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Submitted by


In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of


Under the guidance of


MAY, 2014



I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge
and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor
material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the
university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been
made in the text.

Place: NIT CALICUT Signature
Date: 08/05/2014 Name:



This study was conducted to examine different factors influencing the academic performance of
students in National Institute of Technology Calicut. The respondents for this study were under
graduate and post graduate students (100 students) in National Institute of Technology Calicut. A
survey was conducted by using a questionnaire for information gathering about different factors
relating to academic performance of students. The academic performance was measured by the total
CGPA and CGPA of the last semester. Standard t-test, Correlation and ANOVA were applied to
investigate the effect of different factors on students achievement. The results of the study revealed
that involvement in sports activity, involvement in romantic relationship and gender affect the
overall CGPA of the students and involvement of all kind of extracurricular activities effect the
immediate CGPA. The inverse relationship between the social factors and academic performance
and negative correlation between CGPA of partners is very interesting results .The students who
got less marks are not satisfied with their performance which opens a wide chance for the teachers to
motivate them to achieve good results in the future. It was found that girls perform better than the
male students.

Keywords: Extracurricular activities, demographic factors, gender and academic achievement,
romantic relationship social factors.


Table of Contents
1. CHAPTER 107
2. CHAPTER 208
3. CHAPTER 310
3.1.1 Data Source and Data Type10
3.1.2 Tools Used for Analysis..10
4. CHAPTER 4..11
5. CHAPTER 5..12
6. CHAPTER 6..13
6.1.1 Analysis 1 - Cronbachs alpha..13
6.1.2 Analysis 2- Frequency Distribution..13
6.1.3 Analysis 3 Descriptive Statistics15
6.1.4 Analysis 4 T-test to find the relationship between academic.16
performance and involvement in romantic relationship18

6.1.5 Analysis 5 - Correlation Matrix to find the cross relationship20
6.1.6 Analysis 6 -Involvement in Students committeeAnova....21
6.1.7 Analysis 7 - Involvement in cultural clubs Anova22
6.1.8 Analysis 8 - Involvement in Sports Team Anova.22
6.1.9 Analysis 9 - Involvement in Other Activities..23
6.1.10 Analysis 10 - Hours per week spend on studying Anova.24
6.1.11 Analysis 11 - Age Anova..24
6.1.12 Analysis 12 - CGPA and Satisfaction..26
7. CHAPTER 7..27
8. CHAPTER 8..28
9. CHAPTER 9.29
9.1.1 Questionnaire..29
10. CHAPTER 1033



Table 1 : Case processing summary............................................................................13
Table 2 : Reliability test..13
Table 3: Frequency distribution Age14
Table 4: Frequency distribution Relationship status14
Table 5: Frequency distribution Relationship status14
Table 6 Descriptive Statistics...15
Table 7: Group Statics Involvement In Relationship.16
Table 8: Independent Sample T-Test Involvement In Relationship..16
Table 9: Correlation CGPA of partner and CGPA of participant..17
Table 10: Correlation matrix relationship between variables19
Table 11: Involvement in Students committeeAnova.20
Table 12: Involvement in cultural clubs- Anova...21
Table 13: Involvement in sports club- Anova...22
Table 14: Involvement in other activities- Anova.22.
Table 15: Hours per week spend on studying- Anova...23
Table 16: Age- Anova ...24
Table 1 : Correlation matrix CGPA and Gender25
Table 18: Correlation matrix CGPA and Satisfaction.26

