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8y: naLalle Lee
uear my readers, have you ever heard abouL Lhe clrculaLory sysLem ln your
body? 1hls sysLem ls hllarlous. lf you wanL Lo know why ls Lhls sysLem hllarlous,
read on. 1oday l am golng Lo become 8lll nye Lhe Sclence Cuy, Lo Leach you whaL
a clrculaLory sysLem ls! 1he clrculaLory sysLem ls a sysLem LhaL ls all around your
body, buL ls you don'L have Lhls sysLem you won'L geL blood clrculaLlng ln your
body, no oxygen ls golng Lo your braln, no nuLrlenLs and Lhls wlll cause deaLh.
1oday l am golng Lo lnLroduce Lhe fabulous funcLlon, splendld sLrucLure, helpful
healLh, dlsasLer dlsease and lasL buL noL leasL Lhe lnLrlgulng lnLeracLlons.
1he flrsL Lhlng l am golng Lo Lell you ls
Lhe mosL lmporLanL parL of Lhe sysLem, Lhe
fabulous funcLlon. Pow does Lhe sysLem
works? l am golng Lo Lell you now. llrsL you
breaLhe ln alr from your mouLh and nose,
Lhen lL goes down Lhrough Lhe slnus Lo Lhe
larynx Lo Lhe Lrachea Lo Lhe bronchl Lo Lhe
lungs Lhen Lo Lhe bronchloles, afLer LhaL
Lhe bronchloles ln Lhe lungs end up ln Lhe
alr sacs, and Lhen Lhe caplllarles absorb Lhe
oxygen, and Lhen Lhe blood vessels Lake
blood Lo Lhe hearL, Lhen Lhe hearL pumps
and Lhe oxygen rlch blood reach every parL
of Lhe body, afLerwards Lhe veln Lakes Lhe oxygen poor
blood back Lo Lhe hearL, and flnally Lhe cycle repeaLs
Pave you ever Lhlnk abouL how Lhls sysLem ls
formed or bulld? 1he maln sLrucLure of Lhe clrculaLory
sysLem ls Lhe organ, Lhe hearL. 1he hearL ls dlvlded up Lo
4 parLs, Lhe lefL aLrlum, lefL venLrlcle, Lhe rlghL aLrlum,
and Lhe rlghL venLrlcle. 1here are more Lhlngs LhaL bulld up Lhls organ, llke
caplllarles, arLerles and velns.
1he worsL Lhlng can happen Lo Lhls
sysLem ls sLroke. uo you know whaL ls sLroke?
SLroke happen when blood flows Lo a parL of
Lhe braln lL sLops. Causes of sLroke llke when
cholesLerol bullds up ln your blood sLream. And
lf Lhere are waxy subsLances lL wlll sLay Lhere
and lL wlll block Lhe cells golng Lhrough and Lhe
veln wlll explode. 1o prevenL sLroke you have
Lo conLrol alcohol use, sLop smoklng.. 1here
ls a klnd of drug called LhrombolyLlc, Lhls drug
helps you reesLabllsh Lhe blood flow.
Are you curlous of how Lo keep Lhls
sysLem worklng and noL damaged? lf you wanL
Lo keep Lhls sysLem healLhy, Lry Lo eaL aL leasL 3
servlngs of frulL and vegeLable each day, avold
sugary sofL drlnks and frulL drlnks. lrulLs are
healLhler Lhan sugary sLuff because sugar creaLes
faL and faLs creaLe hlgh cholesLerol. When you
have hlgh cholesLerol, your blood pressure wlll
become hlgher and hlgher and LhaL wlll cause
sLroke or hearL dlsease. 8uL unllke frulLs, frulLs
conLaln Lhe vlLamlns and mlneral LhaL human
needs. AnoLher way Lo keep lL healLhy ls Lo
exerclse every day, because muscles can make
your hearL sLronger, so lL ls able Lo pump ouL Lhe
blood qulcker and LransporL enough oxygen Lo
your body.
1he lasL buL noL leasL Lhe lnLrlgulng
lnLeracLlons wlLh Lhe resplraLory sysLem. 1he
clrculaLory sysLem and Lhe resplraLory sysLem
are besL buddles so LhaL's why Lhey play wlLh
each oLher. 1he resplraLory sysLem breaLhes ln
alr and Lhen Lhe blood ln Lhe clrculaLory sysLem
wlll brlng Lhe oxygen Lo each parL of Lhe body.
8uL Lhere ls an lnLeresLlng facL LhaL people
don'L know, do you know whaL's LhaL? Some
klnds of lnsecLs uC nC1 have Lhese 2 sysLems.
1hls 2 sysLem ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL sysLem ln everyone's body, because lf you
don'L have Lhls 2 sysLem you wlll noL survlve.
Well folks, afLer flnlsh readlng Lhls reporL l hope you dld learn someLhlng
from Lhe new 8lll nye Lhe Sclence Cuy. And become an experL, llke me. lf anyone
doesn'L know whaL a clrculaLory sysLem ls, lL's a greaL Llme Lo prove LhaL you are a
new experL ln Lhls sysLem. Pope Lo see you nexL Llme wlLh a healLhy clrculaLory

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