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Her So-Called Fiance Abby Gaines

SABRINA MERRITT COUNTED at least a dozen photographers waiting for her to exit the gate area at Atlantas !artsfield"#a$%son Airport&
The' all had their lenses trained on her legs( whi$h two da's ago had )een la)eled *$h+n%'* )' )ea+t' pageant p+ndits&
Great. It had )een h+,iliating eno+gh seeing $lose+ps of her thighs on national tele-ision& Now the lo$al ,edia( the papers read )' e-er'one
who ,attered to her( were a)o+t to .+,p on the )andwagon&
*Sa)rina( this wa'(* one of the photographers $alled& She ignored hi,( $ertain that if she so ,+$h as ,et an'ones e'es( the s,ile shed
rehearsed in her $o,pa$t ,irror as the plane taxied to the gate wo+ld fall off her fa$e& Se-en ,onths as Miss /eorgia had ,ade her thi$%"
s%inned a)o+t personal $riti$is,& B+t to )e sla,,ed so p+)li$l'( .+st when she needed people to ta%e her serio+sl'( and o-er so,ething so
,eaningless to an'one )+t herself as her legs ...
/lass'"e'ed( she s$anned the $rowd( in sear$h of her good friend T'ler( whod said he wo+ld ,eet her& Da, it( hed promised.
Then she saw the lone ,an )e'ond the ,edia gro+p& Not T'ler&
#a%e 3arrington&
The wa' he leaned his tall fra,e against a pillar ,ight appear non$halant( )+t the rigidit' of his sho+lders and the th+,)s hoo%ed in the
po$%ets of his .eans pro$lai,ed I know what I want and no ones going to stop me.
That was #a%e( all right&
3as he here to gloat4 Sa)rina lifted her $hin& She was strong and $apa)le( e-en if no)od' else had fig+red that o+t 'et& She tapped a finger
against her $hee% and anno+n$ed( *I, +p here( fol%s&*
A sheepish la+gh rippled thro+gh the photographers&
The' tilted their $a,eras higher")+t not )efore the'd snapped their shots of her thighs&
Con$ealing her legs )eneath a long( fil,' s+nshine'ellow s+ndress didnt see, to ha-e lessened an'ones interest in the,& Sa)rina 5+ashed the
+rge to spread her hands prote$ti-el' o-er the deli$ate fa)ri$&
Shed flown ho,e to Atlanta a da' ahead of her offi$ial s$hed+le( in the hope of el+ding the ,edia& !ow st+pidl' nai-e& If #a%e had )een the
one fa$ing a ,edia ,eltdown( hed ha-e anti$ipated this hoo"ha and prepared a spee$h&
*Sa)rina( 'o+re the first Miss /eorgia in two de$ades to )e eli,inated fro, the Miss U&S&A& 6ageant in the first ro+nd&* A fe,ale T7 reporter
oozed fa%e s',path'&
*/ood grief( is that right4* That fa$t( along with e-er' other ,ortif'ing detail of her fail+re( had )een endlessl' re$'$led in the ,edia o-er the
past few da's&
6res+,a)l' for the )enefit of the one person in so,e re,ote $o,er of Alas%a who hadnt 'et heard a)o+t her $h+n%' thighs&
A $o+ple of the ,en $a+ght the glea, in Sa)rinas e'es and la+ghed& Their rea$tion dis$on$erted their fe,ale $olleag+e( who snapped( *!ow
does that ,a%e 'o+ feel4* Then the wo,an re$o-ered her T7 ,anners and lowered her -oi$e to radiate p+zzled $on$ern& *Do 'o+ thin% 'o+r
thighs were the real pro)le,( or are the r+,ors of interpersonal differen$es )etween 'o+ and another $ontestant tr+e4*
In other words( was Sa)rinas )od' or her personalit' the )igger loser4 !er insides 5+i-ered( an o+tright )etra'al of her resol+tion to get to+gh
on herself& Altho+gh shed learned to handle snar%' $o,,ents sin$e shed won the Miss /eorgia $rown( nothing in her existen$e to date"her
pampered existen$e( as #a%e $alled it"had e5+ipped her to deal with the irrational hostilit' that insisted her legs had so,ehow let the state down&
She p+t a hand to the or$hid shed t+$%ed )ehind her left ear as she left her dressing roo, in 7egas& The deep pin% flower $ontrasted ni$el' with
her )lond hair and her 'ellow dress")+t so ,+$h for the hope it wo+ld distra$t attention fro, her legs& Da,,it( where was T'ler4 She wanted
to throw her .a$%et o-er her head and flee( e-en tho+gh shed hate for #a%e to see her r+nning awa'&
Behind the reporters( #a%e straightened and stepped forward& Sa)rina frowned"then( as a $a,era flashed( hastil' raised her e'e)rows to s,ooth
her forehead& 3ith her l+$%( shed end +p in to,orrows lo!rnal"
Constit!tion loo%ing li%e a )ad"te,pered shrew& 3ith fat thighs&
Mentall'( she $ontin+ed to frown at #a%e& No one sho+ld loo% that good +nder fl+ores$ent lighting& !is s%in had a health' tan( and when he
s,iled( his teeth glea,ed white&
She did a do+)le ta%e& #ake$ smiling at me%
S+re( it loo%ed as ifhe was gritting his teeth"definitel' s,iling( and definitel' at her& !e was going to res$+e her( she realized( whi$h was e-en
,ore )izarre&
*Sa)rina&* #a%es deep( $o,,anding -oi$e sw+ng the $rowd in his dire$tion&
#+st li%e that& A potential go-ernor of /eorgia o)-io+sl' held swa' o-er a d+,ped )ea+t' 5+een& Now she +nderstood wh' he was here"hed
seen the opport+nit' for so,e free p+)li$it' for his ele$tion $a,paign and was $ashing in on her thighs&
She too% ad-antage of the distra$tion to glare at hi,&
Then he arri-ed at her side( and his presen$e s+$%ed +p all a-aila)le ox'gen( lea-ing her in a -a$++, of awareness& Darn it( she hated that he
$o+ld still do that to her&
!e t+gged her hea-' $arr'"on )ag off her sho+lder&
*Are 'o+ o%a'4*
Sa)rina )lin%ed at his $on$ern& Before she $o+ld repl'( he t+rned to the reporters( who )' now were firing 5+estions( and held +p a hand&
*If 'o+ fol%s )o+ght into the gar)age dished o+t a)o+t Sa)rina at the Miss U&S&A& 6ageant(* #a%e said( *then sha,e on 'o+&*
!+h4 Sa)rinas ,o+th dropped open& Sho+ldnt he
)e spee$hif'ing a)o+t the /eorgia s$hool s'ste, or so,e other politi$al hot potato4
*So,e of 'o+"* he pointed to the reporter fro, the #o!rnal"Constit!tion and an inter-iewer fro, Good &orning Atlanta *"went on re$ord six
,onths ago as sa'ing Sa)rina Merritt is the ,ost )ea+tif+l Miss /eorgia e-er& Now 'o+re letting a )+n$h of 8an%ees tell 'o+ otherwise4*
A ,+r,+r rose a,ong the sh+ffling reporters&
The 8an%ee 5+ip was well .+dged"Sa)rina wished shed tho+ght of it herself& Be$a+se this wasnt #a%es fight& Ironi$ that the -er' ti,e she was
deter,ined to stand her gro+nd( the ,an least li%el' to defend her had an atta$% of $hi-alr'& *#a%e( 'o+ dont ha-e to""*
*Ta%e it fro, ,e(* #a%e told the $rowd( now swelled )' $+rio+s tra-elers and airport personnel( *Sa)rina Merritt is a )ea+tif+l person inside
and o+t&*
Sa)rinas fa,o+s thighs al,ost ga-e wa'< she steadied herself )' $l+t$hing at the nearest i,,o-a)le o).e$t& #a%e& Thro+gh the soft( worn
$otton of his $as+al shirt( she felt the strength of ,+s$le in his forear,&
#a%es gaze fli$%ered( )+t he %ept his fo$+s on the spe$tators( where a s,attering of $lapping had )ro%en o+t& And( he said in a -oi$e that
)roo%ed no arg+,ent( *she has a,azing legs&*
He wo!ld know. An +nwel$o,e tide of ,e,or' swa,ped Sa)rina& B+t #a%e didnt appear to )e in the thrall of their shared histor'& !e
)estowed his ,ost $hanning s,ile on the photographers& *Thats all( fol%s&* To Sa)rina( he said in a low -oi$e( *1ets get o+t of here&*
*B+t T'ler"*
*!es not here( I, 'o+r $ha+ffe+r&*
*I need to"* A glan$e at the reporters told her no one wanted to hear her stand +p for herself& All the interest was in #a%e( who was alread'
shepherding her thro+gh the $rowd& *I ha-ent pi$%ed +p ,' s+it$ase(* she protested&
*Ill ha-e one of ,' staff get it&*
!is )la$% Alfa Ro,eo was par%ed right o+tside the ter,inal( where onl' taxis and rental"$ar sh+ttles were allowed& #a%e paid off the g+'
,inding the Alfa( then held the door open for Sa)rina& !e .er%ed his head at her to get in&
*A prospe$ti-e go-ernor sho+ldnt par% illegall'(* she said&
*8o+ thin% thats what :: lose ,e the pri,ar'4* he as%ed with an iron' she didnt +nderstand&
She slid into the $ar( and a ,in+te later #a%e was ,ane+-ering thro+gh the stop"start ter,inal traffi$ with his +s+al $ontrolled flair& Sa)rina
didnt realize she was holding her )reath +ntil the' passed the 3el$o,e to Atlanta sign on the airport peripher' and she let it o+t&
#a%e glan$ed o-er at her& *8o+r s%irts too long&* *Are 'o+ %idding4 Those g+'s wanted to ,a%e ,in$e,eat o+t of ,' thighs&* Ugh( the words
$on.+red an +npleasant i,age< Sa)rina s5+ir,ed in her seat& *8o+ $ant )la,e ,e for $o-ering +p&*
*A-oidan$e doesnt wor%& Confronting $hallenges head"on is the onl' wa' to win the respe$t of the ,edia&*
It wasnt the medias respe$t she needed at this stage(
tho+gh it ,ight help with her new .o)& *I was a)o+t to 'on(ront those reporters when 'o+ )+tted in&*
!e raised his e'e)rows& *A si,ple than%"'o+ will s+ffi$e&*
*I $an fight ,' own )attles(* she said( stri-ing for a dignit' that wo+ld p+t #a%e in his pla$e& His pla'e )eing o+t of her life&
!e snorted& *If 'o+re tr'ing to tell ,e 'o+re no longer Dadd's helpless little prin$ess &&& *
!er fingers $+rled in her lap& *Did 'o+ see ,' father at the airport4* she de,anded& *8o+ %now( gi-en half a $han$e( he wo+ld ha-e )een there(
)row)eating those g+'s& I $an get past this on ,' own&*
*3h' )rea% the ha)it of a lifeti,e now4* 7isi)l'( #a%e )it down on f+rther $riti$is,& 3hi$h wasnt li%e hi,& !e was the one person who didnt
p+ll his p+n$hes with her&
*3h' were 'o+ at the airport instead of T'ler4* she as%ed&
*8o+ll see&*
T'pi$al #a%e( %eeping infor,ation to hi,self( treating her as if she was an infant& And not a -er' s,art one at that& Sa)rina feigned a gasp of
horror& *8o+-e gone o-er to the dar% side>*
At his i,patient loo%( she ela)orated& *8o+ $a,e to sa-e ,e fro, those reporters"'o+-e .oined the Coddle Sa)rina Merritt 1eag+e&*
!e rolled his e'es& *Ne-er going to happen( sweetheart&*
The sweetheart ho-ered )etween the,& Sa)rina tried to thin% of a s,art $o,,ent& Then the hard line of
#a%es ,o+th $+r-ed in so,ething that ,ight ha-e )een a gri,a$e( )+t .+st ,ight ha-e )een &&&
*3hats with the weird s,ile4* she as%ed& *Thats the se$ond one toda'&*
I,,ediatel'( his lips res+,ed their granite set&
*T'ler said I had to )e ni$e(* he ad,itted&
T'ler was #a%es $o+sin& !ed ,anaged to sta' $lose friends with )oth of the,( despite the rift )etween #a%e and Sa)rina& She p((ed. *I dont need
T'ler $ha,pioning ,' $a+se( and I dont need 'o+ grinning at ,e&*
*M' s,ile is ,' )est feat+re(* #a%e said& *Se-ent' per$ent of -oters thin% so&* Again( that ironi$ tone&
*A h+ndred per$ent of this -oter doesnt agree&* She la$ed her fingers in her lap& *I $o+nt on 'o+ )eing nast'&*
The' lapsed into a ,o,ents silen$e as he passed a ,o-ing tr+$%& *I, not nast'&*
*Mean( then(* she a,ended& *I rel' on 'o+ not to handle ,e with %id glo-es& So dont go s$rewing +p ,' world an' ,ore than it alread' is&*
She folded her ar,s and loo%ed o+t her window at the light ind+strial area the' were passing thro+gh&
*So 'o+ dont need 'o+r dad( 'o+ dont need T'ler&
Do the' %now 'o+re fl'ing solo4* !e so+nded $+rio+s rather than sar$asti$&
*The'll fig+re it o+t when the' see the $hanges I, ,a%ing&* She twisted to fa$e #a%e& *Being Miss /eorgia has )een an e,powering
Another snort"she sho+ld ha-e %nown )etter than to tr+st his interest&
*Thats what 'o+ said on T7(* he said( *in 1as 7egas&*
She po+n$ed& *So 'o+ were wat$hing&*
The $olor that rose a)o-e the $ollar of his striped shirt was so,e $o,pensation&
*I fig+red it was a line to i,press the .+dges(* he said& Sa)rina $onte,plated how( if that had )een her strateg'( it had )een a dis,al fail+re&
*8o+r defense of ,e at the airport was -er' to+$hing(* she said( the ,e,or' of her h+,iliation stinging afresh&
*Dont ta%e it personall'( I.+st told the tr+th& 8o+ do ha-e great legs&* !e t+rned on the radio( t+ned in to a $+rrent"affairs show& !ed had
eno+gh of this $on-ersation( so apparentl' it was o-er&
Sa)rina hit the off )+tton< #a%es head .er%ed in her dire$tion& *I ,eant(* she said( *the )it where 'o+ said I, )ea+tif+l inside and o+t&*
!is lips $la,ped together( then parted .+st eno+gh for hi, to ,+tter( *I got $arried awa' with ,' own rhetori$&*
*A $o,,on pitfall for politi$ians&*
No repl'& #+st the .+,p of a ,+s$le in his $hee% as he ret+rned his fo$+s to the road&
The )+zz of her $ell phone had Sa)rina r+,,aging thro+gh her p+rse& One glan$e at the displa' and she st+ffed the phone )a$% into the .+,)le
of ,a%e+p and tiss+es&
*Reporter4* #a%e as%ed& *M' father&*
*Dont 'o+ want to re,ind hi, how 'o+ dont need hi, an',ore4*
*!ell soon see that&* !er dads i,pe$$a)le so+r$es wo+ld ha-e rea$hed hi, in Dallas where he
was pla'ing golf this wee%end& !e wo+ld %now she was )a$% and wo+ld )e intent on shielding her( $o,forting her& 8et he wo+ld den' with his
last )reath that he had no respe$t for his 'o+ngest da+ghter"plent' of lo-e( )+t no faith in her $apa)ilities& 3h' had she let hi,( and e-er'one
else( get awa' with that attit+de for so long4
Sa)rina realized #a%e had ta%en a t+, awa' fro, the dire$tion of B+$%head( the ex$l+si-e area of Atlanta where the'd )oth grown +p& *!e'(
where are 'o+ going4*
*M' pla$e&*
!er heart .olted( the wa' it had the first ti,e hed said those words to her( 'ears ago& *Ex$+se ,e4* That $a,e o+t high( pani$%'& Be$a+se no
wa' $o+ld he )e planning on doing what the'd done )a$% then& Co+ld he4
*I want to tal% to 'o+&*
Talk. Sa)rinas p+lse slowed& Than% goodness he $o+ldnt read her ,ind&
*3itho+t the ris% of one of 'o+r sisters )arging in(* #a%e added&
Sa)rina swallowed( li$%ed her lips& *8o+ and I dont tal%&*
Te$hni$all'( the' tal%ed often& Their fa,ilies were $lose friends( the' ,et at so ,an' so$ial o$$asions( it wo+ld )e i,possi)le to ,aintain the
le-el of hostilit' that had $ons+,ed the, fi-e 'ears ago&
To ease those so$ial $onne$tions( the'd fallen into a %ind of )ar)ed )anter that let the, express their disli%e in a wa' that didnt dis$o,fit other
people& E-er'one %new their histor'( no one expe$ted the, to )e pals&
Ex$ept T'ler( who( for an intelligent ,an( had a nai-e -iew of their potential for re$on$iliation&
B+t the' didnt ha-e pri-ate( personal $on-ersationsSa)rina $o+ldnt re,e,)er when shed last )een alone with #a%e& Corre$tion( she wished she
$o+ldnt re,e,)er&
*Dont 'o+ thin% its ti,e to forgi-e and forget4*
#a%e said& *Ti,e we started tal%ing again4*
#a%e 3arrington( the ,an who ne-er did an'thing that didnt ser-e his a,)ition( wanted to )e friends4 She didnt e-en ha-e to thin% a)o+t it&
*Nope( I, good for a few ,ore 'ears&*
!is ,o+th twit$hed& She loo%ed awa'& *I want to go ho,e now&* Home. Sa)rina had ,o-ed )a$% in with her dad when she won the Miss
/eorgia title& 2or her se$+rit'( her father had insisted& !e wo+ld arg+e when she told hi, she was ,o-ing o+t( )+t this ti,e she wo+ld stand
#a%e %ept dri-ing in the wrong dire$tion& *This is %idnapping(* she pointed o+t&
*Onl' if> as% for a ranso, and threaten to $+t off 'o+r fingers&* !e a$$elerated to get thro+gh a light )efore it t+rned red& *Ill deli-er 'o+ )a$%
to Dadd' after we tal%&*
*Tal% a)o+t what4*
*I need 'o+r help&* !e ,ade a fa$e( as if the words tasted of arseni$&
3hat help $o+ld #a%e possi)l' need fro, her4
2ashion ad-i$e4 She slid a glan$e at hi,& She $o+ldnt fa+lt his st'le& !e loo%ed fantasti$ whate-er he wore&
!e wasnt a)o+t to di-+lge ,ore& Short of wren$hing the steering wheel o+t of his hands"and she wo+ld
ne-er( e)er %nowingl' do so,ething that ,ight $a+se another a$$ident"Sa)rina had no $hoi$e )+t to go with hi,& She tipped her head )a$%
against the headrest and $losed her e'es&
3hen it )e$a,e o)-io+s Sa)rina wasnt a)o+t to arg+e( #a%e relaxed his grip on the wheel& !e $a+ght hi,self wat$hing her o+t of the $orner of
his e'e& That flower in her hair( the or$hid( ,ade hi, thin% a)o+t his father and that in t+rn ,ade hi, thin% a)o+t all his pro)le,s& !e dropped
his gaze to the gra$ef+l $+r-e of Sa)rinas ne$%( then lower& *ont go there. !e for$ed his attention )a$% to the road& An' g+' wo+ld find her a
distra$tion& 2ro, a )ea+tif+l( slightl' s%inn' twent'"one"'ear"old( shed grown into a st+nning wo,an with $+r-es that ,ade his hands it$h& An
it$h he planned to ignore&
SABRINA S6ENT T!E re,ainder of the .o+rne' to 7irginia !ighlands shoring +p her resol+tion& 3hate-er #a%e needed( she wasnt the one to
help hi,& The distan$e )etween the, ,ight )e all a)o+t hostilit' on his side( )+t on hers it was self"preser-ation& #a%e had )ro%en her heart fi-e
'ears ago& #+st loo%ing at hi, re,inded her of a pain she didnt want to re-isit( a -+lnera)ilit' she ne-er wanted to s+$$+,) to again&
#a%e fli$%ed his t+rn signal and p+lled into the dri-ewa' of a ho+se that )lended ,odern design and r+sti$ ,aterials"stone )ase( nat+ral $edar
siding( $edarshingle roof"to st+nning effe$t& Sa)rina had ne-er )een here )efore( )+t shed heard all a)o+t it& The realit' was
e-en ,ore i,pressi-e& She )+zzed her window down( st+$% her head o+t& *This pla$e is fantasti$&*
*B+ilt )' 3arrington Constr+$tion&*
She %new fro, T'ler( whose )rother Max ran 3arrington Constr+$tion( that the )asi$ design was #a%es( handed o-er to an ar$hite$t for
#a%e wal%ed aro+nd the $ar to open Sa)rinas door&
!e hadnt opened a door for her in 'ears& *3hats going on( #a%e4 I dont tr+st 'o+ when 'o+re ni$e&*
*3el$o,e to ,' world(* he ,+ttered&
She $li,)ed o+t( p+shed a strand of hair )a$% )ehind her ear as she loo%ed +p at the ho+se&
#a%es s$anned her( head to toe& *Inside(* he ordered& The sooner she heard hi, o+t( the sooner she $o+ld go ho,e and get on with her life&
Sa)rina st+$% her $hin in the air and ,ar$hed +p the front wal%&
#a%e %e'ed in an entr' $ode and the extra"high( do+)le"wide front door sw+ng silentl'( easil'( on ind+strial"size hinges&
Sa)rina stepped into a slate"floored atri+,( glan$ed at the ela)oratel' fra,ed ,irror on the far wall( then +p to the $eiling& *This is )ea+tif+l&*
*Than%s&* !e led the wa' to the open"plan li-ing and dining area( do,inated )' a stone"and"ti,)er firepla$e& Re$esses in the fire s+rro+nd
stored logs and pine$ones& R+sti$&
*The %it$hens thro+gh here&* #a%e pointed to the doorwa' )e'ond&
She followed hi, into the large( so+th"fa$ing %it$hen&
Afternoon s+nlight strea,ed in thro+gh the 2ren$h
doors( ,a%ing patterns on the white ,ar)le floor and the war, wooden $a)inets&
*!a-e a seat&* #a%e wa-ed to the stools at the ,ar)letopped island& !e filled the %ettle and p+t it on the sto-e&
*8o+ ,+st lo-e li-ing here( in a pla$e 'o+-e $reated for 'o+rself(* Sa)rina said as he retrie-ed ,+gs( $offee( s+gar&
!e shr+gged& *I wanted to )+ild so,ething distin$ti-e( )+t with an ar$hite$t+ral integrit' that wo+ld stand the test of ti,e&*
T'pi$al of #a%e to red+$e this in$redi)le ho,e to so,ething as $al$+lated as ar'hite't!ral integrity. The' lapsed into a silen$e while the' waited
for the %ettle&
At last( #a%e $on$entrated on adding )oiling water to the 2ren$h press& !e added half"and"half and one s+gar to Sa)rinas $+p( nothing to his(
then po+red the dar%( ri$h )rew& !e slid hers a$ross the island&
Sa)rina )lew on the hot $offee then too% a sip& She ga-e hi, the th+,)s"+p and a ,is$hie-o+s s,ile& *6erfe$t&*
#a%es s$owl told her he wished he hadnt re,e,)ered how she too% hers& !e rea$hed for the folder on the end of the island and handed her a
sheet of paper& *Read this&*
C+rio+s eno+gh to o)e'( she p+t her ,+g down on the island& She s$anned the page( a s+,,ar' of the latest opinion poll a)o+t the forth$o,ing
g+)ernatorial pri,ar'& *O+$h&*
*Exa$tl'(* he said& *The p+)li$ tr+st ,e a)o+t as ,+$h as the'd tr+st an arsonist with a ,at$h&*
She gripped the paper ,ore tightl'& *8o+ ,+st ha-e %nown that wo+ld )e a pro)le,&*
*Bnow wh' the' dont tr+st ,e4* !is tone was $on-ersational( )+t she pi$%ed +p the old resent,ent )eneath the s+rfa$e&
Sa)rina swallowed( tho+gh she hadnt dr+n% an' ,ore $offee& *Be$a+se 'o+r father )ro%e the law&*
!is ,o+th tightened& *If 'o+ $o+ld do it o-er again(* he said( *wo+ld 'o+4*
The' )oth %new what *it* was& The )a$% of her ne$% pri$%led< she dropped the da,ning opinion"poll res+lts& *#a%e( 'o+r father was a hero to
,e( the )est go-ernor a ,an $o+ld )e& I tho+ght he was so $aring( so prin$ipled&* Needlessl'( she stirred her $offee& *No one $o+ld ha-e )een
,ore +pset to dis$o-er hed ta%en a )ri)eapart fro, his fa,il'(* she added 5+i$%l'& *B+t no ,atter how ,+$h I ad,ired hi,( I $o+ldnt let hi,
get awa' with it&*
*I ,ean(* #a%e said deli)eratel'( *wo+ld 'o+ do it the sa,e wa'4*
!e had her there& Be$a+se with the )enefit of hindsightand a whole lot ,ore ,at+rit'"she wo+ldnt ha-e )een so rash in her den+n$iation of
/o-ernor Ted 3arrington& 3o+ldnt ha-e ,ade those distra+ght $alls s+,,oning the ,edia to a ,idnight press $onferen$e( th+s g+aranteeing
the stor' wo+ld tro+n$e e-er' other headline off the front pages& She wo+ldnt ha-e for$ed #a%e and his fa,il' to wa%e +p to a posse of
reporters on their doorstep( so that his dad appeared )efore the nation aging and -+lnera)le in his pa.a,as&
She didnt want to thin% a)o+t that night( or a)o+t what happened afterward"the p+)li$ frenz' that had
$onde,ned Ted )efore he ga-e his side of the stor'& And the fla,ing( )itter end of her relationship with #a%e&
*The o+t$o,e wo+ld ha-e )een the sa,e(* she said +neasil'( not ,eeting his e'es& She $a+ght her refle$tion in the o-en door( saw how shed
h+n$hed down in self"defense& She straightened on her stool& *8o+r father wo+ld still ha-e had to 5+it&*
*6eople ,ight at least ha-e gi-en hi, $redit for ha-ing selfless ,oti-es& If hed )een allowed to retain so,e dignit' &&& * !e let o+t a hiss& *M'
parents ,arriage ,ight ha-e s+r-i-ed&*
She drew in a pained )reath& If he dared s+ggest that had his parents not di-or$ed( his ,o, wo+ld ne-er ha-e dated the ,an whod ta%en her
sailing on a da' when no right"thin%ing person wo+ld ha-e gone o+t( and drowned the, )oth &&&
Sa)rina sh+ddered"and saw fro, #a%es narrowed e'es that she was ta%ing exa$tl' the path he wanted her to& 2ort+natel'( he )ro+ght o+t her
fighting instin$ts li%e no)od' else& *3hate-er help 'o+ want fro, ,e(* she said $ooll'( *'o+ o)-io+sl' thin% 'o+ need to g+ilt"trip ,e first&
1ets $onsider that done( and 'o+ $an tell ,e wh' I, here&*
!e )lin%ed& !e ,+st ha-e expe$ted her to $a-e at the first hint of $onfli$t& She $o+ld pra$ti$all' see hi, rearranging his ta$ti$s&
*I need 'o+r help to esta)lish p+)li$ $onfiden$e in ,e(* he said finall'( ,at$hing her )l+ntness&
*!ow $o+ld :"* Thats when realization dawned&
*Ah& 8o+ ,ean( li%e"* she waggled her fingers( 5+ote
,ar%s for an i,aginar' headline *"2at" Thighed Bea+t' D+een Sa's( 7ote 3arrington4*
*I ,ean"* he ,ade 5+ote ,ar%s of his own *"3histle")lower Sa's Son Is Not 1i%e 2ather&*
She had to ad,it( it had a $ertain poeti$ )ea+t'& If the wo,an whod )lown the whistle on $roo%ed /o-ernor Ted 3arrington endorsed Teds
son for offi$e( -oters wo+ld ha-e to )elie-e #a%e was on the le-el& B+t the tho+ght of getting in-ol-ed with hi, again( e-en politi$all' &&&
*I dont +nderstand wh' 'o+re e-en r+nning for offi$e(* she hedged& *8o+ %new this wo+ld )e a pro)le,&*
*S+san did so,e polling )efore I de$ided to r+n& The res+lts s+ggested that ,' grandfathers and great+n$les 'ears of p+)li$ ser-i$e to the state
were eno+gh to o+tweigh Dads ,ista%es&* S+san 3arrington( #a%es a+nt and T'lers ,o,( was #a%es $a,paign ,anager( as shed )een his
fathers )efore hi,& #a%e $a,e fro, a long line of /eorgia go-ernors& *None of the n+,)ers we-e polled sin$e then s+pport that $on$l+sion(*
he finished&
Sa)rina tapped the page in front of her& *That tells ,e wh' 'o+ tho+ght 'o+ $o+ld win& 8o+ still ha-ent said wh' 'o+ want to )e go-ernor&*
#a%e had alwa's tho+ght )igger than /eorgia< hed had his heart set on national politi$s( starting with Congress( )a$% when he and Sa)rina were
The )ri)e s$andal had ended that a,)ition& #a%e had 5+it politi$s to wor% with Max at 3arrington Constr+$tion&
*M' father $heated this state( and I want to p+t that
right(* he said& *I want to ,o-e on& I, si$% of )eing $roo%ed Ted 3arringtons son&*
Sa)rina swallowed and d+$%ed her head& The poll data $a+ght her e'e& *This isnt all )ad news& 6eople thin% 'o+re intelligent( li%a)le and"and
'o+ ha-e a ni$e s,ile&* A$$ording to the de,ographi$s data at the )otto, of the page( se-ent' per$ent of the respondents were wo,en& Sa)rina
%new the' ,eant his s,ile"the one that adorned $a,paign posters aro+nd town( the one she ne-er saw"was se+y. *Ma')e S+sans original
n+,)ers were right( and people will loo% past what 'o+r dad did&*
*The' wont(* he said flatl'&
*M' s+pport wo+ld )e ,ore of a handi$ap than a help(* she ass+red hi,& *8o+ saw those photographers at the airport& I, a )ad .o%e&*
!e )ar%ed a la+gh& *I g+ess 'o+ ha-ent seen the lo$al papers& The ,edia ,ight )e po%ing f+n at 'o+( )+t theres )een a swell of p+)li$
s',path' li%e 'o+ wo+ldnt )elie-e& The newspapers are f+ll of letters sa'ing what a wonderf+l Miss /eorgia 'o+ are& And 'o+re Saint Sa)rina
of Tal%)a$% Radio&* The sweep of his hand en$o,passed the /eorgia airwa-es&
*8o+re exaggerating(* she said( a part of her hoping he wasnt& That the entire state didnt hold her in $onte,pt&
*Sa)rina&* #a%e gripped the edge of the island&
*3o+ld 'o+ tr+st ,e as go-ernor4*
She wo+ld ne-er tr+st hi, with her heart again( and wo+ld re$o,,end no other wo,an sho+ld( either( )+t she did tr+st hi, as a politi$ian&
Unli%e his fathers( #a%es integrit' was +nsha%a)le&
*8es(* she said&
*Then we dont ha-e a pro)le,&* !is fingers relaxed& *Do we4*
She al,ost agreed& Then she realized what #a%e was doing& In short order( hed had her feeling gratef+l for his inter-ention at the airport( sorr'
for hi, o-er his poll res+lts( g+ilt' a)o+t the role shed pla'ed in his fa,il's )rea%+p &&& !e was ,anip+lating her e,otions( .+st as he had fi-e
'ears ago& Ba$% then( hed left her shattered& Than%f+ll'( hed )een too ,ad to see how hed h+rt her&
*8o+r getting in-ol-ed in the go-ernor ra$e will ta%e e-er'ones ,inds off 'o+r legs(* he $oaxed( as if offering her an irresisti)le enti$e,ent&
*6oliti$s )eing e-en weightier4* she said sharpl'& !e grinned( al,ost a,i$a)l'( and she g+essed he tho+ght her agree,ent was in the )ag&
*I need 'o+ to tell the world 'o+ ha-e $o,plete tr+st in ,e(* he said& *And to attend so,e of ,' $a,paign e-ents )etween now and the
pri,ar' -ote in #+ne& 3e $o+ld start Monda'"I, opening an art exhi)ition at 3ellesle' !igh S$hool& 8o+r dad will pro)a)l' )e there( his fir,
is one of the sponsors& 8o+ $o+ld $o,e along& 3hat do 'o+ sa'4*
Sa)rina st+died her fingernails to a-oid the $o,pelling press+re of his gaze& *I sa' no&*
#ABE S!O7ED !IMSE12 off his stool and too% a $o+ple of pa$es awa' fro, the island& *No to the high s$hool art show4*
*No to all of it(* Sa)rina said& No$ Im not d!mb eno!gh to get s!'ked into helping a g!y who knows e+a'tly how to reel me in. She $ringed at the
tho+ght of how hed led her to this ,o,ent toda'& -abrina &erritt is a bea!ti(!l person$ inside and o!t. #a%e %new her loo%s were the so+r$e of her
$onfiden$e( and hed pandered to that& It felt .+st li%e the old da's( when hed pla'ed on her -+lnera)ilit' to diss+ade her fro, reporting his father the
,o,ent shed learned of the )ri)e& 3hat next4 3o+ld he tr' to +se the attra$tion that still shi,,ered in the air )etween the,( the heat that rose a)o-e
their en,it'4
*Da,,it( Sa)rina(* he said& *I, not letting 'o+ o+t of here +ntil 'o+ agree to help&*
She pressed her right hand pal, down onto the island( slid it toward hi,& *Is this where 'o+ $hop off ,' fingers for the ranso, note4*
!is gaze dropped to her ,ani$+red( Cr+shed Rasp)err' nails& *#+st tell ,e wh'(* he said tightl'&
*I ha-e plans for ,' f+t+re( and the' dont in-ol-e re-isiting the past&*
2or long se$onds he pro$essed that& *3hen 'o+ sa' plans( do 'o+ ,ean li%e 'o+r plan to $li,) E-erest4*
That st+ng& *3hen I said that( I was )a$% on ,' feet for the first ti,e after the a$$ident&* She hated thin%ing a)o+t the $ar $rash that had %illed
her ,o, and left Sa)rina( then still a teenager( +na)le to wal% for eighteen ,onths& She glared at #a%e& *C+t ,e so,e sla$%( will 'o+4*
*1i%e 'o+ $+t ,' father so,e sla$%4* he retorted& The ani,osit' )etween the, was a tangi)le )east( pro-o%ed in an instant( sn+ffling at
territor' the' hadnt explored in 'ears& Sa)rina fo+nd herself sha%ing& #a%e to+$hed her hand and said( *Sorr'( I sho+ldnt ha-e ,entioned the
E-erest thing&*
It was safest to ass+,e his re,orse was pro,pted )' $on$ern for his $a,paign& She p+lled her hand )a$%( r+))ing the spot hed left tingling&
*8o+ alwa's were a %now"it"all .er%(* she gr+,)led&
!is sho+lders eased& *8o+ alwa's were a spoiled )rat(* he ret+rned& !e sat )a$% down on his stool& *3hats 'o+r plan( Sa)rina4*
*I dont ha-e to tell 'o+& I ha-ent e-en told Dad 'et&* *So its so,ething he wont li%e(* he spe$+lated& !e %new how $lose she was to her father&
*Does it in-ol-e lipos+$tion4*
*Of $o+rse not&* !er hands went in-ol+ntaril' to her thighs& *Theres nothing wrong with ,' legs&*
A point I ,ade on 'o+r )ehalf toda'< he re,inded her&
She %new he was ,anip+lating her again( )+t it wo+ldnt h+rt to tell hi,& *I-e lined +p a .o) with the In.+red Bids Ed+$ation Tr+st&*
!e drained his $+p& *Ne-er heard of it&*
*The tr+st ai,s to esta)lish a dedi$ated s$hool for %ids who-e s+ffered serio+s in.+ries& Itll $o,)ine ph'si$al reha)ilitation with a reg+lar high
s$hool ed+$ation in a so$ial en-iron,ent& I ,et one of the dire$tors thro+gh T'ler"the fo+ndation f+nds their operating $osts&* T'ler was the
president of the $harita)le 3arrington 2o+ndation&
*I approa$hed the tr+st a $o+ple of ,onths ago to as% if I $o+ld get in-ol-ed& The' want ,e to )e their front person( to pro,ote the need for the
s$hool and help lo))' for f+nding& I had to get the Miss U&S&A& 6ageant o+t of the wa'(* she said( *)+t the tr+st plans to anno+n$e ,'
appoint,ent this wee%&*
*3h' ha-ent 'o+ told 'o+r dad4* #a%e $leared their $+ps awa'&
*Dad still wants ,e to wor% at Merritt( Merritt E 2in$h with hi,& E-er' ti,e I s+ggest another .o)( he $o,es +p with ten reasons wh' I sho+ld
)e so,ewhere he $an loo% o+t for ,e( e-en tho+gh I, not 5+alified to do an'thing in a law fir, )e'ond opening the ,ail& !es dri-ing ,e
#a%es e'es narrowed& *8o+ lo-e )eing pa,pered and prote$ted )' 'o+r father&*
#a%e 3arrington( The Man 3ho Bnew Too M+$h& !e %new shed )een )orn with an extra dependen$' gene that was the perfe$t ,at$h for her
fathers extra prote$ti-eness gene&
#a%e had neither defe$t& Sa)rina loo%ed at hi,( at the )road sho+lders that $o+ld )ear the pro)le,s of a dozen $h+n%'"thighed )ea+t' 5+eens(
then at the +n$o,pro,ising .aw that warned against leaning on hi,&
She wished shed heeded that warning fi-e 'ears ago& *I dont lo-e it an',ore(* she said&
*8o+-e ne-er held down a .o) longer than six ,onths& !ow is this different fro, an' of 'o+r other one",in+te"wonder $areers4* #a%e leaned
)a$% pre$ario+sl' on his stool& *2ro,( sa'( $ordon )le+ $atering( or 'o+r )+rning a,)ition to .oin the poli$e4*
*Neither of those was right for ,e( )+t I %now this is&* *Then there was( let ,e see &&& * !e r+))ed his $hin&
*Dog"groo,ing s$hool4*
Did he plan to $atalog all the $areer $hoi$es shed e,)ra$ed and a)andoned with e5+al speed4 *That was o-er s+,,er -a$ation( and I was
tr'ing to ,a%e a point to ,' father&*
The point )eing that( +nli%e her sisters( she didnt want to p+rs+e a law degree& !er father had finall' $on$eded the point( )+t his latest idea was
that she sho+ld wor% at the fa,il' fir, while she trained to )e a paralegal&
*3hat a)o+t 'o+r .o) in Congress,an S,iths offi$e( wor%ing for world pea$e4* A sneer in the words& *At least that +sed 'o+r politi$al s$ien$e
*M' degree is in international relations&* Didnt he re,e,)er e-en that ,+$h a)o+t her4
*8o+ ,ean( that Swiss g+' 'o+ dated in 'o+r final 'ear4*
She s$owled& *2+nn'&* B+t sin$e shed $hosen inter"
national relations spe$ifi$all' )e$a+se the $o+rse wasnt as to+gh as politi$al s$ien$e( then .+st s$raped )' while her so$ial life too% off exponentiall'(
she wasnt on fir, gro+nd& *Congress,an S,ith ga-e ,e the .o) as a fa-or to Dad( so Id ha-e so,ething to tal% a)o+t at the Miss U&S&A& 6ageant& It
was onl' e-er a part"ti,e( short"ter, pro.e$t( not so,ething I wanted to ,a%e a $areer o+t of& 3orld pea$e is o-errated&* It had )een ,entioned $o+nt"
less ti,es at the Miss U&S&A& 6ageant( the ,ost warli%e en-iron,ent shed e-er en$o+ntered&
*And 'o+ thin% 'o+ $an ,eta,orphose into so,eone whos serio+s a)o+t her wor%4* #a%es stool s$raped on the floor as he stood& *I $an see wh'
'o+re attra$ted to this in.+r'"tr+st idea( )+t ad,it it( Sa)rina( the $han$es 'o+ll sti$% with it are low to zero&*
!e wo+ldnt )e the last person to sa' that& Sa)rina stood( too( ro))ing hi, of the height ad-antage&
*8o+r opinion is irrele-ant(* she said& *I, twent'"six 'ears old( and I-e finall' fo+nd an opport+nit' that will let ,e )e ,ore than #onah Merritts
pa,pered 'o+ngest da+ghter( the one who had the a$$ident&* There was a ti,e when shed tho+ght #a%e saw past that la)el( )+t shed )een pro-en
wrong& *This is a fresh start for ,e&*
It ,ight ha-e )een a ,o,ents s',path' that softened #a%es )l+e e'es( )+t ,ore li%el' it was a tri$% of the light( )e$a+se when he spo%e( his -oi$e
was harsh& *I want a fresh start( too& 3arringtons ha-e ser-ed this state as go-ernor for generations( +ntil ,' father s$rewed +p& I $ant wipe the slate
$lean +nless I win this pri,ar'& If I $an .+st do that( Ill )e a shoo"in for go-ernor"the part'
will swing its f+ll s+pport )ehind ,e( and it hasnt lost an ele$tion in /eorgia in fift' 'ears&*
!is hands $+rled into fists( as ifhe had to s5+eeze o+t his next words& *6lease( Sa)rina( help ,e&*
1i%e her( he wanted to p+t the past )ehind hi,& Despite their ,+t+al disli%e( Sa)rina s',pathized& *ont let him get to yo!. She wrapped her
ar,s aro+nd her ,iddle& *The da's when I fell o-er ,' feet in ,' r+sh to do whate-er 'o+ wanted are long gone( #a%e&*
3hat the hell did that ,ean4 #a%e pa$ed to the 2ren$h doors( then t+rned to fa$e her& *If 'o+ fell o-er 'o+r feet( that was 'o+r $hoi$e& I didnt
as% 'o+ to&* !e $o+ldnt s+ppress his o+trage( e-en tho+gh logi$ told hi, to sta' $al,& Ba$% when the' were dating( hed indeed %nown she
wo+ld do an'thing for hi,( and )een $aref+l to as% for nothing& Until the )ri)e& And loo% how well that had t+rned o+t&
*8o+ didnt ha-e to as%& I did whate-er it too% to please 'o+& B+t I, stronger now( stronger than 'o+ or an'one %nows&*
The dis$onne$t )etween what she was sa'ing and her appearan$e $o+ldnt ha-e )een greater( #a%e tho+ght& Sa)rina ,ight not )e as s%inn' as
so,e of her ri-als at Miss U&S&A&( )+t there was so,ething a)o+t her that s+ggested fragilit'& !er wrists were slender( her fingers long and fine&
She had a ha)it of shielding her $lear )l+e e'es with her lashes( so that people",en"worried a)o+t her&
Sin$e their )rea%+p( #a%e alwa's ass+,ed she was hiding her la+ghter at the wa' the' ,ade idiots of the,sel-es o-er her&
The wa' he al,ost had& The onl' good to $o,e o+t of her )etra'al was that it had for$ed an end to a relationship that teetered on the -erge of
o+t of $ontrol )+t that he hadnt 5+ite )een a)le to )ring hi,self to a)andon&
!e ha+led his ,ind )a$% to the present( to Sa)rina standing hands on hips in front of hi,& *O%a'( I )elie-e 'o+(* he said& *8o+re strong& And I
a$$ept that 'o+re dedi$ated to 'o+r new .o)"in fa$t( I ad,ire that&*
She didnt relax one iota&
*B+t 'o+r responsi)ilities for the tr+st dont so+nd li%e f+ll"ti,e wor%& S+rel' 'o+ $an help ,e o+t with the o$$asional inter-iew( a $o+ple of
p+)li$ appearan$es4*
She was sha%ing her head )efore he finished tal%ing& *Da,,it( Sa)rina( 'o+re not the one who sho+ld )e holding a gr+dge here(* he snapped&
She was fa,o+s a,ong their friends for her genero+s willingness to gi-e people the )enefit of the do+)t( a se$ond $han$e& 3h' sho+ld he )e
the ex$eption to the r+le4 Unless &&&
*This isnt a)o+t 'o+ and ,e( o+r personal relationship( is it4* !e grasped her sho+lders( and the $onta$t with )are flesh( $o-ered onl' )' the
thin straps of her dress( sho$%ed hi, with the power of a lightning stri%e& !e .er%ed )a$%ward( at the sa,e ,o,ent as she wren$hed herself
free& #a%e willed his )reathing to slow down& *Are 'o+ ref+sing to help ,e )e$a+se 'o+re still ,ad that I d+,ped 'o+4*
*amn$ damn$ damn. 3hat was it a)o+t Sa)rina that destro'ed his rationalit'4 Now hed ,ade her ,ad&
She pressed her f+ll lips together as she snat$hed her p+rse& *I, lea-ing&*
#a%e re$ognized that st+))ornness& The last ti,e hed seen it( shed )een in the hospital( not ,+$h ,ore than a %id( fighting to re$o-er fro, the a$$ident
with e-er'thing she had&
8ears later when hed )een drawn against all good sense to Sa)rina the So$ial B+tterfl'( hed $on$l+ded that her re$o-er' ,+st ha-e drained the
reser-es of her strength( her $o+rage& 3hi$h explained wh' she was $ontent to a$$ept( al,ost wel$o,ed peoples stifling prote$ti-eness and $on$ern&
!ed +nderstood( s',pathized &&& tho+gh not to the extent that hed let her p+ll her helpless a$t on hi,&
Now( he realized that teenage o)stina$' had .+st )een shel-ed +ntil she needed it& And he was at a dis$on$erting loss as to what to do next& No ,ore
)egging( that was for s+re& !e wo+ld thin% of so,ething else& To,orrow& !e gra))ed his %e's& *Ill dri-e 'o+ ho,e&*
*Ill $all T'ler( ha-e hi, pi$% ,e +p&*
If #a%e hadnt felt so )itter( hed ha-e la+ghed& She expe$ted hi, to )elie-e her ref+sal was a)o+t her new start( nothing to do with their personal
histor'& !e held o+t the phone to her& *!ere 'o+ go( Miss Independen$e& S+,,on T'ler to 'o+r res$+e&*
!e wat$hed as she )l+shed )eet red& 3ordlessl'( she too% the phone fro, hi,& !er finger ho-ered o-er the )+ttons( then she dialed&
She ordered a $a)&
Too little( too late( #a%e tho+ght as the' waited in silen$e for the taxi& 3hi$h the' )oth %new wo+ld ta%e her to her fathers ho+se& Sa)rina $o+ld $lai,
the indepen"
den$e of a 'eti& B+t she was still the sa,e old Sa)rina( rel'ing on her loo%s and on her fa,il' and friends to get her thro+gh lifes diffi$+lties&
And if she was the sa,e old Sa)rina( one wa' or another( he wo+ld $on-in$e her to do what he wanted&
*SABRINA( T!ANBS 2OR rearranging 'o+r s$hed+le to ,eet with +s this afternoon&* Ri$hard Ainsle'( head of the In.+red Bids Ed+$ation
Tr+st( shoo% Sa)rinas hand and +shered her into his l+x+rio+s pentho+se apart,ent&
*No pro)le,( 'o+ %now the tr+st is ,' top priorit'&* Sa)rina s,iled at the ,an who had s+ffi$ient )elief in her a)ilities that hed offered her the
.o) of her drea,s& In her new role( she wo+ld do so ,+$h to help $hildren and teens with spinal and other serio+s in.+ries& To gi-e the, hope&
Nothing $o+ld )e ,ore worthwhile&
The tension of 'esterda's $on-ersation with #a%e faded with ea$h step she too% a$ross the pl+sh( $rea,$olored $arpet&
She .+st wished she was a little ,ore wide"awa%e for this ,eeting& Behind Ri$hards )a$%( she stifled a 'awn& She sho+ldnt ha-e wasted
pre$io+s sleep ti,e last night tossing and t+rning( worr'ing a)o+t #a%es ele$tion prospe$ts& Shed )et he hadnt gi-en her $areer another
Sleep depri-ation ,+st )e the reason wh' it too% a while for Ri$hards exa$t words to seep into her )rain& *Uh( did 'o+ sa'( to ,eet with !s 4*
As far as she %new( this get"together was an infor,al one"on"one ,eeting to draft an anno+n$e,ent of her appoint,ent&
O-er his sho+lder he said( *A $o+ple of the other )oard ,e,)ers are .oining +s&*
*A $o+ple* ,eant fo+r( Sa)rina dis$o-ered when she followed Ri$hard into the dining roo,& A sil-er"haired wo,an( a slightl' 'o+nger
)r+nette and two ,iddleaged ,en were alread' seated at the anti5+e ,ahogan' ta)le&
3as it her i,agination( or did fo+r pairs of e'es drop to her thighs4
Ri$hard introd+$ed her to the )oard ,e,)ers&
2o$+sed on $len$hing her thigh ,+s$les in an atte,pt to ,ini,ize their )+l%( Sa)rina str+ggled to a)sor) their na,es&
Ri$hard p+lled o+t a green -el-et"+pholstered $hair for her( the other side of the ta)le fro, the others& !e too% his seat at the head( whi$h ,eant
she now had fi-e people staring at her& O+tran%ed )' age( n+,)er and se-erit' of de,eanor( Sa)rina felt li%e a fi-e"'ear"old whod fl+n%ed
2inger 6ainting :;:&
*: , honored that the anno+n$e,ent of ,' appoint,ent was i,portant eno+gh to )ring 'o+ all here&* She la+ghed ner-o+sl'&
Ri$hard didnt offer her $offee( the wa' he had at pre-io+s ,eetings"Sa)rina loo%ed longingl' at the pot on the side)oard& Behind the $offee(
thro+gh glassfronted $a)inet doors( she saw an arra' of spirits& A stiff whis%e' held s+dden appeal&
*8o+ll re,e,)er(* Ri$hard )egan( *,' ,entioning that 'o+r appoint,ent wo+ld need to )e ratified )' the )oard&*
*I re$all 'o+r des$ri)ing it as a for,alit'(* she said& !is gaze slid awa'& Sa)rina got a hollow feeling )ehind her ri)s&
Ma')e )e$a+se shed .+st had her first personal $on-ersation with #a%e in fi-e 'ears( a sa'ing of his fathers popped into her head& I( yo! want or'hids$
dont plant 'amellias.
