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ANNEXURE I Semester wise breakup of Courses in M.V.Sc. (Veterinary !

armaco"o#y $ %o&ico"o#y'
(st semester Sr. No. 1 2 ! " ' Course No VPT 601 VPT 602 VPT 60" VPT 60' PGS '01 Noncredit com&ulsory courses Title General Pharmacology Autonomic Autacoid Pharmacology #igesti$e %es&iratory Pharmacology Cardio$ascular %enal Pharmacology (i)rary and in*ormation ser$ices credits 2+0 2+1 2+0 2+0 0+1 Total credits 2 ! 2 2 ++++

Total , credits -a.or -inor , credits Su&&orting 6 credits

)n* Semester Sr. No. 1 2 ! " ' 6 Course No VPT 60! VPT 60/ VPT 600 VPT 612 PGS '02 Noncredit com&ulsory courses PGS '0! (e course' Noncredit com&ulsory courses Title CNC Pharmacology Chemothera&y To1icology o* 2eno)iotics 3theno&harmacology Technical 4riting and communication s5ills 6ntelectual &ro&erty and its management credits Total credits 2+1 ! 2+1 ! 2+1 ! 2+0 2 0+1 ++++ 1+0

Total 11 credits -a.or -inor 11 credits Su&&orting ' credits 1 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

+r* semester Sr. No. 1 2 ! " ' 6 ' Course No VPT 606 VPT 60, VPT 610 VPT 611 VPT 6,1 VPT 6,, PGS '06 (e course' Noncredit com&ulsory courses Title 3ndocrine %e&roducti$e Pharmacology To1icology o* Plants To1ins Pharmacological techni8ues Techni8ues in To1icology -asters seminar -aster %esearch #isaster management credits 2+0 2+1 1+1 1+1 0+1 0+' 1+0 Total credits 2 2 2 2 1 ' ++++

Total 1" credits -a.or ,t! semester Sr. No. 1 Course No VPT 6,, Title -aster %esearch credits 0+1' Total credits 1' Total 1' credits -a.or 1' credits 1" credits

MIN-R SU./EC%S 1. 2. !. ". '. 6. Vet. Physiology Vet. 9iochemistry Vet. Clinical -edicine Vet. 3thics :uris&rudence Vet. Pathology Animal 9iotechnology

2 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

(3CT;%3 SC73#;(3 V % 01( 2enera" !armaco"o#y )31 4 ) Unit ( 1. 2. !. ". '. 6. /. 7istorical de$elo&ment Sco&e o* $eterinary Pharmacology Trans&ort o* drugs across )iological mem)ranes Princi&les o* drug a)sor&tion <actors a**ecting a)sor&tion and trans&orters #istri)ution o* drugs <actors a**ecting drug distri)ution+ &lasma &rotein )inding= &assage o* drugs across &lacenta= )lood )rain )arrier 0. 9iotrans*ormation o* drugs+ introduction= Phase 6 reaction ,. 9iotrans*ormation o* drugs+ introduction= Phase 66 reaction 10. <actors a**ecting drug meta)olism= microsomal en>ymes 11. drug e1cretion ? renal= he&atic and other 4ays 12. 9ioa$aila)ilty )ioe8ui$alence 1!. S&ecies $ariation in action o* drugs

Unit ) 1" 6m&ortant &harmaco5inetic &arameters calculations 1' Com&artmental= non Com&artmental analysis 16 Clinical signi*icance o* &harmaco5inetics Unit + 1/ 10 1, 20 21 22 2! 2" 2' Unit , 26 2/ 20 2, !0 !1 !2 6ntroduction to mechanism o* actions #ose res&onse cur$es Thera&eutic inde1= Thera&eutic ratio and its signi*icance Non+rece&tor mediated actions %ece&tors ? ty&es ? ion channels rece&tors %ece&tors ? ty&es ? G Protein cou&led rece&tors Nuclear rece&tors Silent rece&tors= s&are rece&tors @inase lin5ed rece&tors Auantitation o* drug rece&tor interactions and its e**ects Antagonism ? ty&es Com&etiti$e antagonism Non com&etiti$e antagonism <actors a**ecting drug res&onse A#%s %ecent ad$ances

! #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

(3CT;%3 SC73#;(3 V % 01) Autonomic $ Autacoi* !armaco"o#y )3( 4 + Unit ( 1. 6ntroduction to ner$ous system 2. Anatomical considerations o* ANS !. Physiological considerations o* ANS Unit ) " Neurohumoral transmission ? conduction and synthesis o* ner$e im&ulse ' Storage= release and rece&tor e$ents in NT Unit + 6 Synthesis= storage and cata)olism o* ACh / Cholinergic rece&tors+ -uscarinic 0 Cholinergic rece&tors+ Nicotinic , Cholinergic agonists 10 Ach3 inhi)itors ? re$ersi)le 11 Ach3 inhi)itors + irre$ersi)le 12 Cholinergic antagonists Unit , 1! Synthesis= storage= cata)olism o* N3 1" Adrenergic rece&tors B= C 1' Adrenergic antagonists ? neuron )loc5ers 16 Adrenergic antagonists ? rece&tor )loc5ers 1/ Clinical uses o* adrenergic and anti adrenergic drugs Unit 5 10 Ganglionic stimulants 1, Ganglionic )loc5ers Unit 0 20 7istamine ? &atho&hysiology 21 Classi*ication o* histaminic rece&tors 22 Clinical uses o* antihistaminic drugs 2! '7T ? &hysiological roles 2" Seratoninergic rece&tors and rece&tor acti$ators D )loc5ers 2' @inins ? &hysiological roles 26 #rugs acting on 5inins 2/ 3icosanides ? PGs= leu5otrines etc. 20 Platelet acti$ating *actors 2, #rugs modi*ying 3icosanides cascade ? NSA6#S !0 %ecent ad$ances

" #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

P%ACT6CA(S Animal e1&erimentation models on intact 6ntact 1. %at )lood &ressure 2. 3**ect o* drugs on ra))it eye E&u&ilF !. Guinea &ig tracheal chain ". Guinea &ig illium '. %a))it .e.unum 6. %at uterus /. <rog rectus a)dominis muscle 0. isolated heart E%a))it D guinea &igF ,. #emonstration o* 3CG 10. 3**ect o* drugs on urine out&ut isolated &re&arations

EA)o$e e1&eriments may )e e1&lained 4ith the hel& o* com&uteri>ed simulated e1&erimentations incase la) animals are not a$aila)leF

' #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

(3CT;%3 SC73#;(3 V % 01+ CNS !armaco"o#y )3( 4 + Unit ( 1. 2. !. ". Anatomy o* CNS Physiological considerations $arious neurotransmitters o* CNS Neurohumoral transmission in CNS

Unit ) ' 6ntroduction to general anesthesia and historical de$elo&ment 6 Theories o* general anesthesia / Stages o* general anesthesia 0 Classi*ication o* general anesthesia , Anesthetics *or small animals 10 Anesthetics *or large animals Unit + 11 Classi*ication o* drugs acting on CNS 12 Sedati$es 1! 7y&notics 1" Neurole&tics 1' Antie&ile&tics Unit , 16 CNS stimulants ? drugs acting on corte1 1/ -edullary and S&. Cord stimulants 10 G&oid rece&tors 1, G&ioid agonists and antagonists 20 B+2 rece&tors agonists antagonists 21 NSA6#S 22 Central muscle rela1ants 2! Curari>ing agents 2" Noncurari>ing and other muscle rela1ants 2' (ocal anesthetics 26 Thera&eutic gases ? role o* NG2 2/ G1ygen= CG2 20 3uthani>ing agents 2, #o&ing !0 %ecent ad$ances

