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The Devils Black Book (Aka Codex Nigra Diaboli)

By Damien LaMagne


The Black Mass The atanic !osary el"#$nitiation The atanic %act atanism

&orshi' in Medieval

The Black Mass (Missa Nigra)


The priest prepared, with the ministers and acolytes, he goes to the altar. All* $n n+mine Magni Dei Nostri ,tanae intro-bo ad alt,re D+mini $n"eri. !es'ons/m* Ad 0/m 1/i laet-"icat 2/vent3tem meam. 4ersic/l/s* Ad2/t+ri/m nostr/m in n+mine D+mini $n"eri. !* 1/i regit terram. D+mine ,tanas5 T/a est terra. (rbem terr,r/m et 'lenit3dinem e2/s T/ "/nd,sti. 6/st-tia et l/x3ria 'rae'ar,tia sedis T/ae. ed7r/nt 'r-nci'es et adv7rs/m me lo8/eb,nt/r5 et in-8/i 'ersec3ti s/nt me. Ad23va me5 D+mine ,tanas me/s. C/st+di me5 D+mine ,tanas5 de man/ 'eccat+ris. !* 0t ab hom-nib/s in-8/is 7ri'e me. 4* D+mine ,tanas T/ conv7rs/s vivi"ic,bis nos. !* 0t 'lebs T/a laet,bit/r in te. 4* (st7nde nobis5 D+mine ,tanas5 'ot7ntiam T/am. !* 0t bene"-ci/m T//m da nobis. 4* D+mine ,tanas ex,/di orati+nem meam. !* 0t clamor me/s ad Te v7niat. 4* D+min/s $n"er/s vob-sc/m. !* 0t c/m t/o. 9l+ria Deo D+mino $n"eri5 et in terra vita hom-nib/s "+rtib/s. La/d,m/s Te5 bened-cim/s Te5 ador,m/s Te5 gl+ri"ic,m/s Te5 gr,tias ,gim/s tibi 'ro'ter magnam 'ot7ntiam T/am* D+mine ,tanas5 !ex $n"er/s5 $m'er,tor omn-'otens.

(::0!T(!; The Celebrant uncovers the chalice, takes the paten with the host, and with both hands to his chest, holding it raised until, he says: 3sci'e5 D+mine ,tanas5 hanc h+stiam5 8/am ego dign/s ",m/l/s T//s +""ero Tibi5 Deo Meo 4ivo et 4ero5 'ro +mnib/s circ/mst,ntib/s5 sed et 'ro +mnib/s "id7lib/s ",m/lis T/is* /t mihi et illis 'ro"-ciat ad "elicit,tem in hanc vitam. Amen. The paten with the Host laying them up, and he took the cup with both hands, lifting up at the same time, When he says: (""7rim/s Tibi5 D+mine ,tanas5 c,licem carnis st-m/los /t in cons'7ct/ ma2est,tis T/ae5 'ro nostra /tilit,te et "elicit,te5 'l,ceat Tibi. Amen. Replaces the chalice on the altar, and, and holding hands spread over the offerings, he says: 4eni ,tanas5 $m'er,tor M/ndi5 /t anim,b/s "am/l+r/m "am/lar3m8/e T/,r/m haec 'rosit obl,tio. ffers the censer and boat, the celebrant sprinkles incense into the censer saying: $nc7ns/m ist/d asc7ndat ad Te5 D+min/s $n"er/s5 et desc7ndat s/'er nos bene"-ci/m T//m. The Celebrant, having received the censer, and incenses the altar and the offerings. Then leads the censer three times around the chalice and the Host, and he inclines himself. Then, three times making them to pass censer, incenses the image of !atan, he inclines himself at the same time. Then he incenses the surface of the three times and his side of the altar. D+min/s $n"er/s vob-sc/m. !* 0t c/m t/o. 4* /rs/m corda. !* <ab7m/s ad D+min/m $n"er/m. 4* 9r,tias ag,m/s D+mino $n"ero Deo Nostro. !* Dign/m et 2/st/m est. Then the Celebrant5 stretching o/t his hands5 he contin/es* 4ere dign/m et 2/st/m est5 nos Tibi sem'er et /b-8/e gr,tias ,gere* D+mine ,tanas5 !ex $n"er/s5 $m'er,tor M/ndi. (mnes ex7rcit/s -n"eri Te la/dant c/m 8/ib/s et nostras voces /t adm-tti 23beas de'rec,m/r5 dic7ntes* <e inclines himsel"5 saying* alve5 alve5 alve.

Ter '/lsat/r cam'an/la. D+min/s ,tanas De/s %ot7ntiae5 'leni s/nt terra et -n"eri gl+ria T/a. <os,nna in 'ro"3ndis.