If she wanted this .o)( she $o+ldnt afford to .o%e( or to s%irt aro+nd the topi$&
*Is there a pro)le, with ,' appoint,ent4* Sa)rina as%ed& *Be$a+se I a, one h+ndred per$ent $o,,itted to the tr+st and to what yo!re"we re"tr'ing
to do& As 'o+ said( Ri$hard( ,' past in.+ries and ,' p+)li$ profile ,a%e ,e the ideal $andidate&*
Ri$hards ,o+th p+lled )a$% in a s,ile that was ,ore gri,a$e( as ifhe didnt appre$iate her ex$ellent ,e,or'& *The )oards thin%ing with regard to
p+)li$ profile has( +h( $hanged& 3ere now thin%ing of a spe$ifi$ kind of profile&* !e sent a silent appeal to his $olleag+es&
The sil-er"haired wo,an spo%e +p& *The In.+red Bids Ed+$ation Tr+st is at a $r+$ial .+n$t+re&*
So is my life.
Sil-er !air $ontin+ed( *3ith the ele$tion $o,ing +p( this is o+r )ig $han$e to lo))' for f+nds for the s$hool and to $reate awareness at the lo$al and
national le-els& 3e )elie-e we need a front person with ,ore"* her gazed fli$%ed to the ta)le( as if she $o+ld see right thro+gh the ,ahogan' to
Sa)rinas thighs *"gra-itas&*
She raised her e'e)rows( perhaps 5+estioning whether Sa)rina %new what gra)itas ,eant&
*8o+ thin% )eing Miss /eorgia ,eans I dont ha-e gra-itas4* Sa)rina as%ed&
One of the ,en $leared his throat& *Its ,ore that we wo+ldnt expe$t o+r spo%esperson to )e front"page news in the ta)loid newspapers&*
The ,an next to hi, fingered the %not in his na-')l+e sil% tie& *The r+,ors of ph'si$al $onfrontation in 1as 7egas &&& *
*The onl' $onfrontation was -er)al( when another $o,petitor said she wanted to slap ,e&* Sa)rina shifted on her $hair< it was ,ortif'ing to
ha-e to explain Miss Maines s+dden $on-i$tion that Sa)rinas wealth' father ,+st ha-e )ri)ed the .+dges for her to win the Miss /eorgia
$ontest& #+st )e$a+se nearl' e-er' other wo,an had wor%ed her wa' +p thro+gh $ontests li%e Miss Sa-e n /row Ban% S+,,er Carni-al
)efore ,a%ing it at state le-el& &&
Distaste $rossed Ri$hards fa$e&
*She said it(* Sa)rina said le-ell'& *I wal%ed awa' and that was the end of it&*
*Not as far as the ,edia were $on$erned(* Sil-er !air pointed o+t& *The p+)li$ per$eption is of a s5+a))le&*
The te,perat+re in the roo, see,ed to ha-e pl+nged to ar$ti$ le-els& Sa)rina shi-ered in her pin% sil% )lo+se and tailored %nee"length $rea,
s%irt( perfe$t( shed tho+ght this ,orning( in their de,+reness& Ma')e so,ething se-ere and )la$% wo+ld ha-e )een a )etter $hoi$e& She r+))ed
her ar,s& This was how #a%e ,+st feel( poised to lose the pri,ar'&
B+t she %new for s+re #a%e wasnt a)o+t to gi-e +p on )e$o,ing go-ernor .+st )e$a+se she wo+ldnt $ooperate&
I wont gi)e !p$ either. Sa)rina drew a stead'ing )reath and willed herself not to rea$t in a wa' that ,ight shred the )oards paper"thin respe$t for
*M' le-el of p+)li$ s+pport has a$t+all' grown sin$e the in$idents 'o+ ,ention(* she said& #a%es $o,,ents had $he$%ed o+t in the online
sear$h shed r+n last night& She had a lot of new fans sin$e the Miss U&S&A& de)a$le&
*3ere not loo%ing for so,eone who $an whip +p the s',path' of the ,an in the street(* Sil-er !air said& *3e need to i,press legislators(
ed+$ators( $orporate sponsors& 6eople with serio+s $on$erns&*
*I, pleased 'o+ said that&* Sa)rina shot her a dazzling s,ile& *Be$a+se people with serio+s $on$erns dont pa' ,+$h attention to ta)loid
headlines& The ,edia will soon lose interest in ,'( +h( defi$ien$ies& 3hat wont $hange is that I, the )est fit for this .o)&* She s5+ared her
sho+lders as she glan$ed aro+nd the ta)le& *Do 'o+ thin% 'o+ll find another spo%esperson with ,' p+)li$ re$ognition at all le-els of so$iet'(
who %nows what its li%e to p+t an ed+$ation on hold )e$a+se of an in.+r'4 So,eone who tr+l' +nderstands the differen$e o+r s$hool will
Ri$hard leafed thro+gh the papers in front of hi, as if he had two dozen s+$h $andidates right there in )la$% and white&
Sa)rina %new he didnt& She )reathed a little easier and spread her fingers on the ta)les polished s+rfa$e& It was nat+ral that the )oard sho+ld
ha-e 5+estions a)o+t
the headlines& 3hat ,attered was that she $o+ld show the, she was +ni5+e&
*The other possi)ilit'(* the ,an in the )l+e tie said( *is that we re$r+it a fa,il' ,e,)er of so,eone affe$ted )' serio+s in.+r'& So,eone who
$an tal% a)o+t the effe$t on the entire fa,il'&*
*It la$%s the sa,e e,otional i,pa$t(* Sa)rina said with all the a+thorit' she $o+ld ,+ster&
*6erhaps( )+t that person ,ight ha-e other 5+alities that lend the,sel-es to the .o)& More orthodox 5+alities&*
Sa)rinas spine tingled& *Do 'o+ ha-e so,eone in ,ind4*
*One of the reasons I wel$o,ed 'o+r approa$h(* Ri$hard said( *was )e$a+se 'o+r fathers fir, has a strong tra$% re$ord fighting legal )attles in
the ed+$ation s'ste,&*
O%a'( ,a')e she was as st+pid as the' appeared to thin%( )e$a+se it too% a f+ll fi-e se$onds for Sa)rina to see where this was going&
"My fa,il'4 8o+re thin%ing one of ,' sisters $o+ld front the tr+st4*
She wo+ld rather the' ga-e the .o) to Miss Maine&
To not onl' ha-e her drea, snat$hed fro, her( )+t then to see it handed to one of her fearso,el' intelligent( s+pers+$$essf+l sisters &&&
I wont let them do this.
*Its onl' a tho+ght(* Ri$hard said&
Sa)rina whis%ed her tre,)ling hands into her lap( and was e,)arrassed to see her fingertips had left ten s,+dges on the gloss' ta)letop&
*Neither of ,' sisters
wo+ld drea, of a$$epting the position(* she said& *Not when the' %now how i,portant it is to ,e&*
She hoped she was right& !er sisters lo-ed her( )+t the'd tho+ght her winning Miss /eorgia and the g+sto with whi$h shed thrown herself into
the role was $+te( rather than a worth' a$hie-e,ent& The' didnt ta%e her serio+sl'( and she %new darned well the' didnt respe$t her& 3h'
sho+ld the'4
Shed spent 'ears letting people do things for her )e$a+se the'd worried she wo+ld o-erdo it in the after,ath of the a$$ident& !ad a string of
+nli%el'( +nf+lfilled a,)itions( $+l,inating in the igno,in' of the Miss U&S&A& 6ageant& And now the in.+red $hildren she wanted to help
wo+ld ha-e to rel' on so,eone else to $ha,pion the,& To thin%( shed e-en i,agined anno+n$ing her new role to her fa,il' and( 'es( i,press"
ing the,&
She didnt reall' )elie-e either of her sisters wo+ld snat$h the .o) o+t fro, +nder her if she as%ed the, not to& B+t she was glad she hadnt told
the, a)o+t the appoint,ent( glad she didnt ha-e to witness their la$% of s+rprise when the' learned shed )een fired )efore she started&
#a%e wo+ldnt )e s+rprised( either& !e was a)o+t to )e pro-en right"she $o+ldnt hold down a .o)&
The only person who belie)es in me is me. The tho+ght left an +npleasant( ,etalli$ taste in her ,o+th&
I( Im the only person who belie)es in me$ Im the only person who 'an (i+ this.
O%a'( she hadnt expe$ted esta)lishing her independen$e and earning so,e respe$t to )e so fra+ght& B+t
she $o+ldnt gi-e +p now& *The pro)le, with a rea$tion to the headlines(* she said( interr+pting Sil-er !air( whod started pontifi$ating
a)o+t $redi)ilit'( *is that it fails to ta%e so,e i,portant $onsiderations into a$$o+nt&*
*And those are &&& 4* Ri$hard pro,pted&
At last( so,eone was gi-ing her a )rea%& She s,iled at hi,( ,ore war,l' than he deser-ed& *8o+ dont .+st need so,eone to re$ite whate-er
words 'o+ p+t in their ,o+th& 8o+ need so,eone wholl ha-e a$ti-e inp+t into 'o+r strateg'&*
Sa)rina spread her pal,s on the ta)le again( not $aring if she perspired right thro+gh the woods high"gloss polish& *2or instan$e( 'o+re rel'ing
on the ed+$ation depart,ent and a few pri-ate )a$%ers to open their wallets to )+ild the s$hool& Thats not good eno+gh&* Ri$hards $hin .+tted
at her te,erit'( )+t she didnt stop& *The s$hool sho+ld )e f+ll' state f+nded( so we dont go thro+gh the $'$le 'ear after 'ear of )egging for do"
nations& 3e need )a$%ing at the highest le-el of the state legislat+re&*
Sil-er !air let o+t a $ondes$ending la+gh& *Thats the drea, s$enario( )+t its not going to happen& Certainl' not )e$a+se of 'o+r in-ol-e,ent&*
The wo,ans r+deness was )reathta%ing&
Spots floated )efore Sa)rinas e'es& She hadnt felt this angr' sin$e a resident ph'si$ian had told her shed li%el' ne-er wal% again&
She needed to sa' so,ething to sh+t these people +p( on$e and for all& So,ething )ig( no half ,eas+res&
!er high profile and her ,edi$al histor' wo+ldnt $+t it& She needed so,ething that wo+ld tr+,p her sisters )rains( )+siness $onne$tions and
lo))'ing $apa)ilities&
3hat wo+ld #a%e do4 #+st 'esterda'( hed as%ed a wo,an he despised to endorse hi,& A desperate ,eas+re& lake wo!ld do whate)er it takes.
#a%e& Desperation&
*8o+re pro)a)l' aware that#a%e 3arrington( ,'"* Sa)rina drew a sh+dder' )reath *",' (ian'e$ is r+nning for go-ernor&*
E-er' person in the roo, sat +p straighter& In$l+ding Sa)rina( who was fighting the instin$t to slin% down in her seat&
*8o+ and #a%e 3arrington are engaged4* Sil-er !air as%ed&
*!e as%ed ,e to ,arr' hi, 'esterda'&* In$redi)le how easil' the lie tripped off her tong+e& B+t then( #a%e alwa's said she spo%e )efore she
Ri$hard addressed the )oard ,e,)ers& *8o+ ,ight ha-e seen 3arrington on the T7 news( ,eeting Sa)rina at the airport&*
*There hasnt )een an'thing in the papers a)o+t 'o+ and 3arrington( +h( )eing in-ol-ed(* one of the ,en said&
*3e-e )een dis$reet&* So dis'reet$ lake doesnt e)en know abo!t it. *8o+ ,a' re$all that #a%e and I ha-e a( er( tro+)led past&* !eads nodded"
an'one whod )een in /eorgia d+ring the 3arrington )ri)e s$andal %new Ted 3arringtons sons girlfriend( wor%ing as an intern
in the go-ernors offi$e( had )ro%en the stor'& *3e wanted to )e s+re of o+r feelings&*
*So( as 3arringtons fian$ee &&& * Ri$hard pro,pted( losing interest in the ro,anti$ details&
*la%e f+ll' s+pports the idea of state f+nding for the s$hool(* she said& *Ed+$ation is his ,ain $a,paign platfor,&* At last( the tr+th> *So o+r
s$hool will )e -er' ,+$h on his agenda&*
*!es not exa$tl' the fron"tr+nner in the ele$tion(* Sil-er !air pointed o+t&
*la%es $o,,it,ent to ed+$ation will p+t press+re on the other $andidates thro+gho+t the $a,paign&* That so+nded $on-in$ing( to Sa)rinas
ears( at least& *Spe$ialneeds ed+$ation will )e on the politi$al agenda whether the others li%e it or not& If the' wont ,a%e the sa,e $o,,it,ent
as la%e( the'll loo% hard"hearted& Bids with se-ere in.+ries are an e,otional iss+e"e-er' parent dreads their $hild )eing in an a$$ident&*
*/ood point(* Ri$hard said&
*As his fian$ee(* Sa)rina $ontin+ed( *Ill )e on the $a,paign trail with hi,& That is( as far as ,' $o,,it,ents to the In.+red Bids Ed+$ation
Tr+st allow&* She s,iled )rightl'& *Ill )e ,eeting people who are in a position to s+pport the s$hool( and Ill )e doing ,' +t,ost to $on-in$e
An' ,ore and she ris%ed )etra'ing her ignoran$e of la%es $a,paign& Sa)rina sat )a$% and waited&
Signifi$ant glan$es fired a$ross the roo,& Ri$hard pi$%ed +p his pen( ,ade a few notes& !e $leared his throat& *The )oard wo+ld li%e to"*
*"$ongrat+late 'o+ on 'o+r engage,ent(* he said& Sa)rina held her )reath as the earlier $onte,pt
e-ol-ed into $ongrat+lator' ,+r,+rs&
*I thin% were all in agree,ent"* Ri$hard loo%ed aro+nd( re$ei-ed e,phati$ nods in repl' *"that this news $hanges o+r perspe$ti-e&*
Sa)rina tried not to feel ins+lted& It didnt ,atter if the' were i,pressed )e$a+se she was engaged to #a%e& 3hat ,attered was that she $o+ld do this
*3e wo+ld )e delighted if 'o+ wo+ld $o,e on )oard as spo%esperson for the tr+st(* Ri$hard said&
!er ex+ltant whoop too% the dire$tors a)a$%& She toned it down to an e,phati$ nod& *I wo+ld )e delighted to a$$ept&*
S,iles and handsha%es followed( with the ,en ta%ing the opport+nit' to %iss a )ea+t' 5+een&
*This $alls for a drin%&* Ri$hard $rossed to the side)oard& *I ha-e a rather fine single ,alt here&* !e tilted the )ottle in her dire$tion&
Now he brings o!t the whiskey.
*Not for ,e&* The enor,it' of what shed done was starting to sin% in( and Sa)rinas %nees )egan to sha%e& One sip of single ,alt and shed )e laid o+t
on the floor&
The o)li-ion was te,pting& B+t she was responsi)le for her own f+t+re now& She stret$hed her ,o+th into a s,ile& *I need to tell #a%e the good news&*
T!E BEAUT8 DUEENS instr+$tion ,an+al was $onspi$+o+sl' silent on the proto$ol for telling a ,an who hates 'o+ that hes now 'o+r
3hi$h ,eant Sa)rina had to fig+re o+t her own wa' to tell #a%e( and to enlist his s+pport& Soon& The tr+st planned to anno+n$e her appoint,ent
to,orrow( and altho+gh shed e,phasized to the dire$tors that her engage,ent wasnt 'et p+)li$( was in fa$t totall' se$ret( one of the, was
)o+nd to let slip what was apparentl' her highest 5+alifi$ation for the .o)&
As soon as she left Ri$hards pentho+se( she $alled #a%es $a,paign offi$e fro, the san$t+ar' of her li,egreen 73 Beetle& A staff ,e,)er told
her #a%e had a $o+ple of ,edia inter-iews this afternoon( after whi$h he wo+ld go dire$tl' to the senior art exhi)ition at 3ellesle' !igh( a
pri-ate s$hool in B+$%head&
The staffer ga-e her #a%es $ell"phone n+,)er( )+t his phone was swit$hed off& Sa)rina left a $o+ple of +rgent )+t non"spe$ifi$ ,essages&
Tho+gh she %ept her phone $lose as she ran errands aro+nd town( he didnt $all )a$%& 8o+d thin% hed ret+rn $alls fro, the wo,an
who held his politi$al f+t+re in her hands &&& The tho+ght of wielding so ,+$h power $heered Sa)rina as she wal%ed into !app' !ands for her
fi-e"o $lo$% ,ani$+re appoint,ent&
*8o+ poor sweetie&* Tina( the ,ani$+rist( h+gged Sa)rina& *7ile reporters( sa'ing those things a)o+t 'o+&*
*I, o-er it(* Sa)rina told her as she settled into the $hair and i,,ersed her hands in a stea,ing )owl of s$ented water& *I, ,o-ing on&*
*/ood girl&* Tina $hatted for a ,in+te a)o+t the e-ening dresses worn at the Miss U&S&A& 6ageant( then patted Sa)rinas hands dr' with a soft
towel& She p+,ped so,e ,oist+rizer into her pal,s( and )egan ,assaging it into Sa)rinas s%in& *3hat $olor toda'4 S$arlet 3o,an4*
Sa)rina flin$hed& *Ma%e it 1ila$ S+rprise&*
S+rprise was perhaps an +nderstate,ent for how #a%e wo+ld feel a)o+t her anno+n$e,ent& B+t he $o+ldnt get too ,ad( not when their
engage,ent wo+ld help hi,&
She .+st needed to tell hi, a)o+t it )efore an'one else did& !ed in-ited her to attend the high s$hool exhi)ition( and that was what she wo+ld
Sa)rina tipped her head )a$%( $losed her e'es and tried to plan what she wo+ld sa'&
Despite Tinas relaxing ,inistrations( the fort'"fi-e ,in+tes Sa)rina spent at !app' !ands werent as prod+$ti-e as shed ha-e li%ed& !er ,ind
persisted in pla'ing o+t s$enarios that left her &&& ner-o+s&
She $o+ld see herself telling #a%e a)o+t the engage,ent( )+r'ing the E word dis$reetl' within the won"
derf+l news that she was willing to s+pport hi, for go-ernor& Unfort+natel'( she $o+ldnt en-isage #a%es gratit+de& It see,ed ,ore pro)a)le
that his laser ,ind wo+ld zoo, in on the fian$e thing and &&& ,ostl'( the s$enarios ended with hi, strangling her and )+r'ing her in a shallow
gra-e& .ikes.
T!E 3E11ES1E8 !I/! art exhi)ition and a+$tion was an ann+al e-ent that attra$ted a strong t+rno+t fro, the B+$%head lo$als( ,an' of
whose $hildren were $+rrent or for,er st+dents at the s$hool& Se-eral professional artists( so,e of the, 5+ite well"%nown( had donated wor%s
that h+ng alongside the teenagers& The s$hool pro)a)l' hoped to raise tens of tho+sands of dollars fro, tonights soiree&
Sa)rina still hadnt heard fro, #a%e as she wandered thro+gh the growing $rowd& The offi$ial opening was at se-en"thirt'& It was se-en now(
and there was no sign of the g+est of honor&
Ma')e he was pi$%ing +p his date& Sa)rina al,ost dropped her s,o%ed"sal,on $anape& Did #a%e ha-e a girlfriend4 She popped the $anape into
her ,o+th( where it pro,ptl' t+rned to $ard)oard& A girlfriend wo+ld $o,pli$ate ,atters( to p+t it ,ildl'&
T'ler wo+ld ha-e told her if #a%e was seeing so,eone( he alwa's did& As if he worried she ,ight )e h+rt at the +nexpe$ted sight of #a%e with
another wo,an&
Sa)rina t+gged at her dress to ,a%e s+re it hadnt ridden +p on her hips& Shed dressed for tonight with expert attention to her appearan$e"the
one thing she
was in-aria)l' good at& !er %nee"length white sil% shift dress( its high $ollar threaded with gold and sil-er( was -er' $lass'& 1ots of gra-itas&
6erfe$t for the spo%esperson of a $harita)le tr+st& Or for a go-ernors fian$ee&
She a)andoned her ,ineral water and a$$epted a glass of $hardonna' fro, one of the s$hools senior st+dents a$ting as ser-ers&
Se-eral people greeted her( ,ostl' friends of her fathers& !er dad sho+ld )e here( too& !ed gone straight to his offi$e when he flew in fro,
Dallas this ,orning( whi$h ,eant so far( shed )een spared a rehashing of the $h+n%'"thighs fias$o&
Sa)rina ,ade the re5+isite s,all tal%( )+t with ,ore diffi$+lt' than +s+al& 3ith e-er' passing ,in+te her sense of +rgen$' grew&
She sipped her wine( )+t the ex$ellent -intage( whi$h she %new sho+ld taste pea$h' with a hint of oa%( ,ight as well ha-e )een antifreeze& She
paid s$ant attention to the artwor%s people pointed o+t to her& The exhi)ition was titled Cli,)< st+dents had )een as%ed to $reate paintings or
s$+lpt+res on the the,e of +pward ,o-e,ent& Ma')e it was a good o,en( she tho+ght in an atte,pt to )e positi-e( of the dire$tion her $areer
and la%es were a)o+t to go&
She was tal%ing to D+n$an 2rith( the s$hool prin$ipal( when she saw la%e sho+ldering his wa' thro+gh the throng& At first glan$e he loo%ed
+ltra$i-ilized"not to ,ention gorgeo+s"in his dar% $+sto,",ade s+it and white shirt& E-er' wo,an in the pla$e followed hi,
with her e'es& As he neared her( Sa)rina realized his expression was th+ndero+s( his ,o+th set in a gri, line that pro,ised zero toleran$e for
a$$idental anno+n$e,ents of i,pending n+ptials&
He knows.
!is e'es fo+nd her( and she had the sense of )eing lined +p in a rifles sights& E-en as her )rain re,inded her she needed to spea% to hi,( the
instin$ts honed )' a lifeti,e of pa,pering told her to r+n& She wo+ld grow +p and ta%e responsi)ilit' next wee%&
Shed )arel' ,anaged to ,ane+-er aro+nd D+n$ans $onsidera)le girth( when her el)ow was $la,ped in a -iseli%e grip and #a%e ,+ttered( *Oh
no 'o+ dont&*
*#a%e>* She pinned a )right( so$ia)le s,ile to her lips( while her e'es $l+ng to her destination( the red fireexit sign glea,ing at the )a$% of the
roo,& No longer an option( she $on$eded rel+$tantl'&
*#a%e( glad 'o+ $o+ld ,a%e it&* D+n$an 2rith shoo% #a%es free hand then $ons+lted his wat$h& *3e ha-e ten ,in+tes +ntil the offi$ial spee$hes"
let ,e get 'o+ a drin%&*
*I need a word with Sa)rina first&* #a%e t+gged her ar,& She $o+ld al,ost s,ell the da,p earth of the shallow gra-e& She wo+ld )e insane to go
an'where with hi,& *D+n$an was .+st telling ,e how a)o+t the senior histor' $+rri$+l+,( and it re,inded ,e of 'o+r en$'$lopedi$ %nowledge
of /eorgia state histor'&* Under the $ir$+,stan$es( a to+$h of flatter' $o+ld do no har,&
*/eograph'(* D+n$an $orre$ted her tolerantl'& *3e were tal%ing a)o+t geograph'&*
#a%e growled& *Ex$+se +s( D+n$an&*
3itho+t waiting for a repl'( he dragged Sa)rina toward the far end of the roo,( where a $ordon ,ar%ed the end of the exhi)ition&
She glan$ed o-er her sho+lder( )+t didnt see an' gorgeo+s( sophisti$ated wo,an in their wa%e& *Did 'o+ )ring a date4* she as%ed&
!e pa+sed in his Neanderthal dragging& *3h' do 'o+ as%4*
*Neither did :& Rather a $oin$iden$e(* she $hirped( *that 'o+ and I sho+ld )e single at the sa,e ti,e& Us+all' one of +s is dating and the
other& && * She trailed off& Not onl' was she )a))ling( aha)it#a%e despised( )+t she was also re-ealing that she paid attention to his lo-e life&
!e +n$lipped the $ordon( p+shed her thro+gh and $lipped the -el-et rope )ehind the, again& As )arriers went( it did little to separate the, fro,
the ,asses &&& So wh' did Sa)rina feel as if #a%e had her alone on a pre$ipi$e4
*3h' did a Ri$hard Ainsle' $all ,' $a,paign offi$e and as% S+san when I plan to anno+n$e ,' s+pport for his s$hool for in.+red %ids4* he
de,anded& *I ass+,e thats the s$hool 'o+ wor% for&*
Sa)rinas ,ind ra$ed& *Er& && was that all Ri$hard said4* *3hat else ,ight he ha-e said4* #a%e as%ed sil%il'& She too% a sl+g of wine& *Did he
,ention ,'( +h( re"
lationship with 'o+4*
*Relationship4* #a%e frowned& *No&* Then( .+st as Sa)rina relaxed( he snapped( *Unless 'o+ ,ean o+r engagement/0
Sa)rina too% a step )a$%ward& *I $an explain&* *Tell it to ,' $a,paign ,anager(* he said gri,l'&
*I-e spent the past half ho+r $on-in$ing an e$stati$ S+san theres no engage,ent& I thin% she finall' a$$epted it( )+t 'o+r explanation as to how
the $onf+sion arose wo+ld help&*
!,,( so,e )a$%pedaling re5+ired with S+san 3arrington to,orrow( Sa)rina feared& *S+san will )e pleased to hear(* she said( *that I, willing
to s+pport 'o+ p+)li$l' in the ra$e for go-ernor&*
!e stilled& *Is this in ex$hange for ,e s+pporting 'o+r s$hool4* !is hand went to his )a$% po$%et( as if he ,ight write a $he$% this instant&
*That& && and ,ore&* She finished the glass of wine&
*8o+ ha-e to )e ,' fian$e& Not ,' real fian$e(* she hastened to add& *And not fore-er& #+st +ntil I, settled in ,' new .o)&*
So,ething dawned in his e'es( and it wasnt gratit+de& *The new .o) 'o+ got all )' 'o+rself( the one that pro-es 'o+re finall' grown"+p and
She swallowed( and wished so,eone wo+ld h+rr' +p and in-ent the self"replenishing wineglass& *Theres )een a glit$h& A te,porar' one& M'
re$ent ,edia expos+re da,aged ,' $redi)ilit' as a spo%esperson for the tr+st&*
!e snorted& *The Miss U&S&A& gar)age4*
*The tr+st"the dire$tors"said I la$% gra-itas&* *3ell( 'o+ do&*
*Than% 'o+ so ,+$h(* she hissed( seeing a $han$e to re$lai, the ,oral high gro+nd& 2or good ,eas+re( she
let her lower lip 5+i-er( a ta$ti$ shed )een %nown to e,plo' in her 'o+nger da's( )+t one she wo+ldnt ha-e resorted to now in an'thing )+t the
direst e,ergen$'&
The 5+i-ering )'passed #a%e& *Sa)rina( 'o+-e ne-er )een serio+s in 'o+r life&* !e pa+sed& *Ex$ept when 'o+ were learning to wal% again& 8o+
were da,n serio+s a)o+t that&*
*Thats how I feel a)o+t this .o)(* she said +rgentl'&
*Its that i,portant& All I need to $on-in$e these people I, ,ore than a prett' fa$e is 'o+ as ,' fian$e"G"* *1ets get this straight(* he
interr+pted& *8o+ a$t+all' told this Ri$hard Ainsle' were engaged4 Its not so,e wrong $on$l+sion he .+,ped to4*
This was it& She $losed her e'es( and .+,ped& *8es&* She pee%ed thro+gh her lashes as he fl+ng a wild glan$e aro+nd the roo,& 3hen he t+rned
)a$%( his e'e)rows were a dar%( angr' slash& *B+t its a lie& A $raz' lie&*
*I onl' told Ri$hard& And the other ,e,)ers of the Tr+sts )oard& I said its a se$ret( )+t o)-io+sl'"* *8o+ lied&*
Did he ha-e to %eep stating the o)-io+s4 Se-eral people were loo%ing at the,& Sa)rina leaned into #a%e( tr'ing to signal the need for dis$retion&
*Thin% a)o+t it( #a%e( this $o+ld )e good for )oth of +s& /etting engaged is far )etter than ,' endorse,ent of 'o+r $a,paign& 8o+ said 'o+rself
I, ,ore pop+lar than e-er than%s to ,' legs&*
*8o+ wo+ld marry ,e to get this .o)(* he said( dazed& *Te$hni$all'( no& B+t it will appear that were getting ,arried&*
!e $l+t$hed his head& *8o+re sa)otaging ,' $a,paign&*
*I, sa)ing 'o+r $a,paign& In the past few wee%s( the newspapers ha-e spe$+lated that 'o+re ha-ing an affair with a ,arried wo,an( that
'o+re dating a $oed( that 'o+re se$retl' engaged to the da+ghter of a for,er Indian pri,e ,inister&*
*None of thats tr+e(* he snapped& *Now people will %now for s+re&*
There was a $harged silen$e while he a)sor)ed her logi$&
*All 'o+ ha-e to do is sa' 'es to ,' proposal&* Bad $hoi$e of words< Sa)rina win$ed& *6roposition(* she a,ended&
!e r+))ed his te,ples& *This is the %ind of idea onl' 'o+ $o+ld $o,e +p with& Brea%ing +p with 'o+ was li%e )rea%ing o+t of 2air'land&*
!er e'es s,arted( )+t she said airil'( *And Ill )et 'o+ ,iss the ,agi$&*
!e held her gaze( staring her down for se-eral long se$onds& 1ong eno+gh for Sa)rina to regro+p& She gra))ed his ar,( deter,ined to ,a%e her
point )efore he stor,ed o+t and deno+n$ed her to Ri$hard Ainsle'& *I, s+re 'o+ ha-e interns hitting on 'o+ all the ti,e"* she swallowed her
pride *".+st li%e I +sed to&*
!e s$owled as he loo%ed down at her hand on his ar,& "I hit on yo!.0 !e shoo% his head( as ifhe $o+ldnt )elie-e hed )een so la$%ing in
dis$ri,ination& *3hats it to 'o+ if I en$o+nter the o$$asional p+sh' intern4*
She stored awa' his ad,ission that hed p+rs+ed her(
and the pre$io+s shred of dignit' it afforded& An engage,ent will prote$t 'o+ fro, the single wo,en who $o+ld wre$% 'o+r $a,paign )'
,isreading so,ething 'o+ sa' or do&*
*And all I ha-e to do is $hange ,' ed+$ation poli$' for the sa%e of 'o+r .o)(* he said $al,l'& !ed ne-er so+nded ,ore dangero+s&
Sa)rina lifted her e,pt' wineglass to her lips( a fragile )arrier& *Its not a $hange(* she said& *Its a detail& 8o+ p+t spe$ial"needs ed+$ation on
the agenda( Ill do the rest&*
*8o+re o-erloo%ing one s,all fa$t(* he said&
*Na,el'( 'o+re the last wo,an on earth I wo+ld ,arr'&*
O+$h> Sa)rina pressed a hand to her $hest( stared at hi,& Desperation de,anded she get o-er the ins+lt& *#a%e( 'o+r $a,paign is all a)o+t
ed+$ational opport+nities for e-er'one& 8o+re deepl' $o,,itted to 'o+ng people and their learning( I saw it on 'o+r 3e) site&*
*8o+ -isited ,' 3e) site4* Beneath his anger she dis$erned satisfa$tion that the last wo,an on earth that he wo+ld ,arr' was interested
eno+gh to $he$% hi, o+t online&
*B' a$$ident(* she said& *I was r+nning a /oogle sear$h for 1erks.0
Before he $o+ld stop hi,self( #a%e )ar%ed a la+gh&
Nat+rall'( Sa)rina po+n$ed on the )rief $essation ofhostilities& *S+pporting ,' s$hool isnt a )ig stret$h( #a%e&* She t+rned $a.oling( the wa' she
+sed to when the' were dating& Using that -oi$e( shed tal%ed hi, into drin%ing the -ile )l+e $o$%tail she fa-ored at the ti,e& And s%inn'"
dipping in the pool at the go-ernors ,ansion&
Sill' things& /a,es& Nothing li%e this& *8o+re insane(* he said&
Or was he% Be$a+se ,+$h as he tried to fight it( she was starting to ,a%e sense& It was diffi$+lt to $a,paign as a )a$helor"there was alwa's the
ris% that a %iss on the $hee%( an inad-ertent to+$h( wo+ld )e ta%en the wrong wa'& S+san often said her .o) wo+ld )e easier if he had a
*3h' does it ha-e to )e an engage,ent4* he as%ed&
*3h' $ant we tell people were dating4*
!er e'es widened( )rightened& B+t when she spo%e she was $al,( prag,ati$& D+alities #a%e ad,ired& D+alities a)o+t as far fro, Sa)rinas
nat+re as Mars was fro, 7en+s&
*3e-e )een there( done that( fi-e 'ears ago(* she said& *To )e ta%en serio+sl'( we need a $o,,it,ent this ti,e aro+nd& An'wa'( I-e alread'
said were engaged&*
!e tried to $orral ,ore arg+,ents( )+t the' el+ded hi,&
*Ill let 'o+ thin% a)o+t it&* She t+rned her )a$% on hi, to st+d' one of the paintings on the wall .+st )e'ond the $ordon&
The s5+are $an-as was painted al,ost entirel' )la$%( with a thin gold line down the ,iddle& #a%e read the $aption o-er her sho+lderH Inside The
Ele-ator D+ring a 6ower C+t&
Sa)rina started to giggle< there was an edge of h'steria to it&
*This pi$t+re s+,s +p how I feel(* #a%e said gri,l'& *In the dar%4* !er -oi$e wo))led&
*Trapped&* !e sho-ed his hands in his po$%ets& *This isnt f+nn'( Sa)rina&* Be$a+se no ,atter that she was letting hi, think abo!t it$ he didnt
ha-e a $hoi$e& Shed told people the' were engaged( there was no wa' s+$h .+i$' news wo+ldnt spread( e-en if she res$inded it& The press
wo+ld )e onto it< #a%e wo+ld ha-e to p+)li$l' $ontradi$t a wo,an often des$ri)ed as */eorgias darling&* More da,age to his rep+tation( his
She ,+st ha-e read his tho+ghts& *Its reall' not that $o,pli$ated& 3ell sa' were engaged( ,' appoint,ent will )e $onfir,ed( then Ill endorse
'o+r $a,paign and attend a few e-ents with 'o+& As ,an' as 'o+ want& #a%e( this is exa$tl' what 'o+ wanted( onl' &&& different&*
Sa)rina( the +lti,ate opti,ist"it ,+st ha-e ta%en a l+nati$ sense of opti,is, to perse-ere the wa' she had after the a$$ident&
*This is the onl' wa' 'o+ll get ,' s+pport(* she said& The onl' wa' he $o+ld win&
*If 'o+ win the pri,ar'(* she $ontin+ed( *Ill sti$% with the engage,ent +ntil the ele$tion in No-e,)er&*
!ell( it was )ad eno+gh pretending to )e her fian$e for the six wee%s +ntil the pri,ar'& No-e,)er was se-en ,onths awa'& *3h' sho+ld I tr+st
'o+( when 'o+-e ne-er st+$% with an'thing else4*
*Be$a+se this ti,e(* she said( *I, $lai,ing d+,ping rights&*
*8o+re $lai,ing what%0
She flashed a s,ile at the wait"%id who offered a tra' of $heese p+ffs o-er the $ordon and wa-ed hi, awa'&
*One of +s has to d+,p the other(* she told #a%e& *As soon were thro+gh the ele$tion( Ill d+,p 'o+&*
!e wished hed a$$epted that drin% the prin$ipal had offered& *3h' wo+ldnt we anno+n$e we separated )' ,+t+al agree,ent4*
*E-er'one %nows thats a line p+t o+t to sa-e fa$e(
and that so,eone did the d+,ping&*
*3h' sho+ld it )e 'o+4*
*Its ,' t+rn(* she said reasona)l'&
*2ine(* he said& *8o+ get to d+,p ,e&* The trappedin"the"ele-ator painting loo,ed in his peripheral -ision& *#+st so long as 'o+ do get aro+nd
to it& I dont $are if 'o+ $o+ld ,a%e ,e president of the United States( I a, not going to ,arr' 'o+& /ot it4*
*1o+d and $lear&* She tossed her )lond hair( )+t so,ehow it didnt ,+ss& *And dont 'o+ get an' ideas a)o+t groping ,e when we ha-e to %iss
in p+)li$&*
Biss in p+)li$4 !is lips tightened& *There isnt a $han$e in hell that Ill grope 'o+&*
*Reall'4 Be$a+se 'o+ +sed to ha-e tro+)le %eeping 'o+r hands to 'o+rself&*
She was right( da,,it& Ba$% then( she $o+ld shred his self"$ontrol with .+st a wiggle of her hips&
*Tr+st ,e( it wont )e a pro)le,&* !e ,eant it& && and 'et he $o+ldnt help loo%ing at Sa)rinas ,o+th( thin%ing a)o+t those p+)li$ %isses the'd
)e expe$ted to share& !er lips were a perfe$t pin% )ow( te,ptingl' pl+,p at the )otto,& 3hat the hell was he thin%ing( )+'ing into her
#a%e loo%ed at her with s+$h loathing( Sa)rina
flin$hed& She was +sed to getting her wa' thro+gh $oaxing and flirting& !ere( she was an a,ate+r tr'ing to pla' hard)all with a professional&
She needed to stop antagonizing hi,( or he wo+ld ne-er agree( she wo+ld lose her .o) and shed )e )a$% at s5+are one&
*Sa)rina( Ba)'&* !er fathers heart' -oi$e( )oo,ing the $hildhood ni$%na,e( rea$hed her )efore he did( gi-ing her a $han$e to $o,pose a
relaxed s,ile& #onah Merritt re,o-ed the $ordon so he $o+ld p+ll her into a )ear h+g( s5+ashing her against the plaid sports .a$%et that for hi,
$o+nted as $as+al $lothing& *Sweetheart( I fig+red o+t how were going to s+e those g+'s&* !e .er%ed a th+,) in the dire$tion of the art $riti$
fro, the Atlanta #o!rnal"Constit!tion$ whose +ltrahigh)row rep+tation ,eant he ref+sed to ta%e an interest in a )ea+t' 5+een& *The' dont get to
sa' 'o+r thighs are $h+n%' witho+t pa'ing 'o+ a lot of ,one'&*
*Dad( stop(* she said( alar,ed& 3ho wo+ld )elie-e her father was one of Atlantas top law'ers( when he so+nded li%e an a,)+lan$e $haser4 *I
dont want to s+e the,&*
*Its li)el( and we $an pro-e it&*
She folded her ar,s and glared at hi,( relie-ed to ha-e an ex$+se to ignore #a%es glower& *3ill pro-ing it in-ol-e $lose"+p shots of ,' thighs(
,eas+re,ent of ,' )od'fat $ontent and expert testi,on'4* She ,ight not ha-e attended law s$hool( )+t she %new how laws+its wor%ed&
!er father ,+st ha-e pi$%ed +p on the warning in her tone( )e$a+se he said with +n$hara$teristi$ -ag+eness( *3ell( +h( that sort of te$hni$al
e-iden$e is generall' wel$o,e in $ases of this nat+re&*
*Dad( ,' legs are not te$hni$al e-iden$e& I, not s+ing an'one( I .+st want to get on with ,' life&*
Unaware he was first on the list of people who wo+ld soon ha-e to )+tt o+t of her affairs( her father )ea,ed& *Thats -er' genero+s of 'o+(
#a%e ,ade a gagging so+nd&
*#a%e( good to see 'o+&* #onah $lapped hi, on the sho+lder& Sa)rinas father tho+ght #a%e was the )est thing sin$e the 2irst A,end,ent& The
two ,en shoo% hands( )oth strong( to+gh and self"$ontrolled& 2or )oth( rep+tation ,eant e-er'thing& It o$$+rred to Sa)rina )elatedl' that her
father wo+ld )e horrified at her fa%ing an engage,ent& #a%e was right( this was a )ad idea& She $o+ld tell the tr+st the' were dating( as hed
s+ggested( and that in her ex$ite,ent shed .+,ped the g+n on the engage,ent& &&
*/lad 'o+re r+nning for go-ernor(* #onah said&
*That ta%es g+ts in 'o+r sit+ation& 8o+-e got ,' -ote&*
*6leased to hear it&* #a%es -oi$e was strained&
*Theres so,ething else Id li%e fro, 'o+( #onah&*
*I told S+san Id )e happ' to donate& M' $he$%)oo%s at ho,e( )+t I $an"*
*No&* #a%e spo%e sharpl'& Then he s,iled& A tighter effort than his -ote"winning s,ile( one that didnt engage his e'es& *I want to as% for
Sa)rinas hand in ,arriage&*
*I S!OU1D S1A6 8OU )oth sill' for not telling ,e this was going on&* S+san 3arrington tried to so+nd se-ere( )+t wasnt this exa$tl' what shed
wanted for #a%e4 2or hi, to find the happiness he sorel' needed4 She $o+ldnt %eep the s,ile fro, her -oi$e&
She $o+ldnt let the, off s$ot"free( either& This $a,paign had eno+gh pro)le,s to t+, the rest of her hair gra'( witho+t se$rets popping +p o+t
of the woodwor%& She e'ed #a%e and Sa)rina a$ross the )attered( la$5+ered ta)le that too% +p ,ost of the ,eeting roo, at #a%es $a,paign
head5+arters and dr+,,ed her fingers( waiting&
*I, sorr'( its all ,' fa+lt(* Sa)rina said( i,,ediatel' $ontrite& The poor girl loo%ed half"asleep< shed had a horri)le few da's& B+t now she
had #a%e to loo% after her&
*Sorr'( A+nt S+e&* #a%e +s+all' $alled her S+san< she read his re,inder of the fa,il' $onne$tion as an atte,pt to )+tter her +p&
Ah( well( it was wor%ing& She lo-ed #a%e al,ost li%e a son( and the news that he and Sa)rina were getting
,arried was &&& si,pl' wonderf+l& And not .+st fro, a politi$al perspe$ti-e&
*3e werent planning to tell an'one other than Sa)rinas dad .+st 'et(* #a%e $ontin+ed& *B+t #onah ,ade a p+)li$ anno+n$e,ent in the ,iddle
of the 3ellesle' art show&*
*3ho wo+ld ha-e tho+ght the #o!rnal"Constit!tion s art $riti$ had the g+,ption to re$ognize a news stor' when it hit hi, in the fa$e4* S+san
+nfolded the newspaper shed )ro+ght fro, ho,e& A photo of #a%e and Sa)rina do,inated the top half of the front page&
#a%e leaned forward in his swi-el $hair< it $rea%ed o,ino+sl'& #+st 'esterda' S+san had )een than%f+l he hadnt in-ested in an' fan$' f+rnit+re
for his $a,paign offi$e& Now it loo%ed as if the' ,ight ha-e a $han$e( after all& #a%e read the headline( and snorted a la+gh&
*Oh( dear(* S+san said& *I ass+,ed 'o+d seen this&* Sa)rina pi$%ed +p on her alar, and ro+sed herself&
She p+lled the newspaper toward her& The headline )eneath the photo s$rea,ed( #a%e and Sa)rinaH Dia,ond Despite Di,ples&
*!ow dare the'4* Sa)rina sp+ttered& *M' thighs do not ha-e di,ples&*
*So s+e the,(* #a%e said irrita)l'& *8o+ dont ha-e a dia,ond( either&*
*I %now 'o+ two are +sed to( +rn( )antering with ea$h other(* S+san said( )e,+sed& *B+t other people ,ight ,ista%e that (amiliarity for
hostilit'& #a%e( darling( 'o+ sho+ld )e a little ,ore $ons$io+s of how 'o+ spea% to o+r sweet Sa)rina&*
Better to )e a ,an with a few ro+gh edges than one who appeared 5+iet and honest( )+t who wo+ld stoop to ta%ing a )ri)e&
*3ell soon fix the la$% of a ring(* S+san said 5+i$%l'( ref+sing to let tho+ghts of Ted 3arrington r+in this spe$ial da'& *6a+l Badows%i( 'o+ll
re,e,)er hi,( #a%e( the 3arring tons ha-e )o+ght rings fro, hi, for generations( will )e arri-ing"* she glan$ed at her sli, gold"and"dia,ond
wat$h *"an' ,in+te&*
#a%es hand $o-ered his wallet( on the ta)le next to his $ell phone& *Theres no r+sh( is there4*
T'pi$al ,an& !e e-identl' didnt noti$e his fian$ees wistf+l gaze at her )are fingers&
*Of $o+rse theres a r+sh(* S+san s$olded hi,& *8o+ want e-er'one to %now Sa)rinas 'o+rs( dont 'o+4*
*I( +h"*
!e loo%ed adora)le( with that fl+sh along his .aw line& If the -oters $o+ld see hi, now &&&
*Besides(* S+san said( *'o+ll need the ring for the photos& I-e s$hed+led a photo shoot for nine o$lo$%& 3ell do it in ,' garden( its a lo-el'
*6hotos4* Sa)rina p+t a hand to her $hee%& *Offi$ial engage,ent portraits(* S+san said& *3ell hold a press $onferen$e this afternoon&* It wasnt
e-en FH;; a&,& 'et( )+t $alls were flooding in fro, the ,edia& Shed arranged for a $o+ple of interns to $o,e in earl' to wor% the phones& The
)linds re,ained $losed in this roo, so no one $o+ld point a $a,era lens at the, thro+gh the window&
*No press $onferen$e(* #a%e said&
*# a%e( dear( this is the )est news 'o+r $a,paign has had sin$e we started&* After ha-ing r+n Ted 3arringtons $a,paign with s+$h s+re
instin$ts( S+san felt as if she was wandering in a fog with #a%es& !ed insisted she ta%e the .o)( insisted the' )oth needed to do this to exp+nge
the past& And he was pro)a)l' right& B+t shed lost faith in her own .+dg,ent( than%s to Ted( and with it her winning edge&
*O+r engage,ent is o+r pri-ate )+siness(* #a%e said&
*I, happ' to release a state,ent and so,e offi$ial photos( )+t if the ,edia want ,ore( the'll ha-e to pa' attention to ,' $a,paign&*
One thing a)o+t Ted( hed )een willing to listen to ad-i$e& 3hen #a%e got an idea in his head( he wo+ldnt )e ,o-ed& S+san sighed& *1+$%il'(
the reporters will )e interested eno+gh to pla' it 'o+r wa'& 3e $an position the news in a positi-e light( that 'o+re not exploiting 'o+r
engage,ent for the p+)li$it'&*
#a%e win$ed< Sa)rina p+rsed her lips&
3orr' niggled at S+san& *Neither of 'o+ is radiating newl' engaged .o' right now& Is there a pro)le,4*
*Sorr'( A+nt S+e(* #a%e said& *I g+ess neither of +s got ,+$h sleep last night&*
She held +p a hand& *Too ,+$h infor,ation&* She tapped her pen against her notepad& *3ell release a state,ent with eno+gh detail that the
p+)li$ gets the ro,anti$ pi$t+re&* She t+rned to Sa)rina& *Now( dont thin% I, )eing nos'( dear( )+t I ,+st as% &&& are there an' $o,pli$ations
that ,ight pose a ris% to #a%es $a,paign4*
