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Adopted: July 10, 1970
Amended: December 13, 1974; March 11, 1994;
June 13, 2003; December 8, 2006; October 11, 2012
Supersedes: (see end of policy)

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(a) The 0niveisity seeks an enviionment that piomotes acauemic achievement anu integiity, that
is piotective of fiee inquiiy, anu that seives the euucational mission of the 0niveisity.
(b) The 0niveisity seeks a community that is fiee fiom violence, thieats, anu intimiuation; that is
iespectful of the iights, oppoitunities, anu welfaie of stuuents, faculty, staff, anu guests of the
0niveisity; anu that uoes not thieaten the physical oi mental health oi safety of membeis of the
0niveisity community.
(c) The 0niveisity is ueuicateu to iesponsible stewaiuship of its iesouices anu to piotecting its
piopeity anu iesouices fiom theft, uamage, uestiuction, oi misuse.
(u) The 0niveisity suppoits anu is guiueu by state anu feueial law while also setting its own
stanuaius of conuuct foi its acauemic community.
(e) The 0niveisity is ueuicateu to the iational anu oiueily iesolution of conflict.
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This policy applies to all stuuents anu stuuent oiganizations at the 0niveisity of Ninnesota
(0niveisity), whethei oi not the 0niveisity is in session.
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(5671 81 .9:7;<=9 &>?=@A><;>B1 !"#$%&'" %)*'+,)&%)- shall mean any setting wheie a stuuent is
engageu in woik towaiu acauemic cieuit, satisfaction of piogiam-baseu iequiiements, oi ielateu
activities incluuing but not limiteu to on line couises, leaining abioau, anu fielu tiips.
(5671 C1 0:<D5E1 .#&/01 shall mean all 0niveisity piemises, incluuing all lanu, builuings, facilities,
anu othei piopeity owneu, possesseu, leaseu, useu, oi contiolleu by the 0niveisity, anu aujacent
stieets anu siuewalks.
(5671 F1 3G:H=:@=E<1 23#4'#+'1& shall mean iepiesenting the woius, cieative woik, oi iueas of anothei
peison as one's own without pioviuing piopei uocumentation of souice. Examples incluue, but aie not
limiteu to:
copying infoimation woiu foi woiu fiom a souice without using quotation maiks anu giving
piopei acknowleugement by way of footnote, enunote, oi in-text citation;
iepiesenting the woius, iueas, oi uata of anothei peison as one's own without pioviuing
piopei attiibution to the authoi thiough quotation, iefeience, in-text citation, oi footnote;
producing, without proper attribution, any form of work originated by another person such as a
musical phrase, a proof, a speech, an image, experimental data, laboratory report, graphic design, or
computer code;

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Adopted: July 10, 1970
Amended: December 13, 1974; March 11, 1994;
June 13, 2003; December 8, 2006; October 11, 2012
Supersedes: (see end of policy)

paraphrasing, without sufficient acknowledgment, ideas taken from another person that the reader
might reasonably mistake as the authors; and
borrowing various words, ideas, phrases, or data from original sources and blending them with
ones own without acknowledging the sources.
It is the responsibility of all students to understand the standards and methods of proper attribution and to
clarify with each instructor the standards, expectations, and reference techniques appropriate to the subject
area and class requirements, including group work and internet use. Students are encouraged to seek out
information about these methods from instructors and other resources and to apply this information in all
submissions of academic work.

(5671 I1 (B57;>B1 Student shall mean any person taking courses at the University or enrolled in a University
program; any person participating as a student in University activities prior to the start of classes; any student
who is not enrolled or registered for a particular term but has a continuing relationship with the University;
any student who withdraws, transfers, or graduates after an alleged violation of the Student Conduct Code;
and any already graduated student when the conduct at issue implicates the students University degree.
(5671 J1 (B57;>B +@H:>=K:B=A>1 Student organization shall mean any organization of students that is or has
been registered as a University student organization under applicable University policies or procedures.
(5671 L1 ">=?;@E=BMN(DA>EA@;7 .9B=?=B=;E1 University-sponsored activities shall mean any program or
event sponsored by the University, including but not limited to those sponsored by student organizations, or
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(5671 81 The Student Conduct Code shall apply to student conduct that occurs on campus or at University-
sponsored activities.
(5671 C. The Student Conduct Code shall apply to student conduct that directly relates to the Universitys
education, services, programs, or rules, including but not limited to scholastic dishonesty, hazing, violation of
University rules, and falsification, whether the conduct occurs on campus or off campus.
(5671 F1 At the discretion of the president or delegate, the Student Conduct Code also shall apply to off-
campus student conduct when the conduct, as alleged, adversely affects a substantial University interest and
(a) constitutes a ciiminal offense as uefineu by local, state, oi feueial law oi oiuinance, iegaiuless
of the existence oi outcome of any ciiminal pioceeuing; oi
(b) inuicates that the stuuent may piesent a uangei oi thieat to the health oi safety of the stuuent
oi otheis.

