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Business Plan Template

Here's your sample Title Page. It's a great idea to put a color picture of your product right on the front. But leave room for the following information. [Your Company Name] Month, 20xx [month and year issued]

Business Plan Copy Number [x] This document is con idential! "t is not or re#distribution! [Name o point person] [Title] [$ddress] [City, %tate &"P] [Phone] [e#mail] [company home pa'e ()*]

Table of Contents
Here's a sample Table of Contents. Be sure to modify the page numbers when you've finished your Business Plan. Executive Summary Mission Company Overview *e'al Business +escription %trate'ic $lliances Pro!uct Current Product )esearch and +e.elopment Production and +eli.ery T#e Mar$et Mar/et +e inition Customer Pro ile Mar/etin' Plan %ales %trate'y +istribution Channels $d.ertisin', Promotion, P) Competition 'is$(Opportunity Mana*ement Team Capital 'e,uirements 3xit4Paybac/ %trate'y .inancial Plan $ssumptions 7inancial %tatements Conclusion Ex#ibits 1-1 2-1 -1 ,#2 ,#, "-1 -#2 -#, -#%-1 0#2 0#, 0#0#0 0#1 0#2 &-1 )-1 +-1 --1 5#2 1/-1 60#2 60#, 60#11-1

Executive Summary
" the executi.e summary doesn8t succeed, your business plan 9ill sell in.estors! :e recommend that you 9rite the summary irst and use it as a template or the plan as a 9hole! %ince one o its primary unctions is to capture the in.estor8s attention, the summary should be no lon'er than t9o pa'es! The shorter the better!

Mission ;ur company<s mission is to [describe your ultimate 'oal, or insert your mission statement]!

Company [The Company] 9as ounded in [date] and [describe 9hat your business does, such as baby products manu acturer, distributor o pencils, pro.ider o medical ser.ices]! "t is a [le'al orm o your company, such as **C, %#Corporation, C#Corporation, Partnership, Proprietorship]! ;ur principal o ices are located at [x]!

Business :e ma/e [describe product, or that you ma/e or pro.ide]! ;ur company is at the [seed, start#up, 'ro9th] sta'e o business,' =ust [de.eloped our irst product, hired our irst salesman, boo/ed our irst national order]! "n the most recent [period], our company achie.ed sales o [x], and sho9ed a [pro it, loss, brea/#e.en]! :ith the inancin' contemplated herein, our company expected to achie.e [x] in sales and [x] in pretax pro its in 20[xx] and achie.e [x] in sales and [x] in pretax pro its in 20[xx>6]! :e can achie.e this because the unds 9ill allo9 us to [describe 9hat you 9ill do 9ith the unds, such as a? mar/etin' or your ne9 product, b? build or expand

acilities to meet increased demand, c? add retail locations or others means o distribution, d? increase research and de.elopment or ne9 products or to impro.e existin' ones!

Pro!uct or Service Tell us about your product or service in terms we can understand. [The company] produces the ollo9in' products@ [list products here brie ly, in order o hi'hest sales or si'ni icance in product line]! $lternati.ely, [The company] deli.ers the ollo9in' ser.ices@ [list ser.ices here brie ly, in order o hi'hest sales or si'ni icance in product line]! Presently, our [product or] is in the [introductory, 'ro9th, maturity] sta'e! :e plan to ollo9 this [product or] 9ith extensions to our line 9hich include [x,y,and A]! Critical actors in the [production o our product, or deli.ery o our are [x, and y]! ;ur [product or] is uniBue because [x,y,or A] and4or 9e ha.e an ad.anta'e in the mar/etplace because o our [patent, speed to mar/et, brand name]!

T#e Mar$et :e de ine our mar/et as [manu acture and sale o 9ritin' and dra9in' instruments, lo9 at cheese, oral care products]! This mar/et 9as approximately [Cx] at [9holesale or retail] last [period a.ailable], accordin' to [site resource], and is expected to 'ro9 to [Cx] by the year [x], accordin' to [site resource]! Who are your customers Where are they! and how do you reach them "re they buying your product # service from someone else How will you educate customers to buy from you Why will they care

Competition :e compete directly 9ith [name competition]! or :e ha.e no direct competition, but there are to our [product or] in the mar/etplace! ;ur [product or] is uniBue because o [x] and4or 9e ha.e a competiti.e ad.anta'e because o our [speed to mar/et, established brand name, lo9 cost producer status]!

