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Chapter 29

On February 3rd, 1975 -- After a debate that lasted for 15-days, the Maronite
“conclave” unanimously chose “Anthony Peter Khoraish” (also known as Antoine
Pierre Kreich) as the new Patriarch of Antioch and the Middle East, he resigned on
April 3rd, 1986 (78-years, 6-months of age) – he died on August 19th, 1994 (86-years,
10-months old) in Beirut and is buried at Bkerke.
Soviet Foreign Minister “Andrei Gromyko” concludes visit with Syria having talks
about peace in the Middle East and the sale of arms to Syria.
The “Arab Defense Committee” on February 5th, meeting in Cairo voted $90
million for the defense of Lebanon.
Egypt and USSR call for the Geneva peace talks to resume, ASAP. Joint
communiqué is issued by the two countries; this following Soviet Andrei Gromyko’s
meeting with President Sadat. No deadline set. Although Sadat really prefers the
talks take place in the United Nations “buffer” zone in Sinai.
Five people are killed, 23 wounded by an exploding grenade in “Natanya, Israel”,
that a Palestinian group claims responsibility for…
In Alexandria, Egypt an artillery shell (believed left over from WWII) explodes,
killing 9 and wounding 18.
On March 7th, 1975 major events surfaced in Sidon, where the Lebanese army
clashed with demonstrators protesting in favor of the fishermen. “Maarouf Saad1” a
former legislator was shot and later died from his wound. Sidon, as some said, was
in fire and covered in blood. Many dead and wounded citizens were reported, on
both sides – the military and the civilian sectors --- all business and schools closed
their doors. Many leaders in Lebanon accused “Prime Minister – Rachid El Solh” of
being responsible for the events, nevertheless numerous demonstrations
“supporting” the army were organized in Beirut.
Young “army deserter” and four other “Israelis” arrested and charged with
setting off grenade that killed five people in Natanya nightclub on the Feb 5th – one
act of terror that the Palestinians really can’t claim.
Feb 11th – Kissinger is flown down to the Sinai to view the mountain passes,
where Brigadier General “Jacob Evan” says they are strategic to Israel’s defense.
On February 27, 1975, a Moslem Sunni leader, Maarouf Saad was killed during a fishermen demonstration.
Feb 12th – After visiting Egypt Henry Kissinger visits Syria and then goes to Israel.
Feb 18th – President Hafez al-Assad will not renew UN mandate for a
Peacekeeping force on the Golan Heights beyond May.
Feb 19th – Kissinger reports that Syria “may” ruin any progress towards peace.
Feb 20th – U.S. considering a formal defense treaty with Israel, Prime Minister
Itzhak Rabin says Israel is “not” interested in any American defense treaty.
U.S. Defense Dept says it has trained over 500,000 Saudi Arabian troops in
United States since 1950.
Feb 21st – Israel rejects idea of giving up “occupied” Arab territory even if United
States and Soviet Union both sign a treaty guaranteeing Israel’s security.
Feb 26th – It is announced that Saudi Arabia has “blacklisted” over 1500
American Individuals who have done business with Israel.

February’s headlines open with the USSR visiting with Syria to discuss peace and
sell “arms” – interesting conversation to say the least – during the next couple of
days the USSR and Egypt call for the resumption of the Geneva peace talks. And to
top off all this peace the Arab Defense League pledges $90 million to Lebanon.
Speaking of Lebanon, the government issues a major fishing right to a large
corporation and the private fishermen in Sidon (the name Sidon means fish) revolt,
the Lebanese Army who will not come between the Muslims and Christians later,
steps in and kills a few citizens. Some say this is one spark among the many that
begat the war in Lebanon.
Henry Kissinger goes to Syria and meets with President Assad, who is now flush
with the success of securing some financial support from Saudi Arabia, who tells
statesman Henry what train to leave on and refuses to extend the UN Mandate on
the Golan Heights – naturally Henry is a little upset and leaves telling the world
press that Syria might be a hindrance to peace in the Middle East.
US and USSR say they might guarantee the security of Israel if it endorses a
peace treaty with Egypt, and the US evens offers a mutual defense treaty – 6-days
later the Saudis announce they have blacklisted 1500 business individuals who
have done business with Israel. On March 25th a member of the American Jewish
Community says that (in protesting an Arabic business venture in the USA) Saudi
Arabia has blacklisted 1500 companies from doing business with Israel.
Another wonderful month of check and checkmate, with the flying flag of peace
waved at every chance.