D+mine ,tanas5 gentes christian+r/m5 8/ae in s/a "erit,te c+n"id/nt5 sin-sterae t/ae 'ot7ntia conter,nt/r. %one illos /t rotam5 et sic/t st-'/lam ante ",ciem venti. 0xcita5 D+mine ,tanas5 'ot7ntiam t/am et veni. 4-ndica s,ng/inem serv+r/m t/+r/m5 8/i e""3s/s est= intret in cons'7ct/ t/o g7mit/s con'edit+r/m. No> shall yo/ discover the Celebrant >ith the 'eo'le be"ore atan. Then he says the Celebrant* Credo in ,tanan5 8/i laet-"icat 2/vent3tem meam. (r,m/s te5 <ic Celebrans osc/lat/r genetalia Altaris. D+min/s $n"er/s5 miser7re nobis. $n s'-rit/ h/milit,tis5 et in ,nimo contr-to s/sci'i,m/r a Te5 D+mine ,tanas= et sic "iat sacr-"ici/m nostr/m in cons'7ct/ t/o h+die5 /t 'l,ceat tibi. 4eni a 'orta -n"eri5 r7dime me et miser7re mei. 4eni5 Mag-ster Tem'li. 4eni5 Mag-ster M/ndi. %leni s/nt terra et -n"eri ma2est,tis gl+riae t/ae.

$n"ra Actionem
Comm/nicantes5 et memoriam venerantes5 in 'rimis gloriosae sem'er satanae Lilithae5 s/cc/bis homin/m et inter"iciens 'arv/lor/m5 et Astarothae5 Asmodeae5 "ornicatis 'rinci'or/m5 sed et in"erni :a/stae5 et in"ernor/m :am/lor/m ac Martyr/m t/or/m 0tiennae 9/iborgi et Catherinae Monvoisini5 et omni/m $n"ernor/m t/or/m. 6/ngit man/s. %er e/ndem atanan Domin/m nostr/m. Amen. Then the Celebrant extends his hands over the o""erings o" the altar. The bell is r/ng once. The Celebrant contin/es* <anc -git/r oblati+nem servit3tis nostrae sed et c/nctae "am-liae t/ae5 8/,es/m/s5 D+mine ,tanas5 /t 'lac,t/s acc-'ias= di7s8/e nostros in "elicit,te d-s'onas5 et in elect+r/m t/+r/m 23beas grege n/mer,ri. !* Ave ,tanas. Acolytha '/ella 'resentat/r at8/e discoo'erit genitalia. Acolyth/s '/er tenet as'ersori/m des/b '/ella d/m haec micterit in e/m. 0cce s'onsa ,tanae. D+mino $n"eri in m7dio e2/s est. :l3minis -m'et/s laet-"icat vivos et m+rt/os. Mict/rio 8/o "inito5 as'ersori/m donit Celebrans5 8/i ante atanan in alt/m elevat. D+mine ,tanas5 torr7nte vol/'t,tis T/ae 'ot,bis eos. 1/+niam a'/d te "ons vitae= et in l3mine t/o vid7bim/s l/men. D+mine ,tanas corda nostra m/ndet in"3sio= et s/i roris -ntima as'ersi+ne "oec3ndet. N/nc Celebrans redonit as'ersori/m alcolythi '/ellae5 et ea tenens5 as'ergil/m in /rinam ei/s s/bmittit. 1/i sitit5 v7niat= et 8/i v/lt5 acc-'iat a8/am vitae. 'rinkles the 'eo'le5 saying* 4* 0go vos bened-co in n+mine ,tanae.!* Ave ,tanas.

