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Business Project years 1 & 2
Employee Database
Project Supervisor: Dr Y. L. Tan
Submission Date: Thursday, 05 May 0!!.
M. #isi$otto
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
The objective o+ the project ,as to use e-$earnin. princip$es in order to bui$d an
on$ine system to ho$d job postin.s as part o+ the "usiness project +or years ! and
courses in the "usiness %n+ormation Techno$o.y and Mana.ement students o+ the
/niversity o+ 0reen,ich 1"%T&2 department. This ne, system ,i$$ rep$ace the
previous e3istent version.
The system ,as deve$oped usin. the 4v-mode$5, this method ,as chosen because it
$in6s so+t,are deve$opment and testin. unti$ the +ina$ resu$t ,as achieved.
The structura$ desi.n invo$ved the use most$y o+ P7P and 7TML to store
in+ormation in the database 1MyS8L2.
The app$ication has t,o $eve$s o+ access, ,hich $imit the +unctiona$ity o+ the system
+or each type o+ user. Second year students ,i$$ +orm .roups or 4companies5 ,hich
can create and post ne, jobs and vie, the app$icants +or the jobs they posted. 9irst
year5s students or the 4emp$oyees5 can on$y see the jobs posted by the second years
and app$y to,ards by postin. #:s. ($$ users ,i$$ have access to a $o.boo6 ,hich
,i$$ record their day-today activities, and these records ,i$$ be used as part o+ the
assessment as ,e$$ as materia$ +or peda.o.ica$ research.
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Definition of Terms and Abbreviations .................................................................. vi
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1
!.!: )vervie, ..................................................................................................................... !
!.: Dissertation 'eport Structure .......................................................................................
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................ 3
LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................... 3
.!: %ntroduction ................................................................................................................. ;
.: &- Learnin. .................................................................................................................. ;
.;: #o$$aborative Learnin. ................................................................................................ <
.;.!: 7o, co$$aborative $earnin. can he$p in the student5s career= .................... 5
.;.: 7o, to ma6e team $earnin. success+u$ ...................................................... 5
.;.;: "est ,ays to Learn ...................................................................................... >
.<: ?hat is #omputer-supported co$$aborative $earnin.= .................................................. @
.<.!: ?hy use #omputer-supported co$$aborative $earnin. 1#S#L2 ................... @
.<.: #omputers and education ............................................................................ A
.<.;: &-$earnin. at a distance ............................................................................... A
.<.<: Desi.nin. techno$o.y to support #S#L ................................................... !0
CHAPTER 3 .............................................................................................................. 11
TECHNICAL BACKGROUND .............................................................................. 11
;.!: (pache Server ............................................................................................................ !!
;.: 7TML ........................................................................................................................ !!
;.;: #SS ............................................................................................................................ !!
;.<: P7P ............................................................................................................................ !
;.5: Data Stora.e ............................................................................................................... !;
;.5.!: Databases .................................................................................................. !;
;.5.: MyS8L ..................................................................................................... !<
;.5.;: P7PMy(dmin .......................................................................................... !<
;.5.<: Data Security ............................................................................................. !<
CHAPTER 4 .............................................................................................................. 15
REVIEW OF PREVIOUS WORK ......................................................................... 15
<.!: %ntroduction ............................................................................................................... !5
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<.: Screenshots ................................................................................................................ !5
<.;: #onc$usion ................................................................................................................. !@
CHAPTER 5 .............................................................................................................. 18
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 18
5.!: 'eBuirements ............................................................................................................. !A
5.: 9unctiona$ 'eBuirements ........................................................................................... !A
5.;: *on-9unctiona$ 'eBuirements ................................................................................... !C
5.<: #onc$usion ................................................................................................................. !C
CHAPTER 6 .............................................................................................................. 20
SYSTEM DESIGN .................................................................................................... 20
>.!: 0/% Desi.n ................................................................................................................ !
>.!.!: 0enera$ Layout .......................................................................................................
>.: Database Desi.n ........................................................................................................
>..!: Tab$e: ......................................................................................................... ;
>..: Tab$e: PostDactivity ................................................................................................ <
>..;: Tab$e: PostDjob ....................................................................................................... 5
>..<: Tab$e: /p$oad ........................................................................................................ 5
>.<: #onc$usion ................................................................................................................. >
CHAPTER 7 .............................................................................................................. 26
SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................. 26
@.!: The System ...................................................................................................... @
@.: 8ueryin. the Database ............................................................................................... C
@.;: Prob$ems ,ith the System .......................................................................................... ;0
@.;.!: Description o+ the prob$em ................................................................................... ;0
@.;.: Strate.y ................................................................................................................ ;!
@.<: System Screen-Shoots o+ the System ......................................................................... ;!
@.<.!: Year Students Screen-shoots ................................................................. ;
@.<.: Year ! Students Screen-shoots ................................................................. ;<
@.<.;: Lo. "oo6 screen shoots +or a$$ students ................................................... ;@
@.5: #onc$usion ................................................................................................................. ;A
CHAPTER 8 .............................................................................................................. 39
TESTING ................................................................................................................... 39
A.!: "$ac6 "o3 Testin. ..................................................................................................... ;C
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A.!.!.: Te3t (reas ............................................................................................... <<
A.!.: Pass,ord 9ie$ds ....................................................................................... <<
A.!.;: Te3t 9ie$ds ............................................................................................... <<
A.: /sabi$ity Test ............................................................................................................. <<
A.<: #onc$usion ................................................................................................................. <5
CHAPTER 9 .............................................................................................................. 45
CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 45
C.!: (chievements ........................................................................................................... <5
C.: &va$uation .................................................................................................................. <>
C.;: 9uture Deve$opment ................................................................................................... <@
BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................... 47
APPENDIX I - TIME PLAN ................................................................................... 51
APPENDIX II - SOURCE CODE .......................................................................... 54
!-de+au$t.css ...................................................................................................................... 5<
- inde3.php ...................................................................................................................... 5@
;-year!homepa.e.php ....................................................................................................... >0
<- yearhomepa.e.php ...................................................................................................... >
5-addDjob.php ................................................................................................................... >5
>-+i$eDup$oad.php .............................................................................................................. >>
@-$o.inproc.php ................................................................................................................. >C
A-$o.out.php ...................................................................................................................... @0
!0-postDactivity.php ......................................................................................................... @!
!!-postDactivity!.php ........................................................................................................ @
!-postDjob.php .............................................................................................................. @5
!;-sho,Dactivitiesbystudent.php ...................................................................................... @C
!<-sho,Djob.php ............................................................................................................. A;
!5-sho,Djob.php ........................................................................................................... A>
!>-sho,Djobsbyname#).php ........................................................................................... C0
!@-sho,Djobsbyname#).php ......................................................................................... C;
!A-up$oad.php and ............................................................................................ C@
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Definition of Terms and Abbreviations
CSCL #omputer-supported co$$aborative $earnin.
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
DBMS Database Management System
GUI Graphical User Interface
HTML Hypertext Mark-p !angage
HTTP 7yperte3t Trans+er Protoco$
MySQL Database system spp"rting #D$C
RDBMS %elati"nal Database Management System
F1-F10 &ncti"nal %e'irements( refer t" secti"n )*+*
NF1-NF6 ,"n-&ncti"nal %e'irements( refer t" secti"n )*-*
PHP Hypertext Pr"cess"r
SQL Strctred .ery !angage( related t" databases
URL Universal %es"rce !"cat"r

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1.1: Overview
The project proposes a creation o+ a system to he$p the co$$aboration bet,een +irst
and second year students in the "%T& department ,ho ,i$$ +orm companies to carry
out one o+ a series o+ rea$ business projects that the "%T& team has identi+ied in the
area. These are rea$ projects su..ested by rea$ business and as such the resu$ts ,i$$
be .iven to business concerned.
This system is reBuired to substitute the ori.ina$ e3istent system. The main reason +or
this is that the ori.ina$ system is not user-+riend$y 1ease o+ use2.
The second year students ,i$$ $ead the teams on a co$$aborative ,ay basis, ma6in.
sure they have the correct set o+ co$$aborators. The +irst year students need to ,or6 at
.ettin. into the .roup throu.h usin. their #:5s and 4intervie,5 s6i$$s.
The ,eb app$ication and database ,i$$ serve to:
7o$d jobs posted by year t,o students,
7o$d #:5s posted by +irst year studentsE
'ecord student5s activities on an individua$ diary.
This project invo$ves the use o+ e-$earnin. re$ated s6i$$s. Leun. says the +o$$o,in.
about e-$earnin. 4Learners and teaching professionals are attracted by the many
benefits of e-learning, such as the fleibility of learning any!here, at any time and at
an indi"iduali#ed pace$% 1 Leun., 00;2.
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1.2: Dissertation Report Structure
The report is divided in chapters, a bib$io.raphy and three appendices. The
+o$$o,in. para.raphs brie+$y describe each chapter.
Chapter 2 %s a revie, o+ the $iterature covered to provide in+ormation to
do this project.
Chapter 3: %t5s a revie, o+ a$$ technica$ bac6.round used to comp$ete this
Chapter 4: %s a revie, o+ the previous ,or6 done, ,ith screen shots and
the reasons o+ the proposed ne, System.
Chapter 5: This chapter dea$s ,ith the proposed System 'eBuirements in
terms o+ its 9unctiona$ and *on-9unctiona$ 'eBuirements.
Chapter 6: This describes the Desi.n o+ the system in terms o+ 0/% and
Chapter 7: This part re+er to the %mp$ementations in the system, a$so sho,
sho,s some screen shots o+ the +ina$ system.
Chapter 8: Describes the tests conducted on the system as a ,ho$e system
and a usabi$ity test as ,e$$.
Chapter 9: This conc$udes this report by discussin. the project5s
achievements, and eva$uation o+ the ,or6 done a su..estion
+or +uture deve$opment.
BIBLIOGRAPHY This section re+ers to a$$ materia$ used to do this project.
Sho,s a Project P$an and 0antt #hart o+ p$anned ,or6 and
,ith the time spent in each phase o+ the project.
($$ the source code +or this project.
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2.1: Introduction
There are many ,ays to reach a so$ution to this projectE this chapter ,i$$ revie, the
$iterature used on this project ,hich supported it to accomp$ish the +ina$ resu$t.
2.2: E- Learning
F(n e-$earnin. mode$ may combine on$ine techno$o.ies, campus-based de$ivery,
and distance $earnin.G 1:o$ery H Lord, 0002. Learners receive their $earnin.
resources over the ,eb, ,hich can inc$ude mu$timedia interactions, on-$ine +eedbac6,
and they p$ay a more active ro$e in the $earnin. process. 1Leun., 00;2.
Students today are .ro,in. up in a di.ita$ a.e, communicatin. and $earnin. via
techno$o.y no, more than ever be+ore. To prepare students +or +uture success,
schoo$s are imp$ementin. techno$o.y to enhance the teachin. and $earnin.
e3perience and renovate education. &ducators, po$icy-ma6ers, and %T $eaders a.ree,
ho,ever, that simp$y addin. computers to the c$assroom in order to achieve this is
not enou.h. To actua$$y renovate $earnin. +or the di.ita$ natives, schoo$s must mi3
techno$o.y too$s that can e3tend the education 6no,$ed.e and connect the c$assroom
,ith the !st century. ?hi$e techno$o.y is an instrument used by educators, it is not
a rep$acement +or the impact every member o+ the education system has on $earner
success. Techno$o.y need simp$i+y these re$ations. ( ,ho$e $earnin. atmosphere is
reBuired in ,hich studentsE teachers, administrators, and parents can ,ithout
di++icu$ty communicate and co$$aborate ,ith each other, share secure in+ormation,
and, u$timate$y, access a ,or$d o+ 6no,$ed.e beyond c$assroom ,a$$s. 17ensha,,
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2.3: Collaborative Learning
#o$$aborative $earnin. is a situation in ,hich t,o or more peop$e $earn or attempt to
$earn somethin. to.ether.
/sua$$y, students are ,or6in. in .roups, eBua$$y searchin. +or understandin.,
so$utions, or meanin.s, or creatin. a product. #o$$aborative $earnin. activities di++er
broad$y, but most centre on students5 investi.ation or use o+ the course materia$, not
mere$y the teacher5s demonstration or e3p$anation o+ it. 1Di$$enbour., P., !CCC2
More precise$y, co$$aborative $earnin. is centred on the mode$ that 6no,$ed.e can be
created in a popu$ation ,here associates vi.orous$y interact by sharin. e3periences.
1#hiu, M. M., 0002.
Put in a di++erent ,ay, co$$aborative $earnin. brin.s up a methodo$o.y in ,hich
$earners ta6e part in common tas6s ,here each individua$ depends on and is
responsib$e to each other. #o$$aborative $earnin. is heavi$y embedded in :y.ots6y5s
opinions that there e3ists an inherent socia$ nature o+ $earnin. ,hich is sho,n
throu.h his theory o+ Ione o+ pro3ima$ deve$opment. 1#hiu, M. M., 00A2
)+ten, co$$aborative $earnin. is used as an umbre$$a term +or a variety o+ methods in
education that inc$ude joint inte$$ectua$ by students or students and teachers.
