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Snapshots of the King and His Kingdom

"O LORD, God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim, you alone are God
over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth. 2 Kings 19:15
Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the maesty and
the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the
kingdom; you are e!alted as head over all . 1 Chronicles 29:11"O LORD, God of
our fathers, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of
the nations. "ower and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you .
2Chronicles 20:" " #$he LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms
of the earth "2 Chronicles !:2! " #$he LORD, the God of heaven, has gi"en #e
all the $ingdo#s of the earth and he has a%%ointed #e to &uild a te#%le for hi# at
'erusale# in 'udah. ()ra 1:2$he LORD has established %is throne in heaven, and his
kingdom rules over all& *sal# 10!:19
"O LORD 'lmighty, God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim, you alone are
God over all the kingdoms of the earth& You have made heaven and earth.+ ,saiah
!-:1",n the ti#e of those $ings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will
never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those
kingdoms and bring them to an end, &ut it will itself endure forever. .aniel 2://
the (ost %igh is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he
wishes. .aniel /:25) %eaven rules. .aniel /:2 I praised the (ost %igh* I
honored and glorified him who lives forever& %is dominion is an eternal dominion*
his kingdom endures from generation to generation& .aniel /:!/)the (ost %igh
God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and sets over them anyone he wishes.
.aniel 5:21$hen the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms +,D-R the
whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the (ost %igh& %is
kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey %im&0
.aniel -:2-
I& I,$ROD+.$IO,
1he 2cri%tures re"eal 3od using a nu#&er of #eta%hors to descri&e 4i#self &ut the
%ri#ary i#agery 5hich &i&lical 5riters used for 3od 5as that of a di"ine King 6e.g. 1
2a#. 7:-8. 4e li"es fore"er. 4is do#inion is an eternal do#inion and 4is $ingdo#
endures fro# generation to generation. 4e #ade hea"en and earth and e"erything in
hea"en and earth is 4is. 4e rules o"er all the $ingdo#s of the nations. 4e is e9alted as
head o"er all and enthroned &et5een the cheru&i#. 4is 1hrone is in 4ea"en and 4is
$ingdo# rules o"er all. *o5er and #ight are in 4is hands and none can 5ithstand 4i#.
1he :ord, the 3od of 4ea"en, gi"es $ingdo#s and the ;ost 4igh is 2o"ereign o"er the
$ingdo#s of #en and gi"es the# to anyone 4e 5ishes. ,n ti#e, 4e 5ill set u% a $ingdo#
that 5ill ne"er &e destroyed. 62 Kings 19:15, 1Chr. 29:11, 2Chr. 20:, !:2!, *s. 10!:19,
1/5:1!, ,s. !-:1, .an. 2://, /:25<2, /:!/, 5:218 ,t is 4e 5ho rescues us fro# e"ery e"il
attac$ and 5ill &ring #e safely to 4is Kingdo#. 1o 4i# &e glory for e"er and e"er.
621i#. /:178

=longside the &asic con"iction that 3od is the su%re#e King is the understanding that 4e
reigns o"er creation as his $ingdo# 6*s. /-:1<9; 7!:17; .an. /:25<2; 5:218. ,n this
general sense then, 3od has al5ays &een the so"ereign reigning King 5ho rules in
hea"en o"er all things 6*s. 10!:19; 11!:5; ;att. 5:!/; (%h. 1:20; Col. 1:1; 4e&. 12:2;
>e". -:158.
1he 3od of ,srael is the 3od o"er all the $ingdo#s of the earth as 5ell. 4is Kingdo# is
also called ?the Kingdo# of 4ea"en+, ?the Kingdo# of Christ+, ?the Kingdo# of the
:ord+, and ?1he Kingdo#+.
3od@s holiness and glory in his hea"enly throne roo# is so o"er5hel#ing that all
creatures there honor hi# 5ith unAualified "oluntary ser"ice. Bn earth, ho5e"er,
creatures re&el and refuse to ac$no5ledge 3od as King, and e"il $ingdo#s rise u% to
o%%ose 3od@s Kingdo#. =s a result, 'esus, in relationshi% to 4is Cather, descri&es a
narro5er sense of the $ingdo# of in this 5ay: ?Dour $ingdo# co#e, your 5ill &e done
on earth as it is in hea"en+ 6;att :108. 1herefore, the Kingdo# is e9%ressed as relational
o&edience to the Cather.