C(N 0C!AT$( &ith both hands the Celebrant receives the <ost5 and >ith a 'ro"o/nd bo> and /'on it5 he says* <(C 0 T C(!%) 60 ) C<!$ T$ Then the o""ering is li"ted5 he '/ts it /'on the Altar5 and then to/ches it to the altar. (nce the bell is r/ng. The Celebrant re'laces the o""ering o" the 'aten5 and he takes the c/'5 stoo'ing do>n he says* <$C 0 T CAL$? 4(L)%TAT$ CA!N$ 0levat in alt/m calicem5 ostendit 'o'/lo. emel '/lsat/r cam'an/la. Th/ri"ario ter movet th/rib/l/m5 t/nc calix re'onit/r. Let /s 'ray. The $n"ernal "o/ndation o" the >ords o" o/r avio/r5 >e make bold to say* 4@!* %ater Noster5 1/i es in $n"eris5 ancti"ic7t/r nomen T//m= Adv7niat regn/m T//m= :iat vol3ntas T/a5 sic/t in $n"ero et in Terra= L/cem nostr/m 8/otidi,n/m da nobis h+die= 0m-tte s'-rit/m T//m et renov,bis ",ciem terrae= L-bera nos ad l/x3ria= L-bera nos ad /bert,te dom/s T/ae= ic/t in die amb/l7m/s= Com7dite '-ng/ia et b-bite m/ls/m= :ornic7m/r= Ad8/ae /t "erv7nti/s corda nostra 'rae'ar7nt/r5 "lammis ad3re T/ae carit,tis5 D+mine ,tanas. 0go s/m radix et gen/s L/ci"7ri5 stella s'l7ndida et mat3tina. Tr,nsite ad me5 omnes 8/i conc/'-scitis me5 et a generati+nib/s meis im'l7mini. T7nebrae conc/lc,b/nt me5 et nox inl/min,tio mea in del-ciis meis. !* 1/ia t7nebrae non obsc/rab3nt/r5 et nox sic/t dies inl/min,bit/r. 4* 9r,tias ag,m/s D+mino $n"ero Deo Nostro. !* Dign/m et 2/st/m est. The hands o" the Celebrant li"teth /' above the o""erings >hen he says* 4ere dign/m et 2/st/m est5 nos tibi sem'er et /b-8/e gr,tias ,gere* D+mine ,tanas5 !ex $n"er/s5 $m'er,tor M/ndi. (mnes ex7rcit/s -n"eri te l,/dant c/m 8/ib/s et nostras voces /t adm-tti 23beas de'rec,m/r5 dic7ntes* The Celebrant stoo'ing do>n he says* alve5 alve5 alve. Ter '/lsat/r cam'an/la. D+min ,tanas De/s %ot7ntiae5 'leni s/nt terra et -n"eri gl+ria T/a. <os,nna in 'ro"3ndis.

!0%)D$AT$)M 0cce cor'/s 6es/ Christi5 d+min/s h/m-li/m et rex serv+r/m. 0levates the sacri"ice o" The Celebrant be"ore the image o" atan5 and a"ter>ards to/ches it to the altar5 saying* Be,t/s venter 8/i te 'ort,vit et 3bera 8/ae s/x-sti. !e'/diation o" The Celebrant then 'roceeds th/s5 li"ting /' his sacri"ice5 as be"ore* 6es/ Christi5 d+min/s h/m-li/m et rex serv+r/m5 /niv7rsi 8/i te exs'7ctant con"/nd7nt/r. Abs8/e synag+gis ",cient vos et tim7bis a tim+re noct3rno. Non dormi7tis et gl,di/s trans7bit t7rminos vestros. :-lii h+min/m in t7gmine al,r/m t/,r/m5 D+mine ,tanas5 s'er,b/nt. !* D+mine ,tanas5 salvos "ac servos t/os. <e gives the o""ering to the Altar5 saying* Liber,bo e/m ad ,s'idem basil-sc/m5 ad le+nem et drac+nem5 ad omni 'ecc,to5 ad s/bit,nea et im'rov-sa morte5 ad "/lg3re et tem'est,te5 ad "lag7llo terraem+t/s5 ad 'este5 "ame et bello5 ad morte 'er'7t/a5 ad ira ,tanae. The celebrant 'laces the o""ering /'on the altar5 saying* D+mine ,tanas dicit* $n comessati+nib/s et ebriet,tib/s res3rgam. Desid7ria carnis 'er"ici7tis. Mani"7sta s/nt a/tem +'era carnis5 8/ae s/nt "ornic,tio5 im'/dic-tia5 l/x3ria5 vene"-cia5 ebriet,tes et comessati+nes. Caro mea vere est cib/s. !* Caro mea vere est cib/s. 4* Ador7m/s Te5 D+mine ,tanas5 et bened-cim/s tibi= 8/ia 'er s'ermem t/am redem-sti m/ndi. !* !evel,bit/r gl+ria D+mini= et vid7bit omnis caro sal/t,re Dei nostri ,tanae. 4* :ornic7m/r ad gl+riam D+mini ,tanae. The Celebrant takes the Chalice5 saying* C,licem vol/'t,tis carnis acc-'iam et nomen D+mini $n"eri invoc,bo. The Celebrant drink "irst5 and then 'resents the chalice o" comm/nion saying* 0cce calix vol/'t,tis carnis 8/i laet-tiam vitae donat. Acci'e c,licem vol/'t,tis carnis in n+mine D+mini $n"eri. C/m omnia satis bib/nt5 re'onit Calicem5 coo'ert/m %atena et 4elo. T/nc Celebrans5 extendens manib/s5 dicit* %leni s/nt terra et -n"eri ma2est,tis gl+riae T/ae. !* T/7re nos5 D+mine ,tanas. 4* %rot7ge nos5 D+mine ,tanas5 T/is myst7riis servi7ntes. !* D+mine ,tanas dabit benignit,tem et terra nostra dabit "r/ct/m s//m.

