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For words, Sasan told this story.

1- Last summer that I was in Iran, near my house in Tehran, Shim ran, Dezashib in Haghighat ally was a big house with the name of Qaem Heath on it. Every day over 400 people made a line there to get the number to be visited by the man who was living there. He acted of a sort of doctor and the people told me, he touch them and give them a candy with water and after that they were OK. The patient with cancer and other bad sickness told me, that they were healed. I tried to visit the man who is said had studied in Germany. But because I was not sick I could not get the permission to visit him. He is called as doctor Nabati as Nabat is the name of Persian candy. He does not charge money and he had a lot of customers and all of them say good words about him. I have spoken with many people and none of them said anything negative concerning his work. Sorrowfully I could not see him to get more details. I think he should have special power as we cannot explain with our new science.

How can he heal the patients who were sent out from other hospital and or other academic doctors? The government also does not shut his business as I heard that they believe in his extra power. 2- About 150 years ago, in Iran a man named Bob called himself a messenger of God. He was very young under 30 years old. He gathered around himself a lot of people that they believe in him. But the government of Iran and clergies did not like him and wanted to destroy him. He wrote some books and could speak very well and had a huge knowledge. The government of Iran

wanted to kill him. They sent him to the jail and after a while they put him in front of 750 Christian Armenian soldiers to shout him, because the Moslem soldiers may be did not want to kill somebody who was saying he is the 12 Imam of them and he has been sent by God. The general of these Armenian soldiers was general Sam Khan, he went to him and asked him if he is a real passenger of God, should tell him so he will not give order to his soldiers to kill him. The Babb told him, if his heart is pure, he will not do a wrong matter. After shouting him after a while the people saw that he is disappear from that place. After searching for a while they found him sitting in his place and speaking and writing something. He stands up and said now you can kill me. The general Sam Khan refused to shout him for the second time. Many people in Tabriz who saw this shouted that he is from God and they were his flowers and they accepted him as a prophet of God. With bringing of these two examples I would say, sometimes something happen that we cannot explain with our today knowledge. In the past in Iran it was a big bath which it water has been warmed only by a candle. Or it is in Esfahan a building if you move one of them, the other which is far from the first one is moving, too. Or that with our today technical abilities we cannot build something like the pyramids in Egypt. In Bible are some places and some written words that it is difficult to explain or understand. Why God wants scarifies, to kill the animals for him or even Jesus should be killed as scarify? Is the God is thirsty for blood? Why scarify could not be some fruits or vegetables? The teachings of Jesus or Moses are fine and still today are understandable. But some of actions cannot be explained today. For

example he heals the people, and says he sent the demons or bad spirits out of them. And in one place he sent them to the pigs and the pigs killed themselves or suicides. Or why God wanted to examine Abraham, if the God knows everything he would know that Abraham is a trustworthy man or? The other problems is the people saw so many miracle performed by him, why they did not believe in him right away? Why his mother should be virgin? Is sex a bad thing? Why God created sex if it is a bad thing? To have no father and or to be born from a virgin mother was important in the past. So the Adam had no father and no mother at all, so he should be more important also? 100 years ago and maybe now the sex is a dirty action in many cultures. Some girls are cut like boys a part of their sexual organ, the chlorites to lose their sexual appetite. Many girls are killed, because they had a lover. Even a princess of Saudi Arabia is headed, because she had a body friend. To have sex without marriage or even with love is a stupid matter for the girls now in many Middle Eastern countries. Is it the case why Jesus should be born from a virgin mother who was pure in those cultures? I can imagine that a boy without father should have a very hard life in those countries at that time. Sorrowfully still in those countries the people kill each other because of different religions and as you know the Sunni and Shia kill each other for many years. Generally the none-Arab Moslems did not read Quran in their languages, with other words they do not understand a lot about their own religions. They just flow their clergies and they are generally after money and power and use the people as a device for their own benefits. May be most the religious leader or other leaders do not believe in Islam, they only use it to make

more money and to have more power and sex with beautiful women. They can marry as much as they want and they have harems still there and they gather beautiful girls from all around the world. They drive in cars which made by gold and they have airplanes made of gold too. They have 1001 nights houses, bath made of ivory and the most expansive furniture. Actually they robe the land and people money and spent it for their own ill tempered attitude. They even get female kids as wives and made sex with them. All of these are happening under the name Islam. Corruption is huge there and stealing by big people is fine, only the little thieves will be punished by cutting his hand or his penis or as a girl will be stoned. Few years ago, a man had over 100 wives and for these hundreds of wives he had cut the testis of over 100 young men to take care of these wives and be sure that they cannot have any sexual intercourse. You know one of the examples was so called colonel Ghadafi or Saddam Hussein. With excuse to fight against capitalism or communists they misused the religions to have more money and power and more women for themselves. They think they are born to have the best life and the other people are their slaves. You see even after so called revolutions after revolutions the people who got the power and money do the same things. Generally the Moslems are simple and ignorant and they do not read Quran and they do not know much about even their own religions, so it is easy to influence them as robots to use them against other people. They do not like internet and other media which can give more information to their people. Sorrowfully the capitalist, imperialists communists and leaders of different religions do not care about this and you know in the time we destroy food a lot of kids are hungry in the world. The gap between poor and rich is huge. And these

people have no possibilities and for this reason to attract them for a little money to be suicide bomber is not difficult. They are poor and they believe in their clergies, they say if you kill Christian and or None Moslem in their interpretation you go to the paradise and you get there Hurries, nice girls, who are always virgin and after each intercourse they change to virgin again and they are tall as 14 meters. And each intercourse takes 70 years time. And the simple young Moslems believe all these things.

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