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The Day After a

Benny Hinn
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Benny Hinn Media Ministries
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! "993 #elebration
$%B& 09'29('988
) *railloo+in,, seated in a -/eel 0/air, sat
.otionless in t/e 0ro-ded auditoriu.. 1it/ eyes 0losed,
/er li2s o**ered a silent 2rayer. %/e /ad 0o.e *or a
.ira0le. )s s/e li*ted /er /ands in -ors/i2 s/e see.ed
una-are o* t/e 0ro-d around /er -/i0/ san, in unison,
li*tin, son,s o* 2raise to t/e Lord. 3/e at.os2/ere
be0a.e 0/ar,ed -it/ 4od5s 2resen0e6al.ost ele0tri*ied
6as t/e 2eo2le 0ontinued in -ors/i2. Mira0les be,an to
/a22en e7ery-/ere8
3/e 9uiet, 2rayer*ul ex2ression on /er *a0e -as
abru2tly re2la0ed by a -ideeyed loo+ o* sur2rise and
ex0ite.ent. %/e be,an to .o7e one le,, t/en t/e ot/er6
*aster and *aster. %uddenly s/e stood to /er *eet as
stren,t/ sur,ed t/rou,/ /er le,s. %/e /ad ne7er *elt t/is
-ay be*ore. Her *a0e -as a,lo- -it/ 4od5s 2resen0e.
3ears o* :oy *lo-ed do-n /er s.ilin, *a0e as s/e too+
one ste2, t/en anot/er, and anot/er ... ea0/ ste2 .ore
de0ided t/an t/e one be*ore. %/e -al+ed *aster and *aster,
/ands u2raised, s/outin,, ;$57e been /ealed8 $ 0an -al+8;
$s t/e battle o7er, on0e a .ira0le ta+es 2la0e< Or /as
t/e battle :ust be,un<
1/at /a22ens ;t/e day a*ter a .ira0le;< Ha7e you
e7er t/ou,/t about -/at o00urs a*ter so.eone /as been
$.a,ine -/at it -ould be li+e to ex2erien0e 4od5s
/ealin, 2o-er *ro. a ter.inal disease li+e 0an0er. 3o
suddenly be *ree *ro. tor.entin, 2ain and -ea+ness6to
reali=e you -ill li7e and not die.
1/at -ould it be li+e to +no- instantaneous *reedo.
*ro. a -/eel0/air a*ter bein, /eld 0a2ti7e by its ,ri2 *or
1/at *eelin,6-/at e.otion6-ould rus/ t/rou,/
your bein, i* a*ter a li*eti.e o* dea*ness, you suddenly
/eard t/ousands o* 7oi0es li*tin, 2raises to our -onder*ul
Lord by sin,in, t/e ins2irin, lyri0s and .a:esti0 .elody
o* ;Ho- 4reat 3/ou )rt;<
1/at e0stasy .ust o7er-/el. an indi7idual -/ose
blinded eyes suddenly re0ei7e si,/t and loo+ into t/e *a0e
o* a lo7ed one *or t/e *irst ti.e8
Many belie7e t/at t/e only battle ,round to be
0on9uered is t/e ti.e -/i0/ 2re0edes a .ira0le. $s t/e
battle o7er, on0e t/e .ira0le o00urs< Or /as it :ust be,un<
)re t/ere on,oin, o22ortunities *or 7i0tory or de*eat
t/e day a*ter a .ira0le< $s it 2ossible *or so.eone -/o
/as been *reed *ro. t/e bonda,e o* si0+ness or 2/ysi0al
i.2air.ent to be0o.e ensnared a,ain< #an a ,lorious
.ira0le to be lost<
1 The Day After a Miracle
Day No. 1
;Belo7ed, $ -is/ abo7e all t/in,s t/at t/ou .ayest
2ros2er and be in /ealt/, e7en as t/y soul 2ros2eret/.; ?$ll
@o/n 2A.
3/rou,/out t/e 1ord o* 4od -e *ind 2ro.ises *or
our /ealin, and /ealt/. $t is 4od5s -ill *or us to be -ell, to
en:oy /ealt/ and li*e in its *ullness. Only -/en -e +no-
and understand 4od5s 2ro.ises 0an -e a22ly and
a22ro2riate t/e..
@ust as /ealin, is re0ei7ed by *ait/, so also is /ealin,
+e2t by *ait/. ;%o t/en *ait/ by /earin,, and
/earin, by t/e -ord o* 4od.; ?Bo.ans "0:">A
$* you /a7e re0ei7ed a .ira0le *ro. our -onder*ul
Lord and /a7e ex2erien0ed t/e e0stasy -/i0/ His /ealin,
tou0/ brin,s, read on be0ause t/ere are so.e t/in,s -/i0/
you .ust +no-.
$t is 7ery i.2ortant to understand /o- to re0ei7e a
.ira0le, but e7en .ore i.2ortant to +no- /o- to /old on
to t/at .ira0le and en:oy t/e di7ine /ealt/ ea0/ day -/i0/
4od intends *or His 0/ildren. $ /a7e seen .any
indi7iduals -/o /a7e been .ira0ulously /ealed *ro.
ter.inal disease li7e e7ery day t/erea*ter in /ealt/. But $
/a7e also -itnessed t/e tra,edy o* so.e -/o /a7e
allo-ed t/eir .ira0le to be stolen, si.2ly be0ause t/ey
did not +no- /o- to /old on to t/at .ira0le.