4* %l,ceat tibi5 D+mine ,tanas5 obs78/i/m servit3tis meae= et 'raesta /t sacri"-ci/m 8/od +c/lis T/ae ma2est,tis +bt/li5 tibi sit acce't,bile5 mih-8/e et +mnib/s 'ro 8/ib/s ill/d +bt/li. The Celebrant bo>s be"ore the middle o" the altar5 then he t/rns to the 'eo'le5 his le"t hand extended in the sign o" the horns5 saying* :ratres et sor+res5 debit+res s/m/s carni et sec3nd/m carnem viv,m/s.0go vos bened-co in N+mine Magni Dei Nostri ,tanae. !* Ave5 ,tanasA 4* $te5 missa est.

!( A!$)M

Sign of the Inverse Cross $n n+mine ,tanae et L/ci"7ri et '-rit/s er'7nti. Amen. Symbol of the Apostles of Stan Cr7do in ,tanan5 %,trem omni'ot7ntem5 Creat+rem $n"eri et t7rrB. 0t in L/ci"7r/m5 :-li/m L3cis /n-c/m5 D+min/m n+str/m5 8/i conc7't/s est de '-rit/ er'7nti5 n,t/s ex L/x Aet7rna5 asc7ndit ad c,elos5 ',ss/s s/b !ex 6/daeor/m5 desc7ndit ad -n"eros5 s7det ad sin-stram ,tanae %,tris omni'ot7ntis5 -nde vent3r/s est 2/dic,re m+rt/os et v-vos. Cr7do in '-rit/m er'7nt/m5 in"7rnam 0ccl7siam at,nicam5 Daemon+r/m comm/ni+nem5 commisi+nem 'eccat+r/m5 c,rnis "ornicati+nem5 delectati+nem aet7rnam in hoc m/ndo. Amen. Satanic Our Father %ater Noster5 1/i es in $n"eris5 ancti"ic7t/r nomen T//m= Adv7niat regn/m T//m= :iat vol3ntas T/a5 sic/t in $n"ero et in Terra= C L/cem nostr/m 8/otidi,n/m da nobis h+die= 0m-tte s'-rit/m T//m et renov,bis ",ciem terrae= L-bera nos ad l/x3ria= L-bera nos ad /bert,te dom/s T/ae= ic/t in die amb/l7m/s= Com7dite '-ng/ia et b-bite m/ls/m= :ornic7m/r= Ad8/ae /t "erv7nti/s corda nostra 'rae'ar7nt/r5 "lammis ad3re T/ae carit,tis5 D+mine ,tanas. Amen. ve Lilith Dve Lilith5 s'7rma er'7nti 'l7na5 ,tanas t7c/m. Bened-cta t/ in m/li7rib/s5 et bened-ct/s "r3ct/s v7ntris t3i5 Daem+n/m. ed3ctrix Lilith5 M,ter /cc/b,r/m5 +ra 'ro nobis t/is serv7ntib/s5 n/nc et in h+ra :ornicati+nis n+strae. Dmen. Infernal Doxology 9l+ria ,tanae5 et L/ci"7ro5 et 'ir-t/i er'7nto. -c/t 7rat in 'rinc-'io et n/nc et s7m'er et in s,ec/la sBc/l+r/m. Amen.

act !ith Satan"

Latin #ranslation" %epeat"E Domine magister8/e L/ci"er te de/m et 'rinci'em agnosco5 et 'olliceor tibi servire et obedire 8/andi/ 'otero vivere. 0t ren/ncio alter/m De/m et 6es/m Christ/m et alios sanctos at8/e sanctas F0cclesiam A'ostolicam et !omanamE et omnia i'si/s sacramenta et omnes orationes et rogationes 8/ib/s "ideles 'ossint intercedere 'ro me= et tibi 'olliceor 8/id "aciam 8/ot8/ot mal/m 'otero5 et attrahere ad mala 'er omnes= et abren/ncio chrismam et ba'tism/m5 et omnia merita 6es/ Christi et i'si/s sanctor/m= et si deero t/ae servit/i et adorationi= et si non oblationem mei i'si/s "ecero5 ter 8/o8/e die5 tibi do vitam meam sic/t t/am. :eci hoc anno et die.E ?GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ( ign yo/r "/ll name above) 0xtract/m ex $n"ern/m

