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A knocking sounded. Lillia got up from the table, walked over, and opened the door.

An old man with greyed hair and a beard, wearing a long red cloak with white sleeves and cuffs, and holding a tall weather-beaten staff, entered the room. Matthew! Forgive us for not setting your place, but we did not expect you back so soon. What did the Emperor summon you for? asked the man seated at the table, Abdius, Lillias father. Matthew, for that was the name of the old man, took off his warm cloak and hung it up on a hook near the fireplace, leaned his staff against the wall, and sighed. He has given me an ultimatum. If I do not restore the light by the equinox, we will all be sacrificed to Mulecth. Abdius and his lovely wife, Clilda, looked at one another and nodded their heads sadly. Children too? asked Clilda worryingly, looking around at her two daughters and one son. Children too. And cattle, and homes, and anything they own. I shall begin gathering the men, said Abdius with a stern look on his face. We are prepared. We knew it would come to this someday. I will not say Thou shalt not kill, for it is not wrong to defend yourselves. Nevertheless, I shall not help you. I am too old anyway. My prayers will be of more use. The best thing to do now is pray for a miracle, prepare for a good death, and I suggest we start. Just think, almost a week, and well finally be in heaven! Why do we have to go to heaven next week? I want to grow up like Lillia! piped up Matthius, the youngest child, a little boy merely 4 years old. Me too! I dont want to die yet! Why do we have to die! cried Nylsea, the second oldest, a girl of nine. Because were Christian. The High priests dont like us because if more people become Christians then they wont be able to scare anyone, and then they wont be able to take our money and food away and get rich. They play on the Emperors superstitious fears to manipulate him, and they are going to slaughter us if we cannot find a way of breaking this darkness by Easter. replied Lillia. Well then well have to find a way, because I still dont want to die! I-Its impossible! The priests powers are very strong, and obviously from the Devil himself! What can we do against such evil? Abdius declared. I thought you said With God, nothing is impossible.? spoke Nylsea, looking confused.

Youre right; my dear child. responded Matthewwith a smile. With God, nothing is impossible. Yet if it is Gods will, we will die for Him. Maybe our martyrdom is the only way that we may save the souls of the people on this island. Why Why... Lillia raised her voice, Why are we all acting as if its so hopeless? Cant we do anything to bring the light back except pray? Prayer is a most powerful weapon, answered Matthew, for all those who truly trust in God will pray with trust. Seek and ye shalt findKnock and it shalt be opened to you. Then why arent our prayers being answered? inquired Lillia indignantly. Sometimes God chooses not to answer our prayers. This can be for either one of three reasons: that we didnt pray fervently enough, that what we were praying for would not be good for us, or that He has something greater planned. I suggest it is the latter. Well, if its the evil High priests that are causing this darkness, why dont you kill them or cast their devils out or something? I have already tried. They have no devils in them, and they are too heavily guarded to attack. No, I think prayer will have to be our only weapon, but never underestimate its power. We may live to see the light of the sun yet. Now excuse me, I shall go to the poorer part of town and care for the sick. I want to go with you! Lillia expressed. My child, it is too dangerous. That part of the city is full of robbers and marauders who would take advantage of you. I... I Im nearly 17 Please! she pleaded. Hmm I forgot that. You want to see your uncle, dont you? Yes, yes. Alright, but at your own risk; I have others to care for too. Put on a cloak; it is going to be a cold night.

Lillia walked on in silence, but with a smile on her face. Her uncle Fructius had been kicked out of his home for becoming a follower of Christ, and was forced to live in the streets by

begging. He had eventually got very sick, and as Lillias family had turned Christian as well, they sent him food and clothes to care for him through Matthew, who in turn cared for the needs of his soul and everyone else who would let him. But that was over 3 months ago now. Perhaps he was better. But no, he was probably worse. Everyone was getting worse. Nobody had told her, but she could tell that even her mother was starting to get the strange sickness floating around. Whatever the priests did to create the darkness, it was having a permanent effect on the health of the inhabitants of the island. She shuddered, but not just from the cold. She was thinking about the strange thick darkness that had enveloped the entire island after Matthew had challenged the chief High priestess Vetralketis as to whether her gods were more powerful than the one true God. A string of foul language and this darkness had been her answer. The darkness was not like normal dark. It was thick, and light could not penetrate very far into it. The only way the time of day could be told was by an ingenious machine near the Emperors palace, but that was so far away from most peoples homes. All anybody could tell was the difference between day and night because of the temperatures. There has to be some way to destroy the dark! she thought. Matthews right, of course, but I Her train of thoughtwas suddenly cut short by a hand muffling a cloth over her face. She struggled, flashing her arms out wildly, and received a hard kick in the legs and another in the pit of her stomach, knocking her out of breath. She heard a scraping sound, and felt a cold metal knife against her throat. She looked around for Matthew, but in the dark she wouldnt have been able to see him anyway. Stop! she heard a young mans voice whisper. Its not the priestess. She was then dragged through a curtain and presumably into a house. A candle was lit, and her veil was pulled off, revealing her black hair done up in a fashionable bun. Now, who are you and the speaker stopped short. Lillia?Lillia? Is it you? Davicus! Lillia cried, running into the speakers arms. Matthew said you were dead! No, but Im as good as dead. I killed a priest in self-defence, and now there is a price on my head so large that the money would fill up a whole room. My small band of followers and I have hidden in this empty house. What are you doing in this filthy part of town? We thought you were a priestess at first, come to get me. I I came with Matthew, to see my uncle. In the dark I must have gone the wrong way. Davicus looked around at his Eletrus, one of his companions, as he stepped into the light. Havent you heard? he said, lowering his head.

