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History of the Mayan site Tikal in Guatemala

History per se is never accurate. The only real account we have of history is what is left by
opinion. This is especially true in the realm of Mayan history, where the most elaborate
accounts of history are sourced from unskilled archaeologists, opinionated historians,
inaccurate translations, biased Spanish Conquistador scripts. Other than such
archaeologists, historians, and scripts, we are left with eroding hieroglyphics that aren’t
always decipherable, even by those that speak one or two of over 30 dialects of Mayan. Thus,
the following account, as with any historical account of Mayan history, should be read with a
bit a constructive and inquisitive skepticism. Don’t take our word for it, seek the truth, or at
least something close to it.

Chapters in this article:

The Period: Classic

Tikal and Tourism
The Word Tikal
Tikal History
Excavation and Archeology
Temple Descriptions
Mayan Timeline for Tikal
More Information
The Period: Classic

Classic Maya culture

developed in three
regions in Mesoamerica.
By far the most
important and most
complete urban
developments occurred
in the lowlands in the
"central region" of
southern Guatemala.
This region is a drainage
basin about sixty miles
long and twenty miles
wide and is covered by
tropical rain forest; the
Mayas, in fact, are only
one of two peoples to
develop an urban culture
in a tropical rainforest.

The principal city in this

region was Tikal, but the
spread of urbanization
extended south to
Honduras; the
southernmost Mayan city
was Copan in northern
Honduras. In the Guatemalan highlands to the north, Mayan culture developed less fully. The
highlands are more temperate and seem to have been the main suppliers of raw materials to
the central urban centers.[3] The other major region of Mayan development was the Yucatan
peninsula making up the southern and eastern portions of modern-day Mexico. This is a dry
region and, although urban centers were built in this region, including Chichen Itza and
Uxmal (pronounced "Oosh-mal"), most scholars believe that this was a culturally marginal
area.[4] After the abandonment of the Classic Mayan cities, the Yucatán peninsula became the
principal region of a new, synthetic culture called Toltec-Mayan which was formed when
Toltecs migrating from the north integrated with indigenous Maya peoples.[5]
Tikal and Tourism

Tikal, pronounced, “teeKhal” is the second largest of the ancient ruined cities of the Mayan
World civilization, second only to Calakmul.[6] Located in El Petén, Guatemala, where
regions are distinguished by departments rather than states, Tikal has recently become on of
Guatemla’s most sought after tourist destination. Near the cities of Flores and Santa Elena
Tikal is also one of the best preserved Mayan archaeological sites in South America alongside
Chichen Itza and Machu pichu.

The Word Tikal

It is suggested that Tikal’s name derives from the word, “Ti-akal, a Mayan place name
meaning "At the Reservoir.[7] Differences in Roman spelling aside, the name could simply be
a hybrid of the original Proto-Mayan word. The term, nonetheless, refers to the several large
and partially artificial water basins found near the center of the ruins.

Tikal History

As one of the major cultural and population

centers in Maya civilization Tikal’s
monumental architecture dates to the 4th
century BC, when it reached its apex during
the Classic Period ca. 200 AD to 900 AD.[8]
During which time, according to some
sources, the site dominated the Maya region
politically.[9] It is debated as to whether the
Maya of the region ever had contact with
indigenous population. Hieroglyphics in
Palenque and Chichen Itza indicate that there
may have been a mixture of cultures between
the Mixteca, Atzecs of Cental Mexico and
the Maya of Chiapas, creating distinct
subcultures of a former pacifist, or non-
sacrifice practicing civilization. [10]

There is also evidence that Tikal was even

conquered by Teotihuacan in the 4th century
A.D.[11] Following the end of the Late
Classic Period, no new major monuments
were built at Tikal and there is evidence that
elite palaces were burned. These events were coupled with a gradual population decline,
culminating with the site’s abandonment by the end of the 10th century.[12]

Unlike its Mayan cousin, Gran Acropolis Ednza in Campeche, Mexico, Tikal had no water
other than what was collected from rainwater and stored in underground storage facilities
called chultuns. Archaeologists working in Tikal during the last century utilized the ancient
underground facilities to store water for their own use. The absence of springs, rivers, and
lakes in the immediate vicinity of Tikal highlights a prodigious feat: building a major city
with only supplies of stored seasonal rainfall.[13]
Tikal prospered with intensive agricultural techniques, which were far more advanced than
the slash & burn methods originally theorized by archeologists. The reliance on seasonal
rainfall left Tikal vulnerable to prolonged drought, which is now thought to have played a
major role in the Classic Maya Collapse. [14]

Other theories suggest that Tikal was never a major power in the Mayan world, but a subject
of the empire civilization established by El Caracol and Calakmul. And even other sources
indicate that Tikal was a dominating influence in the southern Maya. We do know, however,
that Tikal was often at war and inscriptions tell of alliances and conflict with other Maya
states, including UaxactunTikal Temple Caracol, and Calakmul.[15] The site was defeated at
the end of the Early Classic by Caracol, who rose to take Tikal's place as the paramount center
in the southern Maya lowlands. It appears another defeat was suffered at the hands of Dos
Pilas during the middle 7th century, with the possible capture and sacrifice of Tikal's ruler at
the time.[16]

Excavation and Archeology

Similar to the majority of

archaeological sites in the Mayan
World, only a fraction of the structures
in Tikal have been fully excavated.
With heavy tourism in and out of Tikal
almost year-round and poor funds,
excavations have not made significant
advances even after decades of
archaeological work. The most
prominent of the structures that have
been excavated are Temples I - VI,
each of which supports a temple
structure on their summits. Some of
these pyramids are over 60 meters high
(200 feet). They were numbered
sequentially during the early survey of
the site.[17]

Temple Descriptions

Temple I : also known as the Temple of Ah Cacao or Temple of the Great Jaguar . C.E. 695;

Temple II: also known as the Moon Temple in C.E. 702;

Temple III : C.E. 810. The largest structure at Tikal,

Temple IV : approximately 70 meters (230 feet) tall.

