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A) Choose the correct tense.

- We launched the second version once we had seen/were seeing how succesful the first one was. - By the time he was applying/d applied, the o! had already gone. - After he had invested/was investing more money, the !ussiness too" off. - #e called while $ tried/was trying to finish this essay. - %he entrepeneur gave/had given another !illion dollars to charity after he had already given three !illion. - We didnt need to clean the house !ecause he had already done/already did it. - $ studied !ussiness in the evening while $ was wor"ing/had wor"ed in the "itchen. - &he left !efore anyone had had/was having a chance to e'plain the situation. - %he !ussiness went/was going !an"rupt last month and they couldnt save it. - All last year, the company had loo"ed/was loo"ing for ways to survive. - When A"io (orita was )*, he had started/started his own company. - After he had !een/was in !ussiness for a year, we had made/made our first profit. - Before she started/had started this company shed wor"ed/wor"ed in a fashion industry. - #e had made/made a fortune !efore he had started/started the company.

B) Complete the te't. +se ,ast &imple and ,ast ,erfect. Warren Buffett, the second richest man in the world has given almost his -.. !illion fortune away. Buffett ////// 0!uy) shares !efore he ///// 0!e) 1), and !y the time he //// 0!e) 1., he /////// 0ma"e) his first purchase of land. After he ////// 0complete) his (asters degree in Colum!ia Business &chool, he ///// 0!egin) his own investment partnership in 123*. Buffetts wife was going to supervise his charity wor" and donations !ut she ////// 0die) in )44.. %hey ////// 0not live) together since 1255. Buffett has given his fortune to a charity run !y the worlds richest man, Bill 6ates. 7nce 6ates ///// 0ma"e) a fortune with (icrosoft, he ////// 0set up) the 6ates 8oundation. Before he ///// 0!e) 34, 6ates ////// 0give) -)* !illion to charity. %he 6ates 8oundation is now the !iggest charita!le trust in the world.

C) Complete the sentences. +se ,ast ,erfect or ,ast &imple. - ,at ///// 0live) in 9ondon !efore he ////// 0move) to :ome. - After 8red ////// 0spend) his holiday in $taly, he ///// 0want) to learn $talian. - ;ill ////// 0phone) <ad at wor" !efore she /////// 0leave) for her trip. - &usan /////// 0turn on) the radio after she //////// 0wash) the dishes. - When she /////// 0arrive) to the match ////// already /////// 0start) - After the man ////// 0come) home, he ////// 0feed) the cat.

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