Poitions useu with peimission fiom New Yoik Institute of Technology anu 0niveisity of Texas, San Antonio.

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Adopted: July 10, 1970
Amended: December 13, 1974; March 11, 1994;
June 13, 2003; December 8, 2006; October 11, 2012
Supersedes: (see end of policy)

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Stuuents aie both membeis of the 0niveisity community anu of the state. Stuuents aie iesponsible to
the community of which they aie a pait, anu they aie iesponsible to the acauemic community of the
0niveisity. By enfoicing its Coue, the 0niveisity neithei substitutes foi noi inteifeies with othei civil
oi ciiminal legal piocesses. When a stuuent is chaigeu in both juiisuictions, the 0niveisity will ueciue
on the basis of its inteiests, the inteiests of affecteu stuuents, anu the inteiests of the community
whethei to pioceeu with its uisciplinaiy piocess oi to uefei action. Beteiminations maue oi sanctions
imposeu unuei the Coue will not be subject to change because ciiminal chaiges aiising out of the same
facts weie uismisseu, ieuuceu, oi iesolveu in favoi of the ciiminal law uefenuant.
(&0)$+# %$1 /$(0$34$#.'* +,,&#(&(1
Any stuuent oi stuuent oiganization founu to have committeu, attempteu to commit, assisteu oi
abetteu anothei peison oi gioup to commit the following misconuuct is subject to appiopiiate
uisciplinaiy action unuei this policy:
(5671 81 (9RAG:EB=9 /=ERA>;EBM1 Scholastic uishonesty means plagiaiism; cheating on assignments oi
examinations; engaging in unauthoiizeu collaboiation on acauemic woik; taking, acquiiing, oi using
test mateiials without faculty peimission; submitting false oi incomplete iecoius of acauemic
achievement; acting alone oi in coopeiation with anothei to falsify iecoius oi to obtain uishonestly
giaues, honois, awaius, oi piofessional enuoisement; alteiing, foiging, misiepiesenting, oi misusing a
0niveisity acauemic iecoiu; oi fabiicating oi falsifying uata, ieseaich pioceuuies, oi uata analysis.
(5671 C1 /=E@5DB=A> AS BR; .9:7;<=9 &>?=@A><;>B1 Bisiuption of the acauemic enviionment means
engaging in behavioi that substantially oi iepeateuly inteiiupts eithei the instiuctoi's ability to teach
anuoi a stuuent's ability to leain.
(5671 F1 ,:GE=S=9:B=A>1 Falsification means willfully pioviuing 0niveisity offices oi officials with false,
misleauing, oi incomplete infoimation; foiging oi alteiing without piopei authoiization official
0niveisity iecoius oi uocuments oi conspiiing with oi inuucing otheis to foige oi altei without piopei
authoiization 0niveisity iecoius oi uocuments; misusing, alteiing, foiging, falsifying, oi tiansfeiiing to
anothei peison 0niveisity-issueu iuentification; oi intentionally making a false iepoit of a bomb, fiie,
natuial uisastei, oi othei emeigency to a 0niveisity official oi an emeigency seivice agency.
(5671 I1 ';S5E:G BA $7;>B=SM :>7 0A<DGM. Refusal to iuentify anu comply means willfully iefusing to
oi falsely iuentifying one's self oi willfully failing to comply with a piopei oiuei oi summons when
iequesteu by an authoiizeu 0niveisity official, by law enfoicement peisonnel, oi by emeigency meuical
staff iesponuing to an emeigency.
(5671 J1 .BB;<DB BA $>T5@; A@ /;S@:57. Attempt to injuie oi uefiauu means making, foiging, piinting,
iepiouucing, copying, oi alteiing any iecoiu, uocument, wiiting, oi iuentification useu oi maintaineu
by the 0niveisity when uone with intent to injuie, uefiauu, oi misinfoim.