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


College students are facing a lot of challenges in their daily life decision making. Often times
these decisions are affected by outside factors that are beyond the control of the student (i.e.
work, athletics, and involvement in organizations). These variables are inside and outside
college that affect students quality of academic achievement. These factors may be termed as
student factors, family factors, school factors and peer factors. Involvement in romantic
relationship and other demographic factors also influence the academic performance of the
students. While involved in a relationship during college, one might be forced to choose either
studying for college or spending time with the partner, leaving the student with increased
amounts of stress. Social factors such as romantic relationships, organizations and clubs, and
sports activities have been found to have effects on students' academic performance. These
social factors affect academic performance in terms of time demanded and the psychological
state they may cause. Students overall grade can be expressed as a sum total of all these
student, family, college and peer factors. The students of NIT Calicut are those who score
higher ranks in qualifying examination coming from various part of the country. But some of
them fail to perform well in the examination and end up with scoring low marks and poor
overall CGPA. Even though the intellectual capacity and the other environment (such as basic
infrastructure, quality of teachers etc.) are same certain students perform better than other
students and vice versa.
The purpose of this exploratory study was, therefore, to identify and analyze the factors that
influence academic performance of students in NIT Calicut. The study sought to define
relationships between selected student factors (demographic information, involvement in
various extracurricular activities, relationship status etc) and academic performance
(measured in terms of the total CGPA and CGPA in the last semester) of the students of NIT
Calicut. A formal study of this nature contributes towards unraveling those significant
determinants of students performance that need to be addressed for better performance of
students in academic areas. The findings of this study may also be applicable to other institute
which operates in similar environments.

Chapters (See 2.2.1 of guidelines)
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


A number of studies have been carried out to identify and analyze the numerous factors that
affect academic performance. Demographic factors and Social factors such as romantic
relationships, organizations and clubs, sports activities have been found to have effects on
students' academic performance. These social factors affect academic performance in terms of
time demanded and the psychological state they may cause. A student may be influenced to
be involved in any of the stated variables. (S.S. Umar, 2010)
The relationship between gender and the academic achievement of students has been
discussed for decades ( (Eitle, 2005)). A gap between the achievement of boys and girls has
been found, with girls showing better performance than boys in certain instances ( (Barry,
2004)). Gender, ethnicity, and fathers occupation are significant contributors to student
achievement ( (McCoy, 2005).Theory of Educational Productivity by Walberg determined
three groups of nine factors based on affective, cognitive and behavioral skills for
optimization of learning that affect the quality of academic performance: Aptitude (ability,
development and motivation); instruction (amount and quality); environment (home,
classroom, peers and television) (Roberts, 2007).
The influence of age and gender on academic performance has been investigated in a number
of studies with widely differing conclusions. Most of the differences in reported findings are
due to varying contexts such as subject of study, age and gender interactions. Research has
shown that men perform better than women in certain settings while women outperform men
in other settings (Haist SA, 2000). On the other hand, found no evidence of academic
performance being influenced by gender. Based on an analysis of close to two million
graduating students, Woodsfield and Earl-Novell ( (Earl-Novell, 2006)) found that female
students outperformed male students and attributed this partly to female students being more
conscientious and thus less likely to miss lectures
The daily routine of university life brings new sleeping and eating habits, increased workload,
and new responsibilities. University students are prone to stress due to the transitional nature
of university life (Wright, 2006). They must adjust to being away from home, perhaps for the
Chapters (See 2.2.1 of guidelines)
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


first time, and maintain a balance between high level of academic success and a new social
environment. These daily stressors do not cause anxiety by themselves. Stress results from
interactions between stressor and the individual's perception about the stressor (Romano,
1992). The amount of stress experienced may be influenced by the individual's ability to
effectively cope with stressful events or situations (Thomas J. D'Zurilla, 1991). A romantic
relationship may ease environmental stress (Berger, 1997). Paul and White observe that being
in an intimate relationship involves trust, sensitivity, and responsiveness, being able to make a
commitment, striving for equity and mutuality. For a student, it also means working to
achieve academic balance.
Research conducted by Kerssen-Griep, Hess, and Tree on learning motivation and interaction
in school shows that student perception of instructional behavior sustains their involvement in
classroom (Kerssen-Griep, 2003). Jackson, Weiss, Lundquist, and Hooper examine the degree
to which cognitive motivation predicts academic performance. They point out that increased
school activity may assist motivation (By Jackson, Weiss, Lundquist, & Hooper, 2007). Paul
and White (1990) examined extracurricular activity participation and academic achievement
in a senior high school setting. They found that extracurricular activities and academic
performance were highly correlated. They supported the hypothesis stated by Mynell (2004)
more involvement in school activities means a better grade point average.
There is a range of factors that affect on the quality of performance of students (Marzano,
2006). A series of variables are to be considered when to identify the affecting factors towards
quality of academic success. Identifying the most contributing variables in quality of
academic performance is a very complex and challenging job. The students in any college
belong to a variety of backgrounds depending upon their demography. This diversity is much
vast and complex. Keeping in view all these discussions, this study is intended to examine the
effect of different factors on the students quality of academic achievement and academic
performance in National Institute of Technology Calicut.