1he ho%e that 2cri%ture %resents fro# co"er to co"er is that this dis%arity &et5een the
hea"enly throne roo# and earth 5ill &e eli#inated one day 61 Chr. 1:!18. 3od 5ill
Eudge the 5ic$ed and &ring redee#ed hu#anity into a ne5 creation 6,sa. 5; Fech. 1/8.
Ghen this transfor#ation ta$es %lace, only 3od@s $ingdo# 5ill stand and "oluntary
o&edience to hi# 5ill e9tend to the ends of the earth as it does in hea"en 61 Chr. 1:!1;
*s. 9-:1<28.
1he 2cri%tures re"eal that 3od deter#ined to acco#%lish this end through "oluntary lo"e
e9%ressed 5ithin the conte9t of ti#e and co"enant %ro#ises. ,t is a terri&ly slo5 &ut
thorough %rocess. Heginning 5ith 4is choice of =&raha# and his descendants as 3od@s
s%ecial %eo%le 6(9od. !:<-; :2<78, the $ingdo# of 3od 5as %ri#arily li#ited to the
%eo%le and land of ,srael to &egin. 3od asserted his $ingshi% on earth 5hen he deli"ered
,srael fro# the (gy%tian e#%ire and &rought her to the *ro#ised :and 6(9od. 158.
?Inder .a"id and 2olo#on, ,srael itself &eca#e a defined territory 5ith the sons
of .a"id sitting on the throne of 3od as his "ice<regents 61 Chr. 29:2!; 2 Chr. 8,
and 5ith 3od@s royal footstool in the te#%le 61 Chr. 27:28. 1his ethnically and
geogra%hically li#ited for# of the Kingdo# 5as not an end in itself. Bn the
contrary, Bld 1esta#ent ,srael 5as esta&lished as a stage fro# 5hich the $ingdo#
of 3od 5ould e"entually e9tend to all %eo%les and lands of the earth 63en. 1-:1-<
17; 17:17; >o#. /:1!<1-8.
1he flagrant re&ellion of ,srael and 'udah e"entually hurled the $ingdo# of 3od
in ,srael into crisis. Det, the Bld 1esta#ent announced that after the e9ile 3od
5ould re#o"e the 5ic$ed fro# the earth, and esta&lish his reign 5ithout
o%%osition o"er the entire earth 6;al. /8. =t that ti#e, full o&edience to 3od
5ould s%read to the ends of the earth, reaching &oth 'e5s and 3entiles 61 Chr.
1:2!<!; ,sa. 52:-<15; *ss. -, 9-8.
1he Je5 1esta#ent teaches that this final 5orld5ide stage of the $ingdo# of
3od &egan 5ith the incarnation of Christ. 4e and 'ohn the Ha%tist announced the
good ne5s that the Kingdo# 5as at hand 6;att. !:2; /:1-; ;ar$ 1:158. Hut
contrary to co##on 'e5ish e9%ectations, 'esus and his a%ostles e9%lained that the
5orld5ide reign of 3od on earth 5ould not co#e i##ediately in all of its
fullness. ,nstead, Christ inaugurated this final stage of the $ingdo# in his earthly
#inistry 6;att. 2:2; /:2!; 9:!5; 2-:11; ;ar$ 15:2; :u$e 1:1; 2!:!; 'ohn 17:!-8.
,t continues today in the church 6;att. 2/:1/; >o#. 1/:1<1-; 1 Cor. /:19<20;
Col. /:118, &ut it 5ill reach its ulti#ate end 5hen Christ returns in glory 61 Cor.
15:50<57; >e". 11:58. Ghen that day finally co#es, the 5ill of 3od 5ill &e done
throughout the earth Eust as it is done in hea"en.+
= study of the &i&lical references and the su&seAuent illustration can hel% our
understanding of this #aEor doctrine.
