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Symposium: neurology

Evaluation of headaches by age 15.2 Other studies have reported similar incidences and
trends.3 The prevalence of headache increases with age and

in children reaches an adult population prevalence in the early teens.

Migraine affects 1–3% of children by age 7 years and 4–11%
by age 15 years.4 Abu-Afereh and Russell estimated the preva-
Sourabh Mukhopadhyay lence of tension-type headaches in school children to be 0.9%.5
Secondary headaches are rare, and brain tumour as a cause of
Catharine P White headache even rarer. For every child with a brain tumour there
are around 5000 children with recurrent headaches, including
2000 children with migraine.1
Headaches have a significant impact on the lives of children
and adolescents, resulting in school absence,5 decreased extra-
Abstract curricular activities and poor academic achievement.
This review provides a practical guide to the common causes of headache A good history will provide a diagnosis in the vast majority
and their assessment in children. Contrary to popular belief, headaches of children. This together with a careful examination will ensure
are very common in children. The primary headache disorders, which that serious causes are unlikely to be missed. This process should
include migraine and tension-type headache, account for the majority of also be therapeutic and reassuring to the parents and child.
headaches, while secondary headache, i.e. those with underlying pathol-
ogy, are much less common. A thorough history and examination is the
Classifying paediatric headaches
key to determining the cause and should be the most important means
of reassuring the child and family that there is no serious cause for In 1988 The International Headache Society6 published a clas-
the headaches. To manage childhood headache you need to be able to sification scheme for headaches, including complex diagnostic
distinguish the painful from the harmful, and therefore must recognize ­criteria. In essence, it divided headache into two categories –
the common headache patterns and the signs and symptoms that may ­primary and secondary. Primary headache disorders, i.e. those
indicate serious intracranial disease. Most non-acute headaches do not that have no other underlying cause, include migraine, tension-
need further investigation. Neuroimaging is rarely necessary. Recurrent type headache and cluster headache. Secondary headaches are
headaches, of whatever cause, are a cause of considerable morbidity, associated with underlying central nervous system (CNS) or
especially in terms of school absence. other pathology. More recently, it was recognized that this clas-
sification needed fine tuning, especially in relation to the classifi-
Keywords acute headache; brain imaging; differential diagnosis; cation of headaches in children and adolescents, and the revised
­migraine; tension-type headache classification was published in 2004.7
Although standard teaching is to consider migraine and ten-
sion headache as completely different entities, it is much more
likely that they lie on a continuum.8 This theory fits better with
clinical practice.
Headaches are common in children and the prevalence increases Clinically it can be more helpful initially to divide headache
with increasing age. In our practice, almost half of referrals from into one of four broad types depending on the temporal pattern9:
primary care are because of headache. Unfortunately, most par- • isolated acute;
ents think that headache is an uncommon symptom in children, • acute recurrent (episodic);
hence their understandable concern. As well as hoping to relieve • chronic progressive;
the pain, parents are often seeking reassurance that their child’s • chronic non-progressive.
headache is not a sign of serious intracranial disease, such as  Acute headache is defined as a recent onset headache with no
a brain tumour. If this is understood, then we do not need to prior history of similar episodes. In children, this pattern is most
explain every headache, but we must be able to reassure the commonly due to febrile illness related to upper respiratory tract
child and family that it is not a sign of serious illness. infection,10 but severe acute headache may also be the present-
Migraine and tension-type headache are by far the common- ing symptom of a variety of serious intracranial pathologies
est causes of headache.1 Other rarer causes include hemicrania such as meningitis, raised intracranial pressure or haemorrhage
continua, cluster headaches, idiopathic intracranial hypertension (Table 1).
and, of course, the headache associated with raised intracranial Attacks of head pain separated by symptom-free intervals
pressure secondary to a tumour. are classified as acute recurrent headache. Primary headache
Studies of Swedish school children have indicated that 39% syndromes, such as migraine or tension-type headache, usually
of children experience headache by 7 years of age and 70% cause this pattern. Infrequently, recurrent headaches are attribut-
able to epilepsy or cluster headache.
In chronic progressive headache the frequency and severity
Sourabh Mukhopadhyay MB BS MRCPCH is a Specialist Registrar in of the headaches gradually increases with time. This is the most
Paediatric Neurology at Morriston Hospital, Swansea, Wales, UK. ominous of the temporal patterns and is commonly correlated
with increasing intracranial pressure. Causes include idiopathic
Catharine P White MB BS FRCP FRCPCH is a Consultant Paediatric intracranial hypertension, tumour, hydrocephalus and subdural
Neurologist at Morriston Hospital, Swansea, Wales, UK. collections.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1  © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

the headache is important but unfortunately children under 10

Important causes of acute headache years are not good at describing pain, its frequency, severity or
distribution. This does not mean that they should not be asked
• Migraine or listened to. Rothner has created a checklist to aid clinicians
• Tension headache in eliciting the important features of any headache11 (Table 2).
• Infection Whilst more applicable to the outpatient setting, it is still a useful
○ Local aide memoir in the acute situation.
• Eyes In addition, questions need to be specifically asked about other
• Ears symptoms that suggest raised intracranial pressure or progressive
• Teeth neurological disease, such as unsteadiness, seizures or visual dis-
• Sinuses turbances. Subtle behavioural disturbances or school difficulties
• Skin can be important early warning symptoms of a structural aetiol-
• Lymph nodes ogy, but may also occur when the pain becomes chronic. A past
○  Systemic history of head injury or other neurological problems may be
• Viraemia relevant. School absence can be a useful proxy measure for the
• Bacteraemia severity of the problem. A family member with headaches may
• Meningitis give a clue to the cause but may also be acting as a role model
• Encephalitis for the headache behaviour.
• Septicaemia Symptoms that suggest a secondary cause for the headaches
• Arterial hypertension are given in Table 3.
• Inflammatory disease
○ Local Examination
• Cervical The focus of the examination will be determined by the history
• Musculoskeletal and clinical context. It is helpful to divide the child presenting
○  Systemic with an acute severe headache as an emergency from the child
• Kawasaki disease with other temporal patterns of headache as the causes are some-
• Lupus what different (Tables 1 and 4). Lewis and Qureshi10 found that
• Other collagen vascular disease children presenting to the emergency room with an acute head-
• Intracranial ache most commonly had a febrile illness related to an upper
○  Hydrocephalus respiratory tract infection. A serious underlying neurological diag-
○ Intracranial haemorrhage nosis was uncommon, and all these patients had clear objective
○  Brain tumour neurological signs. Signs of an infective aetiology, both intra- and
○  Vascular anomaly
○ Idiopathic intracranial hypertension

○ Post traumatic
Things to ask about headache11
Table 1
Do you have more than one type of headache?
How did the headache begin?
Chronic non-progressive headaches differ from acute recur- Was there associated trauma or infection?
rent headaches by their greater frequency and persistence. They How long has the headache been present?
may last for years with no associated neurological symptoms or Are the symptoms getting better, worse or staying the same?
change in headache severity. A common headache in this cat- How often do the symptoms occur?
egory is chronic tension-type headache. An important newly How long do they last?
recognized entity that also occurs with this temporal pattern is Do the headaches occur at any particular time or circumstance?
chronic daily headache. Is the headache preceded by a warning?
Where does it hurt?
What sort of pain is it? Is it pounding or sharp?
Clinical assessment of headache in children
Do you have any associated symptoms during the headache?
The cornerstone of headache management remains good history Is there any nausea or vomiting?
taking and careful physical and neurological examination. This Do you stop what you are doing during the headache?
invariably allows a diagnosis to be made, identifies those chil- Are there activities that make the headache worse?
dren who have a secondary cause for their headache and recog- Does anything make the headache better?
nizes the few who require further investigation. Do you have any other medical problems?
Are you taking any medication?
History Does any one in your family have headaches?
The history is the key to diagnosing the cause of the headache What do you think is causing your headache?
and to identifying those children with symptomatic (second-
ary) headache. Asking both the child and their parents about Table 2

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1  © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

­ ressure. Specific features of the neurological examination that

Symptoms suggestive of a secondary cause may indicate a secondary cause are given in Table 5.

Headache history
• Short history
○  ‘First or worst’ headache Careful history taking and examination should allow identifica-
○ Recurrent severe headache(s) for a few weeks tion of the few children who require further investigation. It is
• Accelerated course again helpful to divide the investigation of the child with an acute
○ Increasing frequency severe headache from the child with other temporal patterns of
○  Worsening usual headache headache as the investigations that need to be considered are
• Headache timing and posture different.
○ Mainly from sleep

○ In the morning before getting up Acute severe headache

○ Mainly or worse when lying down, relieved when In acute severe headache, routine laboratory investigations may
upright (suggests raised pressure) be helpful given that intercurrent infection is the commonest
○  Worse with bending, coughing, etc cause. Lumbar puncture with measurement of the opening pres-
○ Mainly upright, relieved when lying down (suggests sure may be needed if subarachnoid haemorrhage, meningitis or
low pressure headache) idiopathic intracranial hypertension are diagnostic possibilities.
Skull X-ray and EEG are of extremely limited value. An urgent
Associated symptoms
initial computerized tomography (CT) scan may be required if
○ Vomiting from sleep or before getting up
acute hydrocephalus, haemorrhage or a structural lesion are sus-
○ Confusion, impaired consciousness
pected. A CT brain scan with contrast will demonstrate nearly all
○ Altered personality
structural lesions; one done without contrast is somewhat more
○ Focal weakness
limited in its sensitivity, although it can define hydrocephalus
○ Diplopia
and haemorrhage easily. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is
○ Fever, rigors
less readily available; less good at demonstrating acute blood
○ Seizures
and makes monitoring the ill patient more difficult so it is not the
initial method of choice in this situation.13
Table 3
Table 6 lists the features in the history and examination that
indicate imaging should be strongly considered.
extra-cranial, must therefore be specifically sought; as well as
signs of acutely raised pressure and intracranial haemorrhage. Other temporal patterns of headache
In the outpatient setting most children will have acute recur- In the outpatient setting the cause for the child’s headache is
rent or chronic non- progressive headaches, but it is the rare usually clear from the history and examination. Neuroimag-
child with chronic progressive headaches that we need to iden- ing is rarely necessary and of little value, unless the history
tify. Table 4 lists the major causes of headache in the clinic or examination suggests a structural aetiology. If the history is
­population.12 typical for migraine and the neurological examination is nor-
Given this list it is not surprising that the clinical examina- mal, no imaging is required. Raised intracranial pressure due
tion in this situation is invariably normal. Important aspects of to a tumour is the major concern for the family and the refer-
the general physical examination are height, weight and blood ring clinician; however, the symptoms and signs should rarely

Major causes of headache in the clinic population12

Signs suggestive of secondary headache
Diagnosis Percentage
Signs of raised intracranial pressure
Migraine without aura 24.3 • Large or accelerating head circumference
Migraine with aura    6.0 • Cracked pot sign
Complicated migraine    2.4 • Papilloedema
Episodic tension-type headache 15.0 • IV nerve palsy
Chronic tension–type headache 23.9
Other signs of CNS disease
Mixed common migraine and episodic tension    4.2
• Other cranial nerve palsies
• Brainstem signs
Mixed common migraine and chronic tension    6.2
• Other focal neurological signs, e.g. hemiplegia
• Cerebellar signs, e.g. ataxia, nystagmus
Non-specific headache 12.3
Other specific diagnoses or combinations    6.0 Signs of other systemic disease

Table 4 Table 5

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1  © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

­children or their parents are any different. Given the potential

Indications for neuroimaging in patients with acute risks of neuroimaging, which include incidental findings that
headache increase the concern of the patient or parents, false reassurance
from an inadequate study, the risks of an allergic reaction to
Signs and symptoms of elevated intracranial pressure iodine contrast media with CT scanning, and the risk of sedation
Meningeal signs + focal neurological findings or altered in young children or claustrophobic patients having MRI scans;
mental status we should continue to try to avoid imaging for reassurance.
Progressive or new neurological signs
Significant head trauma
Specific headache syndromes
Severe (‘worst headache of life’) headaches of increasing
frequency and duration As the history is so important in making the diagnosis, this sec-
Presence of VP shunt tion details the features and diagnostic criteria for the two com-
mon causes of headache – migraine and tension-type headache.
Table 6 It is important to recognize that a mixed pattern of migraine and
tension-type headache is common.

be mistaken for other benign causes of headache and brain Migraine headaches
tumours account for less than 0.1% of the lifetime prevalence Paediatric migraine is now distinctly recognized among the pri-
of ­headaches.14 mary headache disorders. The diagnostic criteria for migraine
All patients who present with symptoms and/or signs sug- are broader in children than they are in adults and allow for
gestive of a secondary intracranial cause (Tables 3 and 5) for a wider range of duration and localization of the pain. In prac-
their headaches should undergo high-quality imaging. MRI is tice, paediatric migraines are often bilateral and clear local-
generally more costly, takes longer and may require sedation, ization of the pain can be difficult to obtain from children. In
but its superior imaging capabilities offer detailed structural general, attacks in children last for a shorter time than in adults.19
definition not available from CT scanning even with contrast. They are ­ frequently preceded by a behavioural prodrome with
Neuroimaging should be considered in those with a significant mood changes or withdrawal from activity. The classical history
change in headache symptomatology or who are younger than obtained in adults of unilateral throbbing/pounding pain lasting
3 years of age. greater than 4 h becomes commoner with age. Migraine with
The Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Acad- aura is seen in 14–30% of children with migraine. Typical auras
emy of Neurology and the Practice Committee of the Child are spots, colours, image distortions or visual scotoma.
Neurology Society reviewed the literature on the evaluation Migraine commonly ‘runs in families’ with approximately
of the child with recurrent headaches and concluded that rou- 70% of children having an affected first-degree relative.20 Earlier
tine laboratory investigations, lumbar puncture and EEG are attempts to define migraine used this strong familial occurrence
not necessary.15 They also concluded that neuroimaging is not as one of the diagnostic features of migraine. The new diagnos-
indicated in children with a normal neurological examination. tic criteria set by the International Headache Society (IHS) are
In the studies they reviewed, all the children with CNS lesions described in Table 7.
who required surgical treatment had definite abnormalities on Complicated migraines are headaches that are accompanied or
examination. They recommended neuroimaging be considered manifested by transient neurological symptoms. These ­symptoms
in children with: may occur immediately before, during or after the headache.
• recent onset of headache (less than 1 month’s duration); In some situations, the headache may be mild or non-existent.
• features in the history suggestive of neurological dysfunction; Hemiplegic migraine, ophthalmoplegic migraine and basilar
• abnormal neurological findings on examination; artery migraine are typical examples of complicated migraine.
• occurrence of seizures. Hemiplegic migraine, while unusual, is seen more commonly in
 Variables that predicted a space-occupying lesion included the children than in adults. It is characterized by abrupt onset of
above plus gait abnormalities and the absence of family history hemiparesis, which usually is followed by a headache. Hemi-
of migraine. anaesthesia may also precede the headache. Ophthalmoplegic
Repeated studies looking at the yield of neuroimaging in chil- migraine may occur at any age, and usually is associated with
dren with uncomplicated migraine or tension-type headaches orbital or periorbital pain, as well as third, fourth or sixth cra-
and a normal neurological examination have found small but sig- nial nerve involvement. The headache resolves in hours, but the
nificant numbers of abnormalities, none of which has influenced ophthalmoplegia may last for days. Basilar artery migraines are
the diagnosis, management or outcome for the patient.16,17 characterized by dizziness, weakness, ataxia and severe occipital
It is sometimes suggested that scanning is reassuring to the headache (with vomiting).
patient and their family but a randomized control trial of imaging
in adults with chronic daily headache showed that MRI scan- Tension-type headache
ning only temporarily reduced their anxiety about the cause Tension-type headaches are more common in adults than
of their headaches. At 1 year there was no difference between children. The revised IHS classification distinguishes three
the scanned and the non-imaged groups and having a scan did subtypes depending on frequency – infrequent episodic, frequent
not improve most other measures of health anxiety, illness per- episodic and chronic. Tension-type headache is usually bilat-
ceptions or quality of life.18 There is no reason to suspect that eral and described as pressing or band-like. These headaches

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1  © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

for the latter the pain may be continuous and mild nausea may
International Headache Society diagnostic features of occur. The picture may be complicated and perpetuated by inap-
migraine propriate and ­excessive analgesia use.
Chronic daily headache (CDH) was first described in adults
Migraine without aura who reported daily or nearly daily headaches. It was soon rec-
A. At least five attacks fulfilling B–D ognized that, although patients were similar in the number of
B. Duration between 1 and 48 h headaches experienced, the characteristics of their headaches fell
C. At least two of the following: on a continuum between migraine and tension-type headache.
• Bilateral or unilateral Recent work has demonstrated a similar spectrum in children.
• Pulsating The most common CDH pattern is superimposition of migraines
• Moderate to severe in intensity on a background pattern of frequent tension-type headaches, but
• Aggravation by routine physical activity other categories are recognized based on the specific clinical fea-
D. During the headache at least one of the following: tures and the pattern of evolution.21 ◆
• Nausea or vomiting
• Photophobia or phonophobia
E. Not attributable to another disorder
Migraine with aura
1 Abu-Arafeh I, Macleod S. Serious neurological disorders in children
A. In addition to above criteria, at least two attacks fulfilling B
with chronic headache. Arch Dis Child 2005; 90: 937–940.
B. At least three of the following:
2 Bille BS. Migraine in school children. A study of the incidence
• One or more fully reversible aura symptoms indicating
and short term prognosis, and a clinical, psychological and
focal cortical or brainstem dysfunction
electroencephalographic comparison between children with migraine
• Aura developing gradually over minutes, or two or more
and matched controls. Acta Paediatr 1962; 51(suppl 136): 1–151.
symptoms occurring in succession
3 Sillanpaa M, Abu-Arafeh I. Epidemiology of recurrent headache
• Aura lasts no more than 1 h
in children. In: Abu-Arafeh I, ed. Childhood headache. London:
• Pain follows aura after <1 h
MacKeith Press, 2002, p. 19–34.
4 Lipton RB. Diagnosis and epidemiology of pediatric migraine. Curr
Table 7
Opin Neurol 1997; 10: 231–236.
5 Abu-Arefeh I, Russel G. Prevalence of headache and migraine in
can last for days and are not aggravated by physical activity. school children. BMJ 1994; 309: 765–769.
Nausea, vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia are not typi- 6 Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache
cal accompaniments. Society. Classification and diagnostic criteria for headache disorders,
The IHS criteria for the diagnosis of infrequent tension-type cranial neuralgias, and facial pain. Cephalalgia 1998; 8(suppl 7):
headache are described in Table 8. 1–96.
Frequent episodic tension-type headache is defined as occur- 7 Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache
ring on greater than 1 but less than 15 days a month for at least 3 Society. The international classification of headache disorders.
months, while chronic tension-type headache occurs for greater Cephalalgia 2004; 24(suppl 1): 1–160.
than 15 days per month for at least 3 months. Episodic and chronic 8 Viswanathan V, Bridges SJ, Whitehouse W, et al. Childhood
tension-type ­headaches have same physical ­characteristics, but headaches; discrete entities or continuum? Dev Med Child Neurol
1998; 40: 544–550.
9 Rothner AD. Headaches in children. A review. Headache 1978; 18:
International Headache Society criteria for the 169–175.
diagnosis of infrequent tension-type headache 10 Lewis DW, Qureshi F. Acute headache in children and adolescents
presenting to the emergency department. Headache 2000; 40:
A. At least 10 episodes occurring on <1 day per month on 200–203.
average (<12 days per year) and fulfilling criteria B–D 11 Rothner AD. Headaches. In: Swaiman KF, Ashwal S, eds. Paediatric
B. Headache lasting from 30 min to 7 days neurology: Principles and practice. St Louis: Mosby, 1999, p. 747–758.
C. Headache has at least two of the following characteristics 12 Abu-Arafeh I, Callaghan M. Headache clinics for children.
1. bilateral location In: Abu-Arafeh I, ed. Childhood headache. London: MacKeith Press,
2. pressing/tightening (non-pulsating) quality 2002, p. 175–184.
3. mild or moderate intensity 13 Stoodley N. Neuroimaging in children. Curr Paediatr 2003; 13:
4. not aggravated by routine physical activity such as 479–485.
walking or climbing stairs 14 Rasmussen BK. Epidemiology of headache. Cephalalgia 1995; 15:
D. Both of the following: 45–68.
1. no nausea or vomiting (anorexia may occur) 15 Lewis DW, Ashwal S, Dahl G, et al. Practice parameter: Evaluation
2. no more than one of photophobia or phonophobia of children and adolescents with recurrent headaches: report of
E. Not attributed to another disorder the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy
of Neurology and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology
Table 8 Society. Neurology 2002; 59: 490–498.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1  © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

16 Worber-Bingol C, Wober C, Prayer D, et al. Magnetic resonance

imaging for recurrent headache in childhood and adolescence. Practice points
Headache 1996; 36: 83–90.
17 Lewis DW, Dorbad D. The utility of neuroimaging in the evaluation • Headache is common in children
of children with migraine or chronic daily headache who have • The history is the key to diagnosis
normal neurologic examinations. Headache 2000; 40: 629–632. • Many parents are simply seeking reassurance that their child
18 Howard L, Wessely S, Leese M, et al. Are investigations anxiolytic does not have a brain tumour
or anxiogenic? A randomised controlled trial of neuroimaging to • Neuroimaging is rarely necessary unless the history or
provide reassurance in chronic daily headache. J Neurol Neurosurg examination suggests a structural aetiology
Psychiatry 2005; 76: 1558–1564. • Headache due to a space-occupying lesion is very rarely an
19 Maytal J, Young M, Shecter A, et al. Pediatric migraine and the isolated symptom and there are invariably accompanying
International Headache Society criteria. Neurology 1997; 48: 602–607. neurological signs
20 Condgen PJ, Forsythe WI. Migraine in childhood: a study of 300 • Adult definitions of migraine do not always apply to children
children. Dev Med Child Neurol 1979; 21: 209–216. and there is likely to be a continuum between migraine and
21 Gladstein J, Holden EW. Chronic daily headache in children and tension-type headache.
adolescents: a 2 year prospective study. Headache 1996; 36: 349–351.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1  © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: Neurology

Management and outcome of patients with suspected VE has changed dramatically in recent
years, with improved viral diagnostics and imaging studies, better

of viral encephalitis in antiviral and immunomodulatory therapies, and enhanced neuro-

intensive care and rehabilitation. This review aims to provide a

children rational approach to the investigation and treatment of children

and infants older than 28 days with suspected and proven VE.