1Mitni6, '., 'ecabarren, M., *ussbaum, M., H Soto, (. ,00C2.
#onseBuent$y, co$$aborative $earnin. is re.u$ar$y sho,ed ,hen .roups o+ students
,or6 to.ether to search +or understandin.,, or resu$ts or to produce an
arte+act o+ their $earnin..
(dditiona$$y, co$$aborative $earnin. rede+ines traditiona$ student-teacher connection
in the c$assroom ,hich conseBuences in controversy over ,hether this mode$ is more
he$p+u$ than 1#hiu, M. M., 00A2.
/sua$$y these activities can inc$ude co$$aborative ,ritin., .roup projects, joint
prob$em so$vin., debates, study teams, and other activities. 1Lei.h "., Mac0ra.or T.,
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2$&$1' (o! collaborati"e learning can help in the student%s career)
There are many positive means o+ teachin. .roups and individua$s, and co$$aborative
$earnin. as a teachin. phi$osophy tries to address both. #o$$aborative $earnin. is
concernin. in choosin. to ,or6 ,ith a .roup to e3pand one5s a,areness o+ a
particu$ar topic or condition. /sua$$y coachin. students at various $eve$s to to.ether
achieve a sin.$e .oa$. The idea is that they ,i$$ be success+u$ or +ai$ to.ether.
%n a deeper attitude, the success o+ co$$aborative $earnin. as a teachin. phi$osophy
can be perceived as a ,ay to he$p poor per+ormin. students to pro.ress as they ,or6
eBua$$y ,ith hi.h per+ormin. students. )n this ,ay this method ,or6s ,e$$ in the
c$assroom, around sma$$ .roup tas6s. (s soon as it into $ situations, it be de+ined as cooperative $earnin..
The di++erence bet,een the t,o teachin. ideas is that co$$aborative $earnin. is
dedicated on the students5 accomp$ishments ,here cooperative $earnin. is +reBuent$y
a teacher aimed atmosphere that emphasis on the interaction amon. teachers and
students. The terms are sometimes e3chan.eab$e as teachers are sure$y invo$ved in
the co$$aborative $earnin. idea$, too.
( critica$ +eature o+ the co$$aborative $earnin. idea is that it absences e3c$usion.
#hi$dren are not divided by s6i$$s, interests or successes. They are .rouped to.ether
so that they can $earn +rom each other5s s6i$$s and 6no,$ed.e. This brin.s up a
pro+ounder understandin. o+ diverse cu$tures, ,ay o+ $i+e, and perceptions.
9reBuent$y inte$$i.ent students in +act $earn to some de.ree +rom the re.u$ar or poor
student. 1#o$$aborative Learnin. )r., 0!!2
2$&$2' (o! to ma*e team learning successful
Team $earnin. can be very e++ective i+ it5s p$anned )n the other hand, a poor
c$ass strate.y or absence o+ accountabi$ity +or those in the .roup can in+$uence
tra.edy. Satis+actory to .et the +u$$ pro+its o+ the .roup $earnin. atmosphere a +e,
princip$es must to be met.
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The .roups have to be correct$y +ormed and mana.ed. Typica$$y, the .roup shou$d be
no than +ive to seven students. There a$so reBuirements to be a uni+orm
distribution o+ member individua$ities. %n other ,ords, +our .ood succeedin. students
positioned ,ith one poor student ,i$$ not nurture a .ood $earnin. atmosphere or
create reasonab$e outcomes. Probab$e the poor per+ormer ,i$$ remain to
underachieve as the odd out.
Students must be made independent$y responsib$e +or or.aniIin. their separate ,or6
+or the .roup project, a$$ocatin. time and determination to the .roup project, and
,or6 to.ether in a positive ,ay. #onseBuent$y, the individua$ components have to be
the same +or each student.
The best ,ay to escape team stru..$e is to ma6e projects that encoura.e .roup
decision ma6in. in simp$e methods. %+ too comp$e3 the poorer students ,i$$ +a$$
The over$yin. idea in team $earnin. is about the team,or6. (cademics are sure$y
6ey, but so is the $i+e c$asses that are $earned ,hen students are $i6e$y to ,or6
to.ether and accomp$ish to.ether. 9ina$$y, the distinctive characteristics o+ each team
participant shou$d brin. e++ects to the project that ,i$$ ma6e it e++ective.
Teachers have to stress commitment by the ,ho$e .roup and permit the $earners to
use +ree ,i$$ in +inishin. the project. %n this ,ay, the students occupy in a
co$$aborative $earnin. mode$ that to$erates them to teach and $earn +rom each other.
1#o$$aborative Learnin. )r., 0!!2
2$&$&' Best !ays to Learn
&very person $earns in a di++erent ,ay. %ndeed, there are a +e, thin.s that re.u$ar$y
appear to be the preeminent ,ays to $earn. ?e5ve a$$ have heard that some peop$e
$earn best visua$$y, some by doin., some by hearin., some by e3periencin., and so
on,ards. These are correct, but the top situations may be a $itt$e ,ider than just one
sense approachin. into p$ay. 1#o$$aborative Learnin. )r., 0!!2
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The most important +eature in $earnin. is that the student has to ,ant to $earn. ?hen
individua$s ,ant to $earn to some de.ree, they do.
Learnin. by doin. is certain$y one o+ the best methods to $earn. %t5s about samp$e and
error, trainin., and ma6in. errors. ?ithout even become conscious o+ it, youn.sters
$earn $i6e this every sin.$e day.
($$ peop$e $earn over +eedbac6. 7umans adore positive stren.thenin., so i+ the
+eedbac6 is .ood, peop$e ,i$$ ma6e better e++orts to study, and they5$$ reca$$ ,hat
they .ot correct. 7umans are a +ee$in. species, so ,e have +ee$in.s about a$$ ,e do.
Last$y, peop$e need to be capab$e to ma6e sense o+ ,hat they are $earnin.. %+ it
doesn5t have a vibrant method that can be absorbed, it ,on5t be $earned. )ur minds
certain$y cate.ory out ,hat is bene+icia$ and bui$d on that ,hi$e $eavin. ,hat isn5t
essentia$. #onseBuent$y, ,e +actua$$y are assimi$atin. the in+ormation upcomin.. The
tas6 has to be understandab$e in order +or it to be $earned.
1#o$$aborative Learnin. )r., 0!!2
2.4: What is Computer-supported collaborative learning?
#omputer-supported co$$aborative $earnin. 1#S#L2 is a deve$opin. division o+ the
$earnin. sciences concerned ,ith revie,in. ho, individua$s can $earn to.ether ,ith
the assistance o+ computers.
The inc$usion o+ co$$aboration, computer intermediation and distance education has
prob$ematiIed the very concept o+ $earnin. and ca$$ed into Buestion predominant
suppositions around ho, to study it. 1Stah$, 0., Joschmann, T., H Suthers, D.,
2$+$1' ,hy use -omputer-supported collaborati"e learning .-/-L0
"ecause is a peda.o.ica$ method in ,hich $earnin. pro+its usin. socia$ interaction
,ith a computer or over the %nternet. This type o+ education is cate.oriIed by the
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sharin. and construction o+ 6no,$ed.e bet,een members by usin. techno$o.y as
their main means o+ communication. #S#L can be app$ied in on$ine and c$assroom
$earnin. atmospheres.
17me$o-Si$ver, #.&. 00>2
2$+$2' -omputers and education
#omputers in the teachin. space are +reBuent$y seen ,ith doubt. They are understood
by criticisers as du$$ and anti-socia$, a sanctuary +or .ee6s and a mechanica$,
inhumane method o+ trainin.. #S#L is centred on precise$y the reverse idea: it
su..ests the deve$opment o+ ne, so+t,are and app$ications that carry $earners
to.ether and that can propose creative activities o+ inte$$i.ent e3p$oration and socia$
#S#L arose in the !CC0s in response to so+t,are that en+orced students to $earn as
$one$y persons. The e3citin. prospective o+ the %nternet to $in6 peop$e in ne, ,ays
de$ivered an incentive +or #S#L study. (s #S#L advanced, une3pected obstac$es to
desi.nin., propa.atin. and e3ce$$ent$y ta6in. advanta.e o+ ne, educationa$ so+t,are
became more and more obvious. ( renovation o+ the comp$ete idea o+ $earnin. ,as
necessary, inc$udin. important modi+ications in schoo$in., teachin. and bein. a
student. 1Stah$, 0., Joschmann, T., H Suthers, D., 00>2.
2$+$&' E-learning at a distance
#S#L is o+ten combinin. ,ith e-$earnin., the .roup o+ instruction throu.h computer
net,or6s. &-$earnin. is +reBuent$y driven by an innocent be$ie+ that c$assroom
content can be di.itiIed and dispersed to a .reat numbers o+ $earners ,ith $itt$e
persistent association o+ teachers or other costs, such as bui$din.s and transportation.
There are an amount o+ comp$ications ,ith this opinion.
9irst, it is basica$$y not true that the postin. o+ content, such as s$ides, te3ts or videos,
creates a compe$$in. $esson. Such content may de$iver resources +or
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students, just as te3tboo6s at a$$ times have, on the other hand they can on$y be
current in a superior motivationa$ and interactive conte3t. 1Stah$, 0., Joschmann, T.,
H Suthers, D., 00>2.
Second, on$ine $essons needs at $east as much ,or6 by human teachers as
schoo$room teachin.. *ot on$y reBuisite the tutor to or.aniIe materia$s and ma6e
them accessib$e by computer, the educator must stimu$ate and $ead each pupi$,
throu.h on-.oin. interaction and a sense o+ socia$ presence. ?hereas on$ine $essons
permit students +rom about every,here in the ,or$d to ta6e part, a$so it permits
$ecturers to ,or6 +rom any,here ,ith %nternet connectivity.
Third, #S#L stresses co$$aboration bet,een the scho$ars, so that they are not on$y
respondin. in separation to posted resources. The $earnin. ta6es p$ace most$y
throu.h co$$aborations amid students. Scho$ars pic6 up by e3pressin. their Buestions,
+o$$o,in. $ines o+ inBuiry to.ether, teachin. each other and seein. ho, others are
$earnin.. #omputer support +or such team,or6 is vita$ to a #S#L methodo$o.y to e-
$earnin.. Motivatin. and supportin. use+u$ student contact is di++icu$t to attain,
,ithout s6i$+u$ preparation, or.aniIation and imp$ementation o+ pro.ram, peda.o.y
and techno$o.y.
9ourth, #S#L is a$so ,orried ,ith +ace-to-+ace 1992 re$ationship. #omputer support
o+ education and does not continuous$y ta6e the +orm o+ an on$ine communication
intermediateE the computer support may inc$ude, +or e3amp$e, a computer
reproduction o+ a scienti+ic idea or a shared interactive demonstration. %n this case,
the co$$aboration emphases on the creation and investi.ation o+ the recreation or
demonstration. )n the other hand, a .roup o+ $earners use a computer to sur+
over in+ormation on the %nternet and to ta$6 over, discuss, co$$ect and e3hibit ,hat
they +ound co$$aborative$y1Stah$, 0., Joschmann, T., H Suthers, D., 00>2.
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2$+$+' Designing technology to support -/-L
The aim +or desi.n in #S#L is to create arte+acts, events and situations that enrich
the practices o+ .roup meanin. ma6in.. 'apid pro.resses in computer and
communication s6i$$s in $atest decades, a$i6e the %nternet, has intense$y a$tered the
,ays in ,hich ,e ,or6, p$ay, and $earn.
(s the tit$e o+ a comment by Le"aron 1002 proposes, FTechno$o.y does not e3ist
independent o+ its use.G Substitute 4activities, arte+acts, and environments5 +or
4techno$o.y5 and the messa.e continues the sameKthese e$ements themse$ves cannot
de+ine di++erent +orms o+ trainin., but are as an a$ternative created ,ithin practice.
(n environment +or an anticipated +orm o+ practice becomes such throu.h the
or.aniIed actions o+ its natives. &Bua$ activities are on$y made detectab$e as such in
the ,ays that participants turn to them as ordered +orms o+ combined action.
Desi.n o+ so+t,are +or #S#L, conseBuent$y, must be attached ,ith ana$ysis o+ the constructed in deve$opin. practice. :a$ues re+$ect past e3perience and
are open to in+inite ne.otiation and re-eva$uation. 1Stah$, 0., Joschmann, T., H
Suthers, D., 00>2.
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There are many methods to deve$op this ,eb systemE this chapter is a description o+
each technica$ e$ement ,hich he$ped bui$din. the +ina$ system.
3.1: Apache Server
(pache is a +ree, +u$$y con+i.urab$e ?eb server and one o+ the most popu$ar servers
avai$ab$e at the moment. This server is used to store the ,, ,hich ,i$$ be
accessed on$y by the administrator o+ the system. 9i$$eLi$a ,i$$ be used to trans+er the
+ina$ +i$es to the server and is a +ast, re$iab$e, and secure 9TPMS9TP c$ient.
