Body tempe 12 Full blood 12 Streptococca 12 Upper respi 12 Vomiting
348153 Fatigue 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
348154 Body tempe 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
348155 Contraindic 12
348156 Inflammati 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348157 Blood urine 12 Cellulitis 12 Culture uri 12 Erythema 12 Haemoglob
348157 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 White blood 12
348158 Asthenia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Increased u 12 Lethargy
348158 Malaise 12 Productive 12 Tuberculin 12
348159 Hypersensit 12 Induration 12 Local react 12 Skin warm 12 Urticaria
348159 Urticaria 12
348161 Activities o 12 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
348162 Abnormal b 12 Autism 12 Condition 12 Disturbance 12 Excessive
348162 Head circu 12 Mental reta 12 Motor dysf 12 Regressive 12 Screaming
348162 Social avoi 12 Speech dis 12 Stereotypy 12
348163 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12 Rash papul 12 Rash rubell
348164 Injection si 12
348165 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria
348166 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hypersomn 12 Hypophagi 12 Pyrexia
348167 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348168 Bronchosc 12 Coma 12 Conjunctivit 12 Cough 12 Decreased
348168 Echocardio 12 Endotrachea 12 Eye discha 12 Fluid intak 12 Increased u
348168 Intensive c 12 Mechanical 12 Nasal cong 12 Otitis medi 12 Oxygen sat
348168 Parenteral 12 Pneumonia 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash papul 12 Respiratory
348168 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Speech dis
348168 Thrombosi 12 Transfusio 12 Upper respi 12 Vaccination 12 Varicella
348168 Virus serol 12
348169 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Post vaccin 12 Rash pustu 12 Skin lesion
348170 Rash vesic 12
348171 Cough 12 Dysphonia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Heart rate 12 Oxygen sat
348171 Rash eryth 12
348173 Condition 12 Decreased 12 Erythema 12 Lethargy 12 Rash
348173 Rash 12
348174 Drug expos 12
348175 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react
348178 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pain 12
348182 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348185 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348185 Injection s 12
348189 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Tremor 12
348192 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348194 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Autoimmune 12 Cognitive d
348194 Fatigue 12 Joint swell 12 Nerve cond 12 Neurologic 12 Nuclear ma
348194 Polyneurop 12 Rash 12 Sensory le 12
348195 Atrophy 12 Cervicobra 12 Injected li 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscular
348195 Musculoske 12 Neck pain 12 Oedema per 12 Rotator cu 12 Tendernes
348196 Nervousne 12
348197 Feeling hot 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Rash macu
348197 Rash macu 12 Swelling 12
348198 Asthenia 12 Vomiting 12
348199 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Swelling 12
348200 Cyanosis 12 Dizziness 12 Hypotensio 12 Paraesthes 12 Presyncop
348200 Syncope 12 Throat irrit 12
348201 Injection si 12 Respiratory 12 Urticaria 12
348202 Hypophagi 12 Irritability 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Rotavirus t
348202 Somnolenc 12 Vomiting 12
348203 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348205 Blister 12 Influenza li 12 Polymerase 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth
348205 Rash gener 12 Rash macul 12
348206 Injection si 12
348207 Injection si 12
348208 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348209 Injection si 12
348210 Injection si 12
348211 Injection si 12
348212 Injection si 12
348213 Immediate p 12 Injection 12
348214 Oedema per 12
348215 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Skin exfoli 12
348216 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Swelling 12
348218 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348219 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Similar rea 12
348220 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
348221 Body tempe 12 Convulsion 12 Urinary trac 12 Vaccination 12
348222 Diarrhoea 12 Heart rate 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
348223 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Lip swellin 12 Oral herpe 12 Oropharynge
348224 Condition 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Vertigo
348224 Vomiting 12
348225 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348226 Pyrexia 12
348232 Asthenia 12 Full blood 12 Metabolic f 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia
348232 Syncope 12 Tachycardi 12 Urine analy 12
348234 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348235 Urticaria 12
348238 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12
348239 Inappropria 12
348240 Convulsion 12
348241 Aphasia 12 Autism spe 12 Childhood d 12 Decreased 12 Self injuri
348242 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348244 Abnormal b 12 Developmen 12 Encephalo 12 Fine motor 12 Selective
348244 Social pho 12
348245 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Dizziness 12 Muscle sp 12 Oropharyng
348245 Vertigo 12
348247 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348254 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
348255 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
348256 Wrong drug 12
348257 Wrong drug 12
348258 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Albuminuri 12 Appendice 12 Barium en
348258 Blood chlor 12 Culture uri 12 Diarrhoea 12 Haematoch 12 Haematoch
348258 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypophagi 12 Intussusce 12 Ketonuria
348258 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Monocyte c
348258 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil 12 Platelet co 12 Red cell di 12 Rhinitis
348258 Surgery 12 Urine keto 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
348259 Inappropria 12
348260 Crying 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Nervousne 12 Pain in ext
348261 Rash 12 Rash 12
348262 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Lymphaden 12
348263 Angiogram 12 Angiogram 12 Angiogram 12 Antinuclear 12 Antinuclear
348263 Apraxia 12 Arthralgia 12 Blood alka 12 Blood bilir 12 Diplopia
348263 Eye moveme 12 Eyelid ptos 12 IIIrd nerve 12 Immunology 12 Laboratory
348263 Mydriasis 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Ocular hyp 12 Pupil fixed
348263 Pupils une 12 Thyroid fun 12
348264 Blood gluc 12 Dry skin 12 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
348264 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain of ski
348264 Urine keto 12 Vaccination 12.1 White blood 12
348265 Biopsy ski 12 Cellulitis 12 Cellulitis 12 Culture pos 12 Eschar
348265 Induration 12 Soft tissue 12 Tendernes 12
348266 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348267 Abdominal 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348268 Abdominal 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
348269 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348269 Injection s 12
348270 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348270 Injection s 12 No reaction 12
348271 Blood bilir 12 Blood calc 12 Blood crea 12 Blood urea 12 Computeris
348271 Crying 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electroenc 12 Gaze palsy 12 Globulins
348271 Grand mal 12 Irritability 12 Protein tot 12 Respiratory 12 Tremor
348271 Vaccination 12
348272 Pruritus 12 Rash gener 12
348273 Asthenia 12 Blood gluc 12 Body tempe 12 Confusional 12 Crying
348273 Hyperhidro 12 Injection si 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12 Sneezing
348278 Rash macul 12
348279 Injection si 12
348280 Injection si 12
348281 Dyskinesia 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
348282 Blister 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
348282 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Swelling 12 Varicella 12
348283 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348284 Arthralgia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348284 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12 Wheezing 12
348285 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348286 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348287 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
348288 Erythema 12
348289 Injection si 12 Pruritus ge 12
348290 Body tempe 12 Convulsion 12
348291 Asthenia 12 Balance di 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Disorientat
348291 Dizziness 12 Dysarthria 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Fall
348291 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Inappropria 12 Nuclear ma 12 Staring
348291 Unresponsiv 12
348292 Aphonia 12 Arthralgia 12 Biopsy voc 12 Dysphonia 12 Gallbladder
348292 Laryngeal 12 Laryngosc 12 Polyp 12 Rash 12 Squamous c
348292 Surgery 12 Vocal cord 12
348293 Anaemia 12 Blood crea 12 Blood urea 12 Cerebral h 12 Child abus
348293 Child negle 12 Computeri 12 Contusion 12 Convulsion 12 Dermatitis
348293 Diarrhoea 12 Feeding di 12 Fontanelle 12 Grand mal 12 Haematocri
348293 Haemoglob 12 Haemorrhag 12 Hypotonia 12 Infection 12 Mouth injur
348293 Rash 12 Red blood 12 Retinal ha 12 Skeletal s 12 Somnolenc
348293 Testicular 12 Testicular 12 Tonic clon 12 Tremor 12 Ultrasound
348293 Umbilical h 12 White blood 12 X-ray limb 12
348294 Back pain 12 Blood alka 12 Blood calc 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc
348294 Blood immu 12 Blood pota 12 Blood test 12 Demyelinat 12 Facial pals
348294 Facial pare 12 Gait distur 12 Guillain-B 12 Haemangi 12 Hypoaesthe
348294 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypotensio 12 Interverteb
348294 Lumbar pun 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Plasmapher
348294 Protein tot 12 Red blood c 12 Renal impa 12 Sensory lo 12 Surgery
348294 Urine analy 12 White blood 12
348295 Blood albu 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood sodi 12 CSF cultur 12 Culture uri
348295 Electroenc 12 Febrile con 12 Granulocyt 12 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte
348295 Muscle twit 12 Nuclear ma 12 Platelet di 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c
348295 Red blood c 12 Rotavirus t 12 White blood 12
348296 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Barium dou 12 Decreased 12 Enema admi
348296 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary sy 12 Vomiting pr
348296 X-ray abno 12
348297 Unevaluabl 12
348299 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
348300 Varicella p 12
348301 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348302 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12
348303 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12
348304 Culture pos 12 Furuncle 12 Injection s 12 Methicillin 12
348305 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348306 Eczema 12 Rash 12
348310 Anisocytos 12 Blood pres 12 Blood sodi 12 Carbon dio 12 Contusion
348310 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Haematocri 12 Head injury 12 Headache
348310 Loose toot 12 Mouth injur 12 Pregnancy 12 Scan brain 12 Syncope
348310 Toothache 12 Vaccination 12
348317 Cerebrovas 12
348324 Erythema 12 Immediate p 12 Pallor 12 Presyncop 12
348325 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348326 Injection sit 12
348327 Injection sit 12
348328 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12 No reaction
348329 Febrile con 12
348330 Crying 12 Screaming 12
348331 Inappropria 12
348332 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
348333 Injection si 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12
348334 Herpes zos 12
348335 Unevaluabl 12
348336 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
348337 Injection si 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348338 Diarrhoea 12 Electroenc 12 Motor dysf 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pyrexia
348338 Regressive 12 Speech dis 12
348339 Diarrhoea 12
348340 Asthenia 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Paraesthes 12
348341 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Presyncop 12
348342 Amino acid 12 Amino acid 12.1 Amino acid 12.1 Ataxia 12 Back pain
348342 Balance di 12 Blood pyruv 12.1 Brain stem 12.1 Chest X-ra 12 Chills
348342 Computeris 12 Confusional 12 Convulsion 12 Cough 12 Decreased
348342 Electrocar 12 Electromyo 12 Fall 12 Fatigue 12 Gait distur
348342 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12.1 Gait distur 12 Gene mutati 12 Hypersomn
348342 Hypertonia 12 Intention t 12.1 Irritability 12 Lipoprotein 12.1 Middle ear
348342 Motor dysf 12 Nasal cong 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nystagmus 12 Otitis medi
348342 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Single pho
348342 Speech dis 12 Tremor 12 Tremor 12 Viral upper 12 Vitamin E
348342 Weight dec 12
348343 Chills 12 Oedema per 12 Sensory lo 12
348344 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348345 Wrong drug 12
348346 Abdominal 12 Computeri 12 Cough 12 Diarrhoea 12 Enema admi
348346 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting 12
348347 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348348 Rash prurit 12
348349 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Irritability
348350 Hyperhidro 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash macul
348351 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348352 Bacteria ur 12 Blood gluc 12 Computeris 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
348352 Electrocar 12 Fall 12 Headache 12 Loss of co 12 Lymphocyte
348352 Neutrophil 12 Protein uri 12 Pyrexia 12 Syncope 12 Syncope
348352 Urinary cas 12 Urine abnor 12
348353 Bowel move 12 Crying 12 Cyanosis 12 Diarrhoea 12 Faeces dis
348353 Haemophilu 12 Immune sys 12 Irritability 12 Parasitic ga 12 Respiratory
348353 Skin discol 12
348356 Anion gap 12 Bacteria uri 12 Blood chlo 12 Blood crea 12 Blood pota
348356 Electroenc 12 Febrile con 12 Gaze palsy 12 Irritability 12 Mean plate
348356 Mechanical 12 Muscle cont 12 Pyrexia 12 Respirator 12 Tachypnoe
348356 Tremor 12
348357 Asthenia 12 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 12 Heart rate
348357 Presyncop 12 Sinus brad 12
348358 Inappropria 12
348359 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
348360 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypersomn 12 Muscle sp 12 Pyrexia
348361 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348362 Petechiae 12
348363 Blister 12 Cough 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rhinorrhoe
348364 Exposure t 12 Varicella 12
348365 Urticaria 12
348366 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
348367 Feeling hot 12 Flushing 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12
348368 Asthenia 12 Body tempe 12 Decreased 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sneezing
348368 Urticaria 12
348369 Myalgia 12 Tendon pai 12
348370 Dyspnoea 12 Injection si 12
348371 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
348372 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Skin lesion 12
348373 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348374 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
348375 Culture thr 12 Lethargy 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococca
348375 Vomiting 12
348376 Erythema 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
348377 Abdominal 12 Feeling ab 12 Feeling col 12 Feeling hot 12 Feeling jitt
348377 Gaze palsy 12 Panic attac 12 Respiratory 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting
348378 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash eryth 12
348379 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Gait distur 12 Headache 12 Musculoske
348379 Musculoskel 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in jaw 12 Pyrexia
348380 Chills 12 Headache 12 Neck pain 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain in ext
348381 Rash eryth 12 Vomiting 12
348382 Back pain 12 Chest pain 12 Headache 12 Injected li 12 Musculoske
348382 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
348383 Injected li 12 Paraesthes 12 Tension 12
348384 Pruritus ge 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
348385 Erythema 12 Irritability 12 Measles po 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener
348386 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348387 Erythema 12 Local swell 12 Urticaria 12
348388 Erythema 12 Inappropria 12 Pain 12 Pruritus ge 12 Swelling
348389 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
348390 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
348391 Body tempe 12 Crying 12 Full blood 12 Injection si 12 Muscle rigi
348391 Vomiting 12
348392 Injection si 12
348393 Activities o 12 Asthenia 12 Dysphagia 12 Grip streng 12 Heart rate
348393 Insomnia 12 Nervous sy 12 Pain in ext 12 Pharyngitis 12 Pyrexia
348393 Restless l 12 Sweat test 12
348394 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348395 Erythema 12 Joint rang 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
348400 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12
348401 Multiple sc 12
348406 Body tempe 12 Convulsion 12 Febrile con 12
348407 Abdominal 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
348408 Arthralgia 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
348409 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348416 Blood crea 12 Blood iron 12 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain
348416 Electrocar 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p
348416 Myocarditis 12 Myoglobin 12 Platelet co 12 Red blood c 12 Transferrin
348416 Troponin I 12
348417 Angiogram 12 Myelitis tr 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paralysis 12 Spinal cord
348418 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Blood pres 12 Blood test 12 Blood thyr
348418 Borrelia bu 12 Brachial pl 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Computeri
348418 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar
348418 Eructation 12 Fatigue 12 Gastrooeso 12 General phy 12 Haematocri
348418 Haemoglob 12 Headache 12 Lethargy 12 Long thorac 12 Mean cell
348418 Migraine 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Nausea 12 Neuralgic
348418 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Palpitation 12 Paraesthes 12 Presyncop
348418 Scan with 12 Sensation 12 Soft tissu 12 Thyroid fun 12 Thyroiditis
348418 Thyroxine 12 Toothache 12 Tri-iodothy 12
348419 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348420 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Laboratory 12 Malaise 12 Neck pain
348420 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy 12
348421 Diarrhoea 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
348422 Dizziness 12 Excoriation 12 Face injury 12 Fall 12 Mouth injur
348422 Syncope 12
348423 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12
348424 Fatigue 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
348425 Abasia 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Asthenia
348425 Blood insul 12 Chest pain 12 Cold sweat 12 Complement 12 Complement
348425 Complement 12 Depressed 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling hot
348425 Hypersensit 12 Immediate p 12 Limb disco 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphocyte
348425 Malaise 12 Malaise 12 Muscular 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
348425 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Vomiting 12
348426 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Laboratory 12 Tuberculin
348427 Blood elect 12 Blood test 12 Computeris 12 Hypertonia 12 Loss of co
348427 Syncope 12
348428 Pyrexia 12
348429 Crying 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348430 Abdominal 12 Arthralgia 12 Flatulence 12 Headache 12 Injection si
348430 Muscle sp 12
348431 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Vaccine pos
348432 Injection sit 12
348433 Convulsion 12 Headache 12 Syncope 12
348434 Back pain 12 Headache 12 Musculoskel 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia
348434 Neck pain 12 No reaction 12
348435 Adenoma b 12 Adverse dr 12 Anal prurit 12 Arthralgia 12 Bacterial t
348435 Chemothera 12 Chlamydia i 12 Computeris 12 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea
348435 Echocardio 12 Fatigue 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hodgkin's
348435 Hypoaesthe 12 Inappropria 12 Laboratory 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden
348435 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mediastino 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske
348435 Neutrophil 12 Night swea 12 Positron e 12 Pyrexia 12 Rectal fiss
348435 Red blood 12 Sigmoidosc 12
348436 Arthralgia 12 Bone pain 12 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Malaise
348436 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12
348438 Hyperaemi 12 Injection s 12
348439 Dyskinesia 12 Loss of co 12 Nausea 12 Syncope 12
348440 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Skin warm 12
348441 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12 Rash prurit 12
348442 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348443 Immediate p 12 Rash eryth 12 Urticaria 12
348444 Flushing 12 Palpitation 12
348445 Oedema per 12
348446 Bacterial c 12 Nausea 12 Skin lesion 12 Viral test 12 Vomiting
348447 Cellulitis 12 Mass 12 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext 12
348448 Anorexia 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12
348449 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Immediate p 12 Pallor
348450 Back pain 12 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain
348450 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 12
348452 Erythema 12 Swelling fa 12 Urticaria 12
348453 Haemorrhag 12 Idiopathic 12
348454 Rotavirus i 12 Rotavirus t 12
348456 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348456 Injection s 12
348457 Pneumonia 12
348459 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348460 Rash gener 12 Rash papul 12 Skin nodul 12
348461 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348462 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348463 Varicella p 12
348464 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Headache 12 Musculoske 12 Pain
348464 Paralysis 12
348465 Unevaluabl 12
348466 Injection s 12
348467 Chest disc 12 Immediate p 12
348469 Abortion 12 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Ultrasound 12
348470 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12
348471 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
348472 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Rash prurit 12
348473 Neuropathy 12
348474 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348475 Computeri 12 Computeri 12 Concussio 12 Convulsion 12 Crying
348475 Dizziness 12 Dyskinesia 12 Emotional d 12 Full blood 12 Head injury
348475 Hypoaesthe 12 Loss of co 12 Metabolic f 12 Post-traum 12 Swelling
348475 Syncope 12 Visual imp 12
348477 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Muscle sp
348477 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
348478 Injection si 12
348479 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
348480 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella p
348481 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348481 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Insomnia 12
348482 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348483 Swelling fa 12
348484 Herpes zos 12
348485 CSF cultur 12 CSF test n 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Dizziness
348485 Dyskinesia 12 Fall 12 Full blood 12 Hypotensio 12 Hypotonia
348485 Hypovolae 12 Loss of co 12 Lumbar pun 12 Mental sta 12 Metabolic f
348485 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Syncope 12 Syncope 12 Tonic clon
348485 Urinary inc 12 Viral infect 12
348486 Activated p 12 Anaemia 12 Angiogram 12 Angiogram 12 Angiogram
348486 Blood cultu 12 CSF cell c 12 CSF culture 12 Cerebral in 12 Cerebral i
348486 Chest X-ra 12 Collapse of 12 Computeri 12 Contusion 12 Convulsion
348486 Cranial ner 12 Craniectom 12 Culture uri 12 Culture uri 12 Culture wo
348486 Dyskinesia 12 Dysphagia 12 Electrolyte 12 Endotrachea 12 Fibrin D di
348486 Gastrointes 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Haemorrha 12 Hemiparesi
348486 Hyponatra 12 Insomnia 12 Internation 12 Intracrania 12 Intracrania
348486 Lethargy 12 Lung hyperi 12 Mechanical 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma
348486 Nuclear ma 12 Posturing 12 Prothrombi 12 Pupils une 12 Rehabilitat
348486 Respiratory 12 Speech dis 12 Sputum cult 12 Stereotypy 12 Transfusio
348486 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
348487 Depressed 12 Echocardio 12 Electroenc 12 Loss of co 12 Tonic clon
348488 Erythema 12 No reaction 12 Swelling 12
348489 Rash morbil 12
348490 Urticaria 12
348491 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Nausea 12 Paraesthes
348492 Rash prurit 12
348493 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
348494 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12
348495 Erythema 12 Rash papul 12
348496 Vomiting pr 12
348497 Chest disc 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling col 12 Feeling col 12 Hyperhidro
348497 Tremor 12
348501 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
348505 Inappropria 12
348513 Hypersensit 12 Paraesthesi 12 Rash 12
348514 Erythema m 12 Pain 12 Rash 12
348515 Injection si 12
348516 Psychomoto 12
348517 Rash eryth 12
348519 Immunology 12 Inappropria 12 Incorrect d 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
348519 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Therapeuti 12
348520 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
348521 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
348522 Drug admini 12 Lymphaden 12 Product qua 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling
348523 Injection si 12 Product qua 12 Pyrexia 12
348524 Product qua 12 Pyrexia 12
348525 Injection si 12 Product qua 12
348526 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Product qua
348527 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Product qua
348528 Local swell 12 Product qua 12
348529 Erythema 12 Incorrect d 12 Lymph nod 12 Lymphaden 12 Pruritus
348529 Swelling 12
348530 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
348531 Oedema per 12
348532 Nonspecific 12
348533 Nausea 12 Nonspecific 12 Vaccine pos 12 Vomiting 12
348534 Injection si 12
348535 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Product qua 12
348536 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348537 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348538 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348539 Adverse ev 12
348540 Crying 12
348541 Oedema per 12 Product qua 12
348542 Oedema per 12 Product qua 12
348543 Oedema per 12 Product qua 12
348544 Oedema per 12 Product qua 12
348545 Bacteria ur 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 Convulsion
348545 Dehydratio 12 Drug scree 12 Full blood 12 Muscle twit 12 Myoclonus
348545 Otitis medi 12 Pyrexia 12 Tachycardi 12 Toxicologic 12 Tremor
348545 White blood 12
348546 Asthenia 12 Bacterial c 12 Blood elect 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu
348546 Blood immu 12 Borrelia bu 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei 12 CSF test a
348546 CSF white b 12 Chills 12 Computeri 12 Condition 12 Cytomegalo
348546 Epstein-Bar 12 Eyelid ptos 12 Facial pals 12 Fungus cul 12 Haemorrhag
348546 Headache 12 Herpes sim 12 Liver funct 12 Muscular 12 Nervous sy
348546 Polymerase 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Syphilis tes 12 Unresponsiv
348546 Varicella z 12 West Nile v 12 White blood 12 Yellow feve 12
348547 Congenital 12 Laboratory 12 Ultrasound 12
348548 Arthralgia 12 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
348548 Musculoske 12 Photophobi 12
348549 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12
348550 Blood pres 12 Cold sweat 12 Fall 12 Hearing im 12 Muscle rigi
348550 Musculoskel 12 Pallor 12 Somnolenc 12 Tinnitus 12
348551 Arthralgia 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
348552 Chest X-ra 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Nausea 12 Scan brain
348552 Syncope 12 Urine analy 12 Vomiting 12
348553 Pruritus 12 Rash papul 12
348554 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
348555 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pruritus
348556 Crying 12 Erythema 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Irritability
348557 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
348558 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
348559 Urticaria 12
348563 Cardiac fai 12 Pericarditis 12
348565 Autism 12
348567 Asthenia 12 Gait distur 12 Muscular 12
348569 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Torsade de 12
348570 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Lymphaden 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia
348573 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348575 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348576 Dizziness 12 Head injury 12 Headache 12 Loss of co 12 Posturing
348576 Syncope 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12
348577 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
348578 Injection s 12 Purpura 12
348579 Unevaluabl 12
348580 Arthralgia 12 Chest disc 12 Hyperaesth 12 Injection si 12 Musculoskel
348580 Pyrexia 12
348581 Erythema m 12 Laboratory 12 Rash 12
348582 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348583 Balance di 12 Convulsion 12 Pallor 12
348584 Pruritus 12
348585 Injection si 12 Joint swell 12 Joint warm 12
348586 Oedema per 12 Product qua 12
348587 Oedema per 12 Product qua 12
348588 Oedema per 12 Product qua 12
348589 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Product qua 12
348590 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Product qua 12
348591 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Product qua 12
348592 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Product qua 12
348593 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348594 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Product qua 12
348595 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12 Product qua 12
348596 Flushing 12 Hypotonia 12 Injection s 12
348597 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Staring 12 Vaccine pos 12 Vomiting pr
348598 Adverse ev 12 Injection si 12 Vomiting 12
348599 Adverse dr 12 Product qua 12
348600 Adverse ev 12 Product qua 12
348601 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348602 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348603 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Disorientat 12 Dizziness
348603 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hyperacusi 12 Hyperhidro 12 Injection si
348603 Insomnia 12 Migraine 12 Muscle sp 12 Photophobi 12 Pruritus
348603 Urticaria 12
348604 Injection si 12
348605 Arthralgia 12 Bone pain 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Oedema per
348605 Oedema per 12 Ultrasound 12
348606 Sleep terro 12
348607 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Headache 12 Hypotensio 12 No reaction
348608 Urticaria 12
348609 Dyspnoea 12 Vaccination 12
348610 Aspartate 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 Cellulitis
348610 Chest X-ra 12 Chills 12 Culture uri 12 Electrocar 12 Erythema
348610 Full blood 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
348610 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood
348610 White blood 12 White blood 12
348611 Crying 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 White blood 12
348612 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abnormal f 12 Appendice 12 Barium dou
348612 Bronchosp 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Haematoch 12 Hypophagi
348612 Intussusce 12 Laparotom 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell
348612 Mean cell 12 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil 12 Pathology t 12 Platelet co
348612 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Upper respi 12 Urine outp
348612 Vomiting 12 Vomiting pr 12 Wheezing 12 X-ray abno 12
348613 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348614 Chills 12 Headache 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12
348615 Crying 12 Injection si 12 Tendernes 12
348616 Varicella p 12
348617 Body tempe 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc
348618 Abnormal f 12 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Rotavirus t 12
348619 Asthenia 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Myelitis tr 12 Nuclear ma
348620 Affective d 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Dizziness 12 Headache
348620 Injection si 12 Insomnia 12 Vomiting 12
348621 Rash macul 12 Strawberry 12
348622 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348623 Injection si 12 Oxygen sat 12 Urticaria 12
348624 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
348625 Condition 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348625 Injection si 12 Pruritus ge 12
348626 Inappropria 12
348627 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Lymphadeni 12 Oedema per 12
348628 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12
348629 Stomatitis 12
348630 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
348631 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348632 Blood test 12 Body tempe 12 Disorientat 12 Dyskinesia 12 Heart rate
348632 Musculoskel 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
348633 Dizziness 12
348634 Hypoaesthe 12 Paraesthes 12
348635 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348636 Bradycardi 12 Presyncop 12 Syncope 12
348637 Colonoscop 12 Fatigue 12 Myalgia 12 Rectal hae 12
348638 Autism 12 Regressive 12 Speech dis 12.1
348639 Audiogram 12 Autism spe 12 Cytogeneti 12 Failure to t 12 Food allerg
348639 Speech dis 12 Urticaria 12
348640 Bronchitis 12 Bronchosp 12 Chest pain 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea
348640 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Muscular
348640 Nasal cong 12 Pain in ext 12 Postnasal d 12 Rales 12 Vomiting
348640 Wheezing 12
348641 Activated p 12 Full blood 12 Oedema 12 Petechiae 12 Prothrombi
348642 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
348643 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348644 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
348645 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348646 Local react 12
348647 Hypoaesthe 12 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12 Neck pain 12
348648 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348649 Pneumonia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
348652 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12
348655 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Rash 12 Skin infect
348656 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348657 Balance di 12 Blood cultu 12 Body tempe 12 Chest X-ra 12 Crying
348657 Culture uri 12 Dyskinesia 12 Fall 12 Full blood 12 Lethargy
348657 Somnolenc 12 Urine analy 12
348658 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348658 Skin lesion 12
348660 Influenza li 12 Malaise 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth
348660 White blood 12
348663 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
348664 Appendice 12 Enema admi 12 Haematoch 12 Intussusce 12 Laparotom
348664 Surgery 12 Vomiting 12
348665 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
348666 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Muscle sp 12 Pain 12
348667 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348668 Local swell 12 Oedema per 12 Pharyngea 12
348669 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
348670 Wheezing 12
348671 Activated p 12.1 Antinuclear 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Asthenia 12 Blood chlo
348671 Blood immu 12.1 Blood sodi 12.1 Blood trigl 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Blood urine
348671 Dysarthria 12 Fall 12 Hiccups 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
348671 Hypoaesthe 12 Internation 12.1 Nasopharyn 12 Paraesthes 12 Prothrombi
348671 Red blood c 12.1 Syncope 12 Very low de 12.1
348672 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348673 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348674 Chills 12 Confusional 12 Coordinati 12 Depression 12 Erythema
348674 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hyperhidro 12 Muscle fati 12 Retching
348674 Sleep disor 12
348675 Diet refusa 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Vomiting 12
348676 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
348677 Blister 12 Rash gener 12
348678 Arthralgia 12 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Gaze palsy 12 Immediate p
348678 Syncope 12
348679 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Rash gener
348681 Urticaria 12
348682 Convulsion 12 Immediate p 12 No reaction 12 Syncope 12
348683 Urticaria 12
348684 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Accident a 12 Anxiety
348684 Anxiety 12 Bacteria ur 12 Basophil p 12 Cervical di 12 Cervix dyst
348684 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc 12 Computeri 12 Computeri 12 Contusion
348684 Contusion 12 Cough 12 Culture uri 12 Dysmenorr 12 Dyspnoea
348684 Dysuria 12 Ecchymosi 12 Eosinophil 12 Face injury 12 Inappropria
348684 Infertility 12 Leukocytos 12 Lymphocyte 12 Menstruatio 12 Muscle sp
348684 Musculoskel 12 Nasal sept 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Ovarian cy
348684 Pelvic pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Respiratory 12 Tobacco a
348684 Ultrasound 12 Urinary se 12 Urinary trac 12 Urine abnor 12 Victim of c
348684 Vomiting 12 White blood 12 White blood 12 X-ray norm 12
348687 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348688 Inappropria 12 Monoplegi 12
348689 Eye inflam 12 Glaucoma 12 Herpes zos 12 Uveitis 12
348690 Dyspnoea 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si 12 Paraesthes 12
348691 Rash morbil 12
348700 Ataxia 12 Body tempe 12 Diabetes me 12
348701 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Nausea
348702 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
348703 Fall 12 Hypotonia 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
348704 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting
348705 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Eye swelli 12 Joint effus
348705 Joint swell 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
348706 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12 Skin lesion
348707 Abdominal 12.1 Back pain 12 Chest X-ra 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Flank pain
348707 Rash 12 Rash gener 12
348708 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Bradyphren 12 Cerebellar 12 Computeri
348708 Diplopia 12 Eosinophil 12 Headache 12 Mucosal dr 12 Neutrophil
348708 Nuclear ma 12 Prothrombi 12 Tachycardi 12 White blood 12
348709 Tonic conv 12
348710 Fall 12
348712 Aphonia 12 Injection si 12 Nasal cong 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
348713 Abdominal 12 Blood press 12 Bronchitis 12 Chest disc 12 Chills
348713 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Eye pain 12 Feeling ab 12 Headache
348713 Impaired dri 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Laboratory 12 Muscle cont
348713 Muscle twit 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Oral prurit 12 Productive
348713 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Syncope 12 Vision blur 12 Vomiting
348714 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348715 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348716 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain
348716 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
348717 Blood gluc 12 Convulsion 12 Immediate p 12
348718 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348718 Injection s 12
348719 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12
348720 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
348721 Breast swel 12 Induration 12 Skin mass 12
348722 Activities o 12 Body tempe 12 Oedema per 12
348723 Aphonia 12 Dysphonia 12 Immediate p 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
348723 Skin warm 12
348724 Injection si 12
348725 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12
348726 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12
348729 Areflexia 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood produ
348729 CSF cultur 12 CSF protei 12 Chronic in 12 Crystal uri 12 Demyelinat
348729 Dysstasia 12 Electromyo 12 Fatigue 12 Hepatitis B 12 Influenza
348729 Joint rang 12 Muscular 12 Pain in ext 12 Protein uri 12 Specific gr
348729 Urine keto 12
348730 Cyanosis 12 Pyrexia 12
348734 Erythema 12 Muscle tig 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
348736 Arthralgia 12 Bacterial c 12 CSF cultur 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris
348736 Convulsion 12 Crying 12 Culture uri 12 Electroenc 12 Febrile con
348736 Feeling col 12 Foaming at 12 Gaze palsy 12 Gram stain 12 Incoherent
348736 Irritability 12 Myoclonus 12 Pyrexia 12 Scan brain 12 Unresponsiv
348736 Vomiting 12 Weight bear 12
348737 Abdominal 12 Angiogram 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Computeri
348737 Endometria 12 Flank pain 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Keloid scar 12 Musculoske
348737 Neuropathy 12 Ovarian cy 12 Pain in ext 12 Pallor 12 Peripheral
348737 Poor periph 12 Pulse abse 12 Renal atro 12 Renal hype 12 Thoracic o
348737 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 Varicose v 12 Venous insu 12
348738 Arthralgia 12
348739 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348740 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348741 Injection si 12 Joint rang 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Oropharyng
348741 Pyrexia 12
348742 Agitation 12 Chills 12 Heart rate 12 Respiratory 12 Urticaria
348743 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348744 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
348745 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12
348747 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pruritus 12
348749 Body tempe 12 Limb disco 12
348750 Body tempe 12 Lethargy 12
348751 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348752 Chest pain 12 Electrocar 12 Laboratory 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
348756 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12
348758 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348759 Crying 12
348760 Eye swelli 12 Urticaria 12
348761 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Parasite bl 12 Parasite st 12 Rotavirus t
348761 White blood 12
348762 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Parasite bl 12 Rotavirus t 12
348763 Urticaria 12
348764 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Cervicitis 12 Cervix diso 12 Cervix inf
348764 Colposcopy 12 Conversion 12 Culture uri 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue
348764 Heart rate 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Malaise 12 Nitrite urin
348764 Physical as 12 Polycystic 12 Respiratory 12 Sexually ac 12 Smear cerv
348764 Tonsillitis 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary trac 12 Urine abnor 12 White blood
348765 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
348766 Crying 12 Emotional d 12
348767 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348768 Urticaria 12
348769 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Rash macu 12
348770 Injection s 12
348771 Erythema 12
348772 Syncope 12
348773 Body tempe 12 Rash 12
348774 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12
348775 Cellulitis 12 Urticaria 12
348776 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
348777 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348778 Cough 12 Crepitation 12 Pyrexia 12 Rales 12 Wheezing
348779 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
348780 Varicella p 12
348781 Expired dr 12
348782 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Radiculitis 12
348783 Unevaluabl 12
348784 Hypoaesthe 12 Inappropria 12 Laboratory 12
348785 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
348786 Wrong drug 12
348787 Loss of co 12 Tonic clon 12
348788 Dry throat 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pruritus 12
348789 Injection si 12
348790 Dizziness 12 Dreamy sta 12 Feeling ab 12 Nausea 12 Pallor
348790 Syncope 12
348791 Unevaluabl 12
348792 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12
348793 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
348794 Culture neg 12 Injection si 12
348796 Blood test 12 Body tempe 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Vomiting
348797 Condition 12 Depressed 12 Dyspnoea 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Mental sta
348797 No reaction 12 Oxygen sat 12 X-ray norm 12
348798 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
348799 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Acute diss 12 Ataxia 12 Blood cultu
348799 Borrelia bu 12 Brudzinski' 12.1 CSF cultur 12.1 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho
348799 CSF monocy 12.1 CSF protei 12 CSF virus 12.1 CSF white b 12 Computeri
348799 Demyelinat 12.1 Encephalom 12.1 Epstein-Bar 12 Gait distur 12.1 Irritability
348799 Kernig's si 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Meningism 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia
348799 Mycoplasma 12 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12.1 Pain in ext
348799 Photophobi 12.1 Polymerase 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Torticollis 12.1 Urinary sy
348799 X-ray abno 12.1
348800 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Rash macu 12 Vasculitic
348801 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Arthralgia 12 Body tempe 12 Computeris
348801 Condition 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Lyme dise 12 Malaise
348801 Migraine 12 Muscular 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
348801 Pain in ext 12 Pelvic infl 12 Pyrexia 12 Vaccine pos 12
348802 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12
348803 Excoriation 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Syncope 12
348804 Decreased 12 Pyrexia 12
348805 Eye disord 12 Facial pals 12 Lethargy 12
348806 Unevaluabl 12
348807 Abdominal 12 Allodynia 12 Back pain 12 Balance di 12 Blood elect
348807 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 C-reactive 12 Chest pain 12 Computeri
348807 Dizziness 12 Dysphoria 12 Dyspnoea 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue
348807 Flat affect 12 Full blood 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Headache
348807 Heart rate 12 Interverteb 12 Lymphaden 12 Metabolic f 12 Muscular
348807 Musculoske 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Nephrolithi 12 Neuralgia
348807 Neuralgia 12 Neurologic 12 Neuropathy 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext
348807 Pain in ext 12 Pallor 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Platelet co
348807 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Skin burnin 12 Vaccination 12
348810 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
348811 Drooling 12 Dyspnoea 12 Injection si 12 Loss of co 12 Staring
348811 Unresponsiv 12
348812 Hypersensit 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
348813 Dizziness 12 Full blood 12 Influenza s 12 Laboratory 12 Mononucleos
348813 Oropharyng 12 Streptococc 12
348814 Hypophagi 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
348815 Pyrexia 12
348816 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348817 Arthralgia 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
348818 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348819 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
348820 Dizziness 12 Headache 12
348821 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
348823 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12
348824 Fall 12 Immediate p 12 Malaise 12 Syncope 12
348826 Unevaluabl 12
348827 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain
348828 Blood cultu 12 Haemoglob 12 Petechiae 12 Platelet co 12 Purpura
348828 White blood 12
348829 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348834 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
348836 Autism 12
348839 Impaired wo 12 Insomnia 12 Monoplegi 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin discol
348841 Chills 12 Confusional 12 Crying 12 Headache 12 Hypertensi
348841 Unresponsiv 12
348846 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
348847 Body tempe 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood
348847 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Metabolic f 12 Neck pain
348848 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348849 Herpes zos 12 Injection si 12
348850 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Thirst
348850 Urticaria 12
348851 Abdominal 12 Headache 12 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection s
348851 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12 Muscle sp 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
348851 Vomiting 12
348852 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Presyncop 12 Syncope 12
348853 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
348853 Internation 12 Prothrombi 12 Ultrasound 12
348854 Oedema per 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin warm 12
348855 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
348856 Injection s 12 Neck pain 12
348857 Abdominal 12 Aspartate 12 Blood bica 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor
348857 Blood pota 12 Capillary nai 12 Decreased a 12 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea
348857 Eosinophil 12 Gastrointe 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Platelet co
348857 Protein tot 12 Pyrexia 12 Rotavirus t 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting pr
348857 White blood 12
348858 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Skull X-ray 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting
348859 Death 12 Drug toxici 12
348860 Inappropria 12
348861 Abnormal b 12 Fear 12 Hallucinati 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia
348861 Streptococc 12
348862 Blister 12 Dermatitis 12 Gianotti-Cr 12 Hepatic en 12 Platelet co
348862 Rash 12
348863 Blister 12 Blister 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12
348864 Asthenia 12 Pain 12
348865 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
348866 Anaphylacti 12 Anger 12 Crying 12 Haemoglob 12 Irritability
348866 Nasal cong 12 Urticaria 12 Vaccination 12 Vomiting 12 Wheezing
348867 Abnormal b 12 Hypokinesi 12 Staring 12
348869 Blood gluc 12 Body tempe 12 C-reactive 12 Cough 12 Cytomegalo
348869 Discomfort 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Herpes sim 12 Irritability 12 Lymphaden
348869 Measles an 12 Mycoplasma 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener
348869 Rash macu 12 Rash macul 12 Rhinovirus 12 Viral test n 12 Vomiting
348870 Asthenia 12 Blood pota 12 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Mean cell
348870 Protein uri 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash
348870 Rash prurit 12 Syncope 12 Urine abnor 12 Urine anal 12 Urticaria
348870 Visual imp 12 pH urine i 12
348871 Activated p 12 Differential 12 Full blood 12 Haematoch 12 Prothrombi
348872 Pain in ext 12
348873 Activities o 12 Antinuclear 12 Anxiety 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
348873 Back pain 12 Blood alka 12 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu 12 Chiropracti
348873 Depressed 12 Elliptocytos 12 Foot deform 12 Gait distur 12 Joint swell
348873 Joint swell 12 Joint warm 12 Juvenile art 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphocyte
348873 Musculoske 12 Myopia 12 Neutrophil 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
348873 Pain in ext 12 Physiother 12 Polychroma 12 Protein tot 12 Pruritus
348873 Rash 12 Red blood c 12 Red cell di 12 Rheumatoid 12 Screaming
348873 Spinal X-r 12 Wheelchair 12 White blood 12
348874 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348875 Irritability 12 Lacrimatio 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
348876 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348877 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
348878 Injection s 12
348879 Unevaluabl 12
348880 Inappropria 12
348881 Antinuclear 12 Blood test 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
348881 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12
348882 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
348883 Abnormal b 12 Crying 12 Hallucinati 12 Obsessive- 12
348884 Alopecia 12
348885 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s
348885 Pain in ext 12
348886 Erythema 12 Skin lesion 12
348887 Injection s 12 Malaise 12
348888 Activities o 12 Cough 12 Dry throat 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue
348888 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
348889 Blood test 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Cough 12 Dizziness
348889 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
348890 Injection si 12
348891 Feeling jitt 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348891 Injection si 12 Palpitation 12
348892 Abdominal 12 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue
348892 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
348892 Vomiting 12
348893 Blood test 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Electrocar 12 Syncope
348893 Urine huma 12
348894 Cardiac flut 12
348895 Gait distur 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext 12
348896 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
348898 Activated p 12 Antineutrop 12 Antineutrop 12 Asthenia 12 Bleeding t
348898 Blood arse 12 Blood lead 12 Blood merc 12 Blood thyro 12 Borrelia bu
348898 Burning se 12 C-reactive 12 Electromy 12 Electromyo 12 Full blood
348898 Gait distur 12 Hepatitis C 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Internation 12 Monocyte p
348898 Neuropathy 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes
348898 White blood 12
348899 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthma 12 Back pain 12 Cardiac str
348899 Chest pain 12 Chronic ob 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspepsia 12 Dysphagia
348899 Dyspnoea e 12 Echocardio 12 Erectile dy 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood
348899 Gamma-glut 12 Hepatitis vi 12 Herpes zos 12 Libido dec 12 Malaise
348899 Metabolic f 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma
348899 Obstructive 12 Paraesthes 12 Patellofem 12 Pulmonary 12 Rash
348899 Rotator cu 12
348900 Arthralgia 12 Blood thyro 12 Blood urea 12 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive
348900 Computeri 12 Dermatitis 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Laboratory
348900 Liver funct 12 Lymphaden 12 Nuclear ma 12 Occult bloo 12 Syphilis tes
348900 Urine analy 12
348902 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
348903 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348904 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext
348904 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
348905 Injection s 12 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext 12 Swelling 12
348906 Decreased 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348907 Secondary 12
348908 Unevaluabl 12
348915 Autism spe 12 Blood test 12 Developmen 12
348918 Arthralgia 12 Pain in jaw 12 Paraesthesi 12 Sensation o 12 Tremor
348919 Arrested la 12 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
348920 Antinuclear 12 Biopsy bon 12 Blood produ 12 Complement 12 Complement
348920 Full blood 12 Idiopathic 12 Metabolic f 12 Platelet co 12 Rheumatoid
348926 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
348927 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12 Rash
348927 Rash 12
348928 Chills 12 Pyrexia 12
348929 Urticaria 12
348930 Hypoaesthe 12 Musculoske 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12
348931 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
348932 Varicella p 12
348933 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
348934 Body tempe 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
348935 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
348935 Lethargy 12
348936 Abdominal 12 Ageusia 12 Agitation 12 Alopecia 12 Amnesia
348936 Anxiety 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia
348936 Asthenia 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Balance di 12 Bladder dis
348936 Bone pain 12 Cardiac mu 12 Cellulitis 12 Central ne 12 Chest pain
348936 Chills 12 Confusional 12 Constipati 12 Coordinati 12 Depression
348936 Dermatitis 12 Diarrhoea 12 Disturbance 12 Dizziness 12 Dry mouth
348936 Dyspepsia 12 Dysphonia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Ear infecti 12 Ear pain
348936 Epistaxis 12 Exfoliative 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Fibromyalg
348936 Fungal infe 12 Gastritis 12 Hair colou 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypersensit
348936 Hypertensi 12 Hypertonia 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypokinesi 12 Hypotensio
348936 Influenza 12 Insomnia 12 Irritable b 12 Joint stiffn 12 Lacrimatio
348936 Loss of libi 12 Memory im 12 Menstrual d 12 Migraine 12 Muscle sp
348936 Muscle sp 12 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Myofascial 12 Nausea
348936 Neurologic 12 Night swea 12 Ovarian cy 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
348936 Pain in ext 12 Pain of ski 12 Palpitation 12 Paraesthes 12 Pharyngitis
348936 Photophobi 12 Poor qualit 12 Rash pustu 12 Reading di 12 Retching
348936 Sinusitis 12 Skin discol 12 Speech dis 12 Staphylococ 12 Suicide att
348936 Thinking a 12 Tinnitus 12 Tinnitus 12 Tremor 12 Tremor
348936 Vertigo 12 Weight inc 12
348937 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
348938 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
348939 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348940 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
348942 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling hot 12 Immediate p 12 Nausea
348943 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
348944 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
348945 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
348946 Vaccine pos 12 Vomiting 12
348947 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
348948 Activities o 12 Amnesia 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Autoimmune
348948 Blindness 12 Borrelia bu 12 Borrelia bu 12 Cognitive d 12 Decreased a
348948 Erythema 12 Fall 12 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 Immunology
348948 Joint swell 12 Lyme dise 12 Lymphaden 12 Musculoskel 12 Nervous sy
348948 Nodule 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Rash 12 Tremor
348948 Visual imp 12
348958 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348959 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348960 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Inflammati 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden
348960 Nausea 12 Skin lesion 12 Skin striae 12
348961 Glossitis 12
348962 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
348963 Vaccination 12
348964 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12 Pallor 12
348965 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Basophil c 12 Basophil p 12 Blood calc
348965 Blood crea 12 Blood osmo 12 Blood thyro 12 Computeris 12 Dizziness
348965 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte
348965 Monocyte p 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Somnolenc
348965 Speech dis 12 Thyroid fun 12 White blood 12
348966 Pallor 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macul 12
348967 Rash 12 Rash 12
348968 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
348969 Culture uri 12 Febrile con 12 White blood 12
348970 Photophobi 12 Rash 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
348971 Pyrexia 12
348972 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12
348973 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
348973 Injection s 12
348974 Amnesia 12 Contusion 12 Full blood 12 Gaze palsy 12 Grand mal
348974 Head injury 12 Headache 12 Loss of co 12 Muscle twit 12 Neck pain
348974 Pallor 12 Ultrasound 12
348975 Inappropria 12
348976 Arthralgia 12 Cerumen im 12 Concussio 12 Contusion 12 Contusion
348976 Contusion 12 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Dyskinesia
348976 Erythema 12 Erythema 12 Face injury 12 Facial pain 12 Headache
348976 Incontinen 12 Injection si 12 Injury 12 Joint injury 12 Joint injury
348976 Loss of co 12 Loss of co 12 Mydriasis 12 Posturing 12 Presyncop
348976 Pupils une 12 X-ray 12
348977 Dizziness 12 Eyelid oed 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12
348978 Headache 12 Vaccine pos 12 Visual imp 12
348979 Molluscum 12 Varicella 12
348980 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 12
348981 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
348982 Electrocar 12 Syncope 12
348983 Urticaria 12
348984 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
348985 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12
348986 Herpes zos 12
348987 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
348988 Oropharynge 12
348989 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12
348990 Erythema 12 Nodule 12 Rash 12
348991 Erythema 12
348992 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Asthenia 12 Diarrhoea
348992 Fatigue 12 Foreign tra 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc
348992 Vomiting 12
348993 Cellulitis 12 Injection si 12
348994 Urticaria 12
348995 Injection si 12
348996 Electrocar 12 Heart rate 12 Pallor 12 Presyncop 12 Syncope
348997 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
348998 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Urticaria 12
348999 Rash prurit 12
349000 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic 12
349001 Irritability 12
349002 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12
349003 Aborted pr 12 Drug expos 12 Urine human 12
349004 Breech pre 12 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Laboratory 12 Ultrasound
349005 Toxic shoc 12
349007 Encephaliti 12 Herpes zos 12 Herpes zos 12 Laboratory 12
349010 Cough 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Vomiting 12
349011 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349012 Back pain 12 Cough 12 Hypophagi 12 Injection si 12 Lethargy
349012 Muscular 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
349013 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349014 Cough 12 Decreased 12 Pyrexia 12
349015 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Syncope 12
349016 Erythema 12 Joint swell 12 Pruritus 12 Pruritus ge 12 Rash
349016 Rash macu 12 Swelling fa 12 Urticaria 12
349017 Lymphadeni 12
349018 Acute diss 12 Aspartate 12 Ataxia 12 Blood produ 12 C-reactive
349018 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris 12 Coordinati 12 Cough 12 Drooling
349018 Dysarthria 12 Electroenc 12 Encephalitis 12 Fatigue 12 Gait distur
349018 Gait distur 12 Headache 12 Hypophagi 12 Lethargy 12 Lymphocyte
349018 Malaise 12 Mental sta 12 Nasal cong 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma
349018 Oropharyng 12 Platelet co 12 Red blood c 12 Sinusitis 12 Somnolenc
349018 Streptococc 12 Thrombocy 12 Thyroid fun 12 Tremor 12 Upper respi
349019 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
349020 Flushing 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthesi 12 Rash 12 Rash
349020 Tachycardi 12 Tongue dis 12
349022 Syncope 12
349023 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Headache 12 Influenza li 12 Injection s
349023 Injection s 12 Pain in ext 12
349024 Muscular 12 Peripheral 12 Sensory lo 12 Spinal X-ra 12
349025 Hypoaesthe 12 Oedema per 12
349026 Ear discomf 12 Erythema 12 Flushing 12 Pruritus 12 Pruritus
349027 Injection s 12
349028 Pruritus 12 Sleep disor 12 Urticaria 12
349029 Blood crea 12 Discomfort 12 Muscle sp 12 Neck pain 12 Red blood c
349029 Sensory di 12 Tendernes 12
349030 Injection si 12 Rash macul 12
349031 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus
349031 Rash 12 Skin warm 12 Urticaria 12
349032 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349033 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
349033 Rash macu 12 Skin warm 12 White blood 12 X-ray 12
349034 Failure to t 12 Seborrhoeic 12
349035 Rash 12
349036 Arthralgia 12 Erythema 12 Pain in ext 12 Rash 12 Rash
349036 Rash 12 Swelling 12
349037 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
349045 Activities o 12 Autoimmune 12 Blindness 12 Cognitive d 12 Headache
349045 Influenza li 12 Musculoske 12 Neurologic 12
349046 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349047 Platelet co 12 Rash pustu 12 Swelling 12
349048 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349049 Injection s 12
349050 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349051 Syncope 12
349052 Injection s 12
349053 Blood alka 12 Blood calc 12 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood sodi
349053 Convulsion 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electrocar 12 Feeling col 12 Full blood
349053 Lethargy 12 Metabolic f 12 Somnolenc 12 Unresponsiv 12
349054 Headache 12 Muscle sp 12 Paraesthes 12
349055 Hyperhidro 12 Muscle sp 12 Musculoskel 12 Nausea 12
349056 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349057 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
349058 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349059 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349060 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349061 Injection si 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12
349062 Blister 12 Rash gener 12
349063 Chest disc 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Skin warm 12
349064 Abdominal 12 Body tempe 12 Dizziness 12 Loss of co 12 Pain in ext
349064 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12
349065 Blood cultu 12 Body tempe 12 Cyanosis 12 Full blood 12 Gaze palsy
349065 Loss of co 12 Skin warm 12 Tremor 12
349066 Convulsion 12 Dyskinesia 12 Feeling col 12 Lethargy 12
349067 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Blood albu 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood produ
349067 Cerebral in 12 Computeri 12 Death 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
349067 Haemorrhag 12 Internation 12 Platelet co 12 Rectal hae 12 Unresponsiv
349076 Urticaria 12
349080 Convulsion 12
349082 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Urine human 12
349083 Herpes zos 12 Incorrect r 12 Post herpet 12
349084 Abortion 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
349085 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12 Inappropria 12 Pregnancy t 12
349086 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy 12
349087 Cerebrovas 12 Convulsion 12 Motor dysf 12 Speech dis 12
349088 Headache 12 Intracrania 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12 Thyroid dis
349090 Dyspnoea 12 Eye swelli 12 Full blood 12 Hypersensit 12 Immediate p
349090 Metabolic f 12 Periorbita 12 Rash prurit 12 Sneezing 12 Urticaria
349090 Wheezing 12
349091 Anorexia 12 Arthralgia 12 Ear pain 12 Headache 12 Lymph nod
349091 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12
349092 Blood crea 12 Blood pota 12 Blood test 12 CSF culture 12 CSF white b
349092 Clonus 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Drooling 12 Electroenc
349092 Excessive e 12 Facial pals 12 Gaze palsy 12 Hyperreflex 12 Lumbar pun
349092 Muscle twit 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Rash 12 Red blood c
349092 Red cell di 12 Staring 12 Swelling fa 12 Tachycardi 12 Tremor
349092 Unresponsiv 12
349093 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
349094 Auricular s 12 Urticaria 12
349095 Chills 12 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Urticaria
349096 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12
349097 Menorrhagi 12
349098 Atrial fibril 12 Herpes zos 12
349099 Fatigue 12 Vomiting 12
349100 Gait distur 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349101 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349102 Erythema 12 Malaise 12 Rash macu 12
349103 Herpes zos 12
349104 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349105 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Vomiting 12
349106 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Dizziness
349106 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Syncope
349107 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349108 Rash vesic 12
349109 Complex par 12 Computeris 12 Condition 12 Electroenc 12 Full blood
349109 Grand mal 12 Grand mal 12 Impaired dri 12 Metabolic f 12 Neurologic
349109 Nuclear ma 12 Postictal st 12 Stereotypy 12 Tongue bit 12
349110 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349111 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349112 Fall 12
349113 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 Malaise 12 Oedema 12 Pain
349113 Ultrasound 12
349114 Erythema m 12
349115 Cellulitis 12 Genital swe 12 Potassium 12 Similar rea 12 Vaginal swe
349115 Vulvovagina 12
349116 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12
349120 Disorientat 12 Dizziness 12
349123 Syncope 12
349125 Herpes zos 12 Pyrexia 12 Vaginal les 12 Varicella z 12
349127 Herpes zos 12 Rash eryth 12
349128 Ataxia 12 Back pain 12 Barium swa 12 Blood albu 12 Blood alka
349128 Blood calc 12 Blood creat 12 Blood produ 12 Borrelia bu 12 CSF bacter
349128 CSF cell c 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF protei 12 Cerebellar 12 Computeris
349128 Decreased 12 Dysarthria 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dysphagia 12 Epistaxis
349128 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Headache 12 Immunoglob
349128 Internation 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 12 Methicillin
349128 Miller Fish 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain in ext
349128 Pain in ext 12 Pain in jaw 12 Protein tot 12 Prothrombi 12 Pyrexia
349128 Red blood c 12 Respiratory 12 Swelling fa 12 Upper respi 12 Viral infect
349128 Vomiting 12
349129 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349130 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349131 Computeri 12 Facial pals 12
349132 Cough 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12 Urine analy 12
349133 Blood test 12 Chest X-ra 12 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea 12 Pyrexia
349133 Urine analy 12 Vomiting 12
349134 Immediate p 12
349135 Myalgia 12 Pain 12 Urine analy 12
349136 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349137 Rash eryth 12
349138 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Syncope 12
349139 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
349140 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Induration 12 Oedema 12 Tendernes
349141 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12
349142 Abdominal 12 Ophthalmol 12 Screaming 12 X-ray norm 12
349143 Arthritis 12 Back pain 12 Chest pain 12 Headache 12 Oedema per
349143 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Visual imp 12
349144 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349145 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349146 Body tempe 12 Cellulitis 12
349147 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hypersomn 12 Oropharyng 12
349148 Abdominal 12 Headache 12
349149 Pruritus 12 Rash papul 12
349150 Guillain-B 12
349151 Inappropria 12 Urticaria 12 Vaccine pos 12
349152 Anaphylacti 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting 12
349153 Guillain-B 12
349154 Syncope 12
349155 Alpha 1 foe 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
349156 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Urine human 12
349157 Drug expos 12 Premature 12
349158 Chlamydia i 12 Chlamydial 12 Drug expos 12 Platelet co 12 Thrombocy
349158 Ultrasound 12 Urine human 12
349159 Alpha 1 foe 12 Condition 12 Drug expos 12 Pyelonephri 12 Ultrasound
349159 Urine human 12
349160 Orthostatic 12
349161 Cystitis 12 Drug expos 12 Influenza 12 Malaise 12
349162 Wrong drug 12
349163 Incorrect r 12 Injection si 12
349164 Drug expos 12 Haemoglob 12 Streptococc 12
349165 Drug expos 12 Inappropria 12 Urine human 12
349166 Convulsion 12 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia
349166 Somnolenc 12 Staring 12 Vomiting 12
349167 Unevaluabl 12
349168 False posit 12 Parasite bl 12
349169 Dizziness 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
349170 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Dysuria 12 Fatigue
349170 Pelvic pain 12 Urinary trac 12 Vaginal di 12 Vaginal ha 12 Vaginal inf
349170 Vomiting 12
349171 Abdominal 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
349172 Urticaria 12
349173 Body tempe 12 Cellulitis 12 Culture sto 12 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea
349173 Erythema 12 Gastroenter 12 Haematoch 12 Irritability 12 Occult bloo
349173 Oedema per 12 Rash 12
349174 Dehydratio 12 Gastroenter 12
349177 Amyotrophic 12
349179 Abortion i 12 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
349184 Alopecia a 12 Alopecia un 12 Dermatolog 12
349185 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
349186 Acne 12 Alanine am 12 Alpha 1 foe 12 Aspartate 12 Biopsy ski
349186 Blood chole 12 Blood gluc 12 Carbon dio 12 Folliculitis 12 Mean cell
349186 Mean cell 12 Neutrophil 12 Rash 12 Scar 12 Scar excisi
349186 Transient a 12 White blood 12
349187 Tremor 12
349188 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Rash prurit 12
349189 Vertigo 12
349190 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349191 Antinuclear 12 Drug scree 12 Erythema 12 Haemoglob 12 Pain in ext
349191 Pallor 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Platelet co 12 Red blood c
349191 Rheumatoid 12 Skin warm 12 White blood 12
349192 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
349193 Blood test 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Hot flush 12 Inappropria
349193 Influenza li 12 Nausea 12
349194 Syncope 12
349195 Headache 12
349196 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Paraesthes
349196 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12
349197 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Immediate p 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
349198 Chills 12 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
349199 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349200 Syncope 12
349201 Syncope 12 Syncope 12
349202 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349203 Haemorrha 12
349204 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
349205 Hypersensit 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
349206 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
349207 Diarrhoea 12
349208 Condition 12 Crying 12 Drug expos 12 Muscle sp 12 Ovarian cy
349208 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound 12
349209 Drug expos 12 Premature 12
349210 Injected li 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12
349214 Culture neg 12 Dehydratio 12 Dermatitis e 12 Excoriation 12 Hypophagi
349214 Insomnia 12 Irritability 12 Pain 12 Rash macu 12 Rash prurit
349214 Skin exfoli 12 Urine outp 12
349215 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
349216 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349217 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection s 12
349218 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12 Somnolenc
349219 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349220 Attention de 12 Chills 12 Confusional 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue
349220 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Skin irritat 12
349221 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
349222 Erythema 12 Pain 12
349223 Pharyngea 12 Urticaria 12
349224 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349225 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul 12
349226 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349227 Chest disc 12 Dyspnoea 12 Feeling col 12 Headache 12
349228 Full blood 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Lip swellin
349228 Lymphocyte 12 Neutrophil 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
349229 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
349229 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
349230 Herpes zos 12
349231 Culture neg 12 Rash 12 Streptococc 12
349232 Abdominal 12 Albumin glo 12 Allergy to 12 Axillary pai 12 Blood alka
349232 Cough 12 Discomfort 12 Ear disorde 12 Erythema 12 Headache
349232 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Loss of co
349232 Loss of co 12 Menorrhagi 12 Pelvic pain 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia
349232 Skin papil 12 Syncope 12 Upper respi 12 Vomiting 12
349233 Chills 12 Headache 12 Influenza s 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain
349233 Pyrexia 12
349234 Fatigue 12
349235 Faeces dis 12 Haematoch 12 Irritability 12 Mucous sto 12 Occult bloo
349236 Body tempe 12 Dizziness 12
349237 Allergy test 12 Inappropria 12 Urticaria 12
349238 Activities o 12 Axillary pai 12 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Headache
349239 No adverse 12
349240 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
349241 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
349242 Erythema 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes 12
349243 Back pain 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Hyperhidro
349243 Muscular 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
349244 Unevaluabl 12
349245 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349246 Unevaluabl 12
349247 No adverse 12
349248 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
349249 Herpes zos 12
349250 Fatigue 12 Injected li 12 Neck pain 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
349250 Tendernes 12
349251 Unevaluabl 12
349252 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349253 Erythema 12 Nausea 12 Tendernes 12
349254 Unevaluabl 12
349255 Varicella p 12
349256 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
349256 Injection s 12
349257 Arthralgia 12 Borrelia bu 12 Immunoglob 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
349257 Pain in ext 12
349258 Chills 12 Dyspnoea 12 Pneumonia 12 Pyrexia 12
349259 Angina pect 12 Atrial fibril 12
349260 Condition 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diverticuliti 12 Small intes 12 Vertigo
349260 Vomiting 12
349261 Blister 12 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia
349262 Activities o 12 Injected li 12 Nerve injur 12
349263 Bacteraemi 12 Blood albu 12 Blood biliru 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc
349263 Blood sodi 12 C-reactive 12 CSF cell c 12 CSF culture 12 CSF glucos
349263 CSF neutro 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra
349263 Chills 12 Coagulatio 12 Computeris 12 Dehydratio 12 Flushing
349263 Gram stain 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Headache 12 Hypophagi
349263 Lip dry 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 12 Meningitis
349263 Meningitis 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil
349263 Neutrophil 12 Nuchal rigid 12 Petechiae 12 Photophobi 12 Platelet co
349263 Poor periph 12 Purpura 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Red blood
349263 Red blood c 12 Skin warm 12 Tachycardi 12 Type 1 diab 12 Vomiting
349263 White blood 12
349264 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Palpitation 12 Vomiting
349265 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
349266 Arthralgia 12 Myalgia 12
349267 Antineutrop 12 Biopsy skin 12 Full blood 12 Henoch-Sch 12 Injection si
349267 Neonatal d 12 Neutropeni 12 Oedema 12 Serum sick 12
349269 Acne 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Bacterial t 12 Bronchitis
349269 Cytomegalo 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood
349269 Metabolic f 12 Muscular 12 Myalgia 12 Oral contra 12 Pharyngitis
349269 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Streptococca 12 Toxoplasma
349270 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
349271 Wrong drug 12
349272 Abdominal 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si
349272 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory
349273 Hypophagi 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Somnolenc 12
349274 Aspartate 12 Blood bica 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood urea 12 Cafe au lai
349274 Cerebral h 12 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Differentia 12 Dyskinesia
349274 Eosinophil 12 Eye moveme 12 Glasgow co 12 Intensive c 12 Muscle twit
349274 Musculoskel 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oxygen sat 12 PCO2 incr 12 PO2 decre
349274 Paralysis f 12 Pyrexia 12 Somnolenc 12 Staring 12 Tremor
349274 Unresponsiv 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vomiting 12
349275 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12
349276 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349277 Rash gener 12
349279 Condition 12
349281 Crying 12 Decreased 12 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
349281 Laboratory 12 Lethargy 12
349282 Injection s 12
349283 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash prurit 12 Scab 12
349284 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12
349286 Menstruati 12
349287 Biopsy site 12 Culture neg 12 Laboratory 12 Rash 12 Skin test n
349287 Vaginal ab 12
349288 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12
349289 Human papil 12 Inappropria 12 Papilloma v 12
349290 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Lethargy 12
349291 Fall 12 Migraine 12 Panic attac 12 Respiratory 12 Syncope
349291 Tremor 12
349292 Skin papil 12
349293 Abdominal 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
349294 Muscle twit 12
349295 Fatigue 12 Persistent 12
349296 Genital swe 12
349297 Nasal cong 12 Urticaria 12
349298 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
349299 Oropharyng 12 Rash gener 12
349300 Colposcop 12 Incorrect r 12 Papilloma v 12
349301 Abdominal 12 Crying 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Inappropria
349301 Malaise 12 Sinusitis 12 Skin warm 12
349302 Hypoaesthe 12 Mobility d 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
349303 Dizziness 12 Pruritus 12 Rash prurit 12
349304 Inappropria 12 Syncope 12
349305 Rash 12
349306 Complex re 12
349307 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12
349308 Blood gluc 12 Drug expos 12 Glucose tol 12 Ultrasound 12
349309 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12 Nausea 12 Skull X-ray
349309 Syncope 12
349310 Syncope 12
349311 Drug expos 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pregnancy t
349312 Injection si 12
349313 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12
349314 Herpes sim 12 Herpes simp 12
349315 Papilloma v 12
349316 Hot flush 12 Laboratory 12
349317 Wheezing 12
349318 Condition 12 Headache 12
349319 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Dysarthria 12
349320 Rash gener 12
349321 Blood pres 12 Chest disc 12 Neck pain 12
349322 Adrenal ins 12 Laboratory 12
349323 Abdominal 12 Albumin glo 12 Blood alka 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion
349323 Cough 12 Cryotherap 12 Distractibili 12 Dizziness 12 Electroenc
349323 Feeling hot 12 Headache 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypersomn 12 Hypotonia
349323 Loss of co 12 Menorrhagi 12 Myoclonus 12 Nasal cong 12 Otitis medi
349323 Pallor 12 Pelvic pain 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 Road traffi
349323 Sinus hea 12 Skin papil 12 Staring 12 Syncope 12 Upper respi
349323 Vomiting 12 Weight inc 12
349324 Acne 12 Biopsy bon 12 Biopsy ski 12 Cellulitis 12 Chest X-ra
349324 Drug toxici 12 Eczema 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Hyperhidro
349324 Infection 12 Iron defici 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphomato
349324 Mouth ulce 12 Nausea 12 Oral contra 12 Pneumoniti 12 Positron e
349324 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash papul 12 Rash pustu
349324 Scar 12 Skin nodul 12 Skin ulcer 12 Urticaria 12 Weight dec
349325 Inappropria 12 Skin papil 12
349326 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349327 Lymphaden 12
349328 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
349329 Condition 12 Syncope 12
349330 Injection si 12
349331 Alopecia 12
349332 Syncope 12
349333 Urticaria 12
349334 Syncope 12
349335 Injected li 12 Oedema per 12
349336 Drug expos 12 Vaccination 12 Wrong drug 12
349337 Demyelinat 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Nuclear ma 12
349338 Drug expos 12 Menstrual d 12 Urine human 12
349339 Death 12
349358 Band neutr 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra
349358 Chronic sin 12 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Gaze palsy
349358 Hypotonia 12 Lymphocyte 12 Metamyeloc 12 Musculoskel 12 Neutrophil
349358 Platelet co 12 Posture ab 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vomiting 12 White blood
349359 Abnormal p 12 Cryptorchi 12 Dermatitis 12 Haemangi 12 Subdural
349359 Sudden inf 12
349360 Encephaliti 12 Unresponsiv 12
349361 Abasia 12 Alanine am 12 Anticoagul 12 Areflexia 12 Arterioscle
349361 Aspartate 12 Asthenia 12 Ataxia 12 Atelectasis 12 Blood albu
349361 Blood calc 12 Blood chlo 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood iron 12 Blood produ
349361 Blood sodi 12 Burning se 12 CSF lympho 12 CSF monocy 12 Computeri
349361 Culture uri 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diverticulu 12 Electromyo 12 Fall
349361 Gait distur 12 Glycosylat 12 Guillain-B 12 Guillain-B 12 Haematocri
349361 Haemoglob 12 Hypersomn 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoxia 12 Injury
349361 Internation 12 Interverteb 12 Iron bindin 12 Joint injury 12 Joint injury
349361 Lymphocyte 12 Mean plate 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p 12 Muscular
349361 Nausea 12 Nerve cond 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma
349361 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes
349361 Peroneal n 12 Pleural eff 12 Protein tot 12 Pulmonary 12 Pyrexia
349361 Rash 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Renal mas 12 Sepsis
349361 Serum ferri 12 Tachypnoe 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary trac 12
349366 Menorrhagi 12
349367 Haemorrha 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
349368 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 12 Tachycardi 12
349369 Alopecia 12
349370 Drug expos 12 Premature 12
349371 Headache 12 Myalgia 12 No reaction 12 Urticaria 12
349372 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349373 Brachial pl 12 Condition 12 Laboratory 12 Nuclear ma 12 Vaccine pos
349374 Electrocar 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Influenza li 12 Injection si 12 Laboratory
349374 Pain in ext 12 Pregnancy 12
349375 Dizziness 12 Helicobacte 12
349376 Culture neg 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting
349377 Optic neurit 12
349378 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Vaccine pos 12 Vision blur 12
349379 Injected li 12 Pain in ext 12
349380 Drug expos 12 Injection si 12 Pregnancy t 12
349381 Nervousne 12 Syncope 12
349382 Rash 12
349383 Orthostatic 12
349384 Orthostatic 12
349385 Orthostatic 12
349386 Chills 12 Immediate p 12 Myalgia 12
349387 Syncope 12
349388 Local swell 12
349389 Injection si 12
349390 Urticaria 12
349391 Influenza li 12
349392 Syncope 12
349393 Syncope 12
349394 Pain in ext 12
349395 Alopecia 12 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12
349396 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
349396 Myalgia 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
349397 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349398 Facial pals 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Paraesthesi 12
349399 Presyncop 12
349400 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12
349401 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Rash 12 Respiratory 12
349402 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
349403 Induration 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per
349403 Pyrexia 12
349405 Anterior i 12 Antinuclear 12 Electromyo 12 Electromyo 12 Hypokinesi
349405 Limb disco 12 Metabolic f 12 Motor dysf 12 Muscular 12 Nerve cond
349405 Pain in ext 12 Radiculitis 12 Rheumatoid 12
349406 Dizziness 12
349407 Bacteraemi 12 Blood chlo 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota
349407 Chest X-ra 12 Conjunctiv 12 Eosinophil 12 Face and m 12 Gram stain
349407 Granulocyt 12 Granulocyt 12 Headache 12 Lymphocyte 12 Meningococ
349407 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macul 12 Sepsis 12 Urine analy
349407 White blood 12
349408 Herpes zos 12 Inappropria 12 Skin burnin 12 Skin discol 12
349409 Pyrexia 12
349410 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Loss of co 12 Tooth fract 12
349412 Arthralgia 12 Cervicobra 12 Chills 12 Chronic fa 12 Computeri
349412 Constipati 12 Diarrhoea 12 Disturbance 12 Electromyo 12 Erectile dy
349412 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Insomnia 12 Lung neop 12 Migraine
349412 Muscle sp 12 Nerve cond 12 Neuropathy 12 Night swea 12 Nuclear ma
349412 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinitis 12 Sexual dys 12 Sinus disor
349412 Sleep disor 12 Sleep stud 12 Tinnitus 12 Vision blur 12
349413 Allergy tes 12 Peak expira 12 Rash macu 12 Rash prurit 12 Skin lesion
349414 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Blood thyr 12 Full blood 12 Metabolic f
