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List of Chinese classifiers

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The following tables list the common classifiers and measure words found in the Chinese languages, as
well as other units of measurement or currency having a similar function. For full details about these
classes of words, see the article Chinese classifier.
In the tables, the first and second columns contain the Chinese character representing the classifier,
in traditional and simplified versions when they differ. The third column gives the pronunciation
in Standard !andarin" Chinese, using pinyin, and the fourth gives the Cantonese pronunciation,
using #ale romani$ation. The fifth column e%plains the classifier&s principal uses the types of noun with
which it can be used"' (uotation marks surround its literal meaning.
+ ,ominal classifiers
o +.+ Classifiers proper
o +.- !easure words.massifiers
o +./ !easurement units
- 0erbal classifiers
/ ,otes
1 2%ternal links
Nominal classifiers[edit]
Classifiers proper[edit]
Trad. Simp.
Meaning and principal uses
b ba2
"handful" objects that can be held, relatively long and flat objects (knives
, scissors , swords /, keys /; also chairs )
bn bun2 "volu!e" bound "rint !atter (books /, etc#)
bung$ walls (%antonese only)
b& bou$
novels /, !ovies /, '( dra!as etc# ; %antonese only)
!achines, vehicles
/ / c* chaak+
volu!es of books ( is !ore co!!on in 'raditional %hinese, in
c-ng chang. "storey", "layer" buildings /, etc#

chng cheung.
"ublic s"ectacles, ga!es /, dra!a /, fil! /, etc#
ch& "location", "site" ruins /, construction site
ch/ cheut0 acts in a "lay, ""erfor!ance" "lays /, circus /, etc#
c1 chi+ "ti!e" o""ortunities !/", accidents #$
% d2o dou$
linear "rojections (light rays &', etc#), orders given by an authority figure
(), courses (of food) *+/,+, walls and doors -/, 3uestions ./,
nu!ber of ti!es (for certain "rocedures) /
0 d4ng deng2 objects with "rotruding to" (hats 1, etc#)
2 d5ng dung$ lit# "illars, used for buildings 3
4 d6 dou$ walls and enco!"assing fi7tures 5/
6 d&n deun$ !eals 7/
du8 do2/deu2 flowers 8, clouds 9/:
; f9 fa0
:ilitary "rojectiles, such as bullets </, artillery shells < / ,
rockets, guided !issiles etc#
f*n fan$
"ortions, co"ies news"a"ers =>/, notari;ed docu!ent ?@/?,
contract AB
C f<ng fung0 letters D, !ail, fa7 E/
F f= fuk0 works of art ("aintings G /, etc#)
H ge (g*) go+
individual things, "eo"le general, catch>all !easure word (usage of this
classifier in conjunction with any noun is generally acce"ted if the "erson
does not know the "ro"er classifier)
g<n gan0
thin, slender objects (needles J/, "illars KL, etc#); strands M/(e#g#
hair NO/)
P h2o "eo"le, work!en (QRST); business deals ( )
U ji9 ga0
gathering of "eo"le (fa!ilies TU, co!"anies ?V, etc#), establish!ents
(sho"s WX, restaurants YX, hotels 7X/X)
Z ji2 ga+ aircraft [/", "ianos \, !achines ]^/^
_ ji9n gaan0 roo!s `, 3; %antonese only) stores, co!"anies
a ji2n gin$ !atters (affairs #b), clothing cd, etc#
e ji* gaai+
regularly scheduled sessions or !eetings !/, year>grou"s in a school (e#g#
%lass of 2AA$) fgh/h
i jun guen2 "roll" scrolls > fil! ji/i, toilet "a"er k>/k
k< "o0 trees (l/) and other such flora
m k< fo2
s!all objects (hearts +, "earls n, teeth op/o, dia!onds qr/r,
etc#) and also objects a""earing to be s!all (distant stars ss and "lanets s
u k8u hau2 "eo"le in villages T, fa!ily !e!bers; wells v; blade
w l*i leui$ objects of the sa!e ty"e or category affair #b, circu!stance bx/b
y l1 la"0 "grain", s!all objects such as a grain of rice z
{ li2ng leung2 wheeled vehicles) auto!obiles |}/|, bicycles ~}/~, etc#
li* lit$ trains }/
l=n round co!"etition /, discussions !/
!-i !ui.
