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Abstract--Basic guidelines for the preparation of a technical

work for an IEEE Power & Energy Society Transactions

Publication are presented. This document is itself an eample of
the desired layout !inclusi"e of this abstract# and can be used as
a template. It contains information regarding desktop
publishing format$ type si%es$ and typefaces. Style rules are
pro"ided that eplains how to handle e&uations$ units$ figures$
tables$ abbre"iations$ and acronyms. Sections are also de"oted to
the preparation of acknowledgments$ references$ and authors'
biographies. The abstract is limited to ()* words and cannot
contain e&uations$ figures$ tables$ or references. It should
concisely state what was done$ how it was done$ principal
results$ and their significance.
Index Terms--The author shall pro"ide up to (* keywords !in
alphabetical order# to help identify the ma+or topics of the
paper. The thesaurus of IEEE indeing keywords should be
referenced prior to selecting the keywords to ensure that the
words selected are acceptable. The thesaurus is posted at
It is also a"ailable by sending an e-mail !with no message
necessary# to 1keywords2ieee.org3. 4 large 4S5II file of the
keywords !66* kb$ approimately )) pages# will be returned to
you "ia e-mail.
A nomenclature list, if needed, should precede the
I! document is an e"ample of the desired la#out for a
$E! Transactions paper. It contains information
re%ardin% des&top pu'lishin% format, t#pe si(es, and
t#pefaces. !t#le rules are pro)ided that e"plains ho* to
handle e+uations, units, fi%ures, ta'les, a''re)iations, and
acron#ms. !ections are also de)oted to the preparation of
ac&no*led%ments, references, and authors, 'io%raphies.
$lease use automatic h#phenation and chec& #our spellin%.
Additionall#, 'e sure #our sentences are complete and that
there is continuit# *ithin #our para%raphs. Chec& the
.inancial support should 'e ac&no*led%ed here. E"ample/ This *or& *as
supported in part '# the U.!. Department of Commerce under 0rant 1!234.
The paper title should 'e in uppercase and lo*ercase letters, not all
The name and affiliation 5includin% cit# and countr#6 of each author must
appear on the paper. .ull names of authors are preferred in the author line, 'ut
are not re+uired. Initials are used in the affiliation footnotes 5see 'elo*6. $ut a
space 'et*een authors7 initials. Do not use all uppercase for authors7 surnames.
E"amples of affiliation footnotes/
8. 9. a%%e is *ith Ne'ras&a $u'lic $o*er, District astin%s, NE :;<=3
U!A 5e>mail/ ?.ha%%e@ieee.or%6.
L. L. 0ri%s'# is *ith the Department of Electrical En%ineerin%, Au'urn
Uni)ersit#, Au'urn, AL 4:;A< U!A 5e>mail/ l.%ri%s'#@ieee.or%6.
num'erin% of #our %raphics 5fi%ures and ta'les6 and ma&e
sure that all appropriate references are included.
A. Template
This document ma# 'e used as a template for preparin%
#our Transactions paper. Bou ma# t#pe o)er sections of the
document, cut and paste into it, andCor use mar&up st#les.
B. Format
If #ou choose not to use this document as a template,
prepare #our technical *or& in sin%le>spaced, dou'le>column
format, on paper 32.:D3E.< centimeters 5;.FD22 inches or
F2D:: picas6. !et top and 'ottom mar%ins to 2:.< millimeters
5=.:E inch or A picas6 and left and ri%ht mar%ins to a'out 2:.<
millimeters 5=.:E inch or A picas6. Do not )iolate mar%ins
5i.e., te"t, ta'les, fi%ures, and e+uations ma# not e"tend into
the mar%ins6. The column *idth is ;;.< millimeters 54.F
inches or 32 picas6. The space 'et*een the t*o columns is A.3
millimeters 5=.2E inch or 2 pica6. $ara%raph indentation is
A.3 millimeters 5=.2E inch or 2 pica6. Use full ?ustification.
Use either one or t*o spaces 'et*een sections, and 'et*een
te"t and ta'les or fi%ures, to ad?ust the column len%th.
C. Typefaces and Sizes
Use a proportional serif t#peface such as Times Roman or
Times Ne* Roman and em'ed all fonts. Ta'le I pro)ides
samples of the appropriate t#pe si(es and st#les to use.
