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Certified Human Rights Law

Certified Human Rights Law Professional

C CC Certified ertified ertified ertified Human Rights Law Professional Human Rights Law Professional Human Rights Law Professional Human Rights Law Professional
Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1152
Vskills certification for Human Rights Law Professional assesses the candidate as per the
compan!s need for managing human rights law related matters" #he certification tests the
candidates on $arious areas in %asic concepts in human rights& legal rights& claim rights&
li%ert rights& o%ligation& dut& duties of states& %ilateral treat& multilateral treat&
con$ention& co$enant& protocol& charter and statute"

'h should one take this certification( 'h should one take this certification( 'h should one take this certification( 'h should one take this certification(
#his Course is intended for professionals and graduates wanting to e)cel in their chosen
areas" *t is also well suited for those who are alread working and would like to take
certification for further career progression"

+arning Vskills Human Rights Law Professional Certification can help candidate
differentiate in toda,s competiti$e -o% market& %roaden their emploment opportunities %
displaing their ad$anced skills& and result in higher earning potential"

'ho 'ho 'ho 'ho will %enefit from taking this certification( will %enefit from taking this certification( will %enefit from taking this certification( will %enefit from taking this certification(
.o% seekers looking to find emploment in legal or human resource or CSR departments
of $arious companies& students generall wanting to impro$e their skill set and make their
CV stronger and e)isting emploees looking for a %etter role can pro$e their emploers the
$alue of their skills through this certification"
#est /etails #est /etails #est /etails #est /etails
/uration0 /uration0 /uration0 /uration0 12 minutes
3o" of 4uestions0 3o" of 4uestions0 3o" of 4uestions0 3o" of 4uestions0 52
5a)imum marks0 5a)imum marks0 5a)imum marks0 5a)imum marks0 52& Passing marks0 25 65278
#here is no negati$e marking in this module"
9ee S 9ee S 9ee S 9ee Structure tructure tructure tructure
Rs" :&222;- 6*ncludes all ta)es8
Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Certified Human Rights Law Professional Certified Human Rights Law Professional Certified Human Rights Law Professional Certified Human Rights Law Professional
Human Rights Law Professionals are in great demand" Companies speciali<ing in law or
human rights are constantl hiring skilled Human Rights Law Professionals" Various pu%lic
and pri$ate companies also need Human Rights Law Professionals for their legal or human
resource or CSR departments"

Certified Human Rights Law Professional

#a%le of Contents #a%le of Contents #a%le of Contents #a%le of Contents

1" 1" 1" 1" =asic Concepts =asic Concepts =asic Concepts =asic Concepts
1.1 Significance of Value
1.2 Human Values
1.3 Dignity
1.4 Liberty
1.5 Equality
1.6 Justice
1.7 Ethics and Morals
1.8 Unity in Diversity
1.9 Meaning and Significance of
1.10 Human Rights Education
1.11 Objectives of Human Rights Education

2. Perspecti$e of Rights and /uties Perspecti$e of Rights and /uties Perspecti$e of Rights and /uties Perspecti$e of Rights and /uties
2.1 Etymology of Right
2.2 Meaning of Right
2.3 Analysis of Right
2.4 Natural Rights
2.5 Legal Rights
2.6 Claim Rights and Liberty Rights
2.7 Positive and Negative Rights
2.8 Individual and Group Rights
2.9 Universal Rights

:" :" :" :" 3ature and Concept of /uties 3ature and Concept of /uties 3ature and Concept of /uties 3ature and Concept of /uties
3.1 Definitional Differences between
3.2 Obligation and Duty
3.3 Concept of Duty
3.4 The Different Types of Duties
3.5 Rights and Protections accorded to
3.6 Human Rights Defenders
3.7 The Duties of States
3.8 The Responsibilities of Everyone
3.9 The Role of National Law
3.10 Impact of Duty on Society
3.11 Duty As a Value
3.12 Relationship between Rights and Duties

Certified Human Rights Law Professional

>" >" >" >" *ntroduction t *ntroduction t *ntroduction t *ntroduction to #erminolog of Various Legal *nstruments o #erminolog of Various Legal *nstruments o #erminolog of Various Legal *nstruments o #erminolog of Various Legal *nstruments
4.1 Note on Legal Instruments
4.2 Treaty
4.3 Bilateral Treaty
4.4 Multilateral Treaty
4.5 Convention and Covenant
4.6 Declaration
4.7 Protocol
4.8 Conference
4.9 Resolutions
4.10 Charter and Statute
4.11 Executive orders

Certified Human Rights Law Professional

Sample ?uestions Sample ?uestions Sample ?uestions Sample ?uestions
1" 1" 1" 1" 'hat are the : distinct functional %odies of go$ernment( 'hat are the : distinct functional %odies of go$ernment( 'hat are the : distinct functional %odies of go$ernment( 'hat are the : distinct functional %odies of go$ernment(
@" #he police& the e)ecuti$e and the -udiciar
=" #he armed forces& the e)ecuti$e and the -udiciar
C" #he Ci$il Ser$ice& the e)ecuti$e and the -udiciar
/" #he legislature& the e)ecuti$e and the -udiciar

2 22 2" " " " 'hat is meant % A-udicial independence!( 'hat is meant % A-udicial independence!( 'hat is meant % A-udicial independence!( 'hat is meant % A-udicial independence!(
@" #he right of the legal sstem to operate independentl from the general control of the
=" .udges %eing a%le to decide an case independentl of an pre$ious decisions of the
C" .udges %eing a%le to choose which cases the hear
/" .udges! rights to make whate$er law the choose

: :: :" " " " 'hat is the Rule of Law( 'hat is the Rule of Law( 'hat is the Rule of Law( 'hat is the Rule of Law(
@" *t means that the law must %e made up of rules
=" *t does not ha$e a precise meaning B it is more of a sm%olic ideal
C" *t is an a%solute rule that must %e followed
/" *t is a rule made up % Parliament

> >> >" " " " 'hat does the Human Rights @ct 1CCD actuall do& in terms of +nglish Law( 'hat does the Human Rights @ct 1CCD actuall do& in terms of +nglish Law( 'hat does the Human Rights @ct 1CCD actuall do& in terms of +nglish Law( 'hat does the Human Rights @ct 1CCD actuall do& in terms of +nglish Law(
@" 3othing0 it lea$es the law fundamentall unchanged
=" *t incorporates the +uropean Con$ention on Human Rights into +nglish Law
C" *t changes the +nglish legal sstem to a ci$il law sstem& in line with +uropean countries
/" *t introduces additional rights to the +uropean Con$ention on Human Rights

5 55 5" " " " 'hich of the follo 'hich of the follo 'hich of the follo 'hich of the following statements a%out the Human Rights @ct 1CCD is correct( wing statements a%out the Human Rights @ct 1CCD is correct( wing statements a%out the Human Rights @ct 1CCD is correct( wing statements a%out the Human Rights @ct 1CCD is correct(
@" @ll of the rights contained in the @ct are inaliena%le and cannot %e interfered with %
the State
=" 3one of the rights contained in the @ct are inaliena%le and all of them can %e interfered
with % the State
C" Some of the rights contained in the @ct are inaliena%le and some can %e interfered with
% the State
/" #he Human Rights @ct 1CCD does not appl in the EF courts

Answers: 1 (D), 2 (A), 3 (B), 4 (B), 5 (C)

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