!edals /, s!all flat things like sta!"s / or coins /
, banana "eels, bo!b shells /, also for rings
- !-n !un.
objects "ertaining to acade!ics (courses /, !ajors g/, etc#), also
for artillery "ieces /#
!i2n !in$ "surface" flat and s!ooth objects (!irrors /, flags , etc#)
!Bng !ing.
honorific, or "ersons with "erceived higher social rank (doctors h/ h ,
lawyers /, "oliticians, royalty, etc#); in for!al language, can also
be used for any ty"e of "erson (not necessarily high>ranking, e#g# !other
"Cn "un.
flat objects (video cassettes /, etc#); literally !eans "dishes"
and can be used for a "late of food
"2o, "9o classifiers for li3uids which need "re"aration (tea , urine )
"4 "at0 horses / and other !ounts; also rolls/bolts of cloth
"et$ (%antonese only) "uddle of sha"eless !ass !ud, feces, etc#
"i9n "in0 written work) "a"ers /, articles , novels etc#
"i2n "in+ "slice" flat objects, cards, slices of bread /, etc#
34 case, instance (); batch, grou" ()
sh2n sin+ doors -/, windows / #
sh8u sau2 songs -, "oe!s /, !usic , etc#
shu4 washings/rinsings (a)
sHu sau2 shi"s

su8 so2
for buildings whose "ur"oses are e7"licitly stated, e#g# hos"itals / #
Itherwise can use ""
/ tCi toi.
heavy objects, es"# !achines ('(s /", co!"uters /,
etc#); "erfor!ances (theatre /, etc#)
tCng tong. "eriods of classes / (e#g# "J have two classes today"), suites of furniture
t2ng tong+
tri"s (usually re"etitive), scheduled trans"ortation services flights /
. tB tai. classifier for 3uestions
?citation needed@
tiCo tiu.
long, narrow, fle7ible objects (fish /, dogs , trousers /, etc#),
also for roads and rivers , "ertaining to hu!an lives, e#g# "T("
two (hu!an) lives, "Q+", lit# "one heart" (to work as one), classifiers for
certain things like counter>!easures, etc#
N tKu tau. "head" do!esticated ani!als U ("igs /, cows , etc#), hair
wi "tail" fish / (ancient)
w*i wai2
"olite classifier for "eo"le (attached to "ositions, not na!es) workers
T, director
7i2ng hong$
ite!s, "rojects initiative /, ordinances ), state!ents /

7i6 nights, overnight stays (Q)

y2ng yeung$ general ite!s of differing attributes
ja!$ (%antonese only) odor
;- sections of te7t notice , jokes /, news /, etc#
;hn jaan2 light fi7tures (usually la!"s /), "ot of tea etc#
;h9ng jeung0
"sheet" flat objects ("a"er >/, tables , etc#), faces /, bows,
"aintings /, tickets , constellations, blankets, bedsheets /
; %antonese only) chairs
;hL jek+ one of a "air (hands k, legs); ani!als (birds , cats /, etc#)
K ;hL ji0
fairly long, stick>like objects ("ens /, cho"sticks, roses, rifles /,
etc#), fleets /
;hL ji0 alternative for! of K ("stalk")) can be used for rifles / and flowers
;h8ng jung2 ty"es or kinds of objects (ani!als /)
;h/ trees
L ;h& incense
;/n statues
;u5 jo$ large structures/buildings /, !ountains
Measure words/massifiers[edit]
Trad. Simp.