D. Section Headings
A primar# section headin% is enumerated '# a Roman
numeral follo*ed '# a period and is centered a'o)e the te"t.
A primar# headin% should 'e in capital letters.
A secondar# section headin% is enumerated '# a capital
letter follo*ed '# a period and is flush left a'o)e the section.
The first letter of each important *ord is capitali(ed and the
headin% is italici(ed.
A tertiar# section headin% is enumerated '# an ara'ic
numeral follo*ed '# a parenthesis. It is indented and is
follo*ed '# a colon. The first letter of each important *ord is
capitali(ed and the headin% is italici(ed.
A +uaternar# section headin% is rarel# necessar#, 'ut is
perfectl# accepta'le if re+uired. It is enumerated '# a
lo*ercase letter follo*ed '# a parenthesis. It is indented and
is follo*ed '# a colon. Onl# the first letter of the headin% is
capitali(ed and the headin% is italici(ed.
!amples of Times Roman T#pe !i(es and !t#les
$reparation of a .ormatted Technical 9or&
for an IEEE $o*er G Ener%# !ociet#
Transactions $u'lication
8. 9. a%%e, Senior Member, I, and L. L. 0ri%s'#, Fello!, I
. Fig"res and Tables
.i%ure a"is la'els are often a source of confusion. Tr# to
use *ords rather than s#m'ols. As an e"ample, *rite the
+uantit# HMa%neti(ation,H or HMa%neti(ation, M,H not ?ust
HM.H $ut units in parentheses. Do not la'el a"es onl# *ith
units. As in .i%. 2, *rite HMa%neti(ation 5&ACm6H or
HMa%neti(ation 5&AIm
6,H not ?ust H&ACm.H Do not la'el a"es
*ith a ratio of +uantities and units. .or e"ample, *rite
HTemperature 5J6,H not HTemperatureCJ.H .i%ure la'els
should 'e le%i'le, appro"imatel# ;> to 2=>point t#pe.
Lar%e fi%ures and ta'les ma# span 'oth columns, 'ut ma#
not e"tend into the pa%e mar%ins. .i%ure captions should 'e
'elo* the fi%uresK ta'le captions should 'e a'o)e the ta'les.
Do not put captions in Hte"t 'o"esH lin&ed to the fi%ures. Do
not put 'orders around #our fi%ures.
All fi%ures and ta'les must 'e in place in the te"t near, 'ut
not 'efore, *here the# are first mentioned. Use the
a''re)iation H.i%. 2,H e)en at the 'e%innin% of a sentence.
Di%iti(e #our ta'les and fi%ures. To insert ima%es in 9ord,
use Insert L $icture from .ile.
F. #"mbering
Num'er reference citations consecuti)el# in s+uare
'rac&ets M2N. The sentence punctuation follo*s the 'rac&ets
M3N. Multiple references M3N, M4N are each num'ered *ith
separate 'rac&ets M2N>M4N. Refer simpl# to the reference
num'er, as in M4N. Do not use HRef. M4NH or Hreference M4NH
e"cept at the 'e%innin% of a sentence/ HReference M4N
.i%. 2. Ma%neti(ation as a function of applied field. 5Note that H.i%.H is
a''re)iated and there is a period after the fi%ure num'er follo*ed '# t*o
Num'er footnotes separatel# *ith superscripts 5References
Insert .ootnote6. $lace the actual footnote at the 'ottom of the
column in *hich it is cited. Do not put footnotes in the
reference list. Use letters for ta'le footnotes.
Chec& that all fi%ures and ta'les are num'ered correctl#.
Use ara'ic numerals for fi%ures and Roman numerals for
Appendi" fi%ures and ta'les should 'e num'ered
consecuti)el# *ith the fi%ures and ta'les appearin% in the rest
of the paper. The# should not ha)e their o*n num'erin%
$. %nits
Metric units are preferred for use in IEEE pu'lications in
li%ht of their %lo'al readership and the inherent con)enience
of these units in man# fields. In particular, the use of the
International !#stem of Units 5!#steme Internationale
d7Unites or !I Units6 is ad)ocated. This s#stem includes a
su's#stem of units 'ased on the meter, &ilo%ram, second, and
ampere 5MJ!A6. 1ritish units ma# 'e used as secondar#
units 5in parentheses6. An e"ception is *hen 1ritish units are
used as identifiers in trade, such as 4.F>inch dis& dri)e.
