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Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!

Columbus/Regional Syllabus
Semester: S p r i n g 2 ! "
Course an# Se$tion Number:
Ma$h 222-0AJ C%& - 54022
Course Title: Calculus for Technology II
Conta$t %ours: ' Hours (ec$ure
&rere'uisites/Core'uisites: MATH 22! Calculus for Technology I
S$(ool: ()beral Ar$s an *c)ences &rogram: ()beral Ar$s
Rig(t o) Re*ision:
NOTE: Th)s syllabus an $he )nforma$)on con$a)ne +)$h)n are sub,ec$ $o change +)$hou$ no$)ce- s$uen$s +)ll be no$)f)e of any changes0
Instructor: Hari Poudel
Contact Information
Please e-mail me at
my Ivy Tech e-mail
Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!
For all issues related to your course, first contact your instructor. If your instructor is not able
to solve your issue, contact the following individuals:
2 If you are having instructor related issues, contact the instructors supervisor.
2 If you are having distance learning issues, contact the Columbus Online Technologies
Help desk. This includes questions related to distance education courses, Blackboard,
I!B" and live #eb cast courses.
2 If you are having technical issues, contact the Columbus IT Help desk.
"ichael !encer #mail
Hel! 'es(
'ylan Hughes
d h ugh e s*%& iv y tech.ed
u dhughes*%
IT Hel!
,$%--./-*%00 #mail r$ 0 -c ats&l is ts. iv y t ech. e du
Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!
Catalog -es$ription:
*econ course )n a $+o-semes$er se3uence )n $he $echn)3ues of calculus/ +)$h an emphas)s on ho+
$hey are appl)e $o $echnology0 Top)cs )nclue $he calculus of $ranscenen$al func$)ons/ $echn)3ues
of )n$egra$)on/ )fferen$)al e3ua$)ons/ )nf)n)$e ser)es/ an appl)ca$)ons of $hese concep$s0
.eneral Course Ob/e$ti*es:
4pon successful comple$)on of $h)s course $he s$uen$ +)ll be e5pec$e $o:
!0 %e.)e+ $r)gonome$r)c func$)ons an $he)r er).a$).es0
20 6)n an use er).a$).es of e5ponen$)al an logar)$hm)c func$)ons0
'0 4se e5ponen$)al an logar)$hm)c func$)ons )n appl)ca$)ons0
40 6)n )n$egrals )n.ol.)ng e5ponen$)al an logar)$hm)c forms0
50 6)n )n$egrals )n.ol.)ng $r)gonome$r)c func$)ons0
70 6)n )n$egrals us)ng )n$egra$)on by par$s0
#0 6)n )n$egrals of ra$)onal func$)ons by par$)al frac$)on ecompos)$)on0
"0 85am)ne )nf)n)$e ser)es for con.ergence/ an f)n sums of se3uences an ser)es0
90 6)n Maclaur)n ser)es e5pans)ons of .ar)ous func$)ons0
!00 Do numer)cal compu$a$)ons +)$h Maclaur)n an Taylor ser)es0
!!0 :or; +)$h 6our)er ser)es0
!20 *ol.e f)rs$-orer separable or l)near )fferen$)al e3ua$)ons0
!'0 *ol.e h)gher-orer )fferen$)al e3ua$)ons/ )nclu)ng homogeneous an nonhomogeneous
!40 4se )fferen$)al e3ua$)ons )n appl)ca$)ons0
!50 6)n (aplace an )n.erse (aplace $ransforms/ an use (aplace $ransforms $o sol.e )fferen$)al
Course Content:
Der).a$).es an )n$egrals of e5ponen$)al an logar)$hm)c func$)ons
A.ance $op)cs )n )n$egra$)on D)fferen$)al e3ua$)ons
Inf)n)$e *er)es
Re'uire# Te0ts:
T)$le: University Calculus: Early Transcendental
Au$hor: %ass1 2eir 3 T(omas
8)$)on: !

Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!
<ubl)sher: <earson
I*=&-!': 9#"-0-5''4"-#
The bunle )nclues $he MyMa$h(ab access coe0
2 MyMat(+ab a$$ess $o#e >)nclue +)$h $he sugges$e $e5$boo; bunle?
2 .rap(ing Cal$ulator
Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!
