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Magnetize Your Audience


Definitions / Concepts:
Mindset: a fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and
interpretations of situations.
Business: an organized venture that aims to alleviate an actual, conscious, real-world problem for a
real set of people in a commercially viable way.
Hobby: a venture, activity or interest pursued for ones own pleasure or passion.
Entepeneu Mindset: a mental attitude or disposition that values freedom, personal control. A
person with this mindset has a strong desire to create opportunities, has a high tolerance for ris!,
and is predominantly characterized by perseverance.
E!p"oyee Mindset: a mental attitude or disposition that values safety# security and certainty. A
person with this mindset prefers to find opportunities already created, has a lower tolerance for ris!,
and is predominantly characterized by
Specific Audience: Your "pecific Audience is the clearly defined, select group of individuals you
will focus on helping and being of service to.
Specific $ob"e!: Your specific problem is the clearly defined, specifically determined problem or
set of problems you solve for your specific audience.
%ey $incip"es:
#$%&'%#() *+, #)$"#)'-%.)
-he first underlying principle to understand is the /#rinciple of #erspective. Most live event
leaders are very often super excited about the ideas, products and services they are creating in their
wor!shop and seminar businesses.
-hey will enthusiastically tal! about all of the fancy, creative, and interesting features of what they
are producing to anyone who will listen. -his is totally understandable. 0nfortunately, it is also
very detrimental to the growth of their business.
1hy2 -heir perspective is too heavily focused on 13A- they are providing or offering, as
opposed to 134M they are creating it for5
6 Magnetize Your Audience
Magnetize Your Audience
#eople you are trying to help dont care about the features of what you provide, or how you provide
it. 1hat they really want to !now is, 7'an you solve a problem that % am facing in my life28
"imply put, you must shift your 94'0" from what you are offering to 134M you are helping.
Your perspective must be centered on the people you are trying to help. -hat is, you must stay
focused on them : and what problems they have .
A great way to shift your perspective from what you are creating, to whom you are creating it for is
to as! yourself the following ;uestions.

+< 134 is my business trying to help specifically2 ="pecific Audience<
>< 1hat #$4?()M do these people have that % can solve2 ="pecific #roblem<
#lease note, not only do you need to be specific about 134M you intend to help, but you must
also be specific about 13A- you intend to help them with5
At first, youll ma!e some educated and intuitive guesses on who your specific audience is, and
what problems your specific audience is facing, but eventually youll want to test those guesses by
doing a little mar!et research.
$esearch is the practice of gathering existing or new information in order to enhance one's
!nowledge of a specific area. Mar!et $esearch is the process of gathering as much information
about the people you want to help as you can5 More specifically, it means finding out exactly what
is causing those people suffering, so you can wor! to create solutions that ease their pain.

Mar!et research can mean interviewing members of your "pecific Audience formally or informally
in one way or another =e.g. in person, on the phone, through email surveys<
You might as!, 1hat challenges and obstacles are you encountering in your life2 1hat problems
are you facing2 1hat pain are you feeling2 1hat is causing that pain2
&ext@you can compare what your specific audience is actually reporting with your previous
educated and intuitive understanding of them.
1hat is next2 Ma!e sure what you are offering with business is of authentic service to the people
you want to help. -hat is, ma!e sure you are offering solutions that are directly relevant to the
problems they have.
#$%&'%#() *>, %&-%MA'Y
Any wor!shop, retreat or seminar business =or any business at all for that matter< is only as
successful as its mar!eting communications. -he only one way to ma!e your mar!eting
communications successful is to !eep those communications centered on who you are helping
=#rinciple of #erspective< and then to get as %&-%MA-) with those people as possible5
6 Magnetize Your Audience
Magnetize Your Audience
"uccessfu" !&'etin( co!!unic&tions &e INTIMATE !&'etin( co!!unic&tions)
Anytime you address a potential audience member =whether in person, through internet ads, or any
other mar!eting modality< you must ma!e that individual feel li!e you are speaking directly to
-hey need to feel as though your mar!eting message was crafted specifically for them : to help
them =and only them< in their lives in one way or another. %n short, your mar!eting communications
must feel %&-%MA-).
"o, how do you do this2 3ow do you communicate intimately2
%t is the same way you communicate intimately in your close personal relationships. You get to
!now as much as you can about whom it is you are spea!ing to : so you can be as intimate with
them as possible. -he less you !now about that person, the less intimate you can be.
"o : you must get to !now as much as you can about your specific audience. -he only way to do
this is to narrow your focus, and get very, very specific about 134 it is you are trying to help.
As soon as the concept of 7narrowing your focus8 or getting very 7specific8 is mentioned, many
spea!ers and trainers start to get concerned. -hey often as!, 7%f % narrow my focus and get really
specific about whom % want to wor! with, wont % limit myself and my business2 1ont % miss out
on a bunch of business28
T*e &ns+e is NO,
1hen spea!ers and trainers are as!ed who their message or programs are for, theyll very often say,
-his is a ?%A problem. You see, +*en you conside e-eybody &s you pospect# you."" end up
+it* nobody &s you c"ient.

As you narrow your focus and get specific, your ability to communicate intimately with your
potential audience increases. 1hat is the benefit of this2
"imple. -he people you would li!e to see at your events will start to see you as the 4&(Y choice,
the #)$9)'- choice, and the 4?.%40" choice to help them in their lives. -hey will feel as
though what you are doing was created especially to ease their personal pain, solve their exact
problems, and dissipate their dilemmas directly. And then@.they will show up to your events in
+< 1hat is your primary motivation for building your business2 1hy does that motivate you2
6 Magnetize Your Audience
Magnetize Your Audience
>< 1here do you lie on the continuum between having an entrepreneurial mindset and
employee mindset2 Co you tend towards one mindset or the other2 1hy do you thin! this
B< At this point in your business, what would a member of your ideal "pecific Audience loo!
li!e2 Cescribe this individual.
D< At this point in your business, what problem or set of problems do you want to help your
"pecific Audience with2 Co you thin! this problem or set of problems is conscious for
them2 -hat is, do they lie in bed at night worrying about it2
6 Magnetize Your Audience

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