F(pache emphasises a variety o+ +eatures, many emp$oyed as compi$ed modu$es
,hich e3tend the core +unctiona$ity. These can ran.e +rom server-side pro.rammin.
$ bac6in. to authentication schemes. Some usua$ $ inter+aces support
Per$, Python, Tc$, and P7P.G1?i6ipedia, 0!!2
3.2: HTML
7TML is an easy $ to use. You donNt have to be a pro.rammer to use it. %tNs a
,ay o+ describin. ho, the te3t and shou$d be disp$ayed to the user, simi$ar in
to a ma.aIine editorNs mar6up symbo$s.
3.3: CSS
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F#ascadin. Sty$e Sheets 1#SS2 are,ard +i$es that mana.e the visua$
appearance o+ a ?eb pa.e ,ithout compromisin. its structure. /sin. #SS one can
contro$ +ont siIe, +ont co$our, $in6 co$our, and many other attributes o+ a ,eb pa.e,
reducin. a pa.eNs +i$e siIe.
#SS is a very popu$ar $ Sometimes used on$y to +ormat te3t, or as a
substitute +or 7TML tab$es.
?ithout #SS, 7TML is used to create a$$ aspects o+ a site and tab$es upon tab$es are
created, to the point that the site5s code becomes hard to navi.ate and edit throu.h.
This cause the increase the +i$es siIe and resu$ts in an e3tra time to the pa.e to $oad.
*o,adays visitors ,ant that $oad a$most instant$y. 1*9;2
3.4: PHP
P7P is very use+u$ i+ dea$in. ,ith dynamic te3t embedded into static te3t and
correspondin.$y +or incorporatin. ,eb ,ith databases. %t is a server-side
scriptin. $ and a$$ the ,or6 is done on the server.
%+ you reBuire embed dynamic te3t into static te3t, you5$$ come across ,ith P7P
bein. very use+u$. %t ,as desi.ned +or this, and it e3ce$s at it. P7P is a$so very
bene+icia$ +or incorporatin. ,eb ,ith databases.
Figure 1. Description of how PHP works (webucator, 2011)
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F(s sho,n in the +i.ure !, the P7P interpreter processes the pa.e, communicatin.
,ith +i$e systems, databases, and emai$ servers as necessary, and then de$ivers a ,eb
pa.e to the ,eb server to return to the bro,ser.G 1,ebucator, 0!!2
3.5: Data Storage
Data stora.e is reBuired to maintain the system, records needs to be stored and easi$y and retrieved. The main data stora.e revie,ed here is the database.
&$1$1' Databases
FMyS8L is a database mana.ement system 1D"MS2 +or re$ationa$ databases, +or that
reason MyS8L is an 'D"MS 1'e$ationa$ Database Mode$ System2.G 1/$$man,
"y incorporatin. a database into a ,eb app$ication, some o+ the data created by P7P
can be retrieved +rom MyS8L 19i.ure 2. This additiona$$y moves the site5s contents
+rom a static 1hard-coded2 to a +$e3ib$e one and +$e3ibi$ity is the 6ey to a dynamic
,eb site. 1/$$man, 0052
Figure 2. Ilustration of the database working. (Database1ournal,2011)
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&$1$2' 2y/3L
MyS8L is a simp$e and po,er+u$ $ to manipu$ate database systems 19@2. The
synta3 is easy to use and comp$e3 searches can be done easi$y. There are +ive
important commands or Bueries to create databases and tab$es 1/$$man, 0052
#reate O creates tab$es and databases.
Se$ect O a$$o,s the retrieva$ o+ in+ormation +rom one or more tab$es +rom the
%nsert O a$$o,s the insertion o+ ne, in+ormation into a tab$e on the database.
/pdate Oa$$o,s the chan.e o+ in+ormation a$ready on the database.
De$ete Oa$$o,s the de$etion o+ data e3istin. in a database tab$e.
&$1$&' P(P2y4dmin
P7PMy(dmin is a too$ ,ritten in P7P meant to contro$ the administration o+
MyS8L over the ?or$d ?ide ?eb. %t can comp$ete numerous jobs such as creatin.,
modi+yin. or de$etin. databases, tab$es, +ie$ds or ro,sE per+ormin. S8L statementsE
or hand$in. users and permissions.1phpMy(dmin, 0!!2
&$1$+' Data /ecurity
The system ,i$$ be pass,ord protected 1*9<2, and a$$ users ,i$$ have access to their
o,n data 19!02. The on$y e3ception ,i$$ be administrator that ,i$$ have +u$$ access to
the system. The pass,ords ,i$$ be stored on the database that ,i$$ be encrypted usin.
the md5 1Messa.e-Di.est a$.orithm 52. MD5 is an e3tensive$y used crypto.raphic
hash +unction ,ith a !A-bit 1!>-byte2 hash va$ue and is a$so +reBuent$y used to
chec6 the inte.rity o+ +i$es. 1'9# !;!, 0!!2
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4.1: Introduction
This section ,i$$ revie, the previous ,ebpa.e, startin. ,ith screenshots on +i.ures ;
and <, and conc$udin. ,ith some recommendations +or improvement.
4.2: Screenshots
Figure 3. Screenshot of website main login page.
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Figure 4. Screenshot after login
The screen shots on the +i.ures ; and < sho,s the e3istin. system, one o+ the
reBuirements +or deve$opin. a ne, system is a e3istin. system is not very attractive
to the users.
)ne o+ the reasons to deve$op a ne, system is because the actua$ system is not very
appea$in. +or the users and a$so a+ter the users $ to the ne3t $eve$ is not very c$ear
in ,hat to do. "e$$o, it5s a tab$e $istin. some bene+its and dra,bac6s +rom the actua$
system and ,ay the need +or deve$opin. a ne, ,ebsite.
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System Properties Actual state of system
9unctiona$ity c$ear +or +irst time user
)vera$$ /sabi$ity and user +riend$iness
Pa.e Load Speed
(ccessibi$ity +rom any,here
/se o+ #ascadin. Sty$e Sheets 1#SS2
Table1. Actual System properties
Key: How the properties reflect on this system?
Not very good
4.3: Conclusion
The tab$e ! represents the major system properties, and ,here it cou$d have some
(+ter revie,in. the actua$ system, it5s c$ear the need o+ deve$opin. a ne, ,ebsite.
?hereas it5s a .ood structured ,ebsite it5s $ac6in. in user +riend$iness and a$so the
+irst users are not very c$ear in ,hat to do as soon they $o. in.
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5.1: Requirements
(+ter ana$ysin. the e3istin. system, the ne, system is described here as user cases.
/se #ases are descriptions o+ steps or actions bet,een a user and a so+t,are system.
"e$o, is dra,n in a tabu$ar +ormat the use cases in order to ma6e it more presentab$e
these dia.rams represents the +unctiona$ity o+ the system by the user5s point o+ vie,.
The +unctiona$ reBuirements 1,hat the system supposed to do2 are numbered +rom 9!
to 9!0 and non-+unctiona$ 1ho, the product shou$d be imp$emented2 reBuirements
+rom *9! to *9>
5.2: Functional Requirements
The tab$e be$o, is representin. the use cases
and the +unctiona$ system reBuirements o+ the
system to c$ari+y the project. /se cases are
used to represent the steps or actions bet,een
the system user and the system itse$+.














Post Pobs F1 - Q -
&dit posted jobs F2 - Q -
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:ie, posted jobs F3 Q Q -
(pp$y +or Pobs F4 Q - -
/p$oad #:s F5 Q - -
#reate and de$ete users F6 - - Q
:ie, and modi+y the main system database F7 - - Q
Set ne, $eve$s to users F8 - - Q
/se the system at /niversity, home or a,ay F9 Q Q Q
(ccess to persona$ %n+ormation F10 Q Q Q
Table 1. Functional Requirements and use cases
5.3: Non-Functional Requirements
The +o$$o,in. have been set as properties o+ the system in a non-+unctiona$ term:
NF1 The system is desi.ned in a ,ay that is understandab$e by ne, users, even
un+ami$iar ,ith the system.
NF2 System ,i$$ run in di++erent bro,sers
NF3 The desi.n ,i$$ be easy to maintain and +uture up.rade
NF4 The system ,i$$ be secure ,ith di++erent $eve$s o+ access to users
NF5 The system ,i$$ be documented in order to aid *9;
NF6 The system ,i$$ run in di++erent p$at+orms 1 di++erent bro,sers2
Table 2. Non- Functional Requirements
(s the system ,i$$ be on the internet certain data ,i$$ be stored on a database on the
main server. The system ,i$$ be ,ritten in P7P, due to its portabi$ity and object-
oriented capabi$ities. This sty$e is adopted in order to ensure that the users can reach
the system +rom any machine connected to the internet 1+unctiona$ use reBuirement
9C2 and a$so portab$e across mu$tip$e p$at+orms 1non-+unctiona$ reBuirement *9>2.
5.4: Conclusion
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This section dea$s ,ith the user reBuirements in the system, the tab$e ! represents the
use cases +or the +unctiona$ reBuirements and the tab$e represents the non-
+unctiona$ reBuirements o+ the system. The tabu$ar +ormat ,as chosen the ma6e
easier to understand.
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This section covers the desi.n o+ the system in terms o+ 0/%, database, and a$so
i$$ustrates some aspects o+ users $eve$s.
The time p$an +or this project has been visua$$y e3pressed in the :-Mode$ sty$e in
so+t,are en.ineerin., this mode$ can be considered as an e3tension to the ,ater+a$$
mode$, the :-Mode$ di++ers +rom the ,ater+a$$ mode$ on the testin. phase, ,hereas
the ,ater+a$$ mode$ +o$$o,s phase by phase and testin. on the end o+ the system, the
:-Mode$ each $i+e cyc$e phase is associated ,ith a test. The :-Mode$ has been
chosen +or this project because i+ there is any mista6e on the system deve$opment it5s
easy to detect ear$ier than i+ usin. the ,ater+a$$ mode$ ,here
6.1: GUI Design
The .raphica$ user inter+ace ,as desi.ned ta6in. into consideration *ie$sen5s
/sabi$ity 7euristics 1*ie$sen, !CC;2, as one o+ the conditions to deve$op the ,eb
app$ication is to ensure the user-+riend$iness. The 9i.ure > i$$ustrates the initia$ $ayout
used in the desi.n process.
Figure 6. General GUI Design
Page +/
(rea ,here the contents
o+ the ,eb site
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>$1$1' 5eneral Layout
($$ the have been deve$oped usin. #SS, to 6eep the $ayout simi$ar throu.hout
the system and ma6in. easier to maintain and chan.e the $ayout o+ the ,ebsite and
a$so rein+orce the system reBuirement 1*9;2. ($$ the ,indo,s have a .rey co$our
bac6.round, over$aid ,ith a ,hite bac6.round. The +onts used are (ria$, 7e$vetica or
sans-seri+ 1either one is present on the $oca$ system2. The +ont-siIe is set to !p3.
There are three 7TML header siIes 17!, 7, 7;2 assi.ned conditiona$ to the
importance o+ the in+ormation disp$ayed on the ,eb site. 9i.ure @ revie,s the
in+ormation above.
Figure 7. The layout of components in the system.
6.2: Database Design
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The +i.ures A and C sho, the desi.n +or the database tab$es. The tab$es have been
norma$iIed to minimiIe the unnecessary repetition. FThe purpose o+ database
norma$iIation is to brea6 do,n re$ations ,ith anoma$ies in order to create sma$$er,
,e$$-structured re$ations.G1?i6ipedia,0!!2
!"gin p"st6activity
username* id* **login.username
c6id a6descripti"n
company_id* a6details
s6name c"mpany6id7 *Login.company_id
email c6details
p"st69"b pl"ad
id* **login.username id* **login.username
9"b6title title
descripti"n descripti"n
c"mpany6id data
Figure 8. Tables Login,post_activity, post_job and upload.
Database;able / Database;able +
Primaryey#Re$erenced%** Primaryey#&o'Re$erenced%*
&ield;able/ &ield;able+ Ta(le.)ield**
<n"ther&ield;ablke / <n"ther&ield;ablke /
Figure 9. Database Design Tables Key
6$2$1' 7able' Login
This tab$e ho$ds in+ormation on each user re.istered by the administrator on the
database. The in+ormation stored are the company id, username, student name, e-
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mai$, pass,ord and year id 1identi+ies the $eve$ o+ access the user have2. The %D +or
this tab$e is .enerated automatica$$y by the system.

6$2$2' 7able' Post8acti"ity
This tab$e ho$ds the posts done by a$$ the students, this is a $o. boo6 used to contro$
the students day-to-day activities. This tab$e has +ive +ie$ds described on the tab$e ;.
