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Fuel celltechnology

How they work

What is a fuel cell?
A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that converts hydrogen fuel directly into electricity and heat without combustion.
By the nature of its electrochemical reaction, a fuel cell can be more than twice as efficient as an internal combustion engine (approimately !"# compared to about $"#%.
A conventional engine burns fuel to create heat and in turn converts heat into mechanical energy and finally electricity. A fuel cell produces electricity, water and heat directly from hydrogen and oygen.
Conventional engine
&uel (combustion% Heat 'echanical energy (lectricity
Fuel cell
&uel (chemical reaction% (lectricity ) Water ) Heat
A number of fuel cells can be combined to form a fuel cell stack. *he
*he power output will depend on the si+e of the stack.
A stack may be used on its own with a direct hydrogen source, or integrated with a number of other components to provide an operational power system tailored for a specific application or market.
Construction of a fuel cell stack
*o view an animation of the workings of a fuel cell, click here.
Sources of hydrogen
&uel cells are fuelled by hydrogen, one of the most abundant elements on the planet. *he hydrogen fuel can come from a wide range of sources,
Hydrogen can be produced through reformation of a range of hydrocarbon-based feedstocks such as natural gas, propane, methanol butane or propane (li.uid petroleum gas or /01%.
Hydrogen can be derived from sustainable, carbon-neutral sources of methane such as biomass or land-fill gas.
Hydrogen can be produced through a process of electrolysis using renewable power sources such as wind or solar power.
&uel cell types
&uel cell technology embraces a number of different fuel cell types with different characteristics and applications.
PEM fuel cells:
(fficiency 233#
4perating temperature 5"67
0(' is considered to be the most promising of fuel cell types for mass market application and is being developed for stationary, portable and vehicle markets.
0roton (change 'embrane (0('% fuel cells are the most versatile of all fuel cell types. *his versatility is due to their high power densities, modular construction, relatively low operating temperature
(between 8"67 and 9""67% and the solid polymer electrolyte.
*he electrolyte used in 0(' is poly-perfluorosulphonic acid and the electrochemical reaction at the anode and cathode is as follows,
Anode reaction, H: :H
) :e
7athode reaction, 4: ) 8H
) 8e
&uel cell benefits
&uel cells of all types provide a range of benefits when compared to both conventional and other renewable technologies,
7onventional technologies reach maimum efficiency at a single operating point. &uel cells however achieve high efficiency both under partial loads and at full capacity, and have rapid load following
*his gives fuel cell technology a distinct advantage over other technologies in both stationary and automotive power applications, as they are capable of rapid start-up and immediate response to changes
in demand.
;nlike conventional technologies, when fuelled by hydrogen, fuel cells emit no pollutant by-products. (ven when operating on hydrocarbon fuels, pollutant levels can be significantly lower.
With few moving parts, fuel cells are also a .uiet source of power.
&uel cells are modular in construction and can be economic across a wide range of scales, with multiple units easily constructed to match demand, whereas conventional technologies are often least
epensive and more efficient only at larger scales.
*his modular feature also has advantages in the manufacturing process where operating efficiencies can be achieved by replicating a small number of core fuel cell stack designs to meet a range of power
Power quality
*he modular design also mitigates against operations failure. *he failure of a single cell or stack (in a group of more stacks% would only result in some loss of power rather than a complete shutdown, as is
the case with other conventional technologies.
Power independence
&uel cells can be operated without the need for connections to an electricity grid infrastructure. *his makes them a relatively cheap source of power for remote locations and applicable for portable uses.
Fuel flei!ility
&uel cell systems can be tailored to accept a wide range of hydrogen-based fuels, from pure hydrogen through to heavy hydrocarbon feedstocks such as diesel. <ystems can also be adapted for multi-fuel
Capa!ility as !attery replace"ent
;nlike batteries in which the reactants are contained within the case, fuel cells draw their energy from an eternal supply (hydrogen% which can be easily and .uickly replaced.
Weight for weight, fuel cells contain around 9""" times the energy of a lead-acid battery and :"" times that of the latest lithium ion technology.
Advantages of 0(' fuel cells
<ome fuel cell technologies are only applicable to certain applications. 0(' technology is suitable to a very wide range of applications for the following reasons,
0(' cells contain a solid (rather than li.uid% electrolyte and so are less sensitive to shock and vibration than other fuel cell types. As a result, 0(' technology is better suited to portable and motive
$igh power density
0(' fuel cells have a higher power density than all other fuel cell types and therefore can be more compact. As a result they are more suitable for applications where lower volume or weight are critical
%ower cost of fa!rication
0(' fuel cells operate at relatively low temperatures (typically 5"67 and lower%. As a result, less eotic materials can be used making 0(' cells more suitable for mass market applications.