$nglish #ranslation" Thee5 ( Lord5 o/r master5 L/ci"er is 9od and $ recogniHe as the 'rince5 and $ 'romise to yo/ to serve and obey him as long as $ can to live. And $ reno/nce the other 9od and 6es/s Christ5 and it may also be said5 the F<oly and A'ostolic Ch/rch and the !oman and o" all his the sacraments and all the 'rayers5 and the meas/res "or >hich the they can the "aith"/l to intercede "or me5 and $ 'romise yo/ >hat $ >ill make as many evils as $ can5 and dra>s /' to the evils by all5 and "rom the chrism and >ith the ba'tism $ re'ort to5 and all the merits o" 6es/s Christ and o" his holy5 and the "ail i" the slavery and the adoration o" thy5 and i" they do not the o""ering o" $ shall have done o" mysel"5 three times on each day5 $ give thee my li"e to Thy kno>ledge. $ have done this year and a day. ?GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ( ign yo/r "/ll name above)

&as contracted "rom <ell

#he &ine Satanic La!s '( *(

)( +( ,( -( .( /( 0(

;o/ can attain anything i" yo/ >ant to and kno> ho> to. Be kind to "riends5 destroy yo/r enemies. !evere nat/re and yo/r instincts shall g/ide yo/. ;o/r ho/se is yo/r sacred s'ace= let no one to de"ile it. !es'ect those >ho earn it5 not those >ho ask it to be given. <old sacred yo/r 'ersonal belie"s5 "or they de"ine yo/. Believe not in 'romises never seen nor ke't. Tr/st not those /ntr/sted by many. <ave "aith in only yo/rsel" and atan.

Liber Ba'hometis
Chapter ' I $n the times o" the Aeon o" Beginnings haitan divided the realms o" the mind5 body5 and s'irit. <e divided the light and the dark >ith a ring o" "ire5 and 'laced beast o" the Night in the darkness and the beasts o" the day in the light. <e gave the /n 'o>er over the Day and the Moon 'o>er over the Night. <e is the 'o>er that drives all that is. <e g/ides /s >ith /nseen methods so that >e cannot rightly re"/se them. $n all things that are he is the Archdeity o" the earth5 he r/les the in"ernal realms o" <ell >ith a s>ord o" "ire5 and his "iery lash strikes the enemies o" his chosen 'eo'les. The one >ho chooses his 'ath kno>s his 'leas/res. J Ba'homet is his hal"#goat hal"#man son >ho those >ho revere the god o" the 'o>er"/l and the >ise >orshi' as Melek taK/s. <e has 'o>er over nat/re and leads thro/gh <is :ather and o/rs to the 'ath the ser'ent. The ser'ent re'resents the L/ndalini energy >ithin /s5 the Tree o" Li"e >ith >hich he resides is that thro/gh >hich it "lo>s. M <is kno>ledge "inds /s >hen >e ask "or ans>ers in /nbiased tho/ghts. &hen >e search the books o" any religion5 in its original tong/e it s'eaks only tr/th >hen not altered by lang/age and time. <o>ever5 thro/gh manKs altering o" his lang/age he has nearly doomed himsel" to /tter idiocy /nder a "alse god created by his constant misinter'retations o" the tong/es o" the "ormer c/lt/res texts. N <e gives his s>ord to the kings o" the 'eo'les >ho "ollo> his decrees and la>s5 and he smites the kingdoms o" the deniers and /nbelievers. Those >ho blas'heme against him shall s/rely die slo>ly in agony and 'ain. Those >ho hail <is $n"ernal Ma2esty5 haitan5 as their king shall be his 'rince. :or he is the king o" the tr/e masters o" themselves and thro/gh his kno>ledge they gain this name5 and thro/gh <is name they "ind greatness. O <e blesses his right"/l >orshi'ers and destroys his enemies >ith r/in and disaster. <e "ive 'oints o" the 'entacle o" haitan re'resent BeelHeb/b the Ling o" 0arth5 Belial the 1/een o" &inds5 L/ci"er the Bringer o" Light5 AHaHel the Teacher o" Lno>ledge5 and Leviathan the Lee'er o" the eas. All these things are relevant to <is ex'loits and <is 'lans "or the "/t/re.

P The end o" 'ersec/tion shall come s>i"tly to the 0arth5 and those >ho do /nto others so shall it be done /nto them ten tho/sand "old. The gates o" <ell shall come /nto the 0arth in the sixth day o" the sixth month o" the sixth year o" the tenth millenni/m o" civiliHation. &hen the s'irits o" LaKatH/ ret/rn to the 0arth. All shall see these things5 "or haitan shall /nleash his "/ry /'on those >ho "ail to "ollo> his la>.