6 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

P%ACT6CA(S 1. 6nduction o* anesthesia in la) animals 2. Screening o* analgesic acti$ity !. Screening o* CNS de&ressants ". Screening o* CNS stimulants '. Screening o* muscle rela1ants 6. Screening o* anti+in*lammatory acti$ity /. Screening o* anti&yretic acti$ity 0. Potentiation o* anesthesia )y &remedicants ,. Screening o* anticon$ulsant acti$ity 10. 6nduction o* local anesthesia in small animals

/ #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

(3CT;%3 SC73#;(3 V % 01, 6i#esti7e an* Respiratory !armaco"o#y )3 1 4 ) Unit ( 1. 2. !. ". '. 6. Anatomical considerations o* G6T in di**erent s&&. Physiological considerations o* G6T A&&etite stimulants ? sialics Antisialics 3metics Antiemetics

Unit ) / -odulation o* gastric and intestinal motility 0 Ant ulcer drugs ? &ro5inetics , Gastric sedati$es Unit + 10 (a1ati$es and cathartics 11 Classi*ication and mechanism o* actions o* cathartics 12 Classi*ication and mechanism o* actions o* cathartics 1! G6 &rotectants and adsor)ents 1" G&oid and other agents used in diarrhea Unit , 1' Agents &romoting digesti$e *unctions+ 3n>ymes 16 7e&ato&rotectants 1/ %umen &hysiology 10 %umen dys*unctions 1, Pharmacology o* drugs acting on rumen 20 %ecent de$elo&ments in rumen Pharmacology Unit 5 21 9ronchoconstrictors 22 Pathogenesis o* in*lammatory res&iratory diseases Unit 0 2! 9ronchodilators 2" Antitussi$es 2' -ucolytics 26 31&ectorants 2/ #econgestants Unit 8 20 -anagement o* asthma 2, %ecent ad$ances

0 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

(3CT;%3 SC73#;(3 V % 015 Car*io7ascu"ar an* Rena" !armaco"o#y )3 1 4 ) Unit ( 1 Path &hysiology o* C7< 2 7istory and classi*ication an sources o* cardiac glycosides ! -echanism o* action 5inetics o* cardiac glycosides " #igitali>ation and su&&orti$e thera&y o* C7< Unit ) ' Cardiac action &otentials and &ath &hysiology o* arrhythmia 6 Classi*ication o* antiarrythmic drugs / Class 6= 66 antiarrythmic drugs 0 Class 666= 6V antiarrythmic drugs , Potassium channel regulators 10 Path &hysiology o* hy&ertension 11 Classi*ication and mechanism o* action o* im&ortant antihy&ertensi$e drugs 12 -anagement o* hy&ertension 1! Antihy&erli&idemic drugs 6 1" Antihy&erli&idemic drugs 66 Unit + 1' #rugs a**ecting $asomotor and cardio res&iratory re*le1 mechanisms 16 7emo&oitic system ? antianemic drugs Unit , 1/ Coagulants 10 Anticoagulants 1, Throm)olytic agents Unit 5 20 #iuretics ? classi*ication 21 #iuretics continued 22 Clinical uses o* diuretics 2! 9ody *luid com&artments and electrolyte )alance Unit 0 2" Conce&t o* Gsmolality and Gsmolarity 2' #i**erent ty&es o* electrolyte *luids 26 <luid re8uirement in dehydration 2/ Plasma $olume e1&anders 20 Antidiuretics 2, ;ricosuric agents !0 %ecent ad$ances

, #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

(3CT;%3 SC73#;(3 V % 010 En*ocrine an* Repro*ucti7e !armaco"o#y )3 1 4 ) Unit ( 1 7ormones Their analogues regulating &ituitary *unctions 6 2 7ormones Their analogues regulating &ituitary *unctions 66 ! Thyroid hormone *unctions ? clinical uses " Antithyroid drugs ' Adrinocorticoids ? Natural 6 Adrinocorticoids ? synthetic / Adrinocorticoids + synthetic 0 7y&oglycemic agents , 6nsulin 10 -anagement o* dia)etes Unit ) 11 %oles o* calcium and &hos&horus 12 Calcium ? Phos&horus homeostasis 1! Various Calcium Phos&horus su&&lements used in $eterinary &ractice Unit + 1" Androgens 1' Antiandrogens 16 #rugs a**ecting li)ido Unit , 1/ Gestrogenic drugs 10 Antioestrogenic drugs 1, #rugs used in synchroni>ation o* oestrus 20 #rugs used in misalliance and *or inducing a)ortions 21 Galactogogues 22 (actation su&&ressants 2! #rugs used *or maintaining &regnancy 2" #rugs used *or retained &lacenta Unit 5 2' G1ytocic agents 26 Tocolytic agents 2/ %ecent ad$ances

10 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

(3CT;%3 SC73#;(3 V % 018 C!emot!erapy )3( 4 + Unit ( 1 General considerations 2 Princi&les o* chemothera&y ! Classi*ication o* chemothera&eutic agents 6 " Classi*ication o* chemothera&eutic agents 66 ' -icro)ial resistance 6 6 -icro)ial resistance 66 / Antimicro)ial com)inations Unit ) 0 Sul*onamides , Potentiated sul*onamides 10 Nitro*urans= sul*ones 11 Auinolones Unit + 12 Penicillins 1! Semisynthetic &enicillins 1" Ce&halos&orins Unit , 9roads&ectrum Anti)iotics 1' Chram&henicol ? *lor&henicol 16 Tetracyclines 1/ -acrolids 10 Poly&e&tide anti)iotics 1, Polymi1ins Unit 5 20 Aminoglycosides 21 Gther anti)iotics Unit 0 22 Pharmacology o* hemo&roto>oan diseases 2! Pharmacology o* entero &roto>oan diseases 2" Coccidiostats 6 and 66 2' Anthelmintics ? classi*ication and mechanism o* action 26 Antinematodal drugs 2/ Anticestodal and antitrematodal drugs 20 3cto&arasiticides ? 6G%= 6#( Unit 8 2, Anti*ungal drugs !0 Anti$iral drugs !1 Antineo&lastic drugs 11 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

!2 Antitu)ercular drugs P%ACT6CA(S 1. 2. !. ". '. 6. /. General methods o* assay o* anti)acterials General methods o* assay o* sul*onamides General methods o* assay o* GTC General methods o* assay o* &enicillins General methods o* assay o* Trimetho&rimes General methods o* assay o* Nitro*urans Anti)iotic sensiti$ity test

