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09926321938 08827115955 E-mail: keshav_sharma100@rediffmail. om ! sharma.keshav1972@"mail. om

Job Objective

#halle$"i$" %osi&io$ i$ &he field of o$s&r' &io$ (here ) a$ e$ha$ e m* skill i$ o$+'$ &io$ (i&h om%a$ies "oals a$d re,'ireme$&.

Prologue An astute professional with XX years of insightful experience in the areas of Project Management, Civil Engineering, Site Operations and (Sub Contract Management! Significant e"perience in managing construction and infrastructure developmental projects, with demonstrated proficienc# in planning, e"ecuting and overseeing estimation, billing, preparation of tender documents, contract administration and resource planning! E"pertise in implementing cost saving measure to achieve substantial reduction in terms of ma#da#s, total project cost, raw materials $ resources consumption! Proficient in handling %CC wor&, as well as in using all t#pe of anchor fastener wor& e"ecution in heav# %!C!C structure construction! 'eft in swiftl# ramping up projects well within budgetar# specifications as well as time and (ualit# specifications, with smooth handover on completion! E"posure in )SO *++,-.+++ implementation $ /ualit# Management principles! An effective communicator with honed relationship management, man management, anal#tical, planning and coordination s&ills! Capacit# to wor& under pressure situations and beat deadlines!
2ov&. E$"". #olle"e -e(a 3 M./.4 /ass i$ 5irs&

Technical & Pro e!!ional "#ali ication $#ali ication

%&E& Civil En'ineerin' -e(a .. /. 0 1$iversi&* i$ *ear 1997 6ivisio$ 7 698 10&h M./ 9ord 9ho%al *ear 1989 -/ass i$ 5irs& 6ivisio$

Total (ear! o E)*erience

12&h M / bord 9ho%al 1991-/ass i$ 5irs& 6ivisio$ :orki$" *ear i$ o$s&r' &io$ field +, ;ears< Expertise & Skills Project Management Managing construction projects for all civil, h#drographic surve#, land surve#ing activities and all t#pes of surve# with total station and 0PS! 1andling end to end projects encompassing planning, estimation, scope definition, finali2ation of techno-commercial aspects and la#ing down of (ualit# standards! 'esigning and drawing for modification, job e"ecution and other document re(uired for the related job! Site Management Supervising the e"ecution of mechanical and electrical wor&s on the site! Preparing detailed construction method statements, wor& preparation, e(uipment, planning $ temporar# wor&s preparation for new projects, and maintaining coordination with contracting firms handling large, highl# mechani2ed projects! Managing schedule, estimates, bar chart for project job and e"ecution of civil maintenance job including modification of machine foundation, plant painting, modification in industrial buildings, etc! Techno-commercial Activities Coordinating among consultants, contractors and clients as well as preparing tender documents3 specifications $ finali2ation of re(uirements, estimates $ 4O/! Ma&ing preliminar# cost estimates for constructions and upgradations of civil structures, %5P for procurement6 invitation, evaluation of proposals $ appointment of 5inancial Consultants! Preparing the wor& orders, raising purchase re(uest, inspection of material $ other stores related issue! uality Assurance! "ompliance 'evising and implementing processes, in line with organi2ational standards and client specifications! Maintaining records of tests, monitoring sub-contractors7 e"ecution of the wor&, and ensuring material stoc&s are sufficient to meet re(uirements! Ensuring (ualit# e"ecution and correct elevation of foundations, t#pe and position of anchor bolts, etc

C#rrent Location

Jai Pra-a!h A!!ociate! Lt.& 3=./.2ro'%4 >i"rie 0'%er Ther/al Po0er Project >i"rie 6is&&. 0i$"ra'li 3M./.4

Ke1 "#ali ication!

