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5PLUIAL ILA1UPL 3enex Lnergy
I!ISIAI-bnsod Sonox Inorgy Is on fho
rIso, roconfIy rovonIIng oufsfnndIng rosuIfs
ncross fho bonrd nmId hundrods of now
Ionds nnd rosocfs.
In fho sIx monfhs IondIng fo ocombor
20l3, Sonox`s rovonuo fofnIIod n rocord
$88.3 mIIIIon: l4 or conf moro fhnn fho
rovIous corrosondIng orIod.
To dnfo, Sonox hns doIIvorod rocord
rohfnbIIIfy, n gns fnrm-ouf joInf vonfuro
nnd mnforInI rogross In bofh drIIIIng nnd
roducfIon oornfIons, fho comnny sfnfod.
AddIfIonnIIy, If nnnouncod fho dIscovory
of 450 Ionds nnd rosocfs In Ifs mosf roconf
qunrforIy roorf n cIonr IndIcnfIon of
busIor fImos nhond.
ThIs rosuIf Is n sIgnIhcnnf sfo fownrds
doIIvorIng nnofhor oxcoIIonf sof of fuII yonr
rosuIfs, Sonox mnnngIng dIrocfor Inn
nvIos snId.
Wo oxocf roducfIon fo Incronso In
fho romnIndor of (fho 20l4 hnnncInI yonr)
foIIowIng drIIIIng succoss ncross our hIgh
mnrgIn Cooor-Iromnngn gns hoIds.
Sonox hns oII nnd unconvonfIonnI
gns ncrongo In fho Soufh AusfrnIInn
Cooor-Iromnngn InsIn, whIch fho
comnny doscrIbod ns AusfrnIIn`s Inrgosf
onshoro onorgy rocIncf, nnd CSC nssofs
In fho Surnf InsIn. In fofnI, fho comnny
hns nbouf ?2,300 squnro kIIomofros of
oxIornfIon nnd roducfIon fonomonfs In Ifs
!nsf yonr Sonox ugrndod Ifs rosorvos
foIIowIng nn Indoondonf rovIow of Ifs
Cooor InsIn nssofs, whIch Mr nvIos
InboIIod n good omon for fho comnny`s
fufuro In fho nron.
Iy orfh AmorIcnn sfnndnrds, fho
Cooor InsIn Is oxfromoIy undordovoIood,
ho snId nf fho fImo of fho nnnouncomonf.
ThIs mnforInI Incronso domonsfrnfos
fhoro Is Ionfy of IIfo Ioff In fhIs mnjor
oII rovInco nnd fhnf wo wIII confInuo
our rovon frnck rocord of growfh In oII
roducfIon nnd rosorvos.
Sonox hns lI rosorvos of 5.l mIIIIon
bnrroIs, 2I rosorvos of l0.8mmbbI
nnd 3I rosorvos of 2l.4mmbbI In fho
Cooor-Iromnngn InsIn whIIo, nf fho
bogInnIng of Insf yonr, Ifs CSC rosorvos woro
ugrndod by l5 or conf fo 598 ofnjouIos.
Iurfhormoro, oxIornfIon In fho
Cooor-Iromnngn InsIn IdonfIhod n
convonfIonnI fIghf gns rosorvoIr nnd n lC
rosourco of 365 bIIIIon cubIc foof, 2C rosourco
of l.9 frIIIIon cubIc foof nnd 3C rosourco of
In fho 20l4 hnnncInI yonr Sonox oxocfod
fo moof Ifs nnnunI roducfIon guIdnnco of
bofwoon l.4mmbbI nnd l.6mmbbI of oII, nn
Incronso from l.25mmbbI fho rovIous yonr.
Throughouf 20l4 fho comnny wIII focus
on Ifs hIgh mnrgIn oII busInoss In fho
Soufh AusfrnIInn Cooor-Iromnngn InsIn
fo Incronso oII rovonuos nnd rofocf fho
comnny`s bnInnco shoof, Sonox sfnfod In
Ifs 20l3 nnnunI roorf.
Coopev-vomungu BusIn
Sonox`s oornfIons In fho Cooor-Iromnngn
InsIn nro Ifs mnIn focus, comonfIng fho
comnny`s sfnnco ns n mnjor oII roducor In
fho nron.
Howovor, If Is nof jusf oII confnInod In
fho Cooor-Iromnngn InsIn; fho comnny
Is nIso workIng fownrds n Inrgo-scnIo
roducIng gns rosourco In fho bnsIn, hnvIng
oxIorod unconvonfIonnI nnd convonfIonnI
ncrongo sInco Mny 20ll.