Rachel Kneen
What do we mean by encephalitis?
Tom Solomon Encephalitis means inflammation of the brain parenchyma.
It can be caused directly by a range of viruses (Table 1) and
other microorganisms (Table 2). Encephalitis can also occur as
Abstract an immune-mediated phenomenon, e.g. in acute disseminated
Although viral encephalitis (VE) is relatively uncommon in children in
encephalomyelitis (ADEM), which often follows infections or
the UK, early recognition and appropriate investigation and manage- vaccinations (Table 2).
ment are essential because of the devastating nature of the condition. Encephalitis is strictly a pathological diagnosis that should only
An estimated 1200 paediatric cases from all causes are admitted each be made if there is tissue confirmation (autopsy or brain biopsy).
year. The cause of VE is diagnosed in approximately 30% of cases. The This is clearly not very practical. Therefore, most patients are
commonest cause in the UK is herpes simplex virus type 1 but ­globally diagnosed with encephalitis if they have the appropriate clinical
the most important cause is Japanese encephalitis virus. Diagnostic presentation and surrogate markers of brain inflammation, such
methods have improved recently and the yield can be increased with as inflammatory cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or inflam-
a rational approach to investigations and by taking specialist advice. mation shown on imaging, especially if an appropriate organism
Morbidity and mortality are high but can be significantly reduced in is detected. Encephalitis is different from encephalopathy, which
herpes simplex ­virus encephalitis by treating for at least 14 days with is the clinical syndrome of reduced consciousness associated
intravenous aciclovir. Sequelae are common and include motor, sensory with other infectious diseases, metabolic disorders and drugs.
and cognitive impairments, epilepsy, behaviour problems and psychiatric Metabolic and toxic causes of encephalopathy can usually be dis-
disorders. ­ Children should have access to a neurorehabilitation team, tinguished from VE by the lack of an acute febrile illness, more
which includes a neuropsychologist, to achieve the best recovery possi- gradual onset, lack of a CSF pleocytosis and absence of focal
ble. Long term follow-up and an organized transition into adult services changes on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).4 The organisms
is required. that cause encephalitis often also cause an associated meningeal
reaction (meningitis). In this clinical situation, the term menin-
Keywords aciclovir; central nervous system infection; herpes simplex goencephalitis is sometimes used. However, others use this term
virus; meningoencephalitis; viral encephalitis to cover the full spectrum of encephalitis and meningitis; this
should be discouraged because the clinical features, investiga-
tions and treatment differ. Spinal cord inflammation (myelitis)
or nerve root involvement (radiculitis) may also occur in viral
central nervous system (CNS) infections.
Viral encephalitis (VE) is uncommon in the UK. A typical district
general hospital could expect to see approximately five paediatric
What causes the clinical picture in viral encephalitis?
cases per year.1 However, it is very common for a child to pres-
ent with symptoms for which the differential diagnosis includes Depending on the virus, the pathogenesis can consist of a mix-
VE. These children are started on intravenous aciclovir and broad- ture of direct viral cytopathology and a para- or post-infectious
spectrum antibiotics and treated for a variable length of time before inflammatory or immune-mediated response. For most viruses,
either an alternative diagnosis is made or the diagnosis of VE is the brain parenchyma and neuronal cells are primarily infected,
confirmed. In these children, the approach to making a diagnosis but for some, the blood vessels can be attacked, giving a strong
and the length and route of treatment with aciclovir is often vari- vasculitic component. Demyelination following infection can
able. Guidelines for the management of adult patients with sus- also contribute. Herpes simplex virus (HSV), for example, pri-
pected encephalitis have been drawn up2,3 and are in the process marily targets the brain parenchyma on the temporal lobes,
of being modified/ratified for national usage. ­Similar guidelines are sometimes with frontal or parietal involvement. Mumps virus
in development for children with suspected VE. The management can cause an acute VE or an immune-mediated delayed enceph-
alitis. Measles virus causes a post-infectious encephalitis, which
can sometimes have a severe haemorrhagic component (acute
Rachel Kneen MRCPCH is a Consultant Paediatric Neurologist at the haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis). For influenza A virus a dif-
Department of Neurology, Littlewoods Neuroscience Foundation, Royal fuse cerebral oedema is a major component in the pathogen-
Liverpool Children’s NHS Trust, Alder Hey, Liverpool, L12 2AP, UK. esis, while for varicella zoster virus (VZV), vasculitis is a major
pathogenic process.
Tom Solomon FRCP is Chair of Neurology and heads the Brain Infections Viruses must cross the blood−brain barrier to cause enceph-
Group at the University of Liverpool, Walton Centre for Neurology and alitis. Primary infection with HSV type 1 (HSV-1) occurs in
Neurosurgery, Liverpool, L9 7LJ, UK. the oral mucosa. Following primary infection the virus travels

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1  © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Symposium: Neurology

Causes of acute viral encephalitis in children Diseases mimicking viral encephalitis in children Q3

(modified from ref.28) (modified from ref.28)

Sporadic causes of viral encephalitis (not geographically CNS infections Para/post-infectious causes
restricted) listed by group Bacteria Guillain-Barré syndrome*
Herpes viruses Bacterial meninigitis Acute disseminated
• Herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 Tuberculous encephalomyelitis*
• Varicella zoster virus meningitis Systemic viral illnesses with
• Epstein-Barr virus Brain abscess complex febrile convulsions
• Cytomegalovirus Typhoid fever Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis
• Human herpes virus types 6 and 7 Parameningeal Acute necrotizing encephalopathy
Enteroviruses infection
 Non-infectious diseases
• Coxsackieviruses Lyme disease
• Echoviruses Leptospirosis
Systemic lupus erythematosis
• Enteroviruses 70 and 71 Mycoplasma
Acute haemorrhagic
• Parechovirus pneumonia
• Poliovirus Listeria
Acute necrotizing
Paramyxoviruses monocytogenes
• Measles virus Brucellosis
Polyarteritis nodosa
• Mumps virus Subacute bacterial
ANCA associated vasculitis
Others (rarer causes) endocarditis
• Influenza viruses (emboli)
Primary brain tumour
• Adenovirus Fungi
Brain metastases
• Parvovirus Cryptococcus
Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis+
• Lymphocytic choreomeningitis virus Coccidiomycosis
• Rubella virus Histoplasmosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis and coma
 Geographically restricted causes of encephalitis – mostly Hepatic encephalopathy
arthropod-borne* Hypertensive encephalopathy
Cerebral malaria
The Americas Haemolytic uraemic syndrome
• West Nile Hypoglycaemia
• La Crosse Reye syndrome
• St Louis Mitochondrial encephalopathy
• Dengue Toxic encephalopathy (drugs,
Q fever
• Rabies alcohol)
Europe/Middle East Other
Cat-scratch fever
• Tick-borne encephalitis Drug reactions
• West Nile Subarachnoid and subdural
• Rabies haemorrhage
Africa Venous sinus thrombosis and
• West Nile infarction
• Rift Valley fever virus Ischaemic cerebrovascular
• Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever accidents
• Dengue Epileptic encephalopathy or non-
• Rabies convulsive status epilepticus
Asia Functional illness
• Japanese encephalitis Voltage-gated K channel limbic
• West Nile encephalitis+
• Dengue
• Murray Valley encephalitis *Guillain–Barré syndrome and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis may
follow viral or bacterial infections or vaccinations.
• Rabies +Very rare in children.
• Nipah
Table 2
• Murray valley encephalitis
• Japanese encephalitis
c­ entripetally along the trigeminal nerve to give latent infection in
*All viruses are arthropod-borne, except for Rabies and Nipah virus. the trigeminal ganglion. About 70% of all cases of HSV encepha-
litis already have antibody present, indicating re-activation of
Table 1 virus is the most common mechanism;5 though it is not clear

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1  © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Symposium: Neurology

whether this is re-­activation of virus in the trigeminal ganglion altered consciousness. There may be meningism, seizures and
or virus that has already established latency in the brain itself.6 focal neurological signs.
Why HSV ­sometimes re-activates is not known. In young adults The subtle presentation is with low grade fever, behav-
and children, HSV encephalitis occurs during primary infec- ioural changes or speech and language disturbance.10 The sub-
tion. Neonates can be infected with HSV-2 during delivery to acute presentation is more common in immunocompromised
cause neonatal herpes, a disseminated infection often with CNS patients.
involvement. This review does not cover neonatal herpes infec-
tion in detail (see Useful websites and further reading). HSV-2
Important features in the history
also causes viral meningitis in adults, which may be recurrent.
HSV-2 is predominantly sexually acquired and the diagnosis of As well as being crucial in determining who needs investigation
HSV-2 meningitis in a child should alert the paediatrician to the for VE, the history can provide useful clues as to the ­aetiology:
possibility of sexual abuse.7 • recent rash (patient or contacts) – measles, chicken pox
The other major route of viral entry into the nervous system (VZV), slapped cheek syndrome (parvovirus), hand, foot and
is with a viraemia and subsequent spread across the blood–brain mouth disease [enterovirus (EV)] or roseola (HHV-6). See
barrier; this occurs for enteroviruses such as polio, and arbo­ ­examination findings below;
viruses (viruses transmitted via an insect or tick vector) such as • parotitis, testicular pain or abdominal pain (pancreatitis) –
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and West Nile virus (WNV). mumps;
• dog bite, scratch from bat – rabies;
Epidemiology • travel history – South East Asia (JEV); forests in central ­Europe
[tick borne encephalitis virus (TBEV)];
The epidemiology of VE is changing for several reasons: • social history – mother from HIV endemic area or intravenous
• Numbers of immunocompromised patients have increased drug abuser.
due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, trans-
plant surgery and cancer treatments. These patients are at risk
Important examination findings
of encephalitis caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr
virus (EBV) and human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6). The priority is to stabilize the patient and treat immediate com-
• Arboviruses are spreading to new areas, e.g. WNV across plications such as seizures. Make an assessment of level of coma
North America and southern Europe, and JEV across Asia. using the modified Glasgow coma score (GCS). Do not ignore
• Large and unexpected outbreaks of VE have occurred in Asia the parents who tell you their child is confused or has altered
from enterovirus (EV) 71 and Nipah virus.8,9 behaviour.
• Vaccination has reduced encephalitis due to measles and Other important examination findings are:
mumps virus. • rashes – exanthems (many viruses), e.g. hand, foot and mouth
disease (EV71), purpuric rash (meningococcal meningitis);
• meningism or photophobia – check for neck stiffness and
Kernig’s sign;
The incidence of VE depends on the particular viruses that are • signs of raised intracranial pressure (RICP) – altered pupillary
prevalent. Currently, accurate figures for the UK are unknown. responses, raised blood pressure, bradycardia, altered respira-
This is being addressed in a prospective study (funded by the tory pattern, abnormal posture (decorticate or decerebrate),
Health Protection Agency), which is currently enrolling patients papilloedema;
from many centres in England ( • focal neurological signs – hemiplegia, cranial neuropathies,
topics%5Faz/encephalitis/study.htm). For children, the best abnormal posturing (see above);
extrapolation we can use at present are data from Finland. In a • tonic eye deviation, nystagmus, subtle clonic movements of
2-year prospective study (1993/4), Koskiniemi et al found that face or fingers – subtle motor status epilepticus;
the overall incidence was 10.5 in 100 000 child-years, with the • lower cranial neuropathies – rhomboencephalitis/basal
highest figure in children younger than 1 year of age (18.4 in 100 meningoencephalitis (enteroviruses or listeria, tuberculosis).
000 child-years). The most commonly identified agents, based on
virological and serological studies, were VZV, respiratory viruses,
Initial investigations
enteroviruses, adenoviruses, EBV, HSV, rotaviruses and HHV-6.1
For adults and children, HSV encephalitis is the most com- A cause is found in approximately 30% of children with VE. It is
monly diagnosed VE in developed countries, with an incidence likely this figure could be improved if more detailed virological
of 1 in 250 000–500 000.5 Most HSV encephalitis is due to HSV-1, tests were undertaken (see below). This is another of the aims
but about 10% are due to HSV-2; the latter causes encephalitis in of the Health Protection Agency study (see Useful websites and
immunocompromised adults and neonates, in whom it causes a further reading). Some features and clues may be present in the
disseminated infection. baseline investigations:
• full blood count – atypical lymphocytes in EBV;
• hyponatraemia – syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hor-
mone (SIADH) common in many encephalitides;
The classical presentation is a brief flu-like prodrome imme- • elevated amylase – mumps;
diately followed by severe headaches, nausea, vomiting and • elevated liver enzymes – EBV, cytomegalovirus (CMV).

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1  © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Symposium: Neurology

CSF findings HSV ­encephalitis, PCR remains positive in about 80% of patients
The use of lumbar puncture (LP) in suspected CNS infection has even 1 week after starting antiviral therapy.5
been controversial and has declined recently.11 However, the LP CSF findings in VE are shown in Table 4. The CSF opening
is an essential investigation in suspected CNS infection because: pressure is often mildly raised and there is usually a mild to mod-
• Initial findings are available within hours and reveal whether erate CSF pleocytosis of 5 to 1000 cells/mm3, with predominant
or not there is an infection. On rare occasions, the initial cell lymphocytes. CSF white cell count may be normal in the first few
count may be normal early in the disease process or if the child days of the infection or neutrophils may predominate. The CSF
is immunocompromised. In this circumstance, if CNS infection is red cell count is usually normal or mildly elevated, but it may be
still strongly suspected, the LP may need to be repeated. ­markedly raised in HSV encephalitis, which can be haemorrhagic,
• Initial findings are often able to distinguish between bacterial or in acute necrotizing haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis. The
and viral infection (see Table 4). ­glucose ratio is usually normal in viral CNS infections, though it
• Culture, antibody studies and polymerase chain reaction may be mildly reduced, especially with mumps infection. The CSF
(PCR) of CSF confirm what the organism is. This allows therapies protein is often mildly elevated (between 0.5 and 1.0 g/litre).
to be altered and appropriate treatment regimens to be given.
• Positive results allow appropriate disease notification.
Specific investigations to consider
• Results may alter follow-up arrangements for the child, e.g.
hearing tests, long term developmental follow-up, etc. The list of possible investigations for VE is considerable. Our
• Parents find it easier to understand their child’s illness if a practice is to perform the initial CSF PCR for α-herpes viruses
diagnosis has been confirmed, especially if the child dies or has (HSV-1 and -2, and VZV) (see below) immediately the samples are
long term sequelae. received, because of their importance for early management. Fur-
Therefore, an LP should be undertaken unless specific contra­ ther investigations are guided by the clinical picture, especially the
indications are present (Table 3). An LP is not contraindicated patient’s immune status, and initial CSF findings. The opinion of a
in children who are only mildly confused or lethargic. If focal clinical virologist should be sought before undertaking these inves-
neuro­logical signs or coma are present, an LP should still be pos- tigations. A staged approach should be undertaken (Table 5).
sible after performing a CT scan, if the latter shows no evidence
of brain shift. A CT should also be performed in children who PCR of CSF
may be immunocompromised as they may not mount an inflam- Many important viruses and other microorganisms can now be
matory response to an abscess. Very often, a child is admitted detected using PCR.14 For HSV, PCR has high sensitivity and
and treatment for bacterial meningitis and encephalitis is started specificity (both greater than 95%); however, it may be negative
before an LP is performed. In these children, it is still essential in the first few days of the illness or after about 10 days.15 Ini-
to perform an LP when safe to do so because this informs the tial investigations for patients with VE should therefore include
diagnosis and guides subsequent management.12 Giving blind PCR for HSV, and probably VZV, because these are potentially
antibacte­rial and antiviral treatment to all patients with ­suspected ­treatable with aciclovir. If it is the summer or autumn, PCR for
CNS infection, and then not investigating with LP because it EV (­coxsackievirus types A and B, echoviruses and the new
‘makes no ­difference to the management’ is unacceptable prac- enterovirus types such as EV71) should also be performed; mea-
tice and should be discouraged. This approach risks missing sles and mumps should be looked for if there is a clinical indi-
other dia­gnoses that may require alternative treatments.13 In cation, but they can occasionally cause encephalitis in patients
without the typical features. Other viruses to consider include
HHV-6 and -7 (especially in young children), adenovirus, influ-
enza virus A and B, and rotaviruses. In immunocompromised
Contraindications to lumbar puncture patients with EBV and CMV, PCR should also be performed
and HHV-6 considered. PCR can also be used to detect Myco-
• Signs of RICP – altered papillary responses, absent Doll’s plasma pneumoniae in the CSF. CSF viral culture is now rarely
eye reflex, decerebrate or decorticate posturing, abnormal performed, though it has the advantage over PCR of potentially
respiratory pattern, papilloedema, hypertension and being able to detect any viruses, whereas PCR is specific to the
bradycardia virus being looked for.
• Recent (within 30 min) or prolonged (>30 min) convulsive
seizures Further investigations
• Focal or tonic seizures The following may be helpful in VE and should be considered in
• Other focal neurological signs – hemi/monoparesis, extensor conjunction with a clinical virologist:
plantar responses, ocular palsies • Serum IgM for specific viruses, particularly HSV, EV, EBV and
• GCS < 13 or deteriorating level of consciousness CMV. Compare with IgM in CSF (see below).
• Strong suspicion of meningococcal infection (typical purpuric • CSF IgM for specific viruses, particularly HSV, EV, EBV and
rash in an ill child) CMV. The detection of specific IgM in the CSF, higher than levels in
• State of shock the serum, is an indication that antibody is being produced ­locally
• Local superficial infection in the CNS in response to infection. (In general, though, IgM is only
• Coagulation disorder elevated for primary infections rather than re-activation.)
• PCR and/or culture of throat and rectal swabs for EV and
Table 3 rotavirus.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 10 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Symposium: Neurology

Typical cerebrospinal fluid findings in central nervous system infections

Viral Acute bacterial Tuberculous meningitis Fungal Normal

meningoencephalitis meningitis

Opening pressure Normal/high High High High-very high Age < 8 years
< 13.5 cm3
Age > 8 years
< 20 cm3
Colour ‘Gin’ clear Cloudy Cloudy/yellow Clear/cloudy Clear
Cells/mm3 Normal-high High-very high Mild elevation Normal-high <5
0–1000 1000–50,000 25–500 0–1000
Differential Lymphocytes Neutrophils Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes
CSF:plasma glucose ratio Normal Low Low-very low (e.g. <30%) Normal-low 66%*

Protein (g/L) Normal-high (0.5–1.0) High (>1) High-very high (1.0–5.0) Normal-high (0.5–5.0) <0.5

A bloody tap will falsely elevate the CSF white cell count and protein. To correct for a bloody tap, subtract 1 white cell for every 700 red blood cells/mm3 in the
CSF, and 0.1 g/dL of protein for every 1000 red blood cells.
*Although a normal CSF:plasma glucose ratio is quoted as 66%, only values < 50% are likely to be significant.

Some important exceptions

In viral CNS infections, an early LP may give predominantly neutrophils, or there may be no cells in early or late LPs.
In patients with acute bacterial meningitis that has been partially pre-treated with antibiotics (or patients < 1 year old), the CSF cell count may not be very high
and may be mostly lymphocytes.

Tuberculous meningitis may have predominant CSF polymorphs early in the infection.
Listeria can give a similar CSF picture to TBM, but the history is shorter.
CSF findings in bacterial abscesses range from near normal to purulent, depending on location of the abscess, and whether there is associated meningitis or rupture.
A cryptococcal antigen test (CRAG) and Indian ink stain should be performed on the CSF of all patients in whom cryptococcus is possible.

