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Subject What is hardware & output hardware Page 02 03 04 0 0! 0# 0'


2. Monitor 3. Projector 4. Audio output hardware . Printer !. P"otter #. Mu"ti$unction Printer %echno"og&

(utput )ardware
)ardware* Hardware is the visual part of a computer system. The physical devices that
make up the computer are called hardware. In general computer hardware is categorized according to which of the five computer operations it performs. Input Processing & memory Output Storage ommunications.

(utput )ardware* Output hardware is the hardware that provides the user to view and
use the information produced !y the computer.

Softcopy output hardware: Softcopy refers to temporary image" sound such as those displayed on a monitor and played in a speaker. #onitor Pro$ector Sound System Hardcopy output hardware: Hardcopy refers to printer output !ecause it is relatively permanent form. Printer Plotter.


Softcopy output generally refers to the display on a monitor. It is the output device that people use most. #onitor run under the control of a graphics display adapter card plugged into an e%pansion slot on the system !oard. There are two types of monitors"

&T #onitors

'lat(Panel #onitors

C+% Monitors* The cathode,ra& tube -C+%. is a vacuum tu!e used as a display screen
in a computer or video display terminal. ) stream of !its defining the image is sent from the computer to the &T*s electron gun" where electrons are activated according to the !it patterns. The front of the &T screen is coated inside with phosphor. +hen a !eam of electron from the electron gun hits the phosphor" it lights up selected pi%els to generate an image on the screen.

'lat(Panel #onitor

&T #onitor

/"at,Pane" Monitors* 'lat(Panel displays are much thinner" weight less" and consume
less power. They have used for years in porta!le computers" and now they are availa!le for desktop computers. 'lat(panel displayed image are not always as good as &T image" and flat(panel image cannot !e clearly viewed from an angle.

Screen C"arit&* Screen clarity depends on three ,ualities - resolution" dot pitch and
refresh rate. +eso"ution* The clarity or sharpness of the display screen is called it*s resolution. Standard screen resolutions are ./01/20" 2001.00" 304/15.2" 34201304/ and 3.0013400. 0ot pitch* 6ot pitch is the amount of space !etween pi%els. +e$resh rate* &efresh rate is the num!er of times per second that the pi%els are recharged so that their glow remains !right.


To get presentation onto the 7!ig screen*" digital light pro$ector are !ecoming increasingly common. ) digital light pro$ector plugs into one of the computer*s port and then pro$ects the video output onto an e%ternal surface.

Audio (utput )ardware*

Hardware devices that ena!le voice output and sound output" also considered to !e softcopy output.

1oice (utput* 8oice output devices convert digital data into speech(like sounds. These
devices are no longer very unusual. Some uses of speech output are simply frivolous or amusing. +e can replace our computer start(up !eep with the sound of 9ames :rown screaming" 7I feel goooood;.

Sound (utput* Sound output devices produce digitized sounds" ranging from !eeps and
chirps to music. To e%ercise these possi!ilities" we need !oth the necessary software and the sound card. The sound card plugs into an e%pansion slot in our computer" !ut it is commonly integrated with the mother!oard on newer computers.

The digital sound outputs go to a mi%er" a device that !alances and controls music and sounds. They can then flow through stereo speakers or !e recorded. #icrocomputers often come with a sound speaker" although these speakers often have a rather tinny ,uality. 'or good sound you will need to connect e%ternal speakers.

) printer is an output device that prints characters" sym!ols and graphics on paper. There are two types of printers< Impact Printer =onimpact Printer

23pact Printer* It forms characters or images !y striking a mechanism as a print hammer

or wheel against an inked ri!!on" leaving an image on paper.

6ot(matri% Printer

4oni3pact Printer* =onimpact printers form characters and images without direct
physical contact !etween the printing mechanism and the paper. Two types of nonimpact printers often used in microcomputer<

>aser Printer Ink($et Printer

5aser Printer* >aser printer creates image with dots. These images are created on
a drum" treated with a magnetically charged ink(like tonner ?power@" and then transferred from drum to paper.

There are good reasons why laser printers are popular. They produce sharp" crisp images of !oth te%t and graphics.

2n6,jet Printer* Ink($et printers spray small" electrically charged droplets of ink
from four nozzles through holes in a matri% at a high speed onto paper.

Ink($et printers can print in color and are ,uieter and much less e%pensive than a color laser printer.

) plotter is a specialized output device designed to produce high(,uality graphics in a variety of colors. Plotters are used for creating large hardcopy items such as maps" architectural drawing and A6 illustrations. Such items are usually too large to !e printed on regular printer.

Mu"ti$unction Printer %echno"og&*

Bverything is !ecoming something else and even printers are !ecoming devices than can do more than print. #ultifunction devices com!ine several capa!ilities such as printing" scanning. opying and fa%ing" all in one device. B%amples are the HP Office9et and the anon #ultiPuss.

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