#apid load following capa!ility
0(' fuel cells can vary their output .uickly to meet shifts in power demand and are suited for applications where .uick start-up and high power .uality is re.uired. *his responsiveness is important, not
only for the demands of transport applications and the need for acceleration=deceleration etc. but also for stationary applications such a residential 7H0 (combined heat and power%.
A 0(' fuel cell system can eceed >"# overall efficiency when in 7H0 mode, with electrical efficiency typically around 3"#. *his compares to $3# efficiency for central electricity generation plants and
around :"# for a typical automotive internal combustion engine.
Applications of 0(' fuel cells
0(' fuel cells have the potential for application in all forms of power generation, including,
*he first viable electric alternative to the internal combustion engine for vehicles, e.g. cars, motorbikes, buses, locomotives, forklifts, light aircraft and ;A?s.
4n board auiliary power units (A0;s% for land and air transportation.
@ecentralised power generation for industrial and domestic applications.
0ortable generation systems for domestic, industrial, military and maritime application.<mall scale power packs for remote, unattended and military application.
1eneral battery replacement=displacement.
Phosphoric acid fuel cells &P'FC(:
(fficiency 233#
4perating temperature 95"6-:9"67
*his was the earliest fuel cell technology to achieve commercialisation it remains a costly technology.
0A&7s are large and heavy compared to 0(' cells.
;sed in medium to high power stationary applications including 7H0.
'lkaline fuel cells &'FC(:
(fficiency 2!"#
4perating temperature !"6->"67
*he main disadvantage of A&7 technology is its sensitivity to contaminants in the gas streams A carbon dioide must be removed, adding to the scale and compleity of the system.
A&7 technology is used in space applications.
Molten car!onate fuel cells &MCFC(:
(fficiency 233#
4perating temperature !3"67
'7&7 technology employs a li.uid electrolyte which has a negative impact on the stability and life of the fuel cell components.
'7&7 is in early development but promises high fuel-to-electricity efficiencies and the ability to consume coal-based fuels.
'7&7 is being developed for natural gas and coal-based power plants for use in heavy industrial complees and for 7H0 applications.
Solid oide fuel cells &S)FC(:
(fficiency 23"#
4perating temperature 9"""67
<4&7s are constructed using high temperature ceramics and metals which can be costly.
<4&7 technology is being designed and demonstrated for stationary applications, particularly for industrial and large-scale central electricity generating stations and 7H0 applications.
Bntelligent (nergyCs fuel cell stack technology is designed to be both simple and cost-effective. 4ur stacks and systems have been designed from first principles and combine novel fluid and thermal
management techni.ues and integrated humidification with metal bi-polar plate architecture. *he result is both simpler and cheaper than competing stack technologies and eminently suitable for mass
We have two distinct designs of 0(' fuel cell each appropriate for specific power ranges and applications, air cooled (A7% technology suitable for lower power (e.g. up to :kW% applications and our
evaporatively cooled ((7% stacks for applications in the 9kW to 9""kW range.
7opyright :"99-:"9: D Bntelligent (nergy /imited. All rights reserved. *erms E 7onditions 0rivacy 0olicy Web design by Fock Gitchen
@istributed generation of hydrogen
0roducing hydrogen from a range of fuels on-site, where it is re.uired for refuelling or power provision has the advantage of allowing energy suppliers to make maimum use of their eisting fuelling
infrastructures. *hey are able to offer hydrogen to their customers without the need for the high capital ependiture associated with central generation and pipeline construction costs.
*his removes the need for the high capital ependiture associated with central generation and pipeline construction costs. Father than replacing petrol stations with hydrogen refueling stations, or
constructing thousands of miles of hydrogen conveyor pipelines, hydrogen will be generated at the point of dispensation from an eisting fuel, such as diesel, natural gas or bio-fuel, using small reformer
based hydrogen generators.
@istributed hydrogen generation and clean fuel technologies, such as those developed by Bntelligent (nergy, will ensure that the increasing demand for hydrogen can be met in a manner that is both
incremental and cost effective.
Pictured below: Compact hydrogen generators
What is a fuel cell?
A fuel cell is an Helectrochemical device that produces electricity without combustion. *he optimal energy carrier for fuel cells is hydrogen (which can be etracted from methanol, natural gas, water or
petroleum products%. When hydrogen is combined with oygen (from air% it produces electrical energy. *he conversion process is environmentally benign, only heat and water are emitted as by-products.