March 2nd (Sunday) – Lebanese army reports 5-killed and 10-wounded in fighting
in Sidon, the army moved against fishermen who were angered because the
government gave a commercial company the fishing rights off the coast.
March 3rd – Suez Canal will not be opened until political questions answers; the
Canal is Sadat’s strongest card in his negotiations for peace with Israel.
March 5th – Reports indicate that 11 armed guerrillas take over the Savoy Hotel
in Tel Aviv seafront – gun battle is reported underway. It is an Arab raid from the
sea, there is explosions reported.
March 6th – Israeli troops attack the guerrillas just before dawn, ending hotel
siege. Where 8-terrorists came ashore in pontoon boats – 1st thought only 6 but two
were spotted on rooftop – 1 killed the other captured.
Palestinian leaders in Beirut claim responsibility – they say this is a message that
Kissinger should know that there is no “possible” peace in the Middle East, without
PLO input and they are totally “disenchanted” with Kissinger’s methods of
negotiating peace and with America’s general attitude towards the PLO.
Israeli PM Itzhak Rabin says, “Israel cannot negotiate peace with this murderers’
organization – at least 14 people killed by PLO and 7 of the 8 terrorists.
On the Lebanese/Israeli border one Israeli soldier is killed and three others are
wounded by a land mine.
March 7th – The bodies of five foreign visitors are found in the rubble of Tel Aviv
hotel – bringing the total to 19 people killed by the PLO.
March 16th – For decades the Syrians controlled the Golan Heights, making life
miserable for villages below. In 1967 the Syrians were pushed halfway back to
Damascus by Israelis – a most embarrassing withdrawal. Israelis agreed that the
Syrians should be kept as far back as possible – there have been 18 border
settlements established by the Israelis since the 6-day war. Mt Hermon dominates
the Golan Heights, part of it was given back to Syria during the last peace
settlement, and they’re reluctant to give back any more.
March 21st – Secretary of State Henry Kissinger says they are making
considerable progress toward new Sinai disengagement agreement between Israel
and Egypt, there is a growing feeling of a good compromise in the air.
Egyptian spokesperson “Tahsin Bashir” believes an agreement could be reached
in phases in a short period of time.
This afternoon, Kissinger meets with Israeli negotiating team; Kissinger says
although gaps can narrow in negotiations, there’s still a gap.
Former Israeli defense minister Moshe Dayan, reported as saying peace in the
Middle East closer than ever before.
March 25th – Noted here is (and has been even today) a typical response to
Arabic investment in the United States by the American Jewish Community.
News Item: Saudi Arabia and some other Arab countries invest heavily in United
States; in some cases the situation causes controversy. Kuwaiti-owned resort island
off the coast of South Carolina has more than “aroused” public protest. Where
Kiawah Island is an investment for Kuwait. The local Jewish community
demonstrates against the Kuwaiti investment, local Jewish surgeon, Dr M. Lipton
says Kuwaiti investment company a leading proponent of boycotting Arab countries
of 1500 United State (he says businesses, when the announcement from State
department said individuals-Feb 26th) and discriminates against United States
Another Jewish person, “Ken Goodman” says Arabs buying up American land
with American petro-dollars.
Senior Vice-President of Kiawah Beach Company “Frank Brumley” claims there’s
no discrimination against Jews.
March 25th – Saudi Arabian King Faisal is assassinated by mentally deranged
nephew Prince Faisal Bin Musad Bin Abdel Aziz, he was arrested 6-years ago in
Colorado for conspiring to sell LSD.
The 1st barrel of oil was extracted from the ground of Saudi Arabia in 1938, and
in 1975 it contained the world’s largest oil reserves, and their financial reserves is
estimated at $100 billion.
March 28th – Bomb set by terrorist in Jerusalem explodes in bus wounding 13
people, 2nd bomb hidden in sack of oranges goes off later no one hurt.

The big news item is the assassination of King Faisal by a deranged nephew,
who is later beheaded for this act. But we’re getting ahead of the month – the
beginning of the month the PLO launches a sea raid on a hotel resort and kills some
Israelis plus some Foreign tourists, all but one of their eight-commando units is
killed, while they kill over 19 and wound countless others. Israel screams loudly of
being violated and asks the world how can you deal (negotiate) with murders like
this... Henry brushes this aside and says, “we’re making progress with the peace
talks”. The Egyptians concur and relate that things look good and Israeli Defense
Minister Dayan says peace closer than ever.
In South Carolina the American Jewish Community is heavy into a protest over a
Kuwaiti investment corporation buying a resort island – saying the American citizens
are up-in-arms over the purchase.