12 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

(3CT;%3 SC73#;(3 V % 019 %o&ico"o#y of Xenobiotics )3( 4 + Unit ( 1 2 ! " ' Unit ) 6 / 0 , 10 11 12 1! Unit + 1" 1' 16 1/ 10 1, 20 21 22 2! 2" 2' 26 Unit , 2/ 20 2, !0 To1ic e**ects o* radiation and radioacti$e chemicals 6ntroduction to genetic and de$elo&mental to1icology <orensic to1icology %egulatory to1icology To1icology o* metals Alluminium= Antimony= Arsenic= To1icology o* metals 9ismuth= cadmium= Chromium= To1icology o* metals co)alt= co&&er= To1icology o* metals lead= -anganese= mercury= To1icology o* metals mole)dinum= Nic5el= Selenium= To1icology o* metals Hinc= Sil$er= Tin= Thallium To1icology o* agrochemicals ? organochlorines To1icology o* agrochemicals ? Grganic &hos&hate com&ounds To1icology o* agrochemicals ? car)amates= &yrethrides To1icology o* agrochemicals ? her)icides To1icology o* agrochemicals ? rodenticides To1icology o* sol$ents and $a&ors To1icology o* *eed additi$es General mode o* action o* &oisons Portals o* entry o* &oisons and a)sor&tion o* &oisons #istri)ution o* &oisons -eta)olism o* &oisons 31cretion o* &oisons <actors a**ecting to1icity #iagnosis o* &oisoning Princi&les o* treatment o* &oisoning 7istory o* To1icology Sco&e o* to1icology Sources o* Poisoning and classi*ication Classi*ication o* &oisons Ty&es o* to1icities

1! #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

P%ACT6CA(S 1 2 ! " ' 6 / 0 , #emonstration o* to1icity and its antidotal treatment in la) animals Acute to1icity Su) acute to1icity Chronic to1icity 6mmunoto1icity Genoto1icity testing 3ee irritation test #ermal to1icity study 31traction= se&aration and detection o* common &oisons in to1icological s&ecimens 10 S&ot test *or detection o* hea$y metal

1" #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

:EC%URE SC;E6U:E C-URSE %I%:E<=%-XIC-:-2> -? :AN%S AN6 %-XINS C-URSE N-.<=V % 01@ CRE6I% <=( )31' Unit ( 1. 6ntroduction to &lant to1icology= To1ins= Venoms= -ycoto1ins= -ycoto1ins= 9acterial to1ins and Phytoto1ins. 2. Classi*ication and identi*ication o* Chemical constituents o* &oisonous &lants. Eal5aloids= glycosides= &hytoagglutinins= &henolF !. Phytoto1ins their sources and e**ects. ". Phytoto1ins their sources and e**ects++++ contd.. '. Phytoto1ins their sources and e**ects. 6. Classi*ication o* to1ins EPhytoto1ins= -icro)ial to1insF /. Study o* to1icity o* &lants containing cyanide. 0. Study o* to1icity o* &lants containing cyanide. ,. Study o* nitratesDnitrites containing &lants and their to1ic e**ect. 10. Study o* &lants containing o1alates and their to1ic e**ect. 11. Study o* &lants containing lectins and cardiac glycosides+6. 12. Study o* &lants containing lectins and cardiac glycosides+66 Unit ) 1!. Study o* &lants &roducing lathyrism. 1". Thiamine de*iciency= to1icity o* &lants. 1'. Photosensiti>ation and to1icity o* &lants causing &hotosensiti>ation+6. 16. Photosensiti>ation and to1icity o* &lants causing &hotosensiti>ation+66 Unit + 1/. Study o* -ycoto1ins ? A*lato1ins and %u)rato1ins. 10. Study o* -ycoto1ins ? Gchrato1in= Trichothecores. 1,. Study o* -ycoto1ins+ Tremorgons and ergot. Unit , 20. Study o* Sna5e $enoms and their to1ic e**ects. 21. Study o* Sna5e $enoms and their to1ic e**ects. 22. Study o* Scor&ion )ite and their to1ic e**ects. 2!. Study o* s&ider )ite and their to1ic e**ects. 2". Study o* di**erent insect )ites and their to1ic e**ect E)ees= 4as&s= hornets etcF. 2'. Study o* Toad to1ins. 26. Classi*ication and character o* )acterial to1ins+ 3ndoto1ins and 31oto1ins. 2/. Classi*ication and character o* )acterial to1ins+ 3ndoto1ins and 31oto1ins. 20. To1icity caused )y tetanus s&asmins. 2,. Study o* 9otulism. !0. %ecent ad$ances

1' #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

C-URSE %I%:E<= ;ARMAC-:-2ICA: %EC;NIAUINES C-URSE N-.<=V %=0(1 CRE6I% <=( (3(' Unit ( 1. Princi&les o* drug action. 2. 9ioassay. Ty&es o* )ioassay= )ioassay techni8ues !. 9ioassay. Ty&es o* )ioassay= )ioassay techni8ues ". Study o* dose res&onse relationshi& Eguinea &ig ileumF. '. Study o* dose res&onse relationshi& Es&inal catF. 6. #emonstration o* Su&rma1imal e**ect )y cumulati$e dose res&onse study. Unit ) /. Study on isolated guineas &ig ileum. 0. Study on isolated rat uterus. ,. Study on isolated *rog rectus a)dominis &re&aration. 10. Study on intact *rog heart &er*usion. 11. %ecording o* )lood &ressure in anestheti>ed rats. 12. %ecording )lood &ressure in dog. Unit + 1!. Grgani>ation o* screening Programme o* drugs Egeneral screening &rocedureF. 1". -ultidimensional screening &rocedure. 1'. -ultidimensional screening &rocedure. 16. Gross o)ser$ational methods in screening &rocedures

16 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

RAC%ICA: C-URSE %I%:E<= ;ARMAC-:-2ICA: %EC;NIAUINES C-URSE N-.<=V %=0(1 CRE6I% <=( (3(' 1. Setting u& o* an isolated tissue &re&aration and an intact &re&aration. 2. %ecording o* )lood &ressure in #ogD%at EStudies on intact &re&arationF. !. %ecording o* 3CG in %ats. ". #emonstration the &otentiation o* 3&ine&hrine &ressor res&onse )y 3&hedrine. '. #emonstrate s&eci*icity o* antagonisms. 6. #emonstrate &henomenon o* Tachy&hyla1is. /. Study dose res&onse relationshi&. 0. Calculation o* 3C'0= &otency ratio= P#$= P#1 and P# $alues. ,. Screening o* 7y&notic acti$ity. 10. Study o* analgesic= anti&yretic and anti+in*lammatory acti$ity in la)oratory animals. 11. Study o* general and local anesthesia in e1&erimental animals. 12. Study anticon$ulsant and muscle rela1ant e**ect o* drugs in ratsDmice. 1!. Study o* antiarrhythmic and antihy&ertensi$e action o* test com&ound. 1". Study o* antihy&erglycemic and Anticholesterimic acti$ity. 1'. Calculate 3#'0 o* (#'0 o* a gi$en drug. 16. 9ioassay techni8ues. A)o$e e1&eriments may )e e1&lained 4ith the hel& o* com&uteri>ed simulated e1&erimentation in case la) animal *acilities are not a$aila)le