$5. sure t/at you /a7e +no-n so.eone6or 2er/a2s
e7en /ad t/e ex2erien0e yoursel*6-/o /as sou,/t 4od
*or His su2ernatural tou0/. %o.e re0ei7e t/eir /ealin,
9ui0+ly -/ile ot/ers -ait u2on 4od *or t/eir .u0/
needed .ira0le. 3/ey .ay /a7e 2rayed intensely and read
4od5s 1ord *ait/*ully. Per/a2s t/ey 0alled *or t/e elders
o* t/e 0/ur0/ to 2ray t/e 2rayer o* *ait/ as (:"C
su,,ests. 3/ey .ay /a7e been anointed -it/ oil on .any
di**erent o00asions as a 2rayer *or t/eir /ealin, -as
s2o+en. Per/a2s t/ey e7en *asted and 2rayed, belie7in,
4od *or His /ealin, tou0/. %o.e indi7iduals,ly
re0ei7e t/eir .ira0le easily -/ile ot/ers -ait *or 4od to
inter7ene and brin, /ealin, to t/eir body.
But -/en t/at .ira0le, -/at t/en< 1/at
/a22ens ;t/e day a*ter a .ira0le;< $s t/e battle o7er, on0e
t/e .ira0le ta+es 2la0e< %o.e .ista+enly t/in+ t/at t/e
only battle ,round t/at exists is t/at ti.e be*ore t/ey
re0ei7e a .ira0le.
)re t/ere on,oin, o22ortunities *or 7i0tory or
de*eat< $s it 2ossible *or so.eone -/o /as been liberated
*ro. si0+ness and disease to be0o.e ensnared a,ain,
si.2ly be0ause t/ey do not +no- /o- to /old on to t/at
Des, $ /a7e seen .any indi7iduals .ira0ulously
/ealed *ro. ter.inal disease or 2/ysi0al i.2air.ent, and
$ t/an+ 4od *or ea0/ .ira0le. 3/ey /a7e en:oyed t/e
blessin,s o* li*e and /ealt/ in *ull, 0o.2lete, di7ine
/ealt/, ex2erien0in, total restoration o* e7eryt/in, t/e
disease /ad stolen. &o .ore 2ain, no .ore si0+ness, no
.ore -ea+ness. But $ /a7e also -itnessed t/e tra,edy o*
so.e -/o /a7e allo-ed t/eir .ira0le to sli2 a-ay. Ho-
sad it is to see to.orro-5s ri0/es o* /ealt/ stolen a*ter
+no-in, t/e :oy o* 2ossessin, it today8
Strategy For Victory
$n any -ar or 0on*rontation, t/ere are t/ree basi0
ele.ents ne0essary *or a 2otential 7i0tory: identi*y t/e
ene.y, be 2ro2erly ar.ed and e9ui22ed to *i,/t a,ainst
t/e ene.y, and de7ise a 2lan or strate,y to a0/ie7e a
Identify The Enemy
Be*ore you 0an be 2ro2erly 2re2ared *or battle, you
.ust identi*y t/e ene.y. 3/e Bible tells us in @o/n "0:"0
t/at ;3/e t/ie* not, but *or to steal, and to +ill, and
to destroy: $ a. 0o.e t/at t/ey .i,/t /a7e li*e, and t/at
t/ey .i,/t /a7e it .ore abundantly.; 3/at t/ie* is %atan,
and /e is 0onstantly tryin, to destroy -/at 4od /as ,i7en.
He is a bad loser and doesn5t ,i7e u2 easily. He -/is2ers
lies and 2lants t/e seeds o* doubt in order to re0lai. -/at
/e /as lost.
3/e ene.y in subtle, t/e
.ost unli+ely. $dle, e.2ty tal+ is one -ay. For exa.2le,
so.e indi7iduals /a7e ex2erien0ed a .ar7elous .ira0le,
but /a7e e7entually lost it t/rou,/ 0/ea2, e.2ty tal+.
Matt/e- "2:3' re0ords a stron, ad.onition by @esus.
;But $ say unto you, 3/at e7ery idle -ord t/at .en s/all
s2ea+, t/ey s/all ,i7e a00ount t/ereo* in t/e day o*
Ready To Fight
1/at -e say is 7ital to our existen0e, to our -ell
bein,, and to, t/e ene.y. Pro7erbs "3:3 states
;He t/at +ee2et/ /is .out/ +ee2et/ /is li*e . . . ; Dou 0an
lose -/at 4od /as ,i7en you t/rou,/ s2ea+in, idle
-ords. 4od5s 0o..and to @os/ua re,ardin, t/e Pro.ised
Land -as to ;2ossess it -it/ a battle;. Our battle ,round
is our .out/. 4uard -/at out o* your
.out/. Be 0ertain t/at you s2ea+ *ait/ and li*e, a7oidin,
t/e *ait/destroyin, -ords o* doubt.
#onsider t/e si,ni*i0an0e o* idle -ords *or a .o.ent.
Do you reali=e t/at -/en you 0on*ess si0+ness, it a0tually
s/o-s t/at you belie7e in t/e si0+ness .ore t/an you
belie7e in 4od<
Don5t e7er *all into t/at tra2. Bat/er, 0ontinue to trust
t/e ;4od o* .ira0les; *or /ealt/ and /ealin, ea0/ day.
3/e sa.e .ira0le-or+in, 4od t/at brin,s /ealin, to
your li*e is also able to sustain you and +ee2 you /ealt/y.