Meaning and principal uses
b3n baan+
scheduled services trains }., etc.", group of people T, a
class as in pupils h. h
! " b3ng 4group4, 4gang4 bandits , children "
b3o baau+ 4package4, 4bundle4 cookies # ., cigarettes ."
b5i bui+ 4cup4 6 li(uids water "
b7i 4generation4, 4lifetime4 people T"
b8 bat+ large (uantities of money money ., funds ."
sets of numbers' or something that comes in a string e.g. P.
: 4a string of numbers4' n$.: 4pearl necklace4' : 4a
bunch of grapes4", ob;ects on a skewer.stick kebabs, satays"
chu<ng chong1 4bed4 6 blankets % , sheets
d9i doi= 4bag4 6 sackfuls, pouchfuls, bagfuls, pocketfuls 6 flour .
d> dik= 4droplet4 water , blood ., other such fluids
* , di?n dim-
ideas ., suggestions, can also mean 4a bit4 often used to
denote amount" 6 courage . &
du9n dyun=
4ad;oining length4 6 cables ., roadways , a part in a
drama, play etc. .
du> deui/ 4pile4, 4mass4 6 trash , sand
du@ deui/
4couple4 6 people T, 4pair4 for certain things only" earrings .
, couplets' Cantonese only: pair of ob;ects which naturally
come in pairs e.g. chopsticks , shoes , etc."
fA fuk= 4dose4 6 Chinese" medicine
fB fu/
ob;ects which come in pairs gloves k, etc." also for
spectacles.glasses ., a pack of cards , mah;ong .
! gC gu- flows of air ".(, smell , influence #$"....
Cantonese only" 4piece of4, 4chunk of4 6 rock, soap, ginger,
charcoal, rice, etc.
% gu?n
4tube4 6 toothpaste and things that comes in tubes 6 toothpaste
' gu9n
Small to medium cans of soda, of ;uice, bottles of water, cans of
h<ng hong1
4row4 6 ob;ects which form lines words ., etc.". 6 is also
read %Dng, see below.
( hE hap= 4small bo%4 6 e.g. tape, foods
. hB wu=
households is common in handwritten Traditional Chinese" 6
household TU
) hA pot 6 tea
huF fo-
generally derogatory classifier for bands of people such as gangs or
hoodlums "
* ;@ dose medicine +."
, ;iE ;it/
4section4 6 of bamboo -, etc.' a class period at school .'
batteries that look like a section of bamboo": 4,./4
0 ;B geui/ lines, sentences, etc. 6 sentence ., 2nglish 12.1
3 ku9i faai/
4chunk4, 4lump4, 4piece4 6 land , stones rN.r, etc.' cake 4
) piece.slice", bread not slices" ., 4dollar4 .
5 li?
sometimes used informally instead of li?ng ge", to mean
4two4 especially two things or people that are close to one another"
6 lG strand.slither of" hair, smoke ., wind 7.
8 p<i paai1 4row4 6 ob;ects grouped in rows chairs , etc."
9 p> pai+ a large amount of" people T, goods W:, etc.
* pDng ping1 4bottle4 6 drinks ; + .;
< (> kei1 issues of" periodicals =>.?
@ (An kwan1 4group4 incl. people T", 4herd4 6 students h. h , birds A.
sometimes used informally instead of to mean 4three4, 4three
B shB chuk+ 4bundle4, for flowers 8, light, etc.
C , shu3ng seung+
pair of ob;ects which naturally come in pairs e.g. chopsticks ,
shoes , etc."
t9o tou/ 4set4 6 books ., maga$ines, collectibles, clothes cd, etc.
D tu<n tyun1 4ball4 6 rotund and wound ob;ects balls of yarn E.E, etc."
- tuH 4lump4 6 mud F, feces GH
I w?n wun- 4bowl4 6 soup J., rice z7.z, congee K
L %i5
4some4 6 general massifier. Inly used in the form QL, or without
a number e.g. after demonstratives".