Heard what? About your uncle? A lot of Christians were slaughtered yesterday evening. Your uncle was amongst them. Why? Why? cried Lillia. Davicus hung his head. Because he stammered, tears filling his eyes, Because of what I did! Lillia embraced him, sobbing, and they both cried together. After a moment Lillia rubbed her eyes, and said, What are we going to do? Were going to try and stop this darkness! replied Davicus determinedly. But how? Lillia, this darkness is not natural. It is a kind of black smoke, so thick that light cannot penetrate far. It is caused by a machine in Malecths temple. We are going to try and destroy this machine. I have a man working on digging a hole in the wall near the machine, and hes going to try and ruin it. He should have done it by now and be back here any minute. Just as he finished saying this, they heard footsteps nearby, and the curtain rustled.

Nylsea may have only been 9 years of age, but she was a very determined young girl. Once she made up her mind about something, she had made it up and would not change it for anything. She had made up her mind that she didnt want to die, and she had made up her mind that the best way to assure that she would still be alive by Easter was by praying. So while all her friends parents and her parents were packing their belongings and preparing to flee or fight, Nylsea was gathering her friends and taking them to her house to pray. Thus when Matthew came back to the house he found a large amount of small children praying quietly. They all stopped when he opened the door. What are you doing? he asked. Were praying so that God will take the darkness away before Easter so we dont die and you dont die and no one will be bad enough to go to Hell. explained Nylsea. Matthew smiled and thought Dear God, if only we adults all had the faith of these little ones who must be so dear to the! That brought to mind when he had heard Jesus say Let the children come unto meI tell you, unless ye all become like these little ones, you shall not inherit My Fathers Kingdom. He hated to tell them that their prayers probably wouldnt be

answered. No, he just couldnt bear himself to do it. He turned around began to walk out the door, but thought better of it and went and joined the children in prayer, kneeling prostrate on the floor.

Meanwhile, inside the temple of the evil god of Death, Malecth, the high priestess Vetralketis was getting angry and worried. This prisoner, this Christian was getting the better of her. True, she could just kill him, but she wanted to know why he and his companion were here and what they were doing before the trap was set off. She was beginning to get completely fed up. What were you attempting to do? No answer. You were going to destroy my machine, werent you? No answer again. We know where your hideout is. Who else other than your bandits knows the truth about the darkness? Pause Why dont you answer me? The wrath of almighty Malecth shall fall upon you if you do not! she yelled. Why should I fear death, when it would bring me to the true God? Malecth is a false and unreal idol and if he is real, then he is Satan, the enemy of the true God. He shall have no power over me because I have been born again in the resurrection of Jesus Christ! shouted Hulius, the prisoner. At the mention of the Holy Name of the Son of God, Vetralketiss eyes widened, she straightened herself, and foam frothed out her open mouth of clenched teeth. She was like a personification of pure anger. Snatching a javelin from one of the temple guards that surrounded her, she drew her arm back in order to throw it at the tortured man. One of the guards, who was secretly sympathetic to Christianity, put his arm out and stopped her. Perhaps we should search him your worshipness. That is, before we, um Search him then! she screamed, flinging the javelin into the guard, who crumpled to the floor, blood spurting from his chest. The rest of the guards did as was ordered, afraid lest they too should be ordered to death in this sudden rage of the High Priestesss. However, the search proved fruitless. I said search him! screamed the priestess. So the guards did as was told, and stripped off his clothes and shoes, examining each possible hiding place. Suddenly one of the guards, who was looking inside a shoe, exclaimed something unintelligible. What is it? asked Vetralketis, the anger apparently out of her body, but her eyes still flaming.