Chapter ) I The demon o" earth BeelHeb/b@0nlil5 Ling o" Land5 made all earthen things* the mo/ntains5 the valleys5 and all else. :ather o" Nanna the moon goddess and grand"ather o" $shtar@Astaroth and AHaHel. <e is the arbiter o" bricks and 'ottery5 and his celestial ob2ects are the rocky 'lanets and moons. <is season is s'ring5 and his >ea'on is the sta"". <is animal is the deer5 and his symbol is an oak lea" J The Demon o" &inds Belial@Belili5 1/een o" Air5 made all things o" air and "light* the birds5 the >inds5 and all else. he is the arbiter o" all storms5 and her celestial ob2ects are the >indy 'lanets and moons. <er season is a/t/mn5 and her >ea'on is the bo> and arro>. <er animal is the eagle5 and her symbol is a "eather. M the demon o" >aters Leviathan@Dagan5 king o" the seas5 made all things o" >ater and that s>im* the "ish5 the lakes5 and all else. <e is the arbiter o" the rains5 and his celestial ob2ects are the >atery 'lanets and moons. <is season is >inter5 and his >ea'on is the s'ear. <is animal is the shark5 and his symbol is a >ave. N The Demon o" Light5 L/ci"er5 Ling o" the day5 made all things o" light and "ire* the s/n5 the stars5 and all else. <e is the arbiter o" volcanoes5 and his celestial ob2ects are the stars and "iery 'lanets. <is season is s/mmer5 and his >ea'on is the s>ord. <is animal is the lion5 and his symbol is a "lame. O The demon o" kno>ledge AHaHel@(siris5 king o" >isdom5 gives all men ins'iration and "ree>ill* all books5 kno>ledge5 and all else. <e is the arbiter o" >ar5 and his celestial ob2ects are all moons5 asteroids5 and meteors. <is season is a/t/mn5 and his >ea'on is the hammer. <is animal is the monkey5 and his symbol is a book. P the demon o" love5 Astaroth@$nnana5 1/een o" l/st5 makes co/'les "all in love and creates libido. he is the arbiter o" 'rocreation5 and her celestial ob2ects are the 'lanets and moons >ith li"e on them. <er season is s'ring5 and her >ea'on is the mace. <er animal is the robin5 and her symbol is a heart.

Chapter * IThese are the gods (the 0lohim)5 both Asir and 4anir5 >hich are neither >holly good nor evil. The Asir are the liberators and the 4anir are the o''ressors. ;a>/ (;ah>eh)5 0l (Allah)5 and all other 4anir are >ell# kno>n gods. Their leader is ;a>/ >ho is the leader o" the <ebre>s. JThe Asir are atan (0nki)5 the Devil or Me'histo'heles (M/lla)5 A'ollyon (Abaddon)5 and many others. They are /nrightly QdemoniHedQ. 0ach has made a race /ni8/e in their o>n likeness. atan made the d(a)emons5 M/lla made the devils5 and Abaddon made the Discordians. ;ah>eh made the angels5 and Allah made the d2inn. M atan is the leader o" the Asir and his animal is the goat. M/llaKs animal is the b/ll or dragon5 and A'ollyonKs animal is the tiger. ;ah>ehs animal is the shee' or lamb= AllahKs animal is the dove or 'igeon. N The 4anir live on the 'lanet the Nords called 4anahiem5 and the Asir live on a 'lanet they called Asgard. The &orld Tree is the ystems o" %lanets that "orm the sha'e o" the tree. There are many 'lanets like earth5 yet very di""erent "rom o/r norm.

Chapter + I Those >ho ca/se shall like>ise receive >hat is coming to them. <o>ever5 none shall kee' me "rom besto>ing /'on the deserving their 2/st re>ards and '/nishments. $n all things comes my >ill that man shall be "ree. J $n the aeon o" ends shall those o/t o" my >ill shall regret their tres'asses. $ shall ca/se them to "eel the nine vexations o" li"e* 'ain5 annoyance5 disease5 blindness5 >ar5 dro/ght5 "amine5 insanity. M The battle that is to take 'lace at Armageddon is an earthly >ar bet>een my 'eo'le and ;ah>ehs (;a>/) and Allahs (0l). Those >ho are loyal shall be greatly re>arded. Those yo/ call vam'ires are my elite5 "or they shall "ight the "inal >ar alongside yo/. N $ shall tri/m'h over the tyrants o" the earth5 "or $ am almighty and 'o>er"/l. No> one shall inter"ere "or long5 beca/se $ am all#kno>ing and omni'otent. &ithin the nine gates o" darkness $ am "oreverAAA

