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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sac City Public Library
The regular monthly meeting of the Sac City Planning & Zoning Board was held on
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at the Sac City Public Library with the following board members
present: Micki Quail, Susan McCollum, Arnold Thomas, Curtis Bloes, and Frank Strain.
Board members Bobbie Wells and Vicki Strouth were absent. Also present for the
meeting were P&Z Enforcement Officer, Stacy Carlson and city council representative,
Teresa Bruening. Meeting was called to order by President Micki Quail.
The meeting agenda and minutes of the March 18, 2014 board meeting were approved
as presented by general consent.
Curtis Bloes updated the board on the possible clean-up of the old Sun Wise property
on North 5th Street. Before we can proceed with that project the Department of Natural
Resources will require an asbestos inspection of the property. Estimated cost of the
inspection is $1,000.00 to $1,700.00. Motion by Arnold Thomas and seconded by Frank
Strain to ask the city council for approval of an expenditure of up to $2,000.00 from the
Planning & Zoning budget to pay for the asbestos inspection costs. Motion carried.
Curtis Bloes and Susan McCollum will attend the city council meeting to present our
Spring Clean-Up was discussed. The board committee has not finalized their plans
yet, but they are looking at running the promotion from May 1, 2014 through August 31,
2014 with winners to be determined at the September board meeting.
There was no new discussion on the downtown lot where the old Matts Shoe Store
was located.
The board discussed continued review of the Sac City Zoning Ordinances. None of
the board members have updated copies which show earlier approved amendments and
changes made by the council at the request of the P&Z Board. City officials will be
contact to obtain updated copies of the ordinances. Micki Quail will contact Bobbie
Wells to see which ordinances still need to be reviewed by the board.
President Micki Quail informed the board that she had received an e-mail from Laura
Zimmerman informing her that the property at 512 South 11th Street which is next door to
her is again vacant. It appears no repairs were made while it was occupied, and it
continues to be a property in need of attention. Enforcement Officer Stacy Carlson will
contact the father of the previous occupant to see what the plans are for the property. A
second notice will be sent to the property owner.

Enforcement Officer Stacy Carlson reviewed with the board the list of property
owners receiving first and second notice letters regarding needed repairs for their
properties. He also reviewed the list of new building permits issued during March and
April, 2014.
The next regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning board will be May 20, 2014 at
6:30 P.M. at the Sac City Public Library.
Motion by Curtis Bloes and seconded by Arnold Thomas to adjourn. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M.
Frank Strain, Secretary

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