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


3.1.1 Data Source and Data Type
Ninety eight participants took part in the study. The population consisted of undergraduate
and postgraduate students from National Institute of Technology Calicut who participated on
a strictly voluntary basis.. Participants were encountered both in the classrooms at National
Institute of Technology Calicut and in random social interaction inside and outside the
campus. Multistage sampling is used in the selection of the participants and participants
represents different years and batches of the institute. Packets for the research contained the
twenty three-question survey for those who are not in relationship and thirty one-question,
eight questions additional, to those who are in relationship... The survey consisted` of a broad
range of questions aimed at measuring the students level of involvement in a relationship and
other extracurricular activities and its effects on their Academic performance. The first nine
questions regarded biographical information of the participant, i.e. working status,
relationship involvement, age and approximate GPA. The remaining questions were rated on
a scale of one through five and were intended to measure the participants social involvement.
The design was a correlation research. The variables evaluated were grade point average,
involvement in extracurricular activities and in romantic relationship. Procedure asked the
participants to fill out a survey prepared for the research. For the purposes of remaining
anonymous, participants were also asked not to put their names anywhere on the survey. Both
primary and secondary data is used for the project. Primary data is collected through
questionnaire and online survey and Secondary data collected from NITC official website.
The research uses 5 point scale for grading system.
3.1.2 Tools Used for Analysis
The tools used for the data analysis are Microsoft Excel, SPSS. SPSS was used for doing the
correlation analysis of the variables, ANOVA and other descriptive statistics. Microsoft Excel is
used for basic statistical operations.
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut



The main objectives of the study were to
a) To analyse the effect of romantic relationships on the academic performance of students
in National Institute of Technology Calicut.
b) To analyse the effect of involvement in clubs or organizations on the academic
performance of students in National Institute of Technology Calicut.
c) To analyse the effect of membership in student committee on the academic performance
of students in National Institute of Technology Calicut?
d) To analyse the effect of excessive sporting activities on the academic performance
students in National Institute of Technology Calicut?
e) To analyse the effect of other extra and co curricular on the academic performance
students in National Institute of Technology Calicut?
f) Find the difference in academic performance of the students in relation to their gender.
The sub objective of the study include
a) To find out the relationship between current and overall CGPA of the students to check
the consistency in performance
b) To measure the degree of satisfaction of students with respect to their academic

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut



Ho: There is no significant relationship between involvement in romantic relationship and
students' academic performance.
Ho: There is no significant relationship between membership in student committee and
students' academic performance.
Ho: There is no significant relationship between membership in clubs and organizations and
students' academic performance.
Ho: There is no significant relationship between excessive sporting and students' academic
Ho: There is no significant relationship between other extra and co curricular activities and
students' academic performance.
Ho: There is no significant relationship between gender and student's academic performance.

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut



The collected data were analyzed by applying descriptive and inferential statistical measure.
A t-test was used to compare the academic performance of male and female students. The
significant effect of different factors on students academic performance was explored
through multiple comparisons by applying ANOVA and correlation analysis using SPSS 16.
6.1.1 Analysis 1 - Cronbachs alpha
Cronbach's alpha is a measure of internal consistency, that is, how closely related a set of
items are as a group. A high value of alpha is often used (along with substantive arguments
and possibly other statistical measures) as evidence that the items measure an underlying
Table 2 : Reliability test

Table 1 : Case processing summary

The alpha coefficient for the four items is 0.724, suggesting that the items have relatively high
internal consistency. Normally reliability coefficient value equal to or greater than 0.70 is
considered acceptable in most social science research situations.
6.1.2 Analysis 2- Frequency Distribution
The samples of ninety eight students include 37 female and 61 male students and the age of
the students range from seventy to twenty five.
Case Processing Summary