Sa)rinas e'es ,et #a%es&
*An' .ealo+s ex")o'friends4* S+san pro,pted her&
*These da's 'o+ng people see, to ha-e a predile$tion for -ideoing"* she $leared her throat deli$atel' *"all %inds of things&*
*I ha-ent dated in a while(* Sa)rina said& *And there are no ho,e ,o-ies&* !er $hee%s were pin%&
*Of $o+rse not&* S+san patted her hand& *!a-e 'o+ two set a wedding date4*
*Not )efore the ele$tion(* #a%e $+t in&
*A wedding wo+ld do wonders for 'o+r polling &&& * She trailed off into s+ggestion&
*No(* #a%e said sharpl'& !e added( *3e dont want to r+sh into ,arriage for politi$al reasons& This engage,ent is eno+gh to help ,' $a,paign(
*Of $o+rse&* S+san $lasped her hands& *7oters are going to lap 'o+ two +p& Ma')e we $o+ld do a photo shoot for -o!thern ,oman ,agazine"
la%e and -abrina at home. 6eople $an see where 'o+ ha-e )rea%fast in the ,ornings( where 'o+ $oz' +p to wat$h T7 at nights( that %ind of
#a%e re$oiled& *The onl' thing less appealing wo+ld )e a slow",o ,o-ie of so,eone flossing their teeth(* he said& *E-en thats a $lose $all&*
S+san $o+ldnt help la+ghing& *Serio+sl'( #a%e &&& * *3ere not li-ing together(* Sa)rina said& *Can the ,agazine wait +ntil after the wedding4*
S+san sighed& *I s+ppose so& Are 'o+ s+re 'o+ wont ,o-e in with #a%e4 2or se$+rit' reasons4 I, s+re we $an s5+are it with -oters&* #a%es
expression hardened& *O%a'( o%a'&* She s$anned the notes shed ,ade so far
for the ,edia state,ent& *8o+ %now( #a%e( e-en if Sa)rina wasnt the one person who $an get the sit+ation with 'o+r father off 'o+r )a$% &&& *
!er fa$e felt tight( as it alwa's did at the ,ention of her )rother"in"law& Cons$io+sl'( she relaxed into a s,ile& *3ell( 'o+d still )e the l+$%iest
,an in Atlanta&*
*Than%s( S+san&* Sa)rina s,iled sleepil'&
S+san stood& *Ill go get started on this state,ent&
Ill ha-e one of the interns send the .eweler in when he arri-es&*
As soon as S+san left( Sa)rina dropped her head onto her ar,s( folded on the ta)le and groaned&
#a%e s$owled at her& Shed )e a hell of a lot ,ore +sef+l to his $a,paign awa%e& !e po+red her another $offee( slid the $+p toward her& It
sloshed o-er the side& !e slapped a paper nap%in o-er the spill& *Drin% this(* he said( *and wa%e +p& 8o+ll ne-er s+r-i-e the $a,paign trail if
'o+ $ant get +p at six"thirt'& The earl' )ird $at$hes the wor,&*
*I, a )ea+t' 5+een(* she said& *I need ,' bea!ty sleep&*
!e wished he $o+ld agree( )+t there wasnt a da,n thing wrong with her appearan$e( e-en witho+t ,a%e+p& !e realized hed ne-er seen her li%e
this& 3hen the'd dated( shed so,ehow alwa's ,anaged to ha-e her ,a%e+p on )' the ti,e he saw her in the ,orning&
Now( the slight hea-iness of her e'elids ga-e her a s+ltr' loo%"it was an +nsettling $hange fro, fresh"fa$edand"de$epti-el'"inno$ent&
*1'ing to S+san felt awf+l(* she said& *I didnt thin% a)o+t all the i,pli$ations of sa'ing were engaged&*
!e rolled his e'es& *And 'o+re +s+all' so $aref+l to thin% )efore 'o+ )la)&*
*#ewelers( photographers( 5+estions a)o+t sex -ideos &&& * She pressed her pal,s to her $hee%s&
*3ere 'o+ l'ing a)o+t that( too4* !is sto,a$h tightened at the tho+ght of Sa)rina and so,e .er%"
*Of $o+rse not&*
!is tension eased( )+t not ,+$h& *3hat happened to that a$$o+ntant 'o+ were dating4* #a%e as%ed&
*3e )ro%e +p three ,onths ago&*
*1et ,e g+ess&* !e p+shed his $hair awa' fro, the ta)le( awa' fro, her& *!e wasnt ro,anti$ eno+gh4* It was a $o,plaint shed ,ade a)o+t
*Chas was as o-erprote$ti-e as Dad(* she said& *3hi$h is pro)a)l' wh' Dad introd+$ed +s&*
*3erent 'o+ seeing an IT $ons+ltant( too4*
She sighed& *Ni$e g+'( )+t with a tenden$' not to let ,e o+t of his sight&*
#a%e hissed his disg+st&
*8o+ see, to %now a lot a)o+t ,' dates(* she $o+ntered&
*2or so,e reason( people li%e to %eep ,e infor,ed&* *!ow a)o+t 'o+4* she as%ed& *8o+ were seeing that lo))'ist& && Ta,,'4*
Ta,,' had )een the latest in a long line of wo,en hed dated sin$e he )ro%e +p with Sa)rina& !e hadnt let hi,self get as entangled with
an'one as he had with her&
*Thats o-er(* he said shortl'&
Of $o+rse( )e$a+se he didnt want to tal% a)o+t it( Sa)rina did& *3ho ended it( and wh'4*
*None of 'o+r )+siness&*
*I need to %now( #a%e(* she said sensi)l'& *Ta,,' has plent' of friends in politi$al $ir$les( people will thin% it odd if I dont %now 'o+r
Anno'ingl'( she was right& *She was getting too serio+s(* he ,+ttered&
Sa)rina $+pped her ear& *I, sorr'( I didnt hear that&* !e shot her a loo% of intense disli%e& *She was tal%ing ,arriage( o%a'4*
*And she see,ed s+$h a s,art wo,an(* Sa)rina ,ar-eled& *3hod ha-e tho+ght shed ,a%e s+$h a )asi$ error4*
!e pa$ed to the window( )+t there was no es$ape there&
*After o+r engage,ents o-er(* she said( *send 'o+r girlfriends to ,e and Ill fill the, in on how not to ,a%e fools of the,sel-es o-er 'o+&*
She $la,ped a hand o-er her ,o+th( as if that hadnt $o,e o+t as planned&
Intrig+ed( #a%e ret+rned to the ta)le and leaned on the )a$% of his $hair& *8o+ thin% 'o+ ,ade a fool of 'o+rself o-er ,e4*
*I was an idiot(* she said&
*That lends $reden$e to ,' theor' that 'o+ set +p ,' dad for those pa.a,a pi$t+res )e$a+se 'o+ were ,ad at ,e&*
She s+$%ed in a )reath that re,inded #a%e of a dragon preparing to )reathe fire& Ex$ept Sa)rina had ne-er )reathed fire in her life&
Before she $o+ld atte,pt an' in$ineration( there was a tap on the door& The .eweler( 6a+l Badows%i( entered& */ood ,orning( good ,orning&*
Badows%i had sparse gra' hair and the refined air of a ,an who spent his da's s+rro+nded )' ex5+isite ge,s& The hea-'( lo$%ed )rief$ase he
$arried pro-ed to hold two -el-et"wrapped tra's of engage,ent rings& !e set the, on the sha))' ta)le with an air of re-eren$e& *Ma' I
$ongrat+late 'o+ on 'o+r engage,ent(* he said( *and in-ite 'o+ to $hoose a s',)ol of 'o+r +nit'&*
A fa%e ro$% wo+ld )e the ,ost appropriate s',)ol( #a%e tho+ght& B+t Sa)rina )ent o-er the rings with all seno+sness&
#a%e wat$hed her appraisal&&& and saw the ,o,ent she ,ade her $hoi$e& She straightened in her $hair( darted a still"s,oldering loo% at hi,&
*3hi$h one4* he as%ed( resigned&
She pointed& The ring wasnt the )iggest on the tra'"tho+gh the dia,ond was respe$ta)l' large")+t so,ething a)o+t the stones $+t and $larit'(
the wa' it spar%led( ,ade it stand o+t&
*Ah( the elegant o-al $+t"an ex$ellent $hoi$e(* 6a+l Badows%i said& 3hi$h #a%e fig+red ,eant it was expensi-e& B+t hed alread' resol-ed to
$onsider the ring an in-est,ent in his $a,paign&
*3ell ta%e it(* he said&
There was a ,o,ent of aw%wardness where no)od' ,o-ed&
*#a%e( darling$0 Sa)rina said( *'o+ need to p+t it on ,' finger&*
3ith Badows%i wat$hing( #a%e gritted his teeth and pi$%ed +p the ring& Sa)rina extended her left hand& !er nails were painted a light p+rple& Of
$o+rse the' were& Other wo,en( sensi)le wo,en( wo+ld $hoose pin% or red( )+t Sa)rina had to do e-er'thing her own whi,si$al wa'&
#a%e slid the ring o-er her %n+$%le& She trailed her fingers +p to his wrist& *Than% 'o+( darling&*
A $+rrent of +nexpe$ted( inf+riating desire s+rged thro+gh hi,< he )lan%ed his expression while he freed his hand&
*6erhaps a little loose(* Badows%i ,+r,+red& *See how it feels for a da' or two( ,' dear( and $onsider ha-ing it ad.+sted&*
3hen hed pa$%ed +p his rings and gone( Sa)rina held her finger +p so the dia,ond $a+ght the light& *To thin% fi-e 'ears ago I wo+ld ha-e
fainted for .o' if 'o+d p+t a ring on ,' finger&*
3as she tr'ing to pro-o%e the arg+,ent the .ewelers arri-al had interr+pted4 *8o+ were wa' too 'o+ng to )e thin%ing li%e that&*
*Twent'"one isnt too 'o+ng&*
*8o+d onl' )een o+t of high s$hool for a 'ear&* Be$a+se of the a$$ident( shed grad+ated late& Shed
$o,pleted .+st one se,ester at /eorgia State"#onah hadnt wanted her to go awa' to $ollege( #a%e re$alledwhen she started as an intern in
#a%es fathers offi$e&
*I %now how I felt( #a%e(* she said& *I $ared far too ,+$h to &&& I wo+ld ne-er ha-e a$ted against 'o+ or 'o+r father o+t of spite&*
Ah( so she was referring to his earlier $o,,ent& If #a%e
responded now( the'd )e fighting so )itterl' that no one wo+ld )elie-e the' were engaged& *8o+ were right a)o+t not -isiting the past(* he said&
*1ets loo% ahead&*
*That photo shoot(* Sa)rina said& *I need to get $hanged and p+t on ,a%e+p&*
!is e'es s%i,,ed the apri$ot sweater that h+gged her $+r-es& *If 'o+ sa' so&*
She %ept hi, waiting nearl' an ho+r at her fathers ho+se )efore she e,erged( wearing $ropped pants that showed off her sli, an%les and a dar%
)l+e( la$' top that re-ealed a flash of ,idriff when she ,o-ed& So,e ,en ,ight ha-e $onsidered that sli-er of ,idriff worth the wait( #a%e
S+sans ho,e was .+st a $o+ple of ,in+tes awa'&
Chris Martin( the photographer( was waiting o+tside& After %e'ing in the se$+rit' $ode to open the gate( #a%e showed the g+' aro+nd the half
a$re of i,,a$+late gardens that ri-aled S+sans sons in her affe$tions&
The' settled on two lo$ationsH the hotho+se that was ho,e to S+sans pre$io+s or$hids and the swi,,ingpool $o,plex&
Sa)rina( of $o+rse( was a nat+ral in front of the $a,era&
The photographer too% se-eral shots of her on her own a,ong the or$hids( showing off the ring( as delighted as if shed tr+l' )e$o,e engaged&
It was +n$o,forta)l' war, in the hotho+se< the sweet( al,ost fr+it' s$ent of the flowers h+ng hea-' in the air& #a%e ran a hand a$ross the )a$%
of his ne$% and e'ed the water that tri$%led in-itingl' o-er )la$% ro$%s into a s,all pond&
Behind hi,( a light flashed& *O-er here( #a%e(* Chris $alled& *Ill get so,e shots of 'o+ on 'o+r own( then well p+t the two of 'o+ together&*
#a%e handed his .a$%et to Sa)rina to hold( and let the g+' do his worst& 3ithin half a ,in+te( he heard the )+zz of his $ell phone and ,ade an
instin$ti-e ,o-e toward it&
*Sta' where 'o+ are(* the photographer warned&
*That s+ns .+st right&*
*Ill get it&* Sa)rina r+,,aged in #a%es .a$%et( and
)efore he $o+ld tell her not to( shed p+lled o+t his phone&
She pressed to answer& *#a%e 3arringtons phone&* Silen$e greeted Sa)rina&
*!ello4* she said again& *I hear )reathing(* she told #a%e&
The 5+alit' of the silen$e $hanged& She read the phone displa'"the $all had ended& *The' h+ng +p& Do 'o+ ha-e an' stal%ers4*
*Not as ,an' as 'o+( I, s+re&* #a%e t+rned his head to the left at the photographers re5+est( gi-ing Sa)rina a -iew of his profile& !e was too
handso,e for his own good&
*Stal%ers dont go for fat"thighed $hi$%s(* she said& !is ,o+th tensed( as if to g+ard against an inad-ertent s,ile&
*Ma')e it was Ta,,'(* she spe$+lated&
*It wasnt Ta,,'&* !e frowned( and the photographer +ttered a ,ild $+rse&
*!ow do 'o+ %now4 Its not long sin$e 'o+ )ro%e +p( is it4*
*A $o+ple of ,onths(* #a%e ad,itted with o)-io+s
*3as she +pset4*
An exasperated loo%& *Ma')e a little&* *6oor wo,an&*
*S+rel' 'o+ thin% shes )etter off witho+t ,e&* *A)sol+tel'&* Sa)rina realized Chris had stopped
shooting and was e'eing the, with perplexit'& *Dont ,ind +s(* she said&
!e shr+gged( and )egan loo%ing thro+gh the photos hed ta%en so far&
#a%e $a,e o-er and held o+t a hand for his phone&
Sa)rina whis%ed it )ehind her )a$%&
"I %now shes )etter off witho+t 'o+( )+t does Ta,,' %now that4* she as%ed& *Or is she( right now( alone in her apart,ent( so))ing at the
news 'o+re engaged4 8o+ pro)a)l' said so,ething when 'o+ d+,ped her( li%e( Its not 'o+( I,.+st not read' for $o,,it,ent&*
3hen #a%e reddened( she felt a sta) of tri+,ph& *Its none of 'o+r da,n )+siness(* he growled( low eno+gh that Chris wo+ldnt hear&
*So )' getting engaged to ,e(* she $ontin+ed( *'o+ ,ight as well ha-e $alled her +p and said( It was 'o+( 'o+ were the pro)le,&*
*She wasnt(* #a%e protested& *And I, not read' for $o,,it,ent& This engage,ent is a sha,&*
*B+t she doesnt %now that&* Sa)rina )it her lip< shed )een where Ta,,' was now( and she %new how it felt& *Ma')e 'o+ sho+ld $all her&*
*And sa' what4 It reall' wasnt 'o+4*
*Theres no need to snap&* She weighed the phone
in her hand& *I, .+st thin%ing( if shes +pset eno+gh to $all 'o+ the ,o,ent we anno+n$e o+r engage,ent& && *
*8o+ ha-e no idea if that was her&* !e rea$hed aro+nd her to gra) his $ell& !is $hest )+,ped against hers( startling her into releasing the phone&
#a%e $he$%ed $aller :D& *N+,)er withheld(* he ,+ttered&
*8o+ see&* Sa)rina gri,a$ed& *6oor Ta,,'&*
!e loo%ed as ifhe wanted to hold her head +nder the fo+ntain and not let go& *1ets get this straight& 8o+re ,' fian$ee and 'o+ feel sorr' for ,'
ex"girlfriend& It re,inds ,e of the ti,e 'o+ had )a$on for )rea%fast( then so))ed all the wa' thro+gh ,' fathers offi$ial -isit to a pig far,&*
*That was in ,' se,i-egetarian phase&* She held +p a hand& *And )efore 'o+ go a$$+sing ,e of not sti$%ing with it( all girls go thro+gh that
phase( I was .+st a little later than ,ost&*
!e zipped his lips in $onspi$+o+s self"restraint& *And its r+de to li%en Ta,,' to a pig&*
*I didnt"*
*3hen I s+spe$t shes h+rting(* Sa)rina finished& *O%a'( g+'s( I, read' for 'o+ )oth now&* Chris
pointed& *Sa)rina( I want 'o+ next to these pin% flowers& #a%e( stand )ehind 'o+r fian$ee with 'o+r ar,s aro+nd her waist&*
#a%e stepped +p )ehind Sa)rina& /ingerl'( he p+t his ar,s aro+nd her"if she ,ade an' $ra$%s a)o+t Ta,,' or a)o+t groping &&& She 5+i-ered as
his hands rested on her a)do,en& She felt slight( 'et s+)stantial( war, )+t distant&
Chris exa,ined the $a,eras displa'& *Closer( #a%e&* #a%e tightened his hold&
*1ean into hi,( Sa)rina&*
She hesitated( then ad.+sted her stan$e so her )a$% was against #a%es $hest& !e $a+ght the tropi$al( $o$on+t s$ent of her hair& The la$' fa)ri$ of
her top see,ed too thin( pro-iding no prote$tion )etween hi, and her flesh& O-er her sho+lder( he $o+ld see the swell of her )reasts )elow her
s$ooped ne$%line&
*S,iles&* The photographer so+nded sharp( as if he sho+ldnt ha-e to tell two ,edia"sa--' people how to perfor, for the $a,era&
The' )oth s,iled to his satisfa$tion and he too% a $o+ple of shots& *Now( fa$ing ea$h other( holding hands&*
#a%e ass+,ed it wo+ld )e easier not ha-ing his ar,s aro+nd Sa)rina& B+t standing e'e"to"e'e with her( $loser than hed )een in 'ears( he $o+ld
see fle$%s of -iolet in her irises& Dropping his gaze too% hi, straight to the )ow of her ,o+th& It ,ade hi, &&& h+ngr'&
Sa)rinas gaze ,et his and she li$%ed her lips&
*Are we done 'et4* #a%e shifted his weight fro, one foot to the other& *I ha-ent had )rea%fast&*
The photographer snapped awa'& *#+st one ,ore(* he
said $heerf+ll'&
An'thing( so long as this $o+ld end soon& *A %iss(* Chris anno+n$ed&
Sa)rinas gaze flew to #a%es&
*The first of ,an' p+)li$ displa's of affe$tion( darling$0 he said&
She lifted her $hin& And p+$%ered +p&
So,e pri,iti-e instin$t triggered within #a%e< )lood r+shed to his head& Before he $o+ld thin% it thro+gh( he leaned in and %issed her& !er lips
were sweet te,ptation& The' enti$ed hi,( and e-en tho+gh the %iss was stri$tl' a ta,e( $losed",o+th affair( he $o+ldnt p+ll awa'&
Sa)rina had resol-ed she wo+ld fasten her lips to #a%es for as long as it too% for Chris to get his shot& The %iss wo+ld )e de-oid of feeling&
B+t her response to the to+$h of #a%es ,o+th was instin$ti-e& No ,atter that she hadnt %issed hi, in fi-e 'ears( her ,o+th still %new exa$tl'
how )est to fit against his& ,hen lake kisses me$ I kiss ba'k. !is lips were the sa,e( )+t different( their $onto+r +n$hanged( )+t so,ehow fir,er
as he explored her ,o+th with a 5+esting h+nger she re$ognized& !ow wo+ld it feel to open for hi,( to allow the glide of"
*Thats great( g+'s(* the photographer said( with a la+gh in his -oi$e that said her rea$tion hadnt gone +nnoti$ed& *I wish all engaged $o+ples
were as good loo%ing as 'o+ two&*
Better to )e in lo-e than good loo%ing&
#a%e released her"when had his hand gone to her nape4"and too% an a)r+pt step )a$%ward& The sense of a)andon,ent that o-ertoo% Sa)rina was
all the sharper for its +nexpe$tedness&
No. I dont want lake$ not a(ter all these years. She t+rned awa'( desperate to a-oid his e'es( and in her $onf+sion pi$%ed one of S+sans prize
)loo,s& 3ith tre,)ling fingers she t+$%ed it into her hair& Too late to p+t it )a$% now&
SABRINAS 2IRST O66ORTUNIT8 to p+)li$l' s+pport #a%e $a,e two da's after the photo shoot& !e was s$hed+led to parti$ipate in a TV de)ate
with one of the other $andidates for go-ernor&
#a%e handed her a folded pie$e of paper as she got into his $ar& *Read this&*
*More terri)le poll res+lts4* She opened it )e$a+se it postponed( .+st a little longer( ha-ing to loo% hi, in the e'e for the first ti,e sin$e that
e,)arrassing %iss& No n+,)ers or statisti$s on the page( .+st so,e %ind of spee$h&
*3hen people as% 'o+ a)o+t ,e(* he said as he p+lled o+t of her fathers dri-ewa'( *this is what 'o+ sho+ld sa'&*
*#a%es poli$ies are farsighted( refle$ting his -ision for o+r state(* she read alo+d& *Ugh&* She dropped the note as if it was $onta,inated&
#a%es e'es followed its fl+ttering .o+rne' to the floor of the $ar& *6i$% that +p(* he ordered&
*3at$h the road(* Sa)rina ordered )a$%& *#a%e( that 6R pap isnt the %ind of thing I wo+ld sa'&*
*I, tr'ing to get 'o+ to sa' the right thing(* he retorted&
*If it doesnt so+nd li%e ,e( it wont )e the right thing&* !e groaned as he p+lled +p to a red light& *Cant 'o+ .+st do as I as%4*
*2ine&* Sa)rina retrie-ed the spee$h hed written for her& She p+lled a pen fro, her p+rse& *After I ,a%e a few $hanges&*
*Sa)rina( this is i,portant& Its ,' first de)ate& I dont want to )e worr'ing a)o+t 'o+r loose lips&*
3hi$h ,ade her thin% a)o+t that %iss& She ignored hi,( and )egan $rossing o+t ,ost of his words& She was deter,ined to %eep her side of their
)argain( and that ,eant endorsing #a%e to the )est of her a)ilit'& It did not in$l+de reading o+t so,e )land 6R )l+r)&
!alfwa' to the T7 st+dio( #a%es $ell phone rang& !e rea$hed into the storage tra' )elow the stereo for it& B+t Sa)rina was faster& Their hands
tangled )riefl'< she gra))ed the phone&
*Ill ta%e it(* #a%e said&
*Not while 'o+re dri-ing& Its not safe&*
!e ,+st ha-e re$ognized the anxiet' in her -oi$e and re,e,)ered her a-ersion to ris%'"dri-ing )eha-iors( )e$a+se he didnt arg+e& No $aller
na,e showed on the phones displa'& *#a%e 3arringtons phone&*
No answer&
*!ello4* Sa)rina said&
Silen$e& *Ta,,'( is that 'o+4*
Still( no one spo%e& Apart fro, #a%e( who ,+ttered a $+rse&
*Ta,,'( please( dont )e +pset& && * Stati$ $ra$%led&
Sa)rina read the displa'& *She h+ng +p&*
*8o+ dont %now it was her(* he said&
Sa)rina slipped the phone )a$% into its $o,part,ent&
*I ha-e an instin$t for these things&*
#a%e snorted&
The' arri-ed at the T7 station with ten ,in+tes to spare& A $o+ple of s$hoolgirls stood o+tside( wrapped in s$ar-es and hats against the ,orning
$hill& 3hen the' saw #a%es $ar( the' wa-ed the pla$ard the' were holding& The )right red letters read Sa)rina Is Cool and S%inn'&
*!ow ,+$h are 'o+ pa'ing the,4* #a%e as%ed&
She s,a$%ed his ar,& *The' ,+st )e fro, the high s$hool I -isited a $o+ple of wee%s ago( )efore 7egas& Arent the' sweet4* The girls s+pport
was )al, to her )r+ised ego&
*Adora)le(* #a%e said& *3h' were 'o+ -isiting a high s$hool4*
*It was a Miss /eorgia thing& The s$hool )oard as%ed ,e to gi-e a tal% in s+pport of their a)stinen$e progra,&*
#a%e $ho%ed& 0.o!re ad-ising s$hool%ids a)o+t sex4* *3h' not4 I, good at it&* She pa+sed& *The ad-ising and the sex&* #+st in $ase he
tho+ght he was the onl' g+' she %issed the wa' shed %issed hi, the other da'&
She s,ir%ed as #a%es hands tightened on the steering wheel&
*Co+ld 'o+ thin% )efore 'o+ open 'o+r ,o+th toda'4* he said as he sw+ng the $ar into the +ndergro+nd par%ing garage& *No s+rprise
anno+n$e,ent of o+r wedding date( no a$$idental re-elation that o+r engage,ent isnt real4*
*/et o-er it( #a%e& S+rel' 'o+ $an tr+st ,e that far&* !e eased the $ar into a tight spot )etween two others( and didnt spea% +ntil hed finished& *I ha)e
to tr+st 'o+&*
!e so+nded as if all his night,ares had $o,e at on$e&
SABRINA AND SUSAN !AD front"row seats in the st+dio a+dien$e& #a%es opponent"a $ongress,an with ten 'ears( three %ids and a de-oted wife on
#a%e"was good( )+t #a%e $a,e a$ross as )oth persona)le and -er' %nowledgea)le& 7iewers in the st+dio -oted hi, the winner )' a narrow ,argin&
Sa)rina $heered along with the rest of the $rowd& *The offi$ial winner wont )e de$lared +ntil tonight&*
S+san leaned o-er to explain& *The de)ate will s$reen at se-en"thirt'( and -iewers at ho,e will )e in-ited to text their -otes& B+t I thin% #a%es nailed
Marlene Bla$%( the highl' respe$ted $+rrent"affairs presenter hosting the de)ate( )egan a wrap"+p to the $a,eras& She to+$hed on the other $andidates
strong re$ord in Congress( his )la,eless past& Then she ,o-ed on to #a%e&
*#a%e 3arrington has str+ggled in the polls )e$a+se of a per$eption hes +ntr+stworth'& B+t earlier this wee%( he anno+n$ed his engage,ent to Miss
/eorgia( Sa)rina Merritt( the wo,an who )lew the whistle on #a%es father( /o-ernor Ted 3arrington( when he too% a )ri)e in offi$e& The wo,an who
ended Ted 3arringtons politi$al $areer&*
/ood grief( did she ha-e to p+t it so dra,ati$all'4
Sa)rina realized the $a,eras had panned the a+dien$e and were now fo$+sed on her&
*Sa)rina( $o,e on +p here(* Marlene said( *and tell
+s if #a%e 3arrington is ,ore tr+stworth' than his father&*
S+san n+dged her& */o on&*
*Did 'o+ %now this wo+ld happen4* Sa)rina de,anded +nder her )reath( s,iling for the $a,eras& The other wo,an shoo% her head& S+rel'
#a%e hadnt anti$ipated an'thing this extre,e when hed said( ,hen people ask yo! abo!t me%
She $o+ldnt ref+se( not witho+t loo%ing as if she was rel+$tant to endorse #a%e& Sa)rina p+shed o+t of her seat and wal%ed +p the steps onto the
She shoo% hands with Marlene( a$$epted #a%es light %iss on her lips& At Marlenes in-itation( she sat next to hi, on the $o+$h&
*Sa)rina(* the presenter repeated( *is #a%e 3arrington ,ore tr+stworth' than his father( disgra$ed for,er go-ernor Ted 3arrington4*
This was it( the 5+estion their r+se was intended to answer& The 5+estion #a%e didnt tr!st her to answer&
She was s+pposed to spo+t words a)o+t his so+nd( pra$ti$al poli$ies( ,a%ing spe$ifi$ referen$es to ed+$ation and health $are& Sa)rina hesitated&
Beside her( #a%e tensed&
*Marlene( I wo+ld tr+st #a%e with ,' life"* if not my heart *"and I tr+st hi, to r+n the state I lo-e so ,+$h&* Sa)rina held the presenters gaze<
she %new to let the $a,eras find her( rather than $reate a shift' i,pression )' glan$ing aro+nd& *If the people of /eorgia want an honest ,an
r+nning this state( the' sho+ld -ote for #a%e&*
!e gra))ed her hand and s5+eezed( and the strength in his grip had a dis$on$erting effe$t on her insides&
*There 'o+ ha-e it( fol%s&* Marlene( arg+a)l' the ,ost ast+te .o+rnalist in the nation( loo%ed faintl' s%epti$al& B+t it didnt $o,e thro+gh in her -oi$e&
*Sa)rina Merritt stands )' her ,an&*
The a+dien$e )ro%e into lo+d appla+se that 5+i$%l' es$alated into foot"sta,ping and wolf whistles& Sa)rina had noti$ed a high proportion of ,en in the
$rowd& A few g+'s near the front stood &&& then a few ,ore &&& and next ,in+te( Sa)rina and #a%e had a standing o-ation&
#a%e got to his feet to a$%nowledge the tri)+te( t+gging Sa)rina +p with hi,& *Than%s(* he ,+r,+red $lose to her ear thro+gh the din& *8o+ were right&
Than%s for )eing 'o+rself&*
#a%e was willing to ad,it she was right4 3hat the he$%( she ,ight as well seal the deal& Sa)rina leaned in and %issed hi, on the ,o+th in front of the
entire state&
SUSAN !AD IN7ITED #ABE and Sa)rina( along with ,ost of their relati-es( to wat$h the de)ate on T7 at her pla$e& The' wo+ld ha-e a ,eal
)eforehand( whi$h wo+ld do+)le as an engage,ent $ele)ration&
Sa)rina tried not to thin% a)o+t the lie the' wo+ld )e perpetrating on their fa,ilies& Instead( she rehearsed her planned anno+n$e,ent of her new .o)
ahead of the for,al state,ent the tr+st wo+ld ,a%e to,orrow& She $o+ldnt wait to see her fathers and sisters fa$es"the' wo+ld +nderstand .+st how
perfe$t this opport+nit' was for her&
3hen she arri-ed with her father( S+san greeted her
with a h+g& *#a%es here alread'( and so are T'ler and Bethan'& Max will )e late( hes still at the offi$e( what a s+rprise&* She shoo% her head& *I
daresa' 'o+r sisters will )e late( too&*
*Of $o+rse the' will(* #onah said( pro+d that his oldest da+ghters $o+ld ,at$h Maxs wor%aholis, an'ti,e&
!e was e-en pro+der when Max wal%ed in )arel' a ,in+te )ehind hi, and Sa)rina& !e $lapped Max on the )a$% as the' all headed into the
li-ing roo,( where #a%e was po+ring $ha,pagne&
*!ere $o,es the )ride&* T'ler rose fro, the $o+$h and greeted Sa)rina with a h+g& *I was .+st sa'ing to #a%e( 'o+ g+'s ha-e a ner-e not telling
+s what was going on&* !e flashed the )o'ish grin that had $apti-ated Atlantas fe,ale pop+lation for 'ears( +ntil T'ler had fallen for the one
wo,an who was i,per-io+s to his $har,s& 1+$%il'( hed ,anaged to tal% Bethan' aro+nd& Sa)rina $o+ld tell )' the wa' he gra))ed his wifes
hand that he still $o+ldnt get o-er his good l+$%&
Bethan' disentangled herself long eno+gh to gi-e Sa)rina a s5+eeze& She was $onsidera)l' shorter than Sa)rina( )+t so intense( it was onl'
when she got this $lose that Sa)rina noti$ed her height& *8eah( what was that a)o+t4* Bethan' de,anded&
*3hat $an I sa'4* Sa)rina spread her hands& *#a%e swept ,e off ,' feet&* That pro-o%ed ,+$h teasing and hooting fro, e-er'one& #a%e
handed her a $ha,pagne fl+te< Sa)rina %issed hi, )riefl' on the lips( ignoring the instant sizzle& She tapped her glass against his&
T'ler raised his glass( too& *Congrat+lations( g+'s( thats wonderf+l news& I alwa's said if these two e-er )+ried the hat$het the'd )e in ea$h
others ar,s( didnt I( 6ea$hes4*
*!e ne-er said that(* Bethan' told the, in resignation( and e-er'one la+ghed&
T'ler groaned& *3h' didnt I ,arr' a wo,an who wo+ld let ,e get awa' with so,ething( anything$ so,eti,es4*
*Be$a+se 'o+d get )ored with her&* Bethan' h+gged Sa)rina again& *I, so ex$ited for 'o+"and so ex$ited that well )e related&*
Sa)rina ret+rned the e,)ra$e( witho+t spea%ing&
T'ler had )een one of her $losest friends for 'ears( and she lo-ed his wife al,ost as ,+$h& She $o+ldnt )elie-e these two wo+ld )e fooled )'
her and #a%es $harade& B+t it see,ed the' were so )edazzled )' their own lo-e( the' swallowed it witho+t 5+estion&
*3heres Ben4* She as%ed after the $o+ples adopted )a)' son to $hange the s+).e$t&
Asleep +pstairs(* T'ler answered& *!e didnt get ,+$h of a nap this afternoon& The poor g+'s exha+sted&*
Sa)rina $h+$%led( en.o'ing the release of tension&
T'lers transition fro, least"li%el' father to de-oted dad still too% so,e getting +sed to&
!e swatted her good"nat+redl'& *3ait +ntil 'o+ and #a%e ha-e %ids"#a%e will )e a )all of ,+sh&*
An aw%ward ,o,ent ens+ed( whi$h Max eased )' %issing Sa)rinas $hee%& Tho+gh he shared the sa,e dar% hair as #a%e and T'ler( he was
taller than the other
two< he radiated $o,,and& *I, glad 'o+ two got )a$% together(* he said& *#a%e needs 'o+&*
That pro,ptl' $reated another aw%ward ,o,ent&
#a%e frowned at his $o+sin( )+t Max .+st s,iled&
Next to arri-e were C'nthia and Megan& It was the first ti,e Sa)rina had seen her sisters"half sisters( to )e pre$ise( tho+gh none of the, e-er tho+ght
of their relationship that wa'"sin$e she got )a$% fro, 1as 7egas& 3as it onl' fi-e da's ago4 Shed a$$epted their $ongrat+lations on the engage,ent
o-er the phone( )+t of $o+rse( the' werent done 'et&
*Ba)'>* Megan h+gged Sa)rina& *I, so happ' for
*8eah( ni$e $at$h( Ba)'&* C'nthia grinned at #a%e& #a%e ,o+thed( 2aby%
Sa)rina realized how odd the ni$%na,e so+nded&
Megan was onl' a $o+ple of 'ears older than she was( C'nthia three 'ears older again& B+t the girls( and #onah( had $alled her Ba)' for as long as she
$o+ld re,e,)er& #a%e had pointed o+t how weird it was fi-e 'ears agoit so+nded e-en stranger now&
Mitz'( S+sans )elo-ed Ca-alier Bing Charles spaniel( dashed into the roo,( 'apping delirio+sl'( ha-ing )ro%en free of her $onfine,ent so,ewhere&
Sa)rina wat$hed as e-er' ,an in the roo, ignored the ani,al& Not onl' was that shrill 'ap li%el' to t+rn into a nip toward an'one S+san showed
affe$tion( )+t the dog often responded to attention )' peeing indis$ri,inatel'& Unfazed at the prospe$t( S+san ,ade a f+ss of her pet& Bethan' patted
the dog( too&
*8o+ dont ha-e to pretend to li%e that ,+tt now were ,arried( 6ea$hes(* T'ler said&
Bethan' slapped his ar,( )+t she giggled& Sa)rina )ent down to s$rat$h Mitz' where she %new the dog lo-ed it( on her sho+lders& *!ello( 'o+
)ea+tif+l girl&*
*Dont en$o+rage that flea)ag(* Max teased& Sa)rina $arried right on petting Mitz'( ,+$h to S+sans pleas+re&
#a%e felt T'lers s$r+tin' and pinned what he hoped was a lo-ing expression on his fa$e as he wat$hed Sa)rina& She had e-er'one in the roo,(
ex$ept hi,( rolling o-er in s+),ission to her $har,( )+t she see,ed o)li-io+s& As he loo%ed on( she .+,ped to her feet and offered to help
S+san ser-e the $hili&
S,iling( S+san wa-ed Sa)rina )a$% down again( )+t let Bethan' .oin her in the %it$hen& E-en ten 'ears after the a$$ident( fol% see,ed to worr'
a)o+t Sa)rina taxing her strength& #a%e had witnessed her a$$epting their assess,ent"in other words( dodging dr+dger'"ti,e after ti,e& If this
ed+$ation .o) of hers t+rned o+t to re5+ire real wor%( shed )e in for 5+ite a sho$%&
Dinner was $heerf+l and nois'"hard for it to )e otherwise with #onah and his o-era$hie-ing da+ghters( parti$+larl' C'nthia( alwa's willing to
-oi$e an opinion& Max and T'ler had a friendl' si)ling ri-alr' going that re5+ired ea$h of the, to get their shots in on an' s+).e$t( altho+gh
T'ler ,ade s+re Bethan' re$ei-ed her share of attention& !er 5+i$%( dr' wit ,ade e-er'one la+gh& It all added +p to fa,iliar $haos&
#a%e .oined in sporadi$all'( )+t ,ore often fo+nd hi,self hanging )a$%( wat$hing& !e lo-ed S+san and
her sons( )eing with the, felt ,ore li%e ho,e than his parents pla$e had e-er )een& !is dad had alwa's )een $ons+,ed )' high"and",ight'
ideals a)o+t so$ial .+sti$e( and his ,o, &&& well( shed )een fond of #a%e( )+t she wasnt one of those ,others who e-er h+ng o+t at ho,e&
3itho+t S+san and her late h+s)and( !enr'( whod insisted #a%e .oin 3arrington Constr+$tion after the s$andal( #a%e wo+ld ha-e )een entirel'
alone& 3itho+t the,( Atlanta wo+ldnt ha-e gi-en hi, the ti,e of da' fi-e 'ears ago& Now( he was to, )etween lo-ing these people and hating
that he owed the, his respe$ta)ilit'&
The' ,o-ed to the dining roo,( where the nine of the, fit $o,forta)l' aro+nd the enor,o+s oa% ta)le& #onah sat next to Sa)rina( and #a%e sat
opposite( )eside Megan& Megan was reser-ed( )+t he %new )etter than to ta%e it personall'& She was the ,ost low"%e' of the Merritt sisters(
+nderstanda)le gi-en she $o+ldnt ,at$h Sa)rinas )ea+t'( and that C'nthias hard"nosed approa$h to her $areer ,ade the oldest Merritt girl a
fa-orite with #onah& Megan was s,art and attra$ti-e in an +nderstated wa'( with her hone'"$olored hair and sli, fig+re( and she didnt $all
attention to herself&
#a%e sensed Sa)rinas $+rio+s gaze on hi,& !e lifted his e'e)rows at her( and she glan$ed awa'& She wasnt sa'ing ,+$h( either( tho+gh people
$onstantl' dire$ted their re,ar%s to her( +n$ons$io+sl' see%ing the appro-al of the ,ost )ea+tif+l person in the roo,&
#a%e felt a twinge of en-'( when he tho+ght how hard he had to wor% a roo, .+st to se$+re a few -otes&
*!ows the Al-erson di-or$e going4* Max as%ed Megan( as he topped his se$ond helping of $hili with so+r $rea,& Megan was representing the
wife of the well"%nown $o+ple( whose propert'"de-elop,ent fir, was a $lient of 3arrington Constr+$tions( in their di-or$e& Man' of the
details had )een p+)lished in the newspapers( and Megan $onfined her $on-ersation to what was in the p+)li$ do,ain&
*So( the h+s)ands $heating on her )+t she $ant pro-e it( right4* Max as%ed( s+,,ing +p her $o,,ents&
Megan nodded as she ro+nded +p a stra' pie$e of to,ato with her for%& *Not e-en the pri-ate dete$ti-e $o+ld find an'thing&*
*Ma')e hes not $heating(* Sa)rina said&
E-er'one ga-e her a %ind loo%( and she la+ghed& *8o+ alwa's li%e to thin% the )est( dont 'o+( Ba)'(*
Megan said tolerantl'&
Sa)rina shr+gged& *3h' not gi-e the g+' the )enefit of the do+)t4* She po+red ,ore red wine fro, the )ottle in front of her( then offered it to
That was her philosoph' of life( #a%e realized& She doled o+t the )enefit of the do+)t on the sli,,est of pretexts"to Ta,,'( to Mitz'& The onl'
ti,e hed %nown her ref+se to extend that )enefit had )een fi-e 'ears ago& To hi,& And his father& If shed had ,ore faith in #a%e( )elie-ed his
pro,ise that he wo+ld deal with the )ri)e in a wa' that was honest and right( )+t whi$h wo+ld gi-e his father a $han$e to retain so,e dignit' &&&
*Ba)'( 'o+d gi-e a shar% the )enefit of the do+)t while it gnawed on 'o+r leg(* Megan teased&
Sa)rina s,iled( )+t it was a tense ,o-e,ent of her ,o+th&
*8o+re not a good .+dge of $hara$ter( sweetheart(* #onah $hided his da+ghter&
Ma')e that was how #onah .+stified his o-erprote$ti-eness toward her&
*8o+ dont need a law degree to +nderstand what ,a%es people ti$%(* Sa)rina said shortl'&
*I .+st ,eant 'o+re too ni$e(* #onah( sitting next to her( protested&
Sa)rina tightened her grip on her sil-erware&
#onah r+ffled her hair"she i,,ediatel' p+lled o+t a $o,pa$t ,irror and )egan patting it down( whi$h ,ade #a%e s,ile e-en while it irritated
hi,& !ed ne-er %nown a wo,an who $he$%ed her refle$tion as often as Sa)rina&
*A toast to the happ' $o+ple&* #onah raised his glass for what had to )e the fifth ti,e( and e-er'one else good"nat+redl' followed s+it&
After dinner( the' ate $ho$olate )rownies in front of the T7 as the' wat$hed the de)ate( followed )' Sa)rinas )rief inter-iew with Marlene&
E-er'one $o,,ended #a%e on his perfor,an$e& !e g+essed the reason the' didnt $ongrat+late Sa)rina was that the' ass+,ed her words had
$o,e nat+rall' a)o+t the ,an she lo-ed( rather than their )eing an in$redi)l' well".+dged pie$e of theater& 3hen the' held the li-e"-iewer -ote
at the end of the show( re-ealing the res+lts after an ad )rea%( #a%e won )' a $lear ,argin&
As the' rehashed the de)ate( S+san left the roo, to
ta%e a phone $all& In the l+ll that followed her depart+re( Sa)rina spo%e +p&
*I ha-e so,e news to share with 'o+ all&* S+san alread' %new a)o+t her new .o)( so she didnt need to wait for the older wo,an& *I-e )een
appointed spo%esperson for the In.+red Bids Ed+$ation Tr+st&* As she went on to o+tline what the tr+st was a)o+t( what her wor% wo+ld
in-ol-e( she heard herself getting $arried awa' )' her passion& *Basi$all'(* she said( ta%ing a deep )reath( *its ,' drea, .o)( and the' thin% I,
the )est person for it&* O%a'( so that was o+tright )oasting( )+t apart fro, Miss /eorgia( shed ne-er )een the )est person for an'thing&
*Thats wonderf+l( Ba)'(* Megan enth+sed& *Its great that the' didnt want a professional lo))'ist&*
*Or so,eone +sed to high"le-el go-ern,ent wor%(* C'nthia $hipped in& *3ell done( Ba)'& And if this doesnt wor% o+t( there are lots of other
$harities loo%ing for good people&*
Sa)rina didnt need #a%es frown fro, a$ross the ta)le to fig+re that her sisters rea$tions didnt exa$tl' refle$t $onfiden$e in her& Megan and
C'nthia wo+ld )e horrified to %now the' so+nded $att'"the' were .+st appl'ing their r+thless anal'sis to the sit+ation( +ndo+)tedl' with the
ai, of prote$ting Sa)rina fro, disappoint,ent& Still( their $o,,ents ran%led&
*It will wor% o+t& I %now I $an do this( and do it )etter than an'one else(* she said sharpl'&
*Of $o+rse 'o+ $an&* #onah dire$ted a warning loo% at the other two&
*And I dont need 'o+ to tell the, that(* Sa)rina said to her father& At #onahs $restfallen loo%( she patted his hand on the ta)le& !e had adored
Sa)rinas ,o,( his se$ond wife( and after her death( hed $l+ng to Sa)rina al,ost as ,+$h as shed $l+ng to hi,&
*Is this a f+ll"ti,e .o)4* T'ler as%ed&
Before Sa)rina $o+ld repl'( S+san h+rried )a$% into the roo,& *I ha-e an anno+n$e,ent&* Ex$ite,ent )ri,,ed o-er in her -oi$e& *That phone
$all was fro, the resear$h $o,pan' I had polling right after the de)ate ended&* She pa+sed for effe$t& *#a%e( se-ent' "three per$ent of people
who saw the de)ate"and saw Sa)rina sa'ing her pie$e"said the' tr+st 'o+&*
Sa)rina gaped& It was al,ost a dire$t re-ersal of the last poll #a%e had shown her&
*The tr+st fa$tor for the whole pop+lation( in$l+ding people who didnt see the show( was onl' fort'"six per$ent(* S+san said( *)+t thats a )ig
in$rease on last ti,e( whi$h I s+ggest $o,es down to 'o+r engage,ent&* She drew a )reath& *Beep going li%e this( #a%e dearest( and 'o+ll )e
go-ernor in No-e,)er&*
E-er'one )ro%e into ex$ited dis$+ssion& 2ro, the ar,$hair next to where she sat on the $o+$h( #a%e shot Sa)rina an apologeti$ loo% that her
news had )een swallowed +p )' this latest de-elop,ent( then he di-ed right into the thi$% of it& Of $o+rse( her father and sisters ne-er on$e
5+estioned #a%es a)ilit' to )e go-ernor& No( it was onl' Sa)rina the' do+)ted& Shed )et e-en #a%e wo+ldnt attri)+te his newfo+nd s+$$ess to
her *$raz' idea* that the' sho+ld fa%e an engage,ent& 1et alone
$o,e o+t in -o$al s+pport of the in.+red %ids s$hool& S+re( hed said a few words a)o+t spe$ial"needs ed+$ation in the de)ate( )+t dozens of
pro.e$ts $a,e +nder that +,)rella&
Resent,ent si,,ered )eneath the s,ile she %ept on her fa$e as she helped herself to another )rownie fro, the plate on the $offee ta)le& Might
as well gi-e the thigh"wat$hers so,ething to get ex$ited a)o+t&
*Thats right( Sa)rina&* T'ler grinned& *Eat 'o+r )rownie now& 3hen 'o+re the go-ernors wife 'o+r e-er' ,o+thf+l will )e reported&*
She $ho%ed on a $r+,)( and th+,ped her $hest& Are 'o+ %idding4 No wa' on earth wo+ld I )e d+,) eno+gh"* #+st in ti,e( she stopped& To
marry #ake.
