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Cydonia, Mars and the Stones of Fire What does the Bible say?

Isaiah 51:9 Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD; awake, as in the ancient da s, in the generations of o!d" Art thou not it that hath cut Raha#, and wounded the dragon$ %sa!ms &9:&'11 O LORD (od of hosts, who is a strong LORD !ike unto thee$ or to th faithfu!ness round a#out thee$ )hou ru!est the raging of the sea: when the wa*es thereof arise, thou sti!!est them" )hou hast #roken Raha# in pieces, as one that is s!ain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with th strong arm" )he hea*ens are thine, the earth a!so is thine: as for the wor!d and the fu!!ness thereof, thou hast founded them" +,ekie! -&:.; 1.'15,1/; 1& . 0eho!d ou 1Lucifer 2referred to through the king of ) rus34 are wiser than Danie!; e*er one of the secret things is not hidden to ou""" 1. )hou hast #een in +den the garden of (od; e*er precious stone was th co*ering, the sardius, topa,, and the diamond, the #er !, the on 5, and the 6asper, the sapphire, the emera!d, and the car#unc!e, and go!d: the workmanship of th ta#rets and of th pipes was prepared in thee in the da that thou wast created" 17)hou art the anointed cheru# that co*ereth; and I ha*e set thee so: thou wast upon the ho! mountain of (od; thou hast wa!ked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire" 15 8ou were perfect in our wa s from the da ou were created, unti! ini9uit was found in ou" 1/ 0 the mu!titude of our trade the fi!!ed our midst with *io!ence, and ou sinned" :o I cast ou profaned from the height of (od, A;D I D+:)RO8+D 8O<, O= >O?+RI;( >=+R<0, @ROA AAO;( )=+ :)O;+: O@ @IR+""" 1& 0 the host of our ini9uities, # the ini9uit of our trade, ou ha*e profaned our ho! p!aces; thus I brought a fire from your midst; ;ote: Da*id @! nn #e!ie*es B:tones of fireC is an ancient term for p!anets" )he were ca!!ed BstonesC for their si,eDshape and !ook to #e on BfireC #ecause the are #right"

Is our current asteroid #e!t in the or#it of a p!anet that no !onger e5ists$ (i*en that each p!anet has itEs own e!ectrica! charge and or#ita! resonance, it wou!d make sense that e*en though the p!anet was destro ed, itEs materia! that wasnEt #!own out of the so!ar s stem wou!d fa!! #ack into itEs or#it o*er time" ;ot on! that, #ut continuing on, we see that there is more e*idence that a sudden e5p!osion occurred at one point in time !ong ago" Aartian >atac! sm: Impact energ ana! sis in support of the origin of mu!tip!e anoma!ies on Aars - In The Mars Mystery: A Tale of the End of Two Worlds 2199&3 (raham =ancock presented e*idence of a hidden menace !urking in our so!ar s stem F the fragments of a giant comet that passed c!ose to Aars and to the +arth some -G,GGG ears ago and that #roke up into do,ens of fragments ki!ometers across" =ancock argued that it was an intense #om#ardment of these fragments that Bki!!edC Aars F not mi!!ions of ears ago, as most scientists sti!! suppose, #ut *er recent! F and that our own p!anetEs future ma #e threatened # the same or#iting c!oud of de#ris" ;ow in a new stud aerospace engineer (ar R" :pe5arth re'e5amines the e*idence of the Aartian catac! sm" )he hea*i! 'cratered surface of Aars is genera!! estimated to #e o*er . #i!!ion ears o!d, he notes: B0ut what if it isnEt . #i!!ion ears o!d" Hhat if the impacts did not occur s!ow! throughout the !ife of the p!anet #ut rather occurred sudden! , in a short amount of time" He ma find that the current surface of Aars ma on! #e thousands of ears o!d instead of #i!!ionsI Aa #e in the near past it sti!! had running water and an atmosphereI )he imp!ications of such are astoundingIC more...