1/ #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

%;E-R> C-URSE %I%:E<= %EC;NIAUES IN %-XIC-:-2> C-URSE N-.<=V %=0(( CRE6I% <=( (3(' Unit ( 1. Study o* animals models *or to1icological studies. 2. Study o* animals models *or to1icological studies. Unit ) !. Study animal to1icity tests *or acute= su) acute and chronic to1icity. ". Study animal to1icity tests *or acute= su) acute and chronic to1icity. Unit + '. Study s&eci*ic to1icity test *or Neuroto1icity. 6. Study s&eci*ic to1icity test *or 6mmunoto1icity /. Study s&eci*ic to1icity test *or #e$elo&mental to1icity. 0. Study s&eci*ic to1icity test *or 9eha$ioral to1icity. ,. Study s&eci*ic to1icity test *or -utagencity. 10. Study s&eci*ic to1icity test *or %e&roducti$e to1icity. 11. Study s&eci*ic to1icity test *or 6nhalation to1icity. 12. Study s&eci*ic to1icity test *or Carcinogenicity+ &reliminary Carcinogenicity= *ull scale Carcinogenicity. Unit , 1!. Study animal to1icological tests *or study meta)olism. 1". Animal to1icological tests *or synergism. 1'. Animal to1icological tests *or study o* antagonisms. 16. %ecent ad$ances

10 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

RAC%ICA: C-URSE %I%:E< = %EC;NIAUES IN %-XIC-:-2> C-URSE N-.<=V %=0(( CRE6I% <=( (3(' 1. Study test *or acute to1icity. 2. Study test *or su)+acute to1icity !. Study test *or chronic to1icity ". Protocol *or s&eci*ic to1icity test '. Protocol *or s&eci*ic to1icity test 6. Protocol *or s&eci*ic to1icity test /. -ar5er en>yme assay 0. Analysis o* to1icant residues in )iological materials ,. Analysis o* to1icant residues in )iological materials 10. Analysis o* to1icant residues in )iological materials

1, #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

C-URSE %I%:E< = E%;N- ;ARMAC-:-2> C-URSE N-.<=V %=0() CRE6I% <=( )31' Unit ( 1. 6ntroduction historical as&ects o* traditional 6ndian remedies in disease cure.

2. 7istorical as&ects o* regional *ol5 *are in disease cure. Unit ) !. Classi*ication o* medicinal &lants on chemical )asis. ". 6denti*ication ?di**erent tests *or analysis o* medicinal &lants. '. Phyto&harmaceuticals ? chemical constituents o* medicinal &lants. 6. 31traction o* medicinal &lants ?di**erent ty&es o* her)al e1tracts. /. 31traction o* medicinal &lants ?sol$ents or agents used *or e1traction. 0. #i**erent &rocess o* e1traction. ,. #istillationD e$a&oration and other &rocesses used in &uri*ication. 10. #i**erent &rocesses used in &uri*ication and &re&aration o* acti$e constituent *rom medicinal &lants. Unit + 11. Standardi>ation ? di**erent methods o* standardi>ation o* )ioacti$e *rom $egeta)le sources. 12. Clinical $alidation o* )ioacti$e molecules *rom $egeta)le source + animal s&ecies= disease model. 1!. Test assay+4hole animal= isolated organ and tissue= )lood and its com&onents= e1+ $i$o and tissue culture cells and su)cellular constituents. 1". Clinical $alidation+ acute to1icity test= long term to1icity tests= local to1icity tests. 1'. Thera&eutic e**ects o* &otential her)al drugs. 16. Ad$erse e**ects o* &otential her)al drugs. 1/. 6ndigenous drugs used as carminati$es agents. 10. 6ndigenous drugs used as antise&tics or )acteriostatic agents. 1,. 6ndigenous drugs used as antimicro)ial agents. 20. 6ndigenous drugs used as analgesics agents. 20 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

21. 6ndigenous drugs used as anti+in*lammatory agents. Unit , 22. Alternate systems o* medicine in animals. 2!. Alternate systems o* medicine in animals. 2". Alternate systems o* medicine in animals. 2'. %ecent ad$ances in her)al drugs


V % 0@( V % 0@@

13( )1

21 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

ANNEXURE iI Semester wise breakup of Courses in !.6. (Veterinary !armaco"o#y $ %o&ico"o#y' for re#u"ar can*i*ates
Semester (st )n* +r* ,t! 5t! 0t! MaBor cre*it "oa* ((@' 8 03( 03( Minor cre*it "oa* (((' 0 5 1 %ota" ,5 cre*its %ota" cre*it "oa* (+ () 8 +)

Course work +) cre*its ()( maBor 3 (( Minor' Researc! ,5 cre*its (,5' ========================================================================================== %ota" 88 cre*its Semester IVC V an* VI Researc! work

Semester wise breakup of Courses in !.6. (Veterinary !armaco"o#y $ %o&ico"o#y' for in ser7ice can*i*ates
Semester (st )n* +r* ,t! MaBor cre*it "oa* ((@' 5 5 5 3 ( cre*it seminar , 3 ( cre*it seminar Minor cre*it "oa* (((' , + , 1 %ota" %ota" cre*it "oa* @ 9 @ 3 ( seminar , 3 ( seminar +)

Course work +) cre*its ()( maBor 3 (( Minor' Researc! ,5 cre*its (,5' ========================================================================================== %ota" 88 cre*its 22 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

Semester VC VIC VII an* VIII = Researc! work

2! #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

Semester wise breakup of Courses in !.6. (Veterinary !armaco"o#y $ %o&ico"o#y' for re#u"ar can*i*ates
(st semester Sr. No. 1 2 ! Course No VPT /0! VPT /0' VPT /0, Title Pharmacology o* 7er)al drugs -olecular Pharmacology -olecular To1icology credits 2+1 2+0 2+0 Total credits ! 2 2

Total / credits )n* Semester Sr. No. 1 2 ! Course No VPT /10 VPT /11 VPT /,1 Title Clinical Pharmacology Clinical To1icology #octoral Seminar 6 credits Total credits 1+1 2 2+1 ! 0+1 1 Total ' + 1 credit seminar +r* semester Sr. No. 1 2 ! Course No VPT /1! VPT /,0 VPT /,2 Title %egulatory To1icology S&ecial Pro)lem #octoral Seminar 66 Credits Total credits 2+1 0+2 0+1 ! 2 1

Total ' + 1 credit seminar

2" #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

Semester wise breakup of Courses in !.6. (Veterinary !armaco"o#y $ %o&ico"o#y' for in ser7ice can*i*ates
(st semester Sr. No. 1 2 Course No VPT /0! VPT /0' Title Pharmacology o* 7er)al drugs -olecular Pharmacology credits 2+1 2+0 Total credits ! 2

Total ' credits )n* Semester Sr. No. 1 2 Course No VPT /0, VPT /11 Title -olecular To1icology Clinical To1icology credits Total credits 2+0 2 2+1 ! Total ' credit +r* semester Sr. No. 1 2 ! Course No VPT /10 VPT /,0 VPT /,1 Title Clinical Pharmacology S&ecial Pro)lem #octoral Seminar 6 Credits Total credits 1+1 0+2 0+1 2 2 1

Total " + 1 credit seminar ,t! semester Sr. No. 1 ! Course No VPT /1! VPT /,2 Title %egulatory To1icology #octoral Seminar 66 credits 2+1 0+1 Total credits ! 1 Total ! + 1 credit seminar

2' #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

(3CT;%3 SC73#;(3S <G% Ph.#. 6N V3T3%6NA%I P7%-ACG(GGI AN# TG26CG(GGI

V %= 81(




UNI%= I 1 2 ! " ' 6 6ntroduction to &rinci&les o* mechanism o* action o* drugs #rug action 4ith regard to rece&tors= ion channel= en>ymes Trans&orters JJJJJ.continuedJJJJJ.. #e*inition o* rece&tors and their classi*ication and drug e**ects -olecular structure o* rece&tors. %ece&tor regulation %ece&tor *or &hysiological regulatory molecules.nature o* rece&tors and su)ty&e UNI%= II / 0 , 10 11 12 G+&rotein cou&led rece&tors (igand gated ion channels= $oltage gated ion channels Tyrosin 5inase lin5ed rece&tors %ece&tor regulating gene e1&ression 3n>yme lin5ed rece&tors <unctions o* rece&tors