Table Field Description
id This is an auto increment +ie$d.
aDdescription This +ie$d is the activity description %D, the activity main
pa.e ,i$$ have a drop do,n menu and each activity ,i$$
have an %D that is stored on the database. %t .oes +rom a! to
a0!RTrave$in. +or business
a0RTeam meetin.
a05RDra+tin. documentation
a0>R0enera$ administration
a0@R?ritin. up meetin.
a0ARPreparin. documentation +or c$ient
a0CRDra+tin. and sendin. emai$s
a!0RTe$ephone conversation1put ,ho in notes2
a!!R%n+ormation e$icitation intervie,s
a!RMeetin. ,ith c$ient
aDdetai$s This +ie$d is a te3t bo3 ,here the students can describe
their activities.
companyDid This is the company %D number and is re+erred to the tab$e
cDdetai$s This is a drop do,n menu ,here each activity has an id
+rom c0! to c05
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c0<R&$ectronic chatM9aceboo6
c05R*o team communication
Table 4. Description of the post_activity table on the database

6$2$&' 7able' Post8job
This tab$e ,i$$ ho$d the jobs that ,i$$ be posted by the year studentsE the +ie$d id is
the primary 6ey the tab$e 5 ,i$$ describe each +ie$d o+ the database tab$e.
Table Field Description
id This +ie$d is the primary 6ey and a$so is an auto increment +ie$d,
,here the system .enerates automatic the id ,ith every ne, +i$e
jobDtit$e This +ie$d ho$ds the tit$e o+ the job that a$$ students and the system
administrator ,i$$ see as a $ist on$ine ,ith a $in6 to each particu$ar
description This +ie$d is a description o+ the job that ,i$$ be up$oaded to the
database. This is visib$e to a$$ users but on$y the year ! students can
app$y +or the jobs by up$oadin. #:s to speci+ic jobs.
companyDid This +ie$d ho$ds the company idE this +ie$d is a$so re+erred to the
company id on the $ tab$e.
Table 5. Description of the post_job table on the database.

6$2$+' 7able' 9pload
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This tab$e ho$ds the +i$es up$oaded by the students o+ year !E these +i$es are on$y te3t
+i$es, as the students have to post #:s +or each job they app$y +or. These +i$es are
stored on the database and on$y year students or the administrator can see then. The
tab$e > ,i$$ describe each +ie$d o+ the database tab$e.
Table Field Description
id %s an auto increment +ie$d, ,here the system .enerates automatic the id
,ith every ne, +i$e up$oaded.
tit$e This +ie$d is +or the students to name the +i$e there is up$oadin. as
convenient to then.
description ( brie+ description o+ the +i$e up$oaded.
data This is the type o+ data up$oaded. 7ere is used $on.b$ob that up
to <0.
+i$ename This +ie$d ho$ds the name o+ the +i$e up$oaded, not the same as the tit$e,
here is the actua$ +i$e name.
+i$esiIe This +ie$d ho$ds the actua$ siIe o+ the siIe up$oaded into database.
+i$eDtype This +ie$d ho$ds the type o+ +i$e up$oaded to the database, on the system
is on$y a$$o,ed the te3t +i$es.
Table 6. Description of the upload table on the database.
6.4: Conclusion
The system is desi.ned usin. the v mode$, this mode$ is used because it enab$es to
the system to be tested a$on. ,ith the deve$opment. This he$ps to detect errors
ear$ier, and prevent e3tra costs and de$ays on the project. The 0/% is based on the
*ie$sen5s 7euristics, and is done this ,ay to aid a better user inter+ace desi.n and
create a user +riend$y ,ebsite.
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7.1: The Login System
The $ system has been imp$emented usin. P7P scriptE this $ is used in
7TML The $ pa.e have t,o $eve$s o+ access, one +or year one and another
+or year t,o. This $eve$s have been created by modi+yin. the $ +i$e as it
sho,s on the +i.ure !0, it has been added a ne, header +unction .ivin. t,o options
o+ $ as it sho,s hi.h$i.hted on the +i.ure !0. ?hen a user $o.s in and is year !
the yearDid estab$ished on the database tab$e $ as it sho,s on the +i.ure A, it .oes
to years ! on$y pa.e, and ,hen a user $o.s in ,ith year id eBua$s it .oes to years
t,o ,ebpa.e, other,ise it .oes bac6 to main $ pa.e.
The +unction that connects to the database 1hostname, $, username and pass,ord2
is 6ept on a separate +i$e +rom the $ ca$$ed, this is done this ,ay
to protect these detai$s, +i.ure !! sho,s this +i$e.
MM %nia$iIe session
MM %nc$ude database connection settin.s
MM 'etrieve username and pass,ord +rom database accordin. to userNs input
S$ R mysB$DBuery1TS&L&#T U 9')M $ ?7&'& 1username R NT .
mysB$Drea$DescapeDstrin.1SDP)STVNusernameNW2 . TN2 and 1pass,ord R NT .
mysB$Drea$DescapeDstrin.1md51SDP)STVNpass,ordNW22 . TN2T2E
MM #hec6 username and pass,ord match
i+ 1mysB$DnumDro,s1S$o.in2 RR !2 X
MM Set username session variab$e
SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW R SDP)STVNusernameNWE
Sro, R mysB$D+etchDassoc1S$o.in2E
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MM Pump to secured pa.e +or second year students
header1NLocation: year!homepa.e.phpN2E
MM Pump to secured pa.e +or +irst year students
header1NLocation: yearhomepa.e.phpN2E
e$se X
MM Pump to $ pa.e
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
Figure 10. Login.proc file source code.
Shostname R N$oca$hostNE MM Your MyS8L hostname.
Sdbname R NbusinessDprojectNE MM Your database name.
Susername R NrootNE MM Your database username.
Spass,ord R N!;!50NE MM Your database pass,ord.
MM #onnect to host
mysB$Dconnect1Shostname, Susername, Spass,ord2 or D%&1N#onnection to host is
+ai$ed, perhaps the service is do,nZN2E
MM Se$ect the database
mysB$Dse$ectDdb1Sdbname2 or D%&1NDatabase name is not avai$ab$eZN2E
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Figure 11. Source code for the login.proc file
7.2: Querying the Database
The project reBuired a construction o+ a set o+ too$s to ma6e connection and
manipu$atin. the database. ( se$ection o+ MyS8L speci+ic Bueries have been used to
do this speci+ic job.
%n order to access the database the same Buery is used to a$$ deve$oped, ma6in.
easy to maintain and +uture up.rade 1*9;2. "e$o, hi.h$i.hted on +i.ure ! is an
e3amp$e on ho, the P7P +i$es are ,ritten.
[ ensure a$$ +ie$ds have entries
i+1 SsDid and SaDdescription and SaDdetai$s2
[ connect to MyS8L
SconnR\mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1T&rr:#onnT2E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
SrsR\mysB$Dse$ectDdb1TbusinessDprojectT, Sconn2
or die1T&rr:DbT2E
[ create the Buery
SsB$RTinsert into postDactivity 1sDid, aDdescription, aDdetai$s2
va$ues 1 ]TSsDid]T, ]TSaDdescription]T, ]TSaDdetai$s]T 2TE
[ e3ecute the Buery
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[ con+irm the added record detai$s
print T^head_^Mhead_^body_^b_'ecord +or SsDid success+u$$y added to the
Figure 12. Database Query
7.3: Problems with the System
($$ the in+ormation that is used by the system is input via 7TML +orms. These +orms
,ere sometimes in sin.$e and sometimes over severa$ %n order to pass
this +orms in+ormation to the database P7P is used and a ,ay to 6eep the users
records is needed 1,hich is one o+ main prob$ems encountered on this project2. (s
the 7TTP is a state$ess techno$o.y, meanin. that each individua$ 7TML pa.e is an
iso$ated entity. 7TTP has no method +or trac6in. users or ho$din. variab$es as
somebody .o across a site. /sin. a ,eb scriptin. $ $i6e P7P, it disab$es the
state$essness o+ the ,eb. 9rom a +e, options to choose, the most used ones are
coo6ies and sessions. 1/$$man, 0052
:$&$1' Description of the problem
)ne o+ the main prob$ems ,as doin. the $ pa.e ,ere the users needed to have
$eve$s o+ access and ,hen a user $ and navi.ates +or throu.h the the server
cou$d trac6 the user, and ma6e custom persona$iIation to the speci+ic user, and the
most important on$y the users ,ith $ and pass,ord cou$d see throu.h the ,eb
#oo6ies and session cou$d be used to do this jobE sessions improve upon coo6ies,
$ettin. the ,eb app$ication to store and retrieve +ar more in+ormation than coo6ies.
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:$&$2' /trategy
The use o+ sessions ,as chosen to overcome this prob$em. This $i6e coo6ies is a
method o+ ma6in. data avai$ab$e to mu$tip$e o+ a ,eb site. The princip$e o+ a
session is that data is stored on the server, not in the ,eb bro,ser, and a session
identi+ier is used to $ocate a particu$ar user5s record 1session data2. This session
identi+ier is norma$$y stored in the ,eb bro,ser via a coo6ie, but the sensitive data
itse$+`$i6e the user5s %D, name, and so on`a$,ays remains on the server. So ,hy
use session i+ coo6ies ,or6 +ine= 9irst$y because sessions are more secure in that a$$
the recorded in+ormation is stored on the server and not continua$$y sent bac6 and
+orth bet,een the server and the c$ient. Second$y, some users reject coo6ies or turn
then o++ comp$ete$y. Sessions, ,hi$e desi.ned to ,or6 ,ith coo6ie, can +unction
,ithout them. 1/$$man, 0052
The +i.ure !; sho,s the use o+ a session startin. by ca$$in. the sessionDstart12
+unction. This session te$$ the P7P to either a ne, session or use the e3istin.
one, on this case ,i$$ use the use the e3istent session.
// Inialize session
// Check, if username session is NOT set then this page will jump to login page
i+ 1Zisset1SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW22 X
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E Y
Figure 13. The use of session.
7.4: System Screen-Shoots of the System
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Figure 14. Main Page (login page)
:$+$1' ;ear 2 /tudents /creen-shoots
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Figure 15. Year 2 students Login showing the user name and the company they
belong to.
Figure 16. Year 2 students posting a job page
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Figure 17. List of jobs posted by the year 2 students
Figure 18. 1ob Details Year 2 students can see the jobs they posted.
:$+$2' ;ear 1 /tudents /creen-shoots
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Figure 19. Login as studend of year 1
Figure 20. List of jobs available.
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Figure 21. Description of the job.
Figure 22. CVs upload page.
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Figure 23. File being uploaded.
:$+$&' Log Boo* screen shoots for all students
Figure 24. Log Book page
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Figure 25. Log Book page 2
7.5: Conclusion
This chapter described the too$s used to access the database and ho, the in+ormation
,i$$ be trans+erred +rom the user to the database. ($so the main prob$em ,hi$e doin.
this project and +inishin. ,ith the screen shoots o+ the +inished system.
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Testin. has been per+ormed in order to ensure that the system ,ou$d accomp$ish its
+unctions as set out in the reBuirements. There are t,o di++erent ,ays o+ testin. a
system, the ,hite-bo3 testin. ,ere reBuires the access the source code, and the
b$ac6-bo3 testin., ,hich $oo6s at ,hat the system is supposed to do. )n this testin.
the speci+ic 6no,$ed.e o+ the app$icationNs codeMinterna$ structure and pro.rammin.
6no,$ed.e in .enera$ is not reBuired.
)n this system the b$ac6 bo3 testin., usabi$ity testin. and data inte.rity testin. ,i$$
be per+ormed.
8.1: Black Box Testing
Description Expected result Actual result Pass/
0! :a$idation on
$ +orm +or
a$$ students
%+ any input is b$an6 it
shou$d return to $
%+ a +ie$d is $e+t b$an6
and the users
submits the system
,i$$ .o bac6 to
initia$ pa.e
0 :a$idation on
$ +orm input
detai$s +or a$$
%+ detai$s match those in
the database, then it
$o.s in, other,ise it .oes
bac6 to $ pa.e
:a$idation compares
a.ainst detai$s in the
database, stays at
$ pa.e other,ise
0; :a$idation on
re.ister +orm
%+ any input is b$an6 it
shou$d return an error
(n error
does not sho,s i+
there is a b$an6 +ie$d
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0< Year students
$o. in to the
system and
company name
sho,s on the
,e$come pa.e
%+ year students $ to
the system the company
they be$on. disp$ays on
the top o+ the pa.e
The company name
do not sho,, and an
error messa.e
05 Year students
$o. in to the
system and
company name
sho,s on the
,e$come pa.e
%+ year students $ to
the system the company
they be$on. disp$ays on
the top o+ the pa.e
The company name
does sho,s on top o+
the pa.e
0> Year students
can save jobs to
the database
%+ year students +i$$ the
+orm the in+ormation is
saved on the database
($$ the in+ormation
is not saved on the
0@ Year students
can save jobs to
the database
%+ year students +i$$ the
+orm the in+ormation is
saved on the database
($$ the in+ormation
is saved on the
0A ($$ users are
ab$e to see a $ist
o+ jobs saved on
the database
($$ the jobs saved on the
database are ca$$ed +rom
the database and
disp$ayed on a $ist ,ith
$in6s to each speci+ic job
($$ the jobs saved on
the database are
ca$$ed +rom the
database and
disp$ayed on a $ist
,ithout $in6s to each
speci+ic job. &rror
messa.e: Fcannot
connect to the
0C ($$ users are
ab$e to see a $ist
o+ jobs saved on
the database
($$ the jobs saved on the
database are ca$$ed +rom
the database and
disp$ayed on a $ist ,ith
($$ the jobs saved on
the database are
ca$$ed +rom the
database and
Page 05
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
$in6s to each speci+ic job disp$ayed on a $ist
,ith $in6s to each
speci+ic job
!0 ($$ users can
c$ic6 on the jobs
$in6s and see the
job description,
but on$y year !
students can
app$y to the jobs
($$ users can c$ic6 on the
jobs $in6s and see the job
description, but on$y year
! students can app$y to
the jobs posted
($$ users can c$ic6
on the jobs $in6s and
see the job
description, on$y
sho,in. the app$y
button +or year !
