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The Causes of Depression

Yamileth Avendano
Pasadena City College

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Recent studies have been done regarding the causes of depression. Some have been
successful while others not so successful. Participants of different ages were used for
different studies. Harvard medical school writes about the different types of causes
leading to depression and several other studies done as well. Another study regarding
self- esteem and depression was done and published by the APA. This paper introduces
several causes of depression an what to do when diagnosed with the disorder. The cure
and treatment of depression is also discussed through out the paper.

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Causes of Depression
As human beings we encounter many types of problems both psychological and
physiological, whether its a physical pain or mental illness each has its own aspect. A
particular disorder would be depression. Depression doesnt just happen from one day to
another. Its a consistency of feeling sad and helpless for weeks. Its a condition in which
monoamine is depleted.
According to the book of Biological Psychology, depression includes
characteristics such as, suicidal thoughts, little energy, and feelings of hopelessness and
worthlessness. Those diagnosed with depression often have difficulty sleeping and dont
seem to get pleasure from food or sex. Depression can occur at any age and its twice as
common in women than it is in men (James W. Kalat, 2010).
Depression can often act as a symptom to certain diseases and disorders such as
Alzheimers, Parkinson disease, and obesity. A recent study regarding obesity was done
involving 9,734 adolescents grades 7 through 12. Apparently those who were
overweight and especially those who were obese struggled with depression the most.
They concluded, Depressed adolescents are at increased risk for the development and
persistence of obesity during adolescence. Understanding the shared biological and social
determinants linking depressed mood and obesity may inform the prevention and
treatment of both disorders (Elizabeth Goodman, MD
, Robert C. Whitaker, MD,
MPH). In other wards preventing disorders such as one like obesity can help prevent it
from advancing to a higher degree like depression.
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Traumatic events such as loosing a loved one can often lead to depression. As
stated in the article Depression, the Hidden Illness, Approximately ten to twenty percent
of these grief reactions will progress to depression (Billie J. Sahley, 2010). It is
completely normal for someone to feel sad and really down for a couple of days or even
weeks maybe, as long as they are slowly recovering. Accepting the fact that a loved one
is gone can be difficult to deal with and cause major depression. Contributing factors
such as insomnia, loss of appetite, and loss of sexual desire can all be symptoms of
depression. Although, symptoms may not always be present one can still be suffering
from it.
The amygdala, the thalamus, and hippocampus tend to play an important role
when it comes to this disorder. Research shows that the hippocampus appears to be
smaller in people who suffer with depression. To support their findings an fMRI study
published on The Journal of Neuroscience was done on 24 women who had a history of
depression. They concluded that the hippocampus was 9% to 13% smaller in depressed
women compared with those who were not depressed. Those who appeared to have the
most depression appeared to have a smaller hippocampus. This only comes to show that
not only can environmental and psychological factors contribute to the causes of
depression, but so can physiological ones.
Another study based on the causes of depression was done in the year 2008.
Researchers studied a gene that influences a persons reaction to childhood abuse. The
gene CRH was known to provide a code for one of the stress hormones. In this study 621
adults were interviewed and tested for their DNA. Among people who suffered childhood
abuse, those with the relatively protective versions of the CRHR1 gene had half the
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symptoms of depression as participants without this genetic variation. They concluded
that stress hormones play an important part when it comes to depression (Harvard
Medical School, 2014). Someone with a history of depression in his or her family has a
higher possibility of suffering from it.
According to the studies done, depression has a variety of contributing factors
leading to it. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to whether the
hippocampus plays a more important role than genes and stress or vice versa. Depression
is a collaboration of them all and other factors as well. Therefore the causes of depression
relate to both psychological and physiological causes at the same time. It doesnt lean on
one side more than the other.
Physical, mental, and emotional abuse can also result as a case of depression.
They can have a really traumatic effect especially when experienced as a young child or
teenager. Many of them keep it bottled inside of them without ever having the ability to
tell someone out there. Keeping such a traumatic event to oneself can be the cause of
long-term depression. Whether its physical, emotional, or sexual abuse they all have
consequences. Most people that have been abused and are traumatized turn suicidal.
Whether its simply suicidal thought or actually trying to commit suicide.
Depression can definitely cause someone to commit suicide or even simply have suicidal
According to research, low self-esteem appears to be a cause of depression among
adolescents and young adults in college. A study consisting of 359 individuals around the
age of 18 was done during their first year of college. They were required to complete
questioners in exchange for money for four years. Out of the six assessments they were
Causes of Depression 6
given, they focused more on the last four because the first two did not revolve around
depression. They compared their results of these 18-21 year olds to a similar study done
prior involving adolescents ages 15-21. They concluded, Cross-lagged regression
analyses indicated that low self-esteem significantly predicted subsequent levels of
depression, controlling for prior levels of depression. In contrast, depression did not
predict subsequent levels of self-esteem, controlling for prior levels of self-esteem
(University of California, Davis, 2008). This shows how depression can be caused
looking at it psychologically.
There are different types of depression. For example, there is bipolar and
unipolar disorder. There disorders are not as risky as major depression, but they still
require attention. Bipolar disorder is simply when one alternates between two poles,
depression and mania. Unipolar disorder is when one varies between personality, but only
has one pole depression. These both disorders are involved with depression but arent as
bad as someone dealing with major depression.
Like all disorders depression requires treatment and use of anti depressants. Some
anti- depressants used as medication are Tricyclics, SSRIs, MAOIs, and atypical
antidepressants. The type of medication a patient is prescribed varies on their condition
and how well they react to it. Other patients can undergo cognitive therapy or even an
electroconvulsive therapy. ECT is a treatment only for those who suffer from severe
depression. Just like any other anti depressant ECT has its effects as well.
Depression is a commonly known disorder among dozens of people world-wide
and dealing with it can be tragic. Studies are done to prove a point and support certain
hypothesis. Studies allow the people to understand what causes a certain disorder and
Causes of Depression 7
why. Providing evidence using participants and different types of methods to support
their findings makes it credible.
There are different types of studies regarding physiological, environmental,
biological, and psychological aspects. When it comes to depression all of these combined
are what causes it. There is no specific cause known to cause depression from one day to
another. This disorder is usually cured through time with the help of anti depressants and
life style adjustments.
Depression can sometimes be cured by simply arranging a sleeping pattern or by
eating well. It varies from person to person depending on how drastic the condition may
be. Some experience depression to the point where they dont want to live anymore while
others experience mild depression. What ever the situation or case may be it is treatable.
It is treatable just like any other disorder out there such as schizophrenia and
The depression mood disorder can fall under either a psychological or
physiological issue. Some may say it all happens mentally while others might say its
genetic or maybe even learned. There is no right or wrong answer because they are both
right. As long as one provides evidence or data to support their hypothesis they cant be
wrong. Depression should be treated as soon as possible when diagnosed with it. The
sooner treatment starts the faster they will cure. It might take years, but some recovery is
always better than none.

Causes of Depression 8
Kalat, J. W. (2010). Biological Psychology. Belmont: Wadsworth.
New Releases. (n.d.). What causes depression?. Retrieved April 27, 2014, from
Orth, U., Robins, R. W., & Roberts, B. W. (2008). Low self-esteem prospectively
predicts depression in adolescence and young adulthood. Journal Of Personality And
Social Psychology, 95(3), 695-708. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.95.3.695
Sahley, B. J. (2010). Depression, the Hidden Illness. MMRC Health Educator
Reports, 1-2.

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