*c)en$)f)c an@or graph)ng calcula$or0 : In any e5am/ you are not allo4e# $o use graph)ng
Tea$(ing Met(o#s:
<reom)nan$ly onl)ne us)ng Coursecompass@MyMa$h(ab0
.ra#ing an# E*aluation:
Course graes are a.a)lable for s$uen$s by logg)ng )n$o $he CollegeAs onl)ne s$uen$ sys$em/
Campus Connec$/ a$ $he follo+)ng aress: h$$ p :@@c c 0) . y $e c h0 e u @ 0 Braes +)ll no$ be )s$r)bu$e
by ma)l0
Met(o#s o) E*aluation:
D)scuss)on =oar <os$ 5C
Dnl)ne Ass)gnmen$s: '0C
M)-Term 85am: '0C
6)nal 85am '5C
.ra#ing S$ale:
A E 90C F !00C / = E "0-"9C/ C E #0-#9C/ D E 70-79C/ 6 E belo+ 70C0
Assignment In)ormation:
Discussion Board Post: The s$a$e re3u)res use of $he D)scuss)on =oar fea$ure )n =lac;boar0 A
$op)c +)ll be pos$e e.ery +ee;0 The pos$ shoul $a;e less $han f).e m)nu$es0
Online Assignments: These are )n Coursecompass@MyMa$h(ab0 A '-po)n$ euc$)on )s
au$oma$)cally one )f $he ass)gnmen$ )s la$e0
M id - T e rm E x a m : Th)s +)ll be one aroun $he m)le of $he semes$er0 I$ )s a paper-penc)l
$es$ am)n)s$ere by a proc$or mee$)ng cer$a)n re3u)remen$s +h)ch +)ll be announce0 The
s$uen$ +)ll be e5pec$e $o f)ll ou$ cer$a)n sec$)ons of a proc$or)ng form so $ha$ $he )ns$ruc$or
;no+s +here $o sen $he $es$0
The )ns$ruc$or $he r)gh$ $o euc$ po)n$s from $he m)-$erm e5am score )f $he
s$uen$ oes no$ follo+ )rec$)ons an $he )ns$ruc$or has $o f)ll ou$ $he form for $he s$uen$/ or $he
s$uen$ pu$s $he )ns$ruc$or )n a pos)$)on +here he nees $o rush a proc$or form an $es$ $o a
proc$or0 If $he s$uen$ oes no$ uners$an $he )ns$ruc$)ons/ $hen s@he nees $o con$ac$ $he
)ns$ruc$or =86D%8 $he $es$)ng +)no+0
Dne no$eboo;-s)Ge shee$ of han+r)$$en no$es +)ll be allo+e0 A shee$ means bo$h s)es0
Final E x a m : $he )ns$ruc$or +)ll use $he same proc$or)ng form0 A no$e-boo; s)Ge
Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!
shee$ of han+r)$$en no$es +)ll be allo+e0
Ma5eups/+ate submittals:
I$ )s no$ $he )ns$ruc$orHs usual pol)cy $o allo+ la$e subm)ss)ons0 If $here )s a genu)ne harsh)p/ $he
s$uen$ may be accommoa$e +)$h appropr)a$e ocumen$a$)on0
(a$e home+or; )s sub,ec$ $o a '-po)n$ euc$)on0 A la$e m)-$erm +)ll be sub,ec$e $o a
euc$)on of up $o 20 po)n$s0 A la$e f)nal e5am +)ll be a fa)lure for $he course0
I +)ll use $he las$ a$e you log)n )n MyMa$h(ab as $he a$$enance0
&DT8: Messages are .ery )fferen$ from 8ma)l0 *$uen$s shoul carefully re.)e+ $he )nforma$)on
belo+ $o ensure $hey are sen)ng an rece).)ng course commun)ca$)on properly0
I +)ll use ema)l as me$ho of commun)ca$)on/ my ema)l )s hpouel1).y$ech0eu
*pec)f)c uner $he ema)l sub,ec$ your name an class number0 85ample: Ha r ) <o u e l
MATH222 *pr)ng 20!40 I o no$ chec; =lac;boar messages for a$$enance0
Cell &(ones in Class:
Any use of cell phones an pagers ur)ng $he $es$ )s s$r)c$ly proh)b)$e0 Any s$uen$ +ho
.)ola$es $h)s pol)cy +)ll earn a Gero on $he $es$0
A##itional Class In)ormation:
I =lac;boar +)ll be use $o pos$ announcemen$s be$+een class mee$)ngs- $hose
announcemen$s +)ll be for+are $o s$uen$sA e-ma)l0 =lac;boar can be accesse
a$ onl)ne0).y$ech0eu F use your Campus Connec$ username an pass+or $o log )n0
I The )ns$ruc$or +)ll use I.y Tech e-ma)l $o con$ac$ s$uen$s0 The s$uen$ +)ll be
e5pec$e $o chec; $he)r I.y Tech e-ma)l fre3uen$ly0
I <lease use I.y Tech e-ma)l for I.y Tech bus)ness0
I *$uen$s +ho o no$ plan $o con$)nue $o $a;e $he course shoul +)$hra+0 A grae of J:A
)s less harmful $o a s$uen$ $han a grae of J60A Also/ s$uen$s +)$h f)nanc)al a) +ho s$op
a$$en)ng class are legally l)able $o ha.e $o pay )$ bac;0
I *$uen$s shoul remember $ha$ resul$s )n acaem)c +or; are closely rela$e $o effor$ pu$
)n$o $he acaem)c +or;0 *$uen$s +)$h )ff)cul$)es )n ma$hema$)cs of$en succee +)$h fa)$hful
class a$$enance an har +or;/ an s$uen$s +)$h grea$ po$en$)al ha.e shor$change
$ ue $o negl)gence0
I The )ns$ruc$or oes no$ $echn)cally g).e graes- s$uen$s earn $hem/ an $he
)ns$ruc$or repor$s $hem0
I 8l maes$ro puee ar ayua en espaKol0 The )ns$ruc$or can g).e help )n *pan)sh0
I The ul$)ma$e a)m of $h)s class )s $o e.elop s;)lls an ma$hema$)cal uners$an)ng
Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!