349414 Nuclear ma 12 Rash 12 Rash macul 12 Rash prurit 12 Red blood c
349414 Rheumatoid 12 X-ray limb 12 X-ray limb 12
349415 Neutrophil 12 Rash 12 White blood 12
349416 Asthenia 12 Bacteraemi 12 Cellulitis 12 Cold agglut 12 Dysphagia
349416 Echocardio 12 Fatigue 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Nausea
349416 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Sepsis 12 Staphylococ
349416 Staphylococ 12 Vaccination 12 Vomiting 12
349417 Abdominal 12 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12 Headache 12
349418 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349419 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12
349420 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
349421 Lethargy 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Swelling 12 Urticaria
349422 Diarrhoea 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
349423 Convulsion 12
349424 Angiopathy 12 Antineutrop 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Biopsy kid
349424 Bronchosc 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc 12 Computeri 12 Dizziness p
349424 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Grip stren 12 Haematuri 12 Haemoptys
349424 Haemoptys 12 Headache 12 Laboratory 12 Lymphangit 12 Lymphocytic
349424 Microscopic 12 Myalgia 12 Protein uri 12 Pulmonary 12 Somnolenc
349424 Stress 12 Thrombosi 12 Weight inc 12
349425 Convulsion 12 Crying 12 Electroenc 12 Musculoskel 12 Neurologic
349425 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12
349426 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349427 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349428 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Blood elect 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood thyr
349428 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc 12 Condition 12 Differentia 12 Dyspnoea
349428 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Glycosylat 12 Headache
349428 Insomnia 12 Insomnia 12 Lipids norm 12 Liver funct 12 Nuclear ma
349428 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Photophobi 12 Postnasal d 12 Pyrexia
349428 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Sinusitis 12 Syphilis te 12 Throat irrit
349428 Urine analy 12 Wheezing 12
349429 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
349430 Anion gap 12 Back pain 12 Blood calc 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea
349430 Blood pota 12 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Chills
349430 Diarrhoea 12 Differential 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar
349430 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Fibrin D di 12 Full blood 12 Haematocri
349430 Hypoaesthe 12 Influenza li 12 Influenza s 12 Nausea 12 Night swea
349430 Pericarditis 12 Pyrexia 12 Troponin 12 Vomiting 12
349431 Rash 12
349432 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Laboratory
349432 Lymphaden 12 Myalgia 12
349433 Crying 12 Screaming 12
349434 Rash 12 Rash 12
349435 Arthralgia 12 Laboratory 12
349436 Activities o 12 Arrhythmia 12 Axillary pai 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea
349436 Blood elect 12 Catheterisa 12 Chest disc 12 Chest disc 12 Chest pain
349436 Differentia 12 Echocardio 12 Ejection fr 12 Electrocar 12 Full blood
349436 Heart rate 12 Intensive c 12 Myocardial 12 Myocarditis 12 Neck pain
349436 Troponin i 12 Ultrasound 12
349437 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12
349438 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin lesion 12
349439 Local react 12
349440 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
349441 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
349442 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
349443 Blister 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
349444 Burning se 12 Differentia 12 Full blood 12 Paraesthesi 12 Pruritus
349444 Rash 12 Red blood c 12 Urticaria 12 Vaccine pos 12
349445 Abdominal 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Biopsy mus 12 Blood chole
349445 Blood elect 12 Blood folat 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood thyr 12 Borrelia bu
349445 Differentia 12 Dysstasia 12 Electromy 12 Flank pain 12 Formicatio
349445 Full blood 12 Glycosylat 12 HIV test ne 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Interverteb
349445 Low density 12 Lyme dise 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscle twit 12 Musculoskel
349445 Nephrolithi 12 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Red blood c
349445 Rheumatoid 12 Sleep stud 12 Syphilis te 12 Urine analy 12 Vitamin B1
349446 Arthralgia 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext 12
349447 Borrelia bu 12 Computeris 12 Differentia 12 Facial pals 12 Full blood
349447 Headache 12 Herpes simp 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Lip swellin
349447 Local swell 12 Pain in jaw 12
349448 Alanine am 12 Albumin glo 12 Aspartate 12 Basophil c 12 Basophil p
349448 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor
349448 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood thyr
349448 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio 12 Diarrhoea 12 Eosinophil 12 Eosinophil
349448 Fatigue 12 Glomerular 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Headache
349448 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell
349448 Mean cell 12 Mean plate 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p 12 Nausea
349448 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Platelet co 12 Red blood c 12 Red cell di
349448 Vaccine pos 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
349449 Blood crea 12 Chest pain 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Troponin
349450 Anhedonia 12 Arthralgia 12 Cognitive d 12 Fatigue 12 Malaise
349450 Myalgia 12 Vaccine pos 12
349451 Allergy test 12 Alopecia 12 Amnesia 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain
349451 Bone scan 12 Computeri 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Headache
349451 Lipids norm 12 Malaise 12 Mammogram 12 Metabolic f 12 Sleep disor
349451 Spinal X-ra 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 X-ray abno 12
349452 Alopecia 12 Amnesia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Fatigue
349452 Headache 12 Laboratory 12 Pyrexia 12 Vision blur 12 Visual imp
349453 Bone scan 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Musculoske
349453 Nuclear ma 12 X-ray norm 12
349454 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Hot flush 12 Laboratory
349454 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12 Nodule 12 Paraesthes 12 Sensation
349456 Mitochondri 12 Surgery 12
349461 Antibody te 12 Biopsy bon 12 Biopsy bon 12 Biopsy lym 12 Chemother
349461 Computeri 12 Differential 12 Fatigue 12 Hodgkin's d 12 Laboratory
349461 Lymphaden 12 Positron e 12 Pruritus 12 Weight dec 12
349464 Feeling ab 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
349464 Injection si 12 Palpitation 12
349465 Back pain 12 Computeri 12 Hepatic les 12 Neuralgia 12 Pain in ext
349470 Headache 12 Hypersensit 12 Rash 12 Swelling 12
349471 Inappropria 12 Pyrexia 12
349472 Herpes zos 12
349473 Basophil c 12 Basophil p 12 Body tempe 12 Eosinophil 12 Haematocri
349473 Haemoglob 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
349473 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mean plate
349473 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Platelet co
349473 Red blood c 12 Red cell di 12 White blood 12
349474 Cold sweat 12 Hypotensio 12 Hypoventila 12 Somnolenc 12 Syncope
349474 Vomiting 12
349475 Inappropria 12 Rash 12
349476 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Uterine dil 12
349477 Rash papul 12 Rash vesic 12
349478 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
349479 Incorrect s 12
349480 Dry throat 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Sensation o 12
349481 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12
349482 Incorrect s 12
349483 Incorrect s 12
349484 Incorrect s 12
349485 Injection si 12 Lymph nod 12
349486 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349487 Arthralgia 12 Fatigue 12 Hallucinati 12 Pain 12 Pain
349487 Pyrexia 12
349488 Discomfort 12 Lymphaden 12 Pyrexia 12
349489 Apnoeic at 12 Cyanosis 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Febrile infe
349489 Hypoxia 12 Leukocytos 12 Nasal cong 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
349489 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Somnolenc 12
349490 Incorrect s 12
349491 Wrong drug 12
349492 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Headache
349492 Lymphaden 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
349494 Abdominal 12 Aspartate 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Computeris
349494 Eosinophil 12 Flatulence 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Lipase dec
349494 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu
349494 Red cell di 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
349495 Diet refusa 12 Gait distur 12 Vomiting 12
349496 Expired dr 12
349497 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
349498 Amnesia 12 Vaccine pos 12
349499 Anorexia 12 Headache 12 Immediate p 12 Malaise 12 Muscle twit
349499 Muscular 12 Nausea 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash 12 Throat tigh
349499 Tremor 12
349501 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Vaccination
349502 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349503 Heart rate 12 Loss of co 12 Tonic conv 12
349504 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
349505 Brain oed 12 Choking 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Hemiparesi
349505 Nuclear ma 12 Vomiting 12
349506 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
349507 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349508 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
349509 Drooling 12 Lumbar pun 12 Muscle twit 12 Unresponsiv 12
349510 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Laboratory 12 Paraesthes
349511 Headache 12 Inappropria 12 Injected li 12 Injection si 12
349513 Abasia 12 Antinuclear 12 Asthenia 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain
349513 Burning se 12 Electrophor 12 Gene mutati 12 Glycosylat 12 Hypoaesthe
349513 Hypoaesthe 12 Hyporeflex 12 Musculoske 12 Nerve cond 12 Paraesthes
349513 Sensory di 12 Vitamin B1 12 Vitamin B6 12
349514 Flushing 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypotonia 12 Injection si 12 Nausea
349514 Vomiting 12
349515 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Crying 12 Electroenc 12 Fracture
349515 Gaze palsy 12 Hypotonia 12 Joint swell 12 Neurologic 12 Staring
349515 X-ray abno 12
349516 Drooling 12 Electroenc 12 Muscle twit 12
349517 Syncope 12
349519 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin lesion 12
349520 Convulsion 12 Depressed 12 Disturbance 12 Electroenc 12 Lethargy
349520 Nuclear ma 12 Personalit 12 Rash gener 12 Screaming 12 Speech dis
349521 Malaise 12 Rash 12
349522 Nasopharyn 12 Urticaria 12
349523 Blood gluc 12 Blood gluc 12 Condition 12 Diabetes me 12 Feeling ab
349523 Nausea 12
349524 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
349525 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349526 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349527 Abdominal 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Confusional 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Dizziness
349527 Dyspnoea 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Feeling ab
349527 Feeling hot 12.1 Gaze palsy 12 Hypotonia 12.1 Immediate p 12 Laboratory
349527 Loss of co 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Musculoskel 12 Pallor 12 Parosmia
349527 Presyncop 12.1 Sinus arrh 12.1 Syncope 12 Tremor 12 Visual imp
349528 Diarrhoea 12 Vomiting 12
349530 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349531 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349532 Erythema 12 Rash gener 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria
349533 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash prurit 12 Scar 12
349534 Drug expos 12 Neonatal d 12 Ultrasound 12
349536 Blood bilir 12 Blood cultu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Full blood 12 Headache
349536 Influenza s 12 Nausea 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
349536 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macul 12 Skin discol 12 Urine analy
349536 White blood 12
349537 Hypotensio 12 Injection si 12
349538 Leukaemia 12
349539 Autism 12 Diarrhoea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
349540 Leukaemia 12
349542 Drug expos 12 Neonatal d 12 Ultrasound 12
349543 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12
349544 Systemic l 12
349545 Computeri 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection s
349545 Lymphaden 12 Mass 12 Nausea 12 Nephrolithi 12 Nuclear ma
349545 Rash 12 Ultrasound 12
349549 Guillain-B 12
349550 Respiratory 12 Resuscitat 12 Skin discol 12
349557 Feeling hot 12 Gaze palsy 12 Malaise 12 Posture ab 12
349558 Incorrect s 12
349559 Incorrect s 12
349560 Incorrect s 12
349561 Incorrect s 12
349562 Urticaria 12
349563 Injection sit 12
349564 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349565 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349566 Arthralgia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Headache 12 Irritability 12 Myalgia
349566 Pyrexia 12
349567 Unevaluabl 12
349568 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
349569 Incorrect s 12
349570 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349571 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349572 Incorrect s 12
349573 Lymph nod 12 Tendernes 12
349574 Incorrect s 12
349575 Local react 12
349576 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Facial pain 12 Herpes zos 12 Pruritus
349576 Swelling fa 12
349577 Incorrect s 12
349579 Incorrect s 12
349580 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349581 Erythema 12
349582 Incorrect s 12
349583 Incorrect s 12
349584 Lymphaden 12
349585 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash macu
349586 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12
349587 Mental sta 12 Neurologic 12 Pyrexia 12
349588 Body tempe 12 Rash macul 12
349589 Wrong drug 12
349590 Rash gener 12 Urticaria 12
349591 No reaction 12 Nodule 12 Tendernes 12
349592 Body tempe 12 Rash macul 12 Skin lesion 12
349593 Rash papul 12
349594 Anion gap 12 Blood albu 12 Blood calc 12 Convulsion 12 Convulsion
349594 Cough 12 Developmen 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dyspnoea
349594 Full blood 12 Hypertensi 12 Hypotonia 12 Infantile s 12 Laboratory
349594 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell
349594 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia
349594 Red blood c 12 Stool redu 12 Urine amino 12
349595 Hyperaesth 12 Impaired h 12 Injection s 12 Pruritus 12
349596 Hyperhidro 12 Oxygen sup 12 Syncope 12
349597 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
349597 Injection s 12
349598 Flushing 12 Hyperhidro 12 Injection si 12 Lethargy 12 Urticaria
349598 Vomiting 12
349599 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Chills 12 Sleep disor 12 Tremor
349600 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Confusional 12 Fatigue 12 Headache
349600 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Somnolenc 12 Vomiting 12
349601 Chills 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12 Malaise 12
349602 Fatigue 12 Heart rate 12 Pain 12 Systemic l 12
349603 Bedridden 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
349604 Cholangio 12 Complement 12 Complement 12 Electromy 12 Intracrania
349604 Lumbar pun 12 Neuralgia 12 Nuclear ma 12 Polymerase 12 Syphilis tes
349605 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react
349606 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth
349606 Rash gener 12
349607 Irritability 12 Lethargy 12 No reaction 12 Palpitation 12 Pyrexia
349608 Pain 12
349609 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12
349612 Arthralgia 12 Joint injury 12 Joint swell 12 Oedema 12
349614 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349615 Arthralgia 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
349617 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
349618 Abdominal 12 Crying 12 Discomfort 12 Dry skin 12 Enema admi
349618 Haematoch 12 Hypophagi 12 Intussusce 12 Laparotom 12 Large intes
349618 Lip dry 12 Listless 12 Occult bloo 12 Restlessne 12 Screaming
349618 Skin warm 12 Small intes 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray abno
349619 Herpes zos 12 Immediate p 12 Polymerase 12
349620 Anaphylacti 12 Anxiety 12 Asthenia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Eosinophil
349620 Full blood 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglobi 12 Immediate p 12 Internation
349620 Mean cell 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Pharyngea 12 Red blood c
349620 Respiratory 12 Syncope 12 Throat tigh 12 Vaccination 12 Wheezing
349621 Activated p 12.1 Back pain 12 Carbon dio 12.1 Coagulation 12 Computeri
349621 Dyspnoea 12 Electrophor 12.1 Fibrin D di 12.1 Flank pain 12.1 Joint stiffn
349621 Light chain 12.1 Light chain 12.1 Muscle sp 12 Musculoskel 12 Musculoske
349621 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Protein S i 12.1 Prothrombi 12.1 Pulmonary
349621 Red blood c 12.1 Russell's 12.1 Thrombosi 12
349623 Unevaluabl 12
349624 Back pain 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
349625 Incorrect d 12 Wrong drug 12
349626 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349627 Pyrexia 12 Upper respi 12
349628 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
349629 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349630 Lethargy 12 Vomiting 12
349631 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
349632 Injection s 12
349633 Bacteria sto 12 Clostridial 12
349634 Unevaluabl 12
349635 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
349636 Cough 12 Erythema 12 Flushing 12 Hyperhidro 12 Pruritus ge
349637 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349638 Wrong drug 12
349639 Unevaluabl 12
349640 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Lethargy
349640 Pyrexia 12
349641 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349642 Blood pres 12 Bradycardi 12 Feeling col 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypotensio
349642 Immediate p 12 Pallor 12 Presyncop 12
349643 Chills 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12
349644 Dyspnoea 12 Face oede 12
349645 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Headache
349645 Tinnitus 12
349646 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes
349646 Urticaria 12 White blood 12
349647 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
349647 Tremor 12
349648 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Nodule 12
349649 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349650 Non-consu 12 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
349651 Unevaluabl 12
349653 Death 12 Encephaliti 12 Herpes zos 12 Intensive c 12
349660 Cardiac mo 12 Feeling of 12 Malignant 12 Tachycardi 12 Tinnitus
349661 Cardiac dis 12
349664 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Gastroenter 12 Helicobacter 12 Influenza s
349664 Respiratory 12 Rotavirus i 12 Rotavirus t 12 Stool analy 12 Upper respi
349664 Vomiting 12
349665 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Neonatal d 12 Pregnancy t 12
349666 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12 Urine human 12
349667 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Bronchitis 12 Chest pain 12 Chronic fa
349667 Computeri 12 Computeris 12 Contusion 12 Cough 12 Depression
349667 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Gene mutat 12 Helicobacter
349667 Hypophagi 12 Immobile 12 Immune sys 12 Immune sys 12 Immunology
349667 Infectious 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Nuclear ma
349667 Oxygen sat 12 Pain in ext 12 Paralysis 12 Paranasal 12 Postnasal d
349667 Rhinitis 12 Sinusitis 12 Spirometry 12 Splenomeg 12 Surgery
349667 Ultrasound 12 Viral infect 12 Weight dec 12
349670 Influenza li 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain
349671 Blood huma 12 Computeris 12 Full blood 12 Metabolic f 12 Red blood c
349671 Syncope 12
349672 Localised 12 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria 12
349673 Diet refusa 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
349674 Death 12 Sudden car 12
349675 Genital les 12 Post vaccin 12.1 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic 12.1 Skin lesion
349676 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349677 Altered sta 12 Immediate p 12
349678 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Skin discol 12 Tendernes 12 Urticaria
349679 Chest disc 12 Cough 12 Dizziness 12 Malaise 12 Musculoskel
349679 Musculoskel 12 Ocular hyp 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12 Upper respi
349680 Angioedem 12 Anion gap 12 Blister 12 Blood albu 12 Blood calc
349680 Blood gluc 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urine 12 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra
349680 Complement 12 Culture uri 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fibrin incr 12 Hyperglyca
349680 Hyponatra 12 Lip swellin 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean plate 12 Measles ant
349680 Mumps antib 12 Oedema 12 Pharyngea 12 Protein tot 12 Pruritus
349680 Rash 12 Rash gener 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Swelling fa
349680 Swollen to 12 Urticaria 12 Vasculitis 12 White blood 12 White blood
349681 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Testicular 12
349682 Dizziness 12 Head injury 12 Pallor 12
349683 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349684 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
349685 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349686 Chills 12 Tremor 12
349687 Chronic ob 12
349688 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash macu 12
349689 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349690 Dyskinesia 12 Excoriation 12 Fall 12 Immediate p 12 Laceration
349690 Loss of co 12 X-ray 12
349691 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
349692 Contusion 12.1 Crying 12.1 Idiopathic 12 Petechiae 12.1 Platelet co
349692 Rash 12.1
349693 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12
349694 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Tendernes
349695 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
349696 Pruritus 12
349697 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Inappropria 12
349698 Body tempe 12 Inappropria 12 Rash gener 12 Rash morbil 12
349699 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm
349700 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
349700 Myalgia 12
349701 Body tempe 12 Rash 12 Rash macu 12
349702 Antibody te 12 Asthenia 12 Full blood 12 Malaise 12 Metabolic f
349702 Peripheral 12 Piloerectio 12 Urine huma 12
349703 Dizziness 12 Tachycardi 12
349704 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
349705 Syncope 12 Tonic clon 12 Unresponsiv 12
349706 Inappropria 12
349707 Injection sit 12
349714 Contusion 12 Idiopathic 12 Platelet co 12
349715 Abnormal b 12 Autism 12 Change in s 12 Decreased 12 Insomnia
349715 Social avoi 12 Speech dis 12
349716 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy 12 White blood 12
349718 Arthralgia 12 Flushing 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia
349719 Injection s 12
349720 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349721 Inappropria 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
349722 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12 Streptococc 12 Urticaria
349724 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
349725 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Nausea
349725 Skin warm 12 Tremor 12
349726 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349727 Blister 12 Condition 12 Pruritus 12
349728 Injection si 12
349729 Wrong drug 12
349730 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Mass 12
349731 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12
349732 Pyrexia 12
349733 Diarrhoea 12 Vomiting 12
349734 Lymphaden 12
349735 Cold sweat 12 Feeling ab 12
349736 Grand mal 12 Immediate p 12
349737 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12
349738 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Body tempe 12 Conjunctivi
349738 Decreased 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Headache 12 Hypersomn
349738 Joint swell 12 Lymphaden 12 Photophobi 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
349738 Rash 12 Rheumatoid 12 Vaccine pos 12
349739 Herpes zos 12
349740 Erythema 12 Hyperaemi 12 Oedema per 12
349741 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349742 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349743 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Paraesthes 12
349744 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349745 Fall 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pallor 12
349746 Rash 12 Varicella p 12
349747 Wrong drug 12
349748 Injection s 12
349749 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Swelling 12
349750 Rash 12
349751 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
349752 Contusion 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
349752 Monopares 12
349753 Wrong drug 12
349754 Injection si 12
349755 Condition 12 Obsessive- 12
349756 Wrong drug 12
349757 Allergy tes 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349758 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
349759 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
349760 Hepatitis A 12
349761 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
349762 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
349763 Urticaria 12 Vomiting 12
349764 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
349765 Hepatitis A 12
349766 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
349767 Blood test 12 False posit 12
349768 Injection si 12
349769 Urticaria 12
349770 Dysfunction 12 Gastrointes 12 Menstruatio 12 Pain 12
349771 Idiopathic 12
349772 Measles po 12
349773 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Blood gluc 12 Headache 12 Nausea
349773 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Vomiting 12
349774 Diabetes me 12 Dysuria 12 Glucose ur 12
349775 Mumps 12
349776 Idiopathic 12
349777 Encephaliti 12
349778 Apraxia 12 Expressive 12 Gastrointes 12 Rash 12 Staring
349778 Swelling fa 12
349779 Mumps anti 12
349780 Accidental 12 Laceration 12
349781 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
349782 Adverse re 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
349783 Mumps anti 12 Rubella ant 12 Varicella z 12
349784 Hepatitis vi 12 Mumps anti 12 Varicella z 12
349785 Inappropria 12 Measles 12
349786 Measles an 12 Mumps antib 12 Rubella ant 12
349787 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
349788 Lymphadeni 12 Mumps anti 12
349789 Diarrhoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Nausea 12 Urticaria 12 Vomiting
349791 Meningitis 12
349792 Chest pain 12 Inappropria 12 Laboratory 12 Neurologic 12 Skin discol
349793 Meningitis 12
349795 Rubella an 12
349801 Livedo retic 12 Rash gener 12 Upper respi 12
349804 Antibody te 12 Laboratory 12
349805 Abortion s 12 Anaemia 12 Blood test 12 Condition 12 Drug expos
349805 Pregnancy 12 Uterine dil 12
349806 Abnormal b 12 Anger 12 Crying 12 Hyperhidro 12 Movement d
349807 Abnormal b 12 Drooling 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Electroenc 12 Hyperhidro
349807 Incoherent 12.1 Nuclear ma 12 Partial sei 12.1 Petit mal e 12 Posture ab
349807 Speech dis 12.1 Unresponsiv 12
349809 Amnesia 12 Convulsion 12
349810 Erythema 12 Rash gener 12
349813 Measles an 12 Mumps anti 12 Rubella ant 12
349815 Measles 12 Rash morbil 12 Stomatitis 12
349816 Measles ant 12 Mumps anti 12 Rubella ant 12
349818 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349821 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Band neutr 12 Blood crea
349821 Blood cultu 12 Blood pota 12 Carbon dio 12 Diarrhoea 12 Gastroenter
349821 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypophagi 12 Immunisati 12 Lymphocyte
349821 Monocyte c 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Red cell di
349821 Rotavirus t 12 Specific gr 12 Weight dec 12
349822 Anaemia 12 Areflexia 12 Asthenia 12 Axonal neu 12 Bedridden
349822 Blood gluc 12 Blood produ 12 CSF test n 12 Chest X-ra 12 Deep vein
349822 Electromyo 12 Gait distur 12 Grip stren 12 Guillain-B 12 Lumbar pun
349822 Muscle sp 12 Muscular 12 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per
349822 Pain in ext 12 Plasmapher 12 Prothrombi 12 Sensory lo 12 Transfusio
349822 Ultrasound 12
349823 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
349824 Injection si 12
349826 Injection s 12 Skin lesion 12 Urticaria 12
349827 Erythema 12 Mass 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
349828 Burning se 12 Erythema 12 Immediate p 12 Insomnia 12 Oedema per
349828 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Skin discol 12
349829 Inappropria 12
349830 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Rash macu 12 Swelling
349831 Injection si 12
349832 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349833 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349834 Injection s 12
349835 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
349836 Injection s 12 Skin irritat 12
349837 Blood cultu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Convulsion 12 Culture uri 12
349838 Hypersensit 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul 12
349839 Crying 12 Diarrhoea 12 Erythema 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia
349840 Chest disc 12 Feeling col 12 Injection si 12 Palpitation 12
349841 Swelling fa 12
349842 Headache 12
349843 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Nightmare
349844 Crying 12 Diet refusa 12 Immunisati 12
349845 Arthropod b 12 Back pain 12 Chills 12 Decreased 12 Dizziness
349845 Dizziness p 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Oedema per 12 Restlessne
349845 Sleep disor 12 Tendernes 12
349846 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349847 Death 12
349848 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12
349849 Abnormal b 12
349850 Audiogram 12 Balance di 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nystagmus
349850 Sudden hea 12 Vestibular 12
349851 Blood test 12 Chills 12 Influenza li 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia
349851 X-ray 12
349852 Blood produ 12 C-reactive 12 Conjunctivi 12 Echocardio 12 Inappropria
349852 Kawasaki's 12 Palmar ery 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Red blood c
349853 Arthralgia 12 Blood test 12 Bone marr 12 Bursitis 12 Computeris
349853 Dysstasia 12 Erythema 12 Joint swell 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext
349853 Tendon pai 12 X-ray norm 12
349854 Antinuclear 12 Electromy 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscular 12 Myalgia
349854 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Periarthriti
349855 Amnesia 12 Arthritis 12 Attention de 12 Blood test 12 Chest X-ra
349855 Chills 12 Constipati 12 Deafness 12 Depression 12 Diarrhoea
349855 Disturbance 12 Electrocar 12 Epicondylit 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue
349855 Foot deform 12 Foot opera 12 Full blood 12 Gastrointes 12 Headache
349855 Inflammati 12 Influenza 12 Injection si 12 Lumbar pun 12 Migraine
349855 Mood swin 12 Muscle atr 12 Muscular 12 Musculoskel 12 Night swea
349855 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Palpitation 12 Pharyngitis
349855 Photophobi 12 Post lumba 12 Pyrexia 12 Sleep disor 12 Specific gr
349855 Surgery 12 Thyroid fun 12 Vertigo 12 Vision blur 12 Weight fluc
349856 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
349857 Headache 12 Headache 12 Ophthalmol 12 Visual acui 12
349858 Pruritus ge 12
349859 Pruritus ge 12
349860 Pruritus ge 12
349861 Pruritus ge 12
349862 Pruritus ge 12
349863 Pruritus ge 12
349864 Pruritus ge 12
349866 Pruritus ge 12
349868 Dizziness 12 Muscular 12
349871 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349873 Blood test 12 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Cyanosis 12 Gaze palsy
349873 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Lymphocyte 12 Muscle rigi 12 Neutrophil
349873 Nystagmus 12 Tremor 12
349874 Expired dr 12
349875 Expired dr 12
349877 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal
349877 Abdominal 12 Abnormal f 12 Anaemia 12 Barium en 12 Bed rest
349877 Biopsy col 12 Body tempe 12 Calcium de 12 Chills 12 Colectomy t
349877 Colitis ulce 12 Crohn's di 12 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Drug hypers
349877 Full blood 12 Gram stain 12 Hyperhidro 12 Ileal stenos 12 Ileectomy
349877 Ileostomy 12 Laparotom 12 Magnesium 12 Megacolon 12 Parenteral
349877 Parenteral 12 Proctalgia 12 Proctoscop 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c
349877 Salmonello 12 Serum sick 12 Sigmoidosc 12 Stomatitis 12 Transfusio
349877 White blood 12 X-ray abno 12 X-ray with 12 X-ray with 12
349878 Expired dr 12
349879 Convulsion 12 Hyperhidro 12 Pallor 12 Tremor 12
349880 Eye swelli 12 Swelling fa 12
349881 Varicella p 12
349882 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Influenza li 12 Injection s
349882 Myalgia 12 Rash prurit 12
349883 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
349884 Injection si 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
349885 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349886 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
349887 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349888 Convulsion 12 Feeling col 12 Hyperhidro 12 Muscle rigi 12 Muscle twit
349888 Oxygen sat 12 Pallor 12 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vomiting
349889 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea 12 Electrocar 12 Headache 12 Mononucleos
349889 Nausea 12 Streptococca 12 Vaccination 12
349890 Wrong drug 12
349891 Wrong drug 12
349892 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Asthenia 12 Blood crea 12 Dyspnoea
349892 Lumbar pun 12 Pain 12
349893 Injection si 12
349894 Bed rest 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
349895 Computeri 12 Fall 12 Skin lacera 12 Skin test 12 Syncope
349895 Tonic conv 12
349896 Erythema 12
349897 Injection si 12 Local swell 12
349898 Crying 12 Injection s 12
349899 Differential 12 Full blood 12 Lymphaden 12 Rash 12
349900 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349902 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
349903 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
349904 Crying 12 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
349905 Varicella p 12
349906 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
349907 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349908 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
349909 Streptococc 12 Urticaria 12
349910 Rubella an 12
349911 Irritability 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul 12
349912 Laboratory 12 Mumps 12 Mumps antib 12 Parotid gl 12 Swelling
349913 Body tempe 12 Pharyngeal 12 Pyrexia 12
349914 Urticaria 12
349915 No therape 12 Rubella an 12
349916 Measles 12 Rash morbil 12
349917 Extrapyrami 12 No reaction 12 Pyrexia 12
349918 Antibody te 12 Mumps anti 12
349919 Measles 12 Rash morbil 12
349920 Expired dr 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349921 Full blood 12 Injection si 12 Parotid gl 12
349922 Immunology 12 Rubella an 12
349923 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
349924 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
349925 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
349926 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
349927 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
349928 Measles 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash morbil 12
349929 Hypersensit 12
349930 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Electromy 12 Full blood 12 Hiccups
349930 Lipase 12 Metabolic f 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma
349931 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12
349932 Blood amyl 12 Blood immu 12 Inflammati 12 Mumps antib 12 Parotitis
349933 Parotitis 12
349934 Measles ant 12 Mumps anti 12 Rubella ant 12
349935 Epididymiti 12 Ultrasound 12
349936 Underdose 12 Urticaria 12
349937 Wrong drug 12
349938 Mumps anti 12
349939 Antibody te 12 No therape 12
349940 Blood immu 12 Hepatitis B 12 Mumps anti 12 No therape 12
349941 Rubella an 12
349942 Rubella an 12
349943 Incorrect r 12 Injection si 12
349944 Measles ant 12 Mumps anti 12 Rubella ant 12
349945 Blood test 12 Body tempe 12 Conjunctivi 12 Eye discha 12 Ocular hyp
349945 Pyrexia 12 Rash morbil 12
349946 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
349947 Pyrexia 12
349948 Mumps anti 12
349949 Eye infecti 12 Incorrect r 12 Injection s 12 Measles po 12 Pyrexia
349949 Rash gener 12
349950 Mumps anti 12
349951 Hepatitis B 12 Rubella an 12
349952 Blood albu 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Infectious 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell
349952 Metamyeloc 12 Mumps 12 Mumps antib 12 Parotitis 12 Red blood c
349952 Red cell di 12
349953 Biopsy 12 Blister 12 Contusion 12 Mumps antib 12 Pruritus
349953 Rash 12
349954 Rash gener 12
349956 Rubella an 12
349957 Measles an 12 Mumps antib 12 No therape 12 Rubella ant 12
349966 Rash 12 Systemic l 12
349968 Abortion i 12 Antibody te 12 Blood grou 12 Drug expos 12 Full blood
349968 Laboratory 12 Pregnancy t 12
349970 Full blood 12 Full blood 12
349973 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Blood albu 12 Blood pota
349973 Blood urea 12 Clostridium 12 Eczema 12 Enema admi 12 Eructation
349973 Erythema 12 Gastrointe 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Intussusce
349973 Irritability 12 Mean cell 12 Platelet co 12 Posture ab 12 Protein tot
349973 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macu 12 Screaming
349973 Urinary sy 12 X-ray abno 12
349974 Acute respi 12 Anaemia 12 Anisocytos 12 Aspartate 12 B-lymphocy
349974 Blood albu 12 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gase 12 Blood gluc
349974 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Blood pota 12 Blood test 12 CD4 lympho
349974 CD4/CD8 ra 12 CD8 lympho 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra 12 Coagulopa
349974 Crepitation 12 Diarrhoea 12 Fontanelle 12 Gene mutati 12 Granulocyt
349974 Grunting 12 HIV test ne 12 Hypochrom 12 Hypophagi 12 Hypoventila
349974 Immune sys 12 Infantile sp 12 Intensive c 12 Irritability 12 Liver palpa
349974 Lymphocyte 12 Malaise 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mechanical
349974 Microbiolog 12 Monocyte c 12 Mucosal dr 12 Oxygen sat 12 Platelet co
349974 Pneumonia 12 Polychroma 12 Pulmonary 12 Pyrexia 12 Red cell di
349974 Respiratory 12 Rotavirus t 12 Rotavirus t 12 Tachypnoe 12 Urine outp
349974 Viral test p 12 White blood 12
349975 Rubella an 12
349976 Mumps anti 12
349977 Rash macul 12 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria 12
349978 Measles an 12 Mumps anti 12 Rubella ant 12
349979 Mumps anti 12
349980 Body tempe 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea
349980 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Hyperhidro 12 Nausea 12 Palpitation
349980 Pyrexia 12
349981 Measles ant 12 Mumps anti 12 Rubella ant 12
349982 Rubella an 12
349983 Incorrect r 12 Injection si 12 Wrong tech 12
349984 Incorrect r 12 Oropharyng 12
349985 Pyrexia 12
349986 Fatigue 12 Leukopeni 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pain in jaw
349986 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
349987 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
349988 Body tempe 12 Lymphaden 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Oropharyng
349988 Sinus cong 12
349989 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Sensation 12 Tremor
349990 Injection si 12
349991 Abnormal b 12
349992 Measles an 12
349993 Rash gener 12
349994 Inappropria 12 Swelling fa 12
349995 Allergy to 12 Antibody te 12
349996 Measles po 12 Rash papul 12 Scar 12
349997 Joint stiffn 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Rheumatoid 12
349998 Drug expos 12 Fatigue 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine human 12
349999 Cellulitis 12
350000 Allergy to 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Rash
350001 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash morbil 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
350002 Urticaria 12
350003 Body tempe 12 Irritability 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth
350003 Rash macu 12 Viral rash 12
350004 Measles an 12
350005 Antibody te 12
350006 Blood gluc 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pallor
350006 Sleep disor 12 Vertigo 12
350007 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350008 Biopsy 12 Biopsy ski 12 Erythema 12 Erythema 12 Hepatitis B
350008 Measles ant 12 Mumps antib 12 Nausea 12 Poliovirus 12 Pruritus
350008 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12 Rash papul
350008 Rash prurit 12 Rash pustu 12 Rash vesic 12 Sunburn 12 Vaccination
350008 Vaccination 12 Vaccinia 12 Varicella z 12
350009 Eye swelli 12 Hypotonia 12 Lip swellin 12 Rash 12 Screaming
350010 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
350011 Bacteria uri 12 Clonus 12 Convulsion 12 Cough 12 Crying
350011 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Heart rate 12 Hemiparesi 12 Hypotonia
350011 Infrequent 12 Lumbar pun 12 Muscle spas 12 Nasal cong 12 Nuclear ma
350011 Pallor 12 Posturing 12 Pyrexia 12 Unresponsiv 12 Unresponsiv
350011 Vaccination 12 White blood 12
350012 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Varicella 12 Vomiting 12
350013 Alcohol wi 12 Alcoholism 12 Alcoholism 12 Animal bite 12 Blood alco
350013 Concussio 12 Deep vein 12 Drug screen 12 Drug withd 12 Enterococca
350013 Fall 12 Immunisati 12 Intensive c 12 Loss of co 12 Psychiatric
350013 Traumatic b 12 Upper respi 12
350014 Parotid gl 12
350015 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350016 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
350017 Abdominal 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Dyskinesia
350017 General phy 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypersomn 12 Immediate p 12 Lymphocyte
350017 Malaise 12 Neutrophil 12 No reaction 12 Presyncop 12 Tremor
350017 Vaccination 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
350018 Chills 12 Cough 12 Crying 12 Dyspnoea 12 Irritability
350018 Pneumonia 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Vomiting 12
350019 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350020 Blood cultu 12 Blood lacti 12 Blood magn 12 Cerebellar 12 Culture uri
350020 Developmen 12 Drug scree 12 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Gait distur
350020 Gastroenter 12 Malaise 12 Metabolic f 12 Nuclear ma 12 Platelet co
350020 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy 12 Vomiting 12
350021 Acne 12 Audiogram 12 Deafness bi 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue
350021 Headache 12 Hearing aid 12 Menorrhagi 12 Menstruatio 12 Mood swin
350021 Palpitation 12 Pollakiuria 12 Spinal defo 12
350022 Anaemia 12 Anorexia 12 Arthralgia 12 Biopsy ski 12 Blister
350022 Blister 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood lact 12 Blood pres 12 C-reactive
350022 Cellulitis 12 Cellulitis 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chills 12 Coagulation
350022 Contusion 12 Culture uri 12 Culture wo 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema
350022 Exercise t 12 Fatigue 12 HIV test ne 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
350022 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
350022 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Intensive c 12 Joint effus 12 Joint swell
350022 Joint warm 12 Laboratory 12 Leukopeni 12 Liver funct 12 Malaise
350022 Mean cell 12 Night swea 12 Normochrom 12 Oropharyng 12 Pancytopen
350022 Pharyngitis 12 Platelet co 12 Polymerase 12 Productive 12 Pyrexia
350022 Pyrexia 12 Rash pustu 12 Red blood c 12 Respiratory 12 Reticulocyt
350022 Scab 12 Serum ferri 12 Skin lesion 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes
350022 Thrombocy 12 Urine analy 12 Vaccination 12 Vaccinia 12 Viral infect
350022 Viral test p 12 Virus cultu 12 White blood 12 X-ray limb 12
350023 Fall 12 Loss of co 12
350025 Rash 12
350026 Antibody te 12 Herpes sim 12 Lymphaden 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul
350026 Rash prurit 12 Skin hyper 12
350027 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
350029 Decreased a 12 Depressed 12 Diarrhoea 12 Eye moveme 12 Fatigue
350029 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
350030 Crying 12 Insomnia 12 Irritability 12
350031 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
350032 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes
350033 Urticaria 12
350034 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12
350037 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
350038 Body tempe 12 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
350038 Pyrexia 12
350039 Culture 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
350040 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm
350041 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
350042 Erythema 12 Skin discol 12
350043 Blood pres 12 Heart rate 12
350044 Encephaliti 12
350045 Deafness 12
350046 Convulsion 12
350047 Convulsion 12 Muscle sp 12 Nervous sy 12 Pyrexia 12 Similar rea
350047 Tic 12
350048 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Nuclear ma 12
350049 Urticaria 12
350050 Erythema 12
350051 Mumps 12 Mumps antib 12 Parotid gl 12
350052 Measles an 12
350053 Measles an 12
350054 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12 Viral infect 12
350055 Urticaria 12
350056 Mumps anti 12
350057 Measles an 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
350058 Rubella an 12
350059 Mumps anti 12
350060 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12
350061 Measles po 12
350063 Antibody te 12 Expired dr 12 Measles an 12 Mumps anti 12 Rubella an
350064 Erythema 12 Urticaria 12
350065 Rash 12 Rash morbil 12
350066 Mumps anti 12
350067 Chest pain 12 Urticaria 12 Vomiting 12
350068 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
350069 Drug expos 12 Inappropria 12 Metrorrhag 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine human
350070 Measles ant 12 Mumps antib 12 Rubella an 12
350071 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash morbil 12
350072 Rash 12 Rash morbil 12
350073 Rash 12
350074 Mumps anti 12
350075 Attention de 12 Malaise 12
350076 Accidental 12 Hypoaesthe 12
350077 Rash morbil 12
350078 Injection si 12
350079 Mumps 12 Mumps antib 12
350080 Adverse ev 12
350081 Electroenc 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12
350082 Adverse ev 12
350083 Headache 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash macul 12 Rash prurit
350084 Adverse re 12
350085 Measles an 12
350086 Arthralgia 12 Lymphoed 12 Pyrexia 12
350087 Dysphemia 12
350088 Body tempe 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12
350089 Convulsion 12 Head injury 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12
350090 Mumps anti 12
350091 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria
350092 Anti-erythr 12 Blood gona 12 Blood grou 12 Caesarean 12 Drug expos
350092 Foetal diso 12 Full blood 12 Glucose tol 12 HIV antibo 12 Haemoglob
350092 Oblique pr 12 Progestero 12 Rubella ant 12 Syphilis tes 12 Urine huma
350093 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12 Uterine dil 12
350094 Convulsion 12
350096 Computeri 12 Contusion 12 Convulsion 12 Dyskinesia 12 Fall
350096 Head injury 12 Skin injury 12 Subcutane 12 Syncope 12 Syncope
350104 Abasia 12 Albumin C 12 Confusional 12 Dysarthria 12 Dysstasia
350104 Extensor p 12 Facial pals 12 Foot deform 12 Hemiparesi 12 Mental imp
350104 Muscle atr 12 Muscular 12 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma
350104 Scan brain 12 Sensory lo 12 Tremor 12 Urinary ret 12
350106 Angiogram 12.1 Blood albu 12.1 Blood immu 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Borrelia bu
350106 Brain scan 12 CSF protei 12.1 Confusional 12 Dysarthria 12.1 Dysarthria
350106 Dyslipidae 12.1 Dysphagia 12 Echocardio 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Hemiparesi
350106 Hemiparesi 12 Methicillin 12.1 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12.1 Nuclear ma
350106 Paraesthes 12.1 Peroneal m 12.1 Schizophre 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1
350107 Asthenia 12 Blood cultu 12 Cellulitis 12 Echocardio 12 Fatigue
350107 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
350107 Ultrasound 12 White blood 12
350108 Blood gluc 12 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Loss of co 12 Presyncop
350108 Syncope 12 Tremor 12 Tuberculin 12 Vision blur 12
350109 Arthralgia 12 Joint stiffn 12 Wrong drug 12
350110 Decreased 12 Irritability 12 Rash gener 12
350111 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350112 Hyperhidro 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12 Syncope
350113 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350114 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350115 Depression 12 Mood swin 12
350117 Abasia 12 Culture thr 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
350118 Asthenia 12 Dyspnoea e 12 Fatigue 12 Paraesthes 12 Peripheral
350119 Blood test 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rubella 12 Varicella
350120 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Sensation 12 Tremor 12
350121 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Loss of co 12
350122 Back pain 12 Herpes zos 12 Neuralgia 12
350123 Unevaluabl 12
350124 Unevaluabl 12
350125 Unevaluabl 12
350126 Bacterial c 12 Blood immu 12 Cranial ner 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Facial pals
350126 Facial pals 12 Lacrimatio 12 Nuclear ma 12 Vision blur 12
350127 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
350128 Unevaluabl 12
350129 Unevaluabl 12
350131 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Blood gluc 12 Body tempe 12 Computeris
350131 Convulsion 12 Drug scree 12 Hallucinati 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe
350131 Hypoaesthe 12 Immunisati 12 Impaired wo 12 Influenza s 12 Injection si
350131 Lethargy 12 Moaning 12 Myalgia 12 Mydriasis 12 Pain
350131 Pupillary r 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12 Somnolenc 12 Vaccination
350131 Visual imp 12
350132 Death 12 Sudden inf 12
350133 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350134 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350135 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Pain in ext 12
350136 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350137 Dry throat 12 Oedema per 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus
350138 Dehydratio 12 Nausea 12 Pneumonia 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory
350138 Vomiting 12
350139 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
350140 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Oedema per 12 Skin discol 12
350141 Wrong drug 12
350142 Asthma 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Nausea 12 Pallor
350142 Respiratory 12
350145 Arthralgia 12 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
350145 Joint swell 12 Myalgia 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
350146 Inappropria 12 Inappropria 12 Wrong drug 12
350150 Arthropod b 12 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si
350152 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Hyperaesth 12 Induration 12 Pyrexia
350153 Presyncop 12
350156 Injection sit 12
350157 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12
350158 Aggression 12 Anger 12 Mood swin 12 Unresponsiv 12
350159 Injection 12 Injection si 12
350160 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pruritus 12 Tendernes 12
350161 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu 12 Streptococca 12
350162 Anaemia 12 Aspartate 12 Asthenia 12 Blood gluc 12 CSF white b
350162 Clonus 12 Constipati 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypokinesi
350162 Hypophagi 12 Irritability 12 Muscular 12 Muscular 12 Myelitis tr
350162 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Red blood 12 Reflex test 12 Sleep disor
350162 Urine outp 12
350163 Antinuclear 12 Asthenia 12 Blood mag 12 Blood thyr 12 Chest X-ra
350163 Confusional 12 Convulsion 12 Depressed 12 Dizziness 12 Dysarthria
350163 Dyskinesia 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue
350163 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Laboratory 12 Mononucleos 12 Muscle twit
350163 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Red blood c 12 Syncope 12 Tremor
350163 Urine analy 12 Urine huma 12 Vision blur 12 Visual imp 12 X-ray
350164 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
350165 Chills 12 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting
350166 Unevaluabl 12
350167 Unevaluabl 12
350168 Unevaluabl 12
350169 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350170 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
350171 Psoriasis 12
350172 Disturbance 12 Inappropria 12 Irritability 12
350173 Rubella an 12
350174 Eating diso 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
350175 Measles po 12
350176 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Urticaria 12
350177 Accidental 12 Eye pain 12
350178 Febrile con 12
350179 Measles an 12 Mumps anti 12 Rubella an 12 Rubella ant 12
350180 Vomiting 12
350181 Measles an 12
350182 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
350183 Mumps anti 12
350184 Mumps anti 12
350185 Attention de 12 Condition 12 Developmen 12 Speech dis 12
350186 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12 Pyrexia 12
350187 Antibody te 12
350188 Local swell 12
350189 Drug expos 12 Rubella an 12 Ultrasound 12
350190 Asthma 12
350191 Adverse re 12
350192 Antibody te 12 Measles an 12 Mumps anti 12 Rubella an 12
350193 Speech dis 12
350194 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
350195 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash macul 12 Rash morbil 12
350196 Wrong drug 12
350197 Immune sys 12 Inflammati 12 Injury 12 Nervous sy 12
350198 Measles an 12 Mumps antib 12 Rubella ant 12
350199 Allergy to 12 Obsessive- 12
350200 Measles an 12 Mumps antib 12 Rubella ant 12
350201 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella p 12
350202 Abnormal b 12
350203 Abnormal b 12 Crying 12 Emotional d 12
350204 Mumps anti 12
350205 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
350206 Mumps anti 12
350207 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12
350208 Vaccination 12
350209 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Reaction to 12
350210 Measles an 12
350211 Measles po 12 Pyrexia 12
350212 Gaze palsy 12 Hypotonia 12 Loss of co 12
350213 Erythema 12 Rash macul 12
350214 Childhood d 12 Laboratory 12
350215 Oral herpe 12
350216 Adverse re 12
350217 Feeling hot 12 Malaise 12
350218 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Burning se 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Inflammati
350218 Limb disco 12 Tendernes 12
350219 Eyelid marg 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Sputum dis 12
350220 Immune sys 12
350221 Adverse re 12
350222 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
350223 Mumps 12
350224 Feeling ab 12
350225 Malaise 12 Nasopharyn 12 Speech dis 12
350226 Anorexia 12 Antibody te 12 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12 Disturbance
350226 Pyrexia 12
350227 Rubella an 12
350231 Acoustic st 12 Autism 12
350234 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
350235 Anxiety 12 Blood gluc 12 Lethargy 12 Nausea 12 Pallor
350235 Syncope 12
350241 Antibody t 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Pneumonia 12
350245 Anaphylacti 12 Crying 12 Heart rate 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection si
350245 Oxygen sat 12 Somnolenc 12 Urticaria 12 Wheezing 12
350246 Crying 12 Pain 12
350247 Convulsion 12 Loss of co 12 Musculoskel 12 Staring 12
350248 Unevaluabl 12
350249 Productive 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
350250 Gastrointe 12 Haematoch 12
350251 Chest pain 12 Pharyngea 12 Swollen to 12
350252 Urticaria 12
350253 Otitis medi 12 Pyrexia 12
350254 Arthralgia 12 Burning se 12 Parvovirus 12 Parvovirus 12
350255 Pain in ext 12
350256 Computeris 12 Hypoaesthe 12
350257 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Pneumonia 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe
350258 Irritability 12 Screaming 12
350259 Injection s 12
350260 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12 Nausea 12
350261 Haemorrha 12 Pruritus 12 Scratch 12 Urticaria 12
350264 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
350265 Rash 12
350266 Haemoglob 12 Inflammati 12 Neutrophil 12 Pyrexia 12 White blood
350267 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Laboratory 12 Musculoske 12 Pain
350267 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 X-ray norm 12
350268 Chest disc 12 Chest pain 12 Dizziness 12 Metabolic f 12 Presyncop
350268 Throat tigh 12 Urine analy 12
350269 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness p 12 Dysphonia 12 Dyspnoea
350269 Metabolic f 12 Neck pain 12 Oropharyng 12 Throat tigh 12 Throat tigh
350270 Insomnia 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
350271 Anxiety 12 Body tempe 12 Chest disc 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea
350271 Dyspnoea 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pallor 12 Skin warm
350272 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350273 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350274 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
350275 Injection s 12
350276 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash macu 12
350277 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
350278 Abnormal f 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood osmo 12 Blood urea 12 CSF test a
350278 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Hypophagi 12 Lumbar pun
350278 Mean cell 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash macul 12 Red blood
350278 Rotavirus t 12 Urine analy 12 Vomiting 12
350279 Abdominal 12 Chest disc 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache
350279 Pain 12 Pain 12
350280 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
350281 Expired dr 12
350282 Expired dr 12
350283 Syncope 12
350284 Abasia 12 Adverse dr 12 Alanine am 12 Angiogram 12 Antinuclear
350284 Aphasia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis
350284 Aspartate 12 Autoimmune 12 Biopsy kid 12 Blood creat 12 Blood urea
350284 Butterfly r 12 Cardiolipin 12 Chorea 12 Clumsines 12 Coagulatio
350284 Complement 12 Complement 12 Confusional 12 DNA antibo 12 Electroenc
350284 Encephaliti 12 Glomerulon 12 Glucose-6- 12 Haematuri 12 Haemoglob
350284 Haemoglobi 12 Headache 12 Histone ant 12 Immediate p 12 Immunisati
350284 Joint effus 12 Joint swell 12 Lumbar pun 12 Memory im 12 Mouth ulce
350284 Musculoske 12 Nephritis 12 Nuclear ma 12 Petechiae 12 Platelet co
350284 Protein uri 12 Proteinuria 12 Purpura 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
350284 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Russell's 12 Screaming 12 Skin exfoli
350284 Specific gr 12 Synovitis 12 Systemic l 12 Tongue eru 12 Ultrasound
350284 Urine analy 12 Urine prote 12 White blood 12 White blood 12 X-ray
350285 Agitation 12 Amnesia 12 Anxiety 12 Communicat 12 Depression
350285 Electroconv 12 Nervous sy 12 Sleep disor 12
350286 Decreased 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
350288 Asthma 12 Condition 12 Sinusitis 12
350289 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul 12
350297 Loss of co 12
350298 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
350299 Antibody te 12 Body tempe 12 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12
350300 Inappropria 12 Urticaria 12
350301 Irritability 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12
350302 Unevaluabl 12
350303 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350304 Rash 12 Rash macu 12
350305 Arthralgia 12 Bronchosp 12 Dysphagia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Hypersensit
350305 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12
350306 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350307 Crying 12
350308 Abdominal 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
350309 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
350310 Reaction to 12 Urticaria 12
350311 Convulsion 12
350312 Adverse re 12
350313 Wrong drug 12
350314 Body tempe 12 Pyrexia 12
350315 Pyrexia 12
350316 Measles an 12
350317 Antibody t 12
350318 Measles an 12
350319 Social avoi 12
350320 Pyrexia 12 Speech dis 12
350321 Adverse ev 12 Pyrexia 12
350322 Adverse re 12 Pyrexia 12
350323 Diarrhoea 12 Injury 12
350324 Adverse ev 12
350325 Injection si 12
350326 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12
350335 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12
350339 Convulsion 12 Gaze palsy 12 Muscle twit 12 Nausea 12 Reaction to
350339 Syncope 12 Tremor 12
350343 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12
350344 Immobile 12
350351 Antibody te 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthritis 12 Blood thyro
350351 C-reactive 12 HLA marker 12 Immunisati 12 Oedema per 12 Pain
350351 Polyarthriti 12 Rheumatoid 12 Synovial di 12 Tendernes 12 Vaccine pos
350351 X-ray norm 12
350352 Activities o 12 Hypotonia 12 Muscle tig 12 Myalgia 12
350353 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Injection si 12
350354 Sinusitis 12 Swelling fa 12 Urticaria 12
350355 Abdominal 12 Lymphaden 12 Nausea 12
350356 Body tempe 12 Condition 12 Diarrhoea 12 Hypersomn 12 Infantile sp
350357 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Mass 12 Oedema per 12 Pain
350357 Skin warm 12
350358 Anorexia 12 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dyskinesia
350358 Electroenc 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Muscle twit 12 Nuclear ma
350358 Rash 12
350359 Behcet's s 12 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood test 12 C-reactive
350359 Computeri 12 Genital he 12 Genital ulc 12 Headache 12 Headache
350359 Herpes viru 12 Hypophagi 12 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte 12 Meningitis
350359 Monocyte p 12 Mouth ulce 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma
350359 Nuclear ma 12 Oral contra 12 Oral disord 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia
350359 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c
350359 Skin hyper 12 Tongue ulc 12 Vaginal les 12 Vomiting 12 Vulval diso
350359 Vulvovagini 12
350360 Angioedem 12 Arthralgia 12 Blood gluc 12 C-reactive 12 Gait distur
350360 Henoch-Sch 12 Joint swell 12 Joint swell 12 Musculoske 12 Oedema per
350360 Petechiae 12 Purpura 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash macu
350360 Red blood c 12 White blood 12
350361 Blood pres 12 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Pallor
350362 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
350363 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Tremor
350363 Trismus 12 Vomiting 12
350364 Crying 12 Insomnia 12 Opisthoton 12 Pyrexia 12 Restlessne
350365 Headache 12 Urticaria 12
350366 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit 12
350367 Back pain 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain in ext 12 Rash 12
350372 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Body tempe 12 Cough 12 Gait distur
350372 Hypoaesthe 12 Joint rang 12 Joint swell 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per
350372 Oropharyng 12 Paraesthes 12
350374 Burning se 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Limb disco
350374 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12
350382 Joint swell 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria
350388 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350389 Eye swelli 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Skin discol 12
350390 Cold sweat 12 Immediate p 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12 Unresponsiv
350391 Dyspnoea 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Reaction to 12 Respiratory
350391 Swelling fa 12 Wheezing 12
350392 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350393 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350394 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350395 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Loss of co 12
350396 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350397 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350398 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350399 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350400 Ear discomf 12 Lymphaden 12 Pain 12
350401 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350402 Electromy 12 Musculoske 12 Nerve cond 12 Neuralgia 12 Pain in ext
350402 Pain in ext 12 Peripheral 12
350403 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350404 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350405 Generalise 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypohidros 12 Insomnia
350405 Irritability 12 Muscular 12 Paraesthes 12
350406 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350407 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350408 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350409 Pyrexia 12 Rash pustu 12
350410 Influenza 12 Influenza s 12
350411 Wrong drug 12
350412 Sudden de 12
350413 Erythema 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes 12
350414 Bacterial cu 12 Cat scratc 12 Eye pain 12.1 Headache 12 Intraocular
350414 Laboratory 12 Myodesops 12 Photophobi 12 Photopsia 12 Retinal vasc
350414 Retinitis 12 Trabeculec 12.1 Uveitis 12 Vision blur 12.1 Vitritis
350415 Back pain 12 Computeris 12 Cytomegalo 12 Dehydratio 12 Dermatitis
350415 Diarrhoea 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Lumbar pun
350415 Mononucleos 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext
350415 Paraesthes 12 Paronychia 12 Urinary se 12 Urine anal 12 Viral infect
350415 Vomiting 12
350416 Convulsion 12 Hypotensio 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Syncope
350416 Tremor 12
350417 Wrong drug 12
350418 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
350419 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Rotavirus t 12
350420 Inappropria 12
350421 Inappropria 12
350422 Back pain 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Cardiac str
350422 Chest pain 12 Cough 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardio
350422 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Heart rate
350422 Musculoske 12 Myocarditis 12 Myopericard 12 Neck pain 12 Palpitation
350422 Pericarditis 12 Troponin 12 White blood 12
350423 Urticaria 12
350424 Chills 12 Heart rate 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
350424 Restlessne 12 Sensation 12
350425 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Mass 12 Pain 12 Pain
350425 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
350426 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12 Vomiting 12
350427 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350428 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350429 Injection s 12
350430 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
350431 Eating diso 12 Facial pals 12 Facial pals 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Lacrimatio
350432 Erythema 12 Oedema 12
350433 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350434 Rash vesic 12
350436 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Swelling 12
350437 Blood huma 12 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Urine human 12
350438 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12 Gynaecolog 12 Pregnancy t 12
350444 Pancreatic 12
350445 Convulsion 12 Immediate p 12
350451 Consciousn 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pneumonia 12 Pulmonary 12 X-ray
350459 Erythema 12 Swelling fa 12 Wheezing 12
350460 Borrelia bu 12 Fatigue 12 Infectious 12 Lyme dise 12 Lymphadeni
350460 Lymphaden 12 Mononucleos 12
350461 Inappropria 12 Pertussis 12
350464 Alanine am 12 Arthralgia 12 Aspartate 12 Asthenia 12 Blood albu
350464 Blood alka 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood crea 12 Blood creat 12 Blood urea
350464 CSF cell c 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei 12 Computeris 12 Flushing
350464 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Globulins 12 Guillain-B 12 Haematocri
350464 Hypoaesthe 12 Influenza li 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
350464 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes
350464 Plasmapher 12 Platelet co 12 Red blood c 12 Vomiting 12 White blood
350465 Asthenia 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood gluc 12 Diabetes me 12 Enuresis
350465 Fatigue 12 Glucose ur 12 Glycosylat 12 Hyperglobu 12 Increased a
350465 Oedema per 12 Pitting oe 12 Pollakiuria 12 Polydipsia 12 Polyuria
350465 Thirst 12 Type 1 diab 12 Urine outpu 12 Weight dec 12
350466 Anisocytos 12 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood urea 12 Chest X-ra
350466 Condition 12 Cough 12 Decreased 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea
350466 Eosinophil 12 Eyelid oed 12 Face oede 12 Full blood 12 Haematocri
350466 Haemoglob 12 Heart rate 12 Intercostal 12 Intercostal 12 Lung hyperi
350466 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Metabolic f 12 Pneumonia 12 Red cell di
350466 Respiratory 12 Rhonchi 12 Urine outp 12 Wheezing 12
350467 Erythema 12 Erythema m 12 Oedema per 12 Streptococc 12
350468 Injection sit 12
350469 Dizziness 12
350470 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
350471 Hypoaesthe 12 Muscular 12 Pain in ext 12 Vaccine pos 12
350472 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema 12 Oxygen sat 12 Oxygen sat
350473 Biopsy ski 12 Headache 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
350473 Rash 12 Retching 12
350474 Body tempe 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Crying 12 Rhinorrhoe
350475 Apnoea 12 Confusional 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12
350486 Erythema 12 Rash gener 12 Rash papul 12
350488 Injection 12
350490 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Feeling hot 12 Hot flush 12 Musculoske
350490 Rash eryth 12 Urticaria 12
350492 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12
350495 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350497 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
350498 Inappropria 12
350499 Injection s 12
350500 Injection s 12 Wrong drug 12
350501 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12
350502 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350503 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350504 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
350505 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12
350506 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
350507 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Oedema per 12
350508 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
350509 Arthralgia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Hypertensi 12 Pain in ext 12 Rash
350510 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
350511 Mass 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
350512 Musculoske 12 Tendonitis 12
350513 Immediate p 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Syncope
350514 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12
350515 Injection s 12 Local react 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin tightn 12
350522 Dyspnoea 12 Foaming at 12
350543 ACTH stimu 12 Angiogram 12 Arthralgia 12 Bacterial te 12 Bedridden
350543 Confusional 12 Constipati 12 Contusion 12.1 Diarrhoea 12 Disturbance
350543 Dizziness 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dyspnoea e 12.1 Eating diso 12 Fatigue
350543 Feeling ab 12 Fibromyalg 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Hypophagi
350543 Hypotensio 12 Loss of co 12 Loss of co 12 Menorrhagi 12.1 Mental sta
350543 Metabolic f 12 Migraine 12 Myalgia 12.1 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma
350543 Oral contra 12 Orthostatic 12 Pain 12 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext
350543 Pain in ext 12 Rash 12 Skin discom 12.1 Syncope 12 Syncope
350543 Syncope 12 Thyroxine 12.1 Ultrasound 12 Vision blur 12 Weight dec
350543 X-ray gastr 12
350544 Inappropria 12
350545 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
350547 Gait distur 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
350548 Epistaxis 12
350550 Computeris 12 Crying 12 Ear pain 12 Fall 12 Head injury
350550 Irritability 12 Nausea 12 Skull X-ray 12 Syncope 12 Vomiting
350551 Muscle sp 12 Pharyngea 12 Pruritus 12 Pruritus 12 Vomiting
350552 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Flushing 12 Headache 12 Joint effus
350552 Joint stiffn 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia
350552 Rash eryth 12
350553 Erythema 12 Lymphaden 12 Oedema 12 Urticaria 12
350554 Rash 12
350555 Asthenia 12 Dysgeusia 12 Dyskinesia 12 Feeling col 12 Hyperhidro
350555 Immediate p 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12
350556 Cyanosis 12 Muscle rigi 12 Muscle tig 12 Tension 12 Tremor
350556 Unresponsiv 12
350557 Contusion 12 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
350558 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12 Loss of co 12 Skin lacera
350559 Blood test 12 Oedema per 12 Urticaria 12
350560 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Appendice 12 Blood pota 12 Blood urea
350560 Crying 12 Enema admi 12 Intussusce 12 Laparotom 12 Monocyte p
350560 Neutrophil 12 Rectal hae 12 Ultrasoun 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting
350560 White blood 12 X-ray abno 12
350561 Body tempe 12
350562 No adverse 12
350563 Crying 12 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
350563 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc 12 White blood 12
350564 Abdominal 12 Dizziness 12 Hypotensio 12
350565 Drooling 12 Facial pals 12 Hypoaesthe 12
350566 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
350567 Anal fissur 12.1 Appendice 12.1 Bacteria ur 12.1 Band neutr 12.1 Barium en
350567 Blood chlor 12.1 Blood creat 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood sodi 12.1 Blood urea
350567 CSF bacter 12.1 CSF cultur 12.1 CSF gluco 12.1 CSF protei 12.1 Carbon dio
350567 Crying 12.1 Decreased a 12.1 Discomfort 12.1 Haematoch 12.1 Haematocri
350567 Haemoglob 12.1 Hypophagi 12.1 Intussusce 12 Laparotom 12.1 Lymphocyte
350567 Monocyte c 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Retching
350567 Surgery 12 Urinary sy 12.1 Urine leuko 12.1 Urobilin ur 12.1 Vomiting
350567 White blood 12.1 White blood 12.1 X-ray abno 12.1
350568 Auricular s 12 Dyspnoea 12 Eye swelli 12 Lip swellin 12 Vomiting
350569 Inappropria 12
350570 Rash 12 Varicella p 12
350571 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
350572 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
350573 Anorexia 12 Chills 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor
350574 Arthralgia 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Blood produ
350574 Chest pain 12 Chest pain 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Epstein-Bar
350574 Headache 12 Headache 12 Myocarditis 12 Photophobi 12 Pyrexia
350574 Troponin I 12 Troponin i 12 Viral test n 12 Virus serol 12 Vomiting
350575 Asthenia 12 Chest disc 12 Feeling hot 12 Headache 12 Tremor
350576 Abasia 12 Anorexia 12 Areflexia 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia
350576 Asthenia 12 Ataxia 12 Balance di 12 Bilirubin ur 12 Blood albu
350576 Blood cultu 12 Blood immu 12 Blood lact 12 Blood pota 12 Blood produ
350576 Blood sodi 12 Bronchitis 12 C-reactive 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos
350576 CSF lympho 12 CSF monoc 12 CSF protei 12 CSF test a 12 CSF white b
350576 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri 12 Cough 12 Culture sto 12 Disturbance
350576 Dysgraphia 12 Electromyo 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar
350576 Fall 12 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 Glucose ur 12 Gram stain
350576 Guillain-B 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
350576 Hypokinesi 12 Hyporeflex 12 Influenza s 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p
350576 Muscular 12 Myalgia 12 Nerve cond 12 Nitrite uri 12 Oropharyng
350576 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Protein tot
350576 Protein uri 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Rehabilitat
350576 Rheumatoid 12 Sensory di 12 Sensory lo 12 Specific gr 12 Syphilis te
350576 Upper respi 12 Urine keto 12 Urine leuko 12 Urobilin ur 12
350577 Blister 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350578 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
350579 Corneal ab 12 Ulcerative k 12
350580 Fall 12 Heart rate 12 Induration 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pain in ext
350580 Pallor 12 Paraesthes 12 Posture ab 12 Syncope 12 Syncope
350580 Unresponsiv 12
350581 Culture 12 Rash 12 Rash vesic 12
350582 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12
350583 Induration 12 Mass 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
350584 Chest pain 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Laryngeal
350584 Limb disco 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng 12 Stridor 12 Stridor
350584 Vision blur 12 Wheezing 12 X-ray abno 12
350585 Diarrhoea 12 Pyrexia 12 Rotavirus t 12
350586 Deafness 12 Depression 12 Ear infecti 12 Eye infecti 12 Full blood
350586 Menstrual d 12 Mood swin 12 Muscle sp 12 Thyroid fun 12
350587 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
350588 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache
350588 Pain in ext 12 Peripheral 12 Pyrexia 12
350602 Guillain-B 12 Monoplegi 12
350603 Abortion s 12 Drug admini 12 Drug expos 12
350604 Allergy to 12 Immediate p 12 Influenza 12 Malaise 12
350620 Hypotensio 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12 Rash 12 Rash
350625 Autoimmune 12 Biopsy live 12 Diarrhoea 12 Faeces pal 12 Fatigue
350625 Hepatic en 12 Jaundice 12 Lymphocyte 12 Steroid the 12 Transamina
350625 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting 12
350626 Inappropria 12
350627 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
350628 Varicella p 12
350629 Albumin glo 12 Asthenia 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood urine
350629 Computeris 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dysphagia 12 Gait distur 12 Globulins
350629 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
350629 Hypoaesthe 12 Muscular 12 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes
350629 Plasmapher 12 Polyneurop 12 Protein tot 12 Red blood 12 Respiratory
350629 Scan brain 12
350630 Anaemia 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor 12 Bradycardi 12 Carbon dio
350630 Cardiac arr 12 Computeris 12 Dizziness 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar
350630 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Lethargy 12 Loss of co 12 Loss of co
350630 Mean plate 12 Pain 12 Rash 12 Red blood 12 Respiratory
350630 Somnolenc 12 Syncope 12 Troponin I 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine analy
350631 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia
350631 White blood 12
350632 Feeling hot 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
350632 Injection s 12 Oedema per 12
350633 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350634 No adverse 12 Overdose 12
350635 Lip swellin 12 Throat irrit 12 Throat tigh 12 Urticaria 12
350636 Injected li 12 Injection si 12
350637 Fatigue 12 Rash gener 12 Rash papul 12 Scab 12 Skin lesion
350638 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350639 Blood thyr 12 Pain 12 Red blood c 12 Tendernes 12 Thyroiditis
350639 Thyroxine 12 Tri-iodothy 12
350640 Loss of co 12
350641 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350642 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12 Differential 12 Full blood 12 Glycosylat
350642 Metabolic f 12 Nausea 12
350643 Eye pruritu 12 Headache 12 Myopia 12 Ocular hyp 12 Ophthalmol
350643 Optic neur 12 Photophobi 12 Photophobi 12 Vaccine pos 12 Vision blur
350643 Visual acui 12
350644 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350645 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350646 Heart rate 12 Heart rate 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Memory im
350646 Muscle rigi 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pallor 12 Unresponsiv 12
350647 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Skin reacti 12 Swelling 12
350648 Paraesthes 12 Presyncop 12
350649 Hypotensio 12 Hypotensio 12 Laboratory 12 Pallor 12 Unresponsiv
350650 Unevaluabl 12
350651 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 White blood 12
350652 Pyrexia 12
350653 Asthenia 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Pain 12
350654 Incorrect 12
350655 Hypoaesthe 12 Nerve cond 12 Neurologic 12 Neuropathy 12 Pain in ext
350655 Paraesthes 12 Sensory lo 12
350656 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350657 Unevaluabl 12
350658 Blister 12 Tendernes 12
350659 Injection s 12
350660 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Tonic clon 12
350661 Crying 12 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Musculoske 12
350662 Rash 12
350663 Arthralgia 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Nausea
350663 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
350664 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Musculoske
350665 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive 12 Joint rang
350665 Joint swell 12 Musculoske 12 Oedema per 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid
350666 Death 12
350675 Splenecto 12
350679 Convulsion 12
350686 Asthma 12 Back pain 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea
350686 Headache 12 Painful res 12 Productive 12 Productive 12 Respiratory
350686 Somnolenc 12 Wheezing 12
350687 Blood cultu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Decreased 12 Dehydratio
350687 Diarrhoea 12 Electroenc 12 Gaze palsy 12 Hypophagi 12 Irritability
350687 Lethargy 12 Mucous sto 12 Posture ab 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
350688 Pruritus ge 12
350689 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Allergic coli
350689 Aspartate 12 Basophil c 12 Colitis 12 Crying 12 Diarrhoea
350689 Eosinophil 12 Eosinophili 12 Faeces dis 12 Feeding di 12 Flatulence
350689 Gastrooeso 12 Infantile sp 12 Irritability 12 Mucous sto 12 Platelet co
350689 Regurgitati 12 Screaming 12 Stool anal 12 Urinary sy 12 X-ray abno
350690 Body tempe 12 Influenza s 12
350691 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
350691 Pyrexia 12
350692 Crying 12 Irritability 12
350694 Headache 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext
350694 Vaccine pos 12
350695 Pruritus 12 Rash gener 12 Rash vesic 12
350696 Paraesthes 12 Rash gener 12 Throat irrit 12
350697 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350698 Dark circle 12 Diet refusa 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12
350699 Herpes zos 12
350700 Cellulitis 12
350701 Balance di 12 Crying 12 Dyskinesia 12 Feeding di 12 Irritability
350701 Muscle twit 12 Reflexes a 12 Somnolenc 12
350702 Varicella p 12
350703 Chills 12 Decreased 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Injection s
350703 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
350704 Asthenopia 12 Blindness 12 Culture uri 12 Demyelinat 12 Eye pain
350704 Multiple sc 12 Nuclear ma 12 Optic neurit 12 Vision blur 12 Visual acui
350705 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350706 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12
350707 Unevaluabl 12
350708 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Gastric dis 12 Pyrexia 12
350709 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12
350710 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12
350711 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abnormal s 12 Activities o
350711 Angiotensi 12 Anti-thyroi 12 Antibody te 12 Antineutrop 12 Arthralgia
350711 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Axillary pai 12 Back pain 12 Barium swa
350711 Biopsy cart 12 Biopsy col 12 Biopsy oes 12 Biopsy rec 12 Biopsy smal
350711 Biopsy sto 12 Biopsy sto 12 Blood andr 12 Blood folli 12 Blood lead
350711 Blood merc 12 Blood prola 12 Blood test 12 Blood thyr 12 Bone pain
350711 Borrelia bu 12 Burning se 12 C-reactive 12 Chest pain 12 Chest pain
350711 Cognitive d 12 Colonoscop 12 Computeri 12 Condition 12 Constipati
350711 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar
350711 Electrocar 12 Electromyo 12 Exercise e 12 Faeces dis 12 Fatigue
350711 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Frequent 12 Fundoscop 12 Groin pain
350711 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Heart rate 12 Helicobacter 12 Hirsutism
350711 Hypoaesthe 12 Immunoglob 12 Influenza s 12 Insomnia 12 Insulin-like
350711 Intestinal f 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12 Memory im 12 Muscle sp
350711 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Night swea
350711 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oesophagea 12 Oesophage 12 Oestradiol
350711 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Palpitation 12 Prolactino
350711 Pyrexia 12 Rectal spa 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Sleep stud
350711 Sleep stud 12 Somatosens 12 Spinal X-r 12 Steroid acti 12 Thyroxine
350711 Ultrasoun 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine analy 12 Weight dec 12
350713 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350714 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350715 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Hypotensio 12 Immediate p 12 Pallor
350716 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350717 Erythema 12 Erythema m 12 Muscle sp 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
350718 Induration 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350719 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350720 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
350752 Abdominal 12 Abortion i 12 Drug expos 12 Intra-uteri 12 Pregnancy t
350752 Uterine dil 12
350753 Breech pre 12 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12
350754 Drug expos 12 Neonatal d 12 Poor weigh 12 Premature 12
350756 Activities o 12 Hemiparesi 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes
350756 Vascular i 12
350757 Contracept 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12
350758 Colectomy t 12 Colitis ulce 12 Condition 12 Inappropria 12 Surgery
350759 Convulsion 12 Syncope 12
350763 Barium en 12 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Nausea 12 Ultrasound
350763 Vomiting 12
350764 Enema admi 12 Ileectomy 12 Intussusce 12 Rectal hae 12 Ultrasound
350764 Vomiting 12
350769 Facial pals 12
350774 Full blood 12 Influenza s 12 Metabolic f 12 Mononucleos 12 Pyrexia
350774 Streptococca 12
350775 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
350776 Abdominal 12 Balance di 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Injection si
350776 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Paraesthes 12 Peripheral 12 Skin discol
350776 Vertigo 12
350777 Anaphylacti 12 Erythema 12 Hyperhidro 12
350778 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor
350778 Syncope 12
350779 Blood test 12 Bone pain 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chills 12 Crying
350779 Dehydratio 12 Loss of co 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia
350780 Fall 12 Muscular 12
350781 Aortic val 12 Aortic val 12 Atrial fibril 12 Atrial flutte 12 Blood crea
350781 Blood thyr 12 Cardiomyo 12 Chest X-ra 12 Dyspnoea e 12 Echocardio
350781 Ejection fr 12 Electrocar 12 Internation 12 Mitral val 12 Palpitation
350781 Tricuspid 12
350782 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
350782 Feeling of 12 Lip blister 12 Lip swellin 12 Oedema mo 12 Oropharynge
350782 Palpitation 12
350783 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350784 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Pain in ext 12
350785 Furuncle 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
350785 Rash 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
350786 Feeling hot 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350787 Albumin glo 12.1 Allergy to 12.1 Angioedem 12 Anisocytos 12.1 Band neutr
350787 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood phos 12.1 Blood sodi 12.1 Blood urine
350787 Complement 12 Complement 12.1 Cough 12.1 Dysarthria 12.1 Dyspnoea
350787 Excoriation 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Neutrophil
350787 Pharyngea 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Protein uri 12.1 Red cell di 12.1 Swelling fa
350787 Swollen to 12.1 Urine leuko 12.1 Urobilin ur 12.1 Urticaria 12 Urticaria
350787 Vomiting 12.1
350788 Body tempe 12 Crying 12 Rash 12
350789 Aphthous st 12 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
350790 Arthralgia 12 Injection si 12
350791 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350792 Rash 12 Urticaria 12 Urticaria 12
350793 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Urticaria
350794 Oedema per 12
350797 Injection s 12
350798 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
350799 Nuclear ma 12 Paralysis 12
350800 Inappropria 12 Wrong drug 12
350801 Incorrect d 12
350804 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