A fire! yelled the guard excitedly. In the Emperors Palace! Then glancing at Vetralketis, Im sorry, your worshipness, he said, although he did not look it, b ut I think our service is needed elsewhere! She glared at them as they left her with the prisoner. Now, she said, taking out a sharp, long curved sword from a sheath on her belt and looking at the prisoner with an evil expression on her face, You are going to pay. For even she screamed wildly, cutting off his right arm, mentioning cutting off his left arm,the name cutting off his right leg,of your cursed and cutting off his left leg, God in my presence, and for your sacrilege against Malecth! May he condemn you to the burning fire for all eternity! Hulius, in great pain though he was, looked sadly at her, and said, It is not I, but you who will be going there. I shall go to the God I have served as best as I am able and He shall take me to eternal light. As he said it a look came over his face such as one that cannot be destroyed by hate. Vetralkis gave a terrible ear-splitting cry, and drove the sword through his heart, took it out, and began slicing him out of pure malice, the innocent mans blood staining her long hair and gowns as it poured out onto the floor. She was so obsessed with violence toward the dead martyr that she didnt hear the noise footsteps behind her. She was then knocked out senseless by a heavy object. Tie her up, Mincus! yelled Davicus, for it was he that he knocked out the high priestess with one of the heavy candlesticks that illuminated the room. Mincus did as he was told, and she was tied up and shoved into a corner, still senseless. Poor Hulius! exclaim ed Davicus, looking at the bloodied remains of his friends corpse. I am sorry you had to see this Lillia. Nevertheless, remember Matthew said that those who lay down their life for Jesus shall truly save it. Now, I understand what he meant by that. Surely that is the best way possible to die, defending God. His reward shall be great indeed, replied Lillia, tears in her eyes and a sick feeling in her stomach. As will Javuss, said Eletrus, coming from the room with the machine. We found him; he is buried underneath the fallen wall in there. He must have set off a trap. By the way, that fire ruse has worked; there are absolutely no guards in sight anywhere. Is the machine destroyed? asked Davicus. Yes, answered Eletrus. It is no longer functioning. Nonetheless, it will still be 2 or 3 more days till this smoke has properly cleared. 2 to 3 days Hmmm Lets see Lillian counted. It must be about Good Friday morning now That means the darkness will clear just in time! She went over and em braced Davicus. They and Mincus started cheering and crying.

Were going to live! Were going to live! they shouted wildly. Only Eletrus did not join in. Instead, a grave expression came over his face. Davicus noticed and said What is the matter? I I I Ill tell you later. No I guess this day has just been a shock for me. Its been a big shock for all of us! put in Mincus. What shall do with the high priestess? inquired Lillia. Well just leave her here, responded Davicus. Ive seen enough blood for one day. Besides, shes unarmed; Matthew wouldnt like it. Now lets go, before any guards show up.

Sunday morning dawned. Easter Sunday morning. The sun was shining bright across the sky. Lillia and her family, Matthew, Davicus and his companions, and all the other Christians were standing on the Emperors Palace steps. They were all dressed in their best, and were very excited. The rest of the people on the island were below, watching. Then the Emperor himself came out. He sat in his royal chair and held up his hand for silence. Then he began to tell the real story about the strange darkness to the bewildered people, and about how since the darkness was fake, Malecth must be fake too; how he had not known about this plot between the priests and priestesses to overthrow him, and how they had played on everybodys fears. He personally thanked Matthew for enlightening the ideas of the inhabitants and making them able to see past the lies of their false religion. Then Matthew got up, and what a speech he gave! He spoke of the Creation, the Israelites journey through history, of Jesuss life, death, and resurrection. Afterwards, the majority of the multitude, including the Emperor, were baptized. Then the Emperor ordered Davicus, Eletrus, Mincus, Matthew, and Lillia up onto the highest step with him. He proclaimed them The savers of the empire! and to Matthews title he added, The one who brought us Jesus, the Saviour of our souls! When it was Lillias turn, he told her, You are a very beautiful young woman. How would you like to come and live in my palace? Im sure one of my sons would like to marry you. Lillia smiled, but shook her head. Thank you, your highness, but Im already getting married, she said glancing at Davicus, who looked back at her in surprise and joy.

Then there was a feast which lasted well into the night and began again the next morning, and did not finish until the end of Easter week. Everyone had fun; there was lots of music and dancing and games in honour of the resurrection. Everyone was happy, yet none were more joyful than Eletrus. Once, Matthew saw him leave in the middle of dinner and went to follow him. He found him outside, crying. Whats the matter? he asked. Nothings the matter! Theres just been a miracle! I know. It is, isnt it? No, not that! I mean a real, authentic miracle, like what happened to the Israelites or in the life of Jesus! What? spoke Matthew sharply. Throughout generations, it has always been the honour of my family to keep track of time. We do this from the patterns of the sun and the moon, and these patterns, although they change, we are able to predict their changes. Well? According to these predictions, there should have been a total eclipse from 3 hours after midday, Friday afternoon until 2 hours before dark today! Matthews mouth went wide open when he realised what had happened. Dont tell anyone else! pleaded Eletrus. I wont, replied Matthew. But tell me, since you knew the case was so hopeless, why did you still fight back against the priests and priestesses? Because Davicus is my friend. You told me yourself that Jesus spoke, Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for a friend. Matthew was left speechless.

Lillias and Davicuss wedding was the next week, and almost everyone was invited. But Matthew did not come, and when the married girls parents went back to their house, his staff

and cloak were gone. No one on that island ever saw him again, and it remained a mystery forever after how he had disappeared, since boats were not invented yet. Lillia and Davicus practically lived happily for the rest of their lives, and had 9 wonderful children, each as beautiful and handsome as their mother and father were. And their parents never forgot to teach them the importance of faith. THE END.

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