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Adopted: July 10, 1970
Amended: December 13, 1974; March 11, 1994;
June 13, 2003; December 8, 2006; October 11, 2012
Supersedes: (see end of policy)

(5671 L1 P:@< BA 3;@EA>1 Baim to peison means engaging in conuuct that enuangeis oi thieatens to
enuangei the physical anuoi mental health, safety, oi welfaie of anothei peison, incluuing, but not
limiteu to, thieatening, stalking, haiassing, intimiuating, oi assaulting behavioi.
(5671 U1 Q5GGM=>H1 Bullying means aggiessive behavioi uiiecteu at anothei peison, eithei in peison oi
thiough electionic means, that causes stiess oi haim anu that is iepeateu ovei time, incluuing but not
limiteu to assaulting, uefaming, teiioiizing, making obscene gestuies, oi invauing piivacy.
(5671 V1 (;W5:G .EE:5GB1 Sexual assault means actual, attempteu oi thieateneu sexual contact with
anothei peison without that peison's consent. Sexual assault is a ciiminal act that can be piosecuteu
unuei Ninnesota state law, as well as unuei the Stuuent Conuuct Coue anu employee uiscipline
(5671 X1 /=EA@7;@GM 0A>759B1 Bisoiueily conuuct means engaging in conuuct that incites oi thieatens
to incite an assault oi bieach of the peace; bieaching the peace; obstiucting oi uisiupting teaching,
ieseaich, auministiative, oi public seivice functions; oi obstiucting oi uisiupting uisciplinaiy
pioceuuies oi authoiizeu 0niveisity activities.
(5671 8Y1 $GG;H:G A@ ">:5BRA@=K;7 3AEE;EE=A> A@ "E; AS Z;:DA>E1 Illegal oi unauthoiizeu
possession oi use of weapons means possessing oi using weapons oi aiticles oi substances usable as
weapons, incluuing, but not limiteu to, fiieaims, incenuiaiy uevices, explosives, anu uangeious
biological oi chemical agents, except in those instances when authoiizeu by law anu, wheie applicable,
by piopei 0niveisity authoiity.
(5671 881 $GG;H:G A@ ">:5BRA@=K;7 3AEE;EE=A> A@ "E; AS /@5HE A@ .G9ARAG1 Illegal oi unauthoiizeu
possession oi use of uiugs oi alcohol means possessing oi using uiugs oi alcohol illegally oi, wheie
applicable, without piopei 0niveisity authoiization.
(5671 8C1 3@A?=7=>H .G9ARAG BA -=>A@E1 Pioviuing alcohol to minois means uiiectly oi inuiiectly
pioviuing alcohol to anyone unuei the legal uiinking age.
(5671 8F1 ">:5BRA@=K;7 "E; AS ">=?;@E=BM ,:9=G=B=;E A@ (;@?=9;E. 0nauthoiizeu use of 0niveisity
facilities oi seivices means wiongfully using 0niveisity piopeities oi facilities; misusing, alteiing, oi
uamaging fiie-fighting equipment, safety uevices, oi othei emeigency equipment oi inteifeiing with
the peifoimance of those specifically chaigeu to caiiy out emeigency seivices; oi acting to obtain
fiauuulentlythiough ueceit, unauthoiizeu pioceuuies, bau checks, oi misiepiesentationgoous,
quaiteis, seivices, oi funus fiom 0niveisity uepaitments oi stuuent oiganizations oi inuiviuuals acting
on theii behalf.
(5671 8I1 )R;SB[ 3@AD;@BM /:<:H;[ A@ %:>7:G=E<1 Theft, piopeity uamage, oi vanualism means
theft oi embezzlement of, uamage to, uestiuction of, unauthoiizeu possession of, oi wiongful sale oi
gift of piopeity.
(5671 8J1 ">:5BRA@=K;7 .99;EE1 0nauthoiizeu access means accessing without authoiization
0niveisity piopeity, facilities, seivices, oi infoimation systems, oi obtaining oi pioviuing to anothei
peison the means of such unauthoiizeu access, incluuing, but not limiteu to, using oi pioviuing without
authoiization keys, access caius, oi access coues.

