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*secLlons of pleces Lo be played ln class

o Muslcal naLlonallsm refers Lo Lhe use of muslcal ldeas or moLlfs LhaL are
ldenLlfled wlLh a speclflc counLry, reglon, or eLhnlclLy, such as folk Lunes and
melodles, rhyLhms, and harmonles lnsplred by Lhem.

o 1chalkovsky - blography LexL pg 333
*Caprlclo - 1he Caprlcclo was lnsplred by a Lrlp 1chalkovsky Look Lo 8ome,
durlng whlch he saw Lhe Carnlval ln full swlng, and ls remlnlscenL
of lLallan folk muslc and sLreeL songs. A bugle call LhaL he overheard from
hls hoLel played by lLallan cavalry reglmenL

*Swan Lake - openlng, black swan and whlLe song. lashloned from
8usslan folk Lales and Lells Lhe sLory of CdeLLe, a prlncess Lurned lnLo a
swan by an evll sorcerer's curse.

Sleeplng 8eauLy

o uvo[ak - Czech blo pg 313
uvoik frequenLly employed feaLures of Lhe folk muslc of Moravla and hls
naLlve 8ohemla (Lhen parLs of Lhe AusLrlan Lmplre and now consLlLuLlng
Lhe Czech 8epubllc). uvoik's own sLyle has been descrlbed as 'Lhe fullesL
recreaLlon of a naLlonal ldlom wlLh LhaL of Lhe symphonlc LradlLlon,
absorblng folk lnfluences and flndlng effecLlve ways of uslng Lhem'.
known for versaLlllLy
uvoik was lnLeresLed ln naLlve Amerlcan muslc and Lhe Afrlcan-
Amerlcan splrlLuals he heard ln Amerlca.
*new World Symphony, was composed by AnLonln uvoik ln 1893 whlle
he was Lhe dlrecLor of Lhe naLlonal ConservaLory of Muslc of
Amerlca from 1892 Lo 1893
1he plece has four movemenLs:
1. Adaglo, 4/8 - Allegro molLo, 2/4, L mlnor
2. Largo, common Llme, u-flaL ma[or, Lhen laLer C-sharp mlnor
3. Scherzo: MolLo vlvace - oco sosLenuLo, 3/4, L mlnor
4. Allegro con fuoco, common Llme, L mlnor, ends ln L ma[or
o new world symphony absoluLe muslc ln program era, buL was naLlonallsL
AbsoluLe muslc (someLlmes absLracL muslc) ls muslc LhaL ls noL expllclLly
"abouL" anyLhlng, ln conLrasL Lo program muslc,
o *Coln' Pome - SplrlLual - lyrlcs wrlLLen by hls pupll Wllllam Arms llsher
adapLed from Lhe Largo secLlon and ls ofLen mlsLakenly consldered a
foklk song or splrlLual.

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o nlkolal 8lmsky-korsakov
8usslan SLyle
!!"#$%&&%' )*#"+,'-, -based on Spanlsh folk melodle
!./**%", )"*01$ 21*0%3"- 431$0/$1, 1he Lunes ln Lhe overLure are
largely from Lhe 8usslan CrLhodox llLurgy, based on a collecLlon of
old 8usslan CrLhodox llLurglcal chanLs
ln Lhls overLure, Lhe composer, as he says ln hls
auLoblography, ls eager Lo reproduce "Lhe
legendary and heaLhen aspecL of Lhe hollday, and
Lhe LranslLlon from Lhe solemnlLy and mysLery of
Lhe evenlng of asslon SaLurday Lo Lhe unbrldled
pagan-rellglous celebraLlons of LasLer Sunday
mornlng". 8lmsky-korsakov always had a greaL
lnLeresL ln - and en[oymenL of - llLurglcal Lhemes
and muslc, Lhough he was hlmself a non-bellever.
!5&6161$"7"81-8ased on 4,1 96'/*",8 ",8 4,1 :%+60*,
someLlmes known as 961 ;$"<%", :%+60*,
ln18C: 1he SulLan Scharlar, convlnced LhaL all women are
false and falLhless, vowed Lo puL Lo deaLh each of hls wlves
afLer Lhe flrsL nupLlal nlghL. 8uL Lhe SulLana Sheherazade
saved her llfe by enLerLalnlng her lord wlLh fasclnaLlng
Lales, Lold *1$%"0%=, for a Lhousand and one nlghLs. 1he
SulLan, consumed wlLh curloslLy, posLponed from day Lo
day Lhe execuLlon of hls wlfe, and flnally repudlaLed hls
bloody vow enLlrely.

o Camllle SalnL-Saens
lrench composer
lanlsL - "unequalled on Lhe organ"
lrlends wlLh lranz LlszL
WroLe symphonlc poems
lollowlng a dlsasLrous concerL Lour of Cermany ln 1883-86, SalnL-Saens
wlLhdrew Lo a small AusLrlan vlllage, where he composed *961 !"$,%3"-
'> 061 ;,%="-* ln lebruary 1886. lrom Lhe beglnnlng, SalnL-Saens
regarded Lhe work as a plece of fun. Cn 9 lebruary 1886 he wroLe Lo hls
publlshers uurand ln arls LhaL he was composlng a work for Lhe comlng
Shrove 1uesday, and confesslng LhaL he knew he should be worklng on
hls 1hlrd Symphony, buL LhaL Lhls work was "such fun"
! ulun'1 WAn1 l1 u8LlSPLu un1lL PL ulLu because lL would
deLracL from serlous composer lmage
14 movemenLs
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! 2.1 l ?,0$'8/&0%', 10 ="$&61 $'@"-1 8/ -%', (lnLroducLlon and 8oyal
March of Lhe Llon)
! 2.2 ll A'/-1* 10 &'B* (Pens and 8oosLers)
! 2.3 lll CD=%',1* E",%="/F 3D-'&1*G (Wlld Asses: SwlfL Anlmals)
! 2.4 lv 9'$0/1* (1orLolses)
! 2.3 v HID-D#6",0 (1he LlephanL)
! 2.6 vl J",+'/$'/* (kangaroos)
! 2.7 vll ;B/"$%/=
! 2.8 vlll A1$*',,"+1* K -',+/1* '$1%--1* (ersonages wlLh Long
! 2.9 lx H1 &'/&'/ "/ >',8 81* <'%* (1he Cuckoo ln Lhe uepLhs of Lhe
! 2.10 x L'-%M$1 (Avlary)
! 2.11 xl A%",%*01* (lanlsLs)
! 2.12 xll 2'**%-1* (losslls)
! 2.13 xlll H1 &@+,1 (1he Swan)
! 2.14 xlv 2%,"- (llnale)
*uanse Macabre

o naLlonal anLhems
! !uSA
! !Canada
! !llnland
! !Cermany
! !lrance
! !!apan

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