Table 4

• PCR, culture, and antigen detection of nasopharyngeal aspirates (PLEDS) were once thought to be diagnostic of HSV encephalitis,
for respiratory viruses, e.g. adenoviruses or influenza ­viruses. but have since been seen in other conditions ­(Figure 4).
• PCR, electron microscopy from vesicular fluid – chicken pox
(VZV), hand foot and mouth disease (EV71), genital herpes
• Cold agglutinins and IgM for Mycoplasma pneumoniae if The management of VE covers the acute presentation, recov-
­respiratory infection is present. ery and rehabilitation stages. Often children are transferred to a
• Brain biopsy for PCR, culture, antigen detection, histology – ­tertiary centre which has facilities for acute brain injury rehabili-
consider if this will change management when diagnosis un- tation. Broadly speaking, the management comprises of:
clear. Decision should be made with a paediatric neurologist and 1. Stabilization of the patient – this may require ventilation and
­neurosurgeon. transfer to a paediatric intensive care unit.
2. Control of immediate complications, e.g. seizures, RICP.
Imaging and EEG studies 3. Antiviral or immunomodulatory treatment.
As described above, in patients with encephalopathy and fever, a 4. General supportive measures, e.g. hydration, safe feeding, treat-
computerised tomography (CT) scan (with contrast) is performed ment of infections such as pneumonia, urinary tract infections.
before LP if there are clinical signs suggestive of herniation or a 5. Prevent later complications, e.g. contractures, venous
space occupying lesion. In HSV encephalitis, CT may be normal ­thrombosis.
initially, or there may be subtle swelling of the fronto-­temporal 6. Neurorehabilitation, including all therapy modalities (physi-
region with loss of the normal gyral pattern; subsequently there otherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy
is hypodensity, and there may be high signal change if haemor- and psychology).
rhagic transformation occurs (Figure 1). MRI is generally more 7. Specialist educational assessment and provision.
sensitive, showing high signal intensities in the brain areas 8. Treatment of later complications, e.g. epilepsy, spasticity.
affected (Figures 2 and 3), though even MRI can be normal if per- 9. Continued neuropsychology for specific sequelae (see below).
formed very early.16 Diffusion-weighted MRI may be especially
useful at demonstrating early changes.17 Gadolinium should be Seizures, raised intracranial pressure and other complications
given during the MRI scan. Seizures are common in VE and status epilepticus may occur,
An EEG usually shows non-specific, diffuse, high amplitude which can be refractory.18 Seizures may be obvious (focal or
slow waves of encephalopathy, but can be useful in looking for ­generalized tonic–clonic) or subtle, which may manifest as
subtle motor seizures. Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges twitching of a digit or around the mouth or eyes. An EEG should

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 11 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Symposium: Neurology

Staged approach to microbiological investigation of

suspected viral encephalitis in children

1. All patients
• Herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 (type 2 usually also
performed by lab), varicella zoster virus (VZV)
2. If indicated:
• Enterovirus and parechovirus (especially if
meningoencephalitis picture, summer/autumn)
• Adenovirus (ADV), influenza (Inf ) A and B, rotavirus
• Epstein-Barr virus/cytomegalovirus (CMV) (especially if
• Human herpes virus (HHV) 6 and 7 (young children or
• Measles, mumps (if clinically indicated, contact Public
Health Lab for advice)
• Mycoplasma pneumoniae (if respiratory infection present)
3. Special circumstance
• Rabies, Japanese encephalitis virus, West Nile virus, dengue,
tick-borne encephalitis virus (if appropriate exposure

Antibody testing
1. Viruses: IgM IgG, oligoclonal bands of CSF and serum (acute Figure 1 CT scan showing oedema in left temporal lobe with effacement
and convalescent) for antibodies against: of left lateral ventricle and overlying sulci in HSV type 1 encephalitis.
• HSV (1 and 2), VZV, CMV, HHV6, HHV7, enteroviruses,
respiratory synctial virus, ADV, Inf A and B;
and positioning; and the risk of joint contractures reduced with
2. If associated with atypical pneumonia, test serum for:
passive and active limb movements, and orthoses.
• Mycoplasma pneumoniae serology and cold agglutinins
To reduce the risk of pneumonia, the risk of aspiration should
• Chlamydia serology
be assessed. Enteral feeds should be given via a nasogastric tube
Ancillary investigations until swallow safety is assessed.
1. Throat swab (TS), nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA), rectal swab
(RS): Aciclovir
• PCR/culture of TS, RS for enteroviruses In most immunocompetent patients, aciclovir should be given as
• PCR of TS for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, chlamydia soon as there is a strong suspicion of VE. This suspicion will be
• PCR/antigen detection of NPA for respiratory viruses, ADV, Inf based on the clinical presentation and initial CSF and/or imaging
2. Vesicle electron microscopy and culture: findings. Aciclovir is a nucleoside analogue that is highly effec-
• Patients with herpetic lesions (for HSV, VZV) tive against HSV and other herpes viruses. Given intravenously at
• Children with hand, foot and mouth disease (for 10 mg/kg three times daily it reduces the risk of a fatal outcome
enteroviruses) from approximately 70% to less than 20%.19 Renal function
3. Brain biopsy should be monitored closely, and adequate hydration maintained,
because of the rare risk of renal failure. Other rare side effects
Table 5 include local inflammation, hepatitis and bone marrow failure.
Although the original aciclovir trials were for 10 days’ treatment,
be performed if there is any uncertainty. The EEG may help with most neurologists would continue treatment for 14 or 21 days, espe-
the diagnosis in HSV encephalitis (see above). Seizures should cially in children with proven HSV encephalitis, because of the risk of
be managed with intravenous phenytoin or phenobarbitone. relapse after 10 days.20 Some advocate repeating the CSF examination
Usually a child is maintained on one of these anticonvulsants for at the end of treatment and continuing with aciclovir if HSV is still
a minimum of 6 weeks following the acute illness. detected. This approach is being evaluated by the American Collabor-
Intracranial pressure should be reduced by nursing the patient ative Antiviral Study Group, which is assessing the prognostic value
with their head elevated to 30°, keeping the head straight and keep- of quantitative PCR detection of viral DNA at the end of 3 weeks’
ing the patient as still as possible. The patient should be ventilated treatment, and prolonged high dose oral valaciclovir for 3 months.
to keep a low pCO2 and bolus doses of mannitol should be given. If the initial CSF PCR is negative for HSV, but other features are
The risk of deep venous thrombosis/pulmonary embolus consistent with HSV encephalitis, then the aciclovir should not
should be reduced with TED stockings and prophylactic heparin; be stopped, because false negatives can occur, particularly early
the risk of pressure sores reduced with appropriate mattresses on.21 In such patients the LP should be repeated, and treatment

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 12 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Symposium: Neurology

Figure 2 MRI (T2 axial view) showing high signal if left temporal lobe in
HSV type 1 encephalitis.

continued for at least 10 days. However, if a definitive alternative Figure 3 MRI (coronal FLAIR) showing high signal in left temporal lobe
diagnosis has become apparent, or it seems very unlikely that the in HSV type 1 encephalitis.
patient has VE, then it is reasonable to stop aciclovir.
in other viral CNS infections. In VZV encephalitis steroids are used
Oral valaciclovir alongside aciclovir because of the strong vasculitic component of
In a proven case of HSV encephalitis or if HSV encephalitis is the disease. Severe HHV-6 disease is treated with ganciclovir or
strongly suspected, it may be reasonable to convert to oral valaci- foscarnet, and plecornaril is used for severe EV infections. Inter-
clovir if ongoing intravenous treatment is proving difficult (e.g. feron-alpha has been used in WNV and other flavivirus infec-
in a child who is now fully conscious).22 However, we would tions, but an RCT in JEV showed that it was not effective.24
only consider this after the first 10 days of intravenous treatment.
Occasionally, therefore, a child may require either a long line or Management in the recovery period
central line to be inserted under general anaesthetic to complete Children may require a prolonged period of rehabilitation both
a full course of treatment. Valaciclovir is an ester of aciclovir, as an inpatient and as an outpatient. Ideally, this should be with
which is converted to aciclovir after absorption, and has good oral a tertiary neurorehabilitation team. In our centre, we have a
bioavailability. Oral aciclovir should not be used in HSV encepha- multidisciplinary acute brain injury team, consisting of paedi-
litis, because the levels achieved in the CSF are not high enough. atric neurologists, community paediatricians, neurophysiothera-
pists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists,
Other treatments to consider neuropsychologist and specialist teaching staff, that makes a full
Antibiotic treatment with a cephalosporin is usually given in chil- assessment and delivers a package of treatments and therapies
dren until a proven viral cause is identified. It is wise to treat for rehabilitation. It continues to be involved as children are
until the blood and CSF cultures are known to be negative. re-integrated back to their local teams and will liaise with local
In patients with brain swelling, corticosteroids and mannitol services and schools to ensure the child has the best ongoing
are often used to control RICP. A recent trial suggests steroids management (see Useful websites and further reading).
may be beneficial in adults with HSV encephalitis whether or not Neurocognitive impairments are common after VE, including
there is marked swelling.23 In patients with severe brain swell- change in memory, perception and executive function skills, such
ing, decompressive hemicraniectomy is sometimes ­performed. as organizing and planning. These changes are most noticeable
in older children and can make re-integration back into school
Other antiviral and immunomodulatory treatment very difficult. Before discharge a full neuropsychiatric assess-
Except for HSV encephalitis, there are few large randomized con- ment should be performed, including cognitive function, intel-
trolled trials (RCTs) assessing the efficacy of antiviral treatments ligence, memory and speech assessment, because this will help

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 13 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Symposium: Neurology

Figure 4 EEG showing left sided periodic discharges every 2 seconds in HSV type 1 encephalitis.

determine the extent of any damage and identify where help is the morbidity remains high.5 Poor prognostic factors include
needed. Regular outpatient assessment following VE is impor- reduced GCS on admission and delays between hospitaliza-
tant. Behavioural and psychiatric disturbances are common and tion and starting aciclovir treatment (especially delays of
may include depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, greater than 2 days).26 Two-thirds of survivors have signifi-
aggressive behaviour or disinhibition. A referral to the local child cant neuropsychiatric sequelae, including memory impairment
and adolescent psychiatry team may be necessary. (69%), personality and behavioural change (45%), dysphasia
Memory difficulties can be an especially important prob- (41%) and epilepsy (up to 25%).27
lem in HSV encephalitis. A range of practical approaches can
help to overcome these difficulties; these include simple mea-
sures such as the child keeping a notebook and diary, having
a ­ communication book for school, labelling items around the Although VE is relatively uncommon in children in the UK,
house and leaving messages as reminders. For older children and early recognition and appropriate investigation and manage-
adolescents, more sophisticated aids may be helpful, including a ment is essential, because of the devastating nature of the
neuropage system (, which sends pager ­condition.
reminder messages throughout the day. Excellent support and In the UK, HSV-1 is the commonest cause and treatment with
advice can be obtained from patient support groups, such as the intravenous aciclovir for at least 14 days is now the standard
encephalitis society ( management. Diagnostic techniques and areas within the man-
Other disabilities in the recovery period or afterwards include agement have improved (neurointensive care and rehabilitation).
post-encephalitic seizures. Following VE, epilepsy is more likely Despite these improvements, many long term sequelae are com-
in children who had recurrent seizures, status epilepticus, severe mon. Therefore, although it is uncommon, VE is a devastating
disturbance of consciousness, focal neurological signs or who condition for children and their families and the personal and
deteriorated during hospital admission.25 If seizures return, then financial costs are high. It is therefore very important that VE is
a more appropriate long term anticonvulsant can be chosen, such recognized and managed appropriately, and that paediatricians
as carbemazepine or lamotrigine. are up to date with recent developments and follow a rational
approach to investigation and treatment.
Prognostic factors and outcome
Although with aciclovir treatment the mortality of HSV
encephalitis has decreased from about 70% to about 20%, TS is a UK Medical Research Council Senior Clinical Fellow. ◆

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 14 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Symposium: Neurology

References 22 Chan PK, Chow PC, Peiris JS, et al. Use of oral valaciclovir in a
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13 Chataway J, Davies NW, Farmer S, et al. Herpes simplex encephalitis: Health protection Agency funded Prospective Study of Viral Encephalitis.
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325–330. Kimberlin D. Herpes simplex virus, meningitis and encephalitis in
14 Jeffery KJ, Read SJ, Peto TE, et al. Diagnosis of viral infections of the neonates. Herpes 2004; 11(suppl 2): 65A–76A. Review of neonatal
central nervous system: clinical interpretation of PCR results. Lancet herpes simplex encephalitis.
1997; 349: 313–317.
15 Cinque P, Cleator GM, Weber T, et al. The role of laboratory
investigation in the diagnosis and management of patients with
suspected herpes simplex encephalitis: a consensus report. The
EU Concerted Action on Virus Meningitis and Encephalitis. J Neurol Practice points
Neurosurg Psychiatry 1996; 61: 339–345.
16 Tien RD, Felsberg GJ, Osumi AK. Herpesvirus infections of the CNS: • Viral encephalitis (VE) is uncommon but suspected CNS
MR findings. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1993; 161: 167–176. infections are not. Paediatricians should have a rational
17 McCabe K, Tyler K, Tanabe J. Diffusion-weighted MRI abnormalities approach to investigation and management of children with
as a clue to the diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis. Neurology suspected CNS infection
2003; 61: 1015–1016. • A definitive diagnosis is made in approximately 30% of cases
18 Lin JJ, Lin KL, Wang HS, et al. Analysis of status epilepticus related of VE. This figure can be improved by taking advice from a
presumed encephalitis in children. Eur J Paediatr Neurol 2007 virologist or paediatric neurologist
Jun 19 (epub ahead of print). • A lumbar puncture is essential in patients with suspected VE. It
19 Whitley RJ, Alford CA, Hirsch MS, et al. Vidarabine versus acyclovir may be delayed in patients with suspected brain shift. Results
therapy in herpes simplex encephalitis. N Engl J Med 1986; 314: from CSF analysis are useful even after treatment has been
144–149. started. For HSV encephalitis, PCR remains positive in about
20 Yamada S, Kameyama T, Nagaya S, et al. Relapsing herpes simplex 80% of patients even 1 week after starting antiviral therapy
encephalitis: pathological confirmation of viral reactivation. J Neurol • The commonest cause of VE in the UK is HSV-1. Globally the
Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003; 74: 262–264. commonest cause is JEV
21 Coren ME, Buchdahl RM, Cowan FM, et al. Imaging and laboratory • The mortality and morbidity from VE are high. Both have
investigation in herpes simplex encephalitis. J Neurol Neurosurg decreased for HSV encephalitis since aciclovir became the
Psychiatry 1999; 67: 243–245.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 15 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Symposium: Neurology

standard treatment. However, specific treatments are not Acknowledgments

available for most other types of VE
• The incidence of VE may be increasing. Global travel and We thank Dr Nick Beeching and Dr Ian Hart for helpful
environmental changes may mean we see an increase in new ­discussions, Mrs Margaret Beirne and Dr Richard Appleton for
outbreaks of VE in the future the EEG and Dr Lawrence Abernethy for CT and MRI scan images.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 16 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Symposium: neurology

Evaluation of the floppy reflex, whilst postural tone is measured by the response of
the muscle to a sustained low-intensity stretch, as illustrated

infant by the body’s ability to maintain posture against the force of


Vasantha Gowda
Clinical appearance
Jeremy Parr Some features are common to all floppy infants regardless of the
aetiology and location of the abnormality. A child is generally
Sandeep Jayawant said to be floppy if he/she assumes a frog-like posture, is unable
to maintain normal posture against gravity, exhibits diminished
resistance to passive movements and has an excessive range
of joint mobility. Table 1 lists some of the clinical signs with
which a floppy infant may present; these features may or may
Abstract not co­exist in the same infant.
This review outlines a clinical approach to the evaluation of the floppy
infant. Attention is drawn to the varied manner in which the condition Common modes of presentation
can present, and emphasis is placed upon a detailed assessment of The clinical consequences of hypotonia and/or weakness may
characteristic clinical findings. A distinction is drawn between central be evident even in antenatal life.1 Specific questions in the his-
and peripheral causes for hypotonia. Guidance is given regarding the tory should address whether fetal movements were normal, as
importance of evaluating the child for signs of weakness, which is an well as whether there was evidence of polyhydramnios. In the
important marker of neuromuscular pathology. Reference is made to neonatal period, the manner of presentation depends on the
situations where peripheral pathology may mimic central disorders. A severity of the condition. This ranges from the consequences
diagnostic algorithm is outlined for the investigation of neuromuscular of fetal immobilization, such as hip dislocation, arthrogryposis,
disorders, and reference is made to the discrepancy in findings that often talipes and flexion deformity of all limbs, to respiratory and
exists between electromyography and muscle biopsy findings. Attention feeding difficulties (slow feeding, recurrent choking or aspira-
is drawn to available therapeutic options, as well as the importance of tion episodes). Later in infancy, hypotonia may be more obvi-
addressing ethical issues, which become of particular importance once ous once delayed achievement of motor milestones becomes
a diagnosis is reached. evident, with or without accompanying delay in other areas of
Keywords hypotonia; neuromuscular; neuropathy
Clinical confirmation of hypotonia
Once the suspicion of hypotonia has been raised, the evaluation
of the floppy infant should proceed by searching for those clinical
signs that corroborate the diagnosis (Figures 1 and 2).
Introduction and definition
The word ‘floppy’ can be used to mean:
Diagnostic approach
• decrease in muscle tone (hypotonia);
• decrease in muscle power (weakness); The initial approach to a floppy infant is to determine whether
• ligamentous laxity and increased range of joint mobility. the problem is of central or peripheral origin. This is of crucial
Strictly speaking, the term ‘floppy’ should be used to describe importance when forming a plan for diagnostic investigations.
hypotonia. The interconnection between tone, muscle strength As a general rule, an attempt is made to gauge whether there
and joint mobility can be appreciated through a consideration
of the definition of tone – the resistance to passive movement
around a joint. Phasic tone is assessed by the response of the
muscle to a rapid stretch, illustrated classically by a tendon Clinical signs in a floppy infant

• Observation of a ‘frog-leg’ posture. This generally implies

Vasantha Gowda MBBS MRCP is a Specialist Registrar, Department
reduced spontaneous movement, with the legs fully abducted
of Paediatric Neurology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, and arms lying beside the body either extended or flexed
Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK. • Significant head lag on traction or pull-to-sit manoeuvre and
excessively rounded back when sitting (>33 weeks)
Jeremy Parr MBChB MD MRCPCH is a Clinical Lecturer, Department • Rag-doll posture on ventral suspension
of Paediatric Neurology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, • Vertical suspension test – feeling of ‘slipping through the
Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK. hands’ when the infant is held under the arms
• Various associated examination findings such as flat occiput
Sandeep Jayawant MD FRCP FRCPCH is a Consultant Paediatric Neurologist, or congenital dislocation of the hips, arthrogryposis
Department of Paediatric Neurology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley
Way, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK. Table 1

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 17 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

Clinical features suggestive of hypotonia of central


• Social and cognitive impairment in addition to motor delay

• Dysmorphic features implying a syndrome or other organ
malformations sometimes implying a syndrome
• Fisting of hands
• Normal or brisk tendon reflexes
• Features of pseudobulbar palsy, brisk jaw jerk, crossed
adductor response or scissoring on vertical suspension
• Features that may suggest an underlying spinal dysraphism
• History suggestive of hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, birth
trauma or symptomatic hypoglycaemia
• Seizures

Table 2

Table 3 shows features in the history and clinical examination

that indicate the hypotonia and/or weakness are more likely due
to peripheral (neuromuscular) causes. During infancy, formal
testing for both tone and weakness is more difficult and relies
more heavily on clinical evaluation as well as the search for
­corroborating risk factors.
In some conditions, both central and peripheral hypotonia
may coexist (Table 4).
Once the decision about central or peripheral (neuromuscular)
aetiology has been made, investigations are directed accordingly
to identify the specific condition causing the hypotonia. Tables
Figure 1 Head lag. 5 and 6 list some of the causes of hypotonia and/or weakness
resulting from central and peripheral (neuromuscular) causes,
is a significant element of weakness. Paralytic hypotonia with
­significant weakness suggests a peripheral neuromuscular prob-
lem, whereas non-paralytic hypotonia without significant weak-
ness points to a central cause which may be neurological, genetic,
syndromic or metabolic.
A central cause is suggested by clinical features as described Indicators of peripheral hypotonia
in Table 2. The presence of these findings does not, however,
exclude a peripheral aetiology of weakness. In some cases fea- • Delay in motor milestones with relative normality of social
tures suggesting both central and peripheral aetiologies may and cognitive development
be seen. • Family history of neuromuscular disorders/maternal myotonia
• Reduced or absent spontaneous antigravity movements,
reduced or absent deep tendon jerks and increased range of
joint mobility
• Frog-leg posture or ‘jug-handle’ posture of arms in
association with marked paucity of spontaneous movement
• Myopathic facies (open mouth with tented upper lip, poor
lip seal when sucking, lack of facial expression, ptosis and
restricted ocular movements)
• Muscle fasciculation (rarely seen but of diagnostic importance
when recognized)
• Other corroborative evidence including muscle atrophy,
muscle hypertrophy and absent or depressed deep tendon

Figure 2 Classic posture in hypotonia. Table 3

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 18 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

Conditions where central and peripheral hypotonia Causes of paralytic/neuromuscular hypotonia

may coexist
Spinal muscular atrophy
• Familial dysautonomia Paralytic poliomyelitis
• Hypoxic–ischaemic encephalopathy Neuropathies
• Infantile neuroaxonal degeneration • Hereditary motor-sensory neuropathy
• Lipid storage diseases • Congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy
• Lysosomal disorders • Acute demyelinating polyneuropathy
• Mitochondrial disorders
Neuromuscular junction problems
• Perinatal asphyxia secondary to motor unit disease
• Botulism
• Transient neonatal myasthenia
Table 4
• Autoimmune myasthenia
• Congenital myasthenic syndromes

Investigations where central hypotonia is suspected Muscular disorders

The range of investigations that may yield diagnostic clues in • Congenital myopathies (nemaline rod myopathy,
the clinical setting of non-paralytic/central hypotonia are listed myotubular myopathies, central core disease, minicore
in Table 7. The diagnosis of central hypotonia attributable to disease, etc)
hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy is based upon an appropri- • Congenital muscular dystrophies (CMD) (Walker-Warburg,
ate clinical history along with concordant imaging studies of the Fukuyama, muscle-eye-brain disease, merosin-positive
brain. Metabolic disorders are rare and despite extensive investi- CMD, etc)
gations the diagnostic yield may be quite low. • Congenital myasthenic syndromes
• Congenital myotonic dystrophy
Investigations where peripheral hypotonia is suspected • Metabolic myopathies (acid maltase deficiency,
Investigations likely to yield diagnostic clues in cases where para- phosphorylase deficiency, mitochondrial myopathy
lytic/neuromuscular hypotonia is suspected are listed in Table 8. • Endocrine myopathies (hypothyroidism)
Myotonic dystrophy is usually suspected on the basis of
known family history or recognition of the disorder in an affected Table 6
mother, and can be confirmed by testing for the expanded CTG

trinucleotide repeat sequence on chromosome 19q13.2–q13.3.