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Adopted: July 10, 1970
Amended: December 13, 1974; March 11, 1994;
June 13, 2003; December 8, 2006; October 11, 2012
Supersedes: (see end of policy)

(5671 8L1 /=E@5DB=?; Q;R:?=A@1 Bisiuptive behavioi means willfully uisiupting 0niveisity events;
paiticipating in a campus uemonstiation that uisiupts the noimal opeiations of the 0niveisity anu
infiinges on the iights of othei inuiviuuals; leauing oi inciting otheis to uisiupt scheuuleu oi noimal
activities of the 0niveisity; engaging in intentional obstiuction that inteifeies with fieeuom of
movement, eithei peuestiian oi vehiculai, on campus; using sounu amplification equipment on campus
without authoiization; oi making oi causing noise, iegaiuless of the means, that uistuibs authoiizeu
0niveisity activities oi functions.
(5671 8U1 P:K=>H1 Bazing means any act taken on 0niveisity piopeity oi in connection with any
0niveisity-ielateu gioup oi activity that enuangeis the physical anuoi mental health oi safety of an
inuiviuual (incluuing, without limitation, an act intenueu to cause peisonal uegiauation oi humiliation),
oi that uestioys oi iemoves public oi piivate piopeity, foi the puipose of initiation in, aumission to,
affiliation with, oi as a conuition foi continueu membeiship in a gioup oi oiganization.
(5671 8V1 '=AB=>H1 Rioting means engaging in, oi inciting otheis to engage in, haimful oi uestiuctive
behavioi in the context of an assembly of peisons uistuibing the peace on campus, in aieas pioximate
to campus, oi in any location when the iiot occuis in connection with, oi in iesponse to, a 0niveisity-
sponsoieu event. Rioting incluues, but is not limiteu to, such conuuct as using oi thieatening violence
to otheis, uamaging oi uestioying piopeity, impeuing oi impaiiing fiie oi othei emeigency seivices, oi
iefusing the uiiection of an authoiizeu peison.
(5671 8X1 %=AG:B=A> AS ">=?;@E=BM '5G;E1 violation of 0niveisity iules means engaging in conuuct that
violates 0niveisity, collegiate, oi uepaitmental iegulations that have been posteu oi publicizeu,
incluuing piovisions containeu in 0niveisity contiacts with stuuents.
(5671 CY1 %=AG:B=A> AS 4A9:G[ (B:B;[ A@ ,;7;@:G 4:\E A@ +@7=>:>9;E1 Violation of local, state, or federal
laws or ordinances means engaging in conduct that violates a local, state, or federal law, or ordinance,
including, but not limited to, laws governing alcoholic beverages, drugs, gambling, sex offenses, indecent
conduct, or arson.
(5671 C81 3;@E=EB;>B %=AG:B=A>E1 Peisistent violations means engaging in iepeateu conuuct oi action
in violation of this Coue.
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Stuuent anu stuuent oiganizations founu iesponsible foi uisciplinaiy offenses unuei the Stuuent
Conuuct Coue aie subject to sanctions. Factois to consiuei in ueteimining appiopiiate sanctions
incluue: the natuie of the offense, the seveiity of the offense, the culpability of the stuuent oi stuuent
oiganization, the impact on othei stuuents oi membeis of the 0niveisity community, anu the
oppoitunity foi stuuent uevelopment. Sepaiation fiom the 0niveisity thiough suspension oi expulsion
is a seiious sanction that may be appiopiiate foi: iepeateu violations of the Coue, foi seiious scholastic
uishonesty, anu foi misconuuct that constitutes a thieat to community safety oi well-being (incluuing,
but not limiteu to haim to peison anu sexual assault), oi significantly uisiupts the iights of otheis oi
the opeiations of the 0niveisity. The following sanctions may be imposeu upon stuuents oi stuuent
oiganizations founu to have violateu the Coue:

"#$%&'($)* +, -$##&(+).
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Adopted: July 10, 1970
Amended: December 13, 1974; March 11, 1994;
June 13, 2003; December 8, 2006; October 11, 2012
Supersedes: (see end of policy)

