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La mthode ASAP

FRI, 02/06/2013
02/06/2013 Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg 1

Phase 1: Project Preparation : goals

FRI, 02/06/2013
02/06/2013 Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg 2

Cest quoi ?
Accelerated SAP : mthode recommande pour implmenter (ou faire voluer) SAP efficacement Structure autour dune Roadmap (5 phases) Mettant disposition une panoplie doutils (tools) et de modles (accelerators) rassembl dans un implementation assistant


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg

Phase 1: Project Preparation : goals

During this phase the team goes through initial planning and preparation for SAP project, including:
Defining project goals and objectives.
Clarifying the scope of implementation (organizations & functions) Defining project schedule (with milestones), budget plan, and implementation sequence Establishing the project organization and relevant committees, and assigning resources.

Training for team project if necessary (basis)

Risk review


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg

Phase 1: Project Preparation : deliverables

Note de cadrage
Objectifs, ressources, planning, budget, indicateurs qualit, organisation, comits, risques)

Charte de conduite du changement

Plan de Formation, plan de communication


Planning dtaill pour phase 2

Runion de lancement interne (support du kick off meeting)

Systme dveloppement installs


Plan de formation quipe projet (1 & 2)

Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg

Phase 2: Business Blueprint : goals

The purpose of this phase is to achieve a common understanding of how the company intends to run SAP to support its business. In addition, the original project goals and objectives will be refined and the project schedule will be revised in this phase. The result is the Business Blueprint, a detailed documentation of the results gathered during requirements workshops. To be done :
Description des besoins fonctionnels dtaills (structure, organisation , processus, profils autorisations) Gap analysis (standard-adaptable or specific) Solution proposals to meet customer requirements (settings, developments, adaptations) additionnal project team training (if necessairy)

To be prepared
Training and change management plan for users Third step Customer support strategy (after GoLive)

Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg

Phase 2: Business Blueprint : convergence


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg

Gap analysis 7 AS IS / TO BE

Phase 2: Business Blueprint : deliverables

Business blueprint" : document de conception gnrale feuilles ASAP de travail (templates)
OSL : Organisational Structure List BPML : Business Process Master List DL : Development List AL : Authorization List

Pilotage : revue des indicateurs, planning dtaill next steps


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg

Phase 3: Realization : goals

The purpose of this phase is to implement all the business process requirements based on the Business Blueprint. The system configuration methodology is provided in two work packages: Baseline (major scope) and Final configuration (remaining scope). Integration testing is conducted and end- user document is prepared during this phase.


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg

Phase 3: Realization : precisions

Paramtrage initial puis final
Objectif : systme paramtr, test et recett
Outils : synthses et feuilles de travail, MOTs, procdures de test

Rgle des "80-20"

80% des standards sont trait lors de la phase "paramtrage initial et approbation" la phase "paramtrage final et approbation" traite les processus mtiers plus spcifiques pour lesquels la spcification du besoin n'est pas complte

Le test d'intgration finale est la dernire activit; il ne doit pas rvler de surprise !!!
02/06/2013 Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg 10

Phase 3: Realization : tests

Unitaires : une transaction

De scnario : enchanement logique de plusieurs transactions (droulement d'un flux mtier)

D'intgration : met en jeu plusieurs modules Stratgies de test :
batch input : simple activit de l'utilisateur direct input : idem, en attaquant directement la base de donne (ce qui n'est pas possible pour toutes les transactions)

Les tests devraient avoir t termins avant la prparation du dmarrage


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg


Phase 3: Realization : deliverables

Synthses des scnarios de gestion MOT : mode opratoire par transaction (transactions R/3 mettre en uvre) Plan de paramtrage et de test Programme de dveloppement (besoins dtaills) Support de formation utilisateur final Pilotage : indicateurs, risk, plannif bascule


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg


Phase 4: Final Preparation :goals

The purpose of this phase is to complete the final preparation to finalize your readiness to go live, including
testing (recette utilisateurs) end user training system management cutover activities Golive scenario

The Final Preparation phase also serves to resolve all critical open issues


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg


Phase 4: Final Preparation: deliverables

Tests de montes en charge et volumtrie Plan dtaill de basculement Supports de formation utilisateur final Manuel d'exploitation technique


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg


Phase 5 : Go Live & Support : goals

The purpose of this phase is to move from a project- oriented, preproduction environment to live production operation. The most important elements include setting up production support, monitoring system transactions, and optimizing overall system performance.

End users are supported


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg


Phase 5 : Go Live & Support : deliverables

rapport de performance de systme en production


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg


En Synthse


Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg



Plan formation quipe projet Planning dtaill conception Support runion lancement Stratgie dimplmentation Synthese ateliers

Doc& Paramtr. structure orga Dploiement processus prconfig. Analyses Fonct. autres processus Analyses Fonct. des dvpt spc. Planning dtaille Ralisation Plan de formation end users


Doc du param. autres processus Matrice des Habilitations Stratgie reprise donnes Doc des interfaces (dev) Doc des spcifiques (dev) Scnario tests integ et rsultats Scnario tests interfaces Rsultat reprise blanc . Plan support manuel format PV validation des conversions (A prciser) fri


PV de dmarrage


s23 s23 s26 s29

Formation : Methodlklkologie ASAP hghg



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