In the absence of a diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy, we sup-
Conditions associated with central (non-paralytic) port the early use of electromyography (EMG)/nerve conduc-
hypotonia tion studies (NCS) when a peripheral cause is likely.2 Areflexia,
decreased limb movements and denervation on EMG should
Acute encephalopathies prompt investigation for anterior horn cell disorders (­spinal
• Birth trauma
• Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
• Hypoglycaemia
Investigations in cases where a central cause for
Chronic encephalopathies
hypotonia is suspected
• Cerebral malformations
• Inborn errors of metabolism (mucopolysaccharidoses,
• Serum electrolytes, including calcium and phosphate, serum
aminoacidurias, organic acidurias, lipidoses, glycogen
alkaline phosphatase, venous blood gas, thyroid function
storage diseases, Menkes syndrome)
• Chromosomal disorders (Prader-Willi syndrome, trisomy 21)
• Plasma copper/caeruloplasmin assay (as screening test for
• Genetic disorders (familial dysautonomia, Lowe syndrome)
Menkes syndrome)
• Peroxisomal disorders (neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy,
• Chromosomal analysis (trisomy), testing for Prader-Willi
Zellweger syndrome)
• Endocrine (hypothyroidism)
• Plasma amino acids and urine organic acids
• Metabolic (rickets, renal tubular acidosis)
• Urine mucopolysaccharide screen (GAG)
Connective tissue disorders • Molecular/biochemical diagnosis of pro-collagen disorders
• Ehlers-Danlos syndrome • Very long chain fatty acids
• Osteogenesis imperfecta • Medical genetics opinion
• Congenital ligamentous laxity • Ophthalmology opinion
• Benign congenital hypotonia • Brain imaging (CT/MRI)

Table 5 Table 7

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 19 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

Investigations of peripheral hypotonia Useful EMG features in peripheral hypotonia

• Creatinine kinase • EMG/NCS studies may distinguish between neurogenic,

• Lactate myopathic and myasthenic aetiologies for hypotonia
• EMG/NCS/repetitive nerve stimulation test • Neurogenic – large amplitude action potentials, reduced
• Muscle biopsy (histology, immunohistochemistry, electron interference pattern, increased internal instability
microscopy, respiratory chain enzyme analysis) • Myopathic – small amplitude action potentials with increased
• Genetic testing (SMN gene deletion present in 95% of cases interference pattern
of spinal muscular atrophy type 1, myotonic dystrophy, • Myotonic – increased insertional activity
congenital myasthenic syndromes) • Myasthenic – abnormal repetitive and single fibre studies
• Nerve biopsy (rarely)
• Tensilon test Table 9

Table 8
usually inconclusive.5 In general, EMG and biopsy studies more
often concur in denervation than myopathy. Classic EMG/NCS
­ uscular atrophy), and can be confirmed by testing for the
m findings in myopathic and neurogenic disorders are outlined in
homozygous deletion of exon 7 in the telomeric survival motor Table 9. Recent advances in the diagnosis of congenital myas-
neurone gene.3 Failure to identify electrophysiological abnor- thenic syndromes allow for DNA testing in some of the common
malities should prompt testing for Prader-Willi syndrome. syndromes where there is strong clinical suspicion, particularly
Arthrogryposis, feeding difficulties, recurrent apnoeic/choking in young children where accurate neurophysiology evidence is
episodes, ­ophthalmoplegia, ­ptosis and fatigability should prompt sometimes difficult to obtain.6
­investigations for congenital myasthenic syndromes. Finally,
muscle biopsy is recommended in neonates with weakness,
Therapeutic approach
even if needle EMG is normal (Figure 3). Care should, however,
be taken in patient selection for muscle biopsy because of an Various aspects of function may be affected in a floppy infant.
increased risk of anaesthetic complications (postoperative respi- In most cases, supportive therapies are indicated. Few condi-
ratory failure and reactions to anaesthetic agents, particularly tions have specific treatments. These include hypothyroidism
malignant hyperthermia and rhabdomyolysis). (thyroxine), some types of congenital myasthenic syndromes
EMG studies are used as a supportive diagnostic tool in (pyridostigmine or neostigmine) and rickets (vitamin D). Some
deciding whether there is true weakness due to neuromus- metabolic disorders may respond to specific dietary modifications
cular disease, or hypotonia from causes in other systems or or enzyme replacement therapies. The mainstays of ­ treatment
other parts of the nervous system, and whether the process are outlined in Table 10.
is due to a myopathic, neuropathic or a denervating process.4
In general, EMG can be performed at any age, although some
Prognosis and prevention
caution is required in the interpretation of results within the
first 6–8 weeks of life, particularly if the baby was premature. Rapid as well as accurate diagnosis of individual cases is vital
Whilst severe myopathy or neuropathy is not usually difficult in order to provide precise prognostic information. Ethical con-
to diagnose on EMG, studies on cases of mild weakness are siderations, such as the appropriateness of cardiopulmonary

Left, muscle biopsy (histochemistry) and right, electron microscopy in nemaline rod myopathy (congenital myopathy).

Figure 3

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 20 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

4 Brett EM. Pediatric neurology. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone,

Principles of management 1997.
5 Russell JW, Afifi AK, Ross MA. Predictive value of electromyography
• Physiotherapy - stretches aimed at prevention of contractures in diagnosis and prognosis of the hypotonic infant. J Child Neurol
• Occupational therapy - appliances, improvement of posture 1992; 7: 387–389.
and function, facilitating activities of daily living 6 Parr JR, Jayawant S. Childhood myasthenia:clinical subtypes and
• Prevention and correction of scoliosis practical management. Dev Med Child Neurol 2007; 49: 629–635.
• Evaluation and treatment of associated cardiac dysfunction
• Respiratory support - assessment of requirement for invasive
or non-invasive ventilation and/or tracheostomy Recommended reading
• Feeding - nasogastric feeding, caloric supplementation, Dubowitz V. Muscle disorders in childhood. London: WB Saunders
gastrostomy Company, 1995.
• Management of gastro-oesophageal reflux - medical or
• Orthopaedic intervention in setting of established or evolving
joint contractures
• Encouragement of overall development and stimulation of Practice points
• Prevention (influenza and pneumococcal vaccination) and • Many neurological and non-neurological disorders can
prompt treatment of respiratory infections present with hypotonia
• Central causes of hypotonia must be distinguished from
Table 10 those due to neuromuscular disease
• Neuromuscular causes are usually characterized by the
presence of significant weakness
resuscitation in the event of cardiac arrest or acute respiratory • Neurophysiological studies are a helpful initial investigation
failure, need to be addressed sensitively. Informed discussion • Muscle biopsy is usually required to diagnose muscle disease
around these issues requires detailed knowledge, where avail- • Some conditions can be diagnosed on genetic testing alone
able, of specific conditions and, in particular, their presentation,
clinical features, course and outcomes. Prenatal diagnosis using
amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling is often feasible if a
definitive diagnosis has been reached in the index case. ◆
Recent developments
• Recent advances in genetics have uncovered new conditions
causing hypotonia and weakness such as congenital
References myasthenic syndromes and spinal muscular atrophy variants
1 Fenichel GM. Pediatric neurology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders • Advances in immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and
Company, 2005. genetics have led to a more specific diagnosis of myopathies
2 Richer LP, Shevell MI, Miller SP. Diagnostic profile of neonatal • Some of these advances have allowed for specific therapeutic
hypotonia: an 11-year study. Pediatr Neurol 2001; 25: 32–37. interventions, e.g. use of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in
3 Nicole S, Diaz CC, Frugier T, et al. Spinal muscular atrophy: recent some congenital myasthenic syndromes
advances and future prospects. Muscle Nerve 2002; 26: 4–13.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 21 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

Recent developments in the Introduction

management of Duchenne Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) affects 1 in every 3500

live male births. DMD is the first genetic condition for which the

muscular dystrophy defect was identified by positional cloning. Approximately 65%

of patients with DMD have intragenic out-of-frame (gross rear-
rangements) deletions and approximately 10% have duplications
Maria Kinali of one or more exons of the dystrophin gene.1 The remaining
patients have point mutations or other smaller gene rearrange-
Adnan Y Manzur ments (pure intronic deletions, insertions of repetitive sequences,
splice site mutations). Depending on the type of mutation, there
Francesco Muntoni may be a severe reduction or absence of dystrophin in the muscle,
resulting in DMD phenotype, or a partly functional truncated pro-
tein, resulting in the milder Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD).1
Dystrophin links the cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix.1
Lack of dystrophin compromises this link, leading to muscle fibre
Abstract degeneration. Dystrophin also appears to play a role in signal
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common and severe transduction, although this has a limited role in the pathogenesis
childhood muscular dystrophy, resulting in progressive muscle weakness of the muscle degeneration.
and wasting, disability and decreased survival. Although the molecular The common presentation of DMD is with abnormal gait and
defect in DMD is known, no curative treatment is available. The treat- difficulty in rising from the floor, which becomes clinically evi-
ment options of glucocorticoid corticosteroids and supportive measures, dent between the ages of 3 and 5 years. Progression of muscle
such as ventilation and management of cardiac insufficiency, have be- weakness and contractures of the tendon Achilles (TA) leads to
come accepted clinical practice in the last decade, and these are of loss of walking at a mean age of 9.5 years. Wheelchair depen-
major interest to the paediatrician as they have significantly changed the dence is associated with progressive scoliosis. In untreated indi-
course of the disease in treated individuals. This has implications not viduals, the leading cause of death is respiratory insufficiency
only for the affected individual and his family, but also for the medical in the late teens or early 20s. Approximately 80% of deaths are
and social sectors to provide transition to adult medical services and for related to respiratory complications, while 20% succumb to
provision of suitable employment, and social care. dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Feeding difficulties and weight
Several experimental therapeutic strategies, including cell and gene loss are common in the late stages of the disease. No curative
therapy, are promising, with encouraging results in relevant animal mod- treatment for DMD is known, but the quality of life and comfort
els and in cultured human cells. As a number of approaches are in early of the patient can be improved by symptomatic physiotherapeutic
clinical trials, expectations are raised of their impact as a cure for DMD; and medical treatments.
nevertheless, it is not realistic to expect that these approaches will have
a substantial impact on disease course in the short term. While waiting
Symptomatic treatment modalities
for a curative therapy to become available, symptomatic and palliative
treatment is essential to enhance the patient’s quality of life. This review Physiotherapy
addresses the advances in these therapies aimed at improving func- Physiotherapy to promote walking and prevent joint deformities
tion and quality of life in patients with DMD, and the current status of remains the mainstay of treatment. Prevention/control of lower
­research into the DMD experimental therapies. limb contractures is achieved by a regular passive stretching of
the TA and the use of night splints once the ankles cannot be
Keywords Duchenne muscular dystrophy; management; therapy dorsiflexed beyond the neutral position. Exercise programmes,
such as swimming, are recommended, while activity against
resistance is not. Detailed recommendations for exercise and
physiotherapy are available.2

Prolongation of walking with orthoses

Maria Kinali MD MRCPCH is a Senior Clinical Research Fellow at the Rehabilitation in knee–ankle–foot orthoses (KAFOs) is effective
Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre, Department of Paediatrics, Division of in prolonging walking for an average of 18 months to 2 years.
Medicine, Hammersmith Campus, Imperial College, London. Prolongation of walking beyond 13 years of age protects against
rapidly progressive scoliosis.3 KAFOs are offered to boys with
Adnan Y Manzur DCH FRCPCH is a Consultant Paediatrician at the DMD at the end of independent ambulation, i.e. when they can
Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre, Department of Paediatrics, Division of take only a few steps with/without assistance. The technique
Medicine, Hammersmith Campus, Imperial College, London. involves custom-built KAFOs and surgical release of the TA, or
serial casting to reduce ankle contracture and allow fitting of
Francesco Muntoni MD FRCPCH FMed Scie is a Professor of Paediatric KAFOs. Regular review at a centre with rehabilitation facilities
Neurology at the Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre, Department of has the advantages of psychological preparation of the child and
Paediatrics, Division of Medicine, Hammersmith Campus, Imperial family for loss of walking, and choosing the appropriate timing
College, London. for intervention.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 22 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

Pharmacotherapy Beta-2 agonists: beta-2 adrenergic agonists have been shown to

Corticosteroids: of the pharmacological agents tried in DMD, glu- induce muscle hypertrophy and prevent atrophy after physical and
cocorticoid corticosteroids are the most effective. The Cochrane biochemical insults in animal studies. A 12-week RCT showed that
systematic review of the glucocorticoids in DMD4 and European albuterol increased muscle strength in knee extensors and flexors
Neuromuscular Centre Steroids in DMD workshop report5 review in nine ambulant patients with DMD.8 These results need confirma-
the evidence and summarize the benefits, risks, research and tion in a larger RCT. The safety of albuterol on increasing heart rate,
clinical aspects of this treatment. especially in those with concurrent DCM, remains to be addressed.
Randomized controlled trials (RCT) have shown that treatment
with prednisolone can stabilize strength and function for 6 months Management of respiratory complications
to 2 years.4 Prednisolone has been the most widely used medica- The teenage years in DMD are marked by decreased respiratory
tion and the starting dose is 0.75 mg/kg/day. Non-­randomized reserve and sleep hypoventilation, which is a sequel of respi-
studies with prednisolone or deflazacort have documented pro- ratory muscle weakness and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
longation of walking ability, preservation of respiratory function related hypoxemic dips. The spectrum of symptoms includes
as indicated by forced vital capacity (FVC) and reduction in the morning drowsiness, poor appetite, headaches, nausea, fatigue,
incidence of scoliosis and cardiomyopathy in boys with DMD who tiredness, dysthymia, poor concentration at school, failure to
tolerated long term daily doses of corticosteroids. The daily steroid thrive, reduced coughing ability or overt respiratory failure in
regimens have significant side effects, notably vertebral fractures the course of ‘minor respiratory infections’. In untreated patients
in approximately a third of patients treated long term. In order who have become hypercapnic, the survival is less than a year.9
to lessen the adverse effects, Dubowitz recommended an inter- Until recent decades, this signified imminent demise, as the
mittent regimen of prednisolone; a 6-month RCT of prednisolone only option to prolong life was the use of a mechanical ventilator
0.75 mg/kg/day for the first 10 days of every month demonstrated through tracheostomy; this was limited by the complex ethical
slowing of functional deterioration. issues of invasive ventilation of patients with totally incapacitat-
Despite the uncertainties regarding the long term safety of cor- ing and incurable disease with no option for a ‘normal’ death.
ticosteroids in DMD, they have been shown to alter the natural In recent years, domiciliary non-invasive ventilation (NIV) has
history in relation to ambulation, cardiomyopathy, respiratory proven effective in symptom relief and prolonging survival. The
function and scoliosis. Corticosteroids should be preferably com- patient’s breathing at night is augmented with breaths delivered
menced in all early ambulant cases (4–7 years) and in most older by a compact, portable ventilator with a snugly fitting facial or
ambulant children, unless contraindicated. Treatment needs to be nose mask. NIV corrects sleep hypoventilation without significant
monitored for benefit, adverse effects and dose adjustment. The noise, encroachment on living space or restriction of travel, and
optimal starting dose of prednisone (0.75 mg/kg/day) is often together with the use of cough-assist devices, can extend survival
not tolerated in the long term and, over the course of years, the to the average mid-20s and in rare cases to the fourth decade.9
dose often has to be decreased. Follow-up in a specialist centre Because of these findings, many physicians have argued that
allows for appropriate monitoring, dosing and management of denying NIV to hypercapnic patients with DMD is unethical.
adverse effects. Optimizing bone health in corticosteroid-treated Regular monitoring for symptoms of sleep hypoventilation, FVC
patients includes dietary advice regarding calcium and vitamin D, and overnight sleep studies when the FVC falls below 60% allow
and supplementation if plasma vitamin D levels are low.6 There for timely initiation of NIV. Gradual initiation of NIV in individuals
is currently no consensus on the prophylactic use of bisphospho- with nocturnal hypercapnia but daytime normocapnia is advanta-
nates, but they are indicated for treatment of vertebral fractures. geous, as waiting for daytime ventilatory failure exposes patients
to minor chest infections and uncontrolled decompensation.10
Creatine: a dietary component in meat eaters, is also synthesized
endogenously and is stored primarily in skeletal muscle. Creatine Management of cardiac complications
in the muscle is converted to phosphocreatine to build and pro- DCM occurs in up to 90% of boys with DMD aged ≥18 years.
vide energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate. Creatine may DCM becomes symptomatic only in a minority and is the cause of
enhance the performance of high-­intensity, short-duration exer- death in 20%. It is likely that DCM may manifest in a larger pro-
cise but is not useful in endurance sports. Creatine pre-­treatment portion of individuals in whom NIV prevents respiratory-related
of mdx mice muscle cell cultures increased phosphocreatine morbidity. The optimal timing of introducing therapy for DCM
­levels, myotube formation and survival. A RCT of creatine sup- remains an unresolved issue. Duboc et al11 have shown that early
plementation in DMD has failed, however, to show any signifi- treatment with perindopril delayed the onset and progression of
cant improvement in strength and function.7 left ventricular dysfunction. There is a debate in the literature
as to whether to treat a complication that is often asymptomatic
Coenzyme Q10 and antioxidants: coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is for a long time before deteriorating into clear-cut cardiac failure.
­synthesized endogenously, absorbed by the gastrointestinal sys- Current evidence on other forms of DCM shows early treatment
tem and then bound in the inner mitochondrial membrane regu- to be clearly superior to late therapy.12
lating respiratory chain effects. Previous double blind trials have While awaiting the results of RCTs, several consensus
shown low efficacy, making it difficult to rule out any disease documents have been prepared which recommend the use of
modifying effect. A phase III clinical trial is currently assessing ­angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, beta blockers
the effect of CoQ10 (serum level greater than 2.5 μg/ml) and and diuretics in patients with early cardiomyopathy.13 Aggrava-
prednisolone (0.75 mg/kg/day) in wheelchair-dependent patients tion of cardiac failure by nocturnal hypoventilation should be
with DMD ( looked for and treated.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 23 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

The risk of cardiac involvement in carriers of DMD is approxi-

Experimental therapies
mately 10%, and this may occur in the absence of muscle ­weakness.
Genetic counselling should include informing carriers of the car- The last decade has seen major advances in understanding of
diac risks, and their surveillance and treatment planned for. the molecular genetics and pathogenesis of the muscular dystro-
phies, and this in turn has raised expectation of a curative treat-
Management of scoliosis ment with gene therapy.
Scoliosis usually manifests after loss of walking, shows rapid
progression coincident with the pubertal growth spurt and Animal models
has a negative impact on respiratory function, feeding, seating Two naturally occurring animal models for DMD have been cru-
and comfort. Scoliosis and age to which walking is preserved cial in testing the safety and efficacy of gene therapy and other
are interrelated, with much lower incidence in boys who have new pharmacotherapies. The dystrophic golden retriever dog
walked for longer, having used steroids and/or KAFOs.14 A spi- (GRMD) has a point mutation, which induces exon skipping,
nal brace does not prevent progression of scoliosis, but may be muscle wasting and weakness, contractures and decreased sur-
useful in postural management. vival akin to the human disease. The mdx mouse has a stop
Surgical spinal fusion is indicated when the spinal curve codon in exon 23, resulting in dystrophin-deficient muscle fibres,
is progressing, and the optimum time for making the decision but phenotypically the mouse is not weak and its survival is only
is when the range of the curve’s Cobb angle is 20–40°.15 The minimally limited compared to wild type.
decision to offer surgery needs input from the multidisciplinary
team, and pre-operative assessment is essential to ensure that the Drugs affecting fibrosis: blocking endogenous muscle calcium
operation is safe and a time chosen for surgery when the FVC is proteases and transforming growth factor β
greater than 30% predicted for height and the cardiac function, as Transforming growth factor β (TGF β) inhibits terminal differen-
­demonstrated by echocardiogram, is good. Spinal surgery can be tiation of human cultured myoblasts in vitro. Increased activity
performed when the FVC is between 20% and 30%, but the risks of TGF β leads to failed regeneration in mdx mice.19 Losartan
are greater and this should be undertaken in specialized centres. (an angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist) antagonizes TGF β
and has been shown to ameliorate the signs of dystrophy in mdx
Nutritional aspects mice. This has inspired hope that use of a common drug such
The spectrum of nutritional difficulties includes initial presen- as losartan could potentially be effective for all cases of DMD; a
tation with failure to thrive, obesity during the late ambulant RCT of losartan is currently planned in DMD.
phase, especially in corticosteroid treated individuals, and wast-
ing in the spinal surgery postoperative period and the late teen- Genetic approaches
age years. All patients with DMD should be given dietary advice Currently, adeno-associated virus (AAV) is the vector of choice for
to avoid obesity, which has negative implications for mobility, gene therapy of muscular dystrophy. AAV is a small, non-envel-
especially when the patient is treated with daily ­steroids. oped, single-stranded DNA virus, which requires co-infection
Young adults with DMD may have chewing and swallowing with a second ‘helper’ virus for replication. The main advantage
difficulties, choking and fear of choking, and failure to thrive. of AAV resides in its efficiency in transducing skeletal and cardiac
Appropriate facilities for weighing wheelchair-dependent ado- muscles after intravenous injection. Wild-type AAV does not cause
lescent patients should be available in the clinics to allow for any human disease and only induces a mild immune response.
regular weight monitoring. Patients with failure to thrive and/or There are several challenges of the AAV gene therapy
swallowing difficulties benefit from a dietetic and a speech and approach. The small genome size carried by the AAV is a draw-
language therapist’s assessment as nutritional supplementation back for the insertion of large transgenes such as dystrophin.
and observation of mealtimes and swallowing videofluoroscopy Removal of the non-essential portion of the dystrophin gene
allow further advice about postural management, feeding aids or has allowed ‘minigenes’ and smaller ‘microdystrophins’ to be
gastrostomy insertion.16 engineered but their effectiveness remains under investigation,
particularly in larger animal models. Stimulation of an undesir-
able immune response and toxicity can be minimized by using
Survival and transition of care
muscle-specific promoters to restrict expression to target mus-
It was common practice for the paediatrician to stay in charge cle cells. As high viral load is necessary, substantial advances
of the medical care of patients with DMD because the limited in vector production and muscle transduction efficiency with
survival into the third decade of life in only a minority of patients recently developed serotypes to lower AAV doses are impor-
was considered not to justify the transfer of care to the adult med- tant20 before use in future clinical trials. Other hurdles are that
ical teams with the attendant psychological impact on the young viral vectors rarely integrate into chromosomes and are lost from
person and family. This resulted in lack of formal arrangements cells contributing to muscle regeneration following multiple cell
for transition of care to the adult teams. The improvements in divisions, and the concern of potential immune response to the
general care in the 1970s and the frequent provision of NIV from vector and/or transgene. Recombinant AAV vectors do not con-
the 1990s, has improved the mean survival in the UK to 27 years17 tain any viral genes, but the vector capsid proteins are capable
and further prolongation of survival is anticipated as a result of of inducing humoral immune responses in animals, a major
corticosteroid treatment. This underlines the need for develop- obstacle to subsequent treatments. Transient immune suppres-
ment of good transition protocols and, in particular, improvement sion strategies to prevent any cell-mediated response to the vec-
in rehabilitation and social services for the adult with DMD.18 tor itself are being explored,21 in addition to the possibility of