April 1st – Israeli papers lead story that PM Itzhak Rabin and his government are
secretly trying to resurrect Kissinger peace mission.
April 3rd – PLO Yasser Arafat says he has conclusive information that Israel has at
least three (“3”) nuclear weapons in their armory.
April 4th – Egypt returns the bodies of 39-soldiers killed in October 1973 war to
April 7th – Report on feelings toward America from Beirut – there is noted anti-
American feelings about the military aid given to Israel, and that they should do
more to get Israel to recognize the Palestinian nation – this would assist in
preventing future problems in Lebanon and the Arab world in general.
April 11th – Soviet emissaries meet with Israeli officials and guarantee Israel’s
security if it would give up land captured in 1967 war. Government in Israel refuses
to comment.
Note: It seems that events are going pretty smooth when it comes to a Middle
East peace settlement, countries are coming at Israel from all directions to have
them settle – and when you look back this did not set to well with Syria and the PLO
– things had to change.
And then the events of April 13th, and April 14th provided what some say was
the critical fuel to the entire smoldering pile.
After more than 3-days of anguish (with several hundred deaths) on April 15 th,
“two” suspects were handed over to the Justice agency – besides the skirmishes in
Beirut, groups from Zgharta and Tripoli mixed it up in Tripoli. On April 15 th, a cease-
fire, during the night, was declared and all parties reached an agreement, the
enforcement and execution left entrusted to the “Internal Security Forces2”.
April 16th – International News – Lebanese government announces cease-fire
between PLO and Lebanese Christians – 2-hours later scattered fighting still going
on, with much of the fighting around Palestinian refugee camps.
It is reported that more than 100 have been killed since the fighting began, and
that the Lebanese Army has “not” been ordered into the troubled area for fear of
“inflaming” the situation – some have reported that it “has not” developed into
strictly religious confrontation between Muslims and Christians.
April 17th – UNSC (United Nations Security Council) has voted to extend mandate
of peace-keeping force in Middle East for 3-months.
ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD: The USA is busy evacuating Americans
from Saigon, Vietnam – as the war is now lost even in Cambodia. This evacuation
covers the headlines around the world for the next few days ---- hardly a mention of
the beginning conflict in Lebanon.
During the day of April 19th a huge fire at the Port destroys over 10,000 square
meters (885,000 square feet) of warehouses – an investigation was opened to
determine if arson
The Cabinet of Rachid El Solh resigns on May 16th – under pressure.
April 22nd – President Ford turns down immediate meeting with Israeli Premier
Itzhak Rabin – Israeli Foreign Minister “Yigal Allon” says he sees new start in
traditional American-Israeli dialogue.
April 23rd – President Ford leaves no doubt Vietnam is over for Americans, and
calls for great national reconciliation.
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko says USSR to agree to Middle East peace
settlement that provides Israel with “strictest” guarantees of its right to
independent existence.
April 25th – Ford White House proposes a 50% cut in Israel general economic and
military aid request.
April 28th – Six Terrorists invade Israel consulate general in Johannesburg, South
Africa – Terrorists are believed to be Arab and Japanese – 3-hostages are taken.
Israeli and South African Prime Ministers say they refuse to negotiate with gunmen.
Two people are killed and 30 are wounded.
April 29th – New reports out of South Africa that the “gang” of terrorist turned out
to be “one” Jewish gunman and former Israeli soldier and the consulate security
guard, “David Potter”. Four were killed and over 30-wounded.

This by all accounts is the month, in particular the 13 th of the month that began
all the problems that finally cumulated in the month of Sept in 1993 (18-years and
5-months), when you look back at what happened it really doesn’t take a rocket-
scientist to add it all up.
First Israel makes motions towards a peace, Mr. Peace himself Arafat then makes
a press announcement that Israel has three nuclear devices – which falls a little flat
because of him being the source. Egypt pushes his remarks aside and makes
another gesture by returning soldiers killed in the 1973 October war and the Arab
world gets a boost from the American citizens about a downshift in their feelings
with regard to the Israelis – and then Russia once again steps to the Plate with a
guarantee of securing Israeli borders if they endorse an agreement with Egypt.
Now ask yourself, does Mr. Peace himself make his living driving from one
foreign embassy to another and on bended knee beg for a place for his fellow
Palestinians to park their cars? (as) a side note, maybe this is terrible but when he
died it is “rumored” he left his wife with a considerable amount of money. No he
makes (made) his fortune and gained reputation “making war and fighting” for the
liberation of his fella Palestinians.
But, the picture is changing and it looks like peace might come about without
him being in the middle of the show, and this is not good. He reads the newspapers
just like everyone else and he sees that the head of the Phalange is going to
dedicate a new church on the 13th – bingo the light snaps on, he smiles and goes
out to the club room in the camp and lines up a group of dissatisfied bored young
men and asks them if they want to have a “little fun”, and now Lebanon’s citizens
spend the next 18-years fighting. Just a thought!

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