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ECE 4501

Power Systems Laboratory Manual

Rev 1.0




It is desired to design and build a sim le !iring Control Cir"uit #or a Pulse$%idt& Modulation 'P%M( C&o er. )&e "ir"uit will "onsist o# t&ree modules as s&own below*

FIGURE 8-1 +uild t&e #ollowing modules on a rototy e board #or use in Lab ,. Ma-e sure t&at all ."" and /round "onne"tions "ome #rom a "ommon rail. ."" and ground otentials will be rovided in t&e laboratory. Clock o!"l#$

0se a 555 )imer1 resistors and "a a"itors to "onstru"t an 2stable Multivibrator1 w&i"& os"illates at or around 13000 45. 6ou may substitute any os"illator "ir"uit o# your "&oi"e1 as long as it "an be ad7usted easily to run at 300 and 13000 45 wit& an out ut os"illating between ."" and ground. OD-1% Co"&'#($ Conne"t a 84LS139 "&i to u $"ount by modulo$13 '0000 : 1111(. 0se t&e out ut o# t&e Clo"Module as t&e "lo"- in ut. +ias t&e 0;<=1 Load=1 et"1 Pins to rodu"e a standard u $"ount. 2gain1 any "&i will do1 as long as it "ounts >?M@<$,1 w&ere > "an be 11 A1 B1 et". Co)*+&,'+o&,l C+(c"+'$ <esign a "ombinational "ir"uit t&at uses t&e 4 out uts o# t&e M@<$13 "ounter 'or B out uts o# a M@<$, "ounter1 et"( as in uts and "reates t&e #ollowing out ut signals*

-1 $

ECE 4501

Power Systems Laboratory Manual

Rev 1.0

-./ -0/ -1/ -0 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

O"'1"' A$ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

O"'1"' B$ 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TABLE 8A

O"'1"' C$ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

O"'1"' D$ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Ea"& o# t&e #our out ut signals will re resent a di##erent <uty Cy"le1 . !or eCam le1 @ut ut 2 is Logi" 1 #or 1;, o# t&e modulation eriod and t&us D 0.1A5. @ut ut C is Logi" 1 #or E t&e eriod and D 0.5. 6ou may use ))L "&i s or any ot&er1 so long as t&ey will wor- wit& ."" D 5 .olts. )est t&e "ir"uit to ensure ro er #un"tion and bring it to lab at your designated time. @nly @>E "ir"uit er lab grou is ne"essary.


)o gain insig&t into t&e "om onents t&at ma-e u a swit"&ing ower su building t&em. ly and study met&ods o#


In 2C systems1 voltage level is easily and e##i"iently "&anged wit& a trans#ormer. In <C systems1 advan"es in ower ele"troni"s &ave made it ossible to e##i"iently Ftrans#ormG <C levels as well. <C$to$<C "onversion "an be done Huite sim ly wit& a C&o er1 a devi"e t&at is1 in essen"e1 7ust a swit"& t&at turns on and o## t&e <C sour"e1 to raise or lower t&e average value o# <C voltage seen at t&e load. In t&e "ir"uit s&own in !igure ,$A below1 t&e sour"e voltage1 .s1 is F"&o edG to rodu"e an average voltage somew&ere between 0I and 100I o# .s. )&us t&e average value o# t&e voltage a lied to t&e Load1 .L1 is "ontrolled by "losing and o ening t&e Fswit"&G1 J1. )o "lose t&e swit"&1 a #iring signal is delivered to t&e gate o# t&e M@S!E)1 "ausing it to "ondu"t between sour"e and drain. )o o en t&e swit"&1 t&e #iring signal is removed and t&e M@S!E) is sel#$biased to sto "ondu"ting. I# t&e swit"& is o ened and "losed eriodi"ally1 t&e voltage seen at t&e load will sometimes be .s and sometimes Kero. )&e average value seen at t&e load will lie somew&ere in between1 related to t&e amount o# time t&e swit"& is o en and t&e amount o# time it is "losed. )&is is "alled Pulse %idt& Modulation 'P%M(.

-A $

ECE 4501

Power Systems Laboratory Manual

Rev 1.0

FIGURE 8-0 )o under stand P%M1 it is use#ul to eCamine w&at &a ens during one #ull "y"le o# "losing and o ening o# t&e swit"&1 "alled t&e modulation eriod. In dis"ussing t&e eriod o# modulation1 let time be divided into uni#orm eriods o# one millise"ond ea"& and let a eriod be "alled )1 t&e modulation eriod. <uring )1 t&ere is a time1 t0 to t11 during w&i"& t&e M@S!E) J1 is on1 and a time1 t1 to tA1 during w&i"& it is o##1 as indi"ated in t&e !igure ,$B below. )&is is true #or ea"& eriod and t&ere#ore J1 turns on and o## 1000 times every se"ond w&en ) D 1 ms.


