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Learning Modules A learning module consists of content items with a table of contents to help students progress through the

items. You can decide whether the students should view the content sequentially or whether they can view in any order they choose. Any content can be used in these modules and modules can be created for the class as a whole or individually for each unit/chapter or assignment. Some things to keep in mind: In order to see the full capabilities of this module, as your student would see it, you must put the mode in Student View. If you want your students to go through your items sequentially and your module has a lot of items, a date restriction needs to be placed on items that are no longer needed so that they do not have to click through each page to get what they need for that particular day. If you create a file, when you scroll through the table of contents, it automatically downloads to your computer. If you upload your file as an item, it gives the student the option to click on it and download, not done automatically. You can upload your zip files to your learning module to allow quick and easy access to notes, powerpoints, vocabulary, maps, etc. Create an item and label your item with the general use of the tab- notes, etc. and upload the multiple files from your content collection.

Ideas for use: Regular content information Step by step instructions Activities that require steps, such as labs or Webquests Stories or other readings Step-by-Step Instructions to create: Creating Learning Module Go to Units and Activities-> Build Content-> Learning Module-> Learning Module Information-> Give Learning Module name, either the name of your class, chapter/unit, etc.-> Learning Module Options-> Enforce sequential viewing of the learning module-> click Yes or No-> Standard Options-> Track Number of Views-> click Yes or No-> Select Date and Time Restrictions if needed-> Table of Contents-> Hierarchy Display-> decide if you want letters, numbers, etc. or none Adding Content to Learning Module Content Folders Click on the Learning Module you want to add items to->Build Content-> Content Folder-> give folder a name-> fill in the text box with a brief description as to what the unit is about and personalize font and color as desired-> Click Submit Items Build Content-> Create ______________________ -> Click Submit Items to be used in a multiple file or zip file upload Side Menu-> Content Collection-> click first link, should start with 2014-> Upload-> Upload Zip Package-> Choose File-> find zip file-> click Submit-> go to Units and Activities-> click

on unit folder you want-> Build Content-> Create Item-> Content Information-> name the item such as Notes or Powerpoints-> give description if needed-> Attachments-> Browse Content Collection-> click on folder or zip file to go into and select documents individually> click Submit-> click Submit

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