'is$(Opportunity The 'reatest ris/s 9e ha.e in our business today are [mar/et ris/, pricin' ris/, product ris/, mana'ement ris/]! :e eel 9e can o.ercome these ris/s because o [x]! The opportunities be ore us are si'ni icant@ 9e ha.e the opportunity to [dominate a niche in the mar/etplace, become a ma=or orce in the industry] i 9e can [x]!

Mana*ement Team ;ur team has the ollo9in' members to achie.e our plan! [x] men and 9omen 9ho ha.e a combined [x] years o experience@ [y] years in mar/etin', [y] years in product de.elopment, and [y] years in [other disciplines]!

Capital 'e,uirements :e see/ [C] o additional [eBuity, sub#debt, or senior inancin'] 9hich 9ill enable us to [describe 9hy you need the unds, and 9hy the opportunity is excitin']! :e can pro.ide and exit or this [loan, in.estment] 9ithin [x] years by [a di.idend o excess pro its, recapitaliAations, sale o company, or public o erin']!

.inancial Plan "t this point the investor must have a clear idea of where your business stands today. If you bore him or ma$e the information he needs hard to find! you get canned. %ou must provide a snapshot! however sparse! of your financial position.

Sales Summary

"t this point the investor must have a clear idea of where your business stands today. If you bore him or ma$e the information he needs hard to find! you get canned. %ou must provide a snapshot! however sparse! of your financial position. *ast Year This Year Next Year Year T9o %alesD Eross pro itD Pre#taxD

Balance S#eet Summary $ssetsD *iabilitiesD Boo/ FalueD

"n [x] years 9e 9ill pro.ide an exit, 9hich 9e expect to be in the orm o [sale to a competitor, initial public o erin', distribution o pro its] or perhaps [A]! :e expect to be able to achie.e this in [b months 4 years]!


Mission Statement ;ur 'oal is to become [describe your ultimate 'oal, or insert your mission statement@ example@ the leadin' manu acturer and mar/eter o branded in#line s/ate replacement 9heels or the irst name in lo9 at cheese]!

:e aspire to carry a reputation in the mar/etplace or de.elopin' and deli.erin' [time', better#9ay products sold at a air price or uses in the GxH mar/et]! :e can achie.e this by [cuttin' ed'e product de.elopment, close understandin' o mar/et trends and needs, inno.ati.e and pro itable merchandisin' and pac/a'in']!

To accomplish our 'oal, [your company name] needs [capital, mana'ement talent, lar'er, more e icient acilities]!

"n pursuit o our 'oal, 9e resol.e to treat sta/eholders, customers, and the community 9ith [description o the reputation your company see/s]! These 'roups see our company as pro.idin' [describe bene its to each 'roup o bein' associated 9ith your company]!

T#e Company
[The Company] 9as ounded in [date] and [describe 9hat your business does, such as baby products manu acturer, distributor o pencils, pro.ider o medical ser.ices]! The le'al name o the business is [x]! "nclude dba in the le'al name! "t is a [le'al orm o your company, such as **C, %#Corporation, C#Corporation, Partnership, Proprietorship]! ;ur principal o ices are located at [list primary address as 9ell as any other acilities]! :e ha.e approximately [x] sBuare eet o o ice space and [x] sBuare eet o [ actory or 9arehouse]! ;ur current capacity is [x] units per month! " 9e exceed [x] units per month, 9e 9ill need additional space! :e expect this acility to be adeBuate or the company<s needs or [t9o years, a year, a 9ee/] a ter undin'!

'e*ulations an! permits- cut now if inappropriate0 [Your Company Name] operates in the [toxic 9aste, 9eapons and armaments, 'enetic en'ineerin',] industry, or [uses controlled substances in the manu acturin' process or deli.ery o], and alls under the =urisdiction o the [name 'o.ernment a'ency]! [Your Company Name] has all necessary permits to operate, and has an up#to#date record o inspections! These permits include@ [list brie ly here]! These a'encies re'ulate our business in the ollo9in' manner@ [9e must document and account or uses and disposal o all toxic materials or 9e must document and bac/'round chec/ all employees 9ith access to the launch codes or our missiles]!