%an3" $m'erator RS Dominion TS

1e2ieval Or2er of Satan &obility %an3s A22ress" roperty" Lea2s" My Leader ;o/r <ighness !evered ir <onorable ir &orthy ir ir 8/ire Brother@ ister <o'e"/l Tem'le Lingdom Land Co/nty City Comm/ne <o/se None None All A :orce A Legion A Col/mn I@M o" a col/mn A !o> 8/ad N@A N@A

$4ual to" N :orces N Legions N Col/mns P ro>s J ro>s M 8/ads IM %ersons N@A N@A

9rand Master US Master PS <igh %riest OS %riest NS Ade't MS $nitiate JS Neo'hyte IS

Book o" ma2ick

!ite o" $nitiation

!ite o" Dedication

!ites o" (rdination

&edding rite

:/nerary rite

Consecration rite

!it/al tools
I&S#%51$&#S OF AI% Dagger >ord

I&S#%51$&#S OF FI%$ Candles incense

$N T!)M0NT (: &AT0! Chalice

$N T!)M0NT (: 0A!T< Ba'homets %entagrams (ctograms acred soils k/lls and bones

Satan6s Celebrations

Sabbats7 $4uinoxes 8 Solstices"

;/le* December JJnd at/rnalia &inter olstice Day o" atanas@All atanKs Day Candlemas@$mbolc* 'ring 08/inox* May 0ve C Beltane* /mmer olstice* Lammas* A/g/st Ist. A/t/mn 08/inox* e'tember JI# JM amhain* (ct.MV W MI Day o" the Dead@All Deads Day* 0sbats* 0ach "/ll moon

#he Litanies of Satan # Charles Ba/delaire ( tho/5 the >isest and most bea/ti"/l o" angels 9od betrayed by "ate and 'rivate 'raise5 atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA ( %rince o" exile5 >ho has been >ronged And >ho5 de"eated5 yo/ al>ays recover more strongly5 atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA ;o/ >ho kno> everything5 great king o" things /ndergro/nd :amiliar healer o" h/man ang/ish5 atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA ;o/ >ho5 even the le'ers5 the o/tcasts c/rsed igns o" love the taste o" %aradise atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA ( tho/ o" Death5 yo/r mistress old and strong5 9enerating ho'e5 # a charming craHyA atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA ;o/ >ho give the o/tla> that look calm and high That damns an entire nation aro/nd a sca""old. atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA ;o/ >ho kno> in >hat corner o" the land envio/s The 2ealo/s 9od has hidden gems5 atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA Tho/ >hose clear eye kno>s the dee' arsenals &here lies b/ried the 'eo'le o" metals5 atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA Tho/ >hose great hand conceals the 'reci'ice &andering on to somnamb/list b/ildings5 atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA ;o/ >ho magically loosened the old bones The belated dr/nkard tram'led by horses5 atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA Tho/ >ho5 consoling "rail man >ho s/""ers5 &e learned to mix salt'eter and s/l"/r5 atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA ;o/ >ho ha/ls yo/r mark5 ( s/btle accom'lice5 (n the "ront o" Croes/s r/thless and vile5 atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA ;o/ >ho '/t in their eyes and hearts o" girls The c/lt o" the >o/nd and the love o" rags5 atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA Baton exiles5 light o" the inventors5 Con"essor and the hanged cons'irators5 atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA

Ado'tive "ather o" those in black rage The earthly 'aradise has driven 9od the :ather atan5 take 'ity on my long miseryA %rayer 9lory and 'raise to yo/5 atan5 on high <eaven5 >here yo/ reigned5 and in the de'ths <ell5 >hen de"eated5 yo/ dream in silenceA Make my so/l one day5 /nder the Tree o" Lno>ledge5 its next to yo/ at the time on yo/r "orehead Like a ne> Tem'le5 its branches s'readA

F<ymn to atanE by 9ios/e Card/cci5 ITPO

To atan (0nglish Translation)