UNI%=III 1! 1" 1' 16 1/ (igand )inding study o* rece&tors 6ntroduction to signal transduction %ece&tors lin5ed to ion channel Control o* rece&tor e1&ression %ece&tors and disease

UNI%=IV 10 1, 20 21 22 2! G+&rotein and their role Cyto&lasmic second messengers -a.or e**ector &ath4ays o* G+ &rotein cou&led rece&tors Phos&holi&ases as e**ector &ath4ays through 4hich GPC% *unctions Phos&ho5inases as ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ do +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6ntracellular calcium as ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ do +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

26 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

2" Protein 5inase C as ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ do ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2' #iacylglycerol and 6P! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ do +++++++++++++++++++++++ 26 Cyclic nucleotides as ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ do ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UNI%= V 2/ 20 2, !0 Signal transduction through &rotein tyrosin 5inases %ece&tors as &harmaceutical targets Non rece&tor mediated drug action %ecent conce&ts and ad$ances in rece&tors.

2/ #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant


A;TACG6# P7A%-ACG(GGI Theory


UNI% I 1 2 ! " ' 6 6ntroduction to autacoid &harmacology 7istamine+ synthesis = storage and destruction Pharmacological action o* histamine E 7istamine rece&tors F Patho&hysiological role o* histamine Antihistamines+ classi*ication along 4ith e1am&les and its &harmacology JJJJJJJ..doJJJJJJJJJJJJJ..

UNI% II / Pharmacodynamics o* serotonin and its antagonists+ synthesis = chemistry and &harmacological actions. 0 3icosanoids= 9rady5inin =angiostensin= rennin+angiostensin system , @alli5rein and other 5inins. 10 Prostaglandin= &atho&hysiology o* in*lammation. 11 (eucotriene and antileucotriene. UNI% III 12 Platelate acti$ating *acto* EPA<F+ chemistry= )iosynthesis= &harmacology = &hysiological role and its antagonists. 1! Slo4 reacting su)stance o* ana&hyla1is UNI% IV 1" 1' 16 1/ Putati$e neurohumoral transmitters Purine nucleotides= &e&tides Amino acid and nitric o1ide. %ecent de$elo&ments and ad$ances in autacoids )y re*erring selected research articles *rom .ournals.

20 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

V %=81+ UNI% I

;ARMAC-:-2> -? ;ER.A: 6RU2S Theory


1. 7istorical as&ects o* medicinal &lants 2. Ancient literature on medical &lantsDher)s !. Phytochemical constituents o* im&ortant medicinal &lants =their de*inition and classi*ication ". ;se*ul medicinal &lantLs )ioacti$e molecules used in thera&eutics UNI% II '. 6m&ortant )ioacti$e molecules *rom medicinal &lants 6. 6denti*ication = collections and &reser$ations o* medicinal &lants 4ith &harmacologically acti$e )iomolecules /. 6solation o* &harmacologically acti$e )iomolecules 4ith sol$ant e1traction and other &rocedures. 0. Screening &rocedure ado&ted *or isolation o* di**erent *ractions *rom medicinal &lants. ,. Procedures ado&ted *or chemical identi*ication o* )ioacti$e mol. 10. Clinical $alidation o* )ioacti$e molecule *rom medicinal &lantsDher)s UNI% III 11. Characteri>ation o* &harmacological e**ects o* &otential her)al drugD molecule. 12. Thera&eutic utility o* &harmacologically acti$e molecule. 1!. To1icological studies o* &harmacologically acti$e *raction UNI% IV 1". Strategies to )e ado&ted *or de$elo&ment o* ne4 her)al drug 1'. %ecent 5no4ledge on )iologically acti$e molecule *rom latest research literature.

2, #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

Practicals 1. 31traction and isolation o* &lant material *or se&aration o* di**erent &hytochemicals )y *ollo4ing di**erent e1traction &rocedures. 2. -ethods o* &uri*ication o* )iologically acti$e *raction )y T(C and 7P(C !. Pharmacological screening o* isolated acti$e molecules on *ollo4ing a. Studies on intact la) animals ). Studies on isolated tissues li5e heart= ilium= .e.unum= rat uterus rat *undus= atria etc. c. To1icity studies in la). animals. (#'0= short term to1icity studies etc.

!0 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

V %=81,

6RU2 ME%A.-:ISM Theory


UNI% I 1 2 ! 6ntroduction to meta)olism o* drugs Sites o* )iotrans*ormation -echanism and &rocess o* drug meta)olism UNI% II " ' 6 / Synthetic &ath4ays o* drug meta)olism 4ith e1am&les +++++++++++++++++ do ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Non synthetic &ath4ays o* drug meta)olism 4ith e1am&les +++++++++++++++++ do ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UNI% III 0 , 10 11 <actors a**ecting drug )iotrans*ormation Chemical and )iological *actors a**ecting drug )iotrans*ormation Genetic and en$ironmental *actors a**ecting drug )iotrans*ormation S&ecies $ariation a**ecting )iotrans*ormation

UNI% IV 12 1! 1" 1' 16 7e&atic microsomal en>yme system in )iotrans*ormation Non microsomal en>yme system in )iotrans*ormation P+"'0 micro o1ygenase en>yme system ++++++++++++++do ++++++++++++++++++ Genetic &olymor&hism in meta)olism o* drugs.

UNI% V 1/ 10 1, 20 -icrosomal en>yme induction 6nhi)ition o* drug meta)olism Conse8uences o* microsomal en>yme induction -eta)olic drug interaction

!1 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

V % 815

M-:ECU:AR Theory



UNI% I 1. Physicochemical &ro&erties o* drugs 2. JJJJJ..doJJJJJ.. !. #rug &rotein )inding ". <orce in$ol$ed in )inding o* drugs to rece&tors UNI% II '. 6. /. 0. ,. Con*ormation and con*iguration o* rece&tor JJJJJ.doJJJJJJJ. Structure acti$ity relationshi& o* rece&tor 4ith e1am&les JJJJJJJJdoJJJJJJJJ A&&lication o* structure acti$ity relationshi& in ne4 drug de$elo&ment

UNI% III 10. Theories o* drug rece&tors interactions 11. JJJJJ..doJJJJJJJJJ. 12. #ose res&onse relationshi& analysis 1!. -olecular mechanism o* drug actions 1". JJJJ..doJJJJJJJ. 1'. S&eci*icity and selecti$ity o* drug molecule to rece&tor UNI% IV 16. -ethods o* identi*ication o* rece&tors 1/. JJJJJ.doJJJJJJJJJJ 10. -ethod o* isolation o* rece&tors 1,. Characteri>ation o* rece&tors 20. %ecent conce&ts and de$elo&ment in molecular &harmacology

!2 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

V %=810



UNI% ( 1. 2. !. ". '. 6. %outes o* drug administration in animals. Conce&ts o* drug deli$ery system and its im&ortance. A)sor&tion and distri)ution o* drugs. 9iotrans*ormation o* drugs. 3limination o* drug. <actors modi*ying drug deli$ery

UNI% II /. Pharmaco5inetics and its &arameters. 0. @inetics *ollo4ing single and multi&le doses. ,. #i**erent com&artmental model in Pharmaco5inetics studies. 10. Volume o* distri)ution =&rotein )inding and drug distri)ution in &harmaco5inetics. 11. 9ioa$aila)ility *actors and its clinical a&&lication. 12. JJJ..J..doJJJJJJ UNI% III 1!. #rug distri)ution and elimination. 1". A)sor&tion and elimination hal* li*e. 1'. %ate o* trans*er o* drugs in di**erent com&artments. 16. Prolongation o* drug action )y di**erent methods UNI% (V 1/. 3limination 5inetics Erenal clearance= *irst order 5inetics=>ero order 5inetic=&lasma hal* li*eF 10. JJJJ..doJJJJJJJ.. 1,. Non+com&artmental &harmaco5inetic model.