;otice in the image a#o*e, how 6ust one hemisphere contains the ma6orit of the craters from e5terna! impact" )his can on! happen if either the materia! #eing f!ung into the Aartian atmosphere is timed to impact within particu!ar time'frames o*er a !ong period of time, or there was a sudden e5p!osion of a !arge o#6ect near# that resu!ted in a shotgun effect on the surface of Aars" ;o dou#t this wou!d ha*e #!own most of the atmosphere off into space" It a!so wou!d ha*e temporari! ad6usted the Aartian or#it from where it was #efore" As we see in the stud # >huck Aiss!er, we ha*e historica! reason to #e!ie*e that Aars came in c!ose # passes of +arth e*idenced # se*era! things"

Mars in history
)he god of war +*er 1&G ears Aars passed c!ose to the earth in or#it" Hhen a p!anet that #ig comes that c!ose it in*o!*es crusta! tides of &5 feetI )he ancient cities of )ro , etc" were re#ui!t from their ru##!e se*en timesI Aars rising at 5G times the si,e of the moon causing these crusta! and ocean tides" Lightning and destruction fo!!owed and IEm sure that man who didnEt understand the ga!a5 !ike we do toda , worshipped this phenomenon #ecause of itEs power and danger" :atan used this to contro! the popu!ations through the spiritua! !eaders and draw peop!e awa from the )rue (od who wrote in the )orah not to worship the ph sica! things #ecause the are created things too" He are to worship the One )rue (od on! , #ecause =e made it a!!" 2Information taken from >huck Aiss!erEs teaching on Aars3 )here is a!so the stor of the author of (u!!i*erEs )ra*e!s, Jonathan :wift" In the stor , astronomers #rag a#out knowing a#out the moons of Aars" )he thing is this #ook was pu#!ished we!! #efore astronomers actua!! disco*ered the moons" In fact one is so sma!! and has something !ike 1K ref!ecti*it which makes it impossi#!e to see without a te!escope" =ow did Jonathan :wift know a#out the moons of Aars$ >huck Aiss!er #e!ie*es, as I do, that he ran across this information in doing research for his #ook and used it for the stor " If Aars did pass c!ose # the +arth as #e!ie*ed, then

peop!e wou!d #e a#!e to see the moons of Aars since the p!anet was so c!ose in or#it"

Cydonia Region of Mars

@ace on Aars gets makeo*er 2:eptem#er --, -GG/3 ' ;A:A started it a!! #ack in 19L/ with an image of an interesting mountain on Aars and a caption that descri#ed it as appearing to ha*e e es and nostri!s" )hirt ears !ater, the B@ace on AarsC sti!! inspires m ths and conspirac theories" ;ew images from the +uropean :pace Agenc Es Aars +5press or#iter wi!! confirm for man that the features are natura!, whi!e no dou#t offering tanta!i,ing Bc!uesC to others of an ancient inte!!igent ci*i!i,ation at work" )he spacecraftEs =igh Reso!ution :tereo >amera pro*ides data the researchers turn into co!or perspecti*e *iews, which simu!ate the scene as though ou were f! ing high o*er the region in an aircraft" )he data was o#tained in Ju! and the images re!eased )hursda " B)he not on! pro*ide a comp!ete! fresh and detai!ed *iew of an area so famous to fans of space m ths a!! around the wor!d, #ut a!so pro*ide an impressi*e c!ose'up o*er an area of great interest for p!anetar geo!ogists, and show once more the high capa#i!it of the Aars +5press camera,C said Agustin >hicarro, +:A Aars +5press pro6ect scientist" )he feature known as the @ace, a!ong another sku!!'!ike feature and p ramid'!ooking hi!!s in the *icinit , are in an area ca!!ed > donia in the Ara#ia )erra region" If (od destro ed that p!anet #etween Jupiter and Aars, the impact of the de#ris wou!d ha*e hit Aars on the same side and pro#a#! destro ed an atmosphere" )his is pro#a#! what caused the or#ita! resonance of the so!ar s stem to change and #rought a#out the changed or#it in Aars that caused it to come within c!ose pro5imit to the +arth at times in their or#its and caused the peop!e of +arth to worship the p!anet as the war god Aars" +*entua!! , the resonance of the so!ar s stem sett!ed to what it is toda , #ut the asteroid fie!d remained !ike a ring of de#ris marking where the or#it of the p!anet was" +5amine the pictures #e!ow for ourse!f" )he are a!! aeria! pictures of the surface of Aars" Are these structures natura!$ ;otice the straight edges with shadows depicting the corners of the p ramid structures" >om#ine this with the thousands of reported <@O sightings and cases of a!ien a#ductions, and the 0i#!ica! accounts of non'humans 2fa!!en ange!s3 mating with human women to produce ;ephi!im, 2(enesis /:1'&3 and our ancient histor comes a !itt!e more into focus, I #e!ie*e" Read <@Os, A!iens M Antichrist: )he Ange!ic >onspirac M +nd )imes Deception If Lucifer once wa!ked among the p!anets, then whoEs to sa he and his fa!!en ange!s arenEt what =o!! wood wou!d du# Ba!iens$C )he arenEt from this p!anet, right$ (i*en their repti!ian nature and the seed of the serpent, I think there ma #e a !ink to these odd structures on Aars" )his is no wa pro*en, #ut an interesting possi#i!it " It shou!dnEt affect our faith in >hrist in an wa " If itEs true, then the 0i#!e seems to co*er it"