:i&h over 1? 1ear! of e@%erie$ e< o$s&r' &io$ s'%ervisio$< si&e ma$a"eme$& of m'l&idis i%li$ar* i$fras&r' &'ral %ro+e &s Ce/ent Plant Project )$d's&rial 9'ildi$"< Ce/ent' Unit!< 0'%er Ther/al Po0er /ro+e &< )$d's&rial Roa. Project< MORTH 3& H &S H Roa. Project45a/4 IRRI2ATIO34 Mai$ Canal! <9ra$ h #a$al Aa*o'& of 9'ildi$" b* 1si$" Bheodo li"h& .'&o level C 0'rve* :ork. E/*lo1/ent Recor. & E)*erience6 =a$'ar* 2009 &o Bill 6a&e 3#o$&i$'o's =./. 2ro'%4 Project En'ineer 7civil8 J&P& 3i'rie 0'%er Bhermal /o(er /ro+e & >i"rie 6is&&. 0i$"ra'li 3M./.4 THERMAL PO9ER PROJECT . -es%o$sibili&ies for &he o$s&r' &io$ s'%ervisio$ of mai$ %la$& ivilC s&r' &'ral (ork 3 ::;)<4 +=<; M9 !#*er Ther/al %o(er /ro+e &< la*o'& < boiler '$i& >o.1C2 -## fo'$da&io$ Mill :a*< #D/< B 2 9'ildi$" 33 EF 0'bs&a&io$ 0(i& h*ard.?00 EF s'b s&a&io$ fo'$da&io$< =;; TPH a%a i&* s&o$e rasher %la$& all roads mi$or brid"es 'lver&s 2o%ad -ivers 9arra"e. JA(PEE CEME3T 2RI35I32 U3IT 3I2RIE 7M&P&8 <+ MTPA ce/ent Plant 71$der o$s&r' &io$4 li$ker silo< eme$& silo< eme$& mill 9a" Do'se< /a ki$" %la$&.

J&P& 2ro#* Po!t Hel. Project 3a/e

: : :

E)tra Kno0le.'e

Kno0le.'e o Lan. Ac$#i!ition 3= / 2ro'% =>0B// >i"rie4 %la$ s hed'le liaiso$ :i&h Filla"ers C admi$is&ra&io$ &imel* %ossessio$ of Aa$d< arr* o'& all >e essar* s'rve* -e,'ired for la$d . ,'isi&io$ .

Project 3a/e! Po!t Hel. Client 3a/e Con!#ltant Re!*on!ibilitie!

: : : : :

. R& S& %& Project 5elhi4 %harat O/an Re iner1 %ina 6is&&. 0a"er 3M./.4 5rom 30!05!2006 &o 28!12!2008 Senior En'ineer %harat O/an Re iner1 Lt.& En'ineer In.ia Lt.& RE>I3ER( PROJECT : MTPA Petrole#/ re iner1 Ear&h :ork 0i&e "radi$". ##- 9'ildi$"< 3 >o. 72 me&. dia r'de oil &a$k< M-0 9lo ks b'ildi$"< #om%ressor

Do'se< /i%e -a k <ho& oil hea&er fo'$da&io$< o&her 9'ildi$" (orks< as %er E)A s%e ifi a&io$ C billi$" (ork< -oads.

3HAI4SH Project! Po!t hel. Client Con!#ltant Re!*on!ibilitie!

APCO CO3ST&PVT&LT5 . 3from 28!01!2005 &o 29!05!06 4 H K < Me'a hi'h0a1 State Hi'h0a1 ROA5 %ro+e & 3--6#4 -a&a$"adh Bo 6id(a$a 3-a+as&ha$4 .00B .Di"h(a* a$d brid"e e$"i$eer --6#< /'$+llo*ed 0 o&& (ell so$ l&d. ROA5 PROJECT 3.4 - -es%o$sibili&* for &he o$s&r' &io$ s'%ervisio$ of -oad< mi$or brid"es< 'lver&s a$d drai$a"e hi"h(a*s s*s&em a$d o&her i$fras&r' &'ral o$s&r' &io$. 394 3 4 E@e '&io$ is f'll* me ha$iGed b* develo%i$" moder$ road maki$" ma hi$er*. )$s%e &io$ of labora&ories %la$& a$d e,'i%me$& s' h as .s%hal& mi@i$" %la$& or ho& mi@ %la$& o$ re&e ba& hi$" %la$& ! o$ re&e mi@i$" %la$& :MM %la$& o$ re&e mi@ers a$d o&her &es&i$" e,'i%me$&. #oordi$a&ed (i&h hi"her< a'&hori&ies of lie$& a$d f'$di$" a"e$ * o$ i$s%e &io$ e& . road for Ear&h (ork emba$kme$& 209< :MM &aki$" levels for s' h< a &ivi&ies a$d "e& sa&isfied m* se$iors as (ell as o$s'l&a$& also maki$" $e essar* levels for s'b "rade< 2.0.9. :MM. Bhese a &ivi&ies are i$ s&re& h of re&ai$i$" (alls 3more &ha$ 3 me&ers hei"h&4. ) (as also deals i$ s&r' &'res (orks for o$ re&i$" of brid"es a$d 'lver&s as %er &he s%e ifi a&io$ of &he %ro+e &< mai$&ai$ &he %ro%er re ord of ever* da* 'sed of ma hi$er*. #o$s&r' &io$ of 9as la* b*es< i$&erse &io$s a$d +'$ &io$ are also i$ l'des i$ m* +obs.

Project 3a/e Po!t Hel.