UNI% V 20. A&&lication o* &harmaco5inetic &rinci&le in thera&eutics. 21. JJJJJJJdoJJJJJJJJJJ. 22. %ecent conce&ts and de$elo&ments in &harmaco5inetics !! #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

PracticalsE/06F 1. 2. !. ". '. 6. /. 0. #etermination o* di**erent &harmaco5inetics &arameters JJJJJ..doJJJJJJJ Analysis o* &harmaco5inetics data JJJJJJdoJJJJJJ 9ioa$aila)ility o* drugs in normal su).ects JJJJJJ..doJJJJJJJ. 9ioa$aila)ility o* drugs &harmaco5inetics in diseased animals. JJJJJJJ.doJJJJJJJJJJ

!" #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

V %=818



Unit ( 1. 6ntroduction )asic conce&ts= structure and *unctions o* genes 2. Transcri&tion= &rotein synthesis= sto& codons= alleles !. s&ecies D )reed $ariation in drug res&onse ". increased and decreased res&onse to drug e**ects '. increased and decreased res&onse to drug to1icities 6. No$el drug e**ects 1 2 ! " ' 6 / 0 Unit ) Genetic &olymor&hism ? introduction= SNP Canine and *eline &olymor&hism Ty&es o* genetic &olymor&hism 4ith e1am&les Polymor&hism in P "'0 Polymor&hism in G6 P# Polymor&hism in trans&orters Clinical rele$ance o* genetic &olymor&hism %ole o* genes in multidrug resistance

Unit + 1! Clinical situations re8uiring gene thera&y ? &ersonali>ed medicines 1" Gene trans*er technology ? $iral $ectors 1' Gene trans*er technology ? natural deli$ery strategies Unit , 16 1/ 10 1, 20 Unit 5 21 22 2! 2" 6nherited diseases ? gene and drug thera&y 6 6nherited diseases ? gene and drug thera&y 66 Easthma= schi>o&hrenia= o)esityF Pharmacogenomics o* cancer treatment Genetic re&air and inacti$ation strategies ? a&o&tasis 6 Genetic re&air and inacti$ation strategies ? a&o&tasis 66 Gene li)raries %ole o* )ioin*ormatics in &harmacogenomics 6 %ole o* )ioin*ormatics in &harmacogenomics 66 #e$elo&ment o* &harmacogenomics *or a&&lication in animals

!' #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

V %=819



Unit ( 1. General &rinci&les o* immune res&onse 2. 6nnate and ado&ti$e immunity and their com&onents= !. Chemical mediators o* immune system. Unit ) ". Pharmacological control o* immune res&onse Ecorticosteroids= Tacrolimus= cyclos&orines= cyclo&hos&hamides= #a&sone etc.F. '. -echanism o* immunostimulation and immunosu&ression= tolerogens 6. 7y&ersensiti$ity= ana&hyla1is= immune mediated diseases /. 6mmunostimulants (e$amisole Unit + 0. 6nterrelation o* ner$ous system= endocrine system and immune system ,. immunoto1ic e**ects o* en$ironmental and other &ollutants. Unit , 10. 2eno)iotic induced immuno dys*unctions. 11. 6mmune de*iciencies 12. Auto immune reactions 1!. Thera&eutic a&&lications o* immuno+regulant in asthma= arthritis. 1". Thera&eutic a&&lications o* immuno+regulant in cancer. 1'. Thera&eutic a&&lications o* immuno+regulant in dermatology and organ trans&lant

!6 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

V %=81@

Mo"ecu"ar %o&ico"o#y Theory


Unit ( 1. 2. !. ".

6ntroduction to molecular to1icology Cellular= su)cellular and molecular to1icities -echanism o* *acilating and o&&osing distri)ution to target -echanism o* to1icities

Unit ) '. <actors a**ecting to1icities 6. 6nteraction o* to1icants 4ith target molecules Eco$alent Dnonco$alant )indingsF= en>yme reactions etc. /. e**ects o* to1icants on targets Unit +. 0. To1ic cell death Vs a&o&tosis ,. Normal re&air mechanism *or &roteins= li&id #NA 10. Necrosis= *i)rosis= carcinogenesis 11. To1in induced dysregulation o* gene e1&ression and cellular acti$ity Unit ,. 12. Target organ directed to1icological e**ects E)lood= li$er= immune system= 1!. Target organ directed to1icological e**ects E@idney= res&iratory system= Ner$ous system=. 1". Target organ directed to1icological e**ects EGcular= ol*actory system=. 1'. Target organ directed to1icological e**ects ECardio$ascular system=. 16. Target organ directed to1icological e**ects ES5inF. 1/. Target organ directed to1icological e**ects Ere&roducti$e systemF=. 10. Target organ directed to1icological e**ects Eendocrine system.F. 1,. #eto1i*ication 20. %is5 assessment o* 1eno)iotics Unit ,. 21. Chemical mutagens 22. Chemical Carcinogens 2!. Chemical Teratogens 2". %adiation to1icity 2'. %ecent ad$ances in molecular to1icology

!/ #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

V %=8(1

C"inica" !armaco"o#y Theory


Unit ( 1. 6ntroduction to Clinical Pharmacology 2. Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology M s&ecial *eatures !. Sco&e o* clinical Pharmacology. Unit I( ". 7igh through&ut screening '. #rug disco$ery +++ Preclinical Pharmacological testing 6. #rug disco$ery +++ Preclinical To1icological testing /. Phases o* clinical trials 0. Post mar5eting sur$eillance and &ost mar5eting studies ,. Pharmaco$igilance 10. Pharmacoe&idemiology 11. Pharmacoeconomics. Unit II( 12. Pharmaco5inetics+Pharmacodynamics relationshi& and its a&&lications 1!. #rug interactions 1". A#% ty&es Unit IV 1'. T#16. #rug regulations= rules and acts

!0 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

V %=8(1

C"inica" !armaco"o#y Practical


1. 2. !. ". '. 6. /.