)nd He 0an sustain you in t/at .ira0le to -al+ in di7ine
/ealt/ *or a day, a .ont/, a year or a li*eti.e. $t is
a00ordin, to your *ait/. Be.e.ber, :ust as /ealin, is
re0ei7ed by *ait/, so also is /ealin, +e2t by *ait/.
@ere.ia/ 30:"> 2ro.ises ;$ -ill restore /ealt/ unto
t/ee, and $ -ill /eal t/ee o* t/y -ounds, sait/ t/e Lord.;
4od 2ro.ises to restore your /ealt/. On0e you /a7e
ex2erien0ed t/e /ealin, tou0/ o* our -onder*ul Lord,
don5t e7er let anyt/in, rob you o* it. Fill your /eart -it/
4od5s 2ro.ises. $* %atan tries to atta0+ you t/rou,/
sy.2to.s or lies, s2ea+ 4od5s 2ro.ises. Be0o,ni=e t/e
ene.y t/at is atta0+in, and resist /i. by *i,/tin, -it/
stron, -ea2ons6t/e 1ord o* 4od.
%e7eral years a,o a , *ro. a .ainline
deno.inational 0/ur0/ 0a.e to a .ira0le ser7i0e at our
0/ur0/ *or 2rayer. He said t/at /e /ad been dia,nosed
-it/ ter.inal 0an0er, but -as trustin, 4od *or a .ira0le. $
0an re0all t/at as $ 2rayed *or /i., $ sensed su0/ a stron,
anointin, *or /ealin, and *elt 0ertain t/at /e /ad been
/ealed. $ en0oura,ed /i. to ,o ba0+ to /is do0tor be0ause
$ *elt 4od /ad tou0/ed /i..
He returned to /is do0tor and, a*ter bein, exa.ined,
-as told t/at t/e 0an0er /ad 7anis/ed. He be,an to ,ain
-ei,/t, /is 2/ysi0al stren,t/ returned, /is /air be,an to
,ro- ba0+, and /is body be,an to res2ond as it /ad be*ore
t/e illness. His .ira0le be0a.e .ore e7ident ea0/ day as
/ealt/ and stren,t/ -ere restored to /is body. %oon /is
2/ysi0al a22earan0e -as so 0/an,ed t/at t/e
i.2ro7e.ent -as a22arent to all -/o +ne- /i..
He -as t/rilled at 4od5s /ealin, tou0/ and be,an to
s/are /is testi.ony -it/ e7eryone /e .et, in0ludin, t/e
2astor o* /is lo0al 0/ur0/. Ho-e7er, t/e 2astor5s res2onse
s/o0+ed /i..
)*ter s/arin, t/e ex0itin, story o* /is .ira0ulous
/ealin, and re0o7ery *ro. 0an0er, rat/er t/an re:oi0in,
-it/ /i., t/e 2astor said t/ere -as no su0/ t/in, as
/ealin, today. 3/ere*ore, it -as totally i.2ossible *or t/e
0an0er to /a7e disa22eared. 3/ere -as no -ay /e 0ould
/a7e been .ira0ulously ;0ured; o* t/is ter.inal
0ondition. Be.ission6.aybeE ;/ealed;6i.2ossible8
&eedless to say, t/e .an -as /urt and 0on*used by
/is 2astor5s res2onse. His *ait/ be,an to -a7er and
-ea+en. He be0a.e dis0oura,ed. His *ait/ be,an to
*lu0tuate and doubts ,re- stron,er. Fnbelie* and -orry
0re2t in and o7ertoo+ /i.. He allo-ed t/e idle -ords
s2o+en by /is 2astor to ta+e root in /is /eart. His do0tor
/ad exa.ined /i. and 2er*or.ed se7eral tests. 3/e
0an0er 0ould no lon,er be *ound in /is body. G7en t/ou,/
/is do0tor told /i. t/e 0an0er -as ,one and /is 2/ysi0al
body s/o-ed e7ery si,n o* /ealt/ and /ealin,, yet t/e
doubts re.ained.
But unbelie* in0reased so .u0/ t/at it 0onsu.ed /i..
%o.e ti.e later $ re0ei7ed -ord t/at t/is .an /ad died o*
0an0er. Ho- 0ould t/is /a22en< His 2/ysi0ian /ad
0on*ir.ed t/e tre.endous .ira0le, statin, t/at /is body
-as *ree *ro. 0an0er. Det, /e /ad died. #an0er /ad
ra7a,ed /is body and ta+en /is li*e. 1/y< Be0ause /e
allo-ed t/e seeds o* idle -ords so-n by /is 2astor to ta+e
root and bear t/e *ruit o* unbelie* in /is li*e.
Fnbelie* is di**erent *ro. doubt. 1/en an indi7idual
doubts, in*or.ation is needed to resol7e t/e .atter in
9uestion and brin, a satis*a0tory resolution. Fnbelie*,
/o-e7er, is t/e re*usal to belie7e in t/e *a0e o* e7iden0e.
3/e *ait/destroyin, -ords s2o+en by /is 2astor brou,/t
unbelie*. 3/e 2astor re*used to belie7e t/e re2ort o* t/e
do0tor and t/e 7isible /ealt/ and stren,t/ o* t/e .an5s
body. Be0ause o* t/at unbelie* and t/e -ords s2o+en, t/e
.an allo-ed /is /ealin, to be stolen and si0+ness to
return. 1/at a tra,edy it is -/en so.eone -/o /as
ex2erien0ed a ,lorious /ealin, allo-s unbelie* to rob
t/e. o* t/e /ealin, t/ey +ne- yesterday.