Hroad #eaning: *s. 10!:19; 11!:5; ;att. 5:!/; (%h. 1:20; Col. 1:1; 4e&. 12:2;
>e". -:15
Jarro5 #eaning: 1 Chr. 1:!1; *s. 9-:1<2; ;att. :10.
,nauguration: ;att. 2:2; /:2!; 9:!5; 2-:11; ;ar$ 15:2; :u$e 1:1; 2!:!; 'ohn
Continuation: ;att. 2/:1/; >o#. 1/:1<1-; 1 Cor. /:19<20; Col. /:11
Consu##ation: 1 Cor. 15:50<57; >e". 11:5
>ichard *ratt
htt%:KK555.third#ill.orgKfilesKenglishKht#lKthK14.h.*ratt.$,#ages of 3od, 1he
King and 4is Kingdo#
II& $%- "R-LI(I,'RY 'RRI/'L O0 $%- 1I,G
1he King co#es riding in on a don$ey@s foal and on a Ghite 4orse:
>eEoice greatly, B daughter of FionL 2hout in triu#%h, B daughter of 'erusale#L
Hehold, your $ing is co#ing to you; 4e is Eust and endo5ed 5ith sal"ation,
4u#&le, and #ounted on a don$ey, ("en on a colt, the foal of a don$ey. 6Fech
9:9, ;at 21:58
III& $%- .ORR-.$ R-2"O,2- $O $%- R-/-L'$IO, O0 $%-
=. >e%ent, 6turn fro#<to5ard8 for the Kingdo# of 4ea"en is nearKat
handK5ithin you 6;at. !:2, :u$e 1-:218
?1he ti#e has co#e," he said. "1he $ingdo# of 3od is near. >e%ent and
&elie"e the good ne5sL" 6;ar$ 1:158
I/& .+L$+R- O0 $%- 1I,GDO(
,saiah 1 M ;atthe5 5<- 61he 2er#on on the ;ount8 N = Kingdo# ;anifesto: =
descri%tion of the King and the sons of the Kingdo# in relationshi%.
,saiah 1
1he 2%irit of the 2o"ereign :B>. is on #e, &ecause the :B>. has anointed #e to
%reach good ne5s to the %oor. 4e has sent #e to &ind u% the &ro$enhearted, to %roclai#
freedo# for the ca%ti"es and release fro# dar$ness for the %risoners, to %roclai# the year
of the :B>.0s fa"or and the day of "engeance of our 3od, to co#fort all 5ho #ourn, and
%ro"ide for those 5ho grie"e in FionO to &esto5 on the# a cro5n of &eauty instead of
ashes, the oil of gladness instead of #ourning, and a gar#ent of %raise instead of a s%irit
of des%air. 1hey 5ill &e called oa$s of righteousness, a %lanting of the :B>. for the
dis%lay of his s%lendor. 1hey 5ill re&uild the ancient ruins and restore the %laces long
de"astated; they 5ill rene5 the ruined cities that ha"e &een de"astated for generations.
=liens 5ill she%herd your floc$s; foreigners 5ill 5or$ your fields and "ineyards. =nd
you 5ill &e called %riests of the :B>., you 5ill &e na#ed #inisters of our 3od. Dou
5ill feed on the 5ealth of nations, and in their riches you 5ill &oast. ,nstead of their
sha#e #y %eo%le 5ill recei"e a dou&le %ortion, and instead of disgrace they 5ill reEoice
in their inheritance; and so they 5ill inherit a dou&le %ortion in their land, and e"erlasting
Eoy 5ill &e theirs. "Cor ,, the :B>., lo"e Eustice; , hate ro&&ery and iniAuity. ,n #y
faithfulness , 5ill re5ard the# and #a$e an e"erlasting co"enant 5ith the#. 1heir
descendants 5ill &e $no5n a#ong the nations and their offs%ring a#ong the %eo%les.
=ll 5ho see the# 5ill ac$no5ledge that they are a %eo%le the :B>. has &lessed." ,
delight greatly in the :B>.; #y soul reEoices in #y 3od. Cor he has clothed #e 5ith
gar#ents of sal"ation and arrayed #e in a ro&e of righteousness, as a &ridegroo# adorns
his head li$e a %riest, and as a &ride adorns herself 5ith her Ee5els. Cor as the soil #a$es
the s%rout co#e u% and a garden causes seeds to gro5, so the 2o"ereign :B>. 5ill #a$e
righteousness and %raise s%ring u% &efore all nations.