Plasma drugs le$els in disease conditions Pharmaco5inetics in diseased animals #oses ad.ustments in he&atic dys*unctions #oses ad.ustments in 5idney dys*unctions #oses ad.ustments in neonates #oses ad.ustments in &regnancy Various &rotocols in clinical trials

!, #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

V %=8((

C"inica" %o&ico"o#y Theory


Unit ( 1. 2. !. ". '. Unit I( 6. Clinical and la)oratory diagnosis o* target organ to1icity ? integrated a&&roach /. Clinical and la)oratory diagnosis o* target organ to1icity ? integrated a&&roach 0. Clinical and la)oratory diagnosis o* target organ to1icity ? integrated a&&roach ,. Antidotal mechanism Unit II( 10. Clinical To1icology o* hea$y metals and minerals Arsenic= 11. Clinical To1icology o* hea$y metals and minerals (ead= 12. Clinical To1icology o* hea$y metals and minerals Co&&er 1!. Clinical To1icology o* hea$y metals and minerals <luorine 1". Clinical To1icology o* hea$y metals and minerals Selenium. 1'. Clinical To1icology o* hea$y metals and minerals Cadmium=. 16. Clinical To1icology o* hea$y metals and minerals -ercury= Phos&horus. 1/. 9iomar5ers o* $arious hea$y metal to1icities 10. Classi*ication o* &esticides= molecular mechanism o* to1icities 1,. Grgano&hos&hate= Grganochlorine= Car)amate 20. %odenticides= her)icides. 21. Animal &oisons 22. Venoms+ thera&eutic management o* )ite and stings 2!. 9acterial to1ins and the their treatment o* &oisoning 2". -ycoto1ins ? their e**ect on li$estoc5= &re$ention and treatment 2'. To1ic e**ect o* sol$ents= $a&ors and their clinical management 26. #rug to1icities and their treatment 2/. <eed additi$es M To1icity and treatment Unit IV 20. %ole o* $eterinary an *orensic sciences 2,. Aid o* *orensic and analytical to1icology in clinical diagnosis !0. %ecent ad$ances in clinical to1icology "0 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant Sco&e o* clinical to1icology 6n$estigations D diagnosis o* to1icities -anagement o* &oisoning ?6 ? clinical as&ect &et and *arm animals -anagement o* &oisoning ?66 ? %egulatory and *orensic as&ect Prognostic indicators

V %=8((

C"inica" %o&ico"o#y Practicals


1. 2. !. ".

6nduction o* &oisoning and antidotal treatment in la) animals. 9otanical and Hoological )iomar5ets o* to1icities Visit to G(P la)oratory Analysis o* &oison in )iological sam&les and $arious s&ot tests

"1 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

)314) Unit I 1F 6ntroduction to 3coto1icology = %ole o* Veterinarians in ecoto1icology 2F 3coto1icology and Animal 7ealth !F Sources o* en$ironmental &ollutants "F 3**ect o* &ollutants on eco health Unit II 'F Air &ollution ? history 6 F6ndoor and outdoor sources o* air &ollution /F Short term and long term e**ects o* air &ollution 0F Study o* common air &ollutants E 6ndustrial DagrochemicalD &hotochemicalF ? 6 ,F Study o* common air &ollutants E 6ndustrial DagrochemicalD &hotochemicalF ? 66 10F Sources o* 4ater &ollution 11F Chemical trans&ortation )et4een air ? 4ater ? soil &hases 12F Study o* common 4ater contaminants 1!F Sources o* soil contamination 1"F Soil *auna and its role in eco system 1'F 3**ects o* $arious chemicals on soil &arameters 16F Study o* common soil contaminants 1/F <ate o* chemicals in en$ironment and target s&ecies Unit III 10F Terrestrial and a8uatic ecoto1icology 1,F -arine *auna as the )iomar5er o* en$ironmental to1icity 20F Nild ? li*e as the monitor o* en$ironmental 8ulity ;nit 6V 21F -easures *or reducing air &ollution 22F Nater treatments *or &uri*ication ? cost ? )ene*it ratio 2!F Sa*e chemical dis&osal ? %ules= regulations 2"F -easure o* &ollution le$el

:ecture Sc!e*u"e V % 8() E EC-%-XIC-:-2>

"2 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

V % 8(+ RE2U:A%-R> %-XIC-:-2> )3( Unit I 1F 6ntroduction to su).ect ? %ole o* $eterinarian in regulatory to1icology 2F To1icological ris5 assessment &rogram ? &rinci&les !F 6nterrelation )et4een regulatory= mechnistic and descri&ti$e to1icology "F #i**erent guidelines ? G3C#= 3PA= 6ndian &esticide 9oard =I schedule 'F G3C# ? mandates and constitution 6F %ole o* regulatory )odies = glo)al scenario /F National %egulatory )odies and indian scenario Unit II 0F 6nteraction )et4een To1icology and 6ndustry ,F 6ndian drug industry 10F 6ndian Pesticide industry 11F %e8uirements = rules = regulations *or &esticide registration 12F Com&ounds under regulatory legislation demand 1!F %egulations *or nurtraceuticals and her)als 1"F %esidue monitoring &rograms 1'F %egulatory essential dose le$els in chemical ris5 ? NG3(= NGA3( 16F (G3(= (GA3(= AG3( Unit III 1/F %is5 assessment in &ractice 10F Classi*ication o* chemicals 1,F Sur$eillance o* chemicals 20F 31&osure assessment 3stimating -%(s= A#6s 21F Sa*ety Pharmacology Unit IV 22F G(P and its com&onents 2!F G(P certi*ication 2"F G(P in 6ndia 2'F G-P 26F CPCS3A and animal 4el*are

"! #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

ractica"s V % 8(+ 1FAcute To1icity in rodents 2F Acute to1icity in &oultry !F Gral su)acute to1icity studies in rodents "F #ermal su)acute to1icity in rodents 'F Teratogenicity testing in rats 6F #ermal irritation test /F 3ye irritation test 0F Genotoicity and mutanenicity tests E AmeLs test= chromosomal a)errations= -icronucleus testF ,F Visit to G(P la) 10F -odels *or carcinogenicity assessment 11F (a) animal to1icity data inter&retations =

"" #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF STUDIES IN VETERINARY PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY XIII meeting of Board of Studies in Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology was held in the department of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology, Nagpur Veterinary ollege, Nagpur at !"#"" hrs on date $"%!"%&""'( )ollowing mem*ers were present for the meeting+(( !( ,r( ( -( .angade Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Nagpur Vet( ollege Nagpur( Chairman &( ,r( /( I( 0ureshi Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, 1V2S, Par*hani $( ,r( P( -( /ore Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, 3NP ollege of Veterinary Sciences, Shirwal, 4( ,r( /rs( /( /( 5atne, Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Bom*ay Veterinary ollege, /um*ai 6( ,r( 2( P( Som7uwar Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, 8dgir Veterinary ollege, 8dgir( 9( ,r( 2( 2( ,eshmu7h( 2ssociate Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, 8dgir Veterinary ollege, 8dgir( :( ,r( ;imse -( P( 2sst( Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Nagpur Vet( ollege Nagpur( <( ,r( /iss( 2l7a Satar7ar 2sst( Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Nagpur Vet( ollege Nagpur( '( ,r /iss 2wasthi 2sst( Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Nagpur Vet( ollege Nagpur( !"( ,r( S(-( -a=ur7ar 2ssociate Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, 1V2S, Par*hani #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant




S !r tar" "'