Protecting The Miracle
Ha7e you re0ei7ed a .ira0le< $* so, it is i.2ortant not
only to understand -/at /as /a22ened but also /o- to
2rote0t it.
On0e an indi7idual /as been /ealed, it is i.2ortant to
be e9ui22ed -it/ t/e trut/ so /e 0an 0ontinue to -al+ in
/ealin, and /ealt/ ea0/ day. $t is 2ossible to retain t/at
/ealin, and -al+ in di7ine /ealt/. Dou .ust +no- -/at
4od5s 1ord 2ro.ises about your /ealin,, /o-e7er, *or it
is t/e trut/ t/at you +no- t/at sets you *ree ?and +ee2s
you *reeA8
$ re0all anot/er in0ident in -/i0/ a boy re0ei7ed a
-onder*ul .ira0le and -as /ealed. Fn*ortunately, a*ter a
.ar7elous .ira0le /ad o00urred, /is .ot/er turned to .e,
al.ost i..ediately, and said, ;Hee2 2rayin, *or /i.
be0ause no- t/e de7il -ill really atta0+ /i.8; Her
state.ent de.onstrated t-o t/in,s: ?"A %/e doubted /is
/ealin,, and ?2A %/e s2o+e o* t/e de7il5s *ait/*ulness to
steal -/at 4od /as ,i7en. His .ot/er /ad .ore *ait/ in
t/e de7il5s ability to /arass t/an in 4od5s su2re.e ability
to sustain and brin, 7i0tory. 3/e result -as t/at /er son
lost /is /ealin,.
4od5s blessin,s are /indered -/en our li2s 0ontradi0t
4od5s 1ord. 3/ere are so .any s0ri2tures -/i0/ 2ro.ise
our /ealin, and /ealt/ in t/e Bible. For exa.2le, $saia/
(3:C states ;%urely He /at/ borne our si0+ness and 0arried
our 2ain.;
Psal. 9":"0 2ro.ises ;3/ere s/all no e7il be*all
t/ee, neit/er s/all any 2la,ue 0o.e ni,/ t/y d-ellin,.;
Psal. "03 be,ins -it/ ;Bless t/e Lord, O .y soul:
and all t/at is -it/in .e, bless /is /oly na.e. Bless t/e
Lord, O .y soul, and *or,et not all /is bene*its: -/o
*or,i7et/ all t/ine ini9uitiesE -/o /ealet/ all t/y
diseases.; 3/e Bible is *illed -it/ 2ro.ises *or our
/ealin, and /ealt/. 3/ese 2ro.ises are extended to us
bot/ be*ore and a*ter t/e .ira0le. 3/e sa.e 2ro.ises
-/i0/ 0an build *ait/ to re0ei7e a .ira0le 0an also build
*ait/ to +ee2 a .ira0le.
God! Promi!e to "ou
3/e Bible 2ro.ises /ealin, and /ealt/ *or 4od5s
0/ildren. Pro7erbs C:"3 states ;3a+e /old o* instru0tion,
let /er not ,o. Hee2 /er *or s/e is t/y li*e.;
$n t/e natural not/in, is ,uaranteed unless it is used
a00ordin, to dire0tions. 3/at is /o- a .anu*a0turer
insures t/e 2ro2er o2eration o* /is 2rodu0t. 1/en you ,o
a,ainst t/e dire0tions *or t/e use o* any ,uaranteed ite.,
you .a+e t/e ,uarantee in7alid. 3/is 7erse indi0ates t/at
our /ealin, and 0ontinued /ealt/ is de2endent u2on
instru0tion or +no-led,e.
Pro7erbs 8:33 states ;Hear instru0tion and be -ise
and re*use it not.; 1/y< Be0ause la0+ o* instru0tion 0an
brin, la0+ o* *ait/ in your li*e.
Fait/ is 7ital to your .ira0le. Healin, is re0ei7ed by
*ait/, and /ealin, is +e2t by *ait/. Fait/ does not deny
*a0tE it 0/an,es it. Fait/ is not, -/i0/ by
2rayer. Bat/er, 4od5s 1ord states t/at ;Fait/ by
/earin,, and /earin, by t/e 1ord.; ?Bo.ans "0:">A. 3/e
-ord ;/earin,; is in t/e 2resent tense, su,,estin, t/at -e
.ust 0ontinually ;/ear;.
3/e 1ord you /eard yesterday is not su**i0ient to
sustain your s2iritual li*e inde*initely 3/ere*ore, -e .ust
allo- 4od5s 1ord to 0ontinually -as/ o7er our s2irit so
t/at *ait/ 0an ,ro-. Fait/ by /earin, and /earin,
and /earin, and /earin, His 1ord. 3/e trut/ 0ontained
t/erein is -/at brin,s li*e and sets us *ree and +ee2s us
Fear Not
Fear is one o* %atan5s -ea2ons -/i0/ /e -ill o*ten
use. $* %atan tries to steal your .ira0le t/rou,/ *ear,
re.e.ber: identi*y your ene.y and resist /i.. #all u2on
4od and tell Hi. -/at you are ,oin, t/rou,/.