%Dng groups of people traveling together, such as a trade commission or
diplomats and aides visiting a foreign country: 4 MQT NO . /0
PQ4 having left Jaris, the king and retinue were enthused".
,ote: almost only used in the form QT. 6 is also read h<ng,
see above.
1 2 $3 number of revolutions, times to go around
3 $h3 ;a+
In Cantonese usage, this is used in lieu of shB B", e.g. a bundle of
4;ar4, 4;ug4 6 drinks such as beer, soda, ;uice, etc. K recent loanL
word from 2nglish, it may be considered informal or slang."
R $h7n ;an=
4gust4, 4burst4 6 events with short durations e.g. lightning storms,
gusts of wind 7., etc."
S $hB a 4pour4 of water, tea li(uid"' a 4bet4 6 lottery T
U $C ;ou- sets, rows, series, group of people T, batteries ... military"
Measurement units[edit]
See also Chinese units of measurement and Chinese SI prefixes.
Trad. Simp.
V mi?o miuM 4second4
f5n fan+ 4minute4
W k7 hak+ haak+
4(uarter4,4+M minutes4 mainly in some dialects,
such as Shanghainese, and translations"
X ti3n tin+ 4day4
Y r@ yat= 4day4
Z ni<n nin1 4year4
[ $?i ;oi- ;oi/ 4year4 ancient"
\ k7 hak+ haak+ 4gram4
li?ng 50 grams+.+N jn", used to be +.+= jn
]^.]_ ] ;i3lBn gallon
` ;>n gan+ 4catty4, 4pound4, 1/2 kilograms
?` gOng;>n gung+ gan+ 4metric jn4, kilogram
a\ (i3nk7
4 5 dPn deun+ 4ton4
? gOngf5n gung+ fan+ 4metric fn4,centimetre
bz lDm8 lei1 maiM
4centimetre4 !ore common in !ainland China and
Qong Rong"
c cBn chyun/ Chinese 4inch4 S of a decimetre"
6 cBn chyun/ Tritish inch
d ch8 che-.chek/ Chinese 4foot4 S of a metre"
7 ch8 chek/ Tritish foot
1d y>ngch8 ying+ chek/ Tritish foot
?d gOngch8 gung+ chek/ 4metric h!4, metre
z m8 maiM 4metre4
e l8 leiM 4l84, MNN metres"
8 l8 Tritish mile
1e y>ngl8 ying+ leiM Tritish mile
?e gOngl8 gung+ leiM 4kilometre4 +NNN metres"
X X ti3nwEnd3nw7i
tin+ man1 daan+
4astronomical unit4
'Z gu3ngni<n gwong+ nin1 4light year4
Vfg mi?och3;B miuM cha+ geui= 4parsec4
h.i .i yu<n yun1 4yu<n4, 4U4 main unit of currency"
either form can be used in Traditional Chinese te%t"
3 ku9i faai/ 4block4, yu<n a slang term, like 4(uid4 or 4buck4"
j wEn man+ 4dollar4 slang in QR Cantonese"
k ;i?o gok/ 4;i?o4, 4dime4, 4tenpence4
E m<o hou1 4m<o4, 4dime4, 4tenpence4 slang"
f5n 4f5n4, 4cent4, 4penny4
Verbal classifiers[edit]
See Chinese classifier V 0erbal classifiers.
Trad. Simp.
Meaning and uses
l bi9n bin/ pin/ the number of times an action has been completed
ch?ng cheung1 a length of an event taking place within another event
c@ chi/
times unlike l, refers to the number of times regardless of
whether or not it was completed"
6 dBn deun= actions without repetition
m huD wui1 occurrences used collo(uially"
sh5ng seng+.sing+ cries, shouts, etc.
t9ng tong/ trips, visitations, etc.
n %i9 haM.ha= brief and often sudden actions much more common
in Cantonese than in ,orth dialects".

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