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1hls seL of lnsLrucLlon dlvldes Lhe lnsLallaLlon of a locklng CuL fronL ouL-puL houslng ln a 2003 ulscovery ll lnLo Lhe
followlng secLlons:

1. 8emoval of sLock fronL ouL-puL houslng
2. lnsLallaLlon of locklng fronL ouL-puL houslng
3. 1urnlng on dlff lock lndlcLor llghL on 2003 ulscovery

CAu1lCn** 8efore unbolLlng anyLhlng, make sure Lhe area you wlll work around and Lhe bolLs and nuLs Lo be removed
have been degreased, cleaned, and sprayed wlLh llquld wrench. lL ls recommended Lo power scrub Lhe underslde of your
ulscovery flrsL.
ulsclalmer: roceed wlLh Lhls and any modlflcaLlons aL your own rlsk! lmproper modlflcaLlon may damage or leave a
vehlcle lmmoblllzed.

;<=>?@1 >A 7B>/C A;>DB >EBFGEB H>E7!DIJ
1. uraln Lransfer case- remove plug -! #$%& '(#)*- relnsLall plug
2. LlfL and properly supporL fronL end of your ulscovery
3. 8emove boLh cross beams
4. 8emove fronL drlve shafL-

3. 8emove 4 oxygen sensors or dlsconnecL from plug.
6. 8emove down plpe - collecL 2 gaskeLs and 8 nuLs (3 for each manlfold, 2 for rear)- plc. 3
urlve shafL llange aL 1-case, plc. 1
urlve shafL llange aL fronL axle, plc. 2

7. 8emove drlve shafL flange aL L-case . CollecL meLal washer and nuL-see plc. 1
8. 8emove clevls pln securlng shlfL cable Lo hl/lo selecLor lever on Lhe hl/lo selecLor lever houslng and lf removlng
enLlre cable seLup, remove second clevls pln aL cenLer console assembly -plc. 4

9. 8emove passenger slde L-case mounL and supporL L-case wlLh [ack. 1hls wlll allow up/down movemenL of L-
case/Lransmlsslon for easler removal of houslng. -plc. 3
urlver slde exhausL manlfold plc. 3
ShlfL cable dlsconnecLed from houslng plc. 4

10. ulsconnecL all swlLches on Lhe black mulLl-plug brackeL secured Lo Lhe hl/lo selecLor lever houslng- plc.6

as. Slde L-case mounL plc. 3
MulLl-plug brackeL plc. 6

11. 8emove 1 8an[o bolL on Lhe Lransfer case breaLher Lube -+ collecL 2 washers. lc.7

12. 8emove 6 bolLs securlng hl/lo selecLor lever houslng - plc. 8

8an[o 8olL for breaLher Lube plc. 7
8emove hl/lo houslng bolLs plc. 8
13. 1he only Lhlng lefL Lo remove on Lop of Lhe hl/lo selecLor lever houslng ls Lhe bolL for Lhe shlfLer cable reLalnlng
brackeL plc.9. 8emovlng Lhe 2 bolLs ln green glves access Lo Lhe Lhlrd bolL wlLh a 10mm racheL-wrench. 8emove
hlgh/low selecLor houslng.

14. 8emove 8 bolLs securlng fronL ouL-puL houslng - noLe Lhe poslLlon of Lhe longesL one on Lop.

8emove hl/lo houslng bolLs plc.9
13. 8emove one Lransmlsslon oll sump pan bolL and anchor ldenLlfled by red arrow - plc.10

16. Crab Lhe houslng wlLh Lwo hands and begln Lo wlggle, nudge, or use a flaL head screw drlver Lo pry lL forwards.
8L CA8LluL !! AL Lhls polnL Lhe houslng may un-lodge lLself wlLhouL warnlng an lnch or Lwo forward and some L-
case oll wlll pour ouL.

17. use a long screw drlver or 10" x drlve exLenslon bar, sLlck lL ln Lhe hole ldenLlfled by red arrow and hold Lhe seL
of gears ln Lhe maln caslng. lc.11


1he purpose of Lhls ls Lo only remove Lhe fronL houslng whlle leavlng Lhe gear seL ln Lo remove afLerwards C8
one can aLLempL Lo remove Lhe houslng and gear seL LogeLher.

18. ay aLLenLlon Lo Lhe angle of Lhe houslng as Lhe hl/lo selecLor shafL may sLlll be parL way ln Lhe fronL or maln
houslng. use Lhe [ack Lo lower or ralse Lhe L-case Lo galn beLLer clearance. noLe Lo noL lower lL Loo much.