;$ sou,/t t/e Lord, and /e /eard .e, and deli7ered
.e *ro. all .y *ears.; ?Psal. 3C:CA
;3/e eyes o* t/e Lord are u2on t/e ri,/teous, and /is
ears are o2en unto t/eir 0ry.; ?Psal. 3C:"(A
;4od is our re*u,e and stren,t/, a 7ery 2resent /el2
in trouble.; ?Psal. C':"A
;$n t/e day o* .y trouble $ -ill 0all u2on t/ee: *or
t/ou -ilt ans-er .e.; ?Psal. 8':>A
;Bless t/e Lord, O .y soul, and *or,et not all /is
bene*its: 1/o *or,i7et/ all t/ine ini9uitiesE -/o /ealet/
all t/y diseasesE 1/o t/y li*e *ro. destru0tionE
-/o 0ro-net/ t/ee -it/ lo7in,+indness and tender
.er0iesE 1/o satis*iet/ t/y .out/ -it/ ,ood t/in,sE so
t/at t/y yout/ is rene-ed li+e t/e ea,le5s.; ?Psal. "03:2
;3/ere s/all no e7il be*all t/ee, neit/er s/all any
2la,ue 0o.e ni,/ t/y d-ellin,. For /e s/all ,i7e /is
an,els 0/ar,e o7er t/ee, to +ee2 t/ee in all t/y -ays.;
?Psal. 9":"0""A
The #attle Plan
1/at .ust -e do to +ee2 our /ealin,< Obey 4od5s
1ord *or t/rou,/ it -e dis0o7er our road .a2 *or li7in,.
3/e Bible 2oints out > areas t/rou,/ -/i0/ -e 0an 0ri22le
t/e *or0es o* /ell, destroyin, t/e de7il5s 2lan.
1. Trust God
@ere.ia/ ">:("0 0ontrasts t/e 0onse9uen0es o* an
indi7idual -/o trusts in .an -it/ t/ose o* one -/o trust
in 4od. 1/en -e 2ut our trust ?*ait/A in 4od, -e -ill rea2
a ,ood /ar7est, one -/i0/ is *ait/*illed and 2ros2erous.
;#ursed be t/e .an t/at trustet/ in .an, and .a+et/ *les/
/is ar., and -/o de2artet/ *ro. t/e Lord. For /e s/all be
li+e t/e /eat/ in t/e desert, and s/all not see -/en ,ood but s/all in/abit t/e 2ar0/ed 2la0es in t/e
-ilderness, in a salt land and not in/abited.; ?7s. ('A.
Ierse > ,oes on to say ;Blessed is t/e .an t/at
trustet/ in t/e Lord, and -/ose /o2e t/e Lord is. For /e
s/all be as a tree 2lanted by t/e -aters, t/at s2readet/ out
/er roots by t/e ri7er, and s/all not see -/en /eat,
but /er lea* s/all be ,reenE and s/all not be 0are*ul in t/e
year o* drou,/t, neit/er s/all 0ease *ro. yieldin, *ruit.;
?7s. >8A ;$ t/e Lord sear0/ t/e /eart, $ try t/e reins, e7en
to ,i7e e7ery .an a00ordin, to /is -ays, and a00ordin, to
t/e *ruit o* /is doin,s.; ?7s. "0A
$n t/e natural as a tree .atures, t/e root stru0ture
in0reases. 3/is /el2s to su22ort t/e added /ei,/t and
,ro-t/ o* t/e tree, and to brin, t/e ne0essary -ater and
nouris/.ent t/e tree needs to sur7i7e and 0ontinue
,ro-in,. %2iritually, -e .ust be li+e t/e tree. Our roots
or our *ait/ .ust ,o dee2er to brin, stability and 2ro.ote
,ro-t/ s2iritually. 3/e -ater o* t/e 1ord brin,s li*e and
-e re0ei7e nouris/.ent. )s -e understand and a22ly t/e
1ord o* 4od to our li7es, -e are able to a22ro2riate
4od5s 2ro.ises *or our li*e and re0ei7e -/at is ours as a
2. Keep His Word
4od5s 1ord /as .u0/ to say about /ealin,, .ira0les
and li7in, in di7ine, 2er*e0t /ealt/. 1/en -e +no- and
understand -/at 4od5s 1ord says, -e 0an stand on t/ose
2ro.ises -it/ 0on*iden0e.
$n &u.bers 23:"9 -e *ind t/at 4od )l.i,/ty .eans
-/at He says. $ t/in+ e7ery #/ristian s/ould +no- t/is
7erse by /eart. ;4od is not a .an t/at He s/ould lie,
neit/er t/e son o* Man t/at /e s/ould re2ent. Hat/ /e said
and s/all /e not do it, or /at/ /e s2o+en and s/all /e not
.a+e it ,ood.; 4od is not a .an t/at He s/ould lie.
Ladies and ,entle.en, -/en 4od says it, He .eans it and
all t/e 2o-er o* /ea7en -ill ba0+ Hi. u2.
;Belo7ed, $ -is/ abo7e all t/in,s t/at t/ou .ayest
2ros2er and be in /ealt/, e7en as t/y soul 2ros2eret/.; ?$$$
@o/n 2A
;For $ -ill restore /ealt/ unto t/ee, and $ -ill /eal
t/ee o* t/y -ounds, sait/ t/e LordE; ?@ere.ia/ 30:">A
;3/ey /a7e no stru,,lesE t/eir bodies are /ealt/y and
stron,.; ?Psal. >3:C, &$IA
3. Confess Your aults to !ach "ther
3/e 1ord o* t/e Lord /as .u0/ to say about /ealin,.