$ha$ m)gh$ be neee )n a more a.ance ma$hema$)cs course0
I Th)s syllabus )s sub,ec$ $o change accor)ng $o $he nees of $he class as e$erm)ne by
$he )ns$ruc$or/ an $o College pol)c)es an )rec$).es0
I Th)s syllabus )s $he ou$l)ne of ho+ $he class )s e5pec$e $o run0 Lou are s$rongly
encourage $o ;eep your copy hany an $o ma;e sure $ha$ you are fam)l)ar +)$h )$s
Final 2it(#ra4al -ate an# Responsibility )or 2it(#ra4al
Lou may +)$hra+ from mos$ courses onl)ne $hrough your Campus Connec$ accoun$0 Course
+)$hra+al may also be one )n person a$ $he A.)s)ng Cen$er/ or %eg)s$rarAs Dff)ce0 Lour
s$uen$ ID )s re3u)re for )n-person +)$hra+als0 :)$hra+)ng by phone re3u)res .er)f)ca$)on of
your s$uen$ )en$)f)ca$)on number >MCN number?0 8ma)l +)$hra+als are accep$able for In$erne$
courses as long as $he ema)l )s sen$ from your I.y Tech ema)l an $he boy of $he ema)l )nclues
your s$uen$ )en$)f)ca$)on number >CO?- semes$er enrolle )n $h)s course- an course $)$le/
course number an C%& number loca$e on your scheule or a$ $he $op of $he course syllabus0
MAT%222 CRN 6"22
:)$hra+)ng from a course may elay progress)on $o+ar program comple$)on an may )mpac$
your f)nanc)al a)0 If you mus$ +)$hra+/ consul$ +)$h your acaem)c a.)sor an +)$h a
f)nanc)al a) a.)sor/ )f appl)cable0 There )s no refun for +)$hra+n courses0
The las$ ay $o +)$hra+ from $h)s course )s PApr)l - !' -20!4/ <lease chec; I.y$ech +ebs)$e0
7la$5boar# Assignments:
If $here )s an ou$age of $he =lac;boar sys$em $ha$ )s .er)f)e by cen$ral sys$em am)n)s$ra$ors/
)ns$ruc$ors +)ll pro.)e an e5$ens)on for s$uen$s $o subm)$ +or; a$ no penal$y0
A$a#emi$ %onesty Statement:
The College )s comm)$$e $o acaem)c )n$egr)$y )n all )$s prac$)ces0 The facul$y .alue )n$ellec$ual
)n$egr)$y an a h)gh s$anar of acaem)c conuc$0 Ac$).)$)es $ha$ .)ola$e acaem)c
)n$egr)$y unerm)ne $he 3ual)$y an )m)n)sh $he .alue of euca$)onal ach)e.emen$0
Chea$)ng on papers/ $es$s or o$her acaem)c +or;s )s a .)ola$)on of College rules0 &o s$uen$
shall engage )n beha.)or $ha$/ )n $he ,ugmen$ of $he )ns$ruc$or of $he class/ may be cons$rue as
chea$)ng0 Th)s may )nclue/ bu$ )s no$ l)m)$e $o/ plag)ar)sm or o$her forms of acaem)c
)shones$y such as $he ac3u)s)$)on +)$hou$ perm)ss)on of $es$s or o$her acaem)c ma$er)als an@or
)s$r)bu$)on of $hese ma$er)als an o$her acaem)c +or;0 Th)s )nclues s$uen$s +ho a) an
abe$ as +ell as $hose +ho a$$emp$ such beha.)or0
Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!