Strate*ic 1lliances The leverage from relationships can be appealing to investors. &'plain how you wor$ with others to improve your performance. [Your Company Name] has de.eloped important and pro itable strate'ic alliances 9ith the ollo9in' lar'er, more established business@ [describe each company, it<s position in the mar/etplace, the details o the alliance, and 9hat ris/s are in.ol.ed in the alliance]! 7or example, 9e ha.e de.eloped mar/etin' a'reements

9ith [x], the [mar/et leader in 'ummed erasers] 9hich 9ill enable us to sell, alon' side them, our [extra messy children<s pencils]! The side by side positionin' at retail, as 9ell as the ability to share 9holesale sales leads 9ith their established customer base can help us penetrate the mar/et more Buic/ly! The ris/ in the relationship is that they may [decide to sell pencils] and cut us out o the process! $nother type o strate'ic relationship that bene its the company is our de.elopment =oint .enture 9ith [x]! :e 9ould be able to und the research o the ne9 [lo9 at %9iss cheese that melts smoothly], but 9ith access to their prior research in [smooth meltin' cheddar] 9e cut our de.elopment time in hal ! By usin' some o their [eBuipment, or people] 9ho 9ere not bein' utiliAed ully, 9e 9ere able to a.oid the expense o [ma=or capital expenditures, additions to the payroll]! :e ha.e a'reed to pay a royalty o [x] to this de.elopment partner or their role in this products ultimate success! :e ha.e a strate'ic relationship 9ith a number o suppliers! "n exchan'e or a blan/et commitment to purchase [more than I0J o our supply o a speci ic ra9 material rom them], they ha.e a'reed to [not ma/e it a.ailable to the mar/et at lar'e or six months, or to 'i.e us a pre erential price]!

[Your Company Name] also has strate'ic ;ri'inal 3Buipment Manu acturer relationships 9ith a number o customers! This allo9s us to sell a lar'e and steady .olume o [in#line s/ate 9heels] to [boot manu acturers, 9ho use them to sell complete s/ate sets]! This 'ets many units o our product out in to the mar/etplace,, it pro.ides little or no brand a9areness or us!

T#e Business
[Your Company Name] is a [manu acturer, distributor, mar/eter, pro.ider] o [describe your product or]! ;ur company is at the [seed, start#up, 'ro9th] sta'e o business,' =ust [de.eloped our irst product, hired our irst salesman, boo/ed our irst national order]!

Pro!uct or Service &'plain how your product wor$s or how the service is used. What burning mar$etplace needs are addressed by your product What value do you add to the product [The company] produces the ollo9in' products@ [list products here, in order o hi'hest sales or si'ni icance in product line]! Be sure to re er readers to product pictures, dia'rams, patents, and other descripti.e material!

;r, $lternati.ely [The company] deli.ers the ollo9in' ser.ices@ [list ser.ices here brie ly, in order o hi'hest sales or si'ni icance in product line]! Be sure to re er readers to brochures and material describin' your!

Presently, our [product or] is in the [introductory, 'ro9th, maturity] sta'e! :e irst de.eloped our [product or] in 20[xx] and ha.e made [x] impro.ements and redesi'ns since then! Pro.ide a history o product de.elopments, introductions, and impro.ements leadin' up to the present day! Table orm may be appropriate! 2ni,ue features or proprietary aspects of Pro!uct This is a crucial paragraph. Investors must see something uni(ue! proprietary! or protected about your product or service. ;ur products are uniBue because o [o secret in'redient, our patented process, our proprietary manu acturin' process]!


;thers in the mar/et are able to pro.ide some9hat similar [products or ser.ices], but 9e are able to di erentiate in the mar/et because o [x]! :e ha.e [applied, been 'ranted, licensed] a patent or [x], an abstract o 9hich can be ound in appendix [x]! :e ha.e inte'rated this into our process 9hich others 9ill not be able to duplicate! ;ur lead product, [x] addresses the ollo9in' customer needs [x] and deli.ers [x] bene its to customers! Tell us about the uni(ue value)added characteristics your product line or process provides to customers and how these characteristics translate into a competitive advantage for your company.

:e arri.e at our pricin' based on [cost, 'ross mar'in, mar/et prices, percei.ed .alue]! :e re.ie9 this pricin' [monthly, Buarterly, annually] to ensure that potential pro its are not sBuandered! Customers seem 9illin' to pay as much as [x] because o [explain reasonin']! T#e remain!er of t#e !ocument intentionally left blan$ 3 to view it4 it is one of t#e !ocuments inclu!e! in t#e complete set available for purc#ase from t#e !ownloa! pa*e 5612/70 The set includesD 6! 3xecuti.e %ummary Text 2! Business Plan Text ,! Business Plan Presentation -! 7inancial 7orecast Model # 6 0! 7inancial 7orecast Model #2




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