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Error in Pronunciation of Consonant and Vowel by Learners of English as Foreign Language as Second Language in Indonesia

1. Problem of Study Learn English in this globalization era is a demand for someone who wants to communicate with each other from different country. Because of the situation, Indonesian people who are not native speaker get some difficulties to learn English as foreign language. One of the differences is sounds of each language that involve consonants and vowels. Moreover, in Indonesia there are no consonants //, //, //, and / t/ also vowels //, //, //, /:/, //, and /u:/ in Indonesian vocabularies. Phenomena that occur in Indonesia especially for the people who learn English do error pronounce in some English words. For some people who do not learn a lot about English, perhaps it does not matter. In contrary, for native speaker or the people who do not know about Indonesia culture that becomes a problem. That because, it can cause misunderstanding or miscommunication when they do communication each other. Based on that phenomena, researcher wants to know about are there the people who have learned English in few years but they do not learn phonology do some errors in their English pronunciation. In addition, the purpose of this research is just want to know and make sure is there Indonesian people who have learnt about English a few years without learn about phonology do still error in pronounce or no. Hopefully this research is useful for researcher as English teacher in the future when implement the study about pronounce words in English. 2. Main Theory By Nesgoda (1980), he said that English is difficult for some learner when they learning to speak English well because several spelling may be represented by a single sound. One of factor error pronounce in some words as foreign language toward Indonesian is caused by habituation of Indonesian people who never found consonant //, //, //, and / t/ in Indonesian words (Moeliono & Dardjowidjojo, 2003). Lanteigne (2006) states that difficulties in learning English occur due to the fact that some of English sounds do not exist in the mother tongue of the learners.

3. Methodology In this research, researcher will use quantitative research to get the data. The reason why the researcher uses quantitative design, because the researcher just want to give evidence about the phenomena that happens about error pronunciation in some student who have learnt English in few years. Population in this research is STAIN Salatiga students. Meanwhile, the participants who become subject in this research are students from Islamic department with use random sampling to choose as sample of the research. It is not a stereotype toward the Islamics students. In here, researcher wants to know their pronunciations ability in English, because they do not learn phonology. For the procedure in this research first of all, the researcher selecting the participant by choosing 20 Islamic Department of STAIN Salatiga students randomly. Second, researcher gives the participants 10 words in English such as even, event, see, she, three, tree, etc., and then they have to pronounce the words one by one. Third, researches analyze result of the test as data with refers to theoretical review which use quantitative descriptive. The last, researcher concludes this research that refers to finding and discussion. 4. References Lanteigne, B. 2006. Common, Persistent Errors in English by Brazillian Portugese speakers. TEFL Web Journal, 4(1). Retrieved January 8, 2014, from http://www.teflweb- Moeliono, A. M., & Dardjowidjodjo, S. 2003. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia (3rd ed.). [Indonesian Grammar(3rd ed.)]. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Vernick, J., & Nesgoda, J. 1980. American English Sounds and Spelling for Beginning ESL Students. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. Retrieved January 8th 2014, from Petra Christian University:

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