N Percentage
Valid 98 100.0
Excluded 0 .0
Total 98 100.0
Reliability Test
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.724 13
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


Table 3 : Frequency distribution Age
Relationship Status

Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
In a relationship 27 27.6 27.6

Married 3 3.1 30.6

Single 68 69.4 100.0
Table 4 : Frequency distribution Relationship status

Table 5 : Frequency distribution Relationship status

Out of ninety eight sixty eight students are single contributing about seventy percentage of the
total sample size, three are married and twenty seven are in relationship. For analysis purpose
both married and those who are in relationship were combine to form a total of 30.


Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
below 17 31 31.6 31.6

17-19 22 22.4 54.1

20-22 3 3.1 57.1

23-25 41 41.8 99.0

above 25 1 1.0 100.0

Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Female 37 37.8 37.8

Male 61 62.2 100.0
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


6.1.3 Analysis 3 Descriptive Statistics
Table 6 Descriptive Statistic

N Range Minimum Maximum Mean
Involvement in extracurricular activities
Students committee
98 4 1 5 3.32 1.090
Involvement in extracurricular activities
cultural clubs
98 4 1 5 3.15 1.263
Involvement in extracurricular activities
Sports Team
98 4 1 5 2.80 1.251
Involvement in extracurricular activities
Other Activities
98 4 1 5 2.74 1.213
Hours per week on spend studying
98 4 1 5 2.26 .988
Overall CGPA 98 4 1 5 2.77 .993
CGPA in the last semester 98 4 1 5 3.24 .995
Age 98 4 1 5 2.58 1.339
I am satisfied with my current academic
98 4 1 5 3.11 1.226
I miss classes because of my
involvement in extracurricular activities
98 4 1 5 3.35 1.176
My extracurricular activities help me to
reduce stress
98 4 1 5 2.37 1.019
My involvement in sporting activities
affects my academic performance
98 4 1 5 3.31 1.009
My involvement in club activities
affects my academic performance
98 4 1 5 3.11 .951
I feel like I can balance academics and
my social life equally 98 4 1 5 2.19 .949
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


6.1.4 Analysis 4 T-test to find the relationship between academic performance and
involvement in romantic relationship
Table 7 : Group Statics Involvement In Relationship

CGPA of the
CGPA in the last

CGPA of the partner
1 -.460
Sig. (2-tailed)

.011 .070
N 30 30 30

Overall CGPA
1 .143
Sig. (2-tailed) .011

N 30 30 30

CGPA in the last
-.336 .143 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .070 .452

N 30 30 30
Table 8 : Correlation CGPA of partner and CGPA of participant

Involvement in
romantic relationship N Mean Std. Deviation
Std. Error
68 2.62 .978 .119
Yes 30 3.10 .960 .175
CGPA in the
68 3.21 1.045 .127
30 3.33 .884 .161
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


Independent Sample t-test
Overall CGPA CGPA in the last Semester

t variance
variance not
t variance
variance not

Levens test for
equality of
0.637 0.951
0.427 0.332

t-test for
of means
-2.263 -2.80 -0.582 -0.621
96 56.524 96 65.048
Sig.(2 tailed)
0.026 0.026 0.562 0.537
Mean difference
-0.482 -0.482 -0.127 -0.127
0.213 0.212 0.219 0.205
Lower(95% confidence )
-0.905 -0.906 -0.562 -0.537
Upper(95% confidence )
-0.059 -0.059 0.307 0.282
Table 9 : Independent Sample T-Test Involvement In Relationship
From the table 8 Since the value of sig.(2 tailed ) is less than 0.05 we have to reject the null
hypothesis that the mean of two samples are same. Since there a significant difference in the
mean of the sample we can conclude that relationship effect the academic performance of the
students and since the mean of those who are in relationship is higher than that of those who
are not in relationship we can conclude that relationship effect the academic performance
But the correlation matrix (Table 7) shows that the CGPA of the partner is inversely related to
the CGPA of the participant. This means that even though the relationship got a positive
effect on the CGPA of the participants, considering both partners, the effect of relationship
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


and academic performance cannot be treated as positive. It effect the CGPA of one partner
positively and that of other negatively.

