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Amanda Robinson Listening Task, Page 1

Who Killed Jimmy Hoffa?


Task: Students are in teams of Investigators from several police forces, trying to solve a murder crime. T ey must listen to t eir police sound files !from "etective #arp$ to solve t e crime. T ey must find t e setting of t e crime, o% it %as done, % o t e murderer %as, and % at is or er motive %as. T e goal is to find out all of t e crime information, and finis t e police report first. Teams %ill t en s are t e reports %it eac ot er to see if t ey got t e information correct. Setting: Students all in teams of investigators, listening to tapes in t eir offices at Take Em, Inc., in &e% 'or( )ity. Level: *ig intermediate+ !or ig sc ool #SL$ Materials: Students %ill ave a profile list of murder suspects. T e list %ill include information about t e person,s p ysical appearance, marital status, -ob istory, obbies, and personality. Students %ill also receive a list of possible murder scenes and a list of possible murder %eapons. .inally, t ey %ill ave a /0olice Report1 s eet % ere t ey can ta(e notes on t e crime and fill out relevant information. T e teac er can play t e sound files in several %ays. T e teac er can eit er ave several stations % ic eac ave sound files !students %ould %al( around t e room and listen to eac sound file$, or t e teac er can ave one audio recording !per murder case$ % ic is played to t e entire class. Problem to be solved: Students must find t e murderer23as %ell as t e place it %as done, o% it %as done, and % y it %as done2 Pre-task: Students s ould revie% vocabulary on appearance, clot ing, personality, crime %ords, crime investigation %ords !suspect, identify, crime scene, alibi, lead, investigation, crac( do%n, etc.$ and basic business vocabulary about unions, and crimes in business. Students s ould also revie% various forms of past tense, including past, past perfect, and past perfect progressive.

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Suspect Profiles:

Lucy Appearance: 4,41, 567 lbs., 68 years old, bro%n air, glasses Marital status: "ivorced. 9sed to be married to Robert Redford. *as dated :arco 0olo and ;immy *offa, and is no% dating Robert .rost. Job history: Wor(s in sales and management for a retail store. Hobbies: <oing to movies and sporting events Personality: Some% at nervous, but smiles a lot. S e becomes emotional very easily.

Eva Appearance: 4,=1, 5>8 lbs., 48 years old, bro%n air. Marital status: :arried to Robert Redford. 9sed to date :arco 0olo. Job History: 9sed to be a t ief % o bro(e into safes. S e no% %or(s as a part time auto mec anic. Hobbies: Water and sno% s(iing, going to sporting events, reading, orse riding Personality: )alm and poised. )an be curt or polite, depending on t e situation. ?nce in a % ile, s e can e@plode in anger.

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Jenn Appearance: 4,581, 574 lbs., 7= years old, blonde air !dyed$. Marital status: Single. *as dated Lou <e rig, ;immy *offa, and Aabe Rut . Job History: 0resently a la%yer at Summit La , Inc. Hobbies: Running, bi(ing, and playing c ess Personality: Some% at s y. S e,s friendly %it t ose % o tal( to er. S e ides er feelings and tells no one.

Angie Appearance: 4,B1, 5>8 lbs., 74 years old, blonde air. Marital status: Single. *as dated .red Cstaire, ;oe "imaggio, and Aing )rosby. Job History: Wor(s for !inta"e Marketin" in finance. Hobbies: Ai(ing, going to sporting events, coo(ing, s opping, partying Personality: Very rela@ed and fun loving, but e@tremely brig t. S e is al%ays loo(ing for a good time. &o one %ould ever (no% er feelings.

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Stacy Appearance: 4,71, 578 lbs., 75 years old, blonde air. Marital status: Single. *as dated ;oe "imaggio, Aing )rosby, ;o nny )arson, ;immy *offa, <rouc o :ar@, Walt "isney, and *enry .onda. Job History: Waitress at Iggy,s bar. 9sed to %or( as a secretary for a Wall Street la%yer Hobbies: )oo(ing, eating, singing, %atc ing TV, s opping Personality: Very %itty and fun, but can be emotional.

Robert Appearance: 4,581, 5D8 lbs., 47 years old, gray air Marital status: :arried to #va Job History: *orse trainer and minor league baseball player Hobbies: *orse s oes, ma(ing and grenades, partying Personality: Smoot and easy going. :ysterious and sometimes strange.

Marco Appearance: =,81, 788 lbs., 6D years old, gray air Maritial status: Single Job History: ?%ns a travel agency. Hobbies: Reading, going to sporting events, buying cars Personality: Strong, but a little s ady !possibly untrust%ort y$.

