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Certified XPath and XPointer

Certified XPath and XPointer Professional

C CC Certified ertified ertified ertified XPath and X XPath and X XPath and X XPath and XP PP Pointer Professional ointer Professional ointer Professional ointer Professional
Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1144
Vskills certification for XPath and XPointer Professional assesses the candidate as per the
companys need for XML programming and data processing. he certification tests the
candidates on !ario"s areas in XPath e#pressions$ XPath f"nctions$ XPointer error types$
XPointer synta# and XPointer e#tensions.

%hy sho"ld one take this certification& %hy sho"ld one take this certification& %hy sho"ld one take this certification& %hy sho"ld one take this certification&
his Co"rse is intended for professionals and grad"ates 'anting to e#cel in their chosen
areas. (t is also 'ell s"ited for those 'ho are already 'orking and 'o"ld like to take
certification for f"rther career progression.

)arning Vskills XPath and XPointer Professional Certification can help candidate
differentiate in today*s competiti!e +o, market$ ,roaden their employment opport"nities ,y
displaying their ad!anced skills$ and res"lt in higher earning potential.

%ho 'ill ,enefit from taking this certification& %ho 'ill ,enefit from taking this certification& %ho 'ill ,enefit from taking this certification& %ho 'ill ,enefit from taking this certification&
-o, seekers looking to find employment in data processing departments of !ario"s
companies$ st"dents generally 'anting to impro!e their skill set and make their CV
stronger and e#isting employees looking for a ,etter role can pro!e their employers the
!al"e of their skills thro"gh this certification.
est .etails est .etails est .etails est .etails
."ration/ ."ration/ ."ration/ ."ration/ 01 min"tes
2o. of 3"estions/ 2o. of 3"estions/ 2o. of 3"estions/ 2o. of 3"estions/ 41
Ma#im"m marks/ Ma#im"m marks/ Ma#im"m marks/ Ma#im"m marks/ 41$ Passing marks/ 54 64178
here is no negati!e marking in this mod"le.
9ee Str"ct"re 9ee Str"ct"re 9ee Str"ct"re 9ee Str"ct"re
:s. ;$111<- 6(ncl"des all ta#es8
Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills XPath and XPath and XPath and XPath and XPointer XPointer XPointer XPointer Professional Professional Professional Professional
XPath and XPointer Professionals are in great demand. Companies speciali=ing in XML
processing or p",lishing are constantly hiring skilled XPath and XPointer Professionals.
Vario"s p",lic and pri!ate companies also need XPath and XPointer Professional for their
XML programming and data processing departments.

Certified XPath and XPointer Professional

a,le of Contents a,le of Contents a,le of Contents a,le of Contents

1. 1. 1. 1. (ntrod"c (ntrod"c (ntrod"c (ntrod"ction tion tion tion
1.1 Why XPath and XPointer?
1.2 Antecedents/History
1.3 XPath, XPointer, and Other XML-Related Specs
1.4 XPath and XPointer Versus XQuery

5. 5. 5. 5. XPath >asics XPath >asics XPath >asics XPath >asics
2.1 The Node Tree: An Introduction
2.2 XPath Expressions
2.3 XPath Data Types
2.4 Nodes and Node-Sets
2.5 Node-Set Context
2.6 String-Values

;. ;. ;. ;. Location Steps and Paths Location Steps and Paths Location Steps and Paths Location Steps and Paths
3.1 XPath Expressions
3.2 Location Paths
3.3 Location Steps
3.4 Compound Location Paths Revisited

4. 4. 4. 4. XPath 9"nctions XPath 9"nctions XPath 9"nctions XPath 9"nctions
4.1 Introduction to Functions
4.2 XPath Function Types
4.3 XPath Numeric Operators

4. 4. 4. 4. XPath XPath XPath XPath )#ample )#ample )#ample )#ample
5.1 XPath Visualiser: Some Background
5.2 Sample XML Document
5.3 General to Specific, Common to Far-Out

0. 0. 0. 0. XPath XPath XPath XPath 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1
6.1 General Goals
6.2 Specific Requirements

?. ?. ?. ?. XPointer XPointer XPointer XPointer >asics >asics >asics >asics
7.1 XPointer and Media types
7.2 Some Definitions
7.3 The Framework
7.4 Error Types
7.5 Encoding and Escaping Characters in XPointer

Certified XPath and XPointer Professional

@. @. @. @. XPointer Synta# XPointer Synta# XPointer Synta# XPointer Synta#
8.1 Shorthand Pointers
8.2 Scheme-Based XPointer Syntax
8.3 Using XPointers in a URI

A. A. A. A. XPointer >eyond XPath XPointer >eyond XPath XPointer >eyond XPath XPointer >eyond XPath
9.1 Why Extend XPath?
9.2 Points and Ranges
9.3 XPointer Extensions to Document Order
9.4 XPointer Functions

Certified XPath and XPointer Professional

Sample B"estions Sample B"estions Sample B"estions Sample B"estions
1. 1. 1. 1. CCCC is a ma+or element in the %;C*s XSL standard. CCCC is a ma+or element in the %;C*s XSL standard. CCCC is a ma+or element in the %;C*s XSL standard. CCCC is a ma+or element in the %;C*s XSL standard.
D. XB"ery
>. XPath
C. XPointer
.. XLink

5 55 5. . . . XPath is a lang"age for finding information in an XPath is a lang"age for finding information in an XPath is a lang"age for finding information in an XPath is a lang"age for finding information in an
D. XSL doc"ment
>. XEML doc"ment
C. XB"ery doc"ment
.. XML doc"ment

; ;; ;. . . . XPath is "sed to na!igate thro"gh XPath is "sed to na!igate thro"gh XPath is "sed to na!igate thro"gh XPath is "sed to na!igate thro"gh
D. )lements and attri,"tes
>. 9iles
C. .ifferent pages
.. 2one of these
4 44 4. . . . %hich of these are ,"ilt on XPath e#pressions& %hich of these are ,"ilt on XPath e#pressions& %hich of these are ,"ilt on XPath e#pressions& %hich of these are ,"ilt on XPath e#pressions&
D. XLink and XPointer
>. XB"ery and XPath
C. XB"ery and XPointer
.. XB"ery and XLink

4 44 4. . . . XPath is a CCCC for defining parts of an XML doc"ment. XPath is a CCCC for defining parts of an XML doc"ment. XPath is a CCCC for defining parts of an XML doc"ment. XPath is a CCCC for defining parts of an XML doc"ment.
D. Program
>. Synta#
C. 9"nction
.. 2one of these

Answers: 1 (B), 2 (D), 3 (A), 4 (C), 5 (B)

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