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 24 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

using different serotypes for the subsequent administrations. It Modification of dystrophin mRNA splicing: antisense oligomers
remains to be seen whether human dystrophin will provoke an and exon skipping trials
immune response in patients with DMD. Antisense oligonucleotides or oligomers (AOs) are research tools
used to knock down target gene expression. More recently, AOs
Utrophin upregulation have also been used to redirect splicing and induce exon skipping.
Utrophin, a protein homologous to dystrophin,22 binds to the The dystrophin gene is an ideal target for such a strategy: most
dystrophin–glycoprotein complex. In normal adults, utrophin is individuals with DMD have out-of-frame deletions or duplications,
localized at the post-synaptic membranes of the neuromuscular which result in non-functional dystrophin proteins, while deletions
junction, peripheral nerves and vascular bed of their skeletal that maintain the open reading frame give rise to semi-functional
muscles. Utrophin is virtually absent at the sarcolemma of mature dystrophins and milder phenotypes (BMD). Internally-truncated
muscle fibres but is highly expressed in the sarcolemma of fetal dystrophins are also expressed in so-called ‘revertant fibres’ – indi-
and regenerating fibres and represents another indirect marker vidual dystrophin-positive fibres found in 50% of DMD patients
of dystrophy. Utrophin can prevent dystrophic pathology in the and in mdx mice.1 These revertant fibres arise via aberrant splicing
transgenic mdx mouse, leading to the hypothesis that utrophin and unexpected skipping of exons, which flank the deleted exons;
might be capable of supplanting dystrophin, without provoking this results in restoration of the open reading frame. In DMD it is
an immune response and possibly reducing the disease sever- possible to target an exon which flanks an out-of-frame deletion so
ity.22 The UK company VASTox recently discovered a drug com- that the reading frame can be restored and dystrophin production
pound VOXC1100, which upregulates utrophin, and clinical trials allowed. This can be achieved by AOs which prevent the normal
are planned. The wide applicability of such a technique holds splicing of genes by masking crucial areas of the messenger RNA
promise for different muscular dystrophies; however, potential during the splicing process. The early proof of concept studies
response differences between humans and the mdx mouse will were done in cell cultures of the mdx mouse and subsequently
have to be addressed first. in DMD cells. More recently, the direct injection of AOs into the
muscle of mdx mice resulted in robust restoration of dystrophin
Cell transplantation expression at the sarcolemma.28 Systemic administration of AOs
Transplantation of myoblasts has demonstrated negative or very in the mdx mouse also resulted in appreciable induction of exon
modest results in DMD. The proof of principle came from studies skipping, and repeated intravenous administration of AOs resulted
in the mdx mouse, which resulted in dystrophin expression. in functional levels of dystrophin expression in body-wide skel-
The main limitation of this approach is that transplanted cells etal muscles of the mdx mouse, with corresponding improvement
are unable to migrate following direct injection, so any effect is in muscle function.29 Despite these encouraging results, there are
limited to the area of the injection. Moreover, transplanted cells several limitations of AOs. First, different deletions will require
undergo a rapid and massive death (80%) soon after the injection, different AOs and, second, the treatment is not permanent but
though this can be prevented by immunosuppressive therapy.23 limited to the period in which the AO persists in the tissue. AO
The need for direct injection of a large number of cells at high den- treatment will therefore require repeated administrations for the
sity in all muscles of the body makes this approach impractical. entire life of the patient with DMD, and whether this will be asso-
The recent identification of subpopulations of stem cell ciated with any toxicity is not known. AOs nevertheless have a
which can reach skeletal muscle with arterial injection has fairly good safety profile from data available on human trials. Two
boosted new hopes in the cellular approach. Stem cells have the European consortia in the Netherlands (
ability of self renewal and give rise to progenitor or precursor news_may10_06.pdf) and the UK (
cells before differentiating into other cells. A promising study show/NCT00159250?order=1) are currently testing the safety and
on the mdx mouse has shown that human-derived ­ pericytes, local efficacy of intramuscularly administered AOs and results are
usually embedded in the basal membrane of microvessels, can expected in late 2007. These results will inform the feasibility of
differentiate into satellite stem cells.24 These studies have been future systemic delivery studies, which are planned for 2008.
paralleled by the identification of similar cells in the GRMD
and their transplantation resulted in some functional success.25
Clinical trials using pericytes are now being planned in DMD.
Two of the authors (FM and MK) are involved in a phase I/II
Read-through of stop codon mutations trial using morpholino antisense oligomers in DMD. The study
This technique is applicable to ∼7–10% of patients with DMD is funded by the Department of Health, and Imperial College
who have nonsense mutations in the dystrophin gene. Aminogly- ­London is the study sponsor. ◆
cosides can cause misreading of the RNA code, allowing inser-
tion of alternative amino acids at the site of the mutated codon,
transcription and protein formation.26 This was originally shown
with gentamycin in the mdx mouse,26 although the results were References
not replicated in human trials. More recently, PTC-124, a novel 1 Muntoni F, Torelli S, Ferlini A. Dystrophin and mutations: one gene,
orally administered molecule with a similar mechanism of action several proteins, multiple phenotypes. Lancet Neurol 2003; 2:
as gentamycin, has been shown to be more efficient and less toxic 731–740.
in two human clinical trials on healthy volunteers.27 A phase II 2 Eagle M. Report on the muscular dystrophy campaign workshop:
clinical trial in DMD is underway and preliminary manufacturer’s exercise in neuromuscular diseases Newcastle, January 2002.
data (October 2006) suggest that it is safe and well tolerated. Neuromuscul Disord 2002; 12: 975–983.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 25 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

3 Rodillo EB, Fernandez-Bermejo E, Heckmatt JZ, et al. Prevention of 21 Wang Z, Kuhr CS, Allen JM, et al. Sustained AAV-mediated dystrophin
rapidly progressive scoliosis in Duchenne muscular dystrophy by expression in a canine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy with a
prolongation of walking with orthoses. J Child Neurol 1988; 3: 269–274. brief course of immunosuppression. Mol Ther 2007; 15: 1160–1166.
4 Manzur AY, Kuntzer T, Pike M, et al. Glucocorticoid corticosteroids 22 Tinsley JM, Davies KE. Utrophin: a potential replacement for
for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev dystrophin? Neuromuscul Disord 1993; 3: 537–539.
2004(2): CD003725. 23 Skuk D, Goulet M, Roy B, et al. First test of a “high-density injection”
5 Bushby K, Muntoni F, Urtizberea A, et al. Report on the 124th protocol for myogenic cell transplantation throughout large volumes
ENMC International Workshop. Treatment of Duchenne muscular of muscles in a Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient: eighteen
dystrophy; defining the gold standards of management in the months follow-up. Neuromuscul Disord 2007; 17: 38–46.
use of corticosteroids. 2–4 April 2004, Naarden, The Netherlands. 24 Dellavalle A, Sampaolesi M, Tonlorenzi R, et al. Pericytes of human
Neuromuscul Disord 2004; 14: 526–534. skeletal muscle are myogenic precursors distinct from satellite cells.
6 Quinlivan R, Roper H, Davie M, et al. Report of a Muscular Dystrophy Nat Cell Biol 2007; 9: 255–267.
Campaign funded workshop Birmingham, UK, January 16th 2004. 25 Sampaolesi M, Blot S, D’Antona G, et al. Mesoangioblast stem cells
Osteoporosis in Duchenne muscular dystrophy; its prevalence, ameliorate muscle function in dystrophic dogs. Nature 2006; 444:
treatment and prevention. Neuromuscul Disord 2005; 15: 72–79. 574–579.
7 Escolar DM, Buyse G, Henricson E, et al. CINRG randomized 26 Barton-Davis ER, Cordier L, Shoturma DI, et al. Aminoglycoside
controlled trial of creatine and glutamine in Duchenne muscular antibiotics restore dystrophin function to skeletal muscles of mdx
dystrophy. Ann Neurol 2005; 58: 151–155. mice. J Clin Invest 1999; 104: 375–381.
8 Fowler EG, Graves MC, Wetzel GT, et al. Pilot trial of albuterol in 27 Hirawat S, Welch EM, Elfring GL, et al. Safety, tolerability, and
Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy. Neurology 2004; 62: pharmacokinetics of PTC124, a nonaminoglycoside nonsense
1006–1008. mutation suppressor, following single- and multiple-dose
9 Simonds AK. Recent advances in respiratory care for neuromuscular administration to healthy male and female adult volunteers.
disease. Chest 2006; 130: 1879–1886. J Clin Pharmacol 2007; 47: 430–444.
10 Ward S, Chatwin M, Heather S, et al. Randomised controlled trial 28 Wells DJ. Therapeutic restoration of dystrophin expression in Duchenne
of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) for nocturnal hypoventilation muscular dystrophy. J Muscle Res Cell Motil 2006; 27: 387–398.
in neuromuscular and chest wall disease patients with daytime 29 Alter J, Lou F, Rabinowitz A, et al. Systemic delivery of morpholino
normocapnia. Thorax 2005; 60: 1019–1024. oligonucleotide restores dystrophin expression bodywide and
11 Duboc D, Meune C, Lerebours G, et al. Effect of perindopril on the improves dystrophic pathology. Nat Med 2006; 12: 175–177.
onset and progression of left ventricular dysfunction in Duchenne
muscular dystrophy. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005; 45: 855–857.
12 Bourke JP. Cardiac monitoring and treatment for children and
adolescents with neuromuscular disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol
2006; 48: 164.
13 Bushby K, Muntoni F, Bourke JP. 107th ENMC international Practice points
workshop: the management of cardiac involvement in muscular
dystrophy and myotonic dystrophy. 7th–9th June 2002, Naarden, the • Multidisciplinary team input with follow-up in specialized
Netherlands. Neuromuscul Disord 2003; 13: 166–172. centres is the key to optimal management
14 Kinali M, Main M, Eliahoo J, et al. Predictive factors for the • Regular physiotherapy by parents and use of night ankle
development of scoliosis in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Eur J splints in the ambulant stages prevents/controls lower limbs
Paediatr Neurol 2007; 11: 160–166. contractures
15 Muntoni F, Bushby K, Manzur AY. Muscular Dystrophy Campaign • Rehabilitation in knee–ankle–foot orthoses (KAFOs) is
Funded Workshop on Management of Scoliosis in Duchenne effective in prolonging walking for an average of 2 years
Muscular Dystrophy 24 January 2005, London, UK. Neuromuscul • Glucocorticoid corticosteroids should be offered to all
Disord 2006; 16: 210–219. ambulant patients from the age of 4 years onwards
16 Pane M, Vasta I, Messina S, et al. Feeding problems and weight gain • Close monitoring for corticosteroid dose adjustment, based
in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Eur J Paediatr Neurol 2006; 10: on response and adverse effects, is essential
231–236. • Regular echocardiographic monitoring (every 2 years
17 Eagle M, Bourke J, Bullock R, et al. Managing Duchenne muscular until age 10 and then annually) allows early treatment of
dystrophy – the additive effect of spinal surgery and home nocturnal cardiomyopathy
ventilation in improving survival. Neuromuscul Disord 2007; 17: • Scoliosis management is individualized, depending upon age,
470–475. rate of scoliosis progression and cardiorespiratory function
18 Parker AE, Robb SA, Chambers J, et al. Analysis of an adult • Annual sleep studies, once FVC is ≤ 60%, and surveillance for
Duchenne muscular dystrophy population. QJM 2005; 98: 729–736. symptoms of sleep hypoventilation, allow timely introduction
19 Friedman KJ, Kole J, Cohn JA, et al. Correction of aberrant splicing of of non-invasive ventilatory support
the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene • Night-time non-invasive ventilation is well tolerated, relieves
by antisense oligonucleotides. J Biol Chem 1999; 274: 36193–36199. symptoms and improves survival
20 Gregorevic P, Allen JM, Minami E, et al. rAAV6-microdystrophin • Every unit should develop robust protocols for transition of
preserves muscle function and extends lifespan in severely care to adult medical teams
dystrophic mice. Nat Med 2006; 12: 787–789.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 26 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

Management of neonatal arises in choosing the best treatment option for a ­particular aeti-­
ology and is discussed below.

hydrocephalus Intraventricular haemorrhage

Full term IVH probably occurs more often than we think but is
Neil Buxton more common at lower birth weights.3–5 IVH does not invariably
cause HC. There is controversy as to how HC follows IVH. Some
have suggested that proteinaceous material blocks the arach-­
noid granulations, thus resulting in excess cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) due to reduced reabsorption.6 In some cases there must
be some kind of block to CSF passage at the exit foraminae of
the fourth ventricle, as this would explain why endoscopic third
Abstract ventriculostomy (ETV) works in some patients with IVH (18%).7
Neonatal hydrocephalus is a complex disorder due to many different However, the majority need to have shunts inserted and, despite
causes. This review seeks to encapsulate the management of neonatal many recently advocating the use of ETV,8–11 this is still consid-­
hydrocephalus in the term neonate. The current treatments are explored ered by most to be the treatment of first option.
and explained. ETV has also been used to washout heavy protein loaded CSF
and to enable shunting to be implemented somewhat earlier or
Keywords hydrocephalus; intraventricular haemorrhage; neonatal even avoided.12 In heavy blood/protein loaded CSF, drainage
­meningitis; neonates; shunts may be needed for some time before shunting to reduce the risk
of shunt blockage, although lumbar drainage has been successful
in avoiding shunting in IVH (see below).13

Neonatal meningitis
Meningitis can also lead to HC. This may be due to a heavy pro-­
Neonatal hydrocephalus (NHC) is increasingly becoming the tein load causing problems at the arachnoid granulations or dis-­
most difficult management problem in paediatric neurosurgery crete blockages of exit foraminae by debris or membranes. Hence,
but survival from the hydrocephalus has improved.1 There are again, ETV has been shown to be effective in some post-­meningitic
many problems associated with aetiology, body weight and HC cases but the majority will require shunt insertion.
immaturity, including unfused sutures, relating to risks of infec-­ During the acute, infective phase, and whilst there is heavy
tion and controversies with actual treatment protocols. This protein load in the CSF, it may be necessary to drain the HC with
review is intended to give an overview of current thoughts on the an external ventricular drain (EVD) in order to reduce the intra-­
management of hydrocephalus in the term neonate. The manage-­ cranial hypertension. Obviously, such a device can be used to
ment of hydrocephalus (HC) in the premature child will not be drain excess CSF, but is also useful for obtaining CSF samples for
covered. serial cultures and for the administration of intraventricular anti-­
Neonatal hydrocephalus occurs in approximately 1 in 1000 biotics (a technique restricted to specialist neurosurgical units).
live births. It is secondary to full term intraventricular haem-­ Draining the CSF in this way will allow it to return to its normal
orrhage (IVH), infection or congenital causes such as tumours, constituent levels, so allowing shunting to be implemented. It is
aqueduct stenosis, Dandy–Walker syndrome and its variants or, generally believed that the higher the protein load of the CSF the
of course, it can be truly idiopathic. more likely it is that the shunt will fail due to blockage by debris;
Where possible, treatment of the cause is the first priority but this is not the case with HC secondary to tuberculous meningitis.
in many cases the treatment of the hydrocephalus takes prece-­ In these circumstances, the protein load is much less important
dence. For example, in meningitis with HC, draining an enlarged and shunting can take place earlier.14,15
ventricular system may be necessary even before the infection
has been completely cleared. Non-communicating hydrocephalus
Birth weight influences treatment choices as well. There is The terminology communicating and non-communicating hydro-­
a reluctance to introduce any permanent shunt systems into a cephalus is becoming controversial, partly because of issues
child less than 2 kg in weight because below this weight there is with post-infectious and post-haemorrhagic HC, as briefly men-­
a substantially increased risk of shunt failure due to infection.2 tioned above. It is clear that tumours, aqueduct stenosis and
Fortunately, most term babies exceed this weight. Dandy–Walker syndrome and its variants can have physical
blocks to the passage of the CSF, and thus can lead to truly non-
­communicating HC. In these types of HC, seemingly in all ages,
Treatment choices
ETV is the treatment of choice.16,17
All authorities in Western countries agree that, except in the most Unfortunately, ETV in the truly non-communicating hydro-­
devastating of circumstances, the HC should be treated. ­Difficulty cephalus in some younger children will still fail. There are no
accepted theories for this but it may be that the pressure of CSF
required to initiate CSF reabsorption via the arachnoid granu-­
Neil Buxton MB ChB DMCC FRCS(Ed) FRCS(Neuro Surg) is a Consultant Paediatric lations exceeds the pressure needed to expand the cranium in
Neurosurgeon, Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK. those with unfused sutures; in such a situation, ETV is certain to

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 27 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

fail and a shunt is required. Whilst seemingly very simple, shunt-­ c­ ommon alternatives include the right atrium via a neck vein
ing is controversial too and in order to address this small number and the superior vena cava (the historical site of choice) and also
of children and their requirements an international randomized the pleural space. The pleura is used as a last resort in those in
trial is looking at the efficacy of shunting versus ETV. whom there has been extensive abdominal surgery, peritonitis or
necrotizing enterocolitis, and whose neck veins have been dam-­
Idiopathic aged by central lines. Pleural shunts always cause effusions and,
So-called idiopathic HC is best treated by treating the underlying if there is a significant CSF volume, then the effusion resulting
anatomical precedence. If there is evidence of flow obstruction, may embarrass lung function. A balance must be struck. Simi-­
then ETV may well work; otherwise it is likely that shunting will larly, in the abdomen there can be a bulging tense abdominal
be required. wall and the development of CSF hydrocoeles.