Temple V : C.E. 750, is the only Temple where no tomb has been found.
Temple VI, also known as the Temple of the Inscriptions, C.E. 766.

Mayan Timeline for Tikal



The first hunter-gatherers settle in the Maya highlands and lowlands.


The creation of the world takes place, according to the Maya Long Count calendar.


Maya civilization begins.


The rise of the Olmec civilization, from which many aspects of Maya culture are derived.
Village farming becomes established throughout Maya regions.


Writing is developed in Mesoamerica.


The earliest known solar calendars carved in stone are in use among the Maya, although the
solar calendar may have been known and used by the Maya before this date.


The Maya adopt the idea of a hierarchical society ruled by nobles and kings.


The city of Teotihuacan is founded and for centuries is the cultural, religious and trading
centre of Mesoamerica.


The Maya city of Cerros is built, with a complex of temples and ball courts. It is abandoned
(for reasons unknown) a hundred years later and its people return to fishing and farming.


The decline of the Olmecs.


The Maya highlands fall under the domination of Teotihuacan, and the disintegration of Maya
culture and language begins in some parts of the highlands.


The Maya city of Tikal becomes the first great Maya city, as citizens from Teotihuacan make
their way to Tikal, introducing new ideas involving weaponry, captives, ritual practices and
human sacrifice.


An unknown event destroys the civilization at Teotihuacan, along with the empire it
supported. Tikal becomes the largest city-state in Mesoamerica , with as many as 500,000
inhabitants within the city and its hinterland.


The Emperor Pacal dies at the age of 80 and is buried in the Temple of the Inscriptions at


Long-standing Maya alliances begin to break down. Trade between Maya city-states declines,
and inter-state conflict increases.


Construction ceases in Tikal, marking the beginning of the city's decline.


Tikal is abandoned.


The Classic Period of Maya history ends, with the collapse of the southern lowland cities.
Maya cities in the northern Yucatán continue to thrive.

The original article was posted by Duende Tours: History of Mayan Civilization Tikal
More information

More Maya related information can be found here:

MayanTravel Twitter account

A virtual tour to 9 Classic Mayan sites

The history of Palenque

The history of Tikal

Mayan Pyramids: ancient technology

Active Jungle Tours to Mayan Ruins from Duende Tours:

Maya Jungle highlight tour

Tikal - Yaxha - Nakum Tour

Tours of Tikal by Duende Tours


[1] Thomas, Benjamin. A Time of Reconquest: History, the Maya Revival, and the Zapatista
Rebellion in Chiapas The American Historical Review, Vol. 105, No. 2 (Apr., 2000), pp. 417-

[2] Coe, Michael D. (1987). The Maya, 4th edition (revised), London: Thames & Hudson.
ISBN 0-500-27455-X.

[3] Sharer, Robert J. (1994). The Ancient Maya, 5th edition (fully revised), Stanford CA:
Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-804-72130-0.

[4] Coe, Michael D. (1987). The Maya, 4th edition (revised), London: Thames & Hudson.
ISBN 0-500-27455-X.

[5] Thomas, Benjamin. A Time of Reconquest: History, the Maya Revival, and the Zapatista
Rebellion in Chiapas The American Historical Review, Vol. 105, No. 2 (Apr., 2000), pp. 417-

[6] Sharer, Robert J. (1994). The Ancient Maya, 5th edition (fully revised), Stanford CA:
Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-804-72130-0.

[7] Kerr, Justin (n.d.). A Precolumbian Portfolio (online database). FAMSI Research
Materials. Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. Retrieved on

[8] Coe, Michael D. (1987). The Maya, 4th edition (revised), London: Thames & Hudson.
ISBN 0-500-27455-X.

[9] Gill, Richardson B. (2000). The Great Maya Droughts: Water, Life, and Death.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN 0-826-32194-1. OCLC 43567384.

[10] Gill, Richardson B. (2000). The Great Maya Droughts: Water, Life, and Death.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN 0-826-32194-1. OCLC 43567384.

[11] Coe, Michael D. (1987). The Maya, 4th edition (revised), London: Thames & Hudson.
ISBN 0-500-27455-X.

[12] Sharer, Robert J. (1994). The Ancient Maya, 5th edition (fully revised), Stanford CA:
Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-804-72130-0.

[13] Thomas, Benjamin. A Time of Reconquest: History, the Maya Revival, and the Zapatista
Rebellion in Chiapas The American Historical Review, Vol. 105, No. 2 (Apr., 2000), pp. 417-

[14] Kerr, Justin (n.d.). A Precolumbian Portfolio (online database). FAMSI Research
Materials. Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. Retrieved on

[15] Coe, Michael D. (1987). The Maya, 4th edition (revised), London: Thames & Hudson.
ISBN 0-500-27455-X.

[16] Harrison, Peter D. (2006). "Maya Architecture at Tikal", in Nikolai Grube (ed.): Maya:
Divine Kings of the Rain Forest, Eva Eggebrecht and Matthias Seidel (assistant eds.), Köln:
Könemann Press, pp.218–231. ISBN 3-8331-1957-8. OCLC 71165439.

[17] Harrison, Peter D. (2006). "Maya Architecture at Tikal", in Nikolai Grube (ed.): Maya:
Divine Kings of the Rain Forest, Eva Eggebrecht and Matthias Seidel (assistant eds.), Köln:
Könemann Press, pp.218–231. ISBN 3-8331-1957-8. OCLC 71165439.

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