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p11, A Collection of Tunes, ed.

Thomas Hawkes, Watchet: (1833) Text: Charles Wesley

Summoned my labour to renew


Joel Thorne
This edition by Edmund Gooch released into the public domain, April 2014.

bb C & b b & b bC b & b bC ?bC bb

Sum - mond End of What - eer Stampd with

my my the an

la ev Fa in

to - bour ac - ry - ther views - fi - nite

glad all views work to things with he

n w

re - new, And tion thou, In as thine, He de - sert, My

act my part, thee I see gra - cious eyes; then shall own;

Sum - mond End of What - eer Stampd with

my my the an

la ev Fa in

to - bour ac - ry - ther views - fi - nite

re - new, And tion thou, In as thine, He de - sert, My

glad to all things views with work he

Sum - mond End of What - eer Stampd with

my my the an

la ev Fa in

to re - new, And - bour ac - tion thou, In - ry thine, He - ther views as - fi - nite de - sert, My

glad all views work to things with he glad all views work to things with he

act my part, thee I see gra - cious eyes; then shall own;

Sum - mond End of What - eer Stampd with

my my the an

act my thee I gra - cious then shall

part, see eyes; own;

la ev Fa in

to re - new, And - bour ac - tion thou, In - ry thine, He - ther views as - fi - nite de - sert, My

act my thee I gra - cious then shall

part, see eyes; own;

bb & b

Lord, Ac Je Well -

in cept sus, pleasd

thy my this with

name hal mean me,

my lowd ob when -

work la la mine

do, now; join art,

And I To And

b &b b b &b b ?b bb

Lord, Ac Je Well

in cept sus, pleasd

thy my this with

name hal mean me,

my lowd ob when

I bour tion thou

work la la mine

I bour tion thou

do, now; join art,

Lord, Ac Je Well

in cept sus, pleasd

thy my this with

name hal mean me,

my lowd ob when

work la la mine work la la mine

I bour tion thou

do, now; join art,

Lord, Ac Je Well

in cept sus, pleasd

thy my this with

name hal mean me,

my lowd ob when

I bour tion thou

do, now; join art,

Summoned my labour to renew - Crowcombe (Joel Thorne)


b &b b b &b b

heart, thee, fice, son,

and I to and

with a sin - gle do it un - to thy great sa - cri I his fa - vourd

a it great his

sin un sa fa -

gle to cri vourd -

heart. thee. fice. son.

with do thy I

b &b b ?b bb

And with a I do it To thy great And I his

sin - gle heart, un - to thee, sa - cri - fice, fa - vourd son,

and I to and

with a sin - gle do it un - to thy great sa - cri I his fa - vourd

heart. thee. fice. son.

and I to and

heart. thee. fice. son.

And with a I do it To thy great And I his

sin - gle un - to sa - cri fa - vourd

heart, thee, fice, son,

heart, thee, fice, son,

with a sin - gle do it un - to thy great sa - cri I his fa - vourd

And I To And

with a sin - gle do it un - to thy great sa - cri I his fa - vourd

and with a I do it to thy great and I his

sin un sa fa

gle to cri vourd

heart. thee. fice. son.

Notes: The order of staves in the source is Alto - Tenor - Soprano - Bass, with the alto part printed in the treble clef an octave above sounding pitch. The alto F and G in bar 12, given here as a dotted crotchet and quaver, are printed in the source as a full-sized minim F slurred to a small crotchet G. No text is underlaid in the source, although Hymns 91 and 321 (of the Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People called Methodists) are specified and the pattern of repeated lines is indicated by line numbers printed between the staves. The present text is that of Hymn 321: Hymn 91 is Long have I seemed to serve thee, Lord.

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