Shunt failure
In the presence of third or fourth ventricular tumours or tectal plate
or brainstem tumours causing HC, the HC can easily be treated by This is almost inevitable in the lifetime of a patient with a shunt,
ETV and in some biopsies obtained.11,18 In successful resection of with the greatest number, approximately 20%, occurring in the
a cerebellar tumour, for example, CSF flow may be restored and no first year after insertion. Failure manifests itself in many ways, e.g.
longer requires diversion. ETV or shunt is often needed, however, increased head circumference, tense fontanel, drowsiness, vomit-­
although temporary EVD may ‘buy enough time’ for definitive ing, squint, CSF tracking alongside the shunt tubing, signs of infec-­
tumour treatment. Arachnoid cysts in or near the third ventricle tion, and banging the head with the hands or against something,
behave like tumours and can be successfully managed by ETV.19 which can indicate headache. In these circumstances shunt revi-­
sion is usually required. It is a neurosurgical rule that if the primary
carer says that the child is ‘not right’ and that they ‘think it’s the
Low birth weight
shunt’, it is a brave and foolhardy person to ignore the warning.
If the birth weight is less than 2 kg, then shunting tends not to be In some in whom a shunt subsequently fails, an ETV may well
­recommended.2 This is because of concerns about the anaesthetic, work and paediatric neurosurgeons will always assess a ‘new’
neonatal care, risk of infection, operating on someone so small, shunt failure for anatomical suitability for the procedure.9,22,23
etc, with infection of the shunt being the most worrisome. The HC
can be ameliorated until the baby gains weight by serial lumbar
punctures, serial ventricular taps, an EVD (which can be used up
to 3 weeks without changing, with care) or a more permanent The numbers of children surviving to term in the West with HC
Ommaya reservoir (an implanted ventricular tube with an injection are increasing as better obstetric care, earlier antenatal diagnosis
part).20 Intuitively there is concern about introducing a permanent and better awareness lead to more informed decisions. In the
or semi-permanent foreign body into the child, just as there is con-­ last 20 years, paediatric neurosurgery has evolved into a distinct
cern definitive shunting; however, this seems to be safe in cases of subspecialty on a par, for example, with spinal neurosurgery.
low birth weight and post-haemorrhagic hydrocephalus.21 More aggressive, better targeted treatment for paediatric HC, no
longer in isolation from other children’s specialists, provided by
surgeons with expertise and training in the management of these
Which shunt?
difficult clinical scenarios is improving the situation for these
The type of shunt largely depends on the individual surgeon, patients. Treatment in the West has moved out of the hands of
their experience with a particular model and their own biases. paediatric general surgeons but their historical contribution can-­
Whilst this approach is not scientifically sound, a surgeon will not be underestimated as without their skills and expertise there
get ‘used’ to a particular model, understand its idiosyncrasies would be no paediatric neurosurgery at all. With the develop-­
and become confident with its use. This is perhaps more impor-­ ment of paediatric neurosurgical centres there is no longer an
tant than any other consideration such as cost, ‘newness’, etc, as excuse to dabble in the management of such complex problems
the surgeon uses their own experience to decide what is best for and such an approach is to be discouraged. ◆
a particular patient. This is where experience counts and, dare it
be said, some of the art in the science remains. Notwithstanding
all of the above, most would agree that the smaller the child the References
less bulky the shunt and the quicker it should be to insert, with 1 Chi JH, Fullerton HJ, Gupta N. Time trends and demographics of
fewer components to increase surgery time (hence infection risk) deaths from congenital hydrocephalus in children in the United
and in the long run with fewer options for malfunction. Unfor-­ States: National Center for Health Statistics data, 1979 to 1998.
tunately, the answer to the problem of deranged physiology is J Neurosurg 2005; 103(suppl 2): 113–118.
difficult to identify when we have mechanical devices with fixed 2 Bruinsma N, Stobberingh EE, Herpers MJ, et al. Subcutaneous
tolerances for, literally, a fluid system. ventricular catheter reservoir and ventriculoperitoneal drain related
Where does the distal end go? Obviously in treating HC we infections in preterm infants and young children. Clin Microbiol
are inserting the upper end into the lateral ventricle. This tends Infect 2000; 6: 202–206.
to be on the right (the non-dominant hemisphere). This is con-­ 3 Fanaroff AA, Stoll BJ, Wright LL, et al. Trends in neonatal morbidity
nected to a one-way valve device to the distal catheter. The dis-­ and mortality for very low birth weight infants. Am J Obstet Gynecol
tal end is placed into the peritoneal cavity by choice, although 2007; 196: 147 e1–8.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 28 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

4 Fink S. Intraventricular haemorrhage in the term infant. Neonatal 16 Baldauf J, Oertal J, Gaab MR, et al. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy
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PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 29 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

Tuberous sclerosis complex the genetics and the mechanism of the disease, such that poten-
tial new therapeutic avenues are opening.

Finbar O’Callaghan
By the standards of many genetic diseases, TSC is common. The
best epidemiological studies suggest it has a prevalence in the
region of 4–5 per 100 000 of the population. It affects all ethnic
groups and is found equally commonly in both sexes.3

Abstract TSC is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, i.e. if an
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant genetic dis- individual has the disease, they have a 1 in 2 chance of pass-
order characterized by the formation of hamartomas in multiple ­organs. ing the disease on to each of their offspring. However, approxi-
It is caused by mutations in either the TSC1 gene on ­chromosome 9 or mately 70% of cases of TSC will be new mutations, such that
the TSC2 gene on chromosome 16. Both genes are tumour ­suppressor neither the child’s father nor mother is affected with the disease.
genes and the protein products of the two genes, hamartin and Occasionally, apparently unaffected parents may have more than
tuberin, co-localize in the cell and help regulate cell growth by inhibit- one affected child and this may be because of the phenomenon
ing the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in the akt-mTOR-S6 of gonadal mosaicism, i.e. the situation where an apparently
kinase cell growth pathway. The discovery of the TSC proteins’ role in unaffected parent has a population of affected cells confined to
this intracellular pathway has recently lead to investigation of chemo- their gonads and who is therefore liable to have more than one
therapeutic agents, such as rapamycin (sirolimus), that also influence affected child (Figure 1).4,5
this pathway and that may partly substitute for their role in regulating Linkage studies in multigenerational families demonstrated
cell growth. Clinically, the disease commonly causes epilepsy, learning that two genes were responsible for TSC: one gene (TSC1) on
difficulties and behavioural problems (autism, hyperactivity and sleep chromosome 9 and one on chromosome 16 (TSC2).6–9 Mutations
disturbance), although as many as half of affected individuals may in either gene can cause all the clinical manifestations of TSC,
have a normal IQ. Life-threatening hamartomas may develop during although TSC1 appears to be associated with a slightly milder
life in the kidneys (renal angiomyolipomas) and brain (subependymal clinical phenotype.10 The frequency of mutations described is
giant cell astrocytomas). Clinicians need to watch carefully for these considerably higher in TSC2 than in TSC1.11 This disparity may be
complications. Patients with TSC will require multidisciplinary clinical because there is an ascertainment bias in that TSC2 is ­associated
involvement and, preferably, this should be coordinated through a with more severe disease or it may reflect an increased level of
­specialist TSC clinic. germline or somatic mutations in TSC2.

Keywords angiomyolipoma; epilepsy; giant cell astrocytoma; ­ mTOR;

tuberous sclerosis

Clinicians have been aware of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)
as a distinct clinical entity for approximately 125 years since
Desiree Magloire Bourneville described the first case in 1880. For
most of that time they believed that the disease inevitably led to
severe learning difficulties and intractable epilepsy, but since the
clinical and epidemiological work in the late 20th century they
now realize that the disease manifests in virtually every organ
and that often, perhaps in the majority cases, it may be associated
with normal intelligence levels.1,2 The disease is characterized by
the formation of hamartomas in multiple organs. In the last 20
years major advances have been made in our ­understanding of

Finbar O’Callaghan MA MB ChB MSc PhD FRCPCH is a Consultant Senior

Lecturer in Paediatric Neurology, Institute of Child Life & Health, Figure 1 The concept of gonadal mosaicism i.e. where an apparently
Department of Clinical Sciences @ South Bristol, University of Bristol, unaffected parent can have more than one affected child because they
Bristol, UK. have a population of affected cells within their gonads.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 30 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

We are now able to look for mutations in TSC1 and TSC2 and proliferation (Figure 2). The hamartin–tuberin complex acts
in apparently affected individuals. However, even in the best through a molecule called Rheb (RAS-homologue expressed in
­laboratories, mutations are only being described in ­approximately brain) to inhibit the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)
80% of cases. This may be because of somatic mosaicism which, without this inhibition, activates S6 kinase and therefore
whereby an affected individual has two populations of cells: one cell growth and proliferation.18,19
population has a mutation in one of the TSC genes and one does
not have a mutation in the TSC genes.12 The fact that we can now Rapamycin and inhibition of mTOR
screen for mutations in TSC1 and TSC2 raises the possibility of There has recently been much interest in the possibility of using
antenatal screening for TSC but it should be remembered that the a drug called rapamycin (sirolimus) in patients with TSC. Rapa-
phenomenon of somatic mosaicism means that a negative result mycin is a licensed drug that has been used for some time as an
on chorionic villous sampling does not completely exclude the immunosuppressant in transplant patients. It is also an inhibitor
possibility that a fetus may develop the disease. of mTOR and therefore would theoretically inhibit the activity of
It is thought that TSC1 and TSC2 are tumour suppressor S6 kinase in patients with TSC in whom the hamartin–tuberin
genes, i.e. that their function is to help regulate cell growth and complex is not working effectively. There is clear proof that rapa-
differentiation. When altered, by mutation, control of cell growth mycin has a biological effect in TSC patients. It has been shown,
is disturbed and tumours form throughout the body. Some of for instance, to cause regression in the size of subependymal
the strongest evidence supporting the idea that the TSC genes giant cell astrocytomas.20 However, there are still problems with
are tumour suppressor genes has been the demonstration that its use in TSC patients. Rapamycin is a relatively toxic drug and
some of the hamartomas in tuberous sclerosis patients show
loss of heterozygosity (LOH) either in the chromosomal region
9q34 or in 16p13.13,14 The loss of heterozygosity implies that an
individual with tuberous sclerosis inherits or acquires through
mutation a deletion in one copy of the gene but only develops
a lesion when there is a somatic mutation in the other copy.
These second mutations are usually large and involve the loss of
surrounding loci. This two-hit mechanism was first proposed by
Knudson in the early 1970s to explain the pathogenesis of retino-
blastoma. LOH has been demonstrated consistently in many TSC
lesions such as cardiac rhabdomyomas, renal angiomyolipomas
and subependymal giant cell tumours.
The two-hit mechanism does not, however, appear to operate
in all TSC lesions. LOH is rarely demonstrated in cerebral tubers.
It has been suggested that haploinsufficiency is sufficient to lead
to the development of cerebral tubers even in the presence of a
‘normal’ copy of the TSC gene on the second allele.

Disease mechanism at the molecular level

The protein products of the TSC1 and TSC2 genes are named
hamartin and tuberin, respectively. Hamartin is a 140 kDa, 1164
amino acid protein that is expressed in most adult tissues. It has
a coiled-coil domain. It probably has a role in regulating cell
adhesion. Hamartin interacts with the Ezrin–Radixin–Moiesin
family of actin-binding proteins. Inhibition of hamartin function
in cells results in loss of cell substrate adhesion and it has been
suggested that this may have a role in initiating the development
of TSC hamartomas. Tuberin is a 200 kDa, 1807 amino acid pro-
tein with a region near the carboxy terminal that is homologous
with GTPase activating protein (GAP). The GAP activity of TSC2
is thought to be essential for its physiological function.15–17
Substantial progress in our understanding of the molecular
function of tuberin and hamartin has come from experiments
in the fruit fly, drosophila. It was found that mutations in the
drosophila homologues of the TSC1 and TSC2 genes resulted
in increased cell and organ size.18 It has been known for some Figure 2 A schematic diagram of the P13 kinase – Akt – S6 kinase
time that hamartin and tuberin co-localize in the cell.15,16 It has pathway. TSC1-TSC2 inhibit the activity of mTOR via the molecule Rheb.
recently been discovered that they act together in the P13 kinase- Rapamycin, a commercially available drug, also inhibits mTOR. The net
akt-S6 kinase pathway. This pathway is stimulated by insulin and affect of both TSC1-TSC2 complex and rapamycin is to inhibit S6 kinase
insulin-like growth factors, and it helps to regulate cell growth and thereby help regulate cell growth.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 31 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

is known to cause apthous ulceration, interstitial pneumonitis

and hyperlipidaemia. Its therapeutic effects in TSC patients may
only last for as long as a patient is undergoing treatment, i.e.
when treatment stops the hamartomas may re-grow. If life-long
treatment with a relatively toxic drug is going to be necessary
to maintain a therapeutic benefit, then many patients may opt
for other treatment options, e.g. surgery. Much work still needs
to be done to investigate the role of mTOR inhibitors in TSC
and, currently, they should not be used outside the context of a
­clinical trial.

Clinical manifestations
Three lesions can arise in the brain in individuals with TSC:
tubers, subependymal nodules and subependymal giant cell
astrocytomas (SEGA). Tubers are the lesions that give the dis-
Figure 4 Histological slide of a tuber showing characteristic giant cel
ease its name (Figure 3). They are developmental abnormali-
ties of the cerebral cortex. The lesions have lost the normal
six-layered laminar architecture of the cerebral cortex and con-
tain ­ dysplastic neurones, astrocytes and characteristic giant epileptic encephalopathy, Lennox–Gastaut syndrome. Some-
cells (Figure 4). Tubers can be identified in fetal life and per- times it is possible to identify the ‘epileptogenic tuber or tubers’
sist throughout life. It is thought that tubers do not increase in and in these patients epilepsy surgery should be considered
number after birth, although they may become more visible on early in order to prevent the damage that can result from epilep-
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as the brain myelinates in tic ­encephalopathies such as West syndrome or Lennox–Gastaut
the first 2–3 years of life. syndrome. A recent meta-analysis of epilepsy surgery in TSC has
The tubers are thought to underlie the epilepsy that occurs shown that 57% of patients achieve seizure freedom following
in approximately 75% of TSC individuals. Epilepsy may begin surgery.22
in the first year of life with infantile spasms. These epileptic Subependymal nodules are small hamartomas that are found
spasms are probably most effectively treated with the GABA on the walls of the lateral ventricles. They are usually multiple
inhibitor, vigabatrin.21 In later life, individuals with TSC may and are sometimes calcified. There is no evidence that, per se,
develop multiple different types of seizures (e.g. focal seizures, they cause any neurological symptoms. They are the second
atonic seizures, atypical absences) that are often refractory to most common cerebral feature of TSC. The nodules are easily
anticonvulsant medication. Some individuals will develop the visualized by computerized tomography (CT) but they may also
be seen on MRI.
Subependymal giant cell astrocytomas (SEGAs) occur in
approximately 5% of patients with TSC (Figure 5). It is possi-
ble that they arise from pre-existing subependymal nodules but

Figure 3 Magnetic Resonance Image (axial cut, FLAIR sequence) showing Figure 5 CT scan of brain of an individual with TSC who has a
multiple cerebral tubers in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex patient. subependymal giant cell astrocytoma at the foramen of Monro (arrowed).

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 32 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

this has not been conclusively proven. They are histologically ­transitory but significant pain and fever and this can be con-
indistinguishable from subependymal nodules. They arise most trolled with analgesia and steroids.29
often in the region of the foramen of Monro and cause clini- Cysts are the second most common renal manifestation of
cal problems by blocking the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the TSC. They arise from anywhere within the nephron. Occasion-
ventricular system. Untreated they can cause raised intracranial ally, the mass effect from cysts can compromise renal function.
pressure leading to hydrocephalus, blindness and, even, death. Cysts can be associated with either TSC1 or TSC2 disease. Rarely,
Clinicians should be vigilant for signs and symptoms of raised a particularly severe phenotype occurs when there is a contigu-
intracranial pressure and symptomatic lesions should be surgi- ous deletion of the TSC2 gene and the polycystic kidney disease
cally removed. gene (PKD1) on chromosome 16. In these patients, polycystic
kidneys develop in early childhood and usually result in renal
Cognition and psychopathology: there is a bi-modal distribu- failure in adolescence or early ­adulthood.30
tion of intelligence in individuals with TSC. There is a population
of individuals with severe learning difficulties and a population Pulmonary lesions
with a normal distribution of IQ around a mean of approximately An interstitial lung disease, known as lymphangioleiomyoma-
90. More than half of individuals with TSC will have an IQ that tosis (LAM), occurs in female TSC patients. It affects some-
will fall within the range of normal for the ­general population where between 26% and 39% of women with TSC. The onset
(i.e. greater than 70). Both the infantile encephalopathy and the is usually in adolescence or adulthood. The disease is charac-
number of cerebral tubers are thought to influence the level of terized by the proliferation of abnormal smooth muscle cells
intelligence in the TSC population, although, in an individual and cystic changes within the parenchyma of the lung. Clinical
case, it should be remembered that normal intelligence can be symptoms are dyspnoea and pneumothorax. It is best diag-
achieved even in the presence of many tubers and a history of nosed using high-resolution CT of the chest. There is no recog-
infantile spasms.23 nised effective treatment that reverses the progression of the
Autism and hyperactivity are also common in TSC. Again, the lung disease and it is one of the causes of early mortality in
autism may be related to tuber number and location. Tubers in TSC patients.31
the temporal lobe may be associated with an increased risk of
autism. Psychopathologies, such as depression and anxiety, have Concept of ‘benign metastases’: it has been found that women
also been found to be more common in TSC individuals than who do not have germline mutations in their TSC1 or TSC2
unaffected controls.3,24,25 genes can develop both lymphangioleiomyomatosis and renal
angiomyolipomas. In these patients, identical TSC2 mutations
Cardiac lesions have been identified in cells from their abnormal renal and
Cardiac rhabdomyomas are the commonest cardiac tumours of ­pulmonary lesions that are not identifiable anywhere else (i.e.
childhood and they are often associated with TSC. They can be in DNA from blood). This finding suggests that these women
detected on antenatal ultrasound scanning. They occur within any have developed lung and kidney lesions from a single progeni-
of the four heart chambers as intracavity or intramural tumours tor cell. Consequently, investigators have developed a ‘benign
but they are most commonly seen in the left ventricle. Clinically metastasis’ model that proposes that histologically ‘benign
they can cause problems in the postnatal period because they metastases’ (i.e. not cancerous) with mutations in TSC1 or
obstruct ventricular function and outflow, and they may need to TSC2 travel from renal angiomyolipomas to the lung (Figure 6).
be removed surgically. They can also cause rhythm disturbances It is postulated that cells with TSC1 or TSC2 mutations have
when the rhabdomyomatous tissue acts as an accessory conduct- decreased cell adhesion and therefore an increased motility. It is
ing pathway predisposing the patient to pre-excitation syndromes not understood why this phenomenon occurs almost exclusively
such as Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome. The rhabdomyomas in women, although it is suggested that oestrogen, in some way,
regress in size after birth and although they may still be vis- must alter TSC signalling.32
ible on echocardiograms, they rarely cause problems outside the
postnatal period.26–28 Skin lesions
There are multiple skin lesions associated with TSC. None of the
Renal lesions lesions causes a significant clinical problem although because
Renal angiomyolipomas, hamartomas comprised of smooth they can sometimes be disfiguring there may be considerable
muscle, fat and abnormal blood vessels, occur in up to 75% of psychological distress. The cutaneous lesions characteristically
patients with TSC. They do not usually appear before the age of appear at different ages. Hypomelanic macules or ‘ash-leaf
5. In most patients they will remain asymptomatic but in a small patches’ are areas of white skin that can most easily be visual-
proportion they will cause clinical problems secondary to haem- ized by an ultraviolet (Wood’s) light. They are often present at
orrhage. The lesions are easily visualized by ultrasound scanning birth or in early infancy. Facial angiofibromatosis, a red mac-
when they are visible as bright hyperechoic lesions. Patients with ulopapular rash, develops later in childhood and continues to
large angiomyolipomas (i.e. greater than 3.5–4 cm in diameter) progress through adolescence and adulthood. This lesion can be
are at the greatest risk of suffering from haemorrhage. Bleed- significantly disfiguring and may require laser treatment for cos-
ing angiomyolipomas can be treated successfully with selective metic reasons. The ‘shagreen patch’ is an area of raised rough-
arterial embolization. This method of treatment can stop haem- ened skin that characteristically appears in the small of the back
orrhaging whilst preserving the maximum amount of function- but can occur anywhere on the trunk. It tends to appear in child-
ing renal tissue. Sometimes the process of ­embolization causes hood. Ungual fibromas are small lesions that appear around the

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 33 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

Tuberous sclerosis complex related lesions

Facial angiofibromatosis or forehead fibrous plaque

Periungual fibromas
Shagreen patch
Retinal astrocytoma
Cortical or subcortical tuber
Subependymal nodule
Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
Renal angiomyolipoma or pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis
Cardiac rhabdomyoma

The demonstration of two of these lesions in one individual constitutes

clinical proof of a diagnosis of TSC.
Note: Renal angiomyolipoma and pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis
count as one lesion for the purposes of diagnosis.

