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Astrology as a Need:

Astrology as a Need: J. S. Sandhu Astrology in general parlance is study of Course of Destiny pertaining to actions that are likely to be caused by the stars and divine po ers at ork. !t is perhaps also a guide to the possible course of events to their destinations. As per "ikipedia # Astrologyis a group of syste$s# traditions# and beliefs hich hold that the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details can provide infor$ation about personality# hu$an affairs and other %earthly& $atters . A practitioner of astrology is called an astrologer. 'e astrologers believe that the $ove$ents and positions of celestial bodies either directly influence life on (arth or correspond to events e)perienced on a hu$an scale. *ore relevant is the idea that astrology is a sy$bolic language# an art for$# or a for$ of divination. Despite differences in definitions# a co$$on assu$ption of astrologers is that celestial place$ents can aid in the interpretation of past and present events# and in the prediction of the future. "hen does astrology co$e into play+ Astrology co$es into play hen you seek ans ers for the past# present and future of a person or $undane event. "hy things happen in a uncontrollable ay despite the fact that an event as $eticulously planned# best of talent available as sourced+ Astrology ans ers that. Certain part of an event or possible course of action al ays re$ains elusive to the best of $inds# it is for that elusive part that e seek ans ers and this is here the religious scriptures co$e in. As per ,hag ad -ita# .ne should continue to do his kar$a or the ork thus assigned and leave the attain$ent of the fruits of labor to divinity. /he philosophy behind this is that e should continue to do our best ithout orrying about the possible results. /o understand this concept better let us define success. Success is relative0 to $e %success& is hen preparation and creativity $eets opportunity. No arises the 1uestion hy do e prepare and create+ /he ans er is obviously si$ple to co$prehend ./hat for any event or eventuality to happen you need to put in an effort. An effort is a basic re1uire$ent for success or a failure and is the $ain ingredient in the recipe of life. A successful person looks for appreciation and loser al ays for the ans ers that led to his failure. /his is here Astrology helps hi$ seek the cause to an action that led to his failure. Another predo$inant fact that e$erges fro$ this discussion is that there are t o parts to an action or event one controllable and another beyond control #you can call this %Destiny& and the other part herein e put in our efforts as %2ar$a& as the controllable part. Astrology is considered a pseudoscience or superstition by the scientific co$$unity# hich sees a lack of statistically significant astrological predictions# hile psychology e)plains $uch of the continued faith in astrology as a $atter of cognitive biases. !n 3445 the 6.S. National Science ,oard published a state$ent hich said it considers belief in ten survey ite$s# astrology a$ong the$# to be 7pseudoscientific7. ,uying an air ticket for air travel is controllable but getting stuck in a $assive traffic 8a$ hile trying to board a plane is beyond control. /he person anted to travel# he or she $ade an effort to do so and succeeded in buying a

seat for an air travel but the $assive traffic 8a$ led to failure to board the flight to the destination. 9elating this e can 1uite rightly say that there is a significant part of outco$e of our actions that is beyond our control #its our reaction to the outco$e that effects our behavior and our search for ans ers for the success and failure thus achieved leads us to various $odes of divinity be it Astrology #Nu$erology #:al$istry or occult. No the 1uestion can the astrology provide the ans ers+ ;es# it can it is relatively easy. /o relate to the past events to e)plain hy the events happened. !t is the ability of an astrologer to foresee events# hich defines his $erit. !ndian astrology has vast array of tools and $ethods to fall back upon na$ely0 Ank 8yotish<<< Nu$erology =aastu<<<<<<<<< Architectural help on buildings . :rashana alis<<<<< 9ando$ ans er providing applications. (g#9a$ shallakha and >anu$aan 8yotish :rashana ali. Sa$undrik<<<<<<<<Study of pal$istry and face reading. ;antra #$antra and /antra<<< .ccult. ?aal kitaab<<<<< 9ed book of astrology. Nadi 8yotish<<<< ,ased on previously ritten ancients patras basically ritten on tree bark. /hus e conclude that astrology is a careful study of various aspects related to horoscopes based on astrono$ical calculations. !n the hands of an e)pert it is perfect tool to provide ans ers and hen in the hands of a 1uack or charlatan a $ethod of deceit. /here fore it is left to the seekers to seek ith discretion and isdo$ other ise your 1uest can put a dent in your hard earned savings.

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