To yo/5 creations mighty 'rinci'le5 matter and s'irit reason and sense &hilst the >ine s'arkles in c/'s like the so/l in the eye &hilst earth and s/n exchange their smiles and >ords o" love And sh/dders "rom their secret embrace r/n do>n "rom the mo/ntains5 and the 'lain throbs >ith ne> li"e To yo/ my daring verses are /nleashed5 yo/ $ invoke5 ( atan Monarch o" the "east. %/t aside yo/r s'rinkler5 %riest5 and yo/r litaniesA No5 'riest5 atan does not retreatA BeholdA !/st erodes the mystic s>ord o" Michael and the "aith"/l Archangel5 de'l/med5 dro's into the void. The th/nderbolt lies "roHen in 6oves hand Like 'ale meteors5 s'ent >orlds5 the angels dro' "rom the "irmament $n /nslee'ing matter5 king o" 'henomena5

monarch o" "orm5 atan alone lives. <e holds s>ay in the trem/lo/s "lash o" some dark eye5 (r the eye >hich lang/idly t/rns and resists5 or >hich5 bright and moist5 'rovokes5 insists. <e shines in the bright blood o" gra'es5 by >hich transient 2oy 'ersists5 &hich restores "leeting li"e5 kee's grie" at bay5 and ins'ires /s >ith love ;o/ breathe5 ( atan in my verses5 >hen "rom my heart ex'lodes a challenge to the god (" >icked 'onti""s5 bloody kings= and like lightning yo/ shock mens minds. c/l't/re5 'ainting and 'oetry "irst lived "or yo/5 Ahriman5 Adonis and Astarte5 &hen 4en/s Anadyomene blessed the clear $onian skies :or yo/ the trees o" Lebannon shook5 res/rrected lover o" the holy Cy'rian* :or yo/ >ild dances >ere done and chor/ses s>elled "or yo/ virgins o""ered their s'otless love5 Amongst the 'er"/med 'alms o" $d/mea >here the Cy'rian seas "oam. To >hat avail did the barbaro/s Christian "/ry o" aga'e5 in obscene rit/al5 &ith holy torch b/rn do>n yo/r tem'les5 scattering their 9reek stat/aryX

;o/5 a re"/gee5 The mind"/l 'eo'le &elcomed into their homes Amongst their ho/sehold gods Therea"ter "illing the throbbing :emale heart &ith yo/r "ervor As both god and lover ;o/ ins'ired the >itch5 %allid "rom endless en8/iry5 To s/ccor /""ering nat/re ;o/5 to the intent gaHe (" the alchemist5 And to the ske'tical eye (" the sorcerer5 ;o/ revealed bright Ne> heavens Beyond the con"ines (" the dro>sy cloister. :leeing "rom material Things5 >here yo/ reside5 The dreary monk took re"/ge $n the Theban desert. To yo/ ( so/l &ith yo/r s'rig severed5 atan is benign* <e gives yo/ yo/r <eloise. ;o/ morti"y yo/rsel" to no '/r'ose5 $n yo/r ro/gh sackcloth* atan still m/rm/rs to yo/ Lines "rom Maro and :lacc/s Amidst the dirge And >ailing o" the %salms= And he brings to yo/r side The divine sha'es5 !oseate amidst that <orrid black cro>d5 (" Lycoris And 9lycera B/t other sha'es :rom a more glorio/s age :it"/lly "ill The slee'less cell. atan5 "rom 'ages $n Livy5 con2/res "ervent Trib/nes5 cons/ls5 !estless throngs= And he thr/sts yo/5 ( monk5 >ith yo/r memories (" $talys 'ro/d 'ast )'on the Ca'itol. And yo/ >hom the raging %yre co/ld not destroy5

4oices o" destiny5 &ycli""e and </ss5 ;o/ li"t to the >inds ;o/r >aning cry* YThe ne> age is da>ning5 The time has come. And already mitres And cro>ns tremble* :rom the cloister !ebellion r/mbles %reaching de"iance $n the voice o" the Cassocked 9irolamo avonarola As Martin L/ther Thre> o"" his monkish robes5 o thro> o"" yo/r shackles5 ( mind o" man5 And cro>ned >ith "lame5 hoot lightning and th/nder= Matter5 arise= atan has >on. Both bea/ti"/l and a>"/l A monster is /nleashed $t sco/rs the oceans $s sco/rs the land 9littering and belching smoke like a volcano5 it con8/ers the hills $t devo/rs the 'lains. $t "lies over chasms5 Then b/rro>s $nto /nkno>n caverns Along dee'est 'aths= To re#emerge5 /ncon8/erable :rom shore to shore $t bello>s o/t Like a >hirl>ind5 Like a >hirl>ind $t s'e>s its breath* Y$t is atan5 yo/ 'eo'les5 9reat atan 'asses by. <e 'asses by5 bringing blessing :rom 'lace to 'lace5 )'on his /nsto''able Chariot o" "ire <ail5 ( atan ( rebellion5 ( yo/ avenging "orce (" h/man reasonA Let holy incense And 'rayers rise to yo/A ;o/ have /tterly van8/ished The 6ehovah o" the %riests.

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