;atthe5 5:
Hlessed are the %oor in s%irit, for theirs is the $ingdo# of hea"en. Hlessed are those 5ho
#ourn, for they 5ill &e co#forted. Hlessed are the #ee$, for they 5ill inherit the earth.
Hlessed are those 5ho hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they 5ill &e filled. Hlessed
are the #erciful, for they 5ill &e sho5n #ercy. Hlessed are the %ure in heart, for they 5ill
see 3od. Hlessed are the %eace#a$ers, for they 5ill &e called sons of 3od. Hlessed are
those 5ho are %ersecuted &ecause of righteousness, for theirs is the $ingdo# of hea"en.
Hlessed are you 5hen %eo%le insult you, %ersecute you and falsely say all $inds of e"il
against you &ecause of #e. >eEoice and &e glad, &ecause great is your re5ard in hea"en,
for in the sa#e 5ay they %ersecuted the %ro%hets 5ho 5ere &efore you. "Dou are the salt
of the earth. Hut if the salt loses its saltiness, ho5 can it &e #ade salty again? ,t is no
longer good for anything, e9ce%t to &e thro5n out and tra#%led &y #en. "Dou are the
light of the 5orld. = city on a hill cannot &e hidden. Jeither do %eo%le light a la#% and
%ut it under a &o5l. ,nstead they %ut it on its stand, and it gi"es light to e"eryone in the
house. ,n the sa#e 5ay, let your light shine &efore #en, that they #ay see your good
deeds and %raise your Cather in hea"en. ".o not thin$ that , ha"e co#e to a&olish the
:a5 or the *ro%hets; , ha"e not co#e to a&olish the# &ut to fulfill the#. , tell you the
truth, until hea"en and earth disa%%ear, not the s#allest letter, not the least stro$e of a
%en, 5ill &y any #eans disa%%ear fro# the :a5 until e"erything is acco#%lished. =nyone
5ho &rea$s one of the least of these co##and#ents and teaches others to do the sa#e
5ill &e called least in the $ingdo# of hea"en, &ut 5hoe"er %ractices and teaches these
co##ands 5ill &e called great in the $ingdo# of hea"en. Cor , tell you that unless your
righteousness sur%asses that of the *harisees and the teachers of the la5, you 5ill
certainly not enter the $ingdo# of hea"en.
/& 3%O I2 L-'2$ I, $%- 1I,GDO(4
=. Bne 5ho &rea$s ?these+ co##and#ents 6;atthe5 5 2er#on on the
;ount8 and teaches others to do the sa#e
/I& 3%O I2 GR-'$-2$ I, $%- 1I,GDO(4
=. Bne 5ho %ractices and teaches these co##and#ents 6see ;atthe5 58
H. 1he ser"ant of all 6;atthe5 2!:118
C. Ghoe"er hu#&les the#sel"es li$e a little child 6;at 17:/8
.. , tell you, a#ong those &orn of 5o#en there is no one greater than 'ohn;
yet the one 5ho is least in the $ingdo# of 3od is greater than he."6:u$e
/II& 3%O ('Y -,$-R $%- 1I,GDO(4
=. 1hose fro# throughout the 5orld
:u$e 1!:29 *eo%le 5ill co#e fro# east and 5est and north and south, and
5ill ta$e their %laces at the feast in the $ingdo# of 3od.