Table 1

the disease in an individual, a full clinical examination, including

inspection with Wood’s light and fundoscopy, and cranial imag-
ing should be undertaken. Renal imaging may be helpful although
sometimes this can be difficult to interpret and may confuse the
issue. Echocardiography is only useful in young children as
­cardiac rhabdomyomas regress after birth. White patches (ash-
leaf patches, hypomelanic macules) do not count as hamartomas
but are suggestive of the diagnosis. Greater than five hypomelanic
macules on an individual are very rarely seen outside of the con-
text of TSC.
Once a diagnosis has been made, baseline assessment with
cranial imaging and renal ultrasound scanning should take
Figure 6 Diagram illustrating the concept of “benign metastasis” place if not already been done as part of the diagnostic work-
in linking renal and lung pathology in TSC patients i.e. cells up. An ECG should also be done to look for any evidence of
migrate from angiomyolipomas in the kidney that then cause cardiac arrhythmias as pre-excitation syndromes, ­ including
lymphangioleiomyomatosis in the lung. Wolf–­Parkinson–White syndrome, may occur in TSC. A neuro­
psychological assessment at the time of diagnosis is also
nail beds in late adolescence and adulthood. The fibromas often The frequency and timing of follow-up examinations in TSC
cause a longitudinal ridge to occur in the nail growing beneath is controversial. Some clinicians advocate regular screening with
them.33 cranial imaging and renal ultrasound scanning. Others argue that
regular screening is not warranted as the natural history of TSC
lesions is not understood and therefore there is no guide as to
how often follow-up imaging should be undertaken nor when an
Despite the advances in genetics and genetic diagnosis of TSC, asymptomatic lesion should be treated. These clinicians advo-
it is still important to be able to make a secure clinical diagno- cate close supervision of TSC patients and a low threshold for
sis. Genetic testing, even in the best centres, is still only approxi- repeat scanning if there is any significant clinical change in the
mately 80% sensitive. There have been various published clinical patient or the appearance of any worrying clinical symptom or
criteria on how to make the diagnosis of TSC. Essentially it is nec- sign. Currently the medical advisors of the Tuberous Sclerosis
essary to demonstrate the presence of TSC-related hamartomas Association ( take the latter view
in two separate organs. These hamartomas occur rarely in the in their guidelines.
general population and so the discovery of two or more indepen- The management of TSC patients is often complex, requiring
dent hamartomas in an individual strongly supports a diagnosis the input of many disciplines, e.g. neurology, urology, ­psychiatry,
of TSC (Table 1). Individuals with a single hamartoma may have nephrology, psychology, neurosurgery, genetics, dermatology,
developed this through the random occurrence of two somatic plastic surgery, ophthalmology, cardiology, radiology and respi-
mutations in a cell in that organ but this scenario is unlikely to ratory medicine. Ideally, management should be coordinated
occur twice in different organs in the same individual without through one of the specialist TSC clinics distributed throughout
an inherited or early embryonic mutation. In practice, it is often the UK in Bath, Leeds, London (St Georges and Great Ormond
easy to find two hamartomas in affected individuals. To exclude Street), Cambridge, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 34 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

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PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 35 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symposium: neurology

Practice points associated with them. Clinicians should have a low threshold
for repeat neuro- or renal imaging if there is any significant
• Tuberous sclerosis complex is an autosomal dominant genetic clinical change in their patients
disease caused by mutations in either the TSC1 gene on • Epilepsy occurs in approximately 75% of patients and
chromosome 9 or the TSC2 gene on chromosome 16 learning difficulties in approximately 50%
• The protein products of the two genes, hamartin and tuberin, • Epilepsy surgery may provide a possible cure for epilepsy in TSC
act together within cells to regulate cell growth • Behavioural problems such as autistic spectrum disorders,
• The disease is characterized clinically by a tendency to form hyperactivity and sleep disturbance may be the most
hamartomas in multiple organs problematic aspect of the condition for many parents
• The hamartomas appear in different organs at different • Potential treatments that mimic the effects of TSC proteins
stages of life on intracellular growth pathways of TSC are now being
• Life-threatening hamartomas can develop in the kidney and investigated in clinical trials
brain during life and clinicians looking after TSC patients • Care for TSC patients should preferably be coordinated
need to be aware of their development and the complications through specialist TSC clinics

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 36 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Occasional Review

Long-term effects of tried illicit drugs at some time. Cannabis was the most frequently
tried drug and its use was strongly associated with cigarette

cannabis smoking; 7% of non-smokers had tried cannabis compared to

89% of young people who had smoked greater than 10 cigarettes
in the previous week.2
Anna Boyce These figures represent a significant number of young people
who may present to health professionals incidentally or as a con-
Paul McArdle sequence of difficulties encountered through substance misuse.
Awareness of the current evidence regarding the possible long-
term adverse consequences of regular cannabis use, in terms of
physical, mental and social effects on the young person, is impor-
tant for the health professionals working with and attempting
Abstract to understand young people. Another significant but (probably)
Cannabis use is common in young people and the drug is widely per- small subgroup is the offspring of women who have used can-
ceived as being the least harmful of the numerous illicit substances nabis during pregnancy.
available. There is reasonable evidence, however, that long-term use
of cannabis is associated with adverse psychosocial outcomes, and
Short-term effects of cannabis
­accumulating evidence that cannabis use may have a causal association
with onset of psychosis. The role of cannabis as a ‘gateway’ to use of The main psychoactive component of the cannabis plant is a
other drugs such as heroin is considered. Other adverse associations cannabinoid compound – Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9 THC),
with cannabis use include impairment in driving skills, of which a long- although there are over 60 cannabinoids present in the body of
term consequence may be serious injury, and a possible association with the plant and the resin produced by the female plant.
subtle cognitive deficits in children exposed to cannabis prenatally. Cannabis is bought as resin (‘hash’) or marijuana, and can be
smoked with tobacco in a joint, burned and inhaled in a bong
Keywords cannabis; adolescence; outcome or ‘bucket’, or cooked in food and eaten. The concentration and
rate of absorption varies with method of use. Smoking and inhal-
ing cannabis leads to a rapid rise in blood concentration of Δ9
THC. Ingesting cannabis in food results in a much more gradual
absorption with effects being noticeable over several hours. Vari-
As is evident from the media and the regular clinical experience eties of cannabis plants such as skunkweed are said to have a
of paediatricians and child psychiatrists, the use of illicit drugs higher Δ9 THC concentration than traditional varieties. Cannabis
and alcohol is widespread amongst adolescents and young adults is fat soluble and accumulates in adipose tissue with an elimina-
in the UK and has lost much of the stigma with which it was pre- tion half-life of 7 days.3 Regular use of cannabis therefore leads
viously associated. Cannabis is widely perceived as a safe drug in to persistently high blood concentrations of Δ9 THC.
comparison with heroin or cocaine and until relatively recently Cannabis is thought to exert its central effects via the CNR1
was not believed to induce dependence or lead to a withdrawal cannabinoid receptor in the brain. These effects include euphoric
syndrome. Its classification was downgraded from a Class B con- and relaxed mood, a sense of detached observation and increased
trolled drug to a Class C controlled drug in 2004. appetite, although anxiety symptoms may also be experienced.
Data from the National Office for Statistics in 2004/5 show Cannabis intoxication causes impairments in concentration, fine
that in the UK 33% of males and 21% of females aged 16–24 motor skills and reaction times.4 Peripheral effects include con-
years used illicit substances in the previous year, of which the junctival hyperaemia (‘red eye’), raised heart rate and alterations
majority were cannabis users – 30% of males and 18% of females in blood pressure.
in this age group. Whilst these figures might seem high, they Cannabis use or intoxication may have significant long-term
represent a small decrease in cannabis use amongst 16–24 year consequences in terms of increased likelihood of injury follow-
olds since 1998.1 In addition, illicit drug use is not confined to ing road traffic accidents. For instance, Mura et al5 compared the
middle or late adolescence; figures from 2000 suggest that 15% cannabis intake of 900 injured drivers with that of 900 matched
of boys and 13% of girls aged 11–15 years had used drugs in the controls presenting to the same hospitals and found that 10% of
previous year. Of those aged 11–15 years in England, 12% were injured drivers had THC present in blood samples, with an odds
using cannabis.1 ratio of 2.0, drivers to controls, increasing to an odds ratio of 2.5
A study published in 1996 of 7722 young people aged 15 and in those under 27 years old. By comparison 26% of the injured
16 years, at school in the UK, found that greater than 40% had drivers were over the legal limit for blood alcohol levels and the
odds ratio was 3.8. A detailed review of the effects of cannabis
use on driving ability can be found in Kalant.6
Anna Boyce MRPCH MRCPsych is a Specialist Registrar in Child and Tolerance to the effects of cannabis develops with use and
Adolescent Psychiatry, Young People’s Unit, Newcastle General the existence of a dependence syndrome is recognized. A recent
Hospital, Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. study reported that cannabis users meeting criteria for depen-
dence compared with those users not deemed to be cannabis
Paul McArdle MRCPI MRCPsych DCH is a Consultant in Child and Adolescent dependent were more likely to have started using cannabis ear-
Psychiatry, Fleming Nuffield Unit, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. lier, to have had fewer years of schooling and to consume more

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 37 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Occasional Review

alcohol. Scores of happiness and life satisfaction were reduced in The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study,
those who were cannabis dependent.7 Clear evidence of a can- a birth cohort study of 1037 individuals, collected data includ-
nabis withdrawal syndrome has been described with features of ing self-reported psychiatric symptoms at age 11 years, cannabis
irritability, aggression, restlessness and strange dreams.8 use at 15 and 18 years and interview data leading to Diagnostic
Statistical Manual (DSM) IV diagnoses at 26 years.12,13 Amongst
those whose use of cannabis preceded the age of 15 years, there
Issues complicating research into the long-term
was an odds ratio of developing adult schizophreniform disorder
effects of cannabis
of 3.1, after controlling for the presence of psychiatric symptoms
Many of the studies from which the evidence relating to the long- at the age of 11 years. The review authors concluded that at an
term consequences of cannabis use has emerged are longitudinal individual level cannabis usage doubled the relative risk for later
studies recruited from the adult general population.9 The advan- schizophrenia. In addition, they concluded that at a population
tages of these cohort studies are the large number of participants level, avoidance of cannabis use would lead to an 8% reduc-
and the capacity to detect adverse effects. Birth cohort studies, on tion in incidence of schizophrenia, and that whilst cannabis is
the other hand, have the advantages of being able to investigate ‘neither a sufficient nor a necessary cause for psychosis, it is a
factors relating to early psychosocial- and neuro-­development component cause, part of a complex constellation of factors lead-
and early onset of cannabis use, but have the disadvantage of ing to psychosis’.10
being expensive, with lengthy intervals between commencement Participants in the Dunedin study were further studied to
and eventual outcome. investigate the possibility that a gene–environment interac-
Ascertaining the causal role of cannabis use in adverse psy- tion might provide an explanation for the observation that only
chosocial outcomes is complicated by the potential confound- a minority of regular heavy cannabis users develop persistent
ing effects of multiple substance misuse, alcohol use, cigarette psychotic symptoms.14 The investigators found that the effect of
smoking, psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety adolescent cannabis use was moderated by a functional polymor-
and association with antisocial peer groupings. Reverse causa- phism of the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene, a gene
tion should also be considered, e.g. the use of cannabis as self- on chromosome 22q11 in a region implicated by genome scans
medication for prodromal psychotic symptoms.10 as having a possible aetiological role in schizophrenia. Using
Macleod et al9 set out systematically to appraise the evidence hierarchical regression analysis, the authors reported that the
from longitudinal studies for a causal relation between cannabis effect of genotype on psychotic symptoms was not significant,
use and psychosocial harm. They found 48 longitudinal studies, but the effect of cannabis use and the interaction between can-
of which only 16 met their criteria for methodology and lack of nabis use and genotype were significant. In line with the hypoth-
significant bias. Three birth cohorts were included; the remaining esis that cannabis use may have an effect on refinement of the
studies were of school age cohorts. Outcome measures included mechanisms of dopamine transmission occurring during adoles-
antisocial behaviour, psychological functioning, subsequent illicit cence, the authors found that onset of cannabis use in adulthood
drug use and educational attainment. The authors commented was not associated with subsequent development of psychotic
that the variation in recruitment methods, methods of assessment ­symptoms.
of exposure to illicit substances and how confounding factors were
taken into account precluded the use of meta-analysis. They con-
Other psychiatric and cognitive sequelae
cluded that there was reasonable evidence for associations between
cannabis use and lower educational attainment and later use of Cannabis use has been linked to symptoms of low mood and anx-
illicit drugs, but argued that the evidence for associations between iety. Data from the Christchurch Health and Development Study
cannabis use and psychological health problems and behavioural were examined to ascertain associations between frequency of
problems was less robust. For instance, although ­ cannabis use cannabis use and psychosocial outcomes, including depression,
may be ­associated with depression, third factors such as disturbed assessed using DSM criteria. Across the four age groups, 14–15
family life may explain both the use and the distress. years, 15–16 years, 17–18 years and 20–21 years, the odds ratio
Arseneault et al,10 in their review of the evidence for a specific for depression for weekly cannabis users relative to non-users
link between cannabis use and risk of later psychotic symptoms, was 1.7. With the exception of the age range 20–21 years, can-
discuss the criteria by which causality can be inferred, such as nabis use was also significantly associated with rate of suicide
association, temporal priority and direction (see below). attempts.15
A review of cohort studies,16 whose participants included
adolescents and adults, concluded that there was a modest
Cannabis use and risk of psychosis
association between current heavy cannabis use and depres-
The findings of four major longitudinal studies, yielding much of sive symptomatology, and a modest association between early
the evidence for a causal association between cannabis use and onset regular cannabis use and later depressive illness. No asso-
psychotic illness, were reviewed in 2004 by Arseneault et al.10 ciation was found between onset of depression and subsequent
One of these studies, the Swedish study of 50 000 army recruits,11 ­cannabis use.
found a dose–response relationship between heavy cannabis use The same review found that early cannabis use may signifi-
at 18 years of age and a subsequent diagnosis of schizophrenia cantly increase the risk of leaving school early.16 Possible explana-
within the 15 year follow-up period. This effect persisted after tions are discussed, with reference to reverse causality, a specific
the confounding effect of pre-existing psychiatric diagnosis was ‘problem behaviour’ syndrome (likely to include the DSM IV con-
controlled for, with a relative risk of 2.3. cept of conduct disorder) of which substance misuse is one facet,

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 38 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Occasional Review

and the role of confounding factors. The authors make the point
Effects of prenatal cannabis exposure
that it is unlikely that any single factor operates in isolation; rather
the true picture may be a combination of many such processes. Studies have failed to show an association between maternal can-
The relationship between educational attainment and canna- nabis use and low birth weight and low weight at 6 years.21,22
bis use was also examined in the Christchurch Health and Devel- There is some evidence that prenatal exposure to cannabis
opment study;17 35.6% of young people who used cannabis on may be associated with impaired attention in children. A study
10 or more occasions in the year between ages 15 and 16 years comparing the performance of 330 4-year olds with prenatal
left school with no formal qualifications compared to 17.1% who exposure to cocaine, marijuana, alcohol and tobacco found an
had not used cannabis. association between heavy maternal marijuana use and omission
The findings of this review are elaborated by those of a Cana- rates on the Continuous Performance Test, suggesting a possible
dian longitudinal birth cohort, the Ottawa Prenatal Prospective effect on sustained attention, although this finding did not reach
Study (OPPS).18 In this cohort 113 young people were tested at statistical significance.23 Another study found an effect of prena-
9–12 years of age on measures of general intelligence, vocabu- tal marijuana exposure on attention in adolescents in one of five
lary, memory and sustained attention. Of this sample, 10 children domains of attention.24
had already tried cannabis, although none was using cannabis Exposure to prenatal illicit substances is a common compo-
regularly at the time of testing. At the time period 17–20 years the nent of background history in children assessed for adoption.
cognitive tests were repeated. After exclusion of confounding fac- It appears that, on the basis of available evidence, the effect of
tors, such as presence of psychiatric disorder and socioeconomic maternal cannabis use on a child’s later presentation is statisti-
status, the current heavy use group had lower scores in measures cally detectable but modest.
of memory and IQ in comparison to the light use, former use and Prenatal cannabis exposure has also been implicated in the
no use groups. No significant differences were found between aetiology of childhood acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). A case–
the group of former cannabis users and the comparison group control study compared parental interview data of 517 children
who had not used cannabis, suggesting that the poor educational (maternal data available) and 450 children (paternal data avail-
attainment of young people using cannabis on a regular basis able) with AML, with similar data from 610 and 523 controls,
may be a direct consequence of recent cannabis use. respectively. No positive association was found between parental
marijuana use and childhood AML.25
Cannabis as a ‘gateway’ drug
Long-term effects on physical health
An influential theory regarding the role of cannabis in the pro-
gression to further illicit substance misuse is the ‘stage theory’ The effects of long-term cannabis exposure on the human respira-
of substance misuse, which supposes that young people proceed tory system has been the focus of considerable research. A recent
from using legal drugs such as alcohol to use of illicit drugs with systematic review of clinical studies published between 1966 and
cannabis use at an intermediate stage. Users of illicit substances 2005 found 34 studies meeting selection criteria.26 These could
are predicted to have previously used legal substances but not all be subdivided into studies examining the short-term conse-
of those who use legal substances will progress to use of illicit quences of cannabis exposure on bronchodilation and studies
substances. Arguments against this theory include the possibil- of long-term smoking of marijuana and pulmonary function or
ity of confounding factors such as a predisposition to substance respiratory symptoms. All 14 of the latter demonstrated associa-
misuse or risk taking behaviour in general. tion between cannabis use and respiratory symptoms, including
By the age of 21 years, 70% of the Christchurch Health cough, phlegm and wheeze.
and Development Study cohort had used cannabis and 26% had A cohort study of 53 controls and 188 subjects, of whom
used other illicit drugs.19 The vast majority of those who had 40 were regular smokers of marijuana alone, 44 smokers of
used other illicit drugs had previously used cannabis. Using a marijuana and tobacco and 31 smokers of tobacco only, who
form of multivariate analysis the investigators found that those underwent bronchoscopy and endobronchial biopsy, found
who used cannabis on more than 50 occasions in a year had haz- that smoking tobacco and marijuana were each associated
ards of other drug use that were 140 times higher than those who with significant bronchial mucosal histopathology. The authors
did not use cannabis, after adjustment for confounding factors found that the effects of marijuana and tobacco on the bron-
such as frequency of alcohol consumption and childhood sexual chial mucosa were additive, including possible pre-malignant
abuse. Inclusion of adverse life events and adolescent risk taking changes.27
behaviour as co-factors in the model led to a reduction in hazards Adverse effects on animal cellular immunity have raised ques-
of other illicit drug use to 59 times higher than for non-users. tion about the effects of cannabis use on the immune system.
A study of twins discordant for cannabis use, derived from the However, a review of animal and human studies concluded that
Netherlands Twin Register,20 examined subsequent progression there was no evidence of a significant effect in humans, with the
to use of ‘party’ drugs and ‘hard’ drug use. In a sample of 219 exception of the effect of marijuana smoking on broncho-alveolar
twin pairs, average age 27 years, among whom only one twin immunity.28
had used cannabis before the age of 18 years and one subse-
quently, the odds ratio for ‘party’ drug use was 7.4 (confidence
Substance misuse services for adolescents
interval 2.3–23.4) and for ‘hard’ drug use was 16.5 (2.4–111.3),
leading the authors to speculate that a factor directly related to The UK government has recognized the need for the provision of
cannabis itself might be at work. substance misuse services for adolescents, and set out its agenda

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 39 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Occasional Review

1 National Statistics website:
2 Miller PMcC, Plant M. Drinking, smoking and illicit drug use among
15 and 16 year olds in the United Kingdom. BMJ 1996; 313: 394–397.
3 Ashton CH. Pharmacology and effects of cannabis: a brief review.
Br J Psychiatry 2001; 178: 101–106.
4 Hall W, Solowij N. Adverse effects of cannabis. Lancet 1998; 352:
5 Mura P, Kintz P, Ludes B, et al. Comparison of the prevalence of
alcohol, cannabis and other drugs between 900 injured drivers
and 900 control subjects: results of a French collaborative study.
Forensic Sci Int 2003; 133: 79–85.
6 Kalant H. Adverse effects of cannabis on health: an update of the
literature since 1996. Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry
2004; 28: 849–863.
7 Looby A, Earleywine M. Negative consequences associated with
dependence in daily cannabis users. Substance Abuse Treat Prev
Policy 2007; 2: 3.
8 Wiesbeck GA, Schukit MA, Kalmijn JA, et al. An evaluation of the
history of a marijuana withdrawal syndrome in a large population.
Addiction 1996; 1: 1469–1478.
9 Macleod J, Oakes R, Copello A, et al. Psychological and social
Figure 1 Cycle of change model.30 sequelae of cannabis and other illicit drug use by young people:
a systematic review of longitudinal, general population studies.
Lancet 2004; 363: 1579–1588.
in the report Every Child Matters: Change for Children, Young 10 Arseneault L, Cannon M, Witton J, et al. Causal association
People and Drugs.29 between cannabis and psychosis: examination of the evidence.
A useful framework for identifying appropriate timing of Br J Psychiatry 2004; 184: 110–117.
referral to specialist services, and as a method of engaging 11 Zammit S, Allebeck P, Andreasson S, et al. Self reported cannabis
­adolescents known to be involved in harmful use of illicit sub- use as a risk factor for schizophrenia in Swedish conscripts of 1969:
stances in the referral process, is provided by the cycle of change a historical cohort study. BMJ 2002; 325: 1199–1201.
model described by Prochaska and Diclemente (­Figure 1).30 In 12 Arseneault L, Cannon M, Poulton R. Cannabis use in adolescence
this model an individual may be at any stage when they pres- and risk for adult psychosis: longitudinal prospective study. BMJ
ent. It should become apparent which stage they are at after 2002; 325: 1212–1213.
an initial conversation about their drug use and their attitudes 13 The American Psychiatric Association. DSM-IV-TR: Diagnostic
towards it. Clearly, referral of an individual contemplating Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. American Psychiatric Press
change or already preparing to make changes in their drug use Inc, 1994.
to the local substance misuse service is appropriate and should 14 Caspi A, Moffitt TE, Cannon M, et al. Moderation of the effect of
be done promptly. Individuals in the pre-contemplation stage adolescent-onset cannabis use on adult psychosis by a functional
may also benefit from referral, if only for discussion of the polymorphism in the catechol-o-methyl transferase gene:
advantages and disadvantages of their drug use and education longitudinal evidence of a gene x environment interaction. Biol
about harm minimization. Adolescents can be reassured about Psychiatry 2005; 57: 1117–1127.
the confidentiality of such services (with the usual exceptions, 15 Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ, Swain–Campbell N. Cannabis use and
e.g. child protection), although involvement and support of psychosocial adjustment in adolescence and young adulthood.
­parents is encouraged. Addiction 2002; 97: 1123–1135.
16 Degenhardt L, Hall W, Lynskey M. Exploring the association between
cannabis use and depression. Addiction 2003; 98: 1493–1504.
17 Lynskey M, Hall W. The effects of adolescent cannabis use on
There is reasonable evidence for a link between cannabis use educational attainment: a review. Addiction 2000; 95: 1621–1630.
and risk of overall adverse psychosocial functioning, lower edu- 18 Fried PA, Watkinson B, Gray R. Neurocognitive consequences of
cational attainment, development of psychosis, particularly in marihuana - a comparison with pre-drug performance. Neurotoxicol
individuals vulnerable by virtue of family history, and possibly Teratol 2005; 27: 231–239.
cognitive performance. Young people using cannabis on a regu- 19 Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ. Does cannabis use encourage other
lar basis should be warned of the possible consequences to their forms of illicit drug use? Addiction 2000; 95: 505–520.
mental health in addition to the physical health risks of smoking 20 Lynskey MT, Vink JM, Boomsma DI. Early onset cannabis use and
cannabis. Health professionals working with adolescents should progression to other drug use in a sample of Dutch twins. Behav
be prepared to ask young people about their drug use and be Genet 2006; 36: 195–200.
aware of local resources to support young people who wish to 21 English DR, Hulse GK, Milne E, et al. Maternal cannabis use and
address their drug use. ◆ birth weight: a meta-analysis. Addiction 1997; 92: 1553–1560.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 40 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Occasional Review

22 Day NL, Richardson GA, Geva D, et al. Alcohol, marijuana, and 29 UK Government Department. Every Child Matters: Change for
tobacco: effects of prenatal exposure on offspring growth and Children. Young People and Drugs. London: Department for
morphology at age six. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 1994; 18: 786–794. Education and Skills, 2005.
23 Noland JS, Singer LT, Short EJ, et al. Prenatal drug exposure and 30 Prochaska JO, Diclemente CC. Towards a comprehensive model of
selective attention in preschoolers. Neurotoxicol Teratol 2005; 27: change. In: Miller WR, Heather N, eds. Treating addictive behaviours:
429–438. processes of change. New York: Plenum Press; 1986, p. 3–27.
24 Fried PA, Watkinson B. Differential effects of facets of attention
in adolescents prenatally exposed to cigarettes and marihuana.
Neurotoxicol Teratol 2001; 23: 421–430. Practice points
25 Trivers KF, Mertens AC, Ross JA, et al. Parental marijuana use
and risk of childhood acute myeloid leukaemia: a report from • Misuse of cannabis in adolescence may have long-term
the Children’s Cancer Group (United States and Canada). Paediatr consequences on psychosocial functioning and mental health
Perinat Epidemiol 2006; 20: 110–118. • Cannabis use is associated with later use of other illicit
26 Tetrault JM, Crothers K, Moore BA, et al. Effects of marijuana substances, although the mechanism for this is unclear
smoking on pulmonary function and respiratory complications. • There is not enough evidence to enable prediction of
Arch Intern Med 2007; 167: 221–228. outcome for individuals exposed to cannabis prenatally
27 Fliegel SE, Roth MD, Kleerup EC, et al. Tracheobronchial • Questions about substance misuse should form part of
hisopathology in habitual smokers of cocaine, marijuana, and/or routine assessment by health professionals working with
tobacco. Chest 1997; 112: 319–326. young people and referral to substance misuse services made
28 Kraft B, Kress HG. Cannabioids and the immune system. Schmerz as appropriate
2004; 18: 203–210.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 41 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Personal practice

Headache in children Between headaches, she is back to her normal self and has

and adolescents no other illnesses. Laura and her mother are concerned about the
headaches, their frequency and the number of school days lost
due to headache. Physical and neurological examinations were
Ishaq Abu-Arafeh normal.

