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Name: ____________________________________________________________________ _________________ Ms. Reyes/Ms.

Rust; Global Studies


Mini Lesson Five: China and the West

AIM: How did the Communists gain powe in China! DO MAO: A major goal of the Cultural Revolution in China during the 1960s as to ". esto e China to the glo y o# the Han Dynasty $. eemphasi%e Con#u&ian t aditional 'alues (. wea)en &ommunist ideas *. eliminate opposition to Mao +edong ,-plain you answe . _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________ A!tivit" #1$%O&'(: Do this in noteboo). A!tivit" #)$Revie *Che!+ for ,nderstanding: Complete the #ollowing eading and answe the /uestion. -a!+ground: 0#te 1o ld 1a 223 the Chinese &i'il wa &ontinued. 4inally in "5*53 Mao6s Communists won. Chiang 7ai8 She) and his #ollowe s #led to the island o# 9aiwan. 9he :eople6s Republi& o# China on the 0sian mainland be&ame a &ommunist state. 9aiwan3 also &alled the Republi& o# China3 de'eloped a non8&ommunist go'e nment. 0s the Cold 1a de'eloped3 the ;nited States e#used to e&ogni%e the &ommunist :eople6s Republi& o# China. <y the "5=>6s3 howe'e 3 this situation was &hanging. China won admission to the ;nited Nations in "5="3 and : esident Ri&ha d Ni-on 'isited Mao +edong in <ei?ing in "5=$. 2n "5=@3 Mao +edong died. Deng .iao/ing too) &ont ol o# China. 0lthough a &ommunist3 Deng was willing to use &apitalist ideas to pump new li#e into China6s sluggish e&onomy. Deng p omoted #o eign t ade and mo e &onta&t with weste n nations. He then began a p og am o# ambitious e&onomi& &hange )nown as the 0our Moderni1ations. 9his p og am st essed the need #o ma?o imp o'ements in ag i&ultu e3 indust y3 s&ien&e and te&hnology3 and the milita y. 1. Which set of events in 19th- and 20th-century Chinese history is in the correct chronological order? a. Great Leap For ard ! "piu# Wars ! Long $arch ! Four $oderni%ations &. Four $oderni%ations ! Long $arch ! "piu# Wars ! Great Leap For ard c. "piu# Wars ! Long $arch ! Great Leap For ard ! Four $oderni%ations d. Long $arch ! Four $oderni%ations ! Great Leap For ard ! "piu# Wars 2. 'uring the 19(0s) a #a*or goal of China as to a. accelerate econo#ic gro th &. encourage the gro th of traditional religions c. esta&lish a federal syste# of govern#ent d. protect individual li&erties 3. How might have the policy of dtente influenced Deng iaoping to willingness to use capitalist ideas in China!

A!tivit" #2$ 3air 4or+: Copy the g aphi& o gani%e into you noteboo). 0s you ead about Deng6s 4ou Mode ni%ations3 summa i%e ea&h p og am in the #ou s/ua e. Agriculture Deng disbanded the hated #a m &ommunes and set up a #amily esponsibility system. ;nde this system3 the &ommunists leased land to indi'idual #a me s. 9hey paid ent in the #o m o# #i-ed /uotas3 o a po tion o# thei #ood3 to the go'e nment. 4a me s we e # ee to sell any surplus (extra) & ops at a p o#it. 9he system b ought about mo e than twi&e the #ood g own on &ommunes unde Mao6s G eat Aeap 4o wa d and helped ease #ood sho tages. Industry 9he su&&ess o# the esponsibility system in ag i&ultu e led the Communists to apply the same p in&iple to indust y and business. 9he go'e nment edu&ed its ole in &ent al planning and tu ned g eate esponsibility o'e to lo&al #a&to y manage s. Bn&e p odu&tion /uotas we e met3 manage s had the ight to sell goods at a p o#it and to pay bonuses to p odu&ti'e wo )e s. St i&t e&onomi& &ont ols unde Mao ga'e &onsume s #ew &hoi&es o# goods in the ma )etpla&e. 1ith the ela-ed poli&ies o# Deng3 p i'ate entrepreneurs (people who risk their resources for potential profit) set up thei own small businesses. 0s a esult3 China began p odu&ing mo e &onsume goods3 espe&ially washing ma&hines3