H. Abbre&iations and Acronyms
Define less common a''re)iations and acron#ms the first
time the# are used in the te"t, e)en after the# ha)e 'een
defined in the a'stract. A''re)iations such as IEEE, !I,
MJ!, C0!, ac, dc, and rms do not ha)e to 'e defined. Do not
use a''re)iations in the title unless the# are una)oida'le.
!ee Appendi" A of the Author,s Jit for additional
information and standard a''re)iations.
I. Mat' and ("ations
Use either the Microsoft E+uation Editor or the Mat'Type
commercial add>on for M! 9ord for all math o'?ects in #our
paper 5Insert L E+uation or MathT#pe E+uation6. H.loat o)er
te"tH should not 'e selected.
To ma&e #our e+uations more compact, #ou ma# use the
solidus 5 C 6, the e"p function, or appropriate e"ponents.
Italici(e Roman s#m'ols for +uantities and )aria'les, 'ut not
0ree& s#m'ols. Use a lon% dash rather than a h#phen for a
minus si%n. Use parentheses to a)oid am'i%uities in
Num'er e+uations consecuti)el# *ith e+uation num'ers in
parentheses flush *ith the ri%ht mar%in, as in 526. 1e sure
that the s#m'ols in #our e+uation ha)e 'een defined 'efore
the e+uation appears or immediatel# follo*in%.
( ) 2
3 2
= 3 2
) )

= + + = = = *h
ere IF is the fault current.
Use H526,H not HE+. 526H or He+uation 526,H e"cept at the
'e%innin% of a sentence/ HE+uation 526 is .OH
Appendi"es, if needed, appear 'efore the ac&no*led%ment.
The follo*in% is an e"ample of an ac&no*led%ment.
5$lease note that financial support should 'e ac&no*led%ed in
the unnum'ered footnote on the title pa%e.6
The authors %ratefull# ac&no*led%e the contri'utions of I.
Q. Austan, A. . 1ur%me#er, C. 8. Essel, and !. . 0old for
their *or& on the ori%inal )ersion of this document.
References are important to the readerK therefore, each
citation must 'e complete and correct. There is no editorial
chec& on referencesK therefore, an incomplete or *ron%
reference *ill 'e pu'lished unless cau%ht '# a re)ie*er or
discusser and *ill detract from the authorit# and )alue of the
paper. References should 'e readil# a)aila'le pu'lications.
List onl# one reference per reference num'er. If a
reference is a)aila'le from t*o sources, each should 'e listed
as a separate reference. 0i)e all authors7 namesK do not use et
!amples of the correct formats for )arious t#pes of
references are %i)en 'elo*.
M2N 8. .. .uller, E. .. .uchs, and J. 8. Roesler, HInfluence of harmonics on
po*er distri'ution s#stem protection,H I Trans. +o!er Deli&ery, )ol.
4, pp. FA<>FFE, Apr. 2<;;.
M3N E. . Miller, HA note on reflector arra#s,H I Trans. Antennas
+ropagat., to 'e pu'lished.
M4N R. 8. Pidmar. 52<<3, Au%.6. On the use of atmospheric plasmas as
electroma%netic reflectors. I Trans. +lasma Sci. MOnlineN. -./01, pp.
;E:>;;=. A)aila'le/ http/CC***.halc#on.comCpu'C?ournalsC32ps=4>)idmar
MAN E. Clar&e, Circ"it Analysis of AC +o!er Systems, )ol. I. Ne* Bor&/
9ile#, 2<F=, p. ;2.
MFN 0. O. Boun%, H!#nthetic structure of industrial plastics,H in +lastics, 3nd
ed., )ol. 4, 8. $eters, Ed. Ne* Bor&/ Mc0ra*>ill, 2<:A, pp. 2F>:A.