8eLalnlng Lhe gear seL, plc.11
19. Cnce ouL, seL aslde. lnspecL Lhe lnslde of Lhe maln caslng for meLal shavlngs. Crab a magneL and sLlck lL down
Lhls hole Lo reLrleve Lhe deLenL ball for Lhe hl/lo selecLor.

Cr lL can be accessed aL Lhe slde of Lhe maln caslng. See plc. 12a,b,c. lalllng Lo remove Lhe ball wlll lnhlblL
engaglng ln Pl.

lree aL lasL, plc.12
ueLenL plug, plc.12a

updaLe 03-20-09:
Make sure Lo 8e-lnsLall Lhe ball, sprlng and plug once flnal assembly of Lhe CuL houslng ls compleLe. 1he ball
helps keep Lhe hl/lo selecLor shafL from movlng durlng off road use. 1o re-lnsLall, shlfL Lhe hl/lo selecLor lever Lo
elLher hl range or low range Lo ensure ball slLs ln Lhe groove of Lhe selecLor shafL. lnserL ball, Lhen sprlng, Lhen

ueLenL plug, plc.12c
ueLenL plug, plc.12b
!D7B@11@B!>D >A 1>/C!DI A;>DB >EBFGEB H>E7!DIJ
1. 1ake Lhe new houslng assembly and clean lL up real good.
2. CA8LluLL? remove Lhe gear seL from Lhe houslng and reLaln Lhe hl/lo selecLor fork. 1ake Lhls Llme Lo learn how
Lhe nlpple acLually engages Lhe dog cluLch on Lhe fronL ouL-puL shafL. lc.13

3. 1ake Lhe gear seL and noLlng lLs poslLlon, lnserL lL lnLo Lhe maln caslng of Lhe Lransfer case whllsL almlng Lhe hl/lo
selecLor fork lnLo Lhe rear of Lhe maln caslng. Lnsure Lhe selecLor fork shafL ls lubed and LhaL lL ls resLlng on Lhe
hl/lo selecLor sleeve. lc. 13b

ulfferenLlal lock selecLor shafL, plc.13a
Pl/lo selecLor sleeve, plc.13b
See plc. 11 as lL should look llke LhaL when lnsLalllng. Wlggle lL and Lap lL llghLly wlLh a rubber malleL or wood
unLll Lhe low range gear (Lhe blg gear) ls no longer sLlcklng ouL of Lhe maln caslng.

4. Lube Lhe opposlLe end of Lhe hl/lo selecLor shafL LhaL wlll be lnserLed lnLo Lhe fronL ouL-puL houslng wlLh gear
3. 8efore lnsLalllng Lhe new houslng, ensure lL ls fully engaged ln Lhe lock poslLlon Lo ensure Lhe recelvlng end of
Lhe gear seL fully slldes forward onLo Lhe fronL ouL-puL shafL.
6. uslng hlgh Lemp black 81v apply lL on Lhe fronL ouL-puL houslng followlng Lhe lnsLrucLlons. Make sure you
pracLlce geLLlng Lhe houslng ln all Lhe way once or Lwlce before Lhe flnal assembly.
7. 1orque all 8 bolLs Lo 23nm ln a sLar llke sequence
8. lnsLalllng Lhe resL of Lhe removed componenLs ls Lhe reverse of removal. Make sure Lo re-flll Lhe L-case wlLh
CLA8 oll!
BE;D!DI >D 0!AA 1>/C !D0!/@B>; 1!IHB ," KLLM 0'#-,NO+5J
1. lf you were unforLunaLe Lo noL have Lhe dlff-lock swlLch harness zlp Lled somewhere near your Lransmlsslon or L-
case and you have Lo cuL and spllce Lo geL your dlff llghL on, Lhen read on.
2. 8emove your cenLer console.
3. Cnce removed, flnd connecLor C0681 and dlsconnecL lL from C0668

4. Crab Lhe connecLor and look for cavlLy # 7 whlch wlll have Lhe black/blue wlre for Lhe dlff lock clrculL, (clrculL 47)

3. CreaLe a ground on Lhe ground connecLor bolL by aLLachlng a plece of elecLrlcal wlre.

6. Colng back Lo connecLor CC681. Spllce a wlre lnLo Lhe black/blue wlre. Make sure Lo leave abouL 2 lnches from
Lhe connecLor. (Agaln, Lhls ls my rough spllce for LesLlng purposes)

1urn Lhe lgnlLlon on, and push Lhe dlff lock swlLch...

7. now all you have Lo do ls connecL female connecLors and run Lhe wlrlng as you see flL down Lo your dlff-lock

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