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Pron 1 Allison Pron Dr.

Hester ELD 376 April 22, 2014 Science Lesson Plan 3 Objectives: Students will be able to observe and record how the planets rotate and orbit around the sun. Students will be able to identify the path that the moon takes around Earth. Students will be able to recognize that the sun is the center of the solar system. Students will be able to understand that the Earths rotation on its axis produces the night and day cycle. Activity Description: Students will gather around on the carpet in the front of the class. Teacher will show a diagram on the projector of the planets (see attached page). Students will repeat the planets and learn the order by saying, My Very Educated Mother Just Sent Us Noodles. Teacher will explain how Pluto is no longer a planet. Teacher will pass out the handout and have the students trace circles around the planets and sun to identify and record each path that the planets take when orbiting the sun. Teacher will have a student hold a yellow ball as the teacher takes a globe (Earth) and has it spinning while orbiting around the student. The teacher will ask the students what happens while the Earth is orbiting; students will notice that the earth also rotates on an axis while revolving around the Sun. Students will draw a rectangle through the earth and a circle with an arrow around the Earth on their handout to identify the rotation and the axis. Teacher will share that the Earth rotates every 24 hours, which produces night and day. Teacher will have a student hold the globe (Earth) and another hold the Sun as the teacher holds the Moon. Teacher will put the Moon between the Sun and the Earth and ask the students, What do you think will happen if the Moon is blocking the one part of the Earth? Students will be able to identify that there will not be sunlight on the spot on the Earth. Teacher will explain that the Moon also rotates around the Earth, and both the Earth and the Moon revolve together around the Sun. Students will draw a path around the Earth for the Moon on their handout. By the end of the lesson, the students should have a completed handout of the solar system and the revolution of each planet. Students can then color the planets to create a more visual diagram. The teacher will formatively assess the students based on their diagram/handout of the solar system.

Pron 2 Teachers Diagram:

When I graduate Rider I hope to either become a 2nd grade teacher or work for Scholastic and design posters and materials for a classroom.

Pron 3 Student Handout: The handout is blank because the students will be drawing the paths taken by each planet around the sun. Students will draw both the rotation and revolution of Earth. Students will also draw the moon orbiting around the Earth.

Pron 4 References:

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