350805 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350807 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350808 Mass 12 Rash prurit 12
350810 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Upper respi 12
350814 Accidental 12 Blood coun 12 Blood gluc 12 Immediate p 12 Presyncop
350814 Syncope 12
350815 Apparent li 12 Apparent li 12 Cyanosis 12 Electrocar 12 Hypotonia
350815 Pulse abse 12 Respiratory 12
350816 Blood cultu 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Cafe au lai 12.1 Cough 12.1 Injection s
350816 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Lymphocyte
350816 Mean plate 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Myositis 12 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil
350816 Nuclear ma 12.1 Osteoporos 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Posture ab 12.1 Pyrexia
350816 Red blood c 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Tachycardi 12.1 Ultrasound 12 Weight bear
350816 White blood 12.1 X-ray abno 12.1
350817 Blood lacti 12 Brain injury 12 Cardiac op 12 Dystonia 12 Encephalo
350817 Expressive 12 Gastrointes 12 Hemiparesi 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
350817 Injection si 12 Metabolic f 12 Pancreatiti 12 Pharyngitis 12
350818 Abasia 12 Angiogram 12 Areflexia 12 Atrial fibril 12 Blood cultu
350818 Blood pota 12 Blood produ 12 Blood sodi 12 Bradycardi 12 CSF protei
350818 Cardiac pa 12 Computeris 12 Condition 12 Culture uri 12 Deep vein
350818 Dysphagia 12 Electromyo 12 Enterococca 12 Fall 12 Gastrointes
350818 Guillain-B 12 Hypotensio 12 Intensive c 12 Klebsiella i 12 Lumbar pun
350818 Mechanical 12 Mental sta 12 Muscle sp 12 Muscular 12 Nerve cond
350818 Nuclear ma 12 Pyrexia 12 Quadripare 12 Renal failu 12 Respiratory
350818 Sepsis 12 Somnolenc 12 Sputum cult 12 Tracheost 12 Transfusio
350818 Urinary trac 12
350837 Arthralgia 12 Dizziness 12 Dry mouth 12 Erythema 12 Feeling hot
350837 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 No reaction 12 Pallor 12
350841 Blindness 12 Chills 12 Condition 12 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue
350841 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Migraine 12 Nuclear ma
350841 Pain 12
350842 No reaction 12 Pruritus ge 12 Urticaria 12
350843 Chest disc 12 Influenza li 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Nasal cong
350844 Chest disc 12 Influenza li 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Nasal cong
350845 Chest disc 12 Influenza li 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Nasal cong
350845 Respiratory 12
350846 Chest disc 12 Influenza li 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Nasal cong
350847 Injection si 12
350852 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Blood pres 12 Convulsion 12 Dizziness
350852 Fall 12 Head injury 12 No reaction 12 PO2 norma 12 Tremor
350853 Drug admini 12 Syncope 12
350854 Facial pals 12 Oral herpe 12
350855 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350857 Alpha 1 foe 12 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Pregnancy t 12 Ultrasound
350858 Activities o 12 Cough 12 Eye oedem 12 Eye swelli 12 Inappropria
350858 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Vaccine pos 12 Wheezing 12
350859 Cervix car 12
350860 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Hypertensi 12
350862 Abdominal 12 Alopecia 12 Contusion 12 Convulsion 12 Gingival bl
350862 Headache 12 Pain 12 Tremor 12
350863 Anxiety 12 Burning se 12 Dementia 12 Grunting 12 Hallucinati
350863 Heart rate 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hyperventil 12 Insomnia 12 Panic attac
350863 Tic 12 Weight dec 12
350864 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12
350868 Abnormal f 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor 12 Culture sto 12 Dehydratio
350868 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Mean plate 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia
350868 Rotavirus t 12 Urine outp 12 Vomiting 12
350869 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Blood test 12 Constipati 12 Enema admi
350869 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Lethargy 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary sy
350869 X-ray abno 12
350870 Anxiety 12 Areflexia 12 Asthenia 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood albu
350870 Blood calc 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood thyr 12 Blood urine 12 Borrelia bu
350870 Chest X-ra 12 Clonus 12 Constipati 12 Drug screen 12 Extensor p
350870 HIV test ne 12 Hepatitis A 12 Hepatitis B 12 Hepatitis C 12 Hypertensi
350870 Hypoaesthe 12 Insomnia 12 Joint rang 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte
350870 Monofilame 12 Muscular 12 Musculoskel 12 Myelitis tr 12 Neck pain
350870 Neck pain 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Nitrite urin 12 Nuclear ma
350870 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Red blood c 12 Reflex test
350870 Specific gr 12 Spinal X-r 12 Spinal X-r 12 Temperatur 12 Tremor
350870 Urinary ret 12 Urine keto 12 Venom poi 12 Vibration t 12 Vitamin B1
350870 White blood 12 White blood 12
350872 Erythema 12 Urticaria 12
350873 Anorexia 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
350874 Full blood 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
350875 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12
350876 Rash macul 12
350877 Abdominal 12 Dizziness 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12
350878 Injection si 12 Skin discol 12
350879 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12
350880 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350881 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12
350882 Arthralgia 12 Cellulitis 12 Skin warm 12
350883 Anxiety 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood urea 12 Chest disc 12 Computeris
350883 Dyspnoea 12 Eosinophil 12 Flushing 12 Headache 12 Headache
350883 Hypertensi 12 Hypertensi 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte c 12 Nausea
350883 Neutrophil 12 Obesity 12 Photophobi 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
350883 Scan brain 12 Swollen to 12 White blood 12
350884 Back pain 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain
350885 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
350886 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Full blood 12 Oedema per 12 Pain
350886 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
350887 Injection 12 Injection 12
350888 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
350889 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Hypersomn 12 Incoherent 12
350890 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pain 12
350891 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350892 Rash pustu 12
350893 Injection si 12
350894 Rash eryth 12 Rash pustu 12 Varicella p 12
350895 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350896 Erythema 12 Induration 12
350897 Urticaria 12
350898 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350899 Erythema m 12 Immediate p 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
350900 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
350901 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350902 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350903 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350904 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
350905 Headache 12 Hyperventil 12 Myalgia 12 Paraesthes 12
350906 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350907 Gait distur 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
350908 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
350908 Swelling 12 Vomiting 12
350909 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
350909 Injection s 12 Rash eryth 12
350910 Unevaluabl 12
350911 Auricular s 12 Erythema 12 Rash 12
350912 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350913 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardi 12 Electrocar
350913 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Musculoskel
350913 Pain in ext 12 Palpitation 12 Palpitation 12 Pyrexia 12 Sinus tach
350914 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Pain 12 Torticollis 12
350915 Pain 12 Pain 12
350916 Allergy tes 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Flushing 12 Urticaria
350916 Wheezing 12
350917 Chest disc 12 Condition 12 Dyspnoea 12 Upper respi 12
350918 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350919 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350920 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Urticaria 12
350921 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350922 Inappropria 12
350923 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
350924 Rash eryth 12
350925 Dizziness 12 Dysgeusia 12 Immediate p 12 Pallor 12
350926 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350927 Hypoaesthe 12 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12 Pain
350927 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia 12 Tendernes 12
350928 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12
350929 Blister 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
350930 Skin lesion 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
350931 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Injury 12 Loss of co 12 Muscle twit
350931 Paraesthes 12 Rash 12 Swelling fa 12 Syncope 12
350932 Abdominal 12 Abdominal r 12 Apnoeic at 12 Apparent li 12 Crying
350932 Cyanosis 12 Cyanosis 12 Hypoventila 12 Screaming 12 White blood
350933 Respiratio 12 Swelling fa 12 Urticaria 12
350934 Abdominal 12 Feeling hot 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
350935 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350936 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350937 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Syncope 12
350938 Skin papil 12
350939 Varicella p 12
350940 Albumin glo 12 Band neutr 12 Blepharos 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood calc
350940 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood urine 12 Body tempe 12 C-reactive
350940 CSF cultur 12 CSF lympho 12 CSF neutro 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris
350940 Culture uri 12 Discomfort 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dyskinesia 12 Globulins
350940 Grand mal 12 Hypersomn 12 Irritability 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell
350940 Mean cell 12 Monocyte p 12 Muscle twit 12 Muscle twit 12 Neutrophil
350940 Platelet co 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Somnolenc 12 Tremor
350940 Urine anal 12 Urine keto 12 Viral test n 12 White blood 12
350941 Back pain 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Influenza s 12 Paraesthes
350942 Rash vesic 12
350943 Rash macul 12
350944 Blister 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Irritability
350944 Pyrexia 12 Rash vesic 12
350945 Activated p 12 Asthenia 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu
350945 Blood sodi 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Computeris 12 Confusional
350945 Culture uri 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc 12 Grand mal
350945 Headache 12 Mental sta 12 Mood swin 12 Muscle twit 12 Musculoskel
350945 Nausea 12 Platelet co 12 Postictal st 12 Respiratory 12 Scan brain
350945 Somnolenc 12 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12
350946 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
350952 Activities o 12
350953 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Impaired dri
350953 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
350954 Blister 12 Pyrexia 12
350955 Anorectal d 12 Gastrooeso 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
350955 Injection si 12 Night swea 12 Pruritus 12 Throat irrit 12
350965 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Feeling hot 12 Nausea 12
350967 Death 12
350968 Death 12
350972 Grand mal 12 No reaction 12
350978 Incorrect d 12
350979 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Blood test
350979 Computeri 12 Confusional 12 Dizziness 12 Gait distur 12 Headache
350979 Hyperaesth 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia
350979 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Sleep disor
350979 Tinnitus 12 Urine analy 12
350980 Abdominal 12 Computeris 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache
350980 Laboratory 12 Nausea 12
350981 Haematoch 12
350982 Crying 12 Dyskinesia 12
350983 Alanine am 12 Anion gap 12 Anxiety 12 Aspartate 12 Back pain
350983 Blood gluc 12 Blood test 12 Blood urine 12 C-reactive 12 Computeri
350983 Diplegia 12 Dizziness 12 Guillain-B 12 Headache 12 Lymphocyte
350983 Mean plate 12 Muscular 12 Muscular 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil
350983 Protein uri 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Upper respi 12 Vomiting 12
350984 Incontinen 12 Loss of co 12
350985 Breast cellu 12 Breast ten 12 Cellulitis 12 Cellulitis 12 Diarrhoea
350985 Drug hypers 12 Erythema 12 Erythema 12 Hyperaemi 12 Lymphadeni
350985 Major depr 12 Nausea 12 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria 12 Vitamin D d
350985 Vomiting 12
350986 Expired dr 12
350987 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Tendernes 12
350989 Wrong drug 12
350990 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
350991 Speech dis 12
350992 Asthenia 12 Blood elect 12 Blood gluc 12 Chest X-ra 12 Dizziness
350992 Full blood 12 Liver funct 12 Loss of co 12 Muscle sp 12 Myalgia
350992 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia
350992 Red blood c 12
350993 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
350994 Crying 12 Hypersomn 12 Screaming 12
350995 Hypersensit 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit 12 Skin warm 12
350996 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus
350996 Rash papul 12
350997 Incorrect r 12
350998 Condition 12 Convulsion 12 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12
350999 Herpes zos 12
351000 Full blood 12 Injection si 12 Metabolic f 12
351001 Unevaluabl 12
351002 Blister 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash papul
351002 Varicella p 12
351003 Radioallerg 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
351004 Blood test 12 Computeri 12 Hypoaesthe 12
351005 Blister 12 Excoriation 12
351006 Pain in ext 12 Rash 12
351007 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351015 Abasia 12 Activities o 12 Computeris 12 Disturbance 12 Dizziness
351015 Electroenc 12 Insomnia 12 Loss of co 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma
351015 Sleep stud 12 X-ray norm 12
351021 Asperger's 12
351024 Asthenia 12 Electromyo 12 Monoplegi 12 Movement d 12 Nuclear ma
351025 CSF test 12 Herpes zos 12 Meningitis 12
351039 Chills 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Pyrexia 12 Vaccine pos
351039 Vomiting 12
351040 Activities o 12 Amnesia 12 Chest X-ra 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue
351040 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Laboratory 12 Nausea 12
351049 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12
351050 Presyncop 12
351051 Epistaxis 12 Injection s 12 Lymphaden 12 Thrombosi 12
351052 Cold sweat 12 Cyanosis 12 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12
351053 Blister 12 Rash 12 Skin lesion 12
351054 Condition 12 Syncope 12
351055 Anxiety 12 Blood chole 12 Diabetes me 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypertensi
351055 Hypothyroi 12 Paraesthesi 12 Urticaria 12
351056 Bruxism 12 Computeris 12 Electroenc 12 Eye disord 12 Feeling col
351056 Myoclonus 12 Pyrexia 12
351057 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351058 Full blood 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351058 Metabolic f 12 Monocyte c 12 White blood 12
351059 Hypoaesthe 12 Spinal X-r 12
351060 Blister 12 Eye swelli 12
351061 Dyspnoea 12 Pruritus 12 Shock 12 Swelling fa 12
351062 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351063 Arthralgia 12 Immediate p 12 Laboratory 12
351064 Erythema 12 Rash macul 12 Skin warm 12
351065 Inappropria 12
351066 Activities o 12.1 Allergy test 12.1 Biopsy 12.1 Biopsy inte 12.1 Biopsy oes
351066 Biopsy sto 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood test 12 Complicate 12.1 Computeri
351066 Computeris 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Electroenc
351066 Endoscopy 12 Fatigue 12 Food allerg 12.1 Food allerg 12.1 Food allerg
351066 Gastrooeso 12.1 House dust 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Hypersomn 12 Mycotic all
351066 Neurologic 12.1 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12.1 Ophthalmol 12 Ophthalmol
351066 Pain 12 Syncope 12 Syncope 12.1 Ultrasound 12 Vision blur
351066 Visual imp 12 Vomiting 12 Weight dec 12.1 X-ray with 12
351067 Abdominal 12 Aphonia 12 Asthenia 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc
351067 Cough 12 Cough 12 Crying 12 Dizziness 12 Dysgeusia
351067 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection si
351067 Injection si 12 Laryngitis 12 Malaise 12 Respiratory 12 Restless l
351068 Induration 12 Local react 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
351069 Varicella p 12
351070 Anion gap 12 Asthenia 12 Blood gluc 12 Bradycardi 12 Carbon dio
351070 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Gaze palsy
351070 Laboratory 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Muscle rigi 12 Muscle sp
351070 Muscle sp 12 Neutrophil 12 Pallor 12 Paraesthes 12 Presyncop
351070 Sinus brad 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12 Trismus 12 Tuberculin
351070 Unresponsiv 12
351071 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351072 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling col 12 Monopares
351072 Nuclear ma 12 Pyrexia 12
351073 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351074 Herpes zos 12 Pyrexia 12
351075 Erythema 12 Induration 12
351076 Back pain 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
351077 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351078 Pyrexia 12 Varicella 12
351079 Oedema per 12
351080 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12 Injection s 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
351080 Rash 12 Vomiting 12
351081 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351082 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351083 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351084 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351085 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351086 Injection s 12
351087 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
351088 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351089 Arthralgia 12 Body tempe 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chills 12 Computeris
351089 Electrocar 12 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Influenza s
351089 Localised 12 Metabolic f 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain in ext 12 Protein uri
351089 Red blood c 12 Streptococc 12 Thyroid fun 12 Urine analy 12 Vision blur
351090 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
351091 Gait distur 12 Injection si 12
351092 Palpitation 12
351093 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Tendernes 12
351094 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 White blood 12
351095 Urticaria 12
351096 Back pain 12 Body tempe 12 Bone pain 12 Headache 12 Nausea
351096 Neck pain 12 Rash 12
351097 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
351098 Febrile con 12
351101 Convulsion 12
351102 Abdominal 12 Chest pain 12 Herpes zos 12 Neuralgia 12 Pain
351102 X-ray 12
351103 Herpes zos 12 Neuralgia 12
351104 Bedridden 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
351108 Abdominal 12 Anaphylacti 12 Chest disc 12 Dysphagia 12 Dyspnoea
351108 Laboratory 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth
351108 Swelling fa 12 Urticaria 12
351109 Antibiotic 12.1 Bacteria ur 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood gluc
351109 Blood osmo 12.1 Blood urine 12.1 Carbon dio 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Computeris
351109 Cough 12.1 Febrile con 12 Leukocytos 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Neutrophil
351109 Otitis medi 12 Platelet co 12.1 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12.1 Red blood c
351109 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Scan brain 12.1 Urine huma 12.1 White blood 12 White blood
351110 Blister 12 Pruritus 12
351111 Pruritus 12
351112 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Nausea 12 Retching 12
351113 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351113 Nasal cong 12
351114 Arthralgia 12 Burning se 12 Headache 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
351114 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12
351115 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
351116 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
351117 Cold sweat 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Nausea 12 Unresponsiv
351118 Gaze palsy 12 Musculoskel 12 Screaming 12 Unresponsiv 12
351119 Activated p 12.1 Adverse dr 12.1 Alanine am 12.1 Anaemia 12.1 Angiogram
351119 Antibody te 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Aspartate 12.1 Bacteria sto
351119 Bilirubin c 12.1 Blood albu 12.1 Blood albu 12.1 Blood alka 12.1 Blood bilir
351119 Blood calc 12.1 Blood chlor 12.1 Blood creat 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood gluc
351119 Blood pota 12.1 Blood sodi 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Blood urine 12.1 C-reactive
351119 Chills 12 Computeri 12.1 Dermatitis 12 Drug hypers 12 Echocardio
351119 Epstein-Bar 12.1 Gait distur 12 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Hepatic en
351119 Hepatic fib 12 Hepatic ste 12 Hypoxia 12.1 Influenza li 12 Internation
351119 Leukocytos 12.1 Lung conso 12 Lung infiltr 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Muscular
351119 Musculoske 12 Musculoskel 12 Myalgia 12 Neutrophil 12.1 Nitrite urin
351119 Platelet co 12.1 Pleural eff 12 Protein tot 12.1 Prothrombi 12.1 Pulmonary
351119 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash prurit 12 Red blood 12.1 Red blood c 12 Red blood c
351119 Sialoadenit 12 Skin exfoli 12 Splenic inf 12 Swelling 12 Tachycardi
351119 Tachypnoe 12.1 Thrombocy 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Ultrasound 12 Urine prote
351119 Vaccination 12.1 Viral infect 12.1 White blood 12.1
351120 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypoventila 12 Immediate p
351120 Respirator 12
351121 Vaccination 12
351122 Injection s 12
351123 Diarrhoea 12 Gastritis 12 Rotavirus t 12 Stool analy 12
351124 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351125 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Respiratory
351126 Wrong drug 12
351127 Wrong drug 12
351128 Chills 12 Headache 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Sleep disor
351129 Blood iron 12 Condition 12 Convulsion 12 Iron bindin 12 Transferrin
351130 Dysphagia 12 Injection si 12 Lymph nod 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia
351130 Rash pustu 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
351131 Facial pals 12
351132 Inappropria 12
351133 Menstrual d 12
351134 Blood pres 12 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Respiratory
351134 Tendernes 12
351135 Alcohol us 12 Chills 12 Headache 12 Myalgia 12 Pain
351135 Pyrexia 12
351136 Fatigue 12 Joint rang 12 Malaise 12 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext
351136 Pain in ext 12
351145 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 Influenza li
351145 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351145 Moaning 12 Myalgia 12 Night swea 12 Pain 12 Poor qualit
351145 Restlessne 12
351146 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
351147 Aphthous st 12 Bacterial c 12 Virus cultu 12
351148 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12
351150 Arthralgia 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Erythema 12 Eye swelli 12 Headache
351150 Infectious 12 Lymphaden 12 Malaise 12 Mononucleos 12 Myalgia
351150 Pyrexia 12
351151 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351152 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
351153 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12
351154 Lacrimatio 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12
351155 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351156 Blister 12 Oedema per 12
351157 Anaphylacti 12 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Swelling
351157 Vomiting 12
351158 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Pain in ext 12
351159 Wrong tech 12
351160 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
351161 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
351162 Injection s 12 Pain in ext 12 Tendernes 12
351163 Abdominal 12 Confusional 12 Headache 12 Memory im 12 Muscle sp
351163 Nausea 12
351164 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351165 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
351168 Condition 12 Herpes zos 12
351172 Abasia 12 Adverse ev 12
351173 Abdominal 12.1 Balance di 12.1 Cerebral a 12.1 Chronic sin 12.1 Computeri
351173 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12.1 Headache 12 Infectious 12.1 Migraine
351173 Mononucleos 12.1 Muscle sp 12 Nuclear ma 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Otitis medi
351173 Paraesthes 12 Petit mal e 12 Rash 12.1 Speech dis 12.1 Staring
351173 Syncope 12 Upper respi 12.1 Urinary trac 12.1
351181 Dyspnoea 12 Joint swell 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Swelling fa
351181 Urticaria 12
351184 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 12
351185 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 12
351191 Blood test 12 Feeling hot 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
351192 Pyrexia 12 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
351193 Blister 12 Dizziness 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
351193 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Wheezing
351194 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12
351195 Pyrexia 12
351197 Antibody t 12 Bacterial c 12 Biopsy 12 Bronchitis 12 Bronchosc
351197 Crepitation 12 Eosinophili 12 Eosinophil 12 Mycobacter 12 Night swea
351197 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Rales 12 Tachycardi 12 Weight dec
351197 Wheezing 12
351198 Rash vesic 12
351199 Chills 12 Hyperhidro 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Nausea
351199 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12
351200 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
351201 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
351203 Abdominal 12 Antinuclear 12 Antinuclear 12 Areflexia 12 Asthenia
351203 Back pain 12 Balance di 12 Blood bica 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood calc
351203 Blood chlo 12 Blood crea 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pH d
351203 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood thyro 12 Blood urea 12 CSF protei
351203 Carbon dio 12 Chest pain 12 Computeri 12 Coordinati 12 Dysarthria
351203 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Electromyo 12 Eosinophil 12 Extensor p
351203 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 Granulocyt 12 Guillain-B 12 Haematocri
351203 Haemoglob 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Immunoelec 12 Liver funct
351203 Lymphocyte 12 Mastication 12 Mean cell 12 Monocyte p 12 Myalgia
351203 Nerve cond 12 Neurologic 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Otitis exte
351203 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Platelet co 12 Red blood c 12 Scan brain
351203 Sensation 12 Sensory lo 12 Specific gr 12 Spinal X-r 12 Troponin
351203 Urinary trac 12 Urine leuko 12 Vertigo 12 White blood 12 X-ray abno
351204 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
351205 Unevaluabl 12
351206 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pain
351207 Biopsy skin 12 Blood test 12 Granuloma 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash
351208 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351208 Injection s 12 Pallor 12 Presyncop 12 Visual imp 12
351211 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351212 Body tempe 12 Pain 12 Vaccination 12 Vaccination 12
351213 Rash 12 Skin lesion 12
351214 Fear 12 Nausea 12 Syncope 12
351215 Cellulitis 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12
351216 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
351217 Blister 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash
351218 Biopsy 12 Dermatitis 12 Dry skin 12 Impetigo 12 Injection s
351218 Injection si 12 Insomnia 12 Pruritus 12 Psoriasis 12 Rash
351219 Asthenia 12 Headache 12 Influenza li 12 Malaise 12 Pain
351219 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
351220 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Rash pustu 12 Skin lesion 12
351221 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Oedema per 12 Rash 12 Skin warm
351222 Abnormal b 12 Autism spe 12 Speech dis 12 Stereotypy 12
351223 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351224 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash morbil 12
351225 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12 Malaise 12
351226 Flushing 12 Hyperhidro 12 Immediate p 12 Unresponsiv 12
351227 Pain 12 Pain 12
351228 Dizziness 12 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Influenza li
351228 Local react 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
351229 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Pallor
351229 Vomiting 12
351230 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
351231 Injection si 12 Lethargy 12 Weight bear 12
351232 Induration 12 Swelling 12
351233 Rash 12 Rash 12
351234 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc 12
351235 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351236 Unevaluabl 12
351238 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Eyelid oed 12 Tachycardi
351239 Insomnia 12 Musculoske 12
351241 Rash prurit 12 Rash vesic 12 Rash vesic 12
351242 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
351242 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Nausea 12
351243 Muscle tig 12 Musculoskel 12
351244 Herpes zos 12
351245 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash 12
351246 Cough 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Sneezing
351246 Upper respi 12
351247 Oral herpe 12
351248 Body tempe 12 Influenza li 12 Pyrexia 12
351249 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351250 Fear of ne 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351251 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351252 Herpes zos 12
351253 Fall 12
351254 Urticaria 12
351255 Asthenia 12 Blood chole 12 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra
351255 Cough 12 Eosinophil 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue
351255 Low density 12 Malaise 12 Oral herpe 12 Viral infect 12 White blood
351256 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
351257 Pain 12 Rash vesic 12 Virus cultu 12
351258 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain
351258 Rash 12 Skin burnin 12
351259 Pruritus ge 12
351260 Activities o 12 Malaise 12 Oedema per 12 Vomiting 12 Wrong tech
351261 Lip swellin 12 Oropharynge 12 Stomatitis 12
351262 Pityriasis 12 Rash 12
351263 Rash vesic 12
351264 Burning se 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12
351265 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
351266 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351266 Pruritus 12
351267 Rash 12
351268 Musculoske 12 Myalgia 12 Pain in ext 12
351269 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351270 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351270 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12
351271 Herpes zos 12
351272 Rash 12
351273 Injected li 12 Musculoske 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12
351274 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Urticaria 12
351275 Herpes zos 12
351276 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
351277 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351277 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351278 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si
351278 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351279 Cough 12 Nasopharyn 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
351280 Dry skin 12 Incorrect r 12 Skin discol 12 Skin indura 12
351281 Injection si 12 Rash vesic 12
351282 Rash 12
351283 Rash vesic 12
351284 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351285 Herpes zos 12
351286 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351287 Off label u 12 Pain 12 Therapeuti 12
351288 Injection si 12
351289 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Malaise 12 Paraesthes
351290 Ataxia 12 Balance di 12 Depression 12 Dysarthria 12 Fall
351290 Herpes zos 12 Neuralgia 12 Quality of 12 Vaccination 12
351291 Therapeuti 12
351292 Accidental 12 Corneal ab 12 Product qua 12
351293 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
351294 Blister 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
351295 Chills 12 Herpes zos 12 Influenza li 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
351295 Rash vesic 12 Varicella z 12
351296 Agitation 12 Allergy to 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood test 12 Body tempe
351296 C-reactive 12 CSF test n 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Decreased a
351296 Dehydratio 12 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea 12 Drug scree 12 Emotional d
351296 Eye moveme 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Gastroenter 12 Intensive c
351296 Irritability 12 Lethargy 12 Lumbar pun 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine outp
351296 Vomiting 12
351299 Intussusce 12 Surgery 12
351300 Anorexia 12 Cough 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia
351300 Streptococc 12
351303 Vomiting 12
351304 Blood pres 12 Computeris 12.1 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12.1 Grand mal
351304 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12.1 Scan brain 12.1 Syncope
351304 Tremor 12
351307 Headache 12 Induration 12 Joint swell 12 Joint swell 12 Lymph nod
351307 Lymphaden 12 Memory im 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12 Thinking a
351309 Vomiting 12
351310 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
351311 Activities o 12 Antiacetylc 12 Aspartate 12 Asthenia 12 Asthenia
351311 Ataxia 12 Blister 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood test 12 Borrelia bu
351311 Burning se 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Complement 12 Complement
351311 Contusion 12 Depression 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea
351311 Electroenc 12 Electromy 12 Fall 12 Fibrin D di 12 Gait distur
351311 Gait distur 12 Gastrointes 12 Haemoglob 12 Herpes zos 12 Hypoaesthe
351311 Incorrect d 12 Lumbar pun 12 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma
351311 Oral discom 12 Oropharynge 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash 12 Red blood c
351311 Sensory lo 12 Skin disord 12 Sleep apn 12 Thrombosi 12 Thyroid fun
351311 Tongue ulc 12 Troponin 12 Vitamin D 12 Walking ai 12 White blood
351312 Herpes sim 12 Herpes zos 12
351313 Unevaluabl 12
351314 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351315 Back pain 12 Back pain 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351315 Pain in ext 12
351316 Pyrexia 12 Screaming 12
351317 Burning se 12 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Skin tightn 12
351318 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351319 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
351321 Cellulitis 12
351322 Blood produ 12 Blood urine 12.1 Body tempe 12 Chest X-ra 12.1 Cough
351322 Diarrhoea 12 Echocardi 12 Full blood 12 Influenza s 12 Rash gener
351322 Rash macu 12 Scleritis 12 Urinary trac 12.1 Urine analy 12 Vomiting
351322 White blood 12.1
351323 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12
351324 Anxiety 12 Exposure t 12 Lip swellin 12 Paraesthes 12 Similar rea
351325 Abdominal 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12
351326 Fatigue 12 Injection si 12
351328 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351329 Asthma 12.1 Band neutr 12.1 Breath sou 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chest disc
351329 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dyspnoea 12 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Heart rate
351329 Heart rate 12.1 Lung infiltr 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Mean cell
351329 Mean cell 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Pyrexia
351329 Red cell di 12.1 Tachycardi 12.1 Vomiting 12.1 Wheezing 12.1 White blood
351330 Pyrexia 12
351331 Contusion 12 Erythema m 12 Rash gener 12 Skin discol 12 Swelling
351331 Urticaria 12
351332 Pruritus 12 Rash gener 12 Urticaria 12
351333 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
351334 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12
351335 Chills 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia
351335 Pyrexia 12
351336 Inappropria 12
351337 Anion gap 12 Barium en 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Cough
351337 Crystal uri 12 Decreased a 12 Dehydratio 12 Enema admi 12 Fatigue
351337 Fontanelle 12 Haematoch 12 Intussusce 12 Listless 12.1 Platelet co
351337 Protein uri 12 Ultrasound 12.1 Urinary sy 12.1 Urine anal 12 Urine keto
351337 Urine leuko 12 Vomiting 12 Weight dec 12 X-ray abno 12.1
351338 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12
351339 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351340 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351341 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes
351342 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351343 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Sleep disor 12
351345 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
351346 Dyspnoea 12 Lip swellin 12 Local swell 12 Swelling fa 12
351347 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351348 Cold sweat 12 Hypotonia 12 Unresponsiv 12
351349 Unevaluabl 12
351350 Crying 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul
351351 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351352 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
351353 Injection s 12
351354 Anxiety 12 Dizziness 12 Orthostatic 12 Oxygen sat 12
351355 Gait distur 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351356 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351356 Injection si 12
351357 Oedema per 12
351358 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12
351359 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12 Unresponsiv 12
351360 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Dry mouth
351360 Dry throat 12 Headache 12 Injected li 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext
351360 Pallor 12
351361 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
351362 Ear pain 12 Facial pals 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Migraine 12 Paralysis
351363 Diarrhoea 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Somnolenc 12 Vomiting
351364 Pyrexia 12
351365 Injection s 12
351366 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351367 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351368 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351369 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351370 Induration 12 Swelling 12
351371 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
351372 Blindness t 12 Lumbar pun 12 Nuclear ma 12
351373 Medical dev 12 Product qua 12 Skin lacera 12
351374 Herpes zos 12
351375 Injection 12 Injection s 12 Lymphaden 12 Metabolic f 12 Myalgia
351375 Thyroid fun 12
351376 Herpes zos 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12
351377 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Underdose 12
351378 Herpes zos 12
351379 Blood gluc 12
351380 Accidental 12 Eye irritati 12 Eye pain 12
351381 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
351382 Neuropathy 12
351383 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351384 Rash 12
351385 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351386 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Palpitation 12
351387 Anxiety 12 Blood thyr 12 Breast pain 12 Burning se 12 Discomfort
351387 Erythema 12 Formicatio 12 Full blood 12 Lipids norm 12 Liver funct
351387 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Stress 12 Urine analy
351388 Injection s 12
351389 Herpes zos 12
351390 Blood test 12 Fatigue 12 Tachycardi 12
351391 Neuralgia 12 Pain 12 Spinal X-r 12 X-ray norm 12
351392 Herpes zos 12
351393 Herpes zos 12
351394 Herpes zos 12
351395 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Nausea
351395 Pyrexia 12
351396 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351397 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351397 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351398 Blood test 12 Herpes zos 12
351399 Computeri 12 Dysphagia 12 Lymphaden 12
351400 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Skin lesion 12
351401 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351402 Varicella p 12
351403 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Wrong tech 12
351404 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351405 Conjunctivit 12
351406 Chronic ob 12 Condition 12
351407 Injection si 12
351408 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Skin lesion 12
351409 Condition 12 Hypertensi 12
351410 Headache 12 Herpes zos 12 Pyrexia 12
351411 Headache 12
351412 Adverse re 12 Malaise 12
351413 Herpes zos 12 Herpes zos 12
351414 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12
351415 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Amnesia 12 Balance di 12 Colonoscop
351415 Congenital 12 Disturbance 12 Dizziness 12 Dysarthria 12 Dyspnoea
351415 Exercise t 12 Fasciitis 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hepatobilia
351415 Labile bloo 12 Laboratory 12 Memory im 12 Nausea 12 Nausea
351415 Nuclear ma 12 Oesophagit 12 Spinal X-r 12 Tinnitus 12 Tremor
351415 Vertigo 12 Weight dec 12
351416 Atelectasis 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood calc 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc
351416 Blood urea 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b
351416 Chest X-ra 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris 12 Cough 12 Crying
351416 Cystogram 12 Cytomegalo 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dysplasia 12 Enterovirus
351416 Escherichia 12 Haematocri 12 Herpes sim 12 Hypotonia 12 Hypotonia
351416 Intercostal 12 Irritability 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell
351416 Myelitis tr 12 Nasal cong 12 Neurogenic 12 Neurogenic 12 Neutrophil
351416 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oxygen sat 12 Polymerase 12 Posture ab
351416 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Renal diso
351416 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Spinal X-r 12 Tachypnoe 12 Ultrasound
351416 Urinary cas 12 Urinary se 12 Urinary sy 12 Urinary trac 12 Urine anal
351416 Urine anal 12 Vesicourete 12 Viral test n 12 White blood 12 X-ray of pe
351416 X-ray of pe 12
351417 Abscess 12 Culture neg 12 Incisional 12 Injection s 12 Injection s
351418 Blister 12 Cellulitis 12 Chills 12
351419 Cellulitis 12
351420 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351421 Death 12
351422 Contusion 12 Fall 12 Syncope 12
351423 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Vomiting 12
351424 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351425 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Muscle sp 12 Urine outp
351426 Coma 12
351427 Urticaria 12
351428 Cranial ner 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Facial pals 12 Facial pare
351428 Fall 12 Inflammati 12 Laboratory 12 Lumbar pun 12 Muscular
351428 Muscular 12 Myasthenia 12 Myasthenia 12 Overdose 12 Respiratory
351428 Syncope 12 Thymectom 12
351430 Inappropria 12
351434 Inappropria 12 No adverse 12
351435 Anaphylacti 12 Reaction to 12
351436 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
351438 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351440 Body tempe 12 Immunology 12 Livedo retic 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener
351440 Rash morbil 12 Rash prurit 12
351443 Injection si 12 Type III i 12
351444 Injection si 12 Local react 12
351445 Injection si 12
351446 Inappropria 12 No adverse 12
351447 Inappropria 12 No adverse 12
351448 Myositis 12 Optic neurit 12 Pollakiuria 12 Rash 12 Thirst
351448 Weight dec 12
351449 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351450 Erythema 12 Pain of ski 12 Rash 12 Skin lesion 12
351451 Arthralgia 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling hot 12 Myalgia 12 Tremor
351452 Abdominal 12 Hyperhidro 12 Pallor 12 Pollakiuria 12 Vomiting
351453 Back pain 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
351454 Crying 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Screaming
351455 Breath sou 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
351456 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
351457 Fatigue 12 Myalgia 12 Pruritus ge 12
351458 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351459 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351460 Decreased 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
351461 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
351462 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Dizziness 12 Echocardio 12 Erythema
351462 Headache 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12
351463 Vaccinia 12
351464 Burning se 12 Mass 12
351465 Activated p 12.1 Atrial fibril 12 Blood mag 12.1 Blood phos 12.1 Chest X-ra
351465 Computeri 12.1 Dizziness 12 Full blood 12.1 Headache 12.1 Laboratory
351465 Malaise 12 Prothrombi 12.1
351466 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Anorexia 12 Cough 12 Fatigue
351466 Headache 12 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Nausea 12 Pain
351466 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
351467 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Rash 12
351468 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351469 Abdominal 12 Asthma 12 Chest pain 12 Diarrhoea 12 Injection si
351469 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Wheezing 12
351470 Erythema 12 Immunisati 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm
351471 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Hyperhidro 12 Influenza li 12 Malaise
351471 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 No reaction 12
351472 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351473 Erythema 12 Tendernes 12
351474 Rash eryth 12
351475 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12
351476 Crying 12 Depressed 12 Dizziness 12 Dyskinesia 12 Fall
351476 Fundoscop 12 Haemorrha 12 Headache 12 Loss of co 12 Nausea
351476 Skin lacera 12 Tachycardi 12
351477 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Palpitation 12
351478 Chronic ob 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Malaise
351478 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
351480 Irritability 12 Lethargy 12 Skin warm 12 Somnolenc 12
351481 Culture neg 12 Dysarthria 12 Pyrexia 12 Speech dis 12
351482 Chronic in 12 Post vacci 12
351483 Eyelid oed 12 Ocular hyp 12
351484 Condition 12 Facial pain 12 Facial pals 12 Facial pals 12
351485 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
351486 Blood crea 12 Chest pain 12 Decreased 12 Dyspepsia 12 Dyspnoea
351486 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 12 Red blood c 12 Troponin T 12
351487 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea
351487 Troponin T 12
351488 Cough 12 Heart rate 12 Immediate p 12 Lethargy 12 Pallor
351488 Sneezing 12 Wheezing 12
351489 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351490 Herpes zos 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit 12
351491 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351492 Blood pres 12
351493 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
351494 Herpes zos 12
351495 Arthralgia 12 Injection si 12 Mobility d 12 Myalgia 12
351496 Axillary pai 12 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia
351496 Rash macu 12
351497 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash eryth 12 Vaccination 12
351498 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351499 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
351500 Herpes zos 12
351501 Muscle sp 12
351502 Rash 12
351503 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351504 Rash 12
351505 Myalgia 12
351506 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351507 Rash prurit 12 Rash vesic 12
351508 Herpes zos 12
351509 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash 12
351510 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351511 Wrong drug 12
351512 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
351513 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
351514 Herpes zos 12
351515 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
351516 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Influenza li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
351516 Injection si 12
351517 Injection s 12
351518 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351519 Headache 12
351520 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain
351520 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
351521 Contusion 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
351522 Rash vesic 12
351523 Dizziness 12 Dysgeusia 12 Incorrect r 12
351524 Chest pain 12 Electrocar 12
351525 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
351526 Axillary pai 12 Breast mas 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
351526 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12 Mammogram 12 Ultrasound 12
351527 Injection si 12
351528 Culture 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash 12
351529 Rash macu 12
351530 Ear pain 12 Pain of ski 12 Skin lesion 12
351531 Abdominal 12 Endoscopy 12 Herpes zos 12
351532 Pruritus 12
351533 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351534 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351535 Mumps 12 Pain in jaw 12 Swelling fa 12
351536 Arthralgia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dysphagia 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea
351536 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria 12
351537 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain
351537 Skin warm 12
351538 Urticaria 12
351539 Acute diss 12
351540 Crying 12 Screaming 12
351541 Electroenc 12 Eye moveme 12 Full blood 12 Infantile s 12 Metabolic f
351541 Muscle rigi 12 Muscle twit 12 Pyrexia 12
351542 Abnormal b 12 Complex par 12 Head tituba 12 Unresponsiv 12
351543 Paraesthes 12
351544 Abasia 12 Abnormal b 12.1 Anisocytos 12.1 Aphasia 12 Areflexia
351544 Asthma 12.1 Ataxia 12.1 Blood pres 12 Blood pres 12.1 Blood produ
351544 Body tempe 12.1 Body temper 12 C-reactive 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Cough
351544 Decreased a 12.1 Dyspnoea 12 Eosinophil 12.1 Eye moveme 12 Gait distur
351544 Gait distur 12.1 Glucose ur 12.1 Guillain-B 12 Heart rate 12.1 Increased u
351544 Lumbar pun 12 Mastoiditis 12.1 Mean cell 12.1 Mechanical 12 Monocyte p
351544 Muscle dis 12 Nasal cong 12.1 Nerve cond 12 Otitis medi 12.1 Pica
351544 Platelet co 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Pupillary r 12.1 Red blood 12.1 Respiratory
351544 Rhonchi 12.1 Sinusitis 12.1 Torticollis 12.1 Tympanic 12.1 X-ray abno
351546 Convulsion 12 Diet refusa 12 Grunting 12 Head tituba 12 Irritability
351546 Muscle sp 12 Screaming 12 Social avoi 12 Tremor 12
351547 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351548 Musculoske 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12
351549 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood crea 12 Cardiac en
351549 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc 12 Dyspnoea e 12 Erythema 12 Fatigue
351549 Full blood 12 Gamma-glut 12 Liver funct 12 Malaise 12 Myoglobin
351549 Oxygen sat 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Troponin 12
351550 Diarrhoea 12 Vomiting 12
351551 Erythema 12 Rash 12
351552 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macul 12
351553 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12 Vaccine pos 12
351554 Asthenia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Wheezing
351555 Injection s 12
351556 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
351557 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
351558 Back pain 12 Diarrhoea 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia
351558 Rash 12
351559 Oropharynge 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc
351559 Tongue blis 12 Toothache 12
351560 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 X-ray
351561 Blister 12 Fatigue 12 Herpes zos 12 Pruritus 12 Varicella z
351562 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351563 Rash prurit 12 Secondary 12
351564 Pemphigoi 12
351565 Herpes zos 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12
351566 Human papil 12 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
351567 Herpes zos 12
351568 Wrong drug 12
351569 Rash 12
351570 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351571 Culture 12 Herpes zos 12
351572 Blister 12 Dry skin 12 Erythema 12 Skin exfoli 12
351574 Autism 12
351580 Dizziness 12 Malaise 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
351581 Dizziness 12 Malaise 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12 Vaccine pos
351582 Facial pals 12
351593 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
351594 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
351595 Abdominal 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood test 12 Blood urea 12 Chest X-ra
351595 Dehydratio 12 Dry mouth 12 Dry skin 12 Eosinophil 12 Granulocyt
351595 Lethargy 12 Lymphocyte 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine outp 12 Vomiting
351595 X-ray norm 12
351596 Dizziness 12 Muscular 12 Weight bear 12
351597 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351597 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351598 Epistaxis 12
351599 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Hypersomn 12 Injection si 12 Nausea
351600 Rash gener 12
351601 Abdominal 12 Anaemia 12 Back pain 12 Back pain 12 Bacteria bl
351601 Bacteria uri 12 Blood fibri 12 Blood test 12 Blood urine 12 Chills
351601 Costoverte 12 Differentia 12 Disseminate 12 Eosinophil 12 Eosinophil
351601 Epistaxis 12 Escherichia 12 Fibrin D di 12 Fibrin degr 12 Haematocri
351601 Haemoglob 12 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Hypokalae 12 Kidney infe
351601 Liver funct 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte p 12 Neck pain
351601 Neutrophil 12 Nitrite urin 12 Pharyngea 12 Platelet co 12 Poikilocyto
351601 Polychroma 12 Prothrombin 12 Pyelonephri 12 Pyrexia 12 Rectal hae
351601 Red blood 12 Sepsis 12 Streptococc 12 Thrombocy 12 Ultrasound
351601 Urine leuko 12 Vaginal ha 12 Viral infect 12 Vomiting 12 White blood
351601 White blood 12
351602 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12
351603 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12
351604 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351605 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul
351605 Rash vesic 12
351606 Injection si 12
351607 Erythema 12 Skin irritat 12
351608 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pallor
351609 Injection s 12
351610 Chest X-ra 12 Full blood 12 Pyrexia 12
351611 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351612 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351613 Abdominal 12 Back pain 12 Chest disc 12 Dizziness 12 Electrocar
351613 Erythema 12
351614 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Malaise 12 Nausea
351614 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12
351615 Pyrexia 12
351619 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12
351620 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12
351621 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Hypokinesi 12 Injection si
351621 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Swelling 12
351622 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Urine analy
351623 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351624 Wrong drug 12
351625 Diet refusa 12 Dyskinesia 12 Hyperreflex 12 Irritability 12 Pallor
351625 Salivary hy 12
351626 Urticaria 12 Viral rash 12
351627 Cardiac en 12 Chest pain 12 Decreased 12 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea
351627 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Laboratory 12 Malaise
351628 Full blood 12 Lymphocyte 12 Rash macu 12 Viral upper 12
351629 Acne 12 Erythema 12 Eyelid oed 12 Headache 12 Influenza li
351629 Swelling fa 12
351630 Lymphaden 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
351631 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351632 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
351633 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351634 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12
351635 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
351636 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
351637 Erythema 12 Swelling 12 Urticaria 12
351638 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351639 Computeri 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Nuclear ma
351639 Ultrasound 12
351641 Herpes zos 12
351642 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Wrong drug 12
351643 Herpes zos 12
351644 Anorexia 12 Blister 12 Fatigue 12 Herpes zos 12 Malaise
351645 Blister 12 Lip pain 12
351646 Chest X-ra 12 Dyspnoea 12 Palpitation 12
351647 Influenza li 12 Lethargy 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
351648 Incorrect r 12 Injection si 12
351649 Rash 12
351650 Herpes zos 12
351651 Herpes zos 12
351652 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Pruritus 12
351653 Burning se 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Hyperhidro 12 Muscular
351654 Abdominal 12 Condition 12 Diarrhoea 12 Full blood 12 Platelet co
351655 Herpes zos 12
351656 Herpes zos 12
351657 Eye disord 12 Eyelid ptos 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash vesic
351658 Biopsy 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain in ext 12 Rash gener 12 Rash vesic
351659 Body tempe 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash eryth 12
351660 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351661 Burning se 12 Discomfort 12 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Rash macul
351661 Swelling fa 12
351662 Blister 12 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus 12
351663 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351664 Erythema 12 Laboratory 12 Pruritus 12 Rash pustu 12
351665 Herpes zos 12
351666 Infection 12
351667 Herpes zos 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella z
351668 Herpes zos 12
351669 Rash 12
351670 Rash 12 Rash vesic 12 Swelling 12
351671 Biopsy 12 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Inflammati 12 Oral herpe
351671 Oral pain 12
351672 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351673 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Varicella 12
351674 Rash prurit 12
351675 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
351676 Computeri 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Post herpet 12 Rash eryth
351676 Rash papul 12
351677 Herpes zos 12
351678 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351679 Varicella 12
351680 Herpes zos 12 Post herpet 12 Rash vesic 12
351681 Herpes zos 12
351682 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin lesion 12
351683 Injection si 12
351684 Herpes zos 12 Rash papul 12
351685 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
351686 Headache 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12
351687 Accidental 12 Injection sit 12
351688 Rash prurit 12 Rash vesic 12 Skin lesion 12 Varicella 12 Viral DNA t
351689 Herpes zos 12
351690 Herpes zos 12
351691 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
351692 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
351693 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351694 Herpes zos 12 Vaccination 12
351695 Varicella 12
351696 Myalgia 12 Pain 12
351697 Herpes zos 12
351698 Body tempe 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Tendernes
351698 Varicella z 12
351699 Wrong drug 12
351700 Bacterial c 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 CSF cultur 12.1 CSF glucos
351700 CSF lympho 12.1 CSF monocy 12.1 CSF neutro 12.1 CSF protei 12.1 CSF white b
351700 Gram stain 12 Headache 12 Lumbar pun 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Lymphaden
351700 Meningitis 12.1 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Photophobi 12 Polymerase
351700 Pyrexia 12
351703 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
351704 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Viral rash 12
351706 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351707 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Body tempe 12 C-reactive 12 Chest X-ra
351707 Chest pain 12 Chills 12 Echocardio 12 Ejection fr 12 Electrocar
351707 Electrocar 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Myopericard 12 Pleuritic pa
351707 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash pustu 12 Red blood c 12 Troponin I
351708 Abnormal b 12 Gait distur 12 Somnolenc 12 Speech dis 12
351710 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Tendernes 12
351711 Erythema 12 Mass 12 Pain in ext 12 Swelling 12
351712 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351713 Abasia 12 Facial pals 12 Guillain-B 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
351713 Hypoaesthe 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthesi 12 Speech dis 12
351714 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351715 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12 Urine human 12
351716 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351717 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351718 Computeris 12 Confusional 12 Convulsion 12 Ear infecti 12.1 Electroenc
351718 Grand mal 12.1 Loss of co 12 Nuclear ma 12.1 Otitis exte 12.1 Platelet co
351718 Pyrexia 12.1 Swollen to 12 Tachycardi 12 Tongue bit 12.1 Tuberculin
351718 Unresponsiv 12 White blood 12.1
351719 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
351721 Incorrect d 12 No adverse 12
351722 Arthralgia 12 Limb disco 12 Pain 12
351723 Wrong drug 12
351724 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351725 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Pyrexia
351726 Anxiety 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Visual imp
351727 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351728 Pain 12
351729 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
351730 Wrong drug 12
351731 Headache 12 Herpes viru 12
351732 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351732 Injection si 12
351733 Blood test 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12
351734 Varicella 12
351735 Anorexia 12 Blister 12 Condition 12 Fatigue 12 Generalise
351735 Malaise 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Secondary 12 Varicella z
351736 Secondary 12 Varicella 12
351737 Body tempe 12 Pruritus 12 Rash macul 12 Viral DNA t 12
351738 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351739 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Varicella
351739 X-ray 12
351740 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351758 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Product qua 12 Pruritus 12 Skin exfoli
351758 Vertigo 12
351760 Blister 12 Body tempe 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12 Skin lesion
351760 Varicella z 12
351761 Herpes zos 12 Inappropria 12.1 Pain 12
351762 Injection si 12
351763 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12
351764 Pruritus 12
351765 Injection s 12
351766 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Orthostatic 12 Tremor
351766 Urine analy 12
351767 Dyspnoea 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Nausea 12 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia
351768 Abdominal 12 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
351769 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351770 Anxiety 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood pres 12 Convulsion 12 Feeling hot
351770 Lethargy 12 Loss of co 12 Malaise 12 Pallor 12 Syncope
351770 Syncope 12 Urinary se 12 Urine abnor 12 Urine anal 12 White blood
351771 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
351772 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
351773 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
351774 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Musculoske 12 Nausea 12 No reaction
351774 Pain in ext 12
351775 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351776 Blister 12 Rash vesic 12
351777 Arthralgia 12 Blood test 12 Joint swell 12 Joint swell 12 Pyrexia
351777 Rash 12
351778 Ocular hyp 12 Swelling fa 12
351779 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
351780 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
351781 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Inappropria 12 Neck pain
351781 Pain in jaw 12
351782 Facial pals 12 Paraesthes 12
351783 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351784 Acupunctur 12 Adverse dr 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
351784 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12.1 Back pain 12 Complex re 12 Crying
351784 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Emotional d 12 Fatigue
351784 Fibromyalg 12.1 Granulocyt 12 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Initial inso
351784 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Lymphocyte 12 Massage 12 Mean cell
351784 Mean cell 12 Muscle tig 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12 Pain
351784 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext
351784 Paraesthes 12 Parvovirus 12 Poor qualit 12 Psychogeni 12 Serology n
351784 Stress 12 Vaccination 12
351785 Herpes zos 12
351786 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Malaise 12 Rash prurit
351787 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351788 Injection s 12
351789 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351790 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351790 Injection si 12
351791 Biopsy 12 Biopsy bon 12 Chemother 12 Computeri 12 Deafness
351791 Echocardi 12 Immunisati 12 Lymphaden 12 Nasopharyn 12 Non-Hodgk
351791 Positron e 12 Surgery 12
351792 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Dysphonia 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia
351793 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12 Feeling col 12 Hyperhidro 12 Insomnia
351793 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Palpitation 12 Skin burnin 12
351794 Activities o 12 Body tempe 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hyperaesth
351794 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12
351795 Aggression 12 Aggression 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood test 12 Computeri
351795 Confusional 12 Convulsion 12 Crying 12 Eye moveme 12 Fall
351795 Gaze palsy 12 Head injury 12 Headache 12 Listless 12 Loss of co
351795 Mood alter 12 Nausea 12 Opisthoton 12 Pain 12 Syncope
351795 Tension 12 Urine analy 12
351796 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Aspartate 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain
351796 Bacteria ur 12 Blood amyl 12 Blood test 12 Blood urea 12 Blood urine
351796 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri 12 Computeris 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness
351796 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Haemoglob 12 Headache 12 Heart rate
351796 Hyperhidro 12 Hypotensio 12 Leukopeni 12 Lipase inc 12 Magnetic r
351796 Mean cell 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pallor
351796 Pancreatiti 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Steatorrho 12 Tachycardi
351796 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
351797 Measles ant 12 Measles po 12 Rash gener 12 Rubella ant 12
351798 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
351799 Feeling hot 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12
351800 Injection si 12
351801 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Skin warm 12
351802 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351804 Anorexia 12 Crying 12
351805 Abnormal f 12 Haematoch 12 Mucous sto 12
351806 Drug expos 12
351807 Herpes zos 12
351808 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351809 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Blood albu 12 Blood alka
351809 Blood bilir 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc
351809 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Decreased 12 Glomerular
351809 Headache 12 Hepatitis A 12 Iron bindin 12 Iron bindin 12 Myalgia
351809 Pain 12 Protein tot 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Transferri
351809 Ultrasound 12
351810 Cough 12
351811 Body tempe 12 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash vesic 12
351812 Herpes zos 12 Rash eryth 12
351813 Fatigue 12 Herpes zos 12 Impaired wo 12 Neuropathy 12 Pain
351813 Pruritus 12 Rash vesic 12 Viral DNA t 12
351814 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12
351815 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12
351816 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
351817 Herpes zos 12 Influenza li 12 Pain 12 Rash papul 12 Skin irritat
351817 Viral DNA t 12
351818 Pain in ext 12 Rash 12
351819 Rash vesic 12 Viral DNA t 12
351820 Paraesthes 12
351821 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
351822 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
351823 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351824 Pain 12 Rash 12
351825 Breast inf 12 Breast ten 12 Gynaecoma 12 Gynaecoma 12
351826 Herpes zos 12
351827 Cough 12 Lung disor 12 X-ray abno 12
351828 Wrong drug 12
351829 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351830 Herpes zos 12
351831 Blister 12 Gait distur 12 Herpes zos 12 Inflammati 12 Pain
351831 Pain in ext 12
351832 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
351833 Diarrhoea 12 Varicella 12
351834 Herpes zos 12
351835 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12
351836 Herpes zos 12 Post herpet 12
351837 Herpes zos 12
351838 Inappropria 12 Therapeuti 12
351839 Haemoglob 12 Haemolytic 12
351840 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351841 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351842 Incorrect r 12 Pain 12
351843 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Skin exfoli 12 Skin lesion 12
351844 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Local swell 12 Muscle sp 12 Neck pain
351844 Oedema 12 Pyrexia 12
351845 Erythema 12 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus
351846 Injection si 12
351847 Bacterial t 12 Drug expos 12 Serology n 12 Ultrasound 12 Vaginal ha
351848 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
351849 Disturbance 12 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
351849 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12
351850 Cough 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351850 Overdose 12
351851 Cough 12
351852 Injection si 12 Local react 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
351853 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12 Pyrexia 12
351854 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12 Pyrexia 12
351855 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
351856 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351857 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351858 Mobility d 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12
351859 Chills 12 Cough 12 Eye discha 12 Ocular hyp 12 Throat tigh
351860 Chills 12 Erythema 12 Eye pruritu 12 Eye swelli 12 Flushing
351860 Headache 12 Lip swellin 12 Ocular hyp 12 Pain 12 Productive
351860 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling fa 12
351861 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Miosis 12 Ocular hyp
351862 Cough 12 Ocular hyp 12 Respiratory 12
351864 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12
351866 Abasia 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Adjustment 12 Adverse dr
351866 Analgesic i 12 Antinuclear 12 Arachnoid 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain
351866 CSF test n 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Full blood 12 Generalised
351866 Headache 12 Hypertensi 12 Metabolic f 12 Musculoskel 12 Musculoskel
351866 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Red blood c 12 Somatisatio
351866 Swelling 12 Urticaria 12
351867 Amnesia 12 Areflexia 12 Asthenia 12 Brain oed 12 Confusional
351867 Demyelinat 12 Disorientat 12 Dysstasia 12 Electroenc 12 General phy
351867 Guillain-B 12 Hypokinesi 12 Lumbar pun 12 Nuclear ma 12 Presyncop
351870 Abnormal b 12 Autism 12 Developmen 12 Disturbance 12 Gene mutati
351870 Hypotonia 12 Neuropsych 12 Unresponsiv 12
351872 Deafness un 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Tinnitus 12
351873 Rotavirus i 12
351874 Diarrhoea 12 No reaction 12 Rash 12 Throat irrit 12 Wheezing
351877 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection sit 12
351878 Culture neg 12 Injection si 12
351879 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351880 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Excoriation 12 Local swell 12 Skin warm
351881 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351882 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s
351882 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Vomiting 12
351883 Arthralgia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Lymphaden
351883 Pain 12
351884 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351885 Blood thyro 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
351886 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351887 Abnormal b 12 Aphthous st 12 Autism 12 Childhood d 12 Cough
351887 Crying 12 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Gastrointes 12 Malaise
351887 Pyrexia 12 Social avoi 12 Wheezing 12
351888 Areflexia 12 Asthenia 12 Ataxia 12 Autoantibod 12 Back pain
351888 Blood produ 12 Diplopia 12 Dysarthria 12 Facial pare 12 Gait distur
351888 Gait distur 12 Guillain-B 12 Headache 12 Hyporeflex 12 Lumbar pun
351888 Migraine 12 Miller Fish 12 Myalgia 12 Neuropathy 12 Nuclear ma
351888 Paraesthes 12
351889 Cerebral h 12 Cerebrovas 12 Chills 12 Computeri 12 Death
351889 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Scan brain 12 Subdural 12 Surgery
351892 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Swelling 12
351893 Acute diss 12 Intensive c 12 Laboratory 12 Nuclear ma 12 Vomiting
351894 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
351899 Injection s 12
351900 Anaphylacti 12 Dyspnoea 12 Eye swelli 12 Urticaria 12
351902 Blister 12 Deafness un 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
351903 Headache 12 Pupils une 12
351904 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Syncope 12
351905 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351906 Eye swelli 12 Nasal cong 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
351907 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
351908 Crying 12
351909 Gait distur 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
351909 Injection s 12 Musculoskel 12 Skin warm 12
351910 Erythema 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
351910 Swelling 12 Urticaria 12
351911 Burning se 12 Injection si 12 Sensation 12 Urticaria 12 Vomiting
351911 Wheezing 12
351912 Herpes zos 12
351913 Blister 12 Culture 12 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
351914 Headache 12 Lethargy 12
351915 Full blood 12 Platelet co 12 Thrombocy 12
351916 Injection si 12 Rash 12
351917 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Screaming 12 Urticaria 12
351918 Inappropria 12
351919 Inappropria 12
351920 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash vesic 12 Skin burnin 12
351921 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Erythema 12 Injected li 12 Injection si
351921 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
351921 Skin warm 12
351922 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351923 Injection s 12
351924 Blister 12 Body tempe 12 Culture pos 12 Injection s 12 Injection s
351924 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
351925 Inappropria 12
351926 Wrong drug 12
351927 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351928 Chronic ob 12 Neoplasm m 12
351929 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351930 Incorrect d 12 No adverse 12
351931 Platelet co 12
351932 Erythema 12 Pain of ski 12 Urticaria 12
351933 Drug expos 12
351934 Autopsy 12 Coronary a 12 Death 12
351937 Anorexia 12 Blood amyl 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Metabolic f
351937 Nausea 12 Urine analy 12 Vomiting 12
351938 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
351939 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351940 Incorrect r 12
351941 Sensory di 12
351942 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
351943 Abdominal 12 Blood pres 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Heart rate
351943 Nausea 12 Paraesthes 12 Syncope 12
351944 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351945 Chills 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
351946 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351947 Induration 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Mobility d 12 Pain in ext
351948 Skin lesion 12
351950 Abdominal 12 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Pallor 12
351951 Incorrect d 12 No adverse 12
351952 Acute diss 12 Laboratory 12 Nuclear ma 12 Vomiting 12
351953 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
351954 Urticaria 12
351955 Rash eryth 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
351956 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351957 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351958 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351959 Unevaluabl 12
351960 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351961 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
351962 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Vision blur 12
351963 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
351964 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12
351965 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351966 Anaemia 12 Blood gluc 12 Drug expos 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
351966 Ultrasound 12 Varicella z 12 Virus tissu 12
351967 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
351968 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
351969 Alpha 1 foe 12 Drug expos 12 Gastrooeso 12 Gene mutati 12 Serology n
351969 Ultrasound 12 Upper respi 12 Urinary trac 12
351970 AIDS encep 12 Acute respi 12 Aphasia 12 Blood HIV 12 Blood press
351970 Brain deat 12 Brain herni 12 Brain oed 12 CD4 lympho 12 CSF cultur
351970 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei 12 CSF test n 12 Cerebrovas 12.1 Computeri
351970 Condition 12 Confusional 12 Death 12 Drug abus 12.1 Dysarthria
351970 Encephaliti 12 Endotrachea 12 Facial pals 12.1 HIV antibod 12 HIV infecti
351970 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Heart rate 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hyporeflex
351970 Hypoxic en 12.1 Kidney fibr 12.1 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphaden 12.1 Lymphaden
351970 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Meningeal 12.1 Meningitis 12.1 Mental sta
351970 Migraine 12 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma
351970 Pleocytosis 12 Pulmonary 12.1 Pupil fixed 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c
351970 Spinal cord 12.1 Unresponsiv 12 Vasculitis 12.1 White blood 12
351972 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Alanine am 12 Areflexia 12 Arthralgia
351972 Arthralgia 12 Aspartate 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Blood albu
351972 Blood alka 12 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota
351972 Blood urea 12 C-reactive 12 CSF immuno 12 CSF protei 12 Carnitine
351972 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris 12 Cough 12 Dehydratio 12 Differentia
351972 Dyspnoea 12 Ear pain 12 Fall 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue
351972 Gait distur 12 Haematocri 12 Headache 12 Hyporeflex 12 Joint swell
351972 Leukopeni 12 Lumbar pun 12 Lumbar pun 12 Mononucleos 12 Muscular
351972 Nerve cond 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Otorrhoea
351972 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in jaw 12 Paraesthes
351972 Paraesthes 12 Peroneal m 12 Pharyngitis 12 Photophobi 12 Platelet co
351972 Positive R 12 Protein tot 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Red cell di
351972 Reflexes a 12 Scoliosis 12 Swelling 12 Tooth impa 12 Tympanic m
351972 Urinary trac 12 Viral infect 12 Vision blur 12 Visual imp 12 Weight dec
351972 White blood 12 X-ray of pe 12
351975 Convulsion 12 Epilepsy 12
351977 Drug expos 12 Muscle sp 12 Physical e 12 Pregnancy t 12
351980 Drug expos 12 Premature 12
351983 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12 Vaginal ha 12
351984 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Anion gap 12 Appendice
351984 Barium dou 12 Biopsy col 12 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Blood crea
351984 Blood urea 12 Bronchioliti 12 Colectomy 12 Decreased a 12 Dehydratio
351984 Enema admi 12 Fontanelle 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypersomn
351984 Hypophagi 12 Intestinal p 12 Intussusce 12 Laparotom 12 Lymphocyte
351984 Mean cell 12 Mean plate 12 Melaena 12 Nausea 12 Pathology t
351984 Platelet co 12 Protein tot 12 Serositis 12 Stool anal 12 Ultrasound
351984 Urinary sy 12 Urine analy 12 Urine outp 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray abno
351985 Drug expos 12 Neonatal d 12 Premature 12
351987 Drug expos 12 Neonatal d 12 Pregnancy t 12
351989 Agitation 12 Delirium 12 Dementia 12
351990 Drug expos 12 Laboratory 12 Pregnancy 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine human
351991 Anaemia 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
351994 Drug expos 12 Haemorrha 12 Premature 12 Premature 12 Ultrasound
351994 Vaginitis ba 12
351995 Drug expos 12 Premature 12 Premature 12 Small for d 12 Ultrasound
351995 Urinary trac 12
351996 Drug expos 12 Migraine 12 Urine human 12
351997 Muscle dis 12
351998 Asthenia 12 Blood thyr 12 Body tempe 12 Circadian r 12 Constipati
351998 Dizziness 12 Dyspepsia 12 Dysphagia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue
351998 Fear 12 Feeling col 12 Head disco 12 Headache 12 Irritability
351998 Muscle tig 12 Panic attac 12 Photophobi 12 Regurgitati 12 Somnolenc
351998 Tachycardi 12 Throat tigh 12 Vision blur 12
351999 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Erythema 12 Joint rang 12 Joint swell
351999 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 12
352000 Cough 12 Lip swellin 12 Urticaria 12
352001 Breath sou 12 Crying 12
352002 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12 Swelling 12
352003 Pyrexia 12 Rash papul 12 Varicella p 12
352004 Unevaluabl 12
352005 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352006 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352007 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352008 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Rash 12
352010 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
352011 Inappropria 12 No adverse 12
352012 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Oedema per 12
352013 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352014 Asthenia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Heart rate 12 Nervousne 12 Pallor
352015 Crying 12 Hypotonia 12 Hypotonic- 12 Unresponsiv 12
352016 Burning se 12 Culture 12 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
352016 Nerve cond 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Swelling 12
352017 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352017 Muscle tig 12
352018 Abdominal 12 Blood test 12 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Diarrhoea
352018 Inappropria 12 Influenza s 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Urine analy
352018 Urticaria 12 Vomiting 12
352019 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
352020 Headache 12
352021 Arthralgia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
352022 Erythema 12 Inflammati 12 Local react 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin irritat
352022 Skin warm 12
352023 Unevaluabl 12
352024 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
352025 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352026 Dysarthria 12 Dysphagia 12 Headache 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection si
352026 Nausea 12 Paraesthes 12 Swelling fa 12 Swollen to 12
352027 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
352028 Body tempe 12 Rash 12 Rash gener 12 Rash pustu 12 Vaccination
352028 Weight inc 12
352029 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
352030 Eyelid oed 12 Feeding dis 12 Injection si 12 Swelling fa 12
352031 Dizziness 12 Erythema 12 Heart rate 12 Pain 12 Pruritus
352032 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Somnolenc 12
352033 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12
352034 Abnormal f 12 Blood cultu 12 Cardiac mu 12 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea
352034 Eosinophil 12 Eosinophil 12 Frequent 12
352035 Abasia 12 Crying 12
352036 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Discomfort 12 Feeding dis 12 Feeling col
352036 Haematoch 12 White blood 12 X-ray norm 12
352037 Body tempe 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12
352038 Activities o 12 Asthenia 12 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Pallor
352039 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Syncope 12 Visual imp 12
352040 Convulsion 12 Electrocar 12 Immediate p 12 Nausea 12 Tremor
352040 Unresponsiv 12
352041 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352042 Urticaria 12
352043 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352044 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Rash papul 12
352046 Anaphylacti 12 Depressed 12 Erythema 12 Lethargy 12 Pruritus
352046 Urticaria 12 Wheezing 12
352047 Injection si 12
352048 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352049 Apnoea 12 Condition 12 Electroenc 12 Grand mal 12 Oxygen sat
352050 Skin lesion 12
352051 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352052 Computeri 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12 Nuclear ma
352052 Syncope 12
352053 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Nuclear ma 12
352054 Amnesia 12 Delirium 12 Headache 12 Speech dis 12
352055 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352056 Rash gener 12 Rash morbil 12
352057 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352058 Angioedem 12 Throat irrit 12 Urticaria 12
352059 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
352060 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352061 Inappropria 12
352062 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Vision blur 12
352063 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
352064 Fall 12 Loss of co 12 Malaise 12 Pallor 12
352065 Dizziness 12 Hypotensio 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Pulse pres
352066 Hallucinati 12 Headache 12 Somnolenc 12
352067 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Skin warm
352068 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352068 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352069 Injection si 12
352070 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Oedema per
352070 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
352071 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
352072 Cyanosis 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting
352073 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Aspartate
352074 Chills 12 Irritability 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
352075 Cough 12 Headache 12 Joint swell 12 Mass 12 Nasal cong
352076 Anorexia 12 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Myalgia
352076 Swelling 12
352077 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12
352078 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Injected li 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
352078 Pyrexia 12
352079 Dyskinesia 12 Hypotonia 12 Pallor 12 Sensation 12
352080 Human papil 12 Injection si 12 Smear cerv 12
352081 Arthritis 12
352082 Cervical dy 12 Human papil 12 Smear cerv 12
352083 Cervical dy 12 Human papil 12 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
352084 Amenorrho 12
352085 Asthma 12 Condition 12 Vaccine pos 12
352086 Condition 12 Herpes zos 12 Infectious 12
352087 Arthritis 12
352089 Photosensit 12 Rash 12
352090 Blood test 12 Wrong drug 12
352091 Blister 12 Chest pain 12 Dermatitis a 12 Dizziness 12 Headache
352091 Urticaria 12
352092 Headache 12 Inappropria 12
352093 Apnoea 12 Bradycardi 12 Endotrachea 12 Oxygen sat 12
352094 Blister 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
352095 Contusion 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352095 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Myalgia 12
352096 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352100 Burning se 12 Dizziness 12 Throat irrit 12 Vaccination 12
352147 Cardiac str 12 Cough 12 Drug expos 12
352148 Bilirubin c 12 Diabetes me 12