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Joe Appearance: 4,E1, 5B8 lbs., >8 years old, bro%n air Marital status: :arried to ;oan of Crc Job History: Wor(s at t e Teamster,s 9nion. Hobbies: <oing to movies, orse riding, eating out Personality: )onfident and intense. Some% at Fuiet e@cept % en e c ooses to be outgoing.

Bing Appearance: =,81, 5E7 lbs., 7B years old, blac( air Marital status: :arried to :eryl Streep Job history: Singer and actor for #u$$, Inc. Hobbies: Singing, going to movies, and traveling Personality: :agnetic and attractive. #veryone, especially %omen, seem to li(e im. *e can be moody at times. Grouc o Appearance: 4,581, 788 lbs., 7= years old, blac( air Marital status: Single Job history: Ausiness associate at !inta"e Marketin", Inc., comedian. Hobbies: Laug ing, eating out, going to sporting events, partying. Personality: Witty and fun. Cl%ays out for a good time, and rarely e@presses is serious t oug ts about anyt ing.

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Possible Murder Scenes:

Aroad%ay, !% ere plays and musicals are conducted$ Times SFuare, !famous intersection in t e middle of &')$ )entral 0ar(, !par( in t e middle of &')$ &A) studios, !% ere famous s o%s li(e Saturday &ig t Live are filmed$ Radio )ity :usic *all, !% ere t e Roc(ettes sing and dance in (ic(line.$ Statue of Liberty, !famous Statue on Stanton Island$ #mpire State Auilding, !tallest building in t e )ity$ La<uardia Cirport, !&') airport$ 'an(ee Stadium, !% ere t e &' 'an(ee baseball team plays$ T e Sub%ay, !underground traveling system$ T e Aron@, !poor living area in &')$ <rimaldi,s 0iGGaria !restaurant in &')$

Possible Murder Weapons:

0oison <un Hnife Rope )ase I5 .acts !Students read t is at t e very end.$ Cngie poisoned ;immy *offa at a baseball game in 'an(ee Stadium. T e poison too( a% ile to ta(e effect, and e died % ile e %as driving ome from t e game, cras ing is car into a lig t post. S e %as %it <rouc o :ar@ at t e time, % o %as oblivious to t e crime. S e %as %orried t at *offa !an organiGer of unions$ %ould e@pose er embeGGlement of company funds. !S e ad funneled several million dollars of employee retirement funds to er o%n personal accounts.$ *offa ad been investigating er company for a fe% years, and Cngie (ne% e %as about to act soon.
Sound .ile 5 /"ay 5: "etective #arp ere, reporting for Take Em, Inc. It,s a rainy day ere at Ta(e,#m, Inc., and I,ve -ust eard about t e murder of a man I care little about. Ct 58:88am on ;une 7B, %e received a call t at ;immy *offa ad not reported to %or( t at morning. *e ad been at %or( t e day before and in good ealt . T ey ad called is ome, but no one ans%ered. Clso, is car %as missing from is drive%ay.1 Sound .ile 7 /"ay 7: "etective #arp ere. We began an immediate investigation, as *offa as a (no%n reputation and many enemies. C police report from t e nig t before revealed an abandoned % ite -eep in t e Aron@. We identified it as *offa,s. T e car ad been in an accident, and t en been driven to t e Aron@ and abandoned t ere. Some % ite paint %as missing from t e front fender % ere t e car ad cras ed into somet ing. We searc ed for t e rest of t e day on ;une 7B,