6.1.5 Analysis 5 - Correlation Matrix to find the cross relationship between various
factors and the correlation of each factor with academic performance

A Pearson Correlation 1 .496
.184 .288
-.009 .088 .213

Sig. (2-tailed)

.000 .070 .004 .932 .387 .035
N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98
B Pearson Correlation .496
1 .222
.125 .037 .158
Sig. (2-tailed) .000

.028 .000 .219 .716 .119
N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98
C Pearson Correlation .184 .222
1 .122 .385

Sig. (2-tailed) .070 .028

.233 .000 .000 .000
N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98
D Pearson Correlation .288
.122 1 .081 -.007 .232

Sig. (2-tailed) .004 .000 .233

.429 .942 .022
N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98
E Pearson Correlation -.009 .125 .385
.081 1 .419

Sig. (2-tailed) .932 .219 .000 .429

.000 .000
N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98
F Pearson Correlation .088 .037 .525
-.007 .419
1 .528

Sig. (2-tailed) .387 .716 .000 .942 .000

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


Table 10 : Correlation matrix relationship between variables

The correlation matrix shows that the overall CGPA of students depend on involvement in
sporting activities and Hours per week spend on studies. And it also shows that the CGPA of
the participant in the last semester depends on Involvement in Students committee,
Involvement in Sports Team, Involvement in other Activities, Hours per week spend on
studying and Overall CGPA.
Since the scaling used in CGPA (1 below 4.5 and 5 above 9) and Involvement in
extracurricular activities (1- very active and 5- not at all active) are in opposite dimension a
positive value in correlation matrix means a negative relation. It means that the involvement
in sporting activities affect the overall CGPA of the students negatively. Since the scaling
used in CGPA (1 below 4.5 and 5 above 9) and Hours per week spend on studying (1- less
than 5 hours and 5- more than 25 hours) are in same format a positive value in correlation
matrix means a positive or direct relation. So we can say that there is direct relationship
between time spend for studies and the overall CGPA of the students. As the time spend on
studies increases the chance of getting high marks hence having a good overall CGPA also
increases. Similarly the CGPA of last semester is inversely associated with involvement of
G Pearson Correlation .213
.158 .504
Sig. (2-tailed) .035 .119 .000 .022 .000 .000

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98
A Involvement in Students committee
B Involvement in cultural clubs
C Involvement in Sports Team
D Involvement in Other Activities
E Hours per week spend on studying
F - Overall CGPA
G - CGPA in the last semester

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


students in all extracurricular activities other than involvement in cultural activities. And the
results also shows that the overall CGPA and CGPA in the last semester is directly related
which means that the students perform consistently throughout their academic period without
much deviation from the marks that they obtained in the first year. And the correlation
between different factors of extracurricular activities shows that the students who are actively
involved in one factor is also actively participate in other extracurricular activities.

6.1.6 Analysis 6 -Involvement in Students committee - Anova
Table 11 : Involvement in Students committee - Anova

Since the significance value is greater than 0.05 in case of overall CGPA and involvement in
students committee we can accept the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no significant
relationship between involvement in student committee and Overall CGPA. But in the case of
CGPA in the last semester the value is 0.049 which is less than 0.05. So we will reject the null
hypothesis, that is there is no significant relationship between the two , and accept the
alternative hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between involvement in students
committee and CGPA in the last semester.

Sum of
Squares df
Square F Sig.

Overall CGPA
Between Groups 1.861 4 .465 .462 .764
Within Groups 93.741 93 1.008

Total 95.602 97

CGPA in the last
Between Groups 9.272 4 2.318 2.482 .049
Within Groups 86.850 93 .934

Total 96.122 97

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


6.1.7 Analysis 7 - Involvement in cultural clubs Anova

Sum of
Squares df
Square F Sig.