!! )n$y te3t +i$es
are a$$o,ed +or
up$oad, not
pictures or other
)n$y te3t +i$es are
a$$o,ed +or up$oad, i+
tryin. to do,n$oad a
di++erent +i$e it sho,s an
error messa.e
?hen tryin. to
do,n$oad a di++erent
type o+ +i$e an error
messa.e disp$ay.
! Year ! students
up$oadin. +i$es
?hen year ! students
app$y +or a speci+ic job,
the #: can be up$oaded
and saved on the
The +i$e is saved on
the temp +i$e instead
o+ the database
!; Year ! students
up$oadin. +i$es
?hen year ! students
app$y +or a speci+ic job,
the #: can be up$oaded
and saved on the
The +i$e is saved on
the temp +i$e and
them to the database
!< :a$idation on
entry +orm
%+ any input is b$an6 it
shou$d return an error
(ny b$an6 +ie$ds
does not return an
error messa.e
($$ users can
post on the $o.
boo6 session
($$ in+ormation entered
on the +orms on the $o.
boo6 session is sent to
the database
%n+ormation entered
on the +orms o+ the
$o. boo6 session is
not sent to the
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D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
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!5 ($$ users can
post on the $o.
boo6 session
($$ in+ormation entered
on the +orms on the $o.
boo6 session is sent to
the database
%n+ormation entered
on the +orms o+ the
$o. boo6 session is
not sent to the
database and error
messa.e disp$ays
that cannot connect
to the database.
!> ($$ users can
post on the $o.
boo6 session
($$ in+ormation entered
on the +orms on the $o.
boo6 session is sent to
the database
%n+ormation entered
on the +orms, sho,s
that has been send to
the database but is
not in the database
!@ ($$ users can
post on the $o.
boo6 session
($$ in+ormation entered
on the +orms on the $o.
boo6 session is sent to
the database
%n+ormation entered
on the +orms, sho,s
that has been send to
the database but is
not saved in the
database and a b$an6
pa.e disp$ays.
!A ($$ users can
post on the $o.
boo6 session
($$ in+ormation entered
on the +orms on the $o.
boo6 session is sent to
the database
%n+ormation entered
on the +orms, is send
and saved to the
!C ?hen users
$ and can
see their posts
on the $o. boo6
/sers5 $ and can see
their posts on the $o.
/sers5 $ and can
see their posts on the
$o. boo6.
0 'emovin. jobs %+ a job is not needed
anymore on$y the site
administrator can de$ete
Pobs are de$eted
+rom the database.
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D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
the jobs via database.
! (ddin. ne,
/sers ,i$$ be added by
the system administrator
via phpMy(dmin
/sers ,i$$ be added
by the system
administrator via
($$ the users5
in+ormation ,i$$ be
added by the ,ebsite
administrator via
phpMy(dmin, inc$udin.
the pass,ord ,hich ,i$$
be stored usin. md5
/ser5s in+ormation
added to the
; &dit account )n$y the system
administrator can edit the
users account detai$s via
/sers in+ormation
can be edited.
< Lo.out ?en $o.out button is
pressed, it $o.s the user
?hen $o.out button
is pressed, it $o.s the
user out o+ the
5 &nterin. the
system ,ithout
$ in
%+ a user tries to enter the
system via a certain pa.e,
and they are $o..ed out,
it shou$d ta6e them to the
$ pa.e
%+ user is not $o..ed
in and try to enter
the system, they are
redirected to the
$ pa.e
> 9or.ot pass,ord ?hen user enters their
emai$, it sends them an
emai$ ,ith their
&rror messa.e: no
SMTP server setup
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<$1$1$' 7et 4reas
($$ te3t area app$ied in the system, the user does not have to enter anythin. on them,
they are compu$sory +or the process to continue. This is done this ,ay because o+
$ac6 o+ 6no,$ed.e o+ doin. in a di++erent ,ayE this cou$d be a possib$e improvement
+or the +uture ,or6.
<$1$2' Pass!ord =ields
Pass,ord +ie$ds are used ,hen $ in the system. Pass,ord +ie$ds a$,ays need to
be +i$$ed. The main test that is done on them is ,hether the user has entered any
va$ue and ,hether the va$ue entered +or the combination o+ t,o +ie$d5s 1username
and pass,ord2 match ,ith the database.
<$1$&' 7et =ields
Te3t +ie$ds are very important in+ormation into the system. (s the te3t area the user
does not have to enter anythin. on them, they are compu$sory +or the process to
continue. This a$so cou$d be a possib$e improvement +or the +uture ,or6.
8.2: Usability Test
/sabi$ity testin. ,as conducted by a$$o,in. users to test the system. "ecause the
system ,as not ready on the time p$anned it cou$dn5t be tested by a$$ the students,
instead +riends have been used to do this testin..
%nitia$$y users comp$ained that the $ pa.e did not have any ,ay o+ recoverin. the
pass,ord in case o+ +or.ettin. it. %+ a user +or.ets a pass,ord the system
administrator has to re send the pass,ord via e-mai$ a.ain. The system has been done
this ,ay because ,as reBuired that the users $ ,ith the university user %Ds, but
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cou$d be chan.ed in the +uture a$$o,in. the students to create their usernames and
(nother idea su..ested ,as to disp$ay an error messa.e or a ,arnin. i+ any entry
,as not entered on the $ and a$$ the other +orms on the system, this cou$d be
added $ater into the system.
)vera$$, the usabi$ity o+ the system ,as )J. There are a +e, prob$ems ,ith the
+orms and error disp$ay that ,ou$d ca$$ +or a redesi.n in order to ma6e the
system better. The p$acement o+ error or ,arnin. ,ou$d bene+it the system
as a ,ho$e.
8.4: Conclusion
Testin. the te3t +ie$ds, pass,ord +ie$ds and te3t areas have been conducted in order to
va$idate the data to be 6ept on the database.
The main reason +or a b$ac6 bo3 testin. is to test the +unctiona$ity o+ the system as a
,ho$e. ($so these tests are used to demonstrate that the input is proper$y accepted
and output is correct$y produced, and that the inte.rity o+ e3terna$ in+ormation is
maintained. 1Product Deve$opers, 0!!2
9.1: Achievements
There ,ere severa$ objectives to be accomp$ished on this project ,hich most o+ them
success+u$$y comp$eted. The main achievements ,ere:
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#reation o+ a system that not on$y ,or6s but a$so is user +riend$y.
%mp$ementation o+ a set o+ 8uery c$asses to access and manipu$ate the
/sed the $earned s6i$$s durin. the $ast t,o years and app$y the techno$o.y o+
P7P, #SS, 7TML, MyS8L, (pache Server, bet,een other.
Deve$oped a database ,ere users can save their data secure$y.
/se the princip$e o+ e-$earnin. to aid the deve$opment o+ the system.
9.2: Evaluation
#ertain$y this project cou$d not have been more e3citin., sometimes bein.
cha$$en.ed to the $imit o+ your abi$ities to improve yourse$+ and do better. Many
times ,or6in. under pressure, but a$$ o+ this is a part o+ $earnin. and ma6es this
project even more specia$.
The ,or6 ,as most$y .one accordin. to the p$an, ,ith some prob$ems ,hen passin.
the system +rom the $oca$ server ,here it ,as bein. deve$oped to the /niversity
serverE this caused a bi. prob$em and resu$t in not de$iverin. the project on time
reBuired by the students. This ,as very +rustratin. but did not permit the +ai$ure o+
the project.
The opportunity to research into e-$earnin. and co$$aborative $earnin. patterns and
use it to aid the deve$opment o+ this project ,as very interestin.. &-$earnin. ,as one
o+ the princip$es o+ this project as the system bein. on$ine on the ?or$d ?ide ?eb,
de$iverin. student5s in+ormation and p$ayin. an active ro$e in the ,ay they $earn.
The use o+ co$$aborative $earnin. ideo$o.y a$so ,as very important because this
project had an e++ect on the year one and t,o students ,hich ,ere ,or6in. in a
co$$aborative ,ay to reach the end o+ their project.
%t ,as very interestin. a$so, to read about #omputer-supported co$$aborative $earnin.
,hich is an branch o+ the $earnin. sciences concerned ,ith studyin. ho,
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peop$e can $earn to.ether ,ith the he$p o+ computers.1Stah$, 0., Joschmann, T., H
Suthers, D., 00>2.
9.3: Future Development
%+ the ,or6 had to start a.ain, it cou$d be better in many ,ays. 9irst$y in the $
pa.e a ,ay o+ recoverin. a $ost or +or.otten pass,ord cou$d be inc$uded, as ,e$$ as
error or ,arnin. i+ any +ie$d $e+t in b$an6. The te3t +ie$d bo3es
cou$d be improved by addin. a ,ord count and ,hen reachin. the $imit o+ the ,ords
a ,arnin. messa.e cou$d be disp$ayed.
The most important step, ,hen $oo6in. into the +uture, is maybe that this project
shou$d be imp$emented by creatin. bac6 end structure ,ere the ,ebsite administrator
did not have to .o in the phpMy(dmin to add, edit or de$ete users. 9urthermore
,hen a year student posted a job a button to edit or de$ete the job posted cou$d be
added to +aci$itate in case or mista6es done ,hen postin. a job.
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T%M& PL(* "'&(JD)?*
Project Name: Business Project for Years 1&2 Dataase
Project !ana"er: !aria Cisi#otto
P#anne$ %tart Date:2&'1('2(1(
P#anne$ )inis* Date:(&'(&'2(11
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D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
%ummar+ Duration
ID Task Name Duration Start Finish
/ ,N,T,AT,ON
/*/ Esta#is* Project Re-uirements 2 weeks M"n +)=/5=+5// M"n 53=//=+5/5
/*/*/ Identify Pr"9ect Sc"pe
/*/*+ Identify Pr"9ect Strctre
/*/*- Identify Pr"9ect Pr"cesses
/*/*0 D"cment Pr"9ect %e'irements
2.2 Create Project P#an 1 week Tue 02/11/2010 Tue 09/11/2010
+*/*/ Identify Phases
+*/*+ Identify <ctivities
+*/*- Identify ;asks
+*/*0 D"cment Pr"9ect Plan
-*/ Bui#$'Desi"n De#i1era#es
-*/*/ System Design/ Layout 2 weeks M"n /)=//=+5/5 M"n +4=//=+5/5
-*/*+ Database and bak!end de"e#o$ment%&se o' DFD and ()D*2 weeks ;e /0=/+=+5/5 ;e +3=/+=+5/5
-*/*- Testing the bak!end de"e#o$ment 1 day ;e +3=/+=+5/5 >ed +4=/+=+5/5
-*/*0 +ak!end modi'iations 2 days >ed +4=/+=+5/5 &ri -/=/+=+5/5
-*/*) Testing the bak!end ,odi'iations 1 day ;e 50=5/=+5// >ed 5)=5/=+5//
-*/*1 Designs 2 weeks ;h 51=5/=+5// ;h +5=5/=+5//
-*/*2 Front!end de"e#o$ment 1 day M"n +0=5/=+5// ;e +)=5/=+5//
-*/*3 Testing 'ront!end de"e#o$ment 1 day >ed +1=5/=+5// ;h +2=5/=+5//
-*/*4 Front!end modi'iations 1 day ;h +2=5/=+5// &ri +3=5/=+5//
-*/*/5 Testing 'ront!end modi'iations 1 day M"n -/=5/=+5// ;e 5/=5+=+5//
-*/*// Students /ti"ities ,onitoring $age de"e#o$ment 1 0eek M"n +0=5/=+5// M"n -/=5/=+5//
-*/*/+ Testing Students /ti"ities ,onitoring $age 1 day ;e 5/=5+=+5// >ed 5+=5+=+5//
-*/*/- Students /ti"ities ,onitoring $age modi'iations 2 days >ed 5+=5+=+5// &ri 50=5+=+5//
/*/*/0 Testing Students /ti"ities ,onitoring $age modi'iations 1 day &ri 50=5+=+5// Sat 5)=5+=+5//
-*/*/) ;est Pr"9ect Deliverables 2 days M"n 52=5+=+5// >ed 54=5+=+5//
1.1.12 Im$#ement De#i"erab#es 21 days ,on 13/11/2010 0ed 09/02/2011
0*/ Perform Project C#osure
0*/*/ ("a#uation 1 day M"n /0=5+=+5// ;e /)=5+=+5//
0*/*+ Fina# )e$ort 1 day >ed /1=5+=+5// ;h /2=5+=+5//
Page )+
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
;<S? ID
Task Name Start Date
(nd Date
;<S? / System Design/ Layout 13/11/10 14 29/11/2010
;<S? + Database and bak!end de"e#o$ment%&se o' DFD and ()D* 14/12/10 14 25/12/2010
;<S? - Testing the bak!end de"e#o$ment 25/12/10 1 29/12/2010
;<S? 0 +ak!end modi'iations 29/12/10 2 11/12/2010
;<S? ) Testing the bak!end ,odi'iations 4/1/11 1 03/01/2011
;<S? 1 Designs 2/1/11 14 20/01/2011
;<S? 2 Front!end de"e#o$ment 24/1/11 1 23/01/2011
;<S? 3 Testing 'ront!end de"e#o$ment 22/1/11 1 26/01/2011
;<S? 4 Front!end modi'iations 26/1/11 1 25/01/2011
;<S? /5 Testing 'ront!end modi'iations 11/1/11 1 01/02/2011
;<S? // Students /ti"ities ,onitoring $age de"e#o$ment 24/1/11 6 11/01/2011
;<S? /+ Testing Students /ti"ities ,onitoring $age 1/2/11 1 02/02/2011
;<S? /- Students /ti"ities ,onitoring $age modi'iations 2/2/11 2 04/02/2011
;<S? /0 Testing Students /ti"ities ,onitoring $age modi'iations 4/2/11 1 03/02/2011
;<S? /) ;est Pr"9ect Deliverables 6/2/11 2 09/02/2011
;<S? /1 Im$#ement De#i"erab#es 10/1/11 1 11/01/2011
;<S? +5 Im$#ement De#i"erab#es 13/11/10 24 09/02/2011
;<S? +/ ("a#uation 25/01/2011 1 29/01/2011
;<S? ++ Learning outomes 25/01/2011 1 29/01/2011
0antt chart
Page )-
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
MU Main Layout Sty$es UM
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May 5, 0!!