E-er'one( fro, #onah down to Mitz'( was staring at her& Sa)rina realized her ,o+th was still open< she snapped it sh+t&
*D+,) eno+gh to $are what the ,edia sa' a)o+t 'o+(* #a%e inserted s,oothl'& There was a reason wh' he was the politi$ian aro+nd here& !e
stood( p+lled Sa)rina to her feet with .+st the strength of his fingers aro+nd her wrist& !e s,iled down at her& Onl' she saw the ,ena$e in his
e'es( the anger that shed al,ost exposed their lie with a $areless $o,,ent& *Darling( its ti,e we told e-er'one o+r news&*
News4 3hat news4 Sa)rinas heart th+dded& *Sa)rinas ,o-ing in with ,e to,orrow(* #a%e said&
3!AT #ABE !AD SAID 6RODUCED al,ost as ,+$h ex$ite,ent as his -i$tor' in the de)ate& One -oi$e rose a)o-e the $hor+s of 5+estions&
*I wont allow it(* #onah de$lared& *Its too s+dden&* Thanks$ *ad. Sa)rina s,iled at her father( tho+gh she %new his $on$ern was ,ostl' selfish& !e
hated it when she li-ed awa' fro, the fa,il' ho,e& She wanted to lea-e( )+t not to go to #a%es& 3hat the he$% was he thin%ing4
*Dont )e a f+dd'"d+dd'( #onah(* S+san ad,onished hi,& *The're in lo-e( the're getting ,arried&*
*And 'o+ want +s to do an at"ho,e feat+re with -o!thern ,oman ,agazine(* Sa)rina ,+ttered&
*Thats a wonderf+l idea(* S+san said( +na)ashed& *#a%e( we tal%ed a)o+t this(* she said sweetl'( desperatel'& *I told 'o+( the -oters wont appro-e of +s
li-ing in sin& Its too ris%'&*
#a%es lips )r+shed her ear& *Ni$e tr'( darling.0 S+san pooh"poohed that o).e$tion( too& *As long as 'o+re engaged( dear( people will )e fine with it&
1oo% at Senator #oe /lass( he and his fian$ee ha-e )een li-ing together o-er a 'ear&*
*Id li%e to do this the old"fashioned wa'(* Sa)rina protested&
Megan $hortled& *Mo-e in with hi,( Ba)'( and Ill write 'o+ an iron$lad pren+p&*
Sa)rina wo+ld ne-er go into a ,arriage with a pren+ptial agree,ent( and Megan %new it&
*Nows not the ti,e for $old feet( darling(* #a%e said&
*I want 'o+ with ,e&*
She read in his $old( hard expression the tr+e reason for his s+dden prono+n$e,entH he didnt tr+st her& Shed for$ed hi, into this engage,ent
and .+st now shed al,ost )l+rted o+t their se$ret( and those indis$retions o+tweighed the leap in his poll res+lts and her perfor,an$e at the T7
Sa)rinas sho+lders sagged& She r+))ed her $hest( where it felt as if that )rownie $r+,) had set +p ho+se& 3hat had she tho+ght4 That #a%e
,ight ha-e learned to -al+e her for her insights and a)ilities( where no one else did4 /ood grief( she was e-er' )it as starr' e'ed as shed )een
at twent'"one&
*Sa)rina&* !is tone was ro$% hard& !e wo+ldnt )a$% down& !e wanted her where he $o+ld ,a%e s+re she didnt slip +p&
!er dad flexed his fingers at his sides( the wa' he did when he was worried& S+san lifted her glasses and peered at Sa)rina& An' ,ore arg+ing(
and #a%e wo+ldnt need to worr' a)o+t her )la))ing( e-er'one wo+ld ha-e g+essed the tr+th&
Sa)rina sighed& *2ine( Ill ,o-e in&*
SABRINA !EARD #ABE lea-e earl' on the first ,orning she wo%e +p in his ho+se& Too earl'"a glan$e at the slee%( )+llet"shaped $lo$% on his
g+est"roo, nightstand told her it was onl' se-en& 3ith a ,+ttered */ood riddan$e(* she )+rrowed +nder the featherlight d+-et and went )a$%
to sleep&
She rose at eight( a ,+$h ,ore $i-ilized ho+r( and )r+shed her hair in front of the f+ll"length ,irror& The g+est roo, was si,pl' )+t elegantl'
f+rnished( the )ronze d+-et $o-er $ontrasting with the thi$% $ara,el$olored $arpet )eneath her feet&
Sa)rina headed to the %it$hen( ta%ing with her the do$+,ent shed sta'ed +p late last night to prepare& She wo+ld read it thro+gh while she ate
)rea%fast& It ,ight distra$t her fro, her seething o-er #a%es $oer$ion( for$ing her into his ho+se&
A pot of $offee sat on a war,er on the %it$hen $o+nter( fra$tionall' i,pro-ing her o+tloo% on the da'& Sa)rina po+red a $+p and $arried it into
the wal%"in pantr'& She e,erged( $l+t$hing a )ox of granola .+st as a phone rang& #a%e had left his $ell on the end of the $o+nter&
Sa)rina let it ring thro+gh to -oi$e ,ail( )+t then it rang again i,,ediatel'& #a%e ,ight )e $alling to $he$% where his phone was& She pi$%ed
Not #a%e& On$e again( his silent $aller&
*Ta,,'4* Sa)rina as%ed& #a%es ex"girlfriend $ertainl' was persistent&
Or not"the line went dead&
#a%e sho+ld $all the wo,an and let her get her feel"
ings off her $hest"hadnt he told Sa)rina she sho+ld $onfront her pro)le,s4
The phone on the %it$hen wall next to the fridge rang& Sa)rina sighed as she $rossed to answer it( sa'ing into the phone( *Ta,,'( dont hang
+p& Sweetie( Ill do ,' )est to get #a%e to $all 'o+& #+st dont do an'thing hast'&* 3hat if the wo,an was heart)ro%en to the point of h+rting
*Sa)rina"* the -oi$e was angr'( fa,iliar( ,ale( definitel' not Ta,,' *"whoe-er the hell Ta,,' is( 'o+r )leating ,+st ha-e sent her off the
nearest )ridge )' now&*
Sa)rina sp+n aro+nd( %no$%ing a fridge ,agnet and the ele$tri$it' )ill it held to the floor& She $l+t$hed the phone with )oth hands& 0Ted%0
#a%es (ather%
*Does #a%e e-er answer his own phone these da's4*
Ted 3arrington de,anded& *Or are 'o+ his se$retar'( as well as his fian$ee4*
*8o+ ,ean( yo!re the one whos )een $alling4*
Sa)rina n+dged the fridge ,agnet with her toe as she pro$essed this de-elop,ent& Ted was the silent $aller( not Ta,,'&
*I wo+ldnt ha-e to %eep $alling( if #a%e wo+ld pi$% +p his own da,n phone&*
*Ted( where are 'o+4* #a%e had said he didnt %now where his father li-ed&
*I, in 2lorida( :"* !e )ro%e off with an i,patient ex$la,ation& *3hat the hell is #a%e doing( ,arr'ing 'o+4*
Sa)rina froze& *!e" :" 3e lo-e ea$h other(* she )l+rted&
Ted snorted( the ,anneris, so si,ilar to #a%es( it was spoo%'& *I didnt e-en %now he was seeing 'o+ again&* !e o)-io+sl' %ept +p with #a%es
news so,ehow&
*A( +h( lot of people didnt(* she said& *Are 'o+ pregnant4*
Sa)rina gasped& *Of $o+rse not&*
The )reath' sigh o-er the airwa-es was one of relief&
*Is #a%e there4*
*!e left his phone at ho,e& I dont %now where he is&* *3hen $an I rea$h hi,4* A si,ple 5+estion loaded with pain( sorrow( loneliness&
She $losed her e'es( re,e,)ering how ,+$h Ted had lost"not .+st his .o)( )+t his ho,e( his wife( his son"and the part shed pla'ed in it&
*8o+ $an tr' $alling again"* she re$alled the harsh lines of #a%es fa$e when he spo%e of his father *")+t I, prett' s+re #a%e wont tal% to 'o+&*
She $lapped a hand to her ,o+th& *I didnt ,ean to so+nd so )l+nt( I, sorr'&*
*8o+ alwa's had a %na$% for sho$% anno+n$e,ents(* Ted said&
!e was still angr' with her( .+st li%e his son& B+t howe-er ,+$h #a%e resented Sa)rina( he resented his father ,ore& !ow $o+ld he tr+st her(
tr+st an'one( when he was staggering +nder a ton of )itterness4
*#a%e sho!ld tal% to 'o+(* she ,+sed alo+d& *!e wont )e happ' as long as hes h+ng +p on the past& If 'o+ were here( if we $o+ld get 'o+ two in
the sa,e roo, together &&& * *8o+re in-iting ,e to Atlanta while #a%es tr'ing to get ele$ted4 3hose side are 'o+ on4* Ted de,anded& *Or are
'o+ pl+,) $raz'4*
!+h( li%e father( li%e son when it $a,e to $asting aspersions on Sa)rinas sanit'& !ow to+$hing& Then she realized what hed said& *Of $o+rse I
didnt in-ite 'o+ to town&* She went hot and $old at the ,ere tho+ght of #a%es rea$tion to s+$h an in-itation& *O)-io+sl' now isnt the ti,e for
*3hen is the right ti,e4* Ted as%ed& *3hen #a%e loses the ele$tion and )la,es it on ,e( or when he wins and fa$es e-en greater p+)li$
e,)arrass,ent if I show ,' fa$e4*
Sa)rina g+lped& *Uh &&& *
*Dont tro+)le 'o+r head a)o+t it(* Ted said& *Ill fig+re it o+t&* !e ended the $all&
Sa)rina was still staring at the phone in ,o+nting trepidation when #a%e $a,e in fro, the garage&
She s5+aw%ed( dropped the handset( f+,)led to $at$h it again& *I tho+ght 'o+d gone o+t&* She $lattered the phone )a$% onto its )ase&
*2or a r+n(* he said&
3hi$h wo+ld explain wh' he was wearing a T"shirt and shorts& Sa)rina lifted her e'es fro, his ,+s$+lar legs and fo+nd she was staring at his
$hest& She re,e,)ered exa$tl' what that $hest loo%ed li%e witho+t a shirt( felt li%e &&&
#a%es e'es ran o-er her sho+lders")are ex$ept for the straps of her short( pin% satin nightdress( printed with dan$ing )+tterflies& !e $he$%ed the
railwa' station"st'le $lo$% on the wall& *Did 'o+ onl' .+st get +p4*
She po+red granola into a )owl& *I $ant get +p earl'( I need"*
*8o+r )ea+t' sleep(* he finished for her& !e loo%ed her o-er again( then down at the granola& *Ma%e 'o+rself at ho,e&*
0.o! ,ade ,e at ho,e(* she retorted& *#+st sa' the word( and Ill lea-e&*
!is ,o+th fir,ed& *8o+re sta'ing&*
*#a%e( this is st+pid(* she said& *I dont want to )e here( 'o+ dont want ,e here& O%a'( so I ,ade a ,o,entar' slip the other night& B+t I
"I re$o-ered(* he said& *One ,ore se$ond of st+nned silen$e and e-er'one wo+ld ha-e fig+red o+t the tr+th& I $ant ris% 'o+ gi-ing +s awa'&*
*I wo+ldnt ha-e said a word ifIhadnt )een goaded(* she gr+,)led& *I, not Miss In$o,petent&*
#+st thin%ing a)o+t how $lose the'd $o,e to s$rewing +p ,ade #a%e irritated again& *I $ant )elie-e 'o+ let 'o+r fa,il' tal% to 'o+ the wa'
the' do&*
*The' dont ,ean to )e r+de&*
*Calling 'o+ Ba)'( treating 'o+ as if 'o+ dont ha-e a )rain in 'o+r head&*
Sa)rina gri,a$ed at the ,il% $arton( then po+red it into her )owl an'wa'& #a%e didnt want to %now if the ,il% had too ,+$h fat( or not eno+gh(
or whate-er&
*C'nthia and Megan ha-e alwa's )een S+pergirl and 3onder 3o,an& 1iterall'(* she said& *3hen we were %ids( we pla'ed this ga,e where
the' flew in and res$+ed ,e fro, dastardl' $ri,inals who tied ,e to railroad tra$%s or strapped ,e to n+$lear warheads&*
*Char,ing&* !e gra))ed a glass fro, the $+p)oard
and went to the sin% for so,e water& *3hat wo+ld the' ha-e done if the' didnt li%e 'o+4*
*All I, sa'ing is( the'-e ne-er grown o+t of seeing ,e as their )a)' sister& Its not +n$o,,on&* She hit$hed herself +p onto a )ar stool( and
her nightdress hi%ed +p her thighs&
No wa' $o+ld #a%e thin% of her as an' %ind of )a)'& She $a+ght hi, loo%ing at her legs and pointed one foot at hi,& *Do 'o+ thin% I sho+ld
paint ,' toenails lila$ to ,at$h ,' fingers( or wo+ld a ne+tral $olor lend ,ore gra-itas4*
The flipping sensation in #a%es sto,a$h as he e'ed her )are feet definitel' wasnt ne+tral& *I, not s+re I e-er got the toenail theor' of
gra-itas&* !e dragged his gaze awa'& *6eople wont ta%e 'o+ serio+sl' +ntil 'o+ ta%e 'o+rself serio+sl'& This hang"+p a)o+t 'o+r loo%s )eing
'o+r )iggest strength"get o-er it& Call 'o+r fa,il' on their attit+de&*
*I dont li%e $onfli$t&*
*The )ea+t'"5+een o)session with world pea$e(* he g+essed&
She d+g hard into her granola( s$raping the spoon on the )otto, of the )owl& *Theres )een eno+gh )ad st+ff in ,' fa,il'"Dads a$ri,onio+s
di-or$e fro, his first wife( Mo,s death( ,' a$$ident& I li%e to sta' positi-e&*
#a%e swigged his water& *Thats fine( as long as no ones pi$%ing on 'o+&*
*I $an loo% after ,'self&* She pi$%ed a pie$e of dried )anana off her spoon and set it on the edge of her )owl& *On the s+).e$t of $onfli$t( I-e
)een thin%ing&*
*Caref+l(* he warned&
She st+$% o+t her tong+e& *Until 'o+ get o-er the past( 'o+re onl' going to h+rt other people and 'o+rself&*
*2or 6etes sa%e( I did not h+rt Ta,,'& !as she $alled again4* #a%e )anged his glass down onto the $o+nter& Ta,,' had )een s,art and prett'
and hed li%ed her& && )+t hed ne-er on$e fo+nd hi,self l'ing awa%e in )ed thin%ing a)o+t her ,o+th& The wa' he had last night( %nowing
Sa)rina was in the roo, right a$ross the hallwa'&
!e sho+ld ha-e sta'ed with Ta,,' &&& )+t hed wanted to start his $a,paign witho+t an' en$+,)ran$es& 3hi$h was f+nn'( if 'o+ were into si$%
iron'& *Twi$e now 'o+-e s+ggested )rea%ing +p with ,e is a shattering o$$+rren$e(* he said& *Are 'o+ drawing on 'o+r own experien$e4*
Sa)rinas gaze dropped( )+t then she res+,ed e'eing hi,& *I was de-astated when I )ro%e +p with Chas&*
*Thats not what 'o+ said the other da'&*
*I str+ggled to hide ,' pain& 1i%e Ta,,'s doing now&*
She was harping on a)o+t Ta,,' to rile hi,< #a%e didnt for one se$ond )+' into her theor' a)o+t his exgirlfriends distress& !e .a,,ed his
e,pt' glass in the dishwasher& *Ta,,' wasnt +pset when we )ro%e +p&* B+t s+ddenl'( he wasnt so s+re& Da,n Sa)rina( with her read'
s',path' for others& She was a pain in the )+tt( ,a%ing hi, feel g+ilt' where there was no need to )e& 6ro)a)l'&
She popped a spoonf+l of granola into her ,o+th and
$hewed& *2+nn' 'o+ sho+ld ass+,e I was tal%ing a)o+t Ta,,' when I ,entioned h+rting other people( if 'o+r )rea%+p was as eas' as 'o+
s+ggest& B+t a$t+all'( I was tal%ing a)o+t 'o+r dad&*
#a%e held +p a hand to stop her( )+t she $ontin+ed&
*A)o+t how 'o+r ina)ilit' to forgi-e hi, is $rippling 'o+r life&*
The words hit hi, li%e a p+n$h to the solar plex+s&
3hen he regained his )reath( he fo+ght )a$%& *Da,,it( Sa)rina( )+tt o+t of ,' life& Next thing 'o+ll )e s+ggesting so,e %ind of $oz'
!er spoon $lattered to the floor& She slipped off her stool to get it& *: , not s+ggesting an' s+$h thing&* !er -oi$e was ,+ffled as she )ent
o-er( and when she straightened( the )lood had r+shed to her fa$e&
*I dont want to hear another word a)o+t ,' father(* #a%e said&
She rinsed her spoon( then ret+rned to her )rea%fast& *B+t"*
*Sa)rina(* he interr+pted& *3ere going to )e li-ing together for at least six wee%s( ,a')e se-en ,onths& 1ets tr' to( as 'o+ wo+ld sa'( a-oid
*2ine )' ,e&* She dis$arded another pie$e of dried )anana& 3hat did she ha-e against the st+ff4 *: , all in fa-or of pea$e in the ho,e&*
It o$$+rred to #a%e that ho,e was pro)a)l' a good pla$e to start wor%ing on world pea$e&
*#a%e( 'o+ alwa's tell ,e what 'o+ thin%( witho+t worr'ing a)o+t h+rting ,' feelings&* Shed ,ade one of her lightning"5+i$% $hanges of
*I g+ess(* he said&
*3o+ld 'o+ ,ind reading this4* Sa)rina p+shed a pile of t'ped pages a$ross the island& *Its so,e )a$%gro+nd infor,ation a)o+t the s$hool& I
prepared it last night for the poli$' and finan$e people at the Depart,ent of Ed+$ation& I dont %now if its an' good( and I, s+re 'o+ll gi-e ,e
an honest opinion&*
A)o+t thirt' pages( he esti,ated& Shed done all this last night4
*If 'o+ read it now(* she wheedled& *Ill po+r 'o+ so,e $offee&*
She )atted her )ea+t'"5+een lashes at hi,& !e rolled his e'es& *I s+ppose in the interest of pea'e in the home I $o+ld read it&*
*Ill ,a%e a fresh $+p&* Sa)rina didnt let hi, see how pleased she was hed a$5+ies$ed& A )ery hot '!p thatll take yo! a long time to drink. She
pottered in the %it$hen( p+tting the %ettle on to )oil so she $o+ld refill the press( sta$%ing her plate in the dishwasher( ,a%ing his $offee& #a%e
ignored her& 3ith his head )ent o-er the do$+,ent( she $o+ld see the nape of his ne$%& She re,e,)ered how she +sed to snea% +p )ehind hi,
when he wor%ed late at night( and )low hot )reaths there& !ow he wo+ld swi-el in his $hair and gra) her( ha+l her into his lap &&&
C!t it o!t. This is wa' ,ore i,portant than so,e an$ient $r+sh& If #a%e( who didnt li%e her and wanted to s+pport her less than an'one she
%new( )o+ght into her arg+,ents( then Sa)rina was $ertain she $o+ld win o-er the ed+$ation depart,ent&
As she set the fresh $offee )eside hi,( she $a+ght a whiff of $lean ,ale sweat and da,p $otton& She peered o-er his sho+lder"alread' he was
+p to the se$tion where she ga-e her personal ta%e on the so$ial and ,ental i,pa$t of spinal in.+r' on a teens life&
!e loo%ed 5+ite engrossed& Sa)rina $o+ldnt help pree,ng&
#a%e lifted his head and $a+ght her at it< he frowned&
Thats right$ disappro)e. That o!ght to be a total t!rnoff. Onl' right now( the ,+s$+lar")od'"in"shorts"andT"shirt fa$tor was o-erriding the
disappro-al fa$tor&
*Dont 'o+ need to go and p+t 'o+r fa$e on4* !is gaze drifted o-er her $+r-es( down her legs( s+ggesting he wasnt thin%ing a)o+t her fa$e&
*Nope( I, not tr'ing to i,press 'o+&* At least( not with her fa$e or her )od'& !,,( she wanted to i,press #a%e 3arrington with her ,ind&
Ma')e she sho+ld start with so,ething easier( li%e wal%ing on Mars&
On that dispiriting tho+ght( she went to get dressed& 3hen she arri-ed )a$% in the %it$hen half an ho+r later( #a%e had finished reading& She
slipped into the $hair next to his&
!e sat )a$%& *Too% a long ti,e to not p+t 'o+r fa$e on&*
*The nat+ral loo% is a girls )iggest ,a%e+p $hallenge&* *To+gh(* he said with feigned s',path'&
*I $an handle it&* She tapped the do$+,ent& *3hat do 'o+ thin%4*
*Did 'o+ write this 'o+rself4*
#er%> *I started it(* she said( *)+t .+st as ,' )rain )e"
gan to h+rt( a little green alien appeared in ,' roo, and did it all for ,e&* She pressed a hand to her $hest& *8o+ $an i,agine ,' relief&*
!e ignored her wiseass 5+ip& *8o+-e done an ex$ellent .o)&*
She s5+inted at hi,"no sar$as,& *Urn( than%s&* A re)ellio+s $orner of her ,ind noted that his $hin was +nsha-en( and spe$+lated a)o+t how it
wo+ld feel )eneath her fingers( against her $hee%& 4or Petes sake$ hes taking me serio!sly and Im thinking abo!t his st!bble. *So( how a)o+t
'o+ anno+n$e 'o+r s+pport for the s$hool as part of 'o+r ed+$ation poli$'4*
!e p+shed his $hair )a$% fro, the ta)le& *I alread' tal%ed a)o+t spe$ial"needs ed+$ation d+ring the de)ate&*
*I ,ean( spe$ifi$all'( s+pport the In.+red Bids Ed+$ation Tr+st s$hool& Co,,it to getting it into the )+dget for f+ll state f+nding if 'o+re
ele$ted&* She p+lled the do$+,ent toward her( straightened the edges& *Its a perfe$t fit with 'o+r poli$ies&*
*3here did this $o,e fro,4* #a%e as%ed&
*I, going to )e endorsing 'o+r $a,paign all o-er town( Id li%e 'o+ to do ,ore for the s$hool&*
!e drained his now"$old $offee( and gri,a$ed& *I-e alread' %ept ,' side of the )argain"I helped 'o+ get 'o+r .o)( and I p+t spe$ial"needs
ed+$ation on the ele$toral agenda&*
*8o+ li%e what I wrote(* Sa)rina said& *3h' $ant 'o+ do ,ore4 Apart fro, the o)-io+s reason&*
!is e'es narrowed& *Enlighten ,e& 3hats the o)-io+s reason4*
*8o+re so h+rt )' the past( 'o+ $ant )ring 'o+rself to s+pport ,e&*
!e growled as he stood +p& *If 'o+ ,ean I $ant )ring ,'self to tr+st 'o+( 'o+re da,n right&*
!e stal%ed o+t of the roo,& A ,in+te later( Sa)rina heard a shower r+nning +pstairs& Not thinking abo!t lake in the shower.
Not thinking abo!t pea'e in the home$ either.
Co+ld there )e two ,ore +tterl' pointless fantasies4
SABRINA S6ENT T!E NEIT se-eral da's on Miss /eorgia d+ties and wor%ing with the In.+red Bids Ed+$ation Tr+st& The Miss /eorgia
a$ti-it' was ti,e"$ons+,ing( )+t not ard+o+sH a high s$hool -isit that had )een s$hed+led long ago< a S$ra))le afternoon in a retire,ent ho,e<
.+dging a $h+r$h )a%e"off& !er wor% for the tr+st( tho+gh( was sti,+lating( ex$iting( all shed hoped it wo+ld )e&
She wor%ed with Ri$hard Ainsle' to refine the do$+,ent #a%e had read( then $reated a 6ower6oint presentation aro+nd it& The' planned to
present it to all the %e' infl+ential pla'ers who wo+ld gi-e the, the ti,e of da'&
*It will help that the s$hool has #a%es s+pport(* Ri$hard said as the' re-iewed the final -ersion of the presentation& *Ifhes pa'ing attention(
others ha-e to thin% a)o+t it( too&*
Sa)rina ,ade a non$o,,ittal so+nd& She $o+ld hardl' tell her )oss that #a%e $onsidered hed done ,ore than eno+gh for her& *So,e of the
,edia see, ,ore interested in what )rand of toothpaste #a%e +ses than his ed+$ation poli$ies&*
S+san had $on-in$ed -o!thern ,oman ,agazine to r+n a fi-e"page at"ho,e feat+re a)o+t #a%e and Sa)rina&
*The' $o,e to the ho+se( as% where 'o+ ha-e )rea%fast( what ,+si$ 'o+ listen to( that %ind of thing(* S+san had said )reezil'& *I %now it
so+nds ghastl'( )+t( #a%e( its the )iggest"selling wo,ens ,agazine in the state&*
The inter-iew was s$hed+led for earl' in the se$ond wee% of their $oha)itation& The reporter( Bara Si,ons( did indeed see, fas$inated )'
e-er' tri-ial detail of their li-es& No 5+estion was too o)s$+re for her( fro, how #a%e too% his $offee( to Sa)rinas fa-orite shade of lipsti$%&
Then there were the details of how the' ,et( their feelings a)o+t fa,il'( a)o+t %ids( a)o+t e-er'thing&
Sa)rina noti$ed that altho+gh #a%e too% e-er' opport+nit' to lin% his answers to his g+)ernatorial aspirations( his growing i,patien$e showed
thro+gh e-er' so often& She wel$o,ed the )rea% for photographs &&& +ntil the photographer explained what he wanted&
*Thin% $as+al and war,(* he said& *Sprawled on the $o+$h in ea$h others ar,s( sharing $onfiden$es after a hard da's wor%&*
/i-en the hea-' rain o+tside and the alread' dar%ening late"afternoon s%'( the ho+se did feel $oz' and war,& #a%e had )+ilt a fire )efore the
reporter arri-ed( and the $ra$%le of fla,es and r+stle of settling wood ,ade for a( well( ro,anti$ so+nd tra$%&
*#+st pretend I, not here(* Bara $hirped( her pen poised&
As Sa)rina per$hed on top of #a%e( tr'ing not to dig
her el)ows into his $hest( she ,+ttered( *I s+ppose 'o+ share $onfiden$es in this position all the ti,e&*
*Its a fa-orite(* he agreed& !is )reath stirred a lo$% of hair that %ept falling onto his fa$e&
*That ,+st )e irritating(* she o)ser-ed&
*Ill $ope&* !e )lew a p+ff of air that set her hair swa'ing& *So( dear( how was 'o+r da'4*
Sa)rina giggled at the prepostero+sness of it all&
*Stren+o+s& A hair$+t and a ,ani$+re&*
*6oor sweetheart&*
She flashed her nails at hi,& *6in% 6assion( what do
'o+ thin%4*
*Intrig+ing(* he said&
*Reall'4* She drew )a$%& *I thin% its a little ta,e&* !is e'es werent on her nails& Instead( he was fo"
$+sed on the opening of her )lo+se"in their $+rrent position( he $o+ld see right down her front& *#a%e>* She felt $olor in her $hee%s&
*Not ta,e at all(* he said( not shifting his gaze& *Sa)rina( $an 'o+ ,o-e +p so 'o+r fa$e is nearer #a%es4* the photographer as%ed&
She s5+ir,ed her wa' +p his )od' &&& and realized he was holding hi,self rigid( his . aw $len$hed as if he was in pain& Now( that was intrig+ing&
*1i%e this4* she as%ed the photographer& She wriggled down a little& *Or is this )etter4* Another wriggle& *!ow a)o+t this4*
#a%es large hand $la,ped o-er her .ean"$lad derriere&
*Mo-e one ,ore in$h(* he ,+r,+red( *and I wont )e held responsi)le for ,' a$tions&*
She $o+ldnt ha-e ,o-ed if her life depended on it&
Not with his hand $+pping her( his th+,) tra$ing the $+r-e of her )otto,& *#a%e(* she whispered& Shed intended a protest( )+t it $a,e o+t a
*/ot it(* the photographer $hirped& *Now lets ha-e 'o+ )oth in the %it$hen( ,a%ing a good old 6B sandwi$h together&*
*I, allergi$(* Sa)rina lied& Onl' to ha-e the photographer insist on $heese&
IN T!E NEIT ROUND of 5+estions( Bara wanted details of their grand ro,an$e& #a%e held Sa)rinas hand on the $o+$h the wa' a fian$e
sho+ld( )+t his answers dwindled to distra$ted ,onos'lla)les& Beside hi,( Sa)rina %ept +p a flow of $hatter& She was +sed to these %inds of
5+estions( he s+pposed&
3hat the hell had happened )a$% there4 !ow had he ended +p desperate to ,a%e lo-e to a wo,an he didnt tr+st( didnt parti$+larl' li%e4 Now(
holding her hand felt li%e a poor s+)stit+te for to+$hing her all o-er& Da,,it( he didnt want this"this $he,istr' )etween the,&
*1ast 5+estion( #a%e(* Bara said& *Its a )iggie& 3hat do 'o+ lo-e ,ost a)o+t Sa)rina4* She sat( pen poised( e'es )right&
3hat %ind of 5+estion was that4 3ho wo+ld )e d+,) eno+gh to answer4
E-identl'( he was expe$ted to )e that d+,)& Sa)rinas grip tightened i,per$epti)l' on his hand& The reporter $o$%ed her head&
*I( +h &&& * !is throat $logged& Da,,it( he didnt lo-e Sa)rina& #a%e p+lled free and spread his hands in her dire$tion& *1oo% at her(* he said&
*3hats not to lo-e4*
Right awa'( he %new hed gi-en the answer Sa)rina wo+ld hate ,ost& !ed said he lo-ed her loo%s& #+st li%e e-er'one else in the world&
Sa)rinas fa$e paled to por$elain< her s,ile set li%e stone& The disappointed reporter ,ade a note on her pad&
#a%e $+rsed inwardl'& Too late to $hange it now& *3hat a)o+t 'o+( Sa)rina4* Bara said hopef+ll'&
*3hat do 'o+ lo-e ,ost a)o+t #a%e4*
!e half expe$ted her to ret+rn the ins+lt& Sa)rina tho+ght for a long ,o,ent& So long that he started to worr'& Then she t+rned a s,ile on hi,&
As alwa's( it was )ea+tif+l &&& )+t her e'es glittered&
*Thats eas'( Bara(* she said&
Uh"oh& #a%e too% her hand again( applied press+re& *The thing I lo-e ,ost a)o+t #a%e is his +nswer-ing
$o,,it,ent to ,e(* Sa)rina said&
3here was she going4 !e was da,n s+re it was nowhere har,less&
*Not .+st to o+r f+t+re together( )+t to e-er'thing that ,atters to ,e(* Sa)rina said& *In parti$+lar to ,' wor% for the In.+red Bids Ed+$ation
!e fo+ght the +rge to $la,p a hand o-er her ,o+th&
*Sa)rina(* he said tightl'&
*Tell ,e ,ore(* the reporter in-ited&
*#a%e +nderstood i,,ediatel' the i,pa$t the s$hool will ha-e on its st+dents(* Sa)rina said& *2ro, da' one of ,' in-ol-e,ent( hes pro,ised
that if hes ele$ted
go-ernor( the In.+red Bids Ed+$ation Tr+st will ha-e his s+pport for one h+ndred per$ent state f+nding&* She )ea,ed at #a%e( and sighed the sigh of a
)esotted ro,anti$& *3hats not to lo-e4*
*8o+ 3ERE OUT O2 1INE(* #a%e 'elled( the ,o,ent the reporter was in her $ar& !e gra))ed the )o+r)on fro, the drin%s $a)inet in the li-ing roo, and
po+red hi,self a genero+s sl+g&
*8o+ were a .er%& !ow dare 'o+ tell her 'o+re ,arr'ing ,e for ,' loo%s4* Sa)rina shoo% with &&& anger& Not h+rt& She wasnt a)o+t to let #a%e h+rt her
She sto,ped to the %it$hen( #a%e on her heels&
*I, going to $all her right now and tell her I dont s+pport 'o+r s$hool(* he said&
*3hen 'o+re done( hand the phone o-er to ,e and Ill tell her were not reall' engaged&*
!e sla,,ed his )o+r)on glass down on the island&
*8o+ wo+ldnt&*
*Tr' ,e& I )+sted a g+t thro+gh that inter-iew( )eing ni$e while 'o+ gr+nted at her& And 'o+ repaid ,e with the worst possi)le ins+lt&*
!e threw his hands in the air& *I said 'o+re )ea+tif+l& Sin$e when is that an ins+lt4 And I did not gr+nt&*
Sa)rina wasnt a)o+t to arg+e with s+$h patent idio$'& She t+rned her )a$% on hi,( and $a+ght her refle$tion in the 2ren$h doors& !er hair was a ,ess"
s+rel' it hadnt loo%ed li%e that in the photos4 She patted it down&
#a%e gra))ed her ar,( t+gged her to fa$e hi,& *If 'o+ dont want people fo$+sing on 'o+r loo%s( 5+it staring in the ,irror e-er' two ,in+tes& I
saw 'o+ $he$%ing 'o+r ,a%e+p in 'o+r )rea%fast spoon this ,orning&*
*I didnt"* A$t+all'( she pro)a)l' did& E-en now( the $o,p+lsion to t+rn )a$% to the 2ren$h doors and see if shed fixed her hair properl' was
al,ost i,possi)le to resist&
!e pi$%ed +p his )o+r)on( too% a ,ore $onsidered swig& *8o+re o)sessed with 'o+r appearan$e(* he a$$+sed& The light in his e'e said he was
sta%ing a $lai, to the ,oral high gro+nd&
O-er her dead )od'&
*M' appearan$e is all I ha-e(* she snapped& *I, playing to ,' strength& I dont ha-e a great ed+$ation( #a%e& 6eople dont hang o+t to hear ,'
*8o+ see, plent' opinionated to ,e& 8o+ ,ade +p a whole )+n$h of opinions for ,e with that .o+rnalist&* B+t the heat had gone o+t of his
*6eople listen to ,e )e$a+se the' li%e the wa' I loo%(* she said& *Being )ea+tif+l is what I do )est( and I ta%e it serio+sl'&*
*8o+re good at other things&* !e tossed )a$% the rest of the )o+r)on&
*Na,e one"and dont 'o+ dare sa' $oo%ing&* *8o+ ha-e plent' going for 'o+( so dont fish for $o,pli,ents& There was that paper 'o+ wrote for
the ed+$ation depart,ent( for a start&* The door)ell rang< he $+rsed& *If its that reporter( 'o+ $an set her straight a)o+t those lies 'o+ told&*
*Itll )e S+san(* Sa)rina said& *Shes )een so ex$ited a)o+t the -o!thern ,oman inter-iew( shell ha-e $o,e to see how it went&*
She followed #a%e into the entran$e hall& S+re eno+gh( S+san $a,e in( sha%ing her +,)rella o-er the door,at&
*Its awf+l o+t there(* S+san said& *B+t the good news is( I had a $all fro, Bara Si,ons( and she said 'o+ two were wonderf+l inter-iews&*
As #a%e ,o-ed to sh+t the door( a white To'ota Corolla sw+ng into the dri-ewa' )ehind S+sans 1ex+s&
*3hos that4* Sa)rina as%ed&
#a%e s5+inted into the dri-ing rain& The $ars lights went o+t( the dri-ers door opened& A ,an e,erged( holding a newspaper o-er his head(
s$ant prote$tion against the wet& *I $ant see(* #a%e said&
The ,'ster' -isitor didnt drop the newspaper +ntil he rea$hed the ha-en of the front por$h&
Sa)rina $lapped a hand to her ,o+th< S+san s5+aw%ed& #a%es heart stopped for a ,o,ent& !e ran a hand
o-er his fa$e( willing this to )e a hall+$ination&
Not a hall+$ination& !is father&
*3hat the hell4* #a%e sho+ld sla, the door on Ted( )+t he $o+ldnt drag his e'es fro, the fa$e that was al,ost as fa,iliar as his own&
Ted stared at #a%e& !e ran sha%ing hands thro+gh his da,p hair( his )reathing hea-'& Then he grinned& *Son( its great to see 'o+&*
Thrown off )alan$e( #a%e steadied hi,self with a hand on the door.a,)& Ted so+nded different( his -oi$e
less ,od+lated( e,otion thr+,,ing )eneath the words& B+t he loo%ed the sa,e&
Too ,+$h the sa,e& #a%e didnt dete$t an' ra-ageseither fro, sha,e or g+ilt& If an'thing( his fathers $olor was healthier( tho+gh thro+gh the
da,p it see,ed his salt"and"pepper hair was now ,ore gra' than )rown& Other than that( it $o+ld ha-e )een last wee% that his father had left&
The h+rt and anger felt raw eno+gh for it&
#a%e folded his ar,s and p+t eno+gh hostilit' into the spa$e aro+nd hi, to $he$% a s,all ar,'& Teds hands( whi$h hed raised( fell to his sides&
*8o+ loo% good(* Ted said&
*Dad &&& * #a%e $leared his throat& *3h' are 'o+ here4* Sa)rina t+gged on his ar,& *#a%e( as% hi, in& So,e"
one ,ight see&*
She was right& The neigh)ors ret+rned ho,e fro, wor% a)o+t now& Tho+gh it was al,ost dar%( #a%e $o+ldnt ris% an'one seeing hi, $hatting to
his father on the doorstep& !e stepped aside( .er%ed his head in s+llen in-itation&
Ted fo$+sed on s$+ffing his shoes on the door,at( rather than on the resent,ent that hardened his sons fa$e& The )ris% ,o-e,ent( the si,ple
$o+rtes' steadied his ner-es& !e stepped o-er the threshold hed )eg+n to wonder if he ,ight ne-er $ross&
Sa)rina was there( $linging to #a%e as hed %nown she wo+ld )e& !e nodded to her& No point antagonizing her( or #a%e( )efore he had a $han$e
to sa' his pie$e& Behind Sa)rina was &&& *S+san&*
The glow fro, the o-erhead light $a+ght her hair( a
shade lighter than it had )een fi-e 'ears ago& !e g+essed she $olored it to %eep the gra' at )a'"she ,+st )e( what( fift'"se-en )' now4 She was
still in good shape( thi$%er at the waist( )+t with eno+gh definition to her fig+re to 5+alif' $o,forta)l' at the wo,anl' end of the s$ale( rather
than ,atronl'& !er an%les were still disproportionatel' slender( her $al-es shapel' where her ri$h( pl+,"$olored s%irt ended& Ted had alwa's
ad,ired S+sans an%les&
She stood stiff and still( hands fisted at her sides&
*!ow $o+ld 'o+ do this( Ted4 Co,e )a$%( now%0
!ed h+rt her al,ost as ,+$h as hed h+rt his son and 1eah( his wife& !e to+$hed her sho+lder( a gest+re of apolog' that ,ade her flin$h& Ted
shoo% his head< S+san wasnt a priorit' tonight&
!e followed #a%e into the li-ing roo,( a ,assi-e spa$e he %new instin$ti-el' his son had designed& Ted dran% it in with greed' e'es&
#a%e $rossed to a )o+r)on )ottle open on the side)oard& !e p+lled o+t a glass( po+red a large ,eas+re& *3ant one4*
*No& Than% 'o+&* !ed )een dri-ing so long he was al,ost dead on his feet& #a%e hadnt in-ited hi, to sit< a )o+r)on wo+ld %no$% hi, flat&
#a%e $h+gged )a$% a health' swallow& Did he drin%
too ,+$h4 Ted had no idea&
*3hat will it ta%e to get 'o+ to lea-e4* #a%e as%ed& Sa)rina gasped&
Ted %ept his -oi$e e-en& *8o+r fian$ee thin%s we sho+ld tal%&*
Sa)rina ,ade an inarti$+late half g+rgle( half whi,per& #a%es fingers tightened aro+nd the glass& *Dont drag Sa)rina into this&*
She gripped the )a$% of the $o+$h( )ehind where S+san sat& *Ted( I told 'o+ not to $o,e&*
#a%es head whirled aro+nd& *8o+-e spo%en to hi,4* he a$$+sed her&
She re$oiled& *Those phone $alls I tho+ght were Ta,,'& T+rned o+t it was 'o+r dad& !e wanted to tal%& I tho+ght it was so,ething 'o+ needed
to do( )+t not now&* Ted $o+ld see that her ex$+se wasnt re,otel' a$$epta)le to his son( who set i,possi)le standards& Ma')e this ,ission
wo+ldnt )e so diffi$+lt( after all&
*3h' didnt 'o+ tell ,e4* #a%e too% a sl+g of)o+r)on( e,pt'ing the glass& *3hat ga,e are 'o+ pla'ing now( Sa)rina4*
S+sans e'es widened atthe -eno, in #a%es tone( )+t Ted wel$o,ed it&
Sa)rina r+))ed her ar,s despite the heat fro, the ,assi-e firepla$e& *I %new 'o+ were still ,ad at Ted& I didnt want 'o+ to do an'thing that
,ight ,a%e things worse )etween 'o+&*
Ted sensed the ti,e was right& *#a%e( 'o+ as%ed what it wo+ld ta%e to get ,e to lea-e4 Brea% off 'o+r engage,ent&*
*3hat4* #a%e loo%ed wild"e'ed( whi$h en$o+raged Ted to )elie-e he wasnt +sed to %no$%ing )a$% the )o+r)on so fast&
*#a%e( I $a,e to warn 'o+ that if 'o+ ,arr' that
girl"* he spo%e as if Sa)rina wasnt in the roo, *"'o+ll )e ,isera)le fro, the first da' to the last&*
Sa)rina paled( )+t didnt sa' an'thing& S+san ,ade +p for it with a shrie% of o+trage&
*/et o+t(* #a%e said&
Ted wasnt read' to go( )+t if he stood here ,+$h longer &&& !e $rossed to the firepla$e( p+t a hand on the ,antelpie$e& The heat of the fire ,ade
hi, sneeze( )+t he felt )etter now that he was propped +p& A,ong the photos lining the ,antel he gli,psed a wedding shot in a )rass fra,e(
hi, and 1eah&
#a%e set his glass on the side)oard& *M' relationship is none of 'o+r )+siness&*
*That girl is a $linging -ine(* he said& *8o+ need a wo,an wholl )e a help,eet for 'o+&* An old"fashioned word( a )i)li$al word( )+t one hed
tho+ght a lot a)o+t in re$ent 'ears& *2ind so,eone 'o+ $an tr+st thro+gh good ti,es and )ad&*
*1i%e I tr+sted 'o+4* #a%e sneered&
*Dont let o+r fa,il' train wre$% derail 'o+r f+t+re(* Ted said& *Sa)rina %ept ,' phone $all a se$ret fro, 'o+& Ill )et its not the first ti,e shes
gone )ehind 'o+r )a$%&*
A ,+s$le twit$hed in #a%es $hee%& !ed hit a sore spot& B+t his son said( *I dont need 'o+r ad-i$e&*
Ted t+rned to Sa)rina( who had s+n% onto the $o+$h&
*Can 'o+ honestl' sa' 'o+-e done an'thing with p+rel' ,' sons interests at heart4 3hen 'o+r own $on$erns ha-ent $o,e first4*
!er )l+e e'es were wide with h+rt( her fingers
pressed to her lips& *I wanted 'o+ to tal% to #a%e(* she $ho%ed o+t& *#+st not 'et&*
*If 'o+ lo-e #a%e( 'o+ll lea-e town right now&*
S+sans -oi$e rang $old and $lear& *1ea-e( Ted& Theres nothing for 'o+ here&*
If hostile -i)es $o+ld %ill( hed )e gone fro, this world& B+t Ted had fa$ed far larger( far ,ore antagonisti$ $rowds& *I-e dri-en ten ho+rs
straight fro, 2lorida(* he said& *I, not going an'where&*
*8o+ $ant sta' here&* #a%e pi$%ed +p his e,pt' glass( then p+t it down again& *Dad( I dont want to tal% to 'o+& Not )efore the ele$tion( not
after& And &&& * !e hesitated& *8o+ $ant tal% ,e o+t of ,arr'ing Sa)rina&*
Ted shoo% his head( silentl' appealing to his son with all the e,otion he wo+ldnt express alo+d in front of S+san and Sa)rina& *I dont intend
showing ,' fa$e in p+)li$& I, not here to disr+pt 'o+r $a,paign& !ea-en %nows( its $haoti$ eno+gh alread'&*
S+san +ttered an indignant protest& *8o+-e lost 'o+r to+$h(* he told her&
*Dont 'o+ dare .+dge the wa' I, handling the lega$' of 'o+r de$eit(* she retorted&
*#+st& && go(* #a%e said&
Ted wondered if he $o+ld ,a%e it as far as the $o+$h witho+t his legs )+$%ling& In a single( gra$ef+l ,o-e,ent S+san was on her feet& *Ill ta%e
'o+ ho,e with ,e&*
*S+san( no(* #a%e said&
*8o+re right( he $ant sta' here(* she $o+ntered& *I wont ris% hi, $he$%ing into a ,otel and )eing re$ognized&* She pi$%ed +p her p+rse( the
%ind of h+ge( )la$%
)ag that had ser-ed her well d+ring Teds $a,paign& !ed )een a,azed at the st+ff she %ept in there& *8o+ get one night in ,' g+est roo,(* she
told Ted& *Then to,orrow( 'o+ go&*
SABRINA STA8ED SEATED on the $o+$h thro+gh S+san and Teds depart+re&
Ted 3arrington ,ight )e $orr+pt and a $heat( )+t hed dealt her an i,,o)ilizing )low& The tr+th&
!ed a$$+sed her of ne-er doing an'thing p+rel' with #a%es interests at heart& 2or a fra$tion of a se$ond shed )een fired +p to defend herself(
the wa' #a%e said she sho+ld& Then shed realized& It was tr+e&
3hen shed )een in lo-e with #a%e( her preo$$+pation had )een with how to hold on to hi,( to ,a%e hi, lo-e her& Not with a$t+all' lo-ing
hi,& It was the sa,e now& Tho+gh shed told hi, their engage,ent wo+ld )enefit hi, as ,+$h as her( that wasnt wh' shed gone into it&
The engagement is di((erent. Theres nothing between me and lake now$ theres no reason why I sho!ld think o( him.