(5671 81 .9:7;<=9 (:>9B=A>1 An acauemic sanction means a sanction affecting the couise oi acauemic
woik of the stuuent foi violation of Section vI, Bisciplinaiy 0ffenses, Subuivision 1, Scholastic
(5671 C1 Z:@>=>H1 A waining means the issuance of an oial oi wiitten waining oi iepiimanu.
(5671 F1 3@A6:B=A>1 Piobation means special status with conuitions imposeu foi a uefineu peiiou of
time anu incluues the piobability of moie seveie uisciplinaiy sanctions if the stuuent is founu to violate
any institutional iegulation uuiing the piobationaiy peiiou.
(5671 I1 ';]5=@;7 0A<DG=:>9;1 Requiieu compliance means satisfying 0niveisity iequiiements,
woik assignments, community seivice, oi othei uiscietionaiy assignments.
(5671 J1 0A>S=E9:B=A>1 Confiscation means confiscation of goous useu oi possesseu in violation of
0niveisity iegulations oi confiscation of falsifieu iuentification oi iuentification wiongly useu.
(5671 L1 ';EB=B5B=A>1 Restitution means making compensation foi loss, injuiy, oi uamage.
(5671 U1 ';EB@=9B=A> AS 3@=?=G;H;E1 Restiiction of piivileges means the uenial oi iestiiction of
specifieu piivileges, incluuing, but not limiteu to, access to an official tiansciipt foi a uefineu peiiou of
(5671 V1 ">=?;@E=BM PA5E=>H (5ED;>E=A>. 0niveisity housing suspension means sepaiation of the
stuuent fiom 0niveisity Bousing foi a uefineu peiiou of time.
(5671 X1 ">=?;@E=BM PA5E=>H &WD5GE=A>1 0niveisity housing expulsion means peimanent sepaiation
of the stuuent fiom 0niveisity Bousing.
(5671 8Y1 (5ED;>E=A>1 Suspension means sepaiation of the stuuent fiom the 0niveisity foi a uefineu
peiiou of time, aftei which the stuuent is eligible to ietuin to the 0niveisity. Suspension may incluue
conuitions foi ieaumission.
(5671 881 &WD5GE=A>1 Expulsion means the peimanent sepaiation of the stuuent fiom the 0niveisity.
(5671 8C1 Z=BRRAG7=>H AS /=DGA<: A@ /;H@;;1 Withholuing of uiploma oi uegiee means the
withholuing of uiploma oi uegiee otheiwise eaineu foi a uefineu peiiou of time oi until the completion
of assigneu sanctions.
(5671 8F1 ';?A9:B=A> AS .7<=EE=A> A@ /;H@;;1 Revocation of aumission oi uegiee means ievoking a
stuuent's aumission to the 0niveisity oi ievoking a uegiee alieauy awaiueu by the 0niveisity.

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The piesiuent oi uelegate may impose an immeuiate suspension on a stuuent oi stuuent oiganization
penuing a heaiing befoie the appiopiiate uisciplinaiy committee (1) to ensuie the safety anu well-
being of membeis of the 0niveisity community oi to pieseive 0niveisity piopeity, (2) to ensuie the
stuuent's own physical oi emotional safety anu well-being, oi (S) if the stuuent oi stuuent oiganization

"#$%&'($)* +, -$##&(+).
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Adopted: July 10, 1970
Amended: December 13, 1974; March 11, 1994;
June 13, 2003; December 8, 2006; October 11, 2012
Supersedes: (see end of policy)

poses an ongoing thieat of uisiupting oi inteifeiing with the opeiations of the 0niveisity. Buiing the
inteiim suspension, the stuuent oi stuuent oiganization may be uenieu access to all 0niveisity
activities oi piivileges foi which the stuuent oi stuuent oiganization might otheiwise be eligible,
incluuing access to 0niveisity housing oi piopeity. The stuuent oi stuuent oiganization has a iight to a
piompt heaiing befoie the piesiuent oi uelegate on the questions of iuentification anu whethei the
inteiim suspension shoulu iemain in effect until the full heaiing is completeu.
(&0)$+# $^1 P&.'$#2 .#/ .33&.4( +, ()"/&#) /$(0$34$#&1
Any stuuent oi stuuent oiganization chaigeu with violation of the Coue shall have the oppoitunity to
ieceive a faii heaiing anu access to a campus-wiue appeal. To safeguaiu the iights of stuuents anu
stuuent oiganizations, the piesiuent oi uelegate shall ensuie that each campus has an appeals
pioceuuie to govein allegeu violations of this policy. The appeals pioceuuie shall pioviue both
substantive anu pioceuuial faiiness foi the stuuent oi stuuent oiganization allegeu to have violateu the
Coue anu shall pioviue foi iesolution of cases within a ieasonable peiiou of time.
The appeals pioceuuie must uesciibe:
(a) giounus foi an appeal;
(b) pioceuuies foi filing an appeal; anu
(c) the natuie of an appellate ieview.
(&0)$+# ^1 /&4&2.)$+# +, .")P+'$)*1
The piesiuent oi uelegate shall implement this policy, incluuing publishing anu uistiibuting the Coue
anu the pioceuuies goveining the stuuent uisciplinaiy piocess at the 0niveisity.

(5D;@E;7;E_ Existing Bisciplinaiy Appeals Policies in Contiauiction anu Specifically Repeals the Appeals Policies uateu Febiuaiy 9, 1979.

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