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May 5, 0!!
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May 5, 0!! !5p3 !0p3 0 0 ZimportantE Y
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2- index.php
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Page )2
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^htm$ 3m$nsRThttp:MM,,,.,;.or.M!CCCM3htm$T_
^meta http-eBuivRT#ontent-TypeT contentRTte3tMhtm$E charsetRut+-AT M_
^tit$e_"usiness Project^Mtit$e_
^$in6 re$RTsty$esheetT typeRTte3tMcssT hre+RTde+au$t.cssTM_
^div idRTcontainerT_
^div idRTheaderT_
^u$ idRTtop$in6sT_

^im. srcRTuniD$ ,idthRT!>AT hei.htRT>AT a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mdiv_
^div idRTnavT_

^$i_^a hre+RTinde3.phpT_7ome^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_#ontact ^Ma_^M$i_
^div idRTtopbo3T_
^div idRTtb$e+tT_
^h<_ ?e$come to the "usiness Project ?ebpa.e^Mh<_
^div idRTtbri.htT_
^+orm methodRTP)STT actionRT$o.inproc.phpT_
^div idRTbo3$e+tT_
^p_^$abe$ +orRTusernameT_/sername:^M$abe$_^input
nameRTusernameT typeRTte3tT va$ueRTT idRTusernameT M_^Mp_
^p_^$abe$ +orRTpass,ordT_Pass,ord:^M$abe$_^input
Page )3
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
typeRTpass,ordT nameRTpass,ordT va$ueRTT idRTpass,ordT M_^Mp_
^div idRTbo3ri.htT_
^input nameRTLo.inT typeRTsubmitT c$assRTbtnT va$ueRTsubmitT
sty$eRTposition: re$ativeETM_^Mdiv_
^div idRTne,sbo3T_
^h5_%ntroduction to the Project^Mh5_
^h>_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_Project )vervie,:^Ma_^Mh>_
^p_This project is uniBue in that is desi.ned to a$$o, co$$aboration
bet,een !st and nd years students in the "%T& department,^Mp_
^h>_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_*e,s story tit$e ,ou$d .o here^Ma_^Mh>_
^p_Lorem ipsum do$or sit amet, consectetuer adipiscin. e$it, sed diam
nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut $aoreet do$ore a$iBuam erat vo$utpat.^Mp_
^h>_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_*e,s story tit$e ,ou$d .o here^Ma_^Mh>_
^p_Lorem ipsum do$or sit amet, consectetuer adipiscin. e$it, sed diam
nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut $aoreet do$ore a$iBuam erat vo$utpat.^Mp_
^im. srcRTmed, a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mp_
Page )4
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
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^$i_^a hre+RThttps:MMporta$$ay$o.inT_Student
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,,,^Ma_^M$i_
MM %nia$iIe session
MM #hec6, i+ username session is *)T set then this pa.e ,i$$ jump to $ pa.e
i+ 1Zisset1SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW22 X
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
^ZD)#TYP& htm$ P/"L%# T-MM?;#MMDTD a7TML !.0 Transitiona$MM&*T
^htm$ 3m$nsRThttp:MM,,,.,;.or.M!CCCM3htm$T_
^meta http-eBuivRT#ontent-TypeT contentRTte3tMhtm$E charsetRut+-AT M_
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D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^tit$e_7ostin. Temp$ate^Mtit$e_
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^div idRTcontainerT_
^div idRTheaderT_
^u$ idRTtop$in6sT_
^$i_^a hre+RT$o.out.phpT_Lo.out^Ma_^M$i_
^im. srcRTuniD$ ,idthRT!>AT hei.htRT>AT a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mdiv_
^div idRTnavT_
^$i_^a hre+RTinde3.phpT_7ome^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_#ontact ^Ma_^M$i_
^u$ idRTpromobo3T_
^p_^b_/sername: ^b_^=php echo SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNWE =_^Mb_^p_
^p_^a hre+RTsho,Djobsbyname#).phpT tit$eRTPost PobsT_Pobs (vai$ab$e^Ma_^Mp_
^p_^a hre+RTpostDactivity!.phpT tit$eRTLo. "oo6T_Lo.
"oo6^Ma_^a hre+RTsho,Dactivitiesbystudent.phpT tit$eRTSee Lo.sT_See
^im. srcRTmed, a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mp_
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D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
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^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,, )+ 0reen,ich^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RThttps:MMporta$$ay$o.inT_Student
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,,,^Ma_^M$i_
4- year2homepage.php
MM %nia$iIe session
MM #hec6, i+ username session is *)T set then this pa.e ,i$$ jump to $ pa.e
i+ 1Zisset1SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW22 X
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
^ZD)#TYP& htm$ P/"L%# T-MM?;#MMDTD a7TML !.0 Transitiona$MM&*T
^htm$ 3m$nsRThttp:MM,,,.,;.or.M!CCCM3htm$T_
^meta http-eBuivRT#ontent-TypeT contentRTte3tMhtm$E charsetRut+-AT M_
^tit$e_7ostin. Temp$ate^Mtit$e_
Page 1+
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^$in6 re$RTsty$esheetT typeRTte3tMcssT hre+RTde+au$t.cssTM_
^div idRTcontainerT_
^div idRTheaderT_
^u$ idRTtop$in6sT_
^$i_^a hre+RT$o.out.phpT_Lo.out^Ma_^M$i_
^im. srcRTuniD$ ,idthRT!>AT hei.htRT>AT a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mdiv_
^div idRTnavT_
^$i_^a hre+RTinde3.phpT_7ome^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_#ontact ^Ma_^M$i_
^u$ idRTpromobo3T_
^p_^b_/sername: ^b_^=php echo SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNWE =_^Mb_^p_
#ompany %D:
[ connect to MyS8L
Sconnection R \mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
Sresu$t R \mysB$Dse$ectDdb1TbusinessDprojectT, Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ set up tab$e name
Stab$eDname R TpostDjobTE
[ create the Buery
Page 1-
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
SsB$ R TS&L&#T companyDid 9')M Stab$eDname )'D&' "Y
[ e3ecute the Buery
Sresu$t R mysB$DBuery1SsB$,Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[create a $ist b$oc6 o+ resu$ts
,hi$e1 Sro, R mysB$D+etchDarray1Sresu$t22
ScompanyDid R Sro,VNcompanyDidNWE
echo ScompanyDidE
^p_^a hre+RTpostDjob.phpT tit$eRTPost PobsT_Post Pobs^Ma_^a
hre+RTsho,Djobsbyname#).phpT tit$eRTSee PobsT_Pobs Posted^Ma_^Mp_
^p_^a hre+RTpostDactivity!.phpT tit$eRTLo. "oo6T_Lo.
"oo6^Ma_^a hre+RTsho,Dactivitiesbystudent.phpT tit$eRTSee Lo.sT_See
^im. srcRTmed, a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mp_
^div idRT+ooterT_
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,, )+ 0reen,ich^Ma_^M$i_
Page 10
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^$i_^a hre+RThttps:MMporta$$ay$o.inT_Student
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,,,^Ma_^M$i_
[ ensure a$$ +ie$ds have entries
i+1SjobDtit$e and Sdescription2
[ connect to MyS8L
SconnR\mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1T&rr:#onnT2E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
SrsR\mysB$Dse$ectDdb1TbusinessDprojectT, Sconn2
or die1T&rr:DbT2E
[ create the Buery
SsB$RTinsert into postDjob 1jobDtit$e, description2
va$ues 1]TSjobDtit$e]T, ]TSdescription]T 2TE
[ e3ecute the Buery
[ con+irm the added record detai$s
Page 1)
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
print T^head_^Mhead_^body_^b_'ecord +or SjobDtit$e success+u$$y added to
the database^Mb_^Mbody_TE

MM %nia$iIe session
MM #hec6, i+ username session is *)T set then this pa.e ,i$$ jump to $ pa.e
i+ 1Zisset1SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW22 X
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
^ZD)#TYP& htm$ P/"L%# T-MM?;#MMDTD a7TML !.0 Transitiona$MM&*T
^htm$ 3m$nsRThttp:MM,,,.,;.or.M!CCCM3htm$T_
^meta http-eBuivRT#ontent-TypeT contentRTte3tMhtm$E charsetRut+-AT M_
^tit$e_7ostin. Temp$ate^Mtit$e_
^$in6 re$RTsty$esheetT typeRTte3tMcssT hre+RTde+au$t.cssTM_
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May 5, 0!!
^div idRTcontainerT_
^div idRTheaderT_
^u$ idRTtop$in6sT_
^$i_^a hre+RT$o.out.phpT_Lo.out^Ma_^M$i_
^im. srcRTuniD$ ,idthRT!>AT hei.htRT>AT a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mdiv_
^div idRTnavT_
^$i_^a hre+RTinde3.phpT_Lo.out^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTyear!homepa.e.phpT_Main Menu^Ma_^M$i_
^u$ idRTpromobo3T_
^p_^b_/sername: ^b_^=php echo SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNWE =_^Mb_^p_

^div idRTpromobo3T_
^tit$e_P7P 9i$e /p$oad^Mtit$e_^+orm actionRNup$oad.phpN methodRNP)STN
^td_^input typeRNte3tN nameRN+ormDtit$eN_^Mtd_
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May 5, 0!!
^td_^te3tarea nameRN+ormDdescriptionN co$sRN;5N ro,sRN5N_^Mte3tarea_^Mtd_
reBuireDonce Tphpup$oaderMinc$udeDphpup$oader.phpTE
MMStep : #reate /p$oader object.