M:N 8. 8ones. 52<<2, Ma# 2=6. #et!or2s. 53nd ed.6 MOnlineN. A)aila'le/
Tec'nical 3eports,
MEN E. E. Re'er, R. L. Mitchell, and C. 8. Carter, HO"#%en a'sorption in the
Earth7s atmosphere,H Aerospace Corp., Los An%eles, CA, Tech. Rep. TR>
=3== 5A34=>A:6>4, No). 2<:;.
M;N !. L. Talleen. 52<<:, Apr.6. The Intranet Architecture/ Mana%in%
information in the ne* paradi%m. Amdahl Corp., !unn#)ale, CA. MOnlineN.
A)aila'le/ http/CC***.amdahl.comCdocCproductsC's%CintraC infraChtml
+apers +resented at Conferences /%np"blis'ed1,
M<N D. E'ehard and E. Po%es, HDi%ital sin%le side'and detection for
interferometric sensors,H presented at the 3nd Int. Conf. Optical .i'er
!ensors, !tutt%art, 0erman#, 2<;A.
M2=N $rocess Corp., .ramin%ham, MA. Intranets/ Internet technolo%ies deplo#ed
'ehind the fire*all for corporate producti)it#. $resented at INET<: Annu.
Meetin%. MOnlineN. A)aila'le/ http/CChome.process.comC IntranetsC*p3.htp
+apers from Conference +roceedings /+"blis'ed1,
M22N 8. L. Al+ueres and 8. C. $raca, HThe 1ra(ilian po*er s#stem and the
challen%e of the Ama(on transmission,H in +roc. .44. I +o!er
ngineering Society Transmission and Distrib"tion Conf., pp. 42F>43=.
M23N !. *an%, domain s#stem identification of helicopter rotor
d#namics incorporatin% models *ith time periodic coefficients,H $h.D.
dissertation, Dept. Aerosp. En%., Uni). Mar#land, Colle%e $ar&, 2<<E.
M24N I $"ide for Application of +o!er Apparat"s B"s'ings, IEEE
!tandard CFE.2<.2==>2<<F, Au%. 2<<F.
M2AN 0. 1randli and M. Dic&, HAlternatin% current fed po*er suppl#,H U.!.
$atent A =;A 32E, No). A, 2<E;.
A technical 'io%raph# for each author must 'e included. It
should 'e%in *ith the author,s name 5as it appears in the
'#line6 and IEEE mem'ership histor#. A photo%raph should
also 'e included for each author. The photo should 'e 3.FA
centimeters 52 inch6 *ide '# 4.2; centimeters 52.3F inches6
hi%h. The head and shoulders should 'e centered, and the
photo should 'e flush *ith the left mar%in. The space
re+uired for the 'io%raphies and photos is included in the
ei%ht>pa%e limit. The follo*in% is an e"ample of the te"t of a
technical 'io%raph#/
7ikola Tesla 5M,2;;;, .,2E6 *as 'orn in !mil?an in
the Austro>un%arian Empire, on 8ul# <, 2;F:. e
%raduated from the Austrian $ol#technic !chool,
0ra(, and studied at the Uni)ersit# of $ra%ue.
is emplo#ment e"perience included the
American Telephone Compan#, 1udapest, the Edison
Machine 9or&s, 9estin%house Electric Compan#,
and Ni&ola Tesla La'oratories. is special fields of
interest included hi%h fre+uenc#.
Tesla recei)ed honorar# de%rees from institutions
of hi%her learnin% includin% Colum'ia Uni)ersit#,
Bale Uni)ersit#, Uni)ersit# of 1el%rade, and the Uni)ersit# of Ra%re'. e
recei)ed the Elliott Cresson Medal of the .ran&lin Institute and the Edison
Medal of the IEEE. In 2<F:, the term HteslaH 5T6 *as adopted as the unit of
ma%netic flu" densit# in the MJ!A s#stem. In 2<EF, the $o*er En%ineerin%
!ociet# esta'lished the Ni&ola Tesla A*ard in his honor. Tesla died on 8anuar#
E, 2<A4.
ditor5s #ote, 8. 9. a%%e *as chair of the $E! Technical
Council and L. L. 0ri%s'# *as chair of the $E! $u'lications
Department *hen the ori%inal )ersion of this document *as
pu'lished 58anuar# 2, 2<<46. A 3=23 re)ision made this
template applica'le for Transactions papers onl#.

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