Overall CGPA
Between Groups 3.018 4 .754 .758 .555
Within Groups 92.584 93 .996

Total 95.602 97

CGPA in the last
Between Groups 3.434 4 .859 .861 .490
Within Groups 92.688 93 .997

Total 96.122 97

Table 12 : Involvement in cultural clubs- Anova

Since the significance value is greater than 0.05 in case of overall CGPA and involvement in
cultural club we can accept the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no significant
relationship between involvement in cultural club and Overall CGPA. In the case of CGPA in
the last semester the value is 0.490 which is greater than 0.05. So in this case also we accept the
null hypothesis that there is a no significant relationship between involvements in culture club
and CGPA in the last semester.
From table 11 we can observe that the significance value is less than 0.05 in case of overall
CGPA and involvement in sports team. So we will reject the null hypothesis and accept the
alternate hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant relationship between involvement
in sports team and Overall CGPA. In the case of CGPA in the last semester also the value of
significance is less than 0.05. So we will reject the null hypothesis, that is there is no significant
relationship between the two, and accept the alternative hypothesis that there is a significant
relationship between involvement in sports team and CGPA in the last semester.

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


6.1.8 Analysis 8 - Involvement in Sports Team Anova
Table 13 : Involvement in sports club- Anova

6.1.9 Analysis 9 - Involvement in Other Activities - Anova

Sum of
Squares df
Square F Sig.

Overall CGPA
Between Groups 4.635 4 1.159 1.185 .323
Within Groups 90.967 93 .978

Total 95.602 97

CGPA in the last
Between Groups 8.359 4 2.090 2.214 .073
Within Groups 87.764 93 .944

Total 96.122 97

Table 14 : Involvement in other activities- Anova

Sum of
Squares df
Square F Sig.

Overall CGPA
Between Groups 28.556 4 7.139 9.903 .000
Within Groups 67.046 93 .721

Total 95.602 97

CGPA in the last
Between Groups 24.978 4 6.245 8.163 .000
Within Groups 71.144 93 .765

Total 96.122 97

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


Since the significance value is greater than 0.05 in case of overall CGPA and involvement in
other activities. So we can accept the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no significant
relationship between involvement in other activities and Overall CGPA. In the case of CGPA
in the last semester the value is greater than 0.05. So in this case also we accept the null
hypothesis that there is a no significant relationship between involvements in other activities
and CGPA in the last semester.

6.1.10 Analysis 10 - Hours per week spend on studying Anova

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Overall CGPA
Between Groups 18.807 4 4.702 5.694 .000
Within Groups 76.795 93 .826

Total 95.602 97

CGPA in the last
Between Groups 19.754 4 4.939 6.014 .000
Within Groups 76.368 93 .821

Total 96.122 97

Table 15 : Hours per week spend on studying - Anova

From table 11 we can observe that the significance value is less than 0.05 in case of overall
CGPA and Hours per week spend on studying. So we will reject the null hypothesis and accept
the alternate hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant relationship between Hours per
week spends on studying and Overall CGPA. In the case of CGPA in the last semester also the
value of significance is less than 0.05. So we will reject the null hypothesis, that is there is no
significant relationship between the two, and accept the alternative hypothesis that there is a
significant relationship between involvement in Hours per week spend on studying and CGPA
in the last semester.

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


6.1.11 Analysis 11 - Age Anova

Sum of
Squares df
Square F Sig.

Overall CGPA
Between Groups 4.789 4 1.197 1.226 .305
Within Groups 90.813 93 .976

Total 95.602 97

CGPA in the last
Between Groups 4.263 4 1.066 1.079 .371
Within Groups 91.859 93 .988

Total 96.122 97

Table 16 : Age- Anova

Since the significance value is greater than 0.05 in case of overall CGPA and Age. So we can
accept the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no significant relationship between Age
and Overall CGPA. In the case of CGPA in the last semester the value is greater than 0.05. So
in this case also we accept the null hypothesis that there is a no significant relationship between
involvements in other activities and CGPA in the last semester.
6.1.12 Analysis 12 T-test to find the relationship between academic performance and
Group Statistics

Gender N Mean Std. Deviation
Std. Error
Overall CGPA Female 37 3.08 1.010 .166

Male 61 2.57 .939 .120
CGPA in the last
Female 37 3.32 1.002 .165

Male 61 3.20 .997 .128
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


Table 17 : T-test to find the relationship between academic performance and Gender