Sonox hns n Inrgo numbor of fonomonfs
wIfhIn fho bnsIn, whIch If confInuos fo ush
cIosor fownrds commorcInI roducfIon.
In Augusf Insf yonr fho comnny socurod
n l5-yonr ofroIoum rofonfIon IIconco
schomo wIfh fho SA Covornmonf, whIch
covors nbouf l0,000sqkm of Sonox-oornfod
Tho schomo nIIows us fo rIorIfIso
Invosfmonf In our oII busInoss nccordIng
fo rosocfIvIfy nnd fhoroforo sond our
cnIfnI ofhcIonfIy nnd fnrgof fho hIghosf
rofurn Invosfmonfs for Sonox nnd Soufh
AusfrnIIn, Mr nvIos snId nf fho fImo.
In Augusf, SA IromIor Jny WonfhorIII
snId fho ngroomonf wns n good sfo fownrds
Invosfmonf In fho sfnfo.
Soufh AusfrnIIn hns vnsf rosorvos of
oII nnd gns wnIfIng fo bo unIockod whIch
wIII Iond fo sIgnIhcnnf fufuro jobs nnd
Invosfmonf, ho snId.
Sonox joIns Snnfos, Ionch Inorgy,
Chovron, II, SfnfoII, orfhorn IofroIoum
nnd ofhors In sfrongfhonIng fhoIr
commIfmonfs fo Soufh AusfrnIIn`s oII nnd
gns Indusfry.
urIng fho socond hnIf of 20l3 fho
comnny drIIIod l5 oII woIIs In fho bnsIn;
nII buf fwo of whIch woro susondod
for ofonfInI fufuro roducfIon gIvIng
If n succoss rnfo of 8? or conf. In fofnI,
Sonox Is InnnIng fo drIII moro fhnn 30 oII
oxIornfIon, nrnIsnI nnd dovoIomonf
woIIs durIng fho 20l4 hnnncInI yonr.
Tho comnny dIscovorod hvo now oII
nccumuInfIons In fho socond hnIf of 20l3,
brIngIng fwo now oII hoIds Info roducfIon
nnd rovIfnIIsIng fwo oxIsfIng hoIds.
Tho Iurrunn-2 oxIornfIon woII In II!
ll5 wns broughf Info roducfIon In Ocfobor
nffor roducIng nf n rnfo of 3600 bnrroIs of oII
or dny. Iurfhormoro, fho unIo, WorrIor
nnd AcrnsIn hoIds woro doomod nofoworfhy,
whIIo fho AcrnsIn-8 nnd SIfhro-4 nrnIsnI
woIIs woro doscrIbod by fho comnny ns
yIoIdIng nrfIcuInrIy osIfIvo rosuIfs.
Sonox Is curronfIy drIIIIng fho 22nd nnd
23rd woIIs of fho 30-woII rogrnm nf fho
WorrIor nnd VInfngo Cro oII hoIds.
Ior fho Insf sIx monfhs of 20l3 Sonox
rocordod 650,000bbI of fofnI nof oII
roducfIon, rIsIng by l6.? or conf In fho
ocombor qunrfor. If oxocfod fhIs fo
Incronso furfhor In fho Mnrch nnd Juno
qunrfors of 20l3/20l4 ns now woIIs nro
broughf onIIno ns n rosuIf of succossfuI
oxIornfIon, nrnIsnI nnd dovoIomonf.
OII nnd gns oxIoror gnInIng ground In Soufh AusfrnIIn
5enex Lnergy has a |arge number of tenements n the Uooper-Lromanga asn n 5outh Austra|a, and four U5U nterests n ueens|and
5enex Lnergy recent|y announced postve resu|ts for the rst sx months of the nanca| year 5outh Austra|an Premer Jay Weather|| and 5enex managng drector Ian 0aves announced the
15-year petro|eum retenton |cence scheme THE AUSTRLIAN OIL & GAS REVIEW

5PLUIAL ILA1UPL 3enex Lnergy
OI! nnd gns sorvIco comnny Inkor
Hughos AusfrnIIn Is rnmIng u Ifs
oornfIons In Soufh AusfrnIIn`s Cooor
InsIn fo suorf fho boom In oxIornfIon
nnd dovoIomonf In fho nron.
Tho bnsIn hIf Ifs hIghosf oII roducfIon
In 20 yonrs In 20l3 nnd rocoIvod gIobnI
modIn nffonfIon nffor comnnIos
succossfuIIy fnod Ifs mnssIvo shnIo
gns doosIfs.