%&en J1 is on1 .s volts are a lied to t&e motor load #or t1 millise"onds. %&en J1 is o##1 5ero volts are a lied to t&e load. 4owever1 t&e motor "urrent1 Ia1 is still allowed to "ir"ulate t&roug& t&e diode. )&e magnitude o# t&e motor "urrent will diminis& between t1 and tA as losses in t&e motor dissi ate energy. )&e voltage1 .m1 seen by t&e motor load "an be eC ressed in terms o# t&e sour"e voltage1 .s1 and t&e F@>G time1 t11 and t&e eriod o# modulation1 ). )&e eHuation is*

-B $

ECE 4501 V) 3 V4

Power Systems Laboratory Manual 56#(# 3 '1 / T

Rev 1.0

)&e symbol is "alled t&e <uty Cy"le. 2s duty "y"le is in"reased #rom 0I to 100I1 t&e average voltage a lied to t&e motor in"reases #rom 0 to .s volts and t&e motor s eeds u . 2s seen in !igure ,$B1 t&e out ut voltage o# t&e P%M C&o er is a sHuare$wave and t&e out ut "urrent is saw$toot&ed. )&e noisy out ut o# t&e "&o er was a""e table in Lab 9 w&ere t&e "onne"ted load was a <C Motor wit& an in&erently long time "onstant. 4owever1 in general1 ower su lies must ossess "ertain #eatures to ma-e t&em sa#e and use#ul* A&'+-R#7#(4#$ )&is #eature minimi5es t&e &arm#ul e##e"ts o# a lying t&e wrong olarity to t&e load. 2 sim le anti$reverse me"&anism is a ower diode in main line o# t&e ower su ly to revent reverse "urrent. O7#(c"((#&' P(o'#c'+o&$ <is"onne"ts t&e ower su ly #rom its sour"e i# out ut "urrent eC"eeds a sa#e level. 2 #use "an rovide rote"tion #rom over"urrent. O"'1"' F+l'#(+&8$ )o minimi5e t&e voltage Fri leG seen by t&e load. In a "&o er "ir"uit1 a series indu"tor and s&unt "a a"itor la"ed between t&e M@S!E) swit"& and t&e load "an rovide e##e"tive #iltering w&en ro erly si5ed. Vol',8# R#8"l,'+o&$ )o in"rease bot& t&e a""ura"y and re"ision o# t&e out ut voltage1 "losed$ loo "ontrol is added. +ot& voltage #eedba"- and "urrent #eedba"- s"&emes are used in industry. Eit&er s"&eme "an be "om li"ated. )&e basi" +u"- C&o er "ir"uit is s&own below*

In t&e "ir"uit s&own in !igure ,$4 above1 t&e sour"e voltage1 .s1 is F"&o edG to rodu"e an average voltage somew&ere between 0I and 100I o# .s. )&us t&e average value o# t&e voltage a lied to t&e Load1 .L1 is "ontrolled by "losing and o ening t&e Fswit"&G1 J1. )o "lose t&e swit"&1 a #iring signal is delivered to t&e gate o# t&e M@S!E)1 "ausing it to "ondu"t between sour"e and drain. )o o en t&e swit"&1 t&e #iring signal is removed and t&e M@S!E) is sel#$biased to sto "ondu"ting. In P%M1 t&e swit"& is "losed and o ened every modulation eriod. -4 $

ECE 4501

Power Systems Laboratory Manual

Rev 1.0

)&e series indu"tor and s&unt "a a"itor in t&e above "ir"uit wor- to limit t&e rate o# "&ange in "urrent and voltage res e"tively. )&e result is smoot&er wave#orms during "&o ing. !or ro er @>$@!! swit"&ing1 t&e gate o# t&e M@S!E) must be biased wit& res e"t to its sour"e terminal. 2 P$C&annel M@S!E) will start to "ondu"t #rom sour"e to drain w&en t&e gate terminal is biased negatively relative to t&e sour"e terminal. %&en t&e voltage at t&e gate wit& res e"t to t&e sour"e '.gs( is about :5 .olts1 t&e M@S!E) will be F@>G and will "ondu"t between sour"e and drain wit& Rds o# a roCimately 0.5 @&ms. Most M@S!E)S "annot wit&stand a .gs voltage o# greater t&an L;$ A0 .olts. )&e biasing "ir"uit #or t&e gate must t&ere#ore be able to a ly a .gs voltage o# 0 .olts 'or greater( w&en it is desired t&at t&e M@S!E) be @!!1 and a .gs o# :5 to :15 volts w&en t&e @> "ondition is desired. 2 ty i"al biasing "ir"uit #or a P$C&annel M@S!E) is s&own below*



Power Su ly Module <C Metering Module Smoot&ing Indu"tor Module Resistan"e Module Ca a"itan"e Module Power <iode Module C&o er Cir"uit +oard @s"illos"o e -5 $ E S 8801 E S 8910 E S 8.0: E S 8.11 E S 8..1 E S 8890 $>2$ $>2$

ECE 4501 !iring Cir"uit

Power Systems Laboratory Manual $>2$

Rev 1.0


1( Conne"t t&e #ollowing "ir"uit*

A( Sele"t t&e #ollowing eHui ment settings*

O4c+llo4co1# O1'+o& C6,&. 1 S#&4+'+7+';$ V#('+c,l o!#$ D+41l,; o!#$ T+)# B,4#$ T(+88#( So"(c#$ T(+88#( Slo1#$ T(+88#( Co"1l+&8$
-3 $

S#''+&8 : V / D+7. DC Co"1l#! C6o11#! A 0.: )4 / D+7. E<'#(&,l Po4+'+7# =>? HF R#@#c'+o&

ECE 4501

Power Systems Laboratory Manual

Rev 1.0

L,*-Vol' Vol',8# S#l#c'o( A&o* =E S 8801?