Sup$oaderRne, Php/p$oader12E
MMStep ;: Set a uniBue name to /p$oader
MMStep <: 'ender /p$oader
^td_^input typeRNsubmitN nameRNsubmitN va$ueRNsubmitN_^Mtd_
^div idRT+ooterT_
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,, )+ 0reen,ich^Ma_^M$i_
Page 13
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^$i_^a hre+RThttps:MMporta$$ay$o.inT_Student
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,,,^Ma_^M$i_
MM %nia$iIe session
MM %nc$ude database connection settin.s
MM 'etrieve username and pass,ord +rom database accordin. to userNs input
S$ R mysB$DBuery1TS&L&#T U 9')M $ ?7&'& 1username R NT .
mysB$Drea$DescapeDstrin.1SDP)STVNusernameNW2 . TN2 and 1pass,ord R NT .
mysB$Drea$DescapeDstrin.1md51SDP)STVNpass,ordNW22 . TN2T2E
MM #hec6 username and pass,ord match
i+ 1mysB$DnumDro,s1S$o.in2 RR !2 X
MM Set username session variab$e
SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW R SDP)STVNusernameNWE
Sro, R mysB$D+etchDassoc1S$o.in2E
MM Pump to secured pa.e +or second year students
header1NLocation: year!homepa.e.phpN2E
Page 14
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
MM Pump to secured pa.e +or +irst year students
header1NLocation: yearhomepa.e.phpN2E
e$se X
MM Pump to $ pa.e
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
MM %nia$iIe session
MM De$ete certain session
MM De$ete a$$ session variab$es
MM sessionDdestroy12E
MM Pump to $ pa.e
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
Page 25
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
[ ensure a$$ +ie$ds have entries
i+1SaDdescription and SaDdetai$s and ScDdescription and ScDdetai$s2
[ connect to MyS8L
SconnR\mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1T&rr:#onnT2E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
SrsR\mysB$Dse$ectDdb1TbusinessDprojectT, Sconn2
or die1T&rr:DbT2E
[ create the Buery
SsB$RTinsert into postDactivity 1aDdescription, aDdetai$s, cDdescription,
va$ues 1]TSaDdescription]T, ]TSaDdetai$s]T, ]TScDdescription]T, ]TScDdetai$s]T 2TE
[ e3ecute the Buery
[ con+irm the added record detai$s
print T^head_^Mhead_^body_^b_'ecord +or SaDdescription success+u$$y
added to the database^Mb_^Mbody_TE
Page 2/
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
MM %nia$iIe session
MM #hec6, i+ username session is *)T set then this pa.e ,i$$ jump to $ pa.e
i+ 1Zisset1SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW22 X
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
^ZD)#TYP& htm$ P/"L%# T-MM?;#MMDTD a7TML !.0 Transitiona$MM&*T
^htm$ 3m$nsRThttp:MM,,,.,;.or.M!CCCM3htm$T_
^meta http-eBuivRT#ontent-TypeT contentRTte3tMhtm$E charsetRut+-AT M_
^tit$e_7ostin. Temp$ate^Mtit$e_
^$in6 re$RTsty$esheetT typeRTte3tMcssT hre+RTde+au$t.cssTM_
^div idRTcontainerT_
^div idRTheaderT_
^u$ idRTtop$in6sT_
^$i_^a hre+RT$o.out.phpT_Lo.out^Ma_^M$i_
Page 2+
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^im. srcRTuniD$ ,idthRT!>AT hei.htRT>AT a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mdiv_
^div idRTnavT_
^$i_^a hre+RTinde3.phpT_7ome^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTyearhomepa.e.phpT_Main Menu^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_#ontact ^Ma_^M$i_
^u$ idRTpromobo3T_
^p_^b_/sername: ^b_^=php echo SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNWE =_^Mb_^p_

^div idRTpromobo3T_

^$i c$assRNpromobo3;N_
^+orm methodRT.etT actionRTpostDactivity.phpT_
^b_&nter your (ctivity 'ecord^Mb_
^se$ect nameRTaDdescriptionT_
^option va$ueRTa0!T_Trave$in. +or bussiness^Moption_
^option va$ueRTa0T_Team meetin.^Moption_
^option va$ueRTa0;T_(na$ysis^Moption_
^option va$ueRTa0<T_'esearch^Moption_
^option va$ueRTa05T_Dra+tin. documentation^Moption_
^option va$ueRTa0>T_0enera$ administration^Moption_
^option va$ueRTa0@T_?ritin. up meetin.^Moption_
^option va$ueRTa0AT_Preparin. documentation +or c$ient^Moption_
^option va$ueRTa0CT_Dra+tin. and sendin. emai$s^Moption_
^option va$ueRTa!0T_Te$ephone conversation1put ,ho in notes2^Moption_
Page 2-
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^option va$ueRTa!!T_%n+ormation e$icitation intervie,s^Moption_
^option va$ueRTa!T_Meetin. ,ith c$ient^Moption_
^option va$ueRT#hooseT se$ected_P$ease Se$ect...^Moption_
(ctivity Description:
^te3tarea nameRTaDdetai$sT ro,sRT0T co$sRT;<T_
^b_Main Type o+ #ommunication durin. your (ctivity^Mb_
^se$ect nameRTcDdescriptionT_
^option va$ueRTc0!T_9ace-to-9ace^Moption_
^option va$ueRTc0T_Mobi$e-Phone^Moption_
^option va$ueRTc0;T_&-mai$^Moption_
^option va$ueRTc0<T_&$ectronic #hatM9aceboo6 etc^Moption_
^option va$ueRTc05T_*o Team #ommunication^Moption_
^option va$ueRT#hooseT se$ected_P$ease Se$ect...^Moption_
(ctivity Description:
^te3tarea nameRTcDdetai$sT ro,sRT0T co$sRT;0T_
^br M_
^im. srcRTunico$$ a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mp_
^p a$i.nRTcenterT_^input typeRTsubmitT va$ueRTSubmitT c$assRTbtnT_^Mp_
Page 20
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!

^div idRT+ooterT_
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,, )+ 0reen,ich^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RThttps:MMporta$$ay$o.inT_Student
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,,,^Ma_^M$i_
MM %nia$iIe session
MM #hec6, i+ username session is *)T set then this pa.e ,i$$ jump to $ pa.e
i+ 1Zisset1SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW22 X
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
Page 2)
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^ZD)#TYP& htm$ P/"L%# T-MM?;#MMDTD a7TML !.0 Transitiona$MM&*T
^htm$ 3m$nsRThttp:MM,,,.,;.or.M!CCCM3htm$T_
^meta http-eBuivRT#ontent-TypeT contentRTte3tMhtm$E charsetRut+-AT M_
^tit$e_7ostin. Temp$ate^Mtit$e_
^$in6 re$RTsty$esheetT typeRTte3tMcssT hre+RTde+au$t.cssTM_
^div idRTcontainerT_
^div idRTheaderT_
^u$ idRTtop$in6sT_
^$i_^a hre+RT$o.out.phpT_Lo.out^Ma_^M$i_
^im. srcRTuniD$ ,idthRT!>AT hei.htRT>AT a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mdiv_
^div idRTnavT_
^$i_^a hre+RTinde3.phpT_7ome^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTyearhomepa.e.phpT_Main Menu^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_#ontact ^Ma_^M$i_
^u$ idRTpromobo3T_
^p_^b_/sername: ^b_^=php echo SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNWE =_^Mb_^p_
#ompany %D:
[ connect to MyS8L
Page 21
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
Sconnection R \mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
Sresu$t R \mysB$Dse$ectDdb1TbusinessDprojectT, Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ set up tab$e name
Stab$eDname R TpostDjobTE
[ create the Buery
SsB$ R TS&L&#T companyDid 9')M Stab$eDname )'D&' "Y
[ e3ecute the Buery
Sresu$t R mysB$DBuery1SsB$,Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[create a $ist b$oc6 o+ resu$ts
,hi$e1 Sro, R mysB$D+etchDarray1Sresu$t22
ScompanyDid R Sro,VNcompanyDidNWE
echo ScompanyDidE
^div idRTpromobo3T_
^$i c$assRNpromobo3N_
^+orm methodRT.etT actionRTaddDjob.phpT_
^Z-- ^div a$i.nRT$e+tT_
^div a$i.nRTcenterT_--_^b_&nter a *e, 'ecord^Mb_
Page 22
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^pre_ --_
^div a$i.nRT$e+tT_^pre_
Pob Tit$e: ^input typeRTte3tT nameRTjobDtit$eT siIeRT<0T_
^pre_ --_
Pob Description:
^te3tarea nameRTdescriptionT ro,sRT!5T co$sRT>0T_
^div a$i.nRTcenterT_
^input typeRTsubmitT va$ueRTSubmitT c$assRTbtnT_


^br M_
^br M_
^im. srcRTunico$$ a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mp_
^div idRT+ooterT_
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,, )+ 0reen,ich^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RThttps:MMporta$$ay$o.inT_Student
Page 23
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,,,^Ma_^M$i_
MM %nia$iIe session
MM #hec6, i+ username session is *)T set then this pa.e ,i$$ jump to $ pa.e
i+ 1Zisset1SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW22 X
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
^ZD)#TYP& htm$ P/"L%# T-MM?;#MMDTD a7TML !.0 Transitiona$MM&*T
^htm$ 3m$nsRThttp:MM,,,.,;.or.M!CCCM3htm$T_
^meta http-eBuivRT#ontent-TypeT contentRTte3tMhtm$E charsetRut+-AT M_
^tit$e_7ostin. Temp$ate^Mtit$e_
^$in6 re$RTsty$esheetT typeRTte3tMcssT hre+RTde+au$t.cssTM_
^div idRTcontainerT_
Page 24
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^div idRTheaderT_
^u$ idRTtop$in6sT_
^$i_^a hre+RT$o.out.phpT_Lo.out^Ma_^M$i_
^im. srcRTuniD$ ,idthRT!>AT hei.htRT>AT a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mdiv_
^div idRTnavT_
^$i_^a hre+RTinde3.phpT_7ome^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTyearhomepa.e.phpT_Main Menu^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_#ontact ^Ma_^M$i_
^u$ idRTpromobo3T_
^p_^b_/sername: ^b_^=php echo SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNWE =_^Mb_^p_
#ompany %D:
[ connect to MyS8L
Sconnection R \mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
Sresu$t R \mysB$Dse$ectDdb1TbusinessDprojectT, Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ set up tab$e name
Stab$eDname R TpostDjobTE
[ create the Buery
SsB$ R TS&L&#T companyDid 9')M Stab$eDname )'D&' "Y
Page 35
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
[ e3ecute the Buery
Sresu$t R mysB$DBuery1SsB$,Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[create a $ist b$oc6 o+ resu$ts
,hi$e1 Sro, R mysB$D+etchDarray1Sresu$t22
ScompanyDid R Sro,VNcompanyDidNWE
echo ScompanyDidE
[ connect to MyS8L
Sconnection R \mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
Sresu$t R \mysB$Dse$ectDdb1TbusinessDprojectT, Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ set up tab$e name
Stab$eDname R TpostDactivityTE
[ create the Buery
SsB$ R TS&L&#T aDid, username, sDname, 9')M Stab$eDname )'D&' "Y
[ e3ecute the Buery
Sresu$t R mysB$DBuery1SsB$,Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
Page 3/
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
[create a $ist b$oc6 o+ resu$ts
SactivityD$ist R T^u$_TE
,hi$e1 Sro, R mysB$D+etchDarray1Sresu$t22
SaDid R Sro,VNaDidNWE
Susername R Sro,VNusernameNWE
SsDname R Sro,VNsDnameNWE
SactivityD$ist .R T^p a$i.nRNcenterN_^$i_
^a hre+R]Tsho,Djob.php=aDidRSaDid]T_^+ont co$orR]T[++++++]T_^p
a$i.nRcenter_Susername, SsDname^Ma_TE
SactivityD$ist .R T^Mu$_TE
print T^head_^T%TL&_ "usiness
,ebpa.e^MT%TL&_^Mhead_^body_^7!_List o+ Pobs avai$ab$e:^M7!_
^P_Se$ect a job +rom the $ist be$o,, to vie, the +u$$ description and
app$y:^MP_^b_^p_^stron._ SactivityD$ist^Mb_^Mbody_TE
^div idRT+ooterT_
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,, )+ 0reen,ich^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RThttps:MMporta$$ay$o.inT_Student
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,,,^Ma_^M$i_
Page 3+
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
MM %nia$iIe session
MM #hec6, i+ username session is *)T set then this pa.e ,i$$ jump to $ pa.e
i+ 1Zisset1SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW22 X
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
^ZD)#TYP& htm$ P/"L%# T-MM?;#MMDTD a7TML !.0 Transitiona$MM&*T
^htm$ 3m$nsRThttp:MM,,,.,;.or.M!CCCM3htm$T_
^meta http-eBuivRT#ontent-TypeT contentRTte3tMhtm$E charsetRut+-AT M_
^tit$e_7ostin. Temp$ate^Mtit$e_
^$in6 re$RTsty$esheetT typeRTte3tMcssT hre+RTde+au$t.cssTM_
^div idRTcontainerT_
^div idRTheaderT_
^u$ idRTtop$in6sT_
^$i_^a hre+RT$o.out.phpT_Lo.out^Ma_^M$i_
^im. srcRTuniD$ ,idthRT!>AT hei.htRT>AT a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mdiv_
Page 3-
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^div idRTnavT_
