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Training of Trainers on 2013 Manual of Procedures of the NTP, 5th edition Date:__________ Venue: ______________ Rationale With the

new advances in TB diagnosis and treatment and considering the various program initiatives that had been mainstreamed into the NTP, the Manual of Procedures for the NTP was revised. The new MOP integrates all previous initiatives and is up-to-date with both international and local standards. ollowing the training of the trainers from !egional Offices of "O#, a subse$uent training of trainers from provincial health offices will be conducted to facilitate the roll-out of the %&'( MOP. This wor)shop is designed to disseminate the revised policies and procedures of the NTP and to capacitate a pool of trainers from the *+,s to assist the roll-out. !"ecti#es: '. To present the revised policies and procedures in the %&'( MOP of NTP MOP, -th edition %. To enable NTP regional coordinators in conducting the training of trainers for provincial coordinators $t the end of the training, the %artici%ants should !e a!le to: '. "iscuss the policies and procedures in the NTP MOP %&'( %. accomplish all the recording and reporting forms (. present the standard powerpoint presentations during trainings .. facilitate e/ercises on case finding, case holding and recording0reporting as conducted during the training &ntended Partici%ants: Participants will be NTP coordinators from the Provincial #ealth Offices as well as other Technical staff from P#O, Provincial health teams and the !Os that are $ualified to be part of the pool of trainers for the MOP roll-out. Methodolog': lectures using standardi1ed powerpoint presentations plenar2 discussions brea)-out sessions for e/ercises Progra( Design: Session No./ Title DAY 1 34&&34%& '4 Overview of the training



Facilitat or/ Speaker

To present the ob5ectives and mechanics of the training To enumerate the tas)s and )e2


competencies of participants as trainers 34%&34.& %4 #ighlights of the MOP %&'( 34.&'&4.& am (4 6hapter %6ase inding To describe the conte/t and process of MOP revision To define the users of the MOP and their tas)s To discuss the ma5or revisions in the %&'( MOP lecture

'&4.&'%4&&pm > '4&&'4.&pm

.4 7/ercises on 6 8including recording;

The participant should be able to4 "iscuss intensified case finding "efine and identif2 presumptive TB 7/plain the steps0algorithm in TB case finding 7/plain procedures for doing various diagnostic tests 8eg, "99M, :pert, T9T; <nterpret the diagnostic test results and correlate with the findings of the clinical assessment of TB and decide action based on results 8and on clinical criteria; 6lassif2 TB based on anatomical site, bacteriologic status and histor2 of treatment =ccomplish records necessar2 during case finding E ercise 1! identif2ing presumptive TB E ercise "! deciding treatment based on result of diagnostic tests E ercise #4 !ecording for 6ase inding The participant should )now how to accomplish the following forms4 '. orm '. Presumptive TB Masterlist %. orm %a. NTP *aborator2 !e$uest orm (. orm (a. NTP *aborator2 !egister 8Microscop2 and +:;


7/ercise s Brea)out groups


-4 6hapter (6ase #olding


?4 7/ercises on 6#

The participant should be able to4 "efine the different registration groups and the corresponding treatment regimens "iscuss how to monitor treatment identif2 special conditions that ma2 affect treatment =ssign treatment outcomes to patients =ccomplish recording forms for 6# E ercise $4 =ssigning 6lassification, !egistration group and treatment regimen


7/ercise s

8including recording;

E ercise %4 Monitoring treatment E ercise &4 =ssigning outcome E ercise '4 !ecording for 6ase #olding The participant should )now how to accomplish the following forms4 '. orm .. TB treatment0<PT card %. orm -. NTP <" card (. orm ?a. "rug 9usceptible TB !egister .. orm %b. NTP *aborator2 !esult orm for #<@ testing of TB Patients

