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through Bertha Dudde 7871

Purpose of earthly existence ....

ou yoursel!es ga!e rise to your existence on earth "hen you refused to re#ain in the circuit of $y flo" of lo!e. ou had %een independent %eings "hich & externalised out of $y lo!e %ut "hich had al"ays %een in #ost heartfelt contact "ith $e and "ere therefore al"ays per#eated %y $y strength of lo!e. 's long as you accepted this e#anation of lo!e you "ere %lissfully happy. But "hen you !oluntarily left the circuit of $y lo!e( $y strength of lo!e %eca#e ineffecti!e( "hich #eant that you %eca#e incapa%le of %eing acti!e since it has al"ays necessitated $y strength of lo!e. &nacti!ity is solidification( inacti!ity is i##o%ility .... it is a state of death( of co#plete lifelessness .... ou !oluntarily entered this state through you past re%ellion against $e and you "ill re#ain in this state until you !oluntarily enter the circuit of $y lo!e again. 'll %eings "hich had once fallen a"ay fro# $e #ust go through this process) of arising fro# death to life. *hus( the fallen spirits( ha!ing hardened as a result of re+ecting $y strength of lo!e( had %eco#e incapa%le of all acti!ity and "ere dissol!ed %y $y "ill into countless #inute particles( "hich "ere encapsulated %y $y strength of lo!e and shaped into creations of the #ost !aried ,inds .... *hese( in turn( helped the spiritual su%stances to %eco#e acti!e again( al%eit -uite #ini#ally( according to $y "ill .... 'cti!ity is life .... *he dead su%stance gradually a"a,ened to life

and the degree of acti!ity constantly increased through ne" for#ations of the %ound spirits "ithin these "or,s of creation .... ou hu#ans are no" occupying the final for# in "hich the once fallen %eing shall attain the highest degree of acti!ity and is a%le to do so if it uses its restored free "ill in the right "ay .... our external for# is also a "or, of creation %y $y lo!e "hich is to %ring the process to conclusion) to result in eternal life for you "hich you cannot lose any#ore "hen you ha!e acco#plished your return to $e..o"e!er( your life as a hu#an %eing also includes the great danger that you "ill #isuse your free "ill for a second ti#e and there%y render the "hole pre!ious process of de!elop#ent co#pletely "orthless .... that you "ill descend into the a%yss again( that you "ill re+ect $y lo!e once #ore and harden in your spiritual su%stance .... that you "ill fall prey to death again .... our existence as a hu#an %eing is an inconcei!a%le grace( for e!erything that can lead you to final perfection is offered to you .... .o"e!er( ho" you use this grace is deter#ined %y your free "ill( and this can only e!er %e sti#ulated or influenced %ut never be forced to ai# into the right direction. /e!ertheless( you hu#ans should ,no" ho" extraordinarily significant your life on earth is) conse-uently( the correlations "ill %e explained to you ti#e and again( the ,no"ledge is con!eyed to you either directly or through $y #essengers "hich intends to a"a,en your sense of responsi%ility. *i#e and again you are instructed through $y Word( and you also hear the !oice of conscience "ithin yoursel!es. 0!en so( it is up to you as to "hat you #a,e of this ,no"ledge .... it is up to you as to "hether you "ant to accept $y direct re!elations. et e!en $y greater than great lo!e cannot do anything #ore %ut to con!ey such re!elations to you "hich infor# you of the conse-uences of a correct "ay of life( of the reason and purpose of your life on earth and of $y "ill( the fulfil#ent of "hich "ill truly guarantee you a life of %lissful happiness ....

But & cannot make you %elie!e $y re!elations( for +ust as you once left $e !oluntarily( +ust as you once !oluntarily re+ected $y lo!e( you #ust also return to $e !oluntarily( you #ust !oluntarily enter the circuit of $y flo" of lo!e again .... you #ust want to %e closely united "ith $e again and you "ill truly enter into eternal life( you "ill return to your Father again and %e eternally happy ....


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