A-A Statement:
I.y Tech Commun)$y College see;s $o pro.)e reasonable accommoa$)ons for 3ual)f)e
)n).)uals +)$h ocumen$e )sab)l)$)es0 If you nee an accommoa$)on because of a
ocumen$e )sab)l)$y/ please con$ac$ $he Dff)ce of D)sab)l)$y *uppor$ *er.)ces )n $he *$uen$
*uccess Cen$er )n $he <ol)ng =u)l)ng >Columbus F ma)n campus? a$ $he beg)nn)ng of each
semes$er0 If you +)ll re3u)re ass)s$ance ur)ng an emergency e.acua$)on/ no$)fy your )ns$ruc$or
)mme)a$ely0 (oo; for e.acua$)on proceures pos$e )n your classrooms0
-isabilities Ser*i$es
*$uen$s +)$h 3ues$)ons or nees for )sab)l)$)es suppor$ ser.)ces shoul con$ac$ $he)r local
D)sab)l)$)es *uppor$ *er.)ces )rec$or@coor)na$or0 I$ )s recommene $ha$ s$uen$s con$ac$
D)sab)l)$)es *uppor$ *er.)ces a$ leas$ '0 ays before $he s$ar$ of $he semes$er0 The con$ac$
)nforma$)on l)s$e belo+ )s for $he )sab)l)$)es suppor$ )rec$or@coor)na$or a$ $he
local campus0 6or )nforma$)on abou$ )sab)l)$)es suppor$ ser.)ces a$ ano$her campus/ please .)s)$:
h$$p:@@) . y $e c h 0 e u@ss@ or Campus Connec$ a$ h$$p: @@c c 0) . y $ ec h0 e u
Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!
D)sab)l)$)es *uppor$ Con$ac$
&ame: 8anet S(arp
<hone &umber: "!2-'#4-5'24
8ma)l >I.y Tech 8ma)l?: ,sha rp!91) . y $e c h0 e u
Dff)ce@Campus (oca$)on: &oling 7uil#ing in t(e Stu#ent Su$$ess Center area 9
Columbus $ampus
:eterans/Military Noti$e:
If you are a Qe$eran/ curren$ly ser.)ng as a member of $he Arme 6orces >Ac$).e/ %eser.e or
&a$)onal Buar?/ or an )mme)a$e fam)ly member/ promp$ly commun)ca$e +)$h your )ns$ruc$or
any po$en$)al comm)$men$s or eploymen$s $ha$ may )n$erfere +)$h course re3u)remen$s0 If
you are rece).)ng BI =)ll benef)$s or ha.e 3ues$)ons abou$ your benef)$s/ con$ac$:
Qe$erans Affa)rs Coor)na$or/ <a$ Qercau$eren >'!#-92!-4##' or p. e rc a u $ 1) . y $e c h 0 e u ?
6)nanc)al A) F Qe$erans represen$a$).e/ &)na (oesch0 >"!2-'#4-520# or
nloes c h1) . y $ ec h0 e u ?
An ac$).e *$uen$ Qe$erans Drgan)Ga$)on )s also a.a)lable on campus0
C(il#ren on Campus &oli$y
*o $ha$ each s$uen$ may g).e full a$$en$)on $o $he $as; of learn)ng/ an $o comply +)$h )nsurance
regula$)ons/ ch)lren are proh)b)$e from a$$en)ng classes/ e5ams/ cl)n)cal/ or labora$or)es
+)$h $he paren$ or guar)an0 Ch)lren also may no$ accompany aul$s us)ng $he open compu$er
*$uen$s are also )scourage from br)ng)ng ch)lren $o scheule mee$)ngs +)$h a course
)ns$ruc$or/ facul$y/ or a.)sor so $ha$ $he s$uen$As full a$$en$)on may be focuse on $he $op)c of
*$uen$s are encourage $o ma;e al$erna$).e arrangemen$s for ch)lren )n $he e.en$ of school
cancella$)ons/ ch)lhoo )llnesses/ an o$her )ssues0
4naccompan)e ch)lren canno$ be lef$ )n $he l)brary or o$her areas of $he campus
unsuper.)se0 85cep$)ons may be mae for spec)al s)$ua$)ons a$ $he )scre$)on of $he )ns$ruc$or0
<lease refer $o $he Coe of *$uen$ %) g h$s an % e s pons)b)l)$)es for proceure loca$e )n
If any I.y Tech %eg)on !0 fac)l)$)es +)ll be close ue $o )nclemen$ +ea$her or o$her emergency
con)$)ons/ $he clos)ng +)ll be announce on $he ra)o0 8.en )f $he fac)l)$)es rema)n open/ you are
e5pec$e $o use your ,ugmen$ as $o +he$her $he e5)s$)ng +ea$her con)$)ons perm)$ safe $ra.el0
&o$)fy your )ns$ruc$or )mme)a$ely )f you o no$ a$$en class ue $o +ea$her or o$her emergency
Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!
Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!
6ac)l)$)es clos)ngs are also announce .)a $he I.y Tech A(8%T sys$em for your cell phone0 If
you can rece).e $e5$ message on your cell phone/ you shoul go $o h$$p:@@++ + 0) . y $e c h0 e u@a l e r$@
an reg)s$er for $he ser.)ce0 Campus clos)ngs are $he only message sen$ $hrough $h)s sys$em0
Clos)ngs ue $o )nclemen$ +ea$her are repor$e $o $he follo+)ng local ra)o s$a$)ons:
RMIS F !0#0' L!07 F !070! :C*I F !0!0 :TTB F !0!05 :RTC F 9'0#
The announcemen$ )s also pos$e on our home page - + + +0) . y $e c h0 e u@c o lumbus
Tele.)s)on s$a$)ons are &DT no$)f)e0
Rig(t o) Re*ision:
NOTE: Th)s syllabus an $he )nforma$)on con$a)ne +)$h)n )$ are sub,ec$ $o change +)$hou$
Certi)i$ation an# +i$ensing Statement:
I.y Tech canno$ guaran$ee $ha$ any s$uen$ +)ll pass a cer$)f)ca$)on or l)cens)ng e5am0 Lour
success +)ll be e$erm)ne by se.eral fac$ors beyon $he )ns$ruc$)on you are g).en )n $he
classroom )nclu)ng/ bu$ no$ l)m)$e $o/ your $es$-$a;)ng s;)lls/ your +)ll)ngness $o s$uy ou$s)e
of class/ an your sa$)sfac$ory comple$)on of appropr)a$e prac$)ce e5ams0 Cer$)f)ca$)on an
l)censure e5am 3ues$)ons are ra+n from a$abases of hunres of poss)ble 3ues$)ons- $herefore/
a $horough uners$an)ng of $he sub,ec$ ma$$er )s re3u)re0 I.y TechAs course+or; )s es)gne
$o ass)s$ you )n uners$an)ng $he ma$er)al suff)c)en$ly $o pro.)e a f)rm founa$)on for your
s$u)es as you prepare for $he e5am0
Calculus for Technology II - Columbus - 54022 - MATH 222 - 0AJ Course ID: pouel!"#4!
Assignments an# Tentati*e Course S$(e#ule:
Topi$ Assigne# 2or5 2or5 -ue an#
2ee5 ! Syllabus
-i))erentiation Re*ie4
Register )or MyMat(+ab
%m5! &ro$tor
-is$ussion 7oar# Intro
2ee5 2 -i))erentiation Re*ie4 %m5 2
-is$ussion 7oar#
2ee5 = -i))erentiation Re*ie4 %m5 =
-is$ussion 7oar#
2ee5 " Integration %m5 "
-is$ussion 7oar#
2ee5 6 Integration %m5 6 -is$ussion
2ee5 < Integration %m5 < -is$ussion
2ee5 > Integration %m5 > -is$ussion 7oar#1 &ass out
stu#y gui#e
2ee5 ? Spring 7rea5 NO C+ASS =/; 9 =/!6
2ee5 ; Mi#@Term E0am Sample Mi#term E0am ANo .ra#eB
Mi#@Term E0am &ro$tor
-is$ussion 7oar#
2ee5 ! Series an# -i))erential
%m5 ?
-is$ussion 7oar#
2ee5 !! Series an# -i))erential
%m5 ;
-is$ussion 7oar#
2ee5 !2 Series an# -i))erential
%m5 !
-is$ussion 7oar#
2ee5 != Series an# -i))erential
%m5 !! -is$ussion
2ee5 !" Series an# -i))erential
%m5 !2 -is$ussion
2ee5 !6 Stu#y )or Final E0am Sample Final Test ANo .ra#eB
-is$ussion 7oar#
2ee5 !< Final E0am Final Test &ro$tor +o$ation
-is$ussion 7oar#

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