352149 Abdominal 12 Blood pres 12 Chest pain 12 Diarrhoea 12 Influenza li
352149 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
352150 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Musculoske 12 Paraesthes 12 Wrong tech
352151 Syncope 12
352152 Adverse dr 12 Agitation 12 Angiogram 12 Anxiety 12 Blood thyr
352152 Convulsion 12 Dissociatio 12 Dizziness 12 Dysarthria 12 Dysgeusia
352152 Dyskinesia 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc 12 Electroenc 12 Fatigue
352152 Feeling ab 12 Frustration 12 Full blood 12 Grunting 12 Headache
352152 Hypoacusi 12 Insomnia 12 Irritability 12 Memory im 12 Metabolic f
352152 Muscle sp 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oral contra 12 Partial sei
352152 Speech dis 12 Stress 12 Vision blur 12 Visual imp 12 White blood
352153 Abasia 12 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12 Acute diss 12 Back pain
352153 Back pain 12 CSF immuno 12.1 CSF protei 12 CSF test a 12.1 CSF test a
352153 CSF white b 12 Clonus 12 Constipati 12 Dizziness 12.1 Dysuria
352153 Dysuria 12 Fall 12 Gait distur 12.1 Headache 12 Hyperhidro
352153 Hyperreflex 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Light chain 12.1 Muscular
352153 Neurologic 12.1 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pallor 12 Presyncop
352153 Red blood c 12 Sensory lo 12 Steroid the 12.1 Syncope 12 Visual evo
352153 Vomiting 12
352154 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352155 Cardiac dis 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
352155 Injection s 12 Nausea 12 Palpitation 12 Palpitation 12
352156 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain in ext 12
352157 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext 12 Sleep disor 12
352158 Acute diss 12 Blood creat 12 CSF cell c 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos
352158 CSF lympho 12 CSF oligoc 12 CSF protei 12 CSF test a 12 CSF white b
352158 Dysgeusia 12 Flow cytom 12 Gram stain 12 Internation 12 Mean cell
352158 Monocyte p 12 Nervous sy 12 Nuclear ma 12 Prothrombin 12 Red blood c
352158 Sensory di 12 Vision blur 12
352159 Bite 12 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12 Mouth injur 12
352160 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
352161 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352162 Activated p 12 Acute respi 12 Alanine am 12 Albumin glo 12 Anoxic enc
352162 Areflexia 12 Areflexia 12 Aspartate 12 Bacteria uri 12 Bacterial cu
352162 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood crea
352162 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood lacti 12 Blood urine 12 Brain stem
352162 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri 12 Contusion 12 Corneal o 12 Corneal re
352162 Culture uri 12 Death 12 Drug screen 12 Eosinophil 12 Eosinophil
352162 Fibrin D di 12 Glasgow co 12 Haematocri 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
352162 Hypokinesi 12 Hypotonia 12 Internation 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell
352162 Metabolic a 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p 12 Multi-organ 12 Neutrophil
352162 Platelet co 12 Pneumotho 12 Protein tot 12 Protein uri 12 Prothrombi
352162 Pupil fixed 12 Retinal ha 12 Staphylococ 12 Streptococca 12 Traumatic b
352162 Unresponsiv 12 Urine abnor 12 Urine colo 12 White blood 12
352163 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
352163 Injection s 12 Pain 12
352164 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pain 12 Rash 12 Rash
352164 Rash 12 Swelling 12
352165 Convulsion 12 Laboratory 12
352166 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352167 Injection s 12 Pain 12
352168 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Oedema 12 Pain 12 Skin warm
352169 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Presyncop
352169 Vomiting 12
352170 Syncope 12 Tooth loss 12
352171 Arthralgia 12 Fatigue 12 Nausea 12 Weight dec 12
352172 Activities o 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Syncope
352172 Vomiting 12
352173 Rash 12 Upper respi 12 Urticaria 12
352174 Gastrooeso 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Sensation o 12
352175 Chills 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12
352176 Face injury 12 Fall 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12
352177 Cyanosis 12 Cyanosis 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling ab 12 Pallor
352177 Syncope 12
352178 Immediate p 12 Tonic clon 12
352179 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting
352180 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
352181 Heart rate 12 Syncope 12
352182 Dizziness 12 Migraine 12 Rash 12
352183 Nausea 12 Pregnancy 12 Smear cerv 12
352184 Activated p 12 Atrial septa 12 Blood fibri 12 Blood homo 12 Computeris
352184 Confusional 12 Dizziness 12 Echocardi 12 Echocardio 12 Echocardio
352184 Electroenc 12 Facial spa 12 Feeling ab 12 Feeling dr 12 Gait distur
352184 Head defor 12 Headache 12 Mental sta 12 Muscle sp 12 Nuclear ma
352184 Nuclear ma 12 Pupils une 12 Thalamic in 12 Ultrasound 12
352185 Antibody te 12 Full blood 12 Petechiae 12 Pyrexia 12
352186 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
352187 Rash 12 Throat irrit 12
352188 Inappropria 12
352189 Culture neg 12 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
352190 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352191 Dyspnoea 12 Hyperhidro 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
352192 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Tuberculin 12
352193 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352194 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12
352195 Inappropria 12 Syncope 12
352196 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash macul
352197 Dizziness 12 Headache 12
352198 Alopecia 12
352199 Chest disc 12 Wheezing 12
352200 Smear cerv 12 Smear cerv 12
352201 Syncope 12
352202 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
352203 Biopsy 12 Muscle inju 12 Rash 12
352204 Injection si 12
352205 Lyme dise 12
352206 Adverse ev 12
352207 Alopecia 12
352208 Rash 12
352209 Menstrual d 12 Metrorrhag 12
352210 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
352211 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
352212 Syncope 12
352213 Loss of co 12 Presyncop 12
352214 Headache 12 Musculoskel 12
352215 Nausea 12
352216 Syncope 12
352217 Syncope 12
352218 Condition 12 Loss of co 12 Musculoskel 12
352219 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
352220 Asthenia 12 Blood pres 12 Blood test 12 Burning se 12 Dysgeusia
352220 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12
352221 Cervical dy 12 Genital he 12 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
352224 Activities o 12 Adverse re 12 Disability 12 Incorrect r 12
352227 Aphasia 12 Autism 12
352229 Syncope 12
352231 Rash 12
352232 Syncope 12
352233 Pain 12 Rash prurit 12
352234 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling
352235 Alopecia 12
352236 Syncope 12
352237 Bronchitis 12 Dyspnoea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
352239 Myalgia 12 Pain 12
352240 Abdominal 12 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary trac
352240 Vaginal ha 12
352241 Hypoaesthe 12 Inappropria 12 Paraesthes 12
352242 Human papil 12 Smear cerv 12
352243 Alopecia 12
352244 Syncope 12
352245 Urticaria 12
352246 Activities o 12 Headache 12
352248 Cold sweat 12 Diplopia 12 Mydriasis 12 Syncope 12 Thirst
352249 Crying 12 Mood alter 12
352250 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
352251 Expired dr 12
352252 Expired dr 12
352255 Expired dr 12
352256 Expired dr 12
352257 Erythema 12 Oedema 12 Pruritus 12
352258 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
352260 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Hypotensio 12 Pallor 12
352261 Local swell 12 Neuralgia 12 Oropharyng 12 Rash 12 Skin lesion
352262 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Streptococca
352263 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352264 Erythema 12 Nasal cong 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
352265 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
352266 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352267 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Skin warm 12
352268 Immediate p 12 Posturing 12 Staring 12
352269 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12 Rash 12
352270 Convulsion 12 Drug scree 12 Full blood 12 Laboratory 12 Scan brain
352270 Spinal X-ra 12
352271 Ear infecti 12
352272 Wrong drug 12
352273 Dizziness 12
352274 Colposcop 12 Inappropria 12 Smear cerv 12
352275 Syncope 12
352276 Blister 12
352277 Diarrhoea 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
352278 Adverse ev 12
352279 Impaired h 12 Skin lesion 12
352280 Eye pain 12 Intraocular 12 Myodesops 12 Photophobi 12 Retinal dis
352280 Surgery 12 Visual imp 12
352281 Discomfort 12
352282 Syncope 12
352283 Pyrexia 12
352284 Injection si 12
352286 Swelling fa 12
352287 Rash macul 12
352288 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352289 Rash vesic 12 Urticaria 12
352290 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352291 Injection s 12
352292 Arthralgia 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Liver funct
352292 Myalgia 12
352293 Abdominal 12 Autopsy 12 Convulsion 12 Death 12 Diet refusa
352293 Disturbance 12 Dyskinesia 12 Hypersensit 12 Infection 12 Irritability
352293 Screaming 12 Somnolenc 12
352294 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Inflammati 12 Palpitation 12 Tendernes
352295 Balance di 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
352296 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352297 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
352298 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352299 Crying 12 Screaming 12
352300 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
352301 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
352302 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352303 Gianotti-Cr 12 Rash 12
352304 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352305 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
352306 Burning se 12 CSF protei 12 Constipati 12 Diplegia 12 Dysstasia
352306 Haematocri 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Insomnia 12 Localised 12 Musculoske
352306 Myelitis tr 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes
352306 Red cell di 12 Sensory di 12 Sensory lo 12 Vitamin B12 12
352307 Contusion 12 Immediate p 12 Swelling fa 12 Syncope 12
352308 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352309 Syncope 12
352310 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
352311 Colposcop 12 Human papil 12
352312 Alopecia 12
352313 Eye swelli 12 Face oede 12 Lip swellin 12
352315 Arthropod b 12 Basophil p 12 Bipolar dis 12 Blindness 12 Blood alka
352315 Blood calc 12 Computeris 12 Culture neg 12 Culture thr 12 Deafness
352315 Depressed 12 Dermatitis 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
352315 Dizziness 12 Drug scree 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Eosinophil
352315 Epistaxis 12 Eye pain 12 Feeling hot 12 Full blood 12 Haematocri
352315 Headache 12 Hyperreflex 12 Local react 12 Loss of co 12 Mass
352315 Migraine 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Pain
352315 Pharyngeal 12 Phonophob 12 Photophobi 12 Presyncop 12 Pruritus
352315 Rash eryth 12 Scan brain 12 Skin exfoli 12 Swelling 12 Syncope
352315 Thyroid fun 12 Tinea infec 12 Urine analy 12 Vision blur 12 Visual imp
352317 No reaction 12 Pruritus ge 12 Rash 12
352318 Rash 12
352319 Papilloma v 12
352320 Gaze palsy 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
352321 Abasia 12 Blood test 12 Syncope 12
352322 Blister 12
352323 Urticaria 12
352324 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
352325 Syncope 12
352326 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Mental imp 12
352327 Colposcop 12 Smear cerv 12
352328 Dyskinesia 12 Syncope 12
352329 Dizziness 12 Drug expos 12 Injection si 12 Loss of co 12 Pregnancy t
352330 Fall 12 Loss of co 12
352331 Musculoskel 12 Nuclear ma 12 Tremor 12
352332 Feeling ab 12 Myalgia 12 Paraesthes 12
352333 Inappropria 12 Inappropria 12 Papilloma v 12 Smear cerv 12
352334 Hypoaesthe 12 Paraesthes 12
352335 Chills 12 Nausea 12
352336 Syncope 12
352337 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Loss of co 12 Paraesthes 12
352338 Malaise 12 Vaccination 12
352339 Smear cerv 12
352340 Computeri 12 Computeri 12 Fall 12 Syncope 12
352341 Confusional 12 Head injury 12 Skin lacera 12 Syncope 12
352342 Syncope 12 Tonic clon 12
352343 Tachycardi 12
352344 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
352345 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Tachycardi 12 Wheezing
352346 Face injury 12 Fall 12
352347 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Wrong drug 12
352348 Dyspnoea 12 Immediate p 12 Influenza li 12 Joint lock 12 Migraine
352348 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Vomiting 12
352349 Dizziness 12 Fall 12
352350 Vaccination 12
352351 Syncope 12
352352 Nausea 12
352353 Adverse re 12
352354 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
352356 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12 Pancreatiti 12 Vaccination
352360 Convulsion 12
352364 Acinetobact 12.1 Areflexia 12.1 Blood produ 12.1 CSF glucos 12.1 CSF protei
352364 Dysphagia 12.1 Electromyo 12 Endotrachea 12 Gastrointes 12.1 Guillain-B
352364 Hypoaesthe 12 Intensive c 12 Lumbar pun 12.1 Mechanical 12.1 Muscular
352364 Nerve cond 12.1 Neuralgia 12.1 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12.1 Paraesthes
352364 Paralysis f 12 Plasmapher 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Pyrexia
352364 Respiratory 12 Sputum cult 12.1
352365 Herpes zos 12
352366 Confusional 12 Dyspnoea 12 Panic attac 12
352367 Cyanosis 12 Immediate p 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
352368 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
352369 Rash 12 Swelling fa 12
352370 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
352371 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352372 Skin discol 12 Urticaria 12
352373 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
352374 Abdominal 12 Vomiting 12
352375 Unevaluabl 12
352376 Dyskinesia 12 Muscle twit 12 Musculoskel 12
352377 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 12 Hypophagi 12 Loss of co 12 Mouth injur
352377 Suture inse 12
352378 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Crying 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc
352378 Gaze palsy 12 Laboratory 12 Sleep disor 12 Staring 12
352379 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12
352380 Abdominal 12 Back pain 12 Blood test 12 Diarrhoea 12 X-ray norm
352381 Unevaluabl 12
352382 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352383 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352384 Erythema 12 Rash papul 12 Rash prurit 12
352385 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352386 Dysphagia 12
352387 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352388 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352389 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
352390 Fall 12 Immediate p 12
352391 Chest pain 12 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Nausea
352392 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352393 Activities o 12 Adverse dr 12 Areflexia 12 Asthenia 12 Back pain
352393 Blood produ 12 Blood urine 12 CSF mononu 12 Computeri 12 Dysstasia
352393 Echocardio 12 Electromy 12 Electrophor 12 Gait distur 12 Gastrooeso
352393 Glycosylat 12 Guillain-B 12 Guillain-B 12 Haematocri 12 Hypoaesthe
352393 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypokinesi 12 Immunoglob 12 Insomnia
352393 Melanosis c 12 Nerve cond 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain
352393 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Paralysis 12 Red blood c
352393 Red blood c 12 Speech dis 12 Ultrasound 12 Upper respi 12 Visual imp
352393 White blood 12
352394 Glossitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Swollen to 12
352395 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352396 Abnormal b 12 Staring 12
352397 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352398 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Immediate p 12 Pallor
352399 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden 12
352400 Injection si 12
352401 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12.1 Body tempe 12 C-reactive 12 CSF cultur
352401 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Culture uri 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc
352401 Full blood 12 Gram stain 12 Hyperhidro 12 Irritability 12 Laboratory
352401 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Meningitis 12.1 Monocyte p 12 Neutrophil
352401 Pallor 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Sepsis
352401 Skeletal su 12.1 Staring 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Unresponsiv 12 Virus cultu
352401 Vomiting 12
352402 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
352403 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
352404 Inflammati 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Rash prurit
352405 Unevaluabl 12
352406 Chills 12 Diarrhoea 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Oedema per
352406 Pyrexia 12
352407 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352408 Occult bloo 12
352409 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Feeling ab 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor
352410 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Skin warm 12
352411 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352412 Body tempe 12 Full blood 12 Similar rea 12 Streptococca 12 Urine analy
352413 Injection s 12 Lethargy 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu
352414 Injection si 12
352415 Crying 12 Diet refusa 12 Hypophagi 12 Irritability 12 Pyrexia
352415 Rash gener 12 Sleep disor 12
352416 Feeding dis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Insomnia 12 Irritability
352417 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Induration 12 Pruritus
352417 Tendernes 12
352418 Fatigue 12 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352418 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Nasopharyn 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
352419 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Pain
352420 Abdominal 12 Alpha 2 glo 12 Asthenia 12 Blood test 12 Burning se
352420 CSF immuno 12 CSF protei 12 Genital pai 12 Immunoglob 12 Inflammati
352420 Lumbar pun 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Viral infect
352421 Abdominal 12 Allergy test 12 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthralgia
352421 Asthenia 12.1 Asthenia 12 Biopsy inte 12 Borrelia bu 12 Colonosco
352421 Computeri 12 Computeri 12.1 Condition 12 Constipati 12.1 Diarrhoea
352421 Endoscopy 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab
352421 Food allerg 12 Food intol 12 Full blood 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
352421 Insomnia 12 Laboratory 12 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12.1 Nausea
352421 Neuropathy 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oesophago 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes
352421 Phonophob 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid 12 Vomiting 12 Weight dec
352421 Wheat-free 12
352422 Blood produ 12 Extraskelet 12 Guillain-B 12 Mechanical 12
352423 Crying 12 Gaze palsy 12 Respiratory 12
352424 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352425 Headache 12
352426 Feeding dis 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12
352427 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352428 Hypotonia 12 Hypotonic- 12 Immediate p 12
352429 Asthenia 12 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Gait distur 12 Gaze palsy
352429 Pallor 12 Tremor 12
352430 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
352431 Herpes zos 12
352432 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352433 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Bilirubin c 12 Blood alka
352433 Blood crea 12 Blood urea 12 Bowel move 12 Cough 12 Cows milk f
352433 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Faeces dis 12 Growth reta
352433 Liver funct 12 Mucous sto 12 Platelet co 12 Poikilocyto 12 Protein tot
352433 Rhinorrhoe 12 Rotavirus t 12 White blood 12
352434 Blood cultu 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc 12 Muscle twit 12 Myoclonus
352434 White blood 12
352435 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
352436 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352437 Injection si 12
352452 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Neonatal d 12
352453 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12 Uterine dil 12 Vaginal ha
352455 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12
352457 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Skin lesion 12
352458 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Lethargy
352458 Paraesthes 12
352459 Crying 12 Crying 12 Screaming 12
352460 Musculoske 12
352461 Blister 12 Inappropria 12 Pyrexia 12
352462 Burning se 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12
352463 Asthenia 12 Asthenia 12 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Computeri
352463 Dysgraphia 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Laboratory 12 Lumbar pun 12 Nasopharyn
352463 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12
352464 Blister 12 Blister 12 Dry skin 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352464 Similar rea 12 Vaccination 12
352465 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Neck pain
352466 Herpes zos 12 Vaccination 12
352467 Pyrexia 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
352468 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352472 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12
352473 Arthralgia 12 Blood test 12 Cardiac mo 12 Myalgia 12 Paraesthes
352473 Syncope 12
352474 Convulsion 12 Loss of co 12
352476 Alanine am 12 Anion gap 12 Aspartate 12 Biopsy bon 12 Blood albu
352476 Blood alka 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood crea
352476 Blood gluc 12 Blood lact 12 Blood mag 12 Blood phos 12 Blood pota
352476 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Blood uric 12 Contusion 12 Contusion
352476 Contusion 12 Contusion 12 Coombs tes 12 Haematom 12 Haemoglob
352476 Idiopathic 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphocyte 12 Monocyte p
352476 Mouth hae 12 Mouth hae 12 Neutrophil 12 Petechiae 12 Platelet co
352476 Protein tot 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Thrombocy 12 White blood
352477 Pyrexia 12 Varicella p 12
352478 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
352479 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352480 Head tituba 12 Tremor 12
352481 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue
352481 Heart rate 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
352481 Rash 12 Vomiting 12
352482 General phy 12 Insomnia 12 Limb disco 12
352483 Body tempe 12 Faeces dis 12 Feeling ab 12 Haematoch 12 Mucous sto
352484 Diarrhoea 12 Frequent 12 Haematoch 12
352485 Blood cultu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Full blood 12 Pyrexia 12
352486 Herpes zos 12 Varicella p 12
352487 Chest pain 12 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Pallor 12 Pleuritic pa
352487 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
352488 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pallor 12
352489 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352490 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12
352491 Tremor 12 Tremor 12
352492 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352493 Body tempe 12 Depressed 12
352494 Erythema 12 Oedema 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12
352495 Urticaria 12 Urticaria 12
352496 Condition 12 Convulsion 12 Hyperventil 12 Muscle rigi 12 Syncope
352496 Vomiting 12
352498 Convulsion 12
352499 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Urticaria 12
352501 Crying 12 Feeding di 12 Insomnia 12
352504 Urticaria 12
352505 Speech dis 12
352506 Autism 12
352511 Blood test 12 Burning se 12 Erythema 12 Erythema 12 Myalgia
352511 Oedema mo 12 Pain 12 Pharyngea 12 Pruritus 12 Throat tigh
352511 Urticaria 12
352517 Cognitive d 12 Dyskinesia 12 Hyperhidro 12 No reaction 12 Presyncop
352517 Tremor 12 Vomiting 12
352518 Anticoagul 12 Anxiety 12 Deep vein 12 Dizziness 12 Ear conges
352518 Ear discomf 12 Ear pain 12 Fatigue 12 Oral contra 12 Otitis medi
352518 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary trac
352526 Asthenia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Nausea 12
352527 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352528 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352529 Conjunctivit 12 Eyelid marg 12 Pyrexia 12
352530 Back pain 12 Gait distur 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Muscular 12 Paraesthes
352530 Pyrexia 12
352531 Ear discomf 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypotensio 12 Lethargy 12 Presyncop
352531 Tunnel visi 12
352532 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352533 Wrong drug 12
352534 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Malaise 12 Nausea
352534 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
352535 Ecchymosi 12 Erythema 12 Oedema 12 Paraesthes 12 Swelling
352536 Anxiety 12 Chills 12 Crying 12 Electrocar 12 Influenza li
352536 Injected li 12 Loss of co 12 Myalgia 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
352536 Photophobi 12 Presyncop 12 Syncope 12 White blood 12
352537 Lymphaden 12
352538 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352539 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12
352540 Oedema per 12
352541 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
352542 Rash gener 12
352543 Herpes zos 12
352544 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352545 Dizziness 12
352546 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12 Vaccine pos 12
352547 Dyspnoea 12 Haemoglob 12 Paraesthesi 12 Tuberculin 12 Urine analy
352547 Wheezing 12
352548 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12 Tinnitus
352549 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352550 Cyanosis 12 Feeling ab 12 Immediate p 12 Musculoskel 12 Syncope
352551 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352552 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Erythema 12 Presyncop 12 Pyrexia
352552 Swelling 12
352553 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
352554 Full blood 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352555 Hypophagi 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Somnolenc
352556 Back pain 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
352556 Muscular 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain 12
352557 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash macu 12
352558 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12 Ultrasound 12
352559 Erythema 12 Pain 12
352560 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria
352561 Injection sit 12
352564 Accidental 12 Skin lacera 12
352565 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per
352565 Pain in ext 12 Wrong drug 12
352566 Chest pain 12 Pain in ext 12
352567 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12 Vomiting 12
352568 Chest X-ra 12 Febrile con 12 Full blood 12
352569 Dizziness 12 Fall 12
352570 Blood gluc 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Hypotherm 12 Muscle rigi
352570 Postictal st 12 Syncope 12 Syncope 12 Tremor 12
352571 Herpes zos 12
352572 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352573 Diarrhoea 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12 Somnolenc 12
352574 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352575 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352576 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash prurit
352577 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
352578 Computeris 12 Dyspnoea 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Laboratory 12 Nausea
352578 Orthopnoe 12 Pain in ext 12 Tachycardi 12
352579 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12
352580 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Swelling 12
352581 Injection si 12 Skin warm 12
352582 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Rash macu 12 Skin warm 12
352583 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Pruritus 12 Skin exfoli 12 Swelling fa
352584 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Sinusitis 12
352585 Back pain 12 Blister 12 Herpes sim 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
352585 Varicella z 12
352586 Chest disc 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia
352587 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pruritus 12
352588 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352589 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352590 Cold sweat 12 Electrocar 12 Heart rate 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor
352590 Sinus brad 12
352591 Blood pres 12 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Heart rate 12 Skin warm
352591 Swelling 12
352592 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
352593 Erythema 12 Eyes sunk 12 Inflammati 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
352594 Syncope 12
352597 Crying 12 Fall 12 Headache 12 Loss of co 12 Mydriasis
352597 Staring 12 Unresponsiv 12
352598 Stevens-J 12
352599 Agitation 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hypersensit 12 Insomnia
352599 Malaise 12 Rash 12 Tremor 12
352613 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352614 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12
352615 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352616 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
352617 Blood pres 12 Confusional 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Tonic conv
352618 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
352619 Chills 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Nausea
352619 Swelling 12
352620 Urticaria 12
352621 Headache 12 Injected li 12 Pain in ext 12
352622 No adverse 12 Wrong drug 12
352623 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352624 Anisocytos 12 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood sodi
352624 Blood urea 12 Blood urine 12 C-reactive 12 CSF protei 12 Carbon dio
352624 Cerebral in 12 Coagulatio 12 Convulsion 12 Depressed 12 Drug level
352624 Dyskinesia 12 Dyskinesia 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypokinesi
352624 Lethargy 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Melanocyti 12 Microcytosi
352624 Muscular 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma 12 Platelet co 12 Poikilocyto
352624 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Red cell di 12 Skin hyper
352624 Somnolenc 12 Staphyloco 12 Tremor 12 Urinary se 12 White blood
352625 Rash 12
352626 Anorexia 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Lethargy
352626 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
352627 Limb disco 12 Pain in ext 12
352628 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352629 Asthenia 12 Cold sweat 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12
352630 Erythema 12 Headache 12 Hypersensit 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm
352631 Injection si 12
352632 Dizziness 12 Eyelid oed 12 Headache 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection s
352632 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352633 Injection si 12
352634 Pharyngeal 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
352635 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection s 12
352636 Varicella p 12
352637 Dysphonia 12 Hallucinati 12 Heart rate 12 Injection si 12 Pain
352637 Pyrexia 12 Speech dis 12 Vomiting 12
352638 Anisocytos 12 Contusion 12 Echocardio 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
352638 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Neutropeni 12 Pancytopen 12 Petechiae
352638 Plasmapher 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Thrombocy
352638 White blood 12
352639 Inappropria 12
352640 Allergy to 12 Chest pain 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Feeling hot
352640 Hyperaesth 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Nausea 12 Oedema per
352640 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Vomiting 12
352641 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Back pain 12 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea
352641 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
352642 Irritability 12 Vomiting pr 12
352643 Cough 12 Fatigue 12 Nasal cong 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
352643 Respiratory 12
352644 Wrong drug 12
352646 Bacterial cu 12 Cellulitis 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352648 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Musculoske 12
352649 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 X-ray 12
352653 Confusional 12 Foreign tra 12 Injection s 12 Malaise 12 Rash papul
352653 Rash prurit 12 Rash vesic 12 Vertigo 12
352654 Varicella p 12
352655 Blister 12 Blood test 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12
352656 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352657 Bradyphren 12 Feeling ab 12 Headache 12 Injected li 12 Nausea
352657 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
352658 Convulsion 12 Otitis medi 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
352659 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co
352659 Pallor 12
352660 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
352664 Herpes zos 12 Laboratory 12 Pain 12
352666 Intensive c 12 Tic 12 Viral infect 12
352667 Laboratory 12 Paralysis 12 Sensory lo 12
352668 Alanine am 12 Albumin glo 12 Anaphylacti 12 Angioedem 12 Aspartate
352668 Blood alka 12 Blood calc 12 Dysphagia 12 Emotional d 12 Eye pruritu
352668 Haematocri 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Microcytosi 12 Monocyte p
352668 Ocular hyp 12 Oedema per 12 Platelet co 12 Rash eryth 12 Respiratory
352668 Swelling fa 12 Throat irrit 12 Throat irrit 12
352669 Body tempe 12 Culture uri 12 Decreased 12 Depressed 12 Electroenc
352669 Gaze palsy 12 Hypersomn 12 Hypotonia 12 Lethargy 12 Postictal st
352669 Urine analy 12 Vaccine pos 12
352670 Erythema 12 Pallor 12 Rash macu 12
352671 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes 12
352672 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Occult blo 12 Occult bloo 12 White blood
352673 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Presyncop 12 Syncope 12 Tonic clon
352674 Computeri 12 Concussio 12 Ear haemo 12 Ear injury 12 Excoriation
352674 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Headache 12 Syncope 12
352675 Chest X-ra 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar
352675 Palpitation 12 Paraesthes 12
352676 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352677 Injection si 12
352678 Abnormal b 12 Blood urine 12 Crystal uri 12 Culture sto 12 Dehydratio
352678 Enema admi 12 Gastroenteri 12 Haemateme 12 Haematoch 12 Haematocri
352678 Haemoglob 12 Hypophagi 12 Infrequent 12 Intussusce 12 Irritability
352678 Lethargy 12 Lymphocyte 12 Macrophage 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil
352678 Oral candid 12 Platelet co 12 Red blood c 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine abnor
352678 Urine outp 12 White blood 12 X-ray abno 12
352679 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352680 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352681 Blood blist 12 Blood produ 12 Chills 12 Contusion 12 Idiopathic
352681 Mouth hae 12 Oropharynge 12 Petechiae 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia
352681 Skin irritat 12 Swelling 12 Vomiting 12
352682 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash papul 12
352683 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin reacti
352683 Skin warm 12
352684 Lip swellin 12
352685 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Joint swell 12 Musculoske 12
352686 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Somnolenc
352686 Syncope 12
352687 Dyspnoea 12 Eye swelli 12 Lip swellin 12 Wheezing 12
352688 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352689 Rash 12
352690 Inappropria 12
352691 Inappropria 12
352692 Hyperhidro 12 Injection s 12 Upper respi 12
352693 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352694 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext
352695 Chills 12 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria
352696 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin exfoli 12
352697 Aggression 12 Analgesic d 12 Analgesic d 12 Anion gap 12 Band neutr
352697 Blood calc 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood lacti 12 Blood magn
352697 Carbon dio 12 Computeri 12 Computeris 12 Confusional 12 Convulsion
352697 Dehydratio 12 Drug scree 12 Drug scree 12 Endotrachea 12 Epilepsy
352697 Haematocri 12 Haemoglobi 12 Injury 12 Laboratory 12 Lethargy
352697 Loss of co 12 Metabolic f 12 Monocyte p 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma
352697 Postictal st 12 Protein tot 12 Red blood c 12 Road traffi 12 Scan brain
352697 Skin infect 12 Subcutane 12 Tremor 12 Vomiting 12 White blood
352698 Eye rolling 12 Loss of co 12 Vomiting 12
352699 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Joint injury 12 Loss of co 12
352700 Loss of co 12 Vomiting 12
352704 Blister 12 Headache 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
352704 Varicella 12
352705 Body tempe 12 Rash 12 Rash gener 12
352706 Balance di 12 Dizziness 12
352707 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
352708 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352709 Eye swelli 12
352710 Cellulitis 12
352711 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12
352712 Urticaria 12
352713 Dizziness 12 Gaze palsy 12 Syncope 12
352714 Crying 12 Fall 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
352715 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352716 Dermatitis 12 Rash 12 Staphylococ 12
352717 Menstruati 12
352718 Eye discha 12 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12
352719 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12
352720 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes
352721 Chest disc 12 Dyspnoea 12 Palpitation 12 Throat irrit 12
352722 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
352723 Herpes zos 12 Post herpet 12
352729 Abdominal 12 Haematoch 12 Pain 12 Screaming 12
352739 Aphasia 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris
352739 Dysarthria 12 Electroenc 12 Electromyo 12 Endotrachea 12 Facial pals
352739 Gait distur 12 Gastrointes 12 Guillain-B 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Lumbar pun
352739 Mechanical 12 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Paralysis 12 Respiratory
352739 Sensory lo 12 Sputum cult 12 Staphylococ 12 Tracheost 12
352740 Herpes sim 12
352742 Unevaluabl 12
352744 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe
352748 Rash eryth 12 Rash vesic 12
352749 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352750 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352751 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Full blood 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per
352751 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound
352752 Body tempe 12 Crying 12
352754 Basophil c 12 Basophil p 12 Blood crea 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest disc
352754 Chest pain 12 Echocardio 12 Eosinophil 12 Eosinophil 12 Fibrin D di
352754 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell
352754 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mean plate 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p
352754 Myocarditis 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Platelet co 12 Red blood
352754 Red cell di 12 Troponin T 12 White blood 12
352755 Abdominal 12 Blood test 12 Chest X-ra 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor
352755 Presyncop 12 Respirator 12 Vomiting 12
352756 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
352757 Anisocytos 12 Band neutr 12 Blood albu 12 Blood calc 12 Blood crea
352757 Blood cultu 12 Blood gase 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pH d 12 Blood pota
352757 CSF bacter 12 CSF protei 12 CSF white b 12 Chest X-ra 12 Collapse of
352757 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Cough 12 Culture neg 12 Dermatitis
352757 Drug level 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electroenc 12 Endotrachea
352757 Face injury 12 Febrile con 12 Gaze palsy 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
352757 Hypotonia 12 Intensive c 12 Liver palpa 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean plate
352757 Mechanical 12 Neutrophil 12 Protein uri 12 Rash eryth 12 Red blood
352757 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Sick relativ 12 Stridor 12 Unresponsiv
352757 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
352758 Blister 12 Dyspepsia 12 Malaise 12 Pain 12 Pruritus
352758 Varicella 12
352759 Inappropria 12
352760 Syncope 12
352761 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12
352762 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352763 Convulsion 12 Developmen 12 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc 12 Facial spa
352763 Nuclear ma 12 Pyrexia 12 Tuberous s 12
352764 Erythema 12 Rash macu 12
352765 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352765 Injection s 12
352766 Wrong drug 12
352767 Inappropria 12
352768 Oral candid 12
352770 Inappropria 12
352771 Convulsion 12 Hypotensio 12 Unresponsiv 12
352772 No reaction 12 Pruritus 12 Rash macu 12 Rash papul 12 Skin lesion
352773 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
352774 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling hot 12 Immediate p 12 Pallor
352775 Crying 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Sleep disor 12
352776 Syncope 12
352777 Confusional 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12 Vomiting
352778 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
352779 Arthralgia 12 Ataxia 12
352780 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
352781 Inappropria 12
352782 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
352783 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352784 Drug expos 12
352785 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash
352786 Back pain 12 Cold sweat 12 Dyspnoea 12
352787 Lip swellin 12 Wheezing 12
352788 Erythema 12 Hyperhidro 12 Measles 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling
352788 Urticaria 12
352789 Burning se 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12
352790 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352791 Inflammati 12 Neuralgia 12 Pain in ext 12 Tendernes 12
352792 Back pain 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per
352792 Pain in ext 12
352793 Injection s 12 Muscle tig 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
352794 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12
352795 Cellulitis 12 Full blood 12 White blood 12
352796 Abasia 12 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Headache
352796 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Insomnia 12 Lymphaden 12 Pain
352796 Pyrexia 12 Speech dis 12
352797 Erythema 12 Feeling dr 12 Motor dysf 12
352798 Anaphylacti 12.1 Cough 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12 Urticaria
352798 Wheezing 12
352799 Rash vesic 12
352800 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
352801 Erythema 12 Nodule 12 Pain 12
352802 Pain 12 Skin nodul 12 Tendernes 12
352803 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
352804 Biopsy bon 12 Blood test 12 Scan 12 Urine analy 12 Urticaria c
352805 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352806 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
352807 Inappropria 12
352808 Presyncop 12
352809 Drug expos 12
352810 Urticaria 12
352811 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Swelling 12
352812 Activated p 12 Arthralgia 12 Bone pain 12 Contusion 12 Full blood
352812 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Internation 12 Muscle sp 12 Myalgia
352812 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12 Prothrombi 12 Radiculitis 12 Skin discol
352812 Tendernes 12 Tetanus an 12
352813 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes 12
352814 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12
352815 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352816 Headache 12
352817 Headache 12
352818 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352819 Alanine am 12 Anion gap 12 Areflexia 12 Aspartate 12 Back pain
352819 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Blood biliru 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor
352819 Blood copp 12 Blood creat 12 Blood folat 12 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi
352819 Blood thyro 12 Blood urea 12 Body tempe 12 Carbon dio 12 Electromyo
352819 Full blood 12 Glomerular f 12 Headache 12 Lipids 12 Local react
352819 Malaise 12 Migraine 12 Nausea 12 Neuralgia 12 Nuclear ma
352819 Pain 12 Paraesthes 12 Red blood c 12 Vitamin B1 12 Vitamin D
352819 Vomiting 12
352820 Abdominal 12 Dysarthria 12 Dyspnoea 12 Eating diso 12 Malaise
352820 Pharyngea 12 Vomiting 12
352821 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
352822 Injection si 12 Piloerectio 12 Pruritus 12 Pruritus 12
352823 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352824 Unevaluabl 12
352826 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352827 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12 Similar rea 12
352828 Dizziness 12 Suture inse 12 Syncope 12
352829 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
352830 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes 12
352832 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
352833 Axillary pai 12
352834 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
352836 Abdominal 12 Autopsy 12 Back pain 12 Blood cultu 12 Body tempe
352836 Chest X-ra 12 Chills 12 Computeris 12 Death 12 Disseminate
352836 Heart rate 12 Hypotensio 12 Laboratory 12 Metabolic a 12 Neutrophil
352836 Oxygen sat 12 Pneumococc 12 Purpura 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory
352836 Shock 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
352837 Irritability 12 Pyrexia 12
352838 Death 12
352839 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
352840 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12
352841 Bruxism 12 Crying 12 Disturbance 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dyspnoea
352841 Eye rolling 12 Febrile con 12 Musculoskel 12 Pyrexia 12
352843 Pancreatiti 12
352885 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352886 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Scab
352887 Joint rang 12 Musculoske 12 X-ray norm 12
352888 Pyrexia 12
352889 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
352890 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12
352891 Cyanosis 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12 Vomiting 12
352892 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352893 Erythema m 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Viral rash 12
352894 Hypersensit 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
352895 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Wrong tech 12
352896 Discomfort 12 Erythema 12 Inappropria 12 Urticaria 12
352897 Swollen to 12 Urticaria 12
352898 Feeling hot 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injected li 12 Paraesthes
352898 Paraesthes 12
352899 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
352899 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
352900 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
352901 Asthenia 12 Blood gluc 12 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
352902 Enema admi 12 Intussusce 12 Urinary sy 12
352903 Rash papul 12 Scab 12
352904 Varicella p 12
352905 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352905 Injection si 12 Joint swell 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus
352906 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Skin reacti 12
352907 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
352908 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12
352909 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352910 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352910 Injection s 12
352911 Vital capac 12 Vomiting 12
352912 Delirium 12 Pyrexia 12
352913 Cough 12 Nasal cong 12 Nasopharyn 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe
352914 Injection s 12
352915 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352916 Aphasia 12 Autism 12 Autism 12 Balance di 12.1 Decreased
352916 Disturbance 12 Fall 12.1 Lethargy 12 Malaise 12 Pallor
352916 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu 12.1 Viral infect 12.1 Vision blur 12.1 Vomiting
352917 Blood test 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Endotrachea
352917 Partial sei 12
352921 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Anal fissur 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia
352921 Back pain 12 Biopsy cer 12 Blood urin 12 Bronchitis 12 Bruxism
352921 Cervical dy 12 Cervical dy 12 Cervical dy 12 Cervicitis 12 Chest disc
352921 Chromaturi 12 Clumsines 12 Colonoscop 12 Colposcop 12 Confusional
352921 Constipati 12 Diarrhoea 12 Disturbance 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
352921 Dysplasia 12 Dysuria 12 Ear infecti 12 Ear pain 12 Fatigue
352921 Flank pain 12 Full blood 12 Glomerular 12 Glucose ur 12 Haematoch
352921 Headache 12 Hepatitis B 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypersomn 12 Influenza
352921 Irritable b 12 Kidney infe 12 Loop electr 12 Lymphaden 12 Mononucleos
352921 Myalgia 12 Nasopharyn 12 Neck pain 12 Nitrite urin 12 Odynophag
352921 Oral contra 12 Oropharyng 12 Otitis medi 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
352921 Palpitation 12 Pelvic pain 12 Pharyngitis 12 Pharyngitis 12 Photophobi
352921 Productive 12 Pruritus 12 Pyelonephri 12 Rash 12 Red blood c
352921 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sinus disor 12 Skeletal inj 12 Smear cerv 12 Specific gr
352921 Streptococc 12 Urinary trac 12 Urine bilir 12 Urine keto 12 Urine leuko
352921 Urine prote 12 Urobilin ur 12 Vaccine pos 12 Vaginal ha 12 White blood
352923 Injection si 12
352924 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Palpitation 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
352924 Tendernes 12
352925 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12
352926 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12
352927 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Vomiting 12
352928 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352929 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352930 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden
352930 Metabolic f 12 Mononucleos 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
352930 Streptococc 12
352931 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352932 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352933 Dizziness 12 Headache 12
352934 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain
352935 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
352936 Abdominal 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Vomiting 12
352937 Dizziness 12
352938 Full blood 12 Unevaluabl 12
352939 Abdominal 12 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Nasopharyn
352939 Respiratory 12
352940 Allergy test 12 Crying 12 Eczema 12 Irritability 12 Pruritus
352940 Screaming 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling fa 12
352941 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352942 Adverse re 12
352943 Injection si 12
352944 Injection si 12
352945 Injection si 12
352946 Injection si 12
352947 Injection si 12
352948 Injection si 12
352949 Injection si 12
352950 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12 No reaction
352951 Pyrexia 12
352953 Abnormal b 12 Activities o 12 Aggression 12 Asterixis 12 Autism spe
352953 Disturbance 12 Gait distur 12 Head bang 12 Laboratory 12 Learning di
352953 Neurologic 12 Physical e 12 Speech dis 12 Stereotypy 12 Stool analy
352953 Unresponsiv 12 Urine analy 12
352954 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12 Activated p 12 Activated p 12 Alanine am
352954 Albumin ur 12 Anisocytos 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood calc 12 Blood gluc
352954 Blood iron 12 Blood iron 12 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea
352954 Chest X-ra 12 Dry skin 12 Dyspnoea 12 Elliptocytos 12 Epigastric
352954 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypochrom
352954 Inadequate 12 Intensive c 12 Internation 12 Iron defici 12 Malaise
352954 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Mean plate 12 Menorrhagi
352954 Metabolic f 12 Myalgia 12 Occult blo 12 Prothrombi 12 Prothrombi
352954 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c 12 Red cell di 12 Reticulocy 12 Serum ferri
352954 Skin hyper 12 Spherocyti 12 Transfusio 12 Urinary se 12 Urinary trac
352954 Urine abnor 12 Urine analy 12 Urine leuko 12 Vomiting 12 White blood
352954 White blood 12 X-ray abno 12.1 X-ray norm 12.1
352955 Arthropod b 12 Blood cultu 12 Cellulitis 12 Differentia 12 Full blood
352955 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
352955 Injection s 12
352957 Blood sodi 12 Choking 12 Crying 12 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea
352957 Dyspnoea 12 Enema admi 12 Faeces dis 12 Hypophagi 12 Intussusce
352957 Irritability 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Neutrophil 12 Pallor
352957 Platelet co 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray norm 12
352958 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Tremor 12
352960 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 12 Immediate p 12 Nausea 12 Syncope
352960 Ventricular 12
352962 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Irritability 12 Rash 12
352966 Eye rolling 12 Fall 12 Hyperhidro 12 Immediate p 12 Musculoskel
352966 Pallor 12 Unresponsiv 12
352969 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
352971 No adverse 12
352976 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12
352980 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
352981 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
352982 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
352986 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12 Streptococca 12 Streptococca
352987 Dizziness 12 Grand mal 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12 Syncope
352987 Tremor 12
352989 Local swell 12
352997 Convulsion 12
352998 Dyspnoea 12 Flank pain 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
352998 Lymph nod 12 Musculoske 12 Musculoskel 12 Neck pain 12 Pain
352998 Pain in ext 12 Vaccination 12
352999 Erythema 12 Hyperaesth 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
353000 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353001 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
353002 Rash 12
353003 Agitation 12 Crying 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
353004 Chills 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
353005 Erythema 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Lip swellin 12
353006 Blood cultu 12 Cellulitis 12 Culture wo 12 Dermatitis 12 Dermatitis e
353006 Dry skin 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Intensive c 12 Pallor
353006 Post vaccin 12 Purulence 12 Pyrexia 12 Scab 12 Skin discol
353006 Skin exfoli 12 Tachycardi 12
353007 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Nausea 12 Oxygen sat 12 Syncope
353008 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353009 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Nausea 12 Oxygen sat
353009 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
353010 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353011 Dizziness p 12 Vertigo 12
353012 Urticaria 12
353013 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Lethargy
353013 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
353015 Activities o 12 Arthritis 12 Asthma 12 Back pain 12 Cholelithia
353015 Cognitive d 12 Condition 12 Depression 12 Dizziness 12 Fibromyalg
353015 Gastrooeso 12 Glaucoma 12 Glucose to 12 Headache 12 Hyperhidro
353015 Hypertensi 12 Hypothyroi 12 Influenza li 12 Migraine 12 Nausea
353015 Neuropathy 12 Pain 12 Pain in jaw 12 Palpitation 12 Peroneal m
353015 Rhinitis all 12 Vomiting 12
353016 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Rash 12 Rubella an
353017 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353018 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Nausea 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
353018 Skin warm 12
353019 Dizziness 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12
353020 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353022 Injection sit 12
353023 Acute respi 12.1 Agitation 12.1 Albumin glo 12.1 Amnesia 12 Asthma
353023 Bacterial c 12 Barium swa 12.1 Blood albu 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood trigl
353023 Blood urea 12.1 Bundle bran 12.1 Catatonia 12 Chronic ob 12.1 Clostridium
353023 Cognitive d 12.1 Coma 12 Communicat 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Confusional
353023 Coronary a 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Dermatosis 12.1 Dyslipidae 12.1 Electrocar
353023 Electrolyte 12.1 Encephaliti 12.1 Encephalitis 12 Endotrachea 12 Gait distur
353023 Gastrooeso 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 High densit 12.1 Incoherent
353023 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte 12.1 Mechanical 12.1 Mobility d 12.1 Motor dysf
353023 Nuclear ma 12 Oral candid 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Protein uri
353023 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood 12.1 Tremor 12 Type 2 diab 12.1 Unresponsiv
353023 Urine keto 12.1 Viral test n 12.1 White blood 12.1
353024 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash macu
353024 Rash prurit 12
353025 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pruritus
353025 Swelling 12
353026 Abdominal 12 Activated p 12 Activities o 12 Alanine am 12 Alopecia
353026 Anaemia 12 Antiphospho 12 Aspiration 12 Asthenia 12 Autoimmune
353026 Biopsy bon 12 Blood alka 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood immu
353026 Blood produ 12 Cardiolipin 12 Complement 12 Complement 12 Complement
353026 Contusion 12 Coombs dire 12 Coombs indi 12 Cough 12 DNA antibo
353026 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Ear pain 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Evans syn
353026 Haematocri 12 Haematolog 12 Haemoglob 12 Haemolytic 12 Headache
353026 Hyperhidro 12 Idiopathic 12 Immunology 12 Internation 12 Musculoskel
353026 Myelocyte 12 Neutropeni 12 Oral contra 12 Pallor 12 Palpitation
353026 Petechiae 12 Platelet co 12 Platelet co 12 Platelet m 12 Poor qualit
353026 Prothrombi 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Red blood
353026 Red blood c 12 Reticulocyt 12 Reticulocy 12 Russell's 12 Tanning
353026 Thrombocy 12 Urinary cas 12 Urticaria 12 Urticaria 12 Vaginal ha
353026 Viral infect 12 Vision blur 12 Wheezing 12 White blood 12 White blood
353026 White blood 12
353032 Face injury 12 Fall 12 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12 X-ray
353033 Rash 12
353034 Dizziness 12 Feeling hot 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12
353035 Swollen to 12 Urticaria 12
353037 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Alopecia 12 Anorexia 12 Arthralgia
353037 Asthenia 12 Burning se 12 Chest pain 12 Crying 12 Fatigue
353037 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 Hypotonia 12 Lethargy 12 Muscular
353037 Musculoske 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
353037 Sleep disor 12
353040 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Urticaria 12
353042 Chills 12 Cough 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
353042 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sinus cong 12
353044 Burning se 12
353045 Diarrhoea 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vaccine pos 12 Vomiting
353046 Acid fast s 12 Activities o 12 Alanine am 12 Anion gap 12 Anion gap
353046 Arthralgia 12 Aspartate 12 Asthenia 12 Bacterial c 12 Bacterial cu
353046 Basophil c 12 Basophil p 12 Bed rest 12 Blood albu 12 Blood alka
353046 Blood bilir 12 Blood calc 12 Blood chlor 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc
353046 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio 12 Carbon dio
353046 Computeri 12 Condition 12 Cough 12 Crepitation 12 Culture pos
353046 DNA antib 12 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Discomfort
353046 Dysphonia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Eosinophil 12 Eosinophil 12 Eye pain
353046 Feeling hot 12 Full blood 12 Fungus cul 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
353046 Headache 12 Herpes simp 12 Hypophagi 12 Inguinal he 12 Inguinal he
353046 Latent tube 12 Leukoplakia 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte
353046 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p 12 Myalgia
353046 Neutrophil 12 Night swea 12 Oral candid 12 Oral pustul 12 Oropharyng
353046 Pain 12 Pharyngeal 12 Pharyngeal 12 Pharyngitis 12 Pharyngitis
353046 Platelet co 12 Protein tot 12 Protein uri 12 Pulmonary 12 Pyrexia
353046 Red blood 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sinusitis 12 Sleep disor 12 Specific gr
353046 Sputum ab 12 Throat irrit 12 Tonsillar d 12 Tuberculin 12 Tuberculin
353046 Urine outp 12 Vomiting 12 Weight dec 12 White blood 12 White blood
353047 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
353048 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
353049 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353050 Dehydratio 12 Insomnia 12 Pyrexia 12
353051 Unevaluabl 12
353053 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
353054 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu 12 Skin warm 12
353055 Pyrexia 12
353056 Wrong drug 12
353057 Injection si 12
353058 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden
353058 Pyrexia 12
353059 Crying 12 Injection si 12 Screaming 12
353060 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353061 Asthenia 12 Convulsion 12 Crying 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue
353061 Gaze palsy 12 Irritability 12 Pallor 12 Respiratory 12 Unresponsiv
353062 Lymphaden 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12
353063 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353064 Bacterial in 12 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Inflammati 12
353065 Unevaluabl 12
353066 Pyrexia 12
353067 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling 12 Urticaria 12
353068 Abdominal 12 Cough 12 Nasal cong 12 Oropharyng 12
353069 Abasia 12 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Alopecia 12 Anorexia
353069 Arthralgia 12 Burning se 12 Chest pain 12 Crying 12 Dysstasia
353069 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 Hypokinesi 12 Hypotonia
353069 Induration 12 Lethargy 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Nausea
353069 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext
353069 Pyrexia 12 Walking ai 12
353070 Abasia 12 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Adverse dr 12.1 Aldolase i
353070 Alopecia 12 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Asthenia 12 Basophil c
353070 Blood gluc 12.1 CSF test n 12 Chest pain 12 Cushingoid 12.1 Electrocar
353070 Electrocar 12 Epstein-Bar 12.1 Epstein-Bar 12.1 Fatigue 12 Gait distur
353070 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12.1 Headache 12.1 Lethargy 12 Lymphaden
353070 Lymphocyte 12.1 Muscular 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12.1 Musculoske
353070 Myalgia 12.1 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Oedema per
353070 Pain 12 Pain 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext
353070 Pain in jaw 12.1 Paraesthes 12 Presyncop 12.1 Pyrexia 12 Red blood c
353070 Red cell di 12.1 Steroid the 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Throat tigh 12 Tongue tie
353070 Walking ai 12.1 Weight inc 12.1 Wheelchair 12.1 White blood 12.1
353071 Inappropria 12
353072 Dehydratio 12 Rotavirus i 12
353079 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Haemorrha 12 Hypertensi 12 Oedema
353079 Pre-eclamp 12 Pregnancy 12 Protein uri 12 Ultrasound 12 Vaginal ha
353080 Abasia 12 Alanine am 12 Aspartate 12 Back pain 12 Blood calc
353080 Blood sodi 12 Blood zinc 12 Cerebellar 12 Chest pain 12 Computeris
353080 Eosinophil 12 Epidural a 12 Haematocri 12 Hyperreflex 12 Insomnia
353080 Interverteb 12 Lumbar pun 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Monocyte p
353080 Multiple sc 12 Muscle twit 12 Muscular 12 Neck pain 12 Nerve cond
353080 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
353080 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Peripheral 12 Red blood 12 Skin discol
353080 Tongue par 12 Tuberculin 12 Ultrasound 12 X-ray limb 12
353081 Drug expos 12 Neonatal d 12
353082 Dehydratio 12 Stool analy 12 Urine analy 12
353086 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Enema admi 12.1 Haematoch
353086 Hypophagi 12.1 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Ultrasound
353086 Vomiting 12.1
353091 Autism 12 Blood merc 12
353094 Back pain 12 Bacteria ur 12 C-reactive 12 Chills 12 Cold agglut
353094 Computeri 12 Cough 12 Crystal uri 12 Decreased 12 Drug level
353094 Glucose ur 12 Haemoglob 12 Headache 12 Lobar pne 12 Lymphocyte
353094 Monocyte p 12 Mycoplasma 12 Mycoplasma 12 Neutrophil 12 Parainfluen
353094 Platelet co 12 Platelet m 12 Pneumonia 12 Protein uri 12 Pyrexia
353094 Red blood 12 Urinary trac 12 Urine abnor 12 Urine abnor 12 Viral infect
353094 Vomiting 12 White blood 12
353095 Blister 12 Blood cultu 12 Chills 12 Eosinophil 12 Inflammati
353095 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash
353095 Rash papul 12 Rash pustu 12 Vaccinia 12
353096 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12
353097 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
353098 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Tendernes 12
353099 Wrong tech 12
353100 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
353101 Oropharynge 12 Rash 12
353102 Injection s 12
353103 Eye swelli 12 Eyelid oed 12
353104 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12
353105 Chest pain 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Hyperhidro
353105 Musculoskel 12
353106 Cyanosis 12 Erythema 12 Injected li 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
353106 Skin warm 12
353107 Hypersensit 12 Rash macul 12
353108 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Presyncop 12
353109 Idiopathic 12 Platelet co 12
353110 Dyspnoea 12 Hyperventil 12 Pain in ext 12
353111 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12
353112 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Rash macul 12 Swelling fa 12
353113 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
353114 Blister 12 Post vaccin 12 Scab 12
353115 Influenza li 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
353116 Hypoaesthe 12 Lip swellin 12
353117 Abdominal 12 Nausea 12 Vomiting 12
353118 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353119 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12
353120 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
353121 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353122 Computeris 12 Dehydratio 12 Dyspnoea 12 Haemoglob 12 Hypersensit
353122 Hypoalbum 12 Hypotensio 12 Injection si 12 Lethargy 12 Micturition
353122 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu 12 Red blood 12 Serum sick 12 Tachycardi
353122 Thrombocy 12 Urinary ret 12 White blood 12
353123 No adverse 12
353124 Asthenia 12 Balance di 12 Blood test 12 Cognitive d 12 Confusional
353124 Diplopia 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Lumbar pun
353124 Multiple sc 12 Nuclear ma 12 Polymerase 12 Visual acui 12 X-ray
353125 Convulsion 12
353126 Blood crea 12 Metabolic f 12 Muscle sp 12 Pain 12
353127 Pain 12 Rash 12 Rash prurit 12
353128 Blood test 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF test n 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion
353128 Electroenc 12 Lumbar pun 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy 12
353129 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Dysstasia 12 Hyperhidro 12 Nausea
353129 Skin discol 12
353130 Medication 12 Rash gener 12
353131 Cold sweat 12 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Sensory di 12
353133 Abdominal 12 Aspartate 12 Band neutr 12 Barium en 12 Basophil p
353133 Blood albu 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 Blood cultu
353133 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 Blood urea 12 CSF test n 12 Computeri
353133 Decreased 12 Dehydratio 12 Depressed 12 Electroenc 12 Faeces dis
353133 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hyperhidro 12 Intestinal 12 Intussusce
353133 Intussusce 12 Laparotom 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell
353133 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p 12 Mucous sto 12 Pathology t 12 Platelet co
353133 Red blood 12 Small intes 12 Small intes 12 Somnolenc 12 Surgery
353133 Tremor 12 Tremor 12 Ultrasound 12 Unresponsiv 12 Urine analy
353133 Urine outp 12 Vomiting pr 12 X-ray abno 12
353134 Hypoaesthe 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12
353135 Drug scree 12 Grand mal 12
353136 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Nausea 12 Rash 12 Rash
353137 Body tempe 12 Decreased 12 Injection si 12 Lethargy 12
353138 Body tempe 12
353139 Blister 12 Local react 12 Rash papul 12 Rash papul 12 Skin lesion
353140 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353141 Dizziness 12 Erythema 12 Feeling ab 12 Limb disco 12 Local react
353141 Pyrexia 12 Tendernes 12
353142 Cough 12 Oxygen sat 12 Radioallerg 12 Urticaria 12 Wheezing
353143 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor
353143 Syncope 12 Tremor 12
353144 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353145 Hypersensit 12
353146 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353147 Influenza li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353148 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
353149 Urticaria 12
353150 Cellulitis 12 Induration 12
353151 Crying 12 Irritability 12
353152 Fatigue 12 Rash 12
353153 Blood test 12 Contusion 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Pain
353153 Pain 12
353154 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12
353155 Syncope 12
353156 Unevaluabl 12
353157 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
353158 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
353159 Erythema 12 Urticaria 12
353160 Varicella p 12
353161 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
353162 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
353164 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
353165 Pyrexia 12 Screaming 12 Tremor 12
353166 Adverse ev 12
353170 Alpha 1 foe 12 Caesarean 12 Drug expos 12 Ultrasound 12
353171 Demyelinat 12.1 Faecal inc 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12 Laboratory 12 Multiple sc
353171 Nuclear ma 12 Sensory di 12.1 Urinary inc 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 Vertigo
353171 Vitamin D 12.1
353172 Hypoaesthe 12 Multiple sc 12 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12
353173 Crohn's di 12 Diarrhoea 12 Pancreatiti 12
353174 Encephaliti 12
353175 Blood gluc 12 Body tempe 12 Computeris 12 Condition 12 Grand mal
353175 Heart rate 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12
353182 Blood test 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Gaze palsy 12 Loss of co
353182 Tremor 12
353183 Guillain-B 12 Paralysis 12
353186 Syncope 12
353187 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Albumin glo 12 Aspartate 12 Asthenia
353187 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling hot 12 Haemateme 12 Headache
353187 Insomnia 12 Lymphocyte 12 Vaccination 12.1 Vomiting 12
353188 Axillary pai 12 Contusion 12 Ecchymosi 12 Grip stren 12 Paraesthes
353188 Pyrexia 12 Radiculopa 12
353189 Chest disc 12 Dyspnoea 12 Skin lesion 12 Urticaria 12
353190 Injection s 12 Pruritus ge 12 Rash 12
353191 Abdominal 12 Convulsion 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12
353192 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353193 Food allerg 12 Milk allergy 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macu 12 Swelling
353193 Urticaria 12
353194 Crying 12 Decreased 12 Irritability 12 Pain in ext 12 Poor qualit
353194 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Weight bear 12
353195 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12 Pallor 12
353196 Blister 12 Scab 12
353197 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Headache
353197 Pain 12 Pain 12
353198 Dyskinesia 12 Loss of co 12
353199 Anxiety 12 Asthenia 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood urine 12 Chest X-ra
353199 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Emotional d
353199 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hyperhidro 12 Influenza li 12 Injection s
353199 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pallor 12 Protein uri
353199 Pyrexia 12 Urinary se 12 Vomiting 12 White blood 12 pH urine i
353200 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Malaise 12 Nodule 12 Tendernes
353201 Abasia 12 Abdominal 12 Acne 12 Alanine am 12 Anal fissur
353201 Anion gap 12 Antinuclear 12 Attention de 12 Autoimmune 12 Bacteria uri
353201 Biopsy kid 12 Biopsy kid 12 Biopsy ski 12 Blood 25-h 12 Blood albu
353201 Blood albu 12 Blood alka 12 Blood iron 12 Blood urine 12 Blood urine
353201 C-reactive 12 Chest pain 12 Constipati 12 Contusion 12 Cough
353201 Creatinine 12 Cryoglobuli 12 Culture uri 12 Dysmenorr 12 Escherichia
353201 Glucose ur 12 Haematoch 12 Henoch-Sch 12 Herpes simp 12 Herpes viru
353201 IgA nephro 12 Immunology 12 Insomnia 12 Joint swell 12 Joint swell
353201 Joint swell 12 Kidney fibr 12 Lymphocyte 12 Nephritis 12 Neutrophil
353201 Oedema per 12 Oral contra 12 Orthostatic 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
353201 Peripheral 12 Platelet co 12 Pneumonia 12 Polymerase 12 Premenstru
353201 Protein tot 12 Protein uri 12 Protein uri 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
353201 Rash 12 Rash pustu 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Renal impa
353201 Sunburn 12 Temperatur 12 Tendon inj 12 Urinary se 12 Urinary trac
353201 Urine keto 12 Urine prote 12 Viral upper 12 Vomiting 12 Wheezing
353201 White blood 12
353202 Dysphagia 12 Ear pain 12 Facial pain 12 Facial pals 12 Facial pare
353202 Oral pain 12 Oropharyng 12
353204 Balance di 12 Dizziness 12 Eye pain 12 Mental sta 12 Musculoske
353204 Pain in ext 12 Scan brain 12 Throat irrit 12
353205 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
353205 Injection s 12
353206 Anorexia 12 Chest pain 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe
353206 Hypoaesthe 12 Lethargy 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Vomiting
353207 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness
353207 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia
353207 No reaction 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12
353208 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pain 12 Skin warm 12
353209 Diarrhoea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
353210 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
353211 Wrong drug 12
353212 Swelling fa 12 Wheezing 12
353213 Injected li 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext 12 Wrong tech
353214 Erythema 12 Inflammati 12 Local react 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm
353214 Tendernes 12
353215 Lymphaden 12 Pruritus 12 Tendernes 12 Urticaria 12
353216 Asthenia 12 Atrial fibril 12 Blood thyro 12 Chills 12 Computeris
353216 Condition 12 Culture uri 12 Fatigue 12 Heart rate 12 Hyperthyro
353216 Micturition 12 Nausea 12 Palpitation 12 Pyrexia 12 Thyroxine
353216 Tri-iodothy 12 Urinary trac 12
353217 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Renal pain 12
353218 Angiogram 12 Nuclear ma 12 Vestibular 12
353219 Dyskinesia 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12 Urinary inc 12
353220 Erythema 12 Immunisati 12 Skin warm 12
353221 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353222 Erythema 12 Muscular 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Rash
353223 Blister 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353224 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
353225 Asthenia 12 Body tempe 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
353225 Dyspnoea 12 Pain 12
353226 Dyspnoea 12 Nausea 12 Pharyngea 12
353227 Blood test 12 Facial nerv 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe
353227 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Malaise
353227 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Skin tightn 12 Visual imp
353228 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm 12
353229 Induration 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353234 Erythema 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling
353234 Vomiting 12
353235 Blood thyr 12 Computeris 12 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Full blood
353236 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash pustu
353236 Skin warm 12
353237 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
353238 Convulsion 12
353239 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Musculoske
353240 Herpes zos 12
353241 Rash 12 Rash prurit 12 Rash vesic 12
353242 Erythema 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
353243 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling
353244 Anaphylacti 12
353245 Blood gluc 12 Blood pres 12 Chills 12 Drug expos 12 Dyspnoea
353245 Muscle rigi 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Speech dis 12
353246 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
353247 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353248 Abasia 12 Asthenia 12 Blood test 12 Nuclear ma 12
353249 Bedridden 12 Bone scan 12 Chills 12 Dizziness 12 Gait distur
353249 Haematom 12 Headache 12 Immobile 12 Impaired dri 12 Injection si
353249 Joint crepit 12 Musculoskel 12 Musculoske 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma
353249 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor
353249 Vaccination 12 X-ray 12
353251 Anxiety 12 Depression 12 Menstrual d 12
353254 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Swelling fa 12 Vomiting
353254 Wheezing 12
353256 Anaphylacti 12 Lip swellin 12 Nasal cong 12 Pruritus 12 Throat tigh
353256 Urticaria 12
353260 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353261 Arthralgia 12 Guillain-B 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Inappropria 12
353262 Genital swe 12 Lymph nod 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Urticaria
353264 Convulsion 12 Syncope 12
353265 Allergy test 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
353266 Body tempe 12
353268 Herpes zos 12
353269 Asthenia 12 Burning se 12 Fatigue 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Paraesthes
353269 Post herpet 12 Tremor 12
353270 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353271 Basal cell 12 Onychomyc 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit
353272 Herpes zos 12
353275 Abasia 12 Acanthosis 12 Anaemia 12 Anger 12 Anti-cyclic
353275 Antinuclear 12 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 C-reactive 12 Complement
353275 Complex re 12 Contusion 12 Cyanosis 12 Enthesopat 12 Gait distur
353275 Gait distur 12 Globulins 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Immunology
353275 Joint effus 12 Joint stiffn 12 Juvenile art 12 Meniscus l 12 Mood swin
353275 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Neck pain 12 Neutrophil 12 Nuclear ma
353275 Obesity 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pneumonia 12 Red blood
353275 Red blood c 12 Red cell di 12 Rheumatoid 12 Sleep disor 12 Smear cerv
353275 Stress 12 Synovial fl 12 Urine leuko 12 Vaginal les 12 Wheelchair
353275 Wheezing 12
353278 Chills 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Influenza s 12 Injection si
353278 Muscular 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12
353280 Injection s 12
353281 Angioedem 12 Injection si 12
353282 Fatigue 12 Pain 12
353283 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
353284 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Wheezing
353285 Syncope 12
353286 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
353287 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
353287 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12 Pyrexia 12
353288 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria 12
353289 Full blood 12 Local react 12 Oedema per 12 Red blood c 12
353290 Erythema 12 Induration 12
353295 Arthralgia 12 Immediate p 12 Nausea 12 Syncope 12
353296 Fatigue 12 Headache 12
353297 Incorrect d 12
353298 Auricular s 12 Eyelid oed 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling fa 12
353299 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
353299 Pyrexia 12
353300 Chest X-ra 12 Decreased 12 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy
353300 White blood 12
353301 Chills 12 Pyrexia 12 Similar rea 12
353302 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
353303 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
353304 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
353305 Asthenia 12 Cardiac mo 12 Dizziness 12 Dyskinesia 12 Immediate p
353305 Oxygen sat 12 Pallor 12
353306 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353307 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue 12 Loss of co 12 Urticaria
353307 Vomiting 12
353310 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
353311 Benign neo 12.1 Death 12 Obstructive 12.1
353312 Hypersensit 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12
353313 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353314 Abnormal f 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood produ 12 C-reactive 12.1 Chapped li
353314 Cough 12.1 Crying 12 Decreased 12.1 Echocardio 12.1 Erythema
353314 Eye discha 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Kawasaki's 12 Lip haemor 12 Monocyte p
353314 Nasal cong 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Ocular hyp 12 Ocular hyp 12 Oedema per
353314 Oedema per 12 Otitis medi 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener
353314 Rash macul 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Specific gr 12.1 Staphylococ
353314 Urethral di 12.1 Urine anal 12.1 Urobilin ur 12.1 White blood 12.1 White blood
353315 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Arthralgia
353315 Asthenia 12 Bacterial t 12 Biopsy sto 12 Blood bilir 12 Blood urine
353315 Chest X-ra 12 Diarrhoea 12 Disturbance 12 Endoscopy 12 Epstein-Bar
353315 Excoriation 12 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Gastritis
353315 Headache 12 Lymphocyte 12 Microbiolog 12 Mononucleos 12 Nausea
353315 Oropharyng 12 Pain 12 Pancreatic 12 Photophobi 12 Red blood c
353315 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12 Urinary cas 12 Urinary se 12 Urine abnor
353315 Urine abnor 12 Urine analy 12 Viral infect 12 Viral test n 12
353316 Chills 12 Hyperhidro 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
353316 Injection si 12 Neck pain 12
353317 Blood produ 12 Bronchosc 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho
353317 CSF protei 12 CSF white b 12 Chills 12 Computeri 12 Computeris
353317 Culture neg 12 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dysuria 12 Electroenc
353317 Encephaliti 12 Gram stain 12 Haemoptys 12 Nausea 12 Night swea
353317 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pneumonia 12 Pollakiuria 12 Pyrexia
353317 Red blood c 12 Syncope 12 Testicular 12 Vomiting 12 Weight dec
353318 Asthenia 12 Blood pres 12 Injection si 12 Muscular 12 Nausea
353318 Tachycardi 12 Vomiting 12
353319 Body tempe 12 Exposure t 12 Lethargy 12 Myalgia 12 Rash
353324 Arthralgia 12 Blood test 12 Injection si 12 Joint stiffn 12 Muscle fati
353324 Myalgia 12 Similar rea 12
353325 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
353326 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353327 Adverse ev 12 Injection s 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
353328 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353330 Immediate p 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
353331 Pyrexia 12
353332 Back pain 12 Electrocar 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Injection s
353332 Injection si 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Tachycardi
353332 Urine analy 12
353333 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Rash 12
353334 Nasal cong 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Swelling fa 12 Wheezing 12
353335 Dizziness 12 Loss of co 12 Repetitive 12 Syncope 12.1 Tremor
353336 Erythema m 12
353337 Rash 12 Rash 12
353338 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
353339 Rash macu 12 Skin warm 12
353340 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
353341 Abdominal 12 Computeri 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per
353342 Blood crea 12 Blood elect 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood urea 12 Dizziness
353342 Dyspnoea 12 Full blood 12 Pallor 12
353343 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353344 Impaired dri 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
353344 Myalgia 12.1
353345 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353346 Cellulitis 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353347 Activities o 12.1 Epicondylit 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Oedema per
353347 Pain 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Tendonitis 12.1
353348 Anaphylacti 12.1
353349 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Tendernes
353350 Body tempe 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Injection s
353350 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353351 Blood urine 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Urinary trac
353351 Urine anal 12.1 White blood 12.1
353352 Cellulitis 12.1
353353 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353354 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353355 Alanine am 12.1 Anion gap 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Basophil p 12.1 Blood albu
353355 Blood alka 12.1 Blood bilir 12.1 Blood calc 12.1 Blood chlor 12.1 Blood creat
353355 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood sodi 12.1 Blood urea
353355 Carbon dio 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Eosinophil 12.1 Haematocri
353355 Haemoglob 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
353355 Injection s 12.1 Lymph nod 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Neutrophil
353355 Platelet co 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Urine analy 12.1
353356 Dermatitis a 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Myalgia
353357 Cellulitis 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s
353357 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Purpura 12.1
353358 Cellulitis 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
353358 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 White blood 12.1
353359 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 No reaction
353359 White blood 12.1
353360 Cellulitis 12.1 Drug admini 12.1
353361 Adverse re 12.1
353362 Body tempe 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia
353362 White blood 12.1
353363 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353369 Antibody te 12 Asperger's 12 Speech dis 12
353370 Aura 12 Blindness 12 Catatonia 12 Convulsion 12 Reaction to
353374 Activities o 12 Brachial pl 12 Brachial pl 12 Burning se 12 Cervicobra
353374 Electromyo 12 Fatigue 12 Fine motor 12 Gastrooeso 12 Grip stren
353374 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
353374 Hypoaesthe 12 Hyporeflex 12 Influenza li 12 Motor dysf 12 Motor dysf
353374 Muscle atr 12 Muscle tig 12 Muscular 12 Musculoske 12 Myalgia
353374 Neurologic 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes
353374 Paraesthes 12 Radiculitis 12 Reaction to 12 Sensation 12
353375 Abasia 12 Alanine am 12 Allergy to 12 Blood albu 12 Blood chlo
353375 Blood cultu 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood urea 12 Blood urea 12 C-reactive
353375 Contusion 12 Dermatitis 12 Ecchymosi 12 Erythema 12 Full blood
353375 Gait distur 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
353375 Injection s 12 Lymphaden 12 Nodule on 12 Pruritus 12 Rash macu
353375 Rash papul 12 Urticaria 12 X-ray limb 12 X-ray limb 12
353376 Adverse dr 12 Audiogram 12 Cerumen im 12 Deafness un 12
353377 Unevaluabl 12
353378 Convulsion 12 Disorientat 12 Speech dis 12
353379 Blister 12 Viral DNA t 12
353380 Rash 12
353381 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Varicella 12
353382 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
353383 Induration 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12
353384 Rash 12
353385 Pain 12 Restlessne 12 Swelling 12 Weight inc 12
353386 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
353395 Cardio-resp 12.1 Cyanosis 12.1 Death 12 Immediate p 12.1 Muscle rigi
353395 Vomiting 12.1
353396 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353398 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353399 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
