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Vitin 1

William Vitin
Cynthia Hamlett
ENG 101/11:00A.M.
17 April, 2014
Human Augmentation Research: An Annotated Bibliography
Gattaca. Dir. Andrew Niccol. Perf. Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, and Jude Law. Jersey Films.
1997. DVD.

The film, Gattaca, main points are if you cannot meet a set of physical requirements you cannot
be considered to be part of certain jobs. The topic of this film is about augmentation, changing
your body to be accepted in society. The main character, Vincent Freeman, is physically not able
to join the career field he dreamed of joining because of complications of his heart. He is willing
to do anything to land this job that he leaves his family to alter his body so that he can be a part
of the company he dreamed of being with.

This film is a very useful source for my research paper. This film points out that the ability to
augment yourself to societys expectation, the more accepting you are to them. That is exactly
my main focus to why this film fits perfectly with my essay. This source was founded during a
movie presentation earlier in the semester to evaluate similarities from the novel, He, She and It.

The film has been very helpful, it was one of my main sources that helped me figure out what
kind of topic I want to write on human augmentation. The topic being that people are willing to
do anything to alter their bodies so they can be accepted in todays society.

Gill, Patwinder, Frank Bruscino-Raiola, and Michael Leung. Public Perception of the Field of
Plastic Surgery. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2011. Web. 15 April. 2014.

The academic journal main argument is the poor understanding to why society undergo plastic
surgery. They want to see if the general public has a clear understanding about what real plastic
surgeons do. Majority of the population will say that plastic surgeons, as seen on television, only
do cosmetic surgeries such as facelifts and breast augmentation.

The academic journal is a very useful source for my research paper. The journal gives a detailed
awareness to what plastic surgeons actually do and give the general public a clear understanding
of plastic surgery. This journal was found off Crafton Hills College Library Database along with
five other academic journals.

The journal will be a helpful source to my research paper. It will allow me to define what plastic
surgery is and what kind of operations they perform. The point of this journal will help shape my
argument by explaining to why people choose to have these kinds of surgeries.

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Mclnnes, Colin, Douglas Courtemanche, Cynthia Verchere, Kevin Bush, and Jugpal Arneja.
Reconstructive or Cosmetic Plastic Surgery? Factors Influencing the Type of Practice
Established by Canadian Plastic Surgeons. Pulus Group. 2012. Web. 15 April. 2014.

This academic journals main focus is understanding the influences in Canadians society to why
their population is seeing an increase in reconstructive and cosmetic operations. The authors give
statistics to show gender, ages, status, etc. to those individuals who are part of these operations.
The journal gives a better understanding, by using charts, to why people get a reconstructive or
cosmetic change.

This is a very useful source. It will enable me to compare the facts from this journal to the facts
given in the book, He, She and It. The journal was found within Crafton Hills College Library
Database along with other academic journals.

The journal allows me to compare the facts from the novel to present day statistics. The charts
also show statuses of individuals that can relate to the kind of environment that is described in
He, She and It.

Meyersohn, Jon, Cynthia McFadden, and Tom McCarthy. Why Did Michael Jackson Go So Far
to Alter His Appearance? ABC News. 3 July. 2009. 15 April. 2014. Web.

This online article, from ABC News, explains on why Michael Jackson went beyond a normal
human beings limits on plastic surgery. Doctors who had performed these cosmetic operations on
Jackson all concluded that they rebuilt him because he wanted to feel happy. One after the other,
Jackson was not satisfied with his reconstruction, so he kept on going.

The article is a very useful article. Being able to use this article will allow me to point of the
reasons within the novel and on Jacksons case on why these characters/people undergo surgery.
The article was something I ran into years ago and sparked some general interest.

The story on Jacksons hope to not age at all will help me explain why people crave for
operations like this. It also shares some common ground from the people from Y-S. Receiving
cosmetic surgeries to not age at all, to be accepted, and to be in a certain group status.

Moser, Stephanie and Leona Aiken. Cognitive and Emotional Factors Associated with Elective
Breast Augmentation Among Young Women. Psychology & Health. Jan. 2011. Web. 15
April. 2014

This academic journal, about young women and breast implants, explains on why these young
women forego these operations. Young women who have small breast are often insecure about
their size, they view themselves outside of the norm when it comes down to sizing. The journal
explains to why women these women seek to obtain breast implants.

This academic journal was founded within the Crafton Hills Library Database. The facts are well
documented with valid sources. The goal to this source is to pinpoint the physical, social and
emotional outcomes of breast augmentation
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This journal fits well in my research paper. It fits along with my theme, people go through
operations for their bodies so they can fit within societys standards.

Peled, Issac. Facial Surgery: Body and Soul. The Lancet Perspectives. Dec. 2000. Web. 15
April. 2014

The academic journal focuses on facial surgery. The article explains the reconstructions to
improve different types of defects an individual may claim they have. These individuals who
claim they have defects are gone through operations to fix them so they can be accepted into
social groups.

This is a useful source because it comes from an academic journal that is written by an author
who is affiliated with the Department of Plastic Surgery and Burn at Rambam University
Hospital. The goal for this journal is to aim the reasoning to why humans seek for
reconstructions to their face. The journal is found within Crafton Hills Library Database.

This journal can fit within my research paper because it goes beyond on explaining the reasons
on why mankind seeks for alteration on ones face. Again, like majority of my sources, this
journal can back up my argument to why people feel the need to be operated so they can fit along
societys standards.

Piercy, Marge. He, She and It. New York. Fawcett. 1991. Print.

The novel is based on a futuristic lifetime. The population is segregated between the social
hierarchy and the glop. People who live in the multis are all to be unison. Everyone is to look
alike and act alike. Everyone is altered to be socially accepted within the multis.

The novel will fit well into my paper. The novel expresses the society within Y-S and their
augmented beings that associate in the community. The novel was used throughout the semester
and is incorporated into our research prompt. It is mandatory to use the novel and to asset any
similarities within the book into our topic.

The book has a lot to offer. Choosing to write about human augmentation was something I had
interest in. When reading about the societal environment in Y-S on how everyone within the
community is altered, I could not stop thinking about our society and how people choose to go
through these procedures to feel socially accepted.

Sarwer, David, Leanne Magee, and Vicki Clark. What is Beauty? Physical appearance and
cosmetic medical treatments: physiological and socio-cultural influences. Wiley-
Blackwell. 2004. Web. 15 April. 2014

The academic article talks about societies influence to pursue treatments in cosmetic surgery.
The role of physical appearance in evolutionary theory would be discussed. The tracing on
physical appearance in ideals of beauty. The hunger to be beautiful may cause one to make the
decision to alter their faces.
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The journal is will fit well into my research paper because it talks about peoples hunger to be and
feel beautiful. The journal was found on Crafton Hills Library Database. This source is a credible
journal due to its affiliation with the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine.

This journal goes beyond explaining the influences on why people do these alterations. This
source goes on to explaining on how people define beauty. I can use this source to explain how
beauty is perceived and how people take action into changing their beauty.

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