B+t fi-e 'ears ago &&& Shed )ro%en the de-astating news to hi, that his father had ta%en a )ri)e( and her worr' had all )een for herself& 3hether
their disintegrating relationship $o+ld s+r-i-e the $risis( not whether #a%es fa,il' $o+ld& And when shed told the ,edia &&& the desire to do the
right thing had )een part of her ,oti-ation& B+t( sha,ef+ll'( not the ,ain part&
*Dad $ant sta' in Atlanta( not e-en for a night(* #a%e said a)r+ptl'& *So,eone will see hi, in da'light&*
Still dazed( she glan$ed +p and realized hed gra))ed his %e's fro, the hall $onsole&
*3hat are 'o+ doing4* Sa)rina le-ered herself off the $o+$h&
*I, going after hi,& Ill r+n hi, o+t of town ,'self&* She p+shed aside the +nwel$o,e ,e,ories that Ted had d+g +p& *8o+re dr+n%( 'o+ $ant
go an'where&*
*I had two )o+r)ons&* !e opened the front door and hit the )+tton on his re,ote $ontrol to +nlo$% the Alfa& In the dri-ewa'( its lights flashed&
*Two enormo!s )o+r)ons& 6ro)a)l' the e5+i-alent of six drin%s in half an ho+r&*
#a%e gra))ed the handrail to des$end the steps sli$% fro, the rain& Sa)rina followed( her shoes tip"tapping down the wal%&
*/o )a$% inside(* he said& *8o+re getting wet&*
*If 'o+re going to r+n 'o+r dad o+t of town( Ill ha-e to dri-e&* !a( there was one thing she $o+ld do p+rel' for his )enefit&
*I, fine(* #a%e snapped&
*Candidate Ca+ght in Drin%"Dri-e S$andal(* she said( anno+n$ing the next da's headline&
!e snarled( )+t he handed her his %e's and sl+,ped into the passenger seat& *!a-e 'o+ dri-en a sti$% shift )efore4*
*Of $o+rse&* She p+t the sti$% into first gear( gra+n$hed it& *So,e ti,e ago(* she ad,itted&
The' ,ade it witho+t ,ishap to the road& #a%e told her to head for S+sans pla$e& After the'd )een dri-ing
a ,in+te( Sa)rina said( *I, sorr' I didnt tell 'o+ a)o+t 'o+r dads $all&*
The apolog' had the effe$t of )rea%ing a da,< his f+r' po+red o+t( a ri-er flowing not .+st with tonights anger( )+t swelled )' fi-e 'ears
)itterness& Be$a+se Sa)rina %new she deser-ed it( tho+gh not for the reason he tho+ght( she let hi, $arr'on&
*8o+ ne)er thin%(* he roared& *8o+ dont thin% a)o+t an'thing other than 'o+r ,a%e+p and 'o+r )ea+t' sleep and 'o+r st+pid ideals& 8o+ thin%
e-er'one sho+ld )e ni$e and li-e together in pea$e and har,on'"*
*The' sho+ld(* she $o+ldnt resist sa'ing&
*1ife isnt a )ea+t' pageant(* #a%e ranted& *Real life is dirt' and painf+l and +n$o,forta)le&* 2+eled )' the )o+r)on roiling in his sto,a$h( he
)el$hed to ,a%e his point&
*Dont )e $rass&*
*Da,,it( Sa)rina& /row +p>*
#a%e waited for her to fight )a$%& She said nothing&
3hat was wrong with her tonight4 The past few da's hed gotten +sed to her gi-ing as good as she got( ,a%ing hi, realize that with hi,( she
was $o,pletel' different fro, the wa' she was with her fa,il'&
*Id end this engage,ent in a heart)eat and see 'o+ thrown o+t of 'o+r .o)(* he said to goad her&
*B+t if it $o,es to a toss"+p o-er whos less wel$o,e in ,' life"'o+ or ,' father"Dad wins(* he said )itterl'& No repl'& *Tho+gh its a da,n
$lose $ontest(* he
th+ndered( aware he so+nded as $hildish as hed a$$+sed her of )eing&
She %ept her e'es on the road( ref+sed to e-en glan$e at hi,& Na+sea washed o-er hi,< #a%e settled )a$% in his seat( $losed his e'es& Ma')e he
had dr+n% too ,+$h& !ed so)er +p( ,a%e s+re he was as $oldl' $oherent as he needed to )e( then tear another strip off her&
Thro+gh his )o+r)on haze( he realized so,ething was wrong with the $ar& !e opened his e'es& *Thats all I need(* he ,+ttered&
*3hats that4* Sa)rina didnt loo% awa' fro, the road& She sat forward( gripping the steering wheel&
*The engines lost power&*
She glan$ed at the dash& *3ere doing twent'"fi-e( it feels a)o+t right&*
#a%e straightened& *3ere doing twent'"fi-e ,iles an ho+r4*
Another glan$e at the dash& *Uh"h+h&*
!e loo%ed o+t his side window( sear$hing the dar%ness for road repairs or so,e $atastrophe that wo+ld ha-e lowered the speed li,it& *This is a
thirt'",ile area&*
She frowned( leaned $loser to the steering wheel& *I
ne-er dri-e that fast on these roads&*
0These roads4*
*Roads with a thirt'",ile li,it&*
*3hat4* The al$ohol de$ided to add a heada$he to his list of in.+ries&
*Dont distra$t ,e(* she said +rgentl'& She loo%ed a)o+t ninet' 'ears old now( h+n$hed o-er the wheel( peering into the night&
*3ere s+pposed to )e 'hasing ,' father(* he said&
*8o+ $ant r+n so,eone o+t of town at twent'"fi-e ,iles per ho+r&* !e r+))ed his thro))ing te,ples& *Sa)rina( p+ll o-er&*
She swer-ed into the $+r)( )ra%ing far ,ore sharpl' than she needed to at this speed& *Do 'o+ need to throw +p4*
!e did( )+t that was )eside the point& *Answer ,e&
3h' are 'o+ dri-ing li%e a geriatri$ snail4*
*This is how I alwa's dri-e&* She p+t her hand on the gear sti$%( read' to shift& *If this is a $ar $hase( wed )etter go&*
She was getting n+ttier )' the ,in+te& !e p+t his hand o-er hers& 6+rel' to stop her& Answer the 5+estion&*
She glan$ed down at his hand( then at the road ahead&
*I, a nat+rall' $a+tio+s dri-er&*
*Theres $a+tio+s( and theres weird&* !is heada$he pi$%ed +p( and he started ranting again& *Cant 'o+ do an'thing li%e a nor,al person4 No(
that wo+ld )e too hard& !ea-en for)id Sa)rina Merritt sho+ld do so,ething witho+t attra$ting attention to herself&*
!e went on in that -ein for a ,in+te( )+t he wasnt reall' en.o'ing it&
*#a%e(* she 'elled so s+ddenl' that he sh+t +p& !ad he e-er heard Sa)rina 'ell )efore4
*I"$ant"ris%"ha-ing"another"a$$ident(* she said in a r+sh&
#a%es fogged )rain separated the words( grappled with the ,eaning& *8o+re not sa'ing"* ,a')e he was
dr+n%er than he tho+ght *"'o+re afraid that if 'o+ dri-e at thirt' ,iles per ho+r 'o+ll $rash the $ar( are 'o+4*
*Not spe$ifi$all'(* she hedged&
In his $+rrent state( it was eno+gh to $onf+se hi,&
*8o+ ris% $rashing e-er' ti,e 'o+ get in a $ar( no ,atter how fast 'o+re going&*
She sh+ddered&
*E-er'one does&* !e r+))ed his forehead& *1et ,e get this straight& Be$a+se 'o+ got h+rt in an a$$ident ten 'ears ago( 'o+ dri-e e-er'where at
twent'"fi-e ,iles an ho+r4*
*2or so,eone $onsidered so s,art( 'o+re re,ar%a)l' slow to a)sor) this(* she said&
!e $o+ldnt re,e,)er if shed dri-en hi, an'where when the' were dating"she $o+ldnt ha-e& E-en when he was $raz' a)o+t her hed ha-e
noti$ed s+$h odd )eha-ior&
*If 'o+ ,+st %now( I +s+all' dri-e nearer twent' ,iles an ho+r(* she said& *Tonight( I, aware 'o+re in a h+rr'&* Again( she tried to shift into
first gear( )+t he tightened his grip on her hand( re,e,)ering how fast hed dri-en with her to their -ario+s appoint,ents the past few da's&
Us+all' tr'ing to ,a%e +p ti,e lost while she finished her )ea+t' sleep and her ,a%e+p&
*Are 'o+ terrified when I dri-e 'o+4* he said ro+ghl'& She shoo% her head and his $hest eased& *I, ne-er $ons$io+s of the ris% when so,eone
else is )ehind the wheel&*
That didnt ,a%e sense& *8o+ werent dri-ing when 'o+r ,o, died( were 'o+4*
She shoo% her head again& *Its not a)o+t Mo,( this is all a)o+t ,e&* She ga-e hi, the ghost of a s,ile& *3hi$h wo+ldnt s+rprise 'o+ or 'o+r
*1ea-e hi, o+t of it(* #a%e growled&
She )it her lip( tho+gh not hard eno+gh to ,ess her lipsti$%& *I %now ,' attit+de isnt logi$al"the $rash wasnt Mo,s fa+lt( the other dri-er was
$hanging stations on his radio and didnt see +s& B+t it too% ,e so long to re$o-er fro, the a$$ident( whene-er I get )ehind the wheel I .+st
freeze +p&* She .iggled the gearsti$%& *I $o+ldnt go thro+gh that again&*
!er fingers felt $hilled< #a%e prized her hand loose and $hafed it )etween his& !is head started to $lear& *The odds of an a$$ident li%e that
happening twi$e &&& * She t+rned the wipers to f+ll speed to $lear the rain off the windshield& *I %now( I, an idiot&*
*Didnt I tell 'o+ that 'o+ ha-e to ta%e 'o+rself serio+sl'4*
*3as that )efore or after 'o+ told that reporter 'o+
lo-e ,e for ,' loo%s4*
!e swore& *I, sorr'( all right4* *7er' gra$io+s&*
*8o+ ,ore than got 'o+r re-enge with that st+nt a)o+t 'o+r s$hool&* !e released her hand& *Is there an' $han$e we $an $ontin+e this .o+rne' at
a faster pa$e4*
*I dont thin% so&* She p+lled o+t fro, the $+r) and res+,ed $rawling& *B+t( +rn( if it ,a%es 'o+ feel )etter( were not a$t+all' $hasing 'o+r
*3hat do 'o+ ,ean4*
*I dont want 'o+ sa'ing so,ething"so,ething
irre-o$a)le while 'o+re dr+n%& I ha-e no intention of ta%ing 'o+ to hi,&*
*Da,,it( Sa)rina &&& *
*Sorr'(* she said( +nrepentant& *3here are we going4*
*I fig+red wed dri-e aro+nd in $ir$les +ntil 'o+ fall asleep&*
Instead of )eing o+traged( #a%e fo+nd hi,self s+ppressing la+ghter& Sa)rina didnt ta%e her e'es fro, the road( )+t she s,iled&
*I, dr+n%er than I tho+ght(* #a%e gr+,)led& !e sho+ld )e ,ad at her"he was ,ad at her"and 'et& && and 'et( it wasnt that si,ple& Nothing a)o+t
Sa)rina( or this ,ess shed dragged hi, into( was si,ple&
She negotiated a traffi$ island with the le-el of $are #a%e wo+ld ha-e applied to def+sing a )o,)& *Its a sha,e we $ant tell Ted o+r
engage,ent is fa%e(* she said( *and set his ,ind at rest& If hed realized what 'o+ reall' ,eant when 'o+ said there was no wa' he $o+ld stop
'o+ ,arr'ing ,e &&& *
*3h' sho+ld his ,ind get an' rest4* #a%e 'awned( exha+sted fro, toda's e,otional extre,es& !e wo+ld deal with all this to,orrow& !e had
no idea how( )+t he wo+ld&
*I2 8OU CARE ABOUT #ABE(* S+san said( *lea-e town now& Tonight& 6lease( Ted&*
Despite what shed said a)o+t ta%ing hi, ho,e( she didnt want hi, here& !ed onl' had to step o-er her doorstep for her to feel as if she was
$ho%ing on the old )etra'al&
Ignoring her( he loo%ed into her li-ing roo, fro, the entr'wa'& The f+rnit+re hadnt $hanged sin$e he left( )+t the -el-et $+rtains were new(
and so was the painting a)o-e the firepla$e&
She too% the opport+nit' to o)ser-e hi,& !e was thinner than he +sed to )e& !ed ne-er )een a )+l%' ,an( )+t now he )ordered on lean& !is
feat+res"the intense )l+e e'es and strong $hin she re,e,)eredsee,ed less defined& Ma')e that happened when a ,an lost his $hara$ter&
*8o+r arri-al is a disaster for #a%es $a,paign& Until re$entl'( hes )een r+nning last )e$a+se people dont tr+st hi, to )e ,ore honest than 'o+&
Now( .+st as he starts to pi$% +p &&& *
Ted didnt flin$h"the ,an had no sha,e& *Ma')e
hes r+nning last )e$a+se 'o+r $a,paign strateg' is flawed&*
Stiffl'( she t+rned awa' fro, hi, and stowed her +,)rella in the terra$otta +rn )ehind the front door&
*8o+ +sed to )e the )est $a,paigner in the )+siness( S+san& B+t fro, what I $an see( 'o+-e o-erloo%ed so,e f+nda,entals&*
She was sorel' te,pted to as% hi, what the' were&
She %new she was o+t of date on so,e of the latest text,essage and Internet")ased tools& !er shoes were da,p( )+t she didnt want to re,o-e
the, with Ted here& She flexed her toes and de$ided she $o+ld s+r-i-e the dis$o,fort& *8o+ )lew an' prospe$t for getting in-ol-ed in #a%es
$a,paign long ago& !e doesnt want 'o+ here&*
*I $ant lea-e(* Ted said( slipping o+t of his own shoes with no 5+al,s( *as long as #a%e plans on ,arr'ing that girl&*
*Sa)rina is wonderf+l( shes perfe$t for #a%e&* She t+rned on her sogg' heel& *Ill ,a%e s+re the g+est roo, is read'& One night( Ted( thats all&*
3hen she ret+rned fro, +pstairs( she fo+nd hi, in !enr's den( sitting on the )+tton"st+dded leather $o+$h& !e didnt loo% as exha+sted as he
*3ill 'o+ sit down with ,e( S+san4* he said& *Can
we tal%4*
*Its late&*
*8o+ ne-er go to )ed )efore ele-en&*
!enr' +sed to $o,plain a)o+t her night"owl ha)its&
!er h+s)and had gone to )ed religio+sl' at ten e-er' night& At first( S+san had .oined hi,"the prospe$t of
lo-e,a%ing ,ade an earl' night attra$ti-e& As the'd aged( the' hadnt ,ade lo-e with 5+ite the sa,e fre5+en$'( and shed ta%en to $o,ing to
)ed later se-eral ti,es a wee%& So,eti,es ,+$h later( tho+gh !enr'( the so+ndest of sleepers( hadnt %nown that&
Sin$e !enr's death three 'ears ago( she hadnt shared her )ed with an'one and there was no reason to retire an' ti,e other than when she
wanted& She seldo, went to )ed )efore ,idnight these da's&
*I s+ppose we $o+ld ha-e a night$ap(* she said&
*A )rand'&* !is -oi$e lifted in a$%nowledg,ent of e-enings the'd shared in the past& 1ate"night $a,paigntrail drin%s&
*Ill ha-e to send Mitz' o+t to do her a)l+tions first&*
Ignoring Teds s,ile at her deli$a$' of phrase( S+san went to the %it$hen and shooed the desperate dog o+tside& 3hen she ret+rned to the den(
to Ted( she po+red two t+,)lers and handed one to hi,& She too% the ar,$hair that had )een !enr's( inhaling the s,ell of old leather& *3h'
didnt 'o+ let +s %now 'o+ were in 2lorida( Ted4 None of +s had an' idea&*
*I wo+ld ha-e told #a%e if hed replied to an' of ,' e",ails&Asit is( I-e )een li-ing a )lessedl' anon',o+s life as Edward #ohnson&*
!is ,others ,aiden na,e&
*3hat ha-e 'o+ )een doing all this ti,e4*
!e s,iled faintl' at her s+spi$io+s tone& *I )reed or$hids&*
She adored or$hids( she had a greenho+se f+ll of the,& No ,atter that Ted had alwa's grown the,( too(
she felt o+traged( as if )' )reeding her fa-orite flower he was $onta,inating it& *3hat"what %ind of or$hids4*
*Mostl' war,"$lass -arieties(* he said& *6aphiopedil+, and 7andas( in parti$+lar& The .o' of )eing in 2lorida is the o+tdoor growing( of
She felt a pang of en-'& !is s,ile war,ed( s',patheti$ rather than gloating&
*The real $hallenge(* he said( *has )een to prod+$e ,' own h')rid& This 'ear( it flowered for the first ti,e& I hope to ha-e it propagated for sale
in the next ten 'ears&*
*8o+r own h')rid&* No hiding her en-' now& *3o+ld I %now it4* She ,ade s+re to %eep +p with the new h')rids entered in the A,eri$an
Or$hid So$iet' awards( so ifhed &&& Then she realized( and s+$%ed in a )reath&
0#ohnsonara50 she said( at the sa,e ti,e Ted did& !e )ea,ed&
Under the ,ode, na,ing $on-ention( new h')rids deri-ed fro, ,ore than three or$hid genera were gi-en the last na,e of the person who
registered the,( pl+s the 1atin ending ara. It ,ade for $l+n%'"so+nding na,es for so,e -er' )ea+tif+l flowers&
S+san wondered that Ted hadnt +sed the 3arrington na,e& ,arringtonara ,ight ha-e )een so,e s,all restit+tion for the da,age hed done(
gi-en that #ohnsonara had won a national award a $o+ple of ,onths ago& *Its a st+nning )loo,(* she ad,itted&
!e nodded& *Ma+-e( with deep p+rple -eins and 5+ite a distin$ti-e"*
*6ea$h spe$%le(* she said& Shed -isited the exhi)ition of award winners in 3ashington( D&C& *Bea+tif+ll' +nifor,( those r+ffled ,argins on the
dorsal sepal and petals&*
*Than% 'o+&*
Still( she str+ggled to a$$ept that Ted 3arrington $o+ld )e the $reator of one of the ,ost )ea+tif+l flowers shed seen& !ed alwa's )een
passionate a)o+t his garden( the two of the, had en.o'ed an o+tright ri-alr' that had ,ade the, good friends( as well as )rother" and sister"in"
law and politi$al $olleag+es&
*!ow did 'o+ do it so fast4* she de,anded& */et a new h')rid to flower within fi-e 'ears4* It was al,ost +nheard of for a ho))' grower&&& Ted
,+st ha-e $heated( stolen a $+tting&
*All the reading Id done o-er the 'ears told ,e it had to )e a f+ll"ti,e effort( in fa$t( se-eral si,+ltaneo+s efforts(* he said& *I ne-er had the
ti,e to tr'& B+t after I left /eorgia &&& *
!ed had all the ti,e in the world& No wife( no son to o$$+p' hi,&
Ted spread his fingers on the ar, of the $o+$h& *8o+ and ,' son are $lose"i"I saw the affe$tion in his e'es&* Now it was his t+, to )e en-io+s&
*I-e alwa's lo-ed #a%e(* she said& *B+t sin$e 'o+ left and 1eah died( 'es( we-e )e$o,e $loser&* She $o+ldnt resist adding( *This ho+se is the
nearest he has to a ho,e&*
!e didnt rise to it& *Then 'o+ $an $on-in$e hi, to tal% to ,e& Ill find a ,otel( lie low +ntil hes read'&*
*Its too dangero+s& If an'one dis$o-ered 'o+ were here"*
*So,e things are ,ore i,portant than politi$s&* A heres' fro, a 3arrington( )+t Ted didnt see, to noti$e& *I $ant stand )' and see hi, with Sa)rina&
Not onl' are she and #a%e opposites( she )etra'ed hi,&*
S+sans )rand' glass $lattered as she set it on the $offee ta)le in front of her& *8o+ did the )etra'ing( Ted& If it hadnt )een for !enr's integrit'( the
whole fa,il' ,ight ha-e )een dragged down&*
She re,e,)ered the da' !enr' had $onfronted Ted a)o+t the )ri)e( after the'd )een for$ed to read it in the newspapers first& 3ith a start( she realized
it had )een in this -er' roo,( and she wondered at his gall( that he $o+ld sit here sipping )rand' with s+$h ease&
*I $ant $hange the past&* Ted stared into his )rand'&
*B+t I want to $hange the f+t+re& I want #a%e to %now I lo-e hi,&*
She )lin%ed at the raw senti,ent of his de$laration&
!enr' had lo-ed her and the )o's( no do+)t a)o+t that( )+t he wasnt so,eone whod pro$lai, that lo-e& Ted hadnt )een( either&
*3h' dont 'o+ pro-e 'o+ lo-e hi,( and lea-e town4* *Is #a%e happ'4* Ted as%ed&
*Of $o+rse&*
!e wa-ed a hand& *Is ,' son( deep down in his heart( happ'4*
S+san wanted to sa' that sin$e his engage,ent( #a%e was transfor,ed( a new ,an& B+t tr+th was( #a%e hadnt )een happ' sin$e the s$andal( and who
$o+ld )la,e
hi,4 !is ,other wal%ing o+t( ta%ing +p with another ,an as fast as she $o+ld"not that 1eah had e-er )een the %ind of wo,an to p+t her son
first& !is father disappearing in disgra$e&
*I s+spe$t hes not entirel' happ'(* she said& *B+t hes +nder a lot of press+re&*
*I dont )elie-e #a%e 'an )e happ'(* Ted said( *+ntil we fix things )etween +s&* !e stret$hed his ar,s( r+))ing first one )i$eps( then the other&
!e loo%ed fitter than he +sed to( )+t his ,+s$les were $ra,ped( S+san g+essed( fro, long ho+rs at the wheel& *Its not right( S+san( for a son to
despise his father& 2or his own pea$e of ,ind( #a%e needs to forgi-e ,e( to find so,ething in ,e he $an respe$t& And lo-e&*
To her s+rprise( S+san felt a l+,p in her throat& She wo+ldnt sa' she and !enr' had had the worlds happiest ,arriage( )+t the'd )een $ontent(
and she )elie-ed that )oth Max and T'ler were s+$h wonderf+l )o's )e$a+se of the deep respe$t the' had for their father&
*I wont lea-e town +ntil I-e tal%ed to ,' son(* Ted said& The leather $rea%ed as he shifted( leaning toward her& *8o+re his $a,paign ,anager(
,a%e it happen&*
In the past( hed )een a reasona)le ,an& Now( S+san saw his desperation& A desperate ,an ,ight ta%e desperate ,eas+res( p+tting e-er'thing at
ris%& Better to help hi, than let hi, wipe o+t their hardwon progress&
*8o+ $ant go to a ,otel& 8o+ll sta' here( and 'o+ wont lea-e the ho+se(* she said( planning as she tal%ed& *8o+ wont ,end an' fen$es with
#a%e )' tr'ing to
)rea% +p his engage,ent( and the're not planning a wedding +ntil after the ele$tion& I s+ggest 'o+ fo$+s on 'o+r relationship with hi,( ai, to
)+ild a )ridge&*
*And ,a')e(* he said( *with 'o+&*
*Dont thin% I)e forgi-en 'o+ for 'o+r disgra$ef+l $ond+$t(* she said& *Be$a+se I ha-ent and I dont i,agine I e-er will&*
*I, not forgi-en(* he said serio+sl'& *I +nderstand&* She s+spe$ted sar$as,( )+t his )l+e e'es were honest& !a( not li%el'> she re,inded
herself& !is -oi$e wasnt as deep as !enr's( )+t its resonan$e ga-e S+san an +nexpe$ted gli,pse of wh' 1eah had said( in a rare $onfiding
,o,ent( that Ted had first tal%ed her into )ed )' reading Cat'her in the Rye to her& S+san fo+nd herself wondering how ,an' $hapters Ted had
had to read )efore 1eah s+$$+,)ed&
She stood& *Ill show 'o+ to 'o+r roo,&* She gathered their )rand' glasses and ret+rned the, to the %it$hen& She let Mitz' )a$% in and settled
the dog in the +tilit' roo, for the night&
Ted pi$%ed +p the )ag hed )ro+ght in fro, the $ar&
As the' wal%ed +pstairs( S+san was $ons$io+s of his hea-' tread )ehind her& !ow sill' to feel( as she +sed to after an e-ening with !enr'(
s%ittish& As if the ,an wal%ing +pstairs )ehind her had &&& designs on her&
On the first"floor landing( she indi$ated the g+est
)edroo, on the left&
*/ood night( S+san(* Ted said&
2or a ,o,ent she tho+ght he ,ight %iss her $hee%& Instead( Ted to+$hed the )a$% of her hand& Thats all&
So,ething strea%ed thro+gh S+san& !eat4 Cold4
*/ood night(* she said frostil'( and t+rned awa'& She heard his door $lose )ehind her&
S+san prepared for )ed( then slipped )etween the sheets& She wasnt tired after the e-enings s+rprises( so she pi$%ed +p her )oo% fro, the
nightstand& If onl' Ted hadnt $o,e )a$%( +psetting e-er'one and e-er'thing( she tho+ght as she fo+nd the right page& If onl' he had ne-er
ta%en that )ri)e &&& If onl' she hadnt felt $o,pelled to help hi, now& If onl' she felt ,ore $onfident that she was doing a good .o) for #a%e&
She )lo$%ed o+t the tho+ghts( fo$+sed on the thriller she was reading& B+t she str+ggled to i,,erse herself the wa' she +s+all' did in a no-el&
3hen she snapped off her la,p after ,idnight( she realized the o-erhead light was still on& 3ith a sigh( she got +p to t+, it off&
S+san stood for a ,o,ent in the dar%ness( listening to the silen$e of the ho+se"the $rea% of old ti,)er( the )r+sh of a )ran$h against her
window& She $o+ldnt resist the te,ptation to open her door and $he$% down the hall&
A ri))on of light still shone )eneath Teds door&
#ABE T!UM6ED ON SABRINAS door at se-en in the ,orning& *3ere d+e downtown first thing for the To,orrows Ed+$ators $onferen$e&*
Sa)rina p+lled her pillow o-er her head& Shed )arel' slept for worr'ing a)o+t #a%e and Ted&
Ten ,in+tes later( he %no$%ed again& *Sa)rina( get +p( or I, $o,ing in&*
Darned earl' )ird and his st+pid wor,& Sho+ldnt he ha-e a hango-er4 *: , +p(* she ,+,)led .+st lo+d eno+gh for hi, to hear& She e'ed the
door to the en s+ite )athroo, and willed herself to get there&
At eight ; $lo$%( she e,erged fro, her )edroo, to find #a%e o+tside her door( ar, raised( read' to po+nd on it again&
*Ta%e it eas'&* She s$anned his fa$e& I,possi)le to read his ,ood& She wished she hadnt said those things a)o+t the a$$ident the night )efore(
a)o+t dri-ing& The' ,ade her so+nd patheti$&
#a%e p+shed )a$% the $+ff of his .a$%et and tapped his wat$h& *S+pporting ,' $a,paign ,eans not ,a%ing ,e late for p+)li$ appearan$es&*
Ah( so the' were )eing )+sinessli%e a)o+t it& 2ine with her&
*8o+ dont ha-e ti,e for )rea%fast sin$e 'o+ too% so long getting dressed(* he warned her&
Shed ne-er )een late in her life& At least( not in her re$ent life& Sa)rina $on$eded #a%e ,ight ha-e ,e,ories of her 'o+nger self stalling for
ti,e when the' were dating& Shed alwa's felt o+t of her depth at the politi$al e-ents the' attended&
Now( she $o+ld handle an' o$$asion and she had getting read' down to a fine( if slow( art& She stal%ed past hi, on her three"in$h heels that
eli,inated the height differen$e )etween the,( letting her hips swing eno+gh in her pale gra'( fitted s%irt that she %new hed ha-e to wat$h&
O-er her sho+lder( she said( *Do 'o+ %now what happens when I show +p so,ewhere loo%ing less than perfe$t4*
!e followed her down the stairs& *The e$ono,' goes into free fall 4*
She headed for the %it$hen and the $offeepot& #a%e passed her a ,+g&
*6eople"pro)a)l' the sa,e ones 'o+ hope will -ote for 'o+"tell ,e I, letting the state down( that I didnt deser-e to win Miss /eorgia( that the
newspapers ,+st air)r+sh those photos of ,e )e$a+se I dont loo% an'where near as good in real life&*
#a%e pa+sed as he slid the s+gar a$ross the $o+nter&
*Thats horri)le&*
!e so+nded gen+inel' sho$%ed< she raised her $offee ,+g to hi,& B+t his s',path' was short"li-ed& *3e still need to )e at the T7 st+dio )' eight
*I, read' to go( as soon as I finish ,' $offee&* *8o+ ha-ent had )rea%fast& If 'o+ start s%ipping ,eals( next thing 'o+ %now( 'o+ll )e anorexi$&*
*8o+ .+st told ,e I dont ha-e ti,e for )rea%fast&* !e gra))ed a spoon fro, the $+tler' drawer and st+$% it in her hand& *8o+ ha-e to eat&*
*I, happ' to dri-e thro+gh Brisp' Bre,e&* She sho-ed the spoon )a$% at hi,&
*8o+ want a do+ghn+t for )rea%fast4* !e loo%ed e-en ,ore disappro-ing& She wondered what it wo+ld ta%e to get his appro-al& The s$enario was so
far"fet$hed( she ga-e +p& 8et e-en after his -er)al atta$% on her in the $ar last night( she didnt feel dis$o+raged the wa' she often did with her fa,il'& It
pro)a)l' ,eant she had
serio+s personalit' iss+es( )+t she felt stronger for #a%es ref+sal to pander to her& An ho+r with hi,( and she $o+ld ta%e on the world&
0Two do+ghn+ts(* she said& 3hi$h was a lie& B+t it was worth it to see his e'e)rows draw together& *Caref+l( #a%e( or I ,ight thin% 'o+re loo%ing after
!e d+,ped the spoon and snat$hed his %e's off the hoo% next to the door to the garage& *1ets get o+t of here&*
*Uh"+h& If I dont finish ,' $offee( I wont )e a)le to string two senten$es together& Unless 'o+ ha-e a tra-el ,+g I $an +se4*
!is gaze darted to the $lo$% on the o-en< he $la,ped his lips tight while she $ontin+ed to sip her $offee& As the'd agreed last night( #a%e was a ,+$h
faster dri-er than she was& 2or hi,( it wo+ld onl' )e a fifteen",in+te dri-e to the $onferen$e hotel& !is $on$ern was needless&
TOMORRO3S EDUCATORS was the ann+al $onferen$e of /eorgias ed+$ation depart,ent& A ,ix of o+tside and staff spea%ers were lined +p to
gi-e tal%s that wo+ld inspire the depart,ent to new heights& #a%e had )een gi-en the general topi$ of 6ressing Iss+es for his tal%& 3ith onl' twent'
,in+tes allo$ated( he planned a )road o-er-iew that wo+ld raise awareness& There was no ti,e to go in depth&
!e stood with Sa)rina in the wings at the side of the stage as the $onferen$e e,$ee ran thro+gh details of fire exits( )athroo, lo$ations and so on&
Sa)rina had as%ed last wee% if she $o+ld $o,e along& She hoped to tal% to people a)o+t her s$hool d+ring the $offee )rea%& #a%e
had agreed( )+t that was )efore shed hi.a$%ed his ed+$ation poli$' with the .o+rnalist 'esterda'&
!e was ha-ing a hard ti,e s+,,oning +p the anger hed felt less than twent'"fo+r ho+rs ago& !e was still resentf+l as he$% that she hadnt
warned hi, his father ,ight show +p& B+t Ted wo+ld )e on his wa' o+t of town )' now( with no har, done& 3hat# a%e $o+ldnt forget was
Sa)rina h+n$hed o-er the steering wheel( dri-ing hi, aro+nd in $ir$les so he $o+ldnt h+rt hi,self or his father&
!e stole a sidelong glan$e at her& She wore a deep )l+e"-iolet dress that ,ade her e'es loo% a,azing& The halter st'le show$ased the $ol+,n of
her ne$%( the s,ooth s%in of her sho+lders( the high $+r-es of her )reasts& Nothing in her appearan$e s+ggested a wo,an whose $onfiden$e fell
awa' the ,o,ent she $li,)ed )ehind a steering wheel&
Sensing his s$r+tin'( she t+rned her head& !er dress ended .+st a)o-e her %nees( gi-ing hi, the ,erest gli,pse of s,ooth( tanned thigh&
*That s%irts too long(* he ,+r,+red into her ear& She groaned& *Thats the third ti,e this wee% 'o+-e told ,e that&*
*8o+ sho+ld )e showing off 'o+r legs( showing those idiots the' %now nothing&*
*And now(* the e,$ee said( *please wel$o,e #a%e 3arrington&*
6olite appla+se rose fro, the a+dien$e as #a%e stepped +p to the le$tern& */ood ,orning( ladies and gentle,en( its an honor to )e here toda'&*
!e +nfolded his notes( s,oothed the pages& B+llet points told hi,
what he had to $o-erH spe$ial needs( litera$' s+pport( progra,s for gifted %ids& I,portant topi$s( dis$+ssed in e-er' state of the U&S&A&
B+t he was in /eorgia( and he wanted this spee$h to )e a)o+t /eorgians& To ,ean so,ething ,ore than a$ade,i$ theor' to these people&
!e held +p his notes& *I ha-e here e-er' statisti$ 'o+ $o+ld e-er want relating to the ed+$ational needs of $hildren who dont fit in the reg+lar
s$hool s'ste,&* !e $o+ld pra$ti$all' see e'es glazing o-er& #a%e grinned &&& and tore his notes in half&
The so+nd of that rending paper gal-anized the a+dien$e&
*1ets tal% a)o+t real people(* #a%e said& *I want to introd+$e 'o+ to ,' fian$ee( Sa)rina Merritt&* !e )e$%oned to her&
1+$%il' she wasnt the %ind to get stage fright& She wal%ed onto the stage with her +s+al gra$e and )ea+t'5+een wa-e& Onl' #a%e saw the 5+er'
)eneath her s,ile& !e too% her hand&
*Sa)rina wor%s for the In.+red Bids Ed+$ation Tr+st( whi$h ai,s to set +p a s$hool where st+dents $an st+d' d+ring re$o-er' fro, serio+s
in.+ries(* #a%e )egan& *Its a worth' $a+se& B+t ,ore than the fa$ts and fig+res( what reall' $on-in$ed ,e to s+pport the s$hool is ,' ,e,or'
of Sa)rinas re$o-er' fro, her own spinal in.+r'&*
Sa)rina started< he tightened his grip&
*Ten 'ears ago( Sa)rina was left +na)le to wal%( after a $ar a$$ident in whi$h her ,other died(* he said& A ,+r,+r ran thro+gh the a+dien$e&
*Before the a$$ident
Id )arel' noti$ed her"she was .+st another teenage da+ghter of a fa,il' friend& Then ,' ,o, dragged ,e to the hospital&* !ed )een twent'"
fo+r( wor%ing for his dad( and tho+gh hed felt sorr' for Sa)rina( hed had no interest in -isiting her&
*3hen we wal%ed into her roo,( she was strapped into a $ontraption that held her +pright&* #a%e $o+ld re,e,)er her pain"filled pallor( e-en
now& *She was s+pposed to spend fifteen ,in+tes a da' on the ,a$hine( )+ilding strength in her legs& She insisted on spending at least an ho+r
e-er' da'( tho+gh the pain was terri)le&*
A,ong the sea of fa$es( he saw se-eral people win$e&
Sa)rina said( *Thats eno+gh detail( #a%e&*
!e ignored her& *Mo, s+ggested she ta%e a )rea% so she $o+ld tal% to +s"* t'pi$al of his ,other( p+tting so$ial $on-entions a)o-e $o,passion
*")+t Sa)rina said she was deter,ined to get to her pro, the next se,ester&*
Sa)rina )l+shed& Co+ldnt #a%e ha-e f+dged her words to $o,e +p with a ,ore no)le p+rpose4 So,ething li%e( *Sa)rina said she had to wal%
again( to show other %ids there was alwa's hope&* The wa' he told it( she so+nded li%e a fla%e& Again&
She tried to p+ll her hand o+t of his( )+t #a%e s5+eezed her fingers& *She didnt ,a%e it to that pro,( or the next one& B+t I -isited her a few
ti,es after that( and ea$h ti,e the hope of ha-ing a reg+lar s$hool life was what %ept her going&* #a%es gaze tra-eled the roo,( ,a%ing e'e
$onta$t here and there& Sa)rina $o+ld see the a+dien$e was ri-eted&
*I %now there are so,e )ra-e %ids o+t there(* he said(
*)+t the' ,ight not all ha-e Sa)rinas $o+rage and i,agination& I )elie-e that( for those %ids( the In.+red Bids Ed+$ation Tr+st s$hool will ,a%e
that hope of a reg+lar s$hool life real( tangi)le&*
#a%e tho+ght she had $o+rage and i,agination4
*I dont want this states ed+$ation poli$' to )e a)o+t target per$entages(* #a%e said& *I want it to )e a)o+t %ids li%e the Sa)rina I %new& Bra-e
%ids who need o+r s+pport to get the ed+$ation the' deser-e& I want e-er' $hild in /eorgia to grad+ate high s$hool and to ha-e a shot at
$ollege& And if that ,eans we ha-e to go the extra ,ile( then thats what well do& 2or o+r %ids&*
B' the ti,e he finished( there was s$ar$el' a dr' e'e in the ho+se( ,ale or fe,ale& As the' left the stage( appla+se )ro%e o+t( enth+siasti$ fro,
the )eginning( )+t )+ilding to t+,+lt+o+s&
#ABE SU//ESTED A 3A1B in the par% a$ross the road fro, the $onferen$e hotel after his presentation& !e needed to $all S+san( to $he$%
that his father had left town safel'& !e $o+ldnt g+arantee pri-a$' in the hotel lo))'( and Sa)rina wo+ldnt let hi, ,a%e the $all while he was
*I $ant )elie-e 'o+ ga-e that spee$h(* Sa)rina said as the' wal%ed in the shade of plane trees so )ig the' al,ost for,ed a t+nnel o-er the path&
The spring s+nlight str+ggled to penetrate the $anop'( dappling pat$hes of light a,ong the shadow&
#a%e $o+ldnt 5+ite )elie-e it hi,self& *The a+dien$e see,ed to li%e it&*
*3as that what it was a)o+t4* she as%ed& *Manip+lating the a+dien$es e,otions4*
!e drew her o+t of the wa' of an in"line s%ater( one of the few people in the par% )esides the,sel-es& !e %ept hold of her hand& *I ,eant e-er'
word(* he said& *I ad,ire the wa' 'o+ fo+ght to get past the a$$ident&*
She stopped wal%ing( $hewed her lip in that +ni5+el' Sa)rina wa'( deli$atel' so as not to r+in her lipsti$%& The a$tion was s+)$ons$io+s( he
realized( not deli)erate& !e to+$hed a finger to her lower lip( tra$ed the o+tline&
She froze& *#a%e &&& * Barel' a whisper( fanning his finger&
!e ran his finger down her $hin( then lower& Instin$ti-el'( she ar$hed her ne$% to wel$o,e his to+$h& It was all he needed&
#a%e pressed his ,o+th to hers&
!ed )een wanting to do this fore-er& This was the real reason hed tried not to thin% of her all these 'ears& !e hadnt wanted to want her&
Then Sa)rinas ar,s $+rled aro+nd his ne$%( and she pressed herself $loser to hi,& She s,elled of perf+,e and le,on and fe,inine ,'ster'&
#a%e inhaled( and pro,ptl' lost his ,ind&
!e ha+led her $lose against hi,( and his hands ,olded to her )+tt" Oh( 'eah( perfe$t& &&
!er ,o+th opened )eneath his( and he in-aded& She tasted in$redi)le( and she ,at$hed hi, %iss for %iss& !e $o+ld al,ost ha-e ,ade lo-e to
her right there in the par%&
*#a%e&* She twisted fro, his ar,s( ang+ish in the word& *3hats +p( sweetheart4*
*I need to tell 'o+ so,ething&*
3arning pri$%led down his spine( )+t he said $al,l'( *O%a'&*
She wal%ed ahead of hi, a few pa$es& As the' e,erged fro, the trees into s+nshine( he stopped next to a wro+ght iron )en$h& !e indi$ated for her to
sit& Instead( she $lasped her hands )ehind her )a$%( li%e a prisoner a)o+t to )e )o+nd and gagged& 1i%e a -er' se+y prisoner"the ,o-e,ent thr+st her
)reasts forward& *Its a)o+t what happened &&& )a$% then&*
There was onl' one ba'k then.
*3hat a)o+t it4* #a%e so+nded harsher than he intended& Instead of the fa,iliar s+rge of anger that a$$o,panied the re$all of her )etra'al( he felt
so,ething else& A strange rel+$tan$e to $o-er old gro+nd& Not )e$a+se it ,ade hi, ,ad( )+t )e$a+se the )ri)e fias$o had $reated a )arrier )etween hi,
and Sa)rina&
*I tho+ght 'o+ were going to sweep what 'o+r father did +nder the $arpet(* she said& *I sho+ld ha-e %nown )etter&*
!e )reathed ,ore easil'& She felt )ad for not ha-ing tr+sted hi,( )+t hed rea$hed a stage where he $o+ld a$$ept that shed had reasons for that la$% of
tr+st& Co+ld e-en ta%e so,e of the )la,e for the ,is+nderstanding that followed&
*8o+ were 'o+ng(* he said& *8o+ saw e-er'thing in )la$% and white&* !e lifted his gaze to the s%'( where a high )reeze sent p+ffs of $lo+d s$+dding
a$ross the s+n& *I sho+ld ha-e told 'o+ what I planned to do( after 'o+ $a,e to ,e a)o+t the )ri)e&*
*8o+ sh+t ,e o+t(* she said&
!e nodded& *3ed )een arg+ing ,ore and ,ore in the wee%s )efore that& 8o+ wanted a deeper e,otional $o,,it,ent and :& && wasnt prepared
to gi-e it&* !e felt li%e a heel( re,e,)ering how he hadnt )een a)le to resist her ph'si$all'( e-en tho+gh he %new he sho+ld end the affair&
She swallowed( and nodded&
A ,agpie swooped in on a foil $and' wrapper dis$arded near)'< it pe$%ed in5+isiti-el' at its find& *I $onfronted Dad a)o+t the )ri)e& !e
ad,itted it"* e-en now( #a%e felt s+$%er p+n$hed *"so I ga-e hi, three da's to de$ide how he wanted to handle his $onfession and resignation& I
wanted hi, to ha-e a $han$e to start o-er&* The sa,e $han$e he was now deter,ined to den' his father( he realized with a sho$%&
*I %now now 'o+ wo+ld ha-e done the right thing&*
She shi-ered despite the s+ns war,th( and he r+))ed her ar,s& She stepped awa' fro, his to+$h& *8o+ a$$+sed ,e of see%ing re-enge )e$a+se
o+r personal relationship was falling apart&*
#a%e didnt r+sh his next words& !e st+died the $ra$%ed pa-ing of the path( while he for,+lated a response that wo+ld )e .+st right& *I said that(
and at the ti,e I )elie-ed it(* he ad,itted& *2or a long ti,e I did& B+t now"*
*8o+ were right(* she said& !is head .er%ed +p& *3hat4*
She h+n$hed her sho+lders( as if prote$ting herself&
*I had to ,a%e s+re the tr+th $a,e o+t( of $o+rse( and I didnt tr+st 'o+& B+t the wa' I $hose to do it& && that )r+tal expos+re && &it was all a)o+t
,' anger toward 'o+&*
E-er' leaf on the tree )ehind her see,ed to spring into sharp relief< the s+dden $larit' of -ision h+rt& !is head reeled( he shaded his e'es& *That
press $onferen$e( the wa' 'o+ set the ,edia on to Dad &&& 'o+ did it o+t of spite4*
She flin$hed& *Not intentionall'& B+t in hindsight I was h+rt and angr'& Telling the ,edia the wa' I did was a wa' of lashing o+t& I %new the'
wo+ld $at$h 'o+ and Ted )' s+rprise": wanted 'o+ to )e as h+rt as I was&* She p+t a hand o-er her ,o+th( as if she ,ight throw +p& #a%e %new
exa$tl' how she felt& *#a%e( I, sorr'& M' a$tions were +nforgi-a)le&* Tho+gh her -oi$e shoo%( her e'es were dr'&
All along #a%e had s+spe$ted Sa)rina of pett' re-enge and now shed ad,itted it& Shed heaped ,axi,+, h+,iliation on his fa,il'( led to the
)rea%+p of his parents ,arriage )e$a+se( what( #a%e hadnt lo)ed her4
Una)le to loo% at her( he stal%ed awa'& Then he sp+n aro+nd& *8o+ are the"*
*I %now(* she said 5+i$%l'& *I, not as%ing 'o+ to forgi-e ,e& B+t I realized the tr+th when 'o+r father a$$+sed ,e of selfishness& I had to tell
Da,,it( $o+ldnt she ha-e %ept 5+iet for on$e in her life4 Co+ldnt she ha-e let hi, $ontin+e to thin% )etter of her4 #a%e wished he $o+ld wind
)a$% the $lo$% fi-e ,in+tes so he $o+ld stop her ,a%ing this $onfession& So the old resent,ent and anger( whi$h he now realized hed )een
s'ste,ati$all' )+r'ing al,ost sin$e the start of their *engage,ent* wo+ldnt ha-e to res+rfa$e&
Sa)rina lifted a hand& Then she dropped it( t+rned awa'& *I, so sorr'&*
#a%e hardened his heart against her o)-io+s $ontrition& -orry didnt $+t it&
SUSANS E1ECTION CAM6AI/N was +nra-eling faster than one of the )alls of wool Mitz' lo-ed to pla' with& The $atli%e )eha-io+r was another
+n.+stified o).e$tion her sons had to her pet&
S+san had )een rash $o,,itting to help Ted )ridge the gap with #a%e< shed spent the ,orning ordering( as%ing and finall' )egging hi, to lea-e
Nothing had $on-in$ed hi, #a%e was )etter off witho+t hi,& Shed )een dreading the ine-ita)le $all fro, #a%e see%ing $onfir,ation his dad had left&
The $all hadnt $o,e( whi$h was one ,er$'( )+t a lo$al ,ar%et resear$h fir, had prod+$ed a poll that s+ggested #a%e was trailing in the go-ernor
sta%es as )adl' as e-er& S+san $o+ldnt +nderstand how her tea,s rando, polling had prod+$ed s+$h different res+lts& 3hi$h was right4
The'd %i$%ed off a new phone $a,paign( onl' to ha-e the phone s'ste, at #a%es head5+arters $rash& Two of #a%es ,ost lo'al -ol+nteer wor%ers had
gotten into an arg+,ent o-er who had raised the ,ost ,one' for the $a,paign( and the rest of the staff were ta%ing sides& The phone s'ste, had $o,e
)a$% +p at six o$lo$% that
e-ening( so S+san had sta'ed late to o-ersee the $alls( then to $ollate the res+lts&
It was nearl' ,idnight when she wal%ed into her ho,e to find Ted at the dining ta)le( the ,ar)le $hess)oard set +p in front of hi,&
*1ong da'4* he said&
S+san set her p+rse down on the side)oard& *Bad da'&* *Did 'o+ as% #a%e to tal% to ,e4*
She glan$ed aro+nd for Mitz'( who wasnt in her )as%et )' the %it$hen doorwa'& *I ha-ent seen hi,( and I ha-e to do it fa$e"to"fa$e&*
Ted ,o-ed the $enter white pawn two spa$es on the $hess)oard& The $lassi$ opening ga,)it& *Do 'o+ still pla'4*
*Not in 'ears(* S+san said& *I was ne-er -er' good&*
Tho+gh she %new how to respond to his opening& She and Ted had pla'ed on$e or twi$e( whiling awa' long dela's at airports on the $a,paign
*#oin ,e&* !e hoo%ed his foot aro+nd the leg of a $hair( p+shed it o+t for her&
*8o+re after an eas' win4* Be$a+se Ted was an ex$ellent $hess pla'er&
*Nothing eas' a)o+t an' of this(* he said&
3hi$h was so tr+e( S+san fo+nd herself sitting& She ,o-ed her pawn&
*Safe( )+t +ni,aginati-e(* Ted o)ser-ed& !is %night $a,e into pla'&
6ri$%ed )' his $o,,ent( S+san ,o-ed another pawn( $learing the wa' for her )ishop to get aggressi-e& Ted s,iled as he assessed the )oard&
There were ,ore
$reases aro+nd his ,o+th these da's< and his hair( tho+gh thi$%( had re$eded& B+t he was still a handso,e ,an& !is good loo%s had won -otes(
as she was hoping #a%es wo+ld&
!e ,o-ed a pie$e( then glan$ed +p and $a+ght her staring&
S+san dropped her gaze& !is %night had snea%ed +p on her( she realized& She p+t her own %night in a position that wo+ld threaten his if he tried
to p+t her in $he$%&
*8o+r strateg'(* Ted said( *lea-es so,ething to )e desired&*
3as he tal%ing $hess( or the ele$tion4 The o)f+s$ation was deli)erate( .+dging )' the 5+izzi$al loo% in his e'es&
She didnt want to as% hi, for help with the $a,paign"#a%e wo+ld )e hopping ,ad")+t the press+res of the past $o+ple of da's had highlighted
the need for fresh inp+t&
*3hat wo+ld 'o+ do in ,' pla$e4* A 5+estion Ted $o+ld read either wa'&
!is s,ile said( To+$he& A frisson ran thro+gh S+san< she )ent her head o-er the )oard&
*I signed +p as a s+pporter on #a%es 3e) site +nder another na,e(* he said& So this was a)o+t the ele$tion& !er p+lse ra$ed at the idea of
re$ei-ing ad-i$e fro, a s%illed strategist li%e Ted& *That was two ,onths ago& Sin$e then( I-e had a grand total of three e",ails&*
*3e dont want to )o,)ard people(* she )egan& *Not one of those e",ails in$l+ded a $all to a$tion&* S+san )ro+ght o+t her )ishop& *Ill tal% to
o+r $o,"
,+ni$ations g+'&*
*8o+ need to )e spe$ifi$ with hi, a)o+t what 'o+ want&*
*3hat wo+ld 'o+ thin% we want4* she as%ed&
!is %night whis%ed one of her pawns into o)li-ion&
She didnt ,ind( she $o+ld afford to lose it& B+t now he had his sights set on her roo%& She alwa's hated to $ede a roo%( tho+gh she ne-er +sed
the, to )est effe$t&
!er 5+een wo+ld )e the )est thing to inti,idate hi,( she de$ided& B+t first& && she na))ed one of his pawns with her )ishop&
*If people wont -ote for #a%e )e$a+se of what I did( re,ind s+pporters that the people ,ost h+rt )' a ,ans transgressions are his $hildren(*
Ted said& !er gaze flew to his& 3ith a wr' s,ile he sidestepped his %night aro+nd her )ishop& *As% the, to e",ail #a%e with their n+,)er"one
$on$ern for o+r $hildren& Id as% the, to forward their e",ail to their friends( and ha-e their friends e",ail #a%e&*
*Cle-er&* She ,o-ed her 5+een to prote$t her roo%& */ood strateg'(* he $orre$ted her&
!is 5+een $a,e o+t of nowhere and l+nged a$ross the )oard to $apt+re S+sans& *Che$%,ate&*
S+san gaped& !ed )eaten her in fewer than ten ,o-es& *That was r+de&*
*Strateg'(* he said again& *Its one of ,' strengths&* 3hereas S+san was good at lining +p the right inter-iews and ,anaging the logisti$s so
#a%e ,ade the ,ost effe$ti-e +se of his ti,e on the trail& S%ills that were $o,ple,entar' to Teds& That was wh' the'd ,ade a good tea,&
Ted set +p the $hess pie$es again& !e had gardeners hands( -er' tan against the white ,ar)le pie$es& S+san glan$ed down at her own hands&
6ale( well tended( with sensi)l' short nails&
*8o+ o)-io+sl' wear glo-es in the garden(* Ted said& So,ething snapped )etween the,( powered )' the s'nerg' of shared tho+ght&
*:": dont li%e to get ,' hands dirt'(* S+san said&
She hadnt intended a do+)le entendre &&& )+t s+ddenl'( $+riosit' )it down and wo+ldnt let go& *3h' did 'o+ do it( Ted4 That stor' 'o+ told the
,edia a)o+t wanting to help 3hitehead &&& *
It had so+nded li%e the desperate ex$+se of a l'ing ,an& El)ows on the ta)le( he rested his $hin on his hands&
*It was no stor'( S+san& I reall' was tr'ing to ,a%e so,e good $o,e o+t of a )ad sit+ation&*
*8o+ too% a )ri)e )e$a+se 'o+ wanted to help the lo$als who wo+ld lose their ho,es to a new highwa'&* It so+nded .+st as prepostero+s now as
it had fi-e 'ears ago&
*The Newland 6roperties s+)di-ision at 3hitehead had )een t+rned down on the gro+nds the de-elop,ent was too intensi-e for its wastewater
$apa$it'(* Ted said& *Newland 6roperties planned to appeal the r+ling& It was $lear the' wo+ld win( and the de-elop,ent wo+ld go ahead(
in$l+ding the highwa'&*
2or S+san( this was where his stor' had alwa's stopped ,a%ing sense& *If Newland wo+ld ha-e won the appeal( wh' did the' need to )ri)e
*It was ,' infl+en$e that saw the appli$ation t+rned down in the first pla$e"the $o,pensation Newland
planned to pa' the 3hitehead people whod lose their ho,es was paltr'& The' $o+ldnt afford to go an'where else&* !e rolled his sho+lders< she
wondered if the' felt as stiff as hers&
*The appeal pro$ess $an ta%e a long ti,e(* he re,inded her& *Under ,' dire$tion( the state wo+ld ha-e appealed their appeal and so on& It
wo+ld ha-e ta%en the, a $o+ple ,ore 'ears to get what the' wanted& 2or those g+'s( ti,e is ,one' and the ,ar%et was )oo,ing& The' offered
,e twent' ,illion dollars for ,' i,,ediate s+pport of the de-elop,ent&*
*3hi$h 'o+ a$$epted&*
!e nodded& *I didnt want the 3hitehead $o,,+nit' to $o,e o+t of it with nothing& I planned to start a $harita)le fo+ndation"li%e the
3arrington 2o+ndationto distri)+te the f+nds for ho,es and ed+$ation&*
*3h' $o+ldnt 'o+ ha-e ,ade it a $ondition of the appro-al( that Newland 6roperties set +p a f+nd for the residents4*
*Its )een done )efore(* Ted $on$eded& *B+t in-aria)l' the ,one' ends +p going to the wrong people( to the ones who ,anip+late the s'ste,&
The wa' I planned it( Id ha-e had the final sa' o-er where the ,one' went& Id ha-e said it was 3arrington ,one'"no one wo+ld ha-e
5+estioned it&*
*!enr' wo+ld ha-e(* S+san said&
*!e didnt %now the f+ll extent of ,' finan$es&* *So( 'o+ too% the ,one'&* She re,inded herself the'
were tal%ing a)o+t a $ri,e here( not a so$ial"welfare pro.e$t&
0I agreed to ta%e the ,one'(* he said& *Sa)rina )lew the whistle )efore the pa',ent was ,ade&*
The' fell silent& S+san re,e,)ered the $haos( the pain of what had followed&
Ted %n+$%led his $hee%s& *I dont )la,e Sa)rina for reporting ,e& B+t the wa' she did it still ran%les& She $lai,ed to lo-e #a%e( )+t she didnt
spare his feelings one se$onds $onsideration& Didnt hesitate to destro' his fa,il'&*
*She was 'o+ng(* S+san said +n$o,forta)l'&
*In one wa'( I was l+$%' she spo%e +p when she did(* Ted said& *Be$a+se I hadnt 'et ta%en the ,one'( there wasnt eno+gh e-iden$e to se$+re
a $on-i$tion& Or a .ail senten$e& B+t I paid for what I did( S+san&*
The )lea%ness in his -oi$e ,o-ed her& Aw%wardl'( she p+shed the $hess)oard toward the $enter of the ta)le and spent a few se$onds getting it
exa$tl' straight&
*She )ro%e #a%es heart( 'o+ %now(* he said&
S+san )lin%ed& *Sa)rina was the heart)ro%en one& She was ,ad a)o+t hi,& !e alwa's pla'ed it ,+$h $ooler&*
Ted nodded& *#a%e doesnt wear his e,otions on his slee-e& B+ries the, so deep( 'o+ wonder ifhe has the,&*
*I dont thin% 1eah had the, at all&* S+san $lapped a hand to her ,o+th& *Ted( I, sorr'& She was 'o+r wife( I sho+ldnt ha-e said that&*
!e +sed his hand%er$hief to wipe a splash of water fro, the ta)les s+rfa$e& Then he )+ffed the spot with a slow deli)eration that for so,e odd
reason p+t S+san on tenterhoo%s&
*E-er'one %nows 1eah and I got ,arried )e$a+se we
had #a%e on the wa'(* he said at last& *6h'si$al attra$tion )ro+ght +s together( and she was the right %ind of wife for a politi$ian& B+t I wasnt
the right ,an for 1eah& Or the go-ernor .o)& M' new life fo$+ses on the si,ple things( and I li%e that& Dirt )eneath ,' fingers( the )ea+t' of a
flower in the first stages of )loo,&*
*Didnt 'o+ ,iss 1eah at all4*
Ted gri,a$ed& *3e ne-er had what 'o+d $all an e,otionall' s+staining relationship& I thin% thats wh' #a%e was so war' of his feelings for
Sa)rina )a$% then& !e had no idea how to handle )eing $a+ght +p in so,ething )e'ond his experien$e&*
S+san tho+ght a)o+t the do,ino effe$t of Teds $ri,e& #a%e and Sa)rina had s+ffered& E-en the $oldhearted 1eah had& There was no ex$+sing it(
no ,atter how he s+gar$oated his ,oti-es&
She was sa-ed fro, $o,,ent when Mitz' s$a,pered into the roo,& She ,+st ha-e )een snoozing +pstairs( e-en tho+gh the +pper floor was
stri$tl' off"li,its to her& S+san a+to,ati$all' rea$hed down to $aress the dog& B+t Ted s$ooped Mitz' +p as she trotted past&
*!ello( 'o+ng lad'(* he said&
S+san stared& Apart fro, Sa)rina and Bethan'( no one else $alled Mitz' an'thing other than r+de na,es&
*I too% her for a few t+rns aro+nd 'o+r garden toda'(* Ted said& Misinterpreting her expression( he added( *Onl' the areas not -isi)le to the
*I didnt %now 'o+ li%ed dogs&*
*I dont(* Ted said& *Espe$iall' not this one& She peed on ,' shoe&*
S+san win$ed& *She gets $onf+sed&*
*She %new what she was doing(* he said& *She had a loo% in her e'e&*
S+san s+spe$ted he was right& Mitz' was rather se"
le$ti-e when it $a,e to peeing on shoes&
*She stin%s( too(* Ted said&
*Ca-alier Bing Charles spaniels do not s,ell&*
!e set Mitz' down& *This one does& Ma')e 'o+d )etter $he$% her lineage&*
S+san la+ghed& !ow odd( la+ghing with Ted& *!er lineage is i,pe$$a)le&* She glan$ed at her wat$h( saw it was nearl' one in the ,orning& No
wonder she was str+ggling to hold on to her ani,osit'& She 'awned& *Ill p+t Mitz' to )ed( then head +pstairs&*
Mitz' ref+sed to follow S+san< she la' down and )egan perfor,ing a h'giene rit+al that no one wanted to see& Ted pi$%ed her +p again( handed
her o-er&
*Than%s&* S+san p+lled Mitz' in $lose )efore the dog too% the opport+nit' to wriggle awa'& Unfort+natel'( Ted didnt 5+ite ha-e ti,e to p+ll
his hand free and it ended +p sandwi$hed )etween the dog and S+sans )reast&
She was )+rningl' aware of his to+$h as the' .ostled for an aw%ward ,o,ent& !er fa$e ,+st ha-e )een )eet red& #+st as he freed his hand(
Mitz' )it hi,&
*O+$h&* !e exa,ined the tooth ,ar%s on his th+,)& *I, so sorr'(* S+san said( appalled& Then she giggled& *I s+ppose shes $onf+sed again&*
*6ro)a)l' not(* she ad,itted& She s$rat$hed Mitz's ear< the dog gazed at her with so+lf+l( inno$ent e'es&
*/ood night( Mitz'&* Ted patted the spaniels head&
!e was standing -er' $lose& */ood night( S+san&* !e ran a finger down her $hee%( then $+pped it with his pal,& Sensation ghosted thro+gh her"
so,ething ,issed( )+t not forgotten&
She .er%ed awa'& *3hat are 'o+ doing4* *To+$hing 'o+r $hee%(* he said $al,l'& !is gaze dropped to her ,o+th( then $li,)ed again&
*Dont(* she said( ,ore lo+dl' than shed expe$ted& In all the ti,e she and Ted had $a,paigned together( hed ne-er on$e o-erstepped the )o+ndar' of
their professional or fa,il' relationship& Shed ne-er on$e wanted hi, to&
*Uh"oh(* Ted said& *3hat4*
*8o+re loo%ing at ,e the wa' Mitz' did right )efore she peed on ,' shoes&*
3ith a h+ff of indignation( hand"shaped heat still war,ing her $hee%( and a desire to la+gh fir,l' s+ppressed( S+san swept fro, the roo,&
3hat Ted had done fi-e 'ears ago wasnt f+nn'&
SABRINA OBSER7ED #ABES ston' profile as the' p+lled +p o+tside 6eregrine !ospital on S+nda' ,orning& She didnt ha-e to see hi, fa$e"on to
%now there were two deep frown lines )etween his e'es& The'd settled there and the' hadnt )+dged sin$e shed told hi, the tr+th a)o+t her ,oti-es
fi-e 'ears ago&
3hen the' got o+t of the $ar( Sa)rina p+lled the Miss /eorgia sash o-er her s$arlet .erse' wrap dress and set her tiara on her head&
*8o+re not wearing that(* #a%e said in dis)elief&
*I wear it for all ,' offi$ial appearan$es"its stip+lated in ,' Miss /eorgia $ontra$t&* Toda's -isit had a d+al p+rpose& The hospital had re5+ested a
-isit fro, Miss /eorgia to $heer +p the $hildren( and shed as%ed if #a%e $o+ld $o,e along to ,eet so,e of the ad+lt patients&
Not that he ga-e the slightest indi$ation of appre$iating the fa-or& An' a$$ord )etween the, had dissol-ed li%e #ell"O in the rain&
In the re$eption area( the' ,et Ri$hard Ainsle'( who was a friend of the hospitals CEO( Al /reenwood& !er -isit was a good $han$e to pro,ote the
tr+sts wor% to the hospital ad,inistration& Dr& /reenwood es$orted the, on their to+r"first stop( the pediatri$ spinal +nit& The %ids were thrilled to see
her( and when she told so,e of the, how shed on$e s+ffered the sa,e %ind of in.+r'( their parents $lasped her hands with )ri,,ing e'es and wordless
These patients were too 'o+ng to -ote( so Sa)rina appre$iated the wa'( despite his anger toward her( #a%e p+t e-er' effort into his $on-ersation with
the %ids& Ma')e )e$a+se hed -isited her when shed )een in a si,ilar $ondition( he was nat+ral and relaxed< he listened with +nfeigned interest to the
litan' of tin' )rea%thro+ghs that ,eas+red hope&
Ri$hard Ainsle' patted Sa)rinas sho+lder as she stood )a$% to let #a%e tal% foot)all with one %id&
*3e-e ne-er had this %ind of p+)li$it' )efore&* !e indi$ated the news $rew that had $o,e along"$"one ad-antage of ha-ing a prospe$ti-e go-ernor
with the,&
And an ad-antage of showing +p on a S+nda'( +s+all' a light news night& *If 'o+ and #a%e %eep this +p( well ha-e o+r s$hool in no ti,e&*
*That wo+ld )e wonderf+l&* So long as lake doesnt kill me (irst.