H. 1hose 5hose righteousness sur%asses the *harisees and teachers of the la5
6;at.5: 208
Jote: 'esus has #ade us the righteousness of 3od. ?1herefore no one 5ill
&e declared righteous in his sight &y o&ser"ing the la5; rather, through the
la5 5e &eco#e conscious of sin. Hut no5 a righteousness fro# 3od, a%art
fro# la5, has &een #ade $no5n, to 5hich the :a5 and the *ro%hets
testify. 1his righteousness fro# 3od co#es through faith in 'esus Christ to
all 5ho &elie"e. 1here is no difference, for all ha"e sinned and fall short of
the glory of 3od, and are Eustified freely &y his grace through the
rede#%tion that ca#e &y Christ 'esus. 3od %resented hi# as a sacrifice of
atone#ent, through faith in his &lood. 4e did this to de#onstrate his
Eustice, &ecause in his for&earance he had left the sins co##itted
&eforehand un%unishedO he did it to de#onstrate his Eustice at the %resent
ti#e, so as to &e Eust and the one 5ho Eustifies those 5ho ha"e faith in
'esus.+ 6>o#ans !:20<28
C. ?4e 5ho does the 5ill of ;y Cather 5ho is in 4ea"en+ 6;at. -:218
.. 1hose 5ho change and &eco#e li$e little children 6;at.17:!8
(. 1hose 5ho re%ent and &elie"e
'esus said to the#, ", tell you the truth, the ta9 collectors and the
%rostitutes are entering the $ingdo# of 3od ahead of you. Cor 'ohn ca#e
to you to sho5 you the 5ay of righteousness, and you did not &elie"e hi#,
&ut the ta9 collectors and the %rostitutes did. =nd e"en after you sa5 this,
you did not re%ent and &elie"e hi#. 6;at. 21:!28
C. 1hose 5ho contend 5ith their carnal nature
=nd if your eye causes you to sin, %luc$ it out. ,t is &etter for you to enter
the $ingdo# of 3od 5ith one eye than to ha"e t5o eyes and &e thro5n
into hell 6;$. 9:/-8
3. 1hose 5ho :o"e 3od and their neigh&or.
?Bne of the teachers of the la5 ca#e and heard the# de&ating. Joticing
that 'esus had gi"en the# a good ans5er, he as$ed hi#, "Bf all the
co##and#ents, 5hich is the #ost i#%ortant?" "1he #ost i#%ortant one,"
ans5ered 'esus, "is this: 04ear, B ,srael, the :ord our 3od, the :ord is one.
:o"e the :ord your 3od 5ith all your heart and 5ith all your soul and
5ith all your #ind and 5ith all your strength. 01he second is this: 0:o"e
your neigh&or as yourself.0 1here is no co##and#ent greater than these."
Gell said, teacher," the #an re%lied. "Dou are right in saying that 3od is
one and there is no other &ut hi#. 1o lo"e hi# 5ith all your heart, 5ith all
your understanding and 5ith all your strength, and to lo"e your neigh&or
as yourself is #ore i#%ortant than all &urnt offerings and sacrifices."
Ghen 'esus sa5 that he had ans5ered 5isely, he said to hi#, "Dou are not
far fro# the $ingdo# of 3od." =nd fro# then on no one dared as$ hi#
any #ore Auestions.+ 6;ar$ 12:27 ff8
4. 1hose 5ho are aggressi"e in o&taining it
"1he :a5 and the *ro%hets 5ere %roclai#ed until 'ohn. 2ince that ti#e,
the good ne5s of the $ingdo# of 3od is &eing %reached, and e"eryone is
forcing his 5ay into it. :u$e 1:1
,. 1hose 5ho co#e in the %osture of a child
Hut 'esus called the children to hi# and said, ":et the little children co#e
to #e, and do not hinder the#, for the $ingdo# of 3od &elongs to such as
these. :u$e 17:1
'. 1hose 5ho are &orn again
'esus declared, ", tell you the truth, no one can see the $ingdo# of 3od
unless he is &orn again.+ ", tell you the truth, no one can enter the
$ingdo# of 3od unless he is &orn of 5ater and the 2%irit. 'ohn !:!,5
K. 1hose 5illing to endure hardshi%
"Ge #ust go through #any hardshi%s to enter the $ingdo# of 3od,"
they said. =cts 1/:22
Ge ought al5ays to gi"e than$s to 3od for you, &rethren, as
is only fitting, &ecause your faith is greatly enlarged, and the lo"e of each
one of you to5ard one another gro5s e"er greater; therefore, 5e
oursel"es s%ea$ %roudly of you a#ong the churches of 3od for your
%erse"erance and faith in the #idst of all your %ersecutions and afflictions
5hich you endure. 1his is a %lain indication of 3od@s righteous Eudg#ent
so that you 5ill &e considered 5orthy of the $ingdo# of 3od, for 5hich
indeed you are suffering. 2 1hessalonians 1: !<5
/III& 3%O 3ILL I,%-RI$ $%- 1I,GDO(4
=. 1he %oor in s%irit 6;at. 5:!8
6:u$e :20 :oo$ing at his disci%les, he said: "Hlessed are you 5ho are %oor, for
yours is the $ingdo# of 3od.8
H. 1hose 5ho are %ersecuted &ecause of righteousness 6;at. 5:108
C. :ittle children 6;at 19:1/8
.. 1hose 5ho %roduce the ?fruit+ of the Kingdo#.