2tthe onset chairman welcomed all the mem*ers and thereafter the meeting started as per agenda( A# n$a N%& ' A((r%va) %* th Pr%! $in#+ %* )a+t m tin# , Proceedings of last meeting were read out and confirmed unanimously *y the mem*ers of the house( A# n$a N%& - Di+!.++i%n an$ (r (arati%n %* ) !t.r an$ (ra!ti!a) +!h $.) *%r M& V& S!& !%.r+ + in V t& Pharma!%)%#" & T%/i!%)%#"& The contents of the courses +(( VPT 9"! 5>N>-2; P?2-/2 1;15@ &A" VPT 9"& 28T1N1/I 2N, 28T2 1I, P?2-/2 1;15@ &A! VPT 9"$ NS P?2-/2 1;15@ &A! VPT 9"4 ,I5>STIV> 2N, ->SPI-2T1-@ P?2-/2 1;15@ &A" VPT 9"6 2-,I1V2S 8;2- 2N, ->N2; P?2-/2 1;15@ &A" VPT 9"9 >N,1 -IN> 2N, ->P-1,8 TIV> P?2-/2 1;15@ &A" VPT 9": ?>/1T?>-2P@ &A! VPT 9"< T1XI 1;15@ 1) X>N1BI1TI S &A! VPT 9"' T1XI 1;15@ 1) P;2NTS 2N, T1XINS &A" VPT 9!" P?2-/2 1;15I 2; T> ?NI08>S !A! VPT 9!! T> ?NI08>S IN T1XI 1;15@ !A! VPT 9!& >T?N1P?2-/2 1;15@ &A" VPT 9'! /2ST>-BS S>/IN2!A" VPT 9'' /2ST>-BS ->S>2- ? 20 were discussed course wise for the common academic regulations course curricula and sylla*i for P5 education in 2gricultural and allied sciences as per the guidelines of I 2-( 2ccordingly the lecture schedule of theory and practical were prepared, discussed and finally approCed unanimously along with semester wise *rea7 up of courses Dcopy of lecture and practical schedule and *rea7 up of courses is enclosed EEE Ann /.r 0I F( ,uring discussion it was o*serCed that master seminar course VPT 9'! has *een giCen credit as ! A " G !( 2fter thorough discussion it was unanimously decided that the credit load should *e " A !G! as this course do not inColCe any theory and also mid term examination( Therefore the credit load of /aster Seminar VPT 9'! has *een changed as " A !G! without changing the title and credit load of the course( RESOLUTION 12314 The lecture schedule of theory and practical for /( V( Sc( courses were approCed unanimously on date $"%!"%&""' D Ann /.r 0I F( A# n$a N%& 5 Di+!.++i%n an$ (r (arati%n %* ) !t.r an$ (ra!ti!a) +!h $.) *%r Ph& D& !%.r+ + in V t& Pharma!%)%#" & T%/i!%)%#"& The contents of the courses VPT :"! 2,V2N >S IN N>8-1P?2-/2 1;15@ &A" "6 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

VPT :"& 28T2 1I, P?2-/2 1;15@ !A" VPT :"$ P?2-/2 1;15@ 1) ?>-B2; ,-85S &A! VPT :"4 ,-85 />T2B1;IS/ &A" VPT :"6 /1;> 8;2- P?2-/2 1;15@ &A" VPT :"9 P?2-/2 13IN>TI S &A! VPT :": P?2-/2 15>N1/I S &A" VPT :"< I//8N1P?2-/2 1;15@ !A" VPT :"' /1;> 8;2- T1XI 1;15@ &A" VPT :!" ;INI 2; P?2-/2 1;15@ !A! VPT :!! ;INI 2; T1XI 1;15@ &A! VPT :!& > 1T1XI 1;15@ &A" VPT :!$ ->58;2T1-@ T1XI 1;15@ &A! VPT :'" SP> I2; P-1B;>/ "A& VPT :'! ,1 T1-2; S>/IN2- I !A" VPT :'& ,1 T1-2; S>/IN2- II !A" VPT :'' ,1 T1-2; ->S>2- ? 46 were discussed course wise for the common academic regulations course curricula and sylla*i for P5 education in 2gricultural and allied sciences as per the guidelines of I 2-( 2ccordingly the lecture schedule of theory and practical were prepared, discussed and finally approCed unanimously along with semester wise *rea7 up of courses Dcopy of lecture and practical schedule and *rea7 up of courses is enclosed EEE Ann /.r 0 II F( ,uring discussion it was o*serCed that course VPT :"! D &A"G&F has *een giCen title as H2,V2N >S IN N>8-1P?2-/2 1;15@I after going through the contents of the course it was o*serCed that the contents do not match appropriately with the title( 3eeping the contents and credits as it is and without any change it was suggested *y the mem*ers of the Board of studies to modify its title as H 2,V2N >S IN P?2-/2 1,@N2/I SI( 2ccordingly the title of the course VPT :"! is modified as 6 ADVANCES IN PHARMACODYNAMICS7& redits & A " G& instead of H2,V2N >S IN N>8-1P?2-/2 1;15@I( ?ouse unanimously approCed the modifications and was passed unanimously( Similarly VPT 84' ,octoral Seminar I and VPT 84- ,octoral Seminar II has *een giCen credit load as ! A " G ! respectiCely( 2fter thorough discussion it was unanimously decided that the credit load should *e " A !G! for each course DVPT :'! and VPT :'&F as these courses do not inColCe any theory and also mid term examinations( Therefore the credit load of ,octoral Seminar I, VPT :'! and ,octoral Seminar II, VPT :'& has *een changed as " A !G! respectiCely without changing the title and credit load of these courses( )urther it was suggested *y all the mem*ers of the house that the courses of Ph( ,( should not *e fixed D ore coursesF( ?oweCer, li*erty should *e giCen to choose the courses from VPT :"! to VPT :!$ 7eeping intact the total credit load allocated to different semesters this will ena*le to coCer all the courses "/ #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

mentioned in the guidelines and can *e giCen the related courses to Ph( ,( students according to the nature of research wor7 to *e carried out( This suggestion was accepted *y the house unanimously with reJuest to consider it( RESOLUTION 19314 The lecture schedule of theory and practical for Ph( ,( courses were approCed unanimously on date $"%!"%&""' D Ann /.r 0II F( A# n$a N%& 2 A((r%va) %* th OR: %* Ph& D& St.$ nt , 1-K of Ph( ,( Student Mr& Sa)v Pra$i( B.;a<i >nrolment No( V%"&%$$<, Ph( ,( Scholar from ,epartment of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology, ollege of Veterinary & 2nimal Sciences, Par*hani was discussed in depth and after discussion it was approCed unanimously *y the house with suggestion( Name of student SalCe Pradip Buwa=i ollege 1V2S, Par*hani Title of 1-K -emar7s % Suggestion omparatiCe >Caluation of Phyllanthus I2> emblica and Allium sativum on arsenic approCal induced genotoxicity, oxidatiCe stress reJuired and Immunotoxicity in mice and rats Pra$i( B.;a<i is approCed

RESOLUTION 1=314 The 1-K of Ph( ,( student Mr& Sa)v unanimously on date $"%!"%&""'(

A# n$a N%& 9 An" %th r (%int ;ith th ( rmi++i%n %* !hair , The mem*ers of B1S congratulated ,r - .angade for *estowing the responsi*ility of 2ssociate ,ean, NV , Nagpur in addition to his own duties( It was also decided unanimously to change the place of B1S for the forth coming meetings for which all the mem*ers agreed unanimously( The meeting ended with the Cote of than7s to the chair(

,r( ( -( .angade Chairman

,r( S(-( -a=ur7ar S !r tar"

"0 #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

", #r.#ahi&hale 7anumant

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