(nvironmentally, hydrogen is the optimal energy carrier for fuel cells, because fuel cells that run on hydrogen have +ero emissions.
By the nature of its electrochemical reaction, a fuel cell can be more than twice as efficient as an internal combustion engine. A conventional engine burns fuel to create heat and in turn converts heat into
mechanical energy and finally electricity. A fuel cell produces electricity, water and heat directly from hydrogen and oygen. &uel cells are like batteries in that they are electrochemical devices, but unlike
batteries do not need recharging and will continue to operate as long as they are provided with fuel (hydrogen%.
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What is a fuel cell stack?
A fuel cell stack is a number of fuel cells stacked together like a sandwich using bipolar plates (an anode and cathode combined in one%. 4ne advantage of fuel cell technology is that it is both scalable and
modular. *o achieve any desired power output, you only need to stack cells together.
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What is a fuel cell power system?
A fuel cell power system is the complete set of components that integrate with the fuel cell stack so that electricity is produced. *he fuel cell re.uires other systems to make it a complete power source,
including air, fuel and control systems.
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What are 0(' fuel cells?
0(' is an acronym meaning 0roton (change 'embrane. Bn a 0(' fuel cell the electrolyte is a proton (H)% conducting solid polymer membrane. *hey are also known as 0(&7 (polymer electrolyte fuel cell%
or <0&7 (solid polymer fuel cell%.
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What are the advantages of 0(' fuel cells?
0(' fuel cells display the highest power densities of any of the fuel cell types, which makes them particularly attractive for transportation and portable applications where minimum si+e and weight are
re.uired. *hey contain no corrosive li.uid electrolyte and can be robust in construction and are modular and scalable in design. *hey are low temperature fuel cells which usually operate below 9"" degrees
7. *his means that unlike high temperature fuel cells such as solid oide, which operate at 2!"" degrees 7 they can be fabricated from cheaper, less eotic materials. *he low temperature of 0(' fuel cells
can also be an advantage when low thermal signature is desired. 0(' fuel cells also have the advantage of potential application across a very wide rangeI from portable power at a few watts to hundreds of
kilowatts for vehicular and stationary power.
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What things can 0(' fuel cells be used to power?
0(' fuel cells can be used in portable electronic and electrical devices, such as laptops or power tools, to generate heat and power for domestic and distributed generation, to provide auiliary and back-up
power in a wide range stationary and transport applications and to provide propulsion power to motorbikes, cars, buses, submarines, unmanned vehicles and light aircraft.
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When will fuel cells be commercially available to consumers?
0(' fuel cells are at the pre-commercial and early market entry stage today, poised to enter a wide range of markets, but their actual entry in to specific markets will depend on a number of factors. We
are already seeing the introduction of fuel cells in a commercial contet A the motive sector for eample is now in the fleet trials stage of product role out, and fuel cell systems are being fielded for back-up
power application in the telecoms sector.
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Where does the hydrogen come from to fuel 0(' fuel cells?
Hydrogen is an energy carrier not a naturally occurring fuel and must be produced from hydrogen containing feedstock. Hydrogen can be produced from an etremely wide range of sources, but most of
the worldCs hydrogen is presently produced by reformation of natural gas. Hydrogen is also commonly produced by the electrolysis of water. (lectrolysis re.uires electricity, if that electricity is produced by
renewable meansI the hydrogen produced is as low carbon as it is possible to be.
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What about using hydrocarbon fuels to produce hydrogen - doesnCt this still produce greenhouse
gas and other emissions? Why not Just burn the natural gas?
*here are much less polluting emissions formed by the reformation of natural gas than by burning it, although carbon dioide production is about the same. *he key thing is the energy conversion at the
point of power production. Bf the hydrogen is burned in an internal combustion engine there is no real benefit, if the hydrogen is fed into a 0(' fuel cell, with its much higher efficiencies, the amount of
carbon dioide produced can be much less. Well-to-wheel, using hydrogen produced from natural gas to feed a fuel cell produces $"# A 3"# less carbon dioide than Just burning the fuel to provide the
same amount of energy.
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How safe is hydrogen?
Hydrogen is no more or less dangerous than other flammable fuels, including petrol, /01 and natural gas. Bn fact, some of hydrogenCs properties actually provide safety benefits compared to petrol or other
fuels, for eample it dissipates very .uickly and is difficult to ignite. However, all flammable fuels must be handled responsibly. /ike petrol and natural gas, hydrogen is flammable and can behave
dangerously under specific conditions. Hydrogen can be handled safely when guidelines are observed and the user has an understanding of its behaviour.
4ver 3" million tons of hydrogen are produced every year and hydrogenCs safety record is ecellent.

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