B( 4( 5( 3(

er Cir"uit +oard and

Sele"t !iring Control Signal 2 as in ut to t&e C&o as trigger signal #or t&e @s"illos"o e.

Ma-e sure t&at t&e voltage "ontrol is turned #ully "ounter"lo"-wise and turn on t&e Power Su ly. )urn on t&e @s"illos"o e. Slowly turn t&e voltage "ontrol "lo"-wise until t&e voltage out ut 8$> is A0 .olts 'about 15I(. Read t&e <C .oltmeter a"ross t&e load. I# it reads Kero .olts1 t&ere is a roblem somew&ere in t&e "ir"uit. Re"&e"- t&e wiring and veri#y t&at t&e !iring Control Cir"uit is wor-ing ro erly. %&en a non$5ero reading is available1 re"ord it in t&e table below. C&ange t&e duty "y"le on t&e C&o er by removing Signal 2 and utting !iring Control Signal + into C&o er Cir"uit +oard. It is @M to leave t&e ower su ly on. Measure t&e average load voltage #or ea"& available signal1 2 t&roug& <1 and re"ord t&em below*

8( ,(

2verage Load .oltage S+8&,l/D"'; C;cl# Vol',8# A / 10.:C B / 0:C C / :0C D / B:C

V!c V!c V!c V!c

Sele"t !iring Signal + as in ut to t&e C&o er. !ine$tune t&e @s"illos"o e to dis lay t&e load voltage wave#orm. S-et"& it below*

F+8"(# 8-B
-8 $

ECE 4501

Power Systems Laboratory Manual

Rev 1.0


>ow "&ange t&e #reHuen"y o# t&e "lo"- signal on t&e #iring "ir"uit to a roCimately 100 45. 'Putting an additional 10 ! in arallel wit& t&e eCisting "&arging "a a"itor s&ould do it( >o need to turn o## t&e ower su ly. %&at is t&e immediate result in t&e reading on t&e <C .oltmeter ModuleN OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO %&yN OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



Remove t&e 10 ! "a a"itor and )0R> @!! )4E P@%ER S0PPL61 leaving t&e voltage "ontrol untou"&ed.

1B( )o smoot& t&e out ut wave#orm1 it is ne"essary to store eC"ess energy w&en t&e "&o er is @> and return it to t&e load w&en t&e "&o er is @!!. 2dd a #ree$w&eeling <iode1 a series indu"tor and a s&unt "a a"itor to t&e "ir"uit used above to ma-e t&e #ollowing "ir"uit*

14( 2 ly !iring Signal + to t&e C&o er and re"ord t&e value o# t&e <C .oltmeter a"ross t&e load. )&is is t&e average voltage.

-, $

ECE 4501


Rev 1.0


@bserve t&e wave#orm o# t&e load voltage as seen on t&e os"illos"o e. Re"ord t&e Pea- .alue o# t&e .oltage1 and s-et"& it on t&e gra & rovided. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . ea-

F+8"(# 8-D
13( Cal"ulate t&e er"ent ri Ri le 'I( D . ea- : .avg C 100I .avg Per"ent Ri le D OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI1 A.A ! 18( >ow swit"& on 4.4 mi"ro#arad "a a"itor in arallel wit& t&e A.A mi"ro#arad "a a"itor on t&e Ca a"itor Module. Cal"ulate t&e er"ent ri le* Per"ent Ri le D OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI1 3.3 ! 1,( >ow swit"& on all t&ree "a a"itors in t&e Ca a"itor Module '#or a total o# 15.4 !(. Cal"ulate t&e er"ent ri le* Per"ent Ri le D OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI1 15.4 ! 19( Loo- at t&e load voltage wave#orm on t&e os"illos"o e. <oes it loosmoot&erN OOOOOOOOOO A0( >ote t&at t&e average voltage &as in"reased signi#i"antly. @ne must lower t&e duty "y"le to maintain t&e desired average out ut voltage. le wit& t&e #ollowing eHuation*

-9 $

ECE 4501 A1(

Power Systems Laboratory Manual

Rev 1.0 ly.

Return t&e voltage "ontrol to Kero er"ent and turn @!! t&e ower su

1. )ry to eC lain t&e ur ose o# t&e #ree$w&eeling diode in t&e #ilter*

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A. %&at ot&er s e"i#i" &ardware would t&is ower su ly need to be a truly use#ul devi"eN 'i.e. w&at "om onents would rovide t&e additional #eatures o# ower su lies outlined at t&e beginning o# t&is labN(



%&at is t&e airs eed velo"ity o# an unladen SwallowN


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