353400 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353401 Bronchitis 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash 12 Wheezing
353402 Erythema 12 Malaise 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12 Skin warm
353403 Injection s 12
353404 Eye swelli 12 Oral prurit 12 Paraesthesi 12 Pharyngea 12 Swelling fa
353405 Abdominal 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1
353406 Headache 12
353407 Bronchosp 12 Stridor 12
353408 Inappropria 12.1 Oedema per 12
353409 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Vomiting 12
353410 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
353411 Inappropria 12
353412 Inappropria 12
353413 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Chills
353413 Feeling col 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Nausea
353413 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353414 Crying 12 Crying 12 Hypophagi 12 Irritability 12 Laboratory
353414 Lethargy 12
353415 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Pruritus ge 12 Rash gener 12 Skin warm
353415 Swelling 12
353416 Body tempe 12 Inflammati 12 Pruritus 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Tendernes
353417 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353418 Asthenia 12 Pallor 12
353419 Inflammati 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Tendernes 12
353420 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Wheezing 12
353421 Inappropria 12.1 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
353422 Body tempe 12.1 Chills 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
353422 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urine analy 12.1
353423 Erythema 12
353424 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353425 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353426 Full blood 12 Lymphaden 12
353427 Injection s 12.1
353428 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
353429 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Tendernes 12
353430 Erythema 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Tracheal di
353430 Urticaria 12
353431 Rash macul 12
353432 Inappropria 12
353433 Inappropria 12
353434 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
353435 Incorrect r 12 Wrong drug 12
353436 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
353437 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Local react 12.1
353438 Discomfort 12 Induration 12 Skin reacti 12
353439 Injection s 12
353440 Hyperhidro 12 Hypotensio 12 Presyncop 12
353441 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353442 Alanine am 12 Anaemia 12 Anti-cyclic 12 Aspartate 12 Blood cultu
353442 Blood lact 12 Body tempe 12 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive 12 CSF test n
353442 Chills 12 Complement 12 Cryptococc 12 Cytomegalo 12 Enterovirus
353442 Epstein-Bar 12 Exercise t 12 Fatigue 12 Haematocri 12 Headache
353442 Hepatitis B 12 Hepatitis B 12 Hepatitis C 12 Hepatitis C 12 Influenza s
353442 Irritability 12 Malaise 12 Mononucleos 12 Myalgia 12 Night swea
353442 Nuclear ma 12 Parvovirus 12 Red blood 12 Rickettsia 12 Sleep disor
353442 Smooth mus 12 Syphilis te 12 Syphilis te 12 Thrombocy 12 Transamina
353442 Vaccine pos 12 Vitamin A 12
353443 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353444 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12
353445 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Mass 12
353446 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353447 Inappropria 12 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353448 Erythema 12 Skin reacti 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12 Urticaria
353449 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353450 Rash 12.1
353451 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353452 Injection si 12.1
353453 Alanine am 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Axillary pai
353453 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood sodi 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Chest X-ra
353453 Chills 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
353453 Injection si 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
353453 Red blood c 12.1 Urine analy 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 White blood 12.1
353454 Erythema 12.1 Incorrect r 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Rash 12.1
353455 Herpes zos 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Pain 12.1 Rash papul 12.1 Viral DNA t
353456 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353457 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Dreamy sta 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co
353457 Pallor 12
353458 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit 12
353459 Blood gluc 12 Oxygen sat 12 Syncope 12
353460 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
353461 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
353462 Back pain 12 Herpes zos 12 Injection s 12 Neuralgia 12
353463 Altered sta 12 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Balance di
353463 CSF oligoc 12 Cognitive d 12 Computeri 12 Condition 12.1 Constipati
353463 Convulsion 12.1 Crying 12 Demyelinat 12 Dermatitis 12.1 Disorientat
353463 Electroenc 12.1 Electronys 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fall 12 Fatigue
353463 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Foreign tra 12 Full blood 12 Gait distur
353463 Gliosis 12 Glucose to 12 Hallucinati 12.1 Headache 12 Influenza li
353463 Laboratory 12 Lumbar pun 12 Malaise 12 Malaise 12 Multiple sc
353463 Muscular 12 Muscular 12 Nervous sy 12 Night swea 12 Nuclear ma
353463 Presyncop 12 Restlessne 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Road traffi 12 Sensory di
353463 Sneezing 12 Tinnitus 12 Ultrasound 12 Viral infect 12 Vision blur
353463 Visual evok 12 Weight dec 12
353464 Chills 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory
353465 Chills 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Heart rate
353465 Pain 12 Pain 12
353466 Spinal comp 12
353467 Lower limb 12
353468 Chronic ob 12 Condition 12
353469 Pneumonia 12
353470 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12
353471 Pneumonia 12
353472 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353473 Pneumonia 12
353474 Large intes 12 Peritonitis 12 Respiratory 12 Small intes 12
353475 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
353475 Somnolenc 12
353476 Cold sweat 12 Depressed 12 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypotonia
353476 Pallor 12 Pupil fixed 12
353477 Activities o 12 Injected li 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
353479 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353480 Chills 12 Diarrhoea 12 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
353481 Injection sit 12 Urticaria 12
353482 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Nausea
353482 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
353483 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
353483 Injection s 12
353484 Syncope 12
353485 Abdominal 12 Asthenia 12 Body tempe 12 Dysphonia 12 Rash
353485 Rash 12 Wheezing 12
353486 Abdominal 12 Blood pres 12 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Heart rate
353486 No reaction 12 Oral prurit 12 Oxygen sat 12 Palatal oe 12 Pruritus
353486 Throat tigh 12
353487 Cold sweat 12 Feeding dis 12 Insomnia 12 Irritability 12 Pallor
353488 Bacterial t 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood sodi 12.1 Blood test
353488 Carbon dio 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Convulsion 12 Culture sto
353488 Drooling 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Electroenc 12 Febrile con 12.1 Feeling hot
353488 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Hypotonia 12 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte
353488 Lymphocyte 12.1 Microcytosi 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Postictal st 12.1 Posture ab
353488 Pyrexia 12 Rotavirus t 12.1 Staring 12 Unresponsiv 12.1 Vaccination
353488 Viral test n 12.1 White blood 12.1
353489 Activities o 12 Alopecia 12.1 Anorexia 12 Babesiosis 12 Blood heav
353489 Blood heavy 12 Blood test 12 Body tempe 12 Cardiac fai 12 Cardiomyo
353489 Chest pain 12 Chest pain 12 Chills 12 Computeri 12 Conduction
353489 Constipati 12.1 DNA antib 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea
353489 Dyspnoea e 12 Echocardi 12 Electrocar 12 Endocarditi 12 Exercise e
353489 Eye pain 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Headache 12.1 Headache
353489 Hyperhidro 12 Immune sys 12 Laboratory 12 Lyme dise 12.1 Lymphaden
353489 Lymphaden 12 Metabolic f 12 Nausea 12 Night swea 12.1 Nuclear ma
353489 Pain in jaw 12 Pallor 12.1 Palpitation 12 Poor qualit 12.1 Postural or
353489 Presyncop 12 Pyrexia 12 QRS axis a 12 Sinus cong 12 Temporoman
353489 Tinnitus 12 Vision blur 12 Vomiting 12.1 Weight dec 12
353490 Arthralgia 12 Gait distur 12 Joint rang 12
353491 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection si 12 Paraesthes 12
353492 Asthenia 12 Paraesthes 12
353493 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
353494 Abdominal 12 Aggression 12 Autism 12 Blood lead 12 Blood merc
353494 Cafe au lai 12 Cognitive d 12 DNA test fo 12 Developmen 12 Disturbance
353494 Gene mutati 12 Insomnia 12 Irritability 12 Karyotype 12 Neuropsych
353494 Social avoi 12 Speech dis 12 Speech dis 12 Stereotypy 12 Vaccine pos
353495 Gait distur 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Irritability
353495 Pyrexia 12 Sluggishne 12
353496 Convulsion 12 Fear 12 Hypophagi 12.1 Hypoventila 12 Irritability
353496 Mucosal dr 12.1 Nervousne 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Oropharynge
353496 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash macul 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Stomatitis
353496 Urine outp 12.1 Urticaria 12 Viral rash 12.1
353497 Cough 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pyrexia
353498 Erythema 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Rash papul 12.1
353499 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353500 Injection si 12.1
353501 Activities o 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 C-reactive
353501 Dermatitis 12.1 Discomfort 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache
353501 Injected li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Lethargy
353501 Lip swellin 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Respiratory
353501 Skin exfoli 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
353502 Hypersensit 12.1
353503 Injection si 12.1
353504 Injection si 12.1
353505 Injection s 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353506 Medication 12.1 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
353507 Antinuclear 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia
353507 Skin warm 12.1
353509 Erythema 12.1 Local react 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia
353509 Swelling 12.1
353510 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
353511 Incorrect d 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Myalgia
353511 Pyrexia 12.1
353513 Convulsion 12 No reaction 12
353514 Adverse dr 12 Akathisia 12 Alanine am 12 Anxiety dis 12 Aspartate
353514 Bacteria ur 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi 12 Blunted aff
353514 Carbon dio 12 Crystal uri 12 Decreased 12 Dehydratio 12 Drug expos
353514 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Hallucinati 12 Hepatitis B 12 Hyperventil
353514 Intensive c 12 Lymphocyte 12 Major depr 12 Mental diso 12 Monocyte c
353514 Mydriasis 12 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil 12 Nitrite urin
353514 Protein tot 12 Psychomoto 12 Red blood 12 Red blood 12 Shock
353514 Social avoi 12 Social pro 12 Speech dis 12 Staring 12 Suicidal id
353514 Thought bl 12 Ultrasound 12 Unresponsiv 12 Unresponsiv 12 Urinary se
353514 Urine abnor 12 Urine anal 12 Urine colo 12 Urine huma 12 Urine keto
353514 Vomiting 12 White blood 12 White blood 12
353515 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Rash 12 Swelling 12
353516 Amnesia 12 Blood huma 12 Computeri 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion
353516 Cough 12 Decreased 12 Echocardio 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc
353516 Electroenc 12.1 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Hyperventil 12 Laboratory
353516 Loss of co 12.1 Neck pain 12 Nuclear ma 12 Road traffi 12 Syncope
353516 Tricuspid 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine analy 12 Vascular i 12
353517 Blood biliru 12 Confusional 12 Convulsion 12 Drug level 12 Dyskinesia
353517 Electroenc 12 Loss of co 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p 12 Muscle twit
353517 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Partial sei 12 Sensory lo 12 Tremor
353517 Vision blur 12
353520 Blood test 12 Computeri 12 Gait distur 12 Hyperhidro 12 Labyrinthiti
353520 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12 Vertigo 12 Vomiting 12
353521 Blood pres 12 Cardiac str 12 Chest pain 12 Condition 12 Haematolog
353521 Heart rate 12 Infection 12 Myocardial 12 Rash papul 12
353522 Computeris 12 Electrocar 12 Loss of dr 12 Visual imp 12
353523 Seroconver 12
353526 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy 12 Varicella z 12
353528 Abasia 12 Gait distur 12 Inflammati 12 Joint swell 12 Type III i
353529 Abasia 12 Gait distur 12 Inflammati 12 Joint swell 12 Type III i
353531 Injection si 12.1
353532 Cellulitis 12.1
353533 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353534 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353535 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353536 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353537 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353539 Arthralgia 12.1 Joint swell 12.1
353540 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353542 Wrong drug 12.1
353544 Oedema per 12.1
353546 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353547 Agitation 12 Anaphylacti 12.1 Dyspnoea 12 Flushing 12.1 Hyperhidro
353547 Hypoxia 12.1 Oxygen sat 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pallor 12 Rash eryth
353547 Wheezing 12.1
353548 Chest X-ra 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia
353549 Antibody te 12.1 Laboratory 12.1
353550 Cellulitis 12.1
353551 Lip swellin 12
353552 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
353553 Unevaluabl 12
353554 Discomfort 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
353555 Abasia 12.1 Dysuria 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Guillain-B 12.1 Impaired wo
353555 Inappropria 12.1 Paralysis 12.1
353556 Electromyo 12 Electrophor 12 Hyperpalla 12 Hyporeflex 12 Immunisati
353556 Influenza li 12 Paraesthes 12 Peripheral 12
353557 Body temper 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
353558 Body tempe 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia
353558 Vomiting 12.1
353559 Herpes zos 12 Rash 12 Varicella 12
353560 Chills 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia
353561 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Headache 12 Syncope
353562 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353563 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Swelling 12.1
353564 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
353565 Skin lesion 12 Varicella p 12
353566 Body tempe 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
353566 Pyrexia 12.1
353567 Erythema m 12 Full blood 12 Skin reacti 12
353568 Body tempe 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
353568 Pyrexia 12.1
353569 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353570 Anxiety 12 Cold sweat 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling col 12 Injection sit
353570 Pallor 12 Vision blur 12
353571 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353572 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353573 Erythema 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia
353573 Skin warm 12.1
353574 Injection si 12 Muscle tig 12
353575 Body tempe 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia
353575 Skin warm 12.1
353576 Back pain 12 Headache 12 Influenza s 12 Nausea 12 Neck pain
353576 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc 12
353577 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
353578 Injection si 12 Rash papul 12
353579 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
353580 Computeri 12 Electroenc 12 Fall 12 Nuclear ma 12 Syncope
353581 Blister 12 Rash 12 Scar 12
353582 Eye pain 12 Feeling ab 12 Pain in jaw 12
353583 Hypoaesthe 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12
353584 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353585 Allergy to 12 Chest X-ra 12 Culture uri 12 Diarrhoea 12 Hypersensit
353585 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy 12 Urticaria 12 Vaccine pos 12 Vomiting
353586 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
353587 Head injury 12 Mydriasis 12 Syncope 12 Unresponsiv 12
353588 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Electrocar 12 Fall 12 Gaze palsy
353588 Head injury 12 Scan brain 12 Syncope 12
353589 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia
353590 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes 12
353591 Erythema 12 Hyperhidro 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12 Pallor
353591 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes 12
353592 Injection s 12 Rash macu 12 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria 12
353593 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353594 Cardiac en 12 Chest pain 12 Electrocar 12 Myocarditis 12 Rash macu
353595 Chills 12 Diplopia 12 Fatigue 12 Hypersomn 12 Pyrexia
353595 Visual field 12
353596 Immunisati 12 Pruritus 12 Rash gener 12
353597 Feeling dr 12 Grand mal 12 Malaise 12 Pallor 12
353598 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
353599 Dizziness 12 Head injury 12 Hypotonia 12 Immediate p 12 Muscle sp
353599 Pallor 12 Skin discol 12 Skin warm 12 Syncope 12 Vital capac
353600 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353601 Chills 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353602 Crying 12
353603 Injection si 12
353604 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353605 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Arthropath 12 Headache 12 Injection s
353605 Injection s 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
353606 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12 Urticaria 12
353607 Feeling ab 12 Headache 12 Hyperhidro 12 Pallor 12 Tinnitus
353607 Unresponsiv 12
353608 Pruritus 12 Rash macu 12 Urticaria 12
353609 Syncope 12
353610 Blister 12 Diarrhoea 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
353610 Myalgia 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash vesic
353611 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12
353612 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353613 Activities o 12 Asthenia 12 Asthenia 12 Chills 12 Dizziness
353613 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Dry mouth 12 Dyspnoea 12 Echocardi
353613 Feeling ab 12 Paraesthes 12 Parotid gl 12 Presyncop 12 Pulmonary f
353613 Somnolenc 12 Thirst 12 Tremor 12
353614 Varicella 12 Varicella p 12
353615 Confusional 12 Contusion 12 Ear haemo 12 Fall 12 Fatigue
353615 Immediate p 12 Injury 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12 Tearfulnes
353616 Rash papul 12
353617 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353618 Cellulitis 12 Dizziness 12 Erythema 12 Joint disloc 12 Oedema per
353618 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12 Syncope 12 Vomiting 12
353619 Rash 12 Scab 12 Secretion 12
353620 Activities o 12 Arthralgia 12 Back pain 12 Balance di 12 Condition
353620 Eye disord 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Migraine
353620 Musculoske 12 Musculoskel 12 Neck pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes
353620 Sensation 12 Sensory lo 12
353624 Anxiety 12 Blood gluc 12.1 Burning se 12 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chills
353624 Computeris 12 Full blood 12 Globulins 12.1 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
353624 Influenza s 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12 Injection s
353624 Injection si 12 Injection s 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Neutrophil
353624 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy 12.1 Vaccination 12 White blood 12.1
353625 Axillary pai 12 Pain in ext 12
353626 Influenza li 12 Rash papul 12 Skin lesion 12
353627 Erythema 12 Tendernes 12
353628 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Irritability
353629 Blood gluc 12 Bradycardi 12 Electrocar 12 Oxygen sat 12 Syncope
353630 Culture sto 12 Haematoch 12
353631 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pain 12
353632 Culture tis 12 HIV test ne 12 Herpes sim 12 Herpes simp 12 Hypersensit
353632 Lymphocytic 12 Psoriasis 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul 12 Rash prurit
353632 Varicella z 12
353633 Haematuri 12 Henoch-Sch 12 Purpura 12
353634 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353635 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353636 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
353637 Rash eryth 12 Rash prurit 12
353638 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353639 Contusion 12 Dysphonia 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
353639 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
353640 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
353640 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Scab 12
353641 Diarrhoea 12 Injection s 12 Lethargy 12 Nausea 12 Pain in ext
353641 Retching 12 Skin warm 12
353642 Lip swellin 12 Urticaria 12
353643 Erythema 12 Urticaria 12
353644 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
353645 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12
353646 Abdominal 12 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Headache
353646 Heart rate 12 Pallor 12 Screaming 12
353647 Nasal oed 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling fa 12
353648 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12
353649 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353650 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353651 Contusion 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per
353652 Injection si 12.1
353653 Chest pain 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Incorrect r 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1
353654 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
353655 Chills 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Tremor 12.1
353656 Injection si 12.1
353657 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urticaria
353658 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Syncope 12.1
353659 Arthralgia 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353660 Dyspnoea 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
353661 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353662 Erythema 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Rash 12.1
353663 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353664 Incorrect r 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353665 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353666 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353667 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353668 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353669 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
353670 Cellulitis 12.1 Chills 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia
353671 Cellulitis 12.1 Chills 12.1 Diagnostic 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per
353671 Pyrexia 12.1
353672 Injection si 12.1
353673 Albumin ur 12.1 Anion gap 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood sodi
353673 Chills 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Discomfort 12.1 Glucose ur 12.1 Headache
353673 High densit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Lymphocyte
353673 Mean cell 12.1 Mobility d 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood c
353673 Skin warm 12.1 Tendernes 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Urine anal 12.1 White blood
353674 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353675 Rash 12.1
353676 Activated p 12.1 Angiogram 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Chills
353676 Full blood 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Internation 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Prothrombi
353676 Pyrexia 12.1
353677 Chills 12.1 Cold sweat 12.1 Cough 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Flushing
353677 Injected li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain in ext
353677 Pyrexia 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 White blood 12.1
353678 Inappropria 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
353679 Cellulitis 12.1 Staphylococ 12.1
353680 Erythema 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Swelling
353680 Tendernes 12.1
353681 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353682 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353683 Incorrect r 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
353684 Chest disc 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
353685 Hypersensit 12.1
353686 Body tempe 12.1 Chills 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain
353687 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Tuberculin 12.1
353688 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
353689 Inflammati 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
353690 Feeling hot 12.1 Pain 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
353692 Blindness u 12 Visual acui 12
353693 Bronchioliti 12 Cardiomeg 12 Chest X-ra 12 Condition 12 Constipati
353693 Cough 12 Crying 12 Dyspnoea 12 Faeces har 12 Flatulence
353693 Grunting 12 Haematoch 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Intercostal
353693 Irritability 12 Mean cell 12 Mean plate 12 Oxygen sat 12 Platelet co
353693 Positive en 12 Proctalgia 12 Reaction to 12 Rectal hae 12 Red blood c
353693 Red cell di 12 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Rhinorrhoe
353693 Rhonchi 12 Tachycardi 12 Tachypnoe 12 Upper respi 12 Upper respi
353693 Urinary sy 12 White blood 12
353695 Influenza li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353696 Injection sit 12.1
353697 Musculoske 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Pain 12.1
353698 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353699 Injection si 12.1
353700 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353701 Injection si 12.1
353702 Chills 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353703 Cellulitis 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Swelling 12.1
353704 Arthralgia 12.1 Incorrect r 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Musculoske
353704 Pain in ext 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
353705 Anxiety 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Incorrect r 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext
353705 Purpura 12.1
353706 Inappropria 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
353707 Injection sit 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353708 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353709 Vaccination 12.1
353710 Headache 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353711 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s
353711 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Nausea 12.1
353712 Adverse ev 12.1
353713 Burning se 12.1 Pain 12.1
353714 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain
353715 Dizziness 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
353715 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Nausea 12.1
353716 Heart rate 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia
353717 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353718 Immediate p 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353719 Pain 12.1 Pain 12.1
353720 Arthropath 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353721 Injection s 12.1 Swelling 12.1
353722 Blood cultu 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urine anal 12.1 White blood
353723 Injected li 12.1 Pain 12.1
353724 Rash 12.1
353725 Cellulitis 12.1
353726 Inappropria 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
353727 Erythema 12.1 Incorrect r 12.1 Pain 12.1 Swelling 12.1
353728 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Skin warm
353728 White blood 12.1
353729 Injection sit 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353730 Injected li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Myalgia 12.1
353731 Asphyxia 12.1 Completed 12
353732 Bronchial h 12.1 Cough 12.1 Ear infecti 12 Eczema 12.1 Heart rate
353732 Hypertensi 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Otitis medi 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Oxygen sup
353732 Rash eryth 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Skin plaqu 12.1 Tympanic m
353732 Tympanic 12.1 Use of acc 12.1 Wheezing 12
353733 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Oedema per
353734 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Vaccination 12
353735 Inappropria 12.1 Nasopharyn 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
353736 Inappropria 12
353737 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353738 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353739 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353740 Chills 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor 12
353741 Blood crea 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Crying 12.1 Electroenc
353741 Eyelid func 12.1 Febrile con 12 Full blood 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Hypotonia
353741 Irritability 12.1 Muscle twit 12.1 Neurologic 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Partial sei
353741 Partial sei 12.1 Posturing 12.1 Pyrexia 12 Tachycardi 12.1 Tonic clon
353741 Tonic clon 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1
353742 Injection si 12 Skin tightn 12
353743 Influenza li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia
353744 Syncope 12
353745 Eye swelli 12 Swelling fa 12 Urticaria 12
353746 Chills 12 Gait distur 12 Hot flush 12 Influenza li 12 Injection si
353747 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353748 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353749 Headache 12 Rash gener 12 Rash papul 12
353750 Muscle tig 12 Musculoskel 12 Syncope 12
353751 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12
353752 Erythema 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext
353752 Skin warm 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
353753 Head injury 12 Syncope 12
353754 Arthropod b 12 Erythema 12 Lyme dise 12 Pruritus 12 Rash papul
353755 Cardiac mu 12 Echocardi 12 Electrocar 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor
353755 Syncope 12 Vomiting 12
353756 Arthralgia 12 Chills 12 Headache 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia
353757 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm
353758 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Full blood 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia
353758 Rash 12 Red blood c 12
353759 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353760 Cheilitis 12 Fatigue 12 Gingivitis 12 Lip swellin 12 Lymphaden
353760 Oropharynge 12 Pain 12 Stomatitis 12
353761 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353762 Feeling ab 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
353763 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Activities o
353763 Blood chlo 12 Blood sodi 12 Borrelia bu 12 Decreased a 12 Diarrhoea
353763 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Electroenc 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Epstein-Bar
353763 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Headache 12 Mononucleos
353763 Myoclonus 12 Palpitation 12 Phonophob 12 Photophobi 12 Pyrexia
353763 Red blood c 12 Syncope 12 Ultrasoun 12 Visual imp 12 Vomiting
353764 Injection si 12
353765 Crying 12 Diet refusa 12 Pain 12
353766 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353767 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353768 Arthropod b 12 Oedema 12
353769 Injection s 12
353770 Blood cultu 12 Body tempe 12 Convulsion 12 Dyskinesia 12 Pyrexia
353770 Rash 12 White blood 12
353771 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
353771 Pyrexia 12
353773 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353774 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353775 Cold sweat 12 Dizziness 12 Hypokinesi 12 Pallor 12 Paraesthes
353776 Burning se 12 Discomfort 12 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Pain
353776 Rash 12
353777 Dyspnoea 12 Hypoventila 12 Oropharyng 12 Pallor 12 Pulse abno
353777 Pulse pres 12
353778 Injection s 12
353779 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353780 Abnormal b 12.1 Affect labili 12.1 Aggression 12.1 Agitation 12.1 Arthralgia
353780 Aura 12.1 Clonus 12.1 Cognitive d 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Cyanosis
353780 Drooling 12.1 Eating dis 12.1 Encephalo 12.1 Epilepsy 12.1 Fall
353780 Febrile con 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Grand mal 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Injection s
353780 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Loss of co 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Oropharyng
353780 Otitis medi 12.1 Postictal st 12.1 Posture ab 12.1 Poverty of 12.1 Psychomoto
353780 Sleep disor 12.1 Staring 12.1 Stereotypy 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1 Vomiting
353781 Full blood 12 Muscle twit 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc 12 Urine analy
353782 Hypoaesthe 12 Inappropria 12 Lymphocyte 12 Neutrophil 12 Paraesthes
353783 Erythema 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12 Rash macu 12 Rash macul
353784 Flushing 12 Pyrexia 12 Tachycardi 12
353785 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12
353786 Body tempe 12 Pain 12
353787 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
353788 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12
353789 Injected li 12 Lymphaden 12 Pain in ext 12
353790 Injection si 12 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext 12
353791 Crying 12 Dizziness 12 Excoriation 12 Syncope 12
353792 Arthralgia 12 Headache 12 Malaise 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
353793 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy
353794 Arrhythmia 12 Dehydratio 12 Drug expos 12 Dyspnoea 12 Heart rate
353794 Hyperhidro 12
353795 Urticaria 12
353796 Bacterial c 12 Influenza s 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash
353797 Anxiety 12 Dizziness 12 Dyskinesia 12 Feeling ab 12 Loss of co
353797 Pallor 12 Tinnitus 12
353798 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Nausea
353799 Abasia 12 Blood test 12 Endotrachea 12 Fall 12 Grip stren
353799 Laboratory 12 Moaning 12 Urine analy 12 X-ray 12
353800 Injection si 12 Rash 12
353801 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Barium dou 12 Barium en 12.1 Base exces
353801 Blood chlor 12 Carbon dio 12 Culture uri 12 Enema admi 12 Intussusce
353801 Lymphocyte 12 Mean cell 12 Mean cell 12 Microcytosi 12 Monocyte p
353801 Neutrophil 12 PCO2 decr 12 Polychroma 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood
353801 Red blood c 12 Specific gr 12 Urinary se 12 Urinary sy 12 Vomiting
353801 X-ray abno 12
353803 Joint swell 12
353804 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353805 Pharyngea 12 Pyrexia 12 Swollen to 12
353806 Abscess 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
353807 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353808 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353809 Erythema 12 Lip swellin 12
353810 Injection si 12
353811 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12
353812 Erythema 12 Induration 12
353813 Injection si 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Urticaria
353814 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353815 Cough 12 Oxygen sat 12 Swelling fa 12 Urticaria 12 Wheezing
353816 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
353817 Injection s 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
353818 Erythema 12 Localised 12
353819 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353820 Head injury 12 Neck pain 12 Syncope 12
353821 Bacterial c 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Virus cultu 12
353823 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting
353824 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
353825 Malaise 12.1
353826 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Swelling
353827 Injection s 12.1 Mass 12.1
353828 Cellulitis 12.1
353829 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353830 Inappropria 12.1 Pain 12.1 Sinus cong 12.1
353831 Injection s 12.1 Lymph nod 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pain
353831 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353832 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
353833 Incorrect r 12.1 Local react 12.1
353834 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353835 Dyspnoea 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353836 Adverse ev 12.1
353837 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Swelling 12.1
353838 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353839 Anxiety 12.1 Headache 12.1 Incorrect r 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353840 Incorrect r 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Local react
353841 Anxiety 12.1 Cough 12.1 Hot flush 12.1 Incorrect r 12.1 Injection si
353841 Nausea 12.1 Skin discol 12.1
353842 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353843 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Rash 12.1
353844 Incorrect r 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353845 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Swelling 12.1
353846 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353847 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353848 Burning se 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Nausea
353848 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
353849 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Swelling 12.1
353850 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353851 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353852 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Oedema per
353852 Pain 12.1
353853 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353854 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Local react 12.1 Viral infect
353855 Injection sit 12.1
353856 Cellulitis 12.1
353857 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Swelling 12.1
353858 Arthralgia 12 Mobility d 12
353859 Inappropria 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si
353859 Injection s 12
353860 Herpes zos 12
353861 Injection si 12 Pruritus ge 12 Rash 12
353862 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Swelling 12.1
353863 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353870 Adverse dr 12 Balance di 12 Carbon dio 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion
353870 Drug level 12 Electroenc 12 Epilepsy 12 Fall 12 Fatigue
353870 Gait distur 12.1 Gaze palsy 12 Grand mal 12 Headache 12.1 Migraine
353870 Muscle rigi 12 Muscle twit 12 Nuclear ma 12 Postictal st 12 Reading di
353870 Vomiting 12.1
353872 Immediate p 12 Wheezing 12
353879 Asthenia 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
353880 Blister 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash vesic 12 Varicella p
353881 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353882 Body tempe 12 Headache 12
353883 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
353883 Urticaria 12
353884 Inappropria 12
353885 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353886 Body tempe 12 Injection si 12
353887 Herpes zos 12
353888 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin tightn 12 Skin warm 12
353889 Injection si 12
353890 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
353891 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
353892 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
353893 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
353894 Fungal infe 12 Laboratory 12 Vaccine pos 12
353895 Convulsion 12
353896 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
353897 Haemorrha 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
353898 Speech dis 12
353899 Bacteria uri 12.1 Blood chlor 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood prola
353899 Blood urine 12.1 Escherichia 12.1 Full blood 12 Gaze palsy 12 Hypokinesi
353899 Hypotonic- 12 Immediate p 12 Joint hyper 12 Lymphocyte 12.1 Metabolic f
353899 Muscle twit 12 Nitrite urin 12.1 Partial sei 12 Posturing 12 Pupil fixed
353899 Somnolenc 12 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine leuko 12.1 White blood 12.1
353901 Dizziness p 12
353902 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Syncope 12
353903 Urticaria 12
353904 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353905 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul 12 Rash prurit 12 Rash vesic 12 Skin lesion
353906 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
353906 Pyrexia 12
353907 Arthralgia 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
353908 Grand mal 12 Incontinen 12 Nausea 12
353909 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12
353910 Vomiting 12
353912 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Myalgia 12 Neck pain 12
353913 Inappropria 12
353914 Herpes zos 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12
353915 Immediate p 12 Nausea 12 Tremor 12 Urticaria 12
353916 CSF cell c 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF protei 12 Electroenc
353916 Febrile con 12 Gaze palsy 12 Gram stain 12 Grand mal 12 Irritability
353916 Muscle twit 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12 Status epil
353917 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353918 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Similar rea
353920 Abdominal 12 Acidosis 12 Alopecia 12 Anaemia 12 Aspiration
353920 Asthenia 12 Atrophy 12 Biopsy bon 12 Blood albu 12 Blood bica
353920 Blood chlo 12 Blood creat 12 Blood eryth 12 Blood folat 12 Blood iron
353920 Blood para 12 Blood phos 12 Blood pota 12 Blood smea 12 Blood thyro
353920 Blood urea 12 Body tempe 12 Bone marro 12 Carbon dio 12 Computeri
353920 Computeri 12 Computeris 12 Congenital 12 Constipati 12 Culture uri
353920 Cytomegalo 12 Deformity 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dysgraphia 12 Dyspnoea
353920 Dyspnoea e 12 Electrophor 12 Fatigue 12 Fibrosis 12 Flow cytom
353920 Gastrointes 12 Glomerular 12 Granulocyt 12 HIV test ne 12 Haemodialy
353920 Haemoglob 12 Hepatic ste 12 Hepatitis B 12 Hepatitis B 12 Hepatitis B
353920 Hepatitis B 12 Hepatitis C 12 Hepatitis C 12 Hilar lymp 12 Hyperkala
353920 Hyperphos 12 Immunosup 12 Iron bindin 12 Iron bindin 12 Leukopeni
353920 Light chain 12 Lymphadeno 12 Marrow hyp 12 Myelodyspl 12 Neutrophil
353920 No therape 12 Normochrom 12 Occult bloo 12 Oedema per 12 Ovarian cy
353920 Parvovirus 12 Persistent 12 Platelet co 12 Protein tot 12 Pulmonary f
353920 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Renal atro 12 Renal failu 12 Renal impa
353920 Serum ferri 12 Spine malf 12 Thyroid dis 12 Transferri 12 Transferrin
353920 Transfusio 12 Transplant 12 Urine anal 12 Urine elec 12 Vitamin B1
353920 White blood 12 White blood 12
353922 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12.1 Anion gap 12 Blood gluc 12 Body tempe
353922 Carbon dio 12 Hospitalisa 12.1 Intensive c 12 Syncope 12 White blood
353923 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353924 Inappropria 12 Urticaria 12
353925 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Skin tightn 12
353926 Musculoske 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353927 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353928 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
353929 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353930 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
353931 Adverse dr 12.1
353932 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
353933 Muscle rigi 12 Opisthoton 12 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vomiting
353934 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
353935 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353936 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
353937 Injection s 12.1
353938 Immediate p 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
353939 Neuralgia 12.1 Pain 12.1 Vision blur 12.1
353940 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353941 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353942 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353943 Pneumonia 12.1
353944 Incorrect r 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Movement d 12.1
353945 Headache 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
353946 Oedema per 12.1
353947 Arthralgia 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353948 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Lymph nod 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pain
353948 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Sensation 12.1
353949 Lymphaden 12.1
353950 Blood cultu 12.1 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Injection si
353950 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353951 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353952 Chills 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353953 Injection sit 12.1
353954 Mobility d 12.1 Pain 12.1 Swelling 12.1
353955 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chills 12.1 Condition 12.1 Cough 12.1 Injection s
353955 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pleurisy
353955 Pulmonary f 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353956 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353957 Chills 12.1 Local react 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353958 Cellulitis 12.1 Hypersensit 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353959 Injection si 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
353960 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353961 Injection sit 12.1
353962 Hypersensit 12.1
353963 Mobility d 12.1 Oedema 12.1
353964 Injection sit 12.1
353965 Chills 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353966 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353967 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353968 Injection si 12.1
353969 Lymphaden 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353970 Chills 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353971 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1
353972 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353973 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353974 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1
353975 Burning se 12.1 Chills 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
353975 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
353976 Body tempe 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin warm
353976 Swelling 12.1
353977 Injection si 12.1
353978 Dizziness 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353979 Burning se 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
353980 Oral prurit 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
353981 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Oedema per
353982 Pain in ext 12.1 Sensory di 12.1
353983 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353984 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling 12.1
353985 Erythema 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Tendernes
353986 Cellulitis 12.1
353987 Hypersensit 12.1
353988 Adverse re 12.1
353989 Cellulitis 12.1
353990 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Jaundice 12.1
353991 Injection si 12.1
353992 Blood pres 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain
353992 Pain in ext 12.1 Respirator 12.1 Skin discol 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
353993 Erythema 12.1 Local react 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
353994 Expired dr 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
353995 Wrong drug 12.1
353996 Musculoskel 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Somnolenc
353997 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353998 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
353999 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1
354000 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
354001 Cellulitis 12.1
354002 Arthralgia 12.1 Immobile 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354003 Arthralgia 12.1 Immobile 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354004 Mobility d 12.1 Pain 12.1 Swelling 12.1
354005 Mobility d 12.1 Pain 12.1 Swelling 12.1
354006 Mobility d 12.1 Pain 12.1 Swelling 12.1
354007 Oedema per 12.1
354008 Cellulitis 12.1
354009 Wrong drug 12.1
354010 Injection s 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Musculoske
354011 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354012 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354013 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354014 Lymphaden 12.1
354015 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Lethargy
354015 Malaise 12.1
354016 Injected li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
354017 Condition 12 Convulsion 12
354018 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
354019 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354020 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354022 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12 Adnexa uter 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Bacteria ur
354022 Bacterial t 12 Blood albu 12.1 Blood alka 12.1 Blood bilir 12.1 Blood calc
354022 Blood chlor 12.1 Blood creat 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Chills 12 Chlamydia i
354022 Computeri 12.1 Computeris 12 Cough 12.1 Cystitis 12 Dehydratio
354022 Ear pain 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12 Influenza s 12.1 Muscle sp
354022 Myalgia 12 Nasal cong 12.1 Nausea 12 Nocturia 12.1 Oral contra
354022 Pain 12.1 Pelvic infl 12 Pharyngitis 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Pyrexia
354022 Streptococc 12.1 Ulcer 12 Urinary trac 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine anal
354022 Uterine cer 12.1 Vaginal di 12.1 Vaginal od 12.1 Viral infect 12.1 Vomiting
354022 Weight dec 12.1 X-ray abno 12.1 X-ray gastr 12
354023 Carcinoma i 12
354027 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354028 Cellulitis 12.1
354030 Body tempe 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia
354031 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354032 Carcinoma i 12
354034 Dehydratio 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden
354034 Pyrexia 12
354035 Pain 12 Swelling 12
354036 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Barium dou 12 Constipati 12 Culture sto
354036 Enema admi 12 Haematoch 12 Hypophagi 12 Intussusce 12 Irritability
354036 Lethargy 12.1 Occult bloo 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urine outp 12.1 Vomiting
354036 X-ray abno 12.1
354037 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Heart rate 12 Hyperhidro
354037 Loss of co 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12
354039 Blindness t 12 Dysstasia 12 Hyperhidro 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co
354039 Mydriasis 12 Pallor 12 Unresponsiv 12
354040 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12
354041 Pertussis 12 Polymerase 12
354042 Pertussis 12 Polymerase 12
354043 Pertussis 12 Polymerase 12
354044 Pertussis 12 West Nile v 12
354045 Anaphylacti 12 Dry throat 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Pharyngeal
354045 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Respiratory 12 Stridor 12 Throat tigh
354045 Vaccination 12 Wheezing 12 Wheezing 12
354046 Pertussis 12 Polymerase 12
354047 Pertussis 12 Pertussis id 12 Polymerase 12 Vaccination 12
354048 Anaphylacti 12 Apnoea 12 Cyanosis 12 Cyanosis 12 Dyskinesia
354048 Dyspnoea 12 Electroenc 12 Gaze palsy 12 Hypotonia 12 Respiratory
354048 Rhonchi 12 Stridor 12 Throat tigh 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vaccination
354049 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12
354050 Oedema 12 Oedema per 12
354051 Herpes zos 12
354052 Convulsion 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Nuclear ma 12
354053 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener
354054 Listless 12 Vomiting pr 12
354055 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354056 Rash 12 Rash papul 12
354057 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12 Nausea 12
354058 Abnormal b 12 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
354059 Cellulitis 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
354075 Erythema 12 Oedema 12 Skin warm 12
354076 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354077 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Body tempe 12 Fluid intak 12 Headache
354077 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Lethargy 12
354078 Asthenia 12 Back pain 12 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Myalgia
354078 Neck pain 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Swelling
354078 Tendernes 12
354080 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354081 Diarrhoea 12 Disturbance 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
354081 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Mass
354081 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12 Vomiting 12
354082 Burning se 12 Pain 12
354083 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354084 Abdominal 12 Headache 12
354085 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354086 Body tempe 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
354086 Pyrexia 12
354087 Activities o 12 Body tempe 12 Cellulitis 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling ab
354087 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Myalgia 12 Presyncop
354088 Rash eryth 12 Swelling 12
354090 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354091 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
354092 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
354093 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12
354094 Accidental 12
354095 Diarrhoea 12 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Myalgia 12 Oedema per
354095 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
354096 Blood gluc 12 Dizziness 12 Eye moveme 12 Immediate p 12 Nausea
354096 Syncope 12
354097 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354098 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
354099 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Scab 12 Varicella 12 Varicella p
354100 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354101 Allergy to 12.1
354102 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354103 Body tempe 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia
354104 Pneumonia 12.1
354105 Ecchymosi 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting
354106 Asthma 12.1 Condition 12.1 Nonspecific 12.1
354107 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354108 Cellulitis 12.1
354109 Injected li 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
354110 Arthralgia 12.1 Contusion 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Headache
354110 Malaise 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Rash 12.1 Viral infect
354110 Weight dec 12.1
354111 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
354112 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354113 Throat irrit 12 Urticaria 12
354114 Autoimmune 12 Biopsy bon 12 Blood test 12 Idiopathic 12 Platelet co
354115 No reaction 12 Rash 12
354116 Culture 12 Skin lesion 12
354117 Fall 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
354118 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354119 Drug expos 12
354120 Depressed 12 Disturbance 12 Hypotonia 12 Immunisati 12 Neurologic
354121 Body tempe 12 Myalgia 12 Oedema per 12 Poor qualit 12
354122 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
354123 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
354124 Crying 12 Screaming 12
354125 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
354126 Flushing 12 Loss of co 12 Muscle rigi 12
354127 Urticaria 12
354128 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12
354129 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
354130 Erythema 12 Local react 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
354131 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Varicella p 12
354132 Anorexia 12 Crying 12 Diet refusa 12 Dyspnoea 12 Lip swellin
354132 Stomatitis 12 Vomiting 12
354133 Inappropria 12
354134 Gait distur 12 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection s
354135 Muscle swe 12
354136 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
354137 Abscess dr 12 Culture wou 12 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection s
354137 Streptococca 12
354139 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
354140 Blister 12 Rash 12
354141 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354143 Erythema 12 Skin nodul 12
354144 Computeri 12 Headache 12 Headache 12 Migraine 12 Musculoskel
354144 Nasal cong 12 Nuclear ma 12 Otitis medi 12 Photophobi 12 Rhinorrhoe
354144 Seasonal a 12 Sinusitis 12
354145 Erythema m 12 Full blood 12 Metabolic f 12 Otitis medi 12 Petechiae
354145 Platelet co 12 Purpura 12 Rash eryth 12 Urticaria 12
354146 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
354147 Inappropria 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354148 Hypersensit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
354149 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
354150 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Skin warm
354151 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354152 Arthralgia 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354152 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext
354153 Incorrect s 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
354154 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354155 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354156 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354157 Debrideme 12.1 Incisional 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
354158 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354159 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Local react 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
354160 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain 12.1
354161 Hypersomn 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354162 Body tempe 12.1 Erythema 12.1
354163 Cellulitis 12.1 Induration 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354164 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354165 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Local react 12.1
354166 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354167 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354168 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354169 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per
354170 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354171 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain 12.1 Swelling 12.1
354172 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Rash macu 12.1
354173 Cellulitis 12.1
354174 Cellulitis 12.1
354175 Cellulitis 12.1
354176 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Swelling 12.1
354177 Pain in ext 12.1
354178 Pain in ext 12.1
354179 Injection si 12.1
354180 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Sinusitis 12.1
354181 Cellulitis 12.1
354182 Wrong drug 12.1
354183 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Swelling 12.1
354184 Injection si 12.1
354185 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
354185 Upper respi 12.1
354186 Cellulitis 12.1
354187 Hypersensit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
354188 Hypersensit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
354189 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
354190 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354191 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
354192 Allergy to 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354192 Pyrexia 12.1
354194 Convulsion 12
354195 Headache 12 Intracrania 12
354196 Autism 12
354198 Body tempe 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354199 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354201 Injection sit 12.1
354203 Blood test 12 Chemother 12 Immune sys 12 Multiple m 12 Pulmonary f
354203 Stem cell t 12
354204 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354205 Lip swellin 12 Urticaria 12
354206 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354207 Fatigue 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354207 Injection s 12.1
354211 Immediate p 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
354212 Drug admini 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
354213 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354214 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354215 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354216 Body tempe 12.1 Chills 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Local react
354216 Pyrexia 12.1
354220 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
354221 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354222 Injection si 12.1
354223 Injection si 12.1
354224 Injection si 12.1
354225 Lethargy 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354226 Injection sit 12.1
354227 Incorrect r 12.1
354228 Feeling hot 12.1 Hypertensi 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354228 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354229 Injection si 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
354230 Asthenia 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
354230 Local react 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Upper respi 12.1
354231 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
354232 Body tempe 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354233 Diarrhoea 12.1 Vomiting 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354234 Pain in ext 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
354235 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Vaccination 12
354236 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354237 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin lesion 12
354238 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 No reaction 12.1
354239 Chills 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Neck mass 12.1 Pain 12.1
354240 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354241 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Skin lesion 12
354242 Dyspnoea 12 Hyperhidro 12 Periorbita 12 Swelling fa 12
354243 Immediate p 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354243 Injection si 12.1 Oedema 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
354244 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354245 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354246 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12
354247 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
354247 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Oedema 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354248 Convulsion 12 Immediate p 12
354249 Asthenia 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
354249 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354250 Body tempe 12
354251 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354252 Immediate p 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354252 Injection s 12.1 Oedema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354253 Erythema 12 Flushing 12
354254 Asthenia 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
354254 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Oedema 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354255 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
354256 Erythema 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
354264 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354265 Injected li 12 Injection si 12 Myalgia 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
354266 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354267 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
354268 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354269 Condition 12 Convulsion 12 Febrile con 12 Pyrexia 12 Vaccine pos
354269 Vomiting 12
354270 Erythema 12 Mass 12 Pain 12
354271 Erythema m 12 Injection si 12 Rash prurit 12
354272 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
354273 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
354274 Burning se 12 Immediate p 12 Injected li 12 Insomnia 12 Neck pain
354274 Pain in ext 12
354275 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12 Vomiting
354276 Apnoea 12 Aspartate 12 Bacteria ur 12 Blood albu 12 Blood calc
354276 Blood cultu 12 Blood magn 12 Blood sodi 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra
354276 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Culture neg 12 Culture uri 12 Electroenc
354276 Endotrachea 12 Grand mal 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Intensive c
354276 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean plate 12 Microcytosi
354276 Neutrophil 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Respiratory 12 Status epil
354276 Urine abnor 12 Urine uric 12
354277 Angioedem 12 C1 esterase 12.1 Erythema 12 Food allerg 12 Localised
354277 Lymphocyte 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Rhinitis all 12 Skin test n
354278 Chapped li 12 Hypersensit 12 Lip blister 12 Lip exfoliat 12 Lip swellin
354279 Blood cultu 12 Borrelia bu 12 Chest X-ra 12 Convulsion 12 Culture thr
354279 Dyskinesia 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Full blood 12 Influenza s 12 Metabolic f
354279 Musculoskel 12 Pyrexia 12 Urine analy 12
354280 Lip oedem 12 Lip swellin 12
354281 Chills 12 Convulsion 12 Unresponsiv 12
354282 Computeri 12 Hypersensit 12 Injected li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
354282 Injection si 12 Skin warm 12
354283 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354284 Anorexia 12 Lethargy 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener
354284 Somnolenc 12
354285 Abdominal 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Headache 12 Neck pain
354285 Pyrexia 12
354286 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354287 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354288 Malaise 12 Musculoske 12 Musculoske 12 Oedema per 12
354289 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354290 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354291 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354292 Rash 12
354293 Head injury 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
354294 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354295 Cellulitis 12 Limb disco 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12
354296 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354297 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
354298 Injection si 12 Rash 12
354299 Erythema m 12
354300 Alopecia 12 Amnesia 12 Arnold-Chia 12 Attention de 12 Attention de
354300 Bipolar dis 12 Blood elect 12 Blood merc 12 Blood test 12 Burning se
354300 Cardiac mu 12 Cardiac str 12 Chest X-ra 12 Depressed 12 Depression
354300 Disturbance 12 Dyspnoea 12 Encephalo 12 Fatigue 12 Headache
354300 Hypovitami 12 Liver functi 12 Malnutritio 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain
354300 Paraesthes 12 Suicidal id 12 Thyroid fun 12 Tunnel visi 12
354301 Abdominal 12 Activities o 12 Anxiety 12 Cholecyste 12 Dyspepsia
354301 Inappropria 12 Irritable b 12 Malaise 12 Mononucle 12 Syncope
354303 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Allergy test 12 Alopecia 12 Amenorrho
354303 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Blood folli 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu
354303 Blood prola 12 Blood testo 12 Blood thyro 12 Body tempe 12 Candidiasi
354303 Computeri 12 Constipati 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
354303 Dyspepsia 12 Dyspepsia 12 Emotional d 12 Endoscopy 12 Eye pruritu
354303 Fatigue 12 Food allerg 12 Fungus stoo 12 Gastrointes 12 Gastrooeso
354303 Haemoglob 12 Headache 12 Hormone le 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe
354303 Hypotonia 12 Immediate p 12 Influenza li 12 Irritability 12 Lipids
354303 Liver functi 12 Menstrual d 12 Metabolic f 12 Myodesops 12 Neurologic
354303 Nuclear ma 12 Oesophagea 12 Oestradiol 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes
354303 Parasite sto 12 Platelet co 12 Progestero 12 Pyrexia 12 Sleep disor
354303 Thyroid fun 12 Ultrasound 12 Urticaria 12 Vaginitis ba 12 Vulvovagina
354303 Vulvovagina 12 Weight dec 12
354304 Body tempe 12 Malaise 12 Retching 12 Vomiting 12
354305 Anaphylacti 12 Grunting 12 Hyperhidro 12 Intercostal 12 Nasal cong
354305 Oxygen sat 12 Pallor 12 Pulse abno 12 Pulse pres 12 Somnolenc
354305 Wheezing 12
354306 Back pain 12 Migraine 12 Pyrexia 12 Renal pain 12
354307 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
354308 Body tempe 12 Heart rate 12 Oropharyng 12 Pallor 12 Rash macu
354309 Herpes zos 12 Herpes zos 12
354310 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354311 Abdominal 12.1 Band neutr 12.1 Barium dou 12.1 Haematoch 12.1 Haematocri
354311 Haemoglob 12.1 Intussusce 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Lymphocyte
354311 Malaise 12.1 Mean cell 12.1 Mean cell 12.1 Monocyte p 12.1 Neutrophil
354311 Occult bloo 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Red blood 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Vomiting
354311 White blood 12.1 White blood 12.1 X-ray abno 12.1
354312 Dyspnoea 12 Urticaria 12
354313 Chest pain 12 Cough 12 Eye swelli 12 Urticaria 12
354314 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354315 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354316 Wrong drug 12
354317 Asthenia 12 Facial pals 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Paraesthes
354317 Paraesthesi 12
354318 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Back pain 12 Biopsy bon
354318 Bone scan 12.1 Breath odo 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Eructation 12.1 Fall
354318 Fibrous dys 12.1 Jaw fractur 12.1 Joint injury 12.1 Joint rang 12.1 Juvenile art
354318 Nuclear ma 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Osteomyelit 12 Osteomyelit 12.1 Osteomyelit
354318 Osteoscler 12.1 Otitis medi 12.1 Pain in jaw 12.1 Pain in jaw 12 Patellofem
354318 Pathologica 12.1 Periostitis 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Spinal X-ra 12.1 Spinal frac
354318 Stress 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Synovial cy 12.1 Synovial di 12.1 Vomiting
354318 X-ray abno 12.1
354319 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354320 Urticaria 12 White blood 12
354321 Adverse ev 12
354322 Crying 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Presyncop 12 Speech dis
354323 Urticaria 12
354324 Listless 12
354326 Neck pain 12 Pallor 12 Paraesthes 12 Rash papul 12
354327 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354328 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354329 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354330 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354331 Arthralgia 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pain 12.1
354332 Arthralgia 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Cough 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Oedema per
354332 Tendernes 12.1
354333 Asthenia 12.1 Contusion 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Oedema per
354333 Pain in ext 12.1
354334 Erythema 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Insomnia
354334 Oedema per 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin irritat 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
354335 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Tendernes
354336 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354337 Injection sit 12.1
354338 Influenza li 12.1
354339 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
354342 Blood pres 12 Heart rate 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Pallor
354342 Shock 12
354343 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Alanine am 12 Computeri
354343 Crying 12 Diarrhoea 12 Gastric em 12 Headache 12 Heart rate
354343 Hepatobilia 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypertensi 12 Impaired ga 12 Lipase inc
354343 Palpitation 12 Stool analy 12 Ultrasound 12 Vaccine pos 12 Vomiting
354346 Bacteria uri 12 Convulsion 12 Convulsion 12 Culture uri 12 Diarrhoea
354346 Electroenc 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling ab 12 Gaze palsy 12 Irritability
354346 Nitrite urin 12 Nuclear ma 12 Poor qualit 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
354346 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash papul 12 Transamina 12 Urinary trac
354346 Urine anal 12 Viral rash 12 White blood 12 White blood 12 pH urine n
354348 Aspiration 12 Atrial septa 12 Cerumen im 12 Echocardio 12 Feeding di
354348 Left ventri 12 Motor dysf 12 Otorrhoea 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pyelocaliec
354348 Systolic hy 12 Ultrasound 12
354349 Autism 12 Laboratory 12
354350 Acrochord 12 Blister 12 Herpes zos 12 Laboratory 12 Pain
354350 Pleural eff 12
354351 Abasia 12 Biopsy ski 12 Pemphigoi 12 Rash gener 12
354353 Dyspnoea 12 Lung infiltr 12 No reaction 12 Wheezing 12
354354 Pneumonia 12
354358 Activities o 12 Acupunctur 12 Amnesia 12 Anxiety 12 Aphasia
354358 Arthralgia 12 Asthenia 12 Bedridden 12 Biopsy bre 12 Blood trigl
354358 Crying 12 Depression 12 Disorientat 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue
354358 Feeling ab 12 Feeling ab 12 Haematocri 12 Headache 12 Headache
354358 Hypoglyca 12 Impaired wo 12 Incoherent 12 Influenza li 12 Insomnia
354358 Malignant 12 Mammogram 12 Mean cell 12 Menopaus 12 Musculoske
354358 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pain
354358 Palpitation 12 Post-trauma 12 Red blood 12 Smear cerv 12 Social avoi
354358 Speech dis 12 Surgery 12
354359 Chest X-ra 12 Chills 12 Cough 12 Pyrexia 12 Rales
354359 White blood 12
354360 Foaming at 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12 Posturing 12 Tremor
354361 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Irritability 12
354362 Dizziness 12 Influenza li 12 Pyrexia 12 Similar rea 12
354363 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Ear discomf 12 Headache 12 Heart rate
354363 Respiratory 12 Vital capac 12
354364 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
354365 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354366 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354367 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Mass 12 Pyrexia 12
354368 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354369 Herpes zos 12
354370 Blister 12 Influenza s 12 Oropharynge 12 Pyrexia 12 Streptococc
354370 Urticaria 12
354371 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Irritability 12 Pain in ext 12
354372 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
354373 Convulsion 12 Pyrexia 12
354374 Feeling hot 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12
354375 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12 Skin warm 12
354376 Blister 12 Rash papul 12 Scab 12 Skin lesion 12 Urticaria
354377 Blister 12 Oropharyng 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Rhinorrhoe
354377 Skin lesion 12
354378 Blister 12 Rash papul 12 Urticaria 12
354379 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng 12 Streptococc
354379 Upper respi 12
354380 Cough 12 Dysphagia 12 Dyspnoea 12 Nasoendos 12 Pyrexia
354380 Rash 12
354381 Abdominal 12 Chills 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
354382 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
354383 Joint swell 12 Local swell 12 Lymphaden 12 Lymphaden 12
354384 Inappropria 12
354385 Nausea 12 Skin warm 12 Vision blur 12
354386 Anorexia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Weight dec 12
354387 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354388 Chills 12 Decreased 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
354388 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
354389 Cough 12 Dysphonia 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia
354389 Rash papul 12
354390 Blood sodi 12 C-reactive 12 Febrile infe 12.1 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia
354390 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul 12 Urticaria 12
354391 Wrong drug 12
354392 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Pulse pres 12 Shock
354392 Vomiting 12
354393 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
354394 Convulsion 12 Gaze palsy 12 Musculoskel 12
354395 Incorrect r 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
354395 Injection s 12
354396 Wrong tech 12
354397 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Pain
354398 Ataxia 12 Blood cultu 12 CSF cultur 12 Culture uri 12 Cyanosis
354398 Electroenc 12 Febrile con 12 Herpes viru 12 Nuclear ma 12 Polymerase
354398 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Roseola 12 Virus cultu 12
354399 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354400 Cardiac mu 12 Chest pain 12 Condition 12 Costochondr 12 Echocardi
354401 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354402 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354403 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12
354404 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Head disco 12 Headache 12 Nausea
354404 Pyrexia 12
354405 Amnesia 12 Blood pres 12 Convulsion 12 Gaze palsy 12 Hyperhidro
354405 Pallor 12 Tremor 12 Visual imp 12
354406 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Mass 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
354406 Vomiting 12
354407 Blindness 12 Blood gluc 12 Cold sweat 12 Feeling col 12 Lethargy
354407 Loss of co 12
354408 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Headache 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia
354409 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Urticaria 12
354411 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
354411 Pyrexia 12
354413 Pyrexia 12
354414 Injection s 12
354415 Unevaluabl 12
354416 Dermatitis 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash macul 12
354417 Abdominal 12.1 Barium en 12 Blood chlor 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood pota
354417 Dehydratio 12.1 Diarrhoea 12 Full blood 12 Gastroenter 12.1 Haematoch
354417 Intussusce 12 Lethargy 12.1 Mean cell 12.1 Metabolic f 12 Mucous sto
354417 Occult bloo 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Rotavirus t 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Vomiting
354417 Vomiting 12.1 White blood 12.1 X-ray abno 12.1
354418 Oedema per 12
354419 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354420 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
354421 Body tempe 12 Lymphaden 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Vomiting
354422 Grand mal 12 Postictal st 12
354423 Ocular hyp 12 Oedema per 12
354424 Headache 12 Pyrexia 12
354425 Fall 12 Unresponsiv 12
354426 Headache 12
354427 Rash 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Unevaluabl 12
354428 Feeling hot 12 Flushing 12 Muscular 12
354429 Dyskinesia 12 Electroenc 12 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12 Metabolic f
354429 Musculoskel 12 Nuclear ma 12 Posturing 12 Unresponsiv 12
354430 Immediate p 12 Memory im 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
354431 Erythema 12 Inflammati 12
354432 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354433 Feeling hot 12 Headache 12 Inappropria 12 Nausea 12 Tremor
354433 Vomiting 12 Wrong tech 12
354434 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting
354435 Erythema 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
354436 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354437 Injection s 12
354438 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
354439 Anxiety 12 Dizziness 12 Tremor 12
354440 Erythema 12 Rash 12
354441 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
354442 Erythema 12 Immediate p 12 Pain in ext 12 Urticaria 12
354443 Unevaluabl 12
354444 Burning se 12 Hypersensit 12 Urticaria 12
354445 Febrile con 12
354446 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Rash 12
354447 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354448 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Urticaria 12
354453 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Herpes zos 12 Hyperaesth 12 Paraesthes
354453 Petechiae 12 Rash 12
354454 Lymphoma 12
354455 Caesarean 12 Chlamydial 12 Drug expos 12 Urine human 12
354457 Abscess dr 12 Atelectasis 12 Blood pota 12 Body temper 12 Body tempe
354457 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri 12 Cough 12 Craniosyno
354457 Crepitation 12 Culture wou 12 Eating diso 12 Erythema 12 Glossitis
354457 Hydroceph 12 Hypoxia 12 Influenza s 12 Insomnia 12 Intercostal
354457 Irritability 12 Molluscum 12 Nasopharyn 12 Oral candid 12 Otitis medi
354457 Oxygen sat 12 Plagioceph 12 Pneumonia 12 Rash papul 12 Rash pustu
354457 Rash vesic 12 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Respiratory
354457 Respiratory 12 Retching 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Rhonchi 12 Skin lesion
354457 Staphyloco 12 Swollen to 12 Tendernes 12 Tongue dis 12 Upper respi
354457 Vomiting 12 Wheezing 12
354463 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Fall 12 Head injury 12 Posturing
354463 Syncope 12 Tonic clon 12
354464 Blood test 12 Electrocar 12 Full blood 12 Grand mal 12 Loss of co
354464 Metabolic f 12 Urine analy 12
354465 Grand mal 12 Immediate p 12
354469 Blister 12 Blood produ 12 Body tempe 12 Culture pos 12 Influenza s
354469 Intensive c 12 Pyrexia 12 Resorption 12 Skin burnin 12 Skin discol
354469 Skin exfoli 12 Skin exfoli 12 Streptococc 12 Varicella 12 Visual acui
354469 White blood 12
354470 Clostridium 12 Dehydratio 12 Diarrhoea 12 Occult bloo 12 Rotavirus t
354470 Vomiting 12
354471 Anaphylacti 12 Cough 12 Dermatitis e 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema
354471 Hypersensit 12 Oxygen sat 12 Paraesthesi 12
354472 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Anion gap 12 Autonomic 12 Blood cultu
354472 Blood produ 12 CSF cultur 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho 12 CSF monoc
354472 CSF protei 12 CSF white b 12 Chest X-ra 12 Cough 12 Decreased
354472 Diarrhoea 12 Faecaloma 12 Gait distur 12 Guillain-B 12 Headache
354472 Hypoaesthe 12 Hyporeflex 12 Lipase nor 12 Mean cell 12 Muscular
354472 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext
354472 Protein tot 12 Pulmonary c 12 Red blood c 12 Rhinitis all 12 Tuberculin
354472 Tuberculosi 12 Vomiting 12
354473 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Local react 12
354474 Asthenia 12 Crying 12 Diet refusa 12 Hypotonia 12
354475 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
354476 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Laboratory 12
354477 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354478 Inappropria 12
354479 Dizziness 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain in ext
354480 Erythema 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12
354481 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354482 Hypotonia 12 Loss of co 12
354483 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12
354484 Abdominal 12 Cough 12 Dizziness 12 Eosinophil 12 Fatigue
354484 Monocyte p 12 Vomiting 12
354485 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12 Breath sou 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Dyspnoea
354485 Foaming at 12 Pregnancy t 12.1 Scar 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1 Vaccination
354486 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354487 Asthenia 12 Decreased 12 Ocular hyp 12 Pyrexia 12
354488 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12
354489 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354490 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354491 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Skin tightn 12
354492 Rash vesic 12 Varicella z 12
354493 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
354494 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12
354495 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
354496 Dizziness 12
354497 Dizziness 12 Eye pain 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
354497 Injection s 12 Myalgia 12
354498 Body tempe 12 Chest disc 12 Joint swell 12 Swollen to 12
354499 Dysphagia 12 Fatigue 12 Influenza s 12 Nausea 12 Oropharyng
354499 Pain 12 Pharyngea 12 Pyrexia 12
354500 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
354501 Papilloma v 12
354502 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354503 Injection s 12 Injection 12 Injection si 12
354504 Chills 12 Cough 12 Influenza s 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
354505 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Pain 12
354506 Neuropathy 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes
354507 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12 Wheezing
354509 Chills 12 Lymph nod 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12
354510 Computeris 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain 12
354511 Rash 12 Rash 12
354512 Flushing 12 Heart rate 12 Irritability 12 Oxygen sat 12 Oxygen sup
354512 Presyncop 12 Respiratory 12 Somnolenc 12 Vomiting 12
354513 Hyperhidro 12 Hypersensit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
354513 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Mouth ulce 12 Pyrexia 12
354514 Syncope 12 Urinary inc 12
354515 Dyspnoea 12 Loss of co 12 Nausea 12 Tunnel visi 12 Unresponsiv
354515 Wheezing 12
354516 Injection si 12
354517 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354519 Blood elect 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Grand mal
354519 Lumbar pun 12.1
354520 Adverse re 12 Allergy test 12 Back pain 12 Biopsy bon 12 Biopsy lym
354520 Biopsy lym 12 Blood fibri 12 Chemother 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri
354520 Computeri 12 Condition 12 Ear pain 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Haemoglob
354520 Hepatitis B 12 Hodgkin's d 12 Hypertensi 12 Idiopathic u 12 Lymphadeni
354520 Lymphaden 12 Mass 12 Neck pain 12 Obesity 12 Oestradiol
354520 Pain 12 Polydipsia 12 Positron e 12 Pulmonary 12 Radiothera
354520 Rash 12 Skin burnin 12 Urticaria 12
354521 Asthenia 12 Headache 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
354522 Abnormal b 12 Confusional 12
354523 Anisocytos 12.1 Band neutr 12.1 Biopsy 12 Biopsy lym 12.1 Biopsy sal
354523 Biopsy ton 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Chemother 12 Computeri 12 Glossecto
354523 Gynaecolog 12 Lip and/or 12 Lymphocyte 12.1 Metastatic 12.1 Neck mass
354523 Parotidect 12.1 Positron e 12.1 Radical nec 12.1 Radical nec 12.1 Radiothera
354523 Recurrent 12.1 Smear cerv 12 Squamous c 12.1 Surgery 12 Tongue ulc
354523 White blood 12.1
354524 Injection s 12
354525 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354526 Cellulitis 12
354527 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354528 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
354528 Throat irrit 12
354529 Asthma 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
354529 Injection s 12 Irritability 12
354530 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia 12 Throat irrit
354531 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
354532 Asthenia 12 Blood sodi 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Dizziness
354532 Electrocar 12 Fatigue 12 Full blood 12 Loss of co 12
354533 Body tempe 12 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
354533 Pain 12
354534 Immediate p 12 Urticaria 12
354535 Dyspnoea 12 Pruritus ge 12 Urticaria 12
354536 Asthenia 12 Brachial pl 12 Erythema 12 Injected li 12 Pain in ext
354537 Crying 12 Cyanosis 12 Cyanosis 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor
354538 Injection s 12
354539 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354540 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Vomiting 12
354542 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Muscular 12
354543 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Throat irrit
354543 Throat tigh 12
354545 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Swelling 12
354546 Rash gener 12
354547 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
354548 Abdominal 12 Fatigue 12 Pyrexia 12
354549 Loss of co 12
354553 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Skin reacti 12
354555 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
354556 Body heigh 12.1 Chills 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Mobility d 12.1 Muscle ma
354556 Myalgia 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354557 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354558 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354559 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354560 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354561 Lymphaden 12.1 Nasopharyn 12.1