Brea)out groups


B4 6hapter .Prevention of TB

The participant should be able to4 "iscuss the different TB infection control measures 8administrative, engineering and PP7; =dminister <PT and monitor outcomes =ccomplish records for <PT E ercise (4 identif2ing who are eligible for <PT E ercise )! !ecording for <PT The participant should )now how to accomplish the following forms4 '. orm .. TB treatment0<PT card %. orm 3. <PT !egister The participant should be able to4 "iscuss the management c2cle for medicines and diagnostic supplies 6alculate needs based on consumption and e/pected cases 7numerate the correct procedures when re$uesting, receiving, storing and distributing medicines and supplies E ercise 1*! !ecording and !eporting for *ogistics The participant should )now how to accomplish the Cuarterl2 report on drug inventor2 and re$uest 8!eport .; The participant should be able to4 "iscuss the "OT9 referral s2stem "escribe the internal and e/ternal referral s2stem for hospitals accomplish recording forms for referral



A4 7/ercises on prevention of TB

7/ercise during plenar2


34 6hapter ?Management of TB "rugs and *aborator2 9upplies



'&4 7/ercise on *ogistics Management ''4 6hapter B!eferral 92stem

7/ercise during plenar2 *ecture



'%4 7/ercise on !eferral s2stem '(4 6hapter A =69M

E ercise 11! !ecording for !eferral 92stem The participant should )now how to accomplish the following forms4 '. orm B. NTP referral form %. orm A. #ospital TB referral logboo) The participant should be able to4 "efine =69M "escribe the general guidelines in conducting advocac2 and social mobili1ation 7numerate the )e2 messages for TB education The participant should )now how to accomplish the following forms4 '. !eport '. Cuarterl2 !eport on TB Microscop2 and +: *aborator2 7/aminations %. !eport (a. Cuarterl2 report on 6ase inding of "rug 9usceptible TB 6ases and <PT (. !eport -a. Cuarterl2 report on Treatment Outcome of "rug 9usceptible TB 6ases .. !eport ?. Cuarterl2 report of hospital TB referrals The participant should be aware of the following reporting forms used in the *aborator2 and PM"T4 '. !eport %. Cuarterl2 report on 7C= for TB Microscop2 %. !eport (b. Cuarterl2 !eport on "!-TB 6ases (. !eport -b. Cuarterl2 !eport on Treatment <nterim Outcome of "!-TB 6ases .. !eport -c. =nnual !eport on the Treatment Outcome of "!-TB 6ases

7/ercise during plenar2




'.4 6hapter - D !ecording and !eporting



'-4 7/ercise on !eporting

E ercise 1"! !eporting The participant should )now how to accomplish the following forms4 '. !eport '. Cuarterl2 !eport on TB Microscop2 and +: *aborator2 7/aminations %. !eport (a. Cuarterl2 report on 6ase inding of "rug 9usceptible TB 6ases and <PT (. !eport -a. Cuarterl2 report on Treatment Outcome of "rug 9usceptible TB 6ases .. !eport ?. Cuarterl2 report of hospital TB referrals The participant should be able to4 7numerate the importance of "OT9 certification and accreditation 7/plain the procedures for certification and accreditation of facilities

7/ercise s Brea)out groups

Da+ # A4&&A4.-

'?4 6hapter 3 D 6ertification and =ccreditation


A4.-34''B4 Monitoring, 9upervision and 7valuation

"escribe the process of filing for claims under the Philhealth "OT9 pac)age *ecture

The participant should be able to4 "escribe general guidelines on how to conduct M97 "efine the roles of various levels in M97 6ompute and anal21e )e2 program indicators ,se the NTP monitoring tool E ercise 1#! 6omputing and =nal21ing Program <ndicators


'A4 7/ercises on Program <ndicators

7/ercise s Brea)out groups


Post-test !ecap09ummar2 6ourse 7valuation

)ogistics Re*uired: Board and lodging for participants Training )it for trainers o %&'( MOP for the NTP o 6ompilation of powerpoint presentations o 7/ercises handout o 7/ercise materials 8records and reports with data> answer sheets; o 7/ercise #andouts4 acilitatorEs guide 8to be given after the training; o ile cop2 of all training materials 8to be given after the training;

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