: : :

JAI PRAKASH ASSOCIATES Lt.& 7J&P& 2ro#*8 CEME3T PLA3T RE9A 5rom H &ober 2001 &o 27!01!2005 >iel. En'ineer 7Civil8 =&? MTPA CEME3T PROJECT #o$s&r' &io$ o ce/ent %la$& <mai$ %la$& ivilC s&r' &'ral :ork <-oads <6rai$s -## /reehe&ar 9'ildi$" </a ki$" /la$&< #eme$& mill Do'se< -ail(a* sidi$" C billi$" :ork< #o$s&r' &io$ 0'%ervisio$ #eme$& /la$&< /rehea&er

9'ildi$" Eil$ feed b'ildi$"< #eme$& 0ilo< #eme$& Mill #li$ker Aoadi$" b'$ker %a ki$" %la$&<900 -!M&r. Aime 0&o$e 9el& #o$v. -o%e(a* 0&o$e #rasher< )$d's&rial -oad 21 me&. 16 me&< 12 me& -## -oad a$d 9i&'me$ -oads. Project 3a/e Re!*on!ibilit1 : : % L S con!tr#ction Co& Re0a 7M&P8 ro/ ;<@;+@+AAB to !e*&<;;+ #o$s&r' &io$ of >D<0D< -oad 4Canal! <0'rve* (ork es&ablish of &em%orar* be$ h mark meas'reme$& of road< -## bo@ 'lver& D'me %i%e 'lver&< #a$al %ro&e &io$< ear&h (orks Co&her ivil (orks. -es%o$sibili&ies as 0r. E$"i$eer #ivil Hver all ma$a"eme$& of &he %ro+e & rehabili&a&io$s a$d '% "rada&io$ of road >D7< >D75< 1/ /:6 a$d villa"e road. In.e*en.ent #o$s&r' &io$ a$d s'%ervisio$ Di"h(a*s -oad /ro+e &!& ROA5 PROJECT 3.4 - -es%o$sibili&* for &he o$s&r' &io$ s'%ervisio$ of -oad< mi$or brid"es< 'lver&s a$d drai$a"e hi"h(a*s s*s&em a$d o&her i$fras&r' &'ral o$s&r' &io$. 394 E@e '&io$ is f'll* me ha$iGed b* develo%i$" moder$ road maki$" ma hi$er*. )$s%e &io$ of labora&ories %la$& a$d e,'i%me$& s' h as .s%hal& mi@i$" %la$& or ho& mi@ %la$& o$ re&e ba& hi$" %la$& ! o$ re&e mi@i$" %la$& :MM %la$& o$ re&e mi@ers a$d o&her &es&i$" e,'i%me$&. #oordi$a&ed (i&h hi"her< a'&hori&ies of lie$& a$d f'$di$" a"e$ * o$ i$s%e &io$ e& . -oad from -e(a &o 9ela 12 EM a$d -e(a &o Ma$"a(a 30 EM a$d . Ae$"&h. 3 4 IRRI2ATIO3 C %a-i1a Ta/e!h River 4%arra'e4 Main Canal!4 %ranch Canal!4 5rom 9aki*a Bo #ha hai 18 E.M. 3 0irma'r4 -e(a :

PERSO3AL 5ETAILS 6a&e of 9ir&h Mari&al 0&a&'s 5a&hers >ame Aa$"'a"e E$o($ /erma$e$& .ddress : : : : =a$'ar* 08&h< 1972 Married Mr. Ma&'k /rasad Mishra Di$di< E$"lish Filla"e 7 E'i$*a- /os& - 9ihra 39a$k'i$*a -oad4>ear = ./ .>a"ar 6is&&. -E:. ?86?50 3M./.4 Mobile >o. >a&io$ali&* 0alar* E@%e &ed Aas& 6ra($ 0alar* >o&i e /. : : -s. -s. 70000 ! H$e Mo$&hs 5ECLARATIO3 ) hereb* de lare &ha& above mai$&ai$ed fa &or are &r'e &o be &he bes& k$o(led"e a$d belief. 5ate6 ;=@;A@<;+< Place6 Sin'ra#l1 7M&P&8 KESHAV SHARMA %er mo$&h )$dia$



Application for Suitable post

Respected Sir,

I have come to know from some reliable source that a Suitable post is lying vacant under your kind control. I offer myself as a candidate for the same. I am enclosing my resume for your perusal. I am ready to face personal test and interview at the earliest your convenient time Anticipating favorable response from your side. Thanking you! Date : !" #"$ %$ &lace : Singrauly '(.&.) Sincerely yours (Keshav Sharma) Enclosures: Self *esume

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