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and finally located t e body of ;immy *offa abandoned in anot er part of t e Aron@. *e ad suffered some in-uries from t e car accident, but not enoug to (ill im. Cn autopsy report revealed t at e ad been poisoned and t is ad caused im go unconscious, cras ing is car. *e later died from t e poison. T e autopsy also revealed t at e died some% ere around 58 pm on ;une 7D. Someone ad t en ta(en is car and is body into t e Aron@. T is is a definite murder case3no% %e need to find out % o is responsible.1 Sound .ile > /"ay >: "etective #arp ere. *ere is a little bit of information about ;immy *offa. *e,s ead of t e Teamster,s 9nion, % ic is in c arge of elping union %or(ers. T is -ob could ma(e a lot of people angry. )ompanies mig t be angry at im for ta(ing too muc money for t e employees, and employees mig t be angry %it im for not giving im enoug money. Clso, t ere could be personal motives be ind t e murder. *offa as dated Fuite a fe% %omen. Cny of t ese %omen mig t ave been angry enoug to (ill im. 0eople at is %or( may ave been angry enoug to (ill im also. Sound .ile 6 "ay 6: "etective #arp ere. Well, %e need to find out a fe% t ings. .irst of all, % ere did t is murder ta(e placeJ Second, % o did it and % yJ Someone could ave murdered im because of a personal reason !suc as a %oman$, or because of some political or %or(Krelated reason. *ere is an intervie% %it a co%or(er. I,m investigating % et er a co%or(er mig t ave committed t e murder. I also need to find out % ere t is murder too( place. T e place of t e murder may give me a clue to finding t e murderer. Sound .ile 4 "ay 4: *ere is t e intervie% %it one of *offa,s co%or(ers at t e Teamster,s 9nion. #arp: :y name is "etective #arp, and I (no% you tal(ed %it *offa at %or( on t e day of is deat . :arti: 'es, I did. #arp: *o% did e feel t at dayJ :arti: *e seemed to be -ust fine. #arp: W o did e %or( most closely %it J :arti: Well, e %or(ed %it ;oe "imaggio most often. #arp: *o% did t ey get alongJ :arti: T ey seemed to get along fine. I mean, once in a% ile t ey %ould fig t li(e craGy over somet ing, but not usually. #arp: *o% %ere t ey on t e day of t e murderJ :arti: Well, I didn,t really see t em muc t at day, but I didn,t notice anyt ing unusual. #arp: "id e say e %as going any% ere t at eveningJ :arti: Well, e ad season tic(ets for baseball, and t ere %as a game t at nig t. I %ouldn,t be surprised if e %ent. 9sually e %ent %it ;oe, but I (no% t at ;oe ad ot er plans t at nig t %it is %ife. Clso, e usually %ent to Iggy,s bar after games. #arp: T an( you :arti, for your time. #arp ere. Loo(s li(e %e may ave a lead. I %onder if e %ent to a 'an(ee,s game t at nig tJ Clso, I,m doubting more and more t at a co%or(er (illed im. Aut I,ll put ;oe on my list of suspects. I,ll ave to intervie% im and is %ife to find out t eir alibi.

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Sound .ile = "ay 4 again. "etective Wyatt #arp ere. *ere is my intervie% %it ;oe "imaggio and is %ife. #arp: So, ;oe, you %or(ed %it *offaJ ;oe: 'es, I did. .or 54 years. #arp: I,m sorry about all t is. ;oe: It,s all rig t. It,s -ust going to ta(e a% ile. #arp: I,m sorry, but I,m going to ave to as( you3W ere %ere you t e nig t of t e murderJ ;oe: Cctually, I %ent %it my %ife to Iggy,s. :y %ife as %ell as t e %aitress t ere, and probably a fe% ot er people, can vouc for t at. #arp: Well, t at,s good. W o,s t e %aitressJ ;oe: ? , let me try to remember3? yea . I t in( it,s Stacy. #arp: T an(s. I,ll c ec( up on t at. ?(ay, I,ve got anot er Fuestion for you. "o you (no% of any reason % y someone %ould %ant to (ill *offaJ ;oe: Well, t ere %ere al%ays people mad at im, especially t e companies. Strangely, t oug , t e %ee( before e died, e %as really %or(ing on some case. Somet ing big. *e %as very e@cited about it, but %ouldn,t tell me % at it %as. I t in( it ad to do %it a company embeGGling funds, or somet ing li(e t at. #arp: *mmm. T at,s interesting. "o you (no% % ic companyJ ;oe: &o, I don,t t in( so. #arp: Is t ere any %ay for me to c ec( is filesJ ;oe: &o one (no%s t e pass%ord to is computer e@cept im. #arp: "o you ave a list of companies t at e provides unions forJ ;oe: Sure. I ave t at list. ?f course, t at doesn,t mean t at e %asn,t starting to loo( at a ne% company. #arp: Well, it,s a place to start. #arp: ;oe, besides a company, %as t ere anyone in *offa,s personal life % o %ould ave been angry enoug to (ill *offaJ ;oe: ? , probably any one of is girlfriends. *e didn,t treat t em too %ell. #arp: )an you remember any of t eir namesJ ;oe: Well, I can remember a fe%. *e dated someone named Lucy, but t at ended Fuic(ly. !I don,t (no% % at e sa% in er.$ T en e dated ;enn. I don,t (no% % at s e sa% in im. S e %as young, blonde, and beautiful, and a smart la%yer too. I t in( s e got smart and dumped im, but not before t ey ad a billion fig ts. I guess I could see er murdering im, but I don,t (no%. *e also dated t e bar girl at Iggy,s3Stacy3% o is also my alibi, unfortunately. T at %as a s ort, violent relations ip. I can see er being mad enoug to (ill im, but I don,t (no% if s e %ould be smart enoug . ?f course, some people are smarter t an t ey loo(. #arp ere. Well, t is intervie% provided more Fuestions t an ans%ers. It seems li(e t e % ole %orld %as mad at ;immy *offa. It could ave been a girlfriend3let,s see3I,ll put t ose girls in my report3Stacy, ;enn, and Lucy. *mmm. I %onder. I,ve also got to c ec( is company dealings. W ic companies did e %or( %it J "id e ave any bad relations ips %it any of t emJ Sound .ile D "ay =: "etective #arp ere. Well, %e too( t e lead on 'an(ee Stadium. It seems t at *offa did go t ere t at nig t, because e used is tic(et. Clso, %e found t e pole t at e cras ed into, and t ere are some small % ite paint c ips on it t at matc t e % ite paint of is car. T is pole %as only a fe% bloc(s from t e stadium, and bet%een t e stadium and Iggy,s bar. Cpparently, :arti %as rig t. *offa got in is car and started to drive from 'an(ee Stadium to Iggy,s bar. T is trip %ould ave been around 58 pm., because t e game finis ed a little before t is time. Cs e %as driving from t e stadium to t e bar, e %ent unconscious, and cras ed is car. T erefore, *offa must ave been poisoned before e got to Iggy,s bar. *e must ave been poisoned eit er at