"1herefore , tell you that the $ingdo# of 3od 5ill &e ta$en a5ay fro#
you and gi"en to a %eo%le 5ho 5ill %roduce its fruit. 6;at 21:/!8
I5& 0OR 3%O( I2 I$ %'RD $O -,$-R4
=. 1he >ich
=gain , tell you, it is easier for a ca#el to go through the eye of a needle
than for a rich #an to enter the $ingdo# of 3od." 6;att 19:2/8
'esus said again, "Children, ho5 hard it is to enter the $ingdo# of 3odL
6;$. 10:2/8
'esus loo$ed at hi# and said, "4o5 hard it is for the rich to enter the
$ingdo# of 3odL ,ndeed, it is easier for a ca#el to go through the eye of a
needle than for a rich #an to enter the $ingdo# of 3od." 6:u$e 17: 2/<258
5& 3%O ('Y ,O$ -,$-R4
=. 61eachers of the :a5, *harisees8 5ho shut the $ingdo# of hea"en in
#en@s faces and do not enter either 6;at. 2!:1!8
H. Gho#e"er turns &ac$
'esus re%lied, "Jo one 5ho %uts his hand to the %lo5 and loo$s &ac$ is fit
for ser"ice in the $ingdo# of 3od." :u$e 9:2
C. Ghoe"er 5ill not recei"e it li$e a child
, tell you the truth, anyone 5ho 5ill not recei"e the $ingdo# of 3od li$e a
little child 5ill ne"er enter it." :u$e 17:1-
.. 1he 5ic$ed 6unre%entant8
.o you not $no5 that the 5ic$ed 5ill not inherit the $ingdo# of 3od? .o
not &e decei"ed: Jeither the se9ually i##oral nor idolaters nor adulterers
nor #ale %rostitutes nor ho#ose9ual offenders, nor thie"es nor the greedy
nor drun$ards nor slanderers nor s5indlers 5ill inherit the $ingdo# of
3od. =nd that is 5hat so#e of you 5ere. Hut you 5ere 5ashed, you 5ere
sanctified, you 5ere Eustified in the na#e of the :ord 'esus Christ and &y
the 2%irit of our 3od. 1 Corinthians :9<11
and en"y; drun$enness, orgies, and the li$e. , 5arn you, as , did &efore,
that those 5ho li"e li$e this 5ill not inherit the $ingdo# of 3od. 3alatians
(. Clesh and &lood
, declare to you, &rothers, that flesh and &lood cannot inherit the $ingdo#
of 3od, nor does the %erisha&le inherit the i#%erisha&le. 1 Corinthians
5I& $%- 1I,GDO( O0 %-'/-, I2 LI1-6
=. = #an 5ho so5ed good seed in his field 6;at 1!:2/8
H. = #ustard seed 5hich a #an too$ and %lanted 6;at. 1!:!18
C. = yeast that a 5o#an too$ and #i9ed into a large a#ount of flour 6;at.
.. = treasure hidden in a field 6;at 1!://8
(. = #erchant loo$ing for fine %earls 6;at. 1!:/58
C. = net let do5n into the la$e 6;at. 1!:/-8
3. = $ing 5ho 5anted to settle accounts 5ith his ser"ants 6;at. 17:2!8
4. = lando5ner 5ho 5ent out early in the #orning to hire #en to 5or$ in his
"ineyard 6;at. 20:118
,. = $ing 5ho %re%ared a 5edding &anAuet for his son 6;at. 22:28
'. 1en Pirgins 5ho too$ their la#%s and 5ent out to #eet the &ridegroo#
6;at. 25:18
K. ,t is li$e lea"en, 5hich a 5o#an too$ and hid in three %ec$s of flour until
it 5as all lea"ened.+ 6:u$e 1!:218
5II& 3%O R-.-I/-2 $%- +,D-R2$',DI,G O0 $%- 1I,GDO(4
=. 1he 4u#&le
H. 1hose 5ho ?fear+ 3od
C. 1hose 5ho $ee% 4is co##ands
?3ood and u%right is the :B>.; therefore he instructs sinners in his 5ays.