Their next stop was the geriatri$ ward& Unli%e the %ids( these patients wo+ld -ote in the pri,ar'& B+t the oldies werent as photogeni$ as si$%
%ids( so the T7 $rew ex$+sed the,sel-es when Ri$hard did&
E-en witho+t the ,edia in$enti-e( #a%e pro-ed as s',patheti$ and in to+$h with the needs of his a+dien$e as he had with the 'o+nger patients&
As the' neared one of the last roo,s in the ward( the' heard a raised -oi$e&
*Thatll )e Mr& Bnight(* the CEO( Dr& /reenwood said& *One of o+r ,ore -o$al patients&*
Sa)rina followed #a%e into the roo,& The elderl' ,an( r+,pled in )l+e"and"white"striped pa.a,as( was propped +p in )ed( wat$hing T7&
Arg!ing with the T7&
*Dont )elie-e that twaddle(* he ordered the tal% shows host( who was inter-iewing a ro$% star fa$ing allegations of dr+g +se& *Of $o+rse he
says hes inno$ent& 8o+ ha-e e'es in 'o+r head( dont 'o+( ,an4*
*Mr& Bnight(* Dr& /reenwood said( *8o+ ha-e two -isitors&* !e introd+$ed #a%e and Sa)rina&
The old ,ans gra' e'e)rows )eetled& *8o+re the
one r+nning for go-ernor&*
*Thats right&* #a%e shoo% his gnarled hand& *8o+re not soft on dr+gs( are 'o+4*
*Not at all&*
The ,an nodded at the T7 "the so+nd was still )laring& *Ta%e a gander at that hooligan( 'o+ $an see he ta%es dr+gs .+st )' loo%ing at hi,&* !e
raised his -oi$e and sho+ted at the presenter& */et +p $lose and $he$% o+t his nostrils&*
#a%es e'e)rows shot +p< Sa)rina hi$$+ped in an atte,pt not to la+gh& Mr& Bnight e'ed her se-erel'& *Thats how 'o+ %now if so,eones +sing
$o$aine( 'o+ng lad'& Their nostrils go red fro, sniffing the st+ff&*
*Is that right4* she said&
The old ,ans hand th+dded down onto his )lan%et&
*I said the nostrils$0 he )ar%ed at the T7& On the s$reen( the host was ad,iring a tattoo on the singers sho+lder&
#a%e t+rned his )a$% on the rog+e ro$% star& *Mr&
Bnight( I hope I $an $o+nt on 'o+r -ote in the pri,ar'&*
*Ill )et 'o+ do&* The ,an dragged his gaze awa' fro, the set& *3hat do 'o+ stand for again4*
*Ed+$ation for all(* #a%e said& *And I, to+gh on dr+gs&*
*3hat a)o+t fa,ilies4* the old ,an as%ed&
*The )a$%)one of o+r so$iet'(* #a%e said& *I )elie-e fa,ilies need o+r s+pport( )+t not o+r interferen$e& I plan to esta)lish a 2a,ilies
Co,,ission to ens+re e-er'one in the state has a$$ess to parenting s%ills $o+rses&*
*I-e )een in this pla$e two ,onths( and do 'o+ %now how often ,' da+ghters -isited ,e4* Mr& Bnight de,anded&
*Uh( no&*
*On$e(* he said( disg+sted& *And that was right after I arri-ed& Sin$e then( nothing&*
Sa)rina ,ade a s',patheti$ so+nd&
*!ow often do 'o+ see 'o+r father4* Mr& Bnight as%ed #a%e&
O-er the past two wee%s( Sa)rina had heard hi, ta$%le all %inds of diffi$+lt 5+estions( in$l+ding so,e a)o+t his father( with ease"""defle$ting
the too personal( def+sing the infla,,ator'( $larif'ing the $onf+sing& B+t now( he froze&
It wasnt $lear if the old ,an re,e,)ered who #a%es dad was& Not that it $hanged the answer&
*M' father and I arent $lose these da's(* #a%e said at last&
Mr& Bnight twisted his sheet )etween his fingers&
*Thats a da,n sha,e& 8o+ o+ghta do so,ething a)o+t that&*
*Thats what ,' fian$ee sa's&* #a%e fo+nd a defle$tion at last&
*/ood for 'o+(* Mr& Bnight said to Sa)rina& *8o+ loo% li%e an intelligent 'o+ng wo,an&*
She s,iled& *Its )een a pleas+re to ,eet 'o+( Mr&
Bnight& I do hope 'o+ll -ote for #a%e 3arrington&*
!e harr+,phed&
Their to+r at an end( the CEO ret+rned to his d+ties( lea-ing #a%e and Sa)rina to wait for the ele-ator&
Sa)rina registered the stiffness of #a%es sho+lders&
*Mr& Bnight was right( it is a da,n sha,e 'o+ and 'o+r father ne-er re$on$iled&*
*!e'( wh' dont 'o+ in-ite hi, +p here witho+t telling ,e4 Oh( wait( 'o+ alread' did&* S,art ale$%&
*8o+ %now I didnt in-ite hi,&*
The ele-ator arri-ed and he stood aside so she $o+ld get on first&
Sa)rina leaned against the )a$% wall& *If 'o+ wo+ld
*Dont start&*
The doors $losed and the ele-ator )egan to ,o-e& *I %now Ted let 'o+ and 'o+r ,o, down(* Sa)rina
said( fast& *B+t 'o+ lose ,ore )' $+tting hi, o+t of 'o+r life than )' ha-ing hi, in it&*
*2or 6etes sa%e(* #a%e snarled as the ele-ator pinged their arri-al and the doors slid open( *wo+ld 'o+ da,n well )+tt o+t of ,' life4*
Sa)rina stepped o+t of the ele-ator& And stopped& Right o+tside was the T7 $rew( $a,era r+nning& *Mr& 3arrington"* The reporter pra$ti$all'
-ated< he had to wipe his ,o+th with the )a$% of his hand& *3hat are 'o+r -iews on Congress,an Beales stand"down fro, the go-e,orra$e(
following a $all"girl s$andal4*
Sa)rina $l+t$hed #a%es hand( as if the' hadnt .+st )een $a+ght 'elling at ea$h other&
#a%e t+gged her $lose& Beale had dropped o+t4 !e reined in his galloping a,)itions& E-en if it was tr+e( he had plent' ,ore h+rdles to
*8o+re ahead of ,e(* he said& *Ill need to find o+t ,ore details )efore I $o,,ent& Call ,e in half an ho+r&*
*7oters see $andidates fa,il' li-es as an i,portant ,eas+re of personal integrit'&* Bright"e'ed )ehind his s5+are spe$s( the reporter as%ed(
*!ow strong is 'o+r engage,ent to Sa)rina Merritt4*
3hi$h told hi, the $rew had heard hi, 'elling at her&
Da,n& *1ater(* he reiterated& !e t+rned to his (ian'ee. *Co,e on( sweetheart( lets get 'o+ ho,e&*
-weetheart p+rsed her lips( do+)tless s+rprised at the endear,ent after the $old standoff of the past few da's& B+t she allowed hi, to lead her
past the $a,era&
Ba$% in the Alfa( he waited +ntil the' hit the arterial( then p+n$hed the speed dial for S+san& Sa)rina snat$hed the phone fro, hi,&
*!e'(* he said&
*No tal%ing while 'o+ dri-e&* She swit$hed off the phone and st+$% it in her p+rse&
*/i-e that )a$%( I need to find o+t ,ore a)o+t Beale 5+itting&*
*!ell still ha-e 5+it )' the ti,e 'o+ get ho,e&* She flat o+t ref+sed to hand o-er the phone +ntil the' arri-ed at the ho+se( where +pon she
passed it to hi, witho+t a word&
#a%e $alled S+san e-en )efore he got inside&
She pi$%ed +p as he opened the front door& *I-e )een tr'ing to rea$h 'o+&*
!e glared at Sa)rina as she followed hi, in& She glared )a$% and headed +pstairs& *M' phone was swit$hed off(* he said& *I heard a)o+t Beale
p+lling o+t& Its good news&*
*8o+ o)-io+sl' ha-ent seen the Brea%ing News trailer on T7&* S+san didnt so+nd as pleased as hed expe$ted&
#a%e strode into the li-ing roo, and t+rned on the tele-ision&
The ri))on of text along the )otto, of the s$reen read Call"/irl 1in%sH Beale O+t& #+st what he expe$ted&
ThenH Is 3arrington Next4 #a%e $+rsed&
*8o+ were handed the opport+nit' of the $a,paign on a plate( and 'o+ let 'o+rself )e fil,ed 'elling at Sa)rina and e-ading 5+estions a)o+t
'o+r engage,ent& Thats not li%e 'o+( #a%e&*
She was right( he was losing his grip& #a%e +ttered a $o+ple of stronger words&
*3e-e )een in+ndated with $alls fro, people ,ad at 'o+ for )eing ,ean to Sa)rina(* S+san said&
*I, not ,ean&* !e was getting si$% of den'ing that parti$+lar a$$+sation& *Do 'o+ %now that she"* Da,,it( he $o+ldnt tell S+san a)o+t
Sa)rinas $onfession&
*I dont $are if she tied 'o+ +p and wha$%ed 'o+ o-er the head with a ,a$hete(* S+san said& #a%e )lin%ed at the -iolen$e of his a+nts words&
3as she stressed a)o+t so,ething ,ore than his fa+x pas4 *Right now( Id pro)a)l' $heer her on(* S+san $ontin+ed& *2a$t is( people like her&
8o+ need to )e ni$e&*
#+dging )' her $aref+l en+n$iation of ea$h s'lla)le(
S+san was f+rio+s&
*#a%e4* she said( de,anding a $ontri)+tion& *Ill deal with it&*
*8o+d )etter&* She tapped the phone with so,ething( pro)a)l' the gold pen she was ne-er witho+t& *And( #a%e4*
*3hen 'o+ ,a%e things +p with Sa)rina( do it properl'& The next three wee%s are ,a%e or )rea%& If 'o+ two ha-e an' real pro)le,s( fix the,&
Regardless of the
ele$tion( 'o+ and Sa)rina are right for ea$h other& B+t I dont need to re,ind 'o+ no one wo+ld ,a%e a )etter wife for a go-ernor&*
!e ignored the regardless o( the ele'tion. 3itho+t the ele$tion( there was no hi, and Sa)rina& *Ill do it properl'(* he said gri,l'&
It didnt ha-e to )e diffi$+lt& !e didnt want to ,arr' her( didnt lo-e her( )+t she was attra$ted to hi, and he still wanted her ,ore than hed
wanted an' other wo,an&
S+san was right( now wasnt the ti,e to )e halfhearted& No ,atter what his personal differen$es with Sa)rina( he had to ,a%e this real&
*I ACTED 1IBE A #ERB 'esterda'(* la%e said the next ,orning& *I, sorr' I 'elled at 'o+ when 'o+ were tr'ing to ,a%e a )ad sit+ation )etter&*
la%e was apologizing4 Sa)rina glan$ed o+t the %it$hen window to $he$% she hadnt )een s+$%ed into so,e alternati-e realit'& O+tside( the
,orning s+n still shone and the s%' was )l+e( not green or orange&
*And I o-errea$ted to what 'o+ told ,e in the par%(* he said& *That )+siness is done( Id li%e +s to ,o-e on&*
*Mo-e on to what4*
!e popped two sli$es of )read into the toaster and set the, to $oo%& *Do 'o+ re,e,)er what we were doing right )efore we arg+ed in the
As if she $o+ld forget> *I thin% 'o+ %issed ,e(* she said -ag+el'&
!is e'es sharpened( he wasnt fooled )' her a$t& *That was no ordinar' %iss&*
M+s$les tensed( deep inside her& *Thats what 'o+ want to ,o-e on to4 More of that4*
!e opened the fridge and p+lled o+t the )+tter& *I li%ed it a hell of a lot )etter than I li%e fighting with 'o+&* !e 5+ir%ed an e'e)row at her&
*Me( too(* she ad,itted&
*So what do 'o+ sa' to ,ore of that( and less of the fighting4*
She li$%ed her lips& *Id sa' it so+nds li%e pea$e in the ho,e&*
*So,ething we sho+ld all stri-e for&* !is gaze rested on her ,o+th& *I, willing to do ,' )it&*
*So no)le(* she ,+r,+red&
Ele$tri$it' zinged )etween the,< Sa)rina to+$hed the fridge in an instin$ti-e atte,pt to disperse the $harge&
#a%e ad-an$ed on her&
She flattened herself against the fridge& *I"I, not s+re I, read' for this& #a%e( 'o+ dont e-en li%e ,e&*
!e stopped& *I li%e 'o+&*
She slipped aro+nd hi,( ,o-ed to the island& *Reall'4* she said s%epti$all'& *3hat do 'o+ li%e4*
!e didnt hesitate& *I li%e that 'o+ $are a)o+t other people( 'o+ worr' a)o+t their happiness& I li%e 'o+r sense of h+,or& I li%e the wa' ordinar' things
feel fresh with 'o+&*
!e stopped s+ddenl'( as if he hadnt ,eant to go that far& Too late& Sa)rina was alread' disg+stingl' wea% at the %nees&
So it was .+st as well #a%e wrapped his ar,s aro+nd her& *I li%e 'o+r legs(* he said a)r+ptl'& *Espe$iall' 'o+r thighs& Not to ,ention the rest of 'o+r
)od'&* !is gaze settled )latantl' on her $lea-age&
She interpreted his $hange of dire$tion toward her appearan$e as his )eing +n$o,forta)le with where hed gone a ,o,ent ago( so she didnt ,ind&
Changing the
nat+re of their relationship wo+ld ta%e so,e ad.+st,ent for )oth of the,& She p+t her hands to his $hest( fir, and ,+s$+lar +nder the $risp
white $otton shirt& *So,e people sa' ,' thighs are $h+n%'&*
*So,e people are idiots&* !is hands slipped aro+nd to her )otto,& *I, not&*
!er ,o+th $+r-ed& *8o+re so arrogant&*
*1ets .+st sa' I %now what I li%e&* !e p+lled her $loser( so her )reasts )r+shed his $hest& *Do 'o+ %now what 'o+ li%e4*
*It see,s a $ertain a,o+nt of arrogan$e &&& $an )e appealing(* she ad,itted&
!e gr+nted his satisfa$tion( and his gaze ho,ed in on his target& !er lips&
*8o+re good loo%ing( of $o+rse(* she refle$ted( *)+t
that doesnt ,atter&*
*8o+ want to do good(* she said& !e frowned&
*3hen 'o+ first anno+n$ed 'o+ were r+nning for go-ernor( I tho+ght it was an ego thing( onl' a)o+t a,)ition& B+t sin$e I-e )een on the trail
with 'o+( I-e seen how ,+$h 'o+ $are a)o+t peoples well")eing&*
She lo-ed the $olor that rose along his .awline& *Most of all"* she let hi, off the hoo% *"I li%e that 'o+ dont worr' a)o+t ,e( or tr' to prote$t
*8o+re not going to sa' I, ,ean( are 'o+4* She shoo% her head&
*Be$a+se if I tho+ght 'o+ needed prote$ting( Id do it&* !is head .er%ed )a$% at his ad,ission& *8o+re 5+ite
$apa)le of loo%ing after 'o+rself&* !e so+nded as if he was telling hi,self( not her&
She )ea,ed& *8o+ thin% so4*
!e pressed a %iss to her forehead& *Did I sa' I li%e that 'o+re so tall4*
She pin$hed his )+tt( a re,inder to answer her 5+estion&
*I ,a' not alwa's agree with 'o+r ,ethods(* he said( *)+t( 'eah( Id sa' 'o+ ha-e ,ost things in 'o+r life exa$tl' where 'o+ want the,&*
She la+ghed& *Than%s( #a%e&* She %issed his $hin& !is e'es ,et hers( and dar%ened to the indigo of a twilit sea& !er ,o+th p+$%ered of its own
-olition( and it see,ed he too% it as an in-itation&
!is lips $a,e down on hers& B+t it wasnt the franti$ passion that had gripped the, in the par%& The %iss was gentler( ,ore explorator'& #a%es
tong+e swept her lower lip( then so+ght entr' to her ,o+th& She $o+ldnt den' hi,< she opened&
!e tasted of $offee and ,int and ,orning ,ale&
Sa)rina s+spe$ted the taste $o+ld )e$o,e addi$ti-e&
As the %iss deepened( the %it$hen was silent( ex$ept for their )reathing& The ,etalli$ pop of the toaster so+nded +nnat+rall' lo+d& #a%e drew
)a$% fro, the %iss( )+t didnt release her&
*M,,&* !e dropped a %iss on her hair&
*Dont 'o+ ha-e a $a,paign to r+n4* Sa)rina as%ed& *I g+ess& !ow a)o+t we ha-e a 5+iet e-ening in later4* !er p+lse s%ittered& *Its S+sans
f+ndraiser(* she
re,inded hi,& S+san had in-ited se-eral Atlanta )ig"
wigs for $o$%tails( in the hope of s5+eezing ,ore $a,paign f+nds o+t of the,&
*I forgot&* !is hand $aressed her )a$%side&
*Sho+ldnt 'o+ )e getting read'4* he said with fa%e $on$ern&
It was ten ho+rs +ntil the' needed to lea-e& *8o+re right(* she said with e5+all' fa%e alar,&
Sa)rina %new that a few %isses didnt add +p to an'thing ,ore than a ,ore pleasant alternati-e to s5+a))ling& B+t that didnt stop her h+,,ing
as she went +pstairs&
#ABE COU1DNT CONCENTRATE on his $on-ersation with Sher,an 2arris& 3hi$h ,eant his atte,pts to pers+ade the ,an to hand o-er a
heft' s+, in $a,paign $ontri)+tions"the whole point of this f+ndraising $o$%tail part' at S+sans ho+se"were +nli%el' to s+$$eed& !e hoped
2arris had )een pa'ing attention to S+sans anno+n$e,ent earlier that than%s to so,e new $o,,+ni$ations strategies( p+)li$ appro-al of #a%e
was at its highest le-el 'et& !e hadnt seen the fig+res hi,self( )+t he %new a lot ,ore people were e",ailing hi, and approa$hing hi, in the
street to as% a)o+t his poli$ies&
!e sho+ld tell 2arris( )+t for that hed need to fo$+s on the older ,an( rather than on the so+r$e of his distra$tion( twent' feet awa' in a
,idthigh hot"pin% dress that ,ade hi, want to ta%e it off her&
E-er sin$e this ,orning hed felt as if hed had the r+g p+lled o+t fro, +nder hi,& That $anoodle in the %it$hen had started off as a si,ple
gest+re to restore the pea$e )etween hi, and Sa)rina( to get the, on to the
one $o,,on gro+nd where the' ne-er had an' pro)le,s& Instead of %eeping it light( hed said st+ff li%e yo! make ordinary things (eel (resh.
She $a+ght his glan$e a$ross the roo,( lifted her glass to hi, with a s,ile& #a%e didnt 5+ite s+$$eed in stifling a $+rse& !e wo+ld ha-e to p+ll
the engage,ent )a$% to a lighter( stri$tl' ph'si$al le-el&
*!a-e 'o+ and 'o+r lad' had a tiff4* Sher,an 2arris as%ed&
*Not exa$tl'(* #a%e said&
*3o,en&* 2arris shoo% his head& *The onl' thing that $an ta%e a ,ans ,ind off the, is"* he tho+ght a ,o,ent *"death( I g+ess&*
If #a%e died( Sa)rina wo+ld pro)a)l' ha+nt him. *8o+r fian$ee is a tr+e )ea+t'(* 2arris said&
#a%e grow led so,e %ind of agree,ent& She was tal%ing to a ,an #a%e didnt re$ognize& The .er% was leaning in $lose&
The older ,an la+ghed& *That ,+st ha-e )een one hell+-a fight&*
#a%e realized his teeth were $len$hed( and tried to relax& Sa)rina was $on-ersing ani,atedl'( )+t she didnt loo% as if she was flirting& If
an'thing( she was frowning( tho+gh he %new that was +nli%el'& She was paranoid a)o+t a-oiding frown lines&
*The )est wo,en are alwa's worth the pain the' $a+se&* 2arris spo%e fondl'( as ifhe was re,inis$ing& *I was one of the .+dges( 'o+ %now&*
*#+dges4* #a%e had no idea what he was tal%ing a)o+t&
*2or Miss /eorgia&* 2arris swirled his wine refle$ti-el'& *7er' high standard in last 'ears $ontest&*
#a%es $+riosit' was pi5+ed( despite the fa$t he didnt want to tal% or thin% a)o+t Sa)rina& *3ere the .+dges +nani,o+s 4*
*Its not all loo%s( 'o+ %now(* Sher,an said& *6ersonalit' is i,portant( pl+s an a)ilit' to $ontri)+te to so$iet'& Breeding( too&*
*Breeding4* The old"fashioned ter, distra$ted #a%e fro, $onte,plation of his fian$ee&
*So,e of those girls( 'o+ $ant tr+st the, not to get dr+n% or sell n+de pi$t+res to the ta)loids&* 2arris p+rsed his r+))er' lips& *As #onah
Merritt said( there was no fear of that with his da+ghter&*
It too% a se$ond for #a%e to +nderstand&
#onah had tal%ed to one of the .+dges of the Miss /eorgia pageant4 The .+dges identities were %ept se$ret +ntil the da' of the pageant& B+t
so,eone as well $onne$ted as #onah $o+ld do+)tless find his wa' aro+nd that&
!is ,ind ra$ing( #a%e said $aref+ll'( *#onahs )een aro+nd long eno+gh to )e a good .+dge of $hara$ter&*
*!e %new a few things a)o+t so,e of those other girls that wo+ld ,a%e 'o+r hair stand on end&* 2arris loo%ed fro, his wine to Sa)rina( as if
$o,paring two fine prod+$ts& *I thin% we ,ade the right $hoi$e&* !e $lapped #a%e on the )a$%& *So did 'o+&*
As #a%e wal%ed awa'( hands st+ffed into the po$%ets of his s+it pants( he str+ggled to a)sor) what hed .+st learned& Miss 3hiter"than" 3hite
3histle")lower had $orr+ption in her own past& It was in$on$ei-a)le &&& )+t tr+e&
A $o+ple of wee%s ago( it wo+ld ha-e )een hard to resist the te,ptation to drop a word in the ear of a reporter& If the tr+th )e$a,e p+)li$
%nowledge( Sa)rina wo+ld )e stripped of her $rown the wa' #a%es father had )een stripped of his offi$e&
3!EN T!E #AJJ DUARTET str+$% +p *The 1oo% of 1o-e(* S+san headed +pstairs( lea-ing her g+ests in the hands of the -er' $apa)le $atering staff&
This song had )een the first dan$e at S+sans wedding"she $o+ld re,e,)er the happiness shed felt in !enr's ar,s& Not so,e gidd' feeling of
lo-e( ,ore a sense of se$+rit' and $o,fort& Shed lo-ed !enr' +ntil he died( and hed lo-ed her )a$%( )+t it had ne-er )een the %ind of $raz'
passion so,e people shared&
She stopped as she rea$hed the landing( her hand on the newel post( wondering wh' shed $o,e +p here&
She %new wh'& Be$a+se she was getting +sed to sharing her da's with Ted& Most da's the' pla'ed $hess( so,eti,es the' wor%ed in the garden&
E-er' da'( the' tal%ed& It felt strange downstairs witho+t hi,&
She tapped on his door( and went in& Ted was sitting in the ar,$hair )' the window( reading& Tho+gh he %new e-er'one downstairs( he of
$o+rse hadnt )een in-ited&
!e $losed his )oo% with a s,ile& *This song(* he said& *8es&* The t+ne drifted $learl' thro+gh the floor)oards& She too% the other ar,$hair( next
to his&
!e h+,,ed along to the ,+si$ in a good tenor& S+san $losed her e'es( listening& Ted had )een the )est ,an at
their wedding& Shed dan$ed with hi,( too& She $o+ldnt re,e,)er the song( )+t it was a #ero,e Bern n+,)er &&& */eorgia on M' Mind(* he
!er e'es snapped open&
*Thats what 'o+ and I dan$ed to(* he re,inded her& *8es& I wasnt s+re +ntil 'o+ said it&* She la+ghed& *I
had no idea how pres$ient that song wo+ld t+rn o+t to )e for 'o+&*
*I did(* he said& *M' parents de$ided I wo+ld )e the one to r+n for go-ernor( rather than !enr'( when I was fo+rteen 'ears old& After the' died(
!enr' %ept the expe$tation ali-e( and in the end I stopped fighting it&*
*The rest is histor'(* she said& *2or )etter or for worse&*
!is $hoi$e of words fro, the ,arriage -ow ,ade
her shi-er&
Ted stood& *Dan$e with ,e4*
She wanted to dan$e( S+san realized&
!e too% her in his ar,s( the ,o-e,ent ,eas+red( for,al& As the' ,o-ed to the ,+si$( S+san )e$a,e aware of Teds ,+s$+lar strength( the
$all+sed fir,ness of his hands& *The f+ndraiser see,s to )e going well(* she said& *7er' well&*
She felt his )reath a$ross her hair& *6leased to hear it(* Ted said&
*And the poll res+lts that $a,e in toda' are ex$ellent&
8o+r inp+t to the strateg' has )een in-al+a)le&* She wished she $o+ld gi-e hi, the $redit p+)li$l'&
*8o+ told ,e&* !e tightened his grip( ,a%ing her aware of the ,ale hardness of his )od'&
S+san wriggled( heard Teds sharp inta%e of )reath& *6erhaps 'o+ $o+ld && &loosen 'o+r hold(* she said& *I $ant(* he said regretf+ll'&
*Oh&* She digested that& *Reall'4* *Reall'&*
/oodness( was that Teds tong+e against her ear4 It was &&& ele$trif'ing& !e nipped her lo)e( and she .+,ped&
!e stopped ,o-ing( and ,o,ent+, $arried her forward( into hi,&
!e %issed her&
!e didnt r+sh in( didnt stor, her the wa' so,e ,en ,ight& Instead( his tong+e tra$ed the inside of S+sans )otto, lip( then fli$%ed o+t again& Then in(
then o+t& #+st when she wo+ld ha-e groaned( he entered( and the intense heat that washed o-er S+san ,ade her sag against hi,& !e held her( strong
where she needed hi, to )e( and deepened the %iss&
She hadnt felt this desira)le( hadnt wanted an'one this ,+$h( in 'ears& !ow long the' stood in ea$h others ar,s( she $o+ldnt ha-e said& B+t then Ted
groaned( and his longing was so +nfa,iliar that she startled o+t of his e,)ra$e&
It too% her a few se$onds to register where she was and that the song the )and was pla'ing wasnt one she %new& She straightened her dress with .er%'
,o-e,ents& *Id )etter" I sho+ld )e"*
*Dont go&* Teds e'es were )rilliant( intense& *I need to get )a$% to ,' g+ests&*
*Then pro,ise 'o+ll $o,e )a$% here later& That well do this later&*
St+,)ling into his ar,s was one thing& 6lanning to %iss her )rother"in"law was altogether different& *Ted( I $ant&*
!is .aw set& !ow $o+ld she ha-e tho+ght he was less
deter,ined than #a%e4 *I want 'o+( S+san&*
!er )od' .+st a)o+t ,elted& *Dont&*
*I want 'o+ ,ore than I-e e-er wanted an'one&* *Thats a)s+rd&* Be$a+se right now she felt the sa,e
and it $o+ldnt )e tr+e&
*8o+re s$ared&* !is -oi$e was so gentle( tears pri$%ed her e'es&
*Not at all&* S+san too% a step )a$%ward( then another one& The )a$% of her %nees )r+shed against the )ed& *Ted( 'es( there was a ,o,ents &&& wanting
.+st now& B+t( no( I dont want this& Not with 'o+& 8o+re notnot the %ind of ,an I wo+ld e-er &&& *
Now there was an answer he +nderstood& E-en while her ,ind ra$ed ahead to for)idden territor'( i,agined going to )ed not alone$ Ted released her&
!e pa$ed to the window( stared o+t into the dar% garden&
She ,o-ed toward the door&
*I %now I-e h+rt 'o+ in the past(* he said( his -oi$e low and pained& *B+t I, done with snea%ing aro+nd to a$hie-e what I thin% is right& I, warning
'o+ now( S+san( I intend to ,a%e 'o+ want ,e )a$%&*
S+san f+,)led the door handle with da,p pal,s( ,anaged to wrestle it open& She wal%ed o+t of the roo, &&& and into #a%e&
*Sorr'&* #a%e steadied her with his hands& *I was loo%ing for"* !e glan$ed past her into the )edroo,< he stiffened& *8o+ told ,e he was gone&*
*I didnt sa' that&*
#a%e loo%ed read' to sl+g so,eone< S+san edged in Teds dire$tion& *8o+ as%ed ,e if Ted got awa' o%a'( and I"well"I didnt a$t+all' answer&*
Thered )een a dozen things going on( and #a%e hadnt noti$ed her e-asion&
*8o+ %new I tho+ght hed gone(* he said( 5+iet and f+rio+s& *8o+ deli)eratel'"*
*Mind how 'o+ tal% to 'o+r a+nt(* Ted snapped& #a%e glan$ed aro+nd( then stepped into the )edroo,&
S+san followed( $losing the door )ehind her&
*3h' are 'o+ still here4* #a%e de,anded&
Teds gaze went to S+san& She hoped she wasnt )l+shing& If #a%e had the faintest idea shed .+st %issed Ted &&& Besides( she wasnt the reason
Ted was still here& 3as she4 *8o+r fathers )een helping ,e(* she said&
#a%e didnt ta%e his e'es off Ted& *!elping 'o+( how4* *3ith the or$hids(* Ted said& S+san had told #a%e a)o+t his fathers new $areer in that
sa,e $on-ersation where shed ,anaged not to ,ention Ted was still in her ho+se&
She appre$iated Teds atte,pt to prote$t her fro, #a%es ire( )+t she had to gi-e $redit where it was d+e& Besides( when #a%e $al,ed down( it
,ight help hi, see his father in a ,ore positi-e light& *Ted has also )een wor%ing on 'o+r $a,paign strateg' with ,e(* she said& *!es had
ideas I $o+ld ne-er ha-e drea,ed of( and its than%s to hi, that 'o+r n+,)ers are +p where the' are&*
She realized shed ph'si$all' aligned herself with Ted< #a%e was glaring at )oth of the,& *I want 'o+ o+t of ,' $a,paign(* he snarled at his
father& *I want 'o+ o+t of this $it'( and ,ost of all( I want 'o+ o+t of ,' life&*
S+san p+t o+t a hand& *#a%e &&& *
*I ,ean it( S+san& Id rather ha-e Mitz' r+nning ,' $a,paign than hi,&* !e wheeled aro+nd and left the roo,&
*Oh( dear(* S+san said( her -oi$e -er' s,all& *3hat do we do now4*
Teds ar, settled a$ross her sho+lders& *I, not lea-ing(* he said( *and last ti,e I loo%ed( #a%e wasnt the )oss of ,e&*
S+san told herself the sta) of relief that he wasnt a)o+t to lea-e was entirel' politi$al& Not at all personal&
AT 1ON/ 1AST( #ABE and Sa)rina had an e-ening off their politi$al engage,ents& A $han$e for that *5+iet night in* hed ,entioned& Sa)rina
had offered to $oo%& She lo-ed to do it( and her $ordon )le+ training had )een woef+ll' +nder+tilized latel'&
The ,eal she planned"-eal es$alopes with a le,ons$ented sa+$e( gratin potatoes( green )eans and gritswasnt $o,plex( )+t its well".+dged
fla-ors wo+ld ,a%e it a *s',phon' of taste(* as one of the $hefs whod ta+ght her $alled it&
*S,ells great(* #a%e said when he wal%ed into the %it$hen fro, the garage& !e too% one loo% at Sa)rina in her frill' white apron and started to
la+gh& *8o+ realize this is e-er' ,ans fantas'"Miss /eorgia in his %it$hen in an apron&*
*I thin% the fantas' has nothing +nder the apron(* she said& 3as it her i,agination( or was this expensi-e designer %it$hen inade5+atel'
#a%e stepped $loser( ta%ing ,ore of the a-aila)le air&
*I was tr'ing to %eep this /"rated( li%e a go-ernor who s+pports fa,il' -al+es wo+ld& B+t now that 'o+ ,ention it& && *
She rea$hed into the $+tler' drawer and thr+st a handf+l of sil-erware at hi,& *3h' dont 'o+ set the ta)le )efore 'o+ )low the ele$tion )'
letting 'o+r fa,il' -al+es slip&*
!e $h+$%led and( with a deli$io+s loo% that said later$ disappeared into the dining roo,& Sa)rina was gratef+l for the )reathing spa$e& 1iterall'&
She g+lped ox'gen li%e it was going o+t of fashion&
3hen he ret+rned( she set hi, to whis%ing the le,on sa+$e for the -eal& It was hand' ha-ing a spare pair of hands& The sa+$e wasnt diffi$+lt(
)+t it did need $onstant attention& The phone rang while he was whis%ing& #a%e ,o-ed to answer it( )+t she wa-ed hi, )a$% to the sto-e& *Ill
get it& Its pro)a)l' Ta,,'(* she said( one hand o-er the re$ei-er&
#a%e loo%ed a,+sed&
*!e'( Ba)'&* It was her sister Megan& *Dad s+ggested dinner at his pla$e on S+nda'& Can 'o+ g+'s ,a%e it4*
*So+nds good& A, I $oo%ing4*
Megans la+gh was sheepish& *8o+ %now 'o+r food
is the )est& Is that o%a'4*
*Not a pro)le,&* The' $hatted for a few ,in+tes& *!ow are things at the ed+$ation tr+st4* Megan said& *I, glad 'o+ as%ed&* Sa)rina t+rned
down the te,"
perat+re on the o-en& *I ,et a ,an at S+sans f+ndraiser the other night( the law'er for a $harit' $alled The A-erage Bid&*
*Ne-er heard of it&*
*I ha-e(* Sa)rina said gri,l'& *The're against all for,s of elitist ed+$ation( li%e progra,s for gifted $hil"
dren& The'-e filed a laws+it against the /eorgia ed+$ation depart,ent( arg+ing that the states sep$ial s$hools f+nding is irresponsi)le +se of
taxpa'er f+nds&*
*Interesting(* Megan said&
*Its not interesting$0 Sa)rina gr+,)led& *The'-e $ited o+r s$hool as a pri,e exa,ple of elitist f+nding& If their $ase gets a hearing it $o+ld drag
on goodness %nows how long& 3e wont get f+nding for o+r s$hool as long as theres do+)t o-er its legalit'&*
*There goes another .o)(* Megan said s',patheti$all'& Sa)rina )ristled& *3ere $onfident we $an fig+re o+t a wa' to )eat the laws+it&*
Megan $h+$%led& */ood l+$% with that& 1isten( Ba)'( I ha-e to read a ,illion files )' ,orning( so Id )etter go&* A ,o,ent later( she ended the
*!ow was Ta,,'4* #a%e as%ed&
Sa)rina inspe$ted his sa+$e( de$ided it was whis%ed eno+gh& She t+rned off the ele,ent& *She as%ed ,e to tell 'o+ shes $o,pletel' o-er 'o+&*
*3ow& Co,pletel'4*
*Utterl' and a)sol+tel'&* She dipped a teaspoon in the sa+$e and tasted it& *In fa$t( I dont want to h+rt 'o+r feelings &&& *
*/o ahead&*
Sa)rina sprin%led salt into the sa+$e( then stirred it& *Ta,,'s wondering what she saw in 'o+ in the first pla$e&*
!e )+rst into la+ghter( )+t when she glan$ed at hi,( his fa$e was serio+s& *3ow(* he said& *Shes $o,e a long wa' fro, that pitif+l state 'o+
said she was in&*
*I ,ight ha-e ,isread that(* Sa)rina ad,itted& *She tho+ght 'o+ )ro%e her heart( )+t then she realized the relationship had ne-er )een what
shed tho+ght&*
*Ah&* #a%e ran the whis% +nder the fa+$et& *I ne-er realized Ta,,' was s+$h a wise wo,an&*
Sa)rina wa-ed her spoon at hi,& *Oh( 'eah( shes prett' s,art&*
*Da,n right(* he said( loo%ing -ag+el' dissatisfied& #a%e had lit $andles( so the at,osphere when the' sat down was ro,anti$& Sa)rina tried not
to thin% a)o+t where this 5+iet e-ening wo+ld lead( )+t when his e'es ,et hers a$ross the ta)le( dar% with pro,ise( it was all she $o+ld do not
to toss e-er'thing off the ta)le( throw herself onto the oa% s+rfa$e and )eg hi, to ,a%e lo-e to her& She fanned her fa$e&
!e e'ed her& *Are 'o+ o%a'4*
*Those $andles& !ot&* She flapped awa'& The 5+ir% of his e'e)rows said he %new exa$tl' what her pro)le, was( )+t he didnt $hallenge her&
*Did 'o+ tal% to S+san toda'4* Sa)rina as%ed& #a%e had told her after the $o$%tail part' that his father was still in town& Not onl' that( )+t
wor%ing on his $a,paign& Sa)rina had )een shallow eno+gh to feel relie-ed that S+san had de$ei-ed the,(.+st as the' were de$ei-ing her&
*Dads still here( and S+san wont throw hi, o+t&*
#a%e sta))ed a potato with his for%& 3hen he p+t it in his ,o+th( his expression )e$a,e less hostile& That was what Sa)rina lo-ed a)o+t
$oo%ing& So,e people $onsidered it do,esti$ dr+dger'& 2or her( it was power&
*This ,eal is fantasti$(* he said( staring down at his plate&
*Sin$e 'o+r dads here an'wa'(* she said $aref+ll'( *,a')e 'o+ sho+ld rethin% 'o+r ref+sal to tal% with hi,&*
!e tensed( )+t she %new it was hard to get in a serio+sl' )ad ,ood when 'o+ were eating great food&
*If 'o+ wont do it for 'o+r own sa%e( do it for 'o+r $a,paign(* she said& *There are plent' of people who thin% its not right for a son to disown
his father& Thin% a)o+t Mr& Bnight( the ,an we ,et at the hospital&*
#a%e frowned& *8o+re s+ggesting I re$on$ile with Dad for politi$al gain4*
*I thin% 'o+ sho+ld re$on$ile )e$a+se its the right thing to do& I, .+st gi-ing 'o+ another perspe$ti-e&*
!e for%ed a ,o+thf+l of -eal& As he $hewed( he
dr+,,ed his fingers on the ta)le&
*/i-e hi, a $han$e(* Sa)rina +rged 5+ietl'& *Ill thin% a)o+t it&*
*3ow(* she said& *Than%s&*
*I, not doing it for 'o+(* he said halfheartedl'& She s+ppressed a s,ile that she %new wo+ld ,a%e
her loo% altogether too pleased with herself& 3ho wo+ld ha-e tho+ght she and #a%e wo+ld e-er sit at the sa,e ta)le and dis$+ss his father
a,i$a)l'4 *8o+ were right(* she said&
*Of $o+rse I was&* !e s,a$%ed his lips& *Man( I ,a%e a good le,on sa+$e&*
She rolled her e'es& *I ,ean( 'o+ were right to p+ll )a$% fro, o+r relationship&*
!e stilled&
*I was too 'o+ng( hopelessl' nai-e&* She shi-ered&
*It wo+ld ha-e )een a disaster if wed sta'ed together&*
!e set down his %nife and for%& 0*isaster ,ight )e o-erstating it&*
*No(* she said( *thats the right word& 3e had nothing in $o,,on&*
!e p+shed his plate awa'( tho+gh he hadnt 5+ite fin"
ished his -eal& *3e had so,e things&*
*Oh( s+re( great sex&* She wa-ed dis,issi-el'& !e frowned& *And f+n& 3e had f+n&*
*I was so .+-enile(* she said& *8o+ ,+st ha-e la+ghed
at ,e&*
*I la+ghed with 'o+(* he $orre$ted& *If 'o+ sa' so&*
#a%e p+lled his plate )a$%& 3here had this $on-ersation $o,e fro,4 And wh' was he finding Sa)rinas ad,ission that hed )een right all those
'ears ago( whi$h effe$ti-el' let hi, off the hoo%( so da,n anno'ing4
!ed )een ha-ing a great e-ening +ntil now& S+san had )een right to s+ggest he ,end his fen$es with Sa)rina( this whole engage,ent was so
,+$h less stressf+l&
*3h' did we )rea% +p4* she as%ed( and #a%es stress le-el s+ddenl' spi%ed& *I %now what I did was the end point( )+t li%e 'o+ said( 'o+ were
,o-ing awa' fro, ,e )efore that& I fig+red we )ro%e +p )e$a+se I wasnt s,art eno+gh for 'o+&*
!e glowered& *Dont )e st+pid& 8o+re s,art&* She sni$%ered&
*8o+ %now what I ,ean(* he said& *So( we )ro%e +p )e$a+se &&& 4*
#a%e ran his hands thro+gh his hair& !ed tho+ght a)o+t it often eno+gh that he %new the answer& *3hat we had wasnt& && sensi)le& 1i%e 'o+ .+st
said( 'o+ were too 'o+ng"no ,atter how old 'o+ were in 'ears(* he said( seeing her a)o+t to protest( e-en tho+gh he was +sing her arg+,ent&
*8o+ needed to grow +p&*
!er e'es narrowed& *So 'o+ were doing ,e a fa-or&* !e shoo% his head& *I was doing me a fa-or&* *!+h4*
*8o+ ,ight re,e,)er I +sed to sa' I was $raz' a)o+t 'o+(* he said&
!er la+gh had a sharp edge& *!ow $o+ld I forget4 I wo+ld sa' I lo-ed 'o+ and instead of sa'ing 'o+ lo-ed ,e )a$%( 'o+ alwa's said( I, $raz'
a)o+t 'o+&*
!ed hoped she wo+ldnt noti$e the distin$tion& !ed )een willing to ad,it that she dro-e hi, $raz' with her ,o+th( her )od'( her $+te wa's(
e-en her e,otional de,ands that were in s+$h $ontrast with his own fa,il's& B+t lo-e &&&
*8o+ were too 'o+ng to %now a)o+t lo-e&* Before she $o+ld $orre$t hi,( he added( *Too 'o+ng e,otionall'&*
*I lo-ed 'o+(* she insisted( and so,ething twisted in his g+t&
*Sa'ing I was $raz' a)o+t 'o+ wasnt a lie(* #a%e said& *Thats how 'o+ ,ade ,e feel"$raz'& 8o+ were i,,at+re( selfish( pa,pered&*
*I $ant wait to hear what 'o+ a$t+all' li%ed a)o+t ,e(* she said&
*8o+ were also sweet( %ind( f+nn'( )ri,,ing with enth+sias,& Sex'& #+st thin%ing a)o+t 'o+ tied ,e +p
in %nots&* !e wiped his ,o+th with his nap%in and dropped it on the ta)le& *I, not the %ind of g+' who wants to )e tied +p in %nots& 3e were
too different fro, ea$h other to e-er get ,arried"lea-ing aside the fa$t 'o+ were too 'o+ng")+t it was getting harder to thin% of )eing witho+t
'o+& So I started p+lling )a$%&*
#a%e saw the h+rt in her e'es& !e swallowed& *I, sorr'& I reall' a,&*
She nodded& *Sin$e I-e now realized 'o+ ,ade the right $all(* she said slowl'( *I sho+ld pro)a)l' than% 'o+&*
!e sho+ld )e thrilled to %now she no longer held a gr+dge against hi,& *Dont than% ,e&*
She held his gaze and lifted her wineglass in a toast&
*1ets drin% to older and wiser&*
Rel+$tantl'( he $lin%ed his glass against hers&
*And ,a')e"* she raised her glass again *"to doing things )etter in f+t+re&*
#a%e rea$hed a$ross the ta)le for her free hand and snared her fingers& *So,e things $ant get an' )etter than the' were&*
Sa)rina felt the leashed strength of his fingers and %new exa$tl' what he ,eant& Are 'o+ s+re a)o+t that4*
A low growl es$aped hi,& !e stood and wal%ed aro+nd the ta)le( t+gged her to her feet&
Then he %issed her&
#a%es %iss awa%ened e-er' dor,ant instin$t Sa)rina possessed& Shed dated ,en the past fi-e 'ears and ne-er on$e felt this desperation( this
$ra-ing to )e satisfied& Now( she $o+ldnt get eno+gh of his ,o+th( of the lean(
hard strength of his )od'& Of his hands( exploring her $+r-es with a pro,ise of inti,a$' to $o,e&
She parted her lips( drew hi, into her ,o+th( ,at$hing his h+nger with an appetite that $onde,ned e-er' other %iss shed had as an anorexi$ i,itation
of the real thing&
She $ra-ed hi,( $o+ldnt get eno+gh of his lips( his tong+e( the pla' of ,+s$le )eneath her hands&