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'an(ee Stadium or before e got t ere. I need to intervie% some people % o ad season tic(ets near *offa,s seat in t e Stadium. :aybe t ey sa% somet ing appen. I,ll do t at tomorro%. Sound .ile B "ay D: "etective #arp ere. *ere is an intervie% %it <inger Rogers, an avid 'an(ees fan, and a person %it a seat several ro%s be ind *offa,s. #arp: <inger, t an( you for spea(ing %it us about t is case. <inger: Well, you,re so %elcome sir. #arp: Tell us % at you sa% during t e game. Try not to leave out any details. <inger: Well, to tell you t e trut , I really don,t remember muc about *offa, because I %as so focused on t e game. Aut I do al%ays notice im because e,s famous. *e came in li(e usual and boug t is foot long ot dog. T en I really don,t remember muc . I do remember one unusual t ing t oug . Cbout t e 4t inning, a man and %oman came and sat beside *offa for a % ile ! e ad a fe% empty seats ne@t to im.$ T ey seemed to be tal(ing business, but t e %oman also flirted %it *offa. T en t ey left after about t%o innings. Cbout t e B t inning, *offa also got up and left. I didn,t see im after t at. #arp: )an you tell me % at t e t%o of t em loo(ed li(eJ <inger: Well, t e man %as fairly large and ad blac( air. *e made t e ot er t%o laug a fe% times. T e %oman %as tall and ad blonde air. #arp: )an you give me any more information about t emJ <inger: I don,t t in( so. I %as too far a%ay to ear anyt ing t ey %ere saying, and I didn,t really loo( t at close to pic( up any more details about t eir appearance. #arp: Well, t an(s for your time. <inger: ? sure. Cny time. Well, it loo(s as t oug %e ave some more information. I can almost be sure one of t ose t%o people poisoned im in t e Stadium. Aut t en again, you never (no%. C dar( aired man and tall blonde %oman. T ere,s only a fe% of those in t e %orld2 :aybe I can connect t ese people %it eit er is business or personal life. &e@t I,ll loo( at a list of companies e %as dealing %it . I,ll call ;oe again. Sound .ile E "ay B: "etective #arp ere. *ere is a sound file of my p one call %it ;oe. #arp: ;oe "imaggioJ T is is "etective #arp. ;oe: ? , great. 'ou,ll never guess % at I found. #arp: ReallyJ W atJ ;oe: I %as able to obtain access to ;immy,s files. #arp: *o% did you do t atJ ;oe: I (no% im so %ell. I figured out is pass%ord. #arp: <reat. W en can I see t emJ ;oe: Cs soon as possible. I t in( %e may ave our (iller and motive. #arp: ReallyJ ;oe: *offa %as (eeping records on t e company of one of my old girlfriends. Cpparently s e %as ta(ing money, millions of dollars, from t e company retirement funds for employees. *e %as about to crac( do%n on er. #arp: Wo%. Well, if t is is true, I t in( %e may ave it. ;oe: I t in( %e do too. Sound .ile 58 "ay E: "etective #arp ere. Well, investigators, I t in( I ave enoug information to arrest my prime suspect for t e murder of ;immy *offa. I (no% t e place, t e %eapon, t e motive, and t e person. 0lease fill out t e police report and conduct t e arrest. #arp, signing off.

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