^$i_^a hre+RTinde3.phpT_7ome^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTyear!homepa.e.phpT_Main Menu^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_#ontact ^Ma_^M$i_
^u$ idRTpromobo3T_
^p_^b_/sername: ^b_^=php echo SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNWE =_^Mb_^p_

[ set up tab$e name
Stab$eDname R TpostDjobTE
SdbDname R TbusinessDprojectTE
[ connect to MyS8L
Sconnection R \mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
Sdb R \mysB$Dse$ectDdb1SdbDname, Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ create the Buery
Sch6Did R TS&L&#T id 9')M Stab$eDname ?7&'& id R NSD0&TVidWNTE
Sch6DidDres R \mysB$DBuery1Sch6Did,Sconnection2 or die1mysB$Derror122E
Sch6DidDnum R mysB$DnumDro,s1Sch6DidDres2E
[ chec6 +or va$id resu$ts
i+ 1ch6DidDnum ZR 02 X
[i+ not va$id, redirect to menu
Page 30
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
header1TLocation: http:MM!@.0.0.!Msecuredpa.e.phpT2E
Y e$se X
[i+ va$id, .et in+ormation
SsB$ R TS&L&#T companyDid, jobDtit$e, description 9')M Stab$eDname ?7&'&
Sresu$t R \mysB$DBuery1SsB$,Sconnection2 or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ .et resu$ts +or disp$ay
,hi$e 1Sro, R mysB$D+etchDarray1Sresu$t22 X
ScompanyDid R Sro,VNcompanyDidNWE
SjobDtit$e R Sro,VNjobDtit$eNWE
Sdescription R Sro,VNdescriptionNWE
printT ^7TML_
^T%TL&_ Pob Detai$s:^MT%TL&_
^7!_ Pob Detai$s +or #ompany ScompanyDid ^M7!_
^7_SjobDtit$e ^M7_
^p_^stron._ ^Mstron._^br_^br_
^p c$assR$in6_HnbspE^Mp_
^a hre+R+i$eDup$oad.php tit$eR(pp$y c$assRbtn_(pp$y^Ma_
^a hre+Rsho,Djobsbyname#).php tit$eR(pp$y c$assRbtn_"ac6 to Pobs^Ma_
^p c$assR$in6_HnbspE^Mp_
Page 3)
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^div idRT+ooterT_
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,, )+ 0reen,ich^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RThttps:MMporta$$ay$o.inT_Student
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,,,^Ma_^M$i_
MM %nia$iIe session
MM #hec6, i+ username session is *)T set then this pa.e ,i$$ jump to $ pa.e
i+ 1Zisset1SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW22 X
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
Page 31
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^ZD)#TYP& htm$ P/"L%# T-MM?;#MMDTD a7TML !.0 Transitiona$MM&*T
^htm$ 3m$nsRThttp:MM,,,.,;.or.M!CCCM3htm$T_
^meta http-eBuivRT#ontent-TypeT contentRTte3tMhtm$E charsetRut+-AT M_
^tit$e_7ostin. Temp$ate^Mtit$e_
^$in6 re$RTsty$esheetT typeRTte3tMcssT hre+RTde+au$t.cssTM_
^div idRTcontainerT_
^div idRTheaderT_
^u$ idRTtop$in6sT_
^$i_^a hre+RT$o.out.phpT_Lo.out^Ma_^M$i_
^im. srcRTuniD$ ,idthRT!>AT hei.htRT>AT a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mdiv_
^div idRTnavT_
^$i_^a hre+RTinde3.phpT_7ome^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTsecuredpa.e.phpT_Main Menu^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_#ontact ^Ma_^M$i_
^u$ idRTpromobo3T_
^p_^b_/sername: ^b_^=php echo SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNWE =
#ompany %D:
Page 32
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
[ connect to MyS8L
Sconnection R \mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
Sresu$t R \mysB$Dse$ectDdb1TbusinessDprojectT, Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ set up tab$e name
Stab$eDname R TpostDjobTE
[ create the Buery
SsB$ R TS&L&#T companyDid 9')M Stab$eDname )'D&' "Y
[ e3ecute the Buery
Sresu$t R mysB$DBuery1SsB$,Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[create a $ist b$oc6 o+ resu$ts
,hi$e1 Sro, R mysB$D+etchDarray1Sresu$t22
ScompanyDid R Sro,VNcompanyDidNWE
echo ScompanyDidE
[ set up tab$e name
Stab$eDname R TpostDjobTE
SdbDname R TbusinessDprojectTE
Page 33
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
[ connect to MyS8L
Sconnection R \mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
Sdb R \mysB$Dse$ectDdb1SdbDname, Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ create the Buery
Sch6Did R TS&L&#T id 9')M Stab$eDname ?7&'& id R NSD0&TVidWNTE
Sch6DidDres R \mysB$DBuery1Sch6Did,Sconnection2 or die1mysB$Derror122E
Sch6DidDnum R mysB$DnumDro,s1Sch6DidDres2E
[ chec6 +or va$id resu$ts
i+ 1ch6DidDnum ZR 02 X
[i+ not va$id, redirect to menu
header1TLocation: http:MM!@.0.0.!Msecuredpa.e.phpT2E
Y e$se X
[i+ va$id, .et in+ormation
SsB$ R TS&L&#T companyDid, jobDtit$e, description 9')M Stab$eDname ?7&'&
Sresu$t R \mysB$DBuery1SsB$,Sconnection2 or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ .et resu$ts +or disp$ay
,hi$e 1Sro, R mysB$D+etchDarray1Sresu$t22 X
ScompanyDid R Sro,VNcompanyDidNWE
SjobDtit$e R Sro,VNjobDtit$eNWE
Sdescription R Sro,VNdescriptionNWE
printT ^7TML_
Page 34
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^T%TL&_ Pob Detai$s:^MT%TL&_
^7!_ Pob Detai$s +or #ompany ScompanyDid ^M7!_
^7_SjobDtit$e ^M7_
^p_^stron._ ^Mstron._^br_^br_
^p c$assR$in6_HnbspE^Mp_
^a hre+Rsho,Djobsbyname#).php tit$eR(pp$y c$assRbtn_"ac6 to Pobs^Ma_
^p c$assR$in6_HnbspE^Mp_
^div idRT+ooterT_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_Terms HampE #onditions^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_Privacy Po$icy^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_System Status^Ma_^M$i_
Page 45
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
MM %nia$iIe session
MM #hec6, i+ username session is *)T set then this pa.e ,i$$ jump to $ pa.e
i+ 1Zisset1SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW22 X
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
^ZD)#TYP& htm$ P/"L%# T-MM?;#MMDTD a7TML !.0 Transitiona$MM&*T
^htm$ 3m$nsRThttp:MM,,,.,;.or.M!CCCM3htm$T_
^meta http-eBuivRT#ontent-TypeT contentRTte3tMhtm$E charsetRut+-AT M_
^tit$e_7ostin. Temp$ate^Mtit$e_
^$in6 re$RTsty$esheetT typeRTte3tMcssT hre+RTde+au$t.cssTM_
^div idRTcontainerT_
^div idRTheaderT_
^u$ idRTtop$in6sT_
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^im. srcRTuniD$ ,idthRT!>AT hei.htRT>AT a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mdiv_
^div idRTnavT_
^$i_^a hre+RTinde3.phpT_7ome^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTyear!homepa.e.phpT_Main Menu^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_#ontact ^Ma_^M$i_
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D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^u$ idRTpromobo3T_
^p_^b_/sername: ^b_^=php echo SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNWE =_^Mb_^p_
[ connect to MyS8L
Sconnection R \mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
Sresu$t R \mysB$Dse$ectDdb1TbusinessDprojectT, Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ set up tab$e name
Stab$eDname R TpostDjobTE
[ create the Buery
SsB$ R TS&L&#T id, companyDid, jobDtit$e 9')M Stab$eDname )'D&' "Y
[ e3ecute the Buery
Sresu$t R mysB$DBuery1SsB$,Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[create a $ist b$oc6 o+ resu$ts
SjobD$ist R T^u$_TE
,hi$e1 Sro, R mysB$D+etchDarray1Sresu$t22
Sid R Sro,VNidNWE
ScompanyDid R Sro,VNcompanyDidNWE
Page 4+
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
SjobDtit$e R Sro,VNjobDtit$eNWE
SjobD$ist .R T^$i c$assRNjobs$istN_^a hre+R]Tsho,Djob.php=
SjobD$ist .R T^Mu$_TE
print T^head_^T%TL&_ "usiness ,ebpa.e^MT%TL&_^Mhead_^body_
^P_Se$ect a job +rom the $ist be$o,, to vie, the +u$$
description:^MP_^p_^stron._ SjobD$ist^Mbody_TE
^div idRT+ooterT_
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,, )+ 0reen,ich^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RThttps:MMporta$$ay$o.inT_Student
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,,,^Ma_^M$i_
MM %nia$iIe session
Page 4-
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
MM #hec6, i+ username session is *)T set then this pa.e ,i$$ jump to $ pa.e
i+ 1Zisset1SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNW22 X
header1NLocation: inde3.phpN2E
^ZD)#TYP& htm$ P/"L%# T-MM?;#MMDTD a7TML !.0 Transitiona$MM&*T
^htm$ 3m$nsRThttp:MM,,,.,;.or.M!CCCM3htm$T_
^meta http-eBuivRT#ontent-TypeT contentRTte3tMhtm$E charsetRut+-AT M_
^tit$e_7ostin. Temp$ate^Mtit$e_
^$in6 re$RTsty$esheetT typeRTte3tMcssT hre+RTde+au$t.cssTM_
^div idRTcontainerT_
^div idRTheaderT_
^u$ idRTtop$in6sT_
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^im. srcRTuniD$ ,idthRT!>AT hei.htRT>AT a$tRTLo.oT M_^Mdiv_
^div idRTnavT_
^$i_^a hre+RTinde3.phpT_7ome^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTyearhomepa.e.phpT_Main Menu^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RTcontent.htm$T_#ontact ^Ma_^M$i_
^u$ idRTpromobo3T_
Page 40
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^p_^b_/sername: ^b_^=php echo SDS&SS%)*VNusernameNWE =_^Mb_^p_
#ompany %D:
[ connect to MyS8L
Sconnection R \mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
Sresu$t R \mysB$Dse$ectDdb1TbusinessDprojectT, Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ set up tab$e name
Stab$eDname R TpostDjobTE
[ create the Buery
SsB$ R TS&L&#T companyDid 9')M Stab$eDname )'D&' "Y
[ e3ecute the Buery
Sresu$t R mysB$DBuery1SsB$,Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[create a $ist b$oc6 o+ resu$ts
,hi$e1 Sro, R mysB$D+etchDarray1Sresu$t22
ScompanyDid R Sro,VNcompanyDidNWE
echo ScompanyDidE
[ connect to MyS8L
Sconnection R \mysB$Dconnect1T$oca$hostT, TrootT, T!;!50T2
Page 4)
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ se$ect the speci+ied database
Sresu$t R \mysB$Dse$ectDdb1TbusinessDprojectT, Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[ set up tab$e name
Stab$eDname R TpostDjobTE
[ create the Buery
SsB$ R TS&L&#T id, companyDid, jobDtit$e 9')M Stab$eDname )'D&' "Y
[ e3ecute the Buery
Sresu$t R mysB$DBuery1SsB$,Sconnection2
or die1mysB$Derror122E
[create a $ist b$oc6 o+ resu$ts
SjobD$ist R T^u$_TE
,hi$e1 Sro, R mysB$D+etchDarray1Sresu$t22
Sid R Sro,VNidNWE
ScompanyDid R Sro,VNcompanyDidNWE
SjobDtit$e R Sro,VNjobDtit$eNWE
SjobD$ist .R T^$i c$assRNjobs$istN_^a hre+R]Tsho,Djob.php=
SjobD$ist .R T^Mu$_TE
print T^head_^T%TL&_ "usiness ,ebpa.e^MT%TL&_^Mhead_^body_
^P_Se$ect a job +rom the $ist be$o,, to vie, the +u$$
description:^MP_^p_^stron._ SjobD$ist^Mbody_TE
Page 41
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
^div idRT+ooterT_
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,, )+ 0reen,ich^Ma_^M$i_
^$i_^a hre+RThttps:MMporta$$ay$o.inT_Student
^$i_^a hre+RThttp:MM,,,,^Ma_^M$i_
18-upload.php and
^=php reBuireDonce Tphpup$oaderMinc$udeDphpup$oader.phpT =_
inc$ude 1Tcon+i..incT2E
Sresu$tRMYS8LD8/&'Y1T%*S&'T %*T) up$oads 1tit$e,description, data2 T.
T:(L/&S 1NStit$eN,NSdescN,NSdataN2T2E
SidR mysB$DinsertDid12E
MM0ets the 0/%D o+ the +i$e based on up$oader name
echo S+i$e.uidE
Page 42
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
X the up$oaded +i$e based on 0/%D
MM0ets the name o+ the +i$e.
MM0ets the temp +i$e path.
MM0ets the siIe o+ the +i$e.
MM#opys the up$oaded +i$e to a ne, $ocation.
MMMoves the up$oaded +i$e to a ne, $ocation.
MMDe$etes this instance.
Shostname R N$oca$hostNE MM Your MyS8L hostname.
Sdbname R NbusinessDprojectNE MM Your database name.
Susername R NrootNE MM Your database username.
Spass,ord R N!;!50NE MM Your database pass,ord.
MM connect to host
mysB$Dconnect1Shostname, Susername, Spass,ord2 or D%&1N#onnection to host is
+ai$ed, perhaps the service is do,nZN2E
MM Se$ect the database
Page 43
D%SS&'T(T%)* '&P)'T
May 5, 0!!
mysB$Dse$ectDdb1Sdbname2 or D%&1NDatabase name is not avai$ab$eZN2E
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