)hese pictures show the two sides of the face on Aars" Discussed here

Re*e!ation 5:5 )hen one of the e!ders said to me, BDo not weepI :ee, the Lion of the tribe of udah, the Root of Da*id, has triumphed" =e is a#!e to open the scro!! and its se*en sea!s"C >hrist is (od in the f!esh, as a man" =e is a!so going to return in g!or as the Lion of the tri#e of Judah" Is this face on Aars a deteriorated and eroded monument to >hrist meant to #e seen from space$ It wou!d certain! #e an appropriate scope if it wereI In the end, weE!! 6ust ha*e to wait ti!! hea*en to know for sure 6ust how much of this is 6ust seeing things" <pdated 11'-1'-GG/: I was recent! shown updated photos of the > donia region of Aars" )he !ack of shadows is *er re*ea!ing" It !ooks !ike eroded de#ris scattered around !ike! due to erosion" )his wou!d #e what I wou!d e5pect from e5treme amounts of de#ris raining down from the hea*ens of Aars"

!ther Sites on this to"i#

)his can get *er detai!ed and what is presented here is 6ust the tip of the ice#erg" ;A:A has these same images, #ut ignore them outward! " I #e!ie*e the fa!!en ange!s ha*e a!read made the dea!s with the shadow go*ernments that tru! run the wor!d" )heir u!timate goa! wi!! !ead us to the end when >hrist returns and takes the kingdoms" )here are simi!ar ang!es and patterns #etween the Aars > donia region and +arth'anchored monuments as we!!" In fact, Richard =oag!and has some interesting theories a#out 19"5 degrees and increased energ within the p!anets at that circumference #oth a#o*e and #e!ow the e9uator" )his howe*er, is 6ust an introductor page to the main concepts" @or continued stud """ Da*id @! nnEs He#site home Aars :phin5 connection$ ' )he m sterious structures that ma upstage ;A:AEs e*idence of Aartian !ife" Aars :urface Anoma!ies ' :ome interesting pictures from the Aars sur*e or program" Richard >" =oag!andEs +nterprise Aission ' )he picture #e!ow comes from RichardEs we#site (You have to scroll down about halfway for the Mars images) and there are more !inks to pictures taken of the surface of Aars there" ;otice the p ramid shapes and we!!'defined edges" )r and find natura! formations that defined an where" ;ature doesnEt form perfect edges, it wears them down" )here is inte!!igent design here, the specifics of which we ma not know ti!! hea*en, #ut I sti!! find it an e5treme! interesting part of our histor " =oag!andEs AAR:: ?o!ume II 2@e#ruar -L, 199-3 ' <; 0riefing and <@O footage ana! sis # Richard >" =oag!and" =e discusses the Aars connection as we!! ta!king a#out the face on Aars and the > donia region of Aars" 1 hr 51 min

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