354562 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354563 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection sit
354563 Injection si 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Vaccination 12.1
354564 Body tempe 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain
354564 Pyrexia 12.1
354565 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
354566 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354566 Injection s 12.1
354567 Cough 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Oedema per
354567 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354568 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
354569 Balance di 12.1 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
354570 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Vomiting 12
354571 Activated p 12 Acute respi 12 Bacteria ur 12 Band neutr 12 Blood cultu
354571 Blood fibri 12 Blood gase 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood phos 12 C-reactive
354571 CSF bacteri 12 CSF culture 12 CSF glucos 12 CSF lympho 12 CSF protei
354571 CSF test a 12 CSF white b 12 Carbon dio 12 Cerebral in 12 Cerebrovas
354571 Condition 12 Culture uri 12 Death 12 Depressed 12 Discomfort
354571 Drug level 12 Endotrachea 12 Eye disord 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
354571 Hypophagi 12 Hypotonia 12 Irritability 12 Lethargy 12 Lymphocyte
354571 Mechanical 12 Meningitis 12 Moaning 12 Monocyte p 12 Multi-organ
354571 Photophobi 12 Platelet co 12 Pneumococc 12 Protein uri 12 Prothrombi
354571 Pyrexia 12 Red blood 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c 12 Red blood c
354571 Red cell di 12 Respiratory 12 Septic sho 12 Streptococca 12 Upper respi
354571 Urinary cas 12 Urine colo 12 Urine keto 12 Viral test n 12 Wheezing
354579 Dyspnoea 12 Urticaria 12
354580 Arthritis in 12 Surgery 12
354581 Convulsion 12 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Nuclear ma 12
354583 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain
354584 Burning se 12 Burning se 12 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext
354585 Body tempe 12 Dizziness 12
354586 Injected li 12 Musculoskel 12 X-ray limb 12
354587 Body tempe 12 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12
354588 Anorexia 12 Nausea 12 Oedema per 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm
354589 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354590 Blood pres 12 Heart rate 12 Injection si 12 Joint rang 12 Pain in ext
354590 Pyrexia 12
354591 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
354592 Injection si 12.1 Laboratory 12.1
354593 Injection si 12.1
354594 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Infection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354594 No reaction 12.1 Nodule 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Scab 12.1 Urticaria
354595 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
354596 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Injection s
354596 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Swelling
354597 Oedema per 12.1
354598 Adverse ev 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
354599 Pyrexia 12.1 Swelling 12.1
354600 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext
354600 Skin warm 12.1
354601 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354602 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Skin warm
354603 Anaphylacti 12.1
354604 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354605 Erythema 12.1 Hyperaesth 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection si
354605 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pain 12.1 Swelling 12.1
354606 Influenza li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Myalgia 12.1
354607 Abdominal r 12.1 Ascites 12.1 Blood chlo 12.1 Enema admi 12.1 Faecal vol
354607 Haematocri 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Intussusce 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Lymphocyte
354607 Mean cell 12.1 Mean cell 12.1 Monocyte p 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Protein tot
354607 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Urine outp
354607 Vomiting 12.1 White blood 12.1
354608 Lymphadeni 12.1
354609 Arthritis ba 12.1
354610 Deafness 12.1
354611 Injury 12.1
354612 Bacteraemi 12.1 Urinary trac 12.1
354613 Injury 12.1
354614 Nail disord 12.1
354615 Injury 12.1
354616 Sleep apn 12.1 Tonsillitis 12.1
354617 Congenital 12.1
354618 Pneumonia 12.1 Sleep apn 12.1
354619 Encopresis 12.1
354620 Congenital 12.1
354621 Abscess 12.1 Post proced 12.1
354622 Congenital 12.1 Epilepsy 12.1
354623 Abdominal 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
354624 Injury 12.1
354629 Blood gluc 12 Blood pres 12 Dizziness 12 Feeling ab 12 Feeling hot
354629 Headache 12 Heart rate 12
354630 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Dyskinesia 12 Fall 12 Fatigue
354630 Gaze palsy 12 Immediate p 12 Increased a 12 Moaning 12 No reaction
354630 Thirst 12
354631 Alopecia 12 Blood testo 12.1 Blood thyr 12.1 Lipase inc 12.1 Lymphocyte
354631 Neutrophil 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Thyroxine 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 White blood
354632 Dizziness 12 Heart rate 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Presyncop
354633 Wrong drug 12
354634 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
354635 Herpes zos 12 Pain 12 Pruritus 12
354636 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12 Injection s 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia
354637 Blood test 12 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Nuclear ma
354637 Toxicologic 12
354638 Anaemia ha 12 Antinuclear 12 Back pain 12 Balance di 12 Band neutr
354638 Blood lact 12 Cold agglut 12 Coombs tes 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
354638 Electrocar 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fall 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling hot
354638 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Haptoglobi
354638 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Jaundice 12 Loss of co 12 Lymphocyte
354638 Monocyte p 12 Mononucleos 12 Neutrophil 12 Normochrom 12 Orthostatic
354638 Pain 12 Pallor 12 Physical e 12 Pyrexia 12 Red blood
354638 Red blood c 12 Reticulocy 12 Spherocyti 12 Syncope 12 Tachycardi
354638 Transfusio 12 Ultrasoun 12 Ultrasound 12 White blood 12
354639 Activities o 12.1 Alopecia 12 Anaemia 12.1 Antibody t 12.1 Antinuclear
354639 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Bacteria ur 12.1 Blood albu
354639 Blood calc 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Butterfly r 12.1 Complement
354639 Complement 12.1 DNA antibo 12.1 Dizziness 12 Dry skin 12 Dysmenorr
354639 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Joint stiffn 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Joint swell
354639 Leukopeni 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Polyarthriti 12.1 Protein uri
354639 Protein uri 12.1 Rash 12 Rash gener 12 Raynaud's 12 Red blood c
354639 Systemic l 12 Urinary se 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine prote 12.1 Vitiligo
354639 Weight dec 12
354640 Acidosis 12 Anaphylacto 12 Aphasia 12 Aphasia 12 Auricular s
354640 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 Blood pres 12 Carbon dio 12 Computeris
354640 Convulsion 12 Cyanosis 12 Extensor p 12 Eyelid oed 12 Haematocri
354640 Headache 12 Hypotonia 12 Lip swellin 12 Lymphocyte 12 Mean plate
354640 Mental sta 12 Musculoskel 12 Neutrophil 12 Platelet co 12 Postictal st
354640 Presyncop 12 Respiratory 12 Vomiting 12
354641 Apparent li 12 Blood mag 12 Blood pota 12 C-reactive 12 Electrocar
354641 Electroenc 12 Gaze palsy 12 Hypotonia 12 Metabolic f 12 Posture ab
354641 Unresponsiv 12
354642 Convulsion 12
354643 Injection s 12
354644 Urticaria 12
354645 Herpes viru 12 Oral herpe 12
354646 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Rash eryth
354646 Rash prurit 12
354647 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12 Rash vesic 12
354648 Condition 12 Convulsion 12
354649 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema 12 Pain 12
354650 Pruritus 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12 Rash 12 Swelling
354651 Bacterial in 12 Blister 12 Erythema 12 Local react 12
354652 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Swelling 12
354653 Body tempe 12 Rash papul 12
354654 Gaze palsy 12 Pallor 12 Presyncop 12 Tremor 12
354655 Autoimmune 12 Blood test 12 Blood thyro 12.1 Computeri 12 Convulsion
354655 Electroenc 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Hypothyroi 12 Hypotonia
354655 Lymphocyte 12.1 Muscle twit 12.1 Nuclear ma 12 Red blood 12.1 Syncope
354656 Abdominal 12 Chest pain 12 Muscle rigi 12 Syncope 12 Tremor
354657 Arthralgia 12 Gait distur 12 Headache 12 Insomnia 12 Myalgia
354658 Chills 12 Headache 12 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
354659 Agitation 12 Ammonia i 12 Anisocytos 12 Band neutr 12 Blood creat
354659 Blood gluc 12 Blood phos 12 Breath hol 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra
354659 Circadian r 12 Complex par 12 Computeris 12 Convulsion 12 Cyanosis
354659 Developmen 12 Dyspnoea 12 Electroenc 12 Epstein-Bar 12 Fatigue
354659 Gaze palsy 12 Glucose to 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Herpes sim
354659 Influenza s 12 Intensive c 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte 12 Metabolic f
354659 Methicillin 12 Microcytosi 12 Mycoplasma 12 Neutrophil 12 Neutrophil
354659 Platelet co 12 Posture ab 12 Psychomoto 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
354659 Red blood 12 Respiratory 12 Respiratory 12 Retching 12 Screaming
354659 Skin warm 12 Somnolenc 12 Staring 12 Stereotypy 12 Tonic clon
354659 Tremor 12 Unresponsiv 12 White blood 12
354660 Gingival pa 12 Gingival sw 12 Paraesthes 12 Swelling fa 12
354661 Facial pals 12
354662 Anorexia 12 Full blood 12 Gram stain 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
354662 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Lymphocyte 12 Myalgia
354662 Platelet co 12 Pyrexia 12 White blood 12
354663 Epistaxis 12 Headache 12 Pain in ext 12
354664 Alanine am 12.1 Bacteria ur 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 C-reactive
354664 CSF cultur 12.1 Convulsion 12 Cough 12.1 Crying 12.1 Febrile con
354664 Lymphocyte 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Polymerase
354664 Protein tot 12.1 Pyrexia 12 Respiratory 12.1 Retching 12.1 Tremor
354664 Unresponsiv 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Virus cultu 12.1 Vomiting 12 White blood
354665 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Pallor 12 Tinnitus
354666 Angioedem 12
354667 Urticaria 12
354668 Influenza li 12 Pyrexia 12
354669 Bone pain 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Myalgia 12 Nasal cong
354669 Nasal cong 12 Neck pain 12 Oropharyng 12 Rhinorrhoe 12
354670 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354671 Alanine am 12.1 Anxiety 12 Aspartate 12.1 Biopsy lym 12 Biopsy lym
354671 Chemother 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Electrocar 12 Full blood 12 Headache
354671 Headache 12 Hodgkin's 12 Hodgkin's d 12 Lymphaden 12.1 Lymphaden
354671 Lymphaden 12 Metabolic f 12 Migraine 12 Odynophag 12 Oropharyng
354671 Pallor 12.1 Photophobi 12 Positron e 12 Pulmonary f 12.1 Rash
354671 Sinusitis 12 Streptococc 12
354672 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354673 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354674 Gait distur 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1
354675 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
354676 Cellulitis 12.1
354677 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354678 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1
354679 Rash macu 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1
354681 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354682 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s
354682 Injection si 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Pyrexia
354683 Influenza li 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354684 Injection si 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354685 Contusion 12.1 Ecchymosi 12.1 Haematom 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Joint rang
354685 Musculoskel 12.1 Sensation 12.1 Thrombosi 12.1
354686 Pain in ext 12.1
354687 Inappropria 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354688 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Joint rang 12.1 Oedema per
354688 Skin warm 12.1
354689 Urticaria 12.1
354690 Body tempe 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Skin striae
354691 Mental sta 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354692 Oedema per 12.1
354693 Pyrexia 12.1
354694 Injection s 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354695 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354696 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354697 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
354698 Wrong drug 12.1
354699 Injection si 12.1
354700 Erythema 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
354701 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
354702 Blister 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354703 Oedema per 12.1
354704 Injection si 12.1
354705 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354706 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354707 Injection s 12.1
354708 Injection s 12.1
354709 Injection s 12.1
354710 Injection s 12.1
354711 Injection s 12.1
354712 Cellulitis 12.1
354713 Cellulitis 12.1
354714 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Oedema per
354714 Pyrexia 12.1
354715 Injection si 12.1
354716 Chills 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia
354716 Throat irrit 12.1
354717 Inappropria 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
354717 Pneumonia 12.1
354718 Abasia 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting
354718 Wrong drug 12.1
354719 Bone pain 12.1 Chills 12.1 Dysgraphia 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s
354720 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Incorrect r 12.1 Skin burnin 12.1
354721 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
354722 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
354723 Hypersensit 12.1
354724 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354725 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Burning se 12.1 Change of 12.1 Constipati
354725 Erythema 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
354725 Nausea 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain 12.1 Peripheral 12.1 Pyrexia
354725 Skin warm 12.1
354732 Abortion s 12 Drug expos 12 Pregnancy t 12 Urine huma 12
354737 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Angiotensi 12 Antinuclear 12 Antinuclear
354737 Blood gluc 12 Blood immu 12 Blood immu 12 Blood produ 12 Blood thyro
354737 Borrelia bu 12 C-reactive 12 CSF oligoc 12 CSF test 12 Chronic in
354737 Drug hypers 12 Endocrine t 12 Full blood 12 Glomerular 12 Guillain-B
354737 Hypoaesthe 12 Immunology 12 Lumbar pun 12 Metabolic f 12 Nerve cond
354737 Neurologic 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oedema per 12 Oral candid 12 Osteoarthri
354737 Paraesthes 12 Peripheral 12 Raynaud's 12 Red blood c 12 Rheumatoid
354737 Sensory di 12 Syphilis tes 12 Total chole 12 Vitamin B1 12 Vulvovagina
354738 Abdominal 12 Barium en 12 Diarrhoea 12 Enema admi 12 Haemoglob
354738 Intussusce 12 Pain 12 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting 12 White blood
354739 Anaphylacti 12 Full blood 12 Radioallerg 12
354740 Chest X-ra 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pupils une 12
354741 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354742 Antinuclear 12 Autoimmune 12 Hyperhidro 12 Muscle twit 12 Muscular
354742 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria c 12
354743 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12
354744 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12 Hypophagi 12 Pyrexia 12
354745 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354746 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354747 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354748 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Nodule 12 Skin warm 12 Tendernes
354749 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash macu
354750 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354751 Heart rate 12 Hypoventila 12 Pyrexia 12
354752 Inappropria 12
354753 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Fatigue 12 Loss of co
354754 Joint swell 12
354755 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Gaze palsy 12 Headache 12 Musculoskel
354755 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
354757 Injected li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Mobility d
354757 Nausea 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
354758 Cellulitis 12.1
354759 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354760 Blood immu 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Chills 12.1 Cough 12.1 Incorrect d
354760 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Underdose 12.1
354761 Fatigue 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Oedema per
354762 Injection si 12.1
354763 Cellulitis 12.1
354764 Cellulitis 12.1
354765 Muscular 12.1 Neuropathy 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
354766 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354767 Blood test 12 Upper respi 12
354768 Abdominal 12.1 Alanine am 12.1 Allergy to 12.1 Anxiety 12.1 Aspartate
354768 Asthenia 12.1 Blood alka 12.1 Blood bilir 12.1 Blood crea 12 Blood sodi
354768 Blood urea 12.1 Breath sou 12.1 Bronchopn 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Chills
354768 Dehydratio 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Eosinophil 12.1 Full blood 12 Globulins
354768 Headache 12.1 Hepatic en 12 Hyperhidro 12.1 Hypophagi 12.1 Initial inso
354768 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Laboratory 12 Lobar pne 12.1 Local react
354768 Lymphaden 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Mean plate 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Myalgia
354768 Nasal cong 12.1 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Paraesthes
354768 Productive 12.1 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12.1 Vaccination 12.1 Vomiting
354770 Accidental 12 Underdose 12
354771 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12.1 Adenotonsi 12.1 Alopecia 12 Audiogram
354771 Balance di 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Dizziness 12 Ear conges
354771 Ear pain 12.1 Echocardio 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Electronys 12.1 Endolympha
354771 Fatigue 12.1 Feeling col 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Hypoacusi 12.1 Joint injury
354771 Migraine 12.1 Nausea 12 Pharyngitis 12.1 Postural or 12 Snoring
354771 Tilt table te 12 Upper respi 12.1 Vestibular 12.1 Vestibular 12.1 Vomiting
354772 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Local react 12
354773 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12 Diarrhoea 12 Fatigue 12 Headache
354773 Joint swell 12 Nausea 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext 12
354774 Diarrhoea 12 Haematoch 12 Vomiting 12
354775 Abdominal 12 Acute sinus 12 Alanine am 12 Anaemia 12 Aspartate
354775 Asthenia 12 Biopsy mus 12 Blood calc 12 Blood crea 12 Blood gluc
354775 Chest pain 12 Computeri 12 Connective 12 Cough 12 Eosinophil
354775 Erythema 12 Fatigue 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob 12 Headache
354775 Herpes zos 12 Hypophagi 12 Impaired se 12 Lymphocyte 12 Lymphocyte
354775 Malaise 12 Mobility d 12 Monocyte c 12 Monocyte p 12 Muscle enz
354775 Muscle sp 12 Muscular 12 Neutrophil 12 Oral candid 12 Oropharyng
354775 Otitis exte 12 Ovarian cy 12 Pain 12 Post herpet 12 Protein tot
354775 Protein uri 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash papul 12 Red blood
354775 Red blood c 12 Ultrasound 12 Upper respi 12 Urine outp 12 Vulvovagina
354775 White blood 12
354776 Erythema 12 Injected li 12 Lethargy 12 Pain in ext 12 Pyrexia
354776 Rash 12 Vomiting 12
354777 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12
354778 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354779 Erythema 12 Irritability 12 Pallor 12 Poor qualit 12 Rash
354779 Rash 12 Rash macu 12 Rash papul 12
354780 Chest pain 12
354782 Basophil c 12 Blood creat 12 Blood cultu 12 Blood test 12 Blood urea
354782 CSF cultur 12.1 CSF test n 12.1 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeri
354782 Computeris 12.1 Convulsion 12 Crying 12 Cyanosis 12 Febrile con
354782 Febrile infe 12.1 Lethargy 12 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte 12 Muscle twit
354782 Neutrophil 12 Pyrexia 12 Tachycardi 12 Viral infect 12.1
354783 Culture 12 Erythema 12 Gingival bl 12 Gingival e 12 Pyrexia
354783 Rash 12 Stomatitis 12
354784 Dizziness 12 Hyperhidro 12 Inappropria 12 Injection si 12 Muscle rigi
354784 Neck pain 12 No reaction 12 Pain in ext 12 Pallor 12 Presyncop
354784 Syncope 12 Vomiting 12
354785 Breast fee 12 Culture sto 12 Haematoch 12 Occult bloo 12 Vaccine pos
354786 Musculoskel 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
354787 Staring 12 Tremor 12
354788 Axillary pai 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
354788 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
354789 Wrong drug 12.1
354790 Feeling ab 12.1 Feeling col 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia
354791 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Activities o 12 Aphasia 12.1 Blood gluc
354791 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood lacti 12.1 Blood test 12 Computeri 12 Conversion
354791 Convulsion 12 Culture uri 12.1 Diplopia 12 Drug screen 12.1 Dysphemia
354791 Dysstasia 12 Echocardi 12 Echocardi 12 Echocardi 12 Electrocar
354791 Electrocar 12.1 Electrocar 12 Electroenc 12 Epstein-Bar 12.1 Eructation
354791 Fatigue 12.1 Fluid reten 12 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Grip stren
354791 Haemoglobi 12.1 Hemiparesi 12.1 Hepatobili 12.1 Hypoglyca 12 Interverteb
354791 Malaise 12 Metabolic f 12 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12.1 Nuclear ma
354791 Nuclear ma 12.1 Ovarian cy 12.1 Panic attac 12.1 Paraesthes 12 Pelvic pain
354791 Protein uri 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Retching 12 Retching
354791 Sensation 12 Sensory di 12.1 Sinus tach 12.1 Speech dis 12 Speech dis
354791 Staring 12 Subcutane 12 Supraventri 12 Syncope 12.1 Tachycardi
354791 Thyroid ne 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Ultrasound 12 Ultrasound 12.1 Ultrasound
354791 Ultrasound 12 Urine analy 12 Urine leuko 12.1 Venipunctu 12 Ventricular
354791 Vision blur 12 Walking ai 12 Wheelchair 12 White blood 12.1 X-ray thera
354792 Lethargy 12 Vomiting 12
354793 Blister 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354794 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash 12
354795 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354796 Blood test 12 Chest X-ra 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener 12
354797 Blister 12 Pruritus 12
354798 Abdominal 12 Anorexia 12 Blood test 12 Depressed 12 Electrocar
354798 Fatigue 12 Heart rate 12 Loss of co 12 Malaise 12 Malaise
354798 Postural or 12 Urine analy 12
354799 Rash 12 Rash prurit 12 Skin exfoli 12
354800 Blood test 12 Computeri 12 Dizziness 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar
354800 Electroenc 12 Headache 12 Syncope 12 Syncope 12 Tilt table te
354801 Crying 12 Heart rate 12 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
354802 Convulsion 12 Head injury 12 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12 Tremor
354803 Syncope 12
354804 Haematoch 12 Occult bloo 12
354805 Fatigue 12 Influenza li 12 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12 Ocular hyp
354805 Oropharyng 12 Pruritus 12 Upper respi 12
354806 Oedema per 12
354807 Abnormal b 12 Crying 12 Diarrhoea 12 Eye swelli 12 Lacrimatio
354807 Nasopharyn 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash morbil 12 Rhinorrhoe 12 Sneezing
354808 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Local react 12
354809 Erythema 12 Pain 12
354810 Abnormal b 12 Mental diso 12
354811 Dizziness 12 Loss of co 12 Nausea 12 Paraesthes 12
354812 Convulsion 12 Vaccine pos 12
354813 Erythema 12 Hypersensit 12 Inflammati 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia
354813 Swelling 12 Urticaria 12
354814 Abdominal 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Dysstasia
354814 Pyrexia 12 Sleep disor 12 Vaccine pos 12
354815 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
354815 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Pyrexia 12 Tremor
354816 Herpes zos 12
354817 Injection si 12
354818 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354819 Unevaluabl 12
354820 Cough 12 Dizziness 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pain 12 Throat irrit
354821 Herpes zos 12
354822 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
354823 Dysphagia 12 Pharyngea 12
354824 Inappropria 12.1 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Rash gener 12
354825 Rash gener 12
354826 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354827 Incorrect r 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Underdose 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354828 Injection si 12.1
354829 Skin reacti 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354830 Erythema 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
354830 Injection s 12 Local swell 12
354831 Agitation 12 Dysphagia 12 Emotional 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe
354831 Nausea 12 Pain in ext 12
354832 Rash macu 12 Rash prurit 12
354833 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354834 Injection si 12
354835 Pyrexia 12 Sleep apn 12 Vomiting 12
354836 Blood cultu 12 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Full blood 12 Induration
354836 Pain 12
354837 Chest pain 12 Pleurisy 12
354838 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354840 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12 Tendernes 12
354841 Blister 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Mobility d 12.1
354842 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354843 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
354844 Headache 12 Lethargy 12 Oedema per 12 Photophobi 12
354845 Injection sit 12.1 Mobility d 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354846 Urticaria 12
354847 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354848 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Swelling 12
354849 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354850 Alopecia 12.1
354851 Wrong drug 12.1
354852 Wrong drug 12.1
354853 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354854 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354855 Wrong drug 12.1
354856 Culture sto 12 Haematoch 12
354857 Wrong drug 12.1
354858 Rash 12 Varicella 12
354859 Haemorrha 12 Lymphaden 12 Pyrexia 12 Tonsillitis 12
354860 Pyrexia 12
354861 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Urticaria 12
354862 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Pyrexia 12
354863 Urticaria 12
354864 Wrong drug 12.1
354865 Wrong drug 12.1
354866 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
354867 Wrong drug 12.1
354868 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
354869 Wrong drug 12.1
354870 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354871 Injection sit 12.1
354872 Wrong drug 12.1
354873 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354874 Injection si 12.1
354875 Injection sit 12.1
354876 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354877 Wrong drug 12.1
354878 Cellulitis 12.1
354879 Wrong drug 12.1
354880 Chills 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
354881 Wrong drug 12.1
354882 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus
354883 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
354884 Injection si 12.1 Limb disco 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Pain 12.1
354885 Wrong drug 12.1
354886 Injection si 12.1 Underdose 12.1
354887 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354888 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354889 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354890 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354891 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
354892 Wrong drug 12.1
354893 Injection si 12.1 Skin exfoli 12.1
354894 Body tempe 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Screaming 12.1
354895 Diarrhoea 12.1
354896 Vomiting 12.1
354897 Diarrhoea 12.1
354898 Diarrhoea 12.1
354899 Vomiting 12.1
354900 Aphasia 12 Autism 12 Blood alum 12 Blood merc 12
354903 Asthenia 12 Grip stren 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Paraesthes 12
354904 Adverse ev 12
354906 Arrhythmia 12 Aspartate 12 Blood sodi 12 Blood test 12 Cardiac mo
354906 Cardiovers 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea
354906 Dyspnoea 12 Electrocar 12 Electrocar 12 Full blood 12 Heart rate
354906 Palpitation 12 Palpitation 12 Sinus tach 12 Supraventri 12
354908 Body tempe 12 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain
354908 Pyrexia 12
354909 Acoustic st 12 Deafness un 12 Ear pain 12
354917 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Movement d 12 Oedema per 12 Rash macu
354919 Wrong drug 12
354920 Blister 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash papul 12 Varicella p 12
354921 Hypersensit 12 Injection si 12
354922 Injection s 12
354923 Headache 12
354924 Borrelia bu 12 Full blood 12 Red blood c 12 Unevaluabl 12
354925 Injection si 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12
354926 Musculoskel 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12
354927 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Tinnitus 12
354928 Pruritus 12 Rash papul 12 Skin discol 12
354929 Eyelid oed 12
354930 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354931 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354932 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Heart rate 12
354933 Chest pain 12 Erythema 12 Musculoske 12 Skin warm 12
354934 Immediate p 12 Syncope 12
354936 Eye pain 12 Myalgia 12 Nausea 12 Paraesthes 12 Vomiting
354937 Crying 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12
354938 Injection s 12
354939 Rash 12
354940 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
354941 Pyrexia 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
354942 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354944 Contraindic 12
354945 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria 12
354946 Bite 12 Erythema 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si
354946 Pain in ext 12 Swelling 12
354947 Rash prurit 12 Urticaria 12
354948 Convulsion 12
354949 Vaccination 12
354950 Asthenia 12 Blindness t 12 Dizziness 12 Immediate p 12
354951 Diarrhoea 12
354952 Adverse ev 12
354954 Arthralgia 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Mobility d 12 Musculoske
354955 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Lymphaden
354956 Dysphonia 12 Inappropria 12 Pruritus 12 Urticaria 12
354957 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Injection s
354958 Pyrexia 12 Rash eryth 12 Rash gener 12 Rash prurit 12
354959 Anorexia 12 Blood crea 12 Blood creat 12 Blood sodi 12 Calcium io
354959 Chest pain 12 Contusion 12 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12 Gait distur
354959 Heart rate 12 Hemiparesi 12 Muscular 12 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng
354959 Pain in ext 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia 12 Urticaria
354959 White blood 12
354960 Inappropria 12 Somnolenc 12
354961 Hypotensio 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia
354962 Body tempe 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Orthostatic 12 Viral infect
354962 Vomiting 12
354963 Dizziness 12 Gait distur 12 Head disco 12
354964 Inappropria 12 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Staphylococ
354965 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354966 Musculoske 12 Musculoskel 12 Neck pain 12
354967 Affect labili 12.1 Alopecia 12 Antinuclear 12 Back pain 12 Demyelinat
354967 Disturbance 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Dry eye 12.1 Dyspnoea
354967 Electroenc 12 Extraocular 12.1 Fatigue 12 Fibromyalg 12.1 Gait distur
354967 Gastrointes 12 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Hoffmann's 12.1 Hypoaesthe
354967 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypophagi 12.1 Immediate p 12 Initial inso 12.1 Insomnia
354967 Interverteb 12.1 Livedo retic 12.1 Lumbar pun 12.1 Muscle sp 12 Muscle twit
354967 Musculoske 12 Nausea 12.1 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma 12.1 Nuclear ma
354967 Pain 12 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Paraesthes
354967 Paraesthes 12 Post lumba 12.1 Raynaud's 12.1 Reflexes a 12.1 Restless l
354967 Sensory lo 12.1 Sleep stud 12.1 Somatosens 12.1 Spinal ha 12.1 Stress
354967 Stress urin 12.1 Visual evo 12.1 Wheelchair 12.1
354968 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354969 Activities o 12 Altered vis 12 Asthenia 12 Balance di 12 Blood test
354969 Computeris 12 Condition 12 Confusional 12 Disability 12 Disorientat
354969 Dizziness 12 Drug scree 12 Epistaxis 12 Fall 12 Fatigue
354969 Gait distur 12 Headache 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Laboratory
354969 Lumbar pun 12 Movement d 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Pain in ext
354969 Visual imp 12
354970 Pyrexia 12
354971 Abnormal b 12 Clumsines 12 Crying 12 Diet refusa 12 Disturbance
354971 Dysarthria 12 Dyskinesia 12 Fall 12 Fear 12 Head tituba
354971 Hearing im 12 Irritability 12 Malaise 12 Masked fac 12 Middle ins
354971 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Social avoi 12 Somnolenc 12 Speech dis
354971 Tremor 12
354972 Anorexia 12 Anosmia 12 Brain oed 12 Computeri 12 Fall
354972 Feeling ab 12 Feeling hot 12 Head injury 12 Headache 12 Immediate p
354972 Intensive c 12 Loss of co 12 Nausea 12 Pain 12 Skull fractu
354972 Subarachn 12 Subdural 12
354973 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Lethargy 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia
354973 Vision blur 12
354974 Disturbance 12 Dyskinesia 12 Erythema 12 Feeling hot 12 Listless
354974 Pallor 12 Partial sei 12 Presyncop 12 Reflexes a 12
354975 Back pain 12 Dehydratio 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling hot 12 Flushing
354975 Headache 12 Heart rate 12 Hypertensi 12 Nausea 12 Pallor
354975 Respiratory 12 Skin warm 12 Tremor 12 Vertigo 12
354976 Diarrhoea 12 Dry throat 12 Headache 12 Immediate p 12 Injection si
354976 Irritability 12 Muscle twit 12 Oropharyng 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
354976 Vomiting 12
354977 Aldolase n 12 Blood crea 12 Blood test 12 C-reactive 12 Full blood
354977 Injected li 12 Joint rang 12 Myalgia 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext
354977 Red blood c 12
354978 Pruritus ge 12 Rash gener 12
354979 Anaphylacti 12 Anaphylacti 12 Exposure to 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypersensit
354979 Lymphaden 12 Nasal oed 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pharyngeal 12.1 Pruritus
354979 Seasonal a 12.1 Sinus hea 12.1 Sinusitis 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Tinnitus
354979 Urticaria 12 Wheezing 12.1 Wheezing 12
354980 Abasia 12 Dizziness 12 Laboratory 12 Vomiting 12
354981 Arthritis 12 Blood creat 12 Blood test 12 Bursa diso 12 Cellulitis
354981 Dehydratio 12 Hypotensio 12 Immediate p 12 Injection si 12 Laboratory
354981 Musculoske 12 Pain in ext 12 Renal tubul 12 Urine analy 12
354982 Discomfort 12 Fatigue 12 Feeling hot 12 Initial inso 12 Pyrexia
354982 Sleep disor 12
354983 Oedema 12 Rash macu 12 Urticaria 12
354986 Foetal diso 12 Streptococca 12
354989 Colitis ulce 12 Colonoscop 12 Condition 12 Diarrhoea 12 Gastrointe
354989 Leukopeni 12 Oedema 12 Proctitis ul 12 Rectal hae 12 Sigmoidosc
354989 Uveitis 12 Vaccination 12
354990 Abdominal 12 Colectomy t 12 Colitis ulce 12 Condition 12 Cushingoid
354990 Diarrhoea 12 Intestinal 12 Pouchitis 12 Surgery 12 Surgery
354990 Uveitis 12
354991 Computeris 12 Crying 12 Dry skin 12 Endotrachea 12 Floppy infa
354991 Full blood 12 Hypotonia 12 Metabolic f 12 Miosis 12 Oxygen sat
354991 Rash papul 12 Skin warm 12 Tachycardi 12 Unresponsiv 12 Unresponsiv
354992 Contusion 12 Contusion 12 Erythema 12 Erythema 12 Induration
354993 Oedema per 12 Pallor 12
354994 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
354995 Fall 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
354996 Crying 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12 Vomiting pr
354997 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
354998 Induration 12 Pruritus 12 Swelling 12 Tendernes 12
354999 Diarrhoea 12 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12
355000 Injection s 12
355001 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355002 Wheezing 12
355003 Abdominal 12 Lip swellin 12 Oedema per 12 Radioallerg 12 Rash
355003 Swelling fa 12 Vaccine pos 12
355004 Erythema 12 Fall 12 Hyperhidro 12 Oedema per 12 Tremor
355005 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
355006 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
355007 Inappropria 12 Unevaluabl 12
355008 Vomiting 12.1
355009 Anion gap 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Bacteria ur 12.1 Blood albu 12.1 Blood creat
355009 Blood gluc 12 Blood insu 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood pota 12 Blood pres
355009 Blood sodi 12 Blood test 12.1 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio 12 Carbon dio
355009 Constipati 12.1 Diabetic ke 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Glucose ur 12.1 Glycosylat
355009 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglobi 12.1 Headache 12.1 Increased a 12.1 Mean cell
355009 Muscle atr 12.1 Protein uri 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Tachycardi
355009 Thirst 12.1 Type 1 diab 12 Urinary cas 12.1 Urine keto 12.1 Vomiting
355009 Weight dec 12.1
355010 Abdominal 12.1 Acute respi 12.1 Agitation 12 Alanine am 12.1 Amino acid
355010 Anoxic enc 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Barium swa 12.1 Base exces 12.1 Blood bica
355010 Blood chlor 12.1 Blood creat 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood pota
355010 Blood sodi 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Blood urine 12.1 Carbon dio 12.1 Cardio-resp
355010 Cerebral a 12 Clonus 12.1 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12 Culture uri
355010 Cyanosis 12.1 Developmen 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dyskinesia 12 Dysphagia
355010 Dysphagia 12 Electroenc 12.1 Endotrachea 12.1 Extubation 12.1 Gastrointe
355010 Gastrointes 12.1 Gastrointes 12 Gastrooeso 12 Generalis 12.1 Glucose ur
355010 Haematocri 12.1 Hypertonia 12 Hypotensio 12.1 Hypotonia 12 Hypoxic en
355010 Irritability 12.1 Lipase inc 12.1 Mean cell 12.1 Mechanical 12.1 Muscle spas
355010 Mydriasis 12.1 Nuclear ma 12 PO2 increa 12.1 Parenteral 12.1 Platelet co
355010 Pneumotho 12.1 Posturing 12 Protein uri 12.1 Pupil fixed 12.1 Red blood c
355010 Red cell di 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Resuscitat 12.1 Scan brain 12 Specific gr
355010 Stridor 12.1 Subdural h 12 Unresponsiv 12.1 White blood 12.1
355011 Blood cultu 12.1 Cough 12.1 Headache 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia
355011 Vomiting 12.1 White blood 12.1
355012 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
355013 Pityriasis 12 Rash 12
355014 Herpes zos 12 Pain in jaw 12
355015 Cough 12 Croup infec 12 Laryngosc 12 Respiratory 12 Rhinorrhoe
355015 Stridor 12 X-ray abno 12
355016 Computeri 12 Contusion 12 Head injury 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co
355016 X-ray 12
355017 Joint rang 12 Musculoske 12
355018 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Pain 12 Swelling 12
355019 Asthenia 12 Blood test 12 Diagnostic 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
355019 Electrocar 12 Loss of co 12 Sensory lo 12
355020 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355021 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
355022 Dizziness 12 Syncope 12
355025 Culture sto 12 Faeces dis 12 Haematoch 12 Laboratory 12 Pyrexia
355026 Anorexia 12 Bacteraemi 12 Blood cultu 12 Body tempe 12 Chills
355026 Dehydratio 12 Delirium 12 Echocardio 12 Headache 12 Injection s
355026 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12 Renal impa 12 White blood
355027 Autism 12 Ear infecti 12 Gastrointes 12 Inappropria 12
355028 Convulsion 12 Gaze palsy 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12 Tremor
355029 Back pain 12.1 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12.1 Grand mal 12.1 Headache
355029 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Joint rang 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Neck pain
355029 Neck pain 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Pain 12.1 Syncope
355030 Drug expos 12 Foetal diso 12
355032 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Lethargy 12 Pain in ext 12 Palpitation
355034 Chills 12 Influenza li 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Pain
355034 Pallor 12 Pyrexia 12
355035 Injection si 12 Local react 12
355036 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355037 Foreign tra 12 Pruritus 12 Rash 12
355038 Blood gluc 12 Electrocar 12 Hyperhidro 12 Hypotensio 12 Malaise
355038 Pallor 12
355039 Inappropria 12
355040 Drug expos 12
355041 Injection s 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia 12
355042 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
355043 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
355044 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Oedema per 12
355045 Gait distur 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
355046 Blood pres 12 Fall 12 Heart rate 12 Syncope 12
355047 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
355048 Erythema 12 Nausea 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm 12
355049 Abdominal 12 Barium en 12 Barium en 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Diarrhoea
355049 Drooling 12.1 Incorrect d 12 Intussusce 12 Lethargy 12 Otitis medi
355049 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Ultrasound 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355050 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12
355051 Back pain 12 Chills 12 Headache 12 Influenza s 12 Malaise
355051 Musculoskel 12 Neck pain 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12
355052 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
355053 Inappropria 12
355054 Fatigue 12 Nausea 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12 Rash gener
355054 Vomiting 12
355055 Cold sweat 12 Eye rolling 12 Fatigue 12 Pallor 12 Pyrexia
355055 Tremor 12
355056 Anaphylacti 12 Immediate p 12
355057 Abdominal 12 Body tempe 12 Dyspnoea 12 Fatigue 12 Pain in ext
355058 Abdominal 12 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Electrocar 12 Fatigue
355059 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pruritus 12 Rhinorrhoe
355060 Abnormal b 12 Aggression 12 Emotional 12 Screaming 12 Urticaria
355061 Anorexia 12 Disorientat 12 Fatigue 12 Myalgia 12 Pyrexia
355062 Cold sweat 12 Dyskinesia 12 Immediate p 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor
355063 Erythema 12 Rash 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
355064 Dizziness 12
355065 Anorexia 12 Blister 12 Lethargy 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash gener
355066 Erythema 12 Erythema 12 Pain in ext 12
355067 Activities o 12 Asthenia 12 Confusional 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness
355067 Fatigue 12 Impaired dri 12 Injection si 12
355068 Myalgia 12 Myalgia 12
355069 Erythema 12 Skin warm 12
355070 Asthenia 12 Culture thr 12 Headache 12 Muscle fati 12 Oropharyng
355070 Pruritus 12
355071 Heart rate 12
355072 Erythema 12 Oedema per 12
355073 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Anion gap 12.1 Anorexia
355073 Anxiety 12 Blood test 12 Blood urine 12.1 Body heigh 12.1 Cellulitis
355073 Chills 12.1 Computeri 12 Cough 12.1 Culture sto 12 Depression
355073 Dermatitis 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Fatigue 12 Foaming at 12 Granulocyt
355073 Infection 12.1 Influenza 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Nausea 12 Night swea
355073 Pain 12.1 Pharyngitis 12.1 Pollakiuria 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Pyelonephri
355073 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12 Rhinitis 12.1 Tremor 12 Urinary trac
355073 Urine analy 12 Urine keto 12.1 Urine prote 12.1 Weight dec 12 White blood
355073 X-ray with 12 X-ray with 12
355074 Blood test 12 Computeri 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue
355074 Headache 12
355075 Anorexia 12 Pyrexia 12
355078 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthritis 12 Ataxia 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Basophil c
355078 Blood pota 12.1 Carbon dio 12.1 Dysstasia 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Gait distur
355078 Gait distur 12.1 Injection sit 12 Injection sit 12 Joint rang 12.1 Mean cell
355078 Mean cell 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Nuclear ma 12 Pain in ext
355078 Platelet co 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Torticollis 12 Vaccination 12.1 Vaccination
355078 Vaccination 12.1
355079 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355080 Abasia 12 Cold sweat 12.1 Dermatitis 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dyskinesia
355080 Gait distur 12.1 Hypersomn 12.1 Intention t 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Laboratory
355080 Liver palpa 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Neutropeni 12.1 Nuclear ma
355080 Pharyngitis 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Tremor 12 Upper respi
355080 Vanillyl ma 12
355081 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Mononucleos 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash
355083 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Myalgia 12 Pain 12 Skin warm
355084 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
355085 Aldolase n 12 Blood crea 12 Blood crea 12 C-reactive 12 Chills
355085 Cough 12.1 Dysstasia 12.1 Full blood 12 Gait distur 12 Gait distur
355085 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Joint sprai 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nasal cong
355085 Nasopharyn 12.1 Pain in ext 12 Pruritus 12.1 Red blood c 12 Upper respi
355085 Viral infect 12.1
355086 Pyrexia 12 Rash morbil 12 Rash papul 12
355087 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355088 Chest X-ra 12 Chest pain 12 Electrocar 12 Full blood 12
355089 Joint swell 12 Urticaria 12
355090 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Skin warm 12 Swelling 12
355091 Asthenia 12 Fatigue 12 Heart rate 12 Hyperhidro 12 Malaise
355091 Pallor 12
355092 Cystitis 12 Drug hypers 12 Pain 12 Rash 12
355093 Abdominal 12.1 Adverse dr 12.1 Appetite di 12.1 Blood albu 12.1 Blood calc
355093 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood sodi 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Decreased
355093 Eye pain 12.1 Eye swelli 12.1 Generalis 12.1 Hypoalbum 12 Hypophagi
355093 Injection si 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Mood swin 12.1 Nephritis 12 Nephrotic
355093 Nitrite urin 12.1 Oedema 12.1 Oedema per 12 Oedema per 12 Oedema per
355093 Protein tot 12.1 Proteinuria 12 Psychomoto 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Somnolenc
355093 Swelling fa 12 Urinary cas 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine leuko 12.1 Urine outp
355093 Urine transi 12.1 White blood 12.1
355094 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355095 Injection s 12
355096 Erythema 12 Induration 12
355097 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Pruritus
355097 Radioallerg 12
355098 Unevaluabl 12
355099 Blister 12 Feeling ab 12
355100 C-reactive 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Injection s
355100 Injection si 12 Malaise 12 Muscular 12 Neutrophil 12 Pain in ext
355100 Red blood c 12 Skin warm 12 White blood 12
355101 Body tempe 12 Erythema 12 Pallor 12 Rash papul 12 Swelling
355102 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
355103 Varicella p 12
355104 Expired dr 12.1
355105 Headache 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Sneezing 12.1
355106 Accidental 12.1 Asthma 12.1
355107 Epistaxis 12.1
355108 Chills 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Nasal disc 12.1 Nausea
355108 Tremor 12.1
355111 Injection si 12
355112 Abdominal 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Rash 12
355113 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Skin lesion
355113 Urticaria 12
355114 Rash gener 12.1
355115 Back pain 12.1 Chills 12.1 Cough 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache
355115 Myalgia 12.1 Non-cardia 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Tremor 12.1
355116 Inappropria 12.1
355117 Chills 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Gastroenter
355117 Headache 12.1 Influenza 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Pain
355117 Pyrexia 12.1 Viral infect 12.1
355118 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355119 Asthma 12.1 Cough 12.1 Hypersomn 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Pyrexia
355120 Incorrect d 12.1 Medication 12.1
355121 Contraindic 12.1 Cough 12.1 Rhonchi 12.1 Sick relativ 12.1
355122 Diarrhoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355123 Diarrhoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355124 Oral mucos 12.1 Rash gener 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355125 Rash prurit 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355126 Wheezing 12.1
355127 Epistaxis 12.1 Immediate p 12.1
355129 Eyelid oed 12.1 No reaction 12.1
355131 Autopsy 12 Death 12 Death 12
355132 Communicat 12.1 Cough 12.1 Crying 12 Expressive 12 Irritability
355132 Lethargy 12 Listless 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12.1 Screaming
355132 Sleep disor 12.1 Speech dis 12 Upper respi 12.1
355133 Anaphylacti 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood immu 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Bronchosp
355133 Cough 12 Emotional d 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Immediate p 12 Lymphocyte
355133 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Urticaria 12 Urticaria 12.1 Wheezing
355133 White blood 12.1
355134 Albumin ur 12 Aspartate 12 Barium en 12 Blood amyl 12 Blood cultu
355134 Blood gluc 12 Chromaturi 12 Dehydratio 12 Dry mouth 12 Faeces dis
355134 Fatigue 12 Hypophagi 12 Intussusce 12 Irritability 12 Lip dry
355134 Lipase nor 12 Malaise 12 Monocyte c 12 Neutrophil 12 Pyrexia
355134 Urine abnor 12 Urine keto 12 Urine outp 12 Vomiting 12 White blood
355134 X-ray abno 12
355136 Abdominal 12 Anxiety dis 12 Depression 12 Hallucinati 12 Menstrual d
355136 Sleep disor 12 Visual imp 12
355137 Abnormal b 12 Attention de 12 Decreased 12 Disturbance 12 Laboratory
355137 Mood disord 12 No reaction 12 Psychiatri 12 Speech dis 12
355139 Anion gap 12 Antiacetylc 12.1 Autoimmune 12 Bacteria ur 12 Barium swa
355139 Blood chol 12.1 Blood lact 12 Computeris 12.1 Dysphagia 12 Eyelid ptos
355139 Mean cell 12 Myasthenia 12 Red blood 12 Speech dis 12 Surgery
355139 Thymectom 12 Tonsillect 12 Urinary trac 12 Urine leuko 12 Weight dec
355140 Chest X-ra 12.1 Complex par 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Convulsion 12 Electrocar
355140 Fall 12 Headache 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Syncope
355140 Vomiting 12.1
355141 Activities o 12 Decreased 12.1 Ear discomf 12.1 Ear pain 12.1 Headache
355141 Mobility d 12 Nausea 12 Otitis medi 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pelvic pain
355141 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Screaming 12 Sinus cong 12.1 Sleep disor 12.1 Tinnitus
355141 Tympanic m 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Vomiting 12
355142 Systemic l 12
355143 Facial pals 12
355144 Anxiety 12 Confusional 12 Rash 12
355145 Dyspnoea 12 Facial pain 12 Rash 12 Speech dis 12
355148 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
355149 Arthralgia 12 Body tempe 12 Headache 12 Pain in jaw 12
355150 No adverse 12
355151 No adverse 12.1
355152 Abdominal 12.1 Feeling of 12.1 Headache 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Nausea
355152 Nuclear ma 12.1 Pain 12.1 Sinusitis 12.1
355153 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Stool analy 12.1 Vomiting
355154 Erythema 12.1 Impetigo 12.1 Scab 12.1 Skin irritat 12.1
355155 Accidental 12.1 Headache 12.1
355156 Urticaria 12.1
355157 Expired dr 12.1
355158 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355159 Expired dr 12.1
355160 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355161 Expired dr 12.1
355162 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355163 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Upper respi
355164 Immediate p 12.1 Sneezing 12.1
355165 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355166 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355167 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355168 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355169 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355170 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355171 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355172 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355173 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355174 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355175 Expired dr 12.1
355176 Blood test 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Pleurisy
355176 Pyrexia 12.1
355177 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355178 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355179 Incorrect d 12.1
355180 Incorrect d 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355181 Incorrect d 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355182 Incorrect d 12.1
355183 Incorrect d 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355184 Incorrect d 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355185 Incorrect d 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355186 Incorrect d 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355188 Incorrect d 12.1
355189 Incorrect d 12.1
355190 Incorrect d 12.1
355191 Incorrect d 12.1
355192 Incorrect d 12.1
355193 Incorrect d 12.1
355194 Incorrect d 12.1
355195 Incorrect d 12.1
355196 Incorrect d 12.1
355197 Incorrect d 12.1
355198 Eye swelli 12 Lip swellin 12 Pruritus 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia
355198 Urticaria 12
355199 Photophobi 12 Rash 12
355200 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355201 Dysgeusia 12 Dysgeusia 12 Retching 12
355202 Cellulitis 12 Erythema 12 Malaise 12 Oedema per 12 Pain in ext
355202 Pyrexia 12
355203 Body tempe 12 Diarrhoea 12 Nausea 12 Viral infect 12 Vomiting
355204 Dyspnoea 12 Injection si 12 Vomiting 12
355205 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Myalgia 12
355206 Dizziness 12 Dyspnoea 12
355207 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
355207 Urticaria 12.1
355208 Allergy to 12 Cellulitis 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
355209 Allergy to 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Oedema per 12 Skin warm
355209 Tendernes 12
355210 Back pain 12 Blood pres 12 Dyspnoea 12 Flushing 12
355211 Agitation 12 Body tempe 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Insomnia
355211 Myalgia 12 Tachycardi 12 Wheezing 12
355212 Blood crea 12 Bursitis 12 Full blood 12 Inappropria 12 Metabolic f
355212 Oedema per 12 Ultrasound 12 X-ray 12.1
355213 Abdominal 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness
355213 Headache 12.1 Nausea 12.1
355214 Hyperhidro 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
355214 Injection si 12.1
355215 Granulocyt 12.1 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
355215 Injection si 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Urine anal
355215 Urine leuko 12.1 White blood 12.1 White blood 12.1
355216 Erythema 12 Laboratory 12 Loss of co 12 Syncope 12
355217 Hyperhidro 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Syncope 12.1
355218 Herpes zos 12.1
355219 Autopsy 12 Death 12 Diet refusa 12 Eosinophili 12 Feeling col
355219 Histology 12 Irritability 12 Jaundice n 12 Unresponsiv 12 Vomiting
355220 Chronic ob 12 Condition 12 Dyspnoea 12 Emphysem 12 Hypoxia
355221 Hyperhidro 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355222 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355223 Adjustment 12.1 Arthritis 12.1 Balance di 12.1 Blood test 12 CSF cultur
355223 CSF glucos 12.1 CSF myelin 12.1 CSF oligoc 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Demyelinat
355223 Dermatitis 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Gram stain 12.1 Hemicephal 12.1 Hyperglyca
355223 Interverteb 12.1 Interverteb 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Multiple sc 12 Myelitis tr
355223 Nuclear ma 12 Nuclear ma 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Spondylolis 12.1
355224 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
355225 Postnasal d 12 Pyrexia 12 Upper respi 12
355226 Oropharynge 12.1
355227 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12 Weight dec 12 Weight inc 12
355228 Erythema 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
355229 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Allergy test 12.1 Anal spas 12 Antigliadin
355229 Anxiety 12.1 Asthenia 12 Blood test 12 Colonosco 12 Computeri
355229 Culture sto 12 Diarrhoea 12 Diarrhoea 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Endoscopy
355229 Endoscopy 12.1 Eosinophil 12.1 Eosinophil 12.1 Eosinophili 12.1 Eructation
355229 Fatigue 12.1 Food allerg 12.1 Gastritis 12 Haemoglobi 12.1 Immunology
355229 Nausea 12 Oropharyng 12.1 Pallor 12 Presyncop 12 Reflux oeso
355229 Vomiting 12 Weight dec 12 X-ray 12
355231 Cough 12 Lacrimatio 12 Ocular hyp 12 Sneezing 12 Swelling fa
355232 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Headache 12.1
355233 Chest pain 12 Oropharyng 12 Productive 12 Urticaria 12
355234 Paraesthes 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1
355235 Abdominal 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia
355236 Lethargy 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355237 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection s 12
355238 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection s
355238 Local react 12
355239 Dizziness 12 Dysgeusia 12 Paraesthesi 12
355240 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Immunisati 12 Muscular
355241 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Joint swell 12 Vaccine pos 12
355242 Unevaluabl 12
355243 Dizziness 12 Nausea 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
355244 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
355245 Herpes zos 12.1
355246 Wrong tech 12
355248 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355250 Eye pain 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355251 Blood pres 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Hypoventila
355251 Memory im 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Pharyngeal 12.1 Throat tigh
355251 Unresponsiv 12.1
355252 Skin atrop 12 Skin discol 12 Urticaria 12
355253 Herpes zos 12 Ophthalmol 12
355254 Computeris 12.1 Conversion 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12 Fatigue
355254 Heart rate 12 Hypoaesthe 12 Mental sta 12.1 Palpitation 12.1 Tremor
355256 Dizziness 12 Headache 12 Nausea 12 Oedema per 12
355257 Dizziness 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Nausea 12.1
355258 Chest pain 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355259 Blood test 12 Convulsion 12 Electroenc 12 Urine analy 12
355260 Urticaria 12
355261 Injection s 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12
355262 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355263 Myalgia 12
355264 Erythema 12 Induration 12 Mass 12 Skin warm 12
355265 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355266 Rash gener 12
355268 Rash 12.1
355269 Immediate p 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain
355269 Swelling 12.1
355270 Urticaria 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
355271 Periorbita 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
355272 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355273 Blood pres 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Pallor 12.1
355274 Pyrexia 12.1
355275 Movement d 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Sleep disor 12.1
355276 Syncope 12.1
355277 Nausea 12.1 Syncope 12.1
355278 Pallor 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash vesic 12.1
355279 Incorrect d 12.1
355280 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
355281 Erythema m 12.1 Pharyngitis 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355282 Feeling hot 12.1 Hypersensit 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355283 Erythema 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355284 Incorrect d 12.1
355285 Blood gluc 12.1 Confusional 12.1 Fall 12.1 Muscular 12.1
355286 Wrong drug 12.1
355287 Chills 12.1 Influenza 12.1 Influenza s 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Oropharyng
355287 Pain 12.1 Productive 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1
355288 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355289 Blood pres 12.1 Face oede 12.1
355290 Dysgeusia 12.1 Nasopharyn 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Sneezing 12.1
355291 Arthralgia 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355292 Incorrect d 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355293 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355294 Incorrect d 12.1
355295 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355296 Convulsion 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355297 Incorrect d 12.1
355298 Arthralgia 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Joint stiffn 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Musculoskel
355298 Neck pain 12.1
355299 Incorrect d 12.1
355300 Incorrect r 12.1
355304 Incorrect r 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355305 Incorrect r 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355306 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
355307 Inappropria 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355308 Inappropria 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355309 Drug expos 12.1
355310 Inappropria 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355311 Chills 12.1 Headache 12.1 Influenza 12.1 Muscle sp 12.1 Secondary
355312 Inappropria 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355313 Inappropria 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355314 Vomiting 12.1
355315 Abdominal 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Henoch-Sch 12.1 Rash 12.1 Urine analy
355317 Accidental 12.1
355318 Pyrexia 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1
355319 Incorrect r 12.1
355320 Wrong drug 12.1
355321 Incorrect d 12.1
355322 Urticaria 12.1
355323 Computeris 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nervousne 12.1
355324 Arthralgia 12.1 Malaise 12.1
355325 Incorrect d 12.1
355326 Inappropria 12.1
355327 Inflammati 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1
355328 Borrelia bu 12.1 Facial pals 12.1
355329 Expired dr 12.1
355330 Incorrect d 12.1
355331 Rash gener 12.1
355332 Lymphaden 12.1
355333 Chills 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Secondary 12.1
355334 Inappropria 12.1
355335 Inappropria 12.1
355336 Myalgia 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Upper respi 12.1
355337 Expired dr 12.1
355338 Expired dr 12.1
355339 Expired dr 12.1
355340 Expired dr 12.1
355341 Expired dr 12.1
355342 Inappropria 12.1
355343 Expired dr 12.1
355344 Expired dr 12.1
355345 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355346 Expired dr 12.1
355347 Cough 12.1 Croup infec 12.1
355348 Expired dr 12.1
355349 Expired dr 12.1
355350 Expired dr 12.1
355351 Drug expos 12.1
355352 Expired dr 12.1
355353 Expired dr 12.1
355354 Expired dr 12.1
355355 Expired dr 12.1
355356 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355357 Expired dr 12.1
355358 Expired dr 12.1
355359 Pain 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355360 Expired dr 12.1
355361 Expired dr 12.1
355362 Expired dr 12.1
355363 Expired dr 12.1
355364 Expired dr 12.1
355365 Expired dr 12.1
355366 Expired dr 12.1
355367 Expired dr 12.1
355368 Expired dr 12.1
355369 Expired dr 12.1
355370 Expired dr 12.1
355371 Expired dr 12.1
355372 Expired dr 12.1
355373 Expired dr 12.1
355374 Expired dr 12.1
355375 Expired dr 12.1
355376 Expired dr 12.1
355377 Expired dr 12.1
355378 Expired dr 12.1
355379 Expired dr 12.1
355380 Expired dr 12.1
355381 Expired dr 12.1
355382 Expired dr 12.1
355383 Expired dr 12.1
355384 Expired dr 12.1
355385 Expired dr 12.1
355386 Expired dr 12.1
355387 Expired dr 12.1
355388 Expired dr 12.1
355389 Expired dr 12.1
355390 Pyrexia 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355391 Expired dr 12.1
355392 Expired dr 12.1
355393 Expired dr 12.1
355394 Expired dr 12.1
355395 Expired dr 12.1
355396 Alanine am 12.1 Arrhythmia 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Bilirubin c 12.1 Blood albu
355396 Blood alka 12.1 Blood amyl 12.1 Blood chlor 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 Blood creat
355396 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood immu 12.1 Blood lact 12.1 Blood para 12.1 Blood phos
355396 Blood pota 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Blood uric 12.1 Blood urine 12.1 C-reactive
355396 CD4/CD8 ra 12.1 CSF glucos 12.1 CSF immuno 12.1 CSF oligoc 12.1 CSF protei
355396 CSF test a 12.1 Cardiac fai 12 Cardiopulm 12.1 Culture pos 12.1 Death
355396 Extubation 12.1 Fibrin D di 12.1 Gamma-glut 12.1 Glucose ur 12.1 Guillain-B
355396 Haematocri 12.1 Haemodialy 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypotonia
355396 Intensive c 12 Mobility d 12 Muscular 12 Neutrophil 12.1 Occult bloo
355396 Pain in ext 12 Paralysis 12 Plasmapher 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Plethysmo
355396 Pneumonia 12.1 Protein uri 12.1 Prothrombi 12.1 Red blood 12.1 Red blood c
355396 Red blood c 12.1 Renal diso 12.1 Renal failu 12.1 Renal impa 12.1 Rhabdomyo
355396 Sepsis 12.1 Specific gr 12.1 Supraventri 12.1 Thyroid fun 12.1 Troponin i
355396 Type 2 diab 12.1 Urinary se 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine colo 12.1 Urine keto
355396 Wheelchair 12 White blood 12.1 White blood 12.1
355397 Condition 12.1 Oral herpe 12.1
355398 Agitation 12.1 Sleep terro 12.1
355399 Erythema 12.1 Rash 12.1 Vaccination 12.1
355400 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355401 Differentia 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355402 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355403 Decreased 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Movement d 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash
355403 Somnolenc 12.1
355404 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355405 Rash morbil 12.1
355406 Blood pres 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Syncope
355407 Dizziness 12.1 Nausea 12.1
355408 Abnormal b 12.1 Crying 12.1 Disorientat 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
355411 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Pharyngea 12
355413 Poliomyelit 12 Typhoid fe 12
355418 Activities o 12 Computeris 12 Dizziness 12 Dizziness 12 Fatigue
355418 Full blood 12.1 Heat exhau 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Nausea
355418 Syncope 12 Vertigo 12 Vomiting 12.1
355419 Blood produ 12 Contusion 12 Haemorrha 12 Idiopathic 12 Platelet co
355420 Convulsion 12
355422 Expired dr 12.1
355423 Expired dr 12.1
355424 Expired dr 12.1
355425 Expired dr 12.1
355426 Expired dr 12.1
355427 Expired dr 12.1
355428 Expired dr 12.1
355429 Expired dr 12.1
355430 Expired dr 12.1
355431 Expired dr 12.1
355432 Expired dr 12.1
355433 Expired dr 12.1
355434 Expired dr 12.1
355435 Expired dr 12.1
355436 Expired dr 12.1
355437 Expired dr 12.1
355438 Expired dr 12.1
355439 Expired dr 12.1
355440 Drug expos 12.1 Pregnancy t 12.1
355441 Arthralgia 12.1 Pain 12.1
355442 Accidental 12.1 Cough 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia
355442 Sneezing 12.1
355443 Abdominal 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355444 Abdominal 12.1 Migraine 12.1
355445 Skin lacera 12.1
355447 Rash prurit 12.1
355448 Rash 12.1
355449 Inappropria 12.1
355450 Malaise 12.1 Oral herpe 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1
355451 Urticaria 12.1
355452 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355453 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355454 Abdominal 12.1 Chills 12.1 Headache 12.1
355455 Incorrect d 12.1
355456 Incorrect d 12.1
355457 Incorrect d 12.1
355458 Incorrect d 12.1
355459 Incorrect d 12.1
355460 Incorrect d 12.1
355461 Incorrect d 12.1
355462 Incorrect d 12.1
355463 Incorrect d 12.1
355464 Incorrect d 12.1
355465 Incorrect d 12.1
355466 Incorrect d 12.1
355467 Incorrect d 12.1 Underdose 12.1
355468 Heart rate 12.1 Hyperaesth 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Lip swellin
355468 Lymphaden 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Rash 12.1
355469 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355470 Abdominal 12.1 Circumcisi 12.1 Clonus 12.1 Crying 12.1 Depressed
355470 Electroenc 12.1 Febrile con 12.1 Grand mal 12 Hyperreflex 12.1 Hypophagi
355470 Inguinal he 12.1 Musculoskel 12 Mydriasis 12 Nuclear ma 12.1 Postictal st
355470 Premature 12.1 Thrombocy 12.1 Tremor 12
355471 Flushing 12.1 Head disco 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Rhinorrhoe
355471 Sneezing 12.1
355472 Erythema 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355473 Asthenia 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355474 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355475 Abasia 12 Activities o 12 Antinuclear 12.1 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia
355475 Arthralgia 12 Arthralgia 12.1 Autoimmune 12.1 Blood test 12 Computeris
355475 Computeris 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Cough 12 Dyspepsia 12 Epstein-Bar
355475 Fatigue 12 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12 Hypothyroi 12 Joint swell
355475 Malaise 12 Myalgia 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng
355475 Pyrexia 12 Sleep disor 12 Stomatitis 12 Ultrasound 12 Urine analy
355475 Vaginal les 12 Wheezing 12
355476 Biopsy lun 12.1 Bronchosc 12.1 Chronic ob 12 Computeri 12.1 Condition
355476 Cough 12.1 Emphysem 12.1 Pneumonia 12 Productive 12.1 Small cell
355477 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355478 Inappropria 12.1
355480 Fatigue 12.1 Myalgia 12.1
355481 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Barium dou 12.1 Culture sto 12 Enema admi
355481 Full blood 12.1 Gastrointe 12.1 Haematoch 12.1 Intussusce 12 Metabolic f
355481 Occult bloo 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Stool analy 12 Surgery 12.1 Ultrasound
355481 Urinary sy 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray abno 12.1
355482 Arthropod b 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Contusion 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Fatigue
355482 Full blood 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Nodule 12.1 Paraesthes
355482 Pharyngeal 12.1 Presyncop 12.1 Sinus brad 12.1 Streptococca 12.1 Streptococca
355482 Streptococc 12.1 Syncope 12.1
355483 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12 Anxiety 12.1 Appendice 12 Blood urine
355483 Bronchitis 12.1 Constipati 12.1 Crystal uri 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dizziness
355483 Drug withd 12.1 Dysmenorr 12 Dyspareuni 12.1 Dyspepsia 12 Eating diso
355483 Eczema 12.1 Fatigue 12 Flat affect 12.1 Gastroenter 12.1 Granulocyt
355483 Granulocyt 12.1 Headache 12 Injectable 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Insomnia
355483 Laparoscop 12.1 Laryngitis 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Mean plate 12.1 Migraine
355483 Nausea 12 Oral contra 12.1 Pelvic infl 12.1 Pelvic infl 12.1 Pharyngitis
355483 Phonophob 12.1 Photophobi 12.1 Post coital 12.1 Productive 12.1 Protein uri
355483 Pyrexia 12 Rash 12.1 Somnolenc 12 Streptococca 12.1 Streptococca
355483 Urinary cas 12.1 Urinary se 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine keto 12.1 Wheezing
355483 White blood 12.1
355484 Febrile con 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Viral infect 12.1
355485 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355486 Dizziness 12.1 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355487 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355488 Pruritus 12.1 Rash vesic 12.1
355489 Depressed 12 Electroenc 12 Head injury 12 Loss of co 12 Scan brain
355490 Erythema 12.1 Local react 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
355491 Secondary 12
355492 Dyspnoea 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355493 Bedridden 12 Fatigue 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
355493 Injection s 12 Muscular 12
355494 Activities o 12 Disorientat 12 Hallucinati 12 Schizophre 12
355495 Injection s 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355496 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355497 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355498 Injection si 12.1 Joint rang 12.1 Muscle sp 12.1 X-ray limb 12.1
355499 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Sleep disor 12.1
355500 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood urine 12.1 Body tempe 12 Cellulitis 12.1 Computeri
355500 Drug hypers 12.1 Endocrine 12.1 Hypovolae 12.1 Injection s 12 Injection si
355500 Injection si 12 Nausea 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Sepsis 12.1 Vaccination
355500 Vomiting 12
355501 Local react 12.1
355502 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Throat irrit
355502 Visual acui 12.1
355503 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355504 Hypotensio 12.1 Nausea 12.1
355505 Herpes zos 12.1 Pain 12.1
355506 Headache 12.1 Joint stiffn 12.1 Muscle sp 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Pain in ext
355506 Swelling 12.1
355507 Nasal cong 12 Pruritus 12 Pyrexia 12 Rash papul 12 Scab
355507 Upper respi 12
355513 Chills 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Nausea
355513 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
355514 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355516 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling 12.1
355517 Crying 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia
355517 Speech dis 12.1 Staring 12.1
355518 Unevaluabl 12.1
355519 Unevaluabl 12.1
355520 Rash 12.1
355521 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
355522 Wrong drug 12.1
355523 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355524 Eye swelli 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355525 Headache 12.1
355526 Erythema 12.1 Swelling 12.1
355527 Dizziness 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Pallor
355527 Vomiting 12.1
355528 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355529 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355530 Unevaluabl 12.1
355531 Incorrect d 12.1
355532 Incorrect d 12.1
355533 Incorrect d 12.1
355534 Incorrect d 12.1
355535 Incorrect d 12.1 Underdose 12.1
355536 Incorrect d 12.1 Underdose 12.1
355537 Incorrect d 12.1 Underdose 12.1
355538 Incorrect d 12.1 Underdose 12.1
355539 Incorrect d 12.1 Underdose 12.1
355540 Incorrect d 12.1 Underdose 12.1
355541 Incorrect d 12.1 Underdose 12.1
355542 Incorrect d 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355543 Incorrect d 12.1 Underdose 12.1
355546 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Sneezing 12.1
355560 Expired dr 12.1
355561 Inappropria 12.1
355562 Accidental 12
355563 Expired dr 12.1
355564 Incorrect d 12.1
355565 Ear infecti 12.1 Endodontic 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Sinusitis 12.1
355566 Nasal disc 12.1 Underdose 12.1
355567 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Gait distur 12.1
355568 Pain in ext 12.1 Sports inju 12.1
355569 Vaccination 12.1
355570 Inappropria 12.1
355571 Drug expos 12.1
355572 Diarrhoea 12.1 Drug expos 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355573 Expired dr 12.1
355574 Inappropria 12.1
355575 Chills 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Vomiting
355576 Rash eryth 12.1
355577 Expired dr 12.1
355578 Incorrect d 12.1
355579 Myalgia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355580 Diarrhoea 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355581 Expired dr 12.1
355582 Acaroderma 12.1
355583 Acaroderma 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash 12.1
355584 Henoch-Sch 12.1 Upper respi 12.1
355585 Vomiting 12.1
355586 Expired dr 12.1
355587 Inappropria 12.1
355588 Cough 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355589 Drug expos 12.1
355590 Psychomoto 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 Vaccine pos 12.1
355591 Eye burns 12.1 Respiratory 12.1
355592 Bowel move 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Sexual dys 12.1
355593 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Trichotillo 12.1 Vomiting
355595 Bowel move 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Hair textur 12.1 Skin irritat 12.1 Vomiting
355596 Expired dr 12.1
355597 Abdominal 12.1 Drug expos 12.1 Pregnancy t 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355598 Eye discha 12.1 Eye disord 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1
355599 Accidental 12.1
355600 Contraindic 12.1 Drug expos 12.1
355601 Expired dr 12.1
355602 Inappropria 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash macu 12.1 Urticaria
355603 Expired dr 12.1
355604 Expired dr 12.1
355605 Expired dr 12.1
355606 Contraindic 12.1 Drug expos 12.1
355607 Incorrect d 12.1
355608 Contraindic 12.1 Drug expos 12.1
355609 Expired dr 12.1
355610 Expired dr 12.1
355611 Expired dr 12.1 Inappropria 12.1
355612 Expired dr 12.1
355613 Expired dr 12.1
355614 Expired dr 12.1
355615 Expired dr 12.1
355616 Expired dr 12.1
355617 Expired dr 12.1
355618 Expired dr 12.1
355619 Expired dr 12.1
355620 Expired dr 12.1
355621 Alopecia 12.1 Autism 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Skin irritat
355622 Attention de 12.1 Contusion 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria
355623 Expired dr 12.1
355624 Death 12
355625 Expired dr 12.1
355626 Headache 12 Hemiparesi 12 Neurologic 12
355627 Anogenital 12 Deafness 12 Deafness un 12 Tinnitus 12
355628 Expired dr 12.1
355629 Agitation 12 Anorexia 12 Asthenia 12 Balance di 12 Balance di
355629 Electromyo 12 Gait distur 12 Gait distur 12 Headache 12 Laboratory
355629 Lymphaden 12 Malaise 12 Muscular 12 Nausea 12 Nuclear ma
355629 Nuclear ma 12 Oropharyng 12 Parosmia 12 Phonophob 12 Photophobi
355629 Physiother 12 Pyrexia 12 Vestibular 12 Viral infect 12 Wheelchair
355630 Cellulitis 12 Reiter's s 12 Surgery 12
355631 Expired dr 12.1
355633 Expired dr 12.1
355634 Allergy to 12 Chest pain 12 Dyspnoea 12 Swelling 12 Urticaria
355636 Expired dr 12.1
355637 Expired dr 12.1
355640 Expired dr 12.1
355641 Abdominal 12.1 Back pain 12 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood urine 12.1 Borrelia bu
355641 C-reactive 12.1 CSF test 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chills 12.1 Computeris
355641 Cough 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Decreased 12 Diarrhoea 12.1 Epstein-Bar
355641 Eye pain 12.1 Eye swelli 12.1 Gastroenter 12.1 Headache 12 Hypophagi
355641 Lumbar pun 12 Lymphocyte 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Meningitis v 12.1 Monocyte p
355641 Myalgia 12.1 Nausea 12 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Parosmia
355641 Phonophob 12.1 Photophobi 12.1 Polymerase 12.1 Protein uri 12.1 Pyrexia
355641 Rash 12 Rash 12 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash macu 12.1 Red blood c
355641 Urinary cas 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine keto 12.1 Urine leuko
355641 Urobilin ur 12.1 Viral infect 12.1 Viral test 12.1 White blood 12.1
355643 Expired dr 12.1
355645 Expired dr 12.1
355647 Amino acid 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Bacteria ur 12.1 Basophil p 12.1 Blood albu
355647 Blood calc 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood mag 12.1 Blood sodi 12.1 Blood stem
355647 Breath sou 12.1 Chemother 12 Chest X-ra 12.1 Cough 12.1 Cough
355647 Crystal uri 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Dysphonia 12.1 Echocardio
355647 Electrocar 12.1 Fungus urin 12.1 HLA marker 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob
355647 Hodgkin's 12 Hodgkin's d 12.1 Laryngosco 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Lymphocyte
355647 Mean cell 12.1 Mediastina 12.1 Mediastina 12.1 Mediastino 12.1 Monocyte c
355647 Monocyte p 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Nuclear ma
355647 Oropharyng 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Protein uri 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood
355647 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Vocal cord 12.1 White blood 12.1
355648 Expired dr 12.1
355649 Expired dr 12.1
355650 Expired dr 12.1
355651 Expired dr 12.1
355652 Expired dr 12.1
355653 Expired dr 12.1
355654 Expired dr 12.1 Incorrect d 12.1
355655 Expired dr 12.1
355656 Expired dr 12.1
355657 Expired dr 12.1
355658 Expired dr 12.1
355660 Expired dr 12.1
355661 Expired dr 12.1
355662 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355663 Erythema 12.1 Rash papul 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1 Skin plaqu 12.1
355664 Expired dr 12.1
355665 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355666 Expired dr 12.1
355667 Contraindic 12.1 Drug expos 12.1
355668 Feeling ab 12.1 Nasopharyn 12.1
355669 Expired dr 12.1
355670 Accidental 12.1 Asthma 12.1 Condition 12.1
355671 Fatigue 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Sneezing 12.1
355672 Expired dr 12.1
355673 Erythema 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
355674 Arthralgia 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
355675 Burning se 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Insomnia
355675 Musculoske 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Pain of ski 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355676 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355677 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
355678 Injection s 12.1
355679 Ear discomf 12.1 Osteitis 12.1
355680 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1
355681 Headache 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355682 Syncope 12.1
355683 Erythema 12.1 Mass 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
355684 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355685 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
355686 Blood pres 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Nausea
355686 Pallor 12.1
355687 Dizziness 12.1 Syncope 12.1
355688 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355689 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355690 Fatigue 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
355690 Muscular 12.1
355691 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355692 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Varicella 12.1 Varicella p 12.1
355694 Convulsion 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Tremor
355696 Injection si 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Sarcoidosi 12.1
355697 Bruxism 12 Convulsion 12 Foaming at 12 Immediate p 12 Muscle dis
355698 Culture sto 12.1 Haematoch 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Occult bloo
355698 White blood 12.1
355699 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Activated p 12.1 Anaphylact
355699 Anxiety 12 Aphasia 12 Arteriogra 12.1 Arterioscle 12.1 Benign pros
355699 Bladder obs 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 Blood creat 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood pota
355699 Blood urea 12.1 Cardiac fai 12.1 Cardiac fai 12.1 Cardiac mu 12.1 Cerebral a
355699 Cerebrovas 12 Cerebrovas 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Computeri 12 Constipati
355699 Crepitation 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Echocardio 12.1 Headache 12 Heart rate
355699 Hemiplegia 12.1 Hyperhidro 12 Hypertensi 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12 Hypokinesi
355699 Internation 12.1 Loss of co 12 Platelet co 12.1 Prothrombi 12.1 Restlessne
355699 Speech dis 12.1 Vaccination 12.1 Visual imp 12 X-ray of pe 12.1
355700 Erythema 12.1
355701 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1 Tinea versi 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355702 Bradycardi 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Nausea
355702 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Respiratory 12.1
355703 Urticaria 12.1
355704 Loss of co 12.1 Tonic clon 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355705 Incorrect d 12.1
355706 Alopecia 12.1
355707 Epistaxis 12.1
355708 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355709 Injection sit 12 Injection s 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12
355710 Erythema 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1
355711 Pain 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
355712 Urticaria 12.1
355713 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Lymphadeni
355714 Pyrexia 12.1
355715 Herpes zos 12.1
355716 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355717 Back pain 12.1 Borrelia bu 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Headache
355717 Immunology 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Red blood c
355718 Body tempe 12 Febrile con 12 Full blood 12 Influenza s 12 Rash
355718 Streptococca 12 Urine analy 12
355719 Febrile con 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1
355720 Flushing 12 Pruritus 12 Skin warm 12
355721 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Nausea
355722 Drug expos 12.1
355723 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1
355724 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash macu 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
355725 Injection si 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling
355725 Tendernes 12.1
355726 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355727 Anxiety 12.1 Aortic diso 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Atelectasis 12.1 Atrial fibril
355727 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood press 12.1 Blood sodi 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chest pain
355727 Cholelithia 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Fall 12.1 Haematocri
355727 Heart rate 12.1 Hypertensi 12.1 Lipase dec 12.1 Palpitation 12.1 Prothrombi
355727 Red blood 12.1 Red cell di 12.1 Respiratory 12.1
355728 Alanine am 12.1 Antinuclear 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Biopsy mus
355728 Biopsy skin 12 Blood test 12 Dermatomyo 12 Electromyo 12.1 Fatigue
355728 Haematocri 12.1 Hepatic en 12.1 Hypersomn 12.1 Immune sys 12 Injection si
355728 Lymphocyte 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Muscle fati 12 Myalgia 12.1 Nerve cond
355728 Neuropathy 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Pain 12 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash gener
355728 Rash prurit 12.1 Red blood 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Ultrasound
355729 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355730 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355734 Arthralgia 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Myalgia
355734 Neck pain 12.1 Red blood c 12.1
355735 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355736 Herpes zos 12.1 Rash 12.1
355737 Headache 12.1
355738 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355739 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355740 Erythema 12.1
355741 Injection si 12.1
355742 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355743 Asthenia 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Syncope 12.1
355744 Dizziness 12.1 Headache 12.1 Syncope 12.1
355745 Inappropria 12.1 Unevaluabl 12.1
355746 Computeris 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Eye moveme 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1
355747 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355748 Unevaluabl 12.1
355749 Dizziness 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Tremor 12.1
355750 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355751 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
355752 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355753 No adverse 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
355754 Expired dr 12.1
355755 Expired dr 12.1
355756 Expired dr 12.1
355757 Expired dr 12.1
355758 Expired dr 12.1
355759 Expired dr 12.1
355760 Expired dr 12.1
355761 Expired dr 12.1
355762 Expired dr 12.1
355763 Contraindic 12.1 Drug expos 12.1
355764 Expired dr 12.1
355765 Chest pain 12.1 Gastrooeso 12.1 Ulcer 12.1
355766 Expired dr 12.1
355767 Expired dr 12.1
355768 Inappropria 12.1
355769 Expired dr 12.1
355770 Expired dr 12.1
355771 Expired dr 12.1
355772 Expired dr 12.1
355773 Expired dr 12.1
355774 Expired dr 12.1
355775 Contraindic 12.1 Drug expos 12.1
355776 Abdominal 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Ear infecti 12.1 Headache