G7ery ti.e /ealin, is .entioned in t/e 1ord o* 4od, it is
.entioned in 0onne0tion -it/ t/e -or+ o* t/e 0ross, in
0onne0tion -it/ t/e *or,i7eness o* sins. (:"C"( says ;$s any si0+ a.on, you< let /i.
0all *or t/e elders o* t/e 0/ur0/E and let t/e. 2ray o7er
/i., anointin, /i. -it/ oil in t/e na.e o* t/e Lord: )nd
t/e 2rayer o* *ait/ s/all sa7e t/e si0+, and t/e Lord s/all
raise /i. u2E and i* /e /at/ 0o..itted sins, t/ey s/all be
*or,i7en /i..; 1/ene7er 4od *or,i7es you, He -ants to
/eal you as -ell. 3/e only 2roble. is t/at .any only
a00e2t t/e *or,i7eness o* sins and not t/e /ealin,. $* -e
are under a double 0urse6sin and si0+ness6t/en -e
.ust a00e2t t/e double 0ure6*or,i7eness and /ealin,.
;#on*ess your *aults one to anot/er, and 2ray one *or
anot/er, t/at ye .ay be /ealed. 3/e e**e0tual *er7ent
2rayer o* a ri,/teous .an a7ailet/ .u0/.; ? (:"'A
#. Keep Your Ton$ue
4uard your ton,ue so t/at t/e -ords s2o+en *ro.
your li2s are -ords o* *ait/ and not -ords o* doubt and
Pro7erbs "2:"86;3/ere is t/at s2ea+et/ li+e t/e
2ier0in,s o* a s-ord: but t/e ton,ue o* t/e -ise is /ealt/.;
%. &tay 'n (rayer
Psal. 9" 0ontains .any 2ro.ises to t/e belie7er -/o
*ello-s/i2s -it/ t/e Lord in 2rayer.
Psal. 9":"C6;He t/at d-ellet/ in t/e se0ret 2la0e
o* t/e .ost Hi,/ s/all abide under t/e s/ado- o* t/e
)l.i,/ty.; ?7s. "A
;$ -ill say o* t/e Lord, He is .y re*u,e and .y
*ortress: .y 4odE in /i. -ill $ trust.; ?7s. 2A
;%urely /e s/all deli7er t/ee *ro. t/e snare o* t/e
*o-ler, and *ro. t/e noiso.e 2estilen0e.; ?7s. 3A
;He s/all 0o7er t/ee -it/ /is *eat/ers, and under /is
-in,s s/alt t/ou trust: /is trut/ s/all be t/y s/ield and
bu0+ler.; ?7s. CA
Ierses (9 2ro.ise our sa*ety and -ell bein, *ro.
*ear and destru0tion. 3/e Psal. ,oes on to 2ro.ise t/at
no e7il -ill be*all us, nor any 2la,ue 0o.e near our
/ouse/old. )n,els -ill be dis2ersed to 2rote0t us.
Ierse "' 0loses t/e 2sal. -it/ a -onder*ul 2ro.ise.
;1it/ lon, li*e -ill $ satis*y /i., and s/o- /i. .y
). *esist the De+il ,y &u,-ittin$ to God
3/e de7il5s ,oal is to steal -/at 4od /as ,i7en to His
0/ildren. C:>8 states t/at -e .ust to 4od.
$t also 2ro.ises t/at -/en -e resist t/e de7il and t/e
-or+s /e tries to brin, about in our li*e, /e -ill *lee *ro.
us. Ierse 8 ,oes on to say t/at -/en -e dra- ni,/ to
4od, He -ill dra- ni,/ to us. $n ot/er -ords, -/en -e
tou0/ Hi., He -ill tou0/ us. Ho- -onder*ul it is to sense
4od5s 2resen0e near and -al+ in t/at *ello-s/i2. C:>86; yoursel7es t/ere*ore to 4od.
Besist t/e de7il, and /e -ill *lee *ro. you. Dra- ni,/ to
4od, and /e -ill dra- ni,/ to you. #leanse your /ands,
ye sinnersE and 2uri*y your /earts, ye double.inded.;
4od )l.i,/ty -ants you -ell and /ealt/y. Di7ine
/ealt/ is and al-ays /as been better t/an di7ine /ealin,.
Di7ine /ealt/ -as al-ays 4od5s 2lan *or .an. 1/en -e
exa.ine )da.5s li*e in t/e 4arden o* Gden be*ore t/e
*all, -e *ind t/at /e -as /ealt/y and /ad do.inion o7er
e7eryt/in,. %i0+ness entered t/e / ra0e a*ter )da.5s
sin. 4od 0reated )da. /ealt/y6a 2er*e0t a0t o* 0reation.
1e *ind no re0ord o* si0+ness until a*ter sin entered t/e
$saia/ (3 also /as, to say about your
/ealt/. 3/e 1ord o* t/e Lord de0lares t/at 4od sent His
%on, and be0ause @esus 0a.e, no si0+ness /as any le,al
ri,/t o7er you. $ belie7e t/at it is 2ossible *or ea0/ o* us to
,ras2 t/is trut/ and to reali=e t/e reality o* our in/eritan0e
o* /ealin, and /ealt/.
.. ",ser+e the /a0s of 1ature
On0e you /a7e re0ei7ed your .ira0le, use -isdo.
and ta+e 0are o* your 2/ysi0al body. Be.e.ber to
obser7e t/e la-s o* nature by ta+in, 0are o* your body. $t
is 2ossible to abuse your body and be0o.e si0+.