From the table 15 we can observe that the value of significance (2 tailed) is equal to 0.013
which is less than 0.05. So we have to reject the null hypothesis that the mean of two samples
are same. Since there a significant difference in the mean of the sample we can conclude that
Gender the academic performance of the students and since the mean value of overall CGPA
of Female students are higher than that of Male students we can conclude that Female
students perform better than Male students in academics.
Independent Sample t-test
Overall CGPA CGPA in the last Semester

t variance
variance not
t variance
variance not

Levens test for
equality of
0.190 0.312
0.664 0.578

t-test for
of means
2.519 2.474 .613 .613
96 71.783 96 96
Sig.(2 tailed)
0.013 0.016 0.541 0.541
Mean difference
0.507 0.507 0.128 0.128
0.201 0.205 0.208 0.208
Lower(95% confidence )
0.108 0.098 -0.285 -0.287
Upper(95% confidence )
0.907 0.916 0.541 0.543
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


6.1.13 Analysis 13 - CGPA and Satisfaction

Correlation Matrix

CGPA in the
with current
social life
and studies

Overall CGPA

Pearson Correlation 1 .528
Sig. (2-tailed)

.000 .010 .876
N 98 98 98 98

CGPA in the last
Pearson Correlation .528
1 -.428
Sig. (2-tailed) .000

.000 .212
N 98 98 98 98
Satisfaction with
Pearson Correlation -.258
1 .247

Sig. (2-tailed) .010 .000

N 98 98 98 98
Balance between
social life and studies
Pearson Correlation .016 -.127 .247
Sig. (2-tailed) .876 .212 .014

N 98 98 98 98
Table 18 : Correlation matrix CGPA and Satisfaction
The correlation matrix between overall CGPA and the students level of satisfaction about
their grades shows negative correlation. Since we used the scale ( 1 highly satisfied and 5-
not at all satisfied ) for level of satisfaction and ( 1- below 4.5 and 5 above 9 ) for overall
CGPA a negative value in the correlation matrix means that if the overall CGPA increase the
level of satisfaction of the students are high and if the overall CGPA is less the level of
satisfaction is also less.

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


There are various factors inside and outside the college that affect the academic performance
of the students. This study only focused on some of the factors outside college that influence
the students over all CGPA and academic performance. The key aspect for the teachers and
the institute is to educate and guide their students effectively so that they may be able to show
quality performance in their academics. To achieve this objective it is necessary for them to
understand better about the factors that may contribute in the academic success of students.
This study concludes that the demographic and social factors have significant influence in
students academic performance. Involvement in sports activities and other activities
influence students academic performance in a negative way to a great extend. Involvement in
relationship also affect the academic performance and the main finding of the research was
the negative correlation between the CGPA of the partners which shows that the involvement
in relationship affect one person positively and other negatively.
Even though most of the students participated in the survey claimed that the involvement in
the extracurricular activities help them to reduce stress the relationship between CGPS and
extracurricular activities shows that it is just a perception. Other than these social factors
students pointed out other factors such as the family related issues, fear of examination, fight
with friends and other issues happening during and at the time of exam as the factors
affecting their CGPA . Another important findings of this project is that the students maintain
almost same grades through their academics, consistency in performance, and those who got
high grades are more satisfied in their performance compared to those who did not.

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut



1. Effort should be made by the teachers to encourage students who get less CGPA, and
since they are less satisfied with the current academic performance the chance of
motivation is high.
2. Since the study time is directly related to the overall CGPA of the students teachers
should encourage students to spent more time for studies and there should be a proper
monitoring system to analyze how students spent their time in hostels and campus.
3. Efforts should be made to advise young people of the negative role romantic
relationships may play in academic performance and the adverse consequences.
4. Sporting should be seen as an enriching leisure activity, but should be balanced in such a
way that it will not affect the academic performance.
5. Regulatory bodies should be charged with the responsibility of setting standards and
checking the involvement in extracurricular activities of students.
6. Since the students shows consistency in the performance from the first year itself
students should be motivated to perform well in academics so that they will continue it
till the end of the course.
7. Students should try to maintain a balance between academic performance and social
To determine all the influencing factors in a single attempt is a complex and difficult task. But
the process of identification of variables that affect the academic performance of the students
must be given full attention and priority so that the teachers may be able to develop
instructional strategies for making sure that all the students are provided with the opportunities
to arrive at their fullest potential in learning and performance. Further research is needed to
explore the problem on a large sample from more scattered geographical regions including
other student factors, family factors, school factors and peer factors and Further studies are
expected to verify the effect of the combined variables on the level of academic performance
among students.
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut




The Effect of Social Factors on Student's Academic Performance
1. Name (optional) :
2. Age * : 17-19 20-22 23-25 above 25
3. Gender * : Male Female
4. Batch and Year :
5. Relationship status * : Single Married In a relationship Other ..........
6. Your overall CGPA * : Below 4.5 4.5-6 6-7.5 7.5-9 Above 9
7. Your CGPA in the last semester : Below 4.5 4.5-6 6-7.5
7.5-9 Above 9
8. Your rank in qualifying examination * :
Below 1000 1000-3000 3000-5000
Above 5000 Other .
9. On average, how many hours per week do you spend studying * :
Less than 5 hour 5-10 10-15 More than 15
10. I am satisfied with my current academic performance * :
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
Chapters (See 2.3.2 of guidelines)
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


11. Rate your involvement in extra-curricular activities * :
( 1-Very Active, 2-Active, 3-Neutral, 4-Not active, 5-Not at all active )
1 2 3 4 5
Students committee

Students Clubs

Sports Team

Other Activities

12. I miss classes because of my involvement in extra-curricular activities *
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
13. My extra-curricular activities help me to reduce stress *
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
14. My involvement in sporting activities affects my academic performance *
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
15. My involvement in club activities affects my academic performance * :
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


16. I feel like I can balance academics and my social life equally * :
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
17. Are you involved in a romantic relationship * Yes No
18. I had a break up recently * : Yes No
19. After break up I started concentrating more on my studies
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
20. My CGPA improved after my breakup
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
( If YES to question no .17 then go to PART 2 , NO to PART 3)
21. How long have you been in your current relationship * :
Less than 1 year 1-2 2-3 3-4 More than 4
22. Does your partner also studying in the same college * : Yes No
23. What is your partners current GPA
Below 4.5 4.5-6 6-7.5 7.5-9 Above 9 Other
24. I am satisfied with my current relationship status * :
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree

The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


25. When in a relationship I spend less time studying *
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
26. My relationship causes me stress *
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
27. I miss classes because of my relationships *
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
28. My current relationship status affects my academic performance *
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
29. Any other factors that affect your academic performance that is not included in this survey :

30. Comments and suggestions:
31. Your email id (optional) : .

Thank you
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


10.1 Bibliography
Barry, J. (2004). The effect of socio economic factors in academic achievement.
Berger, I. E. (1997). The Demographics of Recycling and the Structure of Environmental Behavior.
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No. 2 .
Earl-Novell, S. (2006). Scholarly Communication: Academic Values and Sustainable Models. .
Eitle, T. M. (2005). o Gender and Race Matter? Explaining the Relationship. Sociological Spectrum .
Haist SA, W. J. (2000). The Effect of Gender and Age on Medical School Performance: An Important
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facework related to student involvement and motivation to learn. Western Journal of Communication
Marzano, T. W. (2006). School District Leadership That Works: The Effect of Superintendent
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McCoy, L. P. (2005). Effect of Demographic and Personal Variables on Achievement in Eighth-Grade
Romano, J. L. (1992). Psychoeducational Interventions for Stress Management and Well-Being.
Journal of Counseling & Development .
S.S. Umar, I. S. (2010). The Effect of Social Factors on Students' Academic Performance in Nigerian
Tertiary Institutions. Library Philosophy and Practice .
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level of academic competence in college students. Cognitive Therapy and Research .
Wright, S. M. (2006). Scales for the measurement of attitudes. McGraw Hill .

Chapters (See 2.3.2 of guidelines)
The Effect Of Social Factors On Academic Performance Of Students In NIT Calicut


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