355776 Immediate p 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain
355776 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Sinusitis 12.1
355777 Expired dr 12.1
355778 Expired dr 12.1
355779 Expired dr 12.1
355780 Expired dr 12.1
355781 Expired dr 12.1
355782 Expired dr 12.1
355783 Expired dr 12.1
355784 Expired dr 12.1
355785 Expired dr 12.1
355786 Blister 12.1 Erythema m 12.1 Oral disord 12.1
355787 Influenza 12.1 Influenza s 12.1
355788 Inappropria 12.1
355789 Expired dr 12.1 Inappropria 12.1
355790 Expired dr 12.1
355791 Expired dr 12.1
355792 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355793 Expired dr 12.1
355794 Expired dr 12.1
355795 Expired dr 12.1
355796 Expired dr 12.1
355797 Expired dr 12.1
355798 Eye pain 12.1 Headache 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pain 12.1 Sinus hea
355799 Expired dr 12.1
355800 Nasal cong 12.1 Snoring 12.1
355801 Expired dr 12.1
355802 Expired dr 12.1
355803 Expired dr 12.1
355804 Expired dr 12.1
355805 Expired dr 12.1
355806 Expired dr 12.1
355807 Expired dr 12.1
355808 Expired dr 12.1
355809 Expired dr 12.1
355810 Expired dr 12.1
355811 Expired dr 12.1
355812 Expired dr 12.1
355813 Expired dr 12.1
355814 Expired dr 12.1
355815 Expired dr 12.1
355816 Expired dr 12.1
355817 Expired dr 12.1
355818 Expired dr 12.1
355819 Expired dr 12.1
355820 Expired dr 12.1
355821 Expired dr 12.1
355822 Expired dr 12.1
355823 Expired dr 12.1
355824 Expired dr 12.1
355825 Expired dr 12.1
355826 Expired dr 12.1
355827 Expired dr 12.1
355828 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Alanine am 12.1 Bacteria ur
355828 Barium en 12.1 Barium en 12.1 Basophil p 12.1 Blood albu 12.1 Blood alka
355828 Blood crea 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood phos 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood urea
355828 C-reactive 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Crystal uri 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Dry mouth
355828 Dry skin 12.1 Gastrointe 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Ileocolect
355828 Ileocolost 12.1 Intussusce 12 Intussusce 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Lymphocyte
355828 Lymphocyte 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Red blood
355828 Surgery 12 Ultrasound 12.1 Urinary trac 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine keto
355828 Vomiting 12.1 White blood 12.1
355829 Barium en 12.1 Blood chlor 12.1 Blood creat 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood sodi
355829 Blood urea 12.1 Carbon dio 12.1 Culture sto 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Decreased a
355829 Haematoch 12.1 Haematoch 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Hypophagi
355829 Intussusce 12 Occult bloo 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Surgery 12 Ultrasound
355829 Urinary sy 12.1 Vomiting 12.1 Vomiting pr 12.1 White blood 12.1 White blood
355829 X-ray abno 12.1
355830 Convulsion 12 Dizziness 12 Inappropria 12 Loss of co 12 Overdose
355830 Oxygen sat 12 Pallor 12 Syncope 12
355831 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12.1 Activities o 12 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chills
355831 Colonoscop 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Computeri 12 Constipati 12.1 Contracept
355831 Diarrhoea 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Nausea 12 Oral contra
355831 Pregnancy t 12.1 Ultrasoun 12 Ultrasound 12.1 Urine analy 12.1
355832 Facial pals 12 Horner's s 12 Inappropria 12 Nuclear ma 12
355833 Headache 12 Nervous sy 12
355840 Alanine am 12.1 Albumin glo 12.1 Altered sta 12.1 Anticonvuls 12.1 Aspartate
355840 Blood gluc 12.1 Convulsion 12 Depressed 12 Flushing 12 Foaming at
355840 Heart rate 12 Metabolic f 12 Oxygen sat 12 Pruritus 12
355841 Apnoeic at 12 Cyanosis 12 Electroenc 12 Nuclear ma 12 Pyrexia
355842 Dyspnoea 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
355843 Injection si 12.1 Pruritus ge 12.1 Tendernes 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355844 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355845 Rash 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
355846 Hyperhidro 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Syncope 12.1
355847 Hyperhidro 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Syncope 12.1
355848 Anxiety 12.1 Fall 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Skin lacera
355849 Syncope 12.1
355850 Blood pres 12.1 Cold sweat 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Mydriasis
355850 Pulse pres 12.1
355851 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355852 Crohn's di 12 Discomfort 12 Dizziness 12 Fall 12 Immediate p
355852 Joint injury 12 Syncope 12 X-ray limb 12
355853 Drug expos 12.1 Pregnancy t 12.1
355854 Decreased 12 Full blood 12 Pyrexia 12 Viral infect 12 White blood
355855 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
355856 Blood chlor 12 Blood creat 12 Blood gluc 12 Blood pota 12 Blood sodi
355856 Blood thyr 12 Blood urea 12 Carbon dio 12 Chest X-ra 12 Computeris
355856 Electromyo 12.1 Fall 12 Guillain-B 12 Haematocri 12 Haemoglob
355856 Hypoaesthe 12 Muscular 12 Nasopharyn 12 Nerve cond 12.1 Nitrite urin
355856 Nuclear ma 12 Paraesthes 12 Paralysis 12 Platelet co 12 Spinal X-r
355856 Walking ai 12 White blood 12
355857 Chest disc 12 Chills 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Injection si
355857 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pain 12 Pyrexia 12 Stress
355858 Erythema 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext
355859 Chills 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain
355861 Cellulitis 12.1 Chills 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Rash eryth
355861 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling 12.1
355862 Pruritus ge 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355863 No adverse 12.1
355864 Wrong drug 12.1
355865 Unevaluabl 12.1
355867 Cough 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Hypophagi
355867 Pyrexia 12.1 Somnolenc 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355868 Blood crea 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Full blood
355868 Heart rate 12.1 Injection s 12 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12 Injection si
355868 Injection s 12.1 Red blood c 12 Respiratory 12.1 Type III i 12.1 Viral DNA t
355868 White blood 12
355869 No adverse 12.1
355870 Cough 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Eye irritati 12.1 Heart rate
355870 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Oedema
355870 Oedema per 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Palpitation 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Swelling fa
355870 Throat irrit 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
355871 Body tempe 12.1 Hypersomn 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pruritus
355872 Injection si 12 Injection s 12 Limb disco 12
355873 Balance di 12.1 Cardiac dis 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Headache 12.1
355874 Hypokinesi 12.1 Syncope 12.1
355875 Angioedem 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus
355875 Skin warm 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
355876 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355877 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Neuralgia 12.1
355878 Inappropria 12.1
355879 Incorrect r 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1
355880 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Rash macu 12.1
355881 Convulsion 12 Foaming at 12 Loss of co 12 Pallor 12 Respiratory
355882 Erythema 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Joint stiffn 12.1 Pain
355882 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
355883 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
355883 Injection s 12.1
355884 Asthenia 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Myalgia
355884 Pain in ext 12.1
355885 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Echocardi 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Epilepsy
355885 Headache 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Palpitation 12.1 Postural or
355885 Tilt table te 12.1
355886 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Injection si 12 Pyrexia 12
355887 Migraine 12.1
355888 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355889 Abdominal 12 Body tempe 12 Chest pain 12 Dizziness 12 Erythema
355889 Fatigue 12 Feeling col 12 Headache 12 Headache 12 Injection si
355889 Malaise 12 Oedema per 12 Tremor 12
355892 Rash 12.1
355893 Pyrexia 12.1
355894 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Echocardio
355894 Electrocar 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Loss of co
355894 Nuclear ma 12.1 Postictal st 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Tonic clon 12.1
355896 Erythema 12.1 Muscle sp 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Pyrexia
355896 Vomiting 12.1
355897 Urticaria 12.1
355898 Abasia 12 Alanine am 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Asthenia
355898 Back pain 12.1 Bacteria ur 12.1 Blood alka 12.1 Blood produ 12 Blood urea
355898 Blood urine 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 CSF lympho 12.1 CSF protei 12.1 Coagulatio
355898 Computeri 12.1 Constipati 12.1 Dysstasia 12 Facial pals 12 Facial pare
355898 Fatigue 12 Gait distur 12.1 Globulins 12.1 Guillain-B 12 Hypoaesthe
355898 Intensive c 12 Interverteb 12.1 Interverteb 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Monocyte c
355898 Muscle stra 12 Nausea 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Nuclear ma
355898 Osteoma 12.1 PCO2 decr 12.1 Paraesthes 12 Paraesthes 12.1 Paraesthes
355898 Paraesthes 12.1 Plasmapher 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Protein uri 12.1 Rectal hae
355898 Red blood c 12.1 Speech dis 12 Spinal osteo 12.1 Urinary cas 12.1 Urinary se
355898 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine anal 12.1 Urine leuko 12.1 Vomiting 12.1 White blood
355898 White blood 12.1
355899 Alopecia 12 Hypotrichos 12 Madarosis 12 Pruritus 12 Skin disord
355900 Abnormal f 12 Constipati 12 Diarrhoea 12 Enterobiasi 12 Haematuri
355900 Nematodias 12 Schistosom 12 Thrombosi 12 Urine colo 12
355901 Agitation 12 Anaphylacti 12.1 Dysphonia 12.1 Tachycardi 12.1 Urticaria
355902 Abdominal 12 Abdominal 12 Barium dou 12.1 Barium en 12 Intussusce
355902 Ultrasound 12 Vomiting 12 X-ray abno 12
355903 Contusion 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
355904 Cervical dy 12.1 Papilloma v 12.1 Smear cerv 12.1
355905 Headache 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1 Rash vesic 12.1
355906 Dizziness 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pallor
355910 Arthralgia 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Nausea 12.1
355911 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
355912 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355913 Injection si 12.1
355914 Joint swell 12.1
355915 Expired dr 12.1
355916 Lymphaden 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1
355917 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355918 Expired dr 12.1
355919 Erythema 12.1
355920 Expired dr 12.1
355921 Expired dr 12.1
355922 Expired dr 12.1
355923 Expired dr 12.1
355924 Expired dr 12.1
355925 Expired dr 12.1
355926 Expired dr 12.1
355927 Expired dr 12.1
355928 Expired dr 12.1
355929 Expired dr 12.1
355930 Expired dr 12.1
355931 Expired dr 12.1
355932 Expired dr 12.1
355934 Aggression 12.1 Computeri 12 Convulsion 12.1 Dermatitis 12.1 Emotional d
355934 Excoriation 12.1 Fall 12 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglobi 12.1 Headache
355934 Incoherent 12.1 Incontinen 12.1 Mean plate 12.1 Moaning 12.1 Musculoskel
355934 Nausea 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Red cell di 12.1 Scratch
355934 Subarachn 12.1 Subarachn 12 Subgaleal 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Syncope
355934 Syncope 12.1 Traumatic b 12.1 Trismus 12.1 White blood 12.1
355935 Convulsion 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Syncope 12.1
355936 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355937 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
355938 Dizziness 12.1 Vertigo 12.1
355939 Herpes zos 12.1
355941 Fall 12.1 Skin lacera 12.1 Suture inse 12.1 Syncope 12.1
355942 Expired dr 12.1
355943 Expired dr 12.1
355944 Expired dr 12.1
355945 Herpes zos 12.1
355946 Injection si 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1
355947 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355948 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
355949 Neck mass 12.1 Pain 12.1 X-ray limb 12.1
355950 Blood cultu 12.1 Differential 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Skin warm
355950 Swelling 12.1
355951 Syncope 12.1
355952 Body tempe 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
355953 Expired dr 12.1
355954 Expired dr 12.1
355955 Expired dr 12.1
355956 Expired dr 12.1
355957 Expired dr 12.1
355958 Expired dr 12.1
355959 Expired dr 12.1
355960 Expired dr 12.1
355961 Expired dr 12.1
355962 Expired dr 12.1
355963 Expired dr 12.1
355964 Expired dr 12.1
355965 Expired dr 12.1
355966 Expired dr 12.1
355967 Expired dr 12.1
355968 Expired dr 12.1
355969 Expired dr 12.1
355970 Expired dr 12.1
355971 Expired dr 12.1
355972 Expired dr 12.1
355973 Expired dr 12.1
355974 Expired dr 12.1
355975 Expired dr 12.1
355976 Expired dr 12.1 No adverse 12.1
355977 Expired dr 12.1
355978 Expired dr 12.1
355979 Expired dr 12.1
355980 Expired dr 12.1
355981 Expired dr 12.1
355982 Expired dr 12.1
355983 Expired dr 12.1
355984 Expired dr 12.1
355985 Expired dr 12.1
355986 Expired dr 12.1
355987 Expired dr 12.1
355988 Expired dr 12.1
355989 Expired dr 12.1
355990 Expired dr 12.1
355991 Expired dr 12.1
355992 Expired dr 12.1
355993 Expired dr 12.1
355994 Expired dr 12.1
355995 Expired dr 12.1
355996 Expired dr 12.1
355997 Expired dr 12.1
356000 Arthralgia 12 Electromy 12 Laboratory 12 Mobility d 12 Nuclear ma
356000 Pain in ext 12 Polymyalgi 12 X-ray limb 12
356001 Bronchitis 12 Influenza 12 Upper respi 12
356002 Guillain-B 12
356003 Guillain-B 12
356005 Dyspnoea 12 Pharyngea 12
356010 Amnesia 12 Cerebrovas 12 Dizziness 12 Gait distur 12 Nerve injur
356010 Syncope 12
356011 Expired dr 12.1
356012 Expired dr 12.1
356013 Expired dr 12.1
356014 Expired dr 12.1
356015 Expired dr 12.1
356016 Expired dr 12.1
356018 Expired dr 12.1
356019 Expired dr 12.1
356020 Expired dr 12.1
356021 Expired dr 12.1
356022 Expired dr 12.1
356023 Expired dr 12.1
356024 Expired dr 12.1
356025 Expired dr 12.1
356026 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthralgia 12 Autoimmune 12 Bacteria ur 12.1 Bone scan
356026 Carbon dio 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Complex re 12 Dyspnoea e
356026 Echocardio 12.1 Joint stiffn 12.1 Joint swell 12 Lymphangi 12.1 Nuclear ma
356026 Oedema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Oedema per 12 Pain 12 Pain
356026 Pain in ext 12 Paraesthes 12.1 Urine leuko 12.1 Vein disord 12.1 Weight inc
356027 Expired dr 12.1
356029 Affect labili 12.1 Antibody te 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Dysphonia
356029 Educationa 12.1 Epstein-Bar 12.1 Epstein-Bar 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Full blood
356029 Headache 12.1 Headache 12.1 Headache 12.1 Headache 12.1 High arche
356029 Insomnia 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Mycoplasma 12.1 Nuclear ma
356029 Nuclear ma 12.1 Phonophob 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Social pro 12.1 Thyroid fun
356029 Vomiting 12.1
356030 Cough 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Pulse abno 12.1 Sneezing
356030 Throat tigh 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356031 Activities o 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Pain in ext
356031 Rheumatoid 12.1
356032 Computeri 12.1 Kidney infe 12.1 Mass 12.1
356033 Headache 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Similar rea
356033 Tendernes 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356034 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain
356035 Injection si 12.1
356036 Headache 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Night swea 12.1
356037 Injection si 12.1
356038 Musculoskel 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356039 Body tempe 12.1 Erythema m 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Skin lesion 12.1
356040 Wrong drug 12.1
356041 Abdominal 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash prurit
356041 Sinus cong 12.1 Streptococc 12.1
356042 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1
356043 Urticaria 12.1
356044 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356046 Asthenia 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Guillain-B 12.1 Respiratory 12.1
356047 Biopsy ski 12.1 Polymerase 12.1 Rash papul 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1 Tendernes
356047 Virus cultu 12.1
356048 Inappropria 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356049 Adverse re 12.1 Alanine am 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Blood albu 12.1 Blood crea
356049 Blood crea 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Globulins 12.1 Guillain-B 12.1 Injection si
356049 Muscle cont 12.1 Muscle inju 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Oedema
356049 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Skin discol 12.1
356050 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash papul
356050 Syphilis te 12.1 White blood 12.1
356051 Complement 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Haematuri 12.1 Headache 12.1 Metabolic f
356051 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1
356052 Abdominal 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Bacteria ur 12.1 Blister
356052 Blood crea 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Carbon dio 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Inflammati
356052 Lymphocyte 12.1 Mass 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nodule on 12.1 Oedema per
356052 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pelvic pain
356052 Protein tot 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Urinary se 12.1 Vaccination
356052 Vasculitis 12.1 White blood 12.1 White blood 12.1
356053 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Induration 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
356053 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356054 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356055 Dizziness 12 Pallor 12
356056 Abdominal 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Drug toxici 12.1 Dyspnoea
356056 Muscle sp 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356057 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain
356057 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Streptococc 12.1
356058 Dizziness 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Pallor 12.1
356059 Body tempe 12.1 Burning se 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Induration
356059 Oedema per 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356060 Chapped li 12 Fatigue 12 Headache 12 Hot flush 12 Hyperhidro
356060 Immediate p 12 Injection s 12 Injection sit 12 Injection si 12 Injection si
356060 Palpitation 12 Paraesthes 12 Pyrexia 12
356061 Oropharyng 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356062 Urticaria 12.1
356063 Asthenia 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356063 Injection s 12.1 Pain 12.1
356064 Rash 12.1 Rash 12.1
356065 Blood cultu 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Febrile con
356065 Streptococca 12.1
356066 Headache 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356067 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Hypoaesthe
356067 Hypokinesi 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Tetany 12.1
356068 Lip swellin 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
356069 Discomfort 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Local react 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling
356070 Rash 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356071 Injection sit 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1
356072 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356073 Blister 12.1 Pain 12.1 Rash macul 12.1
356074 Immediate p 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356075 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash papul 12.1
356076 Inappropria 12.1 No adverse 12.1
356078 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Migraine 12.1 Vision blur 12.1
356079 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356080 Chills 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Pain 12.1
356081 Abdominal 12.1 Amnesia 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Bone pain 12.1 Chest X-ra
356081 Computeri 12.1 Confusional 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Drug scree
356081 Dyspnoea 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Headache
356081 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Immunisati 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Lumbar pun 12.1 Malaise
356081 Metabolic f 12.1 Oedema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Rash
356081 Red blood c 12.1 Speech dis 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Tremor
356081 Urine analy 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356082 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pruritus
356082 Skin warm 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356083 Back pain 12.1 Chills 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nausea
356083 Pyrexia 12.1
356084 Arthralgia 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nausea
356084 Pain 12.1
356085 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356086 Feeling ab 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356087 Body tempe 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Myalgia
356087 Red blood c 12.1 Urine analy 12.1 White blood 12.1
356088 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356089 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Tremor
356090 Unevaluabl 12.1
356091 Crying 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s
356091 Somnolenc 12.1
356092 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356093 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356094 Injection s 12.1
356095 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356096 Injection si 12.1
356097 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356098 Abdominal 12.1 Discomfort 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356099 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356099 Injection s 12.1 Local react 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Viral infect 12.1
356100 Chills 12.1 Headache 12.1 Influenza s 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Pain in ext
356100 Pain in ext 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356101 Decreased 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356102 Asthenia 12.1 Chills 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Headache
356102 Influenza s 12.1 Nausea 12.1
356103 Musculoske 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356104 Varicella p 12.1
356105 Blood immu 12.1 Food allerg 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
356105 Injection s 12.1 Milk allergy 12.1
356106 Culture sto 12.1 Dermatitis 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Haematoch 12.1 Rotavirus t
356107 Rash 12.1
356108 Headache 12.1
356109 Dyskinesia 12.1 Hypotensio 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Unresponsiv
356110 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356111 Body tempe 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Rash 12.1
356112 Dizziness 12.1 Hot flush 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Vision blur
356113 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356114 Rash 12.1 Rash 12.1
356115 Chest pain 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
356116 Rash 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356117 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Tremor
356117 Vomiting 12.1
356118 Eye swelli 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash gener 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1
356119 Cognitive d 12.1 Disturbance 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Headache
356119 Hypersomn 12.1 Immunology 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Migraine
356119 Thyroid fun 12.1
356120 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
356121 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356122 Diarrhoea 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia
356122 Vomiting 12.1
356123 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356125 Culture thr 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia
356125 Rash 12.1 Streptococc 12.1
356126 Expired dr 12.1
356127 Expired dr 12.1
356128 Expired dr 12.1
356129 Expired dr 12.1
356130 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356131 Expired dr 12.1
356132 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Headache
356132 Immunology 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Lethargy
356132 Lymph nod 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rheumatoid
356132 Urine analy 12.1
356133 Blood pres 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Heart rate 12.1
356134 Inappropria 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356135 Chills 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin lesion
356136 Irritability 12.1 Rash 12.1
356138 Expired dr 12.1
356139 Expired dr 12.1
356140 Expired dr 12.1
356141 Expired dr 12.1
356142 Expired dr 12.1
356143 Expired dr 12.1
356144 Expired dr 12.1
356145 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356146 Expired dr 12.1
356147 Expired dr 12.1
356148 Influenza 12.1 Influenza s 12.1
356149 Inappropria 12.1
356150 Back pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356151 Oral herpe 12.1
356152 Injection si 12.1
356153 Crying 12.1
356154 No adverse 12.1
356155 Chills 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia
356155 Upper respi 12.1
356156 Decreased 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Lethargy
356156 Oedema per 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Urticaria
356156 Vomiting 12.1
356157 Unevaluabl 12.1
356158 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356159 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356160 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1
356161 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356162 Erythema 12.1 Hyperaesth 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356163 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 No reaction
356164 Body tempe 12.1
356165 Body tempe 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356166 Rash eryth 12.1
356167 Rash eryth 12.1
356168 Injection si 12.1 No reaction 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356169 Urticaria 12.1
356170 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Vaccine pos 12.1
356171 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356172 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Oedema 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356173 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
356175 Erythema 12.1 Rash 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356176 Convulsion 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Eye disord 12.1 Myoclonic 12.1 Myoclonus
356177 Asthma 12
356178 Cough 12 Dyspnoea 12 Dyspnoea 12 Erythema 12 Pruritus
356179 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356180 Autism spe 12 Computeri 12 Dyspnoea 12 Pyrexia 12 Speech dis
356180 X-ray 12
356181 Blister 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nausea 12.1
356182 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356183 Anaemia 12.1 Anovulator 12.1 Blood press 12.1 Coagulation 12.1 Haematocri
356183 Haemoglob 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Menorrhagi 12.1 Thrombosi 12.1 Transfusio
356183 Ultrasound 12.1 Uterine dil 12.1 Vaginal ha 12.1 Von Willebr 12.1
356184 Nausea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356185 Intussusce 12
356188 Brain oed 12.1 Bronchitis 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Crying 12.1 Irritability
356188 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Sleep disor 12.1 Somnolenc 12.1
356190 Unevaluabl 12.1
356191 Activities o 12.1 Ataxia 12.1 Barium swa 12.1 Blepharos 12.1 Brain stem
356191 Chest X-ra 12.1 Cognitive d 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Dysphonia 12.1 Face injury
356191 Gait distur 12.1 Gastrointes 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Muscle spas
356191 Nuclear ma 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Paraesthesi 12.1 Pneumonia
356191 Sports inju 12.1 Swollen to 12.1 Thrombosi 12.1 Wallenberg 12.1
356192 Convulsion 12 Fall 12 Headache 12 Injection si 12 Insomnia
356192 Syncope 12
356197 Wrong drug 12.1
356198 Grand mal 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356200 Anaphylacti 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Rash 12.1 Swelling
356200 Vomiting 12.1
356201 Pyrexia 12.1
356203 Pyrexia 12.1
356204 Unevaluabl 12.1
356205 Unevaluabl 12.1
356206 Injection s 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356207 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356208 Body tempe 12.1 Muscle swe 12.1
356209 Herpes zos 12.1 Pain 12.1 Rash 12.1
356210 Autoimmune 12.1 Colitis 12.1 Inflammato 12.1
356211 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
356212 Feeling hot 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356213 Chills 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Tachycardi
356214 Body tempe 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Influenza 12.1
356215 Activities o 12.1 Antibody te 12.1 Antinuclear 12.1 Arthritis 12.1 Back pain
356215 Blood homo 12.1 Burning se 12.1 Discomfort 12.1 Electrophor 12.1 Free thyrox
356215 Glycosylat 12.1 HLA marker 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Injection si
356215 Injection si 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nausea
356215 Neck pain 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Osteoarthri 12.1 Paraesthes
356215 Paraesthes 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Scan brain 12.1 Syphilis te 12.1 Syphilis te
356215 Tri-iodothy 12.1 Vitamin B1 12.1
356216 Angioedem 12.1 Anti-thyroi 12.1 Anti-thyroi 12.1 Antinuclear 12.1 Blood thyro
356216 C-reactive 12.1 Complement 12.1 Electrophor 12.1 No reaction 12.1 Pruritus
356216 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Thyroxine
356216 Urticaria 12.1
356217 Incorrect d 12.1
356218 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356219 Anger 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Self injuri 12.1
356220 Chills 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356221 Malaise 12.1
356222 Dizziness 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1
356223 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356224 Food allerg 12.1 Pruritus ge 12.1 Rash gener 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356225 Abdominal 12.1 Loss of co 12.1
356226 Chest pain 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Heart rate
356226 Nausea 12.1 Presyncop 12.1
356227 Headache 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pain 12.1
356228 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356229 Inappropria 12.1
356230 Injection 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356231 Injection s 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356232 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356233 Abdominal 12.1 Loss of co 12.1
356234 Hypersensit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356235 Post vaccin 12.1 Skin lesion 12.1
356236 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356237 Acne 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356237 Injection si 12.1
356240 Immediate p 12 Incorrect s 12 Loss of co 12
356241 Abdominal 12.1 Amnesia 12.1 Bacteria ur 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood urea
356241 Blood urine 12.1 Carbon dio 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Drug scree 12.1 Fall
356241 Protein uri 12.1 Spinal X-r 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Urinary cas 12.1 Urinary se
356241 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine keto 12.1 Urine leuko 12.1 X-ray of pe 12.1
356242 Condition 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356243 Erythema m 12.1
356244 Cough 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1
356245 Wrong drug 12.1
356246 Fatigue 12.1 Mononucleos 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Streptococc 12.1 Viral infect
356247 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1
356248 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356249 Cough 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
356250 Asthenia 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pain 12.1
356251 Dyspnoea 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Tachycardi 12.1
356252 Dyspnoea 12.1
356253 Rash pustu 12.1
356254 Dizziness 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
356255 Eczema 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356256 Blood bica 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Diarrhoea
356256 Enema admi 12.1 Eosinophil 12.1 Haematoch 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob
356256 Hypophagi 12.1 Intestinal r 12.1 Intussusce 12.1 Laparotom 12.1 Lymphocyte
356256 Lymphocyte 12.1 Mean cell 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Platelet co
356256 Pyrexia 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Vomiting 12.1 Vomiting pr 12.1 X-ray abno
356257 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356259 Pruritus 12.1 Rash gener 12.1
356260 Abdominal 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356261 Allergy test 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356262 Injection s 12.1
356263 Crying 12.1 Eczema 12.1 Hypersomn 12.1 Hypokinesi 12.1 Pain in ext
356263 Rash 12.1 Screaming 12.1
356264 Blood test 12.1 Childhood d 12.1 Culture sto 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Hypotonia
356264 Lethargy 12.1 Listless 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1
356265 Bacterial c 12.1 Drooling 12.1 Eyelid func 12.1 Facial nerv 12.1 Facial pals
356265 Facial pals 12.1 Facial pare 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Inflammati 12.1 Influenza s
356265 Nuclear ma 12.1 Throat lesi 12.1
356266 Abdominal 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Fall 12.1 Head injury 12.1 Loss of co
356266 Skin lacera 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Vision blur 12.1
356267 Computeri 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Fall 12.1 Head injury 12.1 Hyperhidro
356268 Eye rolling 12.1 Fall 12.1 Head injury 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Loss of co
356268 Muscle twit 12.1 Pallor 12.1
356269 Circulatory 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Head injury 12.1 Headache
356269 Syncope 12.1
356270 Arthralgia 12.1 Chondroma 12.1 Knee arthr 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Osteoarthri
356270 X-ray limb 12.1
356271 Muscle sp 12.1
356273 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356274 Blister 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash gener 12.1
356275 Rash morbil 12.1
356276 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness p 12.1
356277 Erythema 12.1
356278 Erythema 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1
356279 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356280 Rash eryth 12.1
356281 Balance di 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Fall 12.1 Gait distur
356281 Haemateme 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemorrhag 12.1 Head injury 12.1 Headache
356281 Loss of co 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil
356281 Pain in ext 12.1 Red blood 12.1 Skull fractu 12.1 Subdural 12.1 Syncope
356281 Vomiting 12.1 White blood 12.1
356283 Arthralgia 12.1 Chills 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nasal cong
356283 Nausea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1
356284 Rash 12.1 Scab 12.1 Vaccination 12.1
356285 Asthma 12.1 Blood alka 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Carbon dio 12.1 Chest pain
356285 Convulsion 12.1 Cough 12.1 Crying 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea
356285 Dyspnoea 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Facial pals 12.1 Fibrin D di 12.1 Headache
356285 Hyperventil 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Hypokalae 12.1 Liver funct 12.1 Monocyte c
356285 Muscle sp 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Neutrophil
356285 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Palpitation 12.1 Rash
356285 Renal funct 12.1 Speech dis 12.1 Tachypnoe 12.1 Vaccination 12.1 Vision blur
356285 White blood 12.1
356286 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356287 Injected li 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356288 Body tempe 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Inflammati 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Rash
356289 Dermatitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Rash
356290 Abdominal 12.1 Vertigo 12.1
356291 Skin reacti 12.1
356292 Herpes zos 12.1
356294 Inappropria 12.1
356295 Asthma 12 Bronchosp 12 Condition 12 Medication 12
356296 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356297 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356298 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356299 Crying 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Dermatitis 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia
356300 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356301 Herpes zos 12.1 Neuralgia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Skin lesion 12.1
356304 Amnesia 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Confusional 12.1 Convulsion
356304 Drug scree 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Fatigue
356304 Full blood 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Scan brain
356304 Staring 12.1
356322 Activities o 12.1 Aphasia 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Coagulopa
356322 Cyanosis 12.1 Dysarthria 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Epistaxis 12.1 Fatigue
356322 Gait distur 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Gastrointe 12.1 Hemiparesi 12.1 Hypoaesthe
356322 Livedo retic 12.1 Loss of pro 12.1 Memory im 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Oedema per
356322 Oedema per 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Visual imp
356322 Visual imp 12.1
356323 Abnormal b 12.1 Aggression 12.1 Agitation 12.1 Amino acid 12.1 Amino acid
356323 Anti-thyroi 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Biopsy mus 12.1 Blood bilir 12.1 Blood chole
356323 Blood crea 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood produ 12.1 Blood sodi
356323 Blood urea 12.1 Brain injury 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 CSF oligoc 12.1 Cognitive d
356323 Convulsion 12.1 Disinhibitio 12.1 Eating diso 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Encephaliti
356323 Glycosylat 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Herpes simp 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Impulsive
356323 Insomnia 12.1 Lacrimatio 12.1 Low density 12.1 Lumbar pun 12.1 Mean cell
356323 Measles ant 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Oral contra 12.1 PCO2 decr
356323 PO2 increa 12.1 Pain 12.1 Palpitation 12.1 Panic attac 12.1 Red blood c
356323 Red cell di 12.1 Salivary hy 12.1 Sinus tach 12.1 Skin discol 12.1 Thyroxine
356323 Thyroxine 12.1 Tri-iodoth 12.1 Type 1 diab 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Vomiting
356323 Vulvovagina 12.1 White blood 12.1
356324 Cellulitis 12.1 Differentia 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
356324 Injection s 12.1
356325 Dizziness 12.1 Loss of co 12.1
356326 Unevaluabl 12.1
356327 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356328 Arrhythmia 12.1 Atrioventri 12.1 Atrioventri 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood test
356328 Blood urine 12.1 Bradycardi 12.1 Cardiac mu 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chest pain
356328 Computeri 12.1 Contusion 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Echocardi 12.1 Electrocar
356328 Electroenc 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Head injury 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Menstruatio
356328 Nasal cong 12.1 Nodal rhyt 12.1 Red blood 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Sinus arrh
356328 Sinus brad 12.1 Sinusitis 12.1 Somnolenc 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Tilt table te
356328 Urine anal 12.1 Weight dec 12.1
356329 Asthenia 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Skin warm
356330 Angioedem 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Full blood 12.1
356331 Angioedem 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Full blood 12.1
356332 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356333 Arthralgia 12.1 Bone pain 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Chills 12.1 Injection s
356333 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356334 Alopecia 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Headache 12.1
356335 Body tempe 12.1 Oropharynge 12.1 Rash 12.1
356336 Varicella p 12.1
356337 Eye swelli 12.1 Pruritus ge 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1
356338 Dyspnoea 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Metabolic f
356338 Pyrexia 12.1
356339 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356340 Muscle twit 12.1
356350 Body tempe 12.1 Malaise 12.1
356351 Anxiety 12.1 Bowel move 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Palpitation 12.1 Pollakiuria
356351 Tremor 12.1
356352 Abnormal b 12.1 Aggression 12.1 Staring 12.1
356353 Asthenia 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
356353 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356354 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 No reaction
356354 Pruritus 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356355 Nausea 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356356 Back pain 12.1 Burning se 12.1 Neck pain 12.1
356357 Chills 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356358 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356359 Eye irritati 12.1 Eye oedem 12.1 Eye pruritu 12.1
356360 Abnormal f 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood prola 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Chest X-ra
356360 Convulsion 12.1 Crying 12.1 Culture sto 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Diarrhoea
356360 Dyskinesia 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Foaming at 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Gaze palsy
356360 Grand mal 12.1 Haemangiom 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Neurologic
356360 Parasite st 12.1 Saliva alte 12.1 Somnolenc 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Urine analy
356361 Chills 12.1 Eye discha 12.1 Eye irritati 12.1 Eye irritati 12.1 Influenza
356361 Nausea 12.1 No reaction 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Swollen to
356362 Abdominal 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Cold sweat 12.1 Defaecatio
356362 Hyperhidro 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Nausea 12.1 No reaction 12.1 Syncope
356362 Wheezing 12.1
356363 Wrong drug 12.1
356364 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356365 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356366 Injection si 12.1 Secondary 12.1
356368 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356369 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pain in ext
356370 Urticaria 12.1
356371 HIV antibo 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash pustu
356372 Autism 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Disturbance 12.1 Immunisati 12.1 Pyrexia
356372 Unresponsiv 12.1
356373 Aura 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Fall 12.1 Full blood
356373 Head injury 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Postictal st 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Tonic clon
356374 Rash papul 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1
356375 Erythema 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356376 Abdominal 12.1 Abscess int 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Condition 12.1 Diverticuliti
356376 Diverticulu 12.1 Dysuria 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Gastrointe 12.1 Nausea
356376 Pyrexia 12.1 Suprapubic 12.1 White blood 12.1
356377 Chills 12.1 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Vomiting
356378 Blister 12.1 Condition 12.1 Oral herpe 12.1 Pain 12.1
356379 Blood test 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Cough 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Feeling hot
356379 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
356380 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Alanine am 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Chest X-ra
356380 Computeris 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Granulocyt 12.1 Granulocyt 12.1 Myalgia
356380 Nausea 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urine analy 12.1 Vaccination
356380 Vomiting 12.1 White blood 12.1 White blood 12.1 Yellow fev 12.1
356381 Adverse dr 12.1 Antibiotic 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood urea
356381 CSF protei 12.1 Carbon dio 12.1 Catheter p 12.1 Culture neg 12.1 Cyanosis
356381 Decreased 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Eosinophil 12.1 Full blood
356381 Hypokinesi 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Lumbar pun 12.1 Lymphocyte
356381 Monocyte c 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Sepsis
356381 Unresponsiv 12.1 Urinary trac 12.1 Urine analy 12.1 Viral infect 12.1
356382 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Apnoeic at 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Bradycardi
356382 C-reactive 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Gastrointe 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob
356382 Intensive c 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Neutrophil
356382 Neutrophil 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 White blood 12.1
356383 Apnoeic at 12.1 Blood caffe 12.1 Bradycardi 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Dyspnoea
356383 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Monocyte p 12.1 Neutrophil
356383 Neutrophil 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 White blood 12.1
356384 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
356385 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356386 Fall 12.1 Head injury 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356387 Induration 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1 Skin warm
356388 Body tempe 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Listless
356388 Vomiting 12.1
356389 Erythema 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356390 Erythema 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
356391 Condition 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356392 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
356394 Blood test 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356395 Erythema 12.1 Hyperaemi 12.1 Oedema 12.1
356396 Cough 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Sneezing
356397 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
356398 Chills 12.1 Culture thr 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia
356398 Vomiting 12.1
356399 Crying 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Hypophagi 12.1 Irritability
356399 Moaning 12.1 Vomiting pr 12.1
356400 Rash gener 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 Vaccine pos 12.1
356401 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1 Swollen to 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356402 Urticaria 12.1
356403 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
356404 Hypersensit 12.1 Rash papul 12.1
356405 Wrong tech 12.1
356406 Arthralgia 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1
356407 Contusion 12.1
356408 Diarrhoea 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356409 Cardiac mo 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Rash
356410 Chest disc 12.1 Lip oedem 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356412 Blood cultu 12.1 CSF test 12.1 Meningitis 12.1 Paralysis 12.1
356414 Computeris 12.1 Contusion 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Fall 12.1 Headache
356414 Nausea 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356417 Adnexa uter 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Blood thyro 12.1 Condition 12.1 Dizziness
356417 Full blood 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Nausea
356417 Nitrite urin 12.1 Ovarian cys 12.1 Pain 12.1 Protein uri 12.1 Vaccine pos
356417 White blood 12.1
356418 Lymphoma 12.1
356422 Activities o 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Hypersensit 12.1 Mechanical
356422 Serum sick 12.1 White blood 12.1
356434 Sudden inf 12.1
356440 Asthenia 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Haemoglob
356440 Heart rate 12.1 Pulmonary f 12.1 Skin discol 12.1
356441 Erythema 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm
356442 Blood test 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Grand mal 12.1 Tongue bit
356443 Nasopharyn 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Vaccine pos
356444 Blepharos 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Syncope
356444 Tonic clon 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1
356445 Body tempe 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Chills 12.1 Cough 12.1 Ocular hyp
356445 Pain 12.1
356446 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Culture thr 12.1 Injection s
356446 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urine analy
356447 Chest disc 12.1 Cough 12.1 Hypertensi 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1
356448 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Skin discol
356449 Arthritis 12.1 Burning se 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Musculoske
356449 Oedema per 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Similar rea 12.1 Tendernes
356450 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356451 Pyrexia 12.1
356452 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356453 Disturbance 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Guillain-B 12.1
356454 Dyskinesia 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Vaccine pos 12.1
356455 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
356455 Joint stiffn 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Neck pain
356455 Pyrexia 12.1
356456 Asthenia 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Feeling col 12.1 Pallor 12.1
356457 Crying 12.1 Ear infecti 12.1 Ear tube in 12.1 Head bang 12.1 Injection s
356457 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356458 Joint rang 12.1 Pain 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356459 Fatigue 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Malaise
356459 Pain 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356460 Asthenia 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Feeling col 12.1 Pallor 12.1
356461 Cough 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash
356461 Wheezing 12.1
356462 Irritability 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash gener 12.1 Rhinitis all
356462 Vaccination 12.1
356463 Asthenia 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Fatigue
356463 Headache 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Ophthalmol 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Photophobi
356464 Decreased 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash gener
356465 Antinuclear 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Cytomegalo 12.1 Full blood
356465 Myalgia 12.1 Parvovirus 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Streptococca 12.1
356466 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356467 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356468 Arthralgia 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Chills 12.1 Cough 12.1 Decreased
356468 Dyspnoea 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperhidro
356468 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Musculoske
356468 Myalgia 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Retching 12.1 Thirst
356468 Wheezing 12.1
356469 Injection si 12.1 Injection 12.1
356470 Headache 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1
356471 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356472 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356473 Autopsy 12.1 Death 12.1 Skeletal su 12.1 Sudden inf 12.1 Toxicologic
356475 Decreased 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356476 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356477 Chills 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypokinesi 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia
356478 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting
356479 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356480 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356481 Body tempe 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356482 Asthenia 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s
356482 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356483 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356484 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Muscular 12.1
356485 Eye swelli 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356486 Injection si 12.1
356487 Injection si 12.1
356488 Oxygen sat 12.1 Rash gener 12.1
356489 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1
356490 Hypotensio 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1
356491 Injected li 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356492 Erythema 12.1 Mobility d 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356493 Computeri 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1
356494 Abdominal 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356495 Pruritus 12.1 Rash gener 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356496 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia
356497 Feeling col 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356498 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356500 Condition 12.1 Cough 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Influenza s 12.1 Nasal cong
356500 Pyrexia 12.1 Restlessne 12.1 Streptococca 12.1 Urine analy 12.1
356501 Drug expos 12.1 Urine human 12.1
356502 Asthenia 12.1 Fall 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Oxygen sat
356503 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356504 Dyspnoea 12.1
356505 Blister 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Local react 12.1
356506 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356507 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356508 Muscle sp 12.1 Staring 12.1
356509 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356510 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356511 Injection si 12.1
356512 Blood pres 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin discol 12.1 Urticaria
356513 Body tempe 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356514 Alanine am 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 CSF cultur 12.1 CSF white b
356514 Colitis 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Crying 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Culture uri
356514 Diarrhoea 12.1 Gastrointes 12.1 Granulocyt 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob
356514 Heart rate 12.1 Hypophagi 12.1 Influenza s 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Lymphocyte
356514 Mental sta 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia
356514 Rash 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Vomiting 12.1 White blood 12.1
356515 Laboratory 12.1 Myelitis tr 12.1
356516 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356517 Ear pain 12.1 Headache 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nodule 12.1
356518 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356519 Chills 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356519 Neck pain 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356520 Joint rang 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Rash
356520 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash macul 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1
356521 Erythema 12.1 Erythema 12.1
356522 Dysarthria 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pharyngea
356522 Sinus cong 12.1
356523 Head injury 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Skin lacera 12.1
356524 Back pain 12.1 Blister 12.1 Herpes zos 12.1 Pain 12.1 Rash
356524 Scab 12.1 Scab 12.1
356525 Petechiae 12.1
356526 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356528 Urticaria 12.1
356529 Dyspnoea 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356530 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356531 Dyspnoea 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356532 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Lymph nod 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356533 Rash vesic 12.1
356534 Blood cultu 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Convulsion
356534 Culture uri 12.1 Febrile con 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Intensive c 12.1 Laboratory
356534 Lumbar pun 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Status epil 12.1 Upper respi 12.1 Vomiting
356535 Eyelid oed 12.1 Tension h 12.1
356536 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356537 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dysphonia 12.1
356538 Blood test 12.1 Genital les 12.1 Headache 12.1 Herpes sim 12.1 Lymphaden
356538 Pain 12.1 Viral test n 12.1
356539 Encephalo 12.1 General ph 12.1 Mental reta 12.1 Reye's sy 12.1
356550 Lip pain 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Nasal oed 12.1
356551 Abdominal 12.1 Dysgeusia 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Mobility d 12.1 Muscular
356551 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Retching 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
356552 Cervical sp 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Scan brain
356552 Tendernes 12.1
356553 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Rash macu 12.1
356554 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356554 Injection s 12.1
356555 Erythema 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Local react 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356556 Body tempe 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
356557 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Local react 12.1
356558 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356559 Herpes zos 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356562 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356563 Erythema 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
356564 Body tempe 12.1 Diet refusa 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Irritability 12.1
356565 Rash macul 12.1 Rash vesic 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
356566 Affect labili 12.1 Blood alka 12.1 Fall 12.1 Head injury 12.1 Headache
356566 Irritability 12.1 Local swell 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Lymphocyte
356566 Neck pain 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Pain of ski 12.1 Pregnancy t 12.1 Protein uri
356566 Skin injury 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356567 Blood alka 12.1 Blood calc 12.1 Blood chlo 12.1 Blood creat 12.1 Blood gluc
356567 Blood urea 12.1 Brain natri 12.1 Cardiac fai 12.1 Cardiac str 12.1 Cardiomeg
356567 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Echocardio
356567 Fibrin D di 12.1 Gram stain 12.1 Granulocyt 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob
356567 Hypoxia 12.1 Influenza s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Leukocytos 12.1 Lung infiltr
356567 Lymphocyte 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Monocyte p 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pain
356567 Pneumonia 12.1 Positron e 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood
356567 Red cell di 12.1 Renal failu 12.1 Sputum cult 12.1 Troponin I 12.1 White blood
356568 Hypersomn 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356568 Injection s 12.1
356569 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1
356570 Abnormal b 12.1 Aggression 12.1 Central aud 12.1 Cognitive d 12.1 Insomnia
356570 Irritability 12.1 Mood alter 12.1 Obsessive 12.1 Psychomoto 12.1 Tic
356571 Rash papul 12.1 Rash pustu 12.1
356572 Diarrhoea 12.1
356573 Activities o 12.1 Blood folat 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood heav 12.1 Body tinea
356573 Carnitine 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Endoscopy
356573 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Migraine 12.1 Myalgia
356573 Nuclear ma 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Pharyngitis 12.1 Pharyngitis
356573 Sleep stud 12.1 Thyroxine 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Ultrasound
356573 Upper respi 12.1 Vision blur 12.1 Vitamin B1 12.1 Vomiting 12.1 Weight dec
356573 X-ray gastr 12.1 X-ray with 12.1
356574 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356575 Dizziness 12.1 Glossitis 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Tongue geo
356576 Immediate p 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356577 Erythema 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Pallor 12.1
356578 Headache 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pain
356578 Pyrexia 12.1
356579 Activities o 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356580 Wrong drug 12.1
356581 Unevaluabl 12.1
356582 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Bacteria ur 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Constipati
356582 Cough 12.1 Crying 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nausea
356582 Pain 12.1 Protein uri 12.1 Screaming 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Urinary se
356582 Urine anal 12.1 Vaccination 12.1 X-ray norm 12.1
356583 Oedema per 12.1
356584 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Neuralgia 12.1 Pain
356585 Irritability 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vaccination 12.1
356586 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356587 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1
356588 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356589 Body tempe 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
356590 Arthralgia 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Rheumatoid 12.1
356591 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash papul 12.1
356592 Dyspnoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356592 Pain 12.1
356593 Diarrhoea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356594 Angina pect 12.1 Atrial flutte 12.1 Blood chlo 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 Cardiomeg
356594 Cardiovers 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Enzyme abn 12.1 Heart rate
356594 Neutrophil 12.1 Pain in jaw 12.1 Ventricular 12.1
356595 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pain
356595 Pyrexia 12.1
356596 Diarrhoea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356597 Chills 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Heart rate
356597 Hyperhidro 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356597 Pallor 12.1
356598 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
356598 Lymphaden 12.1 Myalgia 12.1
356599 Injection s 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356600 Convulsion 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Scan brain 12.1 Urine analy 12.1
356601 Aggression 12.1 Expressive 12.1 Gastrointes 12.1 Incontinen 12.1 Regressive
356601 Self injuri 12.1
356602 Facial nerv 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Neuralgia 12.1 Pain 12.1 Paraesthes
356603 Biopsy lun 12.1 Cardiac str 12.1 Catheterisa 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Death
356603 Dyspnoea 12.1 Pulmonary 12.1 Pulmonary f 12.1 Right ventri 12.1
356606 Arthralgia 12.1 Joint swell 12.1
356607 Chest disc 12.1 Eyelid oed 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Pruritus
356607 Rash 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356608 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356609 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356610 Erythema 12.1 Local react 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Pyrexia
356611 Asthenia 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Photophobi 12.1 Pyrexia
356611 Vomiting 12.1
356612 Blood cultu 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Cyanosis 12.1 Febrile con
356612 Full blood 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1
356613 Syncope 12.1
356614 Injection s 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pain in ext
356614 Pruritus 12.1
356615 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356616 Rash prurit 12.1
356617 Injected li 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356618 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood pres 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Tremor
356619 Blood pres 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Paraesthesi 12.1
356620 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
356621 Pain 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1
356622 Hyperventil 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356623 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain 12.1
356624 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356625 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
356626 Neck pain 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in jaw 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling
356627 Varicella 12.1 Varicella p 12.1
356628 Abdominal 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356629 Erythema 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Rash macu 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356630 Cold sweat 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dry skin 12.1 Dysarthria 12.1 Dyspnoea
356630 Fatigue 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Muscle sp
356630 Nausea 12.1 Paraesthesi 12.1 Pulse abno 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356631 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356632 Erythema 12.1 Eye swelli 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1 Sneezing 12.1
356633 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356634 Injection s 12.1
356635 Oedema per 12.1
356636 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356637 Injection s 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin discol 12.1
356638 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash macu 12.1
356639 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash papul 12.1
356640 Unevaluabl 12.1
356641 Induration 12.1
356642 Oedema per 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356644 Alopecia 12.1 Breast fee 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Constipati 12.1 Cough
356644 Crying 12.1 Dermatitis 12.1 Dry skin 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Dysuria
356644 Dysuria 12.1 Eczema 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Faeces har 12.1 Flatulence
356644 Food intol 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Infrequent 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Rash
356644 Rash 12.1 Rash papul 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Rhinitis 12.1 Skin exfoli
356644 Umbilical 12.1 Umbilical h 12.1 Upper respi 12.1 Upper respi 12.1 Urine bilir
356644 Weight inc 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
356645 Caesarean 12.1 Drug expos 12.1 Labour com 12.1
356649 Computeris 12.1 Convulsion 12.1
356650 Coagulation 12.1 Deep vein 12.1 Deep vein 12.1 Deep vein 12.1 Gene mutati
356650 Phlebitis su 12.1 Thrombophle 12.1 Thrombosi 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1
356651 Convulsion 12.1
356653 Abdominal 12.1 Activated p 12.1 Angiogram 12.1 Angiogram 12.1 Bacteria ur
356653 Blood albu 12.1 Blood calc 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood urine
356653 Carbon dio 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Lymphocyte
356653 Metabolic 12.1 Prothrombi 12.1 Pulmonary 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Urobilin ur
356653 White blood 12.1
356655 Convulsion 12.1 Respiratory 12.1
356656 Dyspnoea 12.1 No reaction 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Rhinorrhoe
356657 Lymphoma 12.1
356661 Pain in ext 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356662 Abdominal 12.1 Activated p 12.1 Arterial oc 12.1 Blood chlo 12.1 Cardiac op
356662 Cardiac op 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Dyspnoea a
356662 Dyspnoea e 12.1 Echocardio 12.1 Endarterec 12.1 Fibrin D di 12.1 Haemoglob
356662 Haemoptys 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Internation 12.1 Intracardia 12.1 Joint injury
356662 Lymphaden 12.1 Oral contra 12.1 Palpitation 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Productive
356662 Pulmonary 12.1 Pulmonary i 12.1 Tachycardi 12.1 Tachypnoe 12.1 Vena cava
356662 White blood 12.1
356666 Autopsy 12.1 Death 12.1 Herpes sim 12.1 Liver funct 12.1 Pyrexia
356672 Chest disc 12.1 Dizziness 12.1
356673 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356674 Dermatitis a 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356675 Injection sit 12.1
356676 Urticaria 12.1
356677 Gait distur 12.1 Henoch-Sch 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Rash 12.1 Tendernes
356677 Urine analy 12.1
356678 Body tempe 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash gener 12.1 Skin warm
356679 Injection si 12.1 Livedo retic 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356680 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356681 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Vision blur
356682 Axillary pai 12.1 Chills 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Swelling
356683 Syncope 12.1
356684 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356685 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Oedema 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356686 Anxiety 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Dysstasia 12.1 Mydriasis
356686 Pallor 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Yellow skin 12.1
356687 Erythema 12.1
356688 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356689 Rash 12.1
356690 Eye swelli 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356691 Chest disc 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Nausea
356691 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash papul 12.1
356692 Body tempe 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Listless 12.1 Memory im
356693 Antibody te 12.1 Blood chole 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood phos
356693 Chest pain 12.1 Glycosylat 12.1 High densit 12.1 Latent aut 12.1 Low density
356693 Thirst 12.1 Type 1 diab 12.1 Vitamin D d 12.1
356695 Fatigue 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Headache 12.1 Influenza s 12.1 Myalgia
356695 Nausea 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Viral upper 12.1
356696 Allergy test 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 Wheezing
356697 Inappropria 12.1
356698 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356699 Fatigue 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1
356700 Rash macu 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1
356701 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pain
356702 Chest disc 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1
356703 Facial pals 12.1
356704 Injection sit 12.1
356705 Erythema 12.1 Inflammati 12.1 Local react 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356706 Influenza li 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356707 Rash 12.1
356708 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356709 Injection sit 12.1
356710 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356711 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356712 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Tendernes
356713 Apnoea 12.1 Crying 12.1 Crying 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Feeding dis
356713 Irritability 12.1 Methicillin 12.1 Stridor 12.1
356714 Arthralgia 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356715 Pain in ext 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Skin striae 12.1
356716 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1
356717 Asthma 12.1 Burning se 12.1 Chills 12.1 Cough 12.1 Pain
356718 Feeling jitt 12.1 Nervousne 12.1 Palpitation 12.1
356719 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356720 Arthralgia 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Myalgia
356720 Nausea 12.1
356721 Dyspnoea 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
356722 Injection si 12.1
356723 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356724 Injection si 12.1
356725 Anxiety 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Borrelia bu 12.1 Decreased
356725 Fatigue 12.1 Haematolog 12.1 Laboratory 12.1
356726 Asthenia 12.1 Dysphonia 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
356727 Urticaria 12.1
356728 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain of ski 12.1 Urticaria
356729 Pyrexia 12.1 Serum sick 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356730 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356731 Abnormal b 12.1 Autism 12.1 Childhood d 12.1 Chromosoma 12.1 DNA test fo
356731 Developmen 12.1 Karyotype 12.1 Macroceph 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Speech dis
356731 Toe walkin 12.1
356732 Erythema 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Somnolenc
356732 Tendernes 12.1
356733 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356734 Back pain 12.1 Eye pain 12.1 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash eryth
356734 Road traffi 12.1
356735 Body tempe 12.1 Cough 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe
356735 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Red blood c 12.1
356736 Dizziness 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Vertigo 12.1
356738 Unevaluabl 12.1
356739 Chest disc 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Rash papul 12.1 Urticaria
356741 Herpes zos 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Myopathy
356741 Night swea 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash papul 12.1 Rash pustu
356741 Skin lesion 12.1 Vaccination 12.1 Viral DNA t 12.1
356743 Anaphylacti 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356746 Brachial pl 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
356746 Tendernes 12.1
356747 Haemophilu 12.1
356750 Caesarean 12.1 Drug expos 12.1 Foetal diso 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1
356756 Dizziness 12.1 Headache 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Paralysis 12.1 Tremor
356757 Antinuclear 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Computeri
356757 Convulsion 12.1 Demyelinat 12.1 Drug admini 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache
356757 Headache 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Lumbar pun 12.1 Migraine
356757 Nuclear ma 12.1 Oral contra 12.1 Scan brain 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Visual imp
356757 Weight dec 12.1
356763 Aphasia 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Candidiasi 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Condition
356763 Cough 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Diplopia 12.1 Dysarthria
356763 Fatigue 12.1 Guillain-B 12.1 Hypertensi 12.1 Lumbar pun 12.1 Nuclear ma
356763 Pyrexia 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
356764 Abasia 12.1 Alanine am 12.1 Blood creat 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Body tempe
356764 Convulsion 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Globulins 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Lymphocyte
356764 Malaise 12.1 Monocyte p 12.1 Myoclonus 12.1 Rash 12.1 Vaccination
356765 Adrenal su 12.1 Amino acid 12.1 Amino acid 12.1 Anhidrosis 12.1 Brain stem
356765 Chest X-ra 12.1 Cochlea im 12.1 Condition 12.1 Cough 12.1 Developmen
356765 Dyskinesia 12.1 Dysplasia 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Encephalo 12.1 Epilepsy
356765 Eye moveme 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Infantile s 12.1 Infantile s 12.1 Infantile sp
356765 Mean plate 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Muscle rigi 12.1 Nervous sy 12.1 Nuclear ma
356765 Nystagmus 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Posture ab 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Red cell di
356765 Status ast 12.1 Tachypnoe 12.1 Temperatur 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Upper respi
356765 Upper respi 12.1 Vaccine pos 12.1
356768 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Tremor 12.1
356769 Cough 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
356770 Hypersensit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
356771 Inappropria 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
356772 Pyrexia 12.1
356773 Decreased a 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356774 Urticaria 12.1
356775 Pain 12.1 Skin burnin 12.1
356776 Fatigue 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356777 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356778 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356779 Inappropria 12.1
356780 Affect labili 12.1 Aggression 12.1 Agitation 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Aura
356780 Clonus 12.1 Cognitive d 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Convulsion
356780 Cyanosis 12.1 Developmen 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Drooling 12.1 Eating dis
356780 Electroenc 12.1 Encephalo 12.1 Epilepsy 12.1 Fall 12.1 Febrile con
356780 Gaze palsy 12.1 Grand mal 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Musculoskel
356780 Nuclear ma 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Otitis medi 12.1 Postictal st 12.1 Posture ab
356780 Poverty of 12.1 Psychomoto 12.1 Scan brain 12.1 Sleep disor 12.1 Staring
356780 Stereotypy 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356781 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1
356782 Inappropria 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
356783 Dyspnoea 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356784 Erythema 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling 12.1
356786 Rash prurit 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356787 Herpes zos 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356788 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356789 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia
356790 Dizziness 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Nausea
356790 Orthostatic 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356791 Arthralgia 12.1 Bilirubin c 12.1 Blood bilir 12.1 Blood creat 12.1 Haemoglob
356791 Headache 12.1 Liver funct 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext
356791 Platelet co 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 White blood 12.1
356792 Blood pres 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356793 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356794 Dizziness 12.1
356795 Hypersensit 12.1 Local react 12.1
356796 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Rash 12.1
356797 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356798 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356800 Dizziness 12.1 Nausea 12.1
356801 Erythema 12.1
356802 Erythema 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356803 Blood pres 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356804 Headache 12.1
356805 Back pain 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Myalgia 12.1
356806 Fatigue 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain 12.1
356807 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
356808 Abdominal 12.1 Chills 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash macu 12.1 Urticaria
356809 Lip swellin 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
356810 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Scar 12.1 Varicella 12.1
356811 Abdominal 12.1 Abnormal b 12.1 Aphasia 12.1 Autism 12.1 Bite
356811 Dysarthria 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Sneezing 12.1 Somnolenc
356811 Staring 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356812 Erythema 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Swelling
356812 Urticaria 12.1
356813 Dizziness 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356814 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356815 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
356816 Mobility d 12.1 No reaction 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Urticaria
356817 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356818 Dyspnoea 12.1 Eye irritati 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1
356819 Lymphaden 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1
356820 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356821 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356822 Fall 12.1 Feeling col 12.1 Joint stiffn 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Tremor
356823 Dizziness 12.1 Fall 12.1 Head injury 12.1
356824 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356825 Injected li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain 12.1
356826 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356827 Crying 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356828 Inappropria 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain 12.1
356829 Allergy test 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Local swell 12.1 Urticaria
356830 Injection si 12.1
356831 Body tempe 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356832 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
356833 Atrial septa 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Cytogenetic 12.1 Echocardio 12.1 Laboratory
356833 Lumbar pun 12.1
356834 Throat irrit 12.1
356835 Anaemia 12.1 Anaemia ha 12.1 Antinuclear 12.1 Aplastic a 12.1 Arthralgia
356835 Aspiration 12.1 Biopsy bon 12.1 Blood calc 12.1 Blood iron 12.1 Blood lact
356835 Blood produ 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chromosome 12.1 Complement
356835 Computeris 12.1 Coombs tes 12.1 Cough 12.1 Cytomegalo 12.1 Epstein-Bar
356835 Epstein-Bar 12.1 Evans syn 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Full blood 12.1 HIV test
356835 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Herpes simp 12.1 Idiopathic 12.1 Iron bindin
356835 Iron defici 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Megakaryoc 12.1 Microcytic
356835 Mononucleos 12.1 Mycoplasma 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Parvovirus 12.1 Platelet co
356835 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Reticulocyt 12.1 Scan brain
356835 Serum ferri 12.1 Thrombocy 12.1
356836 Diarrhoea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356837 Chills 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Pain 12.1
356838 Erythema 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356839 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356840 Albumin glo 12.1 Erythema m 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Laboratory
356840 Oral disord 12.1 Polymerase 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash macul 12.1 Rash prurit
356840 Virus cultu 12.1
356841 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356842 Antinuclear 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pyrexia
356842 Rheumatoid 12.1
356843 Chills 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s
356843 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Oropharyng
356843 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Sneezing 12.1
356844 Arthralgia 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356845 Fall 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1
356846 Abdominal 12.1 Antibody te 12.1 Anxiety 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthralgia
356846 Blood gluc 12.1 Depressed 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Fatigue
356846 Joint rang 12.1 Joint stiffn 12.1 Joint stiffn 12.1 Juvenile art 12.1 Juvenile art
356846 Lip swellin 12.1 Localised i 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Musculoskel
356846 Nasal disc 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Rheumatoid
356846 Sinusitis 12.1 Tuberculin 12.1 Viral infect 12.1 X-ray limb 12.1
356847 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Paraesthesi 12.1
356848 Varicella 12.1 Varicella p 12.1
356849 Dysgeusia 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356850 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356851 Infection 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
356851 Local react 12.1
356852 Rash 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356853 Activities o 12.1 Chills 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nasopharyn
356853 Oral herpe 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Pulmonary
356853 Pyrexia 12.1 Sinus cong 12.1
356854 Blood pres 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Lethargy 12.1
356855 Pruritus ge 12.1
356856 Full blood 12.1 Inflammati 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356857 Rash prurit 12.1
356858 Contusion 12.1 Contusion 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Injection si
356858 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356859 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
356860 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash macu 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
356861 Syncope 12.1
356862 Discomfort 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Skin warm
356863 Joint swell 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
356864 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Migraine 12.1 Pruritus
356864 Urticaria 12.1
356865 Rash gener 12.1
356866 Rash 12.1
356867 Blood elect 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Convulsion 12.1
356868 Asthenia 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
356869 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356870 Dizziness 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Local react 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Swelling
356870 Vision blur 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356871 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash 12.1
356872 Injection s 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356873 Hypersensit 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356874 Acne 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1
356876 Abdominal 12.1 Headache 12.1
356878 Erythema 12.1 Hypersensit 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Mass 12.1
356879 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash pustu 12.1
356880 Alanine am 12.1 Anion gap 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Basophil c 12.1 Blood albu
356880 Blood alka 12.1 Blood bilir 12.1 Blood calc 12.1 Blood chlor 12.1 Blood creat
356880 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood sodi 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Carbon dio
356880 Eosinophil 12.1 Globulins 12.1 Glomerular 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob
356880 Injection si 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Mean cell 12.1 Mean cell 12.1 Mean cell
356880 Mean plate 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Oedema per
356880 Pain in ext 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Protein tot
356880 Red blood c 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Tic 12.1 Weight dec 12.1 White blood
356881 Blood test 12.1 Platelet di 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 White blood
356881 White blood 12.1
356883 Rash vesic 12.1 Scar 12.1
356885 Dysphonia 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Pharyngea 12.1
356893 Abnormal b 12.1 Aggression 12.1 Aggression 12.1
356894 Erythema 12.1 Inflammati 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
356895 Rash vesic 12.1
356896 Injection si 12.1 Local react 12.1
356897 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356898 Vomiting 12.1
356899 Vomiting 12.1
356901 Syncope 12.1 Tonic conv 12.1
356905 Body tempe 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Laryngosp 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Upper respi
356908 Blood calc 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Condition
356908 Eosinophil 12.1 Eosinophil 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Headache 12.1 Mean plate
356908 Neurologic 12.1
356909 Convulsion 12.1 Cyanosis 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Nuclear ma
356909 Unresponsiv 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356910 Pruritus 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash macu 12.1
356911 Fatigue 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash eryth
356912 Inappropria 12.1
356913 Eye pruritu 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1
356914 Fatigue 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Rash