3hen the' s+rfa$ed for air( she gra))ed the )a$% of her $hair for s+pport& She was )reathing hea-il'& *8o+ %iss ,e li%e that again( and were ta%ing a
step in a whole new dire$tion&*
*The dire$tion of ,' )ed(* he agreed& *Not so new&* Sa)rina s5+eezed her e'es sh+t( o)literated the i,ages
that sprang to ,ind& *Are 'o+ s+re thats what 'o+ want4*
*!ell( 'es&* !e ,o-ed to ta%e her in his ar,s&
She p+t +p a hand to stop hi,& *#a%e( I, not s+re&* *Sweetheart( I, no expert( )+t .+dging )' that %iss(
I $an sa' with $onfiden$e this is what 'o+ want&*
*A few ,in+tes ago I said )rea%ing +p was the right thing to do& !ow $an going to )ed together also )e right4*
*That was then( this is now(* he said patientl'& *8o+ also said were older and wiser&*
*All the ,ore reason not to do an'thing st+pid&*
!e loo%ed as if he wo+ld arg+e( then he too% her hands& *If 'o+re telling ,e 'o+ want to wait a while( thats fine&*
Relief g+shed o+t of her& *Thats what I want& To wait& Not too long(* she ad,itted&
*!owe-er long 'o+ want&*
SUSAN DIS6ATC!ED !ER latest instr+$tions to the 3arrington $a,paigns $o,,+ni$ations ,anager with a press of the Send %e' in her e",ail
progra,& After dinner( she and Ted had spent three solid ho+rs hashing and rehashing their options for this late stage in the $a,paign& As alwa's( Ted
had good ideas& B+t hed also $on$eded se-eral points to her&
As she $losed down her laptop( S+san heard the fa+$et r+nning in the %it$hen( the $latter of dishes )eing sta$%ed in the dishwasher&
Ted was as +nli%e his )rother as it was possi)le for a ,an to )e& !e didnt do things )e$a+se the' were expe$ted( and he didnt expe$t S+san to do
so,ething .+st )e$a+se that was the wa' it was alwa's done&
She hated this artifi$ial sit+ation( $o$ooned in her ho+se& If she $o+ld see Ted +p against other ,en she %new( against de$ent( honest ,en( he wo+ldnt
see, so &&& all+ring& As it was( he was e-er'where she didnt want hi, to )e"in her ho+se( in her )elo-ed garden& In her ,ind&
Restless( she wandered into the %it$hen& Ted had his shirtslee-es rolled +p( and she $o+ld see the solid strength of his wrists& She swallowed&
!e t+rned( wiped his hands on a dish towel( then folded the towel o-er the o-en"door handle& *Show ,e 'o+r greenho+se(* he said&
!ed )een in there )efore( she %new& B+t not with her&
S+san opened the )a$%door and stepped o+tside&
Ted followed( so $lose she $o+ld feel the heat of his
)od'& She st+,)led on the path( and he p+t a hand to her sho+lder&
3hen S+san opened the greenho+se door( the sweet( s+$$+lent s$ent )illowed at her li%e a wa-e& She inhaled deepl'( re-eled in it& Beside her(
she was aware of Ted doing the sa,e& A sidelong glan$e re-ealed his e'es were $losed&
3hen he opened the,( the' were )right with ex$ite,ent& It was the sa,e wa' S+san felt a)o+t this pla$e& !e too% three pa$es( and stopped&
*This 6ygopetal!m is ,agnifi$ent&*
It was S+sans pride and .o'& *I $o+ld grow it o+tside in s+,,er( )+t its -er' hard to get the watering right(* she said& 06ygopetal!m are f+ss'
!e nodded( and to+$hed a finger to a petal& !is exploration was so gentle that S+san didnt iss+e her +s+al *Dont to+$h the or$hids* order&
E-er'thing a)o+t the new Ted was gentle( she realized& !is -oi$e( his tho+ghts( his to+$h& It was as if hed peeled awa' la'ers when hed left
Atlanta( exposing the tender inner ,an&
*Bea+tif+l(* he said& The word shi,,ered )etween the,&
!e fingered the petal so re-erentl' that S+san felt the la$% of to+$h( the a)sen$e of inti,ate $aress( in her own life ,ore %eenl' than shed ha-e
tho+ght possi)le& She ,ade a s,all noise& Teds gra' e'es fo+nd hers&
!e a)andoned the or$hids to $+p her el)ows in his hands& The solid war,th of his to+$h was li%e )al, to a loneliness shed onl' .+st
re$ognized inside her& Ted
wal%ed one hand +p her spine( fo+nd the )a$% of her ne$%& S+san shi-ered( shed alwa's )een sensiti-e there& !is fingers $ir$led her nape( a
deli$ate( wel$o,e to+$h( li%e a spring shower on a par$hed garden& 1i%e a shower that re,inded 'o+ what 'o+ reall' needed was a del+ge&
She stepped $loser& In a last( to%en resistan$e( she p+t her hands +p to hi,( )+t then wrapped her fingers in the $risp $otton of his shirt& She
ordered herself to let go( )+t it didnt happen&
*S+san&* !ow had his ,o+th got so $lose to hers( so $lose she $o+ld feel his )reath on her lips4
She sho+ldnt )e doing this& S+san swa'ed( then +nder the press+re on her ne$% ,o-ed to ,eet his ,o+th&
*One %iss(* he said"was it a pro,ise( a negotiation( a 5+ota4"a ,o,ent )efore his lips to+$hed hers&
Teds ,o+th was softer than !enr's had )een( tho+gh not in an' wa' soft& !is %iss was 5+esting as his lips roa,ed o-er hers( teasing( flirting&
Then it was o-er( )efore shed e-en parted for hi,&
And instead of )eing relie-ed( she was disappointed&
3hat had she done( after shed told hi, this $o+ldnt happen again4 This was all wrong& S+san p+lled awa'( too% two steps )a$%ward on the
pa-ing stones( her hand pressed to her lips&
*I still want 'o+(* Ted said& *!a-e I ,ade 'o+ want ,e 'et4*
S+san didnt sa' an'thing& Teds gaze ,eas+red her& *I see(* he said& *8o+d still rather we sti$% to $hess&*
!er pani$ left her with the sa,e r+sh as it had arri-ed&
She let o+t the %ind of sha%' la+gh people do when the'-e had a narrow es$ape& *Thats right(* she said& *3ell sti$% to $hess&*
COOBIN/ 3AS ONE AREA( )e'ond $lothes and ,a%e+p( where Sa)rina +n5+estiona)l' ex$elled )e'ond her sisters& In her fathers %it$hen
on S+nda' night( she p+t the finishing to+$hes to the whole sal,on she planned to poa$h for tonights dinner with her dad and sisters& And her
fian$e& She sni$%ered to herself as she threw a handf+l of sli$ed ,+shroo,s into the )a%ing dish( then )egan to seal the foil aro+nd the fish&
#a%e arri-ed fro, a ,eeting at a retire,ent -illage at the sa,e ti,e as her sisters t+rned +p&
!e %issed her in greeting( nothing too passionate for p+)li$ -iewing( )+t long( slow and satisf'ing&
Megan $leared her throat lo+dl'< #a%e released Sa)rina with exaggerated rel+$tan$e& This is what life wo+ld )e li%e if she and #a%e reall' were
Megan %issed Sa)rinas $hee%( then lifted the foil to pee% at the sal,on& *S,ells good( Ba)'&*
*It hasnt started $oo%ing 'et(* Sa)rina said&
*3ell( I %now it will s,ell good(* Megan said lo'all'& *It alwa's does&*
*8o+ loo% great( Ba)'(* C'nthia said& *I lo-e lila$ on 'o+&*
*Than%s&* Sa)rina ran her pal,s o-er her s%irt&
D+i$%l'( she glan$ed at her refle$tion in the o-en door& She loo%ed fine&
#a%e had seen that rapid $he$%< he shoo% his head( )arel' per$epti)l'&
Ma')e he was right( she needed to tone down her interest in her appearan$e& Now that she tho+ght a)o+t it( her sisters eff+si-e $o,pli,ents
alwa's $o-ered the sa,e gro+nd"her food and her $lothes& She wasnt a s,art( high"fl'ing law'er( )+t she still had so,ething going for her&
*I ha-e a $o+ple of $alls to ,a%e&* C'nthia ran a hand thro+gh her )lond hair( a s+re sign tho+ghts of wor% were $ons+,ing her& *3hat ti,e are
we eating( Ba)'4*
*Co+ld 'o+ two stop $alling ,e Ba)'4* Sa)rina as%ed( sharpl' eno+gh to $o,,and her sisters attention&
#onah $a,e into the %it$hen( drawn fro, his st+d' )' their -oi$es& Toda'( li%e ,ost S+nda's( he wore .eans too pressed to loo% entirel' $as+al
and a $ord+ro' shirt& *3hats +p( girls4* !e .er%ed a nod to #a%e( ex$l+ding hi, fro, the *girls* la)el( then inspe$ted the sal,on& *1oo%s good(
*Dad(* Megan said in a stage whisper that ,ade Sa)rina feel li%e a %indergartner( *were not allowed to $all her that an',ore&*
#onah la+ghed& *B+t shes ,' )a)' girl&*
*It ,a%es ,e so+nd in$o,petent(* Sa)rina said&
*3hi$h :, not&* She e'e)alled hi,&
*Of $o+rse 'o+re not in$o,petent(* he )l+stered& !e appealed to her sisters& *Is she( girls4*
*No( no&* Too"rapid agree,ent fro, Megan&
*Of $o+rse not(* C'nthia said with the %ind of for$e she e,plo'ed to $on-in$e a .+r' of a parti$+larl' wea% arg+,ent&
*3h' dont we ta%e o+r drin%s to the st+d'(* her father said& Drin%s in the st+d' were a wee%l' rit+al&
There was an +nspo%en seating hierar$h' in the Merritt ho+sehold( and so,ehow e-en g+ests sensed that and too% their rightf+l pla$e& #a%e sat
in one of the wing $hairs opposite her fathers des%( as did C'nthia& Megan had a ,at$hing ar,$hair witho+t wings( and Sa)rina too% the lo-e
seat that #onah had gi-en her ,o, on their tenth wedding anni-ersar'&
The $on-ersation had a fa,iliar pattern( too& #onah alwa's as%ed for a report on ea$h of his da+ghters li-es& C'nthia and Megan in-aria)l' had
i,portant $ases to tal% a)o+t& These da's( Sa)rina had the s$hool&
C'nthia had )een offered a senior position in the distri$t attorne's offi$e& #onah was -er' ex$ited"""e-en ,ore than he wanted C'nthia to wor%
at Merritt( Merritt E 2in$h( he wanted her to )e a .+dge& The DA was an i,portant first step along that path&
*Ex$ellent(* he said to C'nthia& *: , pro+d of 'o+&* 2or a fra$tion of a se$ond( Megans e'es ,et Sa)rinas( and Sa)rina saw a flash of
so,ething fa,iliar in her sisters expression& The sa,e inse$+rit' she felt herself& Then it was gone( and she de$ided she ,+st ha-e i,agined it&
Megan was not inse$+re&
*3hat a)o+t 'o+( Megan4* #onah as%ed&
Megan swit$hed on as she dis$+ssed the twent' per"
$ent growth the fir,s fa,il' law pra$ti$e had re$orded in the past ,onth( whi$h reinfor$ed Sa)rinas i,pression that shed ,is.+dged that
,o,ent of see,ing inse$+rit'&
*!ow a)o+t 'o+( Ba"Sa)rina4* #onah said& Megan $hipped in )efore Sa)rina $o+ld spea%&
*Sa)rina has a laws+it on her hands fro, a )+n$h of wa$%os who dont li%e an'one getting spe$ial treat,ent&*
The s+$$in$t des$ription ,ade a serio+s pro)le, so+nd tri-ial& *The wa$%os are an organization $alled The A-erage Bid(* Sa)rina told her
father& *Its a lo))' gro+p against an' for, of elitist f+nding in ed+$ation& The' want to pro-e that s$hools li%e ,ine are wrongf+l +se of state
f+nds& The're singling o+t the In.+red Bids Ed+$ation Tr+sts proposed s$hool as an exa,ple&*
*The' ,ight ha-e a $ase(* #onah said to Megan( who nodded&
*3e plan to fight the,(* Sa)rina said& *In fa$t( Megan( I, hoping 'o+ll represent the tr+st pro )ono&*
The tho+ght had .+st o$$+rred to her& As +s+al( shed )l+rted it o+t( )+t she $o+ldnt thin% of a single reason wh' the tr+sts dire$tors ,ight
o).e$t to the ser-i$es of one of Atlantas top law'ers for free&
*Uh( its a possi)ilit'&* Megan sipped her wine& *I g+ess&* She sipped again&
*8o+ dont so+nd enth+siasti$& I %now 'o+re )+s'( )+t this is i,portant to ,e&*
*Its not a)o+t )eing )+s'&* Megan traded glan$es with C'nthia& *Its a 5+estion of reso+r$es&*
*The idea of pro )ono is its free(* Sa)rina said&
Again( her sisters ex$hanged a loo%&
*I ,ean( the reso+r$es within 'o+r organization(* Megan said& *A $ase li%e this $o+ld $ons+,e a h+ge a,o+nt of ti,e& M' +nderstanding is that
all 'o+r dire$tors are part "ti,e( with hea-'weight $areers of their own&*
*I, the onl' exe$+ti-e with the tr+st as ,' ,ain priorit'(* Sa)rina agreed& *B+t thats o%a'& I, willing to p+t whate-er ti,e it ta%es into this& I
ha-e less than two ,onths to go as Miss /eorgia( and its winding down alread'&*
Megan sighed& *3hat I, sa'ing( Ba)'( is that an' pro )ono $lient needs to p+t +p people with the $redi)ilit' to fight the $ase& 6eople wholl
sti$% with it( e-en if it drags on for 'ears&*
*And thats not ,e(* Sa)rina said slowl'( horri)le realization dawning&
Megans fa$e softened& *Thats not 'o+(* she agreed& Sa)rinas heart po+nded a tattoo< she shot to her feet&
*Da,,it( Megan( it is ,e& I ,a' not )e as s,art as 'o+( I ,a' not ha-e 'o+r powers of rhetori$( )+t I, passionate a)o+t this s$hool and Ill
fight tooth and nail for it +ntil ,' fingers are )lood' st+,ps&*
Megan wrin%led her nose& *Beep 'o+r hair on( -abrina. I didnt ,ean to offend 'o+&*
*Onl' )e$a+se 'o+ thin% I, too st+pid to noti$e when I, )eing ins+lted(* Sa)rina said& *I, si$% of yo!"and yo!"0 she ro+nded on C'nthia
*")ragging a)o+t 'o+r wor% and a$ting as if I, not good for an'thing )e'ond $oo%ing 'o+r dinner&*
She sent #a%e a pleading look"help me o!t here. !e spread his hands to sa'( .o!re on yo!r own. 3hat had he told her4 I( I tho!ght yo! needed
prote'ting$ Id do it. !e was right( she didnt need his help( e-en if it wasnt eas' to stand fir, when 'o+d ne-er done it )efore with fa,il'& 3hen
deep down( 'o+ $o+ldnt help wondering if the reason people prote$ted 'o+ was )e$a+se 'o+ reall' $o+ldnt handle the nitt'"gritt'&
!er insides 5+i-ered& B+t shed started this( and these da's( she finished what she started&
*I-e )een thin%ing a)o+t how we $an tro+n$e The A-erage Bid(* she $ontin+ed& *I ha-e it all fig+red o+t& And( Megan( 'o+re da, well going to help
*Is that so4* Megan p+rsed her lips&
*I, going to ride the )iggest wa-e of p+)li$ s',path' 'o+ e-er saw(* Sa)rina said& *All the wa' to the )an%&*
Megan frowned as she exa,ined Sa)rinas repl' fro, all angles& *8o+r in.+r' isnt news to an'one these da's& I $ant see people getting wor%ed +p
o-er that&*
*M' in.+r' is old news(* Sa)rina agreed& *Boring&*
She pa+sed& *Ex$ept for the -ideo footage& No one has seen that&*
Megan gaped< #onah drew in a pained )reath& #a%e leaned forward( el)ows on his %nees( his gaze intent&
*8o+ wo+ld ne-er +se the -ideos(* Megan said&
*I dont want to&* Sa)rina e'e)alled her sister& *B+t Ill p+ll the, o+t if I ha-e to&*
!er father had insisted on do$+,enting ea$h stage of her re$o-er' so she $o+ld see how far shed $o,e&
Sa)rina hated the -ideos( hated the re,inder of her a$$ident& B+t the footage of her p+shing herself to a$hie-e ,ilestones wee%s or ,onths )efore the
do$tors )elie-ed she $o+ld( her tal%ing to the $a,era a)o+t how ,+$h she ,issed s$hool( how desperatel' she wanted to wal% again and go to the
pro, &&&
*Theres not a heart in the land that wont ,elt(* #a%e said tri+,phantl'& 2ro, his tone( Sa)rina gathered hed seen so,e of the footage& It didnt
s+rprise her< her dad had pro)a)l' showed it to Ted at so,e stage& 3hat did s+rprise her was the pride in #a%es e'es&
*And not a person in the land wholl thin% The A-erage Bid fol%s are an'thing other than lee$hes feeding off the less fort+nate(* #onah ,+sed alo+d&
*Sa)rina( its da,n $le-er( )+t threatening to +se those tapes"*
*Its not a threat( its a plan of a$tion&* She set her wineglass down on the edge of his des%& *I will +se the,& I was )lessed to re$o-er fro, ,' a$$ident"
than%s to 'o+r ,one'( Dad( I had the )est do$tors( as ,+$h one"on"one t+toring as I needed& Most %ids arent that fort+nate( and those are the ones I
want to represent&* She glan$ed a$ross the roo,& *Dont ,ess with ,e( Megan( I want 'o+r +n5+alified s+pport on this&*
2ro, the silen$e( it see,ed no one wo+ld e-en $onsider ,essing with her& It was a head' feeling&
*O%a'( Sa)rina(* Megan said( $learl' $onf+sed and anno'ed& *Ill represent 'o+r tr+st&*
*Than% 'o+&* Sa)rina stood( d+sted her hands together&
*I thin%(* she said )rightl'( *dinner will )e read'&*
*8o+ 3ERE INCREDIB1E(* #a%e said as the' zipped ho,e in the Alfa thro+gh the dar%ened streets& !ed )een )+o'ant right thro+gh dinner&
*I 'elled at ,' sisters&*
*Brilliant&* !e stopped for a red light& *Tonight( 'o+ were the strongest( s,artest wo,an in the roo,&*
*I %i$%ed )+tt(* she ad,itted( s,ir%ing& *8o+ $o+ld-e helped ,e"things were sti$%' there for a while&*
*8o+ pro-ed 'o+re ,ore than $apa)le of loo%ing after 'o+rself& I noti$e no one $alled 'o+ Ba)' for the rest of the night&* !e leaned a$ross and
%issed her hard on the ,o+th& Before she $o+ld respond( the light t+rned green&
#a%e was so pro+d of Sa)rina( his heart .+st a)o+t swelled o+t of his $hest& The in$redi)le thing was( e-er'thing shed a$hie-ed tonight had )een
$lassi$ Sa)rina&
Shed ,ade ass+,ptions and )l+rted the, o+t"he $o+ld tell shed onl' tho+ght of +sing Megans ser-i$es a se$ond )efore she s+ggested the idea
alo+d& And shed $ashed in on the s',path' her a$$ident had )ro+ght her& The old Sa)rina tri$%s that +sed to ,a%e her see, wea% had ,ade her
dia,ond strong&
At ho,e( #a%e $a,e aro+nd to open Sa)rinas door&
She s,iled +p at hi,( still ,ight' pleased with herself( then set off +p the wal%& !e wat$hed the elegant wa' she ,o-ed& Straight )a$%ed& The
)a$% shed )ro%en( the in.+r' shed str+ggled so hard( so long( to o-er$o,e&
Shed s+r-i-ed the a$$ident( s+r-i-ed the )rea%+p with #a%e that he %new had h+rt her& S+r-i-ed the h+"
,iliation of Miss U&S&A&( the threat of losing her .o)& !e had no do+)t she wo+ld s+r-i-e this laws+it&
It startled hi, to thin% of Sa)rina as a s+r-i-or& *Sa)rina(* he $alled )efore hed e-en de$ided to& The +rgen$' in his -oi$e arrested her&
*Co,e )a$%(* he said& Did he ,ean $o,e )a$% to the $ar( or so,ething ,ore4 Da,ned ifhe %new&
She t+rned to fa$e hi,( $o$%ing her head& #a%e too% a step toward her( then another( speeding +p as he neared her&
!e too% her hands( loo%ed into her e'es( opa5+e in the ,oonlight& *Sa)rina( I want to sa' &&& : dont want +s to )e &&& * The senti,ent $a+ght in
this throat& *Da,,it( Sa)rina( all that st+ff that happened with ,' dad": forgi-e 'o+&*
*3hat4* !er fingers tre,)led in his& *8o+ $ant&
Not .+st li%e that&* B+t she so+nded hopef+l&
#a%e $losed his e'es a ,o,ent( ,ade s+re he ,eant it& The antipath'( the resent,ent hed felt for her was gone& !e la+ghed( ex$ited now& *I
forgi-e 'o+(* he said again& *B+t its not 1!st like that. It too% ,e far too long( and I, sorr'&* !e sw+ng her hands a little& *3e )oth did so,e
st+pid things )a$% then& B+t 'o+re an a,azing wo,an( and I $ant thin% of one da,n reason wh' I sho+ld still )e holding on to gr+dges&* !e
was $ons$io+s of a lightening in his heart( ,a')e e-en in his so+l&
*Than% 'o+( #a%e&* !er words were so 5+iet( the' al,ost floated awa' on the e-ening )reeze&
!e ran a finger down her $hee%( she went +p on tip"
toe( pressed a %iss to his ,o+th& 3hen she wo+ld ha-e p+lled awa'( he gra))ed her )' )oth ar,s&
*Dont stop(* he said against her lips&
She shi-ered &&& then she %issed hi, again&
E-er' ,+s$le( sinew( $ell in #a%es )od' $ried o+t for ,ore& !e wrapped his ar,s aro+nd her( and too% her ,o+th with a passion that felt as if it
had )een pent +p for fi-e ex$r+$iatingl' long 'ears& !ed held her se-eral ti,es the past few wee%s( )+t not li%e this& Not with nothing )etween
the, )+t the thin fa)ri$ of her dress and the $otton of his shirt& No resent,ent( no anger&
It felt& && p+re& She ,olded herself to hi, and it was as if she )elonged here& 3ith hi,&
*1ets go inside(* he ,+r,+red against the satin s%in of her $hee%& *6lease( Sa)rina&*
!e was as%ing for ,+$h ,ore than those few steps into his ho+se& !er ,+,)le of agree,ent thrilled hi, ,ore than winning an' ele$tion e-er
$o+ld& !e led her +nresisting +p the front steps& On the por$h( he %issed her again( felt her sigh of relief as their lips .oined&
Dr+gged )' her nearness( his ,ind )lan%ed on the $o,)ination to the front door& Sa)rina la+ghed and %e'ed it in& The door $li$%ed and #a%e
p+shed it open&
!e swept her into his ar,s( and +sed the ,oonlight strea,ing thro+gh the glass lo+-ers to see the wa' +p the stairs to his )edroo,&
!e st+,)led as he rea$hed the )ed&
*I, too hea-'(* she said& Ad,it it( its ,' thighs&* !e set her down on the )ed( ran his hands +p her s%irt&
*8o+r thighs are in$redi)le( .+st li%e the rest of 'o+&*
!e t+gged off his tie( then settled on the )ed next to her& Now that he had her here and the'd agreed this wo+ld happen( he didnt want to r+sh&
!e $o+ldnt )elie-e how ner-o+s he felt& Co+ld ,a%ing lo-e with Sa)rina possi)l' )e as good as he re,e,)ered4
Then she t+gged his head down to her( )oldl' $lai,ing his ,o+th&
#a%e %issed her )a$%& 6+shing +p her s%irt( he $losed his e'es and rea$5+ainted hi,self with her legs p+rel' )' to+$h& In$redi)le&
!er fingers wor%ed the )+ttons of his shirt"he twit$hed( needing her to go faster&
*I want 'o+ so ,+$h(* he finall' said in fr+stration& *Its ,+t+al&* !er fingers shoo%& *I find it galling that I, still ,ore attra$ted to 'o+ than I
ha-e )een to an'one else&*
!e la+ghed& *6oor sweetheart&* !e ran his tong+e down her throat( and she ar$hed against hi,( dri-ing hi, n+ts& *If its an' $o,fort(* he
panted( +sing $on-ersation as a )arel' effe$ti-e for, of self"restraint( *'o+re still the ,ost )ea+tif+l wo,an I-e e-er ,et&*
She wriggled the last )+tton free and parted his shirt& *Of $o+rse I a,"I, the ,ost )ea+tif+l wo,an in /eorgia&*
*There is that&* Then her hands fo+nd his $hest( and he sh+ddered( )+r'ing his ,o+th in the hollow of her sho+lder& *8o+re also the $+test( the
sexiest and the s,artest&*
She slapped his ar,& *8o+ll sa' an'thing to get ,e into )ed&* B+t he felt the $+r-e of her s,ile against his
sho+lder& She wal%ed her fingers down his torso& Ea$h press of a fingertip str+$% a ner-e ending( shooting sensation thro+gh his )od'& #a%e
$+pped the )a$% of her head( and his ,o+th ,et hers with a ra-eno+s h+nger that $o+ldnt )e ass+aged with a %iss&
!e p+lled )a$%( held her gaze( then with deli)erate intent slid the zipper of her s%irt down&
She groaned& *I, also the ,ost desperate wo,an in /eorgia&*
*Now( that I $an help with(* he said& !er hands fl+ttered on his $hest&
*I ha-ent done this in so long(* she said )reathlessl'& *6leased to hear it&* !is g+t tightened at the tho+ght of her )eing with an'one else&
*2i-e 'ears(* she panted& *B+t alread' its worth the wait&*
*6oor sweetheart(* #a%e ,+r,+red again& Then he realized what shed said& A)r+ptl' he +sed his ar,s to le-er awa' fro, her& *2i-e 'ears4*
She ,oaned( tr'ing to p+ll hi, $loser( )+t he didnt )+dge& *# a%e"* she opened her e'es *"what are 'o+ waiting for4*
04i)e years%0
Sa)rina e'ed hi, $aref+ll'& *Uh( no( its less than that(* she said( +ns+re wh' she sho+ld lie( )+t %nowing it was essential&
*I dont )elie-e 'o+&* !e sat +p&
She s$ra,)led to do the sa,e( holding her s%irt to her ,iddle& *Reall'( #a%e( so I got the dates wrong &&& * *3ho else ha-e 'o+ slept with4* he
She did her )est to loo% o+traged& *Thats none of 'o+r )+siness&*
*O)-io+sl' it was none of 'o+r re$ent )o'friendsId hope the'd )e ,ore ,e,ora)le than that&*
*I $ant thin% wh' 'o+ wo+ld want ,' )o'friends to )e ,e,ora)le lo-ers(* she said logi$all'&
!e gro+nd his teeth& *Sa)rina &&& tell ,e& !a-e 'o+ slept with an'one sin$e ,e4*
*3h'4 To gi-e 'o+r ego a thrill4* Too late( she realized shed ad,itted the tr+th&
#a%e groaned( and it was nothing li%e the so+nd hed )een ,a%ing a few ,in+tes ago&
*3hat the he$% is 'o+r pro)le,4* Sa)rina wrestled with her zipper& She ,ight not ha-e had sex in 'ears( )+t instin$t told her there wo+ld )e no
$lothes $o,ing off tonight&
*3hat ha-e 'o+ )een doing all this ti,e4* he de,anded& 0,aiting for ,e4*
Arrogant 1erk. *Ma')e sex with 'o+ was so )ad( I ne-er wanted to tr' it again&*
*Thats not the i,pression I had .+st now&* !e ra%ed a hand thro+gh his hair& *I want to %now wh' 'o+ ha-ent slept with an'one else&*
She p+shed herself awa' fro, hi,( to the far side of the enor,o+s )ed& *2or the perfe$tl' good reason that I dont do $as+al sex( and I wo+ldnt
des$ri)e an' of the relationships I-e had sin$e 'o+ as serio+s&*
*3hat 'o+ and I ha-e now &&& 'o+ thin% were serio+s4* !e shi-ered( as if so,eone had .+st thrown a )+$%et of $old water o-er hi,&
*:" 8es&* S+ddenl'( she wasnt s+re& *Dont 'o+4* *I thin% its onl' a)o+t fi-e ,in+tes sin$e the prospe$t of an' %ind of relationship )e$a,e a
realit'& To sa' were serio+s see,s &&& pre,at+re&* #a%e le-ered hi,self off the )ed )efore he lost all reason and %issed her again& !ed )een
dist+r)ed )' the tho+ght of her sleeping with an'one else( and now he was alar,ed she hadnt&
3hat did it ,ean( that she hadnt )een with another ,an4 And that she was willing to ,a%e lo-e with hi, now4 3hat %ind of $o,,it,ent
wo+ld he )e ,a%ing if he too% her to )ed4
!ed re.e$ted the idea of long"ter, ties to Sa)rina fi-e 'ears ago"a logi$al( .+stifia)le de$ision& And while the' )oth ,ight ha-e $hanged sin$e
then( it wo+ld )e $raz' to r+sh into so,ething now( to i,pl' so,e $o,,it,ent( )' ,a%ing lo-e&
#a%e $o+ldnt )elie-e how nearl' hed lost $ontrol&
3hi$h was exa$tl' the pro)le, hed had with her the first ti,e aro+nd& And loo% how that had t+rned o+t&
*Sa)rina(* he said( *I, attra$ted to 'o+( 'o+ %now that& I"I $are a)o+t 'o+( too&* !e pa+sed( to see how that felt& 8ep( he was o%a' with $aring
a)o+t her&
She slid off the )ed and stood& *Define 'are.0
Did he ha-e to4 #a%e str+ggled to thin% straight& *:& & &li%e )eing with 'o+& I want 'o+ to a$hie-e 'o+r goals( and I, willing to help 'o+&*
Sa)rinas la+ghter had an h'steri$al edge to it& */lad ,e spilling ,' heart is so f+nn'(* he said( irritated&
3ith diffi$+lt'( Sa)rina reined in her wholl' in appro"
priate response& 3ho did #a%e thin% he was %idding( )ringing his heart into this4 The 5+alities hed listed added +p to onl' one thing& Respe$t&
The whole point of this ill"$on$ei-ed sha, of an engage,ent had )een to earn her fa,il's respe$t& Shed ne-er drea,ed shed win #a%es
respe$t& And that his respe't wo+ldnt )e eno+gh&
The iron' was( shed ne-er )een short of lo-e in her life( onl' respe$t& Now that she had #a%es respe$t& && all she wanted was &&. his lo)e.
Sa)rina was a$hingl' aware of the la$% of his to+$h&
A$hingl' aware that her response to hi, was so ,+$h ,ore than ph'si$al& That his forgi-eness had +n$hained feelings shed )een s+$$essf+ll'
star-ing in $apti-it'&
I lo)e him.
1ast ti,e shed lo-ed hi,( shed seen #a%e as perfe$t( ignored his fa+lts so she $o+ld ,a%e hi, into a hero& Now &&& now she lo-ed the flawed(
i,perfe$t #a%e who ,ade her la+gh( who )elie-ed in her( who $heered her on in a wa' no one else had& She wanted hi, to feel the sa,e& Shed
li%e to hold on to that hard"won respe$t( )+t she wanted his +n$onditional( no"holds")arred lo-e( too&
*8o+ said 'o+ forgi-e ,e(* she said& *And"and I forgi-e 'o+&*
!e re$oiled& *3hat for4*
She wrestled with her zipper again& *2or letting ,e thin% there was so,e hope for o+r relationship( long after 'o+ %new there wasnt&*
!e let o+t a )reath& *O%a'( so we forgi-e ea$h other&
B+t that doesnt ,ean were right for so,ething serio+s& I, not willing to )e part of another s$rew+p&* !e .a,,ed his hands in his po$%ets& *1ets 5+it
while were ahead&*
TED 2OUND MITJ8"A1ON/ with one of his shoes( s+spi$io+sl' wet"in the %it$hen( )+t there was no sign of S+san& Then he heard
h+,,ing( the so+nd wafting fro, the s+nroo,& */eorgia on M' Mind&*
!e pa+sed in the s+nroo, doorwa'& S+san was deadheading $hr'santhe,+,s( h+,,ing as she snipped& !e wal%ed +p )ehind her&
*/ood ,orning&* The for,al greeting fit his ,ood& */ood ,orning(* she said waril'&
!e %issed her $hee%( )e$a+se he $o+ldnt get a good angle& She stiffened( then r+))ed at the spot his lips had to+$hed& !er rea$tion dis$on$erted
hi,( and he didnt so+nd as for$ef+l as hed planned when he said( *I ha-e so,ething to sa' to 'o+&*
*Me first(* she said& *Ted &&& I-e gi-en this a lot of tho+ght",ore than I sho+ld ha-e( reall'"and I-e de$ided 'o+ need to lea-e&*
*3hat4* !is $hest $onstri$ted& *I ha-ent tal%ed to #a%e 'et&* !e threw o+t the first ex$+se he tho+ght of&
*I spo%e to #onah this ,orning& On$e he got o-er the
sho$% of hearing that 'o+re )a$%( he said hed )e pleased to ha-e 'o+ sta'&* She )+sied herself with a faded )loo,& A 5+i$% snip( and the
$hr'santhe,+, $a,e off in her hand&
*That one wasnt dead(* Ted said& *8o+ sho+ldnt $+t it off .+st )e$a+se its not perfe$t&*
She stared down at the flower in her pal,& Then she dropped it onto the heap of dead )losso,s in the )as%et on the floor and loo%ed +p at Ted&
*I $ant ha-e 'o+ here&*
*S+san( gi-e +s a $han$e& /i-e 'o+rself a $han$e to get past what happened&*
She drew in a sharp )reath& *8o+-e %nown ,e nearl' fort' 'ears& And I %now ,ore a)o+t 'o+ than :"* *Stop&* !e held +p a hand& *Dont sa'
an'thing that will h+rt +s&*
She fell silent& Ted fig+red that had to $o+nt for so,ething& *I %now I h+rt 'o+ when I too% that )ri)e& Not .+st 'o+( a lot of people& B+t I, not
the ,an I was then( and I"I feel so,ething for 'o+& So,ething i,portant&*
*Ted &&& * She wr+ng her hands( $l+,s' in her green gardening glo-es& *3e %issed& Twi$e&* Agitated( she snipped two ,ore ,+,s to a
pre,at+re death& *Thats all&*
*3hat I feel isnt a)o+t %issing 'o+(* he said&
*Tho+gh I ha-ent )een a)le to stop thin%ing a)o+t doing it again& And a whole lot ,ore&*
She )l+shed a fier' red( and he saw in her e'es that shed tho+ght the sa,e& !is p+lse s+rged&
*I-e $o,e to $herish 'o+r $o,pan'( whether its pottering in the %it$hen( or pla'ing $hess or ,+$%ing
aro+nd in 'o+r garden(* he said& *I lo-e that 'o+re strong and s,art( and 'o+ ha-e a )ig heart for 'o+r sons and ,ine& I want 'o+ to ha-e a )ig
heart for ,e&*
*8o+re ,' )rother"in"law&* She gripped her pr+ning shears tighter& *3ell alwa's )e $onne$ted in that wa'( )+t"*
*I want to sta' +p late at nights with 'o+(* he persisted& *I want to arg+e with 'o+ a)o+t #a%es $a,paign( I want to wal% 'o+r dreadf+l dog& I
want to pr+ne 'o+r garden( n+rt+re 'o+r or$hids&*
S+san swallowed and )lin%ed awa' tears& The things he apparentl' $herished the tho+ght of sharing with her were the ,in+tiae of dail' life(
things shed ne-er expe$ted to share with an'one again&
Things she was 5+ite $apa)le of doing on her own( that shed alwa's done on her own e-en when !enr' was ali-e& Things that were inherentl'
d+ll& 8et with Ted( the' ,ight feel& && signifi$ant&
!e hadnt said he lo-ed her& She wo+ldnt ha-e )elie-ed hi,( it was ,+$h too soon& B+t it was $lear that was where he was headed& Co+ld she
depend on hi,( lean on hi,4 Shed ne-er leaned on !enr' in the 'ears of ,arriage& Shed ne-er wanted that %ind of dependen$e )efore& B+t
now( it te,pted her&
Ex$ept Ted wasnt the right ,an& A part of her $o+ld )elie-e he wo+ld )e a lo-ing( faithf+l and( 'es( sex' $o,panion& Another part of her was
too aware hed de$ei-ed her )efore and she wasnt s+re she wo+ld %now if he did it again&
She too% a step )a$%ward( holding the shears o+t
front& *Ma')e I sho+ld )e o-er what happened( )+t I $ant forget that 'o+ lied& I dont thin% I e-er will&*
*Dearest( please&*
S+san dropped the pr+ners into her )as%et and p+lled off first one glo-e( then the other& *I dont ha-e the %ind of $o+rage it wo+ld ta%e to tr+st 'o+&*
!ed gone pale( and S+san had the s+dden +rge to throw herself into his ar,s( to %iss awa' the lines at the sides of his ,o+th&
!e rea$hed o+t a hand as if to stead' hi,self( )+t the onl' thing near hi, was a ,iniat+re New Jealand Christ,as tree& !e sho-ed his hand in his
po$%et& *Is that 'o+r final word4*
*8es&* S+san ignored the a$he in her throat( in her $hest( and said( *So 'o+ll lea-e4*
Ted nodded& *Ill lea-e&*
SABRINA ACCOM6ANIED #ABE on a -isit to an organi$ far, an ho+r fro, Atlanta& S+san( who $a,e( too( had insisted #a%e needed to )e ,ore in
to+$h with r+ral $o,,+nities&
The' wal%ed fields of $o, and )eans as #a%e listened to the far,ers -iews a)o+t the $ertifi$ation pro$ess for organi$ prod+$e& As alwa's( #a%es
5+estions were pertinent( intelligent( and spo%e of gen+ine interest&
*That ,an was )orn to )e go-ernor(* S+san ,+r,+red&
Sa)rina had tho+ght the other wo,an was )arel' listening& Shed see,ed so distra$ted that ,orning&
*!es wonderf+l(* Sa)rina agreed& *B+t do 'o+ thin% )eing go-ernor will ,a%e hi, happ'4*
S+sans lips $o,pressed& Then she patted Sa)rinas ar,& *I hope itll set hi, on the right road&*
Sa)rina saw tension in her ,o+th& *S+san( are 'o+ o%a'4*
*I, fine(* S+san said a little gri,l'& The' wat$hed as #a%e la+ghed at a .o%e the far,er ,ade( then 5+ipped )a$%& *!e see,s happier now that
the polls are healthier& I ha-ent seen hi, this relaxed in a long ti,e&* The tho+ght see,ed to $heer her"another pat on the ar, for Sa)rina& *I,
so pleased 'o+ two are o-er 'o+r little spat& 3hen I told #a%e to ro,an$e 'o+( it wasnt .+st for politi$al reasons"""e-en ifhe did al,ost ha-e a
l'n$h ,o) after hi, for 'elling at 'o+ at the hospital"or )e$a+se 'o+ll ,a%e a perfe$t go-ernors wife& 8o+ two are perf"*
*8o+ told #a%e to ro,an$e ,e4* Sa)rinas insides had seized +p halfwa' thro+gh S+sans ,onolog+e&
*8o+ %now ,en( the' get so preo$$+pied with their wor%( the' dont noti$e the're negle$ting their lo-ed ones&* S+san )it her lip& Then she saw
a ,edia $rew arri-ing and wa-ed o+t& *Ex$+se ,e( dear( I need to ,a%e s+re that photographer gets the shot he wants&* She h+rried awa'&
Sa)rinas heels san% into the soft( pesti$ide"free earth as she swa'ed on her feet& No wonder #a%e had )a$%ed o+t of going to )ed with her& 2or
hi,( the inti,a$' wo+ld ha-e )een a pleasant reward for ,a%ing ni$e to her& As soon as hed realized she was ta%ing it ,ore serio+sl'( hed
retreated& She s+pposed she sho+ld )e gratef+l&
*Sa)rina( o-er here(* S+san $alled& *This gentle,an wo+ld li%e a photo of 'o+ a,ong the t+lips&*
!er heart hea-'( Sa)rina o)e'ed& !ow ,+$h of what #a%e had said a)o+t liking her( forgi-ing her( was tr+e( and how ,+$h of it was .+st to
se$+re her $ooperation4 It didnt ,atter( she realized& Either wa'( shed let hi, tell her she was s,art and $le-er and forgi-en( and all the while
he was ,anip+lating her&
Sa)rinas throat h+rt& She ,assaged her ne$% while the politi$al reporter fro, the #o!rnal"Constit!tion posed so,e 5+estions& She ,anaged to
slip in a few referen$es to the s$hool for in.+red %ids( )+t e-en to her own ears she so+nded wooden&
The reporter p+shed his glasses +p his nose& *The $ost per $hild for a spe$ial ed+$ation li%e the one 'o+re tal%ing a)o+t is high& So,e wo+ld
sa' prohi)iti-e& 3h' sho+ld it )e a priorit' for o+r ed+$ation depart,ent4*
It so+nded li%e so,ething straight o+t of The A-erage Bids ,anifesto& She wished Megan was here to s5+el$h those +pstarts& Sa)rina felt
awf+ll' alone&
She drew a deep )reath( then threw e-er'thing she had into her answer( $o+ntering the 5+estion with a -ehe,en$e that s+rprised"and pleased"
the reporter&
*If we want o+r %ids to grow +p with the sense of opport+nit' that ,ade o+r $o+ntr' great( we need to sow the seeds now( for all $hildren&
#a%es father has a wonderf+l sa'ing"If'o+ want or$hids( dont plant $a,ellias& 6lant or$hids( and wait& Or ,a')e here(* she .o%ed( *I sho+ld
sa'( if 'o+ want t+lips&*
She realized no one appeared to get the .o%e&
#a%e loo%ed aghast< S+san horrified&
*3hen did 'o+ last tal% to Ted 3arrington4* the reporter as%ed s,oothl'&
Oh( he$%& Sa)rina darted a glan$e at S+san& *I"+h &&& * A $o+ple of near)' reporters o-erheard and ,ade a )eeline for her&
*!a-e 'o+ spo%en to the for,er go-ernor in re$ent wee%s4* the first ,an persisted&
!is expe$tant silen$e p+t ,ore press+re on Sa)rina than an' )arrage of 5+estions& So,ehow( she %ept her ,o+th sh+t& Then #a%e stepped
forward( loo%ing at the reporter( not at her&
*M' father ,ade an +nexpe$ted -isit to Atlanta re$entl'(* he said& *!ed heard the news of ,' engage,ent and de$ided it was ti,e we tal%ed&*
6ande,oni+, er+pted& Ca,eras flashed( ,i$rophones were sho-ed in his fa$e with far ,ore +rgen$' than the t+lips had $o,,anded&
*Is 'o+r father in-ol-ed in 'o+r $a,paign for
*3here is Ted 3arrington now4*
*!ow well do 'o+ and 'o+r dad get along4*
#a%e held +p a hand( ,a%ing it $lear he wo+ldnt spea% +ntil he $o+ld do so +ninterr+pted& E-ent+all'( the r+$%+s s+)sided&
*M' ,eeting with ,' father was +nin-ited(* he said&
*And +nwanted( on ,' side& I s+ffered the sa,e )etra'al e-er'one did( and I, not o-er it&*
At last( he loo%ed at Sa)rina& She read the ,essage in his hard e'es lo+d and $lear& .o! betrayed me$ too.