4e guides the humble in 5hat is right and teaches the# his 5ay. =ll the
5ays of the :B>. are lo"ing and faithful for those who keep the
demands of his covenant. Cor the sa$e of your na#e, B :B>., forgi"e
#y iniAuity, though it is great. Gho, then, is the man that fears the
LORD? 4e 5ill instruct hi# in the 5ay chosen for hi#. 4e 5ill s%end his
days in %ros%erity, and his descendants 5ill inherit the land. 1he :B>.
confides in those 5ho fear hi#; he #a$es his co"enant $no5n to the#.
6*sal#25: 7<1/8
.. 1he .isci%les 5ho see$ ?4e told the#, "1he secret of the $ingdo# of 3od
has &een gi"en to you. Hut to those on the outside e"erything is said in
%ara&les.+ 6;ar$ /:118
5III& "R'Y-R 0OR $%- 1I,GDO(
=. Dour 6=&&a@s8 $ingdo# co#e, Dour 5ill &e done on earth as it is in
4ea"en 6;atthe5 :108
5I/& -/ID-,.- O0 $%- 1I,GDO( O0 GOD
=. .eli"erance
?Hut if , dri"e out de#ons &y the 2%irit of 3od, then the $ingdo# of 3od
has co#e u%on you.+ 6;at. 12:278
H. *o5er
=nd he said to the#, ", tell you the truth, so#e 5ho are standing here 5ill
not taste death &efore they see the $ingdo# of 3od co#e 5ith %o5er."
6;$. 9:18
Cor the $ingdo# of 3od is not a #atter of tal$ &ut of %o5er. 61
Corinthians /:208
C. (9%ressions of the 4oly 2%irit
?Cor the $ingdo# of 3od is not a #atter of eating and drin$ing, &ut of
righteousness, %eace and Eoy in the 4oly 2%irit.+ 6>o# 1/:1-8 ", tell you
the truth, , 5ill not drin$ again of the fruit of the "ine until that day 5hen ,
drin$ it ane5 in the $ingdo# of 3od." ;ar$ 1/:25
.. 1he "ery %resence of those 5ho desire it a&o"e all
Cro# the days of 'ohn the Ha%tist until ? 1he Kingdo# is forcefully
ad"ancing and forceful #en lay hold of it. 6;at. 11:128
5/& 3%-R- I2 $%- 1I,GDO(4
=. Githin
Bnce, ha"ing &een as$ed &y the *harisees 5hen the $ingdo# of 3od
5ould co#e, 'esus re%lied, "1he $ingdo# of 3od does not co#e 5ith
your careful o&ser"ation, nor 5ill %eo%le say, 04ere it is,0 or 01here it is,0
&ecause the $ingdo# of 3od is 5ithin you." :u$e 1-:20<2
5/I& %O3 I2 $%- 1I,GDO( 2"R-'D4
=. ,t is %reached
Hut he said, ", #ust %reach the good ne5s of the $ingdo# of 3od to the
other to5ns also, &ecause that is 5hy , 5as sent." :u$e /:/!
H. 1he sic$ are healed
and he sent the# out to %reach the $ingdo# of 3od and to heal the sic$.