356915 Blood test 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Electroenc
356915 Headache 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Rhinitis all 12.1 Sinusitis 12.1 X-ray
356916 Chills 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain in ext
356916 Pruritus 12.1 Somnolenc 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356917 Convulsion 12.1
356918 Headache 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356919 Fall 12.1 Postictal st 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356920 Body tempe 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356921 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
356922 Chest disc 12.1 Chills 12.1 Cough 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperhidro
356922 Nasal cong 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356923 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356924 Heart rate 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356925 Rash 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356926 Deafness 12.1 Ear discomf 12.1 Ear pain 12.1 Hypersensit 12.1 Pruritus
356926 Tinnitus 12.1
356927 Body tempe 12.1 Crying 12.1 Opisthoton 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Restlessne
356927 Screaming 12.1 Thirst 12.1
356928 Abdominal 12.1 Breast pain 12.1 Cough 12.1 Decreased a 12.1 Decreased
356928 Dysphagia 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Initial inso 12.1 Limb defor
356928 Loss of co 12.1 Lymph nod 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Mononucleos 12.1 Nasal cong
356928 Pain in ext 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Pharyngitis 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Streptococca
356928 Syncope 12.1 Tonsillar d 12.1
356929 Blood creat 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Laboratory
356929 Labyrinthiti 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Vertigo 12.1
356930 Back pain 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
356931 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash vesic 12.1
356932 Joint rang 12.1 Local swell 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1
356933 Breast pain 12.1 Incorrect d 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
356934 Incorrect d 12.1 No adverse 12.1
356935 Incorrect d 12.1 No adverse 12.1
356936 Abasia 12.1 Aphasia 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Crying 12.1 Decreased
356936 Depressed 12.1 Disturbance 12.1 Emotional d 12.1 Faecal inc 12.1 Fear
356936 Hypersomn 12.1 Hypokinesi 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Shock 12.1 Staring
356936 Syncope 12.1 Urinary inc 12.1
356937 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356938 Arrhythmia 12.1 Biopsy hea 12.1 Bronchitis 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Chills
356938 Death 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Fatigue
356938 Feeling col 12.1 Headache 12.1 Muscle sp 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Oropharyng
356938 Pain 12.1 Petechiae 12.1 Productive 12.1 Pulmonary 12.1 Pulmonary
356938 Pyrexia 12.1 Sputum dis 12.1 Sternal fra 12.1
356939 Abasia 12.1 Acute diss 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Autonomic 12.1 CSF oligoc
356939 Clonus 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Coordinati 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache
356939 Hyperreflex 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Lumbar pun 12.1 Mental sta 12.1 Nuclear ma
356939 Pyrexia 12.1 Tachycardi 12.1
356940 Erythema 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash gener 12.1
356941 Cold sweat 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 No reaction 12.1 Vision blur
356942 Gait distur 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Visual imp 12.1
356943 Hypotensio 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356944 Pruritus 12.1
356945 Erythema 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus
356945 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Skin irritat 12.1
356947 Blood pres 12.1 Cough 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Dysphonia 12.1 Feeling ab
356947 Hypersensit 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1 Tremor 12.1
356948 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356949 Chills 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain
356949 Vomiting 12.1
356950 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Alopecia 12.1 Anxiety
356950 Bacteria ur 12.1 Bowel move 12.1 Candidiasi 12.1 Cervical dy 12.1 Colitis
356950 Colonoscop 12.1 Constipati 12.1 Cystitis 12.1 Cystitis 12.1 Depression
356950 Diarrhoea 12.1 Disturbance 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspepsia 12.1 Dysplastic
356950 Dysuria 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Fungal infe 12.1 Gastric dis
356950 Gastric dis 12.1 Gastrooeso 12.1 Headache 12.1 Irritable b 12.1 Joint injury
356950 Laboratory 12.1 Melanocyti 12.1 Memory im 12.1 Menstruatio 12.1 Micturition
356950 Mucous sto 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nitrite urin 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pelvic pain
356950 Pollakiuria 12.1 Premenstru 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Sinusitis 12.1 Smear cerv
356950 Systemic c 12.1 Urinary trac 12.1 Vision blur 12.1 White blood 12.1 X-ray limb
356956 Hepatic en 12.1
356957 Blood pres 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1
356958 Blood pres 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1
356959 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356960 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
356961 Fatigue 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356962 Arthralgia 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Headache 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Neck pain
356962 Pain in ext 12.1 Rash 12.1
356963 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356964 Granulocyt 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 White blood 12.1
356965 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pruritus
356965 Swelling 12.1
356966 Erythema 12.1 Haemorrha 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Local react 12.1 Oedema per
356967 Blood test 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356968 Activities o 12.1 Burning se 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Cough 12.1 Fatigue
356968 Feeling hot 12.1 Headache 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Nasal cong
356968 Productive 12.1
356969 Alanine am 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Cough
356969 Laboratory 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain 12.1 Streptococc 12.1 Tonsillar h
356970 Rash eryth 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356971 Injection si 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
356972 Body tempe 12.1 Condition 12.1 Febrile con 12.1 Rash 12.1
356975 Bone marro 12.1 Pancytopen 12.1 Varicella p 12.1
356976 Eye swelli 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pruritus ge 12.1 Rash 12.1 Swelling
356976 Swelling fa 12.1
356980 Abortion s 12.1 Drug expos 12.1 Smear cerv 12.1
356981 Activated p 12.1 Anion gap 12.1 Antiphospho 12.1 Anxiety 12.1 Aspiration
356981 Blood albu 12.1 Blood iron 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Breath sou 12.1 Chest X-ra
356981 Chest pain 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Cough 12.1 Deep vein 12.1 Dyspnoea
356981 Dyspnoea 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Haptoglobi
356981 Internation 12.1 Iron defici 12.1 Lobar pne 12.1 Mean cell 12.1 Mean cell
356981 Pleural eff 12.1 Prothrombi 12.1 Pulmonary 12.1 Red blood 12.1 Red cell di
356981 Renal failu 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Russell's 12.1 Serum ferri
356981 Tachycardi 12.1 Thrombosi 12.1 Transferrin 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Viral infect
356982 Grand mal 12.1 Incontinen 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Vaccine pos 12.1
356985 Convulsion 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Syncope 12.1
356988 Abdominal 12.1 Cough 12.1 Dysphonia 12.1 Eye pruritu 12.1 Eye swelli
356988 Ocular hyp 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rhinorrhoe
356989 Cognitive d 12.1 Disturbance 12.1 Malaise 12.1
356990 Pruritus ge 12.1 Rash gener 12.1
356991 Amnesia 12.1 Anion gap 12.1 Blood alka 12.1 Carbon dio 12.1 Computeri
356991 Computeris 12.1 Confusional 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Depressed 12.1 Dyskinesia
356991 Electrocar 12.1 Fall 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Feeling hot
356991 Grand mal 12.1 Head injury 12.1 Headache 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Lymphocyte
356991 Monocyte c 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Neurologic 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil
356991 Postictal st 12.1 Sinusitis 12.1 Swollen to 12.1 Tongue bit 12.1 Tongue dis
356992 Abdominal 12.1 Barium en 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood urea
356992 Colectomy 12.1 Colon gang 12.1 Decreased a 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Diet refusa
356992 Enema admi 12.1 Gastrointes 12.1 Haematoch 12.1 Haematoch 12.1 Haematocri
356992 Haemoglob 12.1 Intensive c 12.1 Intussusce 12.1 Intussusce 12.1 Monocyte c
356992 Monocyte p 12.1 Mucous sto 12.1 Prothrombi 12.1 Rectal hae 12.1 Red blood
356992 Red cell di 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Urinary sy 12.1 Vomiting 12.1 X-ray abno
356993 Nausea 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
356994 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
356995 Contusion 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
356996 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
356997 Chills 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain
356997 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
356998 Chills 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Headache 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia
356999 Abnormal b 12.1 Crying 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Gait distur
356999 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Limb disco 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Screaming
356999 Speech dis 12.1 Staring 12.1
357000 Allodynia 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Headache 12.1 Influenza s 12.1 Neck pain
357000 White blood 12.1
357001 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357002 Chills 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357002 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357003 Injected li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357004 Computeri 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Eye disord 12.1 Hypotensio
357004 Laboratory 12.1 Labyrinthiti 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Mood alter 12.1 Nausea
357005 Pyrexia 12.1
357006 Inappropria 12.1
357007 Immediate p 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
357007 Rash 12.1
357008 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Pain
357008 Swelling 12.1
357009 Paraesthes 12.1
357012 Culture pos 12.1 Drug ineffe 12.1 Haemolytic 12.1 Lung conso 12.1 Pleural eff
357012 Pneumococc 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Streptococca 12.1
357014 Hypersensit 12.1 Respiratory 12.1
357015 Abortion s 12.1 Drug expos 12.1
357018 Dizziness 12.1 Echocardi 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Fall 12.1 Fatigue
357018 Headache 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Muscle sp 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Nausea
357018 Nuclear ma 12.1 Partial sei 12.1 Photophobi 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Vaccination
357019 Guillain-B 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Visual imp 12.1
357020 Condition 12.1 Febrile con 12.1 Full blood 12.1
357021 Incorrect d 12.1
357022 Fatigue 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pharyngeal
357022 Rhinorrhoe 12.1
357023 Feeling hot 12.1 Rash gener 12.1
357024 Injection s 12.1
357025 Flushing 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Swollen to 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357026 Rash 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1
357027 Drug admini 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Swelling 12.1
357028 Erythema 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357029 Drug expos 12.1 Pregnancy t 12.1
357030 Injected li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357031 Erythema 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357032 Erythema 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling 12.1
357033 Dysphagia 12.1 Speech dis 12.1
357034 Herpes zos 12.1 Rash 12.1
357035 Injection si 12.1 Rash 12.1
357036 Crying 12.1 Irritability 12.1
357037 Paraesthes 12.1
357038 Urticaria 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357039 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357040 Skin lesion 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357041 Bradycardi 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Endotrachea 12.1 Extubation 12.1 Haematocri
357041 Infantile a 12.1 Resuscitat 12.1
357042 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357043 Disorientat 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Hypersensit 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
357043 Pyrexia 12.1
357044 Abdominal 12.1 Bacterial c 12.1 Breath sou 12.1 Clostridium 12.1 Dehydratio
357044 Diarrhoea 12.1 Enterocoliti 12.1 Faeces dis 12.1 Gastroenteri 12.1 Hypophagi
357044 Nausea 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357045 Body tempe 12.1 Chills 12.1 Cough 12.1 Dysphonia 12.1 Headache
357045 Ocular hyp 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain 12.1
357046 Discomfort 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Musculoskel
357046 Oedema per 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
357047 Asthenia 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357047 Injection s 12.1
357048 Dysphonia 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Paraesthesi 12.1 Pharyngea
357048 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash papul 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1
357049 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Road traffi 12.1
357050 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357051 Abnormal b 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Eye swelli 12.1 Hypersomn 12.1 Ocular hyp
357052 Hypersensit 12.1 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357052 Injection s 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
357053 Asthenia 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357054 Arthropath 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Head disco 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Musculoske
357054 Musculoskel 12.1 Pain 12.1
357055 Chills 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Nausea
357055 Oropharyng 12.1
357056 Activities o 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Vision blur
357057 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357058 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
357060 Cough 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1
357061 Back pain 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Blood alka 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Blood gluc
357061 Borrelia bu 12.1 CSF cell c 12.1 CSF cultur 12.1 CSF glucos 12.1 CSF protei
357061 CSF white b 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chills 12.1 Crying 12.1 Culture
357061 Emotional d 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Feeling of 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Gram stain
357061 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Local react 12.1 Lymphocyte
357061 Metabolic f 12.1 Monocyte p 12.1 Muscle sp 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Neutrophil
357061 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urine analy 12.1 Virus cultu 12.1 Weight bear
357061 White blood 12.1
357062 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357063 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357064 Rash eryth 12.1
357065 Blood pres 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Swollen to
357066 Injection s 12.1
357067 Alanine am 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm
357067 Wheezing 12.1
357068 Abdominal 12.1 Asthma 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Colitis 12.1 Computeri
357068 Dizziness 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Haematoch 12.1 Headache 12.1 Menstruatio
357068 Nausea 12.1 Proctalgia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357069 Cough 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1
357070 Abdominal 12.1 Burning se 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Flushing
357070 Hyperhidro 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pollakiuria 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Urticaria
357071 Arthralgia 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Myalgia 12.1
357072 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Malaise
357073 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Immunisati 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Photosensit 12.1 Skin lesion
357073 Swollen to 12.1
357074 Malaise 12.1
357075 Pruritus ge 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash 12.1
357076 Oedema per 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1
357077 Blood pres 12.1
357078 Pain 12.1 Rash 12.1
357079 Blood pres 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Tachycardi 12.1
357080 Body tempe 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Oedema per
357080 Oxygen sat 12.1 Sensation 12.1
357081 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357082 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Vaccination 12.1
357083 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Varicella 12.1
357084 Rash 12.1
357085 Swelling 12.1
357086 Culture 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357087 Injection si 12.1 No reaction 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash
357087 Rash 12.1
357088 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357089 Asthenia 12.1 Feeling col 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Vaccine pos 12.1
357090 Rash eryth 12.1
357091 Urticaria 12.1
357092 Cold sweat 12.1 Hot flush 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Nausea
357092 Skin warm 12.1
357093 Dyspnoea 12.1 Pharyngea 12.1 Rash 12.1
357094 Decreased 12.1 Discomfort 12.1 Dry mouth 12.1 Headache 12.1 Oedema per
357094 Pyrexia 12.1
357095 Injection s 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357096 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357097 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357098 Abortion s 12.1 Drug expos 12.1
357100 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357102 Activities o 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Induration 12.1 Pain
357102 Pyrexia 12.1 Scab 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357103 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357105 Blood pres 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Tinnitus
357105 Vision blur 12.1 Visual imp 12.1
357107 Hallucinati 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357108 Hyperhidro 12.1 Posture ab 12.1 Syncope 12.1
357109 Erythema 12.1 Sneezing 12.1
357110 Asthenia 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357111 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357112 Decreased 12.1 Differential 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Influenza s 12.1 Pyrexia
357112 Streptococc 12.1
357113 Chills 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357114 Unevaluabl 12.1
357115 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357116 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357119 Inflammati 12.1 Local react 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357120 Activities o 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Computeris
357120 Cough 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Dysstasia 12.1 Exercise t 12.1 Fall
357120 Full blood 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Guillain-B 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe
357120 Joint injury 12.1 Mastication 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Mobility d 12.1 Muscular
357120 Musculoske 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Nerve cond 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain
357120 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 White blood
357121 Abdominal 12.1 Colitis ulce 12.1 Condition 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1
357122 Abdominal 12.1 Colectomy t 12.1 Colitis ulce 12.1 Condition 12.1 Cushingoid
357122 Diarrhoea 12.1 Pelvic pou 12.1 Pouchitis 12.1 Surgery 12.1 Uveitis
357122 Vaccine pos 12.1
357125 Alanine am 12.1 Autoimmun 12.1 Band neutr 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood produ
357125 Coagulatio 12.1 Contusion 12.1 Diabetes me 12.1 Glycosylat 12.1 Hyperhidro
357125 Immunisati 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Platelet co
357125 Platelet co 12.1 Rash gener 12.1 Red blood 12.1 Sinusitis 12.1 Weight dec
357125 White blood 12.1
357129 Dyspnoea 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Hypersensit 12.1 Paraesthes
357130 Autism 12.1 Gastrointes 12.1 Gluten free 12.1 Lactose int 12.1
357132 Abortion s 12.1 Drug expos 12.1 Pregnancy t 12.1
357133 Arnold-Chia 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1
357134 Convulsion 12.1
357140 Diarrhoea 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
357141 Asthma 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Chills 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Nausea
357141 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357142 Inappropria 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357143 Drug expos 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
357144 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1
357145 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357146 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357147 Activities o 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Burning se 12.1 Injection si
357147 Tendernes 12.1
357148 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357149 Cough 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Rash papul 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Urticaria
357150 Rash vesic 12.1
357151 Pyrexia 12.1
357152 Rash 12.1
357153 Incorrect s 12.1
357154 Incorrect s 12.1
357155 Incorrect s 12.1
357156 Incorrect s 12.1
357157 Incorrect s 12.1
357158 Incorrect s 12.1
357159 Incorrect s 12.1
357160 Incorrect s 12.1
357161 Incorrect s 12.1
357162 Incorrect s 12.1
357163 Incorrect s 12.1
357164 Incorrect s 12.1
357165 Incorrect s 12.1
357166 Incorrect s 12.1
357167 Incorrect s 12.1
357168 Incorrect s 12.1
357169 Incorrect s 12.1
357170 Incorrect s 12.1
357171 Incorrect s 12.1
357172 Incorrect s 12.1
357173 Incorrect s 12.1
357174 Incorrect s 12.1
357175 Incorrect s 12.1
357176 Incorrect s 12.1
357177 Incorrect s 12.1
357178 Incorrect s 12.1
357179 Incorrect s 12.1
357180 Incorrect s 12.1
357181 Incorrect s 12.1
357182 Incorrect s 12.1
357183 Incorrect s 12.1
357184 Erythema 12.1 Local react 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
357185 Rash 12.1
357186 Alanine am 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Bilirubin c 12.1 Blood alka 12.1 Blood bilir
357186 Jaundice 12.1 Ocular icte 12.1
357187 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357188 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357189 Inappropria 12.1 Wrong drug 12.1
357190 Activated p 12.1 Biopsy ski 12.1 Blood pota 12.1 Blood produ 12.1 Hypotensio
357190 Injection si 12.1 Internation 12.1 Oxygen sup 12.1 Prothrombi 12.1 Pyrexia
357190 Rash 12.1 Rash macul 12.1 Shock 12.1 Stevens-J 12.1 Tachypnoe
357191 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357192 Throat tigh 12.1
357193 Pyrexia 12.1 Varicella 12.1
357194 Dizziness 12.1
357195 Arthralgia 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Migraine 12.1 Pain
357195 Pain in ext 12.1
357196 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357197 Abdominal 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia
357198 Pyrexia 12.1
357199 Gait distur 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
357199 Injection s 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1
357200 Abasia 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Mobility d
357200 Pain in ext 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357201 Incorrect s 12.1
357202 Incorrect s 12.1
357203 Incorrect s 12.1
357204 Incorrect s 12.1
357205 Incorrect s 12.1
357206 Incorrect s 12.1
357207 Incorrect s 12.1
357208 Arthralgia 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357209 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357210 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash
357210 Skin warm 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
357211 Nodule 12.1 Pain 12.1 Swelling 12.1
357212 Decreased 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357213 Activities o 12.1 Headache 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia
357213 Vaccine pos 12.1
357214 Condition 12.1 Crying 12.1 Diet refusa 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Food allerg
357214 Gastrooeso 12.1 Infantile sp 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Milk allergy
357214 Rash papul 12.1 Tremor 12.1
357215 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357216 Arthroscop 12.1 Aspiration j 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Culture neg 12.1 Erythema
357216 Incorrect r 12.1 Joint rang 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Oedema 12.1 Pruritus
357216 Pyrexia 12.1
357217 Vomiting 12.1
357218 Autoimmune 12.1 Mechanical 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash eryth
357218 Rash macu 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 Urticaria 12.1 Urticaria
357219 Abdominal 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357220 Arrhythmia 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Electrocar
357220 Enzyme abn 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Injection si
357220 Lymphaden 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357221 Incorrect s 12.1
357222 Incorrect s 12.1
357223 Injection sit 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357224 Pruritus ge 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357225 Pruritus 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357226 Crying 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Somnolenc
357227 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin lesion 12.1 Viral test 12.1
357228 Computeris 12.1 Concussio 12.1 Confusional 12.1 Fall 12.1 Head injury
357228 Headache 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Muscle twit 12.1
357229 Rash gener 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357230 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357231 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357239 Blood pres 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1
357240 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Mass 12.1 White blood 12.1
357241 Oedema per 12.1
357242 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357243 Dyspepsia 12.1
357244 Hypotonia 12.1 Lethargy 12.1
357245 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357246 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357247 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357248 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Tendernes 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357250 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Movement d 12.1
357251 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash macu 12.1
357252 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357253 Erythema 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357254 Pruritus 12.1
357255 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Vision blur 12.1
357256 Wrong drug 12.1
357257 Inappropria 12.1
357258 Body tempe 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357259 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
357260 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Pyrexia
357260 Skin discol 12.1
357261 Dizziness 12.1 Nausea 12.1
357262 Rash gener 12.1
357263 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357264 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1
357265 Inappropria 12.1
357266 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Rash macu 12.1
357267 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Swelling 12.1
357268 Arthralgia 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain 12.1
357269 Blood pres 12.1 Dizziness 12.1
357270 Blindness u 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Vision blur 12.1
357271 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
357272 Pruritus 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Vaccine pos 12.1
357273 Hypoaesthe 12.1
357274 Erythema 12.1
357275 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357276 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357277 Urticaria 12.1
357278 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1
357279 Inappropria 12.1
357280 Diarrhoea 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Swelling
357280 Urticaria 12.1 Varicella 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357281 Adverse ev 12.1 General phy 12.1
357283 Abscess 12.1 Asthma 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Bronchial h 12.1 Cough
357283 Dizziness 12.1 Dyslexia 12.1 Ear pain 12.1 Ear pain 12.1 Erythema
357283 Erythema 12.1 Eustachian 12.1 Hair follic 12.1 Head injury 12.1 Hypersensit
357283 Impetigo 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Laryngitis 12.1 Learning di 12.1 Loss of co
357283 Nasal cong 12.1 Nasopharyn 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pruritus
357283 Purulent d 12.1 Rash pustu 12.1 Rash pustu 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Sinus tach
357283 Skin lesion 12.1 Staphylococ 12.1 Tendernes 12.1 Upper respi 12.1 Viral infect
357283 Visual acui 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
357284 Caesarean 12.1 Drug expos 12.1 Prolonged 12.1
357285 Inappropria 12.1
357286 Body temper 12.1 Chills 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Hyperhidro
357286 Injected li 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
357287 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357288 No adverse 12.1
357289 Pruritus 12.1 Rash macul 12.1
357290 Pallor 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357291 Dizziness 12.1
357292 Syncope 12.1
357293 Genital he 12.1
357294 Nausea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357295 Contusion 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357296 Injection s 12.1
357297 Musculoske 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Swelling 12.1
357298 Abdominal 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Rash
357298 Urticaria 12.1
357307 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357308 Grand mal 12.1
357309 Lip swellin 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1 Pharyngea 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Swollen to
357310 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357311 Inappropria 12.1
357312 Abdominal 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357313 Amnesia 12.1 Cognitive d 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain
357314 Unevaluabl 12.1
357315 Pallor 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash macul 12.1
357316 Urticaria 12.1
357317 Burning se 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357319 Crying 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Headache 12.1
357320 Abdominal 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Chills 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dizziness
357320 Hyperhidro 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Tendernes 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357321 Band neutr 12.1 Blood albu 12.1 Blood pH i 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 CSF test n
357321 Chest X-ra 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Differentia 12.1 Drug withd
357321 Dyspnoea 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Endotrachea 12.1 Febrile con 12.1 Gaze palsy
357321 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Influenza 12.1 Influenza s 12.1 Lethargy
357321 Lymphocyte 12.1 Mean plate 12.1 Mechanical 12.1 Mental sta 12.1 Neutrophil
357321 Nuclear ma 12.1 Otitis medi 12.1 PCO2 decr 12.1 PO2 increa 12.1 Platelet co
357321 Pneumonia 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Pulmonary 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Respiratory
357321 Tachycardi 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1 White blood 12.1 X-ray norm
357325 Injection s 12.1
357326 Immediate p 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Pharyngea 12.1
357327 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
357328 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
357329 Culture neg 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Headache 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Oropharyng
357329 Streptococc 12.1
357330 Injection sit 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357331 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357332 Body tempe 12.1 Chills 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperhidro
357332 Myalgia 12.1
357333 Aphasia 12.1 Cerebrovas 12.1 Coagulation 12.1 Echocardi 12.1 Hemiplegia
357333 Laboratory 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1
357335 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357336 Eye swelli 12.1 Nasal oed 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1
357338 Immediate p 12.1 Syncope 12.1
357339 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dysgeusia 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Nausea
357340 Cellulitis 12.1 Diagnostic 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357341 Dizziness 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357342 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357343 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357344 Abdominal 12.1 Headache 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pain in ext
357344 Pain in jaw 12.1 Photophobi 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357345 Nasopharyn 12.1
357346 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357347 Cough 12.1 Eye swelli 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1 Pharyngea
357347 Pruritus 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
357348 Erythema 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia
357349 Lip swellin 12.1
357350 Laboratory 12.1 Pulmonary 12.1
357351 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357352 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Oedema
357352 Paraesthes 12.1
357353 Loss of co 12.1 Malaise 12.1
357354 Asthenia 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Pyrexia
357354 Somnolenc 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1
357355 Inappropria 12.1
357356 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357357 Anxiety 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Confusional 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea
357357 Oxygen sat 12.1 Rheumatoid 12.1 Skin papil 12.1 Systemic l 12.1 Thrombosi
357357 Tremor 12.1
357358 Decreased 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext
357358 Pyrexia 12.1
357359 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357360 Abasia 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Hypoaesthe
357360 Malaise 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
357361 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Anxiety 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Feeling ab
357361 Gastritis 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperventil 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Mydriasis
357361 Nuclear ma 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Personalit 12.1 Proteinuria 12.1 Refusal of
357361 Syncope 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1
357362 Dizziness 12.1 Hypotensio 12.1 Vision blur 12.1
357363 Allergy test 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357364 Fatigue 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext
357365 Blood gluc 12.1 Compressio 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Electroenc
357365 Epilepsy 12.1 Joint disloc 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Muscle twit 12.1 Myoclonic
357365 Myoclonus 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Presyncop 12.1 Scan brain
357365 Syncope 12.1 White blood 12.1 X-ray limb 12.1
357366 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357367 Chest disc 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1
357368 Paraesthes 12.1
357369 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
357370 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357371 Lymphaden 12.1
357372 Dizziness 12.1 Fall 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe
357372 Nausea 12.1 Neurologic 12.1 Neurologic 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357373 Feeling ab 12.1 Head tituba 12.1
357374 Incorrect d 12.1
357375 Wrong drug 12.1
357377 Urticaria 12.1
357378 Fatigue 12.1 Grand mal 12.1
357379 Cheilitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1
357380 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin infect
357381 Arthralgia 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Red blood c 12.1
357382 Disorientat 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pallor 12.1
357383 Headache 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357384 Idiopathic 12.1 Platelet co 12.1
357385 Crying 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Hyperaesth 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si
357385 Injection s 12.1
357386 Erythema 12.1 Nodule 12.1 Swelling 12.1
357387 Cellulitis 12.1
357388 Chills 12.1 Palpitation 12.1 Panic react 12.1
357389 Unevaluabl 12.1
357390 Unevaluabl 12.1
357391 Asthenia 12.1 Blood pres 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Rash 12.1
357392 Epistaxis 12.1 Feeling dr 12.1
357393 Fatigue 12.1 Herpes zos 12.1 Rash 12.1
357394 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
357395 Injection si 12.1
357396 Inappropria 12.1
357397 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357398 Pruritus 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1
357399 Dizziness 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Posture ab 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1 Wheezing
357400 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Syncope
357401 Inappropria 12.1 Vaccination 12.1
357402 Headache 12.1 Migraine 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Visual acui 12.1 Vomiting
357403 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1
357404 Syncope 12.1
357405 Injection si 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Teething 12.1
357406 Cough 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
357408 Asthenia 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Headache
357408 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin exfoli 12.1 Skin warm
357409 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357410 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357411 Erythema 12.1 Mobility d 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357412 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357413 Hypoaesthe 12.1
357414 Headache 12.1
357415 Burning se 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
357416 Abnormal b 12.1 Crying 12.1 Staring 12.1
357417 Breast pain 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Herpes zos 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash macu
357418 Back pain 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Breast pain 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Erythema
357418 Eye pain 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
357419 Body tempe 12.1 Headache 12.1
357420 Eye pruritu 12.1 Eye swelli 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1
357421 Blindness 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Reaction to 12.1 Retching 12.1 Vomiting
357422 Syncope 12.1
357423 Diarrhoea 12.1
357426 Dyspnoea 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357426 Skin warm 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
357427 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Sensory lo 12.1 Tremor 12.1
357430 Paralysis 12.1
357433 Body tempe 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia
357433 Rash eryth 12.1
357434 Dyspnoea 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Headache 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
357435 Nausea 12.1 Pallor 12.1
357436 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Laboratory 12.1
357437 Injection si 12.1
357438 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357439 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357440 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pruritus ge 12.1
357445 Abdominal 12.1 Chills 12.1 Confusional 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Fatigue
357445 Ocular hyp 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1 Tremor
357446 Activities o 12.1 Cough 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 No reaction
357447 Back pain 12.1 Eye pruritu 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia
357448 Body tempe 12.1 Cough 12.1 Headache 12.1 Influenza li 12.1 Myalgia
357448 Nausea 12.1
357449 Activities o 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Chills 12.1 Fatigue
357449 Headache 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Oropharyng
357449 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357450 Arthralgia 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Mononucleos
357450 Platelet co 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 White blood 12.1
357451 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Rash macu
357452 Chills 12.1 Muscle sp 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia
357453 Dyskinesia 12.1
357454 Pain in ext 12.1 Palpitation 12.1
357455 Anxiety 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pharyngea 12.1 Retching
357455 Swollen to 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
357456 Vision blur 12.1
357457 Arthralgia 12.1 Joint stiffn 12.1
357458 Urticaria 12.1
357459 Arthralgia 12.1 Cough 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Eye discha 12.1 Eye swelli
357459 Fatigue 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Lip swellin
357459 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pharyngea 12.1 Salivary hy 12.1 Swelling fa
357459 Throat irrit 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
357460 Syncope 12.1
357461 Disorientat 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperhidro
357461 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Pain 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357462 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357463 Confusional 12.1 Head injury 12.1 Headache 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Nausea
357463 Syncope 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357464 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357465 Fatigue 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357466 Rash 12.1
357467 Chills 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Swelling
357468 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Pain in ext
357468 Paraesthes 12.1
357469 Chills 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
357469 Wrong drug 12.1
357470 Pruritus 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash papul 12.1
357471 Abnormal b 12.1 Agitation 12.1 Diet refusa 12.1 Headache 12.1 Tremor
357472 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357473 Injection sit 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357474 Abdominal 12.1 CSF test n 12.1 Culture thr 12.1 Cytomegalo 12.1 Epstein-Bar
357474 Full blood 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperaesth 12.1 Lumbar pun 12.1 Lymphadeni
357474 Lymphaden 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Mononucleos 12.1 Mumps anti
357474 Muscle sp 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Myositis 12.1 Phonophob
357474 Photophobi 12.1 Streptococca 12.1 Urine analy 12.1 Viral infect 12.1
357475 Lymphaden 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357476 Burning se 12.1 Post herpet 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
357477 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357478 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pelvic pain 12.1
357479 Disorientat 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Insomnia
357479 Mobility d 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Thinking a
357479 Vision blur 12.1 Visual imp 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357480 Blepharos 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Dry skin 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Grand mal
357480 Paraesthes 12.1 Pharyngitis 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Tonsillect 12.1 Unresponsiv
357481 Local react 12.1
357482 Abdominal 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Chills 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Diarrhoea
357482 Faeces dis 12.1 Headache 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting
357483 Dizziness 12.1 Pruritus ge 12.1 Thirst 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
357484 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Pyrexia
357485 Immediate p 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357485 Local react 12.1
357486 Cough 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
357487 Abdominal 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
357488 Dizziness 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357489 Eye swelli 12.1
357490 Herpes zos 12.1
357491 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357492 Urticaria 12.1
357493 Unevaluabl 12.1
357494 Inappropria 12.1
357495 Dizziness 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Similar rea 12.1
357496 Chest disc 12.1 Cough 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Oropharyng
357496 Rhinorrhoe 12.1 Sleep disor 12.1 Sneezing 12.1
357497 Drug admini 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357498 Dyspnoea 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Inflammati 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357499 Injection si 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Swelling 12.1
357500 Dysphagia 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357500 Lip swellin 12.1 Oesophagea 12.1 Oropharynge 12.1 Tachycardi 12.1
357501 Dehydratio 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1
357502 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357503 Injection s 12.1 Injection sit 12.1
357504 Nausea 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357505 Cold sweat 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dysgeusia 12.1 Feeling col 12.1 Loss of co
357505 Pallor 12.1 Swollen to 12.1
357506 Erythema 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Livedo retic 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash macu
357506 Urticaria 12.1
357507 Blood bica 12.1 Blood cultu 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Cough 12.1 Culture uri
357507 Influenza s 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory
357507 Respiratory 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Use of acc 12.1 White blood 12.1
357508 Dysphonia 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Pharyngea 12.1
357509 Injection s 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357510 Nausea 12.1 Pruritus ge 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357516 Arthralgia 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Borrelia bu 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache
357516 Increased t 12.1 Infection 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Migraine 12.1 Myalgia
357516 Nuclear ma 12.1 Vascular i 12.1 Von Willebra 12.1
357517 Anogenital 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Drug hypers 12.1 Oral contra 12.1
357519 Computeri 12.1 Drug expos 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Idiopathic 12.1 Platelet co
357520 Human papil 12.1 Precancero 12.1
357521 Condition 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Epilepsy 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Tuberculin
357524 Adverse dr 12.1 Cardiac dis 12.1 Diabetes me 12.1
357525 Computeri 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Fatigue 12.1
357526 Pertussis 12.1
357528 Body tempe 12.1 Varicella 12.1
357529 Cough 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357530 Nausea 12.1 Rhinorrhoe 12.1
357531 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Pain in ext
357531 Paraesthes 12.1
357532 Activities o 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection s
357532 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Muscle sp 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pyrexia
357532 Tendernes 12.1
357533 Hypersensit 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357534 Lymphocyte 12.1 Neutropeni 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Thrombocy
357534 White blood 12.1
357535 Anxiety 12.1 Cold sweat 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Malaise
357535 Oxygen sat 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357536 Anti-thyroi 12.1 Basedow's 12.1 Blood alka 12.1 Blood thyro 12.1 Blood thyr
357536 Goitre 12.1 Granulocyt 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperthyro 12.1 Lymphocyte
357536 Monocyte p 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Palpitation 12.1 Sensory di 12.1 Tachycardi
357536 Thyroxine f 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Tri-iodothy 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Weight dec
357537 Dizziness 12.1
357538 Excoriation 12.1 Fall 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Immediate p
357538 Visual imp 12.1
357539 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357540 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357541 Arthralgia 12.1 Blood thyro 12.1 Borrelia bu 12.1 Epstein-Bar 12.1 Fatigue
357541 Headache 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Nausea
357541 Rheumatoid 12.1 Thyroxine 12.1 Tri-iodothy 12.1
357542 Chest disc 12.1 Cough 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1
357543 Pyrexia 12.1
357544 Crying 12.1 Eye irritati 12.1
357545 Dizziness 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Vomiting
357546 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1
357547 Abnormal b 12.1 Agitation 12.1 Obsessive- 12.1
357548 Crying 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357550 Blister 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Pain
357550 Pruritus 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Swelling 12.1
357551 Blister 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1
357552 Injection sit 12.1
357553 Injection s 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357554 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357555 Cough 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash gener 12.1 Rhinorrhoe
357556 Pyrexia 12.1
357557 Oedema per 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357558 Menstrual d 12.1 Similar rea 12.1
357559 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357561 Acne 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Epstein-Bar 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Headache
357561 Local swell 12.1 Lymph node 12.1 Lymphadeni 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Mass
357561 Mononucleos 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Nasopharyn 12.1 Neck pain
357561 Pain 12.1 Pharyngeal 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Scab
357561 Streptococc 12.1 Torticollis 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357562 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357563 Erythema 12.1 Vaccination 12.1
357564 Immediate p 12.1 Neck pain 12.1
357565 Lip swellin 12.1 Rash 12.1
357566 Joint swell 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
357567 Head injury 12.1 Loss of co 12.1 Loss of co 12.1
357568 Asthenia 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Feeling col 12.1 Feeling hot
357568 Palpitation 12.1 Sleep disor 12.1 Tremor 12.1
357569 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1
357570 Immediate p 12.1 Rash 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357571 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe
357571 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pallor
357572 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357573 Chapped li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash gener
357573 Urticaria 12.1
357574 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
357575 Muscle sp 12.1
357576 Dizziness 12.1 Fall 12.1
357577 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357578 Chest pain 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Glossodyni 12.1 Hypoventila
357578 Throat tigh 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357579 Chest X-ra 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Productive 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357580 Urticaria 12.1
357581 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Viral test 12.1
357582 Body tempe 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357583 Erythema 12.1 Headache 12.1 Swelling 12.1
357584 Rash gener 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1
357585 Chest X-ra 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Hypoaesthe
357588 Apnoea 12.1 Death 12.1
357589 Abdominal 12.1 Areflexia 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Blood lact
357589 Blood sodi 12.1 CSF lympho 12.1 CSF protei 12.1 Claustroph 12.1 Computeris
357589 Demyelinat 12.1 Dysstasia 12.1 Electromyo 12.1 Fall 12.1 Fatigue
357589 Full blood 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Gait distur
357589 Gait distur 12.1 Grip stren 12.1 Guillain-B 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe
357589 Hypokinesi 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Lumbar pun 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Lymphocyte
357589 Muscular 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Nerve cond 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Paraesthes
357589 Paraesthes 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Respirator 12.1 Scan brain
357589 Sensory lo 12.1 Thyroid fun 12.1 Urine analy 12.1 Walking ai 12.1
357590 Eye disord 12.1
357591 Injection si 12.1
357592 Dermatitis 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Rash 12.1 Retching
357592 Vomiting 12.1
357593 Erythema 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357594 Abdominal 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus
357594 Swelling 12.1
357595 Feeling hot 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Syncope 12.1
357596 Diarrhoea 12.1
357597 Injection sit 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357598 Headache 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357599 Candidiasi 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357600 Cold sweat 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain
357601 Rash prurit 12.1
357602 Asthenia 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Feeling col 12.1
357603 Abdominal 12.1 Crying 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Urine analy 12.1 X-ray norm
357604 Blood pres 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Lymphaden
357604 Pain 12.1 Presyncop 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
357605 Dyspnoea 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Paraesthes
357605 Visual imp 12.1
357606 Allergy to 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1
357607 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357608 Parotitis 12.1
357609 Asthma 12.1 Palpitation 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1 Urticaria
357610 Chills 12.1 Hypersensit 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia
357610 Skin warm 12.1
357611 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357612 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
357613 Headache 12.1 Hypersomn 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357614 Induration 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357615 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357616 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357617 Electromy 12.1 Grip stren 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Nerve cond
357617 Oedema per 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
357618 Oedema per 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Swelling
357619 Body tempe 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357620 Arthralgia 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pain 12.1
357621 Fatigue 12.1 Pain 12.1
357622 Dizziness 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Eye pruritu 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1 Throat tigh
357623 Diarrhoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Nausea
357623 Pruritus 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357624 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357625 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357626 Fatigue 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357626 Irritability 12.1
357627 No adverse 12.1
357628 Chest X-ra 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Muscle sp 12.1
357629 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357630 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain
357630 Pyrexia 12.1
357631 Asthenia 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Chills 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Injection si
357631 Nausea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 White blood 12.1
357632 Injection si 12.1
357634 Injected li 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357635 Blister 12.1 Herpes zos 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Paraesthes
357640 Oedema per 12.1 Pain 12.1 Rash macu 12.1
357641 Body tempe 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357641 Malaise 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin warm
357642 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1
357643 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357644 Dizziness 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Pallor
357644 Peripheral 12.1
357645 Aphasia 12.1 Speech dis 12.1
357646 Body tempe 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Malaise
357646 Migraine 12.1 Pain 12.1
357647 Dry skin 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Skin tightn 12.1
357648 Activities o 12.1 Arthralgia 12.1 Autoimmune 12.1 Cognitive d 12.1 Connective
357648 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Liver disor 12.1 Musculoskel
357648 Nervous sy 12.1 Night swea 12.1
357657 Blood cultu 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Cough 12.1 Eosinophil 12.1 Granulocyt
357657 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357657 Injection si 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357658 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pyrexia
357659 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357660 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Skin tightn 12.1
357661 Urticaria 12.1
357662 Injection si 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
357663 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357664 Dyspnoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357664 Myalgia 12.1
357665 Dyspnoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Myalgia
357665 Pain 12.1
357666 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357667 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1
357668 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1
357670 Crying 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357671 Flushing 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash 12.1
357672 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357673 Headache 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria
357674 Axillary pai 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1
357675 Drooling 12.1 Facial pals 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1
357676 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357677 Inflammati 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357678 Rash gener 12.1
357679 Cardiac flut 12.1 Cardiac str 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Extrasystol
357679 Heart rate 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Musculoskel
357679 Nausea 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Ventricular 12.1
357681 Urticaria 12.1
357682 Injection si 12.1
357683 Blood gluc 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dysgeusia 12.1 Headache 12.1 Ocular hyp
357683 Visual imp 12.1
357684 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357685 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357685 Injection s 12.1
357686 Febrile con 12.1
357687 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357688 Dizziness 12.1
357689 Eye swelli 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1
357690 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357691 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Pallor 12.1
357692 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357693 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Local react 12.1
357694 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357695 Dizziness 12.1 Dry throat 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Peripheral 12.1
357696 Capillary d 12.1 Haematom 12.1 Immediate p 12.1
357697 Allergy tes 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash papul 12.1
357698 Rash 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1 Skin exfoli 12.1
357699 Oedema per 12.1
357700 Eyelid oed 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357701 Urticaria 12.1
357702 Erythema 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1 Skin lesion 12.1
357703 Blood pres 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Ear pain 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Eye pruritu
357703 Heart rate 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Peak expira 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Throat tigh
357704 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Skin warm
357705 Inappropria 12.1
357706 Arthralgia 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urticaria
357707 Erythema 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357708 Abdominal 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Feeling col
357709 Erythema 12.1 Pain of ski 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357710 Body tempe 12.1 Chills 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Pain
357710 Paraesthes 12.1 Somnolenc 12.1
357711 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash papul 12.1 Skin warm
357712 Abdominal 12.1 Activated p 12.1 Acute respi 12.1 Alanine am 12.1 Anaemia
357712 Anaphylact 12.1 Aspartate 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Blood calc
357712 Blood creat 12.1 Blood gase 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Blood mag 12.1 Blood pres
357712 Blood thyro 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Blood urine 12.1 Cardiomeg 12.1 Chest X-ra
357712 Cold sweat 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Echocardio
357712 Electrolyte 12.1 Endotrachea 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Hypokalae
357712 Hypomagne 12.1 Hypotensio 12.1 Internation 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Malnutritio
357712 Metabolic a 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Oxygen sat
357712 Pallor 12.1 Platelet co 12.1 Protein tot 12.1 Prothrombi 12.1 Red blood c
357712 Red cell di 12.1 Renal failu 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Retching 12.1 Sedation
357712 Somnolenc 12.1 Thrombocy 12.1 Transfusio 12.1 Urine abnor 12.1 Urine outp
357712 Urine prote 12.1 White blood 12.1
357713 Inappropria 12.1
357714 Arthralgia 12.1 Injected li 12.1
357715 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357716 Activities o 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Differential 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Ear pain
357716 Eating diso 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Gait distur
357716 Heart rate 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Hypoaesthe
357716 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Mental imp 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Neurologic 12.1 Red blood c
357716 Streptococca 12.1 Tinnitus 12.1 Vertigo 12.1 Vision blur 12.1 Weight dec
357717 Asthenia 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Hyperhidro
357717 Paraesthes 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357718 Back pain 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Dyspnoea e 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Heart rate
357718 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pericarditis 12.1 Troponin 12.1
357719 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nausea
357719 Pain 12.1 Vertigo 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357720 Abdominal 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357720 Nausea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357721 Asthma 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
357722 Discomfort 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia
357723 Chest pain 12.1 Herpes zos 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Rash 12.1
357724 Body tempe 12.1 Pruritus ge 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357725 Cough 12.1 Dysphonia 12.1 Poor qualit 12.1 Pruritus ge 12.1
357726 Chills 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
357726 Oedema per 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357727 Cough 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
357728 Arthralgia 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 Motor dysf 12.1 Muscular
357728 Myalgia 12.1 Neurologic 12.1 Pain 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1
357729 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash gener 12.1
357730 Cough 12.1 Grip stren 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357731 Dizziness 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia
357731 Urticaria 12.1
357732 Eye pruritu 12.1 Eye swelli 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Myalgia
357732 Myalgia 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1 Pulmonary 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357733 Angioedem 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dysphagia 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Swollen to
357733 Throat irrit 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
357734 Asthenia 12.1 Chills 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Hyperhidro
357734 Influenza li 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Migraine 12.1 Mobility d
357734 Myalgia 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Sleep disor 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357735 Bacterial c 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Cough 12.1 Hypoxia
357735 Influenza s 12.1 Leukocytos 12.1 Lobar pne 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Neutrophil
357735 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Streptococc 12.1 Virus cultu 12.1
357736 Abdominal 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nasal cong
357736 Urine analy 12.1
357737 Diarrhoea 12.1 Faeces dis 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357738 Chills 12.1 Cough 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Pain
357738 Pyrexia 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
357739 Rash prurit 12.1
357740 Feeling ab 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Swollen to 12.1
357741 Pruritus ge 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357742 Erythema 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext
357742 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Urinary trac 12.1 Urine analy 12.1 Urticaria
357743 Asthenia 12.1 Chills 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Hyperhidro
357743 Hypersomn 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Tremor 12.1
357744 Inappropria 12.1
357745 Epistaxis 12.1
357746 Chills 12.1 Headache 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357747 Heart rate 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357748 Back pain 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Heart rate
357748 Increased u 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Ocular hyp 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
357749 Varicella p 12.1
357750 Inappropria 12.1
357751 Diarrhoea 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1
357752 Asthenia 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Chronic fa 12.1 Electrocar
357752 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain 12.1 Retching
357752 Ultrasoun 12.1 X-ray with 12.1
357753 Wrong drug 12.1
357754 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357755 Erythema 12.1 Rash macul 12.1 Rash prurit 12.1
357756 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
357757 Anal fissur 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Enteritis 12.1 Haematoch 12.1 Mucous sto
357757 Occult bloo 12.1
357758 Inappropria 12.1
357759 Feeling ab 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357760 Inappropria 12.1
357761 Angiogram 12.1 Computeri 12.1 Mydriasis 12.1
357762 Abasia 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357762 Injection s 12.1
357763 Body tempe 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357764 Erythema 12.1 Local react 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
357765 Rash prurit 12.1
357766 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Nausea 12.1
357767 Incorrect d 12.1 Overdose 12.1
357769 Speech dis 12.1 Speech dis 12.1
357774 Blister 12.1 Gait distur 12.1 Herpes zos 12.1 Neuralgia 12.1 Rash
357777 Activities o 12.1 Alopecia 12.1 Blood test 12.1 Emotional 12.1 Fatigue
357777 Pruritus 12.1 Scab 12.1
357782 Abdominal 12.1 Chills 12.1 Crying 12.1 Headache 12.1 Malaise
357782 Nausea 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Retching 12.1 Vomiting
357784 Swelling fa 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357787 Computeri 12.1 Concussio 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Fall 12.1 Head injury
357787 Hyperhidro 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1
357788 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357791 Cellulitis 12.1 Chills 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Hypersensit
357791 Induration 12.1 Influenza 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Pyrexia
357791 Skin warm 12.1
357792 Blood gluc 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Cyanosis 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Dyspnoea
357792 Electrocar 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Immediate p
357792 Loss of co 12.1 Muscle rigi 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Stridor
357793 Contusion 12.1 Incorrect d 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Injection 12.1 Internation
357793 Pain in ext 12.1
357797 Acne 12.1 Autoimmune 12.1 Blood chole 12.1 Blood creat 12.1 Blood lact
357797 Blood thyro 12.1 Blood urea 12.1 Creatinine 12.1 Epstein-Bar 12.1 Epstein-Bar
357797 Fatigue 12.1 Goitre 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypersensit 12.1 Hypothyroi
357797 Infectious 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Menorrhagi 12.1 Menstrual d 12.1 Myalgia
357797 Nuclear ma 12.1 Pharyngitis 12.1 Sensation 12.1 Streptococca 12.1 Swelling
357797 Swelling fa 12.1 Thyroid fun 12.1 Thyroxine 12.1 Ultrasound 12.1 Weight inc
357806 Abdominal 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Skin burnin 12.1
357807 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357816 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash macu 12.1 Skin discol 12.1
357830 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357831 Anaphylacti 12.1 Pulse abse 12.1 Tachycardi 12.1 Tremor 12.1 Vomiting
357832 Abasia 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Abdominal 12.1 Arthralgia
357832 Arthralgia 12.1 Chest disc 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Contusion 12.1 Culture uri
357832 Decreased 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Dysuria 12.1 Eyelid oed 12.1 Eyelid oed
357832 Gait distur 12.1 Heat exhau 12.1 Heat strok 12.1 Henoch-Sch 12.1 Hot flush
357832 Hypophagi 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Joint swell 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Oedema per
357832 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Protein uri 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash eryth
357832 Rash gener 12.1 Residual ur 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Testicular 12.1 Urine anal
357832 Urine anal 12.1 Urine keto 12.1 X-ray norm 12.1
357833 Erythema 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Swelling 12.1
357834 Feeling ab 12.1 Inflammati 12.1 Liver disor 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 White blood
357835 Computeri 12.1 Condition 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Intensive c
357835 Nuclear ma 12.1
357836 Injected li 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357837 Pain in ext 12.1
357838 Abdominal 12.1 Hyperventil 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1
357839 Influenza li 12.1 Pulmonary 12.1
357840 Chills 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357841 Urticaria 12.1
357842 Pruritus 12.1 Rash papul 12.1
357843 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357844 Axillary pai 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357845 Lip swellin 12.1
357846 Dizziness 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1
357847 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357848 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Pallor
357848 Respiratory 12.1 Syncope 12.1
357849 Blood pres 12.1 Dizziness 12.1
357850 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357851 Injection sit 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pruritus 12.1
357852 Axillary ma 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Lethargy
357852 Nausea 12.1
357853 Pruritus 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash macu 12.1
357854 Pruritus 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash macu 12.1
357855 Myalgia 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357856 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357858 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357859 Cough 12.1 Drooling 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Protrusion 12.1 Unresponsiv
357863 Arthralgia 12.1 Back pain 12.1 Chills 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Malaise
357863 Musculoske 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357869 Blood thyro 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Pain in ext
357869 Pain in ext 12.1 Prostatic s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood c 12.1 Tendernes
357872 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Hypersensit
357872 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Swelling 12.1 Viral infect 12.1
357873 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357875 Blindness 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Mydriasis 12.1 No reaction
357875 Pallor 12.1 Tinnitus 12.1 Unresponsiv 12.1 Vision blur 12.1
357876 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1
357878 Injected li 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357879 Dizziness 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1
357880 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357881 Unevaluabl 12.1
357882 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357883 Dermatitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin warm
357884 Dysphonia 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain
357884 Pain in ext 12.1 Palpitation 12.1
357885 Arthralgia 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1
357886 Local swell 12.1
357887 Headache 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash
357888 Herpes zos 12.1
357889 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357890 Fatigue 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia
357890 Urticaria 12.1
357891 Blood crea 12.1 Cellulitis 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Full blood
357891 Induration 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Urine colo
357892 Musculoske 12.1
357893 Erythema m 12.1
357894 Injection si 12.1
357895 Crying 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Screaming 12.1 Vomiting 12.1
357896 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357897 Rash 12.1
357905 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357908 Immunisati 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Nausea 12.1 No reaction 12.1 Throat tigh
357908 Vomiting 12.1
357911 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357912 Bone marro 12.1 Combined 12.1 Failure to t 12.1 Rotavirus i 12.1 Rotavirus t
357913 Anaemia 12.1 Band neutr 12.1 Band neutr 12.1 Blood crea 12.1 Blood gluc
357913 Brain natri 12.1 C-reactive 12.1 Condition 12.1 Decreased a 12.1 Dehydratio
357913 Depressed 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Feeding dis 12.1 Grunting
357913 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Lethargy
357913 Lymphocyte 12.1 Metamyeloc 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pallor
357913 Platelet co 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Red blood 12.1 Regurgitati 12.1 Reticulocyt
357913 Sinus tach 12.1 Tachycardi 12.1 Viral infect 12.1 White blood 12.1
357914 Alanine am 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Blood alka 12.1 Blood bilir 12.1 Blood cultu
357914 Blood gluc 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Crying 12.1 Decreased a 12.1 Electrocar
357914 Hypotensio 12.1 Lymphocyte 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Neutrophil 12.1 Oxygen sat
357914 PO2 decre 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vaccination 12.1 White blood
357915 Angiogram 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Nuclear ma 12.1 Partial sei 12.1
357916 Blood cultu 12.1 Body tempe 12.1 CSF cultur 12.1 CSF test n 12.1 Cardiac mu
357916 Crying 12.1 Culture uri 12.1 Electrocar 12.1 Electroenc 12.1 Full blood
357916 Grunting 12.1 Hypotonia 12.1 Inappropria 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Oxygen sat
357916 Pallor 12.1 Pupil fixed 12.1 Respirator 12.1 Skin discol 12.1 Unresponsiv
357916 Urine analy 12.1 Use of acc 12.1 Virus cultu 12.1
357917 Pain in ext 12.1
357918 Dizziness 12.1 Loss of co 12.1
357919 Abdominal 12.1 Chest pain 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Heart rate
357919 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Urticaria
357921 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si
357922 Mobility d 12.1
357923 Blood gluc 12.1 Confusional 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Laboratory 12.1 Skin warm
357926 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357927 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357928 Haemorrha 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357929 Abdominal 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Nausea 12.1
357930 Urticaria 12.1
357931 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Hypoaesthe
357931 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
357932 Acute diss 12.1 Asthenia 12.1 Balance di 12.1 Coordinati 12.1 Decreased
357932 Fatigue 12.1 Headache 12.1 Incontinen 12.1 Intensive c 12.1 Mental sta
357932 Movement d 12.1 Neck pain 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Pyrexia
357932 Speech dis 12.1
357934 Hypersensit 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357935 Blister 12.1 Herpes zos 12.1 Musculoske 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain in ext
357935 Rash 12.1 Tremor 12.1
357936 Urticaria 12.1
357937 Drug hypers 12.1 Drug hypers 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1 Rash prurit
357937 Swelling 12.1
357938 Pain in ext 12.1
357939 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357940 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357942 Chills 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Myalgia 12.1 Nausea
357942 Pyrexia 12.1 Tremor 12.1
357943 Face oede 12.1
357944 Injection si 12.1 Rash eryth 12.1
357945 Injection 12.1 Injection 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357946 Induration 12.1 Inflammati 12.1 Pain 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Rash
357947 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357948 Body tempe 12.1 Crying 12.1 Dehydratio 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Irritability
357948 Lethargy 12.1 Listless 12.1 Metabolic f 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash macul
357948 Social avoi 12.1 Urine analy 12.1
357949 Abdominal 12.1 Activities o 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Headache 12.1 Palpitation
357949 Vomiting 12.1
357950 Cough 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Rhinorrhoe
357951 Paraesthes 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357952 Cough 12.1 Decreased 12.1 Headache 12.1 Oropharyng 12.1 Pain
357952 Pyrexia 12.1 Sneezing 12.1
357953 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1 Local swell 12.1
357954 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357955 Headache 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357956 Chest disc 12.1 Chills 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Influenza s
357956 Pyrexia 12.1
357957 Inappropria 12.1
357958 Erythema 12.1
357959 Lymphaden 12.1
357960 Body tempe 12.1 Ear pain 12.1
357961 Erythema 12.1 Local react 12.1 Tendernes 12.1
357963 Hypophagi 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Psychomoto 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting
357964 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357965 Erythema 12.1 Induration 12.1
357966 Oropharyng 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
357967 Face oede 12.1 Rash gener 12.1
357968 Erythema 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Skin warm 12.1
357969 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Pyrexia
357971 Blood pres 12.1 Heart rate 12.1
357972 Injection sit 12.1
357973 Dizziness 12.1 Dysarthria 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Swollen to
357973 Throat tigh 12.1 Tongue bit 12.1
357974 Blood cultu 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Febrile con 12.1 HIV antibo 12.1 Haematocri
357974 Haemoglob 12.1 Monocyte c 12.1 Nasal cong 12.1 Pneumonia 12.1 Pyrexia
357974 Rales 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Rhonchi 12.1 Tachycardi
357974 Tachypnoe 12.1 Use of acc 12.1 White blood 12.1
357975 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Similar rea 12.1
357976 Wrong drug 12.1
357977 Erythema 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Rash 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
357978 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s
357979 Dyspnoea 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Hypertensi 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Paraesthes
357979 Similar rea 12.1
357980 Chest disc 12.1 Lip blister 12.1 Lip swellin 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Pain
357980 Swelling fa 12.1 Tendernes 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
357981 Myalgia 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
357982 Blood gase 12.1 Blood gluc 12.1 Chest X-ra 12.1 Computeris 12.1 Cyanosis
357982 Depressed 12.1 Dyskinesia 12.1 Full blood 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Haematocri
357982 Oxygen sat 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Posturing 12.1 Respiratory 12.1 Urine analy
357983 Pain in ext 12.1
357984 Abdominal 12.1 Eye swelli 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Rash 12.1 Swelling fa
357984 Urticaria 12.1
357985 Herpes zos 12.1 Rash 12.1 Rash 12.1
357986 Blood gluc 12.1 Condition 12.1 Convulsion 12.1 Gaze palsy 12.1 Immediate p
357986 Loss of co 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1 Oxygen sat 12.1 Tonic clon 12.1 Urinary inc
357987 Chest disc 12.1 Cough 12.1 Eye pruritu 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1
357988 Dizziness 12.1
357989 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
357990 Erythema 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Rash
357991 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
357992 Asthenia 12.1 Feeling hot 12.1 Headache 12.1 Tremor 12.1
357993 Cellulitis 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Lymphaden 12.1 Night swea 12.1 Oedema per
357993 Pain in ext 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Skin discol 12.1
357994 Abnormal b 12.1 Fall 12.1 Feeding dis 12.1 Fontanelle 12.1 Injection s
357994 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Lethargy 12.1 Pleural dis
357994 Pulmonary 12.1 Pulmonary 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Screaming 12.1 Sudden de
357994 Sudden inf 12.1 Tracheitis 12.1 Visceral co 12.1
357995 Dyspnoea 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Muscle sp 12.1
357996 Erythema 12.1 Pain 12.1
357997 Dizziness 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Tongue dis 12.1
357998 Asthenia 12.1 Headache 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Myalgia
357998 Neck pain 12.1
357999 Chest disc 12.1 Cough 12.1 Flushing 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Throat tigh
358000 Decreased 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Eye burns 12.1 Injected li
358000 Injection si 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Muscular 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Poor qualit
358001 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1
358002 Death 12.1
358003 Asthenia 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Paraesthesi
358003 Respiratory 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
358004 Rash prurit 12.1
358005 Cough 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Erythema 12.1 Pruritus ge 12.1 Rash papul
358005 Swelling 12.1 Throat tigh 12.1
358006 Asthenia 12.1 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Immediate p 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
358007 Abdominal 12.1 Chills 12.1 Cough 12.1 Pain 12.1 Palpitation
358007 Vomiting 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
358008 Inappropria 12.1 Varicella 12.1
358009 Gallbladder 12.1 Gallbladder 12.1 Type 1 diab 12.1
358010 Oedema per 12.1
358011 Pruritus 12.1 Rash macu 12.1 Rash papul 12.1
358015 Lymphaden 12.1
358016 Wrong drug 12.1
358017 Hypoaesthe 12.1 Pain 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1 Sleep disor 12.1
358018 Accidental 12.1 Medical dev 12.1 Paraesthes 12.1
358019 Influenza li 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 White blood 12.1
358020 Discomfort 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pain 12.1
358021 Dysphagia 12.1 Pharyngea 12.1
358022 Chills 12.1 Malaise 12.1 Pain 12.1 Pruritus 12.1 Rash
358022 Urticaria 12.1
358023 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1
358024 Chills 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Influenza li
358024 Nausea 12.1 Syncope 12.1 Visual imp 12.1
358025 Dreamy sta 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Hyperventil 12.1 Pallor 12.1 Unresponsiv
358026 Pyrexia 12.1 Vomiting pr 12.1
358027 Full blood 12.1 Influenza s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Nausea 12.1 Pyrexia
358027 Vomiting 12.1
358028 Diarrhoea 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Hyperhidro 12.1 Injected li 12.1 Muscle sp
358028 Muscular 12.1 Oedema per 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1 Urticaria 12.1
358029 Muscle swe 12.1 Neck pain 12.1
358030 Body tempe 12.1 Diarrhoea 12.1 Gastroenteri 12.1 Premature 12.1 Vomiting
358031 Cough 12.1 Dyspnoea 12.1 Eye discha 12.1 Headache 12.1 Muscular
358031 Sinus hea 12.1 Throat irrit 12.1
358032 Local swell 12.1
358033 Back pain 12.1 Musculoskel 12.1
358034 Chest pain 12.1 Contusion 12.1 Immediate p 12.1
358035 Oedema per 12.1
358036 Blood pres 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Heart rate 12.1 Pain in ext 12.1
358037 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Joint rang 12.1 Neck pain
358037 Pain in jaw 12.1
358038 Blood gluc 12.1 Dizziness 12.1 Dysgeusia 12.1 Visual imp 12.1
358039 Skin discol 12.1 Swelling fa 12.1
358040 Fall 12.1 Ophthalmol 12.1 Skin lacera 12.1 Syncope 12.1
358041 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Injection si 12.1 Skin warm 12.1 Tendernes
358042 Cellulitis 12.1 Injection s 12.1 Injection si 12.1
358043 Unevaluabl 12.1
358044 Breath sou 12.1 Cyanosis 12.1 Wheezing 12.1
358051 Pyrexia 12.1
358075 Drug admini 12.1 Medication 12.1
358076 Body tempe 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1
358077 Decreased 12.1 Feeling ab 12.1 Insomnia 12.1 Irritability 12.1 Pyrexia
358078 Inappropria 12.1 Pyrexia 12.1 Vaccination 12.1
358471 Arthralgia 12.1 Fatigue 12.1 Haematocri 12.1 Haemoglob 12.1 Platelet co
358471 Vision blur 12.1 White blood 12.1










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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