G7eryt/in, *ro. i.2ro2er nutrition to stress and
o7er-or+ ta+e a toll on our bodies. Many do not ta+e
2ro2er 0are o* t/e.sel7es. 3/e Bible states t/at your body
is t/e te.2le o* t/e Holy 4/ost. Dou are its 0areta+er. $n
ot/er -ords, you .ust ta+e 0are o* t/e te.2le o* 4od ?t/e
2/ysi0al bodyA.
Medi0al s0ien0e is 0onstantly 2ro7idin, additional
insi,/t into t/is area by re0o..endin, -ays in -/i0/ -e
0an stay /ealt/y. Ho- .u0/ better it is to +no- di7ine
/ealt/ rat/er t/an di7ine /ealin,.
$ #orint/ians 3:"'">6;Hno- ye not t/at ye are t/e
te.2le o* 4od, and t/at t/e %2irit o* 4od d-ellet/ in you<
$* any .an de*ile t/e te.2le o* 4od, /i. s/all 4od
destroyE *or t/e te.2le o* 4od is /oly, -/i0/ te.2le ye
)*ter you /a7e re0ei7ed your .ira0le, turn a-ay
*ro. t/ose -/o o22ose .ira0les. Be.e.ber t/e a00ount
o* t/e .an -/o s/ared /is .ira0le testi.ony -it/ /is
2astor and -as stunned by t/e *ait/destroyin, res2onse
/e re0ei7ed< )*ter bein, .ira0ulously /ealed and
2ronoun0ed 0an0er*ree by /is do0tor, /e 0/ose to
entertain t/e e.2ty -ords o* unbelie* s2o+en by /is
2astor. Be.ission6.aybeE /ealed6i.2ossible8
%tay a-ay *ro. indi7iduals -/o -ill s2ea+ *ait/
destroyin, -ords6idle -ords6-/i0/ brin, doubt,
unbelie*, and deat/. %urround yoursel* -it/ *ait/*illed
belie7ers -/o -ill a,ree -it/ you, stren,t/en you, build
your *ait/, and re:oi0e -it/ you be0ause o* your .ira0le.
#ontinue to see yoursel* -ell and -/ole, /ealed in
@esus5 na.e. Gx2erien0e t/e ri0/ in/eritan0e t/at is yours
t/rou,/ @esus #/rist8 Learn -/at 4od5s 1ord 2ro.ises,
and stand on t/ose 2ro.ises. %ay ,oodbye to doubt and
unbelie*. 3rust t/e 4od -/o /ealed you to +ee2 you today
and e7ery day.
Follow these seven keys for healing.
". 3rust 4od.
2. Hee2 His 1ord.
3. #on*ess your *aults one to anot/er.
C. 4uard your ton,ue, s2ea+in, -ords o* *ait/ and
not -ords o* doubt and unbelie*.
(. %tay in 2rayer, re.indin, 4od o* His 2ro.ises.
'. Besist t/e de7il by sub.ittin, to 4od. 1/en you
do, t/e de7il -ill *lee *ro. you.
>. Obser7e t/e la-s o* nature. Don5t abuse your
2/ysi0al body t/rou,/ i.2ro2er nutrition, la0+ o*
2ro2er rest, and undue stress. Be a ,ood 0areta+er o*
4od5s te.2le6your body. Don5t allo- your .ira0le
and t/e -ealt/ o* di7ine /ealt/ to be stolen *ro. you.
On0e you /a7e re0ei7ed a .ira0le and been *reed
*ro. t/e bonda,e o* si0+ness and disease, you .ust
treasure t/at .ira0le. 3/an+ 4od *or His tou0/ and ,i7e
Hi. t/e ,lory 0ontinually.
$ re0ently tal+ed to a .an -/o ex2erien0ed a ,lorious
/ealin, *ro. 0olon 0an0er .ore t/an t-o years a,o. 1e
-ere dis0ussin, /o- .ar7elous it is to be tou0/ed by
4od5s .ira0le-or+in, 2o-er, and to ste2 *ro. deat/ into
li*e as /ealt/ is restored by 4od5s ,ra0e. )s $ listened to
/i. tal+ about /is .ira0le and t/e ti.e sin0e, $ /eard /i.
say, 7ery i.2ortant. He said t/at /e ne7er *ails
to t/an+ 4od ea0/ day *or /is /ealin, and to testi*y to
ot/ers about 4od5s /ealin, tou0/. He ne7er ta+es /is
.ira0le or /is /ealt/ *or ,ranted. He t/an+s 4od *or
/ealt/ and /ealin, *or today and e7ery day.
$* you /a7e re0ei7ed a .ira0le, re.e.ber to ,i7e
4od t/e ,lory. 3/is is an i.2ortant -ea2on a,ainst t/e
ene.y. ) .ira0le is not re0ei7ed be0ause o* sel* -ort/E it
is ,i7en be0ause o* 4od5s ,ra0e. &e7er *ail to ,i7e Hi.
t/an+s. Don5t allo- t/e de7il to ta+e -/at 4od /as
.ira0ulously done *or you t/rou,/ in,ratitude or any
ot/er de7i0e. 1al+ in t/e 7i0tory o* your /ealin,. Li7e a
li*e *illed -it/ /ealt/, stren,t/ and 7i0tory. %/are -it/ all
-/o -ill listen -/at 4od /as done *or you. Ga0/ .ornin,
-/en you a-a+e, re:oi0e be0ause ;e7ery day is your day
*or a .ira0le8;
The Greate!t Miracle
3/e ,reatest .ira0le is not 2/ysi0al but s2iritual. $t is
-/en a lost soul to +no- t/e ,lorious, sa7in, ,ra0e
and *or,i7eness o* our -onder*ul Lord. @esus #/rist lo7es
you and 0ares about t/e t/in,s -/i0/ 0on0ern you. He
lo7es you so .u0/ t/at He ,a7e His li*e *or you by dyin,
on t/e 0ross.