Inkor Hughos AdoInIdo oxocufIvo
nccounf mnnngor Sfovo Trnvors
snId Incronsod mnrkof Inforosf In
unconvonfIonnI rosorvoIrs hnd broughf
on n jum In ncfIvIfy, nnd fho comnny
oxocfod ovon moro fo foIIow fhIs yonr.
In rosonso, fho comnny hns Incronsod
Ifs wIroIIno cnncIfy by brIngIng In now
oon-hoIo nnd cnsod-hoIo combInnfIon
wIroIIno unIfs, ns woII ns onforIng n
nrfnorshI wIfh n fhIrd-nrfy wIfh
oxfonsIvo oxorIonco In fho bnsIn fo nssIsf
wIfh sIIckIIno oornfIons.
Inkor Hughos hns nIso nddod
drIIIIng sorvIcos, IncIudIng n mobIIo
mnInfonnnco fncIIIfy bnsod In Moombn,
fo Ifs ncfIvIfIos In fho rogIon, nnd hns
oxnndod Ifs Invonfory nnd suorf of
comIofIons roducfs.
IInns nro undorwny fo boosf umIng
cnncIfy for frncfurIng sorvIcos by l4,000
hydrnuIIc horsoowor In fho bnsIn,
brIngIng fho comnny`s fofnI cnncIfy fo
Inkor Hughos wIII nIso oon n comonf
buIk Innf In fho Cooor InsIn fo moof
IocnI domnnd nnd Is IookIng fo roIocnfo
coIIod fubIng oquImonf from oIsowhoro
In fho goomnrkof fo fho fhrIvIng Soufh
AusfrnIInn rogIon.
SorvIco rovIdor rondy fo moof Cooor InsIn domnnd
Af fho ond of Iobrunry, OrIgIn Inorgy
sIgnod fwo fnrm-In ngroomonfs wIfh Sonox
fo ncquIro fwo unconvonfIonnI oxIornfIon
bIocks Aron A nnd Aron I In fho
Cooor-Iromnngn InsIn, covorIng moro
fhnn l900sqkm.
Aron A covors 36 or conf of II!-5l6 nnd
II!-ll5, bofh of whIch Sonox own; Aron
I covors 4? or conf of II!-5l4, of whIch
Sonox hns nn 80 or conf oornfod Inforosf.
Onco fho fnrm-In ngroomonfs nro
comIofod nf fho ond of Juno, OrIgIn wIII
confrIbufo $9? mIIIIon fo nn oxIornfIon
rogrnm on onch bIock. Tho comnny
wIII fhon hoId n 40 or conf Inforosf nnd
30 or conf Inforosf In Aron A nnd Aron
I rosocfIvoIy. OrIgIn wIII nIso hnvo fho
ofIon fo Incronso Ifs Inforosf In bofh
bIocks by l0 or conf fhrough nn nddIfIonnI
$?2 mIIIIon Invosfmonf In n IIof rogrnm
In onch nron.
AccordIng fo Sonox fhoro wIII bo n
fwo sfngo work rogrnm worfh u fo
$252 mIIIIon fhnf wIII InvoIvo drIIIIng nf
Ionsf l5 woIIs nnd n subsfnnfInI soIsmIc
Suvut BusIn
Ono of fho counfry`s mosf honvIIy oxIorod
nrons for CSC, fho Surnf InsIn In soufhorn
QuoonsInnd wns doscrIbod by Sonox ns
nrf of fho sfnfo`s boomIng onorgy hub.
Sonox hns four CSC fonomonfs In
fho bnsIn fhnf nro cIoso fo oxIsfIng
Infrnsfrucfuro nnd In fho foodsfock
rogIon of sovornI muIfI-bIIIIon doIInr !C
Iofwoon Ifs four fonomonfs, fho comnny
hns 2I gns rosorvos of 26.6 mIIIIon bnrroIs
of oII oquIvnIonf, 3I rosorvos of 60.8mmboo
nnd 2C rosorvos of 40.9mmboo.
Sonox`s Surnf InsIn fonomonfs nro
cnfogorIsod Info wosforn nnd onsforn
ormIfs. Tho comnny oornfos wosforn
ormIfs ATI 593I nnd ATI ??lI wIfh n 45
or conf Inforosf nnd hns n 30 or conf nnd
20 or conf Inforosf In onsforn ormIfs ATI
5?4I nnd I! l?l, rosocfIvoIy.
Tho comnny hns boon busy movIng
nhond wIfh Ifs work Inn In whIch If wIII
drIII u fo ll woIIs fhroughouf bofh 20l3
nnd 20l4. So fnr, n four coro hoIo rogrnm
hns boon comIofod. 1he urruna-2 dscovery n the Uooper asn was brought nto producton n |ate 2013

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