Key points in the history

Children and their parents can often identify different types of
headache experienced by the child. Laura was able to make a dis-
Abstract tinction between the severe headache episodes that she rightly
Headache is a common problem in children and adolescents. Migraine described as migraine and other milder headache episodes that
and tension type headache are most common causes of headache and occurred more frequently. Unfortunately, other children may not
only occasionally chronic headache is the main presenting feature of a be able to make this distinction. These children may describe the
serious brain disease or a brain tumour. Full clinical history, physical most severe attack, as it has made most impression on them and
examination and headache diary recordings are essential requirement their family, or the most recent attack as it is still fresh in their
in the assessment of children with headache and the assessment of the minds. A prospective diary recording symptoms is a powerful
impact of headache on child’s education, social and family life. Manage- tool in identifying the different types of headache, and may also
ment of headache includes the promotion of healthy life style with regu- help to identify triggers.
lar meals, sleep and exercise. Painkillers are used in appropriate dose,
as early as possible after the onset of headache and the use of most
Interpretation of clinical history
appropriate route of administration.
By making the distinction between the two types of headache, it
Keywords adolescents; children; migraine; tension-type headache was possible, on applying a recognized definition and dia­gnostic
criteria, to establish the diagnosis of migraine without aura for
the first type of headache, and frequent tension-type headache
for the second. It should be remembered that migraine headache
What do you do?
is commonly not lateralized in children, as in Laura’s case. The
Laura, a 12-year-old girl, attends the clinic with her mother com- second edition of the International Classification of ­ Headache
plaining of headache for the past year. Laura and her mother Disorders (2004) is an excellent resource for the definition of
describe two types of headache. The first type is a migraine headaches in children and adults. Criteria for the diagnosis of
­occurring once a month. The attacks last for 24 h and the pain migraine headache without aura and tension type headache
is severe enough to stop all activities. Laura describes the head- are described in Tables 7 and 8, respectively, in the review by
ache as throbbing with maximum intensity in her forehead. She ­Mukhopadhyay and White elsewhere in this issue.
can identify no trigger factors and has no warning signs before
the onset of pain. The headache builds up in intensity over a
Physical examination
period of 30–60 min and is almost always associated with loss of
appetite, feeling sick, light intolerance, noise intolerance and pal- The negative findings in the physical examination and the
lor. In most, but not all, attacks she also vomits. She feels better ­neurological assessment are very important. They not only
after rest and sleep. Paracetamol helps a little, but she finds exclude the possibility of serious underlying disorder, such as
codeine most helpful in relieving symptoms. a brain tumour, but also give the child and the parent the con-
The second type is episodes of headache that occur at least fidence that the doctor has taken their complaint seriously and
three times per week and last between 2 and 3 h each. This looked for abnormal signs that may indicate a serious illness.
headache does not stop normal activities and is described as ‘just Physical examination should include measuring the blood pres-
sore’ around the head. There are no other associated symptoms sure and neurological assessment should include measuring head
and, in particular, she is able to have normal meals, has no feel- circumference, ophthalmoscopy and cerebellar function (looking
ing of sickness and does not vomit. Neither light nor noise both- for ataxia, nystagmus and intention tremor or point passing).
ers her during attacks. After an episode of throat infection, the
headaches became daily for about 1 month and then reverted to
the normal rate of occurrence of three per week. She finds relief
from rest and she only occasionally treats these headaches with In the absence of symptoms suggesting increased intracranial
paracetamol. pressure or signs suggesting cerebellar dysfunction, no further
investigations are needed. A lower threshold for neuroimaging
may be considered in:
• children under the age of 5 years;
Ishaq Abu-Arafeh MBBS MD MRCP FRCPCH DCH is a Consultant Paediatrician, • if in doubt about the physical findings;
Stirling Royal Infirmary, Stirling, Scotland, UK. • cases of inconsistent features.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 42 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Personal practice

treatment. For effective pain relief, analgesics should be given in

Impact of headache on the child and family
their optimum doses – 10–20 mg/kg for paracetamol and 10–15
Although it is true that anxiety about possible intracranial pathology mg/kg for ibuprofen. If simple analgesics are given in adequate dos-
is an important reason for seeking medical advice, concerns about age, there is seldom any additional benefit from using opiates such
missing school and worries about the impact on the child’s edu- as codeine. In Laura’s case, by ensuring that her paracetamol dos-
cation and enjoyment of family and social life are also important. age was adequate, she was able to discontinue the use of codeine.
The whole family becomes embroiled with the child’s symptoms, Oral administration of medications is the route preferred by
causing stress and anxiety to the rest of the family. Doctors need most children and their parents, but if nausea and vomiting are
to enquire from the child and family what worries them most and early symptoms, oral medications are not effective. In such chil-
to address these concerns in a direct and relevant manner, rather dren, early treatment with an anti-emetic, such as cyclizine or
than confining the discussion to general reassurances on the benign metclopromide, may offer good relief of nausea and may improve
nature of the disorder. In children with frequent headache, the help the response to painkillers. In other children, the nasal route may
of an experienced clinical psychologist may prove most useful. offer a good alternative. Sumatriptan as a nasal spray (10 mg) is
licensed for use in children over the age of 12 years and has been
shown to be effective in many but not all patients.
Advice and education
The natural course of migraine is one of relapses and remissions.
Preventing migraine headache
It is common for children to describe well-defined periods of high
attack frequency separated by periods of relative remission. Good Preventative treatment of migraine is indicated if attacks occur
and bad spells of headache are often well recognized by patients on at least four occasions per month and are severe and long
and their parents. In many children it is not possible to identify enough to stop activities, and when simple lifestyle measures are
a clear trigger for the bad spells, but in some anxiety and stress ineffective. There are no reliable medications to prevent head-
related to school exams and similar events are evident. It should ache in all children all the time, but pizotifen, propranolol and
be remembered that ‘exciting’ events, such as birthday parties, possibly topiramate are worth trying as they may offer relief to
that may be seen in a positive light by the parents may be very some children. Medication should be taken regularly for at least
stressful to the child. 2 months in appropriate dosages before its success or failure can
As they grow older children tend to have longer remissions be confidently decided.
(good spells), but unfortunately they continue to be prone to
headaches and there is as yet no treatment that can be described
Managing tension-type headache
as a cure for migraine. Similarly tension headache can recur after
a period of remission. The management of tension-type headache can be tailored to suit
Children can reduce the frequency of headaches (both the child. In many children the use of simple analgesics is safe and
migraine and tension-type headache) and prolong the ‘good effective, and should be used early and in the full recommended
spell’ by adopting a healthy lifestyle. There is no single measure dose. In other children, frequent tension-type headache can be
that is universally effective in migraine, but attention should be transformed to chronic daily headache and becomes resistant to
paid to the following: analgesia. In these cases, overmedication headache is a real risk
• regular meals; and analgesia should be withdrawn in order to achieve resolution of
• regular sleep; the daily headache. The withdrawal of analgesia can cause appre-
• regular exercise and rest; hension and worry, and also a transient worsening of the headache.
• avoidance or at least reduction of exposure to caffeine- If children and their parents are properly warned of possible wors-
­containing drinks; ening of symptoms during the first week of withdrawal, the compli-
• avoidance of other xanthines such as chocolate; ance with advice is usually good and improvement follows. ◆
• avoidance of taking analgesics more than twice a week to
­prevent the emergence of overmedication headache.
A carefully taken history may uncover triggers for the attacks Practice points
and, of course, these should be avoided. However, these triggers
are often rather vague and not easily avoided. Where stress is cited • Headache and migraine are common in children and
as a trigger, the help of a clinical psychologist may be enlisted. adolescents
• Headache can cause disruption to the child’s schooling and
social life
Managing migraine headache
• Different types of headache frequently co-exist in the
Children should be given the opportunity to lie down for rest and individual child
sleep if possible. Successful acute treatment of migraine attacks • Headache diaries are useful in making the diagnosis of
depends on the recognition of early symptoms and the administra- different types of headache
tion of the most appropriate painkiller, in an appropriate dose and • Investigations are rarely needed in children with typical
using the most appropriate route. There is a tendency for parents history and normal examination
and primary care medical practitioners to administer small doses of • Explanation of the diagnosis and education of the child and
analgesia, and also to delay administration of treatment until the their family make compliance with advice and treatment easier
headache is established and shown to be severe enough to warrant

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 18:1 43 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Questions Creatinine 107 μmol/L (20–74 μmol/L)
Bilirubin 17 μmol/L (0–17 μmol/L)
Case 1 Alkaline phosphatase 566 IU (110–270 IU)
A 9-year-old boy presented to A&E with a 2-day history of GGT 649 IU (5–32 IU)
double vision, squint (right eye) and headache. He had been ALT 150 IU (10–35 IU)
apyrexial with no other symptoms. Past medical history was Amylase 225 IU (28–100 IU)
unremarkable. The observations were as follows: HR 80/min, CRP 6 mg/dL
RR 20/min and BP 120/75 mmHg. Examination was normal
Calcium (corrected) 2.7 mmol/L (2.15–2.60 mmol/L)
other than isolated 6th nerve palsy on the right side.
Phosphate 1.46mmol/L (1.10–1.80 mmol/L)
Blood sugar 4.7 mmol/L
1. What is the likely diagnosis? Choose ONE answer ONLY
from the following: 3. What is your diagnosis? Choose ONE answer ONLY from
A. Diabetic neuropathy the following:
B. Malignancy A. Viral hepatitis
C. Multiple sclerosis B. Autoimmune hepatitis
D. Myasthenia gravis C. Lymphoma
E. Meningitis D. Hepatoblastoma
2. What investigation will you request? Choose ONE answer
ONLY from the following: Case 2
A. HbA1C A 4-year-old boy presented to his GP with a 5-day history of
B. Full blood count and blood film vomiting and was diagnosed with viral gastroenteritis. He
C. Lumbar puncture improved temporarily over the next 2 days but needed hos-
D. Tensilon test pital admission when the symptoms worsened. The child did
E. MRI scan of brain not have any fever, diarrhoea or skin rash. He had not passed
F. Bone marrow aspiration urine over the previous day. He had been in good health prior
to this illness. On examination he looked unwell, sleepy and
MRI of the brain was normal and the ophthalmologist sug- was dehydrated. His abdomen was soft and there was no
gested eye patching. Two weeks later the boy presented with organomegaly. Bowel sounds were normal. Observations were
nausea, vomiting and reduced appetite. He had seen the GP the as follows: temperature 37° C, HR 130/min, RR 22/min, SaO2
previous week because of abdominal pain and constipation. 100% in air, BP 89/57 mmHg and capillary refill time 3 s. He
On examination he looked unwell with a distended abdomen. was administered a bolus of normal saline (10 ml/kg) and
A slightly tender mass was felt in the right hypochondrium intravenous fluid was commenced to correct the deficit and
extending 7 cm below the costal margin with a firm consis- provide maintenance.
tency and smooth contour. Bilateral inguinal lymphadenopa- The blood results showed the following:
thy was also noted. The full blood count showed:
Hb 13.4 g/dL (9.5–13.5 g/dl)
Hb 10.9 g/dL (9.5–13.5 g/dL) WCC 6.3 × 109/L (4.5–13.0 × 109/L),
WCC 10.7 × 109/L (4.5–13.0 × 109/L), Neutrophils 4.1 × 109/L (1.8–8.0 × 109/L)
Neutrophils 7.17 × 109/L (1.8–8.0 × 109/L) Lymphocytes 1.9 × 109/L (1.0–5.0 × 109/L)
Lymphocytes 2.03 × 109/L (1.0–5.0 × 109/L). Platelets 369 × 109/L (170–400 × 109/L)
There were no blast cells on peripheral blood film CRP <5 mg/dL
Na 136 mmol/L (135–145 mmol/L)
Na 134 mmol/L (135–145 mmol/L) K 4.4 mmol/L (3.8–5.5 mmol/L),
K 4.6 mmol/L (3.8–5.5 mmol/L) Urea 6.4 mmol/L (1.8–6.4 mmol/L)
Urea 9.3 mmol/L (1.8–6.4 mmol/L) Creatinine 52 μmol/L (20–74 μmol/L)

Liver function tests:

Archana Joshi MBBS DCH MRCPCH is a Specialist Registrar in Paediatrics at Total bilirubin 6 μmol/L (0–17 μmol/L)
the Lister Hospital, Corey’s Mill Lane, Stevenage, Herts SG1 4AB, UK. ALT 5 IU (0–35 IU)
Basheer P Mohamed MBBS MRCPCH is a Specialist Registrar in Paediatrics Alkaline phosphatase 100 IU (110–270 IU)
at the Lister Hospital, Corey’s Mill Lane, Stevenage, Herts SG1 4AB, UK. Total protein 62 g/L (64–83 g/L)
Jonathan Kefas MB DTCH MRCPCH is a Consultant Neonatologist at the Glucose 5.3 mmol/L
Lister Hospital, Stevenage, Corey’s Mill Lane, Herts SG1 4AB, UK. Urine dipstick showed 2 + of ketones

Paediatrics and child health 18:1 44 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. What is the likely diagnosis? Choose ONE answer ONLY bilateral weakness of extraocular eye movements. Meningo-
from the following: encephalitis can cause cranial nerve palsy, but it is unlikely in
A. Viral gastroenteritis the absence of other clinical signs of infection, as in this case.
B. Intussusception Therefore, a malignant or an infiltrative process is the most
C. Appendicitis likely diagnosis.
D. Inflammatory bowel disease
2. E
He continued to vomit following admission and his obser- Isolated 6th nerve palsy (one or both) is a relatively common
vations overnight were as follows: HR 65/min, RR 26/min, feature of generalized increase of intracranial pressure. Non-
BP 125/80 mmHg, SaO2 89% in air, overnight urine output solid tumours such as leukaemia can impair the reabsorptive
2.3 ml/kg/h. mechanism in the subarachnoid space leading to increased
intracranial pressure and sometimes hydrocephalus. Therefore,
2. What is your diagnosis? neuroimaging should be performed urgently. MRI is better than
A. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome CT scan for infratentorial lesions. Lumbar puncture should not
B. Intracranial space occupying lesion be performed without ruling out raised intracranial tension.
C. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
D. Diabetic ketoacidosis 3. C
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Case 3 (non-solid tumours) can present with neurological signs. Viral
A 10-year old girl was brought to A&E by grandparents late in and autoimmune hepatitis may rarely be associated with neu-
the evening, as they were unable to cope with the child’s loss rological features, especially isolated cranial nerve palsies.
of appetite and nausea. The child had recently lost her mother Hepatic tumours are rare in children. Metastasis from other
and the whole family was grieving. Further inquiry revealed a common childhood malignancies should always be ruled out.
history of occasional vomiting, headaches and weight loss. She Hepatoblastoma generally presents in the first 18 months of
had been a fit and healthy child previously. A brief examination life as an asymptomatic abdominal mass with other features
done by the doctor was normal. The girl was cooperative but like abdominal pain, vomiting, weight loss and metastasis
wanted to go home to her bed. Hence the doctor sent the child occurring later.
home but with a plan for admission to the ward the next day.
Case 2
1. What is the most likely diagnosis? Choose ONE answer 1. A
ONLY from the following: Intussusception is unlikely in the absence of abdominal pain
A. Depression and diarrhoea (note: the classic redcurrant jelly stool is usu-
B. Anorexia nervosa ally a late sign). Appendicitis is usually diagnosed from the
C. Malignancy right iliac fossa tenderness and guarding. Inflammatory bowel
D. Bulimia disease has a more insidious onset with diarrhoea, weight
loss, loss of appetite and raised inflammatory markers.
She was admitted to the ward the next day and a detailed
clinical examination revealed loss of pupillary light reflex 2. B
with upward gaze palsy and nystagmus on attempted upward This patient presented with classical features of Cushing’s
gaze. reflex – hypertension and bradycardia – which is seen in raised
intracranial pressure. Abnormal breathing pattern (Cheyne–
2. What is the clinical feature described? Choose ONE Answer Stokes breathing) is part of the triad of symptoms. Superior
ONLY from the following sagittal sinus thrombosis should be considered in any child
A. Horner syndrome with severe dehydration and evolving neurological symptoms.
B. Trochlear nerve palsy Absence of tachycardia and a good urine output indicates a
C. Parinaud syndrome well-hydrated child. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome presents
D. Oculomotor nerve palsy with anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and impaired renal func-
tion. Diabetic ketoacidosis is unlikely given the normal blood
glucose. In this case, an urgent MRI was performed, which
Answers revealed a medulloblastoma.

Case 1 Case 3
1. B 1. A
Diabetic neuropathy and multiple sclerosis are unlikely to Depression is often under diagnosed in children. It may be pre-
present at this age, although they should be considered in cipitated by changes in body, roles and relationships. Further-
the differential diagnosis. Myasthenia gravis presents with more, bereavement is an important cause of major depression.

Paediatrics and child health 18:1 45 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Depressed mood, weight loss or gain, insomnia or hypersom- features include supranuclear palsy of upward gaze with
nia, fatigue, feeling of worthlessness or guilt are features of preservation of downward gaze, loss of pupillary light reflex
depression. When these symptoms occur within 3 months of and nystagmus on attempted upward gaze. This child was
an identifiable stressor, this is considered as adjustment dis- diagnosed with pinealoma. A pineal tumour compressing the
order with depressed mood. Anorexia nervosa is a ­psychiatric anterior hypothalamus causes loss of vision, diabetes insipi-
disorder characterized by intense fear of becoming obese, dus, precocious puberty, emaciation (diencephalic syndrome)
altered self perception of body image and refusal to main- and sometimes obesity from insatiable appetite.
tain body weight over a minimal normal weight for age and Horner syndrome results from cervical sympathetic chain
height. Bulimia is defined as a separate clinical entity by DSM injury and comprises ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis and enoph-
IV ­criteria with the following features: recurrent episodes of thalmos. Ptosis in Horner’s syndrome is often incomplete,
binge eating and fear of not being able to stop eating during a whereas in 3rd nerve palsy there is complete ptosis along with
binge, and regularly engaging in activities such as self-induced mydriasis. There is inability to elevate and adduct the eye.
vomiting, abuse of laxatives, rigorous exercise which counter- Trochlear nerve palsy, on the other hand, results in paralysis
acts the effects of binge eating. Eating disorders are commonly of the superior oblique muscle and hence causes difficulty
seen in the 16–18 year age group and more commonly involve with looking down and in. Children typically present with a
girls than boys. The incidence is on the rise in all western head tilt and face turned towards the unaffected side.
countries. Malignancy should be considered in the differential
diagnosis of weight loss in children and hence a full clinical
examination is vital, before a diagnosis of non-organic cause Further reading
is made.
Fenichel GM. Clinical Pediatric Neurology: A Sign and Symptoms
2. C Approach, 5th edn. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2005.
The clinical features are consistent with a condition referred Kleigman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF eds. Nelson’s
to as Parinaud syndrome, which is due to mid-brain dysfunc- Textbook of Pediatrics, 18th edn. Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
tion resulting from pressure by pineal tumours. The clinical 2007.

Paediatrics and child health 18:1 46 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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