3/e Bible 0learly states t/at e7eryone /as sinned.
;For all /a7e sinned, and 0o.e s/ort o* t/e ,lory o*
4od.; ?Bo.ans 3:23A
4od deter.ined t/at t/e :ust 2enalty *or sin -as
deat/6s2iritual deat/ or eternal se2aration *ro. Hi..
Be0ause all .en /a7e sinned, all are deser7in, o* t/at
2unis/.ent. %in0e 4od did not -ant to send .an to /ell,
He de7ised a 2lan -/ere sin5s 2enalty 0ould be 2la0ed
u2on t/e only One -/o 0ould ta+e our 2la0e6@esus
;3/e Lord is not sla0+ 0on0ernin, /is 2ro.ise, as
so.e .en 0ount sla0+nessE but is lon,su**erin, to us
-ard, not -illin, t/at any s/ould 2eris/, but t/at all
s/ould 0o.e to re2entan0e.; ?$$ Peter 3:9A
;For t/e -a,es o* sin is deat/E but t/e ,i*t o* 4od is
eternal li*e t/rou,/ @esus #/rist our Lord.; ?Bo.ans ':23A
G7en t/ou,/ -e deser7ed deat/, 4od 2ro7ided a -ay
*or t/e deat/ 2enalty *or sin to be 2la0ed u2on t/e only
One in t/e uni7erse -/o 0ould ta+e your 2la0e and .ine
6@esus #/rist. Ho- does t/at /a22en<
;3/at i* t/ou s/alt 0on*ess -it/ t/y .out/ t/e Lord
@esus, and s/alt belie7e in t/ine /eart t/at 4od /at/ raised
/i. *ro. t/e dead, t/ou s/alt be sa7ed. For -it/ t/e /eart
.an belie7et/ unto ri,/teousnessE and -it/ t/e .out/
0on*ession is .ade unto sal7ation.; ?Bo.ans "0:9"0A
$* you /a7e ne7er as+ed t/e Lord @esus #/rist to
*or,i7e your sins and 0o.e into your /eart, -/y not do so
today and ex2erien0e t/e ,reatest .ira0le a7ailable to
.an< Dou 0an in7ite @esus #/rist into your /eart and li*e
ri,/t no- by 2rayin, t/is 2rayer:
;Lord @esus, $5. tired o* trustin, in .ysel*. $ -ant to
trust in Dou. $ a. a sinner and $ +no- t/at $ /a7e sinned. $
a. sorry *or all .y sins. Please *or,i7e .e. $ as+ you to
0o.e into .y li*e and li7e in .e. Be .y Lord and %a7ior.
$ turn a-ay *ro. e7eryt/in, t/e Bible 0alls sin. Hel2 .e
to obey you e7ery day *or t/e rest o* .y li*e. 3/an+ you,
@esus, *or *or,i7in, .e. ).en.;
$* you 2rayed t/at 2rayer sin0erely, 4od /as *or,i7en
and 0leansed you *ro. your sin. He -ill not re.e.ber t/e
sins o* yesterday a,ainst you. 3/ey are ,one eternally.
In order for your ne$ relation!hi% $ith &e!u!
'hri!t to gro$( it i! )ery im%ortant that you*
". Bead a 2ortion o* t/e Bible ea0/ day.
$ su,,est be,innin, -it/ t/e ,os2el o* @o/n.
2. %2end so.e ti.e 2rayin, and -ors/i22in, t/e
Lord ea0/ day.
Prayer is tal+in, sin0erely -it/ 4od. Dou de7elo2 a
relations/i2 -it/ a *riend by s2endin, ti.e -it/ t/at
indi7idual and tal+in, to t/e., ,ettin, to +no- t/e..
@esus #/rist /as be0o.e your eternal *riend. 4et to +no-
3. Find a 0/ur0/ t/at tea0/es t/e Bible as t/e 1ord o*
4od and en0oura,es a 2ersonal relations/i2 -it/
@esus #/rist.
;3/ose t/at be 2lanted in t/e /ouse o* t/e Lord s/all
*louris/ in t/e 0ourts o* our 4od.; Psal. 92:"3
C. 3ell ot/ers about your ne- relations/i2 -it/ @esus
Dou -ill /a7e o22ortunities to tell your *a.ily and
*riends about -/at @esus #/rist /as done in your li*e.
@esus on0e said to a ne- belie7er, ; . . . 4o /o.e to t/y
*riends, and tell t/e. /o- ,reat t/in,s t/e Lord /at/ done
*or t/ee, and /at/ /ad 0o.2assion on t/ee.; Mar+ (:"9
(. Fello-s/i2 -it/ #/ristian *riends -/o -ill /el2
you ,ro- as a #/ristian.
%2end ti.e -it/ *riends -/o lo7e t/e Lord as you do
and -ill /el2 you understand and +no- Hi. better.
I t is my prayer that you
will grow closer to our
wonderful Lord Jesus, and that
you will know His blessings
and His love more each day.

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