*itto$ she tho+ght( and glared with a fero$it' that ,ade hi, )lin%&
As the ,edia dispersed( S+san alternated )etween railing against Teds tho+ghtlessness in showing +p in the first pla$e( and predi$ting the
i,,ediate and per,anent de,ise of #a%es ele$toral hopes& #a%e too% Sa)rina )' the hand"definitel' not a sign of affe$tion"and ha+led her to
the organi$ $arrot pat$h )ehind the far,ho+se&
*8o+ idiot>* he 'elled the se$ond he was s+re the' were o+t of earshot of the departing ,edia& So ,+$h for his insisten$e that she sho+ldnt let
people ins+lt her intelligen$e& *3hat the hell were 'o+ thin%ing4 No( dont tell ,e( 'o+ didnt thin%&*
*I, sorr'&* Be$a+se altho+gh she had .+st as ,+$h right to )e ,ad( shed ne-er intended to e,)arrass hi,& *I was answering a 5+estion( I was
distra$ted"* yo!r (a!lt *"and it slipped o+t&*
*Be$a+se 'o+ $ant fo$+s on one thing for ,ore than fi-e ,in+tes(* he said( disg+sted&
*At least I, not a two"fa$ed( ,anip+lati-e( do+)ledealing sleaze(* she snapped&
!e stared )lan%l' ather& *3hat are 'o+ tal%ing a)o+t4* *S+san was telling ,e a)o+t the ex$ellent ad-i$e she ga-e 'o+& Shes thrilled with 'o+r
*3hat ad-i$e4 3hat perfor,an$e4* !e so+nded )ewildered( s+spi$io+s &&& )+t she was )e'ond falling for it&
*To roman'e ,e(* Sa)rina hissed& *So 'o+ wo+ldnt lose an' -otes and )e$a+se Ill ,a%e s+$h a wonderf+l go-ernors wife& S+san tells 'o+ to
)e ni$e( and the next ,in+te 'o+re pa'ing ,e $o,pli,ents( forgi-ing
,e &&& sed+$ing ,e&* !er -oi$e )ro%e& She had to wait a ,o,ent )efore she $o+ld $ontin+e& *8o+ ,anip+lated ,e( .+st li%e 'o+ did fi-e 'ears
ago& And I fell for it& Thats what I hate( that I, as st+pid as 'o+ o)-io+sl' thin% I a,&*
!er sho+lders sagged& *B+t I pro,ise 'o+( #a%e( I, not st+pid eno+gh to sta' in lo-e with 'o+ this ti,e aro+nd&*
!e stared at her&
Shed ad,itted to #a%e that she lo-ed hi,& 3asnt that .+st the $rowning glor'4
!e paled& *8o+ did it deli)eratel'&*
*Ex$+se ,e4* !er atte,pt to so+nd s+per$ilio+s $a,e o+t a ,ortified s5+ea%&
!e too% a step )a$%ward( hands +p as if to ward off e-il& *8o+ were ,ad at ,e( so 'o+ deli)eratel' told the press ,' father is )a$% in town&*
3hat was he tal%ing a)o+t4 *I told 'o+( it was an a$$ident&*
#a%e )arel' registered Sa)rinas denial& *2i-e 'ears ago 'o+ deno+n$ed ,' father )e$a+se 'o+ were ,ad at ,e for not lo-ing 'o+ eno+gh(* he
said& *Toda' 'o+ did it again( to ,e and to hi,( for the sa,e da,n reason&*
*No&* !er hand fl+ttered at her throat& *It wasnt li%e that&*
A hot rage o-erwhel,ed hi,& She tal%ed a)o+t hi, )eing ,anip+lati-e( )+t the ,o,ent she didnt get what she wanted( shed h+ng hi, o+t to
!e wanted to sha%e her( he wanted to $+rse her& && he wanted to shatter her with the sordid tr+th a)o+t her
fathers role in her win at the Miss /eorgia pageant& It was the perfe$t( lethal weapon( the +lti,ate lesson in how the wrong words at the wrong
ti,e $o+ld destro' so,eone&
Sa)rinas relian$e on that pageant win $a,e )a$% to hi,& 2eing bea!ti(!l is what I do best. It was +tter .+n%"she had a host of talents( in$l+ding
re-enge and )etra'al high on the list")+t she )elie-ed it& !er selfi,age was $ons+,ed )' her loo%s& !ow $o+ld he ta%e that awa' fro, her4
She was sa'ing so,ething< #a%e tried to fo$+s& *Dont thin% 'o+ $an pin this on ,e(* Sa)rina said&
*I ,ade a gen+ine ,ista%e this ,orning( and I, sorr'& B+t 'o+"for weeks"0 her -oi$e shoo% *"'o+ fa%ed li%ing ,e to get ahead&*
*This whole da,n engage,ent is fa%e(* he roared( f+rio+s with hi,self for )eing too wea% to fire his sal-o a)o+t #onah& *E-er'thing )etween
'o+ and ,e is fa%e&*
Ex$ept he did li%e her& Or rather( he had li%ed her& Ne-er again&
*T!IS ISNT 3ORBIN/(* Sa)rina told her sisters( in the spirit of her new asserti-eness with the,&
3hen shed $alled to tell Megan and C'nthia shed left #a%e( the'd )een gratif'ingl' pro,pt in their response to the $risis( showing +p at their
dads pla$e with her fa-orite Thai ta%eo+t and a $o+ple of )ottles of sa+-ignon )lan$& #onah was s$hed+led to attend a $lient dinner later( so
the' had the dining roo, to the,sel-es& Unfort+natel'( the traditional ta%eo+t"and)ooze re,ed' wasnt powerf+l eno+gh to fix a )ro%en heart&
*Ma')e this will $heer 'o+ +p&* Megan twirled so,e 6ad Thai aro+nd her for%& *The A-erage Bids law'er $alled to sa' the' dont plan to $ite
'o+r s$hool in their laws+it& The're going after the gifted %ids"apparentl' no one feels sorr' for the,&*
Sa)rina gaped& *Thats fantasti$& Not a)o+t the gifted %ids( )+t& && 'o+ thin% ,' -ideos $hanged their ,ind4* Megan had $o+riered $opies of the
tapes to the opposing law'er&
*No do+)t a)o+t it(* Megan said& *It was a )rilliant
idea( Sa)rina& So good( I $ant )elie-e I didnt thin% of it ,'self&*
Sa)rina la+ghed as she p+t an ar, aro+nd her sister and s5+eezed& *Than%s( hon&*
After her sisters left( she rang Ri$hard Ainsle' with the good news&
*An i,,ense relief(* he said& *Tho+gh I wasnt that worried& 8o+-e done a wonderf+l .o) for the tr+st( Sa)rina& I )elie-e well get o+r s$hool
no ,atter who wins the ele$tion( no ,atter who tries to stop +s&*
She $ho%ed +p& *Than%s( Ri$hard< she ,anaged to sa'& After shed h+ng +p the phone( Sa)rina $leared awa' the ta%eo+t( p+tting the lefto-er
green $+rr' $hi$%en in the fridge& Ma')e its restorati-e powers wo+ld i,pro-e with age& Or ,a')e she .+st had to get o-er this all )' herself&
2irst +p( she needed to $onfront her father( who didnt %now the engage,ent was off& Shed told hi, she and #a%e had 5+arreled& 2or the past
wee%( shed a$$o,panied #a%e d+ring the da' to politi$al engage,ents at whi$h the' )oth exerted the,sel-es to $har, the p+)li$( while
ignoring ea$h other& At nights( she $a,e )a$% here( to the san$t+ar' of her old roo,& Not for $oddling( or prote$tion& 3hat #a%e wo+ld
do+)tless $all *r+nning ho,e to Dadd'* had gi-en her spa$e to $lear her head&
She fo+nd her dad in his st+d' and la+n$hed straight into what she had to sa'( )efore #onah $o+ld defle$t her with his affe$tionate $o,,ents or
his $on$ern for her&
*Dad( 'o+ need to a$$ept now that I, ne-er( e-er going to wor% at Merritt( Merritt E 2in$h as a paralegal(* she said& *E-en if the s$hool
doesnt wor% o+t&*
!e set his pen down on his legal pad& *B+t( sweetheart"*
*Ne-er(* she said fir,l'& *I ha-e a .o) that I lo-e& One wa' or another I want to %eep wor%ing with in.+red %ids&*
*The fir, $o+ld do pro )ono wor% for $harities"* *No legal wor%&* If she said it often eno+gh( it ,ight sin% in& *Dad( I-e de$ided ,' f+t+re&
I, $hallenging 'o+ to a$$ept ,' de$ision&* She loo%ed hi, s5+are in the e'e&
#onah )l+stered the protests she expe$ted& B+t it see,ed he re$ognized for the first ti,e that she ,eant it and he finished with( *All right( Ba"
Sa)rina( if thats what 'o+ want&*
*Than%s( Dad&* She h+gged hi,&
*At least 'o+re ,arr'ing a ,an who $an ta%e $are of 'o+(* #onah ,+ttered& *8o+ $an gi-e hi, gra' hairs instead of ,e&* !is hair had )een
,ore gra' than )rown for the past $o+ple of 'ears& Sa)rina wal%ed aro+nd the des% and %issed the top of his head& She looped her ar,s aro+nd
his ne$%&
*Dad( if for so,e reason #a%e and I dont wor% o+t"* pro)a)l' a good idea to prepare hi, for the )rea%+p *"I plan to get ,' own apart,ent& I
need to li-e ,' own life&*
!e gr+,)led( )+t the protest ne-er reall' lifted off the gro+nd&
T!ERE 3AS 61ENT8 TO )e than%f+l for now that Sa)rina was gone( #a%e told hi,self two da's )efore the pri,ar'& !e didnt ha-e the stress
e-er' ,orning of won"
dering ifhed ha-e to t+rf her o+t of )ed& Or see her wandering aro+nd his %it$hen in one of her short satin nightdresses&
Instead( he pi$%ed her +p fro, her fathers pla$e e-er' ,orning and the' dro-e in silen$e to the da's engage,ents( where she s,iled adoringl'
and %issed hi, on the $hee% whene-er the sit+ation $alled for a show of affe$tion& The' pro)a)l' had a )etter relationship than ,ost ,arried
!e pi$%ed +p the ,ornings newspaper off the $offee ta)le and opened it to the politi$al $ol+,ns& The r+stling of the pages see,ed +nnat+rall'
lo+d& O%a'( so the ho+se felt a little e,pt' witho+t Sa)rina& That was a s,all pri$e to pa' for so,e pea$e of ,ind&
2i-e ,in+tes later( he folded the newspaper with a snap that )ordered on pet+lan$e( and pi$%ed +p the phone&
It was half an ho+r +ntil the door)ell rang& #a%e had )een pa$ing his li-ing roo, while he waited& Now( he slowed right down( still not a
h+ndred per$ent s+re he wanted to open the door& B+t he did&
*Son&* Ted $a+ght #a%es hand in a fir, grip& !e had ref+sed to gi-e ,edia inter-iews after his ret+rn was ,ade p+)li$( )+t he was no longer in
hiding& !ed )een s+rprised to get #a%es $all in-iting hi, o-er for a )eer( )+t hed a$$epted witho+t hesitation&
#a%e led hi, to the %it$hen& !e p+lled a $o+ple of B+ds fro, the fridge and opened the,&
*!ow are things at #onahs ho+se4* !e handed a )eer to his father& !e ,eant( Hows -abrina%
*D+ll $o,pared with S+sans pla$e&*
The answer didnt ,a%e a lot of sense( )+t #a%e $o+ldnt )e )othered fig+ring it o+t&
*Can I ta%e a loo% aro+nd4* Ted said&
#a%e ga-e hi, the to+r( answering his dads 5+estions a)o+t the design of the ho+se as the' went& It was a safe wa' to esta)lish $o,,+ni$ation
witho+t ha-ing to to+$h on an' diffi$+lt topi$s& B+t when the' finished in the sitting roo,( it was ti,e to get down to )+siness& Ted settled on
the leather $o+$h< #a%e sat opposite&
*Mind if I spea% first4* Ted as%ed& */o ahead&*
*I apologized to 'o+ a long ti,e ago for letting 'o+ and 'o+r ,other down o-er the )ri)e(* Ted said& *I want to sa' I, still sorrier a)o+t that
than 'o+ll e-er %now"theres not a da' I dont regret it&*
#a%e gr+nted&
*B+t theres so,ething else that ,a%es ,e sorrier still&* *3hats that4*
Ted la$ed his fingers )etween his %nees& *If theres one thing I-e learned fro, )eing $+t offfro, ,' fa,il'( its that nothing is ,ore i,portant
than the people 'o+ lo-e& 8o+r ,other and I went o+r separate wa's( and 'o+ were the one who lost o+t& Thats what I, sorriest a)o+t( that 'o+
didnt grow +p in the lo-ing fa,il' 'o+ deser-ed&*
#a%e was horrified to feel tears pri$% his e'es& *I lo-e 'o+( #a%e&*
*Dad &&& * #a%e wiped a hand a$ross his fa$e& *8o+ dont ha-e to sa' that&*
*Its the tr+th&* Ted $h+$%led& *2elt good& I ,ight ha-e to tell the tr+th ,ore often&*
*Ma')e 'o+ $o+ld find so,eone else to sa' it to&*
#a%e was onl' half .o%ing&
*I tho+ght I had&* Ted gri,a$ed& *B+t thats ,' pro)le,( not 'o+rs&* The' dran% their )eer in silen$e&
*I dont expe$t to wipe o+t the past with one )eer(* Ted said& *B+t I hope we $an ,o-e forward&*
#a%e tho+ght a)o+t how e,pt' the ho+se had felt this ,orning& !e didnt want that %ind of loneliness an',ore&
*8o+ ,ade a ,ista%e( Dad(* he said& *B+t it ,ight )e ti,e I stopped )la,ing 'o+ for e-er'thing thats gone wrong sin$e&*
Ted r+))ed his $hin& *8o+ s+re a)o+t that4* *Certain&*
Ted p+shed hi,self off the $o+$h and $a,e to h+g #a%e where he sat&
*Dad( I tho+ght we .+st agreed &&& * Aw%wardl'( #a%e h+gged hi, )a$%&
!is dads e'es were )right as he settled )a$% on the $o+$h& *Ill spare 'o+ an' ,ore senti,ental ,o,ents& #+st let ,e point o+t( 'o+ need ,ore
than an ele$tion win to ,a%e 'o+ happ'&*
#a%e didnt want to go there&
*Son( is there an'thing 'o+ want to tell ,e a)o+t Sa)rina4*
"Uh ... "
*Sin$e I-e )een at#onahs( I-e sensed theres ,ore to 'o+r engage,ent than ,eets the e'e&* Ted added dr'l'( *Or sho+ld I sa'( less to it&*
#a%e re,e,)ered ha-ing this sa,e hollow pit in his
sto,a$h when he was fo+rteen 'ears old and hed ta%en o+t the airrifle( the one he wasnt s+pposed to fire witho+t s+per-ision( to i,press his
)+ddies& !ed a$$identall' shot a rare )ird( a Red Cross)ill( and to ,a%e ,atters worse( his nat+re"lo-ing father had $a+ght hi, snea%ing the
rifle )a$% into its )ox&
Now( as then( the $o,p+lsion to $onfess was o-erwhel,ing&
*The engage,ents not real&* !e told his father a)o+t Sa)rinas .o) )eing +nder threat( a)o+t his polling woes and the r+,ors that had )een
$ir$+lating a)o+t hi, and -ario+s wo,en& !ow the engage,ent had )een a sol+tion to )oth their pro)le,s&
*So,e people wo+ld sa' l'ing a)o+t an engage,ent isnt ,+$h )etter than what 'o+ did(* #a%e ad,itted& *B+t its not illegal to pretend to )e
engaged&* !e %new the arg+,ent was fli,s'&
*I, not in a position to $onde,n 'o+( son(* Ted said& *: , not e-en in a position to )e disappointed in 'o+& 8o+ wo+ldnt )e in this sit+ation if
it wasnt for what I did& Besides( 'o+ dont see, too happ' now that shes +p and left&*
*I s$rewed +p(* #a%e said& *I dont ha-e a $l+e how to fix it& I, not e-en s+re if I want to&*
*8o+ want to go another fi-e 'ears witho+t tal%ing
to her4* his dad as%ed&
#a%e sighed& *No&* *Thats a $l+e( I g+ess&*
*Dad( I %now 'o+ dont li%e Sa)rina &&& *
*She $onf+ses ,e( to )e honest(* Ted said& *So,e"
ti,es shes the sweetest thing& Other ti,es &&& : $ant get a handle on her& B+t ,a')e I was wrong a)o+t her not $aring eno+gh for 'o+&*
*She $ares(* #a%e said&
*She re,inds ,e of an or$hid&*
#a%e frowned& *8o+ ,ean( )e$a+se shes )ea+tif+l4* *That( of $o+rse(* Ted agreed& *B+t its ,ore &&& 6eo"
ple thin% or$hids are -er' deli$ate& !igh ,aintenan$e& Its tr+e the're slow growing"'o+ plant an or$hid( and if it s+r-i-es itll )e fi-e 'ears(
,a')e e-en se-en( )efore its ,at+re&
*Or$hids will dri-e an'one with less than the patien$e of a dead saint n+ts(* Ted $ontin+ed& *B+t if the' hang in there long eno+gh to flower(
the'll thri-e prett' ,+$h an'where& The're s+r-i-ors&* !e sat )a$%& *I hope 'o+ find what 'o+ want with Sa)rina&*
#a%e raised his )ottle in a toast to the senti,ent& *I, sorr' ,' )eing here has h+rt 'o+r $a,paign(* Ted said after a while& Sin$e the news had
)ro%en( the polls had )een all o-er the pla$e( )+t the general trend was downward&
#a%e tipped his head )a$%( $losed his e'es& *It was alwa's a long shot& B+t I did want to win&*
Right now( it was hard to $are& !e didnt want to )e go-ernor witho+t Sa)rina &&& he didnt want to do an'thing witho+t her( e-er&
Be$a+se he lo-ed her&
#a%e .er%ed +pright( and $+rsed& *6ro)le,4* Ted as%ed&
*I lo-e Sa)rina&*
*6ro)le,(* his father agreed&
*I ha-e to get her )a$%& Right now&* *Dont ,ind ,e(* Ted said&
!e wo+ld go to #onahs ho+se and tell Sa)rina he lo-ed her& And hope li%e hell she still lo-ed hi, )a$%& Co+ld she4
Of $o+rse she $o+ld( she was the ,ost forgi-ing person he %new&
Ma')e he sho+ld show her he was worth' of that forgi-eness first& #a%e drained his )eer& *I need to $all S+san(* he told his dad&
SUSANS EITREME RESER7ATIONS a)o+t the wisdo, of #a%es hastil' $alled press $onferen$e e-aporated in the fa$e of its o)-io+s s+$$ess&
The $onferen$e( attended )' reporters fro, T7( radio and newspapers( too% pla$e in the $a,paign offi$e& #a%e told the ,edia hed re$on$iled with his
father( and that he hoped to re)+ild their relationship in the 'ears to $o,e&
*Sa)rina alread' told 'o+ ,' dads ho,il' a)o+t or$hids and $a,ellias( a)o+t planting what 'o+ want to reap(* he said& *I, planting pea$e in ,'
ho,e& I fig+re if I $an grow pea$e there( Ill )e in a ,+$h stronger position to ,a%e it wor% in o+r state&*
!e spo%e fro, the heart( witho+t regard for what an'one ,ight thin%& All that ,attered was that Sa)rina wo+ld see he was doing the right thing& B+t he
got s+$h an enth+siasti$ response fro, the nor,all' $'ni$al ,edia( S+san and Ted were $on-in$ed his ratings wo+ld soar&
#a%e politel' de$lined to eat a sandwi$h with his dad and S+san& It was ti,e to ,o-e on to the next phase of
his $a,paign to win Sa)rina& !e dro-e to #onah Merritts ho+se( where he fo+nd Sa)rinas li,e"green Beetle par%ed o+t front& She opened the
front door to his %no$%&
*Are we going so,ewhere that I forgot a)o+t4* She glan$ed down at her hip"h+gging .eans and fl+oroorange wrap T"shirt& She loo%ed fantasti$(
as alwa's&
*I $a,e to tell 'o+ that I ,ade things +p with Dad(* he said&
*I heard 'o+ on the radio&*
And she hadnt $alled hi,& #a%e deflated a little& !e glan$ed )e'ond her( thro+gh the doorwa'& *Are 'o+ going to in-ite ,e in4*
*I $a,e to tell 'o+(* he said( *that I lo-e 'o+&*
She frowned& Definitel' not the right rea$tion& !is ,o+th dried +p&
*I want +s to get )a$% together(* he said& Da,,it( this was hopeless( sa'ing it on her doorstep& *1et ,e in( Sa)rina& I want +s to get engaged for
real& Married&*
!e )lin%ed& *I told 'o+( I lo-e 'o+&* !e $o+ldnt fig+re o+t what was going on( onl' that so,ething was terri)l' wrong& !is hands t+rned
$la,,'& *So( will 'o+4* he as%ed& *Marr' ,e4*
To thin% people $o,pli,ented hi, on his orator' s%ills& Sa)rina p+t one hand on the door%no)& *The radio report a)o+t 'o+r re$on$iliation
with Ted(* she said& *The station was flooded with $alls fro, people sa'ing the'll -ote for 'o+&*
*So what4*
*The're predi$ting a win for 'o+ in the pri,ar'&*
!er -oi$e shoo%&
A wee% ago( hed ha-e whooped for .o'& *Sa)rina( forget ,' dad( forget the ele$tion& I, here to tal% a)o+t +s& I lo-e 'o+&* Da,,it( how ,an'
ti,es did he need to sa' it4
She win$ed& *#a%e( I, glad 'o+ and Ted sorted things o+t& B+t it ,a%es no differen$e to 'o+ and ,e& 8o+-e had ,ore than a wee% to fig+re
o+t 'o+ lo-e ,e and want to ,arr' ,e& B+t its onl' now that it loo%s as if 'o+ll )e go-ernor that 'o+ show +p here& A go-ernor needs a wife(
and we )oth %now I, a da,n good $hoi$e&*
*Thats st+pid(* he said&
She folded her ar,s and stared hi, down& *Sa)rina( I lo-e 'o+&*
So,ething flared in her e'es( and he tho+ght hed gotten thro+gh& The she sighed& A letting"go sigh&
*I )elie-e 'o+ $are a)o+t ,e( #a%e(* she said& *B+t its not eno+gh&*
She disappeared )ehind the door( and #a%e fo+nd hi,self staring at solid wood& *3hat the hell happened here4* he wondered alo+d&
!e $onsidered po+nding on the door( )rea%ing it down if ne$essar'( and making Sa)rina )elie-e hi,&
B+t e-en if he $o+ld $on-in$e her toda'( if he won the ele$tion she wo+ld alwa's har)or a nagging do+)t that he lo-ed her for herself& Bea+tif+l
and s,art as she was( she la$%ed $onfiden$e&
#a%e didnt want her e-er to do+)t hi,&
There was onl' one thing he $o+ld do&
!e p+lled o+t his $ell phone and $alled S+san& As soon as she heard his -oi$e( she )+r)led on a)o+t the s+pport la%e was getting fro, the
p+)li$( the +pswing in his $han$es of winning& la%e let her hold on to the drea, for a few ,ore se$onds&
*I need to $all another press $onferen$e(* he said&
And he pro$eeded to r+in S+sans da' so effe$ti-el' that( in a )+rst of o+trage( she 5+it&
SABRINAS 2AT!ER BNOCBED on her )edroo, door at six the next ,orning( .er%ing her o+t of her )ea+t' sleep in a wa' that $o+ldnt )e
good for her& Shed had so little sleep sin$e she left #a%e( the'd )e firing her fro, Miss /eorgia for ex$ess )aggage& Under her e'es&
*6hone for 'o+&* #onah held o+t the $ordless& *A.o+rnalist&* !e loo%ed at his wat$h and she gathered hed onl' .+st refrained fro, threatening a
harass,ent s+it&
*Tell the, to $all )a$% at nine(* she said&
!er father sighed& *This is serio+s( Sa)rina&* Serio+s4 !ad so,ething happened to #a%e4 She
gra))ed the phone&
*This is Marlene Bla$%s assistant fro, NewsBrea%(* a fe,ale -oi$e said& *Marlene wo+ld li%e to in-ite 'o+ on to this ,ornings show to
dis$+ss 'o+r )rea%+p with #a%e 3arrington&*
It too% a ,o,ent for what the wo,an had said to register& *Did 'o+ sa'( ,' break!p with #a%e4* Rea$hing o-er to the night ta)le( Sa)rina
swit$hed on her $ell phone&
*Its a $han$e to tell 'o+r side of the stor'(* the wo,an said s',patheti$all'&
3hat stor'( for 6etes sa%e4 Sa)rinas $ell phone )eeped to sa' she had thirt'"two ,essages& 8i%es& O)-io+sl' there was a stor'&
*/i-e ,e 'o+r n+,)er(* Sa)rina said& *I ,a' $all 'o+ )a$%&*
!er father was wat$hing as she dis$onne$ted& *She said 'o+ and #a%e )ro%e +p"is that tr+e4*
*I( +h( I, not s+re&* Sa)rina p+shed her hair )a$% off her fa$e& *Are there reporters o+tside4*
!er father went to the window( dis$reetl' parted the $+rtains& *Dozens of the,& All o+tside the gate&* !e so+nded disappointed that he wo+ldnt
get to ha-e an'one arrested&
Sa)rina groaned& *Dad( $o+ld 'o+ do ,e a fa-or and )ring the newspaper in4*
2ifteen ,in+tes later"her father ref+sed to step o+tside witho+t showering and dressing first"she was staring at the headline of the #o!rnal"
Constit!tion. #a%e and Sa)rinaH Its O-er&
*3h' didnt 'o+ tell ,e4* her father de,anded& She wa-ed hi, awa' and too% a sl+g of her $offee&
/+)ernatorial $andidate #a%e 3arrington anno+n$ed last night that his engage,ent to )ea+t' 5+een Sa)rina Merritt is o-er&
*Da,,it( #a%e(* she ,+ttered( *I got d+,ping rights&* Co+ld he ha-e )een so anno'ed at her ref+sal to ,arr' hi, that hed de$ided to get in
Mr& 3arrington de$lined to ela)orate on the reasons for the split( )+t said he and Ms& Merritt re,ain friends&
*Onl' +ntil I %ill hi,(* she said&
Ms& Merritt $o+ld not )e rea$hed for $o,,ent( )+t politi$al $o,,entators 5+estioned the ti,ing of the anno+n$e,ent( des$ri)ing it as
*foolhard'* and *a dangero+s disr+ption for a $andidate whose $han$es were alwa's sli,&*
She groaned& *Co+ldnt 'o+ ha-e waited .+st another da'4*
The reporter had $onta$ted as ,an' of her and #a%es friends as he $o+ld( )+t had en$o+ntered nothing ,ore than )lan% astonish,ent& !ardl'
The arti$le $on$l+dedH
Man' -oters expressed the opinion that Mr& 3arrington is too *all o-er the pla$e* to )e a $andidate for go-ernor& 6re-io+s 3arrington
s+pporters are now de$laring their intention to -ote for other( ,ore sta)le $andidates&
Reading o-er her sho+lder( #onah said( *I dont +nderstand the )o'& An'one wo+ld thin% he wants to lose to,orrow& !e $ant ha-e tho+ght
thro+gh the $onse5+en$es of this&*
*#a%e alwa's thin%s thro+gh the $onse5+en$es&*
Sa)rina defended hi, a+to,ati$all'& 8et right now( it loo%ed as ifhe hadnt& &&&
After her father left the roo,( she $alled #a%e& No answer& She %new for s+re he wasnt worried a)o+t his )ea+t' sleep( whi$h ,eant he was
ignoring her& She left hi, an a$er)i$ ,essage( ending with the instr+$tion to *Call ,e& Now&*
#a%e had ne-er )een one to o)e' orders& She didnt hear fro, hi, all da'( and she $o+ldnt lea-e the ho+se )e$a+se of the $rowd of reporters
o+tside& She spent the da' fending off her fathers $+riosit' and ref+sing to ta%e $alls&
Inwardl'( she worried a)o+t the de,ise of #a%es prospe$ts in to,orrows pri,ar'& E-en if hed )ro%en her heart( she didnt want hi, to ,iss
o+t on his lifes drea,& It was al,ost as ifhed forgotten what ,attered ,ost to hi,( she tho+ght as she t+rned off the T7 in her )edroo, after
the late news&
Or as if hes reali7ed he was wrong.
Sa)rina p+n$hed her pillow& *I, an idiot(* she told the e,pt' roo,&
#a%es willingness to sa$rifi$e the ele$tion( his rep+tation( $o+ld onl' ,ean one thing& !e lo-ed her>
!ed told her so( )+t shed a$$+sed hi, of wanting a s+ita)le wife& !e was so deter,ined to pro-e her wrong( st+))orn fool( that he was ,a%ing
s+re he didnt get ele$ted&
*!e lo-es ,e(* she told her refle$tion in the ,irror a)o-e the ,antelpie$e& She had to )e right& Be$a+se if she was wrong( and she went ahead
with the o+trageo+s
plan that had .+,ped into her head( shed not onl' )e h+,iliated( shed )e heart)ro%en a third ti,e&
Sa)rina went to her fathers st+d' to +se the Internet&
As she s+spe$ted( se-eral lo$al ,edia organizations were r+nning online polls( in-iting 3e) -isitors to sa' who the' wo+ld -ote for to,orrow&
#a%e sat at or near the )otto, of e-er'one&
3hi$h ,eant the tas% ahead was enor,o+s& Sa)rina groaned& *Ill %ill hi,(* she said( *then Ill ,arr' hi,&*
Than%f+ll'( while #a%es )rain had )een t+rning to ,+sh( hers had )een honed o-er the past few wee%s to a fine( strategi$ weapon& She %new
exa$tl' what she had to do&
T!E /UARANTEE O2 AN ex$l+si-e on the hottest stor' of the wee% was eno+gh to l+re Marlene Bla$% o+t of her st+dio and down to
Sa)rinas lo$al polling station&
The T7 $rew fil,ed Sa)rina going inside to -ote& Afterward( Marlene inter-iewed her& It had started to rain( so( o+t of sight of the $a,era( a
prod+$tion assistant held an extra"large +,)rella o-er the,&
*Sa)rina( who did 'o+ -ote for4*
*I-e )een telling /eorgians for the past few ,onths that #a%e 3arrington is the )est ,an for the .o)( Marlene( so nat+rall' I -oted for hi,&*
She ga-e her ,ost s$intillating s,ile&
*E-en tho+gh he ended 'o+r engage,ent"* a pa+se *"witho+t telling 'o+4*
3hen Sa)rina had gi-en the wo,an that tid)it on the
phone( shed .+st a)o+t fainted"and she hadnt 'et heard the f+ll stor'& The news reporters wat$hing the, started s$ri))ling franti$ notes&
*That ,ade ,e ,ad(* Sa)rina ad,itted& *6arti$+larl' )e$a+se hed pro,ised I $o+ld )e the one to )rea% it off&*
Marlenes e'es spar%led& *3h' wo+ld he ,a%e 'o+ a pro,ise li%e that4*
*I ha-e a $onfession&* Sa)rina had $hosen the words )e$a+se the' were g+aranteed to ha-e e-er' person in the state pa+se in $hewing their $ornfla%es&
*O+r engage,ent was a fa%e": for$ed #a%e into it&*
The $a,era wa-ered a se$ond( and Marlene $losed her e'es in a ,o,ent of .o+rnalisti$ e$stas'& Then she got down to )+siness& *Tell ,e ,ore&*
So Sa)rina did& She told the whole sorr' stor'( starting with her $h+n%' thighs and the loss of the .o) at the tr+st( thro+gh her fa%e engage,ent&
*Did #a%e end the engage,ent )e$a+se he wanted to $o,e $lean with the -oters4* Marlene as%ed&
Sa)rina hesitated& She didnt want to tell the world #a%e was in lo-e with her& She was hopef+l( al,ost $onfident( )+t she wasnt an idiot& *I ha-ent
tal%ed to hi, 'et( )+t it loo%s that wa'&*
*!ow do 'o+ feel a)o+t #a%e 3arrington now4* Sa)rina $o+ldnt stop the s,ile that spread o-er her fa$e& *I lo-e hi,( and I thin% hell )e the )est
go-ernor this state has e-er had& And the )est h+s)and a wo,an e-er had& #a%es a real fa,il' ,an&*
So,e of the onloo%ers $heered& Marlene wasnt
done& *Sa)rina( ,ight I sa' )efore we finish here( that is a wonderf+l s%irt&*
Sa)rina glan$ed down at the -er' ,i$ro,ini that showed a lot of her thighs& It was hardl' a pra$ti$al $hoi$e"the rain had t+rned to so,ething nearer
sleet)+t #a%e wo+ld lo-e it& *Than% 'o+(* she said happil'&
At last the inter-iew was o-er& Marlene planned to ret+rn to her st+dio to air the seg,ent right awa'"it wo+ld pla' within twent' ,in+tes( she
pro,ised& Sa)rina wanted to )e with #a%e when he wat$hed it& She ran to her $ar( holding her p+rse o-er her head to prote$t her hair& She $li,)ed
)ehind the wheel of her 73 Beetlediffi$+lt to do de$entl' in this s%irt"and dro-e toward #a%es ho+se&
She $o+ldnt wait to see hi,& She sped +p( and la+ghed as the $ar hit thirt' ,iles an ho+r& !a( she reall' was a new wo,an( a wo,an who $o+ld dri-e
at the speed li,it witho+t fear& I am woman$ see me dri)e.
As the rain grew hea-ier( she t+rned the wipers on faster& She $o+ldnt re,e,)er what S+san had said a)o+t ele$tion da' weather"if #a%es s+pporters
were the %ind who t+rned o+t rain or shine( or if this wo+ld deter the,& As she rea$hed 7irginia !ighlands"a"onl' another ,ile to #a%es pla$e"her $ell
phone rang&
#a%e( shed )et& The reporters whod )een at the polling station wo+ld )e after hi, alread'&
She was al,ost te,pted to )rea% her own dont"tal%and"dri-e r+le& She glan$ed down at her phone on the passenger seat& Not #a%e( her father&
She t+rned her attention )a$% to the road&
#+st in ti,e to see the loo,ing rear end of a $arelessl' par%ed tr+$%&
The $rash was a si$%ening $a$ophon' of s$ree$hing( $r+n$hing( grinding ,etal& Sa)rina flew forward in the fra$tion of a se$ond )efore her seat
)elt lo$%ed( at the sa,e ti,e as the air )ag inflated( sla,,ing her )a$% in her seat& She felt a )+rning heat( whi$h she %new fro, past
experien$e was the air )ag&
The se5+en$e was agonizingl' fa,iliar&
The noise( the s,ell of f+el( the shattered glass and the )laring of a horn assa+lted Sa)rinas senses& I,ages )o,)arded her"her ,others still(
lifeless )od'( the )lood( the desperate $lawing at the door in an atte,pt to get o+t( the terrif'ing awareness that she $o+ldnt feel her legs&
No( that was then& The other a$$ident& 3asnt it4 Can I (eel my legs% 6ain and ,e,or' .+,)led into a ,ish,ash& Two a$$idents )e$a,e one&
So)s wren$hed fro, Sa)rinas throat& She f+,)led to +n$lip her seat )elt( )+t failed& She didnt %now what she $o+ld feel& & &if an'thing&
E-er' -estige of strength( of $o+rage( of hard"won independen$e deserted her&
Sa)rina s$rea,ed& And s$rea,ed& And s$rea,ed&
#ABES !EART 1EA6ED when he heard Sa)rina tal%ing to Marlene Bla$% on the )rea%fast news& !e loo%ed +p fro, his granola &&& then he
saw the s+)title on the s$reenH 6hon' Engage,ent&
*3hat the"* !e p+t down his )owl( di,l' aware that e-er' other person in the state wo+ld )e doing the sa,e thing right now( and t+rned +p the
As Sa)rina $ontin+ed tal%ing( his .aw dropped& !is $raz'( )ea+tif+l( )rilliant fian$ee &&& $o+ldnt she .+st let hi, do what he had to4 Then
Sa)rina said( *I lo-e hi,&*
#a%e whooped lo+d eno+gh for the whole )lo$% to hear& *I lo-e 'o+( too( hone'(* he 'elled at the s$reen( then loo%ed aro+nd& !ed )e$o,e one
of those n+t$ases who tal% to their T7 sets& *3here are 'o+4* he as%ed the tele-ision& *Co,e on ho,e&*
Da,n( hed swit$hed off his $ell phone and +npl+gged his landline to a-oid the ,edia& !is answering ,a$hine flashed fift'"two ,essages& The
$ell phone rang the se$ond he swit$hed it on& It was S+san&
*I, res$inding ,' resignation(* she said&
*1ater( A+nt S+e&* !e h+ng +p on her& The phone
rang again( and this ti,e he $he$%ed the displa'& N+,)er withheld( pro)a)l' his father& 3ith a hiss of i,patien$e( he too% the $all&
*Mr& 3arrington( this is E,or' Uni-ersit' !ospital&*
The wo,an on the other end of the line lowered her -oi$e& *I sho+ldnt )e $alling 'o+ )e$a+se 'o+re not next of %in &&& )+t 'o+ sho+ld %now
Sa)rina Merritt was .+st )ro+ght in here following a traffi$ a$$ident&*
The floor tipped )eneath his feet"he grasped the )a$% of the $o+$h& *Is she &&& o%a'4*
She wasnt( he %new it&
The r+shing so+nd in #a%es ears al,ost pre-ented hi, fro, hearing the wo,an( who was tal%ing e-en ,ore 5+ietl'&
*Shes +n$ons$io+s &&& the're doing tests& 3ell %now ,ore in the next ho+r& Do 'o+ want ,e to"*
*I, $o,ing(* #a%e $roa%ed&
#ABE ARRI7ED AT T!E hospital at the sa,e ti,e as Sa)rinas father& The nor,all' e)+llient #onah tottered a$ross the par%ing lot li%e an old
,an on his last legs& !e raised a li,p hand in greeting( his e'es fixed on the )+ilding in front of the,&
*!ow ,+$h ha-e 'o+ heard4* #a%e as%ed& #onah shoo% his head& *Next to nothing&*
#a%e had pra'ed all the wa' here& Now( he pra'ed again( )egging /od to let Sa)rina )e o%a'& 1et her spine )e +nhar,ed&
Inside( the' were shown to a waiting roo, and told that a do$tor wo+ld see the, as soon as possi)le&
C'nthia and Megan arri-ed a few ,in+tes later( followed )' Ted and S+san( T'ler and Bethan'& No one said ,+$h )e'ond their initial greeting"
the' all %new how )ad this $o+ld )e& #a%e loo%ed aro+nd the roo, at all these people who lo-ed Sa)rina& I lo)e her more$ and I ne)er showed
her. !is e'es felt hot( his $hin li%e #ell"O&
*She $ant go thro+gh this again(* #onah said into the silen$e& !e started to pa$e( )+t al,ost i,,ediatel' lost strength and leaned one hand on
the pale pea$h wall& *1earning to wal%( those ,onths in )ed &&& she $ant do it&*
*Itll %ill her(* Megan said( her fa$e pale& *6oor Ba)'&* S+san so))ed 5+ietl'< Ted p+t an ar, aro+nd her( p+lled her $lose& 3hi$h drew a few
$+rio+s glan$es&
*Shell get thro+gh it&* #a%es -ol+,e s+rprised hi,( as well as e-er'one else& !eads t+rned toward hi,&
*Sa)rina $an do an'thing she sets her ,ind to(* he said& And then so,e& Shes the strongest person I %now&*
*Shes s+ffered so ,+$h(* C'nthia )egan( her )row f+rrowed&
*And shes to+gher for it&* #a%e glan$ed o+t into the $orridor( at a passing trolle' loaded with floral deli-eries for patients( and willed Sa)rina to
)e fighting )a$%( right now& *8o+ all loo% at her and see the girl who al,ost )ro%e& I, telling 'o+ to loo% again&*
!e so+nded as if he was $a,paigning &&& and he was& !e was $a,paigning for the ,ost i,portant -i$tor' of his life& *1oo% again( see a wo,an
who lost her ,other( lost her a)ilit' to wal%( al,ost lost her life( )+t still $a,e )a$%& I %now she let 'o+ pa,per her( and she ,ade the ,ost of
it"* he fo+nd hi,self
gnn,ng at the tho+ght of Sa)rinas feigned tears *")+t if 'o+ $ant see shes ,ore than $apa)le of )eating whate-er this a$$ident has dealt her(
then shes s,arter than all of 'o+&*
#onahs expression dar%ened( )+t #a%e $ontin+ed( *8o+ ha-e a da+ghter to )e pro+d of( #onah& Not for her )ea+t'( )+t for her )rains( her
$o+rage( her persisten$e&*
*I a, pro+d of her(* #onah growled( )+t he so+nded +n$ertain& Then his -oi$e $ra$%ed& *I lo-e her& If> lose her( I dont %now what Ill &&& * !e
sh+ddered $on-+lsi-el'&
Megan p+t an ar, aro+nd his sho+lders& *3e %now( Dad& Sa)rinas spe$ial&* She see,ed a)o+t to )+rst into tears&
*#+st )e$a+se Sa)rinas spe$ial( that doesnt ,ean she needs to )e treated with %id glo-es(* #a%e persisted&
*8o+re an expert on how to treat ,' da+ghter( are 'o+4* #onah de,anded& !e san% into gloo, again& *If she p+lls thro+gh this( I, going to
ta%e s+$h good $are of her&*
*No( 'o+ wont(* #a%e said& #onahs fa$e reddened&
*!ell( #onah( I +nderstand what 'o+re sa'ing&* #a%e pa$ed a$ross the roo, and )a$%& *I feel the sa,e ,'self( li%e I want to ta%e her ho,e and
ne-er let her o+t& B+t shell ne-er forgi-e 'o+ if 'o+ tr' and $oddle her( and shell ne-er forgi-e ,e( either&* !e tho+ght a)o+t the wa' shed p+t
Megan in her pla$e at dinner the other wee%& *8o+re a )ra-er ,an than I a, if 'o+ll ris% her anger&*
*I, her father(* #onah said&
*And I, the ,an shes going to ,arr'&*
C'nthia p+t a hand to her ,o+th& *Oh( no( I ha-ent -oted 'et&*
#a%e had forgotten all a)o+t the pri,ar'& *Doesnt ,atter&*
*I, going to find a do$tor( and the're da,n well going to let ,e see ,' da+ghter&* #onah fl+ng hi,self o+t of the roo,&
#a%e followed( inter$epting the older ,an in the hallwa'&
*#onah&* #a%e p+t a hand on his ar,& #onah tried to sha%e it off&
*Dont 'o+ dare go in there and s$are Sa)rina with 'o+r fears&* #a%es -oi$e was low and $ontrolled( )+t s+ffi$ientl' ,ena$ing to $he$% #onahs
*Dont 'o+ tell ,e"* he sp+ttered&
*If 'o+ do(* #a%e said deli)eratel'( *I will tell her a)o+t 'o+r atte,pts to infl+en$e the .+dges of the Miss /eorgia 6ageant&*
#onah paled& *I didnt"*
*8o+ did(* #a%e said& *Shes so pro+d of that win( )+t than%s to 'o+( well ne-er %now if she wo+ld ha-e ,ade it on her own strengths&*
*Of $o+rse she &&& * #onah trailed off( realizing it was ,isera)l' $lear he hadnt )elie-ed his da+ghter wo+ld win& *I .+st wanted"*
*To prote$t her(* #a%e said& *#onah( I lo-e 'o+r da+ghter( I, going to ,arr' her& 2ro, now on( if theres an' prote$ting to )e done( its ,' .o)&
B+t I $an tell 'o+( its one Ill ta%e +p rel+$tantl'( and onl' e-er with Sa)rinas per,ission&*
#onah stared at #a%e for a long ti,e& !ospital personnel )+stled past( .ostling the,& At last( he in$lined his head& *I wont +pset her& Its the last
thing I want&*
!e allowed #a%e to shepherd hi, )a$% into the roo,& *Did 'o+ see her4* Megan as%ed&
*I de$ided to wait for the do$tor(* #onah anno+n$ed gr+dgingl'&
3hen the door opened( the' all loo%ed +p& #a%e tried not to feel disappointed when Max wal%ed in& *I was at one of o+r sites(* he said& *I onl'
.+st got 'o+r ,essage( Mo,&*
S+san h+gged hi,& *Theres no news 'et&* She stepped )a$%( )+t held on to Maxs hands& Tears sprang to her e'es&
*Mo,4* Max said( alar,ed&
S+san gripped tighter& *I-e )een thin%ing how dreadf+l it wo+ld )e if 'o+ were in an a$$ident and ended +p d'ing +nhapp'&*
*!ard to )e happ' a)o+t d'ing in an a$$ident(* Max o)ser-ed +n$o,forta)l'&
#a%e snorted& S+san swatted Maxs ar,& *Thats not what I ,ean& 8o+re s+$h a wonderf+l son( a wonderf+l )+siness,an( )+t 'o+ ha-ent fo+nd
a wo,an to lo-e&*
*Mo, &&& * Max got a h+nted loo%< he glan$ed toward the exit&
*I, not .+st tal%ing a)o+t 'o+& 3e all need to find the person whos going to ,a%e +s happ' and seize the $han$e for lo-e with )oth hands&*
S+san shoo% his sho+lders& *Thats what I, going to do&*
*/o for it( Mo,&* Max ,anaged to free hi,self fro, her grasp&
*As a ,atter of fa$t( I will&* S+san twirled on her heel( al,ost girlish& *Ted( theres so,ething I want to sa'&*
#a%es father ga-e her a slow( inti,ate s,ile& As ifhe %new what was $o,ing& #a%e didnt ha-e a $l+e&
*If( as #a%e sa's( we $an expe$t Sa)rina to re$o-er fro, this a$$ident no ,atter how )ad it is(* S+san said( *then I thin% I need to expe$t ,ore
of ,'self&*
Ted started to la+gh& *M' lo-e( if 'o+re li%ening )eing with ,e to )eing in a $ar wre$% &&& *
&y lo)e% 3as so,ething going on )etween Ted and S+san4 #a%e felt as if hed ,issed the )+s and was r+nning along )ehind it&
*I, doing no s+$h thing&* S+san wagged a finger at hi,& *I, tal%ing a)o+t tr+sting 'o+&*
*A ,ar-elo+s idea(* Ted said&
*Then so,ehow( were going to ha-e to ,a%e it wor%( if 'o+ still want it to& I ha-e no idea how"I ,ean( where will we li-e4 One of +s is going
to ha-e to sa$rifi$e a lot&* She drew a )reath& *B+t so,e things are worth sa$rifi$ing for&*
*Mo,( what are 'o+ tal%ing a)o+t4* Max gra))ed her wrist&
S+san t+gged free& *I, tal%ing a)o+t lo-e and forgi-eness and )eing willing to start o-er&* She sw+ng )a$% to Ted& *Ted( I, sorr' I h+rt 'o+&
I-e ,issed 'o+ these past few da's( I-e ,issed e-er'thing a)o+t 'o+& If 'o+ still thin% theres an'thing )etween +s( I hope 'o+ll gi-e it a
$han$e to &&& to )losso,(* she ended +n"
$ertainl'( as if shed onl' .+st realized how exposed she was( de$laring herself in front of e-er'one&
Teds grin was wide eno+gh for two ,en& *S+san( dearest( 'o+re the wo,an for ,e( and thats not going to $hange& 3hate-er 'o+ ha-e to gi-e
+p for ,e( Ill gi-e do+)le for 'o+&*
She stepped into his ar,s( )l+shing li%e a sixteen'ear"old& *Reall'4*
*Ta%e ,' heart(* he ,+r,+red& *M' life&* Then he %issed her( right there in the waiting roo,&
*8o+ dont ,ind( )o's( do 'o+4* S+san as%ed )elatedl' when Ted released her&
T'ler had le-ered hi,self o+t of his $hair the ,o,ent Ted started %issing S+san& #a%e fig+red the onl' reason his $o+sin hadnt p+n$hed Ted
was )e$a+se( li%e #a%e( he was still tr'ing to a)sor) the news&
*Its great( isnt it4* #a%e ,ade his own de$ision as he pro,pted T'ler&
*Uh( 'eah&* T'lers fingers ,o-ed at his side( loosened& *8eah( Mo,( it reall' is great&*
*#+st so long as we dont ha-e to wat$h an'thing li%e that again(* Max ,+ttered&
S+san la+ghed and e,)ra$ed her sons< Ted shoo% their hands&
#onah and his da+ghters added their $ongrat+lations( )+t #onah see,ed distra$ted& *!ow long $an it ta%e4* he ,+ttered( with 'et another glan$e
at the door&
!is 5+estion was answered a few ,in+tes later( when a do$tor wal%ed in& *2a,il' of Sa)rina Merritt4*
#onah .+,ped to his feet& *I, her father&*
#a%e was right )eside hi,& *I, her fian$e&* *Ah"* the do$tor ga-e a s,all s,ile *"'o+ ,+st )e that idiot$ lake ,arrington.0
*Thats ,e(* #a%e said pro+dl'& *Shes awa%e( right4* *7er' ,+$h so(* the do$tor said& !e t+rned to #onah(
*She has so,e )r+ising( )+t no serio+s in.+r'&*
#onah ga-e a $r' of relief&
*Shes +p to re$ei-ing one -isitor&*
As #onah ,ade for the door( the do$tor detained hi,&
*Mr& Merritt( 'o+r da+ghter has stated in no +n$ertain ter,s that #a%e 3arrington is to )e that -isitor&*
At least shed %nown hed )e here( #a%e tho+ght& !e hadnt totall' destro'ed her faith in hi,&
!e followed the do$tor down the hallwa'& On the wa'( the' passed another florists trolle'& #a%e had )een in s+$h a h+rr' to get here( it hadnt
o$$+rred to hi, to )ring flowers& !e didnt hesitate< he twisted a pale ,a+-e or$hid off its ste,& As the' rea$hed Sa)rinas roo,( he steeled
hi,self for the sight of the ,edi$al e5+ip,ent and of her loo%ing awf+l"as awf+l as Sa)rina $o+ld"so he wo+ldnt )e te,pted to do an'thing
st+pid( li%e for)id her e-er to go an'where witho+t hi, again&
B+t the ,o,ent he saw her( por$elain pale( her wrists thin where the' rested on the $o-erlet( red )+rns on her nose and forehead fro, the air
)ag( his resol+tion failed& All he wanted was to gather her into his ar,s and hold on to her for the rest of his life&
!er e'es ,et his( and filled with tears( worsening the te,ptation&
*I, a wi,p(* she said&
*!+h4 Sweetheart( what do 'o+ ,ean4*
She gripped the $o-erlet& *#a%e( I %eep telling 'o+ how strong I a,( how independent& B+t when I $rashed ,' $ar toda'"* she g+lped *"I
s$rea,ed ,' head off& I $o+ldnt stop& I was terrified&* She t+rned her head aside( and #a%e saw a tear on her $hee%&
She needed ,ore fro, hi, than his +nd'ing $o,,it,ent to loo% after her& She needed to %now she was strong&
!e prized her fingers off the )lan%et and nestled the or$hid hed fil$hed into her pal,& *Sa)rina(* he said( *'o+ are a)o+t the )ra-est wo,an in
the world& I dont %now an'one who wo+ldnt ha-e s$rea,ed at what happened to 'o+ toda'( in$l+ding ,e&*
She s,iled sheepishl'& *8o+ wo+ld not&*
*1i%e a girl(* he -owed& *!one'( I dont e-er want to let 'o+ )ehind the wheel of a $ar again"* she opened her ,o+th( and he held +p his hand *"
)+t the da' 'o+ get o+t of hospital( if the do$tor sa's 'o+re a)le( 'o+re going to dri-e&*
She )lan$hed&
*Be$a+se 'o+ll want to do it(* he said& *And I %now 'o+ $an do whate-er 'o+ want&*
She lifted her $hin( loo%ed hi, in the e'e& *3hat if I want to ,arr' 'o+4* !er -oi$e held the faintest 5+a-er&
*!ell( 'es( 'o+ $an do that&* #a%e $o+ldnt $ontain his grin( then his la+gh& *In fa$t( I insist&* !e %issed her( ,indf+l of her in.+ries( with a tender
passion that $a+ght hi, off g+ard&
*I lo-e 'o+(* he said when he released her& Sa)rina s,ir%ed& *I %now&*
*Of $o+rse 'o+ do( 'o+re s,art&* !e %issed her again& *I lo-e 'o+( too&* That $alled for another %iss&
*Than%s for the flower&* She held +p the or$hid( now slightl' $r+shed& *Co+ld 'o+ onl' afford one4*
!e la+ghed& *Its li%e 'o+( sweetheart& Uni5+e&* !er e'es ,isted o-er&
There was a $o,,otion in the hallwa' o+tside( $heering s$+ffling( and then the' heard a n+rse sa'( A)sol+tel' not( 'o+ $ant go in there&*
Next ,o,ent( Ted st+$% his head aro+nd the door&
*The exit polls are +nani,o+s( so ,+$h so the're alread' predi$ting the res+lt&* !e did a little .ig in the doorwa'& *See,s the -oters li%e a ,an
whose wo,an stands )' hi,& 8o+re going to win the pri,ar'( #a%e& Next stop( the go-ernors ,ansion&*
Sa)rina $a+ght her )reath& *#a%e( 'o+ did it&* The tears that had )een flowing readil' sin$e this ,ornings a$$ident ,ade a fresh appearan$e&
#a%e p+lled o+t a hand%er$hief( wiped her $hee%s&
3hi$h ,ade her $r' harder& She lo-ed that he respe$ted her independen$e( )+t she $herished this tenderness( %nowing that it was .+st for her(
)e$a+se he lo-ed her&
*8o+r fa$e is going red(* he said helpf+ll'( re,ind"
ing her she hadnt seen a ,irror sin$e this ,orning&
She to+$hed the )+, on her nose& *I ,+st loo% awf+l&* *!ideo+s(* he said& *B+t I still lo-e 'o+&*
*8o+ .+st %eep telling it li%e it is(* she said& *Dont spare ,' feelings&*
!e $aressed her $hee%& *O%a'( heres how it is&* !e too% her hands& *Sa)rina( I lo-e 'o+ so ,+$h( I $ant wait to ,arr' 'o+& 8o+ ,ean ,ore to
,e than an'thing else( and 'o+ alwa's will&*
She got a l+,p in her throat the size of a )ase)all&
*Thats all -er' well for 'o+(* she said& *B+t 'o+ %now I, not good at sti$%ing with things& 3hat if> $hange ,' ,ind4*
*Brat&* !e fli$%ed her $hin& *I wont let 'o+& Besides( 'o+-e )een in lo-e with ,e fi-e 'ears alread'K"I thin% that shows ex$ellent sti$%a)ilit'&*
#a%e grinned& *I see were on tra$% for so,e pea$e in the ho,e(* he ,+r,+red against her lips&
* * * * *

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