dishwashe s3 adios3 tele'isions3 and othe ele&t oni& de'i&es. 2n &ities su&h as <ei?ing3 small business owne s set up shops3 estau ants3 and sto es. 0s businesses g ew3 so did the Chinese e&onomy. Science and Technology Butdated te&hnology used by the Chinese in thei #a&to ies had also held up indust ial de'elopment. 9hey had sho tages o# s&ientists3 but also do&to s3 enginee s and a &hite&ts. Deng Ciaoping made e##o ts to get #o eign &ompanies to assist in imp o'ing old #a&to ies and building new ones. 4u the 3 he en&ou aged Chinese students to study s&ien&e and te&hnology at 1este n uni'e sities. Military 0lthough an)ed #ou th3 the Communist :a ty e&ogni%ed a need to update the Chinese a my. 9he Chinese a my was the la gest in the wo ld but lagged behind othe a mies in ad'an&ed milita y te&hnology. Bne o# the main easons #o the push #o mo e &ente s o# esea &h was so that China &ould de'elop weapons &ompa able to those o# the mo e ad'an&ed milita y8indust ial &ount ies. Despite imp o'ements3 China still lagged about "D yea s behind.

Agriculture Science and Technology

"he Fou# Mode#ni$ations Industry Military

0s a esult o# allowing elements (limited amounts) o# &apitalism3 the e&onomy g ew3 and some Chinese en?oyed a bette standa d o# li'ing. 4o eign elations and t ade imp o'ed. Howe'e 3 the gap between i&h and poo widened. Deng6s e&onomi& &hanges &aused some Chinese to demand g eate politi&al # eedom. +. ,he Four $oderni%ations of 'eng -iaoping in the 19.0s and 19(0s resulted in a. an e#phasis on the Five /elationships &. a return to $aoist revolutionary principles c. a #ove to ard increased capitalis# d. the end of the co##unist syste# of govern#ent 0. Which state#ent a&out the econo#y of China in the 19(0s is #ost accurate? a. China surpassed the 1oviet 2nion in steel production. &. China3s econo#y slo ed do n &ecause of a lac4 of natural resources. c. China increased its industrial capacity and foreign trade. d. China3s econo#y suffered fro# overproduction of consu#er goods. 5. Co#pare 'eng -iaoping refor#s in China to $i4hail Gor&achev6s refor#s in the 1oviet 2nion.

.. 7o does the Four $oderni%ations co#pare to Lenin6s 8e 9cono#ic :olicy?

9he Chinese go'e nment was willing to g ant e&onomi& e#o ms but not politi&al ones. 2n May "5E53 thousands o# Chinese students #illed 9iananmen S/ua e in <ei?ing p otesting #o mo e ights su&h as # ee spee&h and # eedom o# the p ess. 1hen they e#used to disperse (go away) as o de ed3 the go'e nment sent in t oops and tan)s. 9housands o# students we e )illed o wounded. 9his be&ame )nown as the &iananmen (5uare massa!re. 9he in&ident showed how impo tant it was #o China6s &ommunist leade s to maintain &ont ol. B de was mo e impo tant than politi&al # eedom. Du ing the "55>s3 e##o ts we e made to #o &e China to end human ights 'iolations. Howe'e 3 these e##o ts had limited e##e&ts. (. ,he pri#ary goal of the student protests in ,ianan#en 1;uare <19(9= as to a. support the policies of the Chinese Co##unist :arty &. decrease the a#ount of Western influence in China c. encourage the spread of industriali%ation throughout China d. increase political freedo# and rights in China %. How did Deng #espond to the student p#otests that we#e see&ing mo#e democ#atic f#eedom! 10. Which state#ent a&out refor#s in China during the 19(0s and 1990s is #ost accurate? a. :olitical refor#s resulted in the overthro of co##unis#.

&. 9cono#ic refor#s ere #ore successful than political refor#s. c. :olitical refor#s increased individual rights. d. 9cono#ic refor#s forced China to return to a policy of isolationis#.

8a#e> ??????????????????????????????? China ()it *lip 1. Where are these t o #en?

'efo#ms in

2. Why do you thin4 they are #ost li4ely there?

@. What does this cartoon tell you a&out 'eng6s policies as leader of China?

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