:u$e 9:2
4eal the sic$ 5ho are there and tell the#, 01he $ingdo# of 3od is near
you.0 :u$e 10:9
C. ,t is %roclai#ed
&ut the cro5ds learned a&out it and follo5ed hi#. 4e 5elco#ed the#
and s%o$e to the# a&out the $ingdo# of 3od, and healed those 5ho
needed healing. :u$e 9:11
'esus said to hi#, ":et the dead &ury their o5n dead, &ut you go and
%roclai# the $ingdo# of 3od." 6:u$e 9:08
.. .e#ons are dri"en out
Hut if , dri"e out de#ons &y the finger of 3od, then the $ingdo# of 3od
has co#e to you. :u$e 11:20
5/II& $%- 0+$+R- O0 $%- 1I,GDO(
=. 1he King 5ill return and 5age 5ar
=nd , sa5 hea"en o%ened, and &ehold, a 5hite horse, and 4e 5ho sat on it
is called Caithful and 1rue, and in righteousness 4e Eudges and 5ages 5ar.
6>e". 19:118
H. 1he $ingdo# of the 5orld 5ill &eco#e the Kingdo# of 3od
1he $ingdo# of the 5orld has &eco#e the Kingdo# of our :ord and of
4is Christ, and 4e 5ill reign fore"er 6>e". 11:158
C. 1he accuser of the Hrethren 5ill &e o"erthro5n
1hen , heard a loud "oice in hea"en, saying, "Jo5 the sal"ation, and the
%o5er, and the $ingdo# of our 3od and the authority of 4is Christ ha"e
co#e, for the accuser of our &rethren has &een thro5n do5n, he 5ho
accuses the# &efore our 3od day and night. 6>e". 12:108
.. 1he King 5ill rule fro# 'erusale#
,t shall &e in those days 5hen you are #ulti%lied and increased in the
land,+ declares the :ord, ?they 5ill no longer say, Q1he ar$ of the
co"enant of the :ord.@ =nd it 5ill not co#e to #ind, nor 5ill they
re#e#&er it, nor 5ill they #iss it, nor 5ill it &e #ade again. =t that ti#e
they 5ill call 'erusale# Q1he 1hrone of the :ord,@ and all the nations 5ill
&e gathered to it, to 'erusale#, for the na#e of the :ord; nor 5ill
they 5al$ any#ore after the stu&&ornness of their e"il heart . ,n those days
the house of 'udah 5ill 5al$ 5ith the house of ,srael, and they 5ill co#e
together fro# the land of the north to the land that , ga"e your fathers as
an inheritance. 'ere#iah !:1<17
(. Inder the care of the King, the $ingdo# 5ill &e handed o"er to the saints
1he so"ereignty, %o5er and greatness of the $ingdo# IJ.(> the 5hole
hea"en 5ill &e handed o"er to the saints, the %eo%le of the ;ost 4igh. 4is
$ingdo# 5ill &e an e"erlasting Kingdo# and all rulers 5ill 5orshi% and
o&ey 4i#. -:2-8
5/III& $%- ORD-R O0 R-2+RR-.$IO,72+8(I22IO, O0 $%- 1I,GDO(2
=. Christ 6already8
H. 1hose 5ho are Christ@s at 4is Co#ing
C. 1hen 4e 5ill turn o"er the Kingdo# to the Cather
Hut no5 Christ has &een raised fro# the dead, the first fruits of those
5ho are aslee%. 21 Cor since &y a #an ca#e death, &y a #an also ca#e the
resurrection of the dead. 22 Cor as in =da# all die, so also in Christ all
5ill &e #ade ali"e. 2! Hut each in his o5n order: Christ the first fruits,
after that those 5ho are Christ@s at 4is co#ing, 2/ then co#es the end,
5hen 4e hands o"er the $ingdo# to the 3od and Cather, 5hen 4e has
a&olished all rule and all authority and %o5er. 25 Cor 4e #ust reign until
4e has %ut all 4is ene#ies under 4is feet. 2 1he last ene#y that 5ill
&e a&olished is death. 2- Cor 4e has %ut all things in su&Eection under 4is
feet. Hut 5hen 4e says, ? =ll things are %ut in su&Eection,+ it is e"ident
that 4e is e9ce%ted 5ho %ut all things in su&Eection to 4i#. 27 Ghen all
things are su&Eected to 4i#, then the 2on 4i#self also 5ill &e su&Eected to
the Bne 5ho su&Eected all things